Trent XWB L & B Issue 3

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Preface

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Positional Referencing.
It is to be noted that throughout these course notes any reference to a position or unit location is referred to as being viewed from
the rear, unless otherwise stated. This is presuming the student is standing at the rear of the engine and/or aircraft and looking

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Preface


At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate:

 They can describe the Trent XWB engine operation and configuration.

 They can define the Trent XWB engine systems.

 Describe; identify and locate the major Trent XWB engine Line Replaceable Units (LRUs).

 Have an ability to undertake routine Trent XWB maintenance tasks in accordance with Aircraft Documentation.

 They can explain the removal and installation procedures of some LRUs.

 They can define the deactivation procedures of certain LRUs.

 They can summarise the engine ground tests and where they may be used.

 Have an ability to define the troubleshooting process of the Trent XWB.

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Rolls-Royce/Airbus Business Agreement Airbus Responsibilities

The business agreement introduces new business and  Variable Frequency Generators (VFG) and QAD
technical interfaces. The propulsion system is divided into adaptor.
three work packages:
 Hydraulic Pumps.
RR Responsibilities
 Aircraft mounted Airborne Vibration Monitoring
 The bare engine and associated engine systems. equipment.
 The Engine Section Stators (ESS) anti-icing system.  Engine Bleed Air System (EBAS) valves only (not IP
 The Variable Frequency Generator Oil Cooling System. check valve).

 The technical definition of the nacelle internal  Engine Inlet Cowl assembly (Manufacture).
aerodynamics. UTAS Responsibilities
 Engine Mounts.  Fan Cowl Assembly.
 Fire and Overheat detection system.  Thrust Reverser Assembly including actuation system.
 Engine Fire Extinguishing System.  Inlet Cowl (In service maintainability).
 Hydraulic pipe-work.  Power Door Operating System (PDOS).
 Engine Bleed Air System (EBAS) pipe-work and IP  Nacelle Hold Open Rods.
check valve
 Exhaust Nozzle System
 Inlet anti-icing valves, controllers including pipe-work.

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A CLSD Closed
Abs Absolute CMS Central Maintenance System
AC Alternating Current CTL Control
A/C Aircraft D
ACARS Airplane Communication Addressing and dB Decibel
Reporting System DC Direct Current
ACMF Aircraft Condition Monitoring Function DECEL Decelerate, Deceleration
A/D Analogue to Digital DEP Data Entry Plug
ADIRS Air Data Inertial and Reference System Deg F Degree Fahrenheit
AFDX Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet Deg C Degree Centigrade
DISCH Discharge
Al Alumel (Aluminium alloy in thermocouples) DMC Display Management Computer
ALT Altitude or Alternate DND Droop Nose Device
Amb Ambient DP Differential Pressure
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual DRTO De-Rated Take-Off
Approx Approximate (ly) DU Display Unit
APU Auxiliary Power Unit E
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated EAI Engine Anti-Ice
ATA Air Transport Association EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
AVM Airborne Vibration Monitor EBAS Engine Bleed Air System
B EBU Engine Build Up
BITE Built In Test Equipment ECAM Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring
BV Bleed Valve System
C ECS Environmental Control System
C Degree Celsius ED Engine Display
CAA Civil Aviation Authority EDP Engine Driven Pump
CAS Calibrated Air Speed EEC Engine Electronic Controller
CDS Controls & Data Services EECS Engine Electronic Control System
C&DS Control & Display System EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only
CFB Centrifugal Breather Memory EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument
CLB Climb System
CLR Clear (on cockpit push button) EGB External Gearbox

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EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature FSN Fuel Spray Nozzle

EIF Engine Interface Function FREQ Frequently
EIS Electronic Instrument System FWC Flight Warning Computer
Ems Engine Monitoring System FWD Forward
EMU Engine Monitor Unit FWS Flight Warning System
ENG Engine G
EPDS Electronic Power Distribution System GBX Gearbox
ETRAC Electric Thrust Actuation System Controller gpm Gallons per Minute
ETRAS Electrical Thrust Reverser Actuation System GND Ground
E/WD Engine / Warning Display GSE Ground Support Equipment
ESS Engine Section Stators H
ESSAIV Engine Section Stator – Anti-Ice Valve HCU Hydraulic Control Unit
ESN Engine Serial Number HMU Hydro-Mechanical Unit
ETOPS Extended Range Twin Operational Performance HOR Hold Open Rod
Standards HP High Pressure
EXT PXR External Power HPC High Pressure Compressor
F HPV High Pressure Valve
F Degree Fahrenheit HPT HP Turbine
FAA Federal Aviation Administration Hz Hertz
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control I
FAV Fan Air Valve I/O Input / Output
FBH Front Bearing Housing IFS Inner Fixed Structure
FCD Fan Cowl Door IFSD In Flight Shut Down
FCSB Fan Cowl Door Support Beam IGB Intermediate Gear Box
FCU Flight Control Unit IGN Ignition
FDR Flight Data Recorder IGV Inlet Guide Vane
FFTX Fuel Flow Transmitter IP Intermediate Pressure
FLT Flight IPBV IP Bleed Valve
FLEX Flexible Take-Off Rating IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
FMS Flight Management System IPC Intermediate Pressure Compressor
FMV Fuel Metering Valve IPT Intermediate Pressure Turbine
FOGV Fan Outlet Guide Vanes ISA International Standard Atmosphere
FOHE Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger IV Isolation Valve
FPF Fire Protection Function
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J MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust

JB Junction Box MDU Manual Drive Unit
JCT Junction MEL Minimum Equipment List
K MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
K Degree Kelvin MHz Megahertz
K Kilo MIN Minimum
Kg Kilogram mm Millimetres
KGPH Kilogram per Hour MN Mach Number
KT Knot MOD Modification
KV Kilo Volt ms Millisecond
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
L MTBR Mean Time Between Removals
L Left MTO Maximum Take-Off
ELE Elliptical Leading Edge mV Millivolts
lb(s) Pound(s) (weight) N
lbf Pounds Force N Rotational Speed
lbs / hr Pounds per Hour N1 Low Pressure Assembly Speed
LE Leading Edge N2 Intermediate Pressure Assembly Speed
L/G Landing Gear N3 High Pressure Assembly Speed
LH Left Hand N3 dot Rate of Change of N3
LP Low Pressure ND Navigation Display
LPC Low Pressure Compressor NGV Nozzle Guide Vane
LPT Low Pressure Turbine NH HP Shaft Speed
LPTCCV LP Turbine Case Cooling Valve NI IP Shaft Speed
LPTOS Low Pressure Turbine Overspeed NL NL Shaft Speed
LRU Line Replaceable Unit NLC LP Compressor Speed
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducer NLT LP Turbine Shaft Speed
M NRV Non Return Valve
MAINT Maintenance NVM Non Volatile Memory
MAX Maximum O
MCD Magnetic Chip Detector ODS Oil Debris Sensor
MCDU Multi-Purpose Control Display Unit ODSC Oil Debris Signal Conditioner

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OGV Outlet Guide Vane Qoil Oil Quantity

OPS Overspeed Protection System QTX Quantity Transmitter
OPV Over Pressure Valve QTY Quantity
OVHT Over Heat R
OVSPD Overspeed R Right
P RAT Ram Air Turbine
P0 Ambient Pressure RAD ALT Radio Altitude
Ps160 Fan Exit Pressure REF Reference
P20 Engine Intake Pressure REV Reverser
P25 IP Compressor Exit Pressure RTD Resistive Temperature Device
P30 HP Compressor Delivery Pressure RVDT Rotary Variable Differential Transducer
Ps42 IPT Inlet Pressure S
Ps44 IPT Exit Pressure SC Signal Conditioner
Pamb Ambient Pressure S/C Short Circuit
P/B Pushbutton S/D Shut Down
PDOS Power Door Opening System SAT Static Air Valve
PFD Primary Flight Display SB Service Bulletin
PMA Permanent Magnet Alternator SCV Start Control Valve
Poil Oil Pressure SCU Signal Conditioning Unit
POSN Position SD System Display
PPH Pounds Per Hour sec Second
PRESS Pressure SED Secondary Engine Display
Prox Proximity Sensor SER NO Serial Number
PRSOV Pressure Regulating Shut-Off Valve SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
PRV Pressure Regulating Valve SLS Sea Level Static
PS Pressure Switch Sol Solenoid
PSI Pounds per Square Inch SOV Shut-Off Valve
PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Absolute SW Switch
PSID Pounds per Square Inch (Differential) SYS System
PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge T
PWR Power T0 Ambient Air Temp
Q T20 Engine Intake Temperature
QAD Quick Attach Detach T24 IP Compressor Inlet Temperature (Synthesised)
QEC Quick Engine Change T25 IP Compressor Exit Temperature (Measured)
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T30 HP Compressor Exit Temperature VCAS Calibrated Airspeed

T50 LP Turbine Exit Temperature VFG Variable Frequency Generator
TAI Thermal Anti-Ice VIGV Variable Inlet Guide Vane
TAT Total Air Temperature VSV Variable Stator Vane
TBD To Be Determined / Decided VSVA Variable Stator Vane Actuator
TBH Tail Bearing Housing W
TC Thermocouple WOW Weight on Wheels
TCAF Turbine Cooling Air Front
TCAR Turbine Cooling Air Rear
TCC Turbine Case Cooling
TCCV Turbine Case Cooling Valve
TCM Thrust Control Malfunction
TDC Top Dead Centre
TE Trailing Edge
TEMP Temperature
T fuel Fuel Temperature
TGB Transition Gear Box
TGT Turbine Gas Temperature
THR Thrust
TLA Throttle Lever Angle
TOGA Take-Off/Go Around
Toil Oil Temperature
TOS Turbine Overspeed
TRA Throttle Resolver Angle
TRAS Thrust Reverser Actuation System
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit
TSN Time Since New
TSO Time Since Overhaul
U/S Unserviceable
V Volts
VAC Volts Alternating Current
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Book Issue 3- Consisting of:

SECTION 1 Introduction Issue 3

SECTION 2 Nacelle Issue 3
SECTION 3 Propulsion System Issue 3
SECTION 4 Engine Mechanical Arrangement Issue 3
SECTION 5 Propulsion Control System Issue 3
SECTION 6 Engine Indicating System Issue 3
SECTION 7 Oil System Issue 3
SECTION 8 Fuel System and Control Issue 3
SECTION 9 Airflow Control System Issue 3
SECTION 10 Engine Ventilation & Cooling Systems Issue 3
SECTION 11 Fire Protection System Issue 3
SECTION 12 Ice Protection System Issue 3
SECTION 13 Starting and Ignition System Issue 3
SECTION 14 Basic Troubleshooting Issue 3
SECTION 15 Engine Transportation Issue 3
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Contents

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Section 1 - Introduction
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Introduction

Trent XWB for the Airbus A350 Aircraft

Rolls-Royce has developed the Trent family of engines to
meet the market demand for medium-to-large, long-range
commercial aircraft.
The existing Trent family, which utilises proven advanced
technology, has provided many airlines with a low-risk solution
to reliable engine power, accumulating more than
35 million + hours since the first of the family, the Trent 700,
entered service in 1995.

The Trent XWB is the sixth generation of the Trent family and
is the launch engine for the Airbus A350 aircraft. It exploits
unique new technologies to deliver the best ever performance
at the lowest life cycle cost with minimal environmental

Maturity at Entry into Service (EIS) is ensured by the use of

high technology components developed with the benefit of
Trent family experience. The unique Rolls-Royce
three-concentric shaft configuration combined with a very high
bypass ratio and enhanced component efficiencies contribute
to significantly improved fuel consumption.

The Trent XWB has been designed to provide power for the
entire Airbus A350 family with the best economics at the
lowest risk.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Introduction

Propulsion System Outline extracted to drive the compressors before being exhausted
The Airbus A350 is powered by two propulsion systems through the hot side of the centre body of the exhaust nozzle.
attached to pylons on the underside of each wing. The combustion system is of annular construction
The Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engine is described as a incorporating 20 fuel spray nozzles through which fuel is
three-shaft high bypass ratio turbofan engine and is the first supplied from the aircraft fuel system, in response to engine
Trent engine to incorporate one piece disc and blade throttle setting and aircraft operating conditions.
combination (Blisk) into the compressor design. The External Gearbox (EGB) is mounted at the bottom of the
The shafts are identified as the Low Pressure (LP) system, fan case. A driveshaft connected to the HP System provides
Intermediate Pressure (IP) system and High Pressure (HP) drive for the following accessories:
 Combined LP and HP Fuel Pump Assembly
The LP system consists of a single stage compressor (Fan)
assembly driven by a six-stage turbine.  Engine Oil Pump Assembly
The IP system consists of an eight-stage axial flow  Centrifugal Breather
compressor driven by a two-stage turbine.  Two Hydraulic Pumps
The HP system consists of a six-stage axial flow compressor  Permanent Magnet Alternator (PMA)
driven by a single stage turbine.  Two Variable Frequency Generators (VFG)
Air enters the engine through the air inlet cowl and is  Hydro-Mechanical Unit (HMU) only mounted on the
compressed by the LP Compressor (Fan). The exiting air is gearbox (none driven)
then split into two main flows, bypass and core.
For ventilation and fire protection purposes the engine is
The bypass air, which has a greater mass flow and produces divided into three sealed compartments. These compartments
the majority of the overall thrust of the engine, passes through are known as Fire Zones and can be described as:
the raked Fan Outlet Guide Vanes (FOGV) into the bypass
duct before exiting the outside of the cold exhaust nozzle.  Zone 1 – The area under the fan cowl doors
The IP and HP Compressors compress the core flow further  Zone 2 – The area under the Gas Generator fairings
before entering the combustion chamber. Fuel is added to the  Zone 3 – The area under the thrust reverser
compressed air and the resulting mixture is ignited. The
gases expand through the turbines where the energy is

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Introduction

Safety Notice
When the engines are operating the intake and exhaust areas
can be extremely dangerous and the following warnings and
cautions should be adhered to, in order to prevent serious
injury to persons or damage to equipment.


WARNING The danger from compressor suction and exhaust blast increases
MAKE SURE THAT ALL PERSONS ARE SAFE BEFORE YOU greatly as power is increased from idle to take off settings.
Intake Danger Area Idle 30 feet
Intake Danger Area Take Off 50 feet
Exhaust Danger Area Idle 220 feet

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Introduction

Relative Wind Direction during Engine Running the surge is large enough flames may be seen forward of the
engine inlet. In this case the relevant steps should be taken in
accordance with the Engine Operating Manual and the AMP.
For the engine to operate correctly the aircraft should be The Rolls-Royce Field Service Representative should also be
positioned as to prevent the possibility of the engine surging. informed.
Persons operating the aircraft on the ground must ensure they  If the engine is operated on the ground in certain
observe the relative wind direction and velocity limits. Below ambient conditions static electricity may be seen to discharge
is a brief summary of the relevant subtask. The Aircraft from the LP Compressor Nose Cone. This will not cause
Maintenance Procedures (AMP) should be referred to in its damage to the engine.
entirety before engine operation.
 Only carry out engine ground runs if the local weather
Safe Operation of Engine during EGR conditions permit, e.g. icing conditions or side wind conditions
 Refer to the Engine Operation Limits in the AMP. Run allow, in accordance with the Engine Operating Manual and
the engine to the minimum power for the required task. the AMP.

 If throttle movements are required move them slowly to

prevent quick changes in engine temperature. Fast
movement will ultimately decrease the life of the engine.
 Ensure the wind direction and velocity limits are
observed and are in Operating limits.
 Turbulence, gusting and crosswind conditions can cause
Thrust (THR), Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) and
Revolutions per Minute (RPM) indications on the Electronic
Centralised Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) screen to be unstable
at middle power and above. A variation in the tone of the
engine inlet may also be heard. This will require immediate
action by the operator to prevent operational exceedance. It
is therefore not permitted to run in these conditions.
 A surge during engine ground running can be identified
by an increase in EGT and a sudden noise from the engine. If
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Introduction

Definition of WARNING, CAUTION and Note

The safety notices associated with the following headings should be given special attention when they appear in
maintenance, operating and emergency procedures.



Concerns an operating procedure or condition that needs highlighting.

End of Introduction Section

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Section 2 – Nacelle
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Nacelle

Section 2 - Nacelle
To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance procedural level, on the Trent XWB engine.

At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the nacelle as fitted to the Trent XWB engine / A350.
 Locate and identify the major assemblies that form the nacelle of the Trent XWB engine / A350.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the major assemblies that form the nacelle of the Trent XWB engine / A350.
 State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the nacelle as fitted to the Trent XWB engine / A350.
 Describe how the Trent XWB nacelle interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Nacelle

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Nacelle

Nacelle Major Assemblies Fan Cowl Doors

Location The fan cowl doors cover the LP compressor case to provide
an aerodynamic surface between the air inlet cowl and the
The major assemblies of the Nacelle are located externally
thrust reverser. They are attached to the engine pylon and
around the engine.
can be independently powered open (and closed) to provide
Purpose access to the LP Compressor case for maintenance.
The purpose of the Nacelle major assemblies is to provide a Thrust Reverser Assembly
structural and streamlined enclosure that fits around the
The thrust reverser assembly consists of two halves called
engine and interfaces with the aircraft structure.
C-ducts. They are attached to the pylon and when operated
Description on landing by the flight crew the outer translating sleeves
The powerplant major assemblies are listed below, when move rearwards to re-direct the air in a forward direction.
combined form the engine nacelle. To access the core components of the engine for
• Air inlet cowl. maintenance, the C-ducts can be independently powered
open (and closed).
• Left and right fan cowl doors.
Exhaust Nozzle System
• Thrust reverser assembly.
This is made up of three sections that are attached to the rear
• Hot gas exhausts system.
of the engine.
Air Inlet Cowl
The outer exhaust nozzle
The air inlet cowl is attached to the front flange of the LP
The forward centre body exhaust nozzle
compressor case; it is required to ensure smooth airflow into
the fan inlet despite air approaching the inlet from directions The aft centre body exhaust nozzle
other than straight ahead. The inlet cowl also helps reduce Note:
drag across the nacelle. The C-ducts cannot be opened for maintenance access unless
the fan cowl doors have been opened first.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Nacelle


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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Nacelle

Air Inlet Cowl Aft Bulkhead

Location The Aft Bulkhead consists of six inner panel segments and six
The inlet cowl is bolted to the forward face of the engine fan outer panel segments. The six inner panel segments are
case on the A1 flange with 52 nuts & bolts & spacers & 3 made of metal alloy and feature integral pre-formed stiffener
alignment pins. ribs. The six outer panel segments are made of Carbon-
Graphite laminate construction. The Aft Bulkhead contains
the switches to operate the Thrust Reverser PDOS. The Aft
The inlet cowl provides smooth airflow to the engine fan and
Bulkhead contains access panels that allow for maintenance.
core sections and noise attenuation that reduces engine
generated noise. Engine Attach Flange
Description The Aft Flange is made of metal alloy forged ring, anodized
The assembly consists of an inlet lip skin, forward bulkhead, and primed for corrosion protection. It features 52 holes for
outer barrel, acoustic single piece inner barrel, aft bulkhead, attachment bolts to mount the Inlet Cowl to engine fan case
aft flange and lip skin de-icing system. and 3 holes for alignment pins.

• The inlet cowl protects the engine from ice ingestion by Inlet Cowl Anti-Icing
using a thermal anti-icing system The Nacelle anti-ice system provides hot engine bleed air
• T20 (inlet temperature) probe is installed at 1 o’clock (HPC3) to the titanium lip skin D-section cavity to prevent ice
position formation. A duct passes between the Inner and Outer
• It accommodates the Power Door Operating System (PDOS) barrels to the cyclone ring mounted on the forward bulkhead.
switches The D-section cavity anti-ice air exits overboard through a
• Nacelle Anti-Ice duct (NAI) with outer shroud and outer duct that connects the Aft Bulkhead to the Outer Barrel.
barrel vent opening for exiting of anti-ice air exhaust
• It has 4 hoist points for Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
• It is a Line Replaceable Unit (LRU)

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Nacelle

Power Door Operating System (PDOS)

Location In order to OPEN and CLOSE the fan cowl doors, the
latch access panel is opened and the four latch assemblies have to
The Power Door Operating System (PDOS) is located in the
be released. Once the latches are released the doors are free to be
powered. Two yellow arrowed PDOS buttons on each side of the
intake cowl marked up and down function the electro hydraulic
The purpose of the PDOS system is to power the Fan Cowl Doors actuator to OPEN or CLOSE the individual L/H or R/H fan
and Thrust Reverser / C-ducts opened and closed to gain access to cowl doors.
the engine for maintenance.
By pressing the PDOS button, the fan cowl door can be opened
Description / operation to two separate locking positions. The first is 37 degrees and the
The PDOS comprises of the following components. second 52 degrees, depending on positional access required on the
 An electro hydraulic power pack engine. Once in position, the hold open rods display a colour coded
band, which confirms the safe condition (green band visible) or
 Four hydraulic actuators
unsafe condition (red band visible). The hold open rods lock in
 Open and close paired control buttons position and the PDOS button is briefly pressed to release the
 One inboard fan cowl position sensor. load off the actuator to the rods.
The system uses engine oil as an independent hydraulic medium To close the fan cowl doors, press the PDOS button to load
stored in its own internal reservoir the hold-open rods for release. Simultaneously pull and rotate the
The electrical motor drives the hydraulic power pack to provide the remote cable handle release and press PDOS
hydraulic muscle power at 2000psi for the opening and closing of button to close the fan cowl. The remote cable handle is now
the actuators. released.
The PDOS actuators are located on each engine. There are four The power pack provides a motor over heat signal that is used to
actuators, one for each LH / RH Fan Cowl Door and one for each prevent the motor from running in over heat conditions.
LH / RH Thrust Reverser Half.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Nacelle

Fan Cowl Door Proximity Sensor

The proximity sensor is located on each inboard fan cowl
hinge attachment point on the pylon structure.
To prevent extension of wing Droop Nose Device (DND) clashing
into the inboard fan cowls
Scenario 1: Inboard DND are retracted
 Fan Cowl door proximity sensor, detects fan cowl
completely closed, can be deployed.
 Fan Cowl door proximity sensor detects a non-
presence of fan cowl open and sends a message to
EIF (Engine Interface Function) DND extension is
inhibited with a cockpit indication.
Scenario 2: Inboard DND are extended
 The PDOS is not inhibited.
 Fan Cowl and Thrust Reverser Unit can be opened to
intermediate position, but should be aware not to
operate the PDOS to fully open position to prevent a
clash of cowl with DND.

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Fan Cowl Doors Each door has two permanently attached Hold Open Rods
(HOR) these have an automatic locking feature, and remote
unlocking device.
The two fan cowl doors are located between the air inlet cowl
Dedicated access panels provide maintenance access for
and the thrust reverser.
engine oil servicing and starter air valve manual override. An
Purpose exhaust grill for zone 1 ventilation is located on the R/H fan
The two fan cowl doors make an aerodynamic protective shell cowl door.
around the engine between the inlet cowl and the thrust Each inboard fan cowl has a strake fitted; the strake gives
reverser. The fan cowl doors give access to the fan case
section of the engine and create the outer ‘skin’ for the zone 1 smooth airflow to decrease turbulence. Provisions have been
ventilation. made to install the strake on either door since the doors are
Description / Operation
The two Fan Cowl Doors (FCD) are manufactured from
composite material. Four frame stiffeners on the inner surface Maintenance Tip
of each door, maintain the structural integrity.
If the PDOS is inoperative the fan cowl doors can be opened
Each door has four attachments, the aft three are fixed from manually, but several persons are required to safely manually
the pylon, and the forward hinge is free floating but connected handle the doors open and close due to the weight and size.
to the opposite fan cowl door via a tie rod.
Four latches secure both doors together at the bottom to close
around the LP compressor case and are accessed by opening
the Latch Access Panel (LAP). This panel provides
aerodynamic smoothness over the latches, as well as acting
as a latch baulking device preventing accidental insecurity of
the cowl latches.

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Fan Cowl Door Access Operation  Monitor the fan cowl opening until the Hold Open Rod
safety locks engage. (This is indicated by a green
Maintenance Practices
band being visible on the lock assembly). The safety
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer locks automatically engage at the 37º and 52º angles.
to the Aircraft Maintenance Procedure (AMP) for the full
description and the relevant Operational, Maintenance,
Storage & Disposal (OMSD) for the correct use of any
specialised tooling.
Procedure for opening the doors
 Release the five Latch Access Panel (LAP) catches by
pressing the opening buttons.
 Open the four latches that hold the fan cowls closed.
 The four adjustable tension hook latches connect the
LH and RH fan cowl doors along the bottom centre line.
(The hook part of the latch is on the LH fan cowl door
the keeper part of the latch is on the RH fan cowl door).
 Press the button to activate the PDOS.


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Fan Cowl Door Access Operation

Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the Aircraft Maintenance Procedure (AMP) for the full
description and the relevant Operational, Maintenance,
Storage & Disposal (OMSD) for the correct use of any
specialised tooling.
Procedure for closing the doors
• Activate the remote handle to de-latch the locking collar
on the hold open rods.
• Momentary press the button on the PDOS to
release the locking collar on the hold open rod.
• Press the button to lower the fan cowl.
• When both fan cowls are lowered close the four fan
cowl latches.
• Close the Latch Access Panel (LAP) by securing the
five catches.
 Ensure that the LAP is secure and flush to the nacelle.

The Latch Access Panel acts as a safety device that prevents
the closing of the panel if any fan cowl latches are not
correctly installed and locked.

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Thrust Reverser / C-duct Access Operation • Press the button and open the reverser to its
interim 28.5°or maximum 47° opening angle
PDOS is electrically-activated (push-buttons) and
hydraulically-actuated (PDOS actuator). Fan Cowl must be • Extend and attach the hold-open rod
opened prior to opening / closing the thrust reverser • The Hold Open Rod (HOR) has green / red markings
Maintenance Practices for secure / not-secure visual status
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer C-duct manual opening and closing
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD In the event that the PDOS system is inoperative, the thrust
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. reversers can be opened and closed manually with the use of
Opening the Thrust Reverser/C-Ducts an external hand hydraulic pump (Ground Support Equipment
(GSE) containing engine oil), using the quick disconnect
• Open and secure fan cowls
valves on the actuator body.
• Open the thrust reverser Latch Access Panels (LAP)
• Open and secure fan cowl, unlatch thrust reverser
• Unlatch thrust reverser halves by opening the eight halves and activate T/R button to open on the
latches. The latch opening and closing sequence must selected T/R half.
strictly be followed In Accordance With (IAW) the
• Using a access platform manually un-stow the T/R
instructions as detailed in the AMP opening and closing
• Engage the T/R HOR on the engine fitting. If the T/R
• Activate Thrust Reverser PDOS button to open
HOR is not fully engaged in the engine fitting, the HOR
Thrust Reverser
will fall away from the engine.
• Un-stow the Thrust Reverser Hold Open Rod (HOR)
• Depressurize the PDOS system by momentarily
using a ladder
selecting to load the HOR and secure the thrust
• Engage the Thrust Reverser Hold Open Rod (HOR) on reverser half, or proceed to open the reverser to its
the engine fitting maximum opening angle.

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Thrust Reverser Latches

 Four lower track beam latches (Latches 1, 2, 3, 4)

 Two upper bifurcation latches (Latches 7, 8)

 One lower bifurcation latch (Latch 6)

 One Aft Core Cowl latch (Latch 5)

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Thrust Reverser / C-Duct Access Operation • Close and secure fan cowls
PDOS is electrically-activated (push-buttons) and
hydraulically-actuated (PDOS actuator). Fan Cowl must be The Figure below shows the T/R in four stages of opening /
opened prior to opening / closing the thrust reverser. closing:
Maintenance Practices 1. Fully open position (45°)
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer 2. Over-rotated position (47°)
to the Aircraft Maintenance Procedure (AMP) for the full
description and the relevant Operational, Maintenance, 3. Intermediate position (28.5°)
Storage & Disposal (OMSD) for the correct use of any 4. Fully closed
specialised tooling.
Closing the Thrust Reverser/C-Ducts
• Press the PDOS button (this relives the load on the
safety locking latch).
• Disengage the Thrust Reverser Hold Open Rod (HOR)
on the engine fitting.
• Prior to closing Thrust Reverser using PDOS ensure
the HOR is collapsed and stowed within the attach clip.
• Press the PDOS button.
• Initially using latch two draw the C-duct half’s together
close the ducts and secure the remaining seven
latches in the sequence illustrated in the AMP
• Close the thrust reverser Latch Access Panel (LAP)
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45° opened 47° over‐travel

1 2
position position

28.5° intermediate Stowed

3 4
position position
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Thrust Reverser Reverser Actuation Controller (ETRAC). The thrust reverser

operation is initiated by manual selection of the cockpit
reverse thrust levers.
The thrust reverser assembly is located at the rear of the fan
As the translating sleeves deploy rearwards, drag links pull six
cowl doors and encompasses the engine core.
composite blocker doors per half into the bypass duct gas
Purpose path. The blocker doors change the direction of the LP
The purpose of the thrust reverser is to assist the aircraft bypass airflow from rearwards to a forward direction through
braking system on landing by directing the LP compressor eight composite cascade panels.
bypass airflow from a rearward to forwards reaction thrust. Though manually selected, positional control of each thrust
Description reverser assembly is by the ETRAC (one per engine),
interfacing with the aircraft Engine Interface Function (EIF)
The thrust reverser structure is made of two halves called
Core Processing Input / Output Module (CPIOM).
C-ducts. Each C-duct is attached to the pylon by four hinges
two fixed and two floating and is held together by a total of The Engine Electronic Controller EEC monitors the position of
eight latches. Four lower track beam latches, two upper the translating sleeves for flight deck indication, translating
bifurcation latches, one lower bifurcation latch and one core sleeve lock position and control of the thrust as demanded by
cowl latch. the reverse thrust lever positioning.

Each C-duct has a translating sleeve, which deploys

rearwards when commanded by the aircraft system. A single
electrical motor operates three ball screw actuators for each
translating cowl through Flex Synchro Shafts which are all
connected to the centre actuator.
The upper and lower actuators have locking mechanisms and
the centre actuator is a non-locking actuator. The upper
actuator on the L/H side and the lower actuator on the R/H
side provide the positional feedback to the Electronic Thrust
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Thrust Reverser Operation Deployment Sequence

Location 1. Throttle lever in idle position and radio altimeter within 6ft of
ground (80-320 ms delay for PRIM to command Tertiary
The Electric Thrust Actuation System Controller (ETRAC)
(Track) Lock release).
computers are installed in the forward cargo compartment.
2. PRIM commands track lock release. (80 ms delay for
The electrical motors and ball screw actuators of the thrust- Tertiary (Track) Lock to release). (200 ms delay for EIF1 & 2
reverser system are on the thrust-reverser / C-duct structure. to receive confirmation of Tertiary (Track) Lock release).
Description / Operation 3. Throttle lever in rev idle position and Weight on Wheels.
To assist the wheel brake system in slowing the aircraft during (3 X 200 ms delays for EIF2 to send deploy command).
landing or rejected take-off, the thrust-reverser system with 4. EIF2 deploys command received by ETRAC.
two translating sleeves is used. (500 ms delay for EIF1 and power system to enable 230 Vac).
5. 230 Vac Supplied to ETRAC. (ETRAC requires Deploy
The Engine Interface Function (EIF) receives the position of
AND 230 Vac to command lock release). (500 ms delay for
the thrust reverser lever and sends deploy / stow command
ETRAC DC link to reach useable voltage).
signals to the ETRAC.
6. ETRAC commands release of primary locks (100 ms delay
The ETRAC controls the thrust-reverser movement and for primary locks to release).
locking 7. ETRAC powers motor (100 ms delay for ETRAC to detect
The EEC controls the engine speed (N1) dependent on the Fully Deployed Position and power down motors and
Thrust Reverse lever position. (Min = Idle, Max=70%N1) solenoids).
8. RVDT indication equivalent to > 85 % of TRAS position
Control and Indicating
The operation of the thrust-reverser (T/REV) is shown on the 9. EEC modulates rev engine thrust against thrust reverse
Control & Display System (CDS) Primary Engine Display. The lever position.
primary thrust indicator shows the thrust reverser position and 10. Fully Deployed Position achieved.
thrust setting.

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Stow Sequence
1. Thrust reverse lever NOT selected to rev (230 VAC applied
to ETRAC) (PFCS commands Tertiary (Track) Lock release)
(300 ms delay for EIF2 to send stow command).
2. EIF2 stow command received by ETRAC.
(Start of TRAS stow) (ETRAC powers motor).
3. Tertiary (Track) Lock engaged.
4. Primary Locks engaged.
(100 ms delay for ETRAC to detect stowed condition).
5. ETRAC detects stowed condition.
(3 second delay for EIF1 and power system to remove 230

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Thrust Reverser (T/R) lockout for dispatch in-op T/R and These inhibition pins are installed on the aft end of the
Lock out for Maintenance. latch beams to mechanically inhibit the T/Rev sleeve
movement. In this position each pin locks the lower
Maintenance Practices translating sleeve slider in the stowed position and is
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer visible externally. (protruding red flexible indicator).
to the AMM for the full description and the relevant OMSD Maintenance Tip
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. The unlock lever indication pin shows that the track lock is in
Deactivation for Maintenance maintenance position (unlocked) is installed on the T/R latch
beam aft access panel.
Deactivation of the T/R for maintenance is carried out as listed The inhibition pins installed during the deactivation for
below: dispatch are located just outside the aft access panel. Make
- Electrical deactivation: sure that the correct pin is identified.
 Electrical deactivation through the on board
Maintenance System (OMS) Power Distribution
Monitoring and Maintenance Function (PDMMF)
commands the Electronic Power Distribution System
(EPDS) to inhibit the electrical power sent to the
ETRAC. This step is sufficient, if maintenance is done
on the engine and not on the T/R system.
Deactivation for Dispatch
Deactivation of the T/R for flight dispatch is carried out in two
main steps:
- Electrical deactivation:
 An electrical deactivation through the OMS (PDMMF)
commands the EPDS to inhibit the electrical power
sent to the ETRAC.
- Mechanical deactivation:
 Deactivation pins are located and stored inside the
latch access panel (when not in use for deactivation).
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Manual operations of T/R stow / deploy

Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMM for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
There is a track lock installed on each latch beam this
includes a hook and a manual unlock lever.
A protective cover must be open to access the unlock lever.
The lever is manually moved from the "lock active" position to
the “maintenance" position.
In the "maintenance" position, the lever pushes on a visual
indication pin, when the latch access panel is closed. The
indication pin protrudes outside the latch access panel, giving
indication that the track lock has been left in the
"maintenance" position.
A standard square drive tool is required on the centre actuator
to stow or deploy the T/Rev translating sleeves.
Cascade Panels
The cascade panels installed between the torque box and the
aft cascade ring divert the fan airflow in forward or side
direction when the translating sleeve is deployed.
There are different types of cascade panels which may or may
not be Interchangeable IAW the AMP.
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Hot Gas Exhaust System Exhaust Nozzle

Location The exhaust nozzle is attached to the rear flange of the Tail
Bearing Housing (TBH) support structure, which is part of the
The hot gas exhaust system is located at the rear of the
LP turbine module and forms the outer annulus of the hot gas
exhaust system. A metal finger fire seal provides fire zone
Purpose integrity for zone 3, isolates the forward pylon cavity and
The purpose of the hot gas exhaust system is to: shields the aft pylon from direct exhaust gas impingement.
Cross flow seals provide aerodynamic sealing and noise
 Reduce the noise levels of the hot gases exiting the
reduction to the aft pylon interface.
core of the engine.
Forward Exhaust Centre body
 Provides correct nozzle gas area to maintain engine
performance. The forward exhaust centre body is attached to the rear flange
of the TBH and together with the aft centre body forms the
 Provides an interface between the hot and cold exiting
inner annulus of the hot gas exhaust system.
Aft Exhaust Centre body
The aft exhaust centre body is attached to the rear face of the
The hot gas exhaust system comprises of three assemblies:
forward centre body and together forms the inner annulus of
 The outer exhaust nozzle. the hot gas exhaust system.
 The forward centre body exhaust nozzle.
 The aft centre body exhaust nozzle.
The nozzle formed by these three assemblies provide the
aerodynamic control of engine core flow, while optimising
thrust, acoustic performance and tail bearing housing thermal

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Nacelle Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Nacelle Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Section 2 - Nacelle
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the nacelle as fitted to the Trent XWB engine/A350.
 Locate and identify the major assemblies that form the nacelle of the Trent XWB engine/A350.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the major assemblies that form the Trent XWB engine/A350.
 State the WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS associated with the nacelle as fitted to the Trent XWB engine/A350.
 Describe how the Trent XWB nacelle interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Nacelle Section

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Section 3 – Propulsion System
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Propulsion System

Section 3 – Propulsion System

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance procedural level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the propulsion system.
 Locate and identify the major assemblies that form the propulsion system.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the major assemblies that form the propulsion system.
 State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the propulsion system.
 Describe how the propulsion system interfaces with the aircraft and other airframe systems.

