Equal Opportunity Cell For Inspection 2019
Equal Opportunity Cell For Inspection 2019
Equal Opportunity Cell For Inspection 2019
Bate: 25.07.2$11
Future lnstitute of Engineering and Management is a place where the lsaming is celebrated e'ery
day. The llstitute iovites everyb*d-y r*-it!r eqLra! +ppcrtr_rr.if i11to its &!d irre:peetive of r-.ast,_i,
religion" language or based on gender. The Institute ensures that every individual inside the
campBs exercise equal rights and acqliire in the process of offering or receir.ing education.
Ever.vbodv inside tire campus enjoys unique affiliatiou i.e of the institutr'on aad ihe Institute
protnises to its stakeholders an inclusive modei of edr-rcation. . Justice, Peace andRevolutian are
ihe roots based on rvhich the livine system exist in the campus. Any act. speech ar intentions that
perturb the hannony alnong the people is seriously regar,Jed and dealt on immediate basis to
restors the peace. Anv such issues if lound shall be brought into the notice by email to Anti -
l)iscrimination officer. Dr. Sajal Kuurar Giri, Registrar at liem.registrar@teamfuture.in
'1. \4r. Sk Babar Aii - Asstt. Professor. Ileptt. of Elestronics and Inst. Engineer-ing -l,Iember
5. \{s. Bidisha Pafia- Asstt . Professrr. Departrnent of Campuier .\pplicatians -Mrmber
i. 'Ilirs cell will look after the related matters (if ari.r,) of depdving a sfudent / stai'f or grc,up of
si*deiiis on ihe basis cf casii:. crce,J, lar:g'.ragc, etlinicitr,". gender. iliffbrent abiliti.
2. This cell alwa;.rs try to uphold the dignitl, of the rnstitution by addressing the sorrcerns
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Tlris cell ensures conduiliye enr.irotrment for acaderuic growth of the people belonging to the
4. This ceil protects the rights of individuals rvithout a:ry prejudice to their appealance or lifesryle in
the plocess of ieaming insiiie tire campus.
5. The Cell shall elirninate discrirnination against or harassrnent of arry indiridual in all fonns by
prohrbrtrr:g rt and by pror,idrng preventive and protectiv€ rlsasurss to fffcilrtate its eradicatlon and
pudshments for those rvho indulge in any fonn of discrirninati*i: or harassment.
This celi is committed to uphold the spirit of inclusir.e education.
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It also suggests measures for achieving the object**.es laid down by the
various government agencies. The eommittee meets at least two times in a
year and the decisions arrived at is mandatory to be in:plemented.
It's function is also to help the SCIST categories t* integrate with the
rnainstream of the institute cornmunity and to remove difficulties, which they
may be experiencinE.
Registering the complaints in writing from, if any ar-:d address it for its
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The Committee meets at least two times in a year anei the decisions arrived
at are mandatory to be implemented instantly.
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The Chairperson and Members of the Anti Sexual Harassment Cell are as follows:
L. Prof. Nibedita Gupta
a. Sexual Harassrnent :
Any unwelcome sexually motivated behavior, whether directly or by
implication involving physical contacts or advances, demand for sexual favors, sexualiy-tainted
remarks, and other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal expressions of a sexual nature
i which affects women's right to work in a congenial environment at the workplace.
b. Scope : The provision of these rules and procedures shall apply to allstudents and academic
and non-academic staff of FIEM. These rules and regulations shall be applicable to all complaints
of sexual harassrnent made by:
2) A service provider against a student/students or a member/ mernbers of the academic or
non-academic staff or a student or a nrember of academic or non- academic staff against an
outsider or service provider, if the alteged sexual harassment is reported to have taken place
within the campus.
Filing of Complaints:
a. Complaints of sexual harassment shall be lodged with the Committee. Such complaints should
be taken up by the Committee for resolution as promptly as possible, but by not later than two
days after the complaint on the alleged incident is received.
b. The complaints should be made in writing. lf the complainant is not able to give in writing
himselflhersell the complaint can be given in writing or his,/her behalf by his/her companion.
c. Normally, a complaint should be lodged within a week after the incident. ln special
circumstances, the time limit for the submission of complaints may be extended to a month. The
special circumstances that led to the granting of such extensisn should be recorded by the
d. The complainant is at liberty to withdraw the cornplaint at any stage of enquiry, provided
such withdrawal is made independently and under free will. The enquinT may be terminated on
receipt of the request for such withdrawal.
e. The Comrnittee is empowered to terminate the enquiry proceeding and to give ex-parte
decision on the complaint, on valid grounds.
f. The enquiry committee shall cornplete the enquiry in the shortest possible time, not
exceeding a month from the date on which the complaint is referred to it, except for special
g. lt shall submit a detailed report to the institute authority communicating its findings based on
its investigations. The committee in cases in which the accused is/are found guilty, should
indicate the gravity of the offence, whether it is major, serious or minor.
