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1 author:
Nesreen Awada
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
All content following this page was uploaded by Nesreen Awada on 13 June 2020.
Abstract: Recently, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government productivity – that poses a trickle-down effect of
has worked towards establishing a national program for increased firm profitability.
happiness and wellbeing. Workplace-related happiness has
become a topic of interest in today’s employment world.
Administrators need to look at the ingredients within the recipe to
address happiness and happiness in an organization. However, in Several sources were used in this research of workplace
the Middle East Region, there is still the absence of an empirical happiness that helps define the concept in question and
Islamic happiness scale which also encapsulates the spiritual and
emotional wellness element, employee happiness and
develop an understanding of elements that contribute to it.
performance in one scale. Also, empirical studies on employee Maktoum’s (2017) book provides an understanding of the
spiritual and emotional happiness at work are still lacking. Thus, different aspects of happiness, including personal and
the researcher will explore these ideas in greater detail This societal, which provides implications for investigation
paper reviews what is known about the definition, causes and individual’s satisfaction in the context of interactions with
consequences of happiness at work, The interest in happiness has others. Additionally, this work explains the model of
also extended to workplace experiences. drawing also on insights
from the expanding positive psychology literature on happiness
happiness that can be achieved through proper life habits
in general. Happiness at work includes, but is far more than, job such as positivity, providing implications for organizations
satisfaction. A comprehensive measure of individual-level to create environments that foster this attitude.
happiness might include work engagement, job satisfaction, and The culture that guides interactions of employees within
effective organizational commitment. We will be focusing on companies can be altered to enhance happiness by applying
happiness Importance and Impact of Happiness at Work by appropriate models of happiness. The article by Bader,
highlighting the Advantages & Disadvantages.
Hashim, and Zaharim (2013) examines the topic of
friendship in the workplace as an element that helps foster
Index Terms: Employee, Happiness, Management, Workplace. happiness within organizations. The findings contribute to
this research by providing implications for understanding
I. INTRODUCTION interpersonal communications within a work environment.
Liu and Robertson (2011) article examine theoretical
Globally, the concept of happiness management is gaining concepts and approaches to spirituality in firms, which can
attention. Thus, the trend is not new. In the previous be used for developing a scale that can be used to measure
decades, one of the crucial roles of the human resource the attitudes of individuals towards perceived higher power,
9HR) personnel involved workforce motivation. Currently, nature, and other people, while Pawar (2008) discusses the
the functions and motivations stretch beyond financial concept as a whole. The findings of this literature imply that
operations to focus on the employees’ overall well-being, as ethics, believes, and values are critical for commercial
the latter factor shapes their productivity; hence firm organizations in regards to happiness.
profitability. The study by Al Maktoum (2017) pointed out The examined literature provides an understanding of the
differences between societal and personal happiness. Indeed, complex nature that facilitates workplace happiness. A study
it was established that happiness as a concept refers to a conducted by Petchsawang and Duchon (2009) argues that
state in which individuals or workforces feel comfortable, spirituality contributes to the feeling of happiness at a
secure, and safe. By providing room for the workforces to workplace. This includes mindfulness and compassion,
maintain good well-being, organizations tend to improve the which allows one to understand the specifics of developing
team members’ involvement in work operations. It is also an appropriate environment by creating a connection
notable that in the workplace, happiness is linked to between an organization and its employees that will provide
spirituality in which team members are keen to realize the the latter with the feeling of confidence and safety.
transcendence, self-knowledge, and meaning towards Dimitrov’s (2012) contributed to this paper by expanding an
higher-level performance and operation (Petchsawang & understanding of meaningfulness at work. Apart from the
Duchon, 2009, p. 460). Upon achieving meaning and workflow and quality of product or service participants of
purpose in life and the workplace, most of the team the author’s study cited social environment and specifics of
members end up feeling better, hence improved their organization as elements that contribute to their
happiness. Samnani and Sign (2014) argue that standard
practices applied by companies to enhance employee
Revised Manuscript Received on July 22, 2019. performance, for instance, compensation based on
Nesreen Ibrahim Awada, Department of Production and Operations productivity, may have adverse impact on the staff
Management, Faculty of Technology Management and Business, Universiti
members, while Hosie and
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).
Fadillah Ismail, Department of Production and Operations Sevatos (2009), as well as Joo
Management, Faculty of Technology Management and Business, Universiti and Lee (2017), argue that
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).
