Lab Report-Study of The Hydrodynamic Boundary Layer

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National Polytechnic School of Constantine

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lab report n°3:

Study of The Hydrodynamic Boundary layer.

Submitted by members of group n°6:

• Boutebakh Ayoub Abd Essemad

• Blidi Abderraouf
• Benkouider Djazil
• Zennir Mouaad
• Hamlaoui Ikram (Group 5)

Year: 3rd year.

Under the supervision of: Dr. Filali Abdelkader.

Table of Contents

Introduction: ........................................................................................................................ 1

Objective: ............................................................................................................................... 2

Theory section: .................................................................................................................... 2

The boundary layer: ...................................................................................................... 2

The boundary layer thickness: ................................................................................. 2

The Reynolds number: ................................................................................................. 3

Experimental Section: ...................................................................................................... 4

The graphs of the local velocities against the numbers of the probes

for each case: .................................................................................................................... 5

The case of a flat plate: ............................................................................................. 5

The case of an open flap: ......................................................................................... 5

Interpretation & comments:................................................................................... 5

The boundary layer thickness: ................................................................................. 6

The graph of the boundary layer thickness against the distance x: ........ 7

Interpretation & comments:................................................................................... 7

Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................... 7

References: ............................................................................................................................ 8
Table of Figures
Figure 1: The boundary layer. .............................................................................................................. 1

Figure 2: velocity profiles over a flat plate. ......................................................................................... 2

Figure 3: The boundary layer thickness. ............................................................................................. 2

Figure 4: Basic differences in the characteristics between a laminar boundary layer and a

turbulent boundary layer. ..................................................................................................................... 3

Figure 5: The graph of the local velocity against stagnation probes for a flat plate. ...................... 5

Figure 6:The graph of the local Velocity against stagnation probes for a flat plate with an open

flap. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 7: The boundary layer thickness δ against distance X. .......................................................... 7

List of Tables
Table 1: the pressures read and their corresponding velocities. ........................................................ 4

Table 2: Boundary layer thickness calculations. ................................................................................. 6

The concept of boundary layer was first introduced by the German engineer, Prandtl, in 1904
since then there have been many developments in this field.
According to Prandtl's theory, when a fluid flows past an object at a value of the Reynolds
number, the flow region can be divided into two parts.
(i) Away from the surface of the object, viscous effects can be considered negligible, and
potential flow can be assumed.
(ii) In a thin region near the surface of the object, called the boundary layer, viscous effects
cannot be neglected, and are as important as inertia.
Flow in the boundary layer can be further divided into two main types: 1) laminar and 2)
turbulent—with a transition region in between.
The boundary layer is a fundamental concept in aerodynamics and fluid dynamics, in general,
because it substantially influences a body’s overall aerodynamic characteristics, including its
lift and drag, it is by definition the part of the flow near the surface of a body where friction
slows down the local flow. Directly at the wall of the body, flow speed is zero and increases the
more you move away from that body, the boundary layer ends when the flow has reached 99%
of the speed of the outside flow.
For example, the concept of the boundary layer as it develops over different surfaces is
illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 1: The boundary layer.

In practice, it is still difficult to measure the velocity profiles within the boundary layer, hence
we resort to wind tunnel experiments.

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1. Study the development of hydrodynamic boundary layer on a flat/open plate.
2. To measure and plot the velocity profile.
3. Understand the basic concept of a boundary layer and appreciate its physical
significance as it can affect aerodynamic flows over airfoils, wings, and other body
4. The difference between a flat plate with an open and closed flaps and its influence on
the behavior of the boundary layer.

Theory section:
The boundary layer:
It is a layer adjacent to a surface where viscous effects are important. When real fluid flows
past a solid body or a solid wall, the fluid particles adhere to the boundary and condition of no
slip occurs. This means that the velocity of fluid close to the boundary will be same as that of
boundary i.e. zero.
Further away from the boundary, the velocity will be increase gradually from zero velocity to
the free stream velocity of the fluid in the direction normal to the boundary.

Figure 2: velocity profiles over a flat plate.

The boundary layer thickness:

It is the distance beyond which the velocity is essentially the free stream velocity (Uinf), denoted

Figure 3: The boundary layer thickness.

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The Reynolds number:
The Reynolds number is a measure of the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces, it serves as
a helpful guide when determining the specific nature of a flow, in this sense, gives value to the
condition at which, depending on wall geometry, fluid pressure, temperature, etc, the flow
transitions from laminar to turbulent.

