Kolida SDE 28S Echo Sounder User Manual 20200806
Kolida SDE 28S Echo Sounder User Manual 20200806
Kolida SDE 28S Echo Sounder User Manual 20200806
User Manual
Chapter 1 Preview ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1, Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2, Echo Sounding Principles .............................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2 SDE-28S+ Hardware ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1, Front components......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2, Side components .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3, Accessories ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1, Transducer ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.2, Transducer pole................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.3, Power supply cable/adapter ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3.4, I/O devices ........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.5, Instrument case ................................................................................................................................ 9
Chapter 3 Software................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1, EchoSounder ............................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1, EchoSounder main interface ......................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2, Menu................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.1.3, Toolbar ............................................................................................................................................ 23
3.2, HySurvey ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.1, Main interface ................................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.2, Menu................................................................................................................................................ 26
3.2.3, Toolbar ............................................................................................................................................ 73
3.2.4, Navigation info/GPS1 plot ............................................................................................................. 75
3.2.5, Message window ............................................................................................................................ 76
3.2.6, Depth curve window ...................................................................................................................... 76
Chapter 4 Hardware installation............................................................................................................................. 77
4.1, Transducer installation ................................................................................................................................ 77
4.2, GNSS receiver connection........................................................................................................................... 78
Chapter 5 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 79
Chapter 1 Preview
1.1, Introduction
KOLIDA SDE-28S+ echo sounder is a kind of industrial control and digital echo sounder which is
integrated with the 12.1-inch TFT-LCD color screen, industrial control unit, echo sounding unit,
data processor, internal memory unit and kinds of interfaces and I/O devices. The special design
can protect it from dust, water, and strong vibration. It collects depth measurement, graphical
navigation, positioning data, water depth data acquisition together. All these features make the
instrument strong compatibility, stable performance and reliable accuracy. The machine comes
with a12.1-inch TFT-LCD color touch-screen which supports clearly visible under bright light. It
has a built-in operating system embedded WIN XP,which can connect to external keyboard,
mouse and other external USB devices. Dominant frequency of the CPU is 1.6GHZ with 2GB
internal memory and built-in 8GB SSD storage. SED-28S+ can connect to GPS from any
manufacturers for positioning, also the users can run different hydrographic surveying softwares
(support embedded Win XP version) on it. It is an ideal instrument for sea, river, or lake water
depth measurement together with the port, waterway dredging project.
The principle of echo sounder is to use ultrasound spread through dielectric, and on different
media surface produce reflective phenomenon, using ultrasonic transducer (probe) launches
ultrasound, and then measure delta-T between the emission wave and the reflected wave.
Acoustic propagation velocity in water is V, transducer (probe) transmits ultrasound, acoustic
emission by the probe to the bottom of the sea, reflected back by the bottom and received by the
transducer, then measure the round trip time the acoustic experienced by t, then: Z = Vt / 2; At
the same time, read the scale on the junction pole to get the value of the draft(draft is the value
between the water surface and the bottom of the transducer), as Fig.1-1.
Fig.1-1 Echo Sounding Principles
The signal frequency of the high-frequency transducer is about 200KHz, that of the low-
frequency transducer is about 20KHz. Low frequency signal has a longer wavelength, strong
diffraction function, so strong penetration capacity, the general penetrate a certain thickness
of silt.
Chapter 2 SDE-28S+ Hardware
Reading this chapter, you will grasp the detail information about every hardware component of
① ③
2.3.1, Transducer
The transducer is a hardware that can transmit ultrasonic waves and receive the reflected
ultrasonic waves. The echo sounder is to use the ultrasonic waves speed and the delta t between
the transmitting wave and reflected wave to calculate the depth of water.
Transducers are divided into single-frequency and dual-frequency according to the purposes or
applications, since SDE-28S+ is a single-frequency echo sounder, it is equipped with the single-
frequency transducer.
