QX Max

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Fotona d.d.
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Fotona QX MAX

Model: M031-3A/2
83826 SM ENG/05
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Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure that the data given in this manual is accurate,
the information, figures, illustrations, tables, specifications, and schematics contained herein are subject to
change without notice.

Copyright © 2008 Fotona d.d. Printed in Slovenia. All rights reserved.

The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the explicit permission of Fotona

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2.FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................................12
2.1.Mains inlet and auxiliary power supplies.....................................................................................................12
2.2.Power distribution circuit – Relay soft start board.......................................................................................13
2.4.Control panel with display assembly...........................................................................................................14
2.5.Charger assembly.......................................................................................................................................14
2.6.PFM MODULE assembly............................................................................................................................15
2.7.Cooling System assembly...........................................................................................................................15
2.8.Laser head assembly..................................................................................................................................16
2.8.1.Nd:YAG Laser module..........................................................................................................................16 optical Q-switch..................................................................................................................16Λ/4 plate (analyzer)........................................................................................................................16
2.8.2.KTP Laser Module................................................................................................................................16
2.8.3.Simmer Trigger board...........................................................................................................................17
2.8.4.Laser beam sampling optics.................................................................................................................17
2.8.5.Energy meter assembly........................................................................................................................17
2.8.6.Beam sampling optics...........................................................................................................................18
2.8.7.Head Control and safety shutter assembly...........................................................................................18
2.8.8.Oven control PCB.................................................................................................................................19
2.8.9.Beam coupling optics ...........................................................................................................................19
2.8.10.Aiming (diode) laser assembly............................................................................................................19
2.9.Laser beam delivery ...................................................................................................................................19
2.10.Mains filter A and B...................................................................................................................................20
2.11.Protective housing ....................................................................................................................................20
2.11.2.Fixed power cord................................................................................................................................20
2.11.3.Main circuit breaker ...........................................................................................................................20
2.11.4.Door switch receptacle.......................................................................................................................20
2.11.5.Foot switch receptacle........................................................................................................................20
2.11.6.Potential equalization terminal ...........................................................................................................20
2.11.7.Emergency Stop switch......................................................................................................................20
2.11.8.Key Switch..........................................................................................................................................20
2.11.9.EMC shielding.....................................................................................................................................20
2.12.Laser pulse forming sequence and energy regulation..............................................................................21
2.13.System wiring diagram..............................................................................................................................21
2.14.Optical path diagram.................................................................................................................................22
2.15.Hand pieces...............................................................................................................................................22
3.DIS-ASSEMBLY / REPLACEMENT...............................................................................................................22
3.1.Laser console covers removal.....................................................................................................................22
3.1.1.Removal of the top metal cover............................................................................................................22
3.1.2.Removal of the metal side covers........................................................................................................22
3.2.Laser head cover removal...........................................................................................................................22
3.3.Charger removal/replacement ....................................................................................................................23
3.4.PFM MODULE assembly removal/replacement.........................................................................................23
3.5.Cooling system removal/replacement.........................................................................................................23
3.5.1.Cooling system replacement................................................................................................................23 water................................................................................................................................24 cooling system drawer removal.....................................................................................24
3.5.2.De-ionizing cartridge replacement........................................................................................................24
3.5.3.Cooling fans replacement.....................................................................................................................24
3.6.Relay board removal/replacement..............................................................................................................24
3.7.Auxiliary power supply assembly removal/replacement..............................................................................25 Auxiliary power supply removal/replacement...........................................................................25

Page 4/94 83826 SM ENG/5 Auxiliary power supply removal replacement.............................................................................25
3.8.Controller removal/replacement..................................................................................................................26
3.8.1.Complete Controller removal replacement...........................................................................................26
3.8.2.Replacement of the IC30 EEPROM.....................................................................................................26
3.8.3.Replacement of the IC24 (serial EEPROM).........................................................................................27
3.8.4.Replacement or upgrade of system firmware ......................................................................................27
3.9.Laser module removal/replacement............................................................................................................28
3.9.1.Simmer Trigger Board removal/replacement.......................................................................................28
3.9.2.Nd:YAG Resonator mirrors removal/replacement................................................................................28 laser output coupler mirror removal replacement............................................................28
3.9.3.Nd:YAG rear mirror removal replacement............................................................................................29
3.9.4.Nd:YAG laser pumping chamber removal replacement.......................................................................29
3.9.5.Nd:YAG laser flash lamp removal/replacement....................................................................................29
3.9.6.Laser rod replacement..........................................................................................................................30
3.10.Energy meter removal/replacement..........................................................................................................31
3.11.Head Control and safety shutter removal replacement.............................................................................31
3.12.Aiming beam laser removal/replacement..................................................................................................31
3.13.Front panel removal/replacement..............................................................................................................32
3.13.1.Control panel Display assembly removal and replacement................................................................32
3.14.Incoming cooling air filter removal/replacement........................................................................................32
4.USING THE BUILT IN SERVICE FIRMWARE..............................................................................................32
4.1.Service FW access with system's front panel.............................................................................................32
4.1.1.Access to the service firmware:............................................................................................................33
4.1.2.Changing the settings in service mode.................................................................................................33
4.1.3.Exiting the service firmware..................................................................................................................34
4.2.Use of external notebook computer for advanced service..........................................................................34
4.2.1.Setup of external notebook computer...................................................................................................34
4.2.2.Connection of external notebook computer to the Controller...............................................................34
4.2.3.Service mode with external notebook computer...................................................................................35
4.2.4.Fotona QX MAX system firmware parameters ....................................................................................37 Nd:YAG laser:..........................................................................................................................37 KTP operation..........................................................................................................................37
4.3.Using EPEM communication software........................................................................................................38
4.3.1.Connection problems............................................................................................................................38
4.3.2.Laser parameters adjustment...............................................................................................................39
5.SAFETY MEASUREMENTS..........................................................................................................................40
5.1.Medical device type B, class I leakage current measurement....................................................................40
5.1.1.Earth leakage current...........................................................................................................................41
5.1.2.Enclosure leakage current measurement.............................................................................................41
5.1.3.Patient leakage current measurement..................................................................................................42
5.2.Medical device class I Protective earth impedance Measurement.............................................................42
5.2.2.Protective earth impedance measuring device.....................................................................................43
5.2.3.Measuring procedure and conditions....................................................................................................43
6.ADJUSTMENT/ALIGNMENT/CALIBRATION PROCEDURES.....................................................................44
6.1.Laser alignment...........................................................................................................................................44
6.1.1.Complete laser alignment.....................................................................................................................44
6.1.2.Both laser mirrors alignment.................................................................................................................44
6.1.3.Rear mirror alignment...........................................................................................................................46
6.1.4.Front mirror alignment..........................................................................................................................47
6.1.5.EOQS cell and Λ/4 plate alignment......................................................................................................48 EOQS cell and Λ/4 plate alignment...............................................................................48 service EOQS and Λ/4 plate alignment.................................................................................50
6.1.6.Checking the laser alignment (field service).........................................................................................50
6.2.Aiming diode laser alignment......................................................................................................................52
6.3.Nd:YAG beam alignment ............................................................................................................................58
6.4.KTP assembly alignment ............................................................................................................................63
6.4.1.KTP beam alignment ...........................................................................................................................63
6.4.2.KTP crystal alignment ..........................................................................................................................65
6.5.Energy meters calibration procedure..........................................................................................................65

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6.5.1.Nd:YAG energy meters calibration.......................................................................................................66 the Q-SW energy meter calibration...............................................................................66
7.Nd Q-SW Energy meter calibration 1 (field service, preferred)..............................................................66
7.1.Nd Q-SW Energy meter calibration 2...................................................................................................67
7.1.1.ACC energy meter calibration...............................................................................................................67 energy meter calibration test.................................................................................................67 energy meter calibration........................................................................................................67
7.1.2.KTP energy meters calibration.............................................................................................................68 the KTP energy meter calibration..................................................................................68 energy meter calibration.........................................................................................................68
7.2.Articulated arm alignment ...........................................................................................................................69
7.2.2.Aiming beam alignment........................................................................................................................69 1 (Default): ......................................................................................................................69 2:.....................................................................................................................................71
7.2.3.Arm alignment.......................................................................................................................................71 mirror alignment.....................................................................................................................71 mirror alignment................................................................................................................72 mirror alignment. ..................................................................................................................72 mirror alignment....................................................................................................................73 mirror alignment.....................................................................................................................73 mirror alignment....................................................................................................................73 mirror alignment...............................................................................................................74
8.1.Advisory messages.....................................................................................................................................75
8.1.1.Advisory messages during power-up....................................................................................................75
8.1.2.Advisory messages during self-test......................................................................................................75
8.1.3.Advisory messages in normal operation...............................................................................................75
8.1.4.Advisory message in service mode......................................................................................................76
8.2.Error messages reported by the system.....................................................................................................76
8.2.1.System error 10 - parameters error .....................................................................................................76
8.2.2.System error 11 - Energy meter communication error.........................................................................77
8.2.3.System error 12 – Energy meter data not available timeout................................................................77
8.2.4.System error 13 - Energy meter supply voltage low.............................................................................78
8.2.5.System error 14 - Energy meter data transfer error CRC failure..........................................................78
8.2.6.System error 16 – EM1 data transfer error, wrong wavelength read....................................................78
8.2.7.System error 17 – EM2 data transfer error, wrong wavelength read....................................................78
8.2.8.System error 18 – Energy meter saturation error.................................................................................78
8.2.9.System error 19 (or five longer beeps at power-on) – Console communication (I2C) error.................78
8.2.10.System error 20 - Shutter blocked in open position............................................................................78
8.2.11.System error 21 - Shutter blocked in closed position.........................................................................79
8.2.12.System error 22 – Laser switch blocked.............................................................................................79
8.2.13.System error 23 – Laser switch blocked.............................................................................................79
8.2.14.System error 24 – Head control error.................................................................................................79
8.2.15.System error 30 - Cooling liquid flow error ........................................................................................79
8.2.16.System error 31 - Cooling liquid pump soft start circuit error.............................................................80
8.2.17.System error 32 - Cooling liquid overheated or temperature switch error..........................................80
8.2.18.System error 40 - Simmer error (simmer current not present)...........................................................80
8.2.19.System error 50 - Overshoot in energy (> +20%) of Nd:YAG laser....................................................81
8.2.20.System error 52 – Missing laser pulse................................................................................................81
8.2.21.CANNOT CALIBRATE USE LOWER SETTINGS.............................................................................81
8.2.22.System error 56 – Under energy of Nd:YAG laser.............................................................................82
8.2.23.System error 57 - Under voltage limit in calibration of Nd:YAG laser.................................................82
8.2.24.System error 58 - Energy meters mismatch >30% of Nd:YAG laser.................................................82
8.2.25.System error 59 – High Q-switch leakage..........................................................................................82
8.2.26.System error 60 - HV Power supply error (charging time > 2s)..........................................................83
8.2.27.System error 61 – PFM Module assembly error (high voltage dropped under 120V)........................83
8.2.28.System error 62 – OW1 control signal error.......................................................................................83
8.2.29. System error 67 - HV Power supply relay error ................................................................................83
8.2.30.System error 68 - HV Power supply, capacitor bank without 24VDC.................................................84
8.2.31.System error 69 - HV Power supply error in selftest...........................................................................84
8.2.32.System error 99 – Program execution error.......................................................................................84

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8.3.Malfunctions not reported by the system.....................................................................................................84
8.3.1.The display does not show anything after turning on the system.........................................................84
8.3.2.The system does not respond to the keyboard on the control panel....................................................85
8.3.3.The control panel LCD backlight does not light....................................................................................85
8.3.4.The key switch does not respond ........................................................................................................85
8.3.5.The system does not respond to the footswitch...................................................................................85
8.3.6.Calibration time too long ......................................................................................................................85
8.3.7.The expected treatment effect is weaker then usual............................................................................85
9.1.Fotona QX MAX electrical wiring diagram...................................................................................................86
9.2.Flash lamp replacement..............................................................................................................................86
9.3.Simmer trigger board layout........................................................................................................................86
9.4.Head Control layout.....................................................................................................................................86
9.5.Energy meter layout ....................................................................................................................................86
9.6.Relay Board layout......................................................................................................................................86
9.7.24VDC Auxiliary power supply layout..........................................................................................................86
9.8.5VDC Auxiliary power supply layout............................................................................................................86
9.9.PFM Module layout......................................................................................................................................86
9.10.Controller layout.........................................................................................................................................86
9.11.Fotona QX MAX optical diagram...............................................................................................................87
10.PARTS LIST.................................................................................................................................................89

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1. Specifications

1.1. Laser Q-switched Long Pulse Accelera


Laser wavelength: 1064 nm

Output energy per pulse: Up to 1600 mJ Up to 5 J
Max. fluence 12.7 J/cm2 160 J/cm2
Pulse repetition rate (frequency): 0.5 to 10 Hz 0.5 to 2.2 Hz
Pulse width: 5 – 20 ns 250 µs
Laser system classification:
Class IV
(according to IEC 60825-1/2007)
Classification according to
Class IIb, Rule 9
MDD93/42/EEC, Annex IX:
Classification according to CMDR: Class III, Rule 9

Beam Converter Beam Converter

650 585

Laser wavelength: 650 nm 585 nm

Output energy per pulse: Up to 220 mJ 340 mJ

Max. fluence 7 J/ cm2 10.5 J/ cm2
Pulse repetition rate (frequency): 1 Hz 2 Hz
Pulse width: 5 - 20 ns 5 - 20 ns
Laser system classification:
Class IV
(according to IEC 60825-1/2007)
Classification according to
Class IIb, Rule 9
MDD93/42/EEC, Annex IX:
Classification according to CMDR Class IIb, Rule 9

Frequency-doubled Q-switched KTP Nd:YAG laser

Laser wavelength: 532 nm

Output energy per pulse: Up to 600 mJ
Max. fluence 6.3 J/cm2
Pulse repetition rate (frequency): 0.5 to 10 Hz
Pulse width: 5 - 20 ns
Laser system classification: Class IV
(according to IEC 60825-1/2007)
Classification according to Class IIb, Rule 9
MDD93/42/EEC, Annex IX:
Classification according to CMDR Class III, Rule 9

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Power requirements
1.2. General Rated voltage: 230 V
Long term input power: 2.3 kVA
Long term current rating: 10 A
Momentary input power: 3.9 kVA
Momentary current rating: 17 A
Frequency: 50/60 Hz

Electrical connection: Non-detachable power supply cord

Class of equipment: Class 1 equipment
Type of equipment: Type B equipment
Protective earth impedance: < 100 mΩ
Leakage currents: - earth leakage currents < 500 µA
- patient leakage currents < 100 µA
- enclosure leakage currents < 100 µA
Circuit breaker: 16 A
Aiming beam - semiconductor diode laser at a wavelength of
650 nm
- power 1 mW max.
- adjustable in 7 steps from 0 to max.
- Laser Classification: Class II (according to IEC
Safety interlocks: - remote door switch interlock connector
Emergency laser stop: - emergency stop according to
IEC 947-3
Foot switch: - to operate the treatment laser
Controls: - main switch
- keylock switch (key removable in vertical OFF
position only)
LCD screen with following display - Energy per pulse in mJ or fluence per pulse
options: in J/cm2
- Spot size
- Frequency - Pulse repetition rate
- Laser type
- System state (STANDBY or READY)
- Laser status: EMISSION when in READY
- Laser pulse count
- Menu – with Pilot, Melody and Error history
Control panel keys:
KTP - to select frequency-doubled KTP Nd:YAG
laser source
Nd - to select Q-switched Nd:YAG laser source
MENU - to access the menu for aiming beam intensity
adjustment, pulse counter, error history etc..
FLUENCE - to change fluence value
FREQUENCY - to vary pulse repetition rate
SPOT SIZE - to change the spot size
SET - to save the setting

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Status keys:
STANDBY - to enter the standby state
READY - to enter the ready state
Safety goggles: To operate the device in accordance with IEC
60825-1/2007 safety goggles with the following
safety levels are prescribed (in accordance
with EN 207:1998/A1:2003):
- for 1064 I,R 1064 LB6 (OD 6) and/or 532
I,R 532 LB6 or OD 6 (elsewhere)
- for 585nm: I R 585 LB5 (for Europe) or
OD5 (elsewhere)
- for 650nm: I R 650 LB6 (for Europe) or
OD6 (elsewhere)

Construction: Mobile equipment
Degree of protection: IPX0 (IEC 529)
Cooling: Internal water to air
Dimensions: 55 x 33 x 82 cm (Length x Width x Height)
Weight: Console 88 kg without arm
Shipping weight: 145 kg
Environmental conditions:
Operation: - ambient temperature range +10 oC to +25 oC;
must be above dew point
- relative humidity range of 30% to 75% - non
- atmospheric pressure range of 700 hPa to
1060 hPa
Storage and transport: - ambient temperature range -40 oC to +70 oC
(without cooling water)
- relative humidity range of 10% to 100% (incl.
- atmospheric pressure range of 500 hPa to
1060 hPa
External connections:
- Potential equalization terminal
- Door switch connector (NC contact)
- Foot switch connector (NC & ON contact)
Foot switch cable length: 3m
Power cord length: 2m
Beam delivery system:
7-mirror articulated arm permanently attached
to the system with exchangeable hand piece

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2. Functional diagram description
Please refer to attached drawing Fotona QX MAX Model M031-3A or M001-13A functional diagram. The
wiring diagram is also applicable.

The M031-3A, M001-13A console consist from the following sub-units:

• Mains inlet and auxiliary power supplies comprising of:

• Circuit breaker
• Mains Filter A
• Mains filter B
• 24VDC - auxiliary power supply
• 5VDC - auxiliary power supply
• Power distribution circuit (Relay – soft start assembly)
• Controller assy.
• Control panel with display assy.
• Charger assy.
• PFM MODULE assembly. (PFM 31 2S2 0SCR assy. or PFM 31 1S1 0SCR assy.)
• Cooling System assy.
• Laser head with:
• Laser module Q-switched Nd:YAG
• Electrooptical (EO) Q-switch cell with polarizer and analyzer
• Q-switch driver PCB
• Simmer Trigger board
• Wavelength conversion KTP module
• Beam distribution elements
• Lasers beam sampling and combining optics
• Energy meters
• Head Control and safety shutters assembly
• Beam coupling assembly
• Aiming (diode) laser assembly
• Nd:YAG 1064 laser nm and KTP 532nm 7-mirror articulated arm beam delivery assembly
• Mains filter A and B
• Protective housing consisting of:
• Housing
• Fixed power cord
• Main circuit breaker
• Door switch
• Foot switch
• Potential equalization screw
• Emergency stop switch
• Key switch
• EMC shielding

2.1. Mains inlet and auxiliary power supplies

The mains power is entering the system through a fixed power cord followed by a double pole circuit breaker
and mains filter A. After turning on the main circuit breaker the 24VDC and 5VDC auxiliary power supplies
turn on.

The 5VDC auxiliary supply is powering only the laser system CONTROLLER.

The 24VDC auxiliary supply when turned on is powering the following circuits:

• The 24VDC part of the CONTROLLER (responsible for communication with the Foot Switch, Door
Switch, Emergency STOP Switch, Temperature switch, FLOW SENSOR and power distribution circuit
- relay board.
• HEAD CONTROL board with safety shutters, aiming diode laser, KTP beam diverting control, KTP
oven and EOQS driver PCB.

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When both auxiliary supplies are turned on the Controller starts to check its integrity and also performs the
CRC check. After the completing of this check it performs the checking of the Emergency Stop switch status
and the Key Switch status. If both are not activated it shows on the control panel display of Fotona QX MAX
the Fotona logo and waits for the Key Switch to be activated.
When the Key Switch is turned on the system is ready to start up and first performs the self-test of the
complete laser system.
Both auxiliary power supplies are medical grade global switchers.

2.2. Power distribution circuit – Relay soft start board

It consists of a K1 relay for turning on the Charger and soft start circuits for turning on the cooling system
pump motor and fans. Note that Relay PCB is designed for variety of systems and some functions and
elements might not be in use.
The 230VAC from the mains filter A is attached to this board via connector X1D (INT Power) and it is directly
delivered to X3D to immediately activate the AUX power supplies.
The Charger is connected to this board via connector X1D (HV power, pins 6,7-L, 2-N).
The Soft start assy. is connected to the auxiliary 24VDC power supply with connector X2D (pin 4 24VDC, pin
2 GND) and it is distributed to X4D for power up the fans and X2D (pin 3) for power up the pump. The soft
start circuit activates the fans and the pump by connecting them GND.
The control signals from the Controller are fed to this board with connector X5D (Control input).
During the start up of the system, due to high starting current of the cooling system pump motor, the soft start
circuit on this board limits the inrush current and therefore prevents from high voltage drop in the 24VDC
auxiliary supply voltage, which can cause the situation equal to pressing the emergency switch.

