Lecture 1 N

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Kecte 1

The gience o
thervroyania in a0neened with the
ondi? andlog indenpretas'
of the popertes

Aeryetue. Ahougn t igot eem vesy

a ornbinaion of
Ymathenital and experimentel tool to provide
planthon the olaenvel properis of mafer
in erm the atonie eono

ftetion and the

hion e exerBed g tom upon one
a widen
anehe. Thio otement pextap

Concened of. For eromple the theony of deid

ht bindo atong taaeteer to am ohoniel
etmpuntdn not a Lkromch of hennograni,
raher Leonch of quartun mehana cshe
the aoncet ot temyeahue daeanit play any
On the other hord when we age mree
in the exoaton dinovchon ot moleule
a we aoniden he
ame uay the exitee
themoyrami s,. Jn the
lid and rrany properhes of 4olida may
be eploinel y mehanidal eonseeroe he
onces betucen atomo. Thenndyamio only ondes
when want
We to sdy the 4omertuz
dependen propetties, ouch het capoarty,
magnetie aus ephilaliy e.
hemal Physien evolved in yanùowA and tas

lelt wth aiows aproaches to the sulied.


-he oubyed of dlai themomanios

deada th the mavoneapia opedes Auoh as
PreDURe, yolu me and
temyerahuze, uithou cOnNgig
about the vndenig miuOAtoçe
the mehod of approadh doont bke into acoertf
the atomi Conottton
Fahen to detive trom certain lasie pootuleeo.
the laun ot
obeNed thenmamani,
operies t
rzlohona bcween the
to atomil theory ubtanees. In co-trost
themd phenomena daied,
thematyname) mayes

medhantie agpnsaah eaplanation

atenyt to plo vde aa
of why a gjven

Auetonoe has the poperties e obsenvel eqe

Tanentally he acuad Suneion of ola cal them
to Une ether ethe meny
many ohsenae
Freperhe, ezanpe the quaio
quenee of a eu, Foa
ge the elation beueen
DReAure volune and Aompoatane)
delemine the
oVeR a range of tompexatvey then by
thenmotmani'a agumenta turd the speetie
het at contut Volune We will lbe ade to
preddt hethea the gea uil be
through a thetlle rom a
wthen it n expandel
tigh to and the rgnetade o
be aladated
he inehe theory of qome ties to elemie
dietubuiow) 40ditel wth the moion of indi
vdual leudes.
The Realizaion Hhot aong and molede,
exists led to he devekyement of sttiotieal
vnehanios. Rather than tarchrg the deseuphon
of vmaozOs tOpia praporte (as in hermadyaamie)
the agpnoaeh ot ttiotieal neehanios lbegi wit
4o deseke och indvidaal mialon op)a ohale.
and the Use statitiea mehoda
of a yotem praperie, fem
am Hem.
the maoroAGojia
developenent f qunnten malanie, tea
Wit the
approach grt rigon, ohowed eglotey
the mierONCopie quantum ataey
how to deeriloe
of dierent oytons. he themoqy ranie eavua,
mechanies in
themolnane indt
The too aproahes damiod and otistioal
dioewmion ler
aJe prety vuch ditenent, and a

re relion loctuken them

the o uocth it. he lawp of
laiead thermodynamie were

and oeserveon. Continu

quence of epeimext danial hermagnen
apliatiorn ot he methada of
howed ha thee lws pre
to pRadial oblem awse. But
aanes. Bt oaaial Hher.
reuto in ad
make ro alempt to wy the aws kave
nodynarnocs tom, or how those awa 0me
pantiaulan set o laus. Fia
reatel in stotictal meha
the One probbem
From te
nics/ heno dynemio.
Muon ben c atbm and
behavioun ot lange
be ohourn tht the praperhe
mgledes, it ynay
doaervade macroNtipie
of makor which Rdaded and a coyeguence o
meswremerth ap

he laws Ahatiotied themoynanio.

afproach to ohy thermal Physics wi

moy be statioal
caoh. We wll bui On tho babin

rquined mathemaies. Hhyever, ushen We noye

to heat engines ete. We uwil take

he hed
Jou wold
lansiead ermoynamic aproash
ahanead mathemey to learn the oietiad meha
mi of hone trings. S, the co-esion iig Une

1. Mathemati ad pnelimeneie,
Kinete heony (in light ot probabibty
lemiel themotgrarie
A. bome staoio medhania,

het' gebmeray
On. f he basie ideas and
detmtong in
whieh We will ned en
and then
In thenmal phyies w deal uoth aemblies
number oft atoms. We usl dee
laer, thal ia Iarge umben achuady le uy to
propezhes ot a maooneopie ytem in
tred the
We want to ttuay