Laminar Versus Turbulent Boundary Layers

In a laminar boundary layer, the fluid flows in an orderly manner, with smooth layers of fluid
free of any mixing between successive layers. In a turbulent boundary layer, the fluid layers
become mixed, so the flow velocities away from the wall tend to be more uniform.

Figure 4: Basic differences in the characteristics between a laminar boundary layer and a
turbulent boundary layer.

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Experimental Section:
Table 1: the pressures read and their corresponding velocities.

Flat Plate Open Flap

V=20m/s V=25m/s V=20m/s V=25m/s
Tappings Pressure difference Local Pressure difference Local Pressure difference Local Pressure difference Local
N° “Pt-Po” in (Pa) Velocity “Pt-Po” in (Pa) Velocity “Pt-Po” in (Pa) Velocity “Pt-Po” in (Pa) Velocity
1 145 15.38619 240 19,79487 270 20,99563 405 25,71429
2 195 17.84285 310 22,49717 260 20,60315 415 26,02981
3 225 19.1663 350 23,90457 270 20,99563 415 26,02981
4 185 17.37932 290 21,75935 200 18,07016 315 22,67787
5 25 6.388766 40 8,08122 -80 #Undefined -115 #Undefined
6 125 14.28571 200 18,07016 240 19,79487 365 24,41144
7 145 15.38619 230 19,37809 260 20,60315 395 25,39484
8 175 16.90309 270 20,99563 260 20,60315 395 25,39484
9 205 18.29464 320 22,85714 230 19,37809 365 24,41144
10 215 18.73554 340 23,5606 250 20,20305 385 25,07133
11 125 14.28571 190 17,61261 180 17,14286 295 21,94613
12 245 20 390 25,2336 280 21,3809 435 26,64965
13 185 17.37932 310 22,49717 240 19,79487 405 25,71429
14 205 18.29464 340 23,5606 240 19,79487 395 25,39484
15 205 18.29464 340 23,5606 240 19,79487 385 25,07133
16 95 12.454 150 15,64922 150 15,64922 235 19,58758
17 135 14.84615 210 18,5164 210 18,5164 315 22,67787
18 175 16.90309 260 20,60315 250 20,20305 385 25,07133
19 225 19.1663 320 22,85714 260 20,60315 395 25,39484
20 205 18.29464 330 23,21154 240 19,79487 375 24,74358
21 95 12.454 140 15,11858 130 14,56863 205 18,29464
22 115 13.70238 190 17,61261 160 16,16244 265 20,80031
23 145 15.38619 240 19,79487 200 18,07016 315 22,67787
24 185 17.37932 310 22,49717 230 19,37809 365 24,41144
25 195 17.84285 320 22,85714 220 18,95214 355 24,07471
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The graphs of the local velocities against the numbers of the
probes for each case:
The case of a flat plate:

Flat plate

Local velocity


10 V=25m/s

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stagnation probes

Figure 5: The graph of the local velocity against stagnation probes for a flat plate.

The case of an open flap:

With an open flap


Local velocity


10 V=25m/s

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stagnation probes

Figure 6:The graph of the local Velocity against stagnation probes for a flat plate with an open

Interpretation & comments:

The velocity graphs from Figure (3) visually show the velocity distribution within the
stagnation probes over a flat plat at different free stream flow velocities.
The velocity graphs from Figure (4) visually show the velocity distribution within the
stagnation probes over a flat plate with an open flap.
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Both the graphs show that the velocity profiles in the case of v=25m/s are higher than the ones
of v=20m/s.
It also can be noted that probes 5 & 12 appears to show a different behavior of the flow.
[Probe 4&5]: shows a sudden decrease, which can be due to the probes being damaged or that
the pressure read at which is lower than the ambient pressure because the flow is backwards at
that point.
[Probe 12]: show a sudden increase in pressure followed by a steady decrease, which was not
an expected behavior, that also could be due to the probe being damaged, or due to experimental
The velocity magnitudes in both cases are higher near the leading edge of the plate and decrease
as we move away from it. However, the overall magnitude of velocities is higher in the case of
the flat plate with the open flap compared to the flat plate, and higher in the case of which the
free stream velocity is 25m/s compared to the one of 20m/s.
It can also be seen that the presence of the open flap has altered the flow pattern, leading to a
wider region of higher velocities.

