Once Upon A Crime
Once Upon A Crime
Once Upon A Crime
once upon a crime
Writer: Damion Jackson
Layout Editor: Morgan Lean
Editor: Victoria Kerr
Artists: Adam Paquette, Dean Spenser, Derek Stevens, João Bonito, Olga Nefyodova
All Rights Reserved. Dark Stars® is Epiphany Entertainment’s Trademark. All Rights Reserved
under Universal Copyright Convention. All incidents, situations, and persons portrayed within are
fictional, and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters living or dead is strictly coincidental.
once upon a crime
Once Upon a Crime… Part 1
once upon a crime
I t’s recommended that player characters invest in at least some of the following
skills: Basic Computer Operation, Graft (Streetwise), Persuasion & Manipulation,
Recon, Stealth, Empathy, Athletics, Melee Combat, Projectile Weapons and Unarmed
F uture scenarios will involve space travel, so at that time skills like Piloting,
Engineering skills, Navigation and Vehicle Weapons will have their moment to
shine. But that won’t be for a little while, so they’ll have to be patient if they choose
to invest in these skills.
B eginning characters are not expected to have all these skills, especially not at
high percentages. Instead, players may wish to talk to each other before creating
their character and try to agree on what type of character each of them will play
i.e. try to split the burden by having each character specialize in certain skills.
from a recent serious illness. His cheeks are hollow if’n ya catch me meanin’.
and it seems like he grew the beard to help cover “Yer job is ta get me product from these gentlemen an’
that up. The hair on his head is still short, as if he bring it back ta me.
was recently bald and he has been growing it back
in; classic signs of chemo treatment. “But there could be a problem. See, the product is
once upon a crime
If the characters ask why the chemists might be might be just a little too tempting.
holding out on him or who might be behind their Of course, if the characters just take the drugs for
behaviour Sylvester will say it’s most like Marcellis themselves they will have earned themselves a
White, his biggest rival. major enemy.
The Test system you could give them a Basic
Computer Operation test after they give
Once the characters are ready, they should a reasonable explanation of what they are
make their move on fulfilling Sylvester’s doing and how they are tapping into the
once upon a crime
Locomotion 1 15
Crew 0 15
Weapon 1 15
Power 1 15
Hull 2 15
Passengers / Cargo 1 15
Number SP
Fuel Cells *** 4 6
Holographic Control Systems 1 30
Micro Computer and Sensors 1 20
Weapons Emplacement 2 10
Corp Speak: 85 % Science (Pharmacology): 57 %
Social & Style: 35 % Professional Skill (Computer Systems): 37 %
Persuasion & Manipulation: 35 % Law (Ethics): 17 %
Graft (Streetwise): 25 % Athletics: 15 %
Basic Education: 67 % Stealth: 35 %
Basic Computer Operation: 57 % Recon: 25 %
Science (Chemistry): 67 % Melee Weapons: 15 %
Science (Medicine): 47 % Projectile Weapons: 25 %
9mm Handgun (2d6 Pen 1) (full clip in the gun)
Walmart Concealed Vest
Casual Clothing
Marijuana (joints)
Combat Stats
Hit Roll Location Location Hit Points Armour
1 Head 6
2-4 Chest 10 3
5-6 Abdomen 6 3
7 Left Arm 4
8 Right Arm 4
9 Right Leg 8
10 Left Leg 8
The Big Gig
“I want ya ta find me missin’ daughter, Cindy. She’s
After finishing their first job for Sylvester been missin’ for about a year now. She was always a
once upon a crime
Moran the players may proceed to the main job firecracker and we had a big argument.
he has for them.
“See, she had been messin’ up at college, skippin’
Ideally Sylvester will hold this meeting the next classes and dating this real turd. I think she did it ta
day at the nightclub just as he did for their first provoke me.
mission. He will say he prefers a private venue
rather than somewhere too exposed. “I left her alone fer a long time, thinkin’ she’d simmer
down. But I guess she didn’t cos when I tried to call her
If the characters are absolutely set against a month or so ago I found out she blocked me phone.
a private meeting then Sylvester will give a
regretful sigh and say, “Then the job’s off. Sorry “After that I talked to me son, Thomas. They were
for wasting yer time.” always tight, so I figured maybe they were still talkin’.
