SM M320a Eng 4

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Surgical Laser System

Model 320A
CODE 58444

Service Manual
Version 1.4

Fotona d.d.
Stegne 7
1210 Ljubljana. Slovenia
Tel: +386 1 5009 100
Fax: +386 1 5009 205

S.M. – 59181 V1.4

Revision: January 2001
Pages 67
__________________________________________________________________ Fotona ____


CONTENT ................................................................................................................................2

1 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................6

2 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION .......................................................................8

2.1 MAINS INLET AND AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLIES ...................................................................9
2.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION CIRCUIT - RELAY BOARD ..................................................................9
2.3 CONTROLLER .................................................................................................................10
2.4 CONTROL PANEL WITH DISPLAY .......................................................................................11
2.5 CHARGER ......................................................................................................................11
2.6 IGBT SWITCH (PFM MODULE).......................................................................................11
2.7 COOLING SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................12
2.8 LASER HEAD ..................................................................................................................12
2.8.1 Laser module ....................................................................................................12
2.8.2 Simmer Trigger board .......................................................................................13
2.8.3 Laser beam sampling and combining optics ....................................................13
2.8.4 Energy meter ....................................................................................................13
2.8.5 Head Control and safety shutter assembly.......................................................14
2.8.6 Beam coupling assembly..................................................................................14
2.8.7 Aiming (diode) laser assembly..........................................................................14
2.8.8 Laser head protecting cover .............................................................................15
2.9 ARTICULATED ARM BEAM DELIVERY .................................................................................15
2.10 MAINS FILTER A AND B ........................................................................................15
2.11 PROTECTIVE HOUSING .........................................................................................15
2.12 LASER PULSE FORMING SEQUENCE AND ENERGY REGULATION ...............................16
2.13 SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM ....................................................................................17
2.14 OPTICAL PATH DIAGRAM ......................................................................................17
2.15 BEAM DELIVERY AND HANDPIECES ........................................................................17
2.16 FIRMWARE ..........................................................................................................17
3 DISASSEMBLY / REPLACEMENT ................................................................................18
3.1 LASER CONSOLE TOP COVER REMOVAL ...........................................................................18
3.2 LASER HEAD COVER REMOVAL ........................................................................................18
3.3 CHARGER REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT ................................................................................19
3.4 IGBT SWITCH (PFM MODULE) REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT ..................................................19
3.5 COOLING SYSTEM REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT .....................................................................19
3.5.1 Cooling system replacement ............................................................................19
3.5.2 De-ionizing cartridge replacement....................................................................20
3.5.3 Cooling fans replacement .................................................................................20
3.6 RELAY BOARD REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT ..........................................................................20
3.7 AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT........................................21
3.7.1 24VDC Auxiliary power supply removal/replacement ......................................21
3.7.2 5VDC Auxiliary power supply removal replacement ........................................21
3.8 CONTROLLER REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT ...........................................................................22
3.8.1 Complete Controller removal replacement .......................................................22
3.8.2 Replacement of the EEPROM ..........................................................................22
3.8.3 Replacement of the laser parameters memory chip (serial EEPROM) ............23
3.8.4 Replacement or upgrade of system firmware...................................................23
3.9 LASER MODULE REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT ........................................................................24
3.9.1 Simmer Trigger Board removal/replacement....................................................24
3.9.2 Resonator mirrors removal/replacement ..........................................................24
3.9.3 Laser pumping chamber removal replacement ................................................25
3.9.4 Flash lamp removal/replacement......................................................................26
3.10 ENERGY METER REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT .............................................................26
3.12 AIMING BEAM LASER REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT ......................................................27

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3.13 FRONT PANEL REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT ................................................................27
3.13.1 Complete front panel removal/replacement......................................................27
3.13.2 Control panel electronic box removal and replacement ...................................27
3.14 INCOMING COOLING AIR FILTER REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT .......................................28
4 USING THE BUILT IN SERVICE FIRMWARE...............................................................28
4.1 WITH SYSTEM'S FRONT PANEL KEYBOARD ........................................................................28
4.1.1 Access to the service firmware is as follows: ...................................................28
4.1.2 Changing the MODE and working voltage in service mode .............................29
4.1.3 Exiting the service firmware..............................................................................29
4.1.4 Flash lamp discharge counter reset .................................................................29
4.2 USE OF EXTERNAL NOTEBOOK COMPUTER FOR ADVANCED SERVICE ..................................29
4.2.1 Setup of external notebook computer...............................................................30
4.2.2 Connection of external notebook computer to the Controller ...........................30
4.2.3 Service mode with external notebook computer...............................................30
4.2.4 Additional parameters .......................................................................................32
5 ADJUSTMENT/ALIGNMENT/CALIBRATION PROCEDURES.....................................33
5.1 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE FOR THE ARTICULATED ARM .......................................................33
5.2 AIMING BEAM LASER ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE ..................................................................34
5.3 LASER ALIGNMENT .........................................................................................................35
5.4 ENERGY METERS CALIBRATION PROCEDURE ....................................................................36
5.4.1 Feedback Energy meter Calibration Procedure ...............................................37
5.4.2 Energy meters mismatch calibration procedure ...............................................38
5.5 BEAM DELIVERY CALIBRATION PROCEDURE ......................................................................38
5.6 HANDPIECES CALIBRATION PROCEDURE ..........................................................................39
6 TROUBLESHOOTING....................................................................................................39
6.1 ADVISORY MESSAGES .....................................................................................................39
6.1.1 Advisory messages during power-up ...............................................................39
6.1.2 Advisory messages during self test ..................................................................40
6.1.3 Advisory messages in normal operation...........................................................40
6.1.4 6.1.4. Advisory message in service mode ........................................................41
6.2 ERROR MESSAGES REPORTED BY THE SYSTEM IN SELFTEST .............................................41
6.2.1 System error 11 - Energy meter test of 15V supply failed................................41
6.2.2 System error 12 - Energy meter test of 5V supply failed ..................................41
6.2.3 System error 13 - Energy meter test of D/A converter reference voltage failed41
6.2.4 System error 14 - Energy meter test of D/A converter output voltage failed....42
6.2.5 System error 15 – Energy meter communication failure ..................................42
6.2.6 System error 16 - Pulse timer or reference oscillator error ..............................42
6.2.7 System error 17 - Test mode only. Communication with IGBT-switch frame error
6.2.8 System error 18 – Test mode only. Communication with head-control frame
error 42
6.2.9 System error 19 (or five longer beeps at power-on) – Console communication
error 42
6.2.10 System error 30 - Cooling liquid flow error .......................................................43
6.2.11 System error 31 - Cooling liquid pump relay error............................................43
6.2.12 System error 32 - Cooling liquid overheated or temperature switch error........43
6.2.13 System error 41 - Capacitor charging error ......................................................43
6.2.14 System error 62 - Pulse timer error or timing reference oscillator malfunction 44
6.2.15 System error 63 - Capacitor bank error ............................................................44
6.2.16 System error 64 - Capacitor bank error ............................................................44
6.2.17 System error 65 - Capacitors charged..............................................................45
6.2.18 System error 68 - HV Power supply, capacitor bank without 24VDC ..............45
6.2.19 System error 69 - HV Power supply error in selftest. .......................................45
6.3.1 System error 10 - EEPROM error.....................................................................46
6.3.2 System error 20 - Laser shutter blocked in open position ................................46

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6.3.3 System error 21 - Laser shutter blocked in closed position..............................46
6.3.4 System error 30 - Cooling liquid flow error .......................................................46
6.3.5 System error 40 - Simmer current error............................................................46
6.3.6 System error 67 - HV Power supply relay error................................................47
6.4.1 System error 50 - Overshoot energy error........................................................47
6.4.2 System error 52 - Current pulse on flash lamp not detected............................47
6.4.3 System error 53 – Laser pulse timing error ......................................................48
6.4.4 System error 55 - Over energy error (crowbar activation)................................48
6.4.5 System error 56 - Under energy in calibration or normal use...........................48
6.4.6 System error 57 - Under voltage limit in calibration..........................................48
6.4.7 System error 58 - Energy meter mismatch .......................................................49
6.4.8 System error 60 - Pulse timer error or timing reference oscillator malfunction.49
6.4.9 System error 61 - Pulse timer error or timing reference oscillator malfunction
during discharge. ................................................................................................................49
6.5 MALFUNCTIONS NOT REPORTED BY THE SYSTEM ..............................................................49
6.5.1 The display does not show anything after turning on the system ....................49
6.5.2 The system does not respond to the keyboard on the control panel ...............49
6.5.3 The back-light does not light the display ..........................................................49
6.5.4 The key switch does not respond .....................................................................49
6.5.5 The system does not respond to the footswitch ...............................................50
7 SCHEMATICS.................................................................................................................51
7.1 FIDELIS MODEL 320A FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM ..................................................................52
7.2 FIDELIS ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM .............................................................................53
7.3 FIDELIS OPTICAL DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................54
7.4 OPTICAL LINKS (FIBERS) CONNECTION DIAGRAM...............................................................55
7.5 LASER MODULE UPPER VIEW ...........................................................................................56
7.6 FLASH LAMP REPLACEMENT ............................................................................................57
7.7 ENERGYMETER LAYOUT ..................................................................................................58
7.8 CONTROLLER BOARD 1 LAYOUT ......................................................................................59
7.9 CONTROLLER BOARD 2 LAYOUT ......................................................................................60
7.10 .........................................................................................................................................60
7.11 .........................................................................................................................................60
7.12 24VDC AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY LAYOUT ..........................................................61
7.13 ARTICULATED ARM INSTALLATION AND ALIGNMENT ................................................62
8 PARTS LIST....................................................................................................................66

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Whenever the content of this manual is insufficient or incomprehensible for successful
servicing of our instrument please prepare the following information and call us.

1.) Serial number of the instrument.

2.) Detail description of the problem.
3.) Operating conditions (environment, parameters, duration,
application, etc.)
4.) The contents of the error list file if it is available.

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1 System specifications
Fidelis Model 320A Er:YAG laser
Laser wavelength: 2940 nm Er:YAG
Output energy per pulse: 40 mJ to 1000 mJ in 10 mJ steps
Pulse repetition rate: 2 to 50 Hz
Max. average power: 15 W
Pulse width: Variable in four steps:
VSP Mode: 75 -100 microseconds
SP Mode: 250 microseconds
LP Mode: 450 - 550 microseconds
VLP Mode 750 - 950 microseconds

Laser system classification: Class IV

(According to EN 60825-1/96 or IEC 825-1
or US CDRH CFR 21 1040.10)

Classification according to
MD/93/42/EEC, Annex lX 9 /12.7.93): Class IIb, Rule 9

Power requirements - rated supply voltage 230 VAC
- number of phases 1
- rated frequency 50/60 Hz ± 2%
- nominal input power 2kVA
- power factor > 0,95

Electrical connection non detachable power supply cord

Class of equipment Class I equipment

Type of equipment Type B equipment

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__________________________________________________________________ Fotona ____
Protect. earth impedance < 100 mΩ

Leakage currents - earth leakage currents < 500 µA

- patient leakage currents < 100 µA
- enclosure leakage currents < 100 µA

Circuit breaker 16A

Target indicating device - aiming beam

- semiconductor diode laser at a wavelength of 650 nm
- Power 1 mW max.
- adjustable in 7 steps from 0 to max.
Laser Classification: Class I

Safety interlocks - remote doorswitch interlock connector

- Fiber attachment interlock for Fidelis Model 310

Emergency laser stop - emergency stop according to IEC 947-3

Footswitch - to operate selected treatment laser

Controls - Main Switch

- Key lock switch (the key is removable in Off position)

LCD with following displays:
- Energy per pulse/average power in mJ/W
- Handpiece type
- Frequency - Pulse rate
- MODE - four modes VSP, SP, LP and VLP
- Laser type
- System status STBY or READY
- Laser status: EMISSION when in READY mode

Control panel keys:

ENERGY - to change output energy

FREQ - to vary pulse repetition rate
MODE - to select mode of operation
PILOT - to set aiming beam intensity
SCAN - to activate scanner functions
The scanner functions are activated only if Fotona SkinScan
Scanner is used as an accessory to the instrument. The
specs for the SkinScan as well as its functions are described
in the SkinScan Operator Manual
REP.TIME - scanner function
SOURCE - to set the handpiece type attached to the system
Up arrow - for increasing the selected parameter
Down arrow - for decreasing the selected parameter
SET - for storing changed parameters
AIR - to enable air solenoid valve
WATER - to enable water solenoid valve

Status keys

STBY - for returning to standby status

READY - for entering the ready status

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Safety goggles - For operating the instrument safety goggles according to
(DIN EN 207 and EN 60825-1/96) with following safety levels
are prescribed:
2940 nm L5 (for Europe) OD 5 (elsewhere)


Construction desktop equipment

Degree of protection IPX0 (IEC 529)

Cooling internal water-to-air

Dimensions 55 x 33 x 42 cm (Length x Width x Height)

Weight Console 52 kg without articulated arm

59 kg with articulated arm

Environmental conditions:

Operation - ambient temperature range +10oC to +25oC - must be

above due point
- relative humidity range of 30% to 75% - non condensing
- atmospheric pressure range of 700 hPa to 1060 hPa

Storage and transport - ambient temperature range -40 oC to +70 oC (without

cooling water)
- relative humidity range of 10% to 100% (incl. condensation)
- atmospheric pressure range of 500 hPa to 1060 hPa

External connections:
- Potential equalization terminal
- Doorswitch connector (NC contact)
- Footswitch connector (NC & NO contact)
- Pressurized air/purging gas inlet (on solenoid valve)
- Pressurized water inlet (on solenoid valve)
- Scanner connector (optional)

Footswitch cable length -3m

Power cord length: -2m

Compatible beam deliveries:

Fidelis Model 320A Er:YAG: 7-mirror articulated arm permanently attached to the system

Compatible handpieces:
Fidelis Model 320A Er:YAG: RO2, RO4, RO5, RO6, RO7, RO8 and RO9-3, -5, -7

2 Functional diagram description

Refer to drawing "Fotona Fidelis Model 320A Functional Diagram"

The Fidelis Model 320A console consist from the following sub-units:

• Mains inlet and auxiliary power supplies comprising of:

• Circuit breaker
• Mains Filter A
• Mains filter B

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• 24VDC - auxiliary power supply
• 5VDC - auxiliary power supply
• Power distribution circuit - Relay Board
• Controller
• Control panel with display
• Charger
• IGBT Switch (PFM Module)
• Cooling System
• Laser head with:
• Laser module
• Simmer Trigger board
• Laser beam sampling and combining optics
• Energy meter
• Head Control and safety shutter assembly
• Beam coupling assembly
• Aiming (diode) laser assembly
• Articulated arm beam delivery
• Mains filter A and B
• Protective housing consisting of:
• Housing
• Fixed power cord
• Main circuit breaker
• Door switch
• Foot switch
• Air/Water solenoid valves
• Potential equalization screw
• Emergency stop switch
• Key switch
• EMC shielding

2.1 Mains inlet and auxiliary power supplies

The mains power is entering the system through a fixed power cord followed by a double pole
series trip circuit breaker and mains filter A.. After turning on the main circuit breaker the
24VDC and 5VDC auxiliary power supplies turn on.
Both auxiliary power supplies together with the Relay board are fixed to a metal sheet holder
fixed to the chassis of the instrument next to the cooling fans of the heat exchanger.
The 5VDC auxiliary supply is powering only the laser system CONTROLLER.
The 24VDC auxiliary supply when turned on is powering the following circuits:

• the 24VDC part of the CONTROLLER (responsible for communication with the
Foot Switch, Door Switch, Emergency STOP Switch, Power distribution circuit -
Relays RE1 and RE2 - and FLOW SENSOR
• HEAD CONTROL board with safety shutters

When both auxiliary supplies are turned on the CONTROLLER starts to check its integrity and
also performs the CRC check. After completing this check it performs the checking of the
Emergency Stop switch status and the Key Switch status. If both are not activated it shows on
the control panel display the Fotona Logo and waits for the Key Switch to be activated.
When the Key Switch is turned on the system is ready to start up.
Both auxiliary power supplies are medical grade global switchers.