2.3. Controller
The system Controller is located on a single board. It is powered by 5VDC auxiliary power supply. A part of
the Controller circuitry, which is connected by wires to the power distribution circuit (K1 relay and soft start
circuit), Spray controller board, Cooling system (temperature switch, flow sensor), Door switch, Foot switch,
Emergency Stop switch, Control Panel and Key switch is powered by 24VDC.
When the main circuit breaker is turned on the Controller is also turned on. It makes the power on self- test
and waits for the key switch to be turned on for starting up the laser system.
If during the operation the Emergency stop switch is activated the system will immediately shut down the
laser, Charger, PFM MODULE assembly, and the Cooling system. An advisory message will appear on the
control panel display showing that the Emergency stop switch has been activated. To resume operation the
Key switch has to be turned to off position, the emergency Stop switch deactivated and the main circuit
breaker has to be turned off and on again.

The Controller communicates through optical links (OW1, OW2, OW5, OW16) with the PFM MODULE
assembly, OW13, OW14, OW15 and OW17 with the Energy meter and OW3 and OW4 with the Head
Control assembly. Most of the optical links are multiplexed and are introduced into the system for eliminating
EMI on the Controller.

The Controller communicates through flat cable with the Spray Controller board.

The Controller has a serial port for attaching an external Notebook computer in a terminal mode for
accessing system parameters and for certain servicing purposes. This port is accessible only when the Upper
cover of the laser console is removed.

The main program (firmware) of the laser system is located in the IC30 flash EPROM. Inside IC24 EPROM
the system parameters are written and kept. When the controller is replaced these two ICs must be placed
on the new controller, which normally comes without these ICs.

The functions of the controller are the following:

• To monitor the integrity of the Controller itself
• To keep all the system parameters in its EEPROM
• To control the Cooling system (pump motor, fans, temp switch status, flow rate)
• To control the safety shutters and aiming beam power level
• To control the PFM MODULE assembly, Charger, and Crowbar protection circuit on PFM MODULE
• To turn on and off the simmer power supply located in the Charger assembly via Optical link OW 21

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This feature of turning on and off the simmer power supply via optical link OW21 is in some laser
system having the Charger with code: 58216 not used.

• To perform the selection of laser by switching the simmer power supply through a relay K1 on the PFM
MODULE assembly from one flash lamp to the other
• To monitor each flash lamp simmer current
• To monitor the status of Door switch, Foot switch, Emergency Stop switch and Key switch
• To control the flash lamp every current pulse duration, and amplitude (through the PFM MODULE
assembly and Charger)
• To control the proper operation of energy meters
• To read the measured energies of each laser pulse of the selected laser from both energy meters
• To perform the software compensation of the raw energy measured by energy meters in order to
calculate the true energy of each laser pulse
• To run the on-line digital feedback for the selected laser output energy regulation
• To compensate for losses of different hand pieces and beam deliveries
• To communicate with the control panel keyboard and display through a User Interface
• To communicate with the Spray Controller board
• To provide appropriate advisory and system error messages
• To provide and access to system parameters through an RS232 serial port
• To facilitate through a special service software easy servicing and calibration of the system
• To reset a safety watchdog timer in the controller for checking the proper operation of the Controller.

2.4. Control panel with display assembly

The control panel with display is located on the system console front panel. It comprises a flat keyboard, and
a 2x20 character backlight LCD display with its driving circuit and display electronics assembly (TV KONZ
I2C). The keyboard comprises keys with LED diodes indicating the status of certain statuses of operation or
The keyboard cable is attached to the display assembly.
The Key Switch, and the Nd:YAG hand piece micro-switch are also connected to the Display assembly (TV
KONZ I2C). The Display assembly is connected to the Controller with a detachable cable.
The LCD display together with its driving circuit (Display assembly) is encapsulated in a metal sheet housing.
The LCD display clearly shows all the relevant information to the user.

2.5. Charger assembly

The Charger is turned on through Relay K1 on the relay soft-start PCB, which is controlled by the Controller.
The Charger assembly is responsible to charge the capacitor bank located in the PFM MODULE assembly to
the desired voltage. The voltage value from the Controller to the PFM MODULE assembly is fed via optical
link UREFERENCE (OW16) and it is further fed to Charger via optical link CHARGE (OW20). The Charger
also creates a 24VDC supplying voltage for proper operation of the PFM MODULE circuit.
The Charger comprises the Simmer power supply, which is used to keep the flash lamp ionized (simmer
current). It is controlled (turned on and off) by optical link OW21 from the PFM MODULE.

This feature of turning on and off the simmer power supply via optical link OW21 is not used in all chargers.
Please check for charger version that is installed in the particular laser system. The charger with only one
optical link OW20 does not have this feature.

The integral part of the charger is also the Mains filter B located on the top of the charger.
The charger can be separated from the rest of the system by a single connector, and by two optical links
OW20 and OW21 running from PFM MODULE assembly.

The Fotona QX MAX charger is dual simmer current capable of charging the capacitor bank to 800VDC. At
the time of the Fotona QX MAX system design it was not used in any other Fotona laser system.

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2.6. PFM MODULE assembly

The PFM 31 assembly circuit is operating only when the Charger is turned on and a 24VDC created in
Charger is present. All the other necessary voltages (15VDC and 5VDC) for proper operation of the PFM
MODULE assembly are created internally on-board. It communicates with the Controller and Charger only
through optical links.
The PFM MODULE circuitry performs the following functions:
• Senses if the simmer current is established through the flash lamps and sends this information to the
Controller through the optical link OW2 in a multiplexed form.
• Detects the status of the Capacitor bank and sends this information multiplexed through optical link
• Receives from the Controller via optical link OW16 the reference value of the voltage to which the
capacitor bank is to be charged.
• Compares the reference voltage with the capacitor bank voltage and creates the optical link OW20
signal to activate the Charger’s current if the capacitor bank voltage is lower then the reference
• Sends to the controller a signal if the charger is charging the capacitor bank (OW7).
• Switches On and Off the main discharge through the flash lamp on commands from the Controller
(optical link OW 5) via a powerful IGBT module in the PFM MODULE assembly.
• Performs the checking of proper operation of the Crowbar circuitry after each start-up of the system
and sends this information though optical link OW2 to the Controller.
• Performs the checking if voltage on capacitor bank is greater then min. specified via a multiplexed
optical link OW2.

The standard PFM assembly features the “crowbar” function. Because of operational principles of the
Fotona QX MAX laser this function must be disabled. Placing the jumper JP1 on the PFM control
PCB to pins 2,3 disables “crowbar” function.

• Performs the discharging of the capacitor bank through a chain of wire resistors each time the charger
is turned off (when the 24VDC voltage disappears on the PFM MODULE assembly) through the
DISCHARGE CIRCUIT located on the top of the IGBT Switch. In this way the huge capacitor bank is
being discharged and after turning off the instrument placed in a safe discharged state.

2.7. Cooling System assembly

The cooling system is placed in a drawer on the bottom back side of the system. It consists of:
• Cooling liquid tank
• Pump driven by a 24VDC motor
• De-ionizing cartridge
• Upper water-to-air heat exchanger with two 24VDC fans
• Lower water-to-air heat exchanger with two 24VDC fans
• Temperature switch – located in the cooling liquid tank
• Flow sensor

When the Controller sends a signal for starting the cooling system via the Soft Start board (TV RELE
SOFSTART) the pump and heat exchangers fans start. The de-ionized water is running from the water tank
through the upper heat exchanger, lower heat exchanger, laser module and through a flow sensor back to the
tank. The de-ionizing cartridge is connected in parallel to the flow sensor. The flow through the de-ionizer is
restricted with a restrictor placed in the flow. Therefore a small amount of water flows through the de-ionizing
cartridge, which keeps the water always de-ionized and clean.
The flow sensor is generating a frequency proportional to the flow rate. This signal is sent to the Controller,
which performs the function of determining the flow. The checking of the flow rate starts with a 5 second
delay after turning on the pump to allow for the flow to establish. Later on the flow is continuously monitored
and if it drops bellow a prescribed value the Controller immediately stops the laser, turns off the Charger,
cooling system pump and fans, blocks the system and issues an appropriate message.
The Controller through a thermal switch mounted on the cooling liquid tank monitors the temperature of the
cooling liquid. Should the water temperature exceed the allowed limit the Controller will stop the laser
emission disable the triggering of the laser and issue an advisory message (Over temperature). The cooling
system pump and fans remain to operate. The system will remain in this state until the cooling liquid
temperature does not fall under the trip point of the temperature switch. The system will then revert to a
STBY state.

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In case of leakage of cooling liquid it will be conveyed through plastic tubing out of the instrument.

The Fotona QX MAX laser system was designed to operate properly with ambient temperature NOT HIGHER
then 25°C. Since water to air heat exchanger is used, by increasing the ambient temperature the cooling
liquid of the laser will also increase which may lead to overheating of certain components and cause damage
to the system.

2.8. Laser head assembly

2.8.1. Nd:YAG Laser module

It consists of a highly efficient laser pumping chamber with Nd:YAG laser rod and two flash lamps, optical
resonator with high reflectivity (HR) and out-coupling (OC) mirror both mounted in their adjusting
mechanisms. The Nd:YAG laser pumping chamber is cooled by de-ionized water. The pumping chamber is
insulated from the resonator base plate with appropriate insulators with suitable creepage distances and air
clearances. The flash lamps are operating in a simmer current mode and kept ionized for the main discharge
current pulse initiated through a powerful IGBT module (located on the PFM MODULE assembly). The main
discharge excites the laser rod and as a consequence a laser pulse is created within the optical resonator.
From the OC mirror the laser beam emerges if both OC and HR mirrors are properly aligned.
In case of KTP system operation the Nd:YAG laser beam is diverted into the KTP cell with the KTP crystal
where it is converted to 532 nm wave length.
The laser characteristics (laser output energy vs capacitor bank voltage) are described by two parameters A
and B. The A parameter is the laser offset parameter, while the B parameter is the slope efficiency in terms
of output energy vs. capacitor bank voltage or in other words:

Elaser = A + B* Ubank

The A and B parameters can be accessed and edited in the service mode of operation of the Fotona QX
MAX Laser system. Because of the KTP conversion the output laser characteristics are also changed and
independent set of A and B parameter is also used for KTP case.

When the laser system is to be operated at a selected energy with a selected hand piece the computer first
calculates the value of the energy of the laser (taking in account the transmission of the selected hand piece)
and then calculates the voltage to which the capacitor bank is to be charged. With this starting voltage the
energy regulation loop is starting the calibration sequence of the laser. After the calibration is completed (the
laser energy is close to the desired energy) the shutter opens and the system is placed in a ready state. After
pressing the footswitch the laser will all the time run in the energy regulation loop, which adjusts the capacitor
bank voltage to a value, which will always deliver the selected energy to the treatment site. Polarizer
Polarizer function is to assure the laser beam EM field polarization that is necessary to operate the Electro
Optically Q-switch laser. Electro optical Q-switch

Q-switch function is to change the optical energy losses inside the laser between the laser mirrors. In case of
Fotona QX MAX the Q-switch reduces the losses – enable the laser action. It is done by rotating the EM field
beam polarization to the angle that is necessary to pass through the analyzer. Λ/4 plate (analyzer)

Analyzer function in Fotona QX MAX laser is to close/disable the laser action when the Q-switch is not

2.8.2. KTP Laser Module

The KTP module consists of movable Nd:YAG beam diverting mirror, adjusting beam steering mirror, KTP
chamber, beam bending mirror that reflects 532 nm and transmit 1064 nm, heat sink for 1064 nm and filter
for 1064 nm. The 532/1064 nm beam combiner is considered a standard element but it can be missing in the
M001-13F system.

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The laser characteristics (laser output energy vs. capacitor bank voltage) is for this mode of operation
described in a similar manner as for Nd:YAG laser – by parameters A and B, where The A parameter is the
laser offset parameter, while the B parameter is the slope efficiency in terms of output energy vs. capacitor
bank voltage or in other words:

Elaser = A + B * Ubank

NOTE: The A and B parameters can be accessed and edited in the service mode of operation of the Fotona
QX MAX Laser system. Corresponding external computer directory (set ktp) separates the Nd:YAG and KTP
parameters A and B.

When the laser system is to be operated at a selected average power and frequency with a selected beam
delivery the computer first calculates the value of the energy per pulse of the laser (taking in account the
transmission of the selected beam delivery and repetition rate - frequency) and then calculates the voltage to
which the capacitor bank is to be charged. With this starting voltage the energy regulation loop is starting the
calibration sequence of the laser. After the calibration is completed (the laser energy is close to the desired
energy) the shutter opens and the system is placed in a ready state. After pressing the footswitch the laser is
all the time running in the energy regulation loop, which adjusts the capacitor bank voltage to a value, which
will always deliver the selected average power to treatment site.

2.8.3. Simmer Trigger board

The Simmer trigger board is located on the top of the N:YAG laser module. Its function is to create high
voltage (12kV) short pulses via a Trigger transformer to ionize the Xenon gas within both flash lamps. The
flash lamp ionized gas impedance drops allowing the external Simmer power supply to draw a small current
(called simmer current) through the flash lamp. The simmer operation of the flash lamp allows accurate flash
lamp firing with high rep rates.
The negative terminal of a trigger transformer secondary winding is connected to both flash lamps cathode.
The positive terminal of the trigger transformer is connected to the laser pumping chamber metal part. This
allows for efficient external triggering of both flash lamps.
When the Controller turns on the Charger the simmer power supply starts to develop approx. 1.2kV voltage
on the selected flash lamp terminals. This high voltage is also applied to the simmer trigger board and if it is
sufficiently high the simmer trigger board starts to trigger the flash lamp through the trigger transformer.
When the flash lamp ionizes the simmer current establishes and the simmer power supply accommodates
the voltage on the flash lamp to keep the simmer current through the flash lamp to a preset constant value
(the simmer power supply acts as a constant current source). Normal flash lamp voltages in simmer
operation are between 90 and 150V. The exact voltage depends on the flash lamp itself. The simmer trigger
board disables the triggering of the trigger transformer when the simmer current is established.
The whole simmer trigger board is electrically on a floating potential together with the Charger and PFM
MODULE assemblies.

2.8.4. Laser beam sampling optics

There are two beam sampling optics – one for each energy meter. The function of the beam sampling optics
is to supply a sample of the treatment laser beam to the energy meters. They are accurately fixed to the laser
head base plate.
Both optical elements are reflecting a portion of the Nd:YAG or KTP laser pulse energy against the energy
meter sensors.

2.8.5. Energy meter assembly

Two energy meter modules are used to measure the energy inside the Fotona QX MAX laser system. Each
module measures both treatment beam wavelengths. For this reason 2 photo-diode sensors are placed in
side each module. The Energy meters are placed sideways before the shutter head control. They are picking
a small portion of the treatment laser beam reflected from the sampling optics.

The energy meter is a complex analog and digital assembly, which communicates with the Controller only
through two optical links.
The Energy meter circuitry is powered by 24VDC from the auxiliary power supply when the main circuit
breaker is turned on.

The energy meter cycle:

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The functions of the energy meters are:
• Receives from the system controller the starting (initiating) sequence.
• Sends (returns) the acknowledge status and measures the energy.
• To amplify the signals from each photo-diode detector, time integrate it and hold it for processing.
During factory calibration of the energy meters or during service calibration the gain of this amplifiers
can be trimmed to calibrate the energy meter sensitivity.
• To convert this signals via a A/D converter in a digital form
• Receives the stop measuring sequence command.
• Converts the analog signal to digital format and adapt the format for communication with the controller.
• Transfer the measured data to the controller.
• Sends the EM status data.
• The EM checks the optical communication status.
• The EM checks the local power status.
• The EM checks the energy measurement availability status.
• The EM verifies data (CRC) and indirectly checks the A/D converter status.

The controller adjusts the energy of the laser pulse during calibration procedure after the READY button has
been pressed.

The Controller reads the energy of laser pulse from both energy meters (Feedback and Monitor energy
The response of the energy meter is linear but different for Nd:YAG and KTP operating mode as well as for
different sensors. For this reasons the original raw energies measured by the energy meter need to be
software compensated in order to get the true measured energy of laser pulses. Four compensation
parameters are therefore implemented in the system firmware for the ND:YAG laser and KTP operation.
Each laser operation has two parameters, which are distinct characteristics of the particular energy meter and
are determined during energy meter calibration.

Please refer to energy meter calibration procedure section of this manual for further information.

2.8.6. Beam sampling optics

Two beam splitting optical elements are placed in front of the energy meters reflecting a very small portion of
the beam against the energy meter sensors.

2.8.7. Head Control and safety shutter assembly

The Head Control and safety shutter assembly is located before the articulated arm support after the energy
meters. The circuit is powered by 24VDC from auxiliary power supply.
The Head Control is mounted together with the safety shutter to the laser head base plate. It comprises only
one safety shutter because the Nd:YAG and KTP beam have the same optical path. The shutter is actuated
by a rotary actuator and has a static magnet rod on its flag. Hall sensors on the Head Control board detect
the shutter’s position. The circuit is communicating with the Controller via two optical links OW3 and OW4.
The Head Control and safety shutter functions are:

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• To receive commands from the Controller for opening or closing the shutter via optical link OW3
• To sense the position of the shutter and to send this information via optical link OW4 to the controller.
• To receive commands for diode laser aiming beam power level via optical link OW3
• To supply power and drive the diode laser with PWM (pulse width modulated) signal with eight
hardwired average power levels.
• It controls via OVEN CTRL PCB the beam diverting mirror movement and position.
• Supplies 24VDC to KTP chamber via Oven CTRL PCB for KTP heating. Regulate the KTP
temperature by switching ON and OFF the KTP heating and detects if the KTP temperature is inside
preset value.
• It delivers 24VDC to the Q-switch driver.
• It delivers 5VDC to the energy meters.

2.8.8. Oven control PCB

This PCB is an interface between dislocated KTP assembly, beam diverting mirror assembly and the laser
head control. It function is:
• To distribute the beam diverting motor control signals.
• To control the KTP crystal temperature based on the signals coming from the head control PCB.

2.8.9. Beam coupling optics

Basically the beam coupling consists of two Nd:YAG adjustable steering mirrors. One (near field) is located
immediately after the first laser beam bending mirror on the laser exit and just before the movable beam
diverting mirror. The second (far field) is located inside the articulated arm support before the arm input. Both
these mirrors are used to align the Nd:YAG laser beam into the articulated arm.
When KTP module is in operation the movable beam diverting mirror is placed into the Nd:YAG laser beam.
The diverting mirror reflects the Nd beam against the first adjustable KTP steering (near field) mirror. After
passing the KTP chamber and converting to 532 nm wavelength the beam is reflected by the second (far
field) steering mirror against the filter. The second KTP steering mirror reflects well only the 532 nm
wavelength and the residual 1064 nm is transmitted through the mirror into the sink. Small portion of the 1064
nm light is always reflected from the second KTP beam steering mirror and this residual 1064 nm wavelength
beam is filtered out by the 1064 nm filter. After the filter the KTP beam couples into the Nd beam optical path
with the beam coupler. Both KTP steering mirrors are used to align the KTP beam path to be collinear with
the Nd:YAG laser beam.

2.8.10. Aiming (diode) laser assembly

The aiming beam laser assembly is located close to the shutter head control PCB and articulated arm
support. It is mounted in its adjusting mechanism used for aligning the aiming beam to coincide with the
Nd:YAG treatment beam.

The aiming beam is combined with the Nd:YAG and KTP treatment beam via fixed 100% reflecting mirror
inside at the bottom of the articulated arm support and the beam combiner BCNd. In this way the optical axis
of the treatment and aiming beam can be brought to be the same. The aiming beam is also coupled into the
articulated arm and through it to different handpieces. At the hand piece exit the aiming beam position marks
the point to which the Nd:YAG and KTP treatment beam will hit the target when the foot switch will be

The Diode laser assembly is powered and controlled from the Head Control board with 24VDC via a cable
attached to the Head Control board with a connector.

The aiming beam laser is a diode laser source operating in a PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) mode. Eight
hardwired power levels can be selected via the Head Control board received from the Controller through
optical link OW3.

2.9. Laser beam delivery

The Nd:YAG laser and KTP beam delivery is a 7-mirror balanced articulated arm. After installation at the user
it is permanently attached to the system. To the articulated arm distal end different hand pieces can be
attached depending on the application.

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2.10. Mains filter A and B
There are two mains filters in the system. The mains Filter A is located immediately after the main Circuit
breaker behind the laser head.
The second mains Filter B is located above the Charger and is an integral part of it.

2.11. Protective housing

2.11.1. Housing
The complete console is made from spot welded metal sheet console, spot welded metal sheet upper side
covers and a plastic front panel painted in the inner side with a conductive paint. Therefore the construction
gives good mechanical integrity and excellent grounding as well as EMC compatibility.

2.11.2. Fixed power cord

A fixed power cord is used in Fotona QX MAX Model M031-3A, M002-3A.

2.11.3. Main circuit breaker

It is located on the rear side of the instrument and it is also the main switch in the same time.

2.11.4. Door switch receptacle

The door switch receptacle is located on the rear side of the instrument. In some countries it is mandatory
(e.g. EU).
An external switch has to be installed on the laser room doors and connected via the door switch connector
to the system. This will automatically disable laser operation when the laser room door opens. Until the door
is not closed the laser system cannot be operational.