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Engine Attachments centre of the pin and washer to lock it in position. The
Location suspension links are floating and allow for expansion and
The engine mounts attach to the engine at two locations. contraction due to thermal and stress loads from the engine.
The front mount at the top of the fan case front mount ring. The front mount transmits the following loads:
The rear mount located on the top of the tail bearing housing • Vertical.
support structure. • Side.
Purpose Rear Mount
The purposes of the engine mounts are to support the weight The rear mount is made up of seven main components these
of the engine, transmit thrust loads to the aircraft pylon, are three suspension links, a main body, a clevis bracket,
prevent rotation of the engine about its axis and support several spherical bearings and a floating lug casting that
lateral loading. attach the thrust struts to the main body. The mount is
The mounts are designed to maintain attachment integrity if located at the tail bearing housing support structure, which is
an attachment bolt or link fails the attachment is not part of the LP turbine module. The rear mount attaches to the
compromised. aircraft pylon by six tension bolts and barrel nuts, several
Description locking plates and brackets are used to safety the bolts. The
The two assemblies that attach the engine to the pylon are: engine is attached to the main body of the mount by floating
Front Mount suspension links with spherical bushes at each end these are
The front mount is made up of five main components; they are secured into position on both ends by pins with safety bolts
three link arms, the main body and several spherical bearings. and washers. These bolts go through the centre of the pin and
It is located at the top of the LP compressor case and washers to lock it in position. The suspension links are
attached to the aircraft pylon through the main body of the floating and allow for expansion and contraction due to
mount by three tension bolts. The bolts are locked together thermal and stress loads from the engine.
with lock plates and a support bracket. The main body has The rear mount transmits the following loads:
provision for the attachment of three suspension links; these • Vertical.
links go from the main body of the mount to the engine; these • Side.
are attached to the engine and main body by pins with safety • Torsion.
bolts and washers to secure them. The bolts go through the • Thrust.
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Propulsion System

Thrust Struts The rear mount lug is allowed to ‘free float’ on the rear mount
clevis. A single piece casting is attached to the mount clevis
by 3 pins with safety bolts and washers to secure them.
Two thrust struts are attached between lugs on the engine
intermediate case and the rear mount.
The purpose of the thrust struts is to transmit the thrust
developed by the engine to the rear mount, then subsequently
to the airframe.
The thrust strut tubes are manufactured from titanium and
have an attachment lug at the front end and a clevis end
attachment at the rear; these are welded to the end of each
thrust strut.
When the intermediate case is manufactured, two clevis end
attachments are machined from the billet of material that the
case is made from.
The thrust strut front lug is attached to the intermediate case
clevis ends with attachment pins that have safety bolts and
washers to secure them.
The thrust strut rear clevis end is attached to the rear mount
lug via a pin and washer with a safety bolt.

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Engine Bleed-Air System (EBAS) EBAS LRUs

Introduction The engine core Zone LRUs are as follows:
The function of the Engine Bleed Air System (EBAS) is to  High Pressure Valve (HPV)
supply the users with pressure and temperature controlled air
 Intermediate Pressure Check Valve (IPCV)
from the engines.
 Manifold Pressure Valve (MPV)
 Fan Air Valve (FAV)
The EBAS components associated with the engine are
located on the engine core and within the pylon. Pylon Zone LRUs:
Description  Over Pressure Shut-Off Valve (OPSOV)
The EBAS utilises two separate engine air off-takes, IPC Interface
stage 8 or HPC stage 6. Only one off-take is used at one time,
The EBAS interfaces with the Control and Display System
off-take usage selection is dependent on air system demand,
(CDS) through the ADCN.
engine RPM & duct pressure.
Control and Indicating
Two airframe mounted Core Processing Input / Output
Modules (CPIOMs) host a Bleed Air System (BAS) The main controls of the pneumatic system are the ENG 1
application. The BAS application manages the EBAS through BLEED and ENG 2 BLEED pushbutton switches. They are on
the Avionics Data Communication Network (ADCN). the AIR section of the overhead panel.
The main indications of the pneumatic system are on the
BLEED page of the CDS.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Propulsion System

Engine Bleed Air System (EBAS) Cont. Intermediate Pressure Check Valve (IPCV)
Engine Mounted LRUs The IPCV is a split butterfly type valve located at the IP Bleed
Port at the top of the intermediate case. The purpose of the
IPCV is to:
The EBAS system is located on the engine between the thrust
1. Prevent high-pressure air (HP6) from entering the IP
struts at the top of the core and within the pylon.
compressor when the HPV is open.
2. Allows IP compressor stage eight air to be supplied to
The primary purpose of the EBAS system is to provide the aircraft when the HPV is closed.
processed air into the cabin of the aircraft for crew and
passenger comfort and life support. At low power settings High Pressure Valve (HPV)
HP6 air is supplying the air system and at higher power The HPV is located at the HP Bleed Port outlet at the top of
settings IP8 air is supplying the air system. the HP system. The purpose of the HPV is to control the flow
of high-pressure air (HP6) entering the EBAS system.
The valve is controlled by the BAS application via the
The engine related LRUs of the EBAS system consists of the
Environmental Control System (ECS) which is an electronic
following components:
function within the aircraft systems. The EEC has no control
 IPCV – Intermediate Pressure Check Valve. of the HPV but can influence how long it is open or closed,
 HPV – High Pressure Valve. based on the power being taken from the engine.

 MPV – Manifold Pressure Valve. Manifold Pressure Valve (MPV)

The MPV is located in the duct prior to the aircraft interface.
Its purpose is to regulate the pressure of the air entering the
aircraft and is controlled by the BAS application.

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Engine Drains System Dry Drains

Location  Starter – oil.
The engine drains system is located on the lower half of the  Variable Frequency Generator (VFG) front and rear – oil.
LP compressor case.
 Fuel pump – fuel or oil.
 Hydraulic pump yellow and green – oil or hydraulic fluid.
The purpose of the engine drains system is to remove fluids
that may leak from specific LRUs and areas of the engine,  Turbine case cooling valve actuators – fuel.
where fluids may create a fire hazard.  Variable stator vane actuators – fuel.
Description Wet Drains
The engine drains system consists of a number of tubes  Pylon – water, fuel, oil.
connected to certain LRUs and areas of the powerplant. The
 Fuel drains tank, oil tank scupper and power door
individual tubes come together at the combined breather and
operating system power pack – This is a single combined
drains mast, to allow any fluids to drain overboard.
drain where fuel or oil may be seen.
Each drain tube is considered to be either a ‘dry’ drain or ‘wet’
 Zone 2 – Water, fuel and oil.
drain. Fluid is NOT expected to be seen from a dry drain.
Fluid CAN BE expected from a wet drain. A limitation table  Turbine Drain – Fuel, water.
contained within the AMP determines the acceptable level of
leakage and subsequent action to be taken. The following is
a list of the components or areas connected to the engine
drains system and the fluid that may be seen.

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Centrifugal Breather
The centrifugal breather is located on the front right side of the
external gearbox.
Processes aerated oil from the bearing chambers vent system
and oil tank. It separates the aerated mixture, the oil for reuse
in the lubrication system and the waste air to be expelled
The centrifugal breather has a rotor that contains retimet
segments and is driven by the external gearbox. The
delivered aerated oil is centrifuged out by the rotating action
and scavenged back to the oil tank by a dedicated scavenge
pump. The air passes through the retimet segments into the
hollow rotor and is vented overboard through the drains mast

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Drains Tank assembly

The fuel drains collector tank is located on the right side of the
LP compressor case approximately the 4 o’clock position.
The purpose of the drains tank is to collect the fuel remaining
in the fuel manifold after a normal engine shutdown on the
The drains tank assembly consists of a steel tank and an
ejector pump. Within the ejector pump is a non-return valve, a
float valve and a filter assembly.
The drains tank collector is sized to hold fuel for one usual
engine shutdown and three failed starts. If the number of
failed starts is more than the maximum limit the drains tank
can become full and the fuel will be dumped overboard
through the drains mast.
The function of this component will be covered in
detail within section 8 Fuel System.

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Hydraulic components conditions. For cooling of the hydraulic fluid, heat exchangers
Location are located in the wing tanks and are submerged in fuel; to act
as cooling medium.
Two pumps are located on the front face of the external
gearbox, the Green system pump situated near the centre and Definition
the Yellow system pump off-set to the right, divided by the oil Bootstrap system: A Bootstrap system is a system that uses
separator centrifugal breather. an external power source, but runs on an independent basis.

Purpose i.e. the engine provides hydraulic services to the airframe, but
does not require hydraulic power for its own operation.
The purpose of the hydraulic pumps is to generate hydraulic
pressure and flow to sustain the requirements of the aircraft
and associated systems.
The function of the main hydraulic power system is to supply
hydraulic power to the aircraft hydraulic systems. The green
and yellow main hydraulic systems operate at the same time
but are fully independently of each other and with no fluid
transfer between them. The two Engine Driven Pumps
(EDPs) for each system pressurise the hydraulic fluid to
5000 psi.
Each EDP provides pressurised hydraulic fluid for a main
hydraulic power system. Each system has its own bootstrap-
type hydraulic reservoir supplying hydraulic fluid to its two
EDPs. The EDPs have a clutch to mechanically disconnect
the pump drive shaft from the engine accessory gearbox;
there is also a mechanical lockout for dispatch under MEL
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Electrical Generation Components VFG Oil Temperature Sensor Location

Location  VFG oil temperature sensors are located at the VFG oil
The Variable Frequency Generators (VFGs) are fitted to the return lines.
front and rear face of the engine external gearbox. The VFG VFG Oil Temperature Sensor Purpose
Surface Air Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOCs) are fitted to the  To signal VFG oil inlet temperature to the EEC for
internal face of the engine fan case between the 6 o’clock and monitoring and to control TBV operation.
9 o’clock position on the rear composite section.
EEC Controlled TBV Location
 In the oil bypass route between the SACOCs inlet and
The VFGs provide the aircraft with electrical power, the outlet.
SACOCs are used to cool the VFG oil system.
EEC Controlled TBV Purpose
 Allows oil to bypass SACOCs matrix during cold
There are two VFGs on the Trent XWB engine and each has operations to meet minimum oil temperature
a separated oil circuit / cooling arrangement. requirement based on VFG inlet oil temperature.
Each oil circuit consists of the following components: Check Valve
 A VFG oil return line temperature sensor.  Prevents oil draining back from the SACOCs when the
 Heat exchanger matrix (SACOC) engine is static
 A de-congealing valve within the SACOC allows oil to Function
bypass the SACOC matrix in the event of a blockage The SACOCs uses Fan/Bypass air as the cooling medium,
and during cold starting to improve SACOC which follows continuously over its cooling fins while the
de-congealing performance. engine is running, but the cooling oil when cold is bypassed.
 An EEC controlled 2 position Thermal Bypass Valve Increases in VFG oil temperature are sensed by the EEC, and
(TBV). then at a predetermined temperature the EEC signals the TBV
 An anti-drain back check valve at the VFG inlet. to close, ensuring full oil flow through the SACOCs for
maximum oil cooling.
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Variable Frequency Generators If a mechanical defect of a VFG is detected, the ‘amber’

FAULT legend of the DRIVE P/BSW is illuminated. The
cockpit crew must lift the safety guard and push the DRIVE
On the forward and aft face of the external gearbox on the left P/BSW to energize the VFG-disconnect internal solenoid,
hand side. which will illuminate the ‘white’ DISC legend in the DRIVE
Purpose P/BSW.
The defective VFG rotor is then mechanically disconnected
To generate electrical power at a rate of 230 VAC for use on
from the engine accessory gearbox.
the aircraft systems.
If the troubleshooting is satisfactory, the maintenance
Description personnel can re-connect the VFG to the gearbox with the
There are two VFGs fitted to each engine, one on the forward related reset handle.
and one aft face of the external gearbox, they are attached by
quick release ‘V’ band clamps. The VFGs generate 230 VAC Automatic disconnection:-
for the aircraft systems, and are cooled by their own oil The VFG internal disconnection solenoid operates when
system as previously described. overheating occurs.
It is not possible to do a reset after a thermal disconnection: it
Operation is necessary to remove the defective VFG and send it to the
Normal Operation:- applicable workshop.
The GEN P/BSW is normally selected to the ON position; this
allows the generator to come on line during engine start.
Note: Prior to the generators coming on line during engine
starting, ‘amber’ GEN FAULT lights will be illuminated.
Manual disconnection:-
The DRIVE P/BSW controls the mechanical disconnection of
the VFG.

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Maintenance Practices times you can disconnect the drive from the VFG before it has
to be removed for overhaul maintenance.
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD Drive Reset
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. The drive disconnect ring is secured into position with a ‘P’
Variable Frequency Generator System clip, this is so that it cannot be accidently reset but it has to be
a positive action to carry this task out. The reset must only be
CAUTION carried out once the engine is stopped.
During engine ground runs and when instructed to do so by
the AMP the VFG can be disengaged from the gearbox drive
remotely from the flight deck, this is done by a switch
operation on the overhead panel.


The generators can be selected on and off line multiple times

as described in the AMP, but you are limited to the amount of

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Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
VFG Oil servicing
As previously stated both VFGs have their own independent
oil system, periodically these systems will require servicing.
This is achieved by each VFG having an independent
pressure oil fill port and a sight glass. The sight glass
graduations are calibrated in such a way that the relevant
quantity indication is visible if the engine is fitted either to the
right hand or left hand side of the aircraft. The pressure fill
port is a standard attachment that is fitted to all Airbus aircraft.
Each VFG has its own integral oil filter and a drain line; the
drain line is a dry drain therefore if oil is seen coming out of
the drains mast the relevant troubleshooting should be carried

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Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
VFG replacement
Warning: - waste oil is to be disposed of in an approved
manner; harmful effects can be caused to you or the
environment if this is not carried out iaw the relevant
The VFGs are a LRU, therefore a relatively easy and quick
item to replace. This must be done IAW the relevant
maintenance documentation.
Special tooling is required for the removal and refit of the
VFG; this takes the form of a lifting trolley and an adaptor
All the other tooling is standard and should be easily available
to the mechanic.
Prior to removal it will be necessary to drain down the oil from
the VFG; this is accommodated with a sump drain port near
the pressure fill point located on the VFG body.
Once replaced the VFG must be serviced and tested.

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Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
Engine Bleed-Air System (Deactivation)
The Manifold Pressure Valve (MPV) and High Pressure Valve
(HPV) can be deactivated using a manual locking device with
a visual position indicator.
The Fan Air Valve (FAV) can be deactivated using a manual
locking device with a visual position indicator.
The Over Pressure Shut-Off Valve (OPSOV) valve can be
deactivated through a quick access panel using a manual
override and a locking screw.
The locking screw is also used as a visual position indicator.

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Maintenance Practices 2. Pull re-engagement ring

The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer 3. Make sure indicator shows ‘ON’
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD 4. Make sure re-engaged (BITE check)
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
5. Install cover plate
Engine-Driven-Pump (EDP) Disengagement
6. Install and Torque 3 off screws
For deactivation, a de-clutch mechanism is used to disconnect
the EDP from the engine EGB. If you operate the declutch
mechanism, the rotation/torque from the engine cannot be
transmitted to the EDP. Thus, the EDP cannot turn and the
supply of hydraulic power is stopped. This mechanism is a
fully mechanical mechanism, which is manually operated on
the ground.
To engage the EDP, again it is necessary to pull the release
Hydraulic components
To manually disengage the Pump
1. Rotate deactivation feature counter clockwise
2. Make sure indicator shows ‘OFF’
3. Make sure disconnected (BITE test)

To manually engage the Pump

1. Remove screws and cover plate
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Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
Hydraulic Components
Hydraulic Pump Replacement
Warning: - waste oil is to be disposed of in an approved
manner; harmful effects can be caused to you or the
environment if this is not carried out iaw the relevant
The Hydraulic pumps are LRUs, therefore a relatively easy
and quick item to replace. This must be done IAW the
relevant maintenance documentation.
Special tooling is required for the removal and refit of the
Hydraulic pumps; this takes the form of a lifting trolley and
hydraulic pump fixture.
All the other tooling is standard and should be easily available
to the mechanic.
Prior to removal it will be necessary to drain down the oil from
the Hydraulic pumps; this is accommodated with a sump drain
Once replaced the Hydraulic pumps must be tested IAW the
relevant maintenance manual.
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Propulsion System Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Propulsion System

Propulsion System Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Section 3 – Propulsion System

At the end of this section the student will be able to:
• State the purpose of the propulsion system.
• Locate and identify the major assemblies that form the propulsion system.
• Describe the purpose and operation of the major assemblies that form the propulsion system.
• State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the Propulsion system.
• Describe the Engine Bleed Air System (EBAS) components installed on the engine and their main purpose.
• Describe the Engine Drains Mast.
• Describe the Engine Hydraulic components installed on the engine and their main purpose.
• Describe the Engine Electrical Generation System components installed on the engine and their main purpose.
• Describe the Engine Oil Breather.

End of Propulsion System Section

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Section 4 – Mechanical Arrangement
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Section 4 - Mechanical Arrangement

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance documentation level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the bearing arrangement of the Trent XWB engine.
 Recognise the modular breakdown of the Trent XWB engine.
 Identify the location and describe the purpose and operation of the engine modules.
 Identify and locate the Trent XWB engine components installed on the left and right side of the engine.
 Identify the location and describe the purpose of the borescope access positions on the Trent XWB engine.

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Main Rotating Assemblies Burning of the fuel / air mixture in the combustion chamber
produces a gas flow with increased volume and kinetic
energy; this energy is used by the turbine to create a rotation
The engine utilises three main rotating assemblies for efficient force which drives the shaft that connects the turbine to the
thrust production. compressor.
Location Low Pressure System
The three rotating systems form the main assembly of the The Low Pressure (LP) system rotates counter clockwise and
engine and are located throughout the engines internal area. comprises of a single stage LP Compressor (Fan) connected
Purpose by a shaft to a six stage LP Turbine.

The purpose of the rotating assemblies is to compress all the Intermediate System
air entering the engine. The compressed air is used primarily The Intermediate (IP) system rotates counter clockwise and
to produce thrust from the Fan and produce a high energy gas comprises of an eight-stage compressor connected by a shaft
flow when burnt with fuel in the combustion chamber. The to a two stage IP turbine.
High Pressure (HP) rotating system also drives the external
gearbox which in turn drives the mounted accessory High Pressure System
components and so allowing the engine and aircraft systems The High Pressure (HP) system rotates clockwise and
to be operated. comprises of a six-stage compressor connected by a shaft to
a single stage turbine.
Each of the rotating assemblies is supported independently by
The three rotating assemblies are called the:-
a combination of roller (support) bearings and ball (location
 Low Pressure (LP), / thrust) bearings.
 Intermediate Pressure (IP) The External Gearbox (EGB) is driven from the HP system via
the Internal Gearbox (IGB) and the Intermediate Gearbox.
 High Pressure (HP) systems
IGB bevel gears transmit HP shaft rotation force to the
Each system is mechanically independent from the other but
intermediate gearbox bevel gears, and then via the radial
each system can affect the other two.
drive shaft the rotation force is transmitted to drive EGB.
The rotating assemblies operate separately to each other with
the HP system on the outside, the IP system in the middle,
and the LP system in the centre. Each system has a
compressor, a shaft and a turbine.
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Engine Main Bearing Arrangement LP Rotor Assembly

Introduction LP rotor system is supported by two roller bearings and a
single ball (location) bearing. The LP ball bearing in the FBH
Bearings are used within engineering assemblies to allow
positions the LP compressor shaft for location, support and
rotational movement between two parts i.e. a shaft and a
thrust transmission to the rear mount. The central roller
bearing in the internal gearbox supports the rear of the LP
Location compressor shaft and the front of the LP turbine shaft. The
The bearings are located inside the engine in four main areas. final roller bearing in the TBH supports the rear of the LP
These areas are: turbine shaft.
 Front Bearing Housing (FBH) IP Rotor Assembly
 Internal Gearbox (IGB) The IP rotor system is supported by two roller bearings and a
 HP / IP Bearing Chamber single ball bearing. The front roller bearing supports the IP
 Tail Bearing Housing (TBH) compressor and the rear roller bearing supports the IP
turbine. The central ball (location) bearing positions the shaft
and also transmits the thrust developed by the IP system.
Bearings provide a means of accurately supporting and
HP Rotor Assembly
locating the rotors whilst transmitting force and offering
minimal rotational resistance. The HP rotor system is supported in two positions. A roller
bearing supports the HP turbine. The ball (location) bearing
supports the HP compressor, locates the HP system, and also
Two types of bearings are used in the Trent XWB engine, ball transmits the thrust developed by the HP rotor system.
bearings and roller bearings.
Ball (location) bearings are located in the Internal Gearbox
(IGB) of the Compressor Intermediate module and the Front
Bearing Housing (FBH) of the IP Compressor module.
Ball bearings can withstand radial and axial forces and are
therefore suitable for transmitting thrust and locating shafts.
Roller bearings are located in all the main areas mentioned
above and transmit radial loads while allowing axial
movement of the shaft.
The LP and IP rotor assemblies are each supported by three
bearings. The HP rotor is supported by two bearings.
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Reasons for moving the XWB LP Location bearing from Front Bearing Housing
the Internal Gearbox to the Front Bearing Housing Location
 The loads imposed on the Trent XWB turbine are The front bearing housing is located on the forward end of the
greater than that of previous Trent’s. Intermediate compressor module.
 Larger bearings required more room, but not enough Purpose
room in IGB.
The front bearing housing has several purposes:
 FBH large enough to take 52mm ball (Thrust) bearing.  To provide a sealed chamber to house both the LP
 By increasing the size of the LP location bearing the thrust bearing and forward IP roller bearing.
amount of air into the IP Drum can be reduced.  House both the LP and IP Phonic wheels and Speed
 IP Drum traditionally acts as a piston to counter act the  Provide lubrication of the bearings.
effect of the turbine. In these traditional design large  Provide a structure to support and transmit thrust
quantities of IP5 air is directed into the IP Drum to loads.
pressurize the ‘piston’.
 Fan air seal leakage adds to inefficiency.
The inner section of FBH is formed by both LP and IP
 By moving the LP location bearing to the FBH not as systems rotating drive shafts. The outer section is formed by
much IP5 air is required therefore saving fuel. static sections which are bolted to the Fan exit guide vane
inner ring.
The bearings within the housing are lubricated using oil jets
and squeeze film lubrication, this flow of oil pressurises the
housing, which has to be sealed to allow the oil to be recycled
and prevent the oil from escaping into the engine main air
The FBH utilises carbon seals supported by IP stage 5 air to
seal the forward and rear sections of the bearing housing.
Within the housing where the LP and IP shafts interact,
sealing is achieved by using a hydraulic type seal.

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Trent XWB Modular Breakdown The Trent XWB engine seven modules are numbered and
named as follows:
The Trent XWB is designed as a series of modules to ease  Module 31 - LP Compressor Rotor Module.
assembly and overhaul. A module consists of a number of  Module 32 - IP Compressor Module.
parts in a self-contained unit that interface with other modules
and systems.  Module 33 - Compressor Intermediate Module.

Purpose  Module 41 - HP System Module

The purpose of building the Trent XWB Engine in a modular  Module 51 - IP Turbine Module.
format is to ease manufacture, engine assembly, maintenance  Module 52 - LP Turbine Module.
and repair.
 Module 61 - External Gearbox Module.
The modules are connected to their respective partners i.e.
There are seven modules, that when assembled together, are compressor to turbine, by an axial drive shaft and to the
connected to the associated engine systems to form the Trent neighbouring module by bolts on the outer flange. The
XWB engine. Each module is numbered in accordance with external gearbox is mounted to the bottom of the LP
the Air Transport Association (ATA / S1000D) numbering Compressor Case and driven by a radial shaft connected to
convention. This type of construction uses a modular the intermediate gearbox.
approach that offers a number of important benefits such as:
Non-Modular Components
 Decreasing repair turn-round time.
Components that are not part of the module are described as
 Lowering overall maintenance costs. being non-modular such as tubes, harnesses and in the case
 Reducing spare engine holdings. of the Trent XWB the LP Compressor Case and the LP
Compressor Blades. The annulus fillers and spinner
 Maximizing module life. assembly are also classed as non-modular items.
 Easier transportation and storage.
 More economical transportation and storage.

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LP Compressor Module angular position of any fan rotational imbalance.

Location Fan Air Seal
The LP Compressor is located at the front of the engine. Behind the LP compressor disc is a LP Fan Air Seal which is
Purpose bolted to the LP compressor shaft. The air seal contains
The purpose of the LP compressor module is to provide a 5-fin labyrinth seal, the fins are subject to fan air pressure
location and drive to the LP compressor blades. on one side and IP5 pressure on the other. The pressure
Description drop across this seal is used to control bearing loads in the
Front Bearing Housing. The seal also provides an inner
The LP compressor module consists of the fan disc, LP
aerodynamic line between the LP and IP compressors.
compressor shaft and fan air seal. Together they are called
the module 31.
Fan Disc
The fan disc retains the fan blades in position using 22 curved
axial dovetail profile that react to the loads from the blades. A
single radial cut out is machined into each dovetail profile to
locate a shear key at the bottom of the fan blades to secure
the blades axially. The number 1 blade is identified by ←1
engraved on the disc face.
Annulus fillers are installed between the blades to give a
smooth contour to the internal surface and provide the inner
annulus of the LP compressor.
LP Compressor Shaft
The LP compressor shaft is bolted to the fan disc through a
double row curvic coupling. Behind the coupling is the LP
location bearing, which keeps the shaft in the correct radial
position. At the rear it is attached to the LP turbine with a
splined coupling. On the shaft is a phonic wheel that interacts
with static speed sensors to relay LP rotational shaft speed
(N1). LP system trim balancing is obtained by using a single
shorter (by 0.63 mm) tooth, which has a machined flattened
surface on the phonic wheel, to provide feedback of the
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Spinner Assembly maintenance crews.

Location A rubber tip at the end of the spinner vibrates during engine
running to act as an anti-icing feature and break up any ice
The spinner is located at the front of the engine and is
that may form on the spinner. The outer surface extends
attached to a support ring on the front of the LP compressor
rearwards to touch the annulus fillers and provide an
aerodynamic cover for the support ring.
The spinner is attached to the nose cone support ring with 22
The purpose of the spinner is to aerodynamically guide the air MORTORQ screws.
entering the engine into the LP compressor. It also allows
any debris to be deflected to the outer section of the fan Spinner Support Ring
blades and down the bypass duct to protect the engine core. The spinner support ring is attached to the front of the LP
compressor disc with 20 bolts. The support ring provides
attachment provisions for dynamic balance weights.
The spinner assembly consists of the spinner and spinner
Offset alignment pins fitted to the rear face of the support ring
support ring.
ensure the ring is only installed onto the disc in one position.
Spinner Extraction inserts provide assistance in removal of the spinner
The spinner is a one piece, filament wound composite support ring during maintenance.
component that is conical in shape, painted black and coated
with polyurethane to prevent erosion and minimise ice
formation. A white line painted on the spinner from the tip
rearwards provides an indication of engine rotation in low
lighting conditions whilst the engine is running.
The tell tale rotation line starts at the tip just below the rubber
anti-icing feature and corresponds with the # 1 fan blade
position, it then spirals down the cone in an counter-clockwise
direction twice and also ends at the # 1 fan blade position.
At the # 1 fan blade position on the base of the spinner the
sequence of numbers 1, 2, & 3 are painted next to the
corresponding fan blades and in addition an arrow points to
the # 1 fan blade position, for ease of identification for the
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LP Compressor Blade and Annulus Filler Assemblies Etched on the bottom of each blade is the blades own specific
information that includes:
The Trent XWB has 22 hollow wide chord, titanium, swept LP  The Assembly Part Number.
Compressor Blades designed to maximize efficiency and  The Serial No.
minimise noise.
 The Tangential, Axial and Radial Moment Weights of the
Location blade.
The LP Compressor Blades are located at the front of the Annulus Fillers
engine attached to the LP Compressor Disc.
22 aluminium annulus fillers provide a smooth aerodynamic
Purpose profile between each fan blade into the compressors.
The purpose of the LP Compressor Blades is to produce the Each annulus filler has two hooks profiled in the casting these
majority of the thrust and to deliver air in a smooth flow for axially locate into position on the LPC disc, also a rear profile
delivery into the IP compressor section. on the filler locates under the forward edge of the fan seal. To
Description secure the forward edge of the filler, a single dowel pin
provides location to the spinner support ring.
Each LP Compressor blade is manufactured by diffusion
bonding two titanium plates to a central titanium membrane, Rubber flap type seals on each side of the annulus filler
which is then super-plastically formed to give the correct minimises leakage of air from between the fan blade and
aerofoil shape. The leading edge of the blade is of elliptical annulus fillers.
shape to increase the efficiency of the blade.
Each blade locates into the LP Compressor disc by a curved
dovetail root and retained axially by a shear key installed to
the base of the blade. The shear key is retained to the fan
blade by a flexible strap.
The blade root is laser peened and lubricated with a dry film
lubricant to reduce surface stress between the blade roots
and disc dovetail during operation. A slider assembly inserted
between the dovetail slot of the disc and the base of the
blades locates the blades radially and ensures the shear key
is secured in position into the disc slot.
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IP Compressor Module is a single stage of Variable Inlet Guide Vanes (VIGVs).