2.2 Power distribution circuit - Relay board

It is located above the 5VDC switcher next to the cooling fans of the heat exchanger. It
consists of two Relays RE1 and RE2, which are controlled by the system Controller. Through

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Relay RE1 the mains voltage is supplied to the Charger via mains filter B. Through relay RE2
and the NTC resistor the 24VDC is fed from the 24VDC auxiliary power supply to the Cooling
System pump and heat exchanger fans.

2.3 Controller
The system Controller is fixed to a metal sheet holder with spacers to the instrument chassis.
The Controller is powered by 5VDC auxiliary power supply. A part of the Controller circuitry
which is connected by wires to the power distribution circuit - Relay board (RE1 and RE2),
Air/ Water solenoid valves, Cooling system (temperature switch, flow sensor), Door switch,
Foot switch, Emergency Stop switch, Control Panel and Key switch is powered by 24VDC.

When the main circuit breaker is turned on only the Controller starts to operate. It makes the
power on self-test and waits for the key switch to be turned on for starting up the laser
If during the operation the Emergency stop switch is activated the system will immediately
shut down the laser, Charger, IGBT Switch, and the Cooling system. An advisory message
will appear on the control panel display showing that the Emergency stop switch has been
activated. To resume operation the Emergency Stop switch has to be deactivated, the key
switch has to be turned on and mains power has to be reapplied (OFF/ON procedure).
The Controller is communicating through optical links (OW1, OW2, OW5, OW16 and OW 19)
with the IGBT Switch, through OW13, OW14, OW15 and OW17 with the Energy meter and
through OW3 and OW4 with the Head Control assembly. Most of the optical links are
multiplexed and are introduced into the system for eliminating EMI on the Controller.
The Controller has a RS232 serial port for attaching an external Notebook computer in a
terminal mode for accessing system parameters and for certain servicing purposes. This port
is accessible only when the Upper cover of the laser console is removed.

The main program (firmware) of the laser system is located in the IC30 flash EPROM. Inside
IC24 EPROM the system parameters are written and kept. When the controller is replaced
these two ICs must be placed on the new controller which normally comes without these ICs.

The functions of the controller are the following:

• To monitor the integrity of the Controller itself
• To keep all the system parameters in its EEPROM
• To control the Cooling system (pump motor, fans, temp switch status, flow rate)
• To control the safety shutters and aiming beam power level
• To control the IGBT switch, Charger, and Crowbar
• To monitor the flash lamp simmer current
• To control the AIR/WATER solenoid valves
• To monitor the status of Door switch, Foot switch, Emergency Stop switch and
Key switch
• To control the flash lamp every current pulse duration, and amplitude (through the
IGBT Switch and Charger voltage)
• To control the proper operation of Energy meter
• To read the measured energies of each laser pulse from both energy meters
• To run the on-line digital feedback for laser output energy regulation
• To compensate for losses of different handpieces and beam deliveries
• To communicate with the control panel keyboard and display through a User
• To provide appropriate advisory and system error messages
• To provide and access to system parameters through an RS232 serial port
• To facilitate through a special service software easy servicing and calibration of
the system and, additionally
• A safety watchdog timer is implemented also in the controller for checking the
proper operation of the Controller.

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2.4 Control panel with display
The control panel with display is located on the system console front panel. It comprises from
a flat keyboard, and a 2x20 character back-light LCD display together with a KONZ.RAZ
board within a Control panel electronic box. The keyboard comprises four keys with LED
diodes indicating the state of certain modes/statuses of operation or functions. These are
STBY, READY status keys and AIR and WATER keys (pre-select keys).
The LCD display together with the KONZ.RAZ. board is encapsulated in a metal sheet
housing (Control panel electronic box) which also incorporates a speaker for creating audio
signals. The LCD display clearly shows all the relevant information to the user.
The Key Switch is connected to the KONZ.RAZ. Board.
The KONZ.RAZ. board is connected to the Controller through a shielded cable with D type

2.5 Charger
The Charger is located in the power supply compartment. It is a closed box with internal
cooling fan. The Charger is fixed to the rear side of the instrument housing.
The Charger is turned on through Relay RE1 (locate on the Relay board) which is controlled
by the Controller. The Charger assembly is responsible to charge the capacitor bank in the
IGBT Switch assembly to the desired voltage. The voltage value from the Controller to the
IGBT SWITCH circuit is fed via optical link UREFERENCE (OW16). From the IGBT Switch
circuit this reference voltage is then fed to Charger via optical link CHARGE (OW20). The
Charger also supplies a 24VDC voltage for proper operation of the IGBT Switch circuit. When
the Charger is turned off through Relay RE1 on the Relay board the 24 VDC voltage drops to
0 and the IGBT Switch circuitry loses its supply.
It also comprises the Simmer power supply that supplies a boost voltage (of the order of
1000VDC between the flash lamp terminals) for starting the simmer current. When the
Simmer trigger Circuit (located on the laser module) initiates triggering pulse the flash lamp
gets ionized and a simmer current is established through the flash lamp. The simmer power
supply is of ballastless type (having only a small varistor as a ballast resistor located on the
IGBT Switch circuit) and acts as a constant current source. Thus, the simmer current is kept
constant with a value of approx. 700 mA.
The Charger is connected to the IGBT Switch circuit through a connector. On top of the
Charger assembly the mains filter B is fixed.

2.6 IGBT Switch (PFM Module)

The IGBT Switch circuit is operating only when the Charger is turned on. A 24VDC created in
Charger is powering the IGBT Switch circuit. All the other necessary voltages (15VDC and
5VDC) for proper operation of the IGBT Switch board are created internally on board. It
communicates with the Controller and Charger only through optical links. Two high voltage
cables supplying the main discharge current to the flash lamp are fed from the IGBT Switch to
the laser module flash lamp terminals.
The IGBT Switch circuitry performs the following functions:
• Senses if the simmer current is established through the flash lamp and sends this
information multiplexed to the Controller (Optical link OW2).
• Detects the status of the Capacitor bank and sends this information multiplexed
through optical link OW2.
• Receives from the Controller (optical link OW16) and sends to the Charger (optical
link OW20) the value of the voltage to which the charger has to charge the
capacitor bank.
• Switches On and Off the main discharge through the flash lamp on commands
from the Controller (optical link OW 5) via a powerful IGBT module.
• Performs the checking of proper operation of the Crowbar circuitry after each
start-up of the system and sends this information multiplexed through optical link
OW2 to the Controller.
• Receives from the Energy Meter (through optical link OW19) the signal that the
measured laser energy is two ( 2 ) times greater then the requested one and fires
the Crowbar circuit through the inductivity L, FUSE and SCR.

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• Performs the discharging of the capacitor bank through a chain of wire resistors
each time the charger is turned off through the DISCHARGE CIRCUIT located on
the top of the IGBT Switch.
• Through the IGBT Switch circuit is the simmer power supply is connected to the
main discharge conductors.
The IGBT switch module is located in the power supply compartment of the instrument
housing next to the Charger assembly. It is connected to the Charger by a cable with a
connector and a single optical link OW20.

2.7 Cooling System

The cooling system consists of:
• Cooling liquid tank
• Pump driven by a 24VDC motor
• De-ionizing cartridge
• Water-to-air heat exchanger with two 24VDC fans
• Temperature switch
• Flow sensor
When the Controller turns on the cooling system through Relay RE2 both the pump and heat
exchanger fans start. For "soft" start of the pump motor an NTC thermistor is used in series
with the motor and fans. This NTC thermistor is located on the Relay board. The de-ionized
water is driven from the water tank through the laser module and the de-ionizing cartridge.
After passing through the laser module the cooling liquid enters the heat exchanger and is
then driven through the flow sensor back to the cooling liquid tank. A small amount of water
flows through the de-ionizing cartridge, which keeps the water always de-ionized and clean.
The Controller monitors the flow rate through a flow sensor, which is generating pulses with a
frequency proportional to the flow rate. If the flow rate drops bellow a prescribed value the
Controller immediately stops the laser, turns of the Charger, cooling system pump and fans,
blocks the system and issues an appropriate message.
The temperature of the cooling liquid is monitored by the Controller through a thermal switch
mounted on the heat exchanger. Should the water temperature exceed the allowed limit the
Controller will stop the laser emission unable the triggering of the laser and issue an advisory
message (Over temperature). The cooling system pump and fans remain to operate. The
system will remain in this state until the cooling liquid temperature does not fall under the trip
point of the temperature switch. The system will then revert to a STBY state.
In case of leakage of cooling liquid it will be conveyed through a plastic tubing out of the
The cooling system is located in its compartment just under the top cover of the instrument.
The Heat exchanger together with the two fans is fixed to the instrument rear panel.

2.8 Laser head

The laser head assembly is placed on a base plate and vibration isolated from the chassis by
four rubber dampers.

2.8.1 Laser module

It consists of a highly efficient laser pumping chamber, laser rod, flash lamp, optical resonator
with high reflectivity (HR) and outcoupling (OC) mirror both mounted in their adjusting
mechanisms. The laser-pumping chamber is cooled by de-ionized water. The pumping
chamber is insulated from the resonator base plate with appropriate insulators with suitable
creepage distances and air clearances. The flash lamp is operating in a simmer current mode
and kept ionized for the main discharge current pulse initiated through a powerful IGBT
module. The main discharge excites the laser rod and as a consequence a laser pulse is
created within the optical resonator. From the OC mirror the laser beam emerges if both OC
and HR mirrors are properly aligned.
The flash lamp is sealed on either end to the pumping chamber by high temperature
elastomer "O" rings and high temperature end blocks.

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2.8.2 Simmer Trigger board
The Simmer trigger board is located on the top of the laser module. Its function is to create
high voltage (12kV) short pulses by a trigger transformer to ionize the Xenon gas within the
flash lamp. The ionized gas impedance drops allowing the external ballastless simmer power
supply (located in the Charger subassembly) to draw a constant current (called simmer
current) through the flash lamp. The value of the simmer current is of the order of 700 mA.
The simmer operation of the flash lamp allows accurate flash lamp firing with high rep rates.
The negative terminal of a trigger transformer secondary winding is connected to the flash
lamp cathode. The positive terminal of the trigger transformer is connected to the pumping
chamber metal end plates. This allows for efficient external triggering of the flash lamp.
When the Controller turns on the Charger the simmer power supply starts to develop approx.
1kV voltage on the flash lamp terminals. The simmer trigger board is also powered by this
simmer power supply and starts to trigger the flash lamp through the trigger transformer.
When the flash lamp ionizes the simmer current establishes and the simmer power supply
accommodates the voltage on the flash lamp to keep the simmer current through the flash
lamp to a preset constant value. When the simmer current establishes the simmer trigger
board disables the triggering of the trigger transformer.
The second important function of the simmer trigger board is to create a RESET signal for the
Energy meter immediately after the main discharge current pulse starts. This initiates the
sequence for accurate laser pulse energy measurement for each flash lamp pulse. The high
peak current of the main discharge induces a short time duration current through a toroidal
transformer which is in series with a LED diode and a resistor on the simmer trigger board. A
short light pulse is emitted by the LED, which is then fed through an optical link (OW18) to the
Energy meter and represents the RESET signal.

The whole simmer trigger board is electrically on a floating potential together with the Charger
and IGBT Switch assemblies.

2.8.3 Laser beam sampling and combining optics

The beam sampling optics delivers a small fraction of the treatment laser beam to two
separate energy meters. This is accomplished by two optical components accurately fixed to
the laser head base plate. One is a Beam splitter plate (BSEr) having a small reflectivity and
great transmission for the treatment laser wavelength. The reflected beam from the BSEr is
falling on the Feedback Energy meter sensor after being diffused. The second component is
a Beam Combiner (BCEr). It reflects a small amount of laser energy to the Monitor energy
meter and combines the aiming beam laser (Diode Laser) with the treatment laser beam.

2.8.4 Energy meter

The Energy meter assembly is placed on spacers in stable position above the beam sampling
optics. It comprises two independent energy meters. One is the Feedback energy meter the
other is the Monitor energy meter. Two pyroelectric detectors are used in an integrating mode
of operation as laser pulse energy sensors. The visible spectrum is cutt-off by suitable optical
filters in front of each pyroelectric detector. It communicates with the Controller, IGBT Switch
and Simmer Trigger only through optical links.
24VDC from the auxiliary power supply power the Energy meter circuitry when the main
circuit breaker is turned on.
The functions of the energy meter are:
• To receive from the Controller the desired selected energy in a digital form via optical
link OW17 (Data_In).
• To create analog value of the desired energy level by a D/A converter used for
comparing the analog laser pulse energy level with the requested one.
• To receive a RESET signal from the Simmer Trigger module which starts the energy
measurement sequence (information that the flash pulse has started) - Optical link
• To create a Fire_SCR signal (through an optical link) if the laser pulse energy level in
analog signal from any of the two independent energy meters is 2 times greater then
the requested one from the D/A converter. This function is hardwired.