Turns out he hadn’t heard from Cindy for weeks either
If the characters accept Sylvester’s wishes and and that got me real worried. Like I said they are tight,
meet him at the nightclub, they will find he has so I think somethin’ bad musta happened to her.
set things up just as he did for their first meeting.
This time, after drinks are poured, Sylvester “To be clear I want ya ta find Cindy and bring her
begins to explain their next job a little hesitantly. home safe and sound. I’ll pay ya five hundred if ya pull
it off and two hundred and fifty up front fer expenses.
Before going further you should give the “She’s probably not gonna want to come willingly.
characters another chance to notice Sylvester’s Try to talk some sense into her, alright?
illness. This time don’t wait for them to ask
about it, just ask for a Recon check. Give anyone “And if ya can’t do that then just don’t hurt her, she’s
that already expressed an interest in Sylvester’s me daughter, am I clear? Use some way of knockin’ her
wellbeing but failed the first check +5% to their out without any permanent damage, like a taser. Or
roll. just wrestle with her and then tie her up or somethin’.
If any of the characters succeed at the check “Once ya got her give me a call an’ I’ll arrange ta
then tell them about Sylvester’s illness. If any of pick her up.
the characters remark on his illness out loud or
ask Sylvester about it, he will say the following: “Now, any questions?”
“Yeah, I’ve got cancer. It’s in remission but it changes From here the players may have a bunch of
things. Ta tell the truth it’s the main reason I’m doin’ questions. Here are some possible questions and
this. See, I’m gettin’ old too. answers, and the rest is up to you.
“I need ta secure me legacy and I need ta make sure Q: “What about your son, Thomas, would he know
someone looks after me family and everyone else that something?”
depends on me when I’m gone.
A: “Maybe. If he does he hasn’t told me. If ya want ta
“I need me daughter back. I need her ta be willin’ ta talk to him yerself I’ll give ya his number.”
take over the Syndicate soon.”
Q: “Why not just have Thomas be your heir?”
Once the characters are ready to discuss the Big Gig,
read them the following: A: “Thomas ain’t the sort. He’s too gentle a soul.
Cindy on the other hand is a natural leader and she
“So, let’s talk about the main job I wanted ya fer first, has the edge ya need ta be a good boss fer a bunch of
hey? criminals. And Thomas has made it clear he doesn’t
want ta be.”
“I hope she can forgive me.”
Q: “What did you and Cindy argue about? Why
don’t you get along?” Q: “What about this boy she was dating? The turd?”
A: “Me wife died about five years ago. Cindy thinks A: “Oh yeah, I think his name was David. David
“I mean, ta be clear, Cindy was only thirteen at the A: “Absolutely. Here ya go.” Sylvester will forward
time. them a digital image of Cindy taken over a year ago,
during a family dinner. It shows a beautiful girl with
“She’s resented it ever since. Maybe she blames me, long blonde hair, freckles and hazel eyes. She’s wearing
maybe she thinks I didn’t do enough ta protect her jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt and is frowning
mum. and giving the bird to whoever is holding the camera.
An Investigation - Part 1
Empathy checks then that is going to make things
After receiving the job the characters will find very difficult for them. Either they were unlucky
once upon a crime
the investigation entirely in their hands. So what or they are very bad at social skills.
do they do? How do they find Cindy Moran?
This is what Thomas will tell them if they fail to
Well, a good place to start would be her get him to trust them:
brother, Thomas Moran, who was briefly
mentioned by Sylvester. He also mentioned that “I’m sorry but I haven’t spoken to Cindy in ages. I’m
Thomas and Cindy were tight. Turns out that’s not sure it’s even my business any more. I certainly
even more true than Sylvester thinks. don’t have time to chase after her.
If they ask, Sylvester will give them Thomas’s “Why do you want to know about her anyway? Are
phone number. The characters can then call him you working for Dad? Just tell him to leave her alone.”
and arrange a meeting, which he will agree to
with some reluctance, assuming they mention it’s If the players gain Thomas’ trust, he will tell
about Cindy. them the following:
Thomas works at a local public hospital as a “Cindy and I haven’t spoken in a few weeks. Last
medical intern and donates some of his time as a time I spoke to her she seemed strange. It’s like she
volunteer doctor. He has done everything he can wasn’t quite herself. It was scary really.
to avoid being involved in the family business,
everything short of simply severing all ties. “She kept saying that she was part of a new family
now and that she had to help protect them. That soon
The characters will have to meet him during their time would come.
what little spare time Thomas has available,
probably early in the morning. ”She also mentioned something called the Hombres?
