2021 Competencias Maestros

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JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia




E. Haryani*1, W. W. Cobern2, B. A-S. Pleasants3, M. K. Fetters4

Western Michigan University, USA


DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v10i1.27084

Accepted: January 13th 2021. Approved: March 25th 2021. Published: March 31st 2021


The significance of learners acquiring the skills required in the 21st century, including communication skills,
teamwork, ICT-related skills and socio-cultural knowledge, imagination, critical thinking, and problem-solving,
has been extensively discussed. Integrating the 21st century into the curriculum requires teachers to have knowl-
edge and resources to foster classroom practices. This qualitative study was designed to explore the resources that
Indonesian science teachers use in supporting the implementation of the skills of creativity and innovation, criti-
cal thinking and problem solving, collaboration, and communication (4Cs) integrated science instruction. Data
analyses include surveys, audio recordings of smalls and large group discussions, and group discussion artifacts
of 28 Indonesia vocational high school science teachers to identify the type of resources that teachers have had ac-
cess to support the integration of 4C into science instruction and the extent to which these resources promote the
4C integration into science instruction. The analysis indicates that teachers use multiple resources to help them
prepare for 4C integration into teaching practices, including various professional development (PD) programs,
various teacher collaborations, curriculum guidelines, and open resources. Teachers found that Teacher Profes-
sional Education (TPE) was the most favorable PD program, and curriculum guideline was the least effective for
advancing 4C integration. Implications are discussed further.

© 2021 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: 21st century skills; 4C integration; teacher resources; teaching preparation

INTRODUCTION wise, it is essential to have 21st century skills, as

students need to obtain academic content and un-
Over the past two decades, there has been derstand how to continue learning and use what
considerable discussion about the importance of they have learned efficiently and innovatively in
students acquiring skills needed in the 21st century their lives (Dede, 2010). The literature describes
(Bybee & Fuchs, 2006; Rotherham & Willingham, several conceptual frameworks for 21st century
2009; Trilling & Fadel, 2009; Bellanca, 2010; Na- skills, including the Partnership for 21st century
tional Research Council [NRC], 2011). Students Skills (P21), the EnGauge framework from Me-
must be prepared with the knowledge and skills tiri/NCERL, the concept for 21st century skills
needed for the 21st century because current and from the Organization for Economic Cooperati-
future jobs require work with expert thinking or on and Development (OECD), the International
complex communication skills and interpersonal Society for Technology in Education ICT Skills
cooperative skill (Levy & Murnane, 2004). Like- (ISTE), the European Reference Framework, and
the National Educational Technology Standards
*Correspondence Address (Dede, 2010; Voogt & Robin, 2012). Although
E-mail: esty.haryani@wmich.edu
E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