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If the optical link OW19 (Fire_SCR) is pulled out from its receptacle on the
Energy meter the Crowbar circuitry will be activated (equivalent to a situation
when the Energy meter detects a 2 times greater energy then requested)

• To amplify the signals from each pyroelectric detector (which is proportional to laser
pulse energy) and to detect the peak value of this signals. In calibration the gain of
this amplifiers can be trimmed to calibrate the energy meter sensitivity
• To convert this signals via a A/D converter in a digital form
• To send this signals via optical link Data_Out (OW15)
• To check if both the D/A and A/D converters function properly and to send this
information through OW13 back to the Controller (certain loop back functions).

The Controller reads both energies form the Feedback and Monitor energy meter. It then
compares the measured feedback energy to the requested one. According to a prescribed
algorithm the Controller calculates the correction for the capacitor bank voltage for the next
pulse and issues a command for a new UREFERENCE for the Charger. In this way an on-line
digital feedback is created for laser energy regulation. If the measured feedback energy is
greater then 20% from the requested one it stops the system, turns off the Charger, closes
the shutters, stops the cooling system and issue a system error message.
The value of the Monitor energy is compared with the Feedback energy. If the Monitor differs
for more then a prescribed value from the Feedback the system is blocked, laser emission
terminated, Charger turned off, cooling system turned off and a system error is displayed on
the control panel display.

2.8.5 Head Control and safety shutter assembly

The Head Control and safety shutter assembly is located under the Energy meter. 24VDC
from auxiliary power supply power the circuit.
The Head Control is mounted together with the safety shutter to the laser head base plate.
The shutter is actuated by a rotary actuator and has a static magnet rod on its flag. A pair of
hall sensors on the Head Control board detects the position of the shutter. Both sensors are
monitored simultaneously. The circuit is communicating with the Controller via two optical
links OW3 and OW4
The Head Control and safety shutter functions are:
• To receive commands from the Controller for opening or closing the respective
shutter via optical link OW3
• To receive commands for diode laser aiming beam power level via optical link
• To supply power and drive the diode laser with PWM (Pulse Width Modulated)
signal with eight hardwired average power levels.
• To sense each position of shutter and to send this information via optical link OW4
to the Controller.

2.8.6 Beam coupling assembly

The beam coupling assembly is used for properly launching both the treatment laser and pilot
laser beam in the articulated arm. It is located in the front part of the Laser head. It comprises
two beam steering mirrors (near- and far-field mirrors) and a beam-transforming lens. The
beam coupling assembly's mechanical block serves also as a holder for the articulated arm
beam delivery. The near- and far-field mirrors are used for properly aligning the beam into the
articulated arm. The beam-transforming lens is used for transforming the raw laser beam to
freely propagate through the articulated arm without beam clipping.

2.8.7 Aiming (diode) laser assembly

The aiming beam laser assembly is located next to the treatment laser module. It is mounted

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in its adjusting mechanism used for aligning the aiming beam to coincide with the treatment
beam. The aiming beam is combined with the treatment beam through a beam splitter BS and
a beam combiner BCEr. In this way the optical axis of the treatment and aiming beam are the
same. Thus, the aiming beam position marks the point in which the treatment beam will hit
the target when the footswitch will be depressed.

The Diode laser assembly is powered from the Head Control board via a cable attached to
the Head Control board with a connector.
The aiming beam laser is a diode laser source operating in a PWM (Pulse Width Modulated)
mode. Eight hardwired power levels can be selected via the Head Control board received
from the Controller through optical link OW3. This function is controllable from the control
panel via the PILOT function.

2.8.8 Laser head protecting cover

This cover protects the laser to be contaminated with dust and other particles, which can
otherwise fall on the sensitive laser optics in the laser head. It is fixed to the laser head base
plate with screws.

2.9 Articulated arm beam delivery

Please refer to a drawing "Articulated arm installation"
A 7-mirror articulated arm is used in Fidelis Model 320A for delivering both the treatment and
aiming beams to the treatment site. It is attached externally to the arm holder. An adjustable
balancing weight is used for balancing the arm in any position for different hand pieces. The
arm has to be balanced for each different hand piece. A hand screw on the balancing
weight can easily achieve this.
If compressed gas/air and/or water tubing is used for treatment, clips are provided for
attaching the tubing to articulated arm.
The arm can be easily detached from system by unscrewing three fixing screws on the arm-
fixing flange. After replacement of arm its alignment should be maintained.

2.10 Mains filter A and B

There are two mains filters in the system. The mains Filter A is located immediately after the
main Circuit breaker behind the laser head.
The second mains Filter B is located above the Charger and is fixed to it.
The function of this two filters are to make the instrument conductive disturbances in
conformance with the requirements of the EN 55011 standard as well as to the requirements
of EN 60601-1-2.

2.11 Protective housing

The protective housing consist of a chassis and cover and front panel of the instrument. The
chassis is divided in four compartments. In the lower right compartment (front view) the
Controller, Auxiliary power supplies and Relay board as well as the heat exchanger with fans
are located. In the lower left compartment (power supply compartment) the Charger, IGBT
Switch and mains filter B are located. In the Upper right compartment the Cooling system is
located while in the upper left one the laser head and mains filter A.

The complete console is made from spot welded metal sheet console - chassis, a metal sheet
upper cover and a plastic front panel. The construction gives good mechanical integrity and
excellent grounding and EMC compatibility.
Fixed power cord
A fixed power cord is used in Fidelis. It is directly connected to the main circuit breaker and
grounded to the instrument chassis.

Main circuit breaker

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Is located on the rear side of the instrument. It is a series trip coil circuit breaker rated for 16A.

Door switch receptacle

The door switch receptacle is located on the rear side of the instrument. In some countries it
is mandatory (e.g. members states of EU).
An external switch has to be installed on the laser room doors and connected via the door
switch connector to the system. This will automatically disable laser operation when the
lasers room door opens. Until the door is not closed the laser system cannot start-up and
cannot be operational.

Foot switch receptacle

It is located on the rear side of the housing next to the door switch receptacle. The foot switch
is connected to this receptacle. If not attached the system cannot start up.

Air/Water solenoid valves

Two solenoid valves are installed on the rear side of the housing. One for air/purging gas and
the other for pressurized water. Both valves are 24VDC valves controlled by the Controller.
When the footswitch is depressed those solenoids are actuated which are pre-selected on the
control panel keyboard (Air and/or Water).

Potential equalization terminal

It is located next to the fixed power inlet cord. Regulatory issues define its use.

Emergency Stop switch

It is located on the front panel. When activated the system blocks immediately, closes the
shutter, disables laser emission, turns of the Charger, IGBT Switch, Cooling system and
issues an advisory message "Emergency Stop" indicating the user that the switch has been
actuated. The system cannot be restarted before the Key switch is turned off, and the main
circuit breaker turned off and then again on.

Key Switch
It is located on the front panel. The function of the key switch is to protect the system from
unauthorized use of the system. When the main circuit breaker is turned on the key switch is
activating the system. The key cannot be removed in the on position.

EMC shielding
The protective housing is properly EMC shielded by appropriate EMC gaskets.

2.12 Laser pulse forming sequence and energy regulation

The laser pulse forming sequence starts by selecting the operating parameters on the control
panel. After the selection has been made (Mode, Energy, handpiece type - Source and
Frequency) the READY key is pressed. The shutter is still closed. The Controller then reads
the selected parameters from the User Interface and from the characteristics of the laser
(which are written in the EPROM - Ax, and Bx parameters) it calculates the starting voltage to
which it has to charge the capacitor bank. If the voltage on the bank is greater then the new
starting voltage the computer issues a command for discharging the capacitor to a value of
the starting voltage. The discharge is performed for fixed time duration with very short flash
lamp pulses at a high repetition rate. After the capacitor discharge sequence the capacitor
bank is being charged to a new starting voltage. The Controller also sends a signal to the
energy meter, which is converted to an analog signal proportional to 2 x value of selected
energy. The Controller then initiates a first laser pulse by activating the IGBT switch for a
selected pulse length. When the flash lamp pulse has started a RESET signal is generated on
the Simmer trigger board, which triggers the energy meter circuit. The energy of the pulse is
sensed and converted to a digital form. In the same time the analog value of the sensed pulse
energy is compared with the 2 x value of the selected energy. If the sensed laser energy
exceeds the 2 x selected energy (during the laser pulse) the Crowbar circuit is activated and
the laser pulse will immediately terminate. The Controller will block the system (a safety
feature requested by regulatory issues). If the sensed energy is within a tolerance window of

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±20% of the selected energy then the measured energy is compared in the Controller with the
selected energy and a prediction for the bank voltage is made for the next pulse according to
a certain algorithm. A command for new voltage is sent to the Charger, which charges the
capacitor bank to the requested new voltage. This energy regulation procedure is repeated
until the measured energy does not coincide with the selected one - the laser output energy is
then calibrated and the calibration procedure is completed. The Controller issues a command
for opening the safety shutter and the system is entering the READY status.
When the user presses the footswitch the system starts firing the laser, resetting the energy
meter, measuring the laser energy, calculating the prediction for the capacitor bank voltage
for the next laser shot and sending this new voltage to the charger. In this way the system
performs a closed loop digital on-line laser energy regulation.

2.13 System wiring diagram

Please refer to the drawing "Fidelis Model 320A Wiring Diagram"

2.14 Optical path diagram

Please refer to the drawing "Fidelis Model 320A Optical Path Diagram"

2.15 Beam delivery and handpieces

The beam delivery for Fidelis Model 320A Er:YAG laser system is a 7-mirror articulated arm
permanently fixed and aligned to the laser head. The beam is launched in the articulated arm
by two adjustable mirrors (beam stirring mirrors) and a beam transforming lens. To the distal
part of the articulated arm different handpieces can be attached.
The list of the compatible handpieces is evident in the Operator manual. Each handpiece has
its characteristics like over-all transmission together with the articulated arm and the maximal
energy output, which can be safely delivered through the handpiece. This data are already
implemented in the system, so that when the user selects the handpiece type the system
automatically compensates for the transmission and limits the selectable energies on the
control panel to match the specifications for the particular handpiece.

2.16 Firmware
Version 1.0: (SN: 990000001..99000008)
This is the first version used in regular Fidelis system. It has basic user operating features.
The servicing mode is reached as it is explained in the service firmware section of this
manual. The repetition rate is possible to change inside the service mode.

Version 1.1:
The core program is the same as in V1.0 except:
• The pulse width energy regulation is added.
• The foot switch is not controlled before calibration is finished.
• The laser signalizing melody can be selected by pressing PILOT for the second time
and UP and DOWN arrow keys.

Version 1.2:
According to previous versions the following changes are made:
• The simmer current is tested from the early beginning of the self-test. If the simmer is
not detected after 2 s from the charger start up then the error is reported.
• The simmer current status is controlled even without key-switch activation for possible

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power supply relay malfunctioning. In case of such failure the pump starts and the error
message is displayed.
• Testing the energy meter reference signal tests the energy meter to controller
communication after each laser pulse.
• Pressing SCAN key resets TEST and ECHO mode.
• The BURN IN mode is applied. It can be reached from service mode. It runs for 8
hours, 6 times per hour, 100 laser shots and uses 500mJ at 8Hz and SP mode.
• Error list for 10 last errors.
• Laser shots counter.
• The servicing READY mode is not timing limited any more.
• Below 5 Hz selection is possible in the service mode.

Version 1.3:
The following options are added to previous version:
• The laser pulse counter and error list reset is possible from the service mode.
• The burn in parameters can be changed.

Version 1.4:
Is the same as V1.3 but adapted to new hardware. IGBT module was changed. The controller
must ignore one logical signal. The previous 200V capacitor bank condition is changed to
over 800V capacitor bank error. The V1.3 can be used with a small IGBT module

Version 1.5:
In this version "Test 0" subroutine is not performing the IGBT switch capacitor bank 0V
voltage testing. Some chargers are leaking small charging current which is not disturbing
normal operation of the system. In the self test this leaking current might be just enough to
prevent the system to pass the test.

Version 1.6

Version 1.7, 1.8

These two versions are filtering energy meter response on the E50, E55 and E58 problems.
V1.8 is better for this problem solution. Together with the FW replacement the energy meter
EMI isolation should be arranged.

3 Disassembly / Replacement

3.1 Laser Console top cover removal

Turn off the main circuit breaker and remove the power cord from the electrical utilities.

• The top cover is fixed to the main chassis of the instrument on the rear side with screws.
Unscrew these screws and carefully slide the top cover backward.
• Slide backward the top cover
• Remove the grounding conductor fixed with a faston to the top cover (It is located on the
right lower side of the cover close to front panel).
• Then remove the top cover.

Reassemble in reverse order.

3.2 Laser head cover removal

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Laser head is protected from dust by a plastic black cover fixed to the laser head base

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plate with screws.
• Unscrew the fixing screws and carefully lift it.
• Take care that the optical links (plastic fibers) remain all in their receptacles.
Reassemble in reverse order.

3.3 Charger removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Charger is fixed to the instrument chassis by four screws on the rear side of the laser
console and by two screws inside the chassis which fix the Charger to the wall which
separates the power supply compartment form the Controller compartment.

• Remove the Charger fixing screws to the chassis.

• Detach the connector on the Charger.
• Locate the incoming mains wires to the mains filter. These wires are connected to pins 2
and 4 on the Relay board terminal blocks X1D.
• Carefully remove the Charger form the power supply compartment.

Replace it in reverse order.

During the replacement procedure please note that there is no remaining charge on the IGBT
Switch capacitor bank and there is no danger of electric shock.

3.4 IGBT switch (PFM module) removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The IGBT switch is fixed to the instrument chassis by four screws. Two of them are
accessible form the side of the power supply compartment on the lower side of the IGBT
Switch. The other two screws are accessible from the Controller compartment and are
located immediately under the Controller board.

• Unscrew all this four screws.

• Detach the connector from the Charger.
• Remove the two High Voltage wires from the Simmer Trigger board terminal blocks
• Carefully slide out the IGBT Switch.

Reassemble it in reverse order.

During the replacement procedure please note that there is no remaining charge on the
capacitor bank of the IGBT Switch and there is no danger of electric shock.

3.5 Cooling system removal/replacement

The Cooling system is located on the top right side of the chassis (viewed from the front
panel). The heat exchanger part together with the cooling fans is located in the controller
compartment next to the Auxiliary power supplies and Relay board.

3.5.1 Cooling system replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

Before replacing the cooling system open the water tank cover. Then:
• Detach the quick connector from the laser pumping chamber which is close to the flash
lamp anode (red colored flash lamp terminal).
• Allow for the water to slowly flow out from the pumping chamber (if necessary use a PVC
tube and attach it to the free water inlet to the pumping chamber and slowly blow into the
tube to move the water out from the laser pumping chamber)
• Detach the second quick connector form the pumping chamber.
• Remove the quick connector from tubing which runs from the water pump to the laser

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pumping chamber.
• Remove the tubing from the flow sensor inlet (running from the heat exchanger).
• Remove the connector from the Flow sensor and remember its position relative to the
• Unscrew the two fixing screws from the water pump electrical terminal blocks.
• Locate the four fixing screws of the cooling system and remove them.
• Carefully remove the complete cooling system from its compartment.

