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Jayashree Sapra
FOMC,PES University,Bangalore,India
PES University,Bangalore,India
Ms.Himasree Bora
PES University,Bangalore,India


Employee wellbeing is a concept which organizations today are focusing on.

Employees are considered to be the most important element in any
organization. Ensuring the wellness of employees is considered important for
the overall performance of the employee and the organization. Employees
today, are looking for a workplace which not only provides good remuneration,
but also an enriching work experience. Well employees experience excessive
stress at work, there is a possibility of low productivity and also
attrition. This study primarily aims at understanding the impact of employee
wellness initiatives on the health of an organization.

Key words-Employee well-being, organizational health, Stress, Monetary rewards.


In the modern work environment, work assignments are extended to personal

time as well. Employees are expected to balance multiple roles and also
ensuring maximum productivity (Obrenovic, B,2020). Development in HR practices and
mainly developing leadership behaviour of managers have an impact on the
wellbeing of employees(Marescaux, E,2019). Despite continuous interest being shown
in employees’ well being, there are still gaps in the understanding of the
mediating role this concept plays in the HR domain(Salas-Vallina, A,2021). HRM should
benefit the employees and the organisations. But organisations continue to
focus on the productivity of employees keeping the concerns of the employees
secondary. Workplace pressure is increasing the threat to the employee well-
being. In order to take employee concerns and threats to well-being are to be
taken seriously, an analytical framework for HRM is required(Guest, D. E,2017). In
an organisation, resilience can be promoted through Human Resource practices
that will enhance individual employees’ well-being and ability to cope with
uncertainity (Huettermann, H,2019). Employees being insecure about job security can
be a threat to employee well-being(Richter, A,2019).Today, the importance of
employee well-being is given importance, as organisations organisations have
increased their focus on the factors which contribute to employee well-
being(Hamilton Skurak, H,2021).Today, employee well-being is now one of the core
organizational Human Resource strategies as firms are aiming understand the
importance of human resources in an organisation while also building
competitive advantage(Ali, M,2021). Organisations should make sure that employee
wellbeing interventions are working effectively in order to increase the
quality of the relationships within the workplace(Keeman, A,2017).Employee well-
being is found as a strategically relevant tool to organisations and a
concept which has been developed into a main focus area for research. Today,
researchers have shown keen interest in this concept due to lack of proper
theoretical models or comprehensive scientific tools which can measure the
employee well-being at work(Pradhan, R.K,2022). Employee wellbeing as a concept is
related to service delivery outcomes and the overall performance of the
organisation and the Human Resource practices that deals with issues like
Learning and Development, employee involvement and the overall health of the
workplace and safety play a significant role in enhancing employee
wellbeing(Clarke, M. A,2012). Today, organisations are becoming increasingly aware
of the importance of employees in the process of having a competitive
advantage in the current business environment. Happy employees eventually
work better and produce better(Nielsen, K,2017).