Published By:
Retrieval Number: I33130789S319/2019©BEIESP 1496 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I3313.0789S319 & Sciences Publication
Happiness in the Workplace
employers can affect the productivity of work within their actively. Such employees feel involved and also responsible.
organizations. However, the focus should be not only on This observation points to the criticality of ensuring that the
financial compensation but also on the wellbeing of workforces are well motivated and inspired towards
individuals. realizing new achievements in the organizations to which
A research conducted in a real-life work environment they are attached. The eventuality is that happy employees
helps to understand the connection between organizational are better placed to realize successful problem-solving. It is
attitudes and happiness, which contribute to this paper’s also worth noting that the motivation of employees, which
conclusions. Thompson and Goodale (2006) state that the tends to make them happy, needs to be both non-material
proper planning of the workflow is crucial and should and financial; especially by assuming paths through which
consider individual specifics of employees. Therefore, there the team members could anticipate personality development
is no single strategy that can guarantee workplace happiness and career advancement.
and companies have to incorporate different elements that It is also worth indicating that happiness in the workplace
help enhance workplace happiness. applies to different scenarios. The scenarios range from
first-line workers to the managers and other senior leaders.
In the study by Bader, Hashim, and Zaharim (2013), the
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY main aim was to find out the role of workplace friendship in
shaping operations among employees in the banking sector.
The research methodology for this study incorporated an
In the findings, it was reported that when positive
examination of various sources such as books and journal
interpersonal relationships are emphasized, the employees
articles that discuss happiness in general and organizational
feel motivated and engaged. However, the authors cautioned
strategies for fostering an appropriate environment.
that several factors play a moderating or predictive role in
Additionally, several studies, such as Bader et al. (2013),
shaping this relationship. Factors that were documented
Petchsawang and Duchon (2009), and Dimitrov (2012) that
include education level, gender, and age. In particular, it was
provide evidence-based practices for companies are
established that male employees are more likely to embrace
discussed in this paper. These works help understand the
friendships in the workplace than their female counterparts.
concept of happiness and its correlation with interpersonal
These results concurred with those that were reported by
relationships such as friendships and communication, as
Bader et al. (2013), who noted further that further that
well as its connection with organizational attitudes and
employees who are aged 40 and above are more likely to
embrace friendships in the workplace. Regarding the
parameter of education level, most of the current literature
contends that individuals with secondary education tend to
Given that it is not a new trend, happiness as a concept establish more friendships than their counterparts with
has continually gained attention, hence growing global higher education diplomas. Hence, the insights point to the
popularity. Previous, most of the human resource (HR) need for further research about the role of different
personnel functions revolved around the practice of demographic features in shaping workplace happiness.
employee motivation. Currently, the functions stretch Furthermore, the examinations aid in establishing or
beyond financial operations to include the workforces’ developing and implementing relevant strategies through
overall well-being in the workplace. The study by Al which happiness in the workplace could be improved,
Maktoum (2017) indicated that there is a difference between having understood major factors that play a positive and
societal and personal happiness. Also, it was indicated that predictive role in realize the state of happiness; a predictor
happiness constitutes a state in which members of the team of improved productivity.
feel comfortable, secure, and safe in a given setting; The concept of happiness in the workplace has also been
including the workplace. Should a firm provide room for the studied in relation to some of the challenges that HR
team members to maintain desirable levels of well-being, specialists face; especially during the development,
the workforces are likely to be more involved or engaged in retention, and hiring of workforces. Given that the current
work activities. Also, happiness is seen as a spiritual aspect workplace environment is changing rapidly, it becomes
through which team members are keen to realize higher- notable that many companies are in a continuous struggle to
level transcendence, as well as deeper self-knowledge and attract and retain talented employees (Dimitrov, 2012).
meaning. (Petchsawang & Duchon, 2009, p. 460). By Hence, there is a need to pay attention to the intrinsic factors
finding meaning and understanding one’s purpose in a given responsible for employee motivation, upon which the HR
scenario, happiness ensures that the individuals (such as groups might gain knowledge about relevant strategies that
employees gain motivation towards successful and effective could aid in unearthing and building on the intrinsic forces
role performance, as well as task completion. that the employees exhibit. In the investigation by Dimitrov
A. Importance and Application of the Topic (2012), it was established that a company such as Patagonia
Given the stiff competition and state of economic does not emphasize market pressure as a driving force
uncertainty, workplace happiness has gained growing towards implementing relevant employee motivation
attention in organizations. Currently, the need for tam strategies. Rather, being environmentally conscious and
human friendly play a key role towards the attraction and
leaders to ensure that there is employee (Dimitrov, 2012).
retention of the top talent. The
Specifically, happy team members have been documented to
eventuality is that self-
be better placed to understand their roles and
actualization techniques and
responsibilities, as well as participate in the required tasks
Published By:
Retrieval Number: I33130789S319/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I3313.0789S319
1497 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S3, July 2019
non-monetary measures play a key role in shaping the other senior leaders, it becomes important to implement
success of workforce motivation. strategies such as those that involve the provision of
For the management, participation aids further in building opportunities for employee development of own
employee happiness. In the investigation by Hosie and competencies, growth, and the provision of solutions to any
Sevastos (2009), it was noted that happiness requires individual and family problems that hinder happiness and, in
individualization. Also, it was noted that when employees turn, compromise productivity in the workplace. With
are talented, making them happy makes them to feel satisfaction in the workplace achieved by the
valuable and prompts them to refine their skills. However, aforementioned strategies, improvements in firm
the situation requires a balance because the employers find productivity are likely to be realized; especially with the
themselves caught up between realizing company employees “owning” the company and feeling valued and
profitability and benefiting the employees through happiness wanted in the workplace – that caters for their well-being.