Reassemble in reverse order.

3.5.2 De-ionizing cartridge replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The de-ionizing cartridge has to be removed only if the color of the de-ionizing cartridge resin
has changed to a gray one.
Before removing the de-ionizing cartridge remove the de-ionized water from the water tank.
Then remove the tubing from the de-ionizing cartridge (replace the tubing if necessary).

Reassemble in reverse order.

3.5.3 Cooling fans replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

There are two cooling fans fixed to the heat exchanger by four screws. Detach the 24 VDC
connectors on each fan. On the white wires of each connector the meaning of wire is
inscribed on the wires (for example + 24VDC etc.).
• Unscrew the four fixing screws and remove the fan.
• During the replacement of new fan please notice the direction of airflow indicated on the
fans. Fix the new fan in such a direction that the air is blown out of the instrument (toward
the heat exchanger).

Reassemble in reverse order.

Please notice the polarity of the fan electrical connection on the fan body. If improperly
connected the fans will not rotate because they are diode protected. Match the polarity with
the polarity on wires to their respective connectors on the fan.

3.6 Relay board removal/replacement

Please refer to drawing "Fidelis Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" in this manual.

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Relay board is located in the Controller compartment next to the heat exchanger. It is
fixed to the Auxiliary power supply assembly metal sheet holder by four screws.

Before removing it please note the position of all wires on terminal blocks as well as the
position of connectors. Use the drawing of the "Fidelis Relay board layout" in this manual. All
the wires to the terminal blocks and connectors must be placed exactly in their respective
position. Serious damage to the system can occur if the wires and connectors are improperly
connected to the Relay board.

After removal of the wires from the terminal blocks and connectors remove the four screws
and take out the Relay board.

Reassemble in reverse order.

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3.7 Auxiliary power supply assembly removal/replacement
Please refer to drawing "Fidelis Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" in this manual.

Both auxiliary powers supply (24VDC and 5VDC) together with the Relay board are mounted
on the same Auxiliary power supply assembly metal sheet holder. For replacement of the
24VDC auxiliary power supply the metal sheet holder to whom the 24VDC power supply is
fixed must be removed also.

3.7.1 24VDC Auxiliary power supply removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

Please refer to drawing "Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" in this manual.

It is a medical grade switcher fixed to the metal sheet holder with four screws.

• Before removing the 24VDC power supply all the wires from the power supply terminal
blocks TB1 and TB2 must be removed.
• Also remove all the connectors X3D, X4D and X5D and wires from terminal blocks X1D
and X2D of both the Relay board and 5VDC auxiliary power supply.
• Remember the position of each wire and connector. Refer to wiring diagram of the
instrument in this manual.

If the wires and connectors on the replaced Auxiliary power supply are not correctly attached
and fixed to respective terminal blocks serious damage to the system may happen. In
replacing the auxiliary power supply refer to the wiring diagram of the whole instrument
provided in this manual.

Remove the four screws (designated by C on figure "Auxiliary power supply assembly") which
are fixing the auxiliary power supply metal sheet holder to the instrument chassis.
Remove the complete Auxiliary power supply assembly from the instrument
Then from the rear side release the four screws (designated by D) which are fixing the
24VDC power supply to the metal sheet holder.

Replace it with a new one and reassemble in reverse order.

3.7.2 5VDC Auxiliary power supply removal replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

Please refer to drawing "Fidelis Auxiliary Power Supply Assembly" in this manual.

It is a medical grade switcher fixed to the metal sheet holder with four screws (designated by
A on figure "Auxiliary power supply assembly").
Before removing the 5VDC Power supply remove the connectors XJ1 and XJ2 to the power
supply. Remember the position of each wire and connector. Refer to wiring diagram of the
instrument in this manual.

If the wires and connectors on the replaced Auxiliary power supply are not correctly attached
and fixed to respective terminal blocks serious damage to the system may happen. In
replacing the auxiliary power supply refer to the wiring diagram of the whole instrument
provided in this manual.

Remove the four screws and take out the power supply.

Replace it with a new one in reverse order.

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3.8 Controller removal/replacement
The Controller assembly is located in the controller compartment next to the Auxiliary power
supply assembly.

3.8.1 Complete Controller removal replacement

Turn off the instrument and detach the mains power cord from the mains (electrical utilities).

The Controller board is a highly sophisticated digital electronic assembly sensitive to
electrostatic discharge.
Use antistatic tools and methods for handling the Controller board! Always connect yourself to
system housing (touch) before handling with sensitive electronics. Failure to follow this
instruction will damage the electronic circuitry and may cause serious damage to the
Controller board as well as to the system.
Certain malfunctions as a consequence of improper handling are not necessary to appear
immediately after replacement of this sensitive parts but can appear later.

Please refer to the drawing "Fotona Fidelis Controller Layout" in this manual.
The controller is fixed to a metal sheet holder with plastic spacers/holders and a single
grounding screw. Before removal detach all the optical links and connectors from the
controller. Then:

• Remove the laser system top cover

• Locate the Controller
• Unscrew the single grounding screw of the Controller.
• By the use of suitable tool (in the shape of a metal tube with suitable diameter) release the
plastic spacers/holders by pushing on them the metal tube with suitable inner diameter
and carefully pullout the complete Controller board.
• Replace it with the new one.
• Reassemble in reverse order
• Make sure that the proper version of program EEPROM (IC30) as well as a serial
EEPROM memory chip (IC24) for the laser parameters is installed on the new Controller
(see Sections 3.7.2 and 3.7.3). Factory shipped replacement parts are pre-configured with
default parameters and most recent version of program firmware. In some cases
placement of old “serial EEPROM” (IC24) may be required. Check with Fotona service
department before taking this action.
• Convince yourself that the grounding of the Controller is OK.
• Convince yourself that all the optical links are properly attached in their respective
receptacles (refer to drawing "Fidelis Optical Link Interconnection Diagram" in this manual)
• Convince yourself that all the connectors are properly attached to the Controller.
• Turn on the system and convince yourself that the system operates properly.

3.8.2 Replacement of the EEPROM

Replacement of the EEPROM can be performed if a new version of the firmware is to be
installed in the system. The new EEPROM will be provided directly from Fotona service

The memory chip and the controller board are sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
Use antistatic methods and tools (PLCC socket chip removal tool) while handling the chip.
Always connect yourself to system housing (touch) before handling sensitive electronics.
Failure to follow this instruction will damage the chip or the socket and may cause serious
damage to the Controller board as well as to the system.
Certain malfunctions as a consequence of improper handling are not necessary to appear
immediately after replacement of this sensitive parts but can appear later.

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For replacement of the program EEPROM a special tool is needed. Only by the use of this
tool the EEPROM can be detached from its socket and placed back to it. Failure to follow this
instruction will damage the EEPROM or the socket and may cause serious damage to the
Controller Board as well as to the system.

• Turn off the instrument and detach the power cord from the mains (electrical utilities).
• Locate the EEPROM (refer to drawing "Fotona Fidelis Controller Layout")
• With the proper tool (PLCC socket chip removal tool) detach the EEPROM from its socket
• Replace it with the new one taking care about orientation (dot mark on chip).
• Turn on the system and convince yourself that the system is operating properly.
• This completes the replacement procedure.

3.8.3 Replacement of the laser parameters memory chip (serial EEPROM)

NOTE: During Fidelis system production time different EEPROMs can be installed in the

Each laser system has its own parameters. These parameters are kept in the Controller in a
separate chip. Only Fotona service department can provide this chip. If for any reasons the
chip has to be replaced then the procedure for replacement is as follows:

The memory chip is sensitive to electrostatic charge.
Use anti-static methods and tools while handling the chip. Always connect yourself to system
housing (touch it) before handling sensitive electronics.
Failure to follow this instruction will damage the chip or the socket and may cause serious
damage to the Controller board as well as to the system.
Certain malfunctions as a consequence of improper handling are not necessary to appear
immediately after replacement of this sensitive parts but can appear later.

• Turn off the instrument and detach the power cord from the mains (electrical utilities).
• Locate the memory chip
• With the proper tool detach the memory chip from its socket
• Replace it with the new one
• Turn on the system and convince yourself that the system is operating properly.
• This completes the replacement procedure

If changes of system parameters are needed then follow the instructions in Section 4.3.2 of
this manual.

3.8.4 Replacement or upgrade of system firmware

NOTE: Some flash memory ICs doesn’t support the reprogramming by the external computer.
In such case a complete EPROM must be replaced. External reprogramming with suitable
device is possible. The old IC must me returned to FOTONA service.

• IC: AM29F010-55JC on field programming is possible.
• IC: V29C51001 is not possible to reprogram with EPEM.EXE service firmware in
Fidelis serial numbers 99000050 to 00000111. This IC can be programmed in all newer
Fidelis systems.

NOTE: Accidental reprogramming of the V29C51001 shouldn’t harm the Fidelis laser system.

The system firmware consists of two parts. Main Fidelis application program and software
(boot) loader. To upgrade the System firmware you must follow this procedure. The
requirements are similar as in advanced calibration procedure. For performing of this
procedure you will need the following:

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• PC notebook computer,
• “Fotona Laser Utility” software,
• Upgrade code,
• Serial 9-pin Male-Female extension cable, and
• A grounding cable.

The procedure is as follows:

• Turn off the instrument and detach the power cord from the mains.
• Remove the system top cover and system right side (front view) cover.
• Locate the serial port (RS232) on computer board.
• Connect the grounding cable of PC to instrument ground.
• Connect the RS232 cable to serial port. Run “EPEM.EXE” program.
• Locate jumper J1 on computer board (Refer to controller layout figure.) and place the
bridge to position “1-2”, on the side towards IC24.
• Attach the mains power cord to the mains and turn the main switch on.
• The Computer will display: “Test OK”, “Checking code!”, “Code CRC OK!”. Then the
standard display will appear “Fotona Lasers Fidelis”.
• It is useful to put the system parameters before firmware replacement. On program
“Fidelis Terminal” terminal window type “PARAM”<cr> and store the printout. Where <cr>
stands for ENTER.
• Press firmware icon "Select" button and select the binary code file with new system
• Press firmware “Upgrade” button. System displays “Test OK” and after a few seconds
• Activate the “Download” button and wait. The download percentage is displayed in some
EPEM programs.
• When download is finished, system automatically starts Fidelis application program.
• Control the system parameters after the firmware replacement and restor them if they are
• Test the instrument.
• Disconnect instrument from mains. Reverse J1 position to “2-3” and disconnect RS232
• Test system again before installing the instrument top cover.

3.9 Laser module removal/replacement

3.9.1 Simmer Trigger Board removal/replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The Simmer trigger board is located on top of the laser-pumping chamber. Two screws on
spacers fix it to it.
Before removing the Simmer trigger board remove the flash lamp terminals from their terminal
blocks on the board.
Also detach the optical link OW18 from its receptacle on the Simmer board.
The Trigger transformer High Voltage terminal is fixed to the pumping chamber by a spacer.
Remove the spacer and then remove the Simmer board.
Reassemble in reverse order.

3.9.2 Resonator mirrors removal/replacement

Resonator mirrors are expensive and sensitive optical components. Handle them with care. Output coupler mirror removal replacement

Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the mains.
The output coupler (OC) mirror is mounted in a mirror holder which is fixed to the adjusting

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mechanism with three screws.
• The easiest way to replace the mirror is to remove the three fixing screws of the mirror
holder. The mirror holder together with the mirror is then removed and placed on a clean
sheet of paper.
• Unscrew the plastic nut, which is fixing the mirror to the holder, and remove the mirror.
• Replace it with a new one.

Check the new mirror if it is clean before reassembling. If necessary clean it with fine cotton
pads immersed in pure acetone.

• Place the mirror reflective side to face the plastic cover.

• Check the elastomer "O" ring if it is clean.
• Then carefully fix the mirror to the mirror holder with the plastic nut.
• Mount the mirror with its holder to the adjusting mechanism.

After each replacement of laser mirror the laser should be checked for alignment. After
alignment a short BURN IN of the laser mirror is necessary. The BURN IN of the mirror
should be performed at approx. 200 mJ and 5 Hz in SP mode of operation for 5 to 10
Please refer to Section Laser alignment of this manual Rear mirror removal replacement
Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the electrical utilities.

The rear (HR) mirror is mounted to the adjusting mechanism with a cap, which is fixed to the
mechanism with three screws.
• The easiest way to replace the mirror is to remove the three fixing screws of the mirror
• Then the mirror cap together with the mirror should be carefully removed and placed on a
clean sheet of paper.
• Remove the mirror from the cap.
• Replace it with a new one.

Check the new mirror if it is clean before reassembling. If necessary clean it with fine cotton
pads immersed in pure acetone.

• Place the mirror in its cap with the reflective side to face the cap.
• Check the elastomer "O" ring in the adjusting mechanism if it is clean.
• Then fix the mirror with its cap to the adjusting mechanism.

After each replacement of laser mirror the laser should be checked for alignment. After
alignment a short BURN IN of the laser mirror is necessary. The BURN IN of the mirror
should be performed at approx. 200 mJ and 5 Hz in SP mode of operation for 5 to 10
Please refer to Section Laser alignment of this manual.

3.9.3 Laser pumping chamber removal replacement

The pumping chamber comes together with the laser rod already factory installed. The laser
rod is an expensive part, which can be easily damaged if replaced in field.

• Turn off the instrument circuit breaker and detach the power cord from the mains.
• Remove the simmer trigger board as described in section Simmer Trigger board
removal/replacement of this manual.
• Then locate the four screws, which fix the pumping chamber to the isolation perspex plate.
• Remove the screws and lift carefully the pumping chamber.

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• Before replacement of the pumping chamber with a new one install the flash lamp in the
new pumping chamber as it is described in the following section of this manual
• Replace the new pumping chamber in reverse order.

Usually the replacement of the pumping chamber does not influence the alignment of the
laser. Nevertheless, check if the laser alignment is OK. If necessary perform the laser
alignment procedure as described in this manual.

3.9.4 Flash lamp removal/replacement

For replacement of the flash lamp the pumping chamber has to be removed from the laser
module. Please follow the procedure bellow:
• Remove the HV cables from the Simmer trigger board
• Remove the water quick connectors as already described above in section Cooling system
• Remove the Optical link OW18 from the simmer trigger board.
• Remove the pumping chamber from the laser module
• Remove the flash lamp terminals from the terminal block on the simmer trigger board.
• Remove the flash lamp tightening end caps.
• Carefully push the flash lamp in one direction to loosen the elastomer "O" rings.
• Slide out the flash lamp.
• Replace it with a clean new flash lamp.

