Green Rebar Epoxy
Green Rebar Epoxy
Green Rebar Epoxy
A high performance, single stage epoxy coating that protects cut rebar.
Protects against corrosion and rust staining when applied to rebar before
setting in concrete. Prevents oxidation on the cut ends and is ideal for
spot repair of damaged coatings. ASTM A775/A775-07 and
D3963/D3963M-01 performance requirements for corrosion resistance
and flexibility when repairing defects in coatings for rebar.
Suggested Uses:
UPC Code 043281000451
Cans per case 12
Shipping weight per case 15 lbs.
Container 16 fluid ounce can
Label weight 12 ounces (340 grams)
Shipping Classification limited quantity, UN 1950
Hazard Class 2.1
Storage Class NFPA 30B Level 3
Additional Information:
Meets performance requirements for corrosion resistance and flexibility of ASTM A775/A775-07 and
D3963/D3963M-01 for repair of defects in organic coatings on Steel Reinforcing Bars. For maximum
protection, apply a total dry film thickness of 4-5 mils. Contains no ozone depleting substances.