Redressive Disciplinary Action: Committee would pass on the findings of the enquiry
comrnittee to the institute authority for taking appropriate redressive action. lf the authority
finds that there is requirement for further investigation and, he may order for a review of the
Report by the enquiry committee and may even refer the case to competent legal authority, if it
is ofa grave nature.
False/Baseless Complaint :
lf the enquiry committee finds no merit in a complaint, the Chairperson of Committee may issue
a show-cause notice to the complainant requiring him/her to explain within three days as to
why disciplinary action should not be taken against him/her. tn the event of a negative
insufficient or unconvincing explanation, Committee shall pass on the papers to the authority
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for imposing appropriate penalty in order to exclude the possibility of recurrence of surh
motivated corn plaints.
ln comptaints involving faculty and students, the faculty shall not teach or supervise the wnrk of
the student concerned during the period of enquiry and till the decision on the case. Members
of the academic and for non-academic staff involved in such complaints either as the victim or
the accused shall not write the confidential reports of the complainant or the victirn during the
enquiry and decision ofthe case.
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The objective of the Studenfs Counseling and Grievance Redressal Cell is to develop a responsible and
positir,e attitude among students in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosp':here in Fufure
ilstitute of Engineering and Managemelt Ciampus.
Student Counseling / Grievance Redressal Cell lias been constitnted for the redressal of the problems
repoiled by the students with the follorving objectives:
. Upholding the dignity of tire Institution by ensudng sinfe free afinosphei'e in the hrstitute througli
promotrng corctial student-student relatir:nship and student teacher relationship etc.
. To supporl, those students wha have been deprived of the services for which heishe is entitled.
. To make teachiag and supporting staff responsir.e. accountable, courteous in dealing rvith the
r with an impartial and fair approach
J"o ensure effective solution to the student srieyances
o Encouraging the students to express their grievancelproblems fi'eely ard frankly without any fear
oibeing victimized
. Advising the students to respect the riglrt of dignity of one another and show resti'aint and patience
wheneler any occasion arises.
' Advising the students to re8ain *r:m inciting students against other sfudeats or teachers and
institute Administration
. To ensure effective solution to the stndents gdevances w'ith an irnpartial and fair appr:oach.
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Future lnslitute of Ensineering and M-anagement
The Local Guardian System has been introduced with the main objective of providing
supportive care and counsel to students in their academic and personal problems, frorn
time to time, if any. This system helps the students complete their studies comfortably
and successfully. The Local Guardian system is used to continuousiy and regularly
monitor the academic progress of the students and to rectify their problems. The college
also encourages parents to be in regular contact with the assigned Professor I HOD I
Tc inspire a healthy relationship between the teacher and student.
I To eliminate any indiscipline among the students.
To improve the overall academic performance.
T To give students a measure of self confidence at all spheres.
The Local Guardian Process is a supportive process, wherein ihe respective HOD heads
the system" All the faculty members act as Guardians.
' The Faculty acts as a local guardian helping to solve the academic and administrative
problems faced by his wards, and would help in soiving personal problerns, if any.
' The faculty maintains a $tudent lnformation Record {SlR) for each of hisiher wards which
gives all the details of the students, in terms of course registrationlcourse
d roppin g/withd rawn/re-reg istration etc.
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ln addition to details of faculty-student meetings held from time to time, SIR also gives
the details of the performance of the candidate in the semester end examination.
Provision has been made to send the progress reports of each student to his/her parentsl
guardians furnishing the details of attendance, class marks, examination results, etc.
These reports are sent twice in a sernester (at the end of 45 days & 90 days from the
*tarting of the semester) to the parent / guardian of each student.
The third repori is sent in case of such students who fail to satisfy the minimum
attendance stipulated by University norms.
-- r A student whose performance is not up to the mark is asked to appear for counseling with
the respective HOD / Dean-Academicsl Principal in order to help the student improve
his/her performance in the coming semesters.
A continuous effort is being made to give the best services from our institution
towards the Local Guardian System, and has received an excellent response and