Before replacing the new flash lamp its envelope should be cleaned with pure alcohol to
remove the grease or dirt on the flash lamp body. Do not touch the flash lamp envelope with
hands. Grease may remain on it, which could influence the flash lamp lifetime.

• Reassemble it in reverse order.

3.10 Energy meter removal/replacement

Turn of the instrument and remove the power cord from the mains.

The Energy meter is located on top of the laser head next to the articulated arm holder.

Before removing the Energy meter remove all the optical links from their receptacles (OW13,
OW14, OW15, OW17, OW18 and OW19) as well as the supplying 24VDC wires from the
terminal block on the Energy meter. (Refer to energy meter layout figure.).

The two 24VDC wires must be placed in proper polarity in their respective terminal blocks.
The proper polarity is indicated on the Energy meter board (GND and +24VDC) as well as on
the wires (+24VDC, 24V GND). If reversed, serious damage to the instrument can be caused.

• Remove the three screws, which are fixing the energy meter board to the respective
• Remove the complete energy meter
• Replace it with a new one.
• Reassemble it in reverse order.

After the energy meter replacement a calibration procedure for the energy meter MUST
be performed. Please follow the instructions for energy meter calibration which are
given in this manual.

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3.11 Head Control and safety shutter removal replacement
The Head Control and safety shutters assembly is located under the energy meter. The
safety shutter with its actuator and absorber is fixed to the HEAD CTRL board with two
screws and a central nut so that they both form a single assembly. The HEAD CTRL and
Shutter assembly is then fixed to the laser head base plate by three screws and one energy
meter spacer. ()

• Remove the energy meter as already described above.

• Remove all the connectors and optical links (OW3 and OW4) and remember their original
• Remove the energy meter spacer and three screws for fixing the HEAD CTRL board and
shutter assembly.
• Carefully remove the complete assembly
• Replace it with a new one.

Reassemble in reverse order

3.12 Aiming beam laser removal/replacement

The aiming beam laser is a diode laser located next to the laser module. For replacement of
the aiming laser it is necessary first to remove the energy meter.

• Follow the procedure bellow for energy meter removal already described above.
• Then detach the aiming laser connector from Head Control (remember the position of the
• The aiming laser is hold by two springs against the adjusting mechanism. Release the
• By the help of a screwdriver and carefully slide out the aiming laser.
• Replace it with a new one in reverse order.
• Reassemble the connector and the energy meter.

After the replacement of the aiming laser it MUST be aligned.
Please follow the instructions for alignment given in this manual.

3.13 Front panel removal/replacement

The front panel is fixed to the instrument chassis by seven screws. On the rear side of the
front panel there is a Control panel electronic box

3.13.1 Complete front panel removal/replacement

• Remove all seven screws
• Detach the cable with connector form the control panel electronic box on the rear side of
the front panel
• Detach the emergency stop switch connector on the rear side of the emergency stop
• Replace the whole assembly with a new one in reverse order

3.13.2 Control panel electronic box removal and replacement

To remove the control panel electronic box it is necessary first to remove the front panel as
described above.
• Remove the control panel electronic box metal sheet cover (two screws)
• Detach the keyboard connector from the PCB in the electronic box (KONZ.RAZ. board).

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• Detach also the key-switch connector from PCB in the electronic box (KONZ.RAZ board).
• Remove four screws, which are fixing the control panel electronic box to the front panel.

An integral part of the Control panel electronic box is the LCD display.

• Replace it with a new control panel electronic box.

• Reassemble in reverse order.

3.14 Incoming cooling air filter removal/replacement

The air filter is used for filtering the incoming air. It is mounted in its cartridge, which is
removable. Static magnet is keeping the cartridge in its position. There is a handle for pulling
down the cartridge. The handle is located on the bottom of the front panel. Only the air filter
has to be changed at least once in a year. The replacement procedure is as follows:
• Place the instrument on a table so that the air filter cartridge can be removed from the
• Locate the cartridge handle an pull it down.
• “Z” shaped wire keeps the filter in the cartridge.
• Remove the wire
• Remove the filter
• Replace it with a new air filter
• Reassemble in reverse order

4 Using the built in service firmware

There is comprehensive service software built in the system to support servicing. The service
program can be executed in two different levels

4.1 With system's front panel keyboard

This service mode of operation can be used for laser alignment and energy meter calibration
only. It can display the MODE of operation, capacitor bank voltage and the energies
measured by the energy meters at a fixed rep rate of 5 Hz.
It cannot be used for observing the behavior of system at other repetition rates, or during
closed loop energy regulation or for editing the laser characteristics or any other system
parameter. For this purposes an external notebook computer with serial RS232 cable
attached the Fidelis Controller has to be used.

NOTE: During Fidelis production time different system’s firmware will be used. The service
firmware reaching procedure can be different for separate system firmware.

4.1.1 Access to the service firmware is as follows:

Versions 1.0, 1.1:
• Turn on the instrument
• After the completion of self-test confirm the hand piece (regardless of the hand piece
type). Then:
• Press the PILOT then SOURCE and finally the SET key
• This brings you in service mode of operation.
• Press SOURCE to exit the service mode.

Versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and later:

• Turn on the instrument
• After the completion of self-test confirm the hand piece (regardless of the hand piece
type). Then:
• Press the PILOT as many times as You need to reach the last (laser pulse number, error
list) menu and then press SOURCE and finally the SET key.
• This brings you in service mode of operation.

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• Press SOURCE to exit the service mode.

In this service mode of operation the system will allow laser pulses firing without energy
regulation at the selected mode fixed selected voltage and selected repetition rate.
The display will show



SP - stands for the Mode of operation (VSP, SP, LP and VLP)

XXX - stands for the selected voltage on the capacitor bank
YY - stands for the repetition rate in Hz
ZZZ - stands for the measured energy per pulse of the feedback energy meter
WWW - stands for the measured energy per pulse of the monitor energy meter

The energies E1 and E2 for each pulse will be displayed only for selected repetition
rate of 5Hz and below. For all other repetition rates the energy E1 and E2 will NOT be
If the system does not show the measured energies at 5Hz press the SCAN key on the
control panel. This will enable the display of energies.

4.1.2 Changing the MODE and working voltage in service mode

• The MODE of operation can be selected by pressing the MODE key until the desired
mode is reached.
• The Voltage is changed by the Up or Down arrow key on the keyboard. The increments in
voltage are 1V.

For each MODE of operation there is a limiting value for the selectable voltage which cannot
be exceeded.


The maximal energies, which both energy meters can display are slightly less then 1500 mJ.

4.1.3 Exiting the service firmware

For exiting the service firmware press the SOURCE key on the control panel. This will bring
you in the STBY status. Normal operation of the instrument is now enabled.

4.1.4 Flash lamp discharge counter reset

After the flash lamp replacement the laser pulse counter must be reset. A flash lamp
discharge (laser pulse) counter can be reset in firmware versions 1.3 and newer.
• Turn on the instrument.
• After the completion of self-test confirm the hand piece (regardless of the hand piece
type). Then:
• Press the PILOT as many times as possible to reach the counter.
• Press DOWN arrow key to reset the counter.
• Press SOURCE to exit the service mode.

4.2 Use of external notebook computer for advanced service

By the use of external notebook computer connected to the system with a serial RS232 cable

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advanced service can be performed. This service mode of operation is intended only for
skilled service personnel trained by Fotona d.d. Observation of the behavior of system
(capacitor bank voltage, pulse widths, energy-meters reading etc.) at all rep rates, during
open loop or closed lop regulation is facilitated. Additionally system parameters (like laser
characteristics, pulse widths, hand-piece transmission parameters, regulation loop
performance, etc.) can be edited and changed. System parameters and snapshots of laser
behavior can be downloaded for off-line analysis and sent via e-mail to Fotona service

Changing system parameters with this software if not properly carried out can cause a
serious damage to the system. This service mode is therefore intended only for skilled service
personnel trained and authorized by Fotona.

4.2.1 Setup of external notebook computer

For this procedure a Notebook computer is necessary together with a serial RS232 cable and
special communication software. Such software is usually part of every PC operating system
E.g. Microsoft Windows™, OS/2, Apple™ OS... (TERMINAL.EXE for Windows 3.X™ or
HYPERTERM.EXE™ for Windows 9X™).

4.2.2 Connection of external notebook computer to the Controller

• Turn off the laser system.
• Remove top cover from the laser system.
• Locate the microprocessor Controller board and the serial port on it.
• Unplug Notebook Computer from mains power.
• The Notebook computer must be grounded to the instrument chassis by a
separate grounding wire
• Attach the serial (mouse) extension cable to the Notebook computer and to the
Controller serial port.
• Turn on the Notebook computer using battery power.
• Run the TERMINAL program and setup the following parameters:
Port: select available/selected serial port.
Baud Rate: 19200b/s
Other: 8 bit, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity
• Turn on the Fidelis
• The terminal screen on the notebook computer will show the system firmware
version, etc.
• Type in test 2 followed by ENTER key
• This will place the system service firmware in service mode named test 2.

4.2.3 Service mode with external notebook computer

NOTE: The EPEM.EXE program can be used for connecting the external computer to the
Fidelis system controller.

This service firmware will work in normal operating mode of the instrument (when the energy
regulation loop operates) as well as in the service mode initiated on the Fidelis control panel
already described in Section 3 (in constant voltage mode - no energy regulation).

There are different firmware, which facilitate access to certain important system parameters
are advanced servicing. For normal servicing procedures a procedure named test 2 is used.

The service firmware test 2 is primarily used for displaying:

• the working voltage of the capacitor bank,

• the flash lamp current pulse duration in microseconds
• the measured energy of the feedback energy meter,

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• the measured energy of the monitor energy meter and
• the averaged value of two energy meters.

This numbers will be displayed in successive colons and will scroll down all the time the
footswitch is pressed.

During startup of the system this service firmware shows the progress (steps) of self-test.

During the calibration sequence after pressing the READY key this service firmware will show
the selected parameters, the starting voltage of the capacitor bank and the limiting voltage for
the selected parameters. It will also display the capacitor bank voltage, flash lamp current
pulse duration, feedback energy and monitor energy during the calibration sequence of the
laser for each laser shot. Thus, the behavior of the laser during the calibration can be

There are a number of commands, which allow the servicemen to check or edit certain
system parameters.

PARAM command
By typing in on the external computer:


followed by ENTER key all the laser, hand piece and some other parameters will be displayed
on screen. PageUp and PageDown keys on the external computer can scroll the screen.

PULSE command
By typing in


followed by ENTER the cumulative number of flash lamp shots will be displayed.

The RESET PULSE command can reset the flash lamp shot counter to 0.

SET command
With this command certain parameters can be edited and changed


By pressing


followed by names of certain system parameters like:

A0 The VSP mode laser energy vs. voltage threshold parameter

B0 The VSP mode laser energy vs. voltage slope value
A1 The SP mode laser energy vs. voltage threshold parameter
B1 The SP mode laser energy vs. voltage slope value
A2 The LP mode laser energy vs. voltage threshold parameter
B2 The LP mode laser energy vs. voltage slope value
A3 The VLP mode laser energy vs. voltage threshold parameter
B3 The VLP mode laser energy vs. voltage slope value
kf Energy regulation loop parameter (which is normally fixed to a value of 6)

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ns enables (1) and disables (0) the noise filter in V1.8 firmware.

For example:

>set a 0
followed by enter will display in the next row
> a 0 set to -1510.0

which means that the value of the a 0 (Avsp) parameter of the system is set to -1510.0

If the parameter is to be changed then type in:

> set a 0 -1580.0

followed by enter, the next row will show:

> a 0 set to -1510.0 → -1580.0

Please note that the commands are not case sensitive. ASCII convention for entering
numerical values must be respected. Floating point parameter should be written in one
of the following way. Example: “123.4” “-1234.56” “1234”

ERROR and ERRORS command

The ERROR command will give us the last detected error message and the ERRORS
command will give us the list of the last 10 detected errors. By executing the RESET
ERRORS command the error list will be erased.

4.2.4 Additional parameters

NOTE: Before changing any of the laser system parameters the laser operation itself must be

Besides A, B and Kf parameters there are many others effecting the Fidelis system
properties. All the parameters can be changed if it is necessary.

Beam delivery parameters:

They are used for beam delivery loses compensation and are defined during the Fidelis
system finalization for separate hand pieces delivered with the system. If not all hand pieces
are delivered with the system then the reference parameters are written into the system.
The command line SET TRO 2 90 sets the RO2 dental hand piece loses to 90%.

TRO TEST: Fiction servicing hand piece. No loses, 100% transmission.

TRO 2: Dental RO2 hand piece loses parameter.
TRO 4: Dermatology and surgery RO4 hand piece parameter.
TRO 5: Surgery and cutting RO5 angular hand piece parameter.
TRO 6: Dentistry, surgery and cutting RO6 straight fiber tip hand piece parameter.
TRO 7: Dentistry RO7 angular fiber tip hand piece parameter.
TRO 8: Surgery and cutting RO8 straight fiber tip hand piece parameter.

NOTE: The maximum laser output energy is limited for separate hand piece selection.

Flash lamp discharge and laser pulse duration parameters:

The parameters are effecting the laser operation starting sequence as much as regular
stabilized laser operation. The FPW (first pulse width) parameter is only important during the
regular operation since it is not active during the laser energy calibration procedure. The FPW
is used for better energy control. After few laser pulses the laser output energy is stabilized
and the appropriate PW (pulse width) parameter is used for the normal operation. The

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command line SET PW 0 160 <CR> sets the VSP pulse width to 160us.
The command line SET FPW 0 122 <CR> sets the VSP first pulse width to 122us.

PW 0: VSP laser flash lamp discharge (width) duration (160us default).

PW 1: SP laser flash lamp discharge duration (300us default).
PW 2: LP laser flash lamp discharge duration (600us default).
PW 3: VLP laser flash lamp discharge duration (1000us default).

FPW 0: VSP first laser flash lamp discharge (width) duration.

FPW 1: SP first laser flash lamp discharge duration.
FPW 2: LP first laser flash lamp discharge duration.
FPW 3: VLP first laser flash lamp discharge duration.

NOTE: The FPW and PW values are limited.

5 Adjustment/Alignment/calibration procedures

5.1 Alignment procedure for the articulated arm

The articulated arm needs realignment if the out-coming treatment laser beam is not centered
on the arm exit aperture. A centered metal wire cross is placed on the arm exit. If the
treatment laser beam center in different positions of the arm is decentered form the metal
wire cross-center for more then 0.75mm the arm needs to be realigned.