2.11.5. Foot switch receptacle

It is located on the rear side of the housing next to the door switch receptacle. The foot switch is connected to
this receptacle. If not attached the system cannot start up.

2.11.6. Potential equalization terminal

It is located next to the fixed power inlet cord. The use of this terminal is defined by regulatory issues
(potential equalization).

2.11.7. Emergency Stop switch

It is located on the front panel. When activated the system blocks immediately, closes the shutter, disables
laser emission, turns of the Charger, IGBT Switch, Cooling system and issues an advisory message
"Emergency Stop" indicating the user that the switch has been actuated. The system cannot be restarted
before Emergency stop switch is deactivated (turned leftward), the Key switch is turned off, and the main
circuit breaker turned off and then again on.

2.11.8. Key Switch

It is located on the front panel. The function of the key switch is to protect the system from unauthorized use
of the system. When the main circuit breaker is turned on, the system starts up after turning on the key
switch. The key cannot be removed in the On position.

2.11.9. EMC shielding

The inner metal sheet protective housing is properly EMC shielded by the use of appropriate EMC gaskets.
The plastic front plate inner side is painted with a conductive paint.

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2.12. Laser pulse forming sequence and energy regulation
Both Nd:YAG laser and KTP mode of operation are described (Output energy vs Capacitor bank voltage) to
the controller by 2 sets of parameters , A and B.

The laser pulse forming sequence starts by selecting the operating parameters on the control panel. After the
selection has been made (MODE, ENERGY/POWER, Handpiece type, and FREQUENCY) the READY key is
The Calibration routine of the laser starts (this routine calibrates the laser to set energy determined by the
fluence and handpiece type). The shutter is still closed. The Controller then reads the selected parameters
from the User Interface and calculates the energy of the laser from the selected ENERGY/POWER or
FLUENCE as well as from the transmission of the selected hand piece or beam delivery. Then from the
characteristics of the laser (which are written in the EEPROM) it calculates the starting voltage to which it has
to charge the capacitor bank.

Ustart = ((Eset/T) – A)/B

Eset – stays for the selected energy per pulse (or Eset=Power/Frequency for Nd:YAG)
T – stays for the transmission of the hand piece or beam delivery
A – stays for the Ax parameter of the laser
B stays for the Bx parameter of the laser

If the voltage on the bank is greater then the starting voltage in calibration the computer issues a command
for discharging the capacitor to a value of the starting voltage. The discharge is performed with very short and
weak flash lamp pulses at a high repetition rate. When the capacitor bank has been discharged to lower
value then it is necessary the new reference voltage signal is arranged to the bank and it is charged to new
voltage value. The bank bank sends to the controller via optical link OW7 a signal that the capacitors bank
volatge is ready. The Controller then initiates the first laser pulse by activating the IGBT switch with a selected
pulse width corresponding to the MODE of operation or selected PULSE WIDTH of the laser selected. The
laser pulse is produced and its energy is sensed and converted to a digital form and sent to the Controller.
The true energy is calculated in the controller for the measured raw energy form the energy meter (by the use
of the EP1 and EP2 parameters for Nd:YAG laser or EP1 and EP2 parameters for KTP Nd:YAG laser). Then
this true energy is compared with the desired one and if correction is needed a prediction for the bank voltage
is calculated for the next pulse according to a certain algorithm. A command for new voltage is sent to the
Charger which charges the capacitor bank to the requested new voltage. This energy regulation procedure is
repeated until the measured energy does not coincide with the selected one - the laser output energy is then
calibrated and the calibration procedure is completed. The Controller issues a command for opening the
safety shutter and the system is entering the READY status. Immediately after calibration a crowbar
protection is set in the energy meter to a value, which corresponds to twice the energy value of the last pulse
in calibration. This protects the system from cases where for any reasons the laser energy exceed 2x the
selected value (a regulatory issue)

When the user presses the footswitch the system starts firing the laser, measuring the laser energy, resetting
the energy meter, calculating the prediction for the capacitor bank voltage for the next laser shot, sending this
new voltage to the capacitor bank and activating the charger to arrange new voltage to the capacitor bank. A
complete sequence is repeated as long as the foot switch is pressed. In this way the system performs a
closed loop digital on-line laser energy regulation. Each pulse energy is all the time being compared with the
selected energy and if the energy of the laser pulse exceeds the selected one for more then allowed the
system is halted and an error message is reported (regulatory issue). As already described above the second
energy meter (monitor) reading is also compared with the Feedback energy meter reading. If they differ for
more then a prescribed value the system is halted and an error message is generated. If during the energy
regulation the maximum allowable voltage is reached and the selected Fluence (i.e. energy) still cannot be
reached the system reports a warning (energy low!) and allows the user to work with the system until the
laser energy becomes lower for more then 20% from the selected one. In this case the system is blocked and
an error message is displayed.

2.13. System wiring diagram

Please refer to the drawing "Fotona QX MAX Model M031-3A, M002-3A Wiring Diagram" included in the
service manual binder.

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2.14. Optical path diagram
Please refer to the drawing "Fotona QX MAX Model M031-3A/2 Optical Path Diagram"

2.15. Hand pieces

The hand piece or its application part must be sterilized before each treatment. Follow the instructions for
sterilization in hand piece operator manual. The beam deliveries and the hand pieces are shipped from
Fotona in non-sterile condition!

Each beam delivery combined with the hand piece has its own transmission, which parameter is written in the
Controller memory. The transmission parameters are designated as T for each hand piece respectively).
NOTE: The transmission parameters can be accessed and edited in the service mode of operation of Fotona
QX MAX Laser system.

The beam delivery for Nd:YAG laser is a permanently attached 7-mirror balanced articulated arm. Different
hand pieces can be attached to the distal part of the articulated arm. R28 is the basic hand piece for Fotona
QX MAX laser system.

The list of the compatible hand pieces (Fotona designates them as Rxxx – x, x stands for the hand piece
type) can be always found in the Laser System Operator Manual. Each hand piece has its characteristics like
over-all transmission together with the beam delivery system – T y (where y stays Rxxx). This data are
already implemented in the system software, so that when the user selects and confirms the hand piece type
on the control panel the system automatically compensates for the transmission and limits the selectable
energies for each hand piece.

The T y parameters can be accessed and edited in the service mode operation of the Fotona QX MAX Laser
system. When only one hand piece is listed as compatible in the operator manual the transmission parameter
is simply nominated as t without additional type description.

3. Dis-assembly / Replacement
3.1. Laser console covers removal
Turn off the main circuit breaker and remove the power cord from the electrical utilities.
The covers for the Fotona QX MAX Model M031-3A, M002-3A system consist from one upper and two side
metal sheet covers which are used also as EMC shielding of the device. All three covers are protectively
grounded to the chassis.

3.1.1. Removal of the top metal cover

• The top cover is fixed to the main chassis of the instrument on the rear side with screws. Remove
these screws and carefully slide the top cover a little up on the rear side and then backward.
• Remove the grounding conductor fixed with a fast-on to the top cover.
• Then remove the top cover.

3.1.2. Removal of the metal side covers

• Both side covers are fixed to the main chassis of the instrument on the rear side with screws. Remove
these screws and carefully, by holding it with your hands slide each cover backward.
• Remove the grounding conductor fixed with a fast-on to each cover.
• Then remove them.

Reassemble in reverse order.

3.2. Laser head cover removal

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Laser head is protected from dust by a metal cover fixed chassis around the laser head.

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• Remove the system upper (top) cover.
• Remove the articulated arm.
• Unscrew the arm support protection cone and remove it.
• Remove the rubber protective cover of the articulated arm support.
• Remove the laser protection cover.
• Place back the rubber protection and the articulated arm support cone ASAP. Be very careful not to
pollute the articulated arm support internal parts (optics).
• Take care that the optical links (plastic fibers) remain all in their receptacles.
• Reassemble in reverse order.

3.3. Charger removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Charger is fixed to the instrument chassis by four screws on the rear side of the laser console and by two
screws inside the chassis, which fix the Charger to the wall that separates the power supply compartment
form the Controller compartment.

• Remove the Charger fixing screws to the chassis

• Detach the connector on the Charger.
• Locate the incoming mains wires to the mains filter B. These wires are connected to pins 2 and 4 on
the Relay board terminal blocks X1D.
• Detach the optical link OW20 and OW 21 (if exists) from the PFM MODULE assembly.
• Carefully remove the Charger form the power supply compartment.

Replace it in reverse order.

During the replacement procedure please note that there is no remaining charge on the PFM MODULE
assembly capacitor bank and there is no danger of electric shock.

3.4. PFM MODULE assembly removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The PFM MODULE assembly is fixed to the instrument chassis by four screws. Two of them are accessible
form the side of the power supply compartment on the lower side of the PFM Module assembly. The other
two screws are accessible from the Controller compartment and are located immediately under the Controller

• Unscrew all this four screws.

• Detach the connector from the Charger.
• Remove the High Voltage wires (Nd, Er and GND) from the PFM Module assembly
• Detach all the optical links from the PFM Module assembly
• Carefully slide out the PFM Module assembly.

Reassemble it in reverse order.

During the replacement procedure please note that there is no remaining charge on the capacitor bank of the
PFM Module assembly.

3.5. Cooling system removal/replacement

The main part of the cooling system is located at the back lower compartment of the chassis. The upper heat
exchanger together with its cooling fans is located in the Controller compartment next to the Auxiliary power
supplies and Relay board. The lower heat exchanger with the cooling fans is a part of the cooling system
assembly drawer.

3.5.1. Preparing Fotona QX MAX (model M031-3A/2) for transportation under freezing

The procedure assumes that laser system was in operation and filled with cooling water.

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• Open the cooling system compartment on the lower back of the system.
• Prepare approximately 2l empty container.
• Locate the drain tube and open it. It is expected that small quantity of water will come out.

• Point the tube into the container.

• Open the cooling system container cover. The water will start running through the drain tube into
external container. This can take some time. Leave the watter running till it stops. It is expected that
some water will be left inside the system's container (below the lower fitting level).

• Close the draining tube.

• Fill the system's container with 1 l of 70% ethylene glycol. It is practical to have this ethylene glycol in a
little bigger, partly empty container of 2 l.

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• Close the system's container.

• Start the system's main switch.

• Start the system's key-switch and keep the cooling system running for 2 minutes. This will rinse the
cooling system with ethylene glycol.

• Stop the system completely.

• Prepare the ethylene glycol container. (Approximately 2 l size.)
• Open the draining tube and point it into the container.
• Open the system's container. Ethylene glycol will start running into the external container. Leave the
ethylene glycol running till it stops. It is expected that some ethylene glycol will be left inside the

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• Close the draining tube.

• Close the system's container.

• Close the cooling system compartment.
• Pack the system for transportation.

• NOTE: The same ethylene glycol can be used up to 3 times. After it is consumed the ethylene glycol
must be disposed according to the local regulations.

3.5.2. Cooling system replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

Before replacing the cooling system drain the water from the system: Draining water

• Unfix and pull out the cooling assembly drawer as much as possible.
• Locate the drain tube on the left bottom side of the drawer.
• Open it and place a short tube into some plastic container. Use a clean container if you plan to use this
water again.
• Loose or detach the cooling water connector from the Nd:YAG laser pumping chamber (laser cavity).
• Allow for the water to slowly flow out from laser pumping chamber (if necessary use a PVC tube and
attach it to the free water inlet on the laser pumping chamber, close by finger the removed water inlet
connector and slowly blow into the tube to move the water out from laser pumping chambers against
the container) Complete cooling system drawer removal

After draining water:
• Remove the water connector from tubing which runs from the water pump to the laser pumping
• Remove the tubing from the flow sensor inlet (running from the heat exchanger).
• Remove the connector from the Flow sensor and remember its position relative to the sensor
• Unscrew the two fixing screws from the water pump electrical terminal blocks.
• Locate the four fixing screws of the cooling system and remove them.

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• Carefully remove the complete cooling system from its compartment.

Replace the cooling system drawer and assemble the system in reverse order.

3.5.3. De-ionizing cartridge replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The de-ionizing cartridge has to be removed only if the color of the de-ionizing resin has changed to a gray
The cooling system drawer must be completely removed from the system.
Before removing the de-ionizing cartridge drain the de-ionized water from the water tank. Then remove the
tubing from the de-ionizing cartridge (replace the tubing if necessary).

Reassemble in reverse order.

3.5.4. Cooling fans replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The replacement of the upper heat exchanger fan requires the AUXiliary power supplies and relay PCB
removal. Please refer to corresponding section of this manual.

There are two cooling fans fixed to each heat exchanger by four screws. Detach the 24 VDC connectors on
each fan. On the white wires of each connector the meaning of wire is inscribed on the wires (for example +
24VDC etc.).
• Unscrew the four fixing screws and remove the fan.
• During the replacement of new fan please notice the direction of air flow indicated on the fans. Fix the
new fan in such a direction that the air is blown out of the instrument (toward the heat exchanger).

Reassemble in reverse order.

Please notice the polarity of the fan electrical connection on the fan body. If improperly connected the fans
will not rotate because they are diode protected. Match the polarity with the polarity on wires to their
respective connectors on the fan.

3.6. Relay board removal/replacement

Please refer to "Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" and “TV RELE 1-SES” drawings in this manual. They are
included in the service manual binder.

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Relay board is located in the Controller compartment next to the heat exchanger. It is fixed to the
Auxiliary power supply assembly metal sheet holder by four screws.

Before removing it please note the position of all wires on terminal blocks as well as the position of
connectors. Use the drawing of the Relay board " TV RELE-SES” layout" in this manual. All the wires to the
terminal blocks and connectors must be placed exactly in their respective position. Serious damage to the
system can occur if the wires and connectors are improperly connected to the Relay board.

After disconnecting the wires from the terminal blocks and disconnecting connectors remove the four screws
and take out the Relay board.

Prepare the new relay PCB and reassemble in reverse order.

3.7. Auxiliary power supply assembly removal/replacement

Please refer to drawing Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" in this manual.

Both auxiliary power supplies (24VDC and 5VDC) together with the Relay board are mounted on the same

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Auxiliary power supply assembly metal sheet holder. For replacement of the 24VDC auxiliary power supply
the metal sheet holder to which the 24VDC power supply is fixed must be removed also.

3.7.1. 24VDC Auxiliary power supply removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

Please refer to drawing "Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" in this manual (binder).

It is a medical grade switcher fixed to the metal sheet holder with four screws.

• Before removing the 24VDC power supply all the wires from the power supply terminal blocks TB1 and
TB2 must be removed.
• Also remove all the connectors X3D, X4D and X5D and wires from terminal blocks X1D and X2D of
both the Relay board and 5VDC auxiliary power supply.
• Remember the position of each wire and connector. Refer to wiring diagram of the instrument in this

If the wires and connectors on the replaced Auxiliary power supply are not correctly attached and fixed to
respective terminal blocks serious damage to the system may happen. In replacing the auxiliary power supply
refer to the wiring diagram of the whole instrument provided in this manual.

• Remove the four screws (designated by C on figure " Auxiliary Power Supply assembly"), which are
fixing the auxiliary power supply metal sheet holder to the Fotona QX MAX chassis.
• Remove the complete Auxiliary power supply assembly from the instrument
• Then from the rear side release the four screws (designated by D), which are fixing the 24VDC power,
supply to the metal sheet holder.
• Replace it with a new one and reassemble in reverse order.

3.7.2. 5VDC Auxiliary power supply removal replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

Please refer to drawing "Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" in this manual.

It is a medical grade switcher fixed to the metal sheet holder with four screws (designated by A on figure
"Auxiliary power supply assembly").
Before removing the 5VDC Power supply remove the connectors XJ1 and XJ2 to the power supply.
Remember the position of each wire and connector. Refer to wiring diagram of the instrument in this manual.

If the wires and connectors on the replaced Auxiliary power supply are not correctly attached and fixed to
respective terminal blocks serious damage to the system may happen. In replacing the auxiliary power supply
refer to the wiring diagram of the whole instrument provided in this manual.

Remove the four screws (position B on the Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly drawing in this manual) and
take out the power supply.

Replace it with a new one in reverse order.

3.8. Controller removal/replacement

The Controller assembly is located in the controller compartment next to the Auxiliary power supply

3.8.1. Complete Controller removal replacement

Turn off the instrument and detach the mains power cord from the mains (electrical utilities).

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The Controller board is a highly sophisticated digital electronic assembly sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
Use antistatic tools and methods for handling the Controller board! Always connect yourself to system
housing (touch) before handling with sensitive electronics. Failure to follow this instruction will damage the
electronic circuitry and may cause serious damage to the Controller board as well as to the system.
Certain malfunctions as a consequence of improper handling are not necessary to appear immediately after
replacement of these sensitive parts but can appear later.

The controller is fixed to a metal sheet holder with plastic spacers/holders and a single grounding screw.
Before removal detach all the optical links and connectors from the controller. Then:

• Remove the laser system top cover

• Locate the Controller
• Unscrew the single grounding screw of the Controller.
• By the use of suitable tool (in the shape of a metal tube with suitable diameter) release the plastic
spacers/holders by pushing on them the metal tube with suitable inner diameter and carefully pull-out
the complete Controller board.
• Replace it with the new one.
• Reassemble in reverse order
• Make sure that the proper version of program EEPROM (IC30) as well as a serial EEPROM memory
chip (IC24) for the laser parameters is installed on the new Controller (see Sections 3.7.2 and 3.7.3).
Factory shipped replacement parts are pre-configured with default parameters and most recent version
of program firmware. Convince yourself that the grounding of the Controller is OK.
• Convince yourself that all the optical links are properly attached in their respective receptacles (refer to
drawing "Fotona QX MAX Optical Link Interconnection Diagram" in this manual)
• Convince yourself that all the connectors are properly attached to the Controller.
• Turn on the system and convince yourself that the system operates properly.

3.8.2. Replacement of the IC30 EEPROM

Replacement of the EEPROM can be performed if a new version of the firmware is to be installed in the
system. The new EEPROM will be provided directly from Fotona service department.

The memory chip and the controller board are sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
Use antistatic methods and tools (PLCC socket chip removal tool) while handling the chip. Always connect
yourself to system housing (touch) before handling sensitive electronics.
Failure to follow this instruction will damage the chip or the socket and may cause
serious damage to the Controller board as well as to the system.
Certain malfunctions as a consequence of improper handling are not necessary to appear immediately after
replacement of these sensitive parts but can appear later.

For replacement of the program EEPROM a special tool is needed. Only by the use of this tool the EEPROM
can be detached from its socket. Failure to follow this instruction will damage the EEPROM or the socket and
may cause serious damage to the Controller Board as well as to the system.

• Turn off the instrument and detach the power cord from the mains (electrical utilities).
• Locate the EEPROM (refer to drawing "Fotona QX MAX Controller Layout")
• With the proper tool (PLCC socket chip removal tool) detach the EEPROM from its socket
• Replace it with the new one taking care about orientation (dot mark on chip).
• Turn on the system and convince yourself that the system is operating properly.
• This completes the replacement procedure.

3.8.3. Replacement of the IC24 (serial EEPROM)

Each laser system has its own parameters. These parameters are kept in the Controller in a separate chip
IC24. Only Fotona service department can provide this chip. If for any reasons the chip has to be replaced
then the procedure for replacement is as follows:


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• Turn off the instrument and detach the power cord from the mains (electrical utilities).
• Locate the memory chip
• With the proper tool detach the memory chip from its socket
• Replace it with the new one
• Turn on the system and convince yourself that the system is operating properly.
• This completes the replacement procedure

If changes of system parameters are needed then follow the instructions in Section 4.2.3 of this manual.

3.8.4. Replacement or upgrade of system firmware

The system firmware consists of two parts. Main Fotona QX MAX application program and software and
(boot) loader. To upgrade the System firmware you must follow this procedure. The requirements are similar
as in advanced calibration procedure. For performing this procedure, you will need the following:

• PC notebook computer,
• “Fotona Laser Utility” software EPEM.EXE dated March 2001 or later,
• Upgrade code files,
• Serial extension 9-pin Male-Female cable, and
• A grounding cable.