Location IP Compressor Stage One to Four Case
The IP compressor is located between the LP Compressor The stage one to four case is split into two semi-circular half
and the Intermediate Case. cases to aid production and repair. Two stages of Variable
Purpose Stator Vanes (VSVs) are installed in the half casings that are
The purpose of the IP Compressor is to compress the air from connected to the VSV / VIGV mechanism. The two half
the inner annulus of the LP Compressor, increase its pressure casings are lined with abradable linings between the variable
and deliver it at the correct conditions to the HP Compressor stators.
and to the EBAS.
IP Compressor Stage Five to Eight Case
Description The IP Compressor Stage five to eight case is split into two
The IP compressor module is an eight-stage axial compressor semi-circular half cases, the forward flanged is bolted to the
assembly consisting of four main sections: stage one to three case. The stage five to eight vanes are
 Front Bearing Housing (FBH) located in T slots, the stage eight vanes are known as the IP
 The IP Compressor Stage 1-3 case. compressor outlet guide vane (OGVs). The two half cases
are lined with abradable lining between the stator vanes.
 The IP Compressor Stage 4-8 case.
IP Compressor Rotor
 The IP Compressor rotor.
Eight discs are welded together to form a drum with the
Front Bearing Housing (FBH) blades being mounted to the disc by axial and circumferential
The FBH contains the LP location, IP compressor roller dovetail slots. All the blades run against abradable linings to
bearing the LP and IP systems speed probes. Around the help maintain tip clearances.
outer annulus is hollow Engine Section Stators (ESS), which A stubshaft mounted to the front of the stage one rotor has a
during certain conditions, are heated with hot air from the phonic wheel, with teeth machined into it, for measurement of
eighth stage of the IP compressor. the IP rotor speed (N2) and an inner race for the IPC front
The ESS are welded together and fixed to the fan outlet guide roller bearing.
vanes (OGV) to form the FBH / OGV joint. To enable the IP Compressor to be rotated a drive arm at the
rear of the stage six disc, is attached by a curvic coupling to
The FBH / OGV joint hold the LP compressor case to the core
the IP stub shaft within the compressor intermediate case
engine. Electrical cables, from the shaft speed probes; pass
module. Helical Spines within the IP stub shaft connects the
internally through the ESS vanes. Other vanes contain tubes
IP Compressor to the IP Turbine driveshaft.
to supply oil to and from the bearings. Behind the ESS vanes

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Compressor Intermediate Case Module to the integral lugs of the intermediate case.
Location The rear flange of the triangular box features a V-groove that
The compressor intermediate case is located between the IP locates the thrust reverser inner surface in position when the
compressor case and the HP system. thrust reverser assembly is closed around the engine.
Purpose Four LP compressor case supports (‘A’ frames), are attached
The purpose of the compressor intermediate case is to to the intermediate case by four lugs to provide torsional
provide: stability between the intermediate case and the LP
 Support for the IP and HP compressor cases. Compressor case.
 A structure through which the thrust of the engine is The inner structure of the intermediate case incorporates the
transmitted to the aircraft. internal gearbox housing, which is supported by eight hollow
aerofoil shaped struts. Some of the struts provide locations
 Location of the Internal and Intermediate Gearbox. for tubes that take oil to and from the internal gearbox
 ‘A’ frame location points. housing. Others supply air to the internal areas for cooling
 Locations of the IP handing bleed valve ports. and sealing. There is also instrumentation within two other
Description struts.
The compressor intermediate case is a fabricated major Internal Gearbox
structural part of the engine that forms the aerodynamic duct The internal gearbox housing contains the LP roller bearing
between IP & HP compressors. The module also provides, and IP and HP location bearings for the three rotating
housing for the internal gearbox and a mounting position for assemblies.
the intermediate gearbox. There are also gears from the HP rotating systems that drive
Intermediate Case the Intermediate Gearbox. This allows the HP rotating system
The front part of the intermediate case is installed over the to drive the external gearbox and to be turned for
rear part of the IP compressor and is bolted to a flange maintenance.
mid-way along the IP compressor case. Intermediate Gearbox
The rear part of the intermediate case is installed around the Provision is made at the 6 o’clock position for the location of
front part of HP compressor case and is bolted to a flange on the intermediate gearbox. The intermediate gearbox transfers
the combustor outer case. drive from the HP system to the external gearbox through a
The outer casing incorporates a triangular box that features radial driveshaft in the 6 o’clock strut in the compressor
integral lugs. Thrust is transmitted from the engine to the rear intermediate case.
mount and then to the aircraft via thrust links that are attached
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High Pressure (HP) System Module disk and blades manufactured from a single piece of material.
Location Combustion Section
The HP system module is located between the Intermediate The combustion chamber is an annular design with tiled inner
Case and the Intermediate Pressure (IP) Turbine. and outer walls. The tiles are coated with a Thermal Barrier
Purpose Coating (TBC) to protect the base metal from heat in the
The primary purpose of the HP system is to efficiently deliver combustor and cooled by HPC stage 6 air.
compressed air at the required conditions for combustion. It At the rear of the combustor are High Pressure Nozzle Guide
also converts the combustion gases into a rotating force using Vanes (HPNGV) assemblies. Each vane is coated with TBC
a single stage HP turbine. The HP system secondary and cooled by HPC stage 6 air. The HPNGVs allow the gas
purposes are to drive the external gearbox and deliver flow from the combustor to enter the HP turbine at the correct
compressed air to the EBAS. velocity, angle of attack and direction.
Description Located on the single skin combustion outer case, are the 20
The HP system comprises three sub-assemblies: Fuel Spray Nozzles (FSN) and the HPC handling bleed valve
 HP compressor.
HP Turbine
 Combustor section.
The HP turbine blades are installed into the HP Turbine disc
 HP turbine. by fir-tree type root fixtures. The blades are internally cooled
HP Compressor by HPC stage 6 air and have TBC applied to the blade
The HP compressor rotor comprises of three sub-assemblies: surfaces. The disc is bolted at the front to a mini disc and at
 Stage 1-3 drum. the rear to a stubshaft that extends rearwards supported by
 Stage 4 disc. the HP roller bearing.
 Stage 5, 6 drum and cone assembly. The HP turbine case is bolted to the outer combustion case
and IP turbine case. A cooling manifold allows fan air to cool
Stages 1-3 are of blisk construction, and welded together to
the outer casing and reduce clearance between the HPT
form a drum assembly.
blade tip and the seal segments located in the HPT case.
Stage 4 is a conventional bladed disc to which the stage
At the rear of the HP Turbine is the HP / IP bearing structure,
1-3 drum and stage 5, 6 drum and cone assembly are bolted.
this also contains the IP stage 1 NGVs which are cooled by
Stages 5 and 6 are conventionally bladed discs that are HP3 air. Two thermocouples (TCAF 1 & 2) are located in two
welded together into a drum and cone assembly. The cone of the IPT stage 1 NGVs, monitoring the air temperature in the
incorporates a mini disc to which the HPT drive shaft cavity between the HPT and IPT stage 1 disc.
This module also incorporates the IPT stage 1 NGVs.
Definition: A blisk is a single component consisting of a rotor
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IP Turbine (IPT) Module IP Turbine Discs - There are three discs within the IPT
The IPT module is located between the HP system and LP  IPT Stage 1 Disc – The IPT stage 1 disc has two rearward
turbine. facing arms. The outer arm bolts to a mini disc and the
inner arm locates to the IPT stage 2 disc.
 IPT Stage 2 Disc – The IPT stage 2 disc has two forward
The purpose of the IPT is to extract energy from the gas flow facing arms and a rear drive arm. The front outer arm
exiting the HPT, to drive the IP compressor. bolts to the mini disc and the front inner arm locates to the
Description IPT stage 1 disc. The rearwards facing arm is bolted to
the IPT stubshaft transferring energy from the turbine
The IP turbine module is a two stage rotating assembly blades to drive the IP Compressor.
consisting of the following sub-assemblies:
 IPT Mini-Disc – The primary purpose of the IPT mini-disc
IP Turbine Case - The single piece IP turbine case provides
is to provide a fin seal at the base of the IPT stage 2 NGVs
location for:
to prevent gas leakage. The secondary purpose is to
 IPT stage 2 NGVs. provide strength to the IPT 1 and 2 interface.
 LPT stage 1 NGVs. LP Turbine Stage 1 NGVs - Located at the rear of the IPT
module are the LP1 NGVs. They are cooled internally by IPC
 IPT stage 1 and 2 seal segments. stage 8 air. Located in 12 of the NGVs, are thermocouples
 IP Turbine Case-Cooling manifold and modulating air that measure the temperature of the gas flowing through the
valve. turbine section. This temperature is indicated on the flight
deck as Engine Gas Temperature (EGT). Near to top dead
IP Turbine Stage 2 NGVs - The IPT stage 2 NGVs are
centre, a separate thermocouple (TCAR) passes through one
manufactured in pairs and are located between the stage 1
NGV to monitor the air temperature at the rear of the IPT 2
and 2 IPT blades. HPC stage three air is used to internally
cool the first stage NVGs and only the inner platform of the
second stage NVGs IP Turbine Stubshaft - The IP turbine stubshaft provides the
inner race of the IP rear roller bearing to provide radial
IP Turbine Blades - There are two stages of IPT blades,
support for the IP System.
which are secured to the discs by fir-tree roots. The blades
have shrouded tips with fin seals that run in seal segments.
HPC stage three air is used to internally cool the first stage
blades and only the fir tree roots of the second stage blades.
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LP Turbine (LPT) Module

Location LP Turbine Shaft
The LPT module is located at the rear of the engine after the The LPT shaft is connected to the front of the LPT stage five
IPT module. disc by a bolted curvic coupling. The shaft goes through the
Purpose centre of the IP shaft to connect with the LPC shaft by helical
The purpose of the LPT is to extract energy from the gas flow splines and a threaded nut.
exiting the IPT to drive the LP compressor (Fan). LP Turbine Stubshaft
Description The LP turbine stubshaft is bolted to the rear of stage 5 disc
The LP turbine module is a six stage rotating assembly and provides radial support for the LPT roller bearing in the
consisting of the following sub-assemblies: TBH. A phonic wheel at the rear of the stubshaft provides
indication of LPT speed to the Engine Electronic Controller
LP Turbine Case and Stage 2 to 6 NGVs
The LPT case provides location for the LPT Stage 2 to 6
NGVs and seal segments. Tail Bearing Housing (TBH)
The outer casing is cooled with fan air which is supplied to The TBH is bolted to the rear of the LPT case and provides a
LPTCC manifold via a two position solenoid controlled air location feature for the hot gas exhaust system. The outer
valve. case has integral lugs for the attachment of the rear engine
LP Turbine Blades
Located in the centre of the TBH is the LPT rear roller bearing
The LPT blades are attached to the discs by fir-tree roots and
to provide radial support for the LP System. Four speed
have circumferential seal-fins attached to the outer tip
probes interact with the LPT stubshaft phonic wheel to
shrouds. The seal fins run in seal segments to control gas
provide an LPT speed signal to the EEC. The bearing
leakage. Stages one and two are solid in construction and
housing is held concentrically to the outer case by twelve
stages 3 to 6 are partially hollow for weight reduction.
radial hollow struts that straighten the gas flow and contain
LP Turbine Discs IP8 air and oil servicing tubes to the bearings.
Six individual LPT discs are bolted together and feature A conical air seal maintains the IP8 air pressure around the
circumferential seal fins to control the cooling air and hot gas bearing housing and a heat shield inside the air seal protects
leakage in the LPT. Fir-tree roots allow the turbine blades to the bearing housing from excessive temperatures.
be located to the discs. The stage 5 disc incorporates a drive
arm that attaches to the LPT shaft via a bolted curvic
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Engine Transmission System The Radial drive shaft is located in the lower interservices
Introduction (Splitter) fairing between the intermediate gearbox and the
external gearbox.
The HP system is used to provide a mechanical drive for
external accessories; it also provides a means to rotate the Purpose
engine HP system during the start cycle and for maintenance To provide a mechanical drive between the gearboxes
procedures. The following components make up the engine External Gearbox
transmission system:
 Internal gearbox The external gearbox is located and mounted to the bottom of
 Intermediate gearbox the LP compressor case.
 Radial drive shaft
 External gearbox (EGB)
To provide a mounting point and mechanical power for the
Internal gearbox engine driven accessories and aircraft systems.
Location Description
The internal gearbox is part of the intermediate module. Power from the HP system is transmitted via the intermediate
Purpose gearbox and an Radial drive shaft to the external gearbox.
To provide a rotating drive from the HPC shaft to the The power is used by the accessory gear train inside the
intermediate gearbox. gearbox to drive a total of eight accessory units plus the
Intermediate Gearbox centrifugal breather. The eight components are described
later in this section.
During a ground engine start, power is transmitted to the HP
The Intermediate Gearbox is attached to the intermediate
system from the air turbine starter motor, through the EGB
case module at the 6 o’clock position.
and to the Intermediate Gearbox via a drive shaft.
The centrifugal breather housing provides a means of hand
The purpose of the intermediate gearbox is to transfer the turning the HP rotor system for maintenance procedures.
drive from the HP system to the external gearbox. This is
All the accessory interfaces are protected by a drains system
achieved by taking a drive from the HP system through two
that removes any leaking fluids from the gearbox area to
matched helical gears (Internal Gearbox), which then provides
prevent build-up of any hazardous fluid and the risk of fire.
drive to the external gearbox by the Radial driveshaft.
The Hydro-Mechanical Unit (HMU) is mounted to an adaptor
Radial drive shaft
block on the right side of the external gearbox and is
Location connected to the LP/HP fuel pump assembly.
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Components Mounted on the Front Face

 Permanent Magnet Alternator (PMA).

 Variable Frequency Generator (VFG-Front).

 Air Turbine Starter Motor.

 One yellow system hydraulic pump.

 One green system hydraulic pump.

 Centrifugal Breather.

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Components Mounted on the Rear Face

 Variable Frequency Generator (VFG-Rear).

 Oil Pump Assembly.

 Main Engine Fuel Pump Assembly (MEFP).

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LP Compressor Case (Non modular) The LPC FC is bolted to the LP compressor mounting ring.
Location LP Compressor Rear Case (LPC RC) and the LPC Case
The LP compressor case is at the front of the engine and Supports
covers the LP compressor. The composite LPC RC is bolted to the rear of the outer
Purpose mount ring. A titanium V-groove ring is bolted to the rear of
the LPC Rear Case to provide a structural reaction fixture for
The purpose of the LP compressor case is to the thrust reverser assembly.
 To optimize the pressure and velocity of the fan airflow. The inner surface of the rear fancase has apertures for
 Withstand the extreme force of a fan blade release. Surface Air Oil Heat Exchangers (SAOHE) for the engine and
 Reduce noise from the fan when the engine is running. Surface Air Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOC) for the VFG oil
 Provide a mounting position for engine components. systems.
Description Acoustic panels are also secured to the inside surface of rear
fan case to absorb noise from the LP compressor.
The LP compressor casing assembly consists of four main
LPC case supports (A frames) provide torsional stiffness
sub-assemblies and is a non-modular assembly:
between the LP compressor rear case and the engine core.
 The LP compressor front case (LPC FC). They have an aerodynamic fairing over them and provide a
 The LP compressor rear case (LPC RC). route for electrical harnesses and other services between the
 The LP compressor mounting ring and outlet guide vane LP compressor case and the core.
(LPC OGV) assembly. LPC Mounting Ring and Outlet Guide Vane (LPC OGV)
 LP compressor supports. Assembly
LP Compressor Front Case (LPC FC) 48 titanium Outlet Guide Vanes are welded to an inner mount
ring that forms the core to fancase interface. The assembly
The LPC FC is at the front of the LP compressor case and is a bolts to the outer mount ring to provide the radial support for
titanium-designed ring with circumferential stiffening ribs that the LP compressor case and aerodynamic control to the
provide reinforcement to the fan track area in the unlikely airflow entering the bypass duct.
event of an LP compressor blade release. The outer surface of the outer mount ring also provides
The inner surface of the containment case features on-wing mounting points for the external gearbox and the forward
replaceable front and rear acoustic panels to absorb noise engine mount that is located at the top of the outer mount
generated by the fan and a fan track / ice impact panel for ring.
which the fan is able to cut its own seal to prevent fan tip air
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Engine Components – Looking Left Side

The following components are located on or are visible on Zone 3 (The Core)
the left side of the engine:
 One HP3 Engine Handling Bleed Valve.
Fire Zone 1 (Fan Case)
 Left Igniter Plug.
 Engine Electronic Controller (EEC).
 Ten Fuel Spray Nozzles & Fuel Manifold.
 Data Entry Plug (DEP).
 IP Turbine Case Cooling Valve (IP TCCV).
 Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU).
 LP Turbine Case Cooling Valve (LP TCCV).
 Two Igniter Boxes.
 Six Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT) Thermocouples.
 Rear VFG.
 Rear Engine Mount and Thrust Links.
 Forward VFG.
 Forward Engine Mount.
 External Gearbox.
 Inlet Cowl Anti-Ice Valve.
 Drains Mast.
 Start Air Valve.
 Two Engine Surface Air Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOC)
for VFG Oil.
 Two Oil Thermal Bypass Valves.
Zone 2 (Under the Gas Generator Fairings)
 Two IP8 Engine Handling Bleed Valves.
 Left Solenoid Bank.
 Left VIGV/VSV Actuator.
 Zone two Fire and Overheat Detectors.

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Engine Components – Looking Right Side Zone 3 (The Core)

The following components are located or are visible on the  Two HP3 Engine Handling Bleed Valves.
right side of the engine:
 Right Igniter Plug.
Fire Zone 1 (The Fan Case)
 Ten Fuel Spray Nozzles & Fuel Manifold.
 Oil tank, including the Oil Quantity Transmitter.
 Six Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT) Thermocouples.
 Oil Debris Monitoring System (ODMS) - Includes the
Scavenge Filter Housing incorporating the Oil Debris  Rear Engine Mount and Thrust Links.
Sensor and the Scavenge Filter P Transducer.  HP Turbine Case Cooling Valve (HP TCCV).
 Engine Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE) - includes the  Vibration Transducer.
LP Fuel Filter, the LP Fuel Filter p Transducer, Low Underside
Oil Pressure Switch and Oil Differential Pressure
Transducer.  External Gearbox.
 Engine Oil Bypass Valves (OBV).  Drains Mast.
 Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor.
 Engine Oil Temperature Sensors.
 Forward Engine Mount.
 Fuel Flow Transmitter.
Zone 2 (Under the Gas Generator Fairings)
 One IP8 Engine Handling Bleed Valve.
 Right Solenoid Bank.
 Right VIGV/VSV actuator.
 Zone two Fire and Overheat Detectors.
 Engine Section Stators (ESS) Anti-Ice Valve and

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Borescope Access HPC3/4 – Trailing edge stage 3 / leading edge stage 4.

Location HPC4/5 – Trailing edge stage 4 / leading edge stage 5.
The Trent XWB engine has a total of 28 borescope access Combustion Chamber / HP Nozzle Guide Vanes (HP NGV)
ports along the length of the right side of the engine mainly There are 6 borescope access ports positioned around the
between the 3 and 6 o’clock positions. circumference of the combustion outer case to allow
Purpose inspection of the combustion chamber and the HP NGVs.
The purpose of the borescope ports is to allow internal HP Turbine.
inspection of the internal components of the gas path for A single borescope port (HPT) accesses the space between a
inspection using borescope equipment. pair of HP NGVs to allow the HP turbine blade leading edge
LP Compressor to be inspected.
There are no borescope access ports on the LP Compressor IP Turbine
as it can be visually inspected from the front of the engine. There are two IP turbine access ports:
IP Compressor HPT/IPT1 – Trailing edge HPT / leading edge IPT 1.
There are 8 borescope access ports for the IP Compressor: IPT1/2 – Trailing edge IPT 1 / leading edge IPT 2.
Stage 1 leading edge – Through the front of the IP
LP Turbine
There are 6 borescope access ports for the LP Turbine:
IPC1/2 – Trailing edge stage 1 / leading edge stage 2.
IPT2/LPT1 – Trailing edge IPT2 / leading edge LPT1.
IPC2/3 – Trailing edge stage 2 / leading edge stage 3.
LPT1/2 – Trailing edge LPT1 / leading edge LPT2.
IPC3/4 – Trailing edge stage 3 / leading edge stage 4.
LPT2/3 – Trailing edge LPT2 / leading edge LPT3.
IPC4/5 – Trailing edge stage 4 / leading edge stage 5.
LPT3/4 – Trailing edge LPT3 / leading edge LPT4.
IPC5/6 – Trailing edge stage 5 / leading edge stage 6.
LPT4/5 – Trailing edge LPT4 / leading edge LPT5.
IPC6/7 – Trailing edge stage 6 / leading edge stage 7.
LPT5/6 – Trailing edge LPT5 / leading edge LPT6.
IPC7/8 – Trailing edge stage 7 / leading edge stage 8.
The trailing edge of LPT stage 6 is accessed through the
IPC 8 – Trailing edge stage 8. exhaust.
HP Compressor
There are 5 borescope access ports for the HP Compressor:
HPC1 – Leading edge stage 1 only.
HPC1/2 - Trailing edge stage 1 / leading edge of stage 2.
HPC2/3 – Trailing edge stage 2 / leading edge stage 3.
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Boroscope Port Plugs Blanking Plugs

There are several different types of Boroscope plugs on the Where appropriate, the impact extractor & adaptor may be
Trent XWB engine depending on their location. used to assist with removal of the plugs.
There are shorter double sealing plugs on the IPC area these Although incorrect fitting of plugs is designed to be
are made up of an inner and an outer seal to ensure no gas impossible, it is an advantage to identify them to their
escapes from the inner or outer engine sections. respective ports.
On the HPC the plugs are also of a double plug type but due Note
to depth of the core engine the plug is longer than those on
On completion of the inspection, the plugs should be
the IPC.
refitted in accordance with AMP instructions, paying
Due to the length of the HPC plugs there are several designs particular attention to torque loading of securing bolts,
to take in account the thermal expansion and stress loads that and the application of the correct anti-seize compound
the long plug stems are subjected to. applied to the surfaced as instructed by the relevant AMP.
The first of these design features is an articulated stem arm
that is free to float in the external plug head and is allowed to CAUTION
float around on the internal plug area.
Another design is a sealed piston that is half way down the PLUGS INTO POSITION. THIS MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE
plug shaft, when the plug is inserted into the correct location TO THE ENGINE OR THE PLUG.
the piston fits into a mid-span sleeve to form a seal to secure
the plug in position, this allows for thermal axial movement.
For the combustion area there are several access points
these are made up of two ignitor ports and x 6 ¼ inch square
drive plugs.
The plugs are identified by being yellow in colour and the
ports have their name etched on the engine external case
adjacent to the plug port.

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Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialized tooling.

LP Compressor Blades Visual Examinations Job Set-Up

Aircraft maintenance configuration –


Safety precautions –

Make sure that the engine 1, (2) shutdown occurred not less
than 5 minutes before you do this procedure.

Open the applicable circuit breaker(s) –


1. Put the Mat (RRT054314) in the inlet cowl.
2. Install the Immobilizer (RRT061241),
Refer to TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-722C-D

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(AMP 72-00-00) You must go into the air intake cowl to turn the L.P.
WARNING system which can be turned by hand.
 Position a suitable access platform in a safe position
and install the Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser
WARNING  Position a suitable access platform in a safe position
at the Engine Air Intake Cowl. And install the inlet
YOU MUST NOT TOUCH HOT PARTS WITHOUT protective rug into position in the air intake cowl.
APPLICABLE GLOVES. HOT PARTS CAN CAUSE Make sure red warning flag of the mat can be seen
INJURY. IF YOU GET AN INJURY PUT IT INTO COLD externally of the intake cowl.
 Enter the intake cowl. And turn the L.P. compressor
WARNING with your hand.

MAKE SURE THE APPLICABLE COVERS ARE When task is complete ensure all equipment tools and


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Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
Fan Set Immobilization Job Set-Up

Aircraft maintenance configuration –


Safety precautions –

Make sure that the engine 1; (2) shutdown occurred not less
than 5 minutes before you do this procedure.

Open the applicable circuit breaker(s) –


Get access
Put the applicable access platform into a safe position at the
left side of the engine.
Put the applicable access platform into a safe position at the
right side of the engine.

Install the Immobilizer RRT061241;
Refer to TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-722C-D.

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Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.

LPC Fan Blade Inspections

Examine each of the 22 LP Compressor blades as follows.

 Examine the aerofoil surfaces for cracks.
 Examine the aerofoil surfaces for rippling.
 Examine the tip and the aerofoil surfaces for heat
discoloration (blueing).
 Examine the aerofoil surface for arc-burns.
 Examine the aerofoil surfaces for scratches.
 Examine the leading edge for nicks.
 Examine the trailing edge for nicks.
 Examine the leading edge and the trailing edge for
– The bend does not extend into the panel area.
If the bend has a circumferential dimension ‘A’ that is more
than 0.197 in. (5.00 mm) but not more than 0.346 in.
(8.80 mm), do the steps that follow.
If the dimension of the bend is in the limits that follow, replace
the LP Compressor blade.

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Maintenance Practices Remove the Immobilizer RRT061241,

Refer to TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-522C-D.
LPC Fan Blade Inspections
Remove the Mat RRT054314 from the inlet cowl.
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD Close-Up
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. Make sure that the work area is clean and clear of tools and
If there are more than three bent LP Compressor reject the other items.
entire bent LP Compressor blade. Close the applicable circuit breaker(s) –
If there is more than one bend in one LP Compressor blade
reject the LP Compressor blade.

If the bend is not smooth or has kinks, tears, cracks or nicks,

reject the LP Compressor blade.

If there is untwist, reject the LP Compressor blade.

Replace the LP Compressor blade before not more than 125

flight hours or 25 flight cycles.
Use the first of the flight hours or flight cycle limits to occur:

– The axial dimension B is more than eight times the length of

circumferential dimension A.
– The radial dimension C is more than 15 times the length of
the circumferential dimension A.
– The bend does not extend into the panel area.
If the dimension of the bend is not in the limits, reject the
LP Compressor blade.

If the bend has a circumferential dimension A that is more

than 0.346 in. (8.80 mm), reject the LP Compressor blade.

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Maintenance Practices If necessary, turn the LP compressor blades to get access to

the IP compressor stage 1 rotor blade,
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD Refer to TRENTXWB-A-72-00-00-00A01-950C-A.
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. 6. Use the Turning tool (HU43985-2) to turn the IP
Turning of IPC Job Set-Up compressor rotor stage 1 blades as necessary.
Aircraft maintenance configuration – This will turn the IP system.
TRENTXWB-A-72-00-00-00A01-950C-A 1. Remove the Turning tool (HU43985-2) carefully from
the LP compressor blades, the engine section stator
Safety precautions –
and the VIGVs.
Make sure that the engine 1; (2) shutdown occurred not less
than 5 minutes before you do this procedure.
Open the applicable circuit breaker(s) –
Get access.
1. Put the applicable access platform into a safe position
at the left side of the engine.
2. Put the applicable access platform into a safe position
at the right side of the engine.
1. Install the Immobiliser RRT061241;
2. Refer to TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-722C-D.
3. Turn the IP system.
4. Install the Turning tool (HU43985-2).
5. Put the Turning tool (HU43985-2) through the LP
compressor blades, the engine section stator and the

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Maintenance Practices 5. Remove the cover from the External gearbox remove
and discard the sealing ring.
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
6. Install the Turning tool (RRT050571) to the breather.
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
7. Ensure the drive shaft has engaged with the breather.
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
8. Install the four screws to attach the Turning tool
HPC Turing, Job Set-Up (RRT050571) to the External gearbox.
Aircraft maintenance configuration – 9. Use an applicable wrench to turn the Turning tool
(RRT050571). This will turn the HP system.
Safety precautions –
If the tool clutch disengages, remove the tool; find the
TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-722C-D cause before you continue.
Make sure that the engine 1, (2) shutdown occurred not less 1. Remove the Turning tool (RRT050571).
than 5 minutes before you do this procedure. 2. Remove the four screws that attach the Turning tool
Open the applicable circuit breaker(s): RRT050571 to the External gearbox
3. Remove the turning tool from the breather.
TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-722C-D 4. Install a new sealing ring to the breather;
Getting access. 5. Refer to ROLLSROYCE-STDP-70-02-01-00A01-950A-A.
6. Lubricate the four bolts;
Open the fan cowls.
7. Refer to ROLLSROYCESTDP-70-70-03-00A01-950A-A.
Put the applicable access platform into a safe position at the 8. Put the cover in its position on the External gearbox and
left side of the engine. install the four bolts and the four washers.
Put the applicable access platform into a safe position at the 9. Use the Torque wrench No specific to torque the four
right side of the engine. bolts to the AMP torque figure
10. Refer to ROLLSROYCE-STDP-70-70-03-00A01-950A-A.
Procedure 11. Remove the Immobiliser RRT061241;
1. Install the Immobiliser (RRT061241); 12. Refer to TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-522C-D.
2. Refer to TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-722C-D.
3. Install the Turning tool (RRT050571).
4. Hold the cover and remove the four bolts and the four

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Maintenance Practices Annulus Filler Removal Procedure

Spinner Removal Procedure The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. AMP Task TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-520A-A
AMP task TRENTXWB-A-72-21-11-00A01-520A-A. 1. NOTE
The spinner position is identified for the number one position Using a temporary marker identify the location of each
by an asterisk (*), this will ensure correct alignment on annulus filler with reference to the number one blade,
which is identified by ←1 engraved on the disc face.
Remove the MORTORQ countersunk screws securing the This is to ensure they are re-installed in the same
spinner to the support ring. position.
Remove the nose cone spinner from the support ring. 2. To remove the annulus filler, pull the annulus fillers
NOTE forward to disengage the hooks from the LP compressor
The nose cone spinner weighs 35 lbs. (16kg). disc, and then turn the annulus filler in the direction of its
Remove the 22 bolts from the spinner support ring. curve to clear the fan blade.
Using extractor tool (RRT065392) pull support ring
3. Remove all annulus fillers and store in a safe clean
clear of the LP compressor disc. Store the support
ring a safe clean location.
Remove the 20 securing support ring bolts.
The information on the annulus filler including serial,
Fit jacking bolts into the spinner support ring.
part number and weight is found on the underside at
Use the jacking bolts to release the spinner support ring and the rear of the filler.

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Maintenance Practices 1. Use an approved temporary marker to identify all 22

Fan Blade Removal blade positions in an anti-clockwise direction with
reference to the number 1 blade, which is identified by
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
←1 engraved on the disc face.
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. 2. Turn the LP rotor so that the No1 blade is at the bottom
dead centre (BDC) and install immobilizer
AMP Task TRENTXWB-A-72-31-13-00A01-520A-A
(RRT061241) to prevent movement of the fan
WARNING assembly.
YOU MUST USE THE APPLICABLE GLOVES WHEN YOU 3. Using extractor (HU29255) & adapter (HU44819)
HOLD THE FAN BLADES. THE SHARP LEADING EDGE OF remove the slider assembly from the dovetail slot.
THE BLADES CAN CAUSE CUTS TO HANDS. Identify the slider with a temporary marker Lift the
blade to disengage the shear key then carefully pull the
blade forward to remove it.
4. Record the part number (P/N), serial number (S/N) of
the blade in an appropriate document to assist the
installation procedure.
EQUIPMENT. 5. Remove the immobilizer (RRT061241) and carefully
turn the LP rotor until number 12 blade is at the BDC
position. Remove the number 12 blade.
CAUTION 6. Repeat the procedure for the remaining blades in this
YOU MUST MAKE SURE THE BLADES DO NOT TOUCH sequence No13, No2, No3, No14, No15 and No4 etc.
ADJACENT BLADES WHEN YOU REMOVE IT. IF YOU LET until all 22 blades are removed.

The LP compressor blades weigh approximately 40
lbs. (18.2 kg).
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Maintenance Practices Influence Coefficients are used to convert the engine

response levels at the Aircraft Vibration Monitoring (AVM)
Fan Trim Balance
position into levels of imbalance on the LP Rotor. They are
The Trent XWB engine has 22 fan blades and a dedicated calculated for each LP Speed, typically from 50%NL to
flange of 22 holes in the LP support ring, this allows fitment of 100%NL and are calculated from engine runs with known
the Fan Trim Balance weights as follows; different levels of LP imbalance. Influence Coefficients that
 No weight are calculated by an Engine Monitoring unit (EMU) for a
specific engine are referred to as Specific Influence
 Small trim balance weighted bolt (BLT5682) Coefficients (SIC); Influence Coefficients that are effectively
 Medium trim balance weighted bolt (BLT5679) an average of several sets of SIC are referred to as Generic
Influence Coefficients (GIC).
 Large trim balance weighted bolt (FW24476)
For service operation it is intended that GIC will be already
The spinner support ring also houses two further flanges a loaded within the EMU in order that a one-shot LP trim
mid-ring flange consisting of 20 holes, and an inner ring balance can be performed at any time, but if for a particular
flange of 80 holes. engine the GIC do not allow a suitable Trim Balance solution
In certain circumstances if directed to by the AMP the 20 bolt to be calculated, then additional runs with known additional
flange can be used for LP balancing. imbalances applied will need to be run in order that the SIC
can be calculated.
Under no circumstances is the 80 bolt flange to be used for
LP balancing, this is only used for module balancing only at These SIC will then be the default option for any future Trim
manufacture. Balance calculations for that engine installed on that aircraft.
The initial values for the GIC will be based on the SIC
The Trent XWB engine will use a one-shot LP Trim Balance deduced from the A350 Flight Test Program.
The basis of the One Shot LP Trim Balance system is that,
using data from the previous engine run, along with some
stored Influence Coefficients, an LP trim balance solution can
be calculated without the need for additional engine runs.
This balance solution can then be fitted and, if necessary, an
engine check run performed to ensure that the solution is
adequate and has been properly fitted.

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Mechanical Arrangement Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Section 4 – The Trent XWB Engine

The trainee should now be able to:
 State the bearing arrangement of the Trent XWB engine.
 Recognise the modular breakdown of the Trent XWB engine.
 Identify the location and describe the purpose and operation of the engine modules.
 Identify and locate the Trent XWB engine components installed on the left and right side of the engine.
 Identify the location and describe the purpose of the borescope access positions on the Trent XWB engine.
 Recognise the reasons and components removed for separating the Trent XWB for transportation purposes.

End of the Trent XWB Engine Section

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Section 5 – Propulsion Control System (PCS)
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Section 5 – Propulsion Control Systems

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance documentation level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Propulsion Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Propulsion Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the Propulsion Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Propulsion Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Propulsion Control System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Propulsion Control System (PCS)

Propulsion Control System (PCS)

The Airbus A350 / Trent XWB Propulsion Control System correct functioning, the other channel can take control of the
(PCS) is a combination of interfaces between the engine function, minimising the risk of faults developing into a system
mounted Engine Electronic Controller (EEC), Engine or engine failure, and at the same time, maximising
Monitoring Unit (EMU), airframe mounted Engine Interface engine / aircraft availability.
Function (EIF) and Electronic Thrust Reverser Actuation
FADEC Functions
Controller (ETRAC).
The following functions are provided by the FADEC
The Heart of the Engines FADEC system is the EEC, which is
a digital electronic computer based control unit that interfaces  FADEC Power supplies
with all sensors, actuators and communication links that make  Data Entry Plug
up the FADEC. This system provides all the functions needed  Engine Protection
to start, run and shutdown the engine, to communicate with
 Engine Health Monitoring (EHM)
the Engine Health Monitoring (EHM) system, the aircraft for
cockpit indications, and to provide maintenance information.  Cockpit Indications (Section 6)
In order to carry out its function the FADEC employs  Heat Management (Sections 7 & 8)
numerous devices to monitor the engine / aircraft. The EEC  Thrust Management (Section 8)
processes the data it receives from these devices and outputs  Fuel & Control (Section 8)
appropriate control and condition signals to the engine /
aircraft and also supplies relevant information to the EHM  Airflow Control (Section 9)
system and the cockpit.  Engine Ventilation and Cooling (Section 10)
The FADEC system must carry out its function while  Ice Protection (Section 12)
maintaining a safe and efficient engine condition throughout  Starting & Ignition (Section 13)
the entire operating envelope of the engine.
 Maintenance system.
The flight crew retain ultimate authority over the engine via the
Fuel Master Start ON / OFF switch, which is hardwired directly
to the Shut-off Servo Valve in the Hydro-Mechanical Unit
(HMU). Selecting the switch to the OFF position overrides
any PCS commands and shuts the engine down.
The FADEC system provides a degree of fault tolerance by
using a dual channel system. If a fault occurs that affects
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Airframe / PCS Interfaces have a Total Air Pressure sensor (P20) in the air intake, four
The majority of the airframe mounted computer systems are independent airframe mounted sources are used and the
installed in the forward Avionics Compartment. The interfaces aircraft selects a Total Pressure reading parameter from these
between these systems LRUs are mainly passed through the sources for use by the EEC. P0 Static Air Pressure is
Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) communications network, measured via vents in the EEC casing. Aircraft air data values
which is also known as the Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet are transmitted to the PCS via the AFDX or CAN.
(AFDX) network. Any LRUs not directly connected to the Core Processing Input / Output Modules (CPIOM)
AFDX network; connect to the network via Core Processing The CPIOMs host avionics applications and process data to
Input / Output Modules (CPIOMs) or Common Remote Data execute avionics functions. One CPIOM hosts a number of
Concentrators (CRDCs). applications. The CPIOMs convert and transmit data between
Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet Network (AFDX) the Avionics Data Communication Network (ADCN) and LRUs
The AFDX can be likened to a company’s intranet that forms a that do not have the AFDX technology.
digital communication network for the Airbus A350. Data is Common Remote Data Concentrator (CRDC)
placed on the AFDX network for the intended recipient to CRDCs collect, convert and exchange data between the
retrieve. The Trent XWB PCS communicates with the aircraft ADCN and LRUs that do not have the AFDX technology and
via the AFDX network. that are mostly installed out of the avionics compartment.
Controller Area Network (CAN) Data Bus Engine Interface Function (EIF)
The CAN data bus is a digital communications bus used as a The EEC and EIF are the heart of the PCS. They work
secondary back-up link between the ECS and aircraft, in case together as a team and share the engine primary functions.
of total loss of the AFDX communications link. This data bus The EIF receives cockpit selection and sends data to the EEC
has limited capacity compared to the AFDX and therefore can for engine starting and shutdown.
only support critical parameters such as Air Data. The EIF sends the throttle- level position signals and the air
Air Data data to the EEC for thrust management.
Inputs, from the aircraft and engine, provide independent The EIF controls the supply of electrical power to the EEC,
ETRAC & EMU from the aircraft electrical system.
 Static Air Pressure – aircraft PStatic & engine P0.
The EIF is the primary interface between the EEC and the
 Total Air Pressure – aircraft PTotal & engine P20. aircraft systems. The EIF receives, selects and consolidates
 Total Air Temperature – aircraft TAT & engine T20. numerous aircraft data to send to the EEC and also
The Airbus A350 has a single platinum Resistive Temperature consolidates engine data to send to different aircraft systems.
Device (RTD) T20 TAT probe located in each engine intake.
The T20 sensing probe is not heated. The engine does not
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EEC Electrical Power Configuration Overview circumstances will ensure no hazardous effect on engine
The aircraft supplies single-phase 115V AC variable control and no transmission of erroneous data to the aircraft.
frequency electrical power independently to each channel of Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU) Power
the EEC. An 115V AC emergency power bus provides power The EMU is powered by 115V AC power from the aircrafts
to channel A and an 115V AC normal bus provides power to L (R) Main AC Bus.
channel B.
Ignition System 1 & 2
Normally both power supplies are available when full aircraft Aircraft 115V AC is used to energise the ignition systems,
power is in operation. The emergency power supply is when the Master Lever is placed in the ON position.
backed up by battery and will be available in conditions when
only limited power is available within the aircraft (in these 28V DC Supplies
conditions the aircraft normal bus will not be available). Pressure Raising and Shut Off Valve (PRSOV)
The EEC will use the aircraft power when the engine HP shaft Aircraft 28V DC is used to energise the PRSOVs shut-off
speed is below 6.46% and the PMA cannot provide sufficient torque motor windings closed, and shutdown the engine when
power to operate the EEC. This will be the case when the the ON / OFF Master Lever is moved to the OFF position.
engine is shut down and static on the ground and shut down
in-flight and windmilling below 6.46%. The aircraft power will
also be selected if the EEC is being powered by the PMA and
the PMA power to the EEC fails.
During fault free operation, engine control and transmission of
data to the aircraft is not affected by loss or interruption of
either or both aircraft power sources to the EEC. This is
because the engine dedicated power source the PMA powers
the EEC.
Loss of PMA power to the controlling EEC channel will result
in a channel change to the other channel (which has PMA
power available). A total loss of PMA power to the EEC
results in the EEC being dependant on aircraft power. In this
case, loss or interruption of the aircraft power to the
controlling EEC channel will result in a channel change to the
other channel. The change of channel in control in these

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PPermanent Ma agnet Alternator (PMA) An N3 speed sign nal is sent to the

t aircraft inde
ependent of th
LLocation EEC
C for back up.
TThe PMA is lo ocated on the External Gearrbox front face e left
TTo provide the e main source of electrical p
power for the E EEC
wwhen the engin ne is running and to providee a HP shaft (N3)
sspeed signal too the:
 Aircraft
TThe PMA conssists of two se eparate Line RReplaceable U Units
(LRUs) – a Stator and Rottor. They are e not suppliedd as
mmatched pairs.
TThe PMA hass two indepen ndent 3-phase e windings, e each
pproviding a sep parate source of AC power to their respecctive
EEEC channels.
AAt engine spee eds from 0 to 6.46% N3, th he output from the
PPMA is insufficcient to power the EEC, and d aircraft poweer is
uused instead. O Once N3 speed is greater thaan 6.46% the PPMA
iss used to suppply power to the
e EEC.
A separate sing gle-phase windding on each cchannel withinn the
PPMA provides primary N3 (HP shaft) speed signalss to
CChannel ‘A’ and d Channel ‘B’ of
o the EEC.
WWithin the EECC, N3 signals are additionally buffered to supply
the EMU with h HP shaft speed
s data ffor engine he ealth
mmonitoring and speed recording.