these frameworks have various emphases, there ly reported by the World Bank Human Develop-
is much agreement on what 21st century skills ment Department for East Asia and the Pacific
should be added to the curriculum. These include Regions, the lack of employability skills, produc-
communication skills, collaboration, ICT-related tivity, and competitiveness has led to high youth
skills and socio-cultural awareness, creativity, cri- unemployment in Indonesia (Di Gropello et al.,
tical thinking, problem-solving, and the capacity 2011). The report shows that academic perfor-
to develop relevant and high-quality products mance, working independently, communication,
(Dede, 2010; Voogt & Robin, 2012). leadership, and creative thinking are the most de-
The implementation of 21st century skills manding skills needed in Indonesia’s current job
into the curriculum, however, requires that teach- market. The curriculum revision was thus estab-
ers be prepared. Studies indicate that teachers are lished to address the need to develop a strong un-
aware of the 21st century teaching and learning derstanding of the competitiveness and produc-
concepts (Clarke, 2014), and they think that the tivity of individuals in the 21st century. Besides,
21st-century skills are essential and that teachers MoEC has prioritized expanding and increasing
prioritize the skills of creativity and innovation, investment in vocational education in response to
critical thinking and problem solving, collabora- rising youth unemployment and inadequate skills
tion, and communication (4Cs) concerning other among workers (Di Gropello et al., 2011; Fitrian-
content (Haryani et al., 2019; Ningsih & Jha, syah et al., 2020).
2021) and that their teaching practices for the- Thus, the implementation of the 4Cs into
se skills differ (Van de Oudeweetering & Voogt, Indonesia science classrooms would also require
2018). However, teachers do not necessarily feel that teachers be appropriately prepared. Follo-
prepared for implementation (Thijs et al., 2014), wing the adoption of the 2017 C13 revision, rese-
yet research suggests the importance of teacher archers took an interest in reviewing the literature
preparation to effectively implement curriculum on the suggested learning models to integrate the
reform (Supovitz & Turner, 2000; Bantwini, 21st century learning skills into practice (Murti,
2010; Park & Sung, 2013; Lowe & Appleton, 2015; Redhana, 2019) how Indonesia teach-
2015 among others). er education addresses the curriculum revision
Over half a century, several studies have (Haryani et al., 2019; Sari, 2019), and how pre-
been conducted to examine and evaluate how service science teachers perceived the revision.
educational reforms are put into practice and This research suggested that Indonesian pre-ser-
study factors that drive the effective implemen- vice teachers have a positive attitude toward 4C
tation of curriculum reform. Implementation implementation and are aware that to become a
refers to the actual use of innovation or to what teacher for the 21st century, they must learn how
extent innovations consist of in practices (Fullan to implement 4C instruction (Afandi et al., 2018;
& Pomfret, 1977). Various studies indicate con- Shidiq & Yamtinah, 2019). Also, there is a gro-
sistent teacher understanding and the way teach- wing interest in examining whether the textbook
ers perceived change regarding a new curriculum being used underscored the integration of 4Cs
reform. Factors that were found to be influencing (Yusliani et al., 2019; Hidayat et al., 2020). Ho-
for an effective curriculum reform implementa- wever, very few studies have investigated the pre-
tion including teacher professional development paredness of Indonesian in-service science teach-
(PD), teacher collaboration, and teacher’s belief ers to implement the 2017 Indonesian curriculum
that the reform is beneficial to students (Lam et revision focusing on 4C integration.
al., 2013; Ryder & Banner, 2013; Fullan, 2015; Many potential avenues for research arise,
Lowe & Appleton, 2015 among others). Effective given the current state of the literature. We are
curriculum reform implementation involves pro- particularly interested in teacher teaching resour-
viding resources and structured guidance to ensu- ces, including teacher professional development
re that the newly established curriculum and the programs, curriculum documents and guidance,
suggested teaching techniques are provided in the teacher collaboration, and any information and
actual classroom activities. materials designed to help teachers acquire kno-
As many other countries have done, in wledge and practices to integrate 4C into science
2017, the Indonesian Ministry of Education classrooms. Our research sought to identify the
(MoEC) began promoting the curriculum in- resources that vocational high school science te-
tegration of the 21st century learning skills and achers access in support of 4C integrated science
innovation known as the 4Cs: creativity and in- instruction. We were also interested in evalua-
novation, critical thinking and problem solving, ting these resources, so our research asked: what
collaboration, and communication. As previous- resources do teachers access to support their in-
94 E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