The procedure is as follows:

• Turn off the instrument and detach the power cord from the mains.
• Locate the serial port on computer board.
• Connect the grounding cable of PC to instruments ground.
• Connect the cable to serial port. Run “EPEM.EXE” program. If you have problems viewing complete
window change windows screen resolution to small fonts in Display property dialogue. Refer to MS
Windows users manual for details. Select correct communication port of PC and connected system in
“combo” boxes. For example, select [9. Dual system] for Fotona QX MAX.
• Locate jumper J1 on computer board (see the Controller layout drawing enclosed to this manual) and
place the bridge to position “1-2”, on the side away of IC24.
• PRESS THE EMERGENCY STOP KEY !!! Otherwise it is possible that the charger will be activated
without logical command. The laser cavity will be activated without proper cooling and damages of the
flash lamps and even laser rod are expected.
• Attach the mains power cord to the mains and turn the main switch on.
• The Computer will display: “Test OK”, “Checking code!”, “Code CRC OK!”. Then the Fotona logo
• Prepare program to store parameters by selecting [Capture File Name] and enter file name, we
suggest system serial number in the dialogue box. When this is properly done a message “Capturing
“filename.ext” displays in status bar. Access pop-up menu by right click mouse button or pop-up menu
key on windows keyboard normally positioned under right shift key.
• In program “Fidelis Terminal” terminal window type “PARAM<cr>” where <cr> stands for ENTER. Now
you can close capture file by selecting [Capture] from pop-up menu. You can continue
monitoring/capturing file for later reference.
• Select program code (firmware) file name (i.e.:yy_xxx.b00). After confirming selected file, the file name
and its size is displayed in status bar of the program window.
• Press “Download” button and wait. System first boots to program loader and then starts downloading
program code. The program counts the percentage of file transferred to the system. This is performed
two times because you receive two files in Fotona QX MAX upgrade kit (ex.: yy_xxx.B00 and
• When download is finished, system automatically starts Fidelis controller program.
• Test the instrument.
• Disconnect instrument from mains. Reverse jumper J1 position to “2-3” to protect accidental corruption
of application program and disconnect RS232 cable.

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• Test the system again before installing the instrument top cover. To check if J1 is properly installed
check if at power on the system instantly displays “Test program CRC” message. If J1 is otherwise
display is blank for about three (3) seconds.

3.9. Laser module removal/replacement

3.9.1. Simmer Trigger Board removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Simmer trigger board is located on top of the Nd:YAG laser-pumping chamber. Two screws on spacers
fix the simmer trigger board to the Nd:YAG laser pumping chamber.
Before removing the Simmer trigger board remove the Nd:YAG and Nd:YAG flash lamp terminals from their
terminal blocks on the board.
The Trigger transformer High Voltage terminal is fixed to the pumping chamber by a spacer.
Remove the spacer and then remove the Simmer board.
Reassemble in reverse order.

3.9.2. Nd:YAG Resonator mirrors removal/replacement

Resonator mirrors are expensive and sensitive optical components. Handle them with care. Nd:YAG laser output coupler mirror removal replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the mains.

The output coupler (OC) mirror is mounted to the adjusting mechanism, which is part of a holder assembly
with ring plate fixed to the adjusting mechanism with three screws.
• Remove the three fixing screws of the mirror holder. Remove the mirror and place it on a clean sheet
of paper.
• Replace it with a new one.

NOTE: The OC mirror is wedged and it's position should be marked before the replacement procedure. It is
important to place the new OC mirror the same way as the old one.

Check the new mirror if it is clean before reassembling. If necessary clean it with fine cotton pads immersed
in pure acetone.

• Place the mirror reflective side to face the removed mirror cap
• Check the elastomer "O" ring if it is clean.
• Mount the mirror carefully with its holder and elastomer "O" ring to the adjusting mechanism with three

After each replacement of laser mirror the laser should be checked for alignment. After alignment a short
BURN IN of the laser mirror is necessary. The BURN IN of the mirror should be performed at lower medium
energy (flunce) parameters for 2 minutes.
Please refer to Section Laser alignment of this manual.

3.9.3. Nd:YAG rear mirror removal replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The rear (HR) mirror is mounted to the adjusting mechanism that is part of the mirror holder and it is fixed
with the metal ring plate.
• Remove the mirror fixing ring.
• Remove the mirror and place it on a clean sheet of paper.
• Replace it with a new one.

Check the new mirror if it is clean before reassembling. If necessary clean it with fine cotton pads immersed
in pure acetone.

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• Place the mirror in its cap with the reflective side to face the cap.
• Check the elastomer "O" ring in the adjusting mechanism if it is clean.
• Then fix the mirror with its cap to the adjusting mechanism.

After each replacement of laser mirror the laser should be checked for alignment. After alignment a short
BURN IN of the laser mirror is necessary. The BURN IN of the mirror should be performed at lower medium
parameters 2 minutes.
Please refer to Section Laser alignment of this manual.

3.9.4. Nd:YAG laser pumping chamber removal replacement

The pumping chamber comes together with the laser rod already factory installed. The laser rod is an
expensive part, which can be easily damaged if replaced in field.

• Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the mains.
• Remove the HV cables from the Simmer trigger board
• Remove the water connectors from the laser pumping chamber.
• Then locate the four screws, which fix the pumping chamber to the base plate.
• Remove the screws and lift carefully the pumping chamber.
• Assemble the new pumping chamber back in reverse order.

Usually the replacement of the pumping chamber does not influence the alignment of the laser. Nevertheless,
check if the laser alignment is OK. If necessary perform the laser alignment procedure as described in this

3.9.5. Nd:YAG laser flash lamp removal/replacement

Fotona QX MAX laser has two flash lamps. It is strongly suggested that both flash lmaps are replaced at the
same time except in case when only one new flash lamp has failed.
For replacement of the flash lamp the pumping chamber has to be removed from the laser module. During
this procedure the Simmer trigger board does not need to be removed. Please follow the procedure bellow:
• Remove the HV cables from the Simmer trigger board
• Remove the water quick connectors as already described above in section Cooling system
• Remove the pumping chamber from the laser module
• Remove the flash lamp terminals from the terminal block on the simmer trigger board.
• Remove the flash lamp tightening end caps.
• Carefully push the flash lamp in one direction to loosen the elastomer "O" rings.
• Slide out the flash lamp.
• Replace it with a clean new flash lamp.

Before replacing the new flash lamp its envelope should be cleaned with pure alcohol to remove the grease
or dirt on the flash lamp body. Do not touch the flash lamp envelope with hands. Grease may remain on it,
which could influence the flash lamp lifetime.

• Reassemble it in reverse order.

3.9.6. Laser rod replacement

The laser rod geometry is not regular cylinder but it has wedged end surfaces and the position inside the
laser cavity is important. A complete laser cavity is also tilted sideways.

NOTE: Laser rod gaskets and specially Teflon gaskets are single use and must be replaced during laser
crystal (rod) replacement. Assure that you have these gaskets always available.
• Remove the laser cavity from the laser head and place it on your working area.
• Remove laser rod fixing plates by unscrewing two fixing plate screws.
• Check the original laser rod position.

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• Remove laser rod protections.
• Apply some soft material stick sideways (angled) on the edge of the crystal and push the crystal
• Use clean cotton or rubber gloves and pull out the crystal on the other side.
• Prepare a new crystal. The crystal should be marked with short dash on the side close to the surfaces.
• Carefully push the crystal into the laser cavity and out on the other side. Don't touch any metal
surface with the laser crystal polished and coated ends !!!
• Rotate the crystal in such way that dash is looking downwards. This can be observed through the end
of the laser crystal.
• Assemble the cavity in reverse order and clean the laser crystal surfaces thoroughly before placing it
back to the laser head.

If the new laser crystal in not marked (doesn't have dash) for proper position inside the laser cavity then the
position must be found out.

• Place the laser crystal (rod) to “V” block. “V” block must be made of such material to prevent damaging
the crystal.
• Point some light source to any end surface of the crystal. Diode laser (pointer) can be used.
• Observe the reflection from the crystal surface on some surface (close box, wall,...).
• Rotate the crystal in “V” block and the reflection will make a circle.
• Rotate the crystal to such position that the reflection will be maximally declined (maximal angle) from
the laser crystal in right side direction in horizontal plane (looking from the crystal against the light
source, depends on the setup).
• Make short mark – dash with pencil on the side bottom surface (rim) close to one end of the crystal.
This mark should be perpendicular to the reflection.

Light source

Dash mark
Marking beam position

3.10. Energy meter removal/replacement

Turn of the instrument and remove the power cord from the mains.

The Energy meter is located on top of the laser head next to the Fiber coupler assembly.

Before removing the Energy meter remove all the optical links from their receptacles as well as the supplying
24VDC connector. Please refer to Energy meter layout drawing in this manual.

The 24VDC connector must be placed in proper position. If reversed, serious damage to the instrument can
be caused.

• Remove the two screws that are fixing the energy meter board to the base plate.
• Remove the complete energy meter
• Replace it with a new one.
• Reassemble it in reverse order.

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After the energy meter replacement a calibration procedure for the energy meter MUST be performed
for both lasers. Please follow the instructions for energy meter calibration that are given in this

3.11. Head Control and safety shutter removal replacement

The Head Control and safety shutters assembly is located under the energy meter. The safety shutters with
their actuators and absorbers are fixed to the HEAD CTRL board with two screws and a central nut so that
they both form a single assembly. The HEAD CTRL and Shutters assembly is then fixed to the laser head
base plate by three screws and one energy meter spacer. (Please refer to Head Control layout drawing in this

• Remove the energy meter as already described above.

• Remove all the connectors and optical links (OW3 and OW4) and remember their original position.
• Remove the energy meter spacer and three screws for fixing the HEAD CTRL board and shutter
• Carefully remove the complete assembly.
• Replace it with a new one.

Reassemble in reverse order

The 24VDC connector must be placed in proper position. If reversed or misplaced, serious damage to the
instrument can be caused.

3.12. Aiming beam laser removal/replacement

The aiming beam laser is a diode laser located next to the shutter head control assembly.

• Detach the aiming laser connector from Head Control (remember the position of the connector)
• The aiming laser is hold by two springs against the adjusting mechanism. Release the springs
• By the help of a screwdriver carefully slide out the aiming laser.
• Replace it with a new one in reverse order.
• Reassemble the connector and the energy meter.

After the replacement of the aiming laser it MUST be aligned.
Please follow the instructions for alignment given in this manual.

3.13. Front panel removal/replacement

• First remove the upper and two side metal sheet covers as already described in this manual.
• Then locate the two big screws, which are fixing the front handle
• Use appropriate Allan wrench for removing this two screws
• Then remove by suitable Allan key the other 7 screws, which are fixing the plastic front cover to the
• Slowly pull the front panel outwards
• Remove the connection for the Display assembly
• Remove the contacts from the Stop switch
• Then remove the complete front panel from the system
• Reassemble in reverse order.

3.13.1. Control panel Display assembly removal and replacement

To remove the control panel display assembly it is necessary first to remove the front panel as described
above. Then:
• Remove the control panel Display assembly metal sheet cover (two screws)
• Detach the keyboard connector from the PCB of I2C KONZ board.
• Detach also the key switch and micro switch connector from PCB of the I2C KONZ board
• Remove four screws or hex-holders, which are fixing the control panel electronic box to the front panel.

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An integral part of the Display assembly is the LCD display.

• Replace it with a new Display assembly.

• Reassemble in reverse order.

3.14. Incoming cooling air filter removal/replacement

The air filter is used for filtering the incoming air. It is mounted in its cartridge, which is removable. Static
magnet is keeping the cartridge in its position. There is a handle for pulling out the cartridge. The handle is
located on the bottom of the upper front panel. Only the air filter has to be changed at least two times per
year. The replacement procedure is as follows:
• Open the lower door of the laser system console
• Locate the cartridge handle an pull it out
• »Z« shaped wire keeps the filter in the cartridge.
• Remove the wire
• Remove the filter
• Replace it with a new air filter
• Reassemble in reverse order

3.15. Articulated arm

3.15.1. Articulated arm long cell removal/replacement.

• Remove mirror 2 (counted from the arm's input side).

4. Using the built in service firmware

There is comprehensive service software built in the system to support servicing. The service program can
be executed in two different levels. The first one is by the use of the Fotona QX MAX systems keyboard and
display. This servicing mode is limited only for certain servicing procedures described bellow. The second
level, which allows more advanced servicing and editing of Fotona QX MAX laser system parameters, can be
accessed with an external PC or notebook computer supplied with RS232 serial cable connected to the
Fotona QX MAX Controller.

4.1. Service FW access with system's front panel

This service mode can be accessed from the keyboard by pressing certain combination of keys on the
This service mode of operation can be used for alignment of the selected laser, articulated arm alignment,
diode laser alignment and energy meters calibration only.

For Nd:YAG laser

This service mode of operation displays and allows changing the capacitor bank voltage, repetition rate,
energy meter calibration, laser operating mode and also displays the raw measured energies
(uncompensated) of both energy meters.

This service mode of operation displays and allows changing the capacitor bank voltage, repetition rate,
energy meter calibration, laser operating mode and also displays the raw measured energies
(uncompensated) of both energy meters.

For Accelera Nd
This service mode of operation displays and allows changing the capacitor bank voltage, repetition rate,
energy meter calibration, laser operating mode and also displays the raw measured energies
(uncompensated) of both energy meters.


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This service software cannot run in energy regulation mode to observe each laser’s behavior during normal
operation (in energy regulation mode). For this purposes an external notebook computer with serial extension
cable attached to the Fotona QX MAX Controller has to be used.

4.1.1. Access to the service firmware:

• Turn on the main circuit breaker
• When the Fotona logo appears press the following keys: +, +, -, READY
• The red LED diode will come ON in the READY key confirming that the service mode is enabled.
(If the red LED does not come on then press the SET key and repeat the sequence.)
• Turn on the key-switch
• After the self-test completes, select the laser, which is to be serviced or checked. The system will end
in the user operating menu.
• Then press the MENU key so many times successively until you reach the message WARNING
• Press the SET key

Now you are in the service mode of the selected laser. Laser selection is changed by selecting corresponding
To select accelera operating mode a Nd laser selection key must be pressed for few seconds !

In this service mode of operation the system will allow firing of laser pulses without energy regulation at
selected voltage, selected repetition rates and selected laser operating modes.
The display will show



XXX Stands for the selected voltage on the capacitor bank.

YY Stands for the repetition rate in Hz (from 0.5 to 10 Hz).
ECS Stands for energy meter calibration status (CA - calibrated, UN - not
LOM Stands for laser operating modes.
Q-SW: Normal Q-switched laser operation. The laser is closed and it opens
with Q-switch opeartion.
Open: Laser operates with continuously Q-SW activation (during complete
flash lamp pulse). The laser should operate as normal short pulse Nd laser.
PreLas: Pre-lasing, laser operates without Q-SW activation. The laser is
closed because of polarizer and λ/4 plate directions.
ZZZZ Stands for the measured energy per pulse of the E1 energy meter in
milijoules (mJ)
WWW Stands for the measured energy per pulse of the E2 energy meter in
milijoules (mJ)

4.1.2. Changing the settings in service mode

• The voltage is changed by the + or - key on the keyboard. The increments are 1V. The limiting
maximal adjustable voltages for Nd:YAG laser are depending on the selected frequency.
• The repetition rate is changed by subsequently pressing the FREQUENCY key on the keyboard until
the desired repetition rate is reached.
• The ECS and LOM are selected by subsequently pressing the MODE key. The selection will be
underlined and it can be changed by pressing the + or -. Keys.

When the parameters are selected after pressing the READY key the system will open the shutter, the red
aiming beam will emerge from the lasers beam delivery and after pressing the footswitch, laser pulses at
selected parameters will be created.


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4.1.3. Exiting the service firmware

For exiting the service firmware press the laser source key on the control panel. This will bring you in the
STBY status with the last used parameters in normal operation. Normal operation of the instrument is now
enabled or you can enter the service mode for the other laser.

4.2. Use of external notebook computer for advanced service

By the use of external notebook computer connected to the system with a serial RS232 cable advanced
service can be performed intended only for skilled service personnel trained by Fotona d.d. Observation of
the behavior of system (capacitor bank voltage, laser pulse widths, energy-meters reading etc.) at all rep
rates, during open loop (service mode initiated on the Fotona QX MAX control panel – described in previous
section) or closed loop energy regulation is facilitated (normal operation). Additionally system parameters like
laser characteristics, pulse widths, energy meters software compensation parameters, hand-piece
transmission parameters, regulation loop performance, etc.) can be edited and changed. System parameters
and snapshots of laser behavior can be downloaded for off-line analysis and sent via e-mail to Fotona service

Changing system parameters with this software if not properly carried out can cause a serious damage to the
system. This service mode is therefore intended only for skilled service personnel trained and authorized by

4.2.1. Setup of external notebook computer

For this procedure a Notebook computer is necessary together with a serial extension cable and special
communication software. Such software is usually part of every PC operating system
e.g. Microsoft Windows, OS/2, Apple OS (TERMINAL.EXE for Windows 3.X or HYPERTERM.EXE
for Windows 9X). Fotona service provides EPEM terminal window program for communication of the
external computer with the laser system.

4.2.2. Connection of external notebook computer to the Controller

• Turn off the laser system.
• Remove the side metal sheet cover (right cover looking from the front panel)
• Locate the microprocessor Controller board and the serial port on it.
• Unplug Notebook Computer from mains power.
• The Notebook computer must be grounded to the instrument chassis by a separate grounding wire
• Attach the serial extension cable to the Notebook computer and to the Controller serial port.
• Turn on the Notebook computer using battery power.
• Run the TERMINAL program and setup the following parameters:
Port: select available/selected serial port.
Baud Rate: 19200b/s
Other: 8 bit, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity
Or activate EPEM program with the same settings. Refer to EPEM using section of this
• Turn on the Fotona QX MAX – first circuit breaker and after the Fotona Logo appears also the key-
• The terminal screen on the notebook computer will show the progress of starting up the system, etc.
• After completing the self-test type
test 2 followed by ENTER key
• This will place the system service firmware in service mode named test 2.

The service firmware test 2 is primarily used for displaying:

• The working voltage of the capacitor bank,

• The software compensated energy of the feedback energy meter in normal mode of operation only
(otherwise if service mode has been initiated on the Fotona QX MAX keyboard the displayed energy
will be the raw - uncompensated value)

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• The software compensated energy of the monitor energy meter in normal mode of operation only
(otherwise if service mode has been initiated on the Fotona QX MAX keyboard the displayed energy
will be the raw - uncompensated value)

This numbers will be displayed in successive colons and will scroll down all the time the foot switch is

During start-up of the system this service firmware shows the progress (steps) of self-test.

During the calibration sequence after pressing the READY key this service firmware will show the selected
parameters, the starting voltage of the capacitor bank (Ustart) and the limiting voltage for the selected
parameters (Umax). It will also display the capacitor bank voltage (Uhv), Crowbar protection level (Ecb),
feedback energy and monitor energy during the calibration sequence of the laser for each laser shot. Thus,
the behavior of the laser during the calibration can be observed.

The laser can be initiated to operate in service mode on the Fotona QX MAX keyboard as described in
corresponding section of this manual. In this case the external computer terminal screen will show the
progress of the start-up of the laser system and all the selections, which have been done on the Fotona QX
MAX keyboard.
For selected laser it will show the selected voltage of capacitor bank and the uncompensated (raw) energy
measured by feedback and monitor energy meter.

If the laser is operating in normal mode of operation the terminal screen of the external computer will show
also the progress of the start-up procedure in self-test. When firing the laser with foot switch the capacitor
bank voltages for each pulse, compensated feedback and monitor energy meters energy will be displayed.

4.2.3. Service mode with external notebook computer

Checking or editing of the laser system firmware parameters can be performed if at least the main circuit
breaker in of the Fotona QX MAX is turned on.

SET command
If the test 2 service firmware was selected by typing in test 2 on the external computer keyboard then after
typing in the set command the following screen will appear on the external computer monitor:

SET Nd – Puts terminal to Nd:YAG setup mode

SET KTP – Puts terminal to KTP setup mode
SET ACC – Puts terminal in accelera setup mode
SET SN – Displays/changes serial number
SET SWVER – Displays software version number

If the Nd:YAG laser parameters editing or checking is to be performed then type in

>set nd

followed by ENTER. This command brings you in the Nd:YAG laser setup menu:

set nd>

In this menu after typing in the set command:

Set nd>set

Followed by the ENTER key the short description of the way in which the parameters can be edited will be

I this menu you can edit the following parameters of the Nd:YAG laser:

A, B, Ep1, Ep2, K and T

If you want to check the value of the A parameter then at the set nd> prompt type in:

Set nd>A

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Followed by the ENTER key

The value of A0 will be displayed (for example):

set nd>A0 is set to 465

The command for editing (changing) for example the A parameter is:

set nd> a 465

This command followed by ENTER will change the previous value of the A parameter to a new value of 465

Be aware of the blanks between the characters when typing

If you are in the Nd:YAG laser menu prompt

Set nd>


For enabling the editing of the KTP parameters you should have to return to the previous root setup menu by
typing in: ..

(i.e. two dots followed by the ENTER key)

You will be brought back to the menu with a prompt:


Now if you want to check or edit the KTP parameters type in

>set ktp
followed by ENTER and you will be brought to the KTP menu

set ktp>

I this menu you can edit the following parameters of the Nd:YAG laser:

A, B, Ep1, Ep2, K and T parameters

It is a good practice after the change of any parameter to check and convince yourself with the set command
if the parameter has been changed.

Please note that the commands are not case sensitive.
ASCII convention for entering numerical values must be respected.
No floating-point parameters should be typed in.

PARAM command
By typing in on the external computer:


Followed by ENTER key all the laser, hand piece and some other system parameters will be displayed on
screen for the selected laser. PageUp and PageDown keys on the external computer can be used to look up
the screen.
After performing this command the test 2 subroutine will be disabled. You should have to type in again the
test 2 command.