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Engine Electronic Controller (EEC)

Location Power Supply and Selection
The EEC is located on the left side of the engine fan case Each channel of the EEC receives its own power supply from
approximately at the 10 o’ clock position, and is secured by the PMA and aircraft 115V AC. Both these sources of power
bolts fitted through four anti-vibration mounts. are converted internally into a 45V DC voltage. The EEC
Purpose selects power from whichever source gives the highest
voltage to form the Intermediate Power Rail (IPR), which is
The EEC is the central control unit of the FADEC. It is a dual
nominally 45v DC.
channel computer system that interacts with a series of
engine and aircraft interfaces to manage engine starting & The PMA derived voltage is deliberately set higher than
shutdown, thrust setting and engine protection. aircraft derived voltage so that when the PMA voltage is
available it is always used.
EEC Architecture
An array of engine and aircraft sensors sends information to Inputs and Outputs
two virtually identical, but independent electronic circuits, There are two main types of sensor input from the engine to
inside the EEC called Channel A & Channel B. the EEC:
Both channels have their own separate power supplies, and  Control sensors – provide signals needed for closed loop
can manage all the functions needed for engine control control of the engine.
independently.  Condition sensors – indicate engine conditions that do not
In usual operation both channels are powered, but only one directly affect closed loop control.
channel is “in control” at any one time. Each channel will be The EEC uses the inputs it receives to generate controlling
forced into control every other power up, providing that both outputs to the torque motors and solenoids of the various
channels health score is equal. systems that interact with the EEC. The EEC also outputs
Each channel contains three computers, a Control Computer, condition and status information to the EHM system and the
a Protection Computer and a Communication Computer. The aircraft.
Control Computer performs the engine control functions and A dual channel Data Entry Plug (DEP) is physically plugged
the Protection Computer independently monitors for hazards into a connector at the bottom of the EEC to provide the
and shuts the engine down if a major hazard is detected. The unique engine data to the EEC.
Protection Computers of both channels monitor for hazards
even when their respective channel is not in control.
The Communication Computer is the interface between the
engine and the aircraft using the AFDX / CAN

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EEC Electrical Connectors

The EEC is split into two distinct sections that reflect the two
channels of control. The connectors on the left are dedicated
to channel A, and the connectors on the right to channel B. At
the base of the unit are the sensed pressure pipe connections
together with the Data Entry Plug.
The EEC measures, processes and activates a series of
engine and aircraft interfaces for the purpose of safely
controlling the engine. It is the central control unit of the
FADEC system, which comprises of sensors, actuators,
power supplies, data buses and interconnecting harnesses.
The harnesses must all be in good condition to maintain
efficient engine control over the whole range of operation. For
the purposes of understanding and troubleshooting, the
connectors are identified on the EEC casing and on the
harness identifying tags.
FC = Fan Case
Pylon = Engine / Airframe interface pylon
AFP = Airframe Power supplies
PMA = Permanent Magnet Alternator
CZ = Core Zone

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Engine Over-Threat Protection Systems probe signals are sent to the EEC Protection Computers as
The Trent XWB EEC has a five protection systems, each
designed to detect and react against a range of different  Two LP Compressor speed probes (N1C-1 and C-2) and
threats, which if not otherwise accommodated, may develop two LP Turbine speed probes (N1T-1 and T-2) are
into a more hazardous event. compared in Channel A.
N1 Turbine Overspeed System (LPTOS)  Two LP Compressor speed probes (N1C-3 and C-4) and
Introduction two LP Turbine speed probes (N1T-3 and T-4) are
compared in Channel B.
In the event of a break in the LP turbine shaft, the turbine
would be freed from its role of driving the LP compressor. If N1 Shaft Breakage Detection
ignored such an event would lead to a turbine overspeed with Either channel’s Protection Computers can independently
a potential for the release of high-energy debris outside the detect a shaft breakage and if deemed valid will:
confines of the engine.
 Energise the PRSOV torque motor in the HMU to shut off
Purpose the fuel flow within 4 ms of the breakage being detected.
Rapid detection and accommodation of an LPT overspeed. The channel in control ‘Control Computer’ will then:
Description  Open all the handling bleed valves.
If an LPT overspeed is detected the N1 turbine overspeed  Close the VSVs i.e. moved to the low speed stop.
function will automatically:
The function is then latched until the flight crew move the
 Stop fuel flow to the engine. Master Lever from the ON to the OFF state.
 Open all bleed valves. Signal loss
 Move the VSVs to the closed (low speed) position. When one detector is lost (due to a single speed probe failure)
and the other EEC channel has both detectors available then
These actions minimise the peak overspeed, thereby reducing
LP shaft break detection in the faulty channel is inhibited. Both
the likelihood of an uncontained turbine failure.
detectors on the non-faulty channel must agree to trigger
An N1 turbine overspeed is detected by comparing measured engine shutdown.
LP compressor and turbine speeds.
When one detector has lost on each EEC channel then the
These measurements are obtained from 4 LP compressor system reactivates the working detector on each channel, and
speed probes and 4 LP turbine speed probes. The speed each detector can independently trigger an engine shutdown.
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Engine Over-Threat Protection Systems Shaft Breakage Detection

N2 Turbine Overspeed System (IPTOS) Either channel’s Protection Computers can independently
detect a shaft breakage and if deemed valid will:
 Energise the PRSOV torque motor in the HMU to shut off
In the event of a break in the IP turbine shaft the turbine would the fuel flow.
be released from its role of driving the IP compressor. If The channel in control ‘Control Computer’ will then:
ignored such an event would lead to a turbine overspeed with
a potential for the release of high energy debris outside the  Open all the handling bleed valves.
confines of the engine.  Close the VSVs i.e. moved to the low speed stop.
Purpose The function is then latched until the flight crew move the
Master Lever from the ON to the OFF position.
To provide rapid detection and accommodation of an IPT
Signal loss
When only one valid IP shaft speed sensor reading is
available or there is a crosscheck disagreement between the
If an IPT overspeed is detected the IP turbine overspeed two sensors in a channel and the other EEC channel has both
function will automatically: IP speed sensors available then IP shaft break detection in
 Stop fuel flow to the engine. the faulty channel is inhibited.
When only one valid IP shaft speed sensor reading is
 Open all the HP & IP handling bleed valves.
available or there is a crosscheck disagreement between the
 Move the Variable stator vanes to the low speed position. two sensors in a channel and the other EEC channel also has
The actions minimise the peak overspeed, thereby reducing a degraded IP speed configuration then IP shaft break
the likelihood of an uncontained failure. detection is allowed using the single valid speed sensor.

The EEC monitors inputs from Turbine Cooling Air Front

(TCAF 1 & 2), Turbine Cooling Air Rear (TCAR), P30 and IP
speed probes to detect the conditions under which an IP shaft
failure may occur.

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Engine Over-Threat Protection Systems Channel B

N1 System Overspeed Protection Two N1 compressor signals [N1C-3 and N1C-4] and one N1
Turbine signal (N1T-4).
Either channel of the EEC can detect and initiate an
An overspeed of the LP Shaft may be caused by a
overspeed event independently of the other channel, whether
malfunction of the control system to correctly regulate fuel
the channel is in control or not, providing two valid speed
signals are available i.e.
 Compressor and Compressor or
The N1 Shaft Overspeed function resides in each channel of
the Protection Computer of the EEC.  Compressor and Turbine.

Purpose Signal Loss

The purpose of the N1 shaft overspeed function is to detect Either channel’s Protection Computers can independently
an overspeed condition and minimise the potential release of detect a shaft overspeed and if deemed valid will:
high-energy debris by rapidly shutting off fuel flow to the Fuel  Energise the PRSOV torque motor in the HMU to shut
Spray Nozzles. off the fuel flow.
Description The function is then latched until the flight crew move the
Master Lever from the ON to the OFF state.
Both channels of the Protection Computers (A and B) are
If two of the three available signals within a channel are
capable of detecting an LP (N1) overspeed event by
invalid then the function in that channel is disabled but the
comparing the compressor speeds to an N1 maximum
other channel will still provide protection.
threshold. The LP Turbine speeds are also used but as
back-up only should one of the compressor speed probes fail. BITE Checks
The Protection Computers receive the following speed The LP shaft overspeed system is subject to a BITE test to
signals: confirm correct system operation.
Channel A
Two N1 compressor signals (N1C-1 and N1C-2) and one N1
Turbine signal (N1T-2).

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N2 System Overspeed Protection the channel is in control or not, providing two valid speed
signals are available.
If a valid event is detected the appropriate channel of the
An overspeed of the IP Shaft may be caused by a malfunction
PRSOV torque motor in the HMU is energised to stop fuel
of the control system to correctly regulate fuel flow.
flow and initiate an engine shutdown, after which the function
Location is latched until the EEC is reset by toggling the ON / OFF
The N2 shaft overspeed function resides in the Protection Master Lever from ON to OFF.
Computers of the EEC. Signal Loss
Purpose If either of the two available speed signals is invalid then the
The purpose of the N2 shaft overspeed system to detect an function in that channel is disabled but the other channel will
overspeed condition of the IP compressor and minimise the still provide protection.
potential release of high-energy debris by rapidly shutting off BITE Checks
fuel flow to the Fuel Spray Nozzles.
The IP shaft overspeed system is subject to a BITE test to
Description confirm correct system operation.
Both channels of the Protection Computers (A and B) are
capable of detecting an IP (N2) overspeed event by
comparing the compressor speeds to an N2 maximum
The Protection Computers receive the following speed
Channel A
Two N2 Compressor signals denoted as N2-1 and N2-2.
Channel B
Two N2 Compressor signals denoted as N2-3 and N2-4.
Either channel of the EEC can detect and initiate an
overspeed event independently of the other channel, whether

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Engine Over-Threat Protection Systems PRIM permission discrete

Thrust Control Malfunction Accommodation (TCMA)  Reduced take-off thrust inputs from the airframe:
Introduction Flexible temperature, De-rate Take-off, or Climb levels
 Throttle Resolver Angle (N1)
Aircraft that have two wing mounted engines may be prone to  Commanded air bleed
directional control problems. If one-engine experiences an  Alpha floor protection from airframe
un-controlled or un-commanded high thrust when low thrust  Weight on wheels
has been commanded. To protect against this the EEC
 Flight phase
provides a function that compares actual engine behaviour
with that commanded and takes action if a Thrust Control There are three types of TCM event accommodation:
Malfunction is evident. Engine shutdown (on ground)
Location  Engine shut down is only permitted whilst the aircraft is
The TCM function is implemented and active in both EEC on the ground and take-off is not in progress.
channels. Engine pullback sufficient to prevent TCM threat (in air)
 Engine pullback is permitted whilst the aircraft is in
The purpose of the TCM function is to provide protection from approach mode to landing. The pullback command
un-commanded thrust levels by allowing either fuel shut-off on causes the EEC to modulate a pullback servo valve
the ground only or fuel reduction via the Pullback valve in the which reduces fuel flow to the engine, sufficient to
HMU, depending on the flight envelope, which is provided by remove the TCM threat.
an aircraft discrete signal from the Primary Flight Computer
Engine cap sufficient to prevent shutdown from over
speed (on ground or in air)
 Engine cap, prevents the engine from exceeding the
The protection computer receives the following signals which over speed shut down threshold by capping the N1
it uses to calculate either a fuel shut-off or reduction: marginally below the redline speed.
Engine Data BITE check
 N1 speed The TCM system is subject to a bite check at engine start up
 Air data P0,P20, T20 to confirm correct operation.
 Maximum rated take-off thrust (data entry Plug)

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Turbine Cavities Overheat Detection System will send the overheat signal through the aircraft systems to
Location provide the flight crew with an alert message (Turbine
Overheat Message).
TCAF1 and TCAF2 use single unit dual thermocouples in two
positions. The TCAF1 and TCAF 2 thermocouples are TCAF2 thermocouples monitor the airflow temperatures
located 25° left and right from TDC looking from the rear on around the HP and IP turbine area, and are designed to
the HP / IP turbine case, TCAF2 thermocouple being 40% detect an oil fire caused by fractured HP / IP oil pipe or
longer. The single TCAR duplex thermocouple is located 6° leakage from the rear of the HP / IP bearing chamber.
right from TDC looking from the rear on the IP turbine case, The system is not normally capable of automatically retarding
located inside one of the LP NGVs. A further temperature or shutting-down the engine. The pilot is required to respond
sensor ‘TVent’ has been proposed, and is to be located in within 5 minutes to pull back the engine, for which a warning
zone 3 on the combined HP / IP bearing chamber vent pipe, has been issued. The warning messages and indications for
(no detailed information was available when writing these TCAF1, TCAF2 and TCAR are the same (ENG x TURBINE
notes). All of the thermocouples connect via a duplex sensor OVHT)
with two channels of the EEC.
N2 Shaft Breakage Detection
If HP / IP turbine area overheat enable signal logic is detected
The System is designed to generate alert and maintenance by the EEC, any subsequent unscheduled decrease in IP
messages to the aircraft cockpit when the operating air compressor speed will result in an engine shut down.
temperatures in the turbine cavities exceed nominal
operational values.
The TCAF1 and TCAR Thermocouples monitor the airflow
temperatures around the HP and IP turbine area. The
thermocouple signals are sent to both channels of the EEC by
electrical harnesses. These signals are continually compared
to limits in the EEC software. If the turbine temperatures
exceed the limits for more than a given time period the EEC

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Engine Health Monitoring System • Engine Trending and Event Capture System (for report
generation and transmission).
• Module hours / cycle counting.
The Trent XWB Engine Monitoring System (EMS) is part of
the EECS. The EMS has no controlling function but rather, Engine Trending and Event Capture System
employs a suite of sensors to provide data that permits the Engine Trending and Event Capture System (ETrECS) is
aircraft and associated Ground Support Stations (GSS) to responsible for the generation of the Engine Characteristic
predict, diagnose and assess impending engine problems Trending (ECT) report and capability to detect engine
before a failure occurs. The purpose of the health monitoring problematic events. Event Capture (EC) in this instance is not
system is to ensure that Rolls-Royce and the airlines have the history dependent, and simply relies on a set of relationships
capability to predict maintenance requirements to maximise being met at that time. EC alerts will be sent back during
the operational benefits. The monitoring system will provide a flight via Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting
flexible means of capturing engine data to allow Rolls-Royce System (ACARS).
to investigate unplanned events across the whole engine fleet.
The ECT report is a flexible tool to facilitate the capture,
Description storage and transmission of data supporting a wide range of
The EMS consists of a series of sensors that measure engine health management techniques. The full ECT report
temperature, pressure, speed and vibration throughout the will be sent back on landing following engine shutdown.
engine. The EMS sensors input data to a fancase mounted
Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU), where it is processed and
made available to the aircraft and / or GSS. The ECT report and EC alerting should function such that any
available parameter individually monitored or grouped
The EMU is made up of a Power Supply Module (PSM), two together within the EMU could be analysed by Rolls-Royce,
Signal Process Monitors (SPM1 and 2) together with two Main Controls & Data Services (CDS) or the airline.
Processing Modules (MPM1 and 2).
This may result in maintenance requests received by the
The EMU will support the following functionality: airline, to rectify a fault or investigate the possible cause of
• Vibration levels of N1, N2 and N3 which are displayed any deviation of a readout or performance change.
on the ENG page of the lower ECAM screen.
• LP Trim Balance; the EMU supports interactive
maintenance operation to allow LP shaft trim balance
operation’s to be performed.

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Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU) Monitoring of the LP Compressor vibration also enables the
EMU to trend the vibration and provide Trim Balance data to
the aircraft and thus the airline and Rolls-Royce for forward
The Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU) forms part of the aircraft maintenance planning.
Health Monitoring System. It collects engine data before
Inputs and Outputs:
passing it to the OMS.
The following pressures are input directly to the EMU:
•Fan Exit Pressure, PS160 – Fan damage detection.
The EMU is located on the left side of the LP Compressor
Case. •IPC Exit Pressure, PS25 – Core damage detection.
Purpose •IPT Static Pressure, PS42 – Performance.
The EMU has two (2) purposes. The first is to provide the •LPT Static Pressure, PS44 – Performance.
cockpit with an indication of engine vibration levels and the The EMU uses five analogue speed signals, which are
second to monitor the engine health. provided and hardwired from the EEC. These are:
Description • Two N1C speed signals.
The EMU is supplied by 115V AC power from the aircraft main • Two N2 speed signals.
AC bus. The EMU is a single channel device and the data
needed to support the EMU functions, are transmitted to the • One N3 speed signal.
aircraft AFDX Network via a bi-directional ARINC 664 Digital In addition, Channel B of the EEC transmits additional digital
Data Bus. data to the EMU via a two-way RS422 digital bus.
A charge amplifier inside the EMU receives hard-wired
broadband analogue vibration data from the following
vibration transducer.
• A dual channel vibration transducer mounted on the
engine intermediate case (N1, N2 & N3 compressor vibration).
Together with the hardwired speed signals from the EEC the
EMU calculates the vibration levels and passes them to the
aircraft via the AFDX.

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Interactive Maintenance to operate in sequence to determine if they are responding

Interactive Maintenance is provided by the aircraft and EEC correctly.
interface to assist maintenance personnel to confirm, in a Harness Test. The EEC reduces the fault confirmation time
safe environment, the presence of faults and to verify that for its Failure Messages associated with engine harnesses
maintenance actions have returned the system to correct allowing failures to be rapidly confirmed.
Engine Core Washing Procedure. The EEC instructs the
In addition, the EEC assists by semi-automating certain operator to crank the engine. Once cranking, the EEC moves
maintenance procedures and allows data held within the the VSVs to their open position to allow optimum washing of
EEC to be reported and where necessary reset. the engine core. The EEC displays the remaining time
The EEC provides the following Interactive functions and allowed for washing the core before instructing the crank to be
reports any faults detected to the Central Maintenance stopped.
System (CMS): - EEC Configuration Report. Engine configuration data
System Test. The EEC invokes its normal power up checks resides in the Data Entry Plug and is copied into EEC
followed by electrical checks of solenoid and torque motor Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) after ground power up of the
drives (with the exception of the Starter Air Valve (SAV EEC.
drive). A period of passive monitoring to detect failures is Shaft Speed Exceedance Report. The EEC reports the shaft
performed for the remainder of the test duration. speed exceedance data recorded during the last engine run to
Audible Test of the Igniters. The EEC energies’ the the CMS. For the shaft speeds (NL, NI and NH) if the redline
selected igniter in order to allow the operator to audibly was exceeded on the last engine run, the report displays the
confirm its operation. peak values reached and the total length of time above the
redline limit. The operator is given the option to reset the
Variable Stator Vanes Actuator Test. The EEC instructs
values. The values can either be reset via this Interactive
the operator to crank the engine. Once cranking the EEC
function or by performing a ground engine start.
schedules the VSVs to different positions to determine if they
are responding correctly. EGT Exceedance Report. If the EGT redline was exceeded
on the last engine run, the report displays the peak value
Fuel Metering Valve Test. The EEC instructs the operator to
reached and the total length of time above the redline limit.
crank the engine. Once cranking the EEC commands the
The operator is given the option to reset the values. The
FMV to different positions to determine if it is responding
values can either be reset via this Interactive function or by
performing a ground engine start.
Bleed Valve Test. The EEC instructs the operator to start the
engine. Once running the EEC commands each bleed valve
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EEC Software Loading The combined build standard of the EEC software has a
unique part number identification of the format:
EEC test ports are provided to allow test equipment to
interface to the EEC in order to monitor and change software.
The test ports also provide an alternative means to download  RRY = invariant identifier for Rolls-Royce.
new software programmes to the EEC aircraft use when the  “cc” = Checksum digits calculated for loadable software
on board data load system is not available. build.
A reprogramming baulking feature has been included in the  XWB = invariant identifier for XWB software build.
design of this unit that ensures that only software designated  “xxxxxxx” = unique numerical identifier for a specific
as suitable for this unit is allowed to be programmed. The software build.
baulking feature shall ensure that Trent 1000 software cannot
The software build standard part number will be programmed
be inadvertently loaded into this unit and that Trent XWB
into the EEC as part of the software download process to
software suitable for this unit cannot be programmed into an
allow it to be communicated externally.
existing Trent 1000 unit.
A Stand Alone Identification System (SIS) allows the software
Description part number of the EEC to be interrogated when the unit is on
The software is loaded into the EEC via the test port input of the engine.
the EEC and a “bootstrap” programme embedded within the
EEC provides the capability to load software. Individual
software builds are loaded into each of the three processors
(control processor, safety processor and communication
processor). A configuration identity is created for the
combination of all these software builds. The format of this
identifier is defined and agreed with the aircraft manufacturer
to be the correct format used for all software systems on the

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Data Entry Plug (DEP)  Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT) Trim

Location The EEC uses the TGT value to calculate the corrected
The Data Entry Plug (DEP) is semi-permanently fastened to % Thrust value (THR). The THR is used for engine
the engine fan case by a lanyard and plugged into the bottom control as the THR has a direct relation with the EGT.
of the EEC by a dedicated connector. The EEC sends signals to the EMU and to the cockpit
Purpose where the ECAM shows an EGT indication as a value
The DEP contains data that is specific to the engine it is fitted of degrees Celsius. The EEC uses data held by the
to. To control all possible engine configurations regardless of Data Entry Plug (DEP) to adjust (trim) the THR signal.
individual engine characteristics the EEC reads the This makes all engines operate to the same EGT limit
information stored in the DEP. indication shown, as shown on the cockpit EGT
display. The quantity of trim that is necessary is
Description programmed into the DEP after engine test. Trimming
The DEP contains two identical Electrically Erasable THR in this way makes every engine of a given
Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) devices, one standard appear identical to the airframe.
for each channel of the EEC.
 Engine Standard
During ‘power up’ the EEC reads and validates the content of
the DEP, storing the information in its internal Non-Volatile The DEP gives the EEC an indication of the engine
Memory (NVM). If during subsequent ‘power ups’ the standard.
validated information differs from the data already stored in  Intermix (provision)
the NVM of the EEC, the NVM is overwritten. Intermix data tells the EEC if different engine standards
DEP Contents are / are not installed on the same airframe.
Both DEP EEPROMs are programmed with identical data DEP Programming
 Engine Serial Number (ESN) The DEP can be (re) programmed with valid data using a
The ESN is a five-digit number with a valid range dedicated DEP programmer. The DEP should only be
between 20000 and 29999. It used to indicate to the reprogrammed if:
EEC which engine it is mounted on.  The DEP is new to the engine.
 Engine Ratings  There has been a change of engine rating.
This is a numerical value between 1 and 61 that  The trim values have changed post overhaul.
indicates to the EEC which of the rating and bump
tables stored within the EEC is selected for use.

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EEC Maintenance Applying Power

DEP Programmer If the display on the Handheld Unit is not visible, press and
AMP TASK TRENTXWB-A-73-21-12-00A01-752A-A release one of the Soft Trigger Buttons on either side of the
AMP TASK TRENTXWB-A-73-21-12-00A01-752A-D unit and the Start Screen will appear on the display within a
few seconds. If the Handheld Unit is left ON but is not actively
communicating with the Trent XWB DEP Programmer
The Trent XWB Data Entry Plug (DEP) Programmer (UT2011) Interface, it will power down automatically after approximately
is a portable, self-contained unit used for programming and five minutes.
analyzing of Trent XWB Data Entry Plugs. All components
necessary for operation have been housed in a rugged Software
transport case (UT1975) with the capability of producing a DEP programmer software will be supplied on a smartcard as
hard copy via an integral printer. the programming specification changes. To install the new
The Programmer comprises of two main components referred software, complete the following:
to as the “Handheld Unit” (UT1972) and the “Trent XWB Data  Place the unit into a suspended condition by pressing the
Entry Plug Programmer Interface” (UT2012). These Suspend button on the Start Screen.
components are interconnected using a cable (UT1974). The  Ensure the Interface Cable is not connected.
unit is supplied in a storage case with a battery charging
cradle (UT1973), an AC mains adapter (UT1593), two spare  Remove the Bottom End Cap by using a flat blade
paper rolls and a User Manual (EIR19544). screwdriver to rotate the fasteners ¼ turn.
 Press the Eject Button (just above the Reset switch) to
remove the smart card from the memory slot.
The Handheld Unit is powered from a Lithium Ion  Install the new smart card making sure that the orientation
rechargeable battery pack to provide up to 10 hours is correct.
continuous use (the battery should be in its disconnected
stowage position during prolonged storage periods). The unit  Carefully press and release the Reset Switch, using a small
should be fully charged before use (this may take up to 8 screwdriver after twenty seconds the Start Screen will
hours), alternatively the unit may be powered externally using again be displayed.
the charging cradle and mains adapter.  View software page to ensure the new software version
matches that on the new software card.
Connecting the Interface Cable
Connect (or remove) the Interface Cable (UT1974) by locating
the small interface cable connector with the red dot facing the
top and aligned centrally between the connector and socket.
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EEC Maintenance Performing DEP Analysis

DEP Programming Note: Always refer to the AMP for further detailed information.
Operation To perform DEP Analysis / Programming the following actions
are required:
The DEP should only be (re) programmed when:
 Check that the correct software version is installed.
 The DEP is new to the engine.
 Adjust the contrast and brightness of the Handheld Unit
 There has been a change of engine rating.
display, if required.
 The trim values have changes post overhaul.
 Adjust the Date and Time setting of the Handheld Unit, if
The Unit has a touch sensitive screen so when using the required.
Trent XWB DEP Programmer, the operator will be required to
touch, press gently or tap active areas of the screen, using a  Complete the DEP Interface startup Self-Test.
finger or the dedicated touch screen stylus supplied.  Connect a Trent XWB DEP.
Before using the Trent XWB DEP Programmer the operator is  Enter the DEP Serial Number (using Data Entry Keypad).
advised to check that the Programmer is fitted with the correct
version of software. The software version is visible on any  Select from options to Erase the DEP. Edit DEP Contents,
printout produced by the Handheld Unit and is also displayed and, Print the DEP Contents or Remove the DEP.
by tapping on the Title area at the top of the start screen.
Check the displayed software UT number against that
required by the Aircraft Maintenance Procedures (AMP).
Press the Close button after viewing of the Software version

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Programmer Printout
A printout of the information contained on the DEP is available
as an option.
If you are required to do so as part of the AMP or company
procedure this should be obtained and kept for recording
A typical example is illustrated below.

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Maintenance Practices.
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer CAUTION
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. YOU MUST OBEY THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN THE
Removal Procedure STANDARD PRACTISE 70-12-01 WHEN YOU REMOVE /
Refer to the AMP for the full description. DO NOT DO THIS, DAMAGE TO THE TUBE(S) CAN OCCUR.
EEC Removal
AMP Task TRENTXWB-A-73-21-11-00A01-520A-A, Be careful when you move the Engine Electronic Control
TRENTXWB-A-73-21-11-00A01-520A-D. (EEC) because it weighs 23.18 Kg (51.1 lbs).

OF THE COMPONENT BEFORE YOU REMOVE/INSTALL IT. Connector 1 (part of the engine electronic control) is identified as
THE COMPONENT IS HEAVY. IF IT FALLS, IT CAN CAUSE P160 on the engine electronic control.

CAUTION Connector 2 (part of the engine electronic control) is identified as
P30 on the engine electronic control.
The replacement of the EEC should be done as a last resort.
CAUTION The reseating, cleaning of the electronic plugs, and following
the troubleshooting process must be adhered to at all times.
YOU MUST NOT BEND THE ELECTRICAL HARNESS TOO This will greatly reduce the cost of EEC testing to the operator
MUCH WHEN YOU DISCONNECT/CONNECT THE ELECTRICAL because of incorrect component replacement when

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Maintenance Practices.
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer CAUTION
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. YOU MUST OBEY THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN THE
Removal Installation STANDARD PRACTISE 70-12-01 WHEN YOU
AMP Task TRENTXWB-A-73-21-11-00A01-720A-A, CAN OCCUR.

Be careful when you move the Engine Electronic Control
WARNING (EEC) because it weighs 23.18 Kg (51.1 lbs).
INJURY TO PERSONNEL AND DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT. Connector 1 (part of the engine electronic control) is identified as
PS160 on the engine electronic control.

Connector 2 (part of the engine electronic control) is identified as
YOU MUST NOT USE PLIERS WITH METAL JAWS TO LOOSEN P30 on the engine electronic control.




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On Board Maintenance – Ground or Initiated Tests

The Initiated tests provide a means by which the maintenance
personnel can conduct Engine related tests in a safe and
controlled manner. The tests are called up to be carried out
as and when directed by the relevant AMP or TSM procedure.

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Cockpit Effects The table below is an indication of the associated Cockpit

Effect messages for this section, together with the message
type (level), an explanation of its meaning, dispatch
Fault Reporting and Storage restrictions (if any) and expected actions taken by flight or
The confirmed Failure Messages are processed into the ground crew.
format required by the Aircraft and transmitted to the CMS via Note: This is for your guidance only. Due to the nature of the
the EECs AFDX outputs. The CMS records the Failure aircraft and engine continual development these may change
Messages and uses them to instigate maintenance corrective and Rolls-Royce cannot guarantee that they are still current
action. The EEC continuously reports the messages to the and fully accurate. As such, always refer to the appropriate
CMS until they clear. Each channel of the EEC reports the AMP procedure for reference.
same Failure Messages, while the inter-channel
communication bus is available to communicate failure
messages between channels.
For engine certification, storage of Failure Messages within
the EECs Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) is not performed.
Status Messages and Dispatch
The EEC determines the effect of individual and combinations
of Failure Messages. The EEC allocates each combinational
failure scenario to a particular dispatch category and
generates an output to be transmitted to the Aircraft ECAM via
the EECs AFDX outputs. The ECAM system displays Cockpit
Effect engine parameters, their validity, alerts and the
associated procedures.

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EEC Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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EEC Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Propulsion Control System

At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Propulsion Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Propulsion Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the Propulsion Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Propulsion Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Propulsion Control System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of PCS Section

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Section 6 - Engine Indicating System
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Engine Indicating

Section 6 - Engine Indicating System

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.

At the end of the section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the engine indicating system.
 Identify the location of the engine cockpit panels and displays associated with the engine indicating system.
 Identify the location, purpose and operation of the engine sensing positions.
 Identify the location, purpose and operation of the shaft speed measurement systems.
 State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the engine indicating system.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine indicating system interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Cockpit Displays and Panels Onboard Information System (OIS)

Location The OIS provides the flight and maintenance crews with
operational and maintenance applications and services, these
The engine indications are displayed on one of six Display
are hosted in two OIS cabinets. This function allows for a fully
Units (DU) in the cockpit of the A350 aircraft.
paperless cockpit.
Additional panels in the cockpit allow for engine associated
buttons, switches and levers to be selected. Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS)
The EFIS DUs display the main flight information for each
member of the flight crew such as the Primary Flight Display
The purpose of the DUs is to display main engine systems (PFD) and the Navigation Display (ND). The information
flight and navigational information to the flight and displayed to each crew member EFIS screen can be changed
maintenance crew. between each crew member’s screens required.
The purpose of the Cockpit Panels is to provide location for Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM)
aircraft flight and systems operating buttons, switches and
The ECAM screen displays engine parameters, Air Traffic
Control (ATC) communications and warning messages.
Multifunction Display (MFD)
There are six full colour DUs in the cockpit, five on the forward
The MFD allows the flight crew to enter the individual flight
panel and one in the centre pedestal. They are:
details such as the flight plan into the aircraft system.
 Left and Right Onboard Information System (OIS) DUs.
Head-Up Display (HUD)
 Captain and First Officer (F/O) Electronic Flight
Instrument System (EFIS) DUs. The optional HUD provides guidance to the flight crew by
gathering primary flight display information, and displaying
 Central Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
engine related messages such as “Thrust Reverser Deployed”
and “Auto Thrust Engaged” etc.
 Pedestal mounted Multifunction Display (MFD) DU.
The DUs display information provided by the Control and
Display System. This data is transmitted via the AFDX
system. (Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet)

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Overhead Panel
The overhead panel is located centrally and above the two
flight crew members and locates operating switches and
buttons for the aircraft systems such as:
 Manual engine start,
 Electrical generation,
 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) operation,
 Fire extinguishers,
 Nacelle anti ice,
 Fuel,
 Hydraulics,
 FADEC ground power.
 Pneumatics.

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Centre Pedestal
The centre pedestal is located between the crew members
and houses the following engine related operating switches
and buttons for the aircraft systems such as:
• Engine start / stop Master Levers,
• Engine start mode rotary selector,
• Thrust levers,
• Thrust reverse levers,
• ECAM Control panel
• Keyboard and cursor control unit.
• Printer

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ECAM Primary Engine Parameters Other primary parameters

Location Other indications shown within the same display area are:
The primary engine parameters are located on the upper left  Thrust Limit Display – Displays the Thrust Limit Mode
quadrant of the Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring at thrust lever detent position value, and a fictitious air
(ECAM) display on the central DU. temperature for flex thrust calculations.
Purpose  Bleed Configuration – Displays what air is being used
The purpose is to provide a constant indication of critical for air conditioning, nacelle and wing anti-icing.
engine operating parameters to the crew.  Idle indication – Indicates to the crew that both
Description engines are at idle.

The primary engine parameters are described below: Situational awareness – The ECAM display can change
colour, shape or outline to highlight unusual or potentially
Thrust Indication (THR) – Analogue and digital indications hazardous conditions for example, low oil pressure or high
show the crew the two thrust conditions, and thrust reverser EGT.
sleeve / lock positions.
 Engine forward thrust.
 Engine reverse thrust.
Thrust is indicated as a percentage of the maximum take-off
thrust from an N1 speed signal provided to the Airbus Cockpit
Universal Thrust Emulator (ACUTE) by the EEC through the
AFDX system.
Low Pressure System Speed (N1) – Digital indication shows
the speed of the engine Low Pressure (LP) System. The LP
speed is shown as a percentage of the maximum LP shaft
rotational speed and is calculated by the EEC.
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) – Analogue and digital
indications show the corrected temperature of the turbine,
which is calculated by the EEC.

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ECAM Secondary Engine Parameters

The secondary engine parameters are located on the
Secondary Engine (SEN) page of the Electronic Centralised
Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) display on central DU.
The purpose of the secondary parameters is to provide an
extended indication of engine operation to the crew either
automatically during certain phases of the flight or on request
by the crew.
Conditions for automatic engine display
When the ENG START rotary selector is selected to IGN /
START until the end of the start sequence,
When one engine is in cranking,
From the setting of take-off power to thrust reduction or 1500
ft/Altitude Above Ground Level (AGL), whichever occurs first.
ECAM Colour coding
The ECAM displays information in various colours. Each
colour indicates the importance of the displayed information,
or of the failure.

