MasterFlow 525 Masterflow 525
MasterFlow 525 Masterflow 525
MasterFlow 525 Masterflow 525
MasterFlow® 525 is suitable for but not limited to
the grouting of:- 1 3 7 21 28
Age - Days
• Structural Columns
• Machine bases
• Holding down bolts
• Dowel and starter bars 2 MPa 1 day
• Bridge bearings 6 MPa 7 days
• Underpinning and repairs 8 MPa 28 days
• Filling cavities in concrete or steel sections
Plastic - up to initial set
MasterFlow® 525 (Formerly known as Masterflow ®525)
The maximum lift should not exceed 150mm unless SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
precautions are taken. As with all chemical products, care should be taken
during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes
Note: Consult BASF Construction Chemicals SA mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be
technical services for advice on grouting in adverse tainted with vapour until product is fully cured or
conditions, pumping or other placing techniques. dried). Treat splashes to eyes and skin
immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek
CURING immediate medical attention. Keep away from
All exposed areas of grout should be covered children and animals.
immediately after placement, until set, after which it NOTE
should be coated with a good quality curing Field service, where provided, does not constitute
compound or kept wet for at least 7 days. supervisory responsibility. For additional
information contact your local BASF representative.
Per cubic metre of flowable grout: 77 to 80 pockets BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
(1925 to 2000kg) will be needed. any difficulty determined by accepted test methods.
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by
NOTE BASF either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.