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4.2.4. Fotona QX MAX system firmware parameters For Nd:YAG laser:

A - Offset parameter in laser Energy vs. capacitor bank voltage (Uc) or so called E(U) characteristics.

B - Slope parameter in laser Energy vs. capacitor bank voltage (Uc) or so called E(U) characteristics – this is
always a POSITIVE number.

Ep1 - Energy meter 1 software calibration parameter.

Ep2 – Energy meter 2 software calibration parameter.

NOTE: the Ep1 and Ep2 can be changed also in service mode/menu. Please refer to energy meter calibration
procedure in this manual.

T – Transmission parameter for hand pieces Ry – they include the transmission of the articulated arm with
the hand piece. The number corresponds to % transmission (for example 95 means 95%).

K - The parameter used for controlling the speed of the feedback loop.


A - Offset parameter in laser Energy vs. capacitor bank voltage (Uc) or the so called E(U) characteristics.
Always a NEGATIVE number

B - Slope parameter in laser Energy vs. capacitor bank voltage (Uc) or the so called E(U) characteristics. It is
always a POSITIVE number.

Ep1 - Energy meter 1 software calibration parameter.

Ep2 – Energy meter 2 software calibration parameter.

NOTE: the Ep1 and Ep2 can be changed also in service mode/menu. Please refer to energy meter calibration
procedure in this manual.

T – Transmission parameter for beam delivery including the hand piece. The number corresponds to %
transmission ( for example 95 means 95%)

K - The parameter used for controlling the speed of the feedback loop


In service software the displayed values for E1 and E2 energy meters are ENERGIES PER PULSE in
mJ. With external power meter you can measure average power. For calculating energy per pulse in
mJ from measured average power in Watts
use the following formula:

Energy per pulse (mJ) = 1000 * (Power/Frequency)


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4.3. Using EPEM communication software

The EPEM software is used to simplify the communication with any Fidelis family laser systems and to enable
the system firmware upgrade. The EPEM is used as already described terminal window. It works with
Windows 95, 98 and Millennium operating systems.

The EPEM software includes:

• The EPEM.EXE program
• The EPEM.INI file with settings.
• The KEYBOARD.INI file with keyboard configuration.
• The binary (BIN) or banked binary () system software files.

NOTE: The laser system has two banked binary files.

The EPEM software is delivered already with necessary communication settings. The files can be copied to
the computer or they can be run from the floppy disk.

• Connect the external computer to the laser system as it is described in this manual. Use mouse
extension serial cable.
• Start the external computer.
• Run EPEM.EXE. The terminal window with additional features will be displayed.
• Start the system with the mains switch. The greeting will be displayed in the EPEM window. This
confirms the communication.

4.3.1. Connection problems

The (default) appointed COM1 port is not available.
• The COM1 port is occupied by another serial device (mouse). Select the available COM port.
• Only COM1 port is enabled and is already occupied. Enable another COM port using the device
manager. Select My Computer icon and click the right mouse key. Select the properties menu. Select
the device manager. Find COM and LPT ports title. Select it. Control if some COM port is disabled and
enable it.. Restart the computer. Restart the EPEM.EXE and select the available COM port.
• COM1 port is assigned to only one available connector and is already occupied (mouse,..). Another
COM port is enabled but the connector is not installed (desktop computer). Install the serial connector
and connect it to the available serial mother board connection.

NOTE: Some higher numbered COM port could be assigned to the internal modem. Therefore the
communication with the system will not be possible.

The computer has only USB port.

USB to serial port adapter is available. The adapter includes the required cable and the adaptation software,
which assigns the COM port to the USB connection. Usually this appointed COM port has higher number
(COM3, COM4,.,.). If the computer has an internal modem then one of such COM port could be assigned to

4.3.2. Laser parameters adjustment

Laser parameters a and b are describing the installed laser to the controller. The capacitor bank voltage for
required laser output energy is calculated from the linear function represented by these laser parameters. In
this way the controller knows how to set the capacitor bank voltage at the beginning of the output energy
calibration procedure after the READY key was activated. Wrong laser description can result in long auto
calibration procedure or laser output energy overshooting problems. In worst case the "crow bar" protection
can be activated at high capacitor bank voltage and the system can be damaged.

The laser parameters don't affect the efficiency of the laser or the laser output energy. By changing the laser
parameters the laser cannot be improved or repaired. The user setting and capacitor bank voltage at the end
of the auto calibration procedure define the laser output energy in user operating mode. During normal
operation the capacitor bank voltage is regulated according to the measured and required laser output

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The laser parameters should be controlled and optimized every time after the laser efficiency was significantly
changed. The laser efficiency could be and usually is affected if some laser component is replaced. The laser
parameters should be adapted only if the laser is optimized and in normal operating condition.

Laser parameter optimizing procedure:

• Connect the external computer.
• Establish the communication.
• Run "test 2" service mode from the external computer.
• Run the laser system in user mode.
• Select the Nd:YAG laser.
• Set nd laser on the external computer.
• Select 1HZ and the lowest possible energy on the system.
• Press READY and observe the reading on the external computer. If the calibration sequence requires
more then 6 pulses then a parameter must be changed.
• If the capacitor voltage is decreasing during the calibration sequence then the a parameter must be
decreased slightly. (The a parameter must be increased if it is negative!).
• If the capacitor bank voltage is increasing during the calibration sequence then the a parameter
must be increased slightly. (The a parameter must be decreased if it is negative!)

Since we don't have all available information on the system's laser the parameter change must be determine
by trying. First make a small step in parameter adjustment and see how the system will be affected.

• Press STBY key and READ key. The auto calibration sequence will be repeated. The number of pulses
should be decreased or the starting voltage should be closer to the required one.
• Repeat the procedure of parameter adjustment until the short (<6 pulses) auto calibration sequence is
• Try also the minimum repetition rate of 0,5Hz.
• Control the auto calibration sequence at high fluency (energy). Change the b if the auto calibration
sequence is long.
• If the capacitor voltage is decreasing during the calibration sequence then the b 0 parameter must
be increased slightly
• If the capacitor bank voltage is increasing during the calibration sequence then the b must be
decreased slightly.

The b parameter affects the system behavior at higher fluency (energy) strongly. Caution must be taken
during the b parameter changes. The b parameter also affects the system behavior at smaller energy.
Therefore the a parameter should be optimized after the b parameter adjustment.

• Press STBY key and READ key. The auto calibration sequence will be repeated. The number of pulses
should be decreased or the starting voltage should be closer to the required one.
• Repeat the procedure of parameter adjustment until the short (<6 pulses) auto calibration sequence is
• Repeat the procedure for a and b laser parameters.
• Change the laser selection on the system.
• Set Nd laser from the external computer.

Power is set in the user menu and laser pulse energy is displayed on the external computer. The required
laser pulse energy is calculated from simple formula E(J)=P(W)/repetition(Hz).

• Repeat the procedure for KTP Nd:YAG laser using appropriate settings and parameters. Follow the
same logic of low fluency and high fluency settings as before. Note that the Nd laser has only one set
of laser parameters.

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5. Safety Measurements
5.1. Medical device type B, class I leakage current measurement
Measuring procedure described in this section is based on EN IEC60601-1-3rd standard: permanent system
leakage current and patient assistant leakage current.
The procedure is used for:
– Single phase mains power voltage and removable mains connection.
– Single phase mains power voltage and permanent protective earth (PE) conductor connection.
– For medical device class 1.
– For medical device type B.
– For device with applicable parts (applicators) and without internal power sources.
The procedure is meant for explanation, education and performing of the medical device leakage current
measurements. There are some other specialized measuring devices on the market, which can be used for
the same purpose. Some of them are also guiding the service personnel through the complete procedure.
For such testing devices the corresponding testing procedure should be found in specific testing device user
or operator manual.

Leakage currents:
– Protective earth leakage current runs from the mains part across the isolation to the protective earth
– Housing leakage current runs from the part of the housing across the external connection (human being)
to the protective earth conductor or another part of the housing.
– Patient leakage current runs from the applicator through the patient against the protective earth potential.
The applicator is part of the medical device, which during the medical procedure comes in contact with the

The leakage current measurements are done in normal operation, single fault and the following conditions:
– At working temperature.
– In stand by and full operating mode.
– With the mains voltage exceeding the nominal mains voltage for 10% (253V).
Limited leakage current values for device type B and class I are defined in table.

Leakage current Type B (current, mA)

Leakage current - general 0,5 1(*)
Leakage current - for device with permanent connection of the 5 10*
protective earth conductor. (**)
Housing leakage current 0,1 0,5
Patient leakage current 0,1 0,5

N Normal operating condition.

SFC Single Fault Condition.
* SFC: disconnecting each mains power voltage conductor separately.
** For example, the device with >16A of mains power input current. Or if the earth leakage current
exceeds allowed value because of EMI (radio-frequency noise) compatibility requirements accomplishment.

EN IEC60601-1-3rd (figures 15, 16, 18, 20) describes (prescribes) the testing device operation. Any testing
device, which operates or assures operation according to aforementioned standard, can be used for the
leakage current measurements. The testing device, which is used in Fotona, is directly following simple
schematics mentioned in the EN IEC60601-1-3rd standard and it is shown on the figures below. To use
Fotona testing device some additional equipment is required.
– Variable transformer with isolation transformer to set the operating mains power voltage to 253VAC.
– Calibrated voltage meter to measure effective AC mains power voltage.
– Calibrated mV-meter to measure effective AC voltage, which is proportional to leakage current Note that
MN labeled low level impedance can be a part of the precise mV-meter.

5.1.1. Earth leakage current

The current, which runs from device protective earth connection against earth potential (usually a part of the
mains connection), is independently measured at disconnected separate power conductor. The current must
not exceed the values defined in table above. The testing device schematic is represented by figure below.
The leakage current is measured in all states of switches S5, S1, S12 and in normal (N, S1 closed) and
single fault (SFC, S1 opened) conditions.

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If the device doesn’t have FE connection then FE is not connected.

Settable Mains voltage

mains Medical device
voltage housing



Testing device

FE-functional earth connection

PE-protective earth connection
Figure: Earth leakage current measurement. Note that not all but sufficient testing places are shown on the
figure. Use designated testing point shown on the figure.

Table below represents all switches and status conditions at which the measurement is done.

Switch S1 S5 S12 Requirement

Condition I (mA)
N On On On
N On On Off <0,5
N On Off On <5**
N On Off Off
SFC Off On On
SFC Off On Off <1
SFC Off Off On <10**
SFC Off Off Off
** For devices with permanent earth conductor connection.

Where the FE is available on the device the complete 8 measurements from the table above must be done
twice with S10 closed and opened. The maximum measured value from all measurements enters the testing

5.1.2. Enclosure leakage current measurement

Since Fotona medical devices correspond to CLASS I type the enclosure leakage current measurement
equals the earth leakage current measurement. If earth leakage measurement was done then no additional
enclosure leakage current is required.

5.1.3. Patient leakage current measurement

A current, which runs from the applicator (hand piece), through the patient and against earth potential is
measured. The applicator must be wrapped in metal foil if it is made of isolating material. In such case the
current is measured between the foil and the earth potential. The leakage current must not exceed the values
specified in the table below. Also the testing schematic is shown below. The current is measured in all
combination of switches S1, S5, S12 and in normal (N; S1, S7 closed) and single fault (SFC; S1 opened, S7
closed or S1 closed, S7 opened) conditions. The FE is not connected if FE is nor available on the device.

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Mains voltage




Testing device

FE-functional earth connection

PE-protective earth connection

Figure: Patient leakage current measurement. Note that not all but sufficient testing places are shown on the
figure. Use designated testing points shown on the figure.

All measuring combinations of switches are represented in the table below. If the device is equipped with FE
connection then the entire measurements bust be done twice with different S10 switch position. Maximum
leakage current measurement enters the testing record.

State S1 S7 S5 S13 I (mA)

N On On On On
N On On On Off
N On On Off On 0,1
N On On Off Off
SFC Off On On On
SFC Off On On Off
SFC Off On Off On
SFC Off On Off Off 0,5
SFC On Off On On
SFC On Off On Off
SFC On Off Off On
SFC On Off Off Off

Table: Patient leakage current measurement.

5.2. Medical device class I Protective earth impedance Measurement

The instruction should be used as guidance for education and understanding of the protective earth
impedance measurement principles. It is used for protective earth impedance measurement on medical
devices class I. Such device could be:
– Without mains power cord.
– With mains power inlet. (A detachable mains power cord is used on the device.)
– With permanent (non-detachable) mains power cord.
The measuring procedure is made according to EN IEC60601-1-3rd standard: Protective earth, functional
earth and potential equalization.

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5.2.1. General
Class I device accessible parts, which are isolated from the parts under electric potential with basic isolation,
must be connected to the PROTECTIVE EARTH TERMINAL of suitably low impedance:
– Lower then 0,1ΩΩ when the device doesn’t have any mains power cord connection.
– Lower then 0,1ΩΩ when the device is equipped with mains power inlet (detachable power cord).
– Lower then 0,2ΩΩ when the device is equipped with non-detachable mains power cord.

5.2.2. Protective earth impedance measuring device

Medical device
Settable FE
testing V Testing voltage

Testing current Probe

Testing device

PE-protective earth connection

FE-functional earth connection

Figure: Testing device and principle schematic. Note that over-current protection elements are not shown on
the figure. Note that not all but sufficient testing places are shown on the figure. Use only designated testing
points shown on figure.

The testing device shown above fulfills EN IEC60601-1-3rd standard requirements. Usually voltage meter in
up to 3V/1,5% range and ampere meter in up to 25A/1,5% range are used. Input and output of the testing
device are galvanically isolated.

5.2.3. Measuring procedure and conditions.

The test is done using 50Hz/60Hz AC current and voltage. Settable testing current/voltage should not be
lower then 10A and not higher then 25A. Correspondingly, the testing voltage should not be more then 6VAC
in free run (without tested device). The test should not take less then 5s. According to this time and
mentioned current the protection elements in the testing device should be specified. (If 10A current is used
for 5s then usually 6A automatic circuit breaker in testing circuit can be used and not more then 1,25A fuse is
required on the mains side.) The current through:
– Protective earth terminal or
– Protective earth contact inside the medical device mains inlet or
– Protective earth pin of the mains male plug and any available (exposed, accessible) metal part, which can
come in contact (get electric potential) in case of basic isolation failure.

By measuring the voltage and current the impedance can be calculated using U/I=R formula. Maximum
protective earth impedance enters the testing record.

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6. Adjustment/Alignment/calibration procedures
6.1. Laser alignment

6.1.1. Complete laser alignment

If laser action is lost because of misalignment of both mirrors or if brand new laser is set up in the laser head
assembly then the laser must be aligned from ground state. This procedure requires highly trained laser
service person and some special tools and accessories that are not usual in regular servicing.

NOTE: Properly assembled laser cavity is necessary to perform this procedure.

• Open the laser.

• Remove the Q-switch driver PCB.
• Remove the Q-switch assembly.
• Leave the laser cavity inside the laser head.
• Replace the rear mirror holder assembly with the iris holder assembly.
• Replace the front mirror holder assembly with the iris assembly.
• Replace optical resonator bending mirror assemblies (2 pieces) with the 635 nm mirror holder
assemblies. This will optimize the 635 nm aiming beam reflection.
• Place and fix the (additional) servicing beam laser with the aligning mechanism on to the base plate
behind the rear mirror.
• Align the servicing beam through rear and front mirror iris by adjusting servicing aiming laser. The
servicing laser must be well fixed because it's beam will be used as reference for other laser elements
setup and adjustment.
• Remove the front mirror iris and place back the front mirror holder assembly. The servicing laser beam
will be reflected back against the servicing laser.
• Align the front mirror reflection back through the rear mirror iris and to the servicing laser. Restrict the
servicing laser beam diameter with some paper iris to get better back reflection position information.
Overlap the back reflection with the servicing laser beam exit point. Neglect the reflections from the
laser crystal surfaces.
• Place the Q-switch cell assembly (with polarizer ) back into the laser head.
• Align the Q-switch cell assembly servicing beam back reflection to overlap with the servicing laser
beam exit. Restrict the servicing laser beam diameter with some paper iris to get better back reflection
position information.
• Replace the rear mirror iris back with the rear mirror holder assembly.
• Align the rear mirror reflection of the servicing beam to overlap with the servicing aiming laser beam
exit. Restrict the servicing laser beam diameter with some paper iris to get better back reflection
position information.
• Replace the servicing 635nm beam bending mirrors with the original beam bending mirrors.
• Proceed with both laser mirrors alignment as described in the next section.

6.1.2. Both laser mirrors alignment

This procedure is performed as part of the complete laser alignment or in case when individual laser mirror
alignment doesn't give the necessary end result.

It is necessary to use the sensor screen. The screen converts the invisible (infrared) Nd:YAG laser light to
visible. Usually this is done by nonlinear conversion to second harmonic. This is the reason for conversion to
green light by most of such screens. The screens are available on the laser accessories market.

• Open the laser.

• Remove the Q-switch driving PCB and disconnect it from the Q-switch cell. Remember the driving
voltage connection polarization.
• Remove the λ/4 plate from the laser or leave it and try later only with its rotation. The λ/4 plate must be
rotated in such direction to open the laser without Q-switch activation.
• Start the laser system.
• Enter the service mode as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select Nd:YAG laser.
• Enter service menu as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select “PreLase” laser operating mode. Any laser service operating mode is possible to select since
the Q-switch driving PCB is removed.

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• Select 500V.
• Select READY and press the foot switch to fire the laser.
• Check if the internal energy meters have measured some energy and displayed it on the system
• Check the presence of the laser beam after the output mirror with the sensor screen.

NOTE: Eyes protective goggles must be used during the alignment procedure.

• Rotate the λ/4 plate if to get maximum energy meters readings.

• Observe the laser beam profile on the sensor screen. A knot as shown on the figure below will be
observed in the beam profile if the laser is not perfectly aligned. Knot indicates quite substantial

NOTE: The figure above represents the case when laser beam is significantly not aligned through the center
of the output mirror. Both output and rear laser mirrors must be aligned to change the beam direction.

The direction of the knot is pointing the necessary alignment direction of front and rear laser mirrors.
Generally the misalignment and the knot can have any direction. On the figure above the up-down and left-
right direction alignments must be corrected. It also means that the beam between the laser mirrors must be
moved up and right on the front mirror. Note again that figure above represents only one possible case.

• According to the beam profile rotate for small step the corresponding direction alignment screw on the
front mirror.

Example: (Like our figure.) If the beam must be moved up then the mirror optical axis pointing against the
laser cavity must be declined down. Bottom alignment screw must be rotated CCW. The beam must be also
moved right. This means that the mirror must be declined left and upper mirror alignment screw must be
rotated CW.

• Correct the alignment with the rear mirror adjustment. The knot loop must become smaller. Also the
energy measured by the energy meters should increase.
• Repeat the rear and front mirror alignments. The knot-loop will change to line that will further more
reduce to spike.
• Final alignment is achieved when the beam is perfectly circular and symmetrical. Please refer to the
image of the beam below.

The external beam pattern ring must be complete and with sharp edges. If it is not complete and doesn't
have sharp edges (it's blurred) at certain point then the laser is not yet aligned perfectly. Proceed with minor
alignment steps in the direction of the external ring imperfection. The imperfection of the external ring is
pointing now the direction of the alignment.

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• Check the Q-switch and λ/4 plate alignment as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Reassemble the system in reverse order.

6.1.3. Rear mirror alignment

The rear mirror alignment procedure is performed if the rear mirror was replaced or if minor misalignment to
the laser must be corrected. This procedure assumes that the laser is completely assembled and partly
aligned and that some laser action will be produced in any case. The λ/4 plate and the Q-switch are also

It is necessary to use the sensor screen. The screen converts the invisible (infrared) Nd:YAG laser light to
visible. Usually this is done by nonlinear conversion to second harmonic. This is the reason for conversion to
green light by most of such screens. The screens are available on the laser accessories market.

• Open the laser.

• Remove the Q-switch driving PCB (placed over the Q-switch) and disconnect it from the Q-switch cell.
Remember the deriving voltage connection polarization. Wrong voltage polarization will cause wrong
light polarization rotation of the Q-switch.
• Remove the analyzer λ/4 plate from the laser or leave it and try later only with its rotation.
• Start the laser system.
• Enter the service mode as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select Nd:YAG laser.
• Enter service menu as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select “Open” laser operating mode (Q-switch activated, laser is opened).
• Select 500V.
• Select READY and press the foot switch to fire the laser.
• Check if the internal energy meters have measured some energy and displayed it on the system
• Check the presence of the laser beam after the output mirror with the sensor screen.

NOTE: Eyes protective goggles must be used during the alignment procedure.

• Rotate the analyzer λ/4 plate if left inside to get maximum energy meters readings.
• Observe the laser beam profile on the sensor screen. Part of the laser beam profile will be missing if
the mirror is not perfectly aligned. A knot (or line, spike) as shown on figure below can appear if the
mirror is substantially misaligned.