To hep Arack o the lge

behave on averge mdle'.
definiton of
umben we noduee the

etnel quanty matez

A mole i aens
thal contaim mary
as oecta (molele,
the nunber o asomn in exady
AAmole in alo apo>äinately
as of the atom
equivalent toto the
the umber

in exally eaije, to wegh aceuralelu


A ole ia egivalent to te Aepdeo numbe,

which in ven by
N G0R9 x10°
The ola ma of a ulbtanee in the maos
of One male

the Ynolau
batanee. Fu eample
428. water
. Now,
ushee the a divgle aton oR

he theumody nomia imit

We alecay tated that the large nunber ot aony
moleeles naneD it ey to tuy the Leraviour of
thetmsdyranie ytem. But wy 0? Beuse
f theze sienty large Munben of
COmituent in a
gotem, t ie poible to ded
the avetage quan-tihes Comeide exanle.
aie inode a vey ey tiny hd with

he tiny tat a
tine on Raàndrop can tall on the roof.
Tandam On theRoo
he, raindrap inpet
on it and 9me to a stop. H gou know
the and tenmind velouy
veloety of the roindeq
would be able to adedade he onee on
the Ro a each inteval aladay
he impse on Hhe oct. Inpdloe ia detmes,
F-4+ which is
in momerun. Since he raindrops might
be irgegular, thene nit be no raindrop at one
at ome time interval he
indeyd ond one
Auion of tine wil leox Jomehisg
houn in the

Each uHle Lip Corse.

to ornee trom one raindesp t
Now. asume aJie inaide a
much loigAer
area much much higher than
tut, with a

betone. prchonlan time inteNal, many kun

A a
drops wl now on Hhe eot and they
tHe will
toroe on the ROot. T# we choose
time in}erval large eug.
on the
interval and Hhe tore

in the tlkung gue.

Troo t
H Hou even mane the
astea highen, may thous ond tmes mone an bobe
aJe Ymore

Raindros tdig witin a

a paztiudas tne inervad on
ime will n0w ie
the tigune abeve.
Hheze ase tn key hirg ou neel to notee hep

4. he ONerage once inereanes as tho NO ae

raindnopa the ane is ineneA!.
gets omorkhel out
and te it prety much tay daye
to he average alue. he ucuaiom Ynigt oh
oe but hey gou: slowly tan the
average fonee doeg.
One I

eompaned to the average, the laat bleneio poente

he leat uctuatom. What I mean,
400, then and 130 might
Seem veg uehueirg -trom the avetage. But tor
an jo000, the nunloeu Og70,
9945 and 40130 chen
much uchurton.
Atough the fote with arzea, t isia weul to
0nbidez presure, uhich a detned as

inereanes, b the tluctuoiom om he
does deanease. Ih the mit
avetge ro ea
where he
tatiom in the wl be more oR lea
we wl reler to tHho
Now, let conider hoy ia idez
to the ide
he hermoyamie, of
gms maleoudes in con-tinen. The g noleude,

wi oaunoe rom the continen walls ile tey

ahe in randor motom. he ne! ee of these
bounee baoxa io onee uhh retba in premue
I he containen very dmal
of the gas.
Munlber o moleule i very emal, then
we wod havo o Carne abot he fuehuio
But in almont all
number of molevles ia
luceiong Amoth out and we can conbide
wtoRm in time, We al
presue to be
in the dyotn
the deephon of he
themodyname limit. &, the eba
to te in the
rumber of moleudesgen to intiny in the
limt and an coroiden the
hermodynanic eta to be Cmotant in time
FReBUe, deorty
nd spaee.
Extewaive and inemiye iable
hernoqynamic yiable that sude uth the
lem diæ ae called extenove aviades.
at Remain the same, ae calle
he quortite,
t might not be totlly eleg
inteaye vavables,
uhat hey actualy ane, ord
taom hia detton
aortused. Bo, leta think of
people oen get
ay example.
onsider a containen f hat has a volune

V hoving temperature TT and EMUre P he

moleules ia U.
kinete enegd
Now, cosider imaginarg
miluqy of te
you Really insery
the tem mainary, because, two di Herens
yotem in now
ahual wall the
foous on the right pattt
aontaÝmen, then the une ot tha
ot he
part iD,
Kinetie energy ia,
touwever, he and emeahue
o the rudat art in the sane
Beauye we deyned eAuTe o
a uhole. buu aant soy ght Aide ha thia
pRenue and le Alde has ho. he game ia
true aleut temyentue T. The tomyenctuze
and T=T
Se, quanhite Vand V aNe extensive quurite
and quantiies PF and T ne intenoive quante
and entog
Lie thad, demty in inkenoive and
edeie Varua bles.