tegration of 4C into science instruction? More and 17 private schools. The Chemistry Vocatio-
specifically, we were interested in: (1) What kinds nal High School Science Teacher Association
of professional development do teachers access to listed 20 chemistry teachers actively involved in
implement 4C integrated science instruction?; (2) the organization, while The Physics Vocational
To what extent do teachers use curriculum guide- High School Science Teacher Association listed
lines to support their integration of the 4C into 17 active physics teachers. However, the Natural
science instruction when developing their lesson Science (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, IPA) Vocational
plans?; (3) To what extent do teachers work with High School Science Teacher Association has re-
other science teachers (within school or teacher gistered only seven natural science teachers in its
associations) to support their integration of the database. Subsequently, an invitation for a group
4Cs into science instruction when developing discussion was sent to all science teachers based
science lesson plans?; (4) What other resources on the above data.
do teachers use to support their integration of the A total of 28 science teachers from six
4Cs into science instruction?. public and eight private vocational high schools
Teacher preparation includes the provisi- in the region agreed to participate in this study.
on of ample knowledge, purposeful curriculum Nineteen of the 20 chemistry teachers participa-
programs, and adequate resources to support ted in the study; however, only five out of 17 phy-
the implementation of the intended curriculum sics teachers and four out of seven natural science
reform and to enable powerful learning (Darling- teachers participated. Fewer natural science te-
Hammond et al., 2020). This study could potenti- achers participated in the study because, in some
ally provide valuable insights into the essence of schools, the chemistry teachers also teach natu-
the resources of the Indonesian vocational scien- ral science and likely participated in the study
ce teachers to prepare for the integration of the as chemistry teachers. Moreover, there are fewer
4Cs into instruction. natural science teachers in the region because na-
tural science is not taught in vocational schools.
METHODS With the implementation of the new curriculum
(C13), natural science is only being taught in vo-
This qualitative study explored the cational schools with business, management, and
resources that Indonesian teachers use in support tourism, while chemistry and physics are taught
of 4C integrated science instruction implementa- in vocational schools of technology and enginee-
tion. We collected data in surveys, audio recor- ring, health, and nautical majors.
dings of small and large group discussions, and The number of physic teachers available
group discussion artifacts for data triangulation for this study was limited due to the timing of the
(Creswell, 2013; Yin, 2017). According to Payne study. The group discussions were conducted in
and Payne (2004), group discussion is a way of the first week of February 2020. While the che-
gathering data from several people who share si- mistry group discussion took place on a weekday
milar experiences and reflect on their shared mea- (Wednesday), group discussions for physics and
nings. Group discussion is an effective method for natural science teachers took place on Saturday
evaluating new ideas and exploring issues shared based on the site availability and suggestions
by targeted participants (Payne & Payne, 2004). from the chair of Physics and Natural Science
The survey data in this study is used to support Teacher Associations. Their suggestions were to
the analysis of group discussion. avoid interference with the teachers and schools
This study involved vocational high school preparing for the Grade 12 national exam. Howe-
science teachers in one of the cities of West Ka- ver, Saturday is a day off for teachers, and indeed
limantan province, Indonesia considering the some physics teachers confirmed that they could
importance of preparing vocational high school not participate on Saturday because of a conflict
graduates with skills for the workforce. The first with other activities. Given the low numbers of
step was to contact the local Department of Edu- physics and natural science teachers who parti-
cation, asking permission to collect data. After cipated in this study, we used aggregated data
getting approval to collect data, we reached the from small and large group discussion transc-
leaders for the regional Vocational High School ripts, group discussion artifacts, and survey data
Principal Association and Science Teacher As- to analyze teachers’ resources.
sociations to get an updated list of current voca- The participants’ demographic profiles are
tional high school science teachers in the region. presented in Table 1.
This region has ten vocational public schools
E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