The poles are use for connecting the transducer and sinking it into water. The poles are divided
into 3 parts in order to facilitate transport.
The cable with red/black clips is used for connecting with 12V external accumulator. Please pay
more attention to this cable that while using it, the red clip should be connect to the positive of
the accumulator, and the black clip connects to negative, otherwise, the instrument would be
burn if the cable connects to wrong node.
The adapter is mainly used to connect to the AC power supply.
Keyboard and mouse are convenient for input operations on the instrument, such as new project,
setting parameters, etc.
Fig.2-6 Keyboard/mouse
2.3.5, Instrument case
The instrument case for SDE-28S+ contains two layers of packing: the inner layer is filled with
anti-collision foam, the host and other accessories can be dispersed and embedded; the outer
layer is a hard instrument case, sealing-strong, wear-resistant anti-wrestling. This instrument
case can effectively protect the instrument from vibration, and convenient to carry it.
3.1, EchoSounder
EchoSounder software is mainly used for configuring the transducer sounding parameters,
collecting the echo wave raw data, transmitting the data depth data to the Hysurvey software.
Below is the main interface of EchoSounder.
The menu here contains File, Setting, Depth range, View and Help.
The shortcuts include Open file, Parameter, HF survey, LF survey, Start/Stop, Mark, Record,
Register, Deep and Shallow.
Enforcement intervention
The enforcement intervention operation is mainly used in some tough environments, then adjust
the transmitting power of pulse according to the different environment.
The ruler can indicate the depth value from the reflected waves, and the scale of which can be
zoomed in and out.
Echo signal
Echo pulse waveform indication, and the signal amplitude. The echo can reflect the depth.
3.1.2, Menu
The menu includes File, Setting, Depth Range, View and Help.
Fig.3-2 Menu, File
Under File menu, there are New, Recently opened files, Page Setup, Print preview, Print to PDF,
Print and Exit. The file menu is mainly to use to create a new depth file and print the depth file.
Page Setup—click on page setup option, a print settings dialog would pop-up, it is mainly for the
data files print settings., Setting
Under setting menu, there are Survey Setting, Communication Setting, Device Setting, Rec Speed,
Unit, Device Type and System setting. The Setting menu is a very important menu that it is related
to whether the echo sounder can work properly or not.
Fig.3-6 Setting
Survey Setting—click this option, there is a dialog pop-up, the draught value, sound velocity,
shallow alarm and echo alarm parameters can be set on this dialog.
15 1466.25 33 1516.05
16 1469.70 34 1518.12
17 1473.07 35 1520.12
3, Shallow alarm, this is a protecting depth value for echo sounder, if the measurement depth is
lower than this input value, the echo sounder would alarm, this is mainly to protect the
transducer from the shallow.
4, Echo alarm, this is the function to setup an alarm for echo sounder, activate this function, echo
sounder would sound an alarm if there is no echo received by transducer under the situation of
incorrect parameters setting, too large tilt angle of transducer, or the measured depth exceeds
the range measured by the echo sounder.
Communication Setting—click this option to enter the setting dialog, output depth, heave
sensor, tide gauge, mark style and sounder parameters can be set here.
Fig.3-8 Communication setting
Device Setting—click on this option to enter the dialog of settings, Survey Mode Setting,
Transmitted intensity and Received intensity are included. It is also a most important setting for
the surveying job.
Fig.3-9 Device setting
Ⅰ, Survey Mode Setting, there are auto and manual for option.
Ⅱ, Transmitted intensity, it includes the adjust of pulse length and blanking.
Pulse length, pulse length indicates the transmitted pulse duration with the millisecond unit,
and its value ranges from 0.01 to 1.2. The intensity of the transmitted pulse becomes stronger
along with longer pulse. The figure width of the transmitted / received pulse means the pulse
intensity, and the figure length of the transmitted / received pulse means the pulse length.