NOTE: The figure above represents the case when laser beam is not aligned through the center of the output
mirror. Both output and rear laser mirrors must be aligned to change the beam direction.

The direction of the knot is pointing the necessary alignment direction. On the figure above the up-down
direction alignment must be corrected. Note that figure above represents only one possible case.

• Rotate the corresponding direction alignment screw according to the beam profile until full, circular and
symmetrical beam profile is achieved.

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The external beam pattern ring must be complete and with sharp edges. If it is not complete and doesn't
have sharp edges (it's blurred) then the laser is not yet aligned perfectly. Proceed with minor alignment steps
in the direction of the external ring imperfection.

• Proceed with both laser mirrors alignment as described in corresponding section of this manual if the
imperfection of the external ring cannot be removed only with current laser mirror alignment.
• Check the Q-switch and λ/4 plate alignment as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Reassemble the system in reverse order.

6.1.4. Front mirror alignment

The front (OC) mirror alignment procedure is performed if the front mirror was replaced or if minor
misalignment to the laser must be corrected. This procedure assumes that the laser is completely assembled
and partly aligned and that some laser action will be produced in any case. The λ/4 plate and the Q-switch
are also aligned.

It is necessary to use the sensor screen. The screen converts the invisible (infrared) Nd:YAG laser light to
visible. Usually this is done by nonlinear conversion to second harmonic. This is the reason for conversion to
green light by most of such screens. The screens are available on the laser accessories market.

• Open the laser.

• Remove the Q-switch driving PCB (placed over the Q-switch) and disconnect it from the Q-switch cell.
Remember the deriving voltage connection polarization. Wrong voltage polarization will cause wrong
light polarization rotation of the Q-switch.
• Remove the analyzer λ/4 plate from the laser or leave it and try later only with its rotation.
• Start the laser system.
• Enter the service mode as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select Nd:YAG laser.
• Enter service menu as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select “Open” laser operating mode.
• Select 500V.
• Select READY and press the foot switch to fire the laser.

• Check if the internal energy meters have measured some energy and displayed it on the system
• Check the presence of the laser beam after the output mirror with the sensor screen.

NOTE: Eyes protective goggles must be used during the alignment procedure.

• Rotate the analyzer λ/4 plate if left inside to get maximum energy meters readings.
• Observe the laser beam profile on the sensor screen. Part of the laser beam profile will be missing if
the mirror is not perfectly aligned. A knot (or line, spike) as shown on the figure below will be observed
in the beam profile if the laser is substantially misaligned.

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NOTE: The figure above represents the case when laser beam is not aligned through the center of the output
mirror. Both output and rear laser mirrors must be aligned to change the beam direction.

The direction of the knot is pointing the necessary alignment direction. On the figure above the up-down
direction alignment must be corrected. Note that figure above represents only one possible case.
• Rotate the corresponding direction alignment screw according to the beam profile until full, circular and
symmetrical beam profile is achieved.

The external beam pattern ring must be complete and with sharp edges. If it is not complete and doesn't
have sharp edges (it's blurred) then the laser is not yet aligned perfectly. Proceed with minor alignment steps
in the direction of the external ring imperfection.

• Proceed with both laser mirrors alignment as described in corresponding section of this manual if the
imperfection of the external ring cannot be removed only with current laser mirror alignment.
• Check the Q-switch and λ/4 plate alignment as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Reassemble the system in reverse order.

6.1.5. EOQS cell and Λ/4 plate alignment

The goal of this procedure is to align the Q-switch cell and λ/4 plate as part of the Q-switch assembly in such
way that laser is closed – laser action is disabled when Q-switch is not activated and that the laser is
optimally opened – laser pulse energy extraction from the laser is optimal when the Q-switch is activated. Complete EOQS cell and Λ/4 plate alignment.

This is extensive service procedure. It requires additional equipments.

• Photo diode sensor.
• Oscilloscope.
• External, reference energy meter.
• Defocussing lens
This procedure gives optimal results but mostly it serves for better understanding of the laser operation and
field servicing procedures.

• Open the laser.

• Place the photo diode sensor sideways of the laser module in such way that it can detect the flash
lamp pulse and the laser pulse. Connect it to the oscilloscope.
• Place the defocussing lens after the laser exit.
• Place the external energy meter probe at sufficient distance from the defocussing lens. The laser spot
diameter on the energy meter probe should be minimum 5 cm.

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• Start the laser system.
• Enter the service mode as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select Nd:YAG laser.
• Enter service menu as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select “PreLas” (no Q-switch activation) laser operating mode.
• Select 500V.
• Press READY and fire the laser.
• Rotate the λ/4 plate to such position that the energy meter will have minimum energy reading or no
energy reading at all.
• Observe the figure on the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope screen should look like the following figure.

Note that lower continuous signal belongs to the flash lamp pulse and spikes belong to laser free generation
pulses. Proceed with the next step of the alignment if no spikes are detected.

• Adjust (rotate) the Q-switch cell to remove the free generation spikes. The oscilloscope screen should
look like the following figure. Only flash lamps pulse signal should be detected.

• Increase the voltage for 20V and repeat the Q-switch adjustment procedure.
• Repeat the voltage increase and Q-switch cell adjustment till free generation spikes cannot be
removed anymore. This voltage is already higher then maximum operation voltage for this (your) laser.
Maximum operating voltage should be 20V lower.

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• Open the laser.

• Place the defocussing lens after the laser exit.
• Start the laser system.
• Enter the service mode as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select Nd:YAG laser.
• Enter service menu as described in corresponding section of this manual.
• Select “PreLas” laser operating mode.
• Select 500V.
• Press READY and fire the laser.
• Rotate the λ/4 plate to such position that the energy meter will have minimum energy reading or no
energy reading at all.
• Check the output with the sensor screen for some laser action.
• Increase the voltage in steps of 20V till some laser action is detected again on the sensor screen.
• Adjust the Q-switch cell to remove the residual laser action observed and detected on the sensor
• Repeat the voltage increase and Q-switch cell alignment to the voltage when laser action cannot be
removed by Q-switch alignment anymore. This defines the maximum laser operating voltage and it is a
little lower then the reached voltage.
• To be sure about the end result try again the λ/4 plate rotation and independently Q-switch rotation to
close the laser better and get higher maximum operation voltage.

Instead of observation with an external or internal energy meter the system can be put in KTP mode. In
this case free generation spikes will cause KTP laser light conversion to green wavelength that can be
indirectly observed on some screen placed after KTP crystal. EOQS and λ/4 plate are properly adjusted
when there is no KTP conversion to green light.

6.1.6. Checking the laser alignment (field service)

Setup 0,5 Hz and voltage that will produce laser pulse energy of 300 mJ. In the case above this voltage 452V.
Voltage is different between the lasers.

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Place a black paper inside transparent plastic envelope in the beam path. On figure the paper is placed
before the first energy meter. Fire the laser and make a mark on the paper.

Check the beam foot print. It should be circular with circuits inside. There should be a slight less intensity in
the center of the beam.

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Align the Nd laser rear HR mirror if the beam is not as shown on previous picture.

6.2. Aiming diode laser alignment

This step is important since aiming beam becomes a reference for other beams. Very likely the aiming beam
laser was not moved during transportation from the factory to the user site. In absence of suitable tools such
assumption can be the only possible starting point. Otherwise the aiming beam laser alignment must be
tested and corrected with the below procedure.

It is necessary to remove the head control PCB to reach aiming beam diode laser but the PCB must stay
connected and active to avoid error detection. Make sure that short-circuit connection is made !

For adjustment we use the Test tool ID 89847 shown on the picture. The ID 75130 cross is inserted in the
input hole of the metal tube.

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One wire of the cross should be aligned with the thread hole. The metal tube is mounted on the laser system.
The line (cross's arm– thread hole) must be aligned with the housing of the aiming diode laser.

Near field adjustment (test): central dot is not symmetrical - WRONG

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Near field (NF) adjustment (test): central dot is symmetrical square (four parts) - OK. For adjustment
use »near field« screws.

NF alignment is OK.

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Far field adjustment (test), 1st step: Put the tape with 2 mm black dot on the exit aperture of the metal tube.
The black dot and the center of the red dot must be coincident.

Far field adjustment (test), 2nd step: Rotate the metal tube for 180 deg. The half distance between
the red dot and the black dot is angular misalignment of the Aiming diode laser.

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Far field adjustment (test), 3rd step: Change the position of the red dot in the middle position of the
»misalignment« (see the upper and the lower picture). For adjustment use the »far field« mirror screws.

Far field adjustment (test), 4th step: Re-tape the tape with 2 mm black dot; overlay the red dot and the black

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Far field adjustment (test), 5th step: Rotate the metal tube for 180 deg.

Far field adjustment (test), 6th step: Readjust the position of the aiming beam in the middle position (as in
the 3rd step). Use »far field« screws.

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Repeat the steps 3 - 5 until you see no misalignment between the red dot and the black dot (see pictures).

Check again the NF. If it is OK, the aiming diode laser is properly aligned. If not, repeat
the procedure.

6.3. Nd:YAG beam alignment

This procedure assures correct Nd laser beam direction into the articulated arm. If arm is still cutting of the
beam then the arm is not well aligned and must be serviced.

Remove the arm and place ID 74668 tool on the arm post.

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Place the beam bending ID 73713 tool over the cross tool on the arm post. It is also possible to do the
procedure without the beam bending tool.

Setup Nd laser in service menu and adjust 300mJ in OPEN laser operating mode. Place a black paper after
beam bender and fire the laser. Beam with the cross should be marked. If the cross is not approximately in
the center of the beam the “near field” steering mirror must be aligned.

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Release the KTP control PCB to access near field mirror aligning screws.

With shortened 2,5 mm hexagonal wrench adjust the near field mirror to get the near field cross
approximately in the center of the beam.

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Place a black paper on distant (far field) wall (2 – 3 m) in beam direction. If beam bending tool is not available
then you must place the paper on the ceiling. Use aiming beam as guide for paper position. Make a Nd laser
beam mark (OPEN mode, 500 mJ).

Aiming beam and Nd beam mark must be overlapped.

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Adjust the far field mirror to overlap beam on the distant position. Alignment screws are right-down and 90
deg. up. Use isolated (thermal shrinking isolation) 2,5mm (M3) hexagonal wrench. Ball end is preferred.
Make sure that the wrench is not in the beam path when laser is firing (upper screw).

Aligned aiming and Nd laser beams.

Repeat near field and far field alignment till the near field cross is in the center of the Nd beam and Nd beam
is overlapped with aiming beam on far field position.

NOTE: In case of small displacement of the beam from the reference aiming beam only near field mirror
alignment to the far field position is enough. (This can be found during regular annual service.)

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6.4. KTP assembly alignment

The procedure is usually done immediately after the Nd:YAG beam alignment. It is assumed that the Nd:YAG
beam alignment setup is still arranged. The procedure also assumes that the energy meters are calibrated
and operating. Otherwise an external energy meter must be used. The procedure consists of two stages.
First stage is the beam alignment and the second stage is the KTP crystal alignment to optimize the
conversion and output energy.
The first steering mirror is just in front of the KTP chamber (oven) and the second is just on the other side of
the KTP chamber.

Suitable protective goggles as defined in specification section of this manual must be used during KTP
assembly alignment procedure.

6.4.1. KTP beam alignment

This procedures will assure a correct beam direction into the articulated arm. If arm is still cutting of the beam
then the arm is not well aligned and must be serviced.

Select KTP laser, OPEN laser operating mode, 5Hz, adjust voltage just a little over the KTP laser operating
threshold to get stable minimum green light beam intensity. Case on picture was 408V. This voltage is
different between lasers. Check the beam position in near filed. Align the KTP near field mirror to get cross in
the center of the beam.

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KTP near field mirror.

Check the beam position on far filed position. It should overlap with the aiming beam. Align the KTP far field
mirror to overlap the beams.

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KTP far field mirror.

Repeat near field and far field alignment till the near field cross is in the center of the KTP beam and KTP
beam is overlapped with aiming beam on far field position.

NOTE: In case of small displacement of the beam from the reference aiming beam only near field mirror
alignment to the far field position is enough. (This can be found during regular annual service.)

6.4.2. KTP crystal alignment

Always align first the beam through the KTP chamber and to the articulated arm (to the aiming beam) before
proceeding with the KTP crystal alignment.

• Set Q-SW laser operating mode.

• Loose the KTP chamber rotation and rotate the KTP chamber (oven) slightly during firing the laser.
• Rotate the KTP chamber (oven) to maximum output energy.
• Improve the KTP chamber (oven) adjustment with the aligning screws. The energy should rise even

The KTP assembly is well optimized if the conversion between Nd:YAG and KTP operation is higher then
50%. Test the Nd:YAG and KTP operation at the same parameters:
(500V, 5Hz, Q-SW).
The KTP minimum energy should be higher then 400 mJ.

6.5. Energy meters calibration procedure


The purpose of calibration procedures is to adjust internal energy meters so that the actual output energy of
the Nd:YAG laser corresponds with the selected and displayed values of Fotona QX MAX in normal operating
The Fotona QX MAX utilizes two energy meters. Each energy meter has two measuring channels. One
channel is measuring Nd:YAG laser beam and the other channel is measuring KTP beam.

Both energy meters data are used for regulation of the laser pulse energy with a digital on-line feedback loop.
The energy meters readings for each laser must match in a certain tolerance window. This energy regulation

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and monitoring function forms a double safety feature. If the readings of these two energy meters differ for
more then a prescribed value the system will stop the laser, close the shutters, block the whole system an
display an energy meters mismatch message.

This procedure assumes that the laser is in alignment.

6.5.1. Nd:YAG energy meters calibration

The energy meter calibration is done with attached beam delivery system and hand piece.
Articulated arm and hand piece must be attached.

Carefully inspect the attached handpiece for damage before the calibration procedure.
The exit window or fiber tip and the proximal input lens must be clean.
It is advisable to use a new exit window for the calibration procedure. Checking the Q-SW energy meter calibration

• Start the system

• Select Nd:YAG laser source.
• Enter user menu.
• Enter the laser parameters: Beam diameter 8 mm, Frequency 1 Hz and Fluence 0,9 J/cm2.
• To avoid damaging the energy meter head we advise to use a divergent lens to decrease the laser
energy density on the energy meter head. Place a defocusing lens (f = -150 mm, AR/AR for 532 nm
and 1064 nm, Fotona assembly ID 83101) close to the hand piece exit. Adjust the HP spot size to
maximum size.
• Press the READY key. After the safety shutter opens, aim the red aiming beam at the center of the
external energy meter at a distance of approximately 15 cm.
• Press the foot switch and compare the measured energy displayed by the external energy meter.
The system energy meter is calibrated correctly, if the readings fall in the range between 360 mJ and 540
mJ (450 mJ ± 20 %).
The system energy meter or the laser beam delivery system transmission factor has to be re-calibrated, if
the values differ for more than ± 20 %.
• Repeat the measurements at the same spot diameter and frequency at fluencies 0.4 J/cm2 (energy
readings between 160 mJ and 240 mJ) and 1.9 J/ cm2 (energy readings between 760 mJ and 1140

7. Nd Q-SW Energy meter calibration 1 (field service, preferred)

• Restart the system in service mode.
• Select Nd:YAG laser source.
• Enter service menu.
• By pressing the MENU key select (underline) CA.
• Press + or – to change CA to UN. Leave UN if it is already selected.
• Set Q-SW mode.
• Place an external energy meter in front of the articulated arm. Use defocussing lens assembly ID
83101 on the arm exit to protect reference energy meter against burns. Place the external reference
energy meter at such distance to catch a whole beam and prevent energy meter damages.
• Set voltage to approximate 450V and fire the laser. Adjust the voltage to get 500mJ reading on the
external energy meter.
• Loosen the energy meter screens by moving the front hex-nut to one side.
• Fire the laser and rotate the internal energy meters screens by moving the side screw (up/down). Try
both end positions. The readings should changed accordingly between minimum and maximum. Exact
readings are not specified.
• Adjust the screw to position where the readings of the internal energy meter is approximately 2000mJ.
• Fix gently the energy meters screens (front nut) with suitable wrench.
• By pressing MENU key select UN and change to CA by using + and – keys.
• By pressing MENU key again select calibration mode.
• Adjust the Ep1 and Ep2 parameters to match the E1 and E2 readings with the external reference
energy meter.

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7.1. Nd Q-SW Energy meter calibration 2

The following steps assume that the articulated arm is aligned and in good condition and the transmission
factor is correct.

• Restart the system in service mode.

• Select Nd:YAG laser source.
• Enter service menu.
• By pressing the MENU key select (underline) CA.
• Press + or – to change CA to UN. Leave UN if it is already selected.
• Set Q-SW mode.
• Place an external energy meter in front of the articulated arm exit (no HP attached). Use defocussing
lens assembly ID 83101 on the arm exit to protect reference energy meter against burns. Place the
external reference energy meter at such distance to catch a whole beam and prevent energy meter
• Set voltage to approximate 450V and fire the laser. Adjust the voltage to get 500mJ reading on the
external energy meter.
• Loosen the energy meter screens by moving the front hex-nut to one side.
• Fire the laser and rotate the internal energy meters screens by moving the side screw (up/down). Try
both end positions. The readings should changed accordingly between minimum and maximum. Exact
readings are not specified.
• Adjust the screw to position where the readings are app. ½ of the maximum reading.
• Fix gently the energy meters screens (front nut) with the plastic wrench.
• By pressing MENU key select UN and change to CA by using + and – keys.
• By pressing MENU key again select calibration mode.
• Adjust the Ep1 and Ep2 parameters to match the E1 and E2 readings with the external reference
energy meter.
• Change to user Q-SW menu.
• Attach the HP to the articulated arm. Use de-focusing lens assembly in front and very close to the HP.
Adjust the HP to maximal spot size.
• Set 8mm spot size, 0,9J/cm2 fluence and 1Hz frequency. Laser pulse energy should be 450mJ.
• Measure the energy with an external reference energy meter.
• If the reading is different then 450mJ then enter the service menu again and correct Ep1 and Ep2
• Repeat Ep1 and Ep2 adjustment until you get 450mJ reading on the external reference energy meter.

7.1.1. ACC energy meter calibration ACC energy meter calibration test

• Start the system

• Select Nd:YAG SP laser source.
• Enter user menu.
• Enter the laser parameters: Beam diameter 8 mm, Frequency 1 Hz and Fluence 5,1 J/cm2.
• Press the READY key. After the safety shutter opens, aim the red aiming beam at the center of the
external reference energy meter.
• Press the foot switch and compare the measured energy displayed by the external energy meter.
The system energy meter is calibrated correctly, if the readings fall in the range between 2048 mJ and
3072 mJ (2560 mJ ± 20 %).
The system energy meter or the laser beam delivery system transmission factor has to be re-calibrated, if
the values differ for more than ± 20 %. ACC energy meter calibration

The following steps assume that the articulated arm is aligned and in good condition and the transmission
factor is correct. Q-SW energy meters must be calibrated.

• Restart the system in service mode.

• Select SP laser source.

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• In the user menu select beam diameter 8 mm, Frequency 1 Hz and Fluence 5,1 J/cm2
• Fire the laser and measure the energy with the external reference energy meter.
• If the reading is different then 2560 mJ then the SP Ep1 and Ep2 parameters must be adjusted.
• Enter service mode.
• By pressing the MODE key select calibration mode. CALIBRATE. Ep1 will be underlined.
• Press + or – to adjust Ep1.
• Press MODE again to select Ep2 and adjust it.
• Test the parameters in the user mode at specified setting.
• Adjust the SP Ep1 and Ep2 parameters to match 2560 mJ on the external reference.

7.1.2. KTP energy meters calibration

Articulated arm and hand piece must be attached.
Nd:YAG energy meters must be calibrated.

Carefully inspect the attached hand piece for damage before the calibration procedure.
The exit window or fiber tip and the proximal input lens must be clean.
It is advisable to use a new exit window for the calibration procedure. Checking the KTP energy meter calibration

• Start the system

• Select KTP laser source.
• Enter user menu.
• Enter the laser parameters: Beam diameter 8 mm, Frequency 1 Hz and Fluence 0.5 J/cm2.
• To avoid damaging the energy meter head we advise to use a divergent lens to decrease the laser
energy density on the energy meter head. Place a defocussing lens ID 831010 (f = -150 mm, AR/AR
for 532 nm and 1064 nm) close to the hand piece exit.
• Press the READY key. After the safety shutter opens, aim the red aiming beam at the center of the
external energy meter at a distance of approximately 15 cm.
• Press the foots witch and compare the measured energy displayed by the external energy meter.
• The system energy meter is calibrated correctly, if the readings fall in the range between 200 mJ and
300 mJ (250 mJ ± 20 %).
The system energy meters has to be KTP re-calibrated, if the values differ for more than ± 20 %.
• Repeat the measurements at the same spot diameter and frequency at fluencies 0.2 J/cm2 (energy
readings between 80 mJ and 120 mJ) and 0.9 J/ cm2 (energy readings between 360 mJ and 540 mJ) KTP energy meter calibration

The following steps assume that the articulated arm is aligned and in good condition and the transmission
factor is correct. Q-SW energy meters must be calibrated.
• Restart the system in service mode.
• Select KTP laser source.
• In the user menu select beam diameter 8 mm, Frequency 1 Hz and Fluence 0.5 J/cm2
• Fire the laser and measure the energy with the external reference energy meter.
• If the reading is different then 250mJ then the KTP Ep1 and Ep2 parameters must be adjusted.
• Enter service mode.
• By pressing the MODE key select calibration mode. CALIBRATE. Ep1 will be underlined.
• Press + or – to adjust Ep1.
• Press MODE again to select Ep2 and adjust it.
• Test the parameters in the user mode at specified setting.
• Adjust the KTP Ep1 and Ep2 parameters to match 250mJ on the external reference.

