Starfinder FieldTest 3
Starfinder FieldTest 3
Starfinder FieldTest 3
THE CANTINA STAYS OPEN options that existing Starfinder players have become used to
Welcome to the third in our ongoing series of Starfinder Field Tests, throughout Starfinder’s history. However, this means that we’ll be
documents dedicated to giving insight behind our ongoing process more tactical with the ancestries we release, tying them to specific
on the design and development of a new edition for the Starfinder themes or working them into ongoing storylines where they’ll
Roleplaying Game. This latest field test document showcases a fit best. This starts with the Playtest Rulebook and the following
preview of two ancestries, as voted on by our player base through core rulebooks, which establish our core ancestries and baseline
a survey we conducted a few months ago. We’ll be showcasing the assumptions for the game. As new products come out, our intent
android and vesk ancestries (formerly referred to as species) and is to supplement them with ancestries appropriate to the themes
how you can expect them to appear in the upcoming Starfinder we’re exploring in those products.
Playtest Rulebook.
The NuFriends
The (Space) Elephant in the Room This third field test provides previews of our first two ancestries:
Starfinder first edition had a lot of species. For the game’s second the android and vesk. Readers who are familiar with Pathfinder
edition, it’s going to take us a while to get all those species—as well Second Edition know that androids already exist, having first
as plenty of new ones—covered. appeared in Pathfinder Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. With that in
Ancestries in second edition’s game engine take up a lot more mind, we wanted to make sure that we weren’t invalidating the
space: on average about four to six pages to get all the proper feats prior android by creating an entirely new version, as that wouldn’t
and abilities in place. This is a far cry from the species stat blocks of mesh with our vision for compatibility between the two systems.
first edition, which could generally be contained in a single sidebar Our two previewed ancestries provide a look at how we’re
and was how Starfinder managed to create so many playable approaching updating existing Pathfinder ancestries (such as the
species in its life span. While the smaller stat block had perks, android) while also approaching ancestries made to be completely
it really shortened what could be explored in each ancestry and unique for the Starfinder setting (such as the vesk).
often created play paradigms where people only played a handful On a final note, since the Starfinder team posted our survey
of species with the best numerical values and immediate abilities. to figure out what ancestries we’d highlight in this document,
This is something we want to improve on in the new edition, and one thing became apparent: people wanted to know where the
having more space to explore ancestries is key to that. In the new adorable skittermanders were hiding. So let it be known that the
edition, ancestries unlock new available ancestry feats at set levels, adorable, helping, furball skittermanders will be appearing in the
letting us create a ton of new content for each ancestry. Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, alongside the other ancestries we
One thing the team is passionate about in the new game is making had available in the survey. This brings all the current first edition
sure that, when we introduce a new ancestry, we provide the tools Starfinder core ancestries into the game, along with newcomers in
and information to properly play as that ancestry. Starfinder’s the form of barathus and pahtras as well as new versatile heritages
first edition did a lot to set the groundwork for the setting’s many representing both the undead borai and the Drift-touched prismeni.
species, introducing the concepts of over a hundred playable
species that players could dive into. It’s our plan to reach those -The Starfinder Team
lofty goals, but we also want to make sure that, as we introduce --Thurston Hillman, Managing Creative Director
ancestries, we provide guidelines and information on how they fit --Jenny Jarzabski, Senior Developer
into the setting. --Dustin Knight, Developer
The current plan is that almost every product we release should --Mike Kimmel, Developer
include one or more ancestries, granting a constant flow of new --Jessica Catalan, Starfinder Society Developer
Androids first emerged as synthetic beings crafted by many technologically
advanced civilizations throughout the galaxy. The first androids were created SIZE
by humanoid peoples in their own images, but after the technology that Medium
animated the living constructs spread, androids began displaying a fantastic
diversity of forms. Androids in the Pact Worlds were originally designed as SPEED
servants, but today, androids stand as equals to other citizens under the 25 feet
Pact. Many androids have formed their own independent communities, while
others integrate seamlessly into Pact Worlds societies. Unlike many other ATTRIBUTE BOOSTS
technological constructs, androids are more than intricate synthetic organs Dexterity
and complex programming, and each possesses their own soul. Intelligence
Androids thrive in nearly any environment and exist as part of myriad cultures, meaning
they can be found almost anywhere in the galaxy. Many androids are curious about their ATTRIBUTE FLAW
origins, traveling alone or with others in search of answers to a variety of metaphysical Charisma
and material questions about their identities and the greater cosmos. Androids are diverse,
with few individuals sharing the exact same appearance despite their manufactured state. LANGUAGES
If you want to roleplay a character on a journey of self-discovery, you should play an Common
android. Regional language of your choice
Additional languages equal to 1 + your
You Might... Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive).