If the pulse length is too long, the signal duration is too long, it may cause the error because of
the overlap of the transmitted pulse and the echo wave when measure in shallow water.
If the pulse length is too short, then the signal duration time is too short, when measure in deep
water or the absorption power of the water is too strong, may appear no echo because the
transducer can’t receive strong enough echo signal. So, we should adjust the pulse length value
according to depth real time. The default value of pulse length is 0.1ms. If we work on the sea,
we should increase the pulse length properly, since the higher salinity water absorbs ultrasound
Blanking, the experiment proves that the ultrasonic lasts out even if the Pulse Length time is
over, and that is said remaining ultrasonic signal. And this signal will affect the return signal from
the bottom, and the blanking pulse length can clear the remaining signal to get precise depth.
Blanking Pulse Length must be one millisecond longer than the Pulse Length except extreme case.
Ⅲ, Received intensity, it contains TVG curve, start gain, threshold, gate depth and gain.
TVG Curve, when the sound waves propagate in water, the sound intensity attenuates
exponentially, in order to keep the signal amplitude stable, TVG will control the receiving
amplifier to increase the amplification factor according to the opposite law, which is the time
gain control.
Start Gain, in actual work, due to the weakness of the echo signal, the signal must be amplified
before processing, that is to increase the amplitudes of signal by amplifier circuit. This function
is not only to enlarge the echo signal, clutter also enlarge together, so an appropriate value is
necessary to be set in order to make the instrument can maximum identify the effective echo
Threshold, it decides when the timer using for accumulating the echo continuous time stops
working, and to start picking up return signal. When increasing the threshold value, feebler
signal may be picked up, but the signal is more possible unwanted.
Gate Depth, the purpose of this parameter is to control the rate of change of two adjacent
measurements. In generally speaking, we can think about that the bottom of water change is
continuous, as long as the time interval between the two measurements is relatively short, the
change of the depth will not too big, then the received echo time difference too big as well, so this
can be set a percentage, such as 10%.
Gain, gain value means the enlargement factor of the return signal. It is useful to increase the
gain when the return signal is feeble, but the noise is enlarged as the gain is increased. So the
gain must be set considering the vantage and disadvantage. The Gain should be increased or
decreased until the digitizer finds the correct bottom.
transmitted intensity Sensitivity Filter setting
Depth range
Pulse length Blanking pulse Power Gain threshold Gate depth
Rec Speed—the default recording speed of the software is ×1, when ×2 is selected, the software
will record echo data at double speed.
Unit—select the unit for depth, here are metric and inch for option.
Fig.3-12 Unit
Device Type—select the correct device type here according to the using echo sounder, and the
EchoSounder software would display the corresponding interface.
System setting—here is mainly to set the font size and the font color for depth.
Fig.3-14 System setting
In the depth measurement, different depth measurement use different frequency, in order to
obtain higher sampling rate and echo image resolution, an appropriate depth gear should be
selected as far as possible, If the selected gear is less than the actual water depth, the system will
automatically adjust the transmission frequency to a suitable gear, in this case, the underwater
section diagram cannot be fully displayed on the screen, while the scale is still fixed at the current
gear, but the accuracy of the measurement results is not affected by anything., View
There are color mode, display setting, ruler increment and status bar under View menu.
Fig.3-16 View
Color Mode—this is the color setting for signals, here are gray and color for option.
Fig.3-17 Color mode
Display Setting—clear the screen before replay, hide the mark information when replay, display
parameter and display digitized line are contained in this menu, select the proper option
according to the need.
Ruler Increment—select the time for ruler increment, the software will mark automatically
according to the setting time.
Status Bar—check or uncheck on this option to display or hide the status bar.
Fig.3-20 Status bar, Help
Fig.3-21 Help
Register—registration is the process of registering each instrument for use, after user receives
the echo sounder, there will be around 30 hours for trial period, so before it expires, please
register the instrument for further use.