The specified performance of the articulated arm can only be achieved if the Fidelis Er:YAG
laser beam is launched into the arm correctly. The optical performance of the arm is
referenced to its mounting flange, which has been specially prepared to simplify and
guarantee the alignment.
The laser beam launched must be correct in near and far fields. In practice, only the near field
must be set accurately initially, with the arm itself used subsequently confirm the far field
alignment of the beam launch. It is important that no assumptions are made about the near
field position of the laser beam. The beam MUST enter the arm on the geometric axis of the
base-mounting flange. This can be accomplished by placing a metal cross on the arm holder
exit, accurately machined to be a close fit on the arm flange.

The Fidelis incorporates two steering mirrors upstream of the arm mounting socket to allow
separate and independent adjustment of the near and far fields. The visible aiming laser
beam must be co-axial with the Er:YAG laser beam at its entry to the arm.

The procedure for alignment of the arm is :

• Insert the metal cross on the arm holder socket and using the steering mirror
furthest upstream from the arm (NEAR FIELD mirror), adjust the near field position
of the aiming beam until the beam emerges from the metal cross center.
• Remove the metal cross and lay a suitable mirror over the mounting socket
aperture to reflect the aiming beam laser back into the system. Adjust the steering
mirror nearer to the arm (FAR FIELD mirror) to obtain a reflection of the laser
beam onto itself.
• If a large adjustment was necessary, remove the mirror and replace the metal
cross in the mounting socket. Check that the aiming laser beam is still passing
centrally through the metal cross and if not, adjust the near field mirror.
• Remove the metal cross and replace the mirror over the aperture in the socket.
Confirm that the laser beam is still reflected back to the internal pinhole. Again if
this is not the case, make necessary adjustment to the far field mirror.
• Repeat the above steps as necessary to ensure that the aiming beam is passing
centrally through the mounting socket metal cross. Usually two or three iterations
are sufficient.

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• Remove the metal cross and fit the arm to the mounting socket with three bolts.
• The aiming laser beam will be emerging from the arm at or near the center of the
hand piece connecting nut but a minor adjustment of the laser head FAR FIELD
steering mirror would be advisable to obtain optimum performance.
• Place a targeting device on the hand piece nut of the articulated arm. This can be
as simple as a piece of adhesive tape fixed to the end of the nut. Mark a dot on
the tape and spin the nut while observing the motion of the mark. If the mark is not
stationary, move the tape on the nut until there is no obvious movement of the
mark when the nut is rotated. The target mark will then be positioned on the
rotational axis of the hand piece nut and should not be moved.
• Observe the position of the aiming laser beam relative to the target mark and
make a careful adjustment of the far field mirror to center the beam on the mark.
The orientation of the arm is not important.
• The arm is now aligned on the system, which can be confirmed by manipulating all
the knuckles. Beam wander at the hand piece nut should be less then +/- 0.75mm
but if this is not the case, the arm can be removed to make any necessary
corrections to the near filed beam position which might have changed slightly
during adjustment of the far field mirror. If this is found to be the case, the
alignment procedure could be repeated.
• Finally fasten a centered metal wire cross to the hand piece nut and make trial
Er:YAG laser shots. Observe the shape on a black paper (or thermal paper)
placed 10 to 15 cm from the hand piece nut. The center of the cross must be in
the center of the beam.
• If the arm is removed subsequently for shipping. On re-assembly, ensure that
there is no debris in the mounting socket or on the machined face of the arm base
flange. You might find that a very minor adjustment of the far field mirror is
necessary but usually you should not experience any problems with the arm.

5.2 Aiming beam laser alignment procedure

In case of misalignment or replacement of the diode laser it is necessary to realign it.

The following procedure should be performed if the Er:YAG beam is correctly passing
through the articulated arm:



• Turn off the Fidelis.

• Remove the instrument top cover.
• Remove the laser head plastic cover.
• Remove the energy meter. It must stay connected!
• If the diode laser had to be changed replace the diode laser module with a new
one and connect properly its cable to the HEAD CONTROL board.
• Dismount the Er:YAG hand piece from the articulated arm and place and
adhesive tape with a cross centered on the arms exit aperture.
• Turn on the Fidelis.
• After the selftest select any laser parameter (no mater).
• Press READY - the system calibrates the laser, opens the shutter allowing the
read aiming beam from the diode laser to propagate through the articulated arm.

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• Select PILOT level 7 by pressing PILOT followed by Up or Down arrow key.
• Observe if the beam comes out from the articulated arm. If not then:
• With the adjusting screws on the diode laser module try to adjust the red aiming
beam on the center of the articulated arm socket. For this to achieve it should be
necessary to remove the articulated arm from the system and to place a metal
wire cross centered on the arm socket
• Then remove metal wire cross and place a suitable mirror on the arm socket.
By alignment of the aiming laser adjusting screws try to reflect the beam back on
• Then remove the mirror and place the metal wire cross in the arm socket. If the
beam is decentered readjust it to the metal wire cross center. Several iterations
are needed to reach centricity and reflection of the beam back on itself
• Then install the arm back on the system.
• The red aiming beam should come out from the articulated arm.
• Once the aiming beam emerges from the articulated arm make additional
adjustments to achieve centered beam at the articulated arm exit aperture
during manipulation of all knuckles.
• Remove the adhesive tape from the articulated arm and attach the Er:YAG hand
piece back on the articulated arm.
• Check if the diode laser responds to different power settings.
• By changing the PILOT level from 0 to 7.

• This completes the diode laser alignment procedure.

5.3 Laser alignment



Should the laser get misalign (when Fidelis cannot realize the requested energy in normal
operation or during selftest), or if the resonator mirrors has been changed, or if the laser
pumping chamber or flash lamp has been changed the service firmware facilitates the
alignment of Er:YAG laser.

The service firmware can be accessed from the control panel as described in previous
The service firmware performs the following functions:

• Does not stabilize the output energy (the energy regulation feedback is not
active) and it ignores the energy meters mismatch.
• it measures and displays the measured energy of the energy meters on the
control panel display but only at repetition rate of 5 Hz.

The display shows the MODE of operation selected voltage on the capacitor bank, rep rate

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and the two measured energies (E1 - feedback energy and E2 monitor energy)

The alignment procedure is as follows:

• Turn off the Fidelis and disconnect it from the mains.
• Remove the system top cover.
• Remove the plastic cover of the laser head.
• Turn on the Fidelis.
• When the selftest is completed select current handpiece. To enter service mode
press PILOT then SOURCE and finally SET (if the display does not show the
measured energies at 5Hz press the SCAN key).
• Select MODE SP (by pressing the MODE key until SP is reached), voltage of
500 V (by the Up or Down arrow key), Frequency of 5 Hz (by pressing the
FREQ key until 5 Hz is selected.
• Press READY.
• Remove the Er:YAG handpiece from the articulated arm. Aim the articulated arm
exit on an absorbing target!
During alignment a laser beam will emerge from the articulated arm exit!

• Use the supplied tool (insulated Allan key for laser adjustment) and place it in
one of the rear mirror adjustment screws.
• Press footswitch.
• Observe the feedback energy reading on the display
• If the readings are near 0 then increase the voltage setting until you get some
laser action.
• By turning both rear mirror adjusting screws try to maximize the feedback
energy. In case that even with the highest allowed voltage (800V) setting no
feedback energy occurs then try at this voltage setting to adjust the rear mirror
until the laser starts to operate. When you get any laser output maximize the
laser energy. During this maximization if the measured feedback energy gets
greater then 500 mJ decrease the voltage setting and press READY.
• After the maximal energy has been reached also check if for this maximized
output energy the shape of the laser spot emerging from the articulated arm is
circular and centered on the articulated arm exit aperture for different positions
of the articulated arm. If necessary additionally realign the far field steering
mirror (the first steering mirror from the articulated arm upstream to the Er:YAG
laser) - refer to articulated arm alignment procedure.
• This completes the laser alignment procedure.
Leave the service mode by pressing SOURCE and selecting appropriate handpiece, or
removing key-switch.
If external computer has been used for this procedure then turn off Fidelis and the external
computer and remove cable connections.

5.4 Energy meters calibration procedure


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The purpose of calibration procedures is to adjust the Feedback Energy meter so that the
actual output energy of the system corresponds with the value displayed on Fidelis display in
normal operating mode. The Fidelis lasers use two energy meters per laser. The Feedback
energy meter is used for controlling the output energy with a digital on-line feedback loop.
The Monitor energy meter reading must match the reading of the Feedback energy meter.
This forms a double safety structure. If the readings of these two energy meters differ for
more then a prescribed value the system will stop the laser, close the shutters and block the
whole system an display an energy meters mismatch message.

The Fidelis Model 320A laser system uses a 7-mirror articulated arm as a beam delivery
system which has certain losses in transmitting the Er:YAG beam. To assure system's
accurate display of treatment energy this losses are compensated by the system itself. The
articulated arm transmission does not change with time but may change if the internal mirrors
of the arm are damaged.

This procedure assumes that the laser is in alignment.

5.4.1 Feedback Energy meter Calibration Procedure

Please refer to Energy meter board layout given in this manual for locating the adjusting

Before you attempt this complete energy meters calibration procedure it is advisable to check
if the Er:YAG beam is centered on the articulated arm exit aperture. If it is then proceed with
the calibration of energy meters. If it is not then first perform the alignment of the articulated
arm as described in the Service manual.

• Dismount the handpiece from the articulated arm

• Place the external energy meter approx. 10 cm from the articulated arm exit
• Remove external Air/Water or Purging gas supply
• Turn the Fidelis on.
• After the self-test completes select MODE: SP, Energy: 500 mJ and FREQ: 10Hz
• Press the SOURCE key and with the Up or Down arrow key on the control panel
select TEST handpiece type
• Press the READY key.
• After the shutter opens aim the red aiming beam to the center of the external energy
• Depress footswitch and measure the energy of the emerging treatment beam by the
external energy meter.
• The external energy meter must show 474 mJ ± 95mJ
• If it is out of this range there are three possibilities:
• either the articulated arm is damaged, or
• there is a beam clipping in the beam path (arm alignment problem)
• the energy meter needs a re-calibration.
For checking the arm damage please refer to the section "Articulated arm Calibration" section
of this manual

For checking the arm alignment please refer to service manual section "Articulated arm

For the energy meter calibration follow the procedure bellow:

• Dismount the upper cover of the laser console
• Remove the laser head protective cover.
• Locate the energy meter box and the trimpot designated with Er F on the drawing
"Fotona Fidelis Energy meter".
• Use a suitable screwdriver for turning the trimpot.

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• Press the footswitch and measure continuously the energy with the external
energy meter.
• By slowly turning the Er F trimpot to show the number 475 mJ.
• If the system eventually reports a System error 58 (Energy meter mismatch)
before the calibration has been reached then refer to the next section "Energy
meter mismatch calibration" and perform it. Then return back to the procedure and
continue until the Feedback energy meter gets calibrated.

After each turn of the potentiometer wait for the feedback loop to settle (energy readings to

This completes the calibration of the feedback energy meter.

Each time the Feedback energy meter is calibrated the Monitor energy meter MUST be
calibrated also. For calibrating the Monitor energy meter please refer to this procedure bellow.

5.4.2 Energy meters mismatch calibration procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to match the readings of the monitor energy meter with the
readings of the Feedback energy meter. Refer to Energy meter board layout for locating the
adjusting trimpots.

• Turn off the laser system

• Remove top cover from the laser system.
• Locate the energy meter and the trimpots for energy meter adjustment
• Turn on the lasers system
• Enter the service mode of operation by pressing PILOT followed by SOURCE and
finally SET key on the control panel. Pressing the SCAN key will block the rep rate
to 5Hz and allow the display of measured energies of the Feedback or Monitor
energy meter.
This brings you in the service mode of operation. In this mode of operation
the energy regulation is not active. The laser can operate at fixed rep rate of
5 Hz at different adjustable capacitor bank voltages. The display will show
the operating voltage in Volts, frequency of 5Hz, E1 (feedback energy in
mJ) and E2 (monitor energy in mJ) for each pulse. By the Up and Down
arrow key on the control panel the working voltage can be changed.
• Select Mode SP, and 500 V
• Press READY
• Aim the emerging pilot beam to and absorber (or external energy meter)
• Press the footswitch
• Observe the values of energy readings E1 and E2.
• Take E1 (feedback) as a reference and determine if E2 (monitor) differs for more
than ±30% from the reading of E1.
• If yes, then by slowly turning the Er M trimpot on the energy meter the readings of
E2 (monitor energy meter) adjust it to match the reading of E1.
• Check the mismatch at different voltages and at different modes of operation
• Make corrections in Er M trimpot adjustments if necessary.

This completes the Monitor Energy meter calibration procedure.

Reassemble in reverse order.

5.5 Beam delivery calibration procedure

The beam delivery of Fotona Fidelis Model 320A is a 7-mirror articulated arm. The articulated
arm itself is a high reliability component. Nevertheless, if it is handled without care damage to
the internal optics can occur. In such cases the transmission of the arm can drop and/or the
beam shape at the arm exit can be affected.
For checking the arm for transmission please follow the procedure bellow:

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• Dismount the handpiece form the articulated arm.

• Dismount the articulated arm from the system
• Place the external energy meter approx. 10 cm from the laser aperture where the
arm fixing flange is located
When the articulated arm is dismounted a free access to the beam transforming lens
in the system's arm fixing flange is possible. Do not touch the lens by fingers and do
not allow dust or any contaminants to fall on the lens. Inspect it and
if necessary clean it.

• Turn the instrument ON.

• After the selftest completes select MODE: SP, Energy: 500 mJ and FREQ: 10Hz
• Press the SOURCE key and with the Up or Down arrow key on the control panel
select TEST handpiece
• Press the READY key
• After the shutter opens position the external energy meter head to be centered on
the red aiming beam.
• Depress footswitch and measure the energy of the emerging treatment beam by
the external energy meter.
• The measured energy should be within 500mJ ± 100mJ
• If it is out of this range the feedback energy meter definitely needs a re-calibration
- Please follow the instruction for Feedback energy meter calibration described
• If the reading is within this range then install the articulated arms on the system
and measure the energy at the arm exit at the same parameters. If the measured
energy with external reference energy meter is out of the range 475 ± 95 mJ then
the articulated arm is damaged and has a lower transmission (normal
transmission of the articulated arm is 95%). A replacement of the arm is
• If the reading on the external reference energymeter is within the above tolerance
window the arm is OK.