Table 1. Demographic Profile of Participants Before the group discussions started, the
(n=28) primary researcher read the rules for discussi-
Demographic n (%) on. Five questions were submitted to each group
to guide the discussion. Each group was provi-
School type
ded with notebooks, pens, markers, the primary
Public School 18 (64) researcher’s name card for further contact infor-
Private School 10 (36) mation, and a large paper to write the discussion
Teaching subject results. In their small group discussions, teachers
Chemistry 19 (68) were asked to share what resources they have
had for learning the 4C and the extent to which
Physics 5 (18)
those resources helped them plan the integration
Natural science 4 (14) of the 4C into their science classroom instruc-
Years of teaching tion. The small group discussions were audio-
1-5 7 (25) recorded as data. During the small discussions,
6-10 8 (29) the primary researcher, who also acted as a mo-
derator, checked each group to see whether the
11-19 7 (25)
participants needed further assistance. Following
20+ 6 (21) the small group discussions, the moderator led a
Gender general discussion to discuss and summarize the
Male 12 (43) group discussion results, which were also audio-
Female 16 (57) recorded.
Four types of data were obtained: small
Professional Teacher Certifi-
cate group discussion audio recordings, large group
discussion audio recordings, written respon-
Yes 16 (57)
ses from small and large group discussions, and
No 12 (43) survey responses. All group discussion data was
transcribed and verified by participants through
A group discussion, each on different da- member checking to gain accuracy of the data
tes, was convened for each of the three discipli- (Creswell & Miler, 2000). All transcribed data
ne areas: chemistry, physics, and natural science. was entered into a computer database. Survey
The 19 chemistry teachers were broken into four data, written responses from each group and ge-
groups. Since the physics and natural science te- neral group discussions, audio recordings from
achers were much fewer, each session was held each group, and large group discussions were
using a single group of those who attended. The compiled for data analysis.
total of 28 teachers was thus broken out into six Data from group discussions was the main
groups. source for this study, supported by the survey
On the day of each group discussion, te- data. The survey contained five questions about
achers met in an arranged meeting room. The participant demographics, three multiple respon-
meeting started with a welcoming speech by each se questions, which allowed teachers to select
chairperson of the Science Teacher Association more than one answer and to provide additional
(chemistry, physics, and natural science), after information on teachers’ interactions during PD,
which the primary researcher guided the mee- and teacher collaboration activities and the de-
ting. The primary researcher formally introdu- gree to which these resources helped them integ-
ced herself, welcomed the teachers, and thanked rate the 4Cs into their classrooms. Last, there was
them for attending and agreeing to participate in a five-point Likert item on teachers’ level of 4C
the study. The primary researcher explained the integration: highly integrated (5 Likert points),
objectives of the session, the directions, and the intermediately (3 Likert points), to not integrated
procedure for group discussion. The teachers 4C (1 Likert point). Survey data asked teachers to
were first given 15 to 20 minutes to complete the identify the external resources that teachers use
survey, with the primary researcher checking to to a large extent to help them build knowledge on
see if there were questions regarding the survey and to implement the 4Cs, including the national
questions. For the session with chemistry teach- curriculum guidelines, teacher professional de-
ers, after completing the survey, teachers were as- velopment programs, teacher collaboration, and
ked to gather in self-selected small groups of four other resources if any. Survey data were gathered
to six voluntarily. to identify the resources used by the teachers.
96 E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

The transcribed discussion data were en- used to identify the text relevant to each of the
tered into NVivo 12 program, and the teachers’ research questions, and then the summaries are
responses were listed and categorized based on drawn from each subset of text used to construct
the framing foci on resources the teachers have all the research questions. These processes will
accessed to support 4C integration. For example, lead to conclusions on the experience of vocatio-
teachers mentioned participating in various pro- nal high school science teachers and the resour-
fessional development programs to implement ces they have used to prepare for 4C integration
the C13 revision and 21st-century skills. These ty- (Yin, 2017).
pes of teacher resources for teacher professional
development programs were then categorized as RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Professional Development (PD). When teachers
mentioned using various curriculum guidelines, The novelty of this study is aimed at exp-
they were coded as curriculum guidelines. Si- loring the resources that vocational high school
milarly, when teachers work with other science science teachers have access to in support of
teachers or teachers of different subject areas, the 4C integrated science classroom. Data ana-
they were coded as teacher collaboration. Teach- lysis indicated that some teachers use at least
ers’ descriptions and comments regarding those one resource. Many of them use more than one
resources were similarly coded. The purpose of resource to learn how to incorporate the 4Cs into
the coding was to identify key ideas about the their science instruction, including the internet,
type of resources that the vocational high school teacher development programs, teacher collabo-
science teachers use and how they support and ration, and curriculum guidelines (see Table 2).
foster the integration of 4C. The codes were
Table 2. The Distribution of Resources Used by the Teachers
PD Curriculum Guidelines Teacher collaboration Internet
Chemistry 17 9 15 19
Physics 5 5 4 5
Natural Science 3 2 2 4
Total 25 16 21 28