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Description delivery pressure and the internal gearbox (IGB) scavenge

return pressure. Signals are relayed to the EEC.
The secondary engine parameters are described below:
Vibration (VIB) – A digital indication, displays the vibration
Intermediate Pressure Speed (N2) – A digital indication
levels for each of the three rotating systems during engine
shows the crew the rotational speed of the Intermediate
operation. The indication is in aircraft units (ACU) and is
Pressure (IP) System. The N2 speed is shown as a
measured by an intermediate casing mounted vibration
percentage of the maximum N2 speed and is calculated by
transducer, which relays vibration levels to the EMU.
the EEC.
Nacelle Temperature (NAC) – Analogue and digital
High Pressure Speed (N3) – A digital indication shows the
indications show the temperature of the nacelle in degrees
crew the rotational speed of the High Pressure (HP) System.
The N3 speed is shown as a percentage of the maximum N3 celsius (C) and is measured by the nacelle temperature
speed and is calculated by the EEC. sensor, located in zone 3. During engine start this indication
will not be seen.
Fuel Flow – A digital indication shows the crew the fuel flow
applicable to an engines operating condition. The indication Igniter System (IGN) – A digital indication shows the crew
can be in kilograms per hour (KG/H) or pounds per hour which ignition system the EEC has selected during the engine
(LBS/H) dependant on operator choice and is calculated by start sequence. The letter A, B or AB defines the system
the EEC. selected.

Oil Quantity – Analogue and digital indications show the crew Starter Air Valve (SAV) – A symbol is shown to the crew to
the quantity of oil in the engine oil tank in US Quarts and is represent the SAV position during the engine start sequence.
measured by the oil quantity transmitter via a conditioning unit Starter Air Duct Pressure – A digital indication shows the
to the EEC. crew the air pressure within the starter air ducting in pounds
Oil Temperature – A digital indication shows the crew the per square inch (PSI).
temperature of the engine oil tank return oil in degrees celsius
(C) and is measured by two Resistance Temperature
Devices (RTDs) attached to the lower section of the quantity
transmitter. Signals from the RTDs are relayed to the EEC.
Oil pressure – Analogue and digital indications show the
crew the differential pressure of the engine oil system. The oil
pressure is displayed in in pounds per square inch (PSI). The
differential pressure is calculated between the oil pump
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Pressure and temperature stations Engine stations

Location Specific engine stations are used; these are divided into
pressure and temperature sensing. Below is a list of the
Pressure and temperature stations are located throughout the
measurement station numbers.
Purpose  Ø = Ambient air (pressure).

The purpose of the pressure and temperature stations is to  160 = LP Compressor exit (pressure).
monitor the engine air and gas flows for engine control and  20 = Engine intake (temperature).
engine health monitoring (EHM).
 24 = IP Compressor inlet (synthesised temperature by
Description the EEC for ESS anti-ice switching).
Pressure and temperature stations consists of, pressure and  25 = IP Compressor exit (pressure and temperature).
temperature sensors. All engine instrumentation interfaces
with either the EEC or EMU by electrical harnesses or  30 = HP Compressor exit (pressure and temperature).
pressure lines depending whether the parameter is needed for  42 = IP Turbine inlet (pressure).
engine control or engine health monitoring.
 44 = IP Turbine exit (pressure and temperature).
Pressure and temperatures are sensed at different locations,
called stations, throughout the engine. A station is a position  TCAF = Turbine Cooling Air Forward (temperature).
on the engine where a pressure (P) or temperature (T) or both  TCAR = Turbine Cooling Air Rear (temperature).
can be sensed and used for engine control by the EEC and/or
engine health monitoring by the EMU. Note: TGT is shown as EGT in the cockpit

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Rotating System Speed Measurement wheel is shorter than the rest to give a once per revolution
signal to the trim-balance function of the EMU.
The LP & IP speed sensors are located around the rotating IP System Speed
assemblies. The HP speed is obtained from the PMA rotation. There are four IP Compressor speed sensors located in the
All of these speeds are calculated within each channel of the FBH, two for each channel which interface with a 60 tooth
EEC. phonic wheel. The speed sensors consist of permanent
magnets that provide an electrical signal to the EEC / EMU
when the teeth of the phonic wheel pass through their
The purpose of measuring the speed of the three rotating magnetic field.
systems is for engine; control, protection, health monitoring,
vibration and indication of engine speed to the crew. HP System Speed
HP Compressor speed is supplied by the PMA that is turned
by the external gearbox and HP system. The EEC / EMU
There are three rotating systems in the Trent XWB; they are gets HP speed signal using the frequency of an independent
the Low Pressure (LP), Intermediate Pressure (IP) and High single phase winding to channel A and channel B.
Pressure (HP) systems.
LP Turbine speed
They all rotate independently of each other, and each shaft
LP turbine speed is measured using four permanent magnetic
has its own indication display.
sensors two for each channel and a 60 tooth phonic wheel
 The LP system is indicated as N1% located in the Tail Bearing Housing (TBH). The EEC uses LP
 The IP system is indicated as N2% turbine speed for the engine protection systems and for the
EMU for engine health monitoring.
 The HP system is indicated as N3%
The EEC interfaces with each of the speed probes and the
LPC System Speed PMA by electrical harnesses and provides indications to the
There are four LP Compressor speed sensors located in the flight deck by the AFDX system.
Front Bearing Housing (FBH), two for each channel. They all
interface with the same 60 tooth phonic wheel. The speed
sensors are permanent magnets that provide an electrical
signal to the EEC / EMU when the teeth of the phonic wheel
pass through their magnetic field. One tooth of the phonic

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N1 Corrected Thrust Indication System

Introduction Cockpit Indication
LP speed is the thrust control parameter of the Trent XWB. The Airbus A350 instrumentation ACUTE (Airbus Cockpit
This is a change from the earlier Trent engines, which used Universal Thrust Emulator) shows thrust as a percentage of
either Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) or Turbofan Power Ratio maximum rated value.
(TPR). LP speed was chosen for the XWB because it is a Cockpit THR (Thrust) indication uses corrected N1 values as
simple, robust measurement suited to high bypass ratio the thrust control parameter.
N1 Corrected
N1 corrected keeps the ratio of N1 to square root theta a
For the earlier Trent engines (500, 700 and 800), hot stream constant, where theta is temperature ratio in absolute units.
EPR is used as the primary thrust control parameter. EPR
has a relatively liner relationship with thrust, a good transient Example: if OAT is -56.5  C and N1 is 86.71% what would it
response and is relatively independent of effects of ambient have been at 15  C on the test bed?
conditions and deterioration. Bypass ratios of later design
Add 273.15 to C to obtain K. Theta is 216.65/288.15
engines are higher; this reduces the magnitude and range
The Square root of theta is 0.8671. If N1√ theta is constant
variation of EPR with thrust. The lower hot nozzle pressure
then N1 would have been 100% on the test bed.
ratio of higher bypass ratio engines also makes EPR more
sensitive to flight conditions. Thrust compensation factors
TPR was identified as the best replacement for EPR for the Other factors affecting thrust values:
Trent 900 and 1000. This parameter effectively measures  Ambient Pressure
power available to the LP turbine, and so has a fundamental
relation.  Altitude (∆P / ∆T)
LPC speed (known as NL or N1) was chosen as the control  Forward air speed (Mach)
parameter for the Trent XWB. It has a good range variation
with thrust and is robust, reliable and accurate. The LP speed
and thrust relationship is a primary function of a high bypass
system and is less sensitive to changes in the core

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Pressure and Temperature Sensing

Air data parameters are used for calculating environmental Engine Pressure and Temperature Sensors
and engine conditions such as altitude, Mach number, engine
Ambient Air pressure (P0)
thrust and correction factors for control parameters; used
within Engine Control System functions. Location
Air data parameters are sourced from the aircraft and engine The P0 pressure transducer is located internally to the EEC
to provide independent sources of air data, which are underneath the fan cowl doors.
compared for accuracy and provide redundancy in the event Purpose
of a fault. The air data parameters used are:
The purpose of P0 is to provide the EEC with a sense of
Aircraft (Primary) ambient air pressure (Altitude sensing) for use in controlling
 Static Air Pressure the engine thrust.
 Total Air Pressure During normal engine operation the EEC uses aircraft air
data. P0 will be used if the EEC cannot validate the aircraft
 Total Air Temperature static air pressure.
Engine (Secondary / Validation) Description
 Ambient Air pressure (P0) The EEC measures ambient / static air pressure (P0) using its
 Engine Inlet Air Temperature (T20) own dedicated integral pressure transducer that interfaces to
the local environment (under the engine cowling) through vent
 Engine Inlet Pressure (synthesised P20) to atmosphere openings in the casing. An independent
The design of the Air Data on the A350 / Trent XWB uses the pressure transducer provides a P0 measurement to each
high integrity communication network to allow a different channel. Each channels P0 reading is provided
design from previous applications. The difference is that the independently to the aircraft as a separate source of P0 for
aircraft system performs all the comparison and selection of comparison and selection.
the aircraft and engine air data parameters using all the
aircraft and engine sources. The EEC is designed to primarily
use valid air data parameters provided by the aircraft when
they are available.

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Holes in the outer casing allow

ambient air to enter the EEC,
which is sensed by an internal
dual channel transducer.


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Engine Inlet Air Temperature (T20) IP Compressor Exit Temperature (T25)

Location Location
The T20 probe is located on the inner surface of the engine The T25 temperature sensor is located in an IP8 cooling air
inlet cowl (TDC) and is accessed via a panel on the outer tube at the 2 o’clock position in the intermediate case area.
surface of the Air Inlet.
Purpose Channel B of the EEC senses T25 for the monitoring of
The purpose of the T20 probe is to sense air temperature engine health.
entering the engine inlet.
Description The T25 probe is mounted to and protrudes into an IP8
The EEC uses T20 values to control; engine thrust, idle cooling air tube.
settings, bleed valve and VSV schedules. The EEC senses the temperature of the IP8 delivery air and
The temperature sensor inside the T20 probe uses a dual reports the temperature to the EMU by the digital data bus
element resistive temperature device (RTD) to supply each that connects the EEC and EMU.
channel of the EEC with a value of engine inlet total air The primary use of the T25 parameter is for engine health
temperature. monitoring purposes. Where T25 is used for determination of
When the engine is operating the EEC uses aircraft air data the life of critical, life-limited engine components, and this
Total Air Temperature (TAT). The engine T20 will be used if parameter is used for engine condition monitoring by the
the EEC cannot validate the aircraft TAT. EMU.

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Engine Pressure and Temperature Sensors HP Compressor Exit Temperature (T30)

HP Compressor Exit Pressure (P30) Location
Location Two simplex thermocouple temperature sensors are located
on the combustion case and measure the temperature of the
A duplex P30 transducer is located within the pressure brick
HP compressor air outlet. The thermocouples exit the engine
of the EEC.
rear of the FSN 2 & 18.
The purpose of P30 is to provide the EEC with a sense of HP
The purpose of T30 is to provide the EEC with a sense of HP
compressor exit pressure for:
compressor exit temperature for:
 Bleed valve scheduling.
 Engine control.
 Thrust setting.
 Engine control.  Engine start (Stall detection).
 Engine start.  Detection of inclement weather (Flameout).
 Stall and surge detection.  Engine Health Monitoring.
 Engine Health Monitoring. Description
Description Each channel of the EEC receives one T30 thermocouple
A single tube that is just forward of FSN 18 & 19 (11 o’clock signal through an electrical harness.
ALF) connected to the HP compressor case takes P30 air to
the EEC.
The tube is connected to a manifold inside the EEC body that
supplies P30 air to a duplex pressure transducer, one for each
EEC channel. The tubing between the engine and the EEC
has a water trap at its lowest point; designed to accommodate
normal amounts of water that will accumulate over many
flights due to condensation.

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Engine Pressures tube for the detection of damage to the IP and HP

LP Compressor Exit Static Pressure Ps160 (Fan by-pass compressors.
air) HP Turbine Exit Static Pressure (Ps42)
Location Location
The Ps160 sensors are located in the EEC & EMU. The The Ps42 sensor is located in the EMU.
tapping is located in the bypass casing, at the 9 o’clock
Purpose The purpose of Ps42 is to provide the EMU with a sense of
IPT inlet static pressure for engine health monitoring.
The purpose of Ps160 is to provide the EEC & EMU with a
sense of LP compressor exit static pressure for engine health Description
monitoring and secondary thrust calculations. A pressure tapping within the Turbine Cooling Air Forward
Description (TCAF) thermocouple located at the 1 o’clock position gives
Ps42 to the EMU by a tube for monitoring of turbine
A single static pressure tapping located at the 9 o’clock
position in the rear fancase supplies Ps160 to both the EEC
and EMU by a bifurcating tube. The EMU uses this pressure
for monitoring turbine performance and the detection of LP IP Turbine Exit Static Pressure (Ps44)
compressor damage. The EEC uses this information to
improve the accuracy of the P20 model, when the airframe
P20 data is unavailable. The Ps44 sensor is located in the EMU.
The purpose of Ps44 is to provide the EMU with a sense of
IP Compressor Exit pressure (P25) LPT inlet static pressure.
Location Description
The P25 sensor is located in the EMU. A pressure tapping on the IP turbine case located at the 11
Purpose o’clock position over a single LPT1 NGV gives Ps44 to the
The purpose of P25 is to provide the EMU with a sense of IP EMU by a tube for monitoring turbine performance.
compressor exit pressure for the engine health monitoring.
A single pressure tapping located at the 8 o’clock position in
the intermediate case cooling pipe gives P25 to the EMU by a
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Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT) Thermocouple System indicates the value as Engine Gas Temperature (EGT) on
The TGT measurement system is located within each channel TGT Conversion
of the EEC. The hottest (and therefore limiting) temperature felt by the
rotating parts of the engine is HP Turbine Entry Temperature
The location of the measuring thermocouples is inside the LP
(TET). Since TET is too hot to be measured reliably, except
turbine stage 1-nozzle guide vanes, which are part of the IPT
in a test cell, an alternative method is required.
The method used makes a relationship between TET and
TGT on the test bed prior to despatch and is known as the
The purpose of the TGT thermocouple system is to measure ‘TET/TGT’ relationship.
the Turbine Gas Temperature (TGT) for use in thrust control,
As stated the EGT indication on the ECAM screen is derived
engine starting, and flight indication.
from TGT, thus by monitoring EGT the crew can operate the
Description engine to a TGT, without exceeding the engines maximum
12 TGT thermocouples are located within the LPT stage 1 TET.
NGVs. Each thermocouple has 2 elements that sense the hot Engine TGT Cautions / Warnings
gases going into the LP turbine at different heights. An
electrical voltage is generated by the thermocouple that is in TGT amber limit during starting:
proportion to the temperature of the gas passing over the During any ground start the EEC monitors the trimmed TGT
element. value against a ground start amber limit threshold.
The TGT thermocouples are joined together in two groups of TGT amber limit during engine running:
six and connected to channel A or B by a dedicated electrical While the engine is running and in-flight the EEC continuously
harness in parallel to the TGT harness by different size monitors the trimmed TGT value against an engine running
connectors. amber limit threshold.
Each TGT harness has a positive and negative wire, one
TGT red line limit during engine running:
Nickel Chromium (NiCr) and the other Nickel Aluminium
(NiAl), Each harness sends an average value of the raw While the engine is running and in-flight the EEC continuously
untrimmed TGT from its six thermocouples to its respective monitors the trimmed TGT value against an engine running
EEC control computer. The EEC applies a trimming logic and red line limit threshold and will detect exceedance if the limit is
exceeded for a period.

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TGT Trimming (DEP Input)

To ensure all Trent XWB engines operate to the same EGT
limit indication the TGT is trimmed. The amount of trim to be
applied is programmed into the DEP after engine test and
accessed by the EEC during each power up.
The EEC uses the TGT value to calculate the N1 corrected
speed. The N1 corrected is used for engine control as the
TGT has a direct relation with the EGT. The EEC sends
signals to the EMU and to the flight deck, where the ECAM
shows an EGT indication as a value in degrees Celsius.
The EEC uses data held by the DEP to adjust (trim) the TGT
signal. This makes all engines operate to the same EGT limit
indication shown, as shown on the cockpit EGT display. The
quantity of trim that is necessary is programmed into the DEP
after engine test and read by the EEC at engine power up.

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Vibration Monitoring System vibration to the speed signals and calculate the individual
vibration indications that will be seen on the ECAM secondary
parameter section.
The vibration measurement system is located within the
Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU). Fan Trim Balancing
Vibration signals from the single vibration transducer and N1
speed signals from the phonic wheel ‘once per revolution’
The purpose of the vibration monitoring system is to: tooth are sent to the EMU, which calculates the N1 imbalance
 Provide the cockpit with an indication of the state of and gives a balance weight solution for N1 trim maintenance
balance of the three rotating systems (N1, N2 & N3) via action.
the ECAM screen.
 Gather, store and report engine vibration data for the
engine health monitoring system.
 Provide data for on-wing trim balancing of the LP
The vibration system components consist of a single
transducer, low loss cables, the EMU, analogue connection
between the EMU and the EEC and an AFDX connection
between the EMU and the aircraft systems.
A single vibration transducer is mounted to the intermediate
case and is a dual output (A and B) accelerometer containing
two piezo-electric crystal stack elements. As the transducer
senses the total vibration in the rotating systems an electrical
signal is given to the EMU that is relative to the vibration.
A charge amplifier within the EMU amplifies the signal from
the transducer before being processed. The EMU also
receives analogue speed signals (N1, N2 and N3) from the
EEC. The EMU will align the individual rotating systems
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Engine Indicating Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMM or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Engine Indicating Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMM or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Section- 6 Engine Indicating

At the end of the section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the engine indicating system.
 Identify the location of the cockpit panels and displays associated with the indicating system.
 Identify the location, purpose and operation of the engine sensing positions.
 Identify the location, purpose and operation of the shaft speed measurement positions.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with engine indicating system.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine indicating system interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Engine Indicating Section

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Section 7 - Oil System
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Section 7 – Engine Oil System

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Oil lubrication System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the engine Oil Lubrication System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the engine Oil Lubrication System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the engine Oil Lubrication system of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine Oil Lubrication System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Oil System Simplified Description areas:

The engine oil system is a full flow re-circulatory system. It  Front Bearing Housing (FBH).
supplies oil to lubricate and cool the engine bearings and  Internal Gearbox (IGB)
gears during all operating conditions.
 HP Turbine Bearing Chamber (HPT).
The complete system is divided into three main areas:
 IP Turbine Bearing Chamber (IPT).
 Feed Oil and Cooling.
 Tail Bearing Housing (TBH).
 Return Oil (Scavenge side).
 Intermediate Gearbox (SAGB).
 Vent, de-aeration and the Breather System.
 External Gearbox (EGB).
The oil supply is contained in a tank installed on the right side
of the fan case. It incorporates temperature sensors, quantity  Transfer Gearbox (TGB).
transmitter, visual sight glass and a gravity oil filling point.  Breather Scavenge Element (BSE).
The system is vented through a centrifugal breather located in Indications
a housing on the front of the external gearbox.
The following indications are provided on the cockpit:
Oil Cooling
 Oil Tank Quantity - Secondary Engine Display.
Two Surface Air Oil Heat Exchangers (SAOHE) and a Fuel Oil
Heat Exchanger (FOHE) are used to cool the feed oil.  Oil Temperature - Secondary Engine Display.
Oil Filtration & Inspection  Oil Pressure - Secondary Engine Display.
Pressure, scavenge and line (last chance) filters provide the  Oil Scavenge Filter Blockage - Status Display.
necessary filtration. Location for Magnetic Chip Detectors
(MCD) are provided in each of the scavenge lines returning to
Pump Assembly Due to some chemical properties, HTS oil it may stain the
The pump assembly consists of a pressure pump to move the gear box external drive areas with a red discolouration. This is
oil around the system, vent pump to remove oil/air mixture a result of an annealing reaction on the gearbox material and
from the Front Bearing Housing (FBH) and nine scavenge is no cause for concern.
pumps to return the oil back to the tank from the following
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Feed Oil, Lubrication & Cooling – Description System )before being passed through the 15 micron
Feed oil is drawn from the oil tank by a pressure pump to be Scavenge Filter.
circulated through the oil system. A pressure relief valve, set The condition of the scavenge filter is monitored by a
to 635psid, protects the system from excessive pressures due differential pressure transducer, which provides a cockpit
to very cold oil or severe system blockage. indication of filter blockage once the aircraft has landed. A by-
A 125-micron filter cleans the feed oil before entering the pass valve inside the scavenge filter will opens at greater than
system. 20psid, allowing oil to flow around the oil system without it
being filtered by the scavenge filter.
The Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE) and two SAOHE
maintain the oil temperature within limits. Two dual channel Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) in
the base of the oil quantity transmitter provides the cockpit
The main function of the FOHE is to transfer heat from the oil
indication of the oil temperature.
to the fuel. A de-congealing valve protects the FOHE core
when the engine oil is very cold or if the core is blocked. All scavenge oil is de-aerated by a Cyclone Type Separator
From the FOHE the feed oil is supplied through external tubes located within the oil tank.
to the main engine bearings, gears and drives. DE-AERATION, BREATHER AND VENT SYSTEM
The two SAOHE provide additional cooling. When the EEC
senses the oil temperature is too high, the EEC will close the IP5, IP8, and HP3, air provides the air pressures required to
oil by-pass valve to allow the oil to flow through the heat seal the bearing chambers. The oversized scavenge pumps
exchangers. Each heat exchanger has a de-congealing valve and vent tubes remove the sealing air that continuously flows
incorporated to provide a by-pass in cases of cold oil or matrix through the bearing chambers.
blockage. The front bearing housing vent valve (FBHVV) controls the
RETURN OIL (SCAVENGE) differential pressure in the vent circuit related to the Front
The return oil/air is scavenged by nine pump elements in the Bearing Housing (FBH) compartment. The unit has an inlet
pump assembly from each of the eight lubricated areas of the and an outlet for scavenge oil/air flow and an inlet and an
engine and breather (air oil separator). outlet for actuation fuel flow.
Within the pump assembly are positions for eight screw in The resulting air/oil mist is transferred to the centrifugal
type Magnetic Chip Detectors (MCDs) to sample return oil breather where the air and oil is separated. The air is
from the engine main bearings and gearboxes. discarded overboard and the oil is scavenged back into the
The oil outlet from each of the scavenge pumps join to form a combined scavenge line to the oil tank.
combined scavenge return flow which is sampled by the Oil
Debris Sensor (ODS) (part of the Oil Debris Monitoring

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Oil tank Scavenge Filter Housing

Purpose Before returning to the oil tank, the scavenge oil / air mixture
passes through the scavenge filter which is mounted on the
Provide a reservoir for the engine oil system. ODMS housing located on the oil tank. The scavenge filter
Location housing contains a 15μ scavenge filter element. The
The oil tank is attached to the fan case on the right hand side. scavenge filter also incorporates a scavenge filter bypass
Features: valve which allows the oil flow to be maintained in the event of
a scavenge filter blockage. A differential pressure transducer
The oil tank is an elliptical stainless steel container. It is provides the blocked filter alert.
attached to the Low Pressure (LP) compressor case by three
brackets and weighs approximately 13.6 kg (30 lb). The oil De-Aerator (Part of Oil Tank Assembly)
tank has these primary items:
The oil tank accepts scavenge oil / air mixture into a
 Oil filler and scupper assembly de-aerator in the top of the tank from the scavenge pumps in
 De-aerator the oil pump assembly. The de-aerator separates scavenge
oil from the air. The air goes out of the de-aerator through a
 Sight glass and oil measurement scale vent tube in the top of the tank to the centrifugal breather on
 Strainer the accessory gearbox. The scavenge oil falls into the oil
 Oil quantity transmitter and two oil temperature sensors
Pressure Regulating Valve
The oil tank is pressurised by the oil return line to between 4
The oil tank provides the reservoir for the engine oil system. and 8 psi a regulating valve is installed in the top of the tank
A tube at the tank base allows oil to be supplied to the this is to ensure the pressure does not exceed this figure.
pressure pump to feed the oil system. A coarse strainer at the
outlet of the tank prevents debris from damaging the oil pump. Oil Tank Capacities
Air is released from the scavenge oil returning to the oil tank Oil Tank to FULL line: 22.8 US Quarts; 21.5 litres
by a de-aerator fitted inside the tank. A vent tube passes the Oil tank air space 5 US Quarts
air, which still contains some oil, to the centrifugal breather.
The oil filler assembly has a quick release cap and a flapper
valve that closes under normal engine oil pressure to
minimise oil loss in case the filler cap is not fitted.

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Engine Fuel / Oil Heat Management System The engine FOHE unit comprises of the following primary
The function of the engine heat management system is to  Heat Transfer Matrix
ensure the engine oil and fuel temperature is within specified  De-Congealing Valve.
limits for engine performance. The primary oil cooling is the  LP Fuel filter.
function of the Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE). Two Surface  Combined LP fuel filter/FOHE differential pressure
Air Oil Heat Exchangers (SAOHEs) provide secondary cooling Transducer.
when required.  Oil Pressure Differential Pressure Transducer
 Oil Low Pressure Switch.
Engine Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE)
The heat transfer matrix has plates connected by fins. The oil
flows into the unit in one direction and through the plates. Fuel
The engine FOHE is on the right side of the LP compressor travels in the opposite direction on the outside of the plates
case at approximately the 3 o’clock position. and fins. This process allows heat transfer between the oil
Purpose and fuel.

The engine FOHE is a two-way heat exchange unit that A spring loaded de-congealing valve in the matrix is operated
manages the engine oil and fuel temperatures within specified to allow sufficient oil flow by by-passing the cooling matrix.
limits. The valve opens at a specified pressure difference across the
FOHE. This lets 60% of the oil flow bypass the matrix without
Description interference when a cold oil condition / blockage occur. Oil
The FOHE is the primary method used to control engine oil and fuel can be drained during maintenance by the removal of
temperature and is part of the heat management system. The a drain plug for each fluid.
oil system inlet to the engine FOHE is downstream from the The drains plugs are coloured yellow for ease of identification.
pressure oil pump. The unit has an inlet and an outlet for the
oil flow and an inlet and an outlet for the fuel flow. The LP fuel
filter and related components are also part of the FOHE. An
anti-siphon system keeps oil in the engine FOHE at engine
shutdown and stabilizes the pressure in the oil system.

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Surface Air Oil Heat Exchangers (SAOHE) The de-congealing valve in each unit gives protection from
damage by oil that is too thick or by unit blockage. The valve
lets oil flow through the unit without entry into the heat
Two SAOHEs are attached to the inside of the rear LP interchange area.
compressor fan case in the upper right hand side quadrant
adjacent to the compressor case support struts.
The SAOHEs provide additional secondary cooling for the
feed oil prior to entering the Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE)
if required.
The two engine oil SAOHEs are heat exchange units which
use LP compressor airflow to cool the engine oil.
Each unit has a drain plug at the bottom of the heat exchange
area for oil removal at maintenance intervals. The SAOHEs
are the secondary method used to control engine oil
temperature and are part of the heat management system.
Each SAOHE has an oil inlet and oil outlet. Full engine oil flow
to each unit is permitted by the engine oil bypass valve
operation. The oil flows from each engine SAOHE to the
engine FOHE.
An engine SAOHE has the following primary items:
 Heat transfer matrix
 De-congealing valve.
The heat transfer matrix has external fins that remove heat
from the oil. The inner surface of the heat transfer matrix is
above the surface of the adjacent LP compressor case. The
air from the LP compressor flows along the fins which allow
the heat to transfer from the oil to the air.
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Oil By-Pass Valve (OBV) from the high pressure oil pump and out of the unit to the
engine FOHE, therefore by-passing the SAOHEs.
When the engine oil/fuel temperature is above its operating
On the right side of the LP compressor case approximately
limit, the EEC sends a signal to de-energise the control
the 2 o’clock position.
solenoid in the valve. The valve will close and direct full oil
Purpose flow to the two engine oil SAOHEs.
To maintain the engine oil and fuel temperatures within The valve energised open approximately 90% of the oil flow
defined limits by switching the SAOHEs in and out of the oil through the valve direct to the engine FOHE. The remaining
system circuit. 10% of the oil continues to flow through the two engine oil
Description SAOHEs.

The OBV is controlled by the EEC via a dual channel solenoid The EEC will close the bypass valve when oil temperatures
in response to oil and fuel temperatures. are greater than 170°c.

The OBV has several functions: The EEC will open the bypass valve when oil temperatures
are reduced below 100°c.
1. To maximise fuel temperature at the FOHE to prevent
the fuel filter icing. The fuel temperature can also effect the operation of the Oil
By-pass Valve (OBV) this is explained later in the fuel system
2. To minimise fuel heat loss during cruise to aid engine section.
performance. The valve is designed to failsafe de-energised closed, which
3. Assist oil cooling. will provide maximum engine oil cooling.
For control purposes the valve incorporates a LVDT, this
signals feedback of the valve position to the EEC.
The two position oil bypass valve controls the direction of the
full oil flow subject to engine oil/fuel temperatures. The unit is
part of the heat management system and receives signals
from the EEC to control the position of the valve.
The valve position determines oil flow to both engine oil
SAOHEs. When energised open Oil flows to the valve inlet

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The Oil Pump Assembly The scavenge pumps remove oil from the bearing chambers
Location and gearboxes. A strainer is located at the inlet of each pump
to remove debris. The outlet from each scavenge pump is
The oil pump assembly is located on the rear face of the
directed into a single tube to form a common return line to the
external gearbox.
oil tank.
An additional pump element ensures the sealing pressure in
The purpose of the oil pump assembly is to provide a the FBH bearing chamber remains at the correct pressure at
pressurised flow to the oil feed, scavenge and vent systems. low power conditions. It also provides additional lubrication to
Description the pressure pump.

The oil pump assembly consists of:

 A single pressure pump.
 Nine scavenge pumps.
 FBH vent pump.
 High-pressure oil filter.
The oil pump assembly is attached to the rear face of the
external gearbox and is driven by a splined shaft. All the
pumping elements are located in a common housing that also
includes the pressure filter housing.
The housing also has provision for eight magnetic chip
detectors (MCDs).
The pressure pump has a pressure relief valve to control
system pressure and opens if the feed oil pressure exceeds
the system limits.
The pressure filter is installed into the pressure filter housing
and is covered by a yellow removable cover. A shut-off valve
in the housing prevents the loss of oil when the filter is
removed during maintenance and an anti-leak valve prevents
oil draining back to the oil pump during engine shutdown.
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Return Oil – Scavenge Filter Bypass Valve

The Scavenge Filter Bypass Valve is located in the ODMS at
the base of the Lubricone Unit.
To ensure continuous oil flow when the Scavenge Filter
becomes fully blocked.
If the scavenge filter becomes loaded (Differential Pressure
across filter bypass valve is greater than 20 PSID). The
Bellville washer deflects, allowing the oil to pass through the
filter bypass valve and hence keep the engine lubricated.
The cockpit indication for filter ‘clogged’ is inhibited in flight, it
will only indicate when the aircraft lands.
The ‘clogged’ message will also appear in the post flight
report; this is to alert the ground staff of the ‘clogged’ filter so
that troubleshooting and rectification work can be carried out.

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Oil Debris Sensor (ODS) Diagnostic Magnetic Chip Detectors (MCDs)

Location Location
The Oil Debris Sensor (ODS) is installed in a self-closing The eight Magnetic Chip Detectors (MCD) are located in the
valve within the separator housing that is part of the ODMS scavenge lines of the oil pump assembly.
Description Description
The ODS is a passive, magnetic, inductive sensor that The screw-in MCD assembly consists of a housing and
provides the EEC with a signal that is proportional to the size Magnetic Chip Detector, which has a magnetic end. When
of the debris. the MCD assembly is installed the magnetic end is located
into the scavenge oil flow so that any ferrous debris attaches
Before entering the scavenge filter the return oil passes over
itself to the magnet.
the ODS. The ODS is located in the separator housing where
any ferrous particles are directed onto the ODS for indication To prevent oil leakage when an MCD is removed the housing
to the cockpit and capture in readiness for further analysis. has a self-closing valve.
The amount of debris on the sensor causes a signal to be The MCDs collect debris from the bearing housings and
sent to a signal conditioner. The output signal from the signal gearboxes and are identified as follows:
conditioner is proportional to the size of the debris. Therefore
the EEC is made aware of the size of the debris in order to
provide the relevant ECAM message to the cockpit. • Front Bearing Housing (FBH).
Note: • Internal Gearbox (IGB)
• HP Turbine Bearing Chamber (HPT).
During usual engine running only the ODS will be installed. If
debris is found on the ODS then the diagnostic MCDs will be • IP Turbine Bearing Chamber (IPT).
installed on the oil pump to isolate the source of the debris. • Tail Bearing Housing (TBH).
• Intermediate Gearbox (SAGB).
• External Gearbox (EGB).
• Transfer Gearbox (TGB).
• Breather Scavenge Element (BSE).

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Oil Debris Monitoring System (ODMS) Oil Debris Sensor (ODS)

Introduction The ODS is a passive, magnetic, inductive sensor that
provides the EEC with a signal that is proportional to the size
Monitoring of the debris within the oil system allows for early
of the debris.
detection of impending failures of bearings, gears, splines and
other oil lubricated components. Oil Debris Signal Conditioner (ODSC)
Location A signal from the ODS is received by the Debris Signal
Conditioner. The signal is then amplified, filtered and
The Oil Debris Monitoring System (ODMS) is located and
compared to pre-determined threshold levels before being
attached to the right side of the oil tank. The system also
passed to the EEC.
includes other units that are part of this system and attached
to the right side of the fancase.  A 10-millisecond signal is output to the EEC if a small’
Description particle is detected.

The ODMS consists of the following units:  A 20-millisecond signal is output to the EEC if a ‘large’
particle is detected.
 Lubricone Unit.
Engine Electronic Controller
 Oil debris sensor (ODS).
Channel A provides the 15V DC required to power the ODSC
 Oil debris Signal Conditioner (ODSC). and also counts the number of small and large particles
 Engine Electronic Controller (EEC). detected depending on size, quantity and rate of occurrence.
Depending on the amount of debris detected the EEC will set
 Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU). an ECAM status message as required.
Operation Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU)
Oil enters the ODMS separator housing from the Scavenge The EMU will receive ODS information from the EEC and will
Pumps via a Combined Oil Scavenge Line on the right side of use the information as part of the Engine Health Monitoring
the unit and travels through the Lubricone unit. The Lubricone suite of software to aid detection and minimize customer
unit induces a swirl into the oil flow allowing debris within the disruption.
oil to be centrifuged into a cavity where it will be analysed by
the Oil Debris Sensor (ODS).
Having passed through the Lubricone the oil flows over the
bypass valve, through the scavenge filter and into the oil tank.
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Oil Indications Sight glass

Oil Quantity/Temperature Transmitter Location
Location The sight glass and oil measurement scale are on the outer
side of the oil tank.
Mounted on the oil tank upper surface
To give a visual indication of engine oil level for oil servicing.
To provide the EEC cockpit indications of oil
quantity/temperature within the engine oil tank. Description
Description The sight glass lets the oil level in the oil tank to be visually
checked, this indicates the quantity of oil to be added to
The oil tank has an oil quantity transmitter for electrical oil
replenish the system. There is a measurement scale either
quantity indication; the transmitter consists of two concentric
side of the sight glass, one part of the scale is identified in
tubes, which form the plates of a capacitor with the engine oil
litres with the other part identified in US quarts. An anti-
acting as the dielectric, as the oil level in the tank changes so
siphon tube adjacent to the sight glass supplies oil cleaning
does the effective dielectric value, which causes a
the sight glass during engine operation.
measurable change in capacitance. The transmitter signals
are relayed using channel ‘A’ only via a signal conditioning
unit (SCU) to the EEC.
The transmitter also incorporates two oil temperature sensors
one for channel ‘A’ and one for channel ‘B, they are dual
channel Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) giving oil
temperature indication to both channels of the EEC before
processing the signal for the cockpit display via the CDS.
Channel ‘A’ is wired via a SCU and Channel ‘B’ is directly
connected to the EEC. As well cockpit indication oil
temperature signals are used for starting and fuel scheduling
during acceleration.
The EEC continuously monitors the outputs of the transmitters
and in the event of a sensor failure the EEC selects the
remaining alternate channel.

