Advance Physiotherapy Centre: Tax Invoice
Advance Physiotherapy Centre: Tax Invoice
Advance Physiotherapy Centre: Tax Invoice
C/O, Shree Rinku Yadav, Bhola Niwas, Near-Padri ki Haveli, Rustum Pir Gully
Phone no.: 8210833592 Email:
State: 10-Bihar
Tax Invoice
# Item name HSN/ SAC Count Quantity Unit Price/ unit Discount Amount
₹ 250.01
1 Physiotherapy 1 1 week ₹ 1,500.00 ₹ 1,249.99
Total 1 1 ₹ 250.01 ₹ 1,249.99
One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Nine Rupees and Ninty Sub Total ₹ 1,249.99
Nine Paisa only
Total ₹ 1,249.99
Description: Received ₹ 1,249.99
Valid till Balance ₹ 0.00
You Saved ₹ 250.01
Terms and conditions:
Authorized Signatory