Fig.3-22 Register
Enter the register echo sounder dialog, there is the software ID, and remaining use time, and the
used time, if the trial period is going to expire, contact with KOLIDA staff and ask for the license,
then enter it into SN blank.
Device Information—click on this option to check the device information on the pop-up dialog,
like disk space, hardware information, and the software information as well.
3.1.3, Toolbar
Below the menu, a series of shortcut buttons are listed in the shortcut menu, they are open,
parameter, HF survey, start/stop, mark, record, register, deep and shallow. Click on the
corresponding button, we can enter the setting dialog quickly.
Fig.3-24 Toolbar
Click on this button to open the depth data file saved in DepthData folder on device. Open
the file for replaying, checking and appending the record.
Fig.3-25 Open
Click on this button to enter the survey setting dialog, and set the parameter for draught,
sound velocity, shallow alarm and echo alarm.
Click on this button to enter the device setting dialog, make the corresponding settings
according to the actual work.
After the correct parameters have been set, such as draught, sound velocity and so on,
click this button to start the measurement.
It is the button to mark the user graphic file with an event mark manually, the software
will mark on the screen once if click on this button one time.
Click on this record button to save the data of transmitting wave, echo, device parameters
and so on after starting the measurement, and the file name would be saved as the current date,
in order to print and look up in the future.
If the measuring depth is out of range, the graphic may not be fully displayed on the screen,
so click on this button to quickly extend the depth range.
3.2, HySurvey
Hysurvey is KOLIDA new generation of measurement software integrating water depth data
collection and post-processing, easy to use. And the operation flow is completely consistent with
the user's actual work flow. Its strong scalability can let it connect to all kinds of GPS receivers
and depth sounding equipment. HySurvey is a good choice for ocean depth surveying, river
channel surveying, engineering exploration positioning, piling, reef blasting, geophysical drilling
and seismic lofting.
Menu Toolbar
Navigation info
Display window
Status bar
All the corresponding functions and settings are contained in the menu, like project, setting,
design, survey, view, tools, processing, help and layout.
Fig.3-29 Menu, Project
Under the project menu, there including new project, open project, modify project, import,
export, save and exit.
Fig.3-30 Project
New project—Click on this option to create a new project on the pop-up dialog, enter the project
name and click OK button, and start to configure parameters for the project on the project wizard.
Fig.3-35 Parameters
After finishing the coordinate system settings, click Next button to go to Device tap, here choose
the correct COM port for GPS1 and Echosounder, then check the box of Enabled.
Fig.3-36 Device
GPS1 config, click Setup button to enter the dialog, choose GNSS type under the dropdown list, if
the GNSS receiver is an unknown type, choose other option, and use the default data format.
Move to serial parameter tap, choose the correct COM port and baudrate. The parameters of
Parity, Stop bits and Data bits modification should be under the guidance of the professional
technician, generally, all of these parameters are used as default. After that, click Test button to
check if there is data stream comes from GNSS receiver.
Click the Next button or the collect tap at the right side to go to configure the data collection
conditions. According to the connected GNSS receiver positioning accuracy, for example, we
choose RTK option if we connect an RTK receiver. And the mark method would be auto and
manual (using space button), and mark interval can be with time or distance, distance interval is
generally used, the coordinate and depth would be marked in every assigned distance. Auto and
manual mark method can be chosen together.
Fig.3-42 Import
Export—This function is able to export the base map as CAD2000 dxf graphic, the elements
exported including points, lines curves, broken lines and the planned lines.
Fig.3-43 Export
Exit—Exit the HySurvey software.
Fig.3-44 Exit, Setting
Setting menu contains all kinds of settings, like coordinate system, survey devices, data collection,
store setting, data transmit and so on.
Coordinate system—New a local coordinate system for current project, including system name
modification, ellipsoid, central meridian and the transformation parameters.