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Oil Scavenge Filter Differential Pressure Transducer

The Oil Scavenge Filter Differential Pressure Transducer is
mounted on the ODMS housing on the right hand of the oil
tank assembly.
To provide a cockpit indication of the filter blockage of the oil
scavenge filter.
Two pressure ports provide scavenge filter element inlet and
outlet pressure to opposing sides of the sensing element
within the transducer. Changes in the pressure balance
across the sensing element cause a change in the resistivity
of the element thus allowing direct measurement of the
pressure drop between the two sides of the filter. A
maintenance message is sent to the cockpit using channel B
via the EEC to advise of impending oil pressure filter
blockage, if the measured pressure difference is above the
pre-defined threshold of 13 psid.
The scavenge filter by-pass valve opens when the measured
pressure difference is above 20 psid; this enables
maintenance activity in reaction to the impending blockage
message to be taken prior to the valve being activated.

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Oil Pressure Transducer Low oil pressure switch

Location Location
The Oil Pressure Transducer is mounted on the upper face of The low oil pressure switch is mounted on the upper face of
the FOHE housing. the FOHE housing.
Purpose Purpose
Provide engine oil pressure indication and low oil pressure Provide an indication of low oil pressure through the engine to
warnings to the EEC and cockpit. the EEC and cockpit.
Description Description
The duplex output differential pressure transducer is mounted The switch provides a signal to Channel A of the EEC when
by means of a four bolt flange on to the Fuel Oil Heat the differential pressure between the outlet to the FOHE and
Exchanger (FOHE) housing. The Transducer measures the the internal gearbox scavenge line increases over the
pressure differential between the outlet from the FOHE and predetermined level of 25 psid. The switch consists of a
the internal gearbox (IGB) scavenge line. High pressure diaphragm which is exposed to FOHE outlet (High) and IGB
(FOHE outlet) is supplied to one side of the sensing element scavenge (Low) pressures. The force developed by the
and low pressure (IGB scavenge) to the other side, a change differential pressure opposes a pre-set Belleville spring load
in pressure differential cause a change in the resistivity of the and the switch actuates when force exceeds the pre-set
sensing element thus allowing direct measurement of the Belleville load. When the differential pressure decreases to
pressure drop between HP and internal gearbox scavenge the predetermined level, the Belleville snaps to its original
lines. The transducer is supplied with regulated voltage position.
[10Vdc] by the EEC and provides two separate output signals
one to each channel of the EEC. The EEC continually cross-
checks the two signals, in the event of a cross-check failure When the oil pressure falls below the threshold value a Red
the higher of the two transducer output values is used to Alert is set. This is derived from the 3 inputs, the oil pressure
provide the EEC output for cockpit display. The Oil Differential transducers and low oil pressure switch. With the engine
Pressure Transducer also provides low oil pressure alerts running 2 out of the 3 inputs are required to enunciate the low
when the pressure falls below predetermined values. oil pressure condition.
The transducer is designed to measure the differential
pressure range from -50 psid to 400 psid. The differential
measurement is taken from the outlet of the FOHE and the
internal gearbox scavenge line.
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FBH Vent Valve At high power settings, the IP5 pressure will be higher than
the breather pressure. At these conditions, the FBHVV will be
open and FBH vent airflow will bypass the FBH vent pump in
The FBHVV is on the right side of the LP compressor case order to prevent the FBH vent pump element acting as a
approximately at the 4 o’clock position. restrictor in the vent line.
Purpose At other conditions, such as flight idle at altitude, the FBHVV
The front bearing housing vent valve (FBHVV) controls the will be open and the airflow through the valve may reverse in
pressure in the vent circuit related to the Front Bearing order to prevent the FBH chamber pressure falling too low
Housing (FBH) compartment at changeable engine/flight and leading to cavitation of the FBH vent and scavenge pump
conditions. elements.

Description The FBHVV is designed such that it is not possible to install

The FBHVV has an inlet and an outlet for scavenge oil/air flow the FBHVV in an incorrect orientation.
and an inlet and an outlet for actuation fuel flow. The unit is a
two position valve commanded open or closed, as required,
by the EEC to control the vent flow and maintain FBH
chamber pressure and sealing.
a) Close when de-powered (solenoid de-energised).
b) Open when powered (solenoid energised).
In order for the control system to monitor the valve position
feedback, FBHVV positional feedback is provided by a dual
channel LVDT.
The FBHVV will be closed at low power conditions allowing air
within the FBH to be removed by the FBH vent pump element.
At these conditions, the breather pressure is higher than the
IP5 pressure outside the FBH chamber, thus requiring the use
of the vent pump to drive the vent flow.

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Ventilation System further separating process via the tank pressure relief valve at
the top of the tank.
The ventilation system consists of two main units: Centrifugal Breather
The centrifugal breather has a rotor that contains retimet
1. A de-aerator inside the oil tank.
segments and is driven by the external gearbox.
2. A Centrifugal Breather mounted to the front face of the
Aerated oil from the bearing chamber vent system and the oil
external gearbox.
tank is delivered to the centrifugal breather. The aerated oil
Purpose mixture is passed through the retimet segments, where the
The purpose of the ventilation system is to separate the oil mixture is separated. The oil is centrifuged out and scavenged
from the engine internal sealing / cooling air, so the oil can be back to the oil tank by a dedicated scavenge pump. The air
reused and the air expelled to the atmosphere. passes through the retimet segments into the hollow rotor and
is vented to atmosphere via the oil breather section of the
Description. combined drains mast.
A controlled amount of air from various stages of the Modification
compressor system is allowed to continuously flow through
the bearing chambers to seal / cool the chambers and prevent During low power operation a small amount of oil mist from
oil loss. the combined vent and oil tank vent is visible exiting from the
breather exhaust mast.
The air entering the chambers must then be removed and
generally the scavenge pumps have the capacity to remove A service bulletin details the installation of the hard ware to
the air from most of the chambers. To provide a greater modify the system to include a coalescer unit which increases
airflow through the bearing chambers a vent system is used. the oil mist particle size prior to entry into centrifugal breather.
This reduces the visible breather mist at low power conditions.
As the airflows through the bearing chambers large quantities
of an oil/air mist is produced. Maintenance Note

Oil Tank De-aerator The centrifugal breather houses the turning point for the HP
system rotation.
The function of the oil tank de-aerator is to remove the air
from the oil/air mist entering the oil tank. The de-aerator is a
cyclone type separator allowing the oil to drop into the tank
and the air to be vented to the centrifugal breather for a

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Maintenance Practices Swarf

Oil Debris Sensor and Magnetic Chip Detector Inspection Swarf is unwanted material that can stay in the engine when it
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer is assembled. The swarf comes from machine operations
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD when components are made. When this material is broken it
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. can look the same as gear or steel seal material. Examine
carefully to ensure it is different from other contamination.
MCD Inspection
Magnetic Fines
Magnetic fines are very small steel particles, which show as a
ODS Inspection
black sludge on the ODS or MCD. Fines can be from gears,
TRENTXWB-A-79-34-00-00A01-310A-A bearings or engine wear.
1. Remove the ODS / MCD and remove the oil by cleaning Note: Fines from gears are rougher than other types of fines.
using a clean container and kerosene.
Metallic Flakes
2. Inspect the ODS / MCD using an inspection lamp and
Metallic flakes usually come from ball bearings, roller bearings
10x magnifying lens. If debris is found on the ODS
and gear teeth. They are irregular in shape and must be
which is above the permitted limits install the MCD’s to
examined to find their origin.
the oil pump assembly to identify the source of
contamination and to help with fault isolation. Ball bearing and their track flakes are usually circular with
radial cracks, if clean, will have one side brighter than other
Note: MCD’s are not installed for normal service as the debris
flakes and may have scratches that go across each other.
catch on the ODS may be reduced. If the MCD’s require
fitment, install into their respective location on the oil pump Roller bearing and their track flakes are usually rectangular.
assembly and run the engine IAW the TSM requirements. When clean will have one side brighter than other flakes and
may have scratches that go across each other.
3. Keep a record of any ODS or MCD inspections made,
recording the Engine Serial Number, stating where the Gear teeth flakes are shiny, irregular in shape, thicker and not
material was found and the date the material was as bright as ball or roller bearing flakes.
collected. Chips and Gear Tooth Fragments
Types of Debris Chips are very thick flakes or pieces of metal that usually
There are four (4) main types of debris that may be found. have one smooth machined surface.
They are: Fragments are corner pieces of gear teeth and may show that
the gears are misaligned.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Maintenance Practices.  Discard the element.

Oil Scavenge Filter Removal / Installation  Remove and discard the seal ring.

The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer

to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.

Warnings and Cautions:

Observe all Warnings and Cautions given in the AMP
Removal Procedure:
The procedure in the AMP is briefly described below:
 On the OMT, get access to the Power Distribution Control
management pages and open & safety the applicable
circuit breakers.
 Open the right fan cowl door.
 Put a clean 10 L container into position to catch the oil.
 Remove the drain plug from the filter housing and drain the
oil into the container (Do not discard the oil at this step).
 Remove seal from the drain plug, install a new seal and
refit the drain plug in the housing and torque.
 Hold the housing and remove the bolts and washers.
 Carefully remove the housing and filter from the scavenge
filter cover.
 Examine the element and the drained oil for contamination
(AMM 79-00-00-00A101-280A-A).
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Maintenance Practices. membrane. Do not contaminate the centre area with metal
from the wire mesh.
Oil Scavenge Filter Inspection
11. Place the sample into the beaker with kerosene in and
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
place into the ultrasonic bath.
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.TRENTXWB- 12. Operate the ultrasonic bath for 5 minutes.
A-79-00-00-00A101-280A-A 13. Remove the sample from the beaker. Do not discard the
Warning: BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU DO WORK ON THE kerosene as it may contain debris that will help with your
ENGINE PARTS CAN STAY HOT FOR ALMOST ONE 14. Put the drained oil from the filter housing through a clean
INJURY TO PERSONNEL. 15. Place a tissue around a magnet and pass the magnet
over the filter paper.
1. Remove the contamination from the filter element.
16. Put the kerosene from the beaker through a clean filter
2. Clean the filter and oil scavenge filter housing in a fuel/oil paper.
resistant, non-metallic beaker containing clean kerosene.
17. Place a tissue around a magnet and pass the magnet
3. Lightly hit the filter element to remove any contamination. over the filter paper
4. Keep the used kerosene and contamination in the beaker 18. Examine both tissue papers using a 10x-magnifying lens.
for examination.
19. Refer to the AMP for the acceptance and reject standards.
5. Remove the contamination from the filter membrane. Laboratory analysis is also recommended to help with
6. Cut the end caps off the element and make a cut material identification.
longitudinally from one end to the other.
7. Discard the end caps.
8. Place the filter element on a flat surface and fully extend
the element to make a flat sheet.
9. Remove a piece of the element approximately 51mm by
203mm (2 inches x 8 inches) to make a sample.
10. Remove the inner and outer gauze from the filter
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Maintenance Practices
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.

Warnings and Cautions:

Observe all Warnings and Cautions given in the AMP
Scavenge Oil Filter Installation
Installation Procedure
 Examine the inner area of the housing and make sure it is
clean and clear of unwanted material.
 Install a new seal ring to the housing.
 Carefully install the filter element in the scavenge filter
cover. Make sure you hold the filter element in this
 Put the housing in position on the scavenge filter cover.
 Attach the housing with the bolts and washers.
 Torque the bolts to the value given in the AMP.
 Fill the engine oil system.
 Do a fuel and oil leak check of the scavenge filter housing.
 Put the aircraft back to its initial configuration.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Maintenance Practices. 8. Remove the filter from the housing and discard the seal
rings from the filter element and the housing.
Pressure Oil Filter Removal
9. Keep the oil pressure filter element and the oil from the
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
container if a contamination check is required.
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. 10. Inspect the filter (AMP 79-00-00-00A101-280A-A).
Oil Pressure Filter Removal 11. If the filter is satisfactory then it can be cleaned a
maximum of two (2) times.
AMP TRENTXWB-A-79-22-11-02A01-520A-D
12. After cleaning the filter should be engraved with a triangle
The Warnings and Cautions are the same as the
and with a number one (1) inside the triangle.
Scavenge Oil Filter Removal and Installation.
1. Ensure the EEC MAINT switch is in the NORM position by
accessing the maintenance Control Panel Systems Menu
and selecting MAINT, MAINT CTRL PGS, and MISC
2. Place a 5-gallon (19 litres) oil resistant container below
the oil pressure filter housing.
1 1
3. Remove and disregard the safety cable from the oil
pressure filter housing.
4. Loosen the pressure filter housing by turning the housing
counter clockwise. A strap wrench may be required for
this task.
5. Continue to turn the oil pressure filter housing counter
clockwise and remove the oil pressure filter and housing
from the oil pump assembly.
6. Let the oil drain from the oil pressure filter housing into the
5-gallon container.
7. Pour the oil from the pressure filter housing into the clean
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Maintenance Practices. 11. If contamination material is evident discard the filter.

Oil Pressure Filter Inspection 12. If there is no contaminations engrave a triangle with a
number one inside to indicate the filter element has been
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. 13. If the filter is not to be installed immediately the place the
filter in a plastic bag write the date on the bag and place
Pressure Oil Filter Inspection
into storage.
AMM TRENTXWB-A-79-00-00-00A101-280A-A
14. Refer to the AMP for the acceptance and reject standards.
The Warnings and Cautions are the same as the Laboratory analysis is also recommended to help with
Scavenge Oil Filter Removal and Installation. material identification.
1. Examine the filter element, if damaged discard the filter.
2. If not damaged check how many times the filter has been
cleaned. If the filter has two (2) triangular marks with a
number inside then replace the filter.
3. If the filter has one (1) triangular mark with a number
inside then clean the filter.
1 1
4. Temporarily blank off the ends of the filter and place into a
clean solvent container.
5. Using clean solvent (refer to the AMP for the types of
solvent) allow the filter to soak for between 30 minutes
and 2 hours in a 19 litre (5 gal) container.
6. Place the filter in a 1 litre (1 Quart) container with clean
solvent inside an ultrasonic cleaner.
7. Allow the ultrasonic cleaner to operate for 5 minutes.
8. Repeat operations 6 and 7.
9. Shake the filter and dry using clean compressed air.
10. Examine the filter using a 10x-magnifying lens.
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Maintenance Practices.
Oil Pressure Filter Installation
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
Pressure Oil Filter Installation
AMM TRENTXWB-A-79-22-11-02A01-720A-D
The Warnings and Cautions are the same as the
Scavenge Oil Filter Removal and Installation.
1. Install new seal rings to the oil pressure filter and
housing (TRENTXWB-A-70-02-01-00A01-950A-A).
2. Install the filter element ensuring the filter engages into
the oil pump assembly.
3. Install the oil pressure filter housing into the pump
ensuring that the threads of the housing engage
4. Turn the filter housing clockwise by hand until tight.

5. Once tight safety the filter housing to the oil pump

assembly using the recommended safety cable.
6. Replenish the engine oil as required.
7. Carry out the applicable test for the filter element

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Maintenance Practices. Fill the Oil tank

Oil Servicing Open the Cap
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer Pull the lever on the Cap to the unlock position.
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. Turn the lever on the Cap counter clockwise to the open
position and open the Cap
If the engine has been stopped for not more than 6 hours use
the oil sight glass to do a visual Inspection of the engine oil If you can smell fuel in the Oil tank when you remove the Cap
level. do the step that follows.
If the engine has been stopped for more than 6 hours do the Do a check for fuel fumes in the oil tank; refer to TRENTXWB-
steps that follow: A-79-00-00-00A01-390C-A.
Start the engine; refer to TRENTXWB-A-71-00-00-00A01- Note
950A-A. Only do this step if you think that you can smell fuel fumes in the oil
Operate the engine at idle for a minimum of 10 min.
Stop the engine; refer to TRENTXWB-A-71-00-00-00A01-
950C-A. Fuel fumes are easier to find when the contents of the oil tank are
Pour clean Engine oil into the Oil tank
Use the oil sight glass to do a visual inspection of the engine
oil level. Visually examine the Seal ring. Make sure it is fully engaged
in the groove of the Cap and is not loose, missing or
You must wait for a minimum of 10 min after the engine has damaged.
stopped before you do a check of the oil level. This will let the
oil level become stable. If the Seal ring is damaged replace the Seal ring, refer to
If the oil level is below the FULL mark of the oil tank sight
glass and you can see oil in the oil sight glass, fill the Oil tank. Close the Cap

If the engine has been stopped for between 2 h and 6 h, the Turn the lever on the Cap clockwise to the closed position.
oil level in the Oil tank can be 1 US quart below the Oil tank Push the lever down to the locked position.
full mark. No further action is required.
Record the quantity of Engine oil added.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Oil System

Section 7 – Engine Oil System


At the end of this section the student should be able to:

 State the purpose of the Engine Oil lubrication System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the engine Oil Lubrication System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the engine Oil Lubrication System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the engine Oil Lubrication system of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine Oil Lubrication System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Oil Section

Issue 3 June 2017 Page 7-51

Section 8 - Engine Fuel and Control System
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Section 8 - Engine Fuel and Control System

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.

At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Fuel and Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Engine Fuel and Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the Engine Fuel and Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Fuel and Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Fuel and Control System interface with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Power Control System (PCS) calculate the required fuel flow for the demanded thrust and
Thrust Control and Management interfaces with the HMU through electrical cables.
Location The reverse lever operates the opening and closing of the thrust
The software and hardware that controls engine thrust is located reverser translating sleeves. The reverse lever also allows the
on both the engine and within the aircraft. flight crew to change the amount of thrust required to slow the
aircraft during breaking on landing.
The engine control system uses LP corrected shaft speed (NL) for
The purpose of thrust control is to ensure the engine provides the
primary thrust setting and control. The NL thrust command is
correct level of thrust for safe aircraft operation at all conditions.
derived from thrust ratings that define an NL to thrust relationship
Description for a particular throttle position. The ratings include Maximum
The components used to control thrust are: Take-off (MTO), Maximum Continuous (MCT), Maximum Climb
 A thrust lever (one per engine) (MCL), Forward Idle, Reverse Idle and Maximum Reverse Thrust.
 A reverse lever (one per engine) Provision is also made for FLEX, and pre-set de-rates.
 The EEC Multiple engine ratings are available for use in primary thrust
 Engine sensors mode defined as Trent XWB-75, Trent XWB-79, Trent XWB-79B
and Trent XWB-84. These allow the correct thrusts to be
 Hydro-mechanical unit (HMU) selected for different aircraft variants. Each of these engine
 Primary Flight Control Computer (PRIM) ratings consists of a subset of thrust ratings (i.e. MTO etc.). The
 Throttle Control Assembly (TCA) engine rating is selected via the Data Entry Plug (DEP).
The thrust of each engine can be manually or automatically The forward thrust ratings are designed to have adequate
controlled. Manual control of forward thrust is by the use of levers sensitivity and accuracy by taking into account air data
on the flight deck and automatic control is by the use of software parameters (ambient temperature, ambient pressure, Mach
functions within the PRIM. number and delta temperatures and pressures) and cabin bleed
There is one combined lever in the cockpit for each engine, one air and anti-ice bleed air demands from the aircraft. The bleed air
function is for forward thrust (throttle lever) and the other for demands are frozen during take-off to prevent sudden thrust
reverse thrust (reverse lever). changes.
The throttle lever controls the forward thrust of the engine by
interfacing with the EEC using electrical cables via the AFDX
system. The EEC uses these signals and the engine sensors to

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Auto thrust (A/THR) Configuration  Flight Control Unit (FCU) AFS backup page on the
The Auto thrust (A/THR): Multi-Function Display (MFD)

Location The A/THR is armed automatically at take-off or go-around

and active when thrust levers are in the correct detent (CLB or
The auto-thrust system components are located on both the MCT) whereas in alpha floor, A/THR is directly active
engine and the aircraft. whatever the detent position.
Purpose The flight crew can disconnect the A/THR via the:
 Controls the thrust of the two engines via control orders  Instinctive disconnection button
to Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)  A/THR push button
 Holds selected or managed speed / Mach  On the AFS control panel
 Holds thrust and performs thrust reduction during flare  On the FCU AFS backup page on the MFD
 Ensures protection against high angle of attack, (Alpha  Thrust levers, if the flight crew sets the two levers to
Floor Protection) idle
Operation Avionic systems interfaces
The A/THR can operate independently or with the Auto Other aircraft avionic systems which interface with the Auto
Pilot/Flight Director (AP / FD): Thrust system are:
 If the AP / FDs are off, the A/THR still controls the  Primary Flight Display (PFD)
speed or Mach  Navigation Display (ND)
 If AP and / or FDs are engaged, the A/THR mode and  Primary Computers (PRIM)
the AP / FD vertical mode are linked  Keyboard & Cursor Control Unit (KCCU)
The A/THR can be active in all phases of flight except during  Flight Management Computer (FMC)
take-off phase.  Flight Envelope parameters (FE)
Selection  Flight Control Unit (FCU)
 Flight Guidance (FG)
A/THR Arming / Activation / Disconnection
The flight crew can arm the A/THR via the A/THR push button
 Auto Flight System (AFS) Control Panel (CP)
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Thrust Modes thrust is selected when the throttle lever is moved to the Climb
Location (CL) detent position and disconnected by a button on the
throttle lever. The throttle lever will not move in auto thrust.
The thrust modes controlling the engine are located within
EEC software and the Propulsion Control System (PCS). Forward Thrust
Purpose In manual and auto thrust modes the EEC, in response to
inputs from the throttle lever, controls engine forward thrust.
To provide different modes to which the flight crew can control
This is called N1 Primary Thrust.
the thrust of the engine for different conditions.
Reverse Thrust
In reverse thrust the EEC interfaces with the thrust reverser
The different modes of thrust control are as follows and are
unit when the throttle lever is in the idle position and the
indicated on the ECAM display in the cockpit:
reverse lever is lifted. The EEC controls the engine to an N1
Manual Mode speed that can be modulated between Reverse Idle and
The throttle lever is moved by the flight crew to select the Maximum Reverse by the flight crew.
required thrust. The EEC converts the throttle position signal Primary (THR) Thrust Control
to an N1 corrected speed. There are four forward detent
The primary control parameter of the Trent XWB is N1
Primary Thrust and is indicated in the cockpit as a percentage
 Forward Idle (0) of thrust. The Engine Control System uses air data
 Climb (CL) parameters to continuously derive the most accurate N1
 Flex Take-Off (FLX) / Max Continuous (MCT) speed thrust level possible for primary control of engine
forward / reverse thrust. This is a change from earlier Trent
 Max Take-Off and Go-Around (TOGA)
engines, which use either EPR (Engine Pressure Ratio) or
And a variable position piggy back thrust lever that operates TPR (Turbofan Power Ratio). LP speed was chosen for the
between two positions: Trent XWB because it is a simple, robust measurement suited
 Reverse Idle to high bypass ratio engines where the fan and core systems
 Reverse Max may be split for transportation.
Automatic Thrust Control (Auto thrust) N1 Unrated Thrust
The EEC, from the PRIM, receives a target thrust signal that The EEC will automatically change to N1 Unrated Thrust
is converted by the EEC to an N1 corrected speed. Auto when N1 Primary Thrust cannot be calculated.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Thrust modes continued Power Setting - Basic Control Loop

Flex Take-Off / Fixed Derate Settings The engine thrust levers send Throttle Control Assembly
Flex take-off / Fixed Derate modes allow the take-off to be (TCA) signals to the Propulsion Control System (PCS). The
performed at a decreased level of thrust when the aircraft Throttle Potentiometer Angle (TPA) is then processed
payload is light and conditions allow. De-rated settings are together with information such as altitude, Mach number and
selected via the Keyboard and Cursor Control Unit (KCCU) in ambient conditions to calculate the required thrust setting
conjunction with the Multi-Function Display (MFD) and Flight value for the engine condition. This value can be either
Management System (FMS). Primary N1 thrust mode, or if sufficient air data is not available
N1 command in alternate mode.
Flex take-off is selected by the Flight crew and is based on
inputting fictitiously high Outside Air Temperatures (OAT) from The commanded output of Primary N1 is transmitted to the
algorithmic data, based on aircraft all-up weight, airfield engine accessory mounted control units e.g. EEC, HMU.
parameters and atmospheric conditions. With the throttle The main unit associated with fuel control is the
lever in the FLX / MCT position the EEC will receive and Hydro-Mechanical Unit (HMU). Inside the HMU a fully
convert the demanded thrust into an N1 Primary Thrust. modulating Fuel Metering Valve (FMV) is used to regulate the
Fixed de-rated settings are selected within the ACTIVE amount of fuel sent to the combustion chamber.
submenu of the FMS; select the PERF page to select the The position of the FMV is controlled using a dual wound FMV
DERATED, D1, D2, D3 etc. requirement. torque motor that is connected independently to each channel
The engines have the capability of applying fixed percentage of the EEC, but driven only by the controlling EEC channel.
thrust derate levels during take-off thrust on the Trent The position of the FMV is continuously indicated to both
XWB-84. The following fixed derate levels apply: channels of the EEC by a dual wound Linear Variable
 Take-Off Derate Level 1 (4%) Differential Transducer (LVDT).
The EEC uses the feedback from the LVDT position to make
 Take-Off Derate Level 2 (8%)
small adjustments to the command signals in order to achieve
 Take-Off Derate Level 3 (12%) the desired condition, a method of control commonly
described as a closed loop control system.
 Take-Off Derate Level 4 (16%)
 Take-Off Derate Level 5 (20%)
 Take-Off Derate Level 6 (24%)

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Fuel System The fuel system can be divided into sub-systems:

Location  Supply
The locations of the fuel system components are on the external  Control / protection.
gearbox, LP compressor case and engine core. Supply
Purpose To satisfy demand, the supply system must be able to:
The purpose of the fuel system is to:  Increase aircraft fuel delivery pressure to overcome the
 Supply fuel to the engine with the correct properties for pressure drop through the low-pressure system
combustion  Limit exposure of the HMU to sub-zero fuel temperatures
 Control flow necessary for ease of starting, acceleration  Remove contaminants from the fuel
and stable running
 Increase the pressure of the fuel delivered to the
 Limit exposure of the HMU to sub-zero fuel temperatures combustor to ensure satisfactory atomisation before
 Provide motive (muscle) pressure for component ignition
actuation Control / Protection
Description The aircraft and FADEC system interface with the HMU to control
The fuel system components are: the fuel through all operating conditions.
 The Main Engine Fuel Pumps (MEFP) The fuel control system;
 The Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE)  Meters the fuel delivered to the combustion chamber to
 LP fuel filter satisfy all engine thrust requirements
 Hydro-Mechanical Unit (HMU)  Manually shuts-off of the fuel flow to the combustor by the
flight crew
 Fuel Flow Transmitter (FFTX)
 Automatically shuts-off of the fuel flow to the combustor by
 HP fuel strainer
the FADEC system
 Fuel Spray Nozzles (FSN)
 Removes any remaining fuel from the fuel manifold on
 LP Fuel Filter Differential Pressure Transducer engine shutdown (on the ground only). In flight the
 Fuel Temperature Sensor manifold lines remain full for quick relight if required.
 Fuel Drains Tank
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Main Engine Fuel Pump (MEFP) drop though the LP fuel filter while still meeting the
requirements of the HP fuel system.
The LP pump is designed to be capable of meeting its
The MEFP is located on the right side of the external gearbox
requirements when exposed to fuel contaminated with solid
rear face.
contaminants and ice. In the case of ice contamination, the
Purpose MEFP is required to satisfy the requirements when exposed to
The purpose of the MEFP is to: a high concentration transient release of ice.

 Deliver sufficient fuel flow and pressure for efficient The HP pump configuration has two positive displacement
atomisation of fuel at the FSNs parallel spur gear pumps of differing sizes that supply fuel to
the HMU during engine operation.
 Provide sufficient fuel flow to operate any fuel-powered
actuators The small HP gear stage is designed to deliver fuel flow to the
HMU in order to satisfy the burner flow and HP stage off take
 Deliver demanded fuel flow in the event of failure of the flows for all performance points up to and including normal
aircraft fuel pumps cruise flow.
Description The large HP gear stage is designed to augment the fuel flow
The MEFP is a single LRU assembly consisting of low and delivered by the small HP gear stage when operating at
high-pressure pumps and are driven by a common splined performance points above normal cruise in order to satisfy all
drive shaft which connects to the external gearbox drive train. burner flow and off take flow demands. The large HP gear
stage is designed to spill its outlet flow to the HP pump inlet
The pump is designed to be capable of providing sufficient via a low pressure rise spill loop in the HMU when the small
fuel flow to satisfy the demanded burned and off take flows for HP gear stage is capable of satisfying the demanded fuel flow
maximum take-off fuel demand and also for windmill relight in order to minimise fuel heating.
fuel demand at low HP spool speed.
The centrifugal LP pump provides sufficient pumping capacity
and pressure rise to allow for adequate filling of the HP gear
stages after accounting for interstages pressure losses. The
size of the LP pump is set so that the LP delivery pressure is
high enough to overcome the maximum (worst-case) pressure

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Main Engine Fuel Pump (MEFP) output is routed to the HMU via the spill valve and returned to
HP inlet.
When fuel demand increases and cannot be met by the small
Fuel is delivered from the aircraft fuel pumps via the low
gear stage alone, the HMU spill valve return flow is reduced
pressure shut off valves in the wing tanks to the engine
which has the effect of building pressure in the NRV / PRV to
overcoming the spring pressure and HP pump down-stream
Fuel enters the inlet of the single stage centrifugal impeller LP pressure. Fuel delivery to the HMU is now increased by the
pump where the fuel pressure is raised (75psid at typical large HP gear stage via the NRV / PRV.
ground idle conditions) for delivery to the FOHE. In addition
The system is designed to deliver the demanded fuel flow
the LP pump pressure delivery, supplies motive power to
during negative ‘G’ events and be capable of re-priming the
operate both the Front Bearing Housing Vent Valve (FBHVV)
fuel system when air is introduced.
and the Drains Tank Ejector Pump (DTEP) whose flow
induces suction through the ejector valve of the drains tank to The interface between the MEFP and HMU is through tubes
remove any fuel in the tank and returns it to the inlet of the LP and an adaptor block.
pump. Also NRV / PRV limits the pressure rise of the pump in the
LP pump delivery passes to the FOHE where the fuel is pre- event of system blockage.
heated in the FOHE and passed through the LP fuel filter, it On the MEFP body there are two drain plugs provided for
returns to the MEFP and enters the HP pump stages inlet. draining fuel from the LP and HP fuel systems in order to
As described earlier, the small HP gear stage is designed to facilitate removal of the MEFP or other fuel system unit.
deliver fuel flow to the HMU in order to satisfy the burner flow
up to cruise and HP stage off take flows for all performance
points above normal cruise flow.
The large HP stage outlet flow is controlled by the position of
a combined Non Return Valve (NRV) & Pressure Relief Valve
(PRV) which is mounted in the MEFP. The position of the
NRV / PRV is determined by the HMU Spill valve position.
When fuel demand is satisfied by the small HP gear stage
alone, the NRV / PRV is closed and the HP large gear stage

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Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE) and LP Filter Housing prevents and limits unwanted engine fuel flow and fuel
starvation in the event of sudden release of ice (snow-shower)
from the aircraft/engine fuel system to the FOHE inlet.
The FOHE and LP Fuel Filter assembly are located on the
The LP fuel outlet from the FOHE passes to the LP fuel filter
right side of the LP compressor case.
housing, where a 40 micron, high temperature, ribbed,
Purpose corrugated, impregnated element filters the fuel prior to
The purpose of the FOHE is to exchange heat within the oil delivery to the HP stages. The flow path within the filter
and fuel circuits to maintain the oil and fuel temperatures housing is from outside to inside. Should the LP fuel filter
within acceptable limits. The LP fuel filter removes any become blocked, a bypass valve (25 psid) located within the
contaminants from the LP fuel prior to delivery to the HP filter housing, will open to deliver unfiltered fuel to the HP
pumps and HP fuel components. pump stages.