Said they were evil, a threat to her family.
Thomas is a tall, blonde haired man with hazel
eyes in his early twenties. He’s handsome, skinny, “That she has to punish them.
but reasonably healthy. He is most likely wearing
light blue scrubs with a jacket and sneakers. “I tried to talk some sense into her. I reminded her
that I’m her family, me and Dad. The Morans. We still
Once they meet with him the characters care about her, even if she doesn’t want to come home.
can convince him to tell them what he knows
about Cindy with a successful Persuasion & “She hung up right after that. It freaked me out, so I
Manipulation roll. They can claim +5% to the roll haven’t called her since then.
if they explain that they don’t want to hurt her
and another +5% if they reveal that Sylvester is “I should mention that we were talking regularly
ill. before that though. Maybe once or twice a week?
If they fail the check you can give them an “Anyway, the family she mentioned. She called them
Empathy check, which will give them enough Aleph. Never heard of them before. Hope that helps.”
insight to realize that he knows far more than
he’s telling them and that he’s worried. “Um, one last thing before you go. If you find Cindy,
could you ask her to call me? I miss talking to her.”
Otherwise, you can use an Empathy check to
reassure your players that he is telling them the
truth. The Ego attribute can be used to get a re-
roll on any skill check.
Finding David should be relatively easy. Listen He was more abusive than he is letting on and
to what the players plan to do and as long as it while he never resorted to rape he did try pretty
seems reasonable then just go with it. You could hard to get in her pants. She ditched him and
use Persuasion & Manipulation rolls or simply then dropped out of school over it.
allow them to succeed in finding him.
“She’d dyed her hair red, like neon red. She was
wearing a bunch of make-up, made her look like a
freaky clown or something. Covered up her freckles too.
information the characters can head to the streets along with enough suits of Chang Street Warrior
to locate Cindy Moran. Armour to outfit the whole gang. This would give
them an advantage over Los Hombres, which
If on the other hand the characters skip talking is a significantly larger gang but now less well
to Thomas Moran or David Turner, or both, then equipped.
they probably don’t have enough information
to ask the right questions. You could refuse to A special success will add that someone had
give them a roll, instead explaining that they included an order for a mono-sword, a 12mm
are searching for a needle in a haystack. But if SMG and a Chang Combat Long Coat in the
the characters tried and made a mess of things stolen shipment.
you could have them roll as below while giving
them -10% on the check for each missing piece of Finally, they will learn that just recently a
information (-20% max). local shopkeeper named George Foreman has
been trying to start up a kind of neighbourhood
Have the characters make a Graft (Streetwise) watch to fight back against gang violence over
check. They could use other skills, but this is the the last month. It hasn’t been very successful
most likely choice. If they do choose another way, because people are just too scared. Now George
just re-skin the info below so that it makes some is missing; it seems someone grabbed him just a
sense in the context you’re working with. few days ago.
Offering a bribe of 100 credits can give the Things are quiet on the streets right now… but
characters +5% to their Graft (Streetwise) check. that can’t last for long…
once upon a crime
This is the layout inside as the characters move in. Assuming the characters continue to be stealthy
Valerie still has guards posted to make sure Los and cautious they will witness some of Valerie’s
Hombres can’t sneak up on them, a group of 3 at manipulation for themselves as well as Cindy’s
the main and back entrances to the building and slowly weakening resolve and her doubts.
a group of 3 posted at each of the guard posts as You could read through the descriptions of
depicted above. The cultists tend to use windows Valerie’s and Cindy’s personalities and decide for
to look down on the streets below while at the yourself what the players will overhear, or simply
guard posts. There are usually 6 more cultists in say that it seems that Valerie is gas-lighting Cindy.
the barracks, while Valerie and Sinful can usually
be found in Valerie’s apartment. Then Cindy says: “Look, I just need some time
to think, Valerie,” before she stalks off to have a
However, they are not covering every window smoke in private, heading to the broken down
and it would not be hard to find a crumbling wall apartment.
that could be turned into an entrance by removing
some bricks. Valerie tells the other cultists to give Cindy some
space. Now’s a good chance for the characters to
The characters can use Recon and Stealth to scout speak to Cindy alone. Let them, with no need for
out the building, assuming they think to do so. Stealth checks.
