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Words to Know Words to Know Words to Know arcchan From Minnow Food Chain Facts humans minnow living things alive linked survive energy food chain predators healthy order energy predator predator healthy depend energy habitats forest faod chain healthy dangerous earthworm forest linked salmon food chains Food Chains (© Cruuenuus Corp. - EMC 9232 + Nuufiction Reudliny Practice forest eagle Food Chains A Forest Food Chain Tumans need food to stay alive. Food gives us energy. It helps us grow and stay healthy. Animals need food, too. Some animals eat plants. Some animals eat other animals. An animal that eats another animal is a predator. A food chain has animals that depend on each other. Let’s look at a forest food chain to see how it works. This food chain starts with plants. Many plants grow in the forest. An earthworm can eat part of a plant. It can get energy from the plant. A mouse is a predator. A mouse eats the earthworm. The mouse will get energy from the earthworm. The mouse will grow bigger and stronger. But there are many other forest predators that are hungry, too. A fox may catch the mouse. It may eat the mouse for food. Now the fox has energy and it can stay healthy. This is how one kind of forest food chain works. 74 earthworm eats plant mouse eats earthworm fox eats mouse Food Chaine Nonfiction Reading Practice + EMC 2222 « © Evan 4 Name A Forest Food Chain Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Tood helps humans and animals get ® plants chains © energy 2. In the forest food chain, the mouse eats the ® earthworm fox © plant 3. If the plants in this forest disappeared, all the animals would suffer. Why? 4. How are the animals in the forest like links in a chain? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to draw and write about what you read, Draw the forest food chain in order. Write to tell | how the food chain works. | © ran Moor Corp. * EMC 2298 - Nonfiction Reading Practice Food Chaine 75 From Minnow to Bear A minnow is a very tiny fish, and a bear is a very large animal. How are the minnow and the bear linked? They are both part of the same food chain. A drawing of a food chain goes in order. It shows what each animal eats. Some animals eat plants. Some animals eat other animals. An animal that eats another animal is a predator. Each time an animal eats, it gets energy. It is able to grow stronger and stay healthy. Each link in the food chain is important. The animals need each other. This forest food chain starts with a minnow. The minnow lives in a small river. Another fish is hunting the minnow. This predator is a salmon. The salmon is much larger than the minnow. It eats many minnows and other types of food each day. The salmon quickly eats the tiny fish. But a bear is hunting for food, too. The bear catches the salmon to have a tasty meal. Now the food chain is complete. The bear is the top predator. a Beare need a lot of food. One boar can eat up to 40 salmon each day. 76 Food Chaine BE Name — From Minnow to Bear Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. A minnow and a bear are connected ina @ forest tree ® small plant © food chain 2. A food chain shows how animals @ eat play © swim 3. Why do you think the hear is the top predator? 4, How would you compare the animals in the forest to the links in a chain? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to draw and write about what you read. Draw the food chain. Then write to tell how the animals are connected. © van Moor Corp. + EMC 2922 = Nonfiction Reading Practice Enad Chains 77 Food Chain Facts All living things need food to survive. Many animals eat plants. Animals can also eat other kinds of animals. Animals that eat other animals are predators. Eating food gives animals energy and helps them stay healthy. Food helps animals grow bigger and stronger. If they eal well, animals can live long lives, but many habitats can be dangerous places to live. Many plants and animals are linked together in food chains. A food chain is a group of plants and animals that get energy from each other. Let’s look at how one forest food chain works. This forest has many plants. An ant eats part of a plant. A frog is the ant’s predator. The frog eats the ant. However, the frog has a predator, too. There is a snake waiting to eat the frog. What will eat the snake? An eagle is soaring above and searching for food. It sees the snake and dives down to grab it. Now the food chain is complete, and the eagle is the top predator. 78 Food Chains BE ‘Nonfiction Reading Practice # FMC 3232 « © Fvan-Moor Corp Name Food Chain Facts Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. The food chain shown is in @ the desert a forest © an ocean 2. At the beginning of the food chain, the ______ eats a plant. @ eagle snake © ant 3. Why do you think the eagle is the top predator? 4. How would you compare the animals in the forest to links in a chain? Write About the Topic ‘Use the Writing Form to draw and write about what you read. Draw the food chain, then add labels. Explain how the animals get energy from each other. pe FMC 2037 oN. Practice Food Chains 9B = 79 Words to Know : Words to Know Worde to Know deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson BEL Neil deGrasse Tyson BEL Learning About Studying the H Space Universe ' A Place to Learn space Neil deGrasse : scientists Tyson : Neil deGrasse ! Neil deGrasse Tyson Hayden ' Tyson Planetarium : Hayden ! astrophysicist Planetarium space : : : director science planets : : Hayden college stars Planetarium degrees t interest Rose Center articles ! universe ! American : ! Museum of national astrophysicist : Natural History curious articles ! universe Cosmos : events H display ! ceiling i exciting © Funn-Monr