Fig.3-45 Coordinate system
Survey devices—Here can make the connection settings for connected GNSS receiver and echo
sounder, like the COM port and baudrate, then click setup button to test the communications.
Continuous: Each time clicking on the measure button, the line number will increase by one, and
the point number in the file will increase according to the last point name. As shown in the figure
below, there are 3 files measured, Ln1, Ln2 and Ln3, in file Ln1, 3 points were measured and the
point number would be 1, 2, 3; then in file Ln2, there are 4 points and the point number starts
from 4, then increase to 5, 6,7; in file Ln3, 4 points were measured and the point number would
be 8, 9, 10, 11.
Survey line+pt name: Each time clicking on the measure button, the line number will increase by
one, and the point name will increase by line number + point name, for example, as shown in the
figure below, there are 3 files, the point number is Ln1_1, Ln1_2, Ln1_3 in file Ln1, and Ln2_1,
Ln2_2, Ln2_3 in file Ln2.
Data transmit—It means that the software transfer the acquired GNSS data to the other port or
network server through the serial port or network, for the other software or devices use. Here
are 3 kinds of data source for transferring, GPS1 data, GPS2 data and custom string data. Which
data source needs to be transferred, check the enable box and click Setup button for further
Fig.3-52 Transmit setting
Correction wizard—The purpose of correction is to correct the base coordinate from the other
coordinate system to local coordinate system. To activate this function, a GNSS receiver should
be connected and used.
Offsets—The offset setting is to set the relative offset of the GNSS receiver antenna and the
measuring point in the ship center coordinate system. After the ship's center coordinate system
is established, the position of the GNSS antenna and GNSS measurement point needs to be
calculated into the ship's center coordinate system. In general, if there are 2 GNSS receivers, the
one set at rear of the ship is GPS1, and the one set at front of the ship is GPS2.
Please note that if there are 2 GNSS receivers used to determine the ship’s course, no matter how
GPS1 and GPS2 are placed, the final course is from the stern to the bow, and the offset of the 2
antennas in the coordinate system needs to be accurately measured and filled into the offset
Beacon—It is to configure the beacon signal as long as the V series of compass is connected.
Antenna—Here can set the antenna height for GPS1, and this height is the vertical height, which
is the distance from measurement point to receiver antenna phase center.
Fig.3-55 Ant.H
Shallow alarm—It is to set a threshold of shallow water alarm, enter a proper value for the
threshold and check the box of Enabled to apply the settings, while the measuring depth is less
than the assigned value, the shallow water alarm will be triggered, and the alarm information
would display in the message window.
Fig.3-56 Shallow alarm
Device latency—When using a single-beam echo sounder for depth measurement, since the
positioning system and the sounding system are two independent systems, a systematic delay is
generated and becomes an error in the depth measurement. So this setting is a compensation for
this delay.
Ship mode setting—Here is for the configuration of vessel display on the screen.
Orientation mode—It is a setting of ship’s position displayed on the screen, there would be 4
modes for option, center, heading up, center beyond the screen and none.
Center: The ship will always display in the center of screen, while its azimuth would be update.
Heading up: The bow will always face directly above the screen, and the ship’s position will move
with the changes of GNSS receiver coordinates.
Center beyond the screen: The position and direction of the ship displayed on the screen will
change with the changes of GNSS receiver coordinates, if the ship’s position is out of the screen,
the ship will return to the center of screen and continue.
None: At the beginning, the ship will move with the coordinates within the screen, when the
ship’s position is out of the screen, the software will no longer move the ship to the screen
Navigation info—This is able to set the display items and the font for the navigation info window
which locates at the left side of main screen, as well as the content color.
Plotting mode—Here are two methods for plotting, one is point lofting and the other one is by
coordinate. If choose point lofting, points, lines, broken lines, circles, curves can be drawn by the
mouse moving or clicking on the screen. If choose by coordinate, enter the corresponding
information on the pop-up dialog for drawing the points, lines, broken lines circles and curves.