• Try to avoid having others take advantage of you. Choose from the list of common languages
• Seek to understand your purpose in the wider galaxy. and any other languages to which you
• Judge others based on how they treat service workers, blue collar laborers, fans, or pets. have access (such as the languages
prevalent in your homeworld).
Others Probably...
• Have trouble parsing your emotions or understanding when you express them. TRAITS
• Secretly covet your lack of aging. Android
• Have some level of guilt for their ancestors’ use of your ancestry as laborers. Humanoid
while others take names from folklore and popular media. One Popular Edicts discover your origins, help others achieve liberation,
common naming convention involves the addition of a number plan for the future
to the end of a name, which they use as a means of denoting the Popular Anathema engage in reckless or self-destructive behavior
current soul to inhabit a single android’s body through renewal.
Names: Asha, Blue-17, Celita, Daniv, Emene-3, Era-4, Flick, ANDROID HERITAGES
Garro, Historia-6, Hope-1, Iseph, Melody, Naga, Olas, Omen, Prime, An android’s heritage often reflects the purpose for which they were
Ruby-17, Stringer, Twenty Six, Urdun, Verity-3, and Yose. originally created or how they’ve adapted their body to best suit their
present life. Choose one of the following android heritages at 1st level.
Androids hold a variety of religious and philosophical views, with Ancient Android
individuals sometimes collecting beliefs and practices through An ancient civilization created your body, and your anatomy is
decades of lived experiences. Similar to elves and other long-lived forged from obsolete technology that continues to function through
ancestries, androids tend to view things differently than beings a combination of enduring nanites and your willpower. In addition,
with shorter life spans. Many androids are patient in achieving choose from one of the following ancient android heritages.
their goals, and they might create plans that span decades, if not Artisan: Your body was originally designed to create works of art
centuries, hoping they’ll still be alive to experience the results. or complex tools, or to maintain advanced machinery. You become
Elder androids who voluntarily pass on to the next part of their trained in Crafting (or another skill if you’re already trained in
cycle might choose to bequeath their goals to the next soul to Crafting), and you gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat in a specialty
inhabit their body. of your choice.
Laborer: Your body is adapted to endure physical hardships or
perform hard labor for long periods of time. You become trained in
Athletics, and you gain the Hefty Hauler skill feat.
Polyglot: You were preprogrammed with a multitude of linguistic
proficiencies, likely to act as a translator. You learn two new
languages, chosen from common languages and any uncommon
languages you have access to. These languages take the same
form (signed or spoken) as your other languages. If you select the
Multilingual feat, you learn three new languages instead of two.
Warrior: Your body was originally forged for combat, likely
created to function as a security officer or soldier. Your synthetic
and organic components are optimized for battle, and you possess
intrinsic tactical ability regardless of your current disposition.
You’re trained in all simple and martial weapons.
Artificial Scion
Your body wasn’t created in the image of a biological creature; a
powerful artificial intelligence created you to interface with other
machines. Your physiology is nearly identical to other androids, but
uncanny details give away your non-standard origins (for example,
you might have impossibly symmetrical features, extra fingers, or
double pupils). You become trained in Computers, and you gain the
Phreaker skill feat.
Mod Fanatic
You or your previous iterations have modified your body to be
compatible with armor upgrades, enabling you to personally
customize your body and its capabilities. Your body has one armor
upgrade slot. You can install and uninstall armor upgrades into
your upgrade slot using the Install Upgrade activity. Choose one
common armor upgrade with an item level of 1 or less. You begin
with this armor upgrade already installed in your upgrade slot (you
don’t need to pay the credits to purchase this starting upgrade).