Carp # FMC0% ¢ Nanfetion Reading Provtice Words to Know EX] Learning About Space Have you ever wanted to learn more about space? Neil deGrasse Tyson did. He visited the Hayden Planetarium when he was nine years old. That was when he discovered rye tayden Planetarium is part of the American . Museum of Natural History. It is in New York City. he loved space science. A planetarium is a place to learn about space. Tyson worked hard and earned college degrees in space science. Now, he’s in charge of the planetarium he visited as a child! Tyson has written many science articles and books. He’s also been on many television shows. Tyson has won a lot of awards for his great work. He’s been asked to work on national science projects, too. Tyson believes that everyone should be Distinguished seriee Curious. To be curious is to wonder about Medatin 2008. things. You will want to learn more about the world if you are curious. Tyson thinks everyone should try to learn something new every day. You can read a magazine or a book. You can look for information online. Visit a museum or a planetarium. What new thing can you learn today? BA Nall daGracce Tyean Bt Nonfiction Roading Practice # EMC 2229 « © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Learning About Space Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Neil deGrasse Tyson first visited the Hayden Planetarium when he was ® getting an award ® nine years old © in college 2. Neil deGrasse Tyson discovered @ he loved space science ® Mars © television at a planetarium. 3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? 4. What are you curious about? Write three questions you would ask Neil deGrasse Tyson if you met him. Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about Neil deGrasse Tyson. Tell about his life and how he feels about learning. {© ran-Moor Corp. + EMC 9232 - Nonfiction Reading Practice Noll deGraces Tyeon 85 Studying the Universe When Neil deGrasse Tyson was nine years old, he went to the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. A planetarium is a place where people can learn about space. At a planetarium, you can learn about the planets and our star, the sun. You can also learn about other stars. Visiting the planetarium sparked his interest. Tyson wanted to learn more about the universe. Tyson studied hard and became an astrophysicist. Astrophysicists study space. Tyson also wrote articles for science magazines. He published science books. In 1995, Tyson went to work at the Hayden Planetarium. Now, he’s the person in charge there. Tyson is a very good teacher. He explains even hard science topics in a way that is easy to understand. He’s (Fait schaercotis Outing helped many people learn about the universe. In 2014, he hosted a television show on TV. It was called Cosmos. About 135 million people around the world watched the show. Tyson was able to teach millions of people about the universe! Tyson's Cosmos television show ha episodes about differont space t 86 Noll deGracee Tyeon HE Nonfiction Reading Practice ~ EMC 2222 - © Evan Moor Corp. Name Studying the Universe Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. People can learn about the universe at places called ® astrophysicists © articles © planetariums 2. An astrophysicist studies ® museums ® space © television shows 3. Do you think the Hayden Planetarium is important to Tyson? Why? 4. What three questions would you ask Neil deGrasse Tyson? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write to tell about Neil deGrasse Tyson. What has he done to help others learn about space? ‘© tvan-Moor Comp. = EMC 9292 + Nonfiction Reading Practice Ji deGrasse Tyson 87 A Place to Learn There are many different kinds of scientists. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist. Astrophysicists study the stars. They also study other things in space. It takes a lot of hard work to become this kind of scientist. Tyson had to study and go to school for a long time. Today, Tyson is the director of the Hayden Planetarium. The planetarium is inside the Rose Center at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. People who visit the planetarium can learn more about space and the universe. The planetarium has classes for adults and children. It also has special events throughout the year. The main display in the Rose Center is the Hayden Planetarium. It has a curved ceiling. Inside, you can watch images of the night sky on its ceiling. You can watch space shows! Tyson has helped make the Hayden Planetarium an exciting place to visit. He will continue to work on amazing ‘The Hayden Pl science projects in the future. —'i.fiae of the Ro: BB Neil deGrasse Tyson BE ‘Nonluion Reusling Piuctive © EMC 3232 + © Evauenious Crp, Name A Place to Learn Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. Neil deGrasse Tyson is the ® builder ® owner © director of the Hayden Planetarium. 2. The programs. ® American Museum of Natural History Rose Center © Hayden Planetarium has a curved ceiling where people can watch space 3. Explain some of the things that happen in a planetarium. 4. Do you think you would like to be an astrophysicist? Explain your reasons. Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Hayden Planetarium. Tell two details about each. Write to tell about Neil deGrasse Tyson and ito inate @ | } | | ‘© tvun-Movr Cunp. + EMC 3232 © Nonfiction Reaaing Fracuce Nell decrasse tyson Bm =D Words to Know Smart Spending Words to Know Using Math to Shop Words to Know Do I Have Enou Money? important smart money items estimate cost spend price exact round Estimating Cost buy money estimating round prices total cost store nearest yard sale Estimating Cost © Tvan-Mour Corp. » EMC 9232 » Nunficon Reullny Pauctive shop estimate cost spending price exact round total item plus Estimating Cost Smart Spending It’s important to be smart about money when you shop. Sometimes, people pick out too many items. They don’t have enough money to pay for everything. One way to make sure you have enough money is to estimate cost. Make a thoughtful guess about how much you will spend. Try estimating while you shop. Bring paper and a pencil. Choose an item. Think about the price. You don’t need to write down the exact price. You can round up or round down. Write the rounded price of your item on the paper. Write the rounded prices of other items. Then add the prices together. If you don’t have enough money, put something back. Look for another item like it at a lower price. Estimating will help you be a smart shopper. Stovping Lise Puzzle $3.0, Wrapping ° Paper $1.99 Card $1.09 total $5.09 Jamal is shopping for a friend's birthday. Jamal has $6.00 to spend. Estimating Cost = Nonficuon Reading Practice * EMC 5252 * © Evun-Mour Corp. Name Smart Spending Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. You can guess how much money you will spend by ____. @ estimating shopping © paying 2. To estimate how much you are spending, ® add together the exact prices ® round up or round down the prices © don’t worry about the prices of your items. 3. The puzzle Jamal chose cost $2.79, How did Jamal estimate the cost on his list? 4. What do you think can happen if people shop without estimating cost? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write a letter to a friend about how to estimate cost while shopping. Explain why it’s important. Poe. (© CruuMuur Culp.» EMC 3252 = Iunictlon Reauiny Practice Estmaung Gost m = 93 Using Math to Shop It can be fun to buy things. You have to make sure you have enough money to pay for everything, though. You can figure out if you have enough money by estimating. Round up or round down the prices to find the total cost. Let’s say you are going to the corner store with your father. You have $5.00. You want to buy a bottle of orange juice. You have bought orange juice before. You know it costs $1.67 Estimated cost = $2.00 $1.67. Sixty-seven cents is more than 50 cents. Round up the cost to the nearest dollar. Your orange juice will cost about $2.00. Recause you have $5.00, you can buy the orange juice. Let’s pretend you see a yard sale on the way to the store. There is a jump rope that you want to buy for 75 cents. Will you have enough money for the jump rope and the orange juice, too? Estimate the total cost. Seventy-five cents is more than 50 cents. Round up to $1.00. You can buy the jump rope for about $1.00. The orange juice costs about $2.00. The $0.75 total cost for both will be Estimated cost = about $3.00. You can buy $1.00 both items, and you will orange juice $2.00 have money left over! jump rope $1.00 total $3.00 estimating cost mm ‘Nonfiction Reuuliny Fiuctive * EMC 3232 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Using Math to Shop Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. To figure out if you can buy the things you want, you can their costs. ® estimate ® round down © ignore 2. When you round up the cost of the $1.67 orange juice, it costs ____. ® $1.00 ® $1.67 © $2.00 3. Why would you round up the cost of the jump rope to $1.00? 4. What is the main idea of the text? Write About the Topic — Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write a letter to a friend to tell how estimating cost works. Explain why it’s helpful. eee ‘© Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 3232 * Nonfiction Reading Practice Estimating Cost BE YT 98 Do I Have Enough Money? When you shop, you should estimate the cost as you go. This means you should make thoughtful guesses about how much you're spending. Think about each item’s price as you choose it. You do not need to remember the exact prices. You can round up or round down. This will help you keep track of the total cost. It helps to make a list of prices as you shop. Write down the rounded numbers. Remember these two rules for rounding: Rule 1 Rule 2 Ifa price ends with less than Ifa price ends with 50 cents or more. 50 cents, round down. round up. * A loaf of bread costs $3.19. © Ajar of jam costs $3.98. * 19 cents is less than 50 cents. * 98 cents is more than 50 cents. * Round down to $3.00. * Round up to $4.00. Add the rounded price of each item to find the total cost. So far, you would have $3.00 for bread plus $4.00 for jam. You know you have spent about $7.00. A jar of peanut butter costs $2.78. You can round the price up to $3.00. This makes your estimated total $10.00. You only have $9.00, though. You don’t have enough money for all three items. This means you have to put one item back. Estimating will keep you from trying to buy too many things. You can also try to find items like yours at lower prices. That’s smart shopping! $3.00 $4.00 $3.00 Estimating Cost mmm Nonfiction Reading Practice * EMU 3232 # © Evan-Moor Corp. Name Do I Have Enough Money? Fill in the circle to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3 and 4. 1. You can estimate cost to make sure you have enough ____. @ items to spend all of your money lists to take to the store © money to pay for all of your items 2. You can round the price of the bread down to $3.00 because the bread 5 ® costs less than the jam ® price ends with less than 50 cents © costs $2.78 3. Can you think of a way to buy bread, jam, and peanut butter with only $9.00? 4. What is the main idea of the text? Write About the Topic Use the Writing Form to write about what you read. Write a letter to a friend. Tell the rules for | estimating cost. Give two examples. os Corp.» EMC S252 © NunAcuon Reading Practice Esumaung cost mm |= 99

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