1. What kinds of professional develop- Teachers across science subjects referred to

ment do teachers access to implement 4C integ- IHT as one of their resources. Most of the teachers
rated science instruction? reported that the current IHT programs focus on
A total of 25 out of 28 teachers had atten- the ongoing implementation of the C13 revision,
ded various professional development programs which includes strengthening students’ character,
to support the implementation of 4C integrated literacy, the 4Cs, and higher-order thinking skills
science instruction. The professional develop- (HOTS). During IHT, teachers learned how to
ment programs attended include Teacher Profes- teach science with new learning standards based
sional Training and Education (TPTE), Teacher on C13 revision, were familiarized with the Com-
Professional Education (TPE), In-House Trai- petence Standards and Basic Competencies, were
ning (IHT), vocational science teacher training, taught how to develop a curriculum-based lesson
and single section educational workshops. Some plan, learned what expectations they should have
of the teachers attended only one type of PD of students to develop higher-level thinking skills,
program, such as three who reported attending and learned how to assess students’ higher-order
TPTE, three teachers attended TPE, two teach- thinking skills.
ers attended a single section educational work- Teachers articulated that “In IHT, we prac-
shop, five teachers attended IHT, and two teach- tice to analyze and develop lesson plans that described
ers attended vocational science teacher training. how students can think critically, solve problems, and
Another ten teachers reported attending more how students can function as a team and interact well.”
than one of the PD programs mentioned above. One of the teachers expressed the expec-
However, three newer teachers with one to three tation to provide learning experiences that invol-
years of teaching experience indicated having no ves student comprehension and memorization
PD experience. of science content to make it easier for students
E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

to interpret, synthesize, explain, evaluate, and in-service teachers in the certification process,
eventually use the knowledge to generate a valu- replacing the previous TPTE program. To obtain
able product based on the science topic they have professional certification through TPE, a teacher
studied. IHT training helped with this, but a few must earn 24 credits: ten credits of teaching and
teachers also reported useful training from work- learning material through hybrid learning, eight
shops organized by their schools in collaboration credits of the workshop and peer teaching, and six
with the local Educational Quality Assurance, the credits of school internship. Teachers who have
MoEC regional technical implementation unit. obtained professional certification are granted
The Vocational Competency Improve- a professional allowance. The TPE pedagogi-
ment Program was another PD program that cal materials include 21st-century learning skills
teachers found useful for gaining knowledge re- (the 4Cs) and teacher professional development,
garding 21st-century learning skills. One of the teaching and learning theory, student cognitive
physics teachers who participated in the Training development, curriculum and learning strategies,
for Physics Learning Competency Improvement and learning assessment that emphasize students’
Program expressed that the program helped him development of higher-order thinking skills.
gain knowledge on teacher policy and teaching However, admittance to TPE requires a
development to apply learning in the 21st century preliminary qualification test and administrati-
and how to use social media (the internet) as a ve qualifications, including that teachers have to
source to find information on teaching materials at least been teaching in the current subject area
that are aligned with learning. These experiences since 31 December 2015. The problem for newer
helped him to apply the suggested instructional teachers is that they must not only pass the preli-
strategies to his classrooms. He said, minary qualification test but must also meet the
“… We also practiced constructing lesson plans requirements of teaching experience. Although
that are aligned with 21st-century learning and micro- TPE was reported as the most valuable form of
teaching by applying 21st-century learning principles professional development in support of 4C integ-
and designing HOTS questions.” ration, not all teachers have the same opportunity
Teachers reported that participation in a to participate in the program. Only science teach-
PD program provided information on how to fa- ers who have been professionally certified after
miliarize themselves with the curriculum guideli- 2018 are most likely to benefit from knowledge
nes and prepare to incorporate the 4Cs. Among and experience on integrating 4C into their scien-
the PD programs, most teachers reported atten- ce classrooms. In contrast, most senior teachers
ding IHT, but the most favorable PD was TPE. were certified after completing TPTE before the
Teachers found that attending TPE was more TPE program. Besides, 12 out of 28 teachers who
beneficial than other PD programs because TPE participated in this study have not yet received a
not only provides learning theories, but the teach- professional certificate, which means they have
ers also get to practices lesson plan development not previously attended the TPE program.
and conduct micro-teaching. While many teachers found that professio-
As one teacher described that “In the TPE nal development was helpful, this was not always
activities that I have participated in, we have been given the case. Some teachers were less enthusiastic
the training to improve and to develop teaching tools about it. One teacher said,
that include: syllabi, lesson plan, and learning assess- “The IHT I attended was less focused and co-
ment that is integrated with 21st-century skills. We’ve vered too many topics, discussed more on contextual
learned how to make learning media that encourages learning, and students’ learning issues.”
students to think creatively and in an innovative way.” He believes that to be effective, the IHT
Another teacher articulated, “... I learned should focus on discussing one issue in depth.
how to develop a lesson plan that incorporates 21st- Another teacher said, “In most teacher trai-
century learning skills. I also learned about guided dis- ning, the instructor only discusses teaching and lear-
covery learning. This learning model encourages active ning in an ideal situation, while what we face every
dialogue in classroom activities, observations that allow day in classrooms is mostly far from ideal in terms of
students to ask questions, to think creatively, to think students and learning facilities.”
critically when asked to observe, and then from that ob- With the current educational mandates,
servation, students are asked what to expect from the most teachers feel that they still need the trai-
questions that arise. Each participant also has to prac- ning to improve their ability to integrate the 4Cs.
tice micro-teaching.” Specifically, PD programs that include learning
In 2018, the Teacher Professional Educa- concepts and allow teachers to practice designing
tion (TPE) program was specifically designed for lesson plans within their teaching context and
98 E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