The FOHE has been described in the oil system. These notes
describe the FOHE from a fuel perspective.
The FOHE allows heat to be transferred from the oil to the fuel
to reduce the possibility of the water content in the fuel from
forming ice crystals.
The FOHE matrix is designed using a number of plates
separated by fins through which the fuel flows in an opposite
direction to the oil to ensure maximum heat transfer between
the oil and fuel.
The fuel enters the FOHE matrix from the LP pump and flows
through internal passages before delivery to the LP filter
At the inlet of the FOHE, and included within the FOHE
design, is a passive fuel bypass valve (35 psid). The valve
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LP Fuel Filter / FOHE Differential Pressure Transducer Differential pressure signals are sent to the EEC by a twin
sensor transducer (double element sensor with simplex output
per element sensor).
The combined LP fuel filter / FOHE differential pressure
The warnings are displayed in the cockpit.
transducers are attached to LP fuel filter element housing.
For filter / FOHE blockages the transducers detect four levels
of blockage and provides the following associated signals to
the airframe;
 LP Filter- impending
 LP Filter- pre-bypass
 LP Filter- bypass
 FOHE - bypass
A differential pressure transducer is mounted on the engine
fuel oil heat exchanger and reads the pressure across the
Low Pressure fuel filter element of the FOHE to enable
detection of the build-up of debris across the filter.
Whilst the FOHE is designed to cope with the most arduous
non blocked operating conditions in terms of iced fuel, it also
features a fuel side bypass valve to ensure that no fuel flow
restriction can occur should high concentrations of ice be
released from the aircraft fuel system, which could block the
front face of the FOHE matrix. The valve is designed to
operate when the fuel side of the unit becomes blocked such
that the pressure drop exceeds a given threshold.
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Hydro-Mechanical Unit (HMU) spray nozzles. A Linear Variable Differential Transducer

(LVDT) feedback device provides the EEC with signals of
valve position.
The HMU is located to an adaptor block on the right side of
A fuel manifold dump valve is mechanically connected to the
the external gearbox.
metering valve to drain the fuel manifold into the drains tank
Purpose when the engine is shut down. This operation is only enabled
The purpose of the HMU is to follow the commands of the when the aircraft is on the ground.
EEC to meter the fuel to the FSNs, under all flight envelope Shut-off Servo valve
conditions. The HMU also provides motive fuel servo
The shut-off servo valve directs HP servo pressure to control
pressure for the VSV / TCC actuators, and fuel shut off either
the position of the Pressure Raising and Shut off Valve
manually, automatically or during emergency conditions.
(PRSOV). The shut-off servo valve is connected directly to
Description the Engine Master Start switch (Eng 1 or 2) on the cockpit
Various electro-hydraulic servo valves provide HP fuel servo ENG START panel, to either command fuel to the fuel spray
pressure to operate internal valves or external components. nozzles on start up or to shut the fuel off during engine shut
down. The shut-off servo valve is also connected to the
Variable Stator Vane (VSV) Servo valve engine protection systems in the EEC to shut the engine down
The VSV servo valve is connected to both channels of the in case of LP turbine overspeed, LP rotor overspeed and IP
EEC through electrical harnesses which provides variable rotor overspeed.
electrical current to change the position of the servo valve. Thrust Control Malfunction (TCM) Servo valve
The subsequent hydro-mechanical movement affects the HP
fuel servo pressure and therefore the VSV actuators position. The TCM function in the EEC interfaces with the TCM servo
valve in the HMU to; reduce engine thrust, shut the engine
Metering Valve Servo valve down or cap the engine speed in accordance with the limits of
The HMU receives commands from either channel of the EEC the flight envelope. TCM servo valve using servo pressure
through electrical harnesses to command a servo valve inside controls of the position of the PRSOV, the PDCV and the
the HMU. The servo valve directs HP servo pressure to combined spill valve. This valve operates independently to
control the position of the metering valve. The metering valve the metering valve control, but can modulate flow as
in conjunction with the Pressure Drop Control Valve (PDCV) demanded by the EEC in the event that control of the
and the combined spill valve controls the fuel flow to the fuel metering valve is lost.
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Drains Tank and Ejector Valve If an in-flight shutdown happens the valve in the HMU remains
closed keeping the fuel in the tubes and manifolds up to the
FSNs in readiness for an in-flight start.
The fuel drains collector tank is located on the right side of the
The drains tank collector is sized to hold fuel for one usual
LP compressor case.
engine shutdown and a number of failed starts. If the number
Purpose of failed starts is more than the maximum limit the drains tank
The purpose of the drains tank is to collect the fuel remaining can become full and the fuel will be dumped overboard
in the fuel manifold after a usual engine shutdown on the through the drains mast.
ground or after a failure to start in order to minimise the
build-up of carbon in the fuel spray nozzles and lacquering of
the fuel manifold tubes.
The drains tank assembly consists of a steel tank and an
ejector valve. Within the ejector valve is a non-return valve, a
float valve and a filter assembly.
The Fuel Spray Nozzles (FSNs) are connected to, and
supplied with fuel from, a fuel manifold. During engine
shutdown on the ground only, the drains collector tank
receives fuel from the tubes between the HMU and fuel
manifolds through a valve located within the hydro-mechanical
unit (HMU).
During the next engine start fuel from the low pressure fuel
pump passes through the ejector pump at the bottom of the
drains collector tank. By a venturi effect any fuel in the drains
collector tank is returned to the inlet of the LP fuel pump. As
the level of fuel in the tank reduces the float valve will close off
the inlet to the non-return valve allowing the non-return valve
to close and preventing air from entering the fuel system.
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Fuel Flow Transmitter Fuel Temperature Sensor

Location Location
The fuel flow transmitter is located in the main HP fuel tube The fuel temperature sensor is located in the fuel tube
between the HMU and the HP fuel strainer. between the HMU and the fuel flow transmitter.
Purpose Purpose
The purpose of the flow transmitter is to provide a The purpose of the fuel temperature sensor is to sense the
measurement of the mass rate of fuel to the fuel spray nozzle temperature of the fuel for use by the:
 Engine Heat Management System
 Engine Health Monitoring
The fuel flow transmitter interfaces with the EEC through an
electrical harness. The transmitter provides a signal to the
EEC that is the same frequency as the mass fuel flow to the The fuel temperature sensor is a dual channel resistive
fuel spray nozzle. temperature device (RTD) that interfaces with both channels
of the EEC through electrical harnesses.
The EEC converts the frequency of the signal into units that
are recognised by the flight crew and the aircraft systems and The EEC uses fuel temperature to manage the temperature of
transmits the information through the AFDX system to the the fuel and oil as part of the heat management system,
ECAM as a secondary parameter. keeping the lubricating oil cool and the fuel to be kept warm.
The flow transmitter output can be configured to specific If fuel temperature increases above a maximum threshold
Customer requirements to read in Fuel Flow units (currently defined as 100C), the Oil Bypass Valve (OBV)
of ‘lbs’ or ‘kg’. closes and the oil is forced through the SAOHEs. This lowers
the oil temperature and as a consequence the fuel
The minimum HP fuel temperature at which the OBV should
be closed is 40C which in turn corresponds to a 20C LP fuel
filter inlet fuel temperature. This ensures that the LP fuel filter
inlet temperature remains above 0C.
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

HP Fuel Strainer (HPFS)  If there are less than two (2) triangular marks, clean the
Location strainer.

The HP fuel strainer is located at the inlet of the fuel manifold  If no contamination is found engrave a triangle with a
at the six o’clock position. number One (1) inside (as below) to indicate the
strainer has been cleaned.
The purpose of the HP fuel strainer is to protect the fuel spray
nozzles against contamination.
Description 1
The HP fuel strainer is secured by a single captive bolt within
the strainer and bolted to the filter housing assembly of the
fuel manifold.
The HP fuel strainer attachment bolt, must be secured with
The HP fuel strainer provides protection against blockage of the correct torque loading (110 and always in
the fuel spray nozzles. The strainer is constructed from a accordance with the current the AMP task instructions.
plain weave stainless steel mesh with a 250-micron mean
pore opening. The strainer is cleanable by washing in
kerosene or other AMP approved fluid. The strainer must be
discarded after two cleaning process. Once cleaned the
strainer must be marked with the appropriate markings as
stated in the AMP cleaning procedure (TRENTXWB-A-73-11-
Check the number of times the strainer has been cleaned.
The number of triangles with a number 1 inside indicates this
as follows:
 If there are two (2) triangular marks then discard the

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Fuel Manifolds The secondary manifold hose configurations must be aligned

and secured with the designated immobiliser tooling, during
Primary and Secondary Fuel Manifolds
removal and installation.
The immobilisers ensure the correct orientation of the hoses
The primary fuel manifold is attached around the outside of and union angles to prevent any chaffing or potential HP fuel
the outer combustion case by brackets. Secondary fuel leakage due to incorrect installation.
manifolds connect each fuel spray nozzle to the primary fuel
The purpose of the primary fuel manifold is to deliver metered
and filtered high-pressure fuel to the secondary manifold for
the fuel spray nozzles.
The primary manifold is a ridged tube that is manufactured
and assembled in two halves around the outer combustor
Twenty flexible secondary manifolds allow fuel to flow to the
fuel spray nozzles. Each secondary manifold delivers fuel to
a single fuel spray nozzle.
The fuel manifolds are drained of fuel when the engine is shut
down on the ground only, avoiding the potential for fuel inside
the manifolds becoming heated during engine shutdown. The
effect of which would be to cause lacquering in the fuel tubes
and coking in the fuel spray nozzles, both of which have an
impact on engine performance.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Fuel Spray Nozzles (FSN) made from steel and identified by a straight line on the top of
the distributor weight assembly ( - ), while all the others are
made from tungsten and are identified by a plus on the top of
The fuel spray nozzles are located through openings in the the distributor weight assembly ( + ).
outer combustion case.
The weight configuration provides more fuel to the igniter
Purpose nozzles at light up and helps ignition. The spring and weight
The purpose of the fuel spray nozzles is to deliver metered air are designed to open at a specific fuel manifold pressure.
and atomised fuel to the combustion chamber. This allows fuel to enter each FSN at the same time and to be
Description lit evenly during starting and re-light and will shut off fuel
during Master Start switch to ‘Off’ preventing carbon build-up
The twenty fuel spray nozzles are an internal heat shielded on the FSN head.
design with a coiled fuel tube. They each receive fuel through
an individual flexible secondary fuel manifold. Fuel passes
through body (feed arm) of the FSN to the swirl chamber
where vanes swirl the fuel before it is atomises into a cone
shaped spray.
Outer swirl vanes attached to the nozzle head allow HP
compressor stage 6 exit air (P30) to mix with the fuel and help
shape the flame in the combustion chamber.
Other holes in the combustor head and dilution holes in the
liners provide air into the combustion chamber to help shape
the flame, insulate and cool the combustion chamber.
A distributor weight assembly is located inside the inlet of
each of the FSN to control the fuel delivery pressure to the
nozzle head at low fuel flow conditions.
The assembly consists of a housing, spring and weight.
There are two different weights configurations depending on
position, the nozzles which align with the igniters (8 & 12) are
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Maintenance Practices
LP Fuel Filter Element – Fuel Filter (73-11-11, 01-250)
Removal Procedure WARNING
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer YOU MUST NOT GET ENGINE FUEL ON YOUR SKIN, IN YOUR
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD EYES OR IN YOUR MOUTH. ENGINE FUEL IS AN IRRITANT.
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. YOU MUST NOT BREATHE THE FUMES. FUEL FUMES CAN


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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Maintenance Practices
LP Fuel Filter Element – Fuel Filter (73-11-11, 01-250)
Installation Procedure
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling.
LP Fuel Filter Element Install
AMP Task



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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Maintenance Practices
HP Fuel Filter – HP Fuel Filter Element (73-11-12, 01-250)
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer WARNING
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD YOU MUST NOT GET ENGINE FUEL ON YOUR SKIN, IN YOUR
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. EYES OR IN YOUR MOUTH. ENGINE FUEL IS AN IRRITANT.

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Maintenance Practices. WARNING

HP Fuel Filter – HP Fuel Filter Element (73-11-12, 01-250) YOU MUST NOT GET ENGINE FUEL ON YOUR SKIN, IN YOUR
Clean and apply surface protection YOU MUST NOT BREATHE THE FUMES. FUEL FUMES CAN
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer CAUSE DAMAGE TO YOUR LUNGS. PUT ON GOGGLES OR A
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD FACE MASK. IF YOU GET ENGINE FUEL ON YOUR SKIN,
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. FLUSH IT AWAY WITH WATER. IF YOU GET ENGINE FUEL IN
AMP Tasks:


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Maintenance Practices. WARNING

HP Fuel Filter – HP Fuel Filter Element (73-11-12, 01-250) YOU MUST NOT GET ENGINE FUEL ON YOUR SKIN, IN YOUR
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer YOU MUST NOT BREATHE THE FUMES. FUEL FUMES CAN
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD CAUSE DAMAGE TO YOUR LUNGS. PUT ON GOGGLES OR A
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. FACE MASK. IF YOU GET ENGINE FUEL ON YOUR SKIN,

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Maintenance Practices.
Hydro-mechanical unit – Hydromechanical meter
(73-21-13, 01-250)
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer CAUTION
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD YOU MUST NOT BEND THE ELECTRICAL HARNESS TOO
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. MUCH WHEN YOU DISCONNECT/CONNECT THE ELECTRICAL



YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT YOU CAN HOLD THE WEIGHT The HMU weighs approximately 12.5 kg (27.5 lbs).

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Maintenance Practices
Hydro-mechanical unit – Hydromechanical meter
(73-21-13, 01-250)
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer CAUTION
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD YOU MUST OBEY THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN THE
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. STANDARD PRACTISE 70-12-01 WHEN YOU
AMP Tasks: TRENTXWB-A-73-21-13-01A01-720A-A, OCCUR.




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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Maintenance Practices
Fuel Spray Nozzle Removal CAUTION
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer YOU MUST NOT PUT FUEL THAT HAS BEEN DRAINED FROM
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD THE ENGINE BACK INTO THE FUEL SYSTEM.
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. CONTAMINATION IN THE FUEL CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE
Fuel Spray Nozzle Removal
AMP Task TRENTXWB-A-72-41-72-01A01-520A-A

YOU MUST NOT GET ENGINE FUEL ON YOUR SKIN, IN YOUR You must retain the distributor weight assembly for installation
EYES OR IN YOUR MOUTH. ENGINE FUEL IS AN IRRITANT. in the replacement fuel spray nozzle.
The fuel distributor weight assembly at locations 8 and 12 are
YOUR EYES OR IN YOUR MOUTH, FLUSH IT AWAY WITH configured adjacent to the igniter plugs and are identified by a
WATER. YOU MUST NOT CAUSE VOMITING BUT GET straight line on the top of the weight.
MEDICAL AID IMMEDIATELY. For all other locations, make sure there is a cross at the top of
the fuel distributor weight assembly.


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Maintenance Practices
Fuel Spray Nozzle Installation
The following is a brief description of these tasks. Refer
to the AMP for the full description and the relevant OMSD
for the correct use of any specialised tooling. CAUTION
The washer CSN 72417201285 can rotate freely after
Carry out a borescope inspection of the combustion inner
EYES OR IN YOUR MOUTH. ENGINE FUEL IS AN IRRITANT. case to ensure the Fuel nozzle assembly CSN 7241721250 is
YOU MUST NOT BREATHE THE FUMES. FUEL FUMES CAN engaged in the combustion burner seal, refer to;
FLUSH IT AWAY WITH WATER. IF YOU GET ENGINE FUEL IN Install the main fuel hose assemblies; refer to;
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On Board Maintenance – Ground or Initiated Tests

The Initiated tests provide a means by which the maintenance
personnel can conduct Engine related tests in a safe and
controlled manner. The test called up is to be carried out
when directed by the relevant AMP of TSM procedure.
Test Structure
The Central Maintenance Computing Function (CMCF) will
generate screens to guide the operator though in the following
test steps:
 Test Set-Up (indicates to the operator any necessary
warnings, switch selections and instructions required to
carry out the test in a safe manor).
 Test In-Progress (Indicates that the test is currently
being carried out (operating) – a STOP TEST option is
available if required at this point).
 Test Close-Up (switch selections and instructions
required to return the system to its original condition).
 Fault Reporting (indicates Passed or Failed condition).
Below is an indication of the Fuel Metering Valve System
Test, together with an explanation of the test capabilities.

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Cockpit Effects
Below is an indication of the associated Cockpit Effect
messages for this section (Fuel) together with the message
type (level), an explanation of its meaning, dispatch
restrictions (if any) and expected actions taken by flight or
ground crew.
Note: This is for your guidance only. Due to the nature of the
aircraft and engines continual development these may change
and Rolls Royce cannot guarantee that they are still current
and fully accurate. As such, always refer to the appropriate
MMEL & AMM procedures for reference.

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HP SOV ENG x HP FUEL VLV NOT CLOSED Indicates a mechanical fault of the HPSOV (i.e. 1 No Go

FMV Drive ENG x SHORT TERM MINOR Indicates a fault with channel ‘A’s’ FMV drive or a 1 Go (STD)
FAULT wiring fault to channel A of the EEC
(similar fault indications and dispatch conditions for
channel B of the EEC)

FMV Pos ENG x SHORT TERM MINOR Indicates a fault with channel ‘A’s’ Fuel Metering 1 Go (STD)
FAULT Valve position sensor or a wiring fault to channel A
of the EEC
(similar fault indications and dispatch conditions for
channel B of the EEC)

HMU ENG x LONG TERM MINOR FAULT Indicates calibration errors within the FMV or a Fuel 1 Go (LTD)
Calibration Flow meter fault

HP SOV ENG x LONG TERM MINOR FAULT Indicates a fault with channel ‘A’s’ HPSOV position 1 Go (LTD)
Pos sensor or a wiring fault to channel A of the EEC
(similar fault indications and dispatch conditions for
channel B of the EEC)

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Fuel Flow ENG x FUEL FLOW DEGRADED Indicates a wiring failure between the EEC and fuel 1 Go (STD)
flow transmitter or a mechanical failure of the fuel – 10 days
Fuel Flow displayed with amber
flow transmitter resulting in erratic or total loss of
dashes across the least significant
flow fate output to the EEC
three digits

LP Fuel ENG x SHORT TERM MINOR Indicates a wiring or sensor failure of the LP fuel 1 Go (STD)
Filter DP FAULT filter differential pressure transducer

LP Fuel ENG x FUEL FILTER PARTLY Indicates impending fuel filter blockage 1 Go (STD)
Filter CLOGGED – 50 hours



TFuel ENG x LONG TERM MINOR FAULT Indicates a fault resulting in cross check failure with 1 Go (LTD)
the fuel temperature sensor

TFuel None Indicates a fault with channel ‘A’s’ fuel temperature 1 Go (UNL)
sensor or a wiring fault to channel A of the EEC
(similar fault indications and dispatch conditions for
channel B of the EEC)
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System




FMV ENG x CTL SYS FAULT Indicates a mechanical jam of the FMV resulting in 1 No Go
inability of the valve to track

FMV Pos ENG x SHORT TERM MINOR Indicates a fault with channel ‘A’s’ Fuel Metering 1 Go (STD)
FAULT Valve position sensor or a wiring fault to channel A
of the EEC (cross check failure with ‘A’ deemed to
ENG x SHORT TERM MINOR have failed Go (STD)
(similar fault indications and dispatch conditions for
channel B of the EEC)

HP SOV ENG x LONG TERM MINOR FAULT Indicates a fault with channel ‘A’s’ HPSOV position 1 Go (LTD)
Pos sensor or a wiring fault to channel A of the EEC
(cross check failure with ‘A’ not matching demand)
(similar fault indications and dispatch conditions for
channel B of the EEC)

HMU None Indicates a failure of the HMU smart calibration data 1 Go (UNL)
Calibration or link to channel A of the EEC
(similar fault indications and dispatch conditions for
channel B of the EEC)

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Fuel System Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMM or TSM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Issue 3 June 2017 ZONE 1 WIRING DIAGRAM Page 8-58

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Fuel System Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMM or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Fuel System

Section 8 - Engine Fuel System

At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Control and Fuel System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRU’s that form the Engine Control and Fuel System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRU’s that form the Engine Control and Fuel System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS & CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Control and Fuel System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Control and Fuel System interface with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Fuel Section

Issue 3 June 2017 Page 8-61

Section 9 - Airflow Control
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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Section 9 - Airflow Control

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:

 State the purpose of the engine Airflow Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the engine Airflow Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs of the engine Airflow Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the engine Airflow Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine Airflow Control System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Airflow Control System VIGV / VSV System

Location The VIGVs and VSVs control the angle of the air supplied to
The airflow control system components are located on the LP the first three rotor stages of the IP compressor. The angle of
compressor case and engine core. the VIGVs and VSVs, normally closed at low speed and open
Purpose at high speeds, vary in response to acceleration and
The purpose of the airflow control system is to provide a deceleration commands to optomise performance and prevent
stable airflow through the engine compressors at all operating stall and surge conditions occurring.
conditions, protecting against stall and surge and maintaining IP and HP Compressor Bleed Valves
a high degree of efficiency. The Three IP8 and HP3 compressor bleed valves exhaust
Description compressor air into the bypass duct when commanded by the
The airflow control system is controlled by the EEC using the EEC through their individual solenoids.
following components: Solenoid Banks
 One stage of variable inlet guide vanes (VIGVs). There are two solenoid banks.
 Two stages of variable stator vanes (VSVs). One installed on the left side of the Intermediate case and the
 Two VSV / VIGV Actuators other is installed on the right side of the Intermediate case.
 Three IP8 bleed valves (Handling Bleeds). The six solenoids in the left bank operate the IP 8 / HP 3
handling bleed valves.
 Three HP3 bleed valves (Handling Bleeds).
The five solenoids in the right bank operate the, LPTCCV,
 Two bleed valve solenoid banks.
ESS anti-ice valve, and the nacelle anti-ice PRSOV. There is
 The HMU one spare solenoid on this bank due to the deletion of a now
HMU redundant system.
The HMU controls the position of the VIGV/VSV system in
response to signals through electrical harnesses from the
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Variable Inlet Guide Vane (VIGV) / Variable Stator Vane • The X3 Unison rings made of x 6 halves
(VSV) Control System The VIGV / VSV system is controlled by the EEC via a dual
channel two stage VSV Servo valve inside the HMU.
Location Fuel is used as the hydraulic operating medium (Muscle force)
The VIGVs are located immediately behind the Engine and a single channel Linear Variable Differential Transducer
Section Stators (ESS). The VSVs are located after the first (LVDT) inside each actuator supplies actuator ram position to
and second stages of the IP Compressor rotors. the EEC.
Purpose The left actuator LVDT provides a signal to Channel A, and
The Variable Stator Vane Actuator System changes the the right actuator LVDT provides a signal to Channel B.
angular position of the VSVs and VIGVs. The EEC channel in control only uses the positional feedback
This controls the air flow supplied to the first three rotor stages from its own LVDT unless that signal is lost, in which case, it
of the IP compressor. will then use the input signal from the other channel.
The position of the VIGVs and VSVs is usually open at high
speeds and closed at low speeds.
The angular position will also change with acceleration and
deceleration to makes sure the performance is efficient and to
prevent stall and surge conditions.
The VIGV/VSV system consists of the following units:
• The Variable Inlet Guide Vanes (VIGVs)
• The Variable Stator Vanes (VSVs)
• The Variable Stator Vane X2 Actuators
• The X2 Crankshaft and Control rod assemblies
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Variable Inlet Guide Vane (VIGV) / Variable Stator Vane VIGV / VSV Actuators
(VSV) Control System Continued The two combined VIGV / VSV actuators are installed around
Variable Stator Vanes IP compressor case. Each actuator has two HP fuel
The VSV mechanisms are installed on the IP compressor connections, one fuel drain connection and one electrical
case this includes a crankshaft, control rods and unison rings. connection. The HP fuel connections supply fuel to extend
The VSV actuators are connected to the VSV mechanism. and retract the actuator rams. The fuel drain connection will
This mechanism changes the linear movement of the actuator give an indication of an internal failure of the actuator. The
to angular movement of the VSVs through their specified electrical connection connects the actuator to its related EEC
range. The VSV actuators are hydraulically extended and channel. A Linear Variable Differential Transducer (LVDT)
retracted with HP fuel supplied from the Hydro-Mechanical installed in the actuator monitors the position of the
Unit (HMU). hydraulically operated ram and transmits electrical signals to
the EEC. The HMU controls the direction of the fuel flow to
Variable Inlet Guide Vanes the HP fuel connections on the actuators to extend or retract
The VIGV mechanisms are installed on the IP compressor the ram. The HMU is controlled by electronic signals from the
case this includes a crankshaft, control rods and unison rings. EEC.
The VSV actuators are connected to the VIGV mechanism. Location
This mechanism changes the linear movement of the actuator
The locations of the VIGV / VSV actuating system
to angular movement of the VIGVs through their specified
components are as follows:
range. The VSV actuators are hydraulically extended and
retracted with HP fuel supplied from the Hydro-Mechanical  The VIGV / VSV actuators are located 180 degrees
Unit (HMU). apart at the 5 o’clock and 10 o’clock positions on the IP
compressor case.
 The VIGV / VSV mechanism is located around the IP

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Variable Inlet Guide Vane (VIGV) / Variable Stator Vane

(VSV) Control System Continued
Normal Operation
Variable Stator Vane Actuator System
During engine start the VIGVs and VSVs are held in their
closed position. They are held in the closed position until
there is sufficient HP servo fuel pressure to operate the
actuators and open the VIGV / VSV.
In acceleration or as the engine speed increases the VIGV /
VSVs will move to their fully open position. The EEC uses N2
(IP compressor speed) and IP compressor inlet temperature
to control the angular position of the VIGV / VSV.

Failsafe position
On system failure the VSV mechanism will go to the open
position (High speed position)
This will prevent the shaft over speeding by loading the
compressor with air.

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Compressor Handing Bleed Valve System compressor airflow into the bypass duct to prevent stall or
The bleed valves are closed at higher engine speeds to allow
 The IPBV’s are positioned on the IP case at the
full airflow through the IP and HP compressors.
following locations ALF the 3, 7, & the 9 o’clock
positions. The bleed valves are pneumatically opened and closed with
HP3 servo air supplied from the left solenoid block.
 The HPBV’s are positioned on the HP case at the
following locations ALF the 10, 4, & 2 o’clock positions. The Left Hand bleed valve solenoid block is controlled by
signals from the Engine Electronic Controller (EEC).
There is no bleed valve positional feedback to the EEC.
The purpose of the IP8 and HP3 bleed valves controls the
flow of air through the compressors during engine operations. The EEC uses references from N2 (IP compressor speed)
and IP compressor inlet temperature to control the IP bleed
valve positions.
The Air Bleed System consists of the following components.
The EEC uses references from N3 (HP compressor speed)
 The Left Hand Solenoid Block and IP compressor inlet temperature to control the HP bleed
 The IP8 Bleed Valves valve positions.
Failsafe Control
 The HP3 Bleed Valves.
If a failure of the electrical signals to the solenoid occurs, the
At engine start the bleed valves are open due to spring force; system is designed for the handling bleed valves to
this allows air to be bled off to reduce the loads on the automatically close (high speed position). This failure mode
compressor during the start sequence. makes sure that the engine internal air pressure distribution
does not adversely affect turbine cooling.
At the lower engine speeds the bleed valves are held open by
spring force plus HP3 servo air to bleed some of the

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Compressor Handing Bleed Valve System continued To close the valves the solenoid is de-energised the HP3 air
is vented to atmosphere. The bleed valve will then move
IP8 Bleed Valve towards the closed position controlled by the spring and IP8
Location compressor air inlet pressure.

There are three IP8 bleed valves installed on the Intermediate The EEC schedules the IP handling bleed valves according to
case. a measure of the engine IP compressor inlet air mass flow;
using IP shaft speed, LP shaft speed and T20 signals.
HP3 servo air from the left bleed valve solenoid block is
delivered to each bleed valve when commanded by the EEC
to move the valve to the open position. A diffuser is attached
to each bleed valve outlet which reduces the hot airflow force
when mixing with bypass airflow.
Valve Operation
In the static position the bleed valves are spring loaded to the
open position this gives the correct airflow through the IP
compressor for engine start.
During the starting sequence the IP8 compressor air acts on
the piston overcoming the spring force; this causes the valve
to move to the closed position.
To open the valves the EEC sends an electrical signal to a
solenoid in the left solenoid block. This energises the
solenoid and HP3 air is then supplied to the bleed valve. The
HP3 air and spring pressure moves the valve towards the fully
open position.

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Issue 3 June 2017

IP 8 BLEED VALVE Page 9‐14
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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Compressor Handing Bleed Valve System continued To close the valves the solenoid is de-energised the HP3 air
is vented to atmosphere. The bleed valve will then move
HP3 bleed valves towards the closed position controlled by the spring and HP3
compressor air inlet pressure.
The EEC schedules the HP handling bleed valves according
There are three HP3 bleed valves installed on the HP to a measure of the engine HP compressor inlet air mass flow;
compressor case.
using HP shaft speed, LP shaft speed and T20 signals.
HP3 servo air from the left bleed valve solenoid block is
delivered to each bleed valve when commanded by the EEC
to move the valve to the open position. A diffuser is attached
to each bleed valve outlet which reduces the hot airflow force
when mixing with bypass airflow.
Valve Operation
In the static position the bleed valves are spring loaded to the
open position this gives the correct airflow through the HP
compressor for engine start.
During the starting sequence the HP3 compressor air acts on
the piston overcoming the spring force; this causes the valve
to move to the closed position.
To open the valves the EEC sends an electrical signal to a
solenoid in the left solenoid block. This energises the
solenoid and HP3 air is then supplied to the bleed valve. The
HP3 air and spring pressure moves the valve towards the fully
open position.

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HP 3 BLEED VALVE Page 9‐16
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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Bleed Valve and Solenoid Operation

Closed position
When the solenoid valve coils are de-energised, the pilot valve is
positioned to allow HP3 Servo pressure through to vent. The
compressor air acting against the bleed valve spring pressure will
then close the valve.

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Bleed Valve and Solenoid Operation Fault Annunciation

Open position The EEC can carry out continuity checks between the EEC
To open the bleed valve the solenoid is energised moving the and the bleed valve controllers and will set a fault message for
pilot valve closing the vent allowing HP3 air to the spring failure of continuity. However, there is no feedback to the
chamber of the Bleed Valve. EEC to confirm that the bleed valve has mechanically
This force assists the valve spring acting against the operated correctly. If a bleed valve is not operating it will
compressor delivery air and so holding the valve to the open show itself by either of the following:
Valve opens when it should be closed – this will bleed air from
the compressor at the higher rpm range and will show an
increase in TGT. This may be observed by the aircrew, but
will certainly show itself on condition monitoring as a step
Valve closed when it should be open – this is likely to show
itself during starting with a tendency to cause hot/stagnated
A bleed valve scheduling test can be carried out on the
ground, with the engine running at idle. The EEC commands
each of the bleed valves open & closed and reports any faults
by monitoring changes in engine conditions.

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Issue 3 June 2017 BLEED VALVE OPERATION OPEN Page 9‐20

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Left solenoid block

The left bleed solenoid block contains six solenoid valves that
operate the three IP8 bleed valves and the three HP3 bleed
Each of the solenoid valves can be independently operated
with electronic signals from the EEC.
The bleed valves are pneumatically opened and closed, as air
is supplied or released to atmosphere by the solenoid valves.

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Right solenoid block

The right solenoid block operates the components that follow:
 Low Pressure Turbine Case Cooling (LPTCC) Valve.
 Nacelle Anti-Ice Pressure Regulating Shut Off Valve.
(NAIPRSOV) open / close.
 Nacelle Anti-Ice Pressure Regulating Shut Off Valve.
(NAIPRSOV) regulating.
 Engine Section Stator Anti-Ice Valve.(ESSAIV).
 Each of the solenoid valves can be independently
operated with signals from the EEC.

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Air System Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Air Systems Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Issue 3 June 2017 ZONE 2 & 3 WIRING DIAGRAM Page 9‐28

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Trent XWB Line & Base Maintenance Airflow Control System

Section 9 - Engine Airflow Control System

The student should now be able to:
 State the purpose of the engine Airflow Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the engine Airflow Control System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs of the engine Airflow Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the engine Airflow Control System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine Airflow Control System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Engine Air System

Issue 3 June 2017 Page 9‐29

Section 10 – Engine Ventilation & Cooling Systems
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Section 10 – Engine Ventilation Systems

At the end of this section the student will be familiar with the Trent XWB ventilation & cooling systems its components, their
functions and interfaces.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Ventilation and Cooling System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Engine Ventilation and Cooling System.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs of the Engine ventilation and Cooling system as fitted to the Trent XWB
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Ventilation and Cooling System as fitted to the Trent XWB
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Ventilation and Cooling System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Ventilation System and is exhausted through a louvered vent in the right side fan
Location cowl door.
The Trent XWB is divided into three primary fire resistant Zone 2
ventilated, temperature monitored areas called zones: Zone 2 is the annular space between the intermediate (IP)
 Zone 1 Fan case compartment. compressor case and below the gas generation core fairings.
The zone contains fuel tubes to the VSV actuators and oil
 Zone 2 Intermediate compressor compartment.
 Zone 3 Core engine compartment.
Fan bypass air enters the zone through a ventilation circular
Purpose inlet located towards the front of each lower gas generation
Ventilation is required to remove flammable / hazardous core fairing. There are vent holes in the lower 30 degrees of
vapours from the zones and keep the zones at an acceptable the fairings to allow positive ventilation of the Zone 2. Air is
working temperature. Temperature sensors measure the then exhausted from the zone through louvers in each upper
temperature in zone 1, 2 and 3 of the engine. The sensors gas generator fairing back into the fan bypass duct.
measure temperatures that increase from a hot air duct Zone 3
leakage. High temperatures in these regions can result in LRU
Zone 3 is the area under the thrust reverser inner fixed
or nacelle damage. The output from the sensors is sent to a
structure, from the zone 2 bulkhead to the rear of the LP
single channel of the EEC through electrical harnesses. If the
turbine case. It is divided into four sub-zones described as
input signal is higher than the parameters set in the EEC an
zones 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D. The zone contains compressor off
advisory warning will be sent to the cockpit.
take ducts, fuel and oil tubes.
Fan bypass air enters the zone 3 through twelve ventilation
Zone 1 inlet holes located around the thrust reverser inner fixed
Zone 1 is the annular space between the fan case and the fan structure. Zone 3 is also supplied with air, which is exhausted
cowl doors. The zone contains the EEC, EMU, and external from the fan air pre-cooler, and the turbine case cooling ducts.
gearbox, oil and fuel units. The air is exhausted through the rear of the annular nacelle
This is a cool zone and is ventilated by ambient ram air structure.
through an inlet located on the upper section of the nose cowl
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

ZONES 1, 2 & 3
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Zone 1 Temperature Sensors

There are two zone 1 temperature sensors one is attached to
a bracket on the lower side of the external gearbox mounted
oil pump. The other one is mounted on a bracket near the 11
o’clock position of the Fan Case.
The purposes of the zone 1 temperature sensors are to detect
an anti-ice or starter duct burst event under the nacelle fan
cowl doors.
The zone 1 temperature sensors are a resistance temperature
device (RTD). The RTD consists of two elements each
providing independent signals to the EEC through electrical
harnesses. If the input signal to the EEC becomes higher than
a preset limit an advisory cockpit indication will be generated.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Zone 2 Temperature Sensor

The zone 2 temperature sensor is attached to a bracket on
the left side of the engine at the 1 o’clock position in zone 2.
The purpose of the zone 2 temperature sensor is to detect an
ESS anti-ice duct burst event under the Intermediate
compressor gas generator core fairings.
The zone 2 temperature sensor is a resistance temperature
device (RTD). The RTD consists of two elements each
providing independent signals to the EEC through electrical
harnesses (Channel ‘A’ & ‘B’). If the input signal to the EEC
becomes higher than a preset limit, an advisory cockpit
indication will be generated.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Zone 3 Temperature Sensor

The zone 3 temperature sensor is attached to bracket on the
left side of the core engines accessory tray.
The purpose of the zone 3 temperature sensor is to detect an
anti-ice duct burst event under the thrust reverser nacelle
The zone 3 temperature sensor is a thermocouple consisting
of two sheathed elements. The output from the thermocouple
is sent to a single channel of the EEC through electrical
harnesses. An advisory cockpit indication is generated, at a
predetermined temperatures limit is attained.
Nacelle Temperature (NAC)
The zone 3 temperature is used as reference for NAC
temperature. During normal operation Analogue and digital
indications show the temperature of the nacelle temperature
in degrees Celsius (C) on the ECAM secondary parameter
screen. During engine start this indication will not be seen.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Sealing and Cooling Core Stage 3 HP Compressor air is used in the areas that
The internal cooling system uses the air from different sources follow:
to seal and cool parts of the engine. The compressor air is  To cool the IP turbine blades
supplied to different areas of the engine using external rigid
 To cool the IP turbine 1 nozzle guide Vanes (NGVs)
tubes and internal openings. The compressor air and the
areas where the air is used are as follows  To seal the HP turbine rear face, IP turbine 1 and 2
front rims and IP turbine rear face.
Stage 5 IP Compressor air is used in the areas that
follow:  To cool the IP turbine seal segments.
 To cool and pressurise the rear fan seal
Stage 6 HP Compressor air is used in the areas that
 To pressurise and seal the IPC front seal
 To pressurise the front bearing housing.
 To cool the HP turbine blade
 To ventilate the combustion chamber
Stage 8 IP Compressor air is used in the areas that
follow:  To cool the HP turbine seal segments
 To cool the HP compressor drum
 To cool the HP turbine disc bore
 To cool the interstages of the of the LP turbine
 To pressurise the IPT2 cavity

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Turbine Case Cooling (TCC) System The three manifolds are located externally around their
Location respective LP, IP and HP turbine cases.
The Turbine Case Cooling (TCC) system is located in various The pneumatically operated LP TCC valve is automatically
positions on the outside of both the Fan and core case. controlled by the EEC through the right hand side solenoid
block. In usual operation the valve is open in the cruise
condition and closed at all other conditions. Although the
The Turbine Case Cooling (TCC) system cools the engine
valve is in the closed position, a decreased flow of cooling air
HP, IP and LP turbine cases.
is delivered to the LP TCC air duct. The EEC uses N1 (LP
Cooling the turbine cases maintains their integrity and controls compressor speed), altitude and the rate of change of altitude
the turbine blade tip clearances, thus so maintaining turbine to control the LP TCC valve.
efficiency and better fuel consumption.
The IP and HP control valves are fully modulating and
Description automatically controlled by the EEC for varying flight
The TCC system comprises of the following items: conditions. The valves are mechanically operated remotely
• LP pneumatic operated control valve by cables from HMU HP fuel driven actuators.
• HP, IP mechanical operated control valves The temperature of the airflow around the IP stage one and
• Distribution manifolds two turbine discs is monitored by two thermocouples. They
sense air temperature at front of the IP turbine disc stage one
• HP, IP fuel operated actuators
(TCAF), and the temperature at the rear of the IP turbine
• HP, IP control cables disc stage two (TCAR). The EEC compares these
• Engine Electronic Controller (EEC) temperatures against computed IP compressor exit
• HMU (for HP & IP actuator hydraulic fuel medium) temperature (T25) and altitude to control the IP and HP TCC
• Solenoid (RH solenoid block) valves.
The C-duct fan / bypass air is the cooling medium used for the If the EEC solenoid fails, the valves will close and as a result
3 turbine cases; this cooling air is controlled by the LP, IP and there will be a small loss in performance.
HP TCC valves to the manifolds.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