5.6 Handpieces calibration procedure

• Attach a handpiece to the articulated arm.
• By the SOURCE and Up and Down arrow key select the handpiece which is
attached to the articulated arm
• Select Mode SP, Energy 300 mJ and Frequency of 10Hz
• Press the READY key
• Aim the red pilot beam to the center of the external calibrated energy-measuring
• Press the footswitch.
• The Measured energy should be in the range 300 mJ ± 60 mJ.
• If the energy is out of this range the handpiece is damaged. Inspect it and replace
the damaged optics or the whole handpiece.

6 Troubleshooting

6.1 Advisory messages

These messages are messages to the user or servicemen. To be aware of their meaning and
eventually a possible action or service they are described bellow.

6.1.1 Advisory messages during power-up

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• Key switch in off position during power-up:

* Fotona Lasers *
* Fidelis *

• Key switch in on position during power-up:


6.1.2 Advisory messages during self test

• Start:
Running Self test
Please wait

• Running:
Running Self test

Each dot represents a checkpoint or a group of checkpoints during selftest. If the system
does not complete the selftest successfully it will display an error message (system error xx)
and it will be blocked.

• Successful End:
Running Self test

• Laser room protection interlock:

The doorswicth is open or detached from the system. Attach it or close the door

• Footswitch check status:


The footswith is not attached to the system. Attach it. If after attachment the message persists
then replace the footswitch with a new one.

6.1.3 Advisory messages in normal operation

• Over-temperature protection activated:


In this message appears wait until the message disappears (the system will cool down). Then
you can proceed with normal operation of the instrument.
• Laser room protection interlock:

This message means that during normal operation of the system the doorswitch has opened
or the doorswitch connector has been detached from the system. After correction of the
reason for this message the system will revert to STBY state and normal operation can be
continued only after pressing the READY key.

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• Footswitch pressed too soon while entering READY status:


This message appears if the footswitch is pressed too early after the READY key has been
pressed. The laser calibration was performed completely. The footswitch has to be released.
The system reverts back to the STBY state.

6.1.4 6.1.4. Advisory message in service mode

• Entering the service mode


Remove key to cancel

This advisory message appears when the service mode is entered after pressing the PILOT
and then the SOURCE key. It warns the user/servicemen that the instrument is to enter the
service mode of operation. The message disappears when the last key for entering the
service mode (the SET key) is pressed.

6.2 Error messages reported by the system in selftest

6.2.1 System error 11 - Energy meter test of 15V supply failed

This error message means that the Controller receives a signal from the energy meter that
the 15VDC supplying voltage is faulty on the energy meter board.
Possible reasons:
• Check if all optical links are properly attached to their receptacles both on the
Controller and on the energy meter.
Specially check the optical links (fibers) 13, 14, 15 and 17.
• Check if the 24VDC voltage is present on the energy meter terminal block. If yes,
then replace the energy meter.

NOTE: After the replacement of energy meter please perform the energy meter
calibration as described in this manual.

6.2.2 System error 12 - Energy meter test of 5V supply failed

This error message means that the Controller receives a signal from the energy meter that
the 5VDC supplying voltage is faulty on the energy meter board.
Possible reason:
• Check if the 24VDC voltage is present on the energy meter terminal block. If yes,
then replace the energy meter.

NOTE: After the replacement of energy meter please perform the energy meter
calibration as described in this manual.

6.2.3 System error 13 - Energy meter test of D/A converter reference voltage failed
• Check if all optical links are properly attached to their receptacles both on the
Controller and on the energy meter. Specially check the optical links (fibers) 13,
14, 15 and 17.
• Check if the 24VDC voltage is present on the energy meter terminal block. If yes,
then replace the energy meter.

NOTE: After the replacement of energy meter please perform the energy meter
calibration as described in this manual.

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6.2.4 System error 14 - Energy meter test of D/A converter output voltage failed
• Check if all optical links are properly attached to their receptacles both on the
Controller and on the energy meter. Specially check the optical links (fibers) 13,
14, 15 and 17.
• Check if the 24VDC voltage is present on the energy meter terminal block. If yes,
then replace the energy meter.
• The error can be caused also during the "CROW BAR" triggering condition test.
For this reason the error can be detected also after pressing READY just before
the auto calibration. In this case IC8 on the energy meter PCB can cause the
problem. Control IC8 soldering, solder it or replace it.

NOTE: After the replacement of energy meter please perform the energy meter
calibration as described in this manual.

6.2.5 System error 15 – Energy meter communication failure

The controller doesn't communicate with the energy meter. The error will be detected before
other energy meter's error cases.
• Fibers 14, 15, 17 are damaged or loose. Control the fibers attachment on both sides.
Control the fibers for damages (melting).
• The energy meter 24VDC power voltage failure. Control the 24VDC energy meter
power voltage and its connection. 24VDC is available immediately after the main switch
on the back of the system is switched on.
• 15VDC or (and) 5VDC energy meter voltage regulator faulire. Control local voltages.
• Energy meter is not responding. Replace the energy meter.

6.2.6 System error 16 - Pulse timer or reference oscillator error

This error indicates malfunctioning of system timers on controller board. Turn off the system
wait for 30 seconds and turn on the system again. If the error message persist then a
replacement of the Controller board is necessary.

6.2.7 System error 17 - Test mode only. Communication with IGBT-switch frame
This error is for testing system in the factory only. It describes possible problems with
multiplexed communication with the PFM MODULE assy. For detailed analysis skilled
electronic technician is needed as well as an oscilloscope and an advanced service
procedure. Normally we suggest replacing the PFM MODULE assy. or controller board.

6.2.8 System error 18 – Test mode only. Communication with head-control frame
This error is for testing system in the factory only. It describes possible problems with
multiplexed communication with HEAD CTRL assy. For detailed analysis a skilled electronic
technician is needed as well as an oscilloscope and service procedure. Normally we suggest
replacing the HEAD CTRL assy. or the CONTROLLER board.

6.2.9 System error 19 (or five longer beeps at power-on) – Console communication
For this error message it is possible not to be displayed on the control panel display. When
not displayed the system will at start-up generate five longer audio beeps. To resolve this
problem first check if the display LCD backlight is bright. If this is not true, turn off the system
and check the cables from system console to the Controller extension board. If the system

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still reports the same error message replace the CONTROLLER board by following controller
replacement procedure described in this manual. Advanced diagnostics is possible by
connecting the Controller to external notebook computer. Call Fotona service staff for further

6.2.10 System error 30 - Cooling liquid flow error

• Check if during startup of the system before the error message appeared the pump
• If no, then check if 24 VDC is present on the cooling system pump terminal blocks
during startup of the system before the system error message is reported.
• If yes, then replace the cooling system (the pump is faulty)
• If no, then check if 24 VDC is present on the RELAY board terminal blocks X2
between pins 3 and 4 during startup.
• If yes, then replace the cooling system (the pump is faulty).
• If no, then check if relay K2 on the RELAY board is operating during
• If no, then replace the relay K2
• If the pump operates and the cooling liquid is flowing through the laser then:
• Check if the connector is properly attached to the flow sensor.
• Check if the Flow sensor 24VDC is present on the connector.
• If all above is OK then replace the Flow sensor

6.2.11 System error 31 - Cooling liquid pump relay error

This error message means that the relay contacts for activating the pump and cooling fans
are closed without being actuated.
• Check if all the connectors on the RELAY board are properly attached.
If yes, replace relay K2 on the RELAY board.
If error still persist then replace the complete RELAY board.

6.2.12 System error 32 - Cooling liquid overheated or temperature switch error

This error message is generated only in self-test in cases when the cooling liquid temperature
switch indicates high temperature. The reasons could be:
• faulty temperature switch,
• faulty cooling fans.

Please check the following:

• Check if system is really overheated by touching its rear side of the laser console. If it is
wait for five minutes and try again.
• Check if air flows through the heat exchanger at the rear side of the system, while pump is
• Open the system and check if both fans rotate at their full speed.
• If error repeats check connections of temperature switch located on heat exchanger.
• If the error message persist with the heat exchanger at normal temperature (say ambient
temperature) then check the voltage on temperature switch with voltmeter. If the reading
shows >10V, replace temperature switch. If the voltage is less then 10V then check
connections to the controller and if the connection is good the controller board should be

6.2.13 System error 41 - Capacitor charging error

This error message means that the CHARGER is not charging the capacitor bank.
Possible reasons:

• Fiber OW 20 is not properly inserted to its receptacle either on IGBT Switch assembly or

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inside the Charger assembly. Check it and insert the fiber properly.
The fiber proper attachment inside the Charger assembly is more critical. The fiber end
should be cut, grinned and polished perpendicular to the fiber axis and inserted in its
receptacle to the very end.
• Fiber OW 16 is not inserted properly to its receptacle on IGBT Switch assembly or on the
Controller. Check it and insert the fiber properly.
• The Charger assembly is faulty. Replace the complete Charger assembly.
• The old IGBT (type 1) module was replaced with the new IGBT (type 2) module. The
200V condition signal is not issued by the new IGBT module and the controller with the
old software (below V1.5) is not detecting the signal. Replace the software with version
V1.5 and above.

6.2.14 System error 62 - Pulse timer error or timing reference oscillator malfunction
Turn off the system wait for 30 seconds and turn on the system again. If the error message
persist then a replacement of the Controller board is necessary

6.2.15 System error 63 - Capacitor bank error

This error message means that the Crowbar circuit signal »IGBT override« is not applied and
for this reason the Crowbar protection circuit operation cannot be tested.

• The error can be faked. There is a signal sensing loop between the demultiplexing IC
and multiplexing IC which is sensitive to EM noise. If second type IGBT module is
installed in the system then replace the software with version higher then V1.4 or
• Check if the optical links (fibers) 1, 2 are on the Controller and IGBT Switch properly
• Check if optical links 13, 14, 15, 17 are properly attached to the Controller and
Energy meter
• Check if the optical link 19 on the Energy-meter and IGBT Switch is properly
• Check if the connectors X2 on Controller board and X5D on the RELAY board are
properly attached.
• Check if the connector on the Charger is properly attached to it.

If all optical links and connectors are OK then:

• Check if the IGBT Switch receives 24VDC supply from the Charger (Terminals X1
on the Discharge PCB located on top of the IGBT Switch).
• If there is 24VDC then pull out optical link 20 from the transmitter (Located
on IGBT Switch) which supplies UREFERENCE to the Charger. Turn off
the system and turn it on again if there is no light coming out from the
transmitter then the IGBT Switch is faulty. Replace it.
• If there is no 24VDC on terminal blocks X1 on Discharge PCB then the
Charger has not started. Check if the Relay K1 on the RELAY board is
turning on after the key-switch is turned on (refer to electrical wiring
If it DOES NOT turn on then replace the RELAY board.
If even after replacement of the RELAY board the same
message remains then the Controller board has to be
If it TURNS ON and the message still remains then the Charger is
faulty. Replace it

6.2.16 System error 64 - Capacitor bank error

This error message means that the Crowbar circuit signal »IGBT override« is not removed
after it has been applied. This is in principle a redundant case of error 63.

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The troubleshooting procedure is identical to System error 63 already described above.

6.2.17 System error 65 - Capacitors charged

This error message means that a Crowbar test error during self-test of the instrument was not
successful. Voltage is detected on the capacitor bank.
Possible causes are:

• Crowbar fuse blown (on the IGBT Switch assembly Fuse NV 100)
• Crowbar SCR defective (on the IGBT Switch assembly)
• IGBT defective (on the IGBT Switch assembly). No in-field servicing is suggested.
Replacement of complete IGBT Switch assembly is required.
• The charger has small charging current leakage. Capacitor bank voltage is detected
on the end of the self-test. If second type IGBT module (May 2000) is installed in the
system then replace the software with V1.5 or higher. Refer to software replacement
section of this manual. Contact Fotona service if old IGBT module is in the system.
By using the V1.5 software it is possible to run the system in "TEST 0" mode, which
doesn't control the CROW-BAR and self-test final voltage. In this program the "TEST
0" mode can be set by pressing SCAN key in the service mode. Refer to service
mode section of this manual.
Higher software versions will have this option already installed.

6.2.18 System error 68 - HV Power supply, capacitor bank without 24VDC

• Check if the optical links (fibers) 1, 2 are on the Controller and PFM MODULE
assembly properly attached.
• Check if the connectors X2 on Controller board and X5D on the RELAY board are
properly attached.
• Check if the connector on the Charger is properly attached to it.

If all optical links and connectors are OK then:

• Check if the PFM MODULE receives 24VDC supply from the Charger (Terminals
X1 on the Discharge PCB located on top of the PFM MODULE).
• If there is 24VDC then pull out optical link 20 from the transmitter (Located
on PFM MODULE) which supplies UREFERENCE to the Charger. Turn
off the system and turn it on again if there is no light coming out from the
transmitter then the PFM MODULE is faulty. Replace it.

• If there is no 24VDC on terminal blocks X1 on Discharge PCB then the

Charger has not started. Check if the Relay K1 on the RELAY board is
turning on after the key-switch is turned on (refer to electrical wiring
• If Relay K1 on the Relay board DOES NOT turn on then replace
the RELAY board (or the K1 relay).
• If even after replacement of the RELAY board (or K1
relay) the same message remains then the Controller
board has to be replaced.
If the Relay K1 on the Relay borad TURNS ON and the message still remains then the
Charger is faulty. Replace it.

6.2.19 System error 69 - HV Power supply error in selftest.

• Relay K1 is faulty on the Relay board. As a consequence optical link OW7 on the
PFM MODULE is reporting to Controller that the Charger is charging while it should in
the first part of the selftest.
• Replace relay K1 or the complete Relay board

6.3 Error messages as a result of continuous supervision during

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system operation

6.3.1 System error 10 - EEPROM error

This error message requires a replacement of the Controller.

6.3.2 System error 20 - Laser shutter blocked in open position

This error message means that the safety shutter cannot move from its open position.
• Check if optical links (fibers) 3 and 4 are properly inserted in their receptacles both
on the Controller and HEAD CTRL board.
If yes, then:

• Dismount the HEAD CTRL board together with the shutter assembly and check if the
shutter blade is freely rotating.
If it is blocked or stiff, then the shutter assembly together with the HEAD
CTRL board has to be changed, or
The reason of mechanical blockage has to be corrected.
NOTE: For inspecting and correcting the shutter mechanical
blockage the shutter assembly should be removed from the HEAD
CTRL board. For doing this the actuator wires should not be
desoldered from the board.

If the shutter moves freely then the problem is in the HEAD CTRL board.
Replace it with a new one.