conducting micro-teaching so that all participants ze that they are expected to develop their instruc-
can also learn how other teachers teach science tions mirroring the national guidelines. However,
subjects using different learning strategies. Teach- teachers may adjust their lessons depending on
er professional development is one of the ways to school background and student characteristics.
prepare teachers to implement a new curriculum The teachers reported that they use curri-
reform better. The findings of this study are alig- culum guidelines as a framework for the creati-
ned with previous research on curriculum reform, on of teaching documents, including annual and
which shows the value of providing sufficient and semester learning plans, syllabi, and daily lesson
continuous professional development for teachers plans. The curriculum guidelines help them orga-
to implement curriculum reform and to help te- nize their lesson plans to include learning objecti-
achers develop a better understanding of the re- ves, selected teaching materials, learning models,
form and reform objectives and expectations (De learning strategies, and learning scenarios that in-
Jong, 2000; Penuel et al., 2007; Thomas, 2008; tegrate attitude, characters, and skills for the 21st
Schleicher, 2016). The initial PD helps teachers century based on the Standard Competency, Core
and education stakeholders to familiarize them- Competencies, and Basic Competencies.
selves with, develop a thorough understanding of In one group discussion, it was noted that
further, and to have adequate knowledge of the “For general chemistry, we use the Guidelines for Stan-
curriculum reform. Having considerable know- dard Competence, Core Competencies and Basic Com-
ledge of the reform might raise teachers’ confi- petencies set out in the Curriculum Guidelines of the
dence and awareness that change is essential. Department of Education for the preparation of lessons
Teachers found that participation in TPE plans…”
and the Vocational Competence Improvement Another teacher expressed that they know
Program was beneficial because these PDs offer “Teachers need to incorporate the 4Cs in chemistry
topics in 4C integration by offering learning the- to promote the development of more critical thought
ories, practicing the design of lesson plans, and and students’ characters to interact well and to deve-
conducting micro-teaching. While teachers men- lop cooperative attitudes. The learning goals must be
tioned the advantages of participating in TPE, not tailored to the academic performance metrics based on
all teachers are eligible for this thorough training the Basic Competencies set out in the curriculum guide-
until they have passed the preliminary qualifica- lines and adapted learning models that will be used, for
tion test and met other requirements. Although a example, to help students think creatively, communica-
few teachers were concerned about the depth of te actively, and think critically.”
the training, IHT is the PD program that teachers Moreover, data suggests that curriculum
participate in the most because every school of- guidelines support teachers administratively, but
fers IHT as part of its annual school professional other resources, such as teacher PD and teacher
development programs for teachers and school collaboration, offer greater opportunities for 4C
administration. Given the requirements for par- integration into science instructions. Although
ticipating in TPE and the improved access for all the curriculum guidelines are considered to be the
teachers to participate in IHT, IHT could be one least helpful resource for preparing 4C integrati-
of the best ways to support the implementation of on into the science classroom, it is widely used by
4C integration. However, IHT needs to be desig- teachers regardless of their teaching experience.
ned to provide in-depth learning and practice 4C This result provides insight into the need to give
integration through micro-teaching in the context exact terminology, rubrics, and directions on in-
of school background so that all participants can tegrating 4Cs into science practices.
also observe and learn how other teachers use dif- 3. To what extent do teachers work with
ferent learning methods to teach science subjects. other science teachers (within school or teacher
2. To what extent do teachers use curri- associations) to support their integration of the
culum guidelines to support their integration 4Cs into science instruction when developing
of the 4C into science instruction when develo- science lesson plans?
ping their lesson plans? Data analysis indicates that 21 out of 28
The majority of the teachers reported using teacher participants in this study reported the be-
a combination of curriculum guidelines and ot- nefits of teacher collaboration in their attempt to
her resources to support the 4C integration into integrate the 4Cs into science instruction. Com-
science instructions. However, all newer scien- mon teacher collaboration activities in the region
ce teachers who were not eligible for TPE have included the Science Teacher Association based
reported curriculum guidelines as their primary on the subject taught and a team teaching either
resource for 4C integration. Teachers do recogni- with teachers who taught the same subject or with
E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