View properties—There are the object snap and filter for option.
Fig.3-62 View properties
Object snap: Choose this option, while choose properties under tools menu, then use the mouse
to select the point, line including straight line and broken line, the software will pop up a dialog
which displays coordinate, type, color and layer about the object.
Filter: If choose this for the view mode, while click properties under tools menu, the software
will pop up a query dialog, enter the entity name, choose the layer and type, click Query button
to check the information of the entity.
Object snap mode—The object snap mode includes endpoint, midpoint, perpendicular and
Display mode—The software has normal and night mode for the display mode.
Night mode setting—As long as night mode is selected, this option would be activated, then
click on this option to set the brightness for the screen.
Fig.3-69 Night mode
System setting—It can set the background color of the software, color of ship on the screen,
depth font size and color, and the measurement point, etc., at the meantime, the mark key can be
customized here, as well as software automatic start, automatic open the recent project when
the software starts. When “Use color table” is checked, the depth data will display with different
color according to the different depths.
Workspace switching—This is used to set the software working interface, here are classic and
simple for option.
The design menu is mainly use for drawing and planned lines design.
Draw line—It is used to draw a straight line with mouse or coordinate. If choosing coordinate
method(choose coordinate option in plotting setting under setting menu) for drawing line, enter
the line name, starting point, ending point and the other parameters, and select the
corresponding properties for the line, such as layer, type, width and color, then click OK button,
the software will draw a straight line according to the settings.
Draw circle—It is used to draw an auxiliary circle with mouse or coordinate. If choosing
coordinate method (choose coordinate option in plotting setting under setting menu) for
drawing the circle, enter the circle name, center point coordinate and the radius. After that select
the corresponding properties for the line, such as layer, type, width and color, then click OK
button, the software will draw a circle according to the settings.
Draw arc—It is used to draw an auxiliary arc with mouse or coordinate. If choosing coordinate
method (choose coordinate option in plotting setting under setting menu) for drawing the arc,
enter the arc name, center point coordinate, radius and the starting angle and ending angle. After
that select the corresponding properties for the line, such as layer, type, width and color, then
click OK button, the software will draw an arc according to the settings.
Annotation—It is able to annotate the elements on the map with mouse or coordinate. Enter
the content of the text, coordinate, layer and the annotation style, or self-define the coordinate
by clicking on Select button.
Fig.3-78 Annotation
Point symbol—It is able to draw a variety of point symbols, such as measurement points, buoys,
bright reefs and so on. Click on this option, the software pops up a dialog, then enter the point
name, coordinate, or select the point from library, and then select the corresponding properties.
Fig.3-79 Point symbol
Align feature—It is able to draw various linear symbols, such as ridges, coastlines, seawalls and
so on. Click on this option, then enter the line name, nodes coordinate, or select the point from
library, and then select the corresponding properties, like line type, width, color, attribution and
Survey width
Line spacing
Area design—It is suitable to the reservoir, or the specific enclosed areas. On the pop-up dialog,
enter the boundary point coordinates, or click Draw button to draw the boundary lines, or click
Select button to select the existing lines on the screen, then enter the inclination angle and
spacing. (0°--north; 90°--east; 180°--KOLIDA; 270°--west)
Fig.3-83 Area design
Vertical design—This is similar to the channel design, and the difference is that the width of
channel design is same on the left and right, and the corners were processed. Vertical design is
simpler that it draws the vertical parallel lines only according to the specific baseline and the
spacing, and the width of left and right can be different. It is suitable to the project plan line
design which only knows one side coordinates.
Fig.3-84 Vertical design
Parallel design—This is to draw the planned lines on both sides base on the drawing central
axis. On the pop-up dialog, enter the nodes coordinate for the axis, and the number of planned
lines on the both sides, and the line spacing.