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7.2. Articulated arm alignment

This procedure describes advanced articulated arm servicing and it can be used by well equipped and skilful
service person to precisely align the articulated arm. Some sections can be also very informative for all
service personnel and are advised to be read.

7.2.1. Tools:
• DUMA AlignMeter ALIGNLL-USB-100 (or current model).
• DUMA adapter ID 89409 (1 mirror position, optional for aiming beam reference alignment).
• DUMA adapter large ID 72020 (2 mirror).
• DUMA adapter medium ID 72026 (3,4 mirror).
• DUMA adapter small ID 80900 (5,6,7 mirror; Fidelis, LightWalker DT, ST-E arms).
• DUMA adapter small ID 73134 (5,6,7 mirror, LightWalker AT arm).
• DUMA adapter 72058-A and 72058-B (arm exit).
• Arm aligning interface with aiming beam ID 89936.
• Aiming beam alignment tool ID 89847 (long tube).
• Hand tools.

7.2.2. Aiming beam alignment. OPTION 1 (Default):

• Open covers to reach head control PCB.

• Remove the arm from the system.
• Install the arm aligning interface with aiming beam ID 89936 on the arm post.

• Return the arm and fix it on to the ID 89936 interface.

• Remove the first (1) mirror and put adapter ID 89409 with DUMA in the hole against arm input.

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• Rotate the arm around vertical axis and observe the DUMA (computer) screen. The beam will
be walking around.

• Adjust the diode (aiming) beam laser in such way that the beam is in the center of both DUMA
screens showing (X: 0, Y: 0) displacement and direction (0 mrd) or second displacement. The
beam walking should disappear or it is minimized. The precision is shown on the photo above.

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! NOTE: It is more important that the beam stays at one place and the walking is minimized
then the beam stays in the center ! OPTION 2:

NOTE: This procedure is not recommended because it might not be precise enough !

• Open covers to reach head control PCB.

• Remove the arm from the system.
• Install the arm aligning interface with aiming beam ID 89936 on the arm post.
• Place an aiming beam alignment tool ID 89847 on to the ID 89936 interface.
• Align the aiming diode laser beam of the ID 89936 according to related procedure for ID 89847
tool. (Refer to aiming beam alignment section of this manual.)

7.2.3. Arm alignment First mirror alignment.

• Install 1st mirror from the input.
• Remove the 2nd mirror from the input.
• Place DUMA with related adapter to 2nd mirror place.

• Rotate the arm around horizontal (mirror 1) axis and observe DUMA's screen.

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• Align the first mirror in such way that the beam walking is minimized or even canceled. This
means that the beam is in the center of the second mirror. Absolute center position on the
computer screen is not important. Minimizing beam walking is important. Second mirror alignment.

• Remove the DUMA adapter (with DUMA) from second (2) mirror.
• Install optical cell if it's not installed yet.
• Install the 2nd mirror.
• Remove the third mirror.
• Place an semi-transparent adhesive tape over the hole.

NOTE: Production procedure is shown on the pictures above and therefor the arm is not assembled yet.
Assembled arm is processed the same way. No arm branch disassembling is necessary.

• Adjust the second mirror to center the beam through the optical cell on the 3rd mirror position.
There is not enough space to use DUMA because the optical cell is too close to the testing
position. A corresponding DUMA adapter is not used because the 3rd mirror knuckle is fixed
and cannot be rotated for minimizing beam walking procedure. Third mirror alignment.

• Remove the 4th mirror and place DUMA with related adapter on its place.

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NOTE: Production procedure is shown on the pictures above and therefor the arm is not assembled yet.
Assembled arm is processed the same way. No arm branch disassembling is necessary.

• Install the 3rd mirror.

• Rotate DUMA around horizontal 3rd mirror axis and observe the DUMA screen.
• Align the 3rd mirror in such way that the beam walking is minimized or even canceled. This
means that the beam is in the center of the 4th mirror position. Forth mirror alignment.

• Remove DUMA adapter (with DUMA) from 4th mirror and place the mirror on the position.
• Install the second optical cell if it's not inside the arm already.
• Remove the 5th mirror.
• Place a semi-transparent adhesive tape over hole at 5th mirror position.

• Align the 4th mirror to center the beam at 5th mirror. Mostly the visual confirmation of central
position is sufficient. DUMA can be used for more exact alignment.
• Place DUMA with the adapter on place of 5th mirror.
• Rotate DUMA around its (4th mirror) axis and observe the DUMA screen.
• Align the 4th mirror in such way that the beam walking is minimized or even canceled. This
means that the beam is in the center of the 5th mirror. Fifth mirror alignment

• Remove the DUMA adapter (with DUMA) from 5th mirror and place it on the position of the 6th
• Install the 5th mirror.
• Rotate the DUMA around 5th mirror axis and observe the DUMA screen.
• Align the 5th mirror in such way that the beam walking is minimized or even canceled. This
means that the beam is in the center of the 6th mirror. Sixth mirror alignment

• Remove the 7th mirror.
• Remove the DUMA adapter (with DUMA) from 6th mirror. Change adapter to the 7th mirror

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• Install the 6th mirror.
• Rotate the DUMA around 6th mirror axis and observe the DUMA screen.
• Align the 6th mirror in such way that the beam walking is minimized or even canceled. This
means that the beam is in the center of the 7th mirror. Seventh mirror alignment.

• Install the 7th mirror.
• Place DUMA with related adapter on the arm exit.
• Rotate the DUMA around 7th mirror axis and observe the computer screen.
• Align the 6th mirror in such way that the beam walking is minimized or even canceled. This
means that the beam is in the centered on the arm exit. On this position the center of the
DUMA is valid since the adapter is centered to the arm exit.

This concludes the arm alignment procedure

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8. Troubleshooting
8.1. Advisory messages
Advisory messages are messages to the user or servicemen. To be aware of their meaning and eventually a
possible action or service they are described bellow.

8.1.1. Advisory messages during power-up

• Key switch in off position after power-up:

Fotona Lasers
Fotona QX MAX

• Key switch in on position after power-up:


8.1.2. Advisory messages during self-test

• System self-test start:

Running Self test
Please wait

• Running:
Running Self test

Each dot represents a checkpoint or a group of checkpoints during self-test. If the system does not end the
self-test successfully it will display an error message (system error xx) and it will be blocked.

• Successful End:
Running Self test
• Fiber beam delivery not attached:


• Laser room protection interlock:


The door-switch is open or detached from the system. Attach it or close the door

• Footswitch check status:


The foot-switch is not attached to the system. Attach it. If after attachment the message persists then replace
the footswitch with a new one.

8.1.3. Advisory messages in normal operation

• Over-temperature protection activated:


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If this message appears wait until the message disappears (the system will cool down). Then you can
proceed with normal operation of the instrument.

• Laser room protection interlock:


This message means that during normal operation of the system the door-.switch has opened or the door
switch connector has been detached from the system. After correction of the reason for this message the
system will revert to STAND BY state and normal operation can be continued only after pressing the READY

• Footswitch pressed too soon while entering READY mode:


This message appears if the footswitch is pressed too early after the READY key has been pressed. The
laser calibration was performed completely. The footswitch has to be released. The system reverts back to
the STBY state.

• The system does not enter READY mode:


This message is issued by the system when laser energy requested by the system can not be reached in
calibration. Try the laser at lower settings and determine the highest energies the system successfully
calibrates. Then use lower settings until the laser source, for which this message was created, is serviced.

• Beam delivery detached from the system:


8.1.4. Advisory message in service mode

• Entering the service mode


Remove key to cancel

This advisory message appears when the service mode is about to be entered. It warns the user/servicemen
that the instrument is to enter the service mode of operation. The message disappears when the last key for
entering the service mode (the SET key) is pressed. To enable Service mode menu certain safety measures
are taken (service key – a combination of keys that should be pressed before tuning on the key switch).

• Entering the total counter menu in service mode. Press “-“ to reset the counter.


SET to continue

The message is displayed for one second. SET key must be selected to reset the total counter, reset service
operating TEST modes (TEST 2, …) and continue operation in basic menu.

8.2. Error messages reported by the system

8.2.1. System error 10 - parameters error

The error is issued because the parameters stored in IC24 are changed, not accessible or faulty. Error 10 is
comprised by the following sub-family:

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10-1 : Error reading EEPROM;
10-2 : data integrity error - SETUP and BACKUP;
10-3 : EEPROM write error - SETUP;
10-4 : read error on verification - SETUP;
10-5 : data verification error - SETUP;
10-11 : Error reading EEPROM;
10-12 : data integrity error - SETUP;
10-13 : EEPROM write error - BACKUP;
10-14 : read error on verification - BACKUP;
10-15 : data verification error - BACKUP.

When the parameters were intentionally changed the new parameters must be confirmed.
• Switch off the system completely.
• Start the main switch.
• Select +, +, -, READY to setup service mode.
• Confirm the new parameters when asked. Audio signal will be present and no further action will be
• Switch off the key switch.
• Restart the system.

This procedure is not allowed when the parameters were not intentionally changed. Confirming wrong
parameters can lead to laser system damage. Please check the parameters with the external computer,
match the parameters to the system or contact Fotona service for original parameters.

In all other cases check SETUP data integrity. If error repeats replace IC24 parameter EPROM or the
complete Controller.

8.2.2. System error 11 - Energy meter communication error

This error message means that the Controller has not received a signal from one or both energy meters. The
error message can be detected during self-test after the key-switch was activated or after READY was
selected during the output energy calibration and user operation of the laser. Energy meter status “Emstat” is
displayed during the self-test. Each energy meter status is represented with 4 binary digits. First set of 4 digits
corresponds to the first energy meter (OW15) - closer to the laser and the next set to the second energy
meter (OW10).
• Digit 1 represents the presence of the energy meter (signal) status.
• Digit 2 represents the end of the energy measurement (energy meter ready) status.
• Digit 3 represents the energy meter reference voltage status.
• Digit 4 represents the data integrity check (CRC)
Correct status is presented with value 1 and wrong status with 0.
After the error is detected in self-test the controller tests the communication for additional 100 times. During
this time the service engineer has the opportunity to remove the OW15 (or OW10) from the controller and
check if the energy meter is sending the signal – red light flashes.
Possible reasons:
• Optical Wires are not properly connected to the energy meters or controller. Check if all optical links
OW14, OW17, OW10, OW15 are properly attached to their receptacles on the Controller and on the
energy meters.
• Energy meter power voltage problem. Check if the 5VDC voltage is present on the energy meter
terminal block or head control PCB X7 EM connection. If everything seems right replace the energy

NOTE: After the replacement of energy meter, please perform the energy meter calibration as
described in this manual.

8.2.3. System error 12 – Energy meter data not available timeout

This error message means that the Controller has not received the “ energy measurement finished” signal
from the energy meter. Service procedure is the same as in case of system error 11.
This error can also mean that the Controller has received 2-times (one immediately after an other) from the
energy meter the reading that is 25-times lower then required. Possible reasons:
• The laser pulse has not occurred.
• The flash lamp pulse has not occurred. Open the system and remove the laser head cover.
Visually confirm the missing flash lamps pulse.

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• Check LEDs H1 and H8 on the PFM CTRL PCB. They must blink together with the flash lamps
pulses. If these LEDs blinks twice but the flash lamps pulses are missing then the error will be
detected and the flash lamp pulse is disabled locally on the PFM assembly.

• If H1 and H2 don’t blink upon firing the laser then check OW5 signal coming from the controller
to the PFM CTRL PCB. It must blink at least twice before the error is detected.
• If the OW5 exit doesn’t blink at all then the controller doesn’t deliver the laser firing signal. It
could be only the OW5 emitter problem or a complete controller must be replaced.
• Check
• The optical link OW5 is not properly attached to the PFM MODULE assembly or Controller –
check it

• The Energy meter has lost is 24VDC supplying voltage during normal operation – check
connector X1 on energy meter
• The Energy meter is faulty – not properly operating flash-pulse detector – replace energy meter

NOTE: After replacing the Energy meter please perform the energy meter calibration.

• The PFM MODULE assembly is faulty - Replace the complete PFM MODULE assembly.

8.2.4. System error 13 - Energy meter supply voltage low

The controller has detected wrong energy meter reference voltage status. This error means that energy
meter power voltage is outside prescribed limits. Service procedure is the same as in case of system error

8.2.5. System error 14 - Energy meter data transfer error CRC failure.
The controller has detected data control number that does not match with the reference data control number.
Service procedure is the same as in case of system error 11.

8.2.6. System error 16 – EM1 data transfer error, wrong wavelength read.
The controller detects that Energy Meter 1 reads wrong wavelength channel. This information is sent from
the energy meter 1 just before the AD converter reading. Service procedure is the same as in case of system
error 11.

8.2.7. System error 17 – EM2 data transfer error, wrong wavelength read.
The controller detects that Energy Meter 2 reads wrong wavelength channel. This information is sent from
the energy meter 1 just before the AD converter reading. Service procedure is the same as in case of system
error 11.

8.2.8. System error 18 – Energy meter saturation error

The controller has detected maximum energy reading. This error could be a consequence of working in the
service mode/menu at very high voltage or due to external light source. If the error is detecting in user mode
then the energy meter is probably faulty. Faulty energy meter with this error will be impossible to calibrate
according to the procedure described in this manual.

8.2.9. System error 19 (or five longer beeps at power-on) – Console communication
(I2C) error
For this error message it is possible not to be displayed on the control panel display. When not displayed the
system will at start-up generate five longer audio beeps. To resolve this problem first check if the display LCD
backlight is bright. If this is not true, turn off the system and check the cables from system console to the
Controller extension board. If the system still reports the same error message replace the CONTROLLER
board by following controller replacement procedure described in this manual. Advanced diagnostics is
possible by connecting the Controller to external notebook computer. Call Fotona service staff for further

8.2.10. System error 20 - Shutter blocked in open position

This error message means that the controller has received the signal from the shutter head control PCB that

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safety shutter is in its open position. It should be closed.

• Check if supply cable is properly connected to HEAD CTRL board. If something is to be repaired
always turn the power of the system OFF. Power supply 24VDV of HEAD CTRL and ENERGYMETER
is capable of considerable currents. In case of short circuits, connectors can be damaged.
• Check visually if the shutter moves during the selftest prior to error is detected. Pay attention to the
shutter movement and bounces from the end positions. The shutter must move smoothly and without
bounces on the end positions.
• Check if optical links (fibers) OW3 and OW4 are properly inserted in their receptacles both on the
Controller and HEAD CTRL board. Remove fiber from white transmitter body and check if it emits light.

If yes, then:
• Remove the HEAD CTRL board together with the shutter assembly and check if the shutter blade is
freely rotating.
• If it is blocked or stiff, then the shutter assembly together with the HEAD CTRL board has to be
changed, or the reason of mechanical blockage has to be corrected.

NOTE: For inspecting and correcting the shutter mechanical blockage the shutter assembly should be
removed from the HEAD CTRL board. For doing this, the actuator wires should not be de-soldered from the

• If the shutter moves freely then the problem is in the HEAD CTRL board. Replace it with a new

8.2.11. System error 21 - Shutter blocked in closed position

This error message means that the controller has received the signal from the shutter head control PCB that
safety shutter is in its closed position. It should be opened.
Check points as in case of system error 20.

8.2.12. System error 22 – Laser switch blocked

This error message means that the controller has received the signal from the shutter head control PCB that
the laser switching (diverting) mirror is not in Nd:YAG position. The laser switching mirror should be in low
position activating the end position electric switch.
• Check if the laser switch mirror is in lower place. Try to activate the end position switch and test it
• Check the connection of the step motor to the motor/oven connection PCB.
• Check the connection between the connection PCB and the shutter head control PCB.
• Check if the shutter head control is driving laser switching motor. Refer to the schematics.

8.2.13. System error 23 – Laser switch blocked

This error message means that the controller has received the signal from the shutter head control PCB that
the laser switching (diverting) mirror is not in KTP position. The laser switching (diverting) mirror should be in
upper position activating the end position electric switch.

• Check if the laser switch mirror is in upper place. Try to activate the end position switch and test it
• Check the connection of the step motor to the motor/oven connection PCB.
• Check the connection between the connection PCB and the shutter head control PCB.
• Check if the shutter head control is driving laser switching motor. Refer to the schematics.

8.2.14. System error 24 – Head control error

This message means that the controller has not detected the control bit of OW4 MUX communication. The
communication is driven by IC on the Shutter head control PCB.
• Head control power voltage failure. The power voltage cable could be disconnected or the connection
is poor.
• The internal PCB voltage regulator is malfunctioning.
• The OW4 optical communication has problems.

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• Replace the shutter head control PCB if above checking and remedy is not successful.

8.2.15. System error 30 - Cooling liquid flow error

This error is detected if the flow sensor pulse rate drops below 77 Hz.
• Check if during startup of the system, before the error message appeared, the pump operates. If no,
• Check if 24 VDC is present on the cooling system pump terminal blocks during startup of the
system before the system error message is reported.
• If yes, then replace the cooling system (the pump is faulty)
• If no, then check if 24 VDC is present on the RELAY board terminal X2D between pins 1 and 3
during startup.
• If 24VDC is OK between pins 1 and 3 of X2D, then replace the relay board
• If the pump operates and the cooling liquid is flowing through the laser then:
• Check if the connector is properly attached to the flow sensor.
• Check if the Flow sensor 24VDC is present on the connector.
• If all above is OK then clean replace the Flow sensor. The flow sensor rotation can be also
obstructed by some impurities inside the sensor.
• If nothing above then the controller is faulty.

8.2.16. System error 31 - Cooling liquid pump soft start circuit error
This error message means that the soft start circuit on the relay board has been activated without receiving
activation signal from the controller. The coolant flow is detected (without activating the pump) by the
• Check the pump activation signal. Controller’s connection X2/8, X2/9 must have 24VDC measured to
the GND or 0V between them. Otherwise the pump driving FET V1 on the controller is faulty. Replace
the FET.
• If FET V1 on the controller is OK then the controller itself is faulty. Replace the controller.
• The relay PCB could be faulty. Replace the RELAY board.

8.2.17. System error 32 - Cooling liquid overheated or temperature switch error

This error message is generated only in self-test in cases when the cooling liquid temperature switch
indicates high temperature for period more then 100s. The reasons could be:
• Faulty temperature switch,
• Faulty cooling fans.

Please check the following:

• Check if system is really overheated by touching its rear side of the laser console. If it is wait for five
minutes and try again.
• Check if air flows through the heat exchanger at the rear side of the system, while pump is operating.
• Open the system and check if both fans rotate at their full speed.
• If error repeats check connections of temperature switch located on heat exchanger.
• If the error message persists with the heat exchanger at normal temperature (say ambient
temperature) then check the voltage on temperature switch with voltmeter. If the reading shows >10V,
replace temperature switch. If the voltage is less then 10V then check connections to the controller and
if the connection is good the controller board should be changed.

8.2.18. System error 40 - Simmer error (simmer current not present)

This message means that the simmer current presence status is not detected. The signal is emitted to the
controller from the PFM CTRL PCB via OW2.
For troubleshooting please perform the following:

• Turn off the system

• Remove the instrument top cover
• Remove the laser head plastic cover
• Turn on the system
• Observe if the flash lamps triggers (short light pulses of pink color appear after the Charger has turned

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• If it triggers and the simmer current establishes and then turns off, the flash lamp is to be replaced.
• If it does not trigger then:
• Check the simmer voltage between capacitor bank ( - ) negative potential (black flash lamps cable)
and simmer terminals X1 and X7 on the PFM CTRL. After the charger turns on and before the
system generates the error message, is should be appr. 1kVDC.
• If it is, then replace the flash lamp or the Simmer Trigger board
• If it is not, then check if between terminal 3 and 4 of X2 connector on the Charger. There
should be app. 1KV voltage immediately before the error message is generated (if not then
replace Charger).

If the simmer current is visually confirmed on both flash lamps but still the error is detected then there must
be a simmer detection problem.