teachers across the subjects. Teachers emphasi- role models strengthen curriculum reform imple-
zed that collaboration work with their colleagues mentation because peer teachers share relevant
within the same school, especially learning from knowledge and ideas from their actual experien-
teachers in the same science subjects, fostered ces. Despite teachers’ agreement on the benefit of
their 4C integration. The majority of chemistry team teaching to effectively integrate the 4Cs, es-
and physics teachers in this study have the advan- pecially within the same science subject, the natu-
tage of team teaching because some schools have ral science teachers in this study did not consider
more than two teachers teaching the same scien- team teaching as a learning resource. The natural
ce subject. The teachers reported that, through science teachers in this study were taught in vo-
team teaching, they could learn from teachers cational schools with business and management
who have been invited to participate in current majors and were the only science teachers in their
PD by sharing with their team. These teachers re- home school, which might explain why they did
ported that they work together to develop syllabi, not mention team teaching as a resource.
develop lesson plans, select learning materials, Some teachers also discussed the benefits
develop learning assessments, and solve learning of participating in teacher association. Similarly,
problems based on an updated curriculum. Team Purwoko et al. (2017) documented the advantage
teaching also helps them to carry out action re- of the teacher association (MGMP) and teacher
search by exchanging roles as observers in their training institute (LPTK) collaboration to en-
classrooms. Teachers also consider the importan- hance technical and pedagogical teacher skills.
ce of team teaching to shape their knowledge of However, one of the senior chemistry teachers
21st-century learning skills. was concerned with the current inactivity of the
Not only do teachers work with their peers Vocational High School Chemistry Teacher As-
on the same subject, but there is also a need to sociation because of a lack of local government
work with other teachers across disciplines. As funding. She mentioned that she had attended
one of the chemistry group discussions noted, some PD at the national level but found it diffi-
“We collaborate with other teachers across cult to share her experience with other chemistry
fields/science because we need fundamental science and teachers in the teacher association because they
technology resources from other fields to effectively in- did not hold regular meetings like they used to.
corporate the 4Cs.” All teachers agreed that know- Considering the value of teacher collaboration,
ledge of 21st-century learning helps them to select the Department of Education should provide
teaching strategies and conceptualize better their continuous support for science teacher associa-
lesson plans to facilitate students’ teamwork, de- tion activities. The school principals should also
velop analytical thinking, and promote effective encourage science teachers’ involvement in teach-
communication. A well-planned and well-prepa- er association. Likewise, the boards of the science
red lesson would increase the practice of inten- teacher associations should also update the data
ded skills in classroom activities. of their members to keep track of the participati-
For most participants in this study, teacher on of their members.
collaboration helped them learn about integra- Most of the teachers in this study descri-
ting the 4Cs because they can learn from other bed the value of supporting a group of science te-
colleagues in their school who have recently at- achers for continuing learning. This result echoes
tended teacher training. Teacher collaboration previous findings on the benefit of collegiate
also provides useful resources for all teacher team work to potentially enhance the teaching-learning
members in the same school. The school teacher mechanism of the new initiative program (Penuel
team works together to create syllabi and lesson et al., 2012).
plans, choose science subjects to be taught and Considering the benefit of teacher team-
explore learning methods and how best to use work, another initiative that can be made is to
them to teach particular subjects to engage stu- maximize the efforts of team teaching and te-
dents and incorporate the 4Cs. This collaboration acher association to improve professional teacher
allows all the science teachers on the team to be at learning. As described above, two participating
the same pace in preparing their teaching. Teach- schools in this study have many chemistry and
er networks and teacher collaboration supports physics teachers in the same school. Teacher tea-
and builds a convenient learning environment mwork is better in both schools than in a school
among teachers, which in turn motivates teachers with only one to two teachers in the same sub-
to change their teaching style. These findings are ject. Given the advantages of teacher collabo-
consistent with previous studies, such as Ryder ration and the need to provide equal resources
and Banner (2013), peer teachers and teacher’s and information for all teachers to successfully
100 E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