Once inside the characters can hear talking, See the description of Cindy below for a guideline
laughing and maybe hear George demanding they of how to handle the characters trying to convince
let him go or being beaten as they get closer. Give her to leave.
them +10% to their Stealth checks as they creep
around since none of the members of Aleph expect Assuming they are successful in their pleas, Cindy
anyone to get inside and they are distracted by the will agree to go with them in whatever manner
ongoing events. they choose. If they want to sneak back out the
way they came, have them do one last Stealth
check, giving them +5% on this check.
(or fight their way in for that matter) then you can
play out the battle as you see fit.
once upon a crime
Street Wars
Hopefully your players have been successful in Regardless, there should be some sort of violence.
once upon a crime
bringing Cindy Moran home so they don’t need I recommend using 2 of the cultists of Aleph per
this section. But if they want to fight Aleph or Los player along with Valerie (plus Cindy if she is still
Hombres De La Quinta Calle or both then you with them). There should be no chance to talk to
could use this section to help you facilitate that Cindy until after the characters have subdued her.
desire. If the characters are unfortunate enough to get
Alternatively, if your players have managed to involved in a three way battle between them and
make a mess of things or just didn’t find Cindy at the two gangs, then I recommend using 2 of the
the Aleph base then you can use this section as a cultists of Aleph per player plus Valerie (and Cindy
sort of ‘last chance’ for them. if she is still with them) as well as 2 members of
A couple of days after Aleph kidnapped George Los Hombres De La Quinta Calle and their jefe,
Foreman and he was executed (probably by Cindy, Florentino Quintanilla Olivas.
which will have certain long-lasting consequences) Make it a sprawling firefight on the streets, with
Valerie decides it’s time to step up the gang war the gang members taking shots at their respective
between Aleph and Los Hombres De La Quinta enemies as well as the player characters. You’ll
Calle. need to decide for yourself when and where attacks
She and her cultists head out on the attack, go but try to make the players sweat a little.
tracking down Florentino Quintanilla Olivas Play it by ear and have fun!
before attacking him with the intention of killing If they do capture Cindy during the street wars,
him and thus dealing some real damage to Los listen to them and give them a chance to befriend
Hombres De La Quinta Calle. Cindy if that’s what they want. She’ll be resistant
The characters can make a Graft (Streetwise) if she just saw the characters murder her friends,
check. If they succeed they will find out what so give the characters -10% to their Persuasion
Valerie is planning before she manages to launch & Manipulation check but balance that out
her attack, but after she and her minions arrive with bonuses as outlined in Cindy’s character
at the Hombres HQ. The players can then decide description below.
what they want to do, but if they are still trying to
capture Cindy she will be right there with Valerie
and you should warn the players that they might
not have another chance to grab her.
If the players fail the check then they arrive too
late and there is already a fully- fledged firefight
between the two gangs, and Cindy is wounded and
pinned down. Now the characters have to save her.
If the players manage to roll a special success then
I suggest you allow them to catch Cindy, Valerie
and Aleph well before they reach Los Hombres De
La Quinta Calle HQ. You could even allow them a
surprise attack if you’re so inclined.