Fig.3-85 Parallel design
Sector design—This is more convenient for curve channel planned line design. Only need to
know the center point coordinates and the inner and outer radius to determine the position of
the planned lines, then enter the starting and ending angles, and the left and right offsets of the
sector from the center line. The starting angle of the axis is the angle between the starting edge
and the true north, and same definition to the ending angle.
VesselDesigner—This includes the vessel data, anchor and offsets. It is in order to better
simulate the shape of the ship, and determine the relative spatial position between anchor, GPS
antenna position and the measurement points, which can intuitively and comprehensively reflect
the status of the entire measurement system.
Fig.3-87 Vessel designer, Survey
Under the survey menu, there are some operations related to the measurement, such as re-
handshake, device connection, record, pause_survey, stop record, auto record, stakeout point,
stakeout line, heading, compass and replay.
Auto: In this mode, user needs to set the locked distance that if the vertical distance between GPS
measurement point to the planned line less than the locked distance, the planned line would be
locked as the current measurement line.
Mouse select: In this mode, the mouse cursor as a small box, use this box to select a planned line
as a measurement line. And the stakeout line information will display at the bottom left of the
main interface.
Fig.3-93 Heading
Fig.3-94 Compass
Replay—The software will replay the coordinate data measured in the current project and the
ship’s trajectory, etc.
Fig.3-95 Replay, View
Under view menu, there are the operations for the graphic, such as pan, zoom in, zoom out, rotate
to degree, display trackpoint and so on.
Clockwise rotation—Each time click on this option, the base map will rotate clockwise by 10°.
Contra rotate—Each time click on this option, the base map will rotate counterclockwise by 10°.
North up—Click on this option, the rotated map will recover to true north.
Grid switch—The grid function is to display the coordinate ratio of the entire graph and provide
a reference for the base map in the software. The grid function is default turned on, to hide the
grid lines, click this option or the shortcut tool on the toolbar.
Fig.3-98 Grid
Display trackpoint—Click on this option, the track of the ship's movement will be displayed in
the form of small black dots. As shown in the figure below, the small black dots between point 1
and point 2 are the track of ship.
Fig.3-99 Display track point
Display pt number—Click on this option to display the point number or hide the point number.
As shown in the figures below.
Trace display—Click on this option, the software will pop up the survey line selection window.
Choose a line in the list then click OK, and the navigation track of the selected survey line will be
displayed on the screen.
Fig.3-103 Tracelines
Scale text—The scale text function can uniformly zoom the text displayed in the project, as
shown in the figure below, drag the middle slider to scale the text., Tool
The tool menu contains many kinds of utilities, like the coordinate conversion, system
parameters, measure, properties view and so on.
Measure—This is one of the commonly used tools, it can conveniently measure the azimuth
angle and distance between points, lines, and points to the lines on the screen. To cancel the
measure, right-click in the view window.
Fig.3-108 Measure
Inquiry area—This is a tool to calculate the area. To cancel this tool, right-click in the view
Properties—Click on this option, the mouse will turn into a small red box. Use it to click on the
point, line, arc, circle and other graphics on the screen, the software will pop up a window to
display various attributes of the graphics, such as the name, the starting point coordinates, end
point coordinates, type, width, color and other elements.
Fig.3-110 Properties
Raw data—Click on this option, the software will pop up the survey line selection dialog, select
a line in the list and click OK button, the raw data of the selected line can be displayed. The raw
data includes survey line, collection time, point name, longitude, latitude, altitude, X, Y, h, heading,
high frequency measuring depth, low frequency measuring depth, solution status, HRMS, VRMS
and other information. At the same time, the software also supports the export of raw data, and
the export formats include txt, org, csv, etc.
Base station coordinate view—Click on this option to check the base station coordinate.
Fig.3-112 Base coordinate view
Symbol manager—This option is able to add, delete and edit the symbols of point or line.
Geo library—This is the place where the geodetic coordinates are saved.