Organizations in present economies have changed economically, technically,

permitted, politically, and socioculturally. For better flexibility and to
maintain costs, organizations have revamped and/or reduced the number of
employees, outsourced or offshored company services, and changed work and
recruiting rules. Employees are now expected to take on more personal
responsibility for their employment and careers(DeJoy, 2010). Employee well-being
has arisen as a focus within positive psychology, as it is becoming
increasingly essential in the organizational setting. Employees, meanwhile,
report significant levels of alienation and distress at work. 15 thorough
interviews were performed with the middle and upper-level executives in
India's service industry to better understand the aspects that influence an
employee's well-being (Jaiswal, 2020). Interest in employee well-being has
developed gradually in the public and commercial sectors over the last 20
years, with workplace wellness and wellbeing (WorkWell) programs being the
most prominent expression. The research has concentrated on how participating
in these programs affects a variety of financial and productivity parameters.
However, it is not believed that employees would be favorably inclined toward
them in their final days as factual and anecdotal data shows that
implementing WorkWell programs might be difficult(Spence, 2015). When employees
are engaged overtime, it results in employees prioritizing their professional
life over their personal life. This results in being pressured at work and
their well-being gets affected(Hamilton Skurak, H,2021). Organizations in present
economies have changed economically, technically, politically, and socio-
culturally for better flexibility and to maintain costs. Organizations have
revamped and/or reduced the number of employees, outsourced or offshored
company services, and changed work and recruiting rules. Employees are now
expected to take on more personal responsibility for their employment and
careers and this comes with a healthy and sound mind to perform better in
their respective fields(DeJoy,2010). Feeling well and having a positive outlook
on work are two characteristics of workplace well-being. It means that people
may benefit personally and energetically from their job, transcending mental
illnesses like burnout or stress. Although it is employed in a larger
context, it impacts job satisfaction (WHO,2002). Employee productivity may
result in higher earnings and a better position in the market, which is
crucial for a business’s profitability and competitiveness. A good level of
productivity may be seen as a sign that an organization is effectively and
efficiently run and is able to get the most out of its workforce.
Additionally, it can result in greater job fulfillment and involvement since
productive workers are more inclined to feel a feeling of accomplishment and
enjoyment from their work. This may inspire more inspiration and an urge to
keep making contributions to the accomplishments of the organization(Tzenios,
2019). The environment in which individuals live has a direct impact on their
health, and one of the most crucial environments is the workplace. The health
of employees is directly impacted by their working environment, but
productivity and efficiency in the workplace also have an impact on everyone
else's health and standard of life. The recent push for more productivity and
efficiency, nevertheless, may pose a risk to the health and happiness of
employees at work(Eriksson,2017).The organizational environment affects the
working pattern of the employees and also affects their performance and
mental well-being. This also has an impact on the quality of the employee’s
life. It is seen that employees with more stress and discomfort while working
give less effective output. And also, if organizations fail to deliver or
provide necessary resources to the employees for their work, noticeable
changes can be observed in the performance and in deliverables of the
employees(Harter,2003).This changing environment influences their performance in
different areas of life. Organizations have introduced a new concept called
psychological capital (PsyCap), which means organizations are trying to
achieve occupational health goals to avoid factors that interfere with the
satisfaction of the employees in the workplace(Avey, 2010).Basically, employee
well-being consists of three components that are psychological wellness, job
fulfillment, and personal well-being. Employee well-being and organizational
well-being are directly proportional to each other, as it has been seen
through the relationship between employee turnover and employee
performance(Page, 2009).Also, they have started combining practices with
strategies to make the organization healthy. This includes mixing up employee
well-being goals with company objectives. The organization's success and the
employees' health are two essential elements of a good and healthy workplace.
The concept of working in a healthy environment has changed over the last 60
years, with many organizations aiming to avoid becoming ill rather than
optimize health(Grawitch, 2006). As 1/6 of working-age adults go through mental
disorder, which has very serious psychological and economic effects. This can
lead to continuous sick leaves and prolonged work incapacity, also it is the
most common health reason for less productivity and poor performance on the
job. Studies show evidence which tells about that employers play an essential
role to ensure their employees' mental health issues and also their well-
being. Each company has a moral and legal duty to provide a safer and
equitable workplace, and fostering a psychologically healthy workplace
provides several advantages for employees as well as employersCHarvey, 2014).
Employers understand how crucial it is to maintain employees' well-being,
engagement, and productivity. And programs for promoting health at work can
help achieve these objectives, with a proper plan carried out, and later
assessed for up to what extent the plan worked. Integrating health into an
organization's operations, thinking, and behavior is part of creating a
culture of health. Employers must create a work environment where employees
actively participate in choices that affect health promotion initiatives(Kent,
2016).It emphasizes one's capacity to work effectively, to build strong and
healthy connections, to achieve objectives that are personal as well as
societal, to give back to society, and to have direction in life(Woodall,
2017).This leads to ''Health promotion in the workplace'' which encompasses at
least two basic beliefs about what wellness is and how it might be impacted.
The first concept considers health as a result of an individual’s action and
personal responsibility, and the second considers health impacted by external
factors which are uncontrollable by an individual (Shain, 2004). Employee well-
being has arisen as a focus within positive psychology, as it is becoming
increasingly essential in the organizational settingJaiswal, 2020). To support
employee motivation and wellness, businesses are actively educating and
promoting mindfulness within their workforces. Being mindful may operate as a
protective barrier against toxic work environments and is crucial for
employee adjustment and well-being(Schultz, 2015). Risk analyses should be done,
and training in safety and health should cover mental health concerns.
Maintaining and rehabilitating anxious and depressed workers requires
coordination with workplace wellness and health and safety(Haslam,
2005).Workplace wellness and health are major worldwide issues, with Western
industrialized cultures experiencing pandemic levels of job stress.
Workplaces are being investigated to determine what causes and avoids job
stress since recent evidence reveals that not much has changed. The WHO
considers the workplace to be a crucial platform for health promotion(Haslam,
2005). Activities aimed at promoting and protecting health have always been
considered distinct in the workplace. While health promotion focuses on
preserving or enhancing a workforce's personal health, whereas health
protection focuses on safeguarding employees from workplace injury and
sickness(Hymel, 2011). Researchers focused on giving a more comprehensive
accounting of macro- organizational factors and extending the work-health
link beyond direct job-worker contact. It distinguished three main sources
for employment demands: the nature of the job itself, the technology and
equipment employed, and the social, organizational, and physical contexts in
which the job at hand is carried outfWilson, 2004). An individual's skills,
employability, and drive can serve as a source of long-term competitive
advantage. An important management technique for creating this advantage is
employee participation. Employee management, sharing profits, and employee-
share ownership are the three basic forms of employee engagement that are
accepted in the sector. These strategies aid in developing a long-term
competitive edge that is hard for rivals to copy(Uribetxebarria, 2021).To build an
organizational health promotion process, identify priority program efforts,
gain access to data, and assess program initiatives, workplace workers and
health experts need to have access to pertinent information. They may use
this to provide a solid foundation for assessing program initiatives(Chu, 1997).