Your body was modified to network seamlessly with anacites, robots,
and other technological beings from Aballon. You gain shortwave,
allowing you to communicate wirelessly with any creatures within
30 feet, as long as they have shortwave or are a construct with ANDROID ANCESTRY FEATS
the technological trait. This doesn’t give any special access to their At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional
thoughts or programming and communicates no more information ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and
than normal speech would. You can attempt Computers checks to 17th level). As an android, you choose from among the following
Hack System and Thievery checks to Disable a Device or Pick a Lock ancestry feats.
on technological devices at a range of 30 feet.
Renewed Android
Many souls have inhabited your synthetic body before you, and ANDROID LORE FEAT 1
you might incorporate a number into your name to honor them. You ANDROID
might know your body’s history and strive toward a goal bequeathed You have a keen interest in the origins of your people. You become
to you by a departed soul, or you might seek to unravel the mystery trained in Crafting and Thievery. If you would automatically become
of a forgotten legacy. Muscle memory hints at your body’s past, and trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for
people you’ve never met strangely recognize your face. The first example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.
time in a day that you lose the dying condition, you don’t gain You also gain the Additional Lore general feat for Android Lore.
a wounded condition to match. You become trained in a skill
of your choice that has the Recall Knowledge action, and you CLEANSING SUBROUTINE FEAT 1
gain the Dubious Knowledge skill feat. ANDROID
Your nanites help purge your body of harmful chemicals and toxins.
Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing
poison, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent poison.
Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing poison
reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent poison.
Your inhibited or malfunctioning emotional processors make it
difficult for you to feel strong emotions. You gain a +1 circumstance
bonus to saving throws against emotion and fear effects. If you roll
a success on a saving throw against an emotion or fear effect, you
get a critical success instead.
skill check. In addition, your circuitry glows, lighting a 10-foot 9TH LEVEL
emanation with dim light for 1 round.
ANDROID Your body can internally synthesize oxygen for limited periods of
The nanites in your ocular processors have adapted to darkness, time. When you hold your breath, you can do so for an additional
enhancing your ability to see in the dark. You gain darkvision. hour by rebreathing from your internal air reservoirs. At the end of
this hour, your air reservoirs are expended. Refilling your empty air
QUICKENED PROCESSOR FEAT 1 reservoirs takes 10 minutes of exposure to breathable air.
You can quickly identify your surroundings, and you can use that OFFENSIVE SUBROUTINE FEAT 9
information to your advantage while in the midst of danger or ANDROID
while in the process of piloting vehicles in hazardous situations. Prerequisites Nanite Surge
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks for Nanites augment your attacks. You can choose to activate Nanite
initiative rolls and a +2 circumstance bonus to Piloting checks for Surge when you attempt an attack roll, instead of when you
initiative rolls. attempt a skill check. If you do, you gain a +1 status bonus to the
triggering attack roll.
Your biological circuitry emits light like a torch, casting bright ANDROID CONCENTRATE
light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet). The Frequency once per day
light shuts off when you take this action again or are knocked You trigger your body’s self-repair programming, stimulating your
unconscious. body’s nanites to heal your wounds. You gain fast healing equal to
half your level for 1 minute. While Repair Module is active, you can’t
5TH LEVEL use other feats that require the use of your nanites.
well as your memories. Whenever you critically fail a Will save
against a spell or effect that would give you the confused or
controlled condition, you count it as a failure instead. If you would
start your turn confused or controlled, you can immediately
attempt a DC 5 flat check. On a success, you fight that mental
control, becoming paralyzed until the end of your turn rather than
acting against your will. If you roll a 20 on this flat check, you
immediately end the confused or controlled condition.
Vesk are a warmongering, reptilian people who conquered the eight worlds
in their solar system shortly after they developed spaceflight, forming the SIZE
Veskarium empire. Vesk tend to embrace conflict and respect strength and Medium
military might.
