Estate Tax
Estate Tax
Estate Tax
A. Estate Tax Return
BIR Form No. Tax Return BIR Form No. 1801
B. Effectivity of Transfer
Effectivity of transfer After death of transferor (Mortis causa)
C. Tax rate
Tax rate There shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid upon the transfer of the net estate
of every decedent, whether resident or nonresident of the Philippines, a tax at the
rate of six percent (6%) based on the value of such net estate.”
Estate Tax
Deductions allowed Ordinary deductions
1, Losses*
2. Indebtedness (Claims against the estate)*
3. Taxes*
4. Claims against insolvent debtor*
5. Unpaid mortgage*
6. Vanishing deduction
7. Transfer for public use
Special deductions
1. Family home
2. Standard deduction
3. Amount received under RA 4917
Other deduction
1. Share in the conjugal property
F. Administrative Provisions
1. Notice required Notice of Death Under TRAIN (effective January 1, 2018) – No longer required
c. Exercise: The decedent was married at the time of death. He was survived by his wife and children. Determine the taxable gross
estate (FMV at the time of death).
Cash owned by the decedent before the marriage P5,000,000
Real property inherited by the decedent during the marriage 6,000,000
Personal property received by the wife as gift before the marriage 400,000
Property acquired by decedent with cash owned before the marriage 600,000
Personal effects of the decedent purchased with the exclusive money of the
wife 500,000
Jewelry purchased with cash of the surviving spouse earned before marriage 1,000,000
Property unidentified when and by whom acquired 1,200,000
Cash representing income received during the marriage from exclusive 2,000,000
Property acquired before marriage by the decedent who has legitimate
descendants by a former marriage 3,000,000
J. Exercises
The decedent, resident citizen, is a married man with a surviving spouse with the following data dies on January 1, 2021:
Conjugal real and personal properties P 14,000,000
Conjugal family home 9,000,000
Exclusive properties 5,000,000
Conjugal ordinary deductions (including P200,000 funeral expenses and P100,000 judicial expenses) 2,300,000
Medical expenses 500,000
4. Exercise: A decedent has the following properties. Check the appropriate box if included in the gross estate
Resident NRA-No NRA-With
decedent Reciprocity Reciprocity
House and lot, USA
Condominium unit, Philippines
Furniture and appliances, Philippines
Car, USA, recently purchased
Bonds, Philippines
Common shares of stock not traded in the local stock exchange, Philippine Corporation
Preferred shares of stock, foreign corporation, 85% of the business in the Philippines
Proceeds of life insurance, Philippines (administrator of the estate is irrevocable beneficiary
1. Examples of taxable a. Transfer in contemplation of death – motivated by thought of death although death may not be
transfer imminent;
b. Revocable transfer – the enjoyment of the property may be altered, amended, revoked or terminated
by the decedent;
c. Transfer passing under general power of appointment;
d. Transfer with retention or reservation of certain rights;
e. Transfer for insufficient consideration.
2. Motives that preclude a a. To relieve donor from the burden of management;
transfer from the category b. To save income or property taxes;
of one made in c. To settle family litigated and un-litigated disputes;
contemplation of death d. To provide independent income for dependents;
e. To see the children enjoy the property while the donor is alive;
f. To protect the family from hazards of business operations; and
g. To reward services rendered.
Exercise: Determine whether or not the following fall under taxable transfers for estate tax purposes (Y/N)
Taxable transfer? Reason
1) Property transferred, transferor is of advanced age and thought of dying soon
2) Property transferred, transferor wanted to reward services rendered to him
3) Property transferred, transferor has the right to take the property back
4) Property transferred, transferor has the right to take the property back but waived the right
before he died
5) Property transferred under power of appointment which can be exercised in favor of
6) Property transferred under power of appointment which can be exercised in favor of a
person designated by the transferor of the power of appointment
7) Property transferred, the transferor has the right to the income of the transferred property
while still alive
1. Exemptions of certain a. The merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked title;
acquisitions and b. The transmission or delivery of the inheritance or legacy by the fiduciary heir or legatee to the
transmissions fideicommissary;
c. The transmission from the first heir, legatee or donee in favor of another beneficiary in accordance
with the desire of the predecessor; and
d. All bequest, devises, legacies or transfers to social welfare, cultural and charitable institutions, no
part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any individual: Provided, however, that
not more than 30% of the said bequest, devises, legacies or transfers shall be used by such
institutions for administration purposes.