In the research , both qualitative and quantitative research has been

conducted. Under the Qualitative research focus group interview had been
conducted in order to understand the important variables, and research papers
, reports were also referred in order to derive the variables. Questionnaire
was designed and tested for Cronbach Alpha for the reliability i.e more than
0.7. Google form and offline survey was conducted in order to collect
responses from 249 respondents across various industries. Cross Tabulation
and Descriptive Statistics was used to understand the relationships among the
variables using SPSS statistics software.
Does not make
any difference Motivated Satisfied Total

The study
Age 20-30
primarily aims
at identifying
the impact
of employee

31-40 4 40 58
initiatives on the overall health of
2 an organization. 12

41-50 0 0 8 6 14

Above 50 3 5
Age * How do you feel when you get reward
0 and recognition
2 at your 0workplace
Total 18 Crosstabulation
10 176 45 249
Count df
Significance (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 29.063a 9 <.001

Likelihood Ratio
How do you feel
18.729 9 .028
N of Valid Cases
you get
reward and
recognition at
your workplace

Majority of the respondents are the IT professionals in the age group of 20

- 30 years.

There is a relationship between the reward and recognition at the workplace

will act as the motivating factor among the respondents in the Age group of
20-30 years and even for the respondents from other group also be motivated
or satisfied for the rewards . Few of them feel it will not make any
difference in their life. As the significance value is less than 0.05

Chi-Square Tests

a. 9 cells (56.3%) have expected

count less than 5. The minimum

IJCRT2309070 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org a584

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rt.org IJCRT |
In your opinion which is the best reward and recognition for better employee engagement
It indicates that out of all the Volumerewards and recognition , Monetary
rewards is liked and accepted Issue by most
9 of the respondents under
Private recognition
the age
Recognition at
Monetary Non-Monetary
group. During their Rewardsearlier Rewards
Septem i.e 20-30 Other yearsat of age groupworkplace
workplace , are
Age 20-30 in Non-Monetary 91 , public
ber 27 and private 5 recognition 18 along with 31 the

31-40benefits. As 33 2023 | 10
the significance value is 0 less than 60.05 indicates 9
41-50 6
ISSN: 4 1 1 2
Above 50 3 2 0 O O
Total 133 43 6 25 42
Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree

Age 20-30 38 6 5 119 4

31-40 13 3 3 35 4
41-50 2 0 0 9 3

Above 50 1 0 1 3 0

Total 54 9 9 166 11
Dis-satisifed Does not make
any difference Motivated Satisfied
Experience (in years ) 0-2 16 9 140 30
2-5 2 1 14 8
5-8 0 0 21 7
Above 8 0 0 1 0
Total 18 10 176 45
Reward and recognition impacts the employee engagement in the workplace,as
220 respondents among the 249 respondents strongly agree.

Age * On a scale of 1 to 5 , how well would reward and recognition impact your level of
engagement in workplace ? Crosstabulation
On a scale of 1 to 5 , how well would reward and recognition impact your level of
engagement in workplace ?

Experience How do you feel when you get reward and recognition at your workplace
( in years ) Crosstabulation

How do you feel
when you get
reward and
recognition at
your workplace

Reward and recognition impacts the employee engagement in the workplace,

0-2 years experienced respondents feel motivated and satisfied.

IJCRT2309070 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org a585

www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 9 September 2023 | ISSN:
In your opinion
which Is the best .
How do you feel when you get reward and recognition at your workplace * In your opinion
which Is the best reward and recognition for better employee engagement ?
Recognition at
Crosstabulation workplace Total

How do you feel when you Dis-satisifed 5 13
get reward and recognition al Does nol make any your workplace
1 10

Motivated 23 176

Satisfied 3 45

Total 42 240
How do you feel when you Dis-satisifed 9 2
get reward and recognition at Does nol make any your workplace 3 4

Motivated 101 27
Satisfied 20 10

Total 133 43
How do you feel when you get reward and recognition at your workplace * In your opinion
Private recog
which is the best reward and recognition for better employee engagement
nilion at ?
Other workplace
How do you feel when you Dis-satisifed 1 1
get reward and recognition al Does not make your workplace
1 opinion which Is the1best
In your
reward and recognition lor better
Motivated 4 16
Satisfied 0 7
Total 6 25

How do you feel when you get reward and recognition at your workplace * In your opinion
which is the best reward and recognition for better employee engagement 7
In your opinion which Is the best reward
and recognition for better

From the above table we can say that Monetary rewards keeps employees
motivated and satisfied , followed by the public recognition.

