Eet 06206 Handout
Eet 06206 Handout
Eet 06206 Handout
• Power electronics involves the conversion of electrical energy or the
switching (on or off) of an electrical power circuit, with or without
control of the electrical energy.
• Electronic power conversion may be defined as the modification of
one or more parameters of electrical energy by means of electronic
devices, without significant power losses.
• A converter is a device for power conversion, with one or more
switching components and also, if necessary, transformers, filters, and
auxiliary devices.
• A converter for power-supply purposes is often called a secondary
power source, in contrast to primary sources such as batteries, solar
cells, and ac grids.
The main forms of power conversion
1. Rectification (conversion from ac to dc).
• The corresponding converter is known as a rectifier or an ac/dc converter for
rectification. The energy source for most consumers is a single- or three-phase
general-purpose ac grid.
• At the same time, dc voltage is required for control and communications devices
and computers. It is also required for certain components of drives, electrical
equipment, and optical equipment. In autonomous systems, the ac sources are
rotary generators. Rectifiers are the most common power converters.
The main forms of power conversion……..
2. Inversion (conversion from dc to ac).
• The corresponding converter is known as an inverter or an ac/dc
converter for inversion. The dc source of an inverter may be a
battery, a solar cell, or a dc transmission line or else another
converter(e.g ac to dc converter)
The main forms of power conversion……..
3. Conversion from ac to dc and vice versa.
• The corresponding converter is known as an ac/dc converter. Such
converters are able to change the direction of the energy flux and may
operate either in the rectifier mode, when the energy is transmitted
from an ac grid to a dc circuit, or in the inverter mode, when the energy
is transmitted from a dc circuit to an ac grid
The main forms of power conversion……..
4. Conversion from ac to ac. The corresponding converter is known as an ac
a. The ac voltage converter, with the same number of phases and the same
voltage frequency at the input and output, changes the voltage amplitude
(upward or downward)
b. The frequency converter converts a current with one frequency to a current
with another frequency. The voltage is normally the same before and after
frequency conversion. Frequency converters are normally used for speed
regulation of motors used to drive pumps and fans.
c. The phase converter transforms single-phase to three-phase voltage and vice
versa. Conversion of single-phase to three-phase voltage permits power
supply to three-phase components in the absence of a three-phase grid.
The main forms of power conversion……..
5. Conversion from dc to dc.
• The corresponding converter is known as a dc converter. Such conversion
improves the power of a dc source and matches the voltage of the source and
consumers. It is most often employed for components whose power source is a
low-voltage battery.
Rectification (conversion from ac to dc).
• In electronic power rectification, the ability of power electronic
switches to conduct unidirectional current is employed to convert
alternating current to direct current without significant energy losses
• The corresponding converter is known as a rectifier or an ac/dc
• These rectifiers can be classified based on different basis as:
Classifications of Rectifiers
• In most power electronic applications, the power input is in the form of a 50- or
60-Hz sine wave ac voltage provided by the electric utility, that is first converted
to a dc voltage.
• Rectification of ac voltages and currents is accomplished by means of diodes.
In the case of a half-wave rectifier, VL(t ) = 0 for the negative half-cycle, therefore
the equation can be re- written as
In the case of a full-wave rectifier, VL(t ) = Vm|sinωt | for both the positive and
negative half-cycles. Hence equation can be re-written as
• The rms value of load current IL for purely resistive it can be found as
• Form Factor
The form factor (FF) is defined as the ratio of the root-mean square value (heating component) of a voltage or
current to its average value,
• Ripple Factor
The ripple factor (RF), which is a measure of the ripple content, is defined as
where Vac is the effective (rms) value of the ac component of load voltage vL.
Single-phase Controlled Bridge Rectifier
• A fully controlled bridge rectifier, uses four thyristors to control the average load
voltage. In addition, figure below shows the half-controlled bridge rectifier which
uses two thyristors and two diodes.
• where T=1/f is the period of the switching frequency f. The average value of the
output voltage is
DC chopper with resistive load: (a) circuit diagram and (b) output voltage waveform.
• The output voltage and current can be regulated by adjusting duty
ratio D. The average output voltage is always smaller than the input
voltage, hence, the name of the converter.
• The dc step-down choppers are commonly used in dc drives. In such a
case, the load is presented as a series combination of inductance L,
resistance R, and back emf E as shown below in Fig a below.
• To provide a path for a continuous inductor current flow when the
switch is in the off state, an antiparallel diode D must be connected
across the load
• The load voltage and current are graphed in Fig. b under assumptions
that the load current never reaches zero and the load time constant
τ = L/R is much greater than the period T.
DC chopper with RLE load: (a) circuit diagram and (b) waveforms.
Operational circuit of
Buck dc-dc converter
The basic operational circuit with
resistive load of the step-down
dc–dc converter, commonly
known as a buck converter, is
shown in Fig. a. It consists of dc
input voltage source VS,
controlled switch S, diode D, filter
inductor L, filter capacitor C, and
load resistance R
Boost dc-dc converter (step-up dc chopper
• The dc choppers can also provide peak output voltages higher than
the input voltage. Such a step-up configuration is presented in Fig. a
• It consists of dc input source VS, inductor L connected in series with
the source, switch S connecting the inductor to ground, and a series
combination of diode D and load.
• If the switch operates with a duty ratio D, the output voltage is a
series of pulses of dura on (1−D)T and amplitude VS/(1 − D).
• Neglecting losses, the average value of the output voltage is VS. To
obtain an average value of the output voltage greater than VS, a
capacitor must be connected in parallel with the load. This results in a
topology of a boost dc–dc converter
The dc step-up chopper.
Operational circuit of
Boost dc-dc converter
• Figure a depicts a step-up or a
PWM boost converter. It is
comprised of dc input voltage
source VS , boost inductor L,
controlled switch S, diode D, filter
capacitor C, and load resistance R.
The converter waveforms in the
CCM are presented in Fig. b.
• When the switch S is in the on
state, the current in the boost
inductor increases linearly. The
diode D is off at the time. When
the switch S is turned off, the
energy stored in the inductor is
released through the diode to the Boost converter: (a) circuit diagram and (b) waveforms
input RC circuit.