Vesk have a long history of conflict, first as conquerors within their own star system and 20 feet
later in clashes with neighboring stellar powers, such as the Pact Worlds and the Swarm.
Currently, the Veskarium are poised on the brink of war with the Azlanti Star Empire. ATTRIBUTE BOOSTS
Conflict permeates most aspects of vesk cultures, creating powerful militaristic empires Strength
devoted to the bloody worship of their warrior god Damoritosh. Their brutal history and Constitution
militaristic values have shaped vesk society, which often embraces conflict and values Free
strength, duty, and honor. Individual vesk are just as likely to apply these cultural values
to other aspects of life besides battle, notably in business and sports, and vesk might ATTRIBUTE FLAW
abandon or oppose the ruthless values enforced by the rulers of their homeworlds Wisdom
entirely. It’s up to each vesk to claim their role as a conqueror or a collaborator—or
something else entirely. LANGUAGES
If you want a character who’s duty bound, honorable, and stoic, you should play a vesk. Common
You Might... One regional language of your choice
• Relish the chance to prove yourself in combat against worthy opponents. Additional languages equal to your
• Have a strong sense of duty and honor. Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive).
• Surprise your companions with tenderness and emotional outbursts in private. Choose from the list of common languages
and any other languages to which you
Others Probably... have access (such as the languages
• Respect and fear your brutal reputation but appreciate your strength as an ally. prevalent on your homeworld).
• Mistake your stoicism for heartlessness.
• Fear facing you in battle. TRAITS
Physical Description Vesk
Vesk stand up to 7 feet tall, are generally muscular, and are covered in tough, scaly skin.
Spiky horns grow from their skulls and form bony “beards” along their jaws that sometimes LOW-LIGHT VISION
extend down their spines to their powerful tails. Vesk scales generally appear in shades You can see in dim light as though it were
of green but can also display vibrant, mottled coloration that’s sometimes considered an bright light, and you ignore the concealed
indicator of health and attractiveness. condition due to dim light.
Vesk adopted technological weapons early in their history but retain the brutal claws and
teeth of natural predators. They take great care in grooming and painting their scales and
claws to showcase their personal style and intimidate others.
Vesk society is highly organized and militaristic. Vesk first dwelled on a single planet but
quickly spread to other worlds in their system. Today, the name for these conquered worlds
is the Veskarium, with each given a number to mark their distance from the sun (such as
Vesk-6). Vesk Prime, the vesk ancestral home, is the seat of Veskarium government and the
heart of their traditional culture.
In the Veskarium, social status is based around battlefield experience, usually earned
through military service or mercenary work. Vesk culture strictly dictates everything from
interpersonal behavior to mode of dress, and many vesk take pride in upholding these
traditions. Vesk value stoicism outside of intimate relationships (including those forged
through intense battle) and often follow rigid rules of etiquette. Breaking social customs
or insulting a stranger could trigger a violent blood debt, so many vesk default to polite
Vesk names typically combine elements of their parents’ names as well as those of other
prominent ancestors. Companions often shorten these names for casual use, but doing so
without permission is a grave insult. Some vesk take on epithets that signify their victories
in combat, such as “Three Guns,” “Voidwalker,” or “Squadeater.”
Sample Names: Abazobari, Ahadigar, Asthonad, Dotralan, to accommodate opposing sides following the prescribed order of
Evdokayo, Goromitali, Julukesh, Katara, Obozaya, Oromeras, war and maintaining honor. A typical vesk always respects their
Radokama, Sarangari, Sobok, Terikoraz, Vindasorn, and Yuluzak. opponent and shuns tactics considered dishonorable, such as
executing prisoners or harming civilians.