The boundary layer thickness:

Reynolds number: Re = 𝜈

With the kinematic viscosity of air: 𝜈 = 1,56 × 10−5 𝑚2 /𝑠

For 𝑅𝑒 ≤ 5 × 105 : 𝛿 = √𝑅𝑒𝑥

Table 2: Boundary layer thickness calculations.

Flat plate With an open flap Free

Mean Reynolds Thickness δ Mean Reynolds Thickness δ stream
velocity Number (m) velocity Number (m) velocity
0,04 15,23268414 39058,16446 0,001109136 19,2074352 49249,83385 0,00098773
0,09 16,72103277 96467,49676 0,001587934 20,9723233 120994,1729 0,001417884
0,15 17,65086343 169719,8407 0,001995288 22,49291728 216278,0508 0,001767525 V=20m/S
0,22 16,3328339 230334,837 0,002512022 20,16748985 284413,3183 0,002260624
0,3 15,35294617 295248,9649 0,003025573 19,57607299 376462,9421 0,002679419
0,04 20,16614 51708,05 0,000964 25,11294 64392,16 0,000864
0,09 20,11646 116056,5 0,001448 24,93678 143866 0,0013
0,15 19,58167 188285,3 0,001894 24,95525 239954,3 0,001678 V=25m/s
0,22 18,95334 267290,7 0,002332 23,49504 331340,3 0,002094
0,3 17,42629 335121 0,00284 22,0518 424073 0,002525

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The graph of the boundary layer thickness against the distance x:




0,002 Flat plate at 20m/s


0,0015 Flat plate at 25m/s

With an open flap at 20m/s
With an open flap at 25m/s

0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35

Figure 7: The boundary layer thickness δ against distance X.

Interpretation & comments:

The figure 5 shows the boundary layer thickness along the length of the plate, the data plotted
seems to have a parabolic function shape, so 𝛅 is proportional to “x”: the shape of the boundary
layer is parabolic.
The Reynolds number calculated for the different flows are all ≤ 5 × 105 , so the flow remained
laminar and did not transition to turbulent.
The results indicate that the behavior of a boundary layer is largely a function of the Reynolds
number. The Reynolds number is a function of the flow speed, viscosity, and density of the
It is also useful to note that the shape (with or without a flap) and the length of the surface make
a big difference in the boundary layer parameters, we note that the higher the distance X, the
greater the thickness value increases slowly and the thinner the boundary layer.
We also notice that the thickness of the boundary layer varies according to the speed of the flow,
and the curves tend to have a greater tangent as velocity increases, hence it can be concluded
that for high Reynolds number (the case of a plate with an open flap at 25m/s) the thickness δ
is much smaller.

When exploring the boundary conditions in complex fluid systems, designers need a detailed
understanding of hydrodynamic boundary layers, a way to accomplish that is wind tunnel
A wind tunnel testing was conducted on a flat plate with and without an open flap to gain a
better understanding of boundary layers and there parameters.
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Readings of the boundary layer were taken at 5 locations along the flat plate at an average flow
speed of 20m/s then 25m/s giving Reynolds numbers in the range of 105 to 5*105. These values
correspond to laminar flow. Using the data obtained the velocity profiles were graphed at each
location for each case. These graphs fairly matched the expected profiles and gave a clear view
of variation which took place along the length.
Also the boundary layer thicknesses at each location were determined and plotted. The latter
matched the expected profiles. Furthermore, we cannot draw conclusions about the actual
reason for the velocity profiles at probe 5 and 12. Other than that, the experiment was fairly
In conclusion, the thicker a boundary layer is, the greater the velocity and pressure gradient
across it. Therefore, the chance of flow separation is also higher. That’s why the study of the
boundary layer plays a vital role, it provides the insights into the factors influencing the types
of fluid flow, and how to control transition between them, it also helps in understanding the
behavior of the interactions between the fluid and the solid surface, hence, lift production, drag
reduction, controlling flow separation, which leads to improved designs, enhanced control,
optimized performance, efficiency, and safety of various real-life models such as airfoils, wings,
propellers, cars… and in different industries such as aerospace, Formula one, and marine.


1. The lab work Brochure.

to-boundary-layers/ (visited on 26/05/2023)
5. Measurement of Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate Kay Gemba ∗ California State
University, Long Beach March 25, 2007.
6. Low-Speed Aerodynamics Second Edition JOSEPH KATZ, ALLEN PLOTKIN.
7. Experimental and Theoretical Study of Laminar Boundary Layer over Flat Plate *
Mohamed M. El-Mayit, Ahmed A. B. Alarabi, Najla D. A. Alhwinat.

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