Single beam editor, post-processing, file export, tide station and trace export are contained in
processing menu.
Edit depth(H): This is used for the modification of depth measured by high frequency. If there
are some abnormal depth points, use the mouse to flatten the abnormal depth points according
to the changing trend of the depth.
Fig.3-118 Edit depth
Post-processing—The software will record the detail information of the points in the survey
line file during the measurement, including the WGS84 coordinates of the measuring point.
Generally, the coordinate conversion should be completed before the measurement, in the case
of incorrect parameters were used, the coordinate conversion can be performed through the
post-processing. And there are 2 methods for the processing, one is to use parameters file(*.cot),
the other one is to use the current project parameters.
Fig.3-119 Post-processing
File export—The survey line saves all the original data of the survey point, such as point name,
date, time, coordinates, satellite number and solution status, etc. At the same time, the data
should be adjusted according to the requirement, such as echosounder adjustment, dynamic
draft adjustment and so on. After the survey line data is corrected, not all the information is
Fig.3-120 File export
Click on this option, the software will pop up a dialog, then select or customize the output format
of the results according to the requirement. After that, choose the measurement line and
adjustment items, and click Export button. A dialog will pop up, then select the name and path of
the result and click Save.
Echosounder: With the different depth, the error of the depth value measured by the
echosounder is also different, enter the depth value and the corresponding correction number
in the list.
Coordinate system error: In the actual work, user can work in a custom coordinate system, then
correct the custom coordinate system to the standard coordinate system through the coordinate
system error correction.
Depth system error: If there is a fixed error in the entire depth measurement, enter the correction
value in the ds box. If there is a multiple relationship between the depth error and the depth
value during the entire depth measurement, enter the multiplier in the dMs box.
Fig.3-124 Depth system error
Tide station: It is able to choose an edited tide gauge station to correct the depth data., Help
The About interface contains the information of software version, expire date, copyright,
company website and email
Fig.3-128 About, Layout
Fig.3-129 Layout
3.2.3, Toolbar
shortcuts Description
New project
Start measurement
Pause measurement
Stop measurement
Zoom in
Zoom out
Zoom window
Zoom all
Zoom 1:1
Grid switch
Draw point
Draw line
Draw polyline
Draw circle
Draw arc
Point symbol
Align feature
Delete singly
Delete by area
Delete all
Inquiry area
Property information
Object snap
Navigation info window and GPS plot window are located at the left site of the main interface.
This window displays position coordinate, depth, heading, ship speed, solution type of GNSS,
locked satellites, satellites SNR and the other information.
The message window is located at the bottom left corner of software, it is mainly for the
operation log.
The location of the transducer is very important for maintaining reliable bottom tracking
performance of the equipment. Avoid installing transducers in locations where the transducer
will be subjected to turbulent water, air bubbles, or vibration. It is preferable to mount the
transducer on the side of the hull where the propeller blades are normally moving downwards.
The upward motion of the propeller can generate pressure waves, which push air bubbles up
against the hull. By mounting the transducer on the downward side, the hull will tend to protect
the transducer from this effect. The transducer should be mounted on, or adjacent to, the ship’s
centerline. Wherever practical, the transducer face should be parallel to the waterline. In
addition, there should be sufficient room to permit use of the necessary tools to facilitate the
installation-mounting requirements.
Mount the GNSS receiver onto the pole, then connect it to COM1 or COM2 on SDE-28S+ via serial
cable. Switch on the receiver and configure it to achieve the reliable solution, then go to the
HySurvey software to configure parameters to receive data stream from GNSS receiver.
Beam Angle 5°
Depth Range 8m, 15m, 30m, 60m, 120m, 240m, 300m, Automatic shift
Draft 0.0m~20m
Gain Control AGC and TVG, depth and gain, a double door tracking
Operating -30℃~60℃
Waterproof/Dustproof IP67
Dimension 340mm×280mm×130mm
Weight 6.5kg