2. Exclusions from gross a. Amount received as war damages;
estate special laws b. Amount received from US Veterans Administration;
c. Benefits from GSIS and SSS.
d. Transfers of shares of stock, common or preferred, owned by a veteran with Philippine Veterans
Bank to his widow, orphan or compulsory heir by way of succession or donation mortis causa
(Sec. 2. RR 5-2022)
Estate Tax
1. Usufruct In accordance with the latest Basic Standard Mortality Table, to be approved by the Secretary of
Finance, upon the recommendation of the Insurance Commissioner.
2. Properties
a. Generally Fair market value at the time of decedent’s death;
b. Real property Higher between fair market value, BIR (zonal value) and fair market value, Provincial and City
assessor (assessed value)
c. Personal properties Purchase price
(recently purchased)
d. Personal property not Pawn value x 3
recently purchased
e. Shares of stock traded Mean between the highest and lowest quotations on valuation date or on a date nearest the
in the local stock valuation date
f. Common shares of Book value based on the latest available financial statements duly certified by an independent
stock not traded in public accountant prior to the date of sale, but not earlier than the immediately preceding taxable
the local stock year, shall be considered prima facie fair market value. (Sec. 2, RR No. 20-2020)
e. Unpaid mortgage
Requisites for a) The fair market value of the mortgaged property without Amount of unpaid mortgage
deduction and deducting the mortgage indebtedness has been initially
amount deductible included as part of the gross estate;
b) The mortgage indebtedness was contracted in good faith
and for an adequate and full consideration.
4) Exercise: For year 2021, determine the amount to be included in the GE, decedent’s interest and the FH deduction
Gross estate Decedent’s interest Family home deduction
Case 1 – Family home is conjugal property,
2 - Family home is conjugal property,
3 – Family home is exclusive property,
4 - Family home is exclusive property,
5 - Family home is partly common, partly
Exclusive lot – P5,000,000
Conjugal house – P8,000,000
4. Exercises:
a. Estate Tax: The estate of a decedent who dies January 1, 2018 has the following data (standard deduction already taken into account):
Net estate, Philippines P1,200,000
Net estate, Country A (after P10,000 estate tax paid) 190,000
Net estate, Country B (before P14,000 estate tax paid) 200,000
Net estate, Country C (100,000)
Compute the estate tax payable if: 1) resident alien 2) non-resident alien
Exercise: Decedent died January 1, 2021. Determine whether or not notice of death, estate tax return or statement certified by a CPA
need to be filed (Y/N)
U. Acts Requiring Certification from the Commissioner that the Estate Tax Has been Paid Under TRAIN (effective January 1. 2018)
Additional Cases
i. Estate Tax
i. 1. The resident decedent is a married man with a surviving spouse with the following data died on January 15, 2021:
Conjugal real properties P 6,000,000
Conjugal family house 1,000,000
Exclusive family lot 400,000
Other exclusive properties 4,500,000
Conjugal ordinary deductions (including P200,000 funeral expenses and P300,000 judicial expenses) 1,500,000
Exclusive ordinary deductions 500,000
Medical expenses 600,000
2. The citizen decedent is unmarried head of the family with the following data died on March 1, 2021:
Real and personal properties (including P1,500,000 bank deposit, P500,000 of which was withdrawn
and subjected to 6% withholding tax) P 14,000,000
Family home 9,000,000
Ordinary deductions (including P100,000 funeral expenses and P200,000 judicial expenses) 2,000,000
Medical expenses 300,000
34 Gross estate 3,810,000
35: Less: Ordinary deductions 626,980
36 Estate after ordinary deductions 3,183,020
37 Less: Special deductions
37A Standard deduction
37D Total special deductions 500,000
38 Net taxable estate 2,683,020
39 Less: Share of surviving spouse -
40 Net taxable estate 2,683,020
17 Applicable tax rate 6%
18 Estate tax due P 160,981
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