integrate 21st-century learning skills as manda- The digital shift that leads to the increa-
ted in the 2017 curriculum revision, the current sing use of online educational resources may po-
administration of the Department of Education sitively respond to the need for equal access to
should support the activities of the vocational high-quality curricula. These open educational
science teacher association. The Department of resources allow teachers to adapt and improve
Education should also encourage all vocational their instruction to engage with the new curri-
science teachers to join and participate in their culum (Tepe & Mooney, 2018). McGreal (2017)
teacher association. points out that the digital teaching and learning
4. What other resources do teachers use materials widely accessible online play a key role
to support their integration of the 4Cs into sci- in supporting innovation in teaching and learning
ence instruction? for sustainable education quality. Considering the
The data analysis shows that all teachers trend of using open educational resources, teach-
used the internet/websites as a learning resource er professional development programs in Indo-
to learn about 21st-century learning skills and 4C nesia should emphasize using reputable online
integrated science instruction. Increased availabi- resources to select the appropriate open educatio-
lity of online resources makes it easy to find and nal resources for their classrooms.
locate information, such as finding examples of Above all, teachers reported using more
4C integrated lesson plans, teaching and learning than one resource, including open educational
activities, and keeping up-to-date on current edu- resources, teacher PD programs, teacher colla-
cational issues. The Indonesian Directorate-Ge- boration, and curriculum guidelines. Having rich
neral for Vocational Secondary Education, along resources could potentially lead to better class-
with the platform for the development of digital room practices. This study could therefore add to
literate individuals, offers open-source learning to the literature the resources that Indonesian voca-
vocational high school students, teachers and pa- tional science teachers have had access to prepare
rents. Teachers reported that they used this Indo- for the integration of the 4Cs and the obstacles
nesian Ministry of Education official website as a that they have.
resource to get access to the updated curriculum
document policy, eBooks, classroom activities, CONCLUSION
and classroom practices shared by other science
teachers in the teacher forum portal. There are three key findings from this stu-
Some teachers expressed that they use on- dy. First, given the requirements for intensive te-
line resources for self-learning. Other teachers acher training, such as TPE, not all vocational
articulated that online group discussion provides high school science teachers have the same access
resources for learning, where “We shared informa- to the training program for teachers until they
tion with fellow teachers in the same science subject are eligible to participate. The Indonesia MoEC,
using social media, such as the WhatsApp group.” through the regional Department of Education,
Another teacher also admitted that “I am greatly must provide more opportunities for all science
helped by what was shared in the WhatsApp group. I teachers to have experiences with similar teacher
used the teaching recording of other fellow teachers as a PD programs. Besides, the local Department of
comparison and reference for my teaching.” Education should encourage all schools to orga-
The education policies, curriculum gui- nize in-house training focusing on 4C integration
delines, supported curriculum guidelines, and to ensure that all teachers have experienced an
learning materials, including eBooks, are now in-depth training and contextual practice of 4C
easier to access and download from the official integrated science instruction.
website of the Indonesian Ministry of Education The second important outcome to be noted
and Culture. Teachers reported that these resour- in this study is the crucial role of teacher collabo-
ces could help them improve their lesson plans, ration as one of the resources for 4C integrated
develop more interesting strategies to engage stu- science instruction. Teachers have acknowledged
dents in learning, and align learning with the de- the advantages of working together as a team and
mands of 21st-century skills. Teachers believe that sharing up-to-date information on new education
improving the teaching and learning process and policies and teaching experiences. A commitment
incorporating the 4Cs into classroom activities of support from school leaders and the Depart-
provides both teachers and students with learning ment of Education to promote teacher engage-
experiences that are relevant and appropriate to ment through team teaching and teacher asso-
this changing time. ciation must be sustained. The local Department
E. Haryani, W. W. Cobern, B. A-S. Pleasants, M. K. Fetters / JPII 10 (1) (2021) 92-102

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