Thinx abot a
quantity given by the dquare Roo+
volume. Is it intenive
You Krow that he ydue
vdlue of
intemaive propeie,
remains He Aome, ot the value ot extemive
up khy a tacoe. Wht sodd hat
a yotem in doubled in Size jut by
jurtaposing a

Toot o
idenhaal sem. Now
volune inderoive
Ita nrre.

he deal

Reguinemento /azioms
) We amume there ae intermoleulaz
() Phe moleules ane point o1zed cand have zetO
huly elaste
A Uhlern these equirements, One deive
the ided equahon Uing the kinehe

the heny
Howerer, hieoriely. the idal eyuaton was
through eie
derived not derived, rathe tound threough
experin•ro. Experuimernta howa tht euth
(with a On the
preue volune V depend
emyeze T Aheed amaunt of
donatant enperatuge dbey

nogult diacVEzEl Cpeimenally by bayle

and independenti, lader by Fdmé Maiote. AA
Cotant premune, the gas aso dbeyA,
whene Tin in kevin. Phia known
as Chanley law,
law, agin found crpeimenbny
he ay -Luae' law otaes that
Guollaume Anontna, and later indgen
tound by Gullaume
deny by Gy- Lunoe
hese three empiiaal laws ean bebe combined into

I tuma ot thet herne ae Nmoleaule

inn the gas, the nal law, callel the ideal
be witen
wrth the BaHz mann cowtant, whey

Ahogh the tdeal gus equston erroimentay

ound. uul deye tia ator in this Counae
Combnoderidl yobem
might encounter nnber
I, thema phyoios, We
mich geater han N. We eooiter a

ntod problem e an exanple.

Comosden a tem with 40 tom. Ech thee
exio ONe of e two
Int o energy an
State One
nother haring unit of enegs. Hhonp unit
called "quntao enengy. he querhen
is, how many dintine arargenent o posibk
thio dyotem f you have
have (a) ten guat ta
and (6) our quanta ct energy
lonbinn yoen adchor
FinK about
sinple poblem iat. You tave thre
oloned baa red, gneen and e yellow. You hove to
them tuo naishrguhable bozeo,that is,
abig How many
tnt ieetide wieh box i which. Aou
you Fach box an at best
eonsquehom ane poaslde here?
Oe loall.

Thig abot dhitijgdabe bore irot. Bon A ard byx

he tiaee
in box A, Nou
B thae. For putig f them
hoices (R ). Given that you put cny
ehoices to put in
in aox A, ou have tuo
So, in totl, the numben of eontiguzion

Sinee endh ct the thnee hust choie

total pu ave Aix.
choiees, n total
Nou, ohat appeno t the boxe ane
Ta tio re, the ondey ot he bals doan't
Ainee the loxe ae ane

(eQOAYge the boxes. Hene
unt hen divide to gel te actuat
it in . You

ave allo and

Novs, ,

i box 1,
you have Um ben chaices, n puting in box
hare chonces,
have -x+) Mmben ct Chotes
nx(n-1)x (1-k+4)
nx (n-i)x (r-a)rx 1

oozes ae
However, inaiahrguiehalbke

Housever, the balls were adho indiohrguchbe,

there is only one ay Teay Beuse, o
then lalls to 0 in the
of the
lan hoone
he ame
R boxes, hey all ane

Ou paoblem
distrde to n
ro unit enegy
Hoe, the unit energies ae
() Atomm e diotiguuohalle:
and atoma
the bal
basically the

FoR K=10,
= Q0
K =4 4! 6!

indiohquidale: Sinae looth the tom and

i) Atomo ane
indirirguidkable, the io ony
all 40 geto
0 atd tou of them ets 1.
k4, 6
dolferent wy The?
Thin eoud also be done ato) with zeo
abm with unt and n way.
atom in
all the
aomm i
Uut energy. We can aange to
dictibue -)! wQy.
Buen we nto in
(h-2) tom zeR
ard -n) oinee he am
aom ae
! (n-r)!
hen the nombe
40 guant,
00 com ant
had s0g 4000 ato
we had T
100 4o
40! 601 nber
number of toms in
qeorta then the
and 400 qeonte, A
40001 10
A00! 60O
000 atom.
We alreaty tae a
happen on Grs0 tom ? Sueh
Whd odd then
nubezy ane di olt to handle, We can
them doun y wing oganithn,

Fhene in a
The tiigo uemla
n nl = nn n -nt In Qnn
Ezamgle 23
Fstimate the odez magutede
23 =5.2x 4^4
n 10 ! 10 n10 - 10

10 e
0, dh
we ylant
We an
= Yn 10
Jn 10
= Q. 26x40
n 10

40 How large io

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