Beliefs Popular Edicts battle honorably, keep private emotions in check,
Most vesk in the Veskarium honor Damoritosh the Conqueror, god never show weakness to enemies
of duty and war, and his army of battle saints. In life, the saints Popular Anathema betray an ally
were mortal paragons who embodied vesk cultural values and
attained divinity after earning Damoritosh’s blessing; now, they’re VESK HERITAGES
worshipped alongside their deity. A typical vesk faces all of life’s Vesk were shaped over time by the worlds they inhabited and
struggles armed with ideals of honor and strength, recognizing that battled over. Choose one of the following vesk heritages at 1st level.
not all conflicts occur on the battlefield. Many vesk find comfort
in rigid systems of law, while others hold their personal sense of Briskwander Vesk
morality above all else—in either case, most vesk don’t hesitate You come from a line of vesk who were constantly on the move.
to fight for what they believe is right. Even while fighting, vesk Your Speed increases by 5 feet.
apply a code of honor to their actions, and conflicts within the
Veskarium tend to be as disciplined as they are violent, stretching Nightstalker Vesk
You’ve adapted to live your life in darkness, perhaps due to living
underground, in poorly lit starship corridors, under smoke-shrouded
skies, or on a planet far from its sun. You gain darkvision.
Plated Vesk
Your ancestors were the hardiest specimens of vesk, having traveled
far and wide while enduring hostile environments. Your scales count
as medium armor in the plate armor group that grant a +4 item
bonus to AC, a Dex cap of +1, a check penalty of –2, and a Strength
threshold of +3, and has the comfort trait. You can wear a flight suit
but can’t wear other armor. You can etch armor runes (Pathfinder
GM Core 226) onto your scales, but you can’t install armor upgrades.
Venomthought Vesk
You’re one of the notable vesk born with psychic talents. According
to folklore, your lineage originated with an ancient cave-dwelling
society on Vesk Prime who modified themselves with occult
rituals, gaining “venomous thoughts” that could manifest in any
future progeny. You can cast daze as an occult innate cantrip at
will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level
rounded up. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Occultism checks
to Recall Knowledge about psychic traditions and philosophies.
Warblood Vesk
You come from a bloodline of renowned warriors who have honed
their bodies over centuries to become lethal weapons. You gain the
Brutal Anatomy ancestry feat twice.
Wavecrested Vesk
You come from a world of warm seas and primal magic that has
caused your body to develop soft scales, a wide head, and frilled
gill stalks. You gain a swim Speed of 20 feet, and you gain the
amphibious trait, enabling you to breathe in water and in air,
indefinitely. However, you’re ill-suited to overland travel. Reduce
your land Speed by 5 feet (to 15 feet for most wavecrested vesk).
1ST LEVEL all uncommon weapons with the vesk trait. For the purposes of
proficiency, you treat any of these that are martial weapons as
ARMOR ACE FEAT 1 simple weapons and any that are advanced weapons as martial
VESK weapons.
You’ve learned through trial and painful error how to make the At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these
most out of your armor, deflecting damage from explosions and weapons, you get its critical specialization effect.
similar effects. Armor you wear gains the bulwark trait. When
you’re wearing armor that already has the bulwark trait, increase 5TH LEVEL
the modifier to Reflex saves to avoid damaging effects granted by
that armor to +4, rather than +3. BLOOD SENSE FEAT 5
Special A plated vesk’s scales count as worn armor for the VESK
purposes of this feat. You have a keen sense of smell capable of detecting bloody wounds
at a distance. You gain blood sense as an imprecise sense with a
BATHED IN BLOOD FEAT 1 range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to
VESK determine the location of a living creature that isn’t at its full Hit
You’ve spent most of your life on the battlefield, and you know how Points, though it’s still concealed if you can’t otherwise see it.
to inflict vicious, bloody wounds upon your enemies. You gain a Creatures that don’t have blood, such as constructs and oozes, can’t
+1 status bonus to any persistent bleed damage you deal. You can be detected with your blood sense.
spend a 1-action activity during your turn to roll a DC 10 flat check
to remove any persistent bleed damage you have. COMMAND TACTICS FEAT 5
BRUTAL ANATOMY FEAT 1 Whenever an ally selects you as the target of their attempts to
VESK Follow the Expert, you increase the circumstance bonus they
You’re a natural predator who has trained to use part of your receive to their skill check by an additional +1, or an additional +2 if
body as a weapon. When you select this feat, you gain one of the you have master proficiency or higher (+3 for expert, +5 for master,
following unarmed attacks of your choice: claw, jaws, or tail. Each and +6 for legendary).
of these attacks is in the brawling weapon group.