(Hosie & Sevastos, 2009). Should discomfort among the Similarly, employees who hold positive attitudes towards
workforces arise, there is likely to be imbalanced work, leaders and management have been observed to exhibit
which is associated with frustrations, delayed deadliness, increased productivity. According to Al Maktoum (2017),
and poor performance; yielding reductions in firm there is a direct relationship between positivity and
profitability. the situations is compounded by a possible happiness. Thus, organizations ought to embrace employee
presence of rigid employees who might be resistant to happiness programs to ensure that members of the team are
change. optimistic, rather than express the intention to quit. By
Indeed, each member of the team is likely to strive implementing relevant strategies that could make the
towards harmonious working; ensuring further that they workforces happy and engaged in the workplace, Al
build successful relationships with other workforces. Maktoum (2017) stated that there is likely to be an increase
However, the process requires personal values to be aligned in firm profitability, a secondary effect accruing from
to the goals of the rest of the team or organization. For improved productivity at the organization level.
leaders, it is important to establish workplace environments
that allow the employees to pay attention to and develop a
B. Advantages
shared vision. in so doing, there is likely to be a linkage
between the potential contribution of each employee and the From the literature, happiness in the workplace poses
intended short-term and long-term goals of the company several beneficial effects. The effects range from physical to
(Hosie & Sevastos, 2009). Impact of Happiness at Work social aspects (Al Maktoum, 2017, p. 23). Particularly,
From the literature about the concept of employee welfare happy employees are more likely to be inspired to
and how it affects firm productivity, most of the findings accommodate changes in the workplace, besides
suggest that when the well-being of the employees understanding and accomplishing the roles and
improves, the overall performance of the company tends to responsibilities expected of them. Also, companies that cater
improve; hence profitability. thus, improved well-being is for the well-being of their employees gain benefits by
seen to steer improvements in the quality of the services and achieving an atmosphere marked by respect and trust,
goods offered, as well as productivity and the financial besides team-work and idea sharing. Also, happy employees
performance of the concerned firm. Hence, there is a need to are more likely to give opinion during team sessions as they
implement programs that seek to improve the well-being of feel valued and anticipate reinforcements. It is also worth
team members, ensuring that the psychological capital of the indicating that a friendly workplace environment, a product
workforces is exploited optimally (PsyCap). Another factor of employee happiness paves the way for high-quality
that plays a complementary role in realizing the positive communication and socialization. Similarly, happiness
outcome entails the perceived organizational support (POS) ensures that the target personnel are attentive to instructions
(Joo & Lee, 2017). Factors that shape the well-being of and comply with privacy and work-balance requirements.
individuals are also worth considering. Examples include Overall, the members feel relaxed because of the resultant
their contribution to society, physical condition, and work-life balance in which adequate time is spent both in
financial status. For employees experiencing health the workplace and home settings.
challenges and other family problems, the provision of Another beneficial effect with which workplace happiness
maximum energy and commitment or involvement in the is associated involves the realization of corporate spiritual
workplace tend to be compromised. values. According to Pawar (2008), happiness allows for
Indeed, many scholarly investigations have strived to connectedness in the workplace, hence harmony among
unearth the impact that the attribute of happiness poses on team members. In addition, there is likely to be superior
the productivity of employees but little has been done performance among happy employees because happiness
relative to the understanding of the extent to which different reduces turnover rates and, instead, increases firm
professions and positions shape the correlation (or play a profitability (Pawar, 2008, p. 558). Hence, happiness in the
moderating role). In the study by Joo and Lee (2017), workplace is seen to introduce a sense of purpose in which
committed and engaged employees were associated with workforces feel relevant and also perceive their contribution
higher PsyCap and POS. The factor that played a mediating to the organization as that which is well acknowledged (Liu
role in shaping this link was work engagement. Hence, the & Robertson, 2011). The beneficial outcome becomes more
results increase the understanding of the beneficial effect of pronounced when members of
workplace happiness in steering improvements in the team realize that the
organizational performance. For organization managers and organizations with which they
Published By:
Retrieval Number: I33130789S319/2019©BEIESP 1498 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I3313.0789S319 & Sciences Publication
Happiness in the Workplace
Published By:
Retrieval Number: I33130789S319/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I3313.0789S319
1499 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S3, July 2019
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Retrieval Number: I33130789S319/2019©BEIESP 1500 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
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