• Check the OW2 signal. Remove the OW2 from the receptacle (receiver, black element) on the
controller and observe the OW2 exit. After the system is activated and just before the error is
detected a red light must be emitted from the OW2 exit surface. If not then the PFM CTRL
PCB is faulty and if error 68 must come next in all system test cases.
• Place the jumper between the lower pins (3,4) of the IC10 and arrange the jumper the same
way also on the IC11. Test the system and if the problem does not occur any more then one
element of the simmer circuit on the PFM CTRL is faulty. Check the simmer current circuit
elements on the PFM CTRL PCB and replace the faulty element.
• If the above diagnostic test is not successful then the problem is on the OW2 communication.
• The OW2 circuit on the PFM CTRL PCB could be faulty and PFM CTRL PCB must be
• The controller’s OW2 elements could be faulty. Replace the faulty element or a complete

8.2.19. System error 50 - Overshoot in energy (> +20%) of Nd:YAG laser

This error message means that the laser energy after pressing the footswitch had an overshoot in energy
greater then allowed or in other words the laser is starting with too high energies.

NOTE: In such cases it is important to find out at what user settings the error message was generated.

This error message could be a consequence of bad laser parameters (A, B parameter). In such cases, try to
change the value of B parameter for the respective settings to achieve more “soft” start of the laser.

Good laser alignment and energy meter calibration improves the system response to the Error 50 problems.
If you cannot get rid of this error message ask Fotona service department for help.

Attach the external computer. Please refer to external computer usage section of this manual. Observe the
external computer energy readings.
• If only one reading jumps up suddenly and sufficiently to cause higher average energy value then the
problem is probably the Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) on the energy meter or one of the energy
meters has intermittent problem. Replace that energy meter.
• Check the energy pick-up optical elements (beam splitters) for damages. Damaged element will not
reflect the right portion of the light against the energy meter.
• If both energy meters are reading increased value then check the alignment of the laser. Misaligned
laser can have irregular output.
• The problem is also typical for early stage of output laser mirror damage. Check the laser optics for
damages and replace the faulty laser element.

8.2.20. System error 52 – Missing laser pulse

Measured energy in two successive pulses during the laser operation is much lower than it is set on the
system and the system reports the error 52. Missing laser energy pulse means very low or no energy
measured during the laser emission.
Possible failure is faulty Q-switch or its driver. If the error repeats the service of the laser is recommended.

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This is not treated as real error message but it can indicate serious future problems with the laser efficiency
and laser itself.
The message is displayed in normal operation if the laser power supply (capacitor bank) voltage has reached
its maximum but the measured laser pulse energy was less then -20% lower then needed.
The message is also displayed during auto-calibration sequence (after READY is pressed) if the laser power
supply (capacitor bank) voltage has reached its maximum but the measured laser pulse energy even after
100 pulses is not inside ±10% range.
The service steps are the same as in case of error 56.

8.2.22. System error 56 – Under energy of Nd:YAG laser

This error message indicates that laser power supply (capacitor bank) voltage has reached its maximum but
the laser still has less then -40% lower energy per pulse as needed to end the auto calibration sequence
(after pressing the READY key) or normally operation.
Possible reasons:

• The laser is misaligned.

Check the laser for alignment - see associated section in this manual (the shape of laser spots
coming out from the fiber coupling assembly in service mode.
• The laser resonator mirror (OC or HR) is damaged.
Check the mirrors for damage by observing them in the resonator. Usually the damage is visible
by naked eye. If damaged, perform OC or HR resonator mirror replacement respectively (see
section Resonator mirror removal/replacement).

NOTE: after mirror replacement and alignment check the alignment of articulated arm also.

• The laser rod is damaged Check with inspection the end surfaces of the laser rod - they must be clean
and without visible damage. If damaged replace the complete laser module
• If all above is OK then the flash-lamp has lost its efficiency. Replace the flash-lamp.
• If after replacing the flash-lamp the error message still persists then the laser pumping chamber has
lost its efficiency and should be replaced.
• At the end it is also possible that the energy meter is measuring too low energy. Check the energy
meter calibration with the external reference NIST traceable energy meter and correct the calibration or
replace the energy meter. NOTE that the new energy meter is matched to individual system laser
beam picking optics and must calibrated on the system itself.

8.2.23. System error 57 - Under voltage limit in calibration of Nd:YAG laser

The newly calculated voltage (during closed loop regulation of energy) in calibration or in normal operation
(READY state) with foot-switch pressed is below 350V voltage limit.
Possible reasons for this error message are:
• The energy meter(s) report very high energy to Controller. This forces the feedback (E1) loop to realize
too low voltages (bellow 175 V) on the capacitor bank. Check the calibration of energy meters and if
necessary perform energy meter calibration.
• If the error message was generated after editing the laser parameters (A, B) by the SET command
then: Check if the new values of the edited “A” or “B” parameters are realistic (not differing too much
from the original ones before editing).
• The PFM CTRL PCB has wrong voltage calibration or it is faulty. Test the capacitor bank voltage and
compare it with the value adjusted in the service menu. Adjust the potentiometer on the PFM CTRL
PCB to match your reference or replace the PCB.

8.2.24. System error 58 - Energy meters mismatch >30% of Nd:YAG laser

This error indicates that the energies measured by the Feedback (E1) and the Monitor energy meter differ too
much and that the difference is out of prescribed tolerance.
In this case please perform the energy meters mismatch calibration as described in this manual.
Check the optical elements that pick up the signal from the laser beam for the energy meter. Any damage of
these element (pock up optics) can affect the energy measurement.
Check the laser elements for damages and proceed as in case of error 50.

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8.2.25. System error 59 – High Q-switch leakage
After the necessary laser pulse energy is reached during the calibration the Q-switch leakage is checked.
Meaning that the Q-switch is closed and the flash lamps are fired few times. During this procedure the
energies of laser pulses are monitored and if too high energy is detected the system reports error 59. There
should be no or minimum pulse energy detection because the Q-switch is closed. This is also called pre-
• Too much scattered light is detected from the flash lamps on to the energy meters. Check the
screening plate.
• Check the polarizing optics for damages and replace it if necessary.
• Check the λ/4 wave plate. Adjust (rotate) the λ/4 wave plate to achieve better Q-switch closing.
Replace the λ/4 wave plate if it is found damaged.
• This error can also indicate optically faulty Q-switch cell.
NOTE that the polarizer and analyzer are adjusted and positioned in such way to close the laser when the Q-
switch is not operated. Only Q-switch activation and operation opens the laser for action.

8.2.26. System error 60 - HV Power supply error (charging time > 2s)
This error message means that the CHARGER is not charging the capacitor bank.
Possible reasons:

• Fiber OW 20 is not properly inserted to its receptacle either on PFM MODULE assembly or inside the
Charger assembly. Check it and insert the fiber properly
The fiber proper attachment inside the Charger assembly is more critical. The fiber end should be cut, ground
and polished perpendicular to the fiber axis and inserted in its receptacle to the very end.

• Fiber OW 16 is not inserted properly to its receptacle on PFM MODULE assembly or on the Controller.
This fiber supplies a voltage reference to PFM MODULE assembly to which the capacitor bank should
be charged. Check it and insert the optical link OW16 properly on both the Controller and PFM part.
• Fiber OW 7 is not inserted properly to its receptacle on PFM MODULE assembly or on the Controller.
This fiber supplies a voltage reference to PFM MODULE assembly to which the capacitor bank should
be charged. Check it and insert the optical link OW7 properly on both the Controller and PFM part.
• Measure the voltage between pins 3 and 1 of X22 on the Charger assembly immediately before the
error message appears. If the OW20 is OK and there is no voltage or a very low voltage on the
connection then the Charger assembly is faulty. Replace the complete Charger assembly
• Safety auto discharge circuit on the top of the PFM Module assembly is accidentally activated by
corrupted 24VDC from the charger. The 24VDC can be effected by EMI or week charger performance.
Diode V2 must be replaced with lower voltage zenner diode BZX85C11 on the PFM Mpdule assembly
safety auto discharge driving circuit. The discharging resistors are hot during normal operation.
WARNING: HIGH LEATHAL VOLTAGE AND ENERGY! In some cases the PFM Module assembly
communication fibers can be melted.
• The capacitor bank is damaged. The current is leaking through faulty capacitor. Replace the capacitor.
• The PFM assembly is faulty. Replace the PFM.

8.2.27. System error 61 – PFM Module assembly error (high voltage dropped under
This error message means that the voltage on capacitor bank is lower then 120V. A very possible reason for
it is that the safety discharge circuit located on the top of the PFM MODULE assembly is erratically started
and discharging the capacitor bank. In this case the big wire resistors located on this board are very hot. This
circuit is performing the safety discharge of the capacitor bank when it losses its 24VDC supply voltage from
the charger (after the key switch is turned and the Charger stops to operate).
• Turn off the system and turn it on again.
• If the error message still persists or appears frequently replace the PFM MODULE assembly.

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8.2.28. System error 62 – OW1 control signal error
OW1 PFM control signal communication is tested on the PFM CTRL PCB and status is returned through
OW2 bit 4 (input 5).
• Compatibility problem. Check if PFM 3 or higher version is installed on the system. The error will be
detected with PFM 2 or older assembly.

8.2.29. System error 67 - HV Power supply relay error

This error message appears when the key switch is turned off and the simmer current is detected on either of
flash lamps. The reason is that the K1 relay on the Relay board did not turned off.
• Replacement of K1 relay on the Relay board is necessary or the replacement of the complete Relay

8.2.30. System error 68 - HV Power supply, capacitor bank without 24VDC

• Check if the optical links (fibers) 1, 2 are on the Controller and PFM MODULE assembly properly
• Check if the connectors X2 on Controller board and X5D on the RELAY board are properly attached.
• Check if the connector on the Charger is properly attached to it.

If all optical links and connectors are OK then:

• Check if the PFM MODULE assembly receives 24VDC supply from the Charger (Terminals X1 on the
Discharge PCB located on top of the PFM MODULE assembly).
• If there is 24VDC then pull out optical link 20 from the transmitter (Located on PFM MODULE
assembly) which supplies UREFERENCE to the Charger. Turn off the system and turn it on again
if there is no light coming out from the transmitter then the PFM MODULE assembly is faulty.
Replace it.

• If there is no 24VDC on terminal blocks X1 on Discharge PCB then the Charger has not started.
Check if the Relay K1 on the RELAY board is turning on after the key-switch is turned on (refer to
electrical wiring diagram).
• If Relay K1 on the Relay board DOES NOT turn on then replace the RELAY board (or the K1
• If even after replacement of the RELAY board (or K1 relay) the same message remains
then the Controller board has to be replaced.
• If the Relay K1 on the Relay board TURNS ON and the message still remains then the Charger
is faulty. Replace it.

8.2.31. System error 69 - HV Power supply error in selftest.

• Relay K1 is faulty on the Relay board. As a consequence optical link OW7 on the PFM MODULE
assembly is reporting to Controller that the Charger is charging while it shouldn't in the first part of the
• Replace relay K1 or the complete Relay board

8.2.32. System error 99 – Program execution error

The error has occurred during execution of the program. The controller performs extensive testing of itself
and the signals that generates. It is a part of safety features used on the laser system. The problem could be
neglected if it happens only once. Try to upload the firmware again. Change the controller if the problem is
more frequent and if the uploading of the FW doesn't help.

8.3. Malfunctions not reported by the system

8.3.1. The display does not show anything after turning on the system
If no beeps are sound from the system after turning it on:
• Check if the system power cord is OK (if mains voltage is supplied to the circuit breaker inlet
• If not replace the power cord.
• If yes, then check if the main circuit breaker on the rear side of the instrument is OK
• If not replace the main circuit breaker.

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• If the circuit breaker is OK then:
• Check if the auxiliary power supply voltages of 24VDC and/or 5VDC are OK (refer to wiring
diagram). If necessary replace them with new ones.
• If the auxiliary power supplies are all OK then check:
• If five longer beeps are sound refer to system error 19
• Then check if the connector, which is connecting the Display assembly (under the control
panel) with the Controller is properly inserted in the Controller and on the side of the
Display assembly.
• If the connectors are OK, then replace the cable together with connectors
• If the display still does not show anything replace the Display assembly
• If the display still does not show anything replace the Controller.

8.3.2. The system does not respond to the keyboard on the control panel
The possible reason could be a faulty keyboard or the Display assembly. Complete Display assembly should
be replaced.

8.3.3. The control panel LCD backlight does not light

The Display assembly should be replaced.

8.3.4. The key switch does not respond

Check the key switch if it operates OK by checking it with an ohmmeter (you should have to dismount the
Front panel of the instrument – follow the instructions in this manual) - refer to wiring diagram.
• If it is not, replace the key switch contact part, which is attached to the mechanical part of the key
• If the key switch is OK and the system still does not respond to the key switch then replace the Display

8.3.5. The system does not respond to the footswitch

Replace the complete footswitch with a new one.

8.3.6. Calibration time too long

This situation means that the laser needs too much laser shots to calibrate the laser to the requested energy
or power. During the lifetime of the laser system the flashlamp is loosing its efficiency and consequently the
laser also. For this reasons the laser characteristics described with A, B parameters are changing. The net
effect is that the laser needs higher voltages to realize the same energy.
A normal situation is also that when the laser system is cold – it calibrates faster and when it is warm it
calibrates slower.
Since the laser system is starting the calibrations from the values of A and B parameters, the starting voltage
for the first pulse is always the same (determined by the A and B parameters) but the real laser needs a
higher value to realize the same energy. The effect is such that the laser starts with lower energy and needs
more pulses to make the calibration.
The system can compensate this lower efficiency until a certain extent when it finally reports that the
requested energy or power cannot be realized even with the highest allowed voltage (message “can not
calibrate”). In this case the flashlamp must be replaced.

Faster calibration times can be achieved by editing the laser parameters. Usually editing only the A is
enough. The rule is to decrease the value of A parameter. For example: if the A0 parameter was –1400 you
should decrease this parameter for lets say 10% (the new value will be in this example –1540). This will
increase the starting voltage for the first pulse. The logic is the opposite if the A parameter is positive.

8.3.7. The expected treatment effect is weaker then usual

The beam deliveries or hand pieces are damaged or misaligned. Check the respective hand pieces or beam

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9. Schematics
9.1. Fotona QX MAX electrical wiring diagram
Please refer to figure " Fotona QX MAX Model M031-3A, M002-3A Wiring Diagram" attached to this manual
inside the binder.

9.2. Flash lamp replacement

Please refer to figure " Flash lamp Replacement" attached to this manual inside the binder.

9.3. Simmer trigger board layout

Please refer to figure " TV TRIGGER M021-1AF – ses." attached to this manual.

9.4. Head Control layout

Please refer to figure " HEAD – CTRL 3" attached to this manual.

9.5. Energy meter layout

Please refer to figures " ENERGOMETR M031-3A – SES." And "TV ENMA 1 ses." attached to this manual.

9.6. Relay Board layout

Please refer to figures "TV RELE 1 SES" and "Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" both attached to this
manual inside the binder.

9.7. 24VDC Auxiliary power supply layout

Please refer to figure "Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" attached to this manual inside the binder.

9.8. 5VDC Auxiliary power supply layout

Please refer to figure " Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" attached to this manual inside the binder.

9.9. PFM Module layout

Please refer to figures "PFM 31 1S1 1SCR SES" and "PFM 31 1S2 1SCR SES" attached to this manual
inside the binder.

9.10. Controller layout

Please refer to figure "KONTROLER 59848" attached to this manual inside the binder.

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82016 Q-switch

83826 SM ENG/5
λ/4 plate assy. Q-switch cell
assy. 72364, 71916
optics 62088
Laser rear HR mirror
72009 HP
72358 assy. Laser front 82020 assy.
Laser beam OC mirror Laser beam
81990 las. cavity assy. bending mirror
bending 81066
mirror 72180 72180

Laser crystal 81656

Flash lamp 71989

Shutter Beam
70456 splitter assy. head bending
70281 diverting mirror assy. 70448 combiner 70229 optics control mirror
71990 mirror holder assy. assy. 70228 optics. assy. 70238
9.11. Fotona QX MAX optical diagram

70227 diverting/bending mirror 70035. Far-field

Near-field 1064 filter assy., 70199
82035 KTP 7458 Aiming
steering chamber assy. beam
mirror mirror
70450 assy. KTP crystal 81415. 1064 nm
70227 optics beam sink

70450 assy., E2 E1 Energy

adjustable meter assy., Aiming
Beam- 70501 diode laser
bending 72647
mirror 70227 70471 assy., adjustable.

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KTP beam bending mirror
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10. Parts list
The following is the spare parts list for the Fotona QX MAX M031-3A/2 ID 81994.

Code Part Remark

81991 Laser head M031-3A/2 assy.
81990 Laser cavity Nd:YAG Q10 assy. Includes simmer trigger PCB
69075 Reflector Q10 assy.
81656 Laser rod Nd Q10
Laser rod Q10 gasket
69040 Laser rod gasket Nd protection
82033 Laser rod Nd Q10 fixing plate
71989 Flash lamp Nd Q10 assy
10969 Flash lamp Nd Q10 gasket
69035 Flash lamp Nd Q10 fixing part
18744 Laser cavity fitting gasket
81066 Nd output mirror QX
82183 Nd rear mirror QX
70429 Q-switch assy. QX
71916 Q-switch cell QX
72099 Polarizing optics QX
62008 λ/4 optics plate
82447 Q-switch driver PCB QX
70225 Simmer trigger board QX
70281 Diverting mirror assy.
71990 Diverting mirror holder assy.
70227 Diverting/bending mirror 1064/45
71053 Diverting mirror motor assy. Including position switches
70081 Diverting mirror motor
34529 Micro switch
70450 Bending mirror assy. Adjustable, includes 70227 optics.
82035 KTP QX assy.
82018 KTP chamber assy.
81415 KTP crystal QX
71251 KTP crystal lining QX
71082 KTP temperature switch QX
70340 KTP oven CTRL PCB Diverting mirror connections
70471 KTP beam bending mirror Adjustable, includes 70228 optics
70458 Filter QX assy
70232 Filter optics QX
70448 Beam combiner Nd/KTP assy QX
70228 Beam combiner Nd/KTP optics QX
70501 Energy meter QX
69483 Energy meter QX board
70456 Beam splitter QX assy For energy meter signal
70229 Beam splitter QX
70035 Shutter head control QX assy.
70531 Shutter mirror QX assy.
71116 EM shutter actuator assy.
70199 Head control PCB QX
Inside the laser resonator and
72358 Bending mirror assy.
immediately after the output mirror.
72180 Bending mirror Optics for 72358
72647 Aiming diode laser QX
33241 Aiming beam mirror
70238 Arm coupling mirror QX Far field mirror
82045 Articulated arm QX MAX assy.

81675 Articulated arm Nd mirror

68868 Arm mirror spring

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71725 Laser head temperature sensor QX

70526 Charger K 800V 2S6 assy.

70524 PFM 31 2S2 0CR assembly
70439 PFM 3 2S2 PCB
64789 PFM 3 discharge PCB assembly
57368 Connection 1 PCB
70400 Connection 2 PCB
IGBT element
57768 option
57766 SCR element
57767 Power diode
66128 PFM bank capacitor option
68000 option
57770 Fuse 100A
57123 Power supply GPM225-24
57124 Power supply GSM28-5
69254 Relay 2 board
72523 Controller QX assy.
72254 IC38 control PCB
59848 Controller Fidelis assy.
62212 Controller motherboard ass.
62213 Controller piggy-back ass.
55065 Option
60144 Console board I2C assembly
70287 Keyboard
58011 Key lock switch
58014 Lock contacting gauge
58012 Emergency knob
58013 Knob contacting gauge
60560 Cable I2C console assy.
58350 Main switch
65561 Mains cable

71967 Cooling system QX assy.

69389 Pump
34020 De ionizing cartridge
De-ionizing cartridge Fitting 1 De-ionizing cartridge
69393 De-ionizing cartridge Fitting 2 De-ionizing cartridge
72076 Container assembly
58278 Container
70617 Fitting ½” NPT 3/8” Container 2 pcs.
60069 Fitting ¼” NPT 3/8” Container
72071 Temperature switch assy.
54393 Temperature switch
57631 Flow sensor
67514 Flow sensor fitting
58448 Heat exchanger assembly
67660 Heat exchanger 2 assembly

68510 Upper cover

68352 Right cover
68353 Left cover
68805 EMI protection front cover 3A
70939 Control panel 2 M031 assembly
70936 Front cover 2
68634 Connection plate 8
70287 Keypad M031-3A
68503 Protection cone
68168 Front cover 2

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62059 Support front cover holder
62060 Support front cover lock
57654 Console wheel w/locks
68362 Wheel holder R/front
68363 Wheel holder L/front
68361 Wheel holder cap
67265 Bumper
58587 Air filter Upper front, lower back
62613 Front handle
64504 Front handle bracelet
62481 Front handle holder
68356 Foot switch assembly
34469 Foot switch connector
54602 Door switch connector

70263 Hand piece R 25

71970 R 25 lens 1
71969 R 25 lens 2
71971 R 25 protective window

Installation manual M031-3A

M001-13A firmware
72881 M031-3A firmware

This list was generated in August 2008. The Fotona Laser Technical Support and Service department retains
rights to change the spare parts list without notification.

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