6.3.3 System error 21 - Laser shutter blocked in closed position

This error message means that the safety shutter cannot move from its closed position.
• Check if optical links (fibers) 3 and 4 are properly inserted in their receptacles both on
the Controller and HEAD CTRL board.
If yes, then:

• Dismount the HEAD CTRL board together with the shutter assembly and check if the
shutter blade is freely rotating.
If it is blocked or stiff, then the shutter assembly together with the HEAD
CTRL board has to be changed, or
The reason of mechanical blockage has to be corrected.
NOTE: For inspecting and correcting the shutter mechanical
blockage the shutter assembly should be removed from the HEAD
CTRL board. For doing this the actuator wires should not be soldered
off from the board.

If the shutter moves freely then the problem is in the HEAD CTRL board.
Replace it with a new one.

6.3.4 System error 30 - Cooling liquid flow error

Already described in section 7.2.5.

6.3.5 System error 40 - Simmer current error

This message means that the simmer current is not established through the flash lamp.
For troubleshooting please perform the following:

Turn off the system

Remove the instrument top cover
Remove the laser head plastic cover
Turn on the system
Observe if the flash lamp triggers (short light pulses of bluish color appear after the Charger

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has turned on).
• If it triggers and the simmer current establishes and then turns off the flash lamp is
to be replaced.

• If it does not trigger then:

- The flash lamp may be broken or faulty (replace it)

- Check if the voltage on the flash lamp terminals is after the Charger turns
on and before the system generates the error message between 600 -
If it is, then replace the Trigger board
If it is not, then replace the complete Charger assembly

6.3.6 System error 67 - HV Power supply relay error

This error message appears when the key switch is turned off and the simmer current
is detected on either laser. The reason is that the K1 relay on the Relay board did not
turned off.
• Replacement of K1 relay on the Relay board is necessary or the replacement of the
complete Relay board.

6.4 Error messages during laser calibration and in normal use

The following error messages can appear after pressing the READY key (this means laser
calibration and normal use)

6.4.1 System error 50 - Overshoot energy error

This error message means that the laser energy after pressing the footswitch had an
overshoot in energy greater then allowed.

NOTE: In such cases it is important to detect in which mode of operation (VSP, SP, LP or
VLP) the error message was generated.

This error message could be a consequence of bad laser parameters (A x parameter) for a
particular mode of operation (VSP, SP, LP or VLP) as a result of trimming the parameters for
best system response during servicing. In such cases, try to decrease the negative value of
A parameter for the respective mode of operation.
If you cannot get rid of this error message ask Fotona service department for help.

6.4.2 System error 52 - Current pulse on flash lamp not detected.

This error means that the flash lamp pulse was not detected by the Controller.
Possible reasons:

• The optical link (fiber) 18 is not properly inserted to the Simmer Trigger board or to
the Energy meter
Check OW18 (fiber 18) both on Simmer Trigger and Energy meter.
• The Energy meter is faulty.
During the display of this error message on the control panel detach the fiber 19
from the energy meter and observe optical transmitter on link OW19. This
should shine. If this is not the case replace energy meter.
NOTE: After replacing the Energy meter please perform the energy meter
• The IGBT Switch assembly is faulty - Replace the complete IGBT Switch assembly.

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6.4.3 System error 53 – Laser pulse timing error
Turn off the system wait for 30 seconds and turn on the system again if the error message
persists then a replacement of the Controller board is necessary.

6.4.4 System error 55 - Over energy error (crowbar activation)

This error message means that the laser has realized a laser shot with energy greater then 2
times the selected value. As a consequence, the Crowbar protection circuit on the IGBT
Switch module has been activated.
This error message can appear mainly at low energy settings and during servicing of the
equipment. If the laser parameter A x ( where x stands for 0, 1, 2 or 3) has been changed by
the SET command in a wrong way. In this case try to decrease the negative value of this
parameters (for example: if the original setting was -1510.0 and you changed it to -1700 the
laser was started at voltages which where too great for the energy selected. By decreasing
the negative value of this parameter to -1450.0 the system will start more "softly" in calibration
at lower energies and may need more pulses for calibration).

6.4.5 System error 56 - Under energy in calibration or normal use

This error message indicates that during the calibration sequence (after pressing the READY
key) the laser cannot realize the requested energy even with the highest allowed voltage.
Possible reasons:
• If it happens at high rep rates (30, 40 or 50 Hz at highest energy settings of the
selected mode of operation) the possible reason is that the system cooling liquid
temperature is too high and as a consequence the laser efficiency has dropped. In
such cases turn on the system and after completing the selftest leave it in such state
for 5 minutes. This will cool down the cooling liquid. Then try the original parameters
at which the error message was generated.
If the system does generate again the same error message then:

• The laser is misaligned.

Check the laser for alignment (the shape of laser spots coming out the
articulated arm without handpiece must be symmetrical circles - laser
footprints on a thermal paper)
• The laser resonator mirror (OC or HR) is damaged.
Check the mirrors for damage by observing them in the resonator. Usually the
damage is visible by naked eye. If damaged, perform OC or HR resonator
mirror replacement respectively (see section Resonator mirror

NOTE: after mirror replacement and alignment check the alignment of

articulated arm for the Er:YAG beam
• If all above is OK then the flash lamp has lost its efficiency
Replace the flash lamp.

6.4.6 System error 57 - Under voltage limit in calibration

The newly calculated voltage (during closed loop regulation of energy) in calibration or in
READY status and footswitch pressed is below 200V voltage limit.
Possible reasons for this error message are:
• The energy meter(s) report very high energy to Controller. This forces the feedback
loop to realize too low voltages (bellow 200 V) on the capacitor bank.
Check the calibration of energy meters and if necessary perform energy
meter calibration.

• If the error message was generated after editing the laser parameters (Ax or Bx) by
the SET command then:
Check if the new values of the edited Ax or Bx parameters are realistic (not

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differing too much from the original ones before editing).

6.4.7 System error 58 - Energy meter mismatch

This error indicates that the energies measured by the Feedback and the Monitor energy
meter differ too much and that the difference is out of prescribed tolerance.
In this case please perform the energy meter calibration as described in section 5.4.2.

6.4.8 System error 60 - Pulse timer error or timing reference oscillator malfunction.
Turn off the system wait for 30 seconds and turn on the system again. If the error message
persist then a replacement of the Controller board is necessary

6.4.9 System error 61 - Pulse timer error or timing reference oscillator malfunction
during discharge.
Turn off the system wait for 30 seconds and turn on the system again. If the error message
persist then a replacement of the Controller board is necessary

6.5 Malfunctions not reported by the system

6.5.1 The display does not show anything after turning on the system
Check if the system power cord is OK (if mains voltage is supplied to the circuit breaker inlet
If not replace the power cord.
If yes, then check if the main circuit breaker on the rear side of the instrument is OK
If not replace the main circuit breaker.
If the circuit breaker is OK then:
Check if the auxiliary power supplies 24VDC and/or 5VDC are OK (refer to wiring
diagram). If necessary replace them with new ones.
If the auxiliary power supplies are all OK then check:
If the connector which is connecting the control panel with the Controller is
properly inserted in the Controller and on the side of the Control panel.
If the connectors are OK, then replace the cable with connectors
If the display still does not show anything replace the Control panel electronic box
If the display still does not show anything replace the Controller.

6.5.2 The system does not respond to the keyboard on the control panel
The possible reason could be a faulty keyboard or the Control panel electronic box.
Complete Front panel together with control panel electronic box should be replaced.

6.5.3 The back-light does not light the display

The Control panel electronic box should be replaced.

6.5.4 The key switch does not respond

Check the key switch if it operates OK by checking it with an ohmmeter (you should have to
dismount the Front panel of the instrument - refer to wiring diagram).
If it is not, replace the key switch contact part, which is attached to the mechanical part of the
key switch.
If the key switch is OK and the system still does not respond to the key switch then replace
the Control panel electronic box.

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6.5.5 The system does not respond to the footswitch
Replace the complete footswitch with a new one.

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7 Schematics

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7.1 Fidelis Model 320A Functional diagram

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7.2 Fidelis electrical wiring diagram

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7.3 Fidelis optical diagram


Articulated arm L6

Cu,Si 45 Er L5

Mirror HR Rod Er:YAG Mirror OC BS AR Er BC Er L4


L1 L2 L3 Si 45 Er

BB 650

L1+L2+L3+L4+L5 = 400 mm
L7 = 1437

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7.4 Optical links (fibers) connection diagram

17 16 15 14 13 5 14 3
13 4



20 7 16 5 1 2 19

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7.5 Laser module upper view

Trigger Board
Cooling water Trigger board Isolator
OUT tube fixing screw (perspex)
HR mirror holder Outcopuling
fixing screw (OC) mirror
IN tube


Flashlamp Flashpulse
+HV - HV (OC) mirror
Rear (HR) terminal sense
fixing fixing adjusting
mirror fixing screw transformer
screw screw mechanism
adjusting (ANODE)
Flashlamp Laser module
mechanism HR mirror holder base plate
fixing screw fixing screw

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7.6 Flash lamp replacement

flash lamp cooling cathode anode

water terminal simmer trigger terminal
end cap conn. block board block
fixing screw

end cap trigger

elastomer "O" transformer
ring pumping pumping
chamber chamber
holder plate

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7.7 Energymeter layout

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7.8 Controller board 1 layout

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7.9 Controller board 2 layout



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7.12 24VDC Auxiliary power supply layout

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7.13 Articulated arm installation and alignment


Read carefully the following instructions and perform the procedures described
bellow. Failure to follow this instructions may lead to damage of the articulated arm or
laser system!

• Open the package

• Remove the articulated arm carefully from the package
• Take out all the accessories and Operator Manual from the package
• Take out the Fidelis laser system from the package
• Place the laser console on a stable table
• Do not connect the Fidelis Power cord to the system
• Carefully remove the cover from the articulated arm holder on the laser console.


• Unpack the articulated arm

• Remove the protective cover from the arm input aperture and exit aperture
• Clean the articulated arm fixing flange with a cotton pad immersed in pure acetone
• Place the arm fixing flange on the arm holder as shown on figure "Articulated arm
installation" attached to this manual.

Please note the position of the balancing weight. It should be placed in such a manner
as shown on the figure bellow. Also please note that there is a label "FRONT" on the
arm flange which should be turned in a position toward the front plate. After placing
the arm on the arm holder (socket) it should be already balanced.

• Insert the supplied three screws and fix the arm fixing flange to the arm holder.
• Place the rubber cover (already on the articulated) to protect the arm fixing screws
• If application needs purging gas/air and/or water then install the supplied tubing with
clamps to the water/air solenoid valves on the rear side to laser console.

Checking the articulated arm alignment

The beam launching optics in the laser console together with the articulated arm
holder is factory aligned and usually no additional adjustments are needed.
Nevertheless perform the articulated arm alignment before using the system for the
first time. Please follow the instructions supplied bellow.

• Attach the laser system power cord to the mains

• Attach the footswitch
• Turn on the main switch on the rear side of the laser console
• The system will start and perform the CRC check
• Insert the Key into the Keyswitch
• Turn on the system and wait for the selftest to complete.
• After completing the selftest the system will revert to a state where you must chose and
confirm the selected handpiece. By Up and Down arrow on the control panel select the
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handpiece which you will use
• Press the SET key on the control panel. This will confirm the selected handpiece. The
system will enter the STBY mode with default laser parameters
• Select Mode SP (press Mode and select by UP and Down arrow keys the mode)
• Select Energy 200 mJ (press ENERGY and select by Up and Down keys the energy)
• Select Frequency 5 Hz (press FREQ and select by Up and Down keys the frequency)
• Press the READY key
• The system will calibrate the energy and after calibration will open the shutter
• Place centered wire cross on the articulated arm exit aperture (the wire cross is the same
as in all other cases of articulated arm)


• Observe if the aiming beam is centered on the arm exit aperture.

• If it is, then make trial lasers shots and observe the footprints of the treatment laser beam
coming out of the laser on thermal paper. The paper should be placed at least 100 mm
from the arm exit.
Be careful while making trial laser shots on thermal paper. Contamination of
articulated arm mirror(s) may result if the thermal paper is too close to the arm exit.

• If the treatment beam is also centered then attach the selected handpiece on the
articulated arm exit

This completes the checking of the articulated arm alignment

If the articulated arm is not aligned (the treatment beam is decentered for more then
0.75 mm from the arm axis) then alignment should be necessary. Please follow the
procedure given in Service manual for articulated arm alignment.

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Showing the
right position
of arm ARM HOLDER with arm socket
flange (integral part of laser head)


Fig 7.11.1 Articulated arm installation.

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Articulated arm

art. arm holder

mirror adj. screws

Aiming laser
adj. screws HEAD CTRL


Shutter assy.
Aiming laser Aiming NEAR FIELD
ad. screws laser HEAD CTRL mirror adj. screws
Aiming laser
beam bender
Laser head


Fig. 7.11.2 Position of components and adjusting screws for Er:YAG and aiming beam
alignment into the articulated arm.

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8 Parts list

Code Part Remark

55582 Laser head assembly

56456 Laser module Er:YAG

56457 Laser cavity Er:YAG

34200 Laser rod Er:YAG

10365 Laser rod gasket

35716 Flash lamp

31534 Flash lamp gasket

49406 Flash lamp fixing part

55631 Er front mirror

56466 Er front mirror nut

55632 Er rear mirror

57320 Simmer trigger board Laser

56725 Head control board

34563 EM shutter actuator

57102 Energy meter One laser, 2X meter

57011 Beam splitter Energy meter

56807 Beam combiner E meter, diode laser

55995 Aiming diode laser

57563 Articulated arm coupling lens


57235 Beam steering mirror

57637 Articulated arm

36178 Hand piece R02

35754 R02 lens

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54617 R02 sapphire window

Hand piece R04F

58680 Spacer 3 mm

58679 Spacer 5 mm

58678 Spacer 7 mm

Hand piece R04F nozzle

58518 R04F lens

52229 Fiber tip hand piece R07

52719 R07 fiber tip

58455 Cooling system assembly

57400 Pump

34020 De ionizing cartridge

58439 Fitting 1 Deionizing cartridge

58552 Fitting 2 Deionizing cartridge

57631 Flow sensor

58448 Heat exchanger assembly

58216 Charger

58185 IGBT switch assembly

57123 Power supply GPM225-24

57124 Power supply GSM28-5

57326 Relay board

56672 Controller assembly

57832 Display

57206 Display board

57430 Keyboard

58011 Key lock

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58014 Lock contacting gauge

58012 Emergency knob

58013 Knob contacting gauge

53065 EM valve

58350 Main switch

58303 Foot switch assembly

34469 Foot switch connector Housing

54602 Door switch connector Housing

58587 Air filter

58337 Housing cover Housing

58450 Protection cone Housing

Fotona Laser Technical Support and Service department retains rights to change the spare
parts list without notification.

January 2001

Franci Ho…evar

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