once upon a crime
Character Record Sheets - The Good:
Cinderella Moran aka Cindy Moran aka Sinful Cindy is trying to convince herself that Valerie is
once upon a crime
Strength: 6 Self-Control: 4
Dexterity: 6 Ego: 24
Corp Speak: 57 % Basic Computer Operation: 26 %
Social & Style: 37 % Law (Criminal): 26 %
Persuasion & Manipulation: 37 % Athletics: 26 %
Empathy: 27 % Stealth: 26 %
Graft (Streetwise): 47 % Recon: 26 %
Graft (Racketeering): 47 % Unarmed Combat: 35 %
Graft (Bribery): 27 % Melee Weapons: 55 %
Basic Education: 41 % Projectile Weapons: 45 %
Metal Baseball Bat (2d6 Pen 0) (heavy mace) Street Clothes
9mm Handgun (2d6 Pen 1) (full clip) Sunglasses
1 Spare Magazine Comm
Holster Real Smokes
Chang Street Warrior Armour
Combat Stats
Hit Roll Location Location Hit Points Armour
1 Head 7 3
2-4 Chest 11 3
5-6 Abdomen 7 3
7 Left Arm 5 3
8 Right Arm 5 3
9 Right Leg 9 3
10 Left Leg 9 3
Characters record Sheets - The Bad:
Valerie, Leader of Aleph
once upon a crime
Strength: 7 Self-Control: 5
Dexterity: 8 Ego: 21
Corp Speak: 46 % Law (Criminal): 15 %
Social & Style: 36 % Athletics: 27 %
Persuasion & Manipulation: 56 % Stealth: 27 %
Graft (Streetwise): 46 % Recon: 27 %
Graft (Fencing Goods): 26 % Unarmed Combat: 36 %
Graft (Bribery): 26 % Melee Weapons: 66 %
Basic Education: 35 % Projectile Weapons: 46 %
Basic Computer Operation: 25 %
Mono-Sword (1d6+3 Pen 5) Chang Combat Long Coat
9mm Handgun (2d6 Pen 1) (full clip) Street Clothes
1 Spare Magazine (for handgun) Sunglasses
Holster Comm
12mm SMG (2d6+3 Pen 2) (full clip) Real Smokes
2 Spare Magazines (for SMG) Synthetic Cocaine
Combat Stats
Hit Roll Location Location Hit Points Armour
1 Head 8 5
2-4 Chest 13 5
5-6 Abdomen 8 5
7 Left Arm 6 5
8 Right Arm 6 5
9 Right Leg 11 5
10 Left Leg 11 5
The Cultists of Aleph
The men and women who make up Aleph are
a misfit collection of former prostitutes, drug
addicts, gang members and school dropouts. The
once upon a crime
Strength: 7 Self-Control: 5
Dexterity: 7 Ego: 19
Corp Speak: 35 % Law (Criminal): 14 %
Social & Style: 35 % Athletics: 27 %
Persuasion & Manipulation: 35 % Stealth: 27 %
Graft (Streetwise): 55 % Recon: 27 %
Graft (Fencing Goods): 45 % Unarmed Combat: 36 %
Graft (Bribery): 25 % Melee Weapons: 46 %
Basic Education: 19 % Projectile Weapons: 46 %
Basic Computer Operation: 24 %
Knife (1d3 Pen 1) Chang Street Warrior Armour
9mm Handgun (2d6 Pen 1) (full clip) Street Clothes
1 Spare Magazine (for handgun) Sunglasses
Holster Real Smokes
Combat Stats
Hit Roll Location Location Hit Points Armour
1 Head 8 3
2-4 Chest 12 3
5-6 Abdomen 8 3
7 Left Arm 5 3
8 Right Arm 5 3
9 Right Leg 10 3
10 Left Leg 10 3
Florentino Quintanilla Olivas, Jefe of Los His personality is simple: he’s an alpha male,
through and through. Macho and proud, strength
Hombres De La Quinta Calle
is the only thing that matters. That and reputation.
Florentino is just over 185 centimetres (6 foot and
He is unabashedly, unthinkingly, misogynistic. To
once upon a crime
Florentino is handsome enough if you like muscles Florentino’s history is of no consequence for the
and scars. most part, suffice it to say that he was born to be a
ganger. The street is his best friend. Violence is the
He often wears synth-leather pants with a synth-
only life he knows.
leather jacket, proudly emblazoned with the
symbol of Los Hombres De La Quinta Calle (a Any character that tries to parlay with Florentino
number five flexing a pair of muscular arms). He had better talk fast and be prepared to offer bribes
combines these with a simple white t-shirt, tight or be just as tough as him.
enough that you can see his clearly defined abs, a Any sign of disrespect will instantly close
blue bandanna and a pair of aviator shades. negotiations and start the violence.
He carries a fireman’s axe and a 9mm pistol, which
he likes to hold gangsta style.