A claw unarmed attack deals 1d6 slashing damage and has the DAMORITOSH’S CLAW [one-action] FEAT 5
agile, finesse, unarmed, and vesk traits. VESK
A jaws unarmed attack deals 1d6 piercing damage and has the Prerequisites focus pool, worship Damoritosh
grapple, unarmed, and vesk traits. Frequency once per day
A tail unarmed attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the Requirements You’re engaged in combat.
sweep, trip, unarmed, and vesk traits. You pray to Damoritosh for a blessing in the heat of battle—and
At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these Damoritosh answers. You regain 1 Focus Point, up to your usual
attacks, you get its critical specialization effect. maximum.
Special You can take this feat three times. Each time you do, select
a different attack from the options listed above. TEAR WOUND [one-action] FEAT 5
FEARLESS FEAT 1 Prerequisites Bathed in Blood
VESK Requirements Your most recent action was a critical success on a
Whether it comes from a sense of duty or a desire to succeed, Strike with a melee weapon.
you rarely flinch when confronted by the horrors of the wider You tear your weapon out of your foe, leaving bloody, vicious
cosmos and inspire your allies with your strength. If you roll a wounds. You deal 1d4 persistent bleed damage to your
success at a saving throw against a fear effect, you get a critical target, or 1d6 persistent bleed damage if you have the critical
success instead. specialization for the weapon used in the triggering Strike. You
gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon’s
MENACING SNARL [free-action] FEAT 1 tracking bonus.
Frequency once per hour TERRIFYING BRAVADO [reaction] FEAT 5
Trigger You frighten a creature. VESK
You snarl, hiss, shout, or otherwise verbally menace the triggering Trigger You critically succeed at a save against a fear effect whose
creature as you frighten them. Increase the value of the frightened source was a creature, or a creature fails or critically fails an
condition by 1. Intimidation check to Demoralize you.
You laugh at your enemy’s failed attempts to bully you, turning
VESK WEAPON FAMILIARITY FEAT 1 the tables on your foe with a display of terrifying bravado. You
VESK attempt an Intimidation check to Demoralize the triggering
You’re trained with all doshkos. In addition, you gain access to creature.
9TH LEVEL a 5th-rank divine innate spell once per day. When you do, the
spiritual guardian that appears is a divine echo of one of the vesk
EAGER COMBATANT [free-action] FEAT 9 battle saints.
VESK At 15th level, the rank of spiritual guardian increases to 7th.
Trigger You roll Athletics or Intimidation for initiative.
You eagerly stride into battle, giving no thought to the consequences. OVERCOME SHAME [free-action] FEAT 13
You Stride in a straight line directly toward an enemy. FORTUNE VESK
Frequency once per 10 minutes
ONE WITH THE NIGHT FEAT 9 Trigger You critically fail a melee or ranged Strike against an enemy.
VESK You clear your mind of distractions and focus on your foe,
Prerequisites nightstalker vesk heritage determined to overcome the shame of your dishonorable failure
Whether through magic, technology, or painstaking training, you’ve lest it forever blemish your reputation. The next time you attempt
honed your darkvision to exceptional levels. You gain greater to Strike the triggering creature before the end of your current turn
darkvision, enabling you to see through magical darkness even if using the same weapon you used for the triggering Strike, you roll
it normally hampers darkvision (such as the darkness created by a the attack roll twice and use the higher result. If the attack roll
4th-rank darkness spell). fails, you become overwhelmed with shame, gaining the off-guard
condition until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisites Expert in Intimidation
At the start of a combat encounter, if you are aware of your foes BATTLE SAINT FEAT 17
and aren’t attempting to Sneak or Hide, you can roll Intimidation VESK
for your initiative and can use the result to Demoralize one foe You have ascended to the rank of battle saint and expect to become
within range. a true divine servant of Damoritosh upon your death. You can cast
Additionally, if you have the Battle Cry feat, you can Demoralize blessed boundary and divine decree as 7th-rank divine innate spells
up to two creatures within 60 feet of you who you’re aware of. once per day each.
ORC Notice
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