IJCRT2309070 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org a586

www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 9 September
2023 | ISSN:
In your 2320-2882
opinion which is the best
reward and recognition for
better ...
On a scale of 1 to 5 , how well Private
would reward and Public
recognition impact your level of
engagement in workplace ? * In your recognition
opinionat Recognition
which at reward and recognition for
is the best
workplace workplace Total
better employee engagement ? Crosstabulation
On a scale of 1 to 5 , how Agree 5 9 54
well would reward and Disaqree 1 2 9
of engagement in workplace Neutral 3 1 9
? Strongly Agree 13 28 166
Strongly Disagree 3 2 1 1
Total 25 42 249

On a scale of 1 to 5 , how well would reward and recognition impact your level of
engagement in workplace ? * In your opinion which is the best reward and recognition for
better employee engagement ? Crosstabulation

From the above table and chart we can say that majority of the employees
agree that the monetary rewards motivates them along with the public
recognition given at work.


Among the respondents, majority of the respondents were Male and were
between the age group of 20-30 years. Majority of them are working in IT
organisations with 0-2 years of work experience. They feel that the
Rewards and Recognition encourage and motivate them to do work. Both the
Monetary and Non-Monetary benefits help them to get motivated in their
work. Monetary benefits gives them additional boost to work more with
productivity and effectively, thereby they will get the monetary benefits.
Non- Monetary benefits make them feel satisfied, with public recognition
at workplace they feel that their work is recognised and appreciated by
their seniors and management, and gives them the push to work on time with
reduce errors and improved quality in the output. With the Private
recognition, they are able to get good feedbacks on their work, and also
helps them to work in the right direction and give better outputs. It will
make them feel that their efforts and work has been noticed by their
management. Respondents also highlighted the significance of Monetary
benefits like performance-based bonuses, incentives to be best and create
the sense of appreciation. Study from the qualitative research shows that
these rewards and recognition needs to be standardised for the tasks
assigned and also should be personalised according to the deliverability
of the output. The study reveals a connection between workplace reward and

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www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 9 September 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882


A substantial number of employees highlighted the significance of monetary

rewards, such as performance- based bonuses, incentives, and salary
increments. The tangible nature of these rewards was noted to create a
sense of appreciation and acknowledgment for their efforts, driving them
to perform at their best. Equally impactful, public recognition emerged as
a powerful motivator. Employees highly value acknowledgment in front of
their peers and superiors for their accomplishments and contributions.
Such recognition fosters a positive work culture and strengthens their
emotional connection to the organization.
Implications and Recommendations:

Based on the compelling evidence presented in this research .

• Performance based reward system should be implemented : Organizations
should consider designing and implementing a structured rewards
system that links employee performance with monetary incentives. This
can create a clear path for employees to strive for excellence and
achieve specific objectives.
• Establishment of Culture of Recognition: Encouragement should be
given for a culture of appreciation and acknowledgment within the
workplace. Implementation of the regular recognition programs or
platforms where employees can praise their colleagues' achievements,
fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
• Personalization of the Rewards and Recognition: Recognize that
different employees may have distinct preferences for rewards and
recognition and personalise the rewards and recognition according to
their needs and requirements. Human Resource Personal should tailor
the incentives and acknowledgment to cater to individual preferences,
thus maximizing their impact on motivation.
• Monitor and Review Motivational Initiatives: Continuously assess the
effectiveness of motivational strategies by monitoring key
performance indicators and conducting regular feedback sessions.
Based on these data , motivational initiatives can be designed.


Employee wellbeing is a very important aspect in maintaining a healthy

work environment. Organizations that promote wellbeing in an organisation,
help employees in coping up with stress and also ensuring a positive and
productive work environment. Due to excessive work load and deadlines,
employees often tend to get stressed and loose interest at work.
Organizations will have to ensure that employees are coping with stress at
work and also ensure that employees have the liberty to share their
problems they face within the organisation. It is important for employees
to have a good work-life balance to work more productively. Organizations
that promote a healthy work-life balance tend to see better results from
employees. When employees are unable to balance their work life and
personal life, it leads to dissatisfaction and also low productivity. In a
long run, there is a possibility of employees leaving the organization as
well. In order to ensure employee well-being, it is necessary for
organizations to recognize employees for the work they do by employee
recognition. Thus, this study concludes that employee wellbeing does play
a vital role in the health of an organisation.


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