Strength: 8 Self-Control: 5
Dexterity: 7 Ego: 22
Corp Speak: 45 % Law (Criminal): 14 %
Social & Style: 35 % Athletics: 27 %
Persuasion & Manipulation: 35 % Stealth: 27 %
Graft (Streetwise): 55 % Recon: 27 %
Graft (Fencing Goods): 45 % Unarmed Combat: 36 %
Graft (Bribery): 25 % Melee Weapons: 56 %
Basic Education: 24 % Projectile Weapons: 46 %
Basic Computer Operation: 24 %
Axe (1d6+3 Pen 2) Walmart Lifesaver Armour
9mm Handgun (2d6 Pen 1) (full clip) Street Clothes
1 Spare Magazine (for handgun) Sunglasses
Holster Real Smokes
Combat Stats
Hit Roll Location Location Hit Points Armour
1 Head 9 2
2-4 Chest 15 2
5-6 Abdomen 10 2
7 Left Arm 6 2
8 Right Arm 6 2
9 Right Leg 12 2
10 Left Leg 12 2
Los Hombres De La Quinta Calle (The Men of 5th In general the gang members will dress in jeans,
t-shirt, bandanna and a synth-leather jacket
with a pair of shades. Feel free to throw in some
Los Hombres De La Quinta Calle are a gang of
variations in style and gear. Most members carry
once upon a crime
Strength: 7 Self-Control: 5
Dexterity: 7 Ego: 19
Corp Speak: 44 % Law (Criminal): 14 %
Social & Style: 34 % Athletics: 27 %
Persuasion & Manipulation: 34 % Stealth: 27 %
Graft (Streetwise): 54 % Recon: 27 %
Graft (Fencing Goods): 44 % Unarmed Combat: 36 %
Graft (Bribery): 24 % Melee Weapons: 46 %
Basic Education: 24 % Projectile Weapons: 46 %
Basic Computer Operation: 24 %
Knife (1d3 Pen 1) Walmart Lifesaver Armour
Walmart Midnight Special (1d3+1 Pen 1) Street Clothes
1 Spare Magazine (for handgun) Sunglasses
Holster Real Smokes
Combat Stats
Hit Roll Location Location Hit Points Armour
1 Head 9 2
2-4 Chest 15 2
5-6 Abdomen 9 2
7 Left Arm 6 2
8 Right Arm 6 2
9 Right Leg 12 2
10 Left Leg 12 2
Characters - The Ugly:
Moran Syndicate Enforcers
once upon a crime
Strength: 8 Self-Control: 6
Dexterity: 6 Ego: 20
Constitution: 7 Humanity: 40
Size: 8 Starting Skills: 350
Attractiveness: 3 MCDB: 4
Intelligence: 5 Hit Points: 30
Education: 5 Fatigue: 25
Charisma: 5 Starting Initiative: 3
Empathy: 4 Movement Speed: 3
Corp Speak: 54 % Law (Criminal): 15 %
Social & Style: 34 % Athletics: 37 %
Villain (+10 to intimidate using Persuasion & Manipulation)
Insider (Syndicate)
Mono Knife (1d6 Pen 5) Shoulder Holster (for 9mm)
9mm Handgun (2d6 Pen 1) (full clip) Fashionable Clothing
1 Spare Clip (9mm) Comm
Shotgun (4d6 Pen 1) (full magazine) PCM
8 Shotgun Rounds (flechette) Smartgun (shotgun) (20% to shots)
16 Shotgun Rounds Real Smokes
1 Hand Grenade (frag) (2d6+3 Pen 1) 2 Doses of STIM
Bandit Arms Combat Coat 200 Credits
Combat Stats
Hit Roll Location Location Hit Points Armour
1 Head 9 6
2-4 Chest 15 12
5-6 Abdomen 10 12
7 Left Arm 6 6
8 Right Arm 6 6
9 Right Leg 12 6
10 Left Leg 12 6
Experience Awards
once upon a crime
Monetary Rewards
250 credits per character for the Test Job.
500 credits per character for The Big Gig.
250 credits per character for expenses during the
Big Gig.
once upon a crime
Epiphany Entertainment could not have got to where we are with over 15 books out and another 2 in
development without the love and support of our players.
once upon a crime
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once upon a crime
once upon a crime