1940 10erdos
1940 10erdos
1940 10erdos
Let pn denote the n-th prime. Backlund [1]' proved that, for every positive
e and infinitely many n, pn+i - pn > (2 - e) log p . . Brauer and Zeitz [2, 10]
proved that 2 - e can be replaced by 4 - e. Westzynthius [9] proved that for
an infinity of n
n+l - > 2 logpnlog log log p n
P n+1 pn
log log log pn '
and this was improved by Ricci [7] to
p„ > cl log pn log log log pn ,
pn+i -
where, as throughout the paper, the c's denote positive absolute constants. I
[4] showed that
109pnlog 109Pn
Pn+1 - pn > C2
(log log log p n)$
and lately Rankin [6] proved
109pnlog log p n log log log logpn
pn+1 - pn > C8
(log log log p n) 2
In the other direction the best known result is that of Ingham [5] which
states that for sufficiently large n
pn+i - Ps < p? < pn
Thus it is known that
~ 1 + 1`, n
p/ (logn) 2 .
< c6 log n + E 1
< 1 log n
d<(1+c4) log n
440 P . ERDÖS
From Lemmas 1 and . 2 it follows that the number of b's lying in the interval
(1 - cs) log n S b S_ (1 + c4) log n
(log n) 2 ~' pla C1 + p) < 6 log n
Hence if bi < (1 - C) log n had no solution, we should obtain
n n
bi > (1 - c4) log n + ( - E) (1 + c4) log n
s-I 6109, n log n
= in(1 - 2e) + (} - e)cen > in.
This is an evident contradiction and the theorem is proved .
Denote by qI < qs < . . . < q„ the primes not exceeding n. Cramér [3]
proved by aid of the Riemann hypothesis that
qi) (qi+I - qi > (log qi) 8) .
= 0 log log n
It might be conjectured that the following stronger result also holds :
This result if true must be very deep . I could not even prove the following
very much more elementary conjecture : Let n be any integer and let 0 < a I
< a2 < . . . < a z < n be the re(n) integers relatively prime to n ; then
1 . R . J . BACKLUND, Über die Differenzen zwischen den Zahlen die zu den n ersten Primzahlen
teilerfremd rind, commemoration volume in honor of E . L . Lindelöf, Helsingfore,
1929 .
2 . A . BRAUER AND H . ZEITZ, Über eine zahlentheoretische Behauptung von Legendre, Sitz .
Berliner Math. Gee ., vol . 29(1930), pp . 116-125 .
3 . H . CRAMÉR, On the difference between consecutive primes, Acta Arithmetica, vol . 2(1937),
pp . 23-45.
4 . P . ERDÖS, On the difference of consecutive primes, Quarterly Journal of Math., Oxford
Series, vol . 6(1935), pp. 124-128 .
5 . A. E . INGHAM, On the difference between consecutive primes, Quarterly Journal of Math .,
Oxford Series, vol . 8(1937), pp . 255-266 .
6 . R . A . RANKIN, The difference between consecutive primes, Journal London Math . Soc .,
vol . 13(1938), pp. 242-247 .
7 . G . RICCI, Ricerche aritmetiche sui polinomi, II : Intorno a una proposizione non vera di
Legendre, Rend . Circ . Mat . di Palermo, vol . 58(1934) .
8 . L . SCHNIRELMANN, Über additive Eigenschaften von Zahlen, Math . Annalen, vol .
107(1933), pp . 649-690.
9 . E. WESTZYNTHIUS, Über die Verteilung der Zahlen die zu den n ersten Primzahlen teiler-
fremd sired, Comm . Phys . Math. Soc . Sci . Fenn., Helsingfors, vol . 5(1931), no.
25, pp . 1-37 .
10 . H. ZEITZ, Elementare Betrachtung fiber eine zahlentheoretische Behauptung von Legendre,
Berlin, 1930 .