IP/HP Turbine Case Cooling Component Description

IP/HP Turbine Case Cooling Valve
The IP TCC valve is located on the lower left side of the HP
turbine 7 o’clock position.
The HP TCC valve is located on the lower right side of the HP
turbine 5 o’clock position.
Operation / Control and Indicating
The function of the IP / HP TCC valves is to control a supply
fan/bypass air to the IP / HP TCC manifolds.
The butterfly type valve is operated remotely via a control
cable attached to the IP / HP TCC controller actuator whose
operation is controlled electronically by the EEC.
The actuators use HP fuel supplied by the Hydro Mechanical
Unit (HMU) as a force to move a cable that connects to the
IP/HP TCC valves.
The linear movement of the IP / HP actuators will move the
cable to open or close the IP / HP TCC valves.
For rigging or deactivation of the valve in the closed position,
the valve pivot shaft and body incorporates a locking location,
where a special locking bolt can be inserted. When not in use
the bolt is stowed in the valve body stow location.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

IP / HP Turbine Case Cooling Valve Controller Actuator The following faults will be detected by the hysteresis
shaft, within the Controller actuators LVDT:
The IP TCC valve Controller actuator is located on the lower  Cable brake/ disconnection
left side of the fan case 7 o’clock position.  Excessive friction.
The HP TCC valve Controller actuator is located on the lower  Jammed cable or valve
right side of the fan case 5 o’clock position.
 Missing or failed valve springs.
Operation / Control and Indicating
The LVDTs will flag these anomalies to the EEC as a fault and
The function of the IP / HP turbine case cooling valve the EEC will signal the actuator to fully extend in an attempt to
Controller actuators is to open and close the IP / HP TCC close the valve (Fail Safe).
valves via a control cable.
Excess friction in the cable and / or valve, or loss of spring
The Controller actuators are operated by fuel pressure force in the system will result in the loss of tension and so
supplied by rigid tubes from the Hydro Mechanical Unit (HMU) result in a compressive force at the cable / actuator output
that is controlled by the EEC. The EEC monitors the position shaft.
of the actuators in all conditions, which in turn relates the
A jammed cable or valve results in a compressive force at the
valve positions.
actuator output shaft, which will generate a position error for
With no fuel pressure, the Controller actuators spring pressure the system
will move the actuators to fully extended position (Fail safe) to
These conditions will be detectable at least once per flight.
close the TCC valves.
Actuators shaft extension feedback to the EEC is produced by
the actuators LVDT and is used by the EEC to reference
valves positions.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

LP Turbine Case Cooling Valve The EEC uses N1 (LP compressor speed), altitude and the
rate of change of altitude to control the LP TCC valve.
LP Turbine Case Cooling (TCC) valve is located on the left
side of the HP & IP Turbine cases at 9 o’clock position.
Operation / Control and Indicating
The function of the LP TCC valve is to supply fan / by-pass air
from the C-duct to LP TCC manifold.
The LP TCC valve is pneumatically operated using HPC stage
3 bleed air via a solenoid-operated valve that is part of the
right solenoid block, and electronically controlled by the EEC.
When the EEC signals the solenoid valve to energized / open
HP3 air will be directed to the LP TCC valve via a rigid tube.
The HP3 air will flow into a piston type valve, push against the
spring and move the valve to the fully open position.
When the solenoid valve is de-energized / closed the HP3 air
in the solenoid to valve tube, will be released to atmosphere
and the valve will move due to spring pressure towards the
partially open position / fail safe position.
In usual operation the valve is open in the cruise condition
and partially open position at all other conditions.
With the valve in the partially open position, a decreased flow
of air is permitted to go into the LP TCC air duct.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

HP, IP and LPTCC Manifolds

The HP, IP and LP manifolds are located on the core engine
around the relative turbine casings.
The purpose of the HP, IP and LP cooling manifolds is to
circulate fan bypass air around the HP / IP and LP turbine
cases and pass it through impingement holes and a duct onto
the turbine external cases.
The turbine cases are supplied with Fan / By-pass air from the
C-duct through the HP, IP and LP TCC valves to manifolds
located around the outside of the HP, IP and LP turbine
The HPTCC manifold comprises of an inlet manifold, a
circumferential feed duct with bellows and three box section
spray bars with impingement holes.
The IPTCC manifold is comprised of an inlet manifold, two
circumferential feed ducts with bellows and four box section
spray bars with impingement holes.
The LPTCC manifold is comprised of an inlet manifold, one
circumferential feed duct and a case cooling liner assembly.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Ventilation and Cooling Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Ventilation and Cooling Reference Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the official aircraft
maintenance documentation.

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Issue 3 June 2017 Page 10-26
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Section 10 – Engine Ventilation Systems

The student should now be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Ventilation and Cooling System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Engine Ventilation and Cooling System.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs of the Engine ventilation and Cooling system as fitted to the Trent XWB
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Ventilation and Cooling System as fitted to the Trent XWB
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Ventilation and Cooling System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Engine Ventilation & Cooling Systems

Issue 3 June 2017 Page 10-27

Section 11 – Engine Fire Protection Systems
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Section 11 – Engine Fire Protection Systems

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Fire Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Engine Fire Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the Engine Fire Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Fire Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Fire Protection System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Engine Fire Protection System • The Flight Warning System (FWS)

Introduction • The FIRE Integrated Control Panel (ICP)
Each fire detector monitors a fire zone and senses a possible • The ENG MASTER control on the centre pedestal
fire / over heat condition. They send analogue signals to a
System Test
Conversion Module(CM) (one for each engine), which
changes the analogue values into digital values, which are The FPF applications are interfaced with the Central
then sent to the related Fire Protection Function (FPF) Maintenance System (CMS) to do a check of the resistance
application hosted in four Core Processing Input / Output and continuity of the detectors through a CMS test.
Modules (CPIOMs). There are 10 fire detectors each The FIRE TEST P/BSW installed on the FIRE Integrated
consisting of fire detector sensing element and a responder; Control Panel (ICP) is used to do an engine fire operational
the detector is connected to either channel A or B. There two test in flight or on ground.
detectors mounted in each of the following locations.
• Zone 1 – Forward side of external gearbox
• Zone 1 – Rear side of external gearbox
• Zone 2 – Lower section of the zone
• Zone 3 – Bottom of pylon above HP system
• Zone 3 – Underside of LP turbine case
Fire / Fault Detection
The FPF application hosted in four CPIOMs located in the
forward fuselage compartment, collects the digital values from
the CM and processes them. If a fire or a fault is sensed in an
engine fire zone, the FPF application in the CPIOMs sends a
warning to the crew through:

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Fire / Overheat Detectors

Each detector assembly has an element which is attach to a
support tube. Two elements run parallel to each other along
with the detectors at opposite ends of the support tube, one
detector being channel A and the other being channel B. The
elements monitor the temperature along their whole length,
providing a continual analogue output to the conversion
module for the engine. Quick release clamps and bushing
support the elements along their length.
The engine fire detection assemblies monitor the temperature
in the engine zones.
A fire alarm is triggered if there is;
 A fire detected by the two elements in a common
 One defective element in a zone and the serviceable
element detect fire in the same zone.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Fire / Overheat Detector Element leak a fault signal is sent to the FPF through the conversion
The fire detector uses electro-pneumatic technology and Overheat Detection
consists of a sensing element and a responder assembly. If the air temperature around the detector element increases,
the pressure of the gas increases. At a pre-set temperature
Sensing Element
for the zone, the gas pressure will move the diaphragm to
The sensing element is a tube, which contains hydrogen close the alarm switch. A signal is sent to the FPF through
charged core. There is a helium filled gap between the core the conversion module. The FPF processes the signal and
and outer tube. One end of the sensing element is transmits a warning to the cockpit. When the temperature
hermetically sealed and the other end is connected to the decreases the system returns to normal.
responder assembly.
Fire Detection
Responder Assembly
In a fire condition a smaller section of the detector element will
The responder assembly consists of a stainless steel body. It get a large increase in temperature. When it is greater than a
contains a chamber connected to two pressure switches: an pre-set temperature, hydrogen gas is released from the core
ALARM switch and an INTEGRITY switch. The responder is element. This increases the pressure in the sensor tube and
connected to the aircraft electrical harness. According to the moves the diaphragm to close the alarm switch and a signal is
position of the switches, the responder generates three sent to the FPF through the conversion module. The FPF
signals that give the state of the fire detectors. processes the signal and transmits a warning to the cockpit.
• Normal When the temperature decreases the system returns to
• Fault
• Fire
The responder unit terminal posts and associated cable ends
Detector Failure
are of a different size to prevent incorrect fitting.
The integrity switch in the responder unit is kept closed by
helium gas pressure. If damage to the sensor causes a gas
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Engine fire-extinguishing system ENG / FIRE ICP

Purpose On the ENG / FIRE ICP there are 2 ENG / FIRE pushbutton
switches (one for each engine) and 4 AGENT pushbutton
The system has two main functions:
switches (two for each engine)
• To extinguish any fire occurring in the engine nacelles.
The ENG / FIRE pushbutton switches have 4 main functions:
• To prevent an engine fire from spreading. The engine
• It indicates the fire warning generated by the FPF
is isolated from other systems e.g. air, fuel, hydraulics
and electrical power. • It activates the micro-switches involved in the
extinguishing procedure
• It arms the discharge function for the fire bottles
Each engine fire-extinguishing system has the following
components in the system:  To isolate the engine from the possible fire sources
(electrical, fuel, hydraulic, bleed air).
• Two fire extinguisher bottles (Halon Gas)
• One conversion module There are two AGENT pushbutton switches for each engine,
one for each fire bottle. They indicate when the bottles are
• FPF within the CPIOMs armed (SQUIB light up) and when the bottles are discharged
• The ENG / FIRE Integrated Control Panel (ICP) (DISCH in amber). When pushed they operate the cartridge
in the bottle discharge head.
• The TEST pushbutton switch on the ENG / FIRE ICP
TEST Pushbutton Switch
• The ENG MASTER Control panel
The switch is used to test the system serviceability.
Conversion Module / FPF
The conversion module receives the input from the pressure
switch, which it digitizes and then sends on to the FPF. The
FPF uses this input and sends a discharge signal to the
DISCH legend on the AGENT pushbutton switch on the ICP.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Engine fire-extinguishing system continued

For each engine there are two fire extinguisher bottles located
in the aft section of the pylon. The fire bottles contain
pressurized extinguishing agent. Each fire bottle has the
following features:
• Two handles to help the removal or installation
• An outlet rupture disc connected to a discharge head
• A cartridge
• A pressure switch for the monitoring.
The integrity of the pressure switch and the low-pressure
signal transmission is manually tested. An ALLEN-key test
point is used to do this test.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Engine Fire Detection Conversion Module

The conversion module is located in the mid part of the engine
The conversion module digitizes the analogue signals from
the fire responders on the engine and outputs these to the
FPF within the CPIOMs.
The conversion module also monitors the pressure switch on
the fire bottles.
The conversion module has two independent channels A & B,
one for each fire loop. Each channel has a separate 28 VDC
power supply.
Each channel of the conversion module receives signals from
each fire detector responder in its own loop (A or B). These
signals are processed and converted to digital signals, which
are then sent to the FPF. Each channel also receives signals
from the pressure switch of the fire extinguisher bottle.
Channel A monitors fire bottle No.1 and Channel B monitors
fire bottle No. 2.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Fire Zone Integrity fixed structure panels of the fan exhaust / thrust reverser cowl
are the outer boundary of the core compartment (Zone 3).
The nacelle is designed for fire integrity by the use of firewalls,
fire seals, and fire barriers that are incorporated as necessary
to isolate fire zones from each other and to isolate fire in the
designated fire zone areas and from aircraft primary structure.
The engine core compartment is a fire zone bounded by
nacelle components and the fire seals.
The firewalls in the core compartment are the inner fixed
structure, the latch beam, pressure relief doors, the forward
fixed panel and the disconnect panel firewall.
In addition to the firewalls, seals and fire barriers the use of
thermal blankets are also used for additional fire and thermal
The Fan Cowls
The fan cowls are the outer boundary of the fan compartment.
The fan cowl is a composite structure manufactured from
Nextel, titanium and steel, this composite structure gives the
fan cowl door a fireproof property.
The Fan Exhaust / Thrust Reverser Cowl
The inner fixed structure panel of the fan exhaust / thrust
reverser cowl is designed to be fireproof. This protection is
reinforced by the installation of thermal blankets. The inner
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Fire Zone Integrity continued. Compressor Gas Generator Fairings (Core Fairings)
High Pressure (HP) 3 Bleed valves Each gas generator fairing has a D section seal. They are
installed on the edges of each gas generator fairing. The
There are three HP 3 bleed valves. Each bleed valve has a
D section seal forms a seal against:
fire seal. Each fire seal makes a seal around the thrust
reverser inner fixed structure.  Adjacent gas generator fairings.
Intermediate Pressure (IP) 8 Bleed valves  The lower interservices fairing.
There are three IP 8 bleed valves. Each bleed valve has a  The upper interservices fairing.
fire seal. Each fire seal makes a seal around the Gas
 The zone 2 / 3 diaphragm.
Generation Fairing
These are also sealed with a silicon based sealant (See the
Upper Inter-services Fairing
relevant maintenance documentation for details).
The upper splitter fairing has a horseshoe section seal
installed on the lower edge. The seal makes a fireproof seal
around the LP compressor case.
Lower Inter-services Fairing
The lower splitter fairing is fireproof. If there is a fire, it helps
contain the fire in Zone 3. The fairing has a horseshoe
section seal installed on the lower edge. The seal makes a
fireproof seal around the LP compressor case.
Bifurcation Panel
The bifurcation panel has a seal between the panel and the
ignition leads. There are also seals between tubes and other
various harnesses and the panel.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Ventilation and Fire Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Ventilation and Fire Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Fire Protection

Section 11 – Engine Fire Protection Systems

The student should now be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Fire Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Engine Fire Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the Engine Fire Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Fire Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Fire Protection System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Engine Fire Protection Systems

Issue 3 June 2017 Page 11-23

Section 12 - Engine Ice Protection System
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Section 12 – Engine Ice Protection System

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Ice Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Engine Ice Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the Engine Ice Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Ice Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Ice Protection System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Engine Ice Protection System Description

Introduction Nacelle Anti-Ice System
When the engine is operating in conditions of low The nacelle leading edge protection is manually selected from
temperatures and high humidity damage to the engine or loss the flight deck during icing conditions or when ice warnings
of performance may take place due to the formation of ice. are displayed. Selection will send an electrical signal to the
RH solenoid bank and the Nacelle Anti-Ice Pressure
Ice formation may occur on the leading edge of the inlet cowl Regulating Valve (NAI PRV) solenoid via the EEC, and so
and the spinner. Also, due to the large diameter fan, ice may allowing HPC stage 3 servo air to operate the Nacelle Anti-Ice
form on the Engine Section Stator (ESS) vanes. Pressure Regulating and Shut-Off Valve (NAI PRSOV) and
activate NAI PRV, these valves will control the supply of hot
Ice forming on the two aircraft mounted ice detectors gives air from the HP compressor stage 3 (HPC3) via ridged tubes
either; A.ICE ICE DETECTED or A.ICE SEVERE ICE to the D chamber cyclone ring swirling the air around the inner
DETECTED flight deck warnings on the Control and Display / front of the nacelle inlet cowl leading edge and exiting the air
System (CDS). For back-up two forward fuselage mounted, to atmosphere.
illuminated indicators can be easily seen by the crew. The Spinner
Location A solid flexible rubber cone is attached to the tip of the LP
compressor spinner. When ice builds up on the tip, the tip
The Trent XWB is equipped with anti-ice protection in the
vibrates and so shedding any ice build-up.
following areas:
Engine Anti-Ice - Core Anti-Ice System
 Nacelle Anti-Ice (Thermal).
The EEC using various engine, aircraft and physical
 The Spinner (Dynamic). parameters automatically selects the core engine anti-ice
 Core Anti Ice System – Engine Section Stators (Thermal). protection, selection will send an electrical signal to the
solenoid bank, and so allowing HPC stage 3 servo air to
Purpose operate the Engine Section Stator Anti-Ice Valve (ESS AIV)
The purpose of the anti-icing systems is to prevent the build and so supplying IP compressor stage 8 air via rigid tubes to
up of ice on the above areas when the engine is operating in the engine section stators at the front of the IP compressor.
low temperature and high humidity conditions. Core engine anti-ice protection will also operate when nacelle
anti-ice is manually selected.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Nacelle Anti-Ice System Nacelle Anti-Ice Pressure Regulating Valve (NAI PRV)
Nacelle Anti-Ice Pressure Regulating and Shut-Off Valve Location
(NAI PRSOV) The NAI PRV is located on the lower left side of the LP
Location compressor case.
The NAI PRSOV is located on the lower left side of the HP Purpose
compressor case. The purpose of the NAI PRV is to regulate the delivery of HPC
Purpose stage 3 air to the internal D section of the leading edge.
The purpose of the NAI PRSOV is to control the supply of Description
HP3 air for nacelle anti-icing and act as a back-up to regulate The NAI PRV valve is connected to the anti-ice ducting using
the delivery of HPC stage 3 air to the internal D section of the V-band clamps. It is a solenoid operated pneumatically
leading edge. controlled valve and is operated using cockpit controls
Description through electrical harnesses.
The valve body is bolted to the compressor case and is Failsafe; if the pressure sensor signals a valve failure to the
connected to the delivery duct by a V-band clamp. aircraft system the NAI PRSOV will be commanded to the
The NAI PRSOV is a dual solenoid operated pneumatically regulating position. If electrical failure occurs the solenoid will
controlled valve. HP3 servo air is supplied to the valve in two de-energised and the valve will move to the regulating
rigid tubes from the RH solenoid bank. Nacelle anti-ice is position.
operated using cockpit controls through electrical harnesses
via the EEC to the solenoids.
Failsafe; if electrical failure occurs both solenoids will
de-energised and the valve will move to the fully open

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Nacelle Anti-Ice System

NAI PRSOV Functionality NAI PRV Functionality
 Will fully open when remotely selected on, from the  Will go to regulating mode when remotely selected on
flight deck, supplying HP3 air to the Nacelle Anti-Ice from flight deck, supplying regulated HP3 air to the
Ducting and Distribution Circuit. Nacelle Anti-Ice Ducting and Distribution Circuit.
 Operates as a redundant HP3 Regulating Valve when  Has one Absolute Pressure Transducer which provides
the Zone 1 NAI PRV is not operating or not able to signals to indicate outlet pressure.
operate.  Will fully open when not selected.
 Regulates HP3 Anti-Icing Air to 75 +/-5 psig.  Positioned downstream of the Zone 3 NAI PRSOV.
 Will fully close to restrict HP3 air from entering the  Regulates HP3 Anti-Icing Air to 75 +/-5 psig.
Nacelle Anti-Ice Ducting and Distribution Circuit when  Can be manually moved and locked in the open
not selected. position.
 Can be manually moved and locked in either the open
or closed positions.
Major Components Include:
 Valve Body Assembly
Major Components
 Actuator Housing Assembly
 Valve Body Assembly
 Pilot Regulator
 Actuator Assembly
 Solenoid
 Pilot Regulator
 Pressure Transducer
 Shut-off Pilot Assembly
 Manual Lock Mechanism
 Regulating Pilot Assembly
 Manual Lock Mechanism

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Nacelle Anti-Ice System

PRSOV & PRV regulating modes
The PRSOV & PRV have four regulating modes:
Mode 1. Selected - Pneumatic pressure less than
regulation set pressure.
Mode 2. Normal operation.
Mode 3. Zone 3 in regulation mode.
Mode 4. Zone 3 shut off.

Mode 1 Selected - pneumatic pressure less than

regulation set pressure.
 Inlet pressure less than regulation set pressure.
 Valve in full open position.
 Both solenoids De-Energised.
 Inlet pressure less than regulating set pressure.
 Solenoid De-Energised.
 Valve in regulating position, but fully open because
pressure less than regulating pressure.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Nacelle Anti-Ice System

Mode 2 Normal operation
 Inlet pressure higher than regulation set pressure.
 Valve is full open.
 Both solenoids De-Energised.
 Valve in full regulation mode.
 Solenoid De-Energised.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Nacelle Anti-Ice System

Mode 3 zone 3 in regulation mode
 Inlet pressure higher than the regulation set pressure.
 Regulating solenoid energised.
 Shut off solenoid De-Energised.
 Valve in full regulation mode.
 Zone 1 solenoid must be energised.
 Zone 1 regulator in full open mode.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Nacelle Anti-Ice System

Mode 4 zone 3 shut off
 Inlet pressure higher than minimum operating pressure.
 Regulating solenoid De-Energised.
 Shut off solenoid energised.
 Regulator moves to the fully closed position.
 No shut off feature for zone 1 regulator.
 Regulating solenoid De-Energised.
 Valve in the regulating position.
 But full open because the pressure is < regulating

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NORMAL OPERATION  The PRV fails to the regulating position
 ENG ANTI ICE selected to ON in the cockpit.  The PRSOV fails to the open position
 A signal is sent to the EEC to operate both the NAI  Regulated HP3 air is sent to the inlet cowl ‘D’ section.
 A NAI anti ice fault signal is sent via the EEC to the
 The Shut-Off solenoid on the RH solenoid bank is de- cockpit.
energised this vents the servo line pressure and the
PRSOV is sprung loaded to the open position.
 The PRSOV can be manually locked in the OPEN or
 The solenoid on the PRV body positions the valve to
CLOSED position for a limited ‘fly on’ condition. e.g. no
icing conditions, limited altitude etc.
 The PRV then regulates the HP 3 air pressure from the
 The PRV can be locked in the OPEN position this
PRSOV delivery duct to the inlet cowl ‘D’ section.
allows the aircraft to operate for a limited amount of
PRV FAILED OPERATION time before valve replacement, the PRV is left in
 Pneumatic failure the PRV fails to the regulating open position so the system is intact.
position (sprung loaded) and a signal is sent to the
EEC that the valve has failed (NOTE: - Electrical failure
the PRV fails to the regulating position).
 The EEC then energises the regulation solenoid on the
 The PRSOV then regulates the HP3 air to 75± 5psi and
supplies the delivery duct to the inlet cowl ‘D’ section.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

The EEC controls the opening of the valve by sending a signal

Engine Anti-Ice - Core Anti-Ice System
through electrical harnesses to energise or de-energise a
Introduction solenoid in the right hand solenoid bank in zone 2. When the
solenoid is energised HP3 servo air is supplied to the ESSAIV
With cold and high moister ambient conditions and with the
through a rigid tube and the valve will open against the spring
engine running at ground idle/low power, ice build-up could
force. IP8 air is then supplied to the engine section stators
occur in the IP compressor. This Ice debris could cause
through three rigid tubes bolted to the valve outlet manifold.
mechanical damage to the IPC rotors. To prevent both the
When the solenoid is de-energised the HP3 supply air is
build-up of ice and reduce the size of ice shed from the ESS,
vented and the valve will be closed by spring force. A
heat conduction and warming of the air at the inlet to the IP
pressure transducer, located in one of the outlet tubes,
compressor is use. To achieve this IP compressor Stage 8 air
monitors the downstream pressures to confirm the valve
is ducted into the ESS vanes.
operation to the EEC.
System Overview
The core anti ice system consists of the following units:
• Electronic Engine Controller (EEC).
• An Engine Section Stator Anti-Ice Valve (ESS Valve).
• An Engine Anti-Ice Pressure Sensor.
• A dual channel ESS Solenoid valve.

The EEC controls the ESS valve to the open or closed
position via a solenoid as a function of T24, T0, N1, altitude,
in-flight / ground status and nacelle anti-ice selection. It also
provides a BITE function for the valve and solenoid, checking
the systems serviceability.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Core Anti-Ice System A dual channel ESS Solenoid

Engine Section Stator Anti-Ice Valve (ESS AIV) Location
Location The solenoid is part of the right hand side solenoid bank
The ESSAIV is located on top of the intermediate case in situated on the top of the intermediate compressor case.
zone 2. Purpose
Purpose The solenoid valve controls the flow of HPC stage 3 servo air
To prevent the build-up of ice on the ESSs, the outer annulus to operate the opening and closing of the ESS valve when
of the IP Compressor Inlet and the VIGVs using IPC stage 8 commanded by the EEC.
air. Description
Description Air is bled from HPC stage 3 to the solenoid bank and when
The ESSAIV is bolted directly to the intermediate case at the electrically signalled by the EEC, the solenoid operates the
12 o’clock position and consists of a two position valve and a valve in two positions open or closed when either energised or
manifold with three outlet ducts. The anti-ice valve is opened de-energised.
by HPC stage 3 servo air via the solenoid bank and controlled
by the EEC.
Engine Anti-Ice Pressure Sensor
The anti-ice pressure sensor is mounted on the centre outlet
pipe of the engine section stator anti-ice valve (ESSAIV).
To indicate ESS Anti-icing failure, by detecting the ESSAIV
outlet pressure.
During both ground and in flight the EEC commands a BITE
check (system ON and OFF) detecting a failure of valve
operation by sensing the engine section stator anti-ice valve
outlet pipe pressure, using an absolute simplex pressure
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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Core Anti-Ice System Engine section stator anti-ice Operation Restricting

Engine section stator anti-ice Normal Operation
The EEC will prevent the operation of the anti-ice system
The Engine Electronic Controller (EEC) transmits electronic
when the conditions that follow occur:
signals to the RH solenoid block; the signal will energise or
de-energise a solenoid. When the solenoid is energised HP3 Ambient temperature less than - 30 °C
servo air is supplied to the ESS Anti-icing valve through a rigid
 This prevents operation when there is no risk of ice
tube. The ESS Anti-icing valve is held in the closed position
because of very low water content in the air.
by spring force. HP3 air will push against the spring force and
open the valve. Hot IP8 air is then supplied to the engine T24 greater than + 10 °C
section stators and then released into the gas flow through  This prevents operation when the total temperature at
openings in the stator. When the solenoid is de-energised the core entry is sufficient to prevent ice build up.
HP3 servo air is released to atmosphere and the valve is
Altitude 31000ft
closed by spring force.
 This prevents operation at high altitude where clouds
which contain super-cooled water are not usually
N1 greater than 65% on the ground or in latched take-off
 This prevents operation of the core anti-ice system
during ground maintenance, engine running or in the
take-off roll on cold days.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Engine Ice Protection Systems Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Engine Ice Protection Systems Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base maintenance Engine Ice Protection

Section 12 - Engine Ice Protection System

The student should now be able to:
 State the purpose of the Engine Ice Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the Engine Ice Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the Engine Ice Protection System of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the Engine Ice Protection System as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB Engine Ice Protection System interfaces with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Engine Anti-Ice System

Issue 3 June 2017 Page 12-29

Section 13 – Engine Starting & Ignition System
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Section 13 – Engine Starting and Ignition System

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
 State the purpose of the engine Starting and Ignition Systems as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the engine Starting and Ignition Systems of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the engine starting and ignition systems of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the engine starting and ignition systems of the rent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine Starting and Ignition Systems interface with other engine and aircraft systems.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Starting and Ignition System Overview Both channels of the EEC are connected the SCV solenoids
Location via electrical harnesses, to signal the control of air flow to the
The starting and ignition system is located on the engine and
within the aircraft. The ATS is attached to the external gearbox through which it
rotates the HP system to a speed that will enable the engine
to start.
The purpose of the starting and ignition system is to enable
rotation of the high-pressure system and the ignition of the Engine Ignition System
fuel for usual engine ground starts and assisted in-flight starts. The engine ignition system is electrically powered from the
aircraft electrical power supply and controlled by the EEC.
The starting and ignition system is also used for on-ground
The components of the ignition system are:
maintenance tasks.
Engine Starting System  Two High Energy Ignition Exciters.
The engine starting system is pneumatically operated, and  Two igniter leads.
electrically controlled. The pressurised air required to operate  Two igniters.
the starting components is supplied from the following The ignition exciters are connected to each channel of the
sources: EEC by electrical harnesses.
 The other running engine. The EEC controls the selection of the ignition system and
 The on-board Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). alternates that selection on each start.
 A ground based air compressor connected to the Engine Electronic Controller (EEC)
aircraft. The EEC is used to control the starting and ignition system,
The pneumatically operated components are as follows: controlling the starting sequences, engine cranking options
and ignition selection in response to cockpit commands.
 The Air Turbine Starter (ATS).
 The Starter Control Valve (SCV). The EEC also interfaces with the HMU during the starting
sequence to provide fuel to the combustion chamber via
 Starter air ducting. ridged pipelines and the primary and secondary manifolds to
The engine can be started both on the ground or in-flight by the fuel spray nozzles.
switches in the cockpit, which operate the SCV via signals
from the EEC.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Engine Starting – Cockpit Controls Manual Start Switches

Location The two manual start switches, one for each engine, are
located on the overhead panel. They allow the flightcrew to
The engine starting controls are located on the centre
select a manual start in combination with the rotary switch.
pedestal and overhead panel.
Engine Master Switch
The two engine master switches are located on the centre
The purpose of the Cockpit controls is to allow the crew to
pedestal are of the two position type ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
select the mode of starting and cranking of the engine and
initiate the starting / cranking sequence or engine shut down. Selecting the master lever ‘ON’ will start/crank each engine in
combination with the related engine start selector.
Selecting the master lever ‘OFF’ will shut the engine down.
Engine starting, shut down and cranking selections are made
from the cockpit using the engine start selector, manual start
switches and two engine master switches. Based on the
selector and switch positions, the EEC initiates the starting or
cranking operations.
The engine start selector, manual start switches and the
engine master switch all interface with the EEC through the
engine interface function (EIF) using the Avionics Full-Duplex
Switched Ethernet (AFDX) network. For engine shut down,
the crew operate engine master switch which is hardwired to
the shut-off valve in the HMU.
Engine Start Selector
The engine start selector is located on the centre pedestal
and has three positions (CRANK, NORMAL AND
IGN/START). It allows for cranking and starting of the engine
in combination with the engine master switches and manual
start switches.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Cockpit Starting Indications pounds per square inch (PSI). This is displayed below
the SCV symbol.
The engine starting indications are located on the ECAM Ignitor plug / system identification
screen. Exciter box 1 is connected to plug for channel ‘A’
Purpose Exciter box 2 is connected to plug for channel ‘B’
The purpose of the starting indications is to provide the crew
with a means to monitor the engine parameters during engine Note: Strictly follow the approved maintenance
start. procedures when working on the ignition system.
Dangerous electrical discharges can occur. Before
Description working on the ignition system, isolate power supply
The starting indications are classified as secondary and wait for a sufficient time.
parameters; as such they are shown on the lower ECAM
screen and are only displayed during the engine start
sequence as follows:
 Starter Control Valve (SCV) – A symbol is shown to
the crew to represent the SCV position during the
engine start sequence and is signalled by the EEC.
This symbol will also have a white box around it to
indicate which engine is has been selected to start.
 Igniter System (IGN) – A digital indication shows the
crew which ignition system the EEC is using during the
engine start sequence. The letter A, B or AB defines
the system used, A will be displayed to the left of the
SCV symbol and B will be displayed to the right of the
SCV Symbol and A and B will be displayed if the EEC
selects both igniters. E.g. During a manual start.
 Starter Air Duct Pressure – A digital indication shows
the crew the air pressure within the starter air ducting in
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Engine Starter System On the outside of the valve is a visual valve position indicator
and a manual opening device. Should the valve electrically
Starter Control Valve (SCV)
fail, the ground engineer can open the SCV manually,
Location allowing pressurized air to flow to the ATS and so start the
The SCV is located around the 7 o’clock position in the starter engine turning. Cockpit master start switch selected to ‘ON’
air ducting on the left side of the LP compressor case. will initiate the rest of the starting sequence.

The purpose of the starter control valve is to provide control of
pressurized air in the starter air duct to the Air Turbine Starter
The EEC, through an electrical harness, is connected to a
solenoid that electrically controls the SCV. Air is supplied to
the valve from the upstream section of the air ducting to
operate the SCV.
The EEC commands the SCV to open using commands from
the engine master or manual start switches in the cockpit.
When open the pressurized air in the starter air ducting is
directed to the ATS that rotates the engine HP system through
the external gearbox, angle driveshaft and intermediate
As the engine progresses through its start cycle the EEC will
command the starter control valve to close when the ATS
reaches its cutout speed. Feedback to the EEC of the valve
position is provided by a micro switch.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Air Turbine Starter (ATS)

Location The EEC is aware of the starter cut out speed as a function of
its software and will close the SCV to stop the air flow to the
The ATS is located on the left hand side, front face, of the
ATS turbine.
external gearbox.
The ATS has a self-contained oil system that has the following
maintenance components:
The purpose of the ATS is to provide a rotational force to the
HP system for the starting of engine and for engine cranking  Pressures fill point – Provides a method of replenishing
ground maintenance. the oil.

Description  Over flow point – Provides a method of ensuring the oil

is replenished to the correct level.
The ATS is attached to the external gearbox using a quick
attach detach (QAD) clamp.  Drain Plug – Provides a method of draining the oil.
Pressurised air from either the aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit
(APU) or Ground Support Equipment (GSE) or the other
operating engine is used to rotate an integral turbine. The
turbine is connected to reduction gears which in turn are
connected to an output shaft that is located into the external
gearbox by splines.
This output shaft transfers the high speed of the turbine into a
high torque low speed rotational force. The driving force from
the ATS rotates the HP system though the external gearbox,
angle drive shaft and intermediate gearbox.
To prevent the ATS from turning the engine at a speed more
than the limit, a clutch will disengage the drive from the
turbine to the reduction gears at a pre-set HP speed. This is
known as the starter cut out speed. The EEC will also close
the Starter Control Valve (SCV) when the HP system is at the
starter cut out speed.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Engine Ignition System These systems can operate together or independently. Each
system has the following components:
The engine ignition system is located on the LP compressor  High Energy Ignition exciter.
case and the combustor case.  Igniter lead.
Purpose  Igniter plug.
The function of the ignition system is to provide an electrical An electrical power supply is provided directly to the ignition
spark to ignite the fuel / air mixture in the combustion chamber exciter from the aircraft. The ignition exciter supplies a
to start the engine on the ground and in-flight. It is also used low-tension output voltage, at high energy levels, through the
to ensure continued combustion during any flameout ignition leads to the igniter plugs.
conditions and is divided into the following sub systems;
In usual conditions the EEC commands the exciters to
 The Electrical Power Supply System operate alternatively on each start i.e. system A on the first
The function of the electrical power supply system is to start of the day, system B on the second, system A on the
supply electrical power to the igniter plugs. third etc.

 The Distribution System Should there be an abnormal condition which threatens to

cause a flame out; the EEC will command both ignition
The function of the distribution system is to transmit systems to operate in an attempt to keep the fuel / air mixture
electrical power from the ignition exciters to the igniter alight.
The high-energy output of the ignition exciter is given to the
 The Switching System igniter plug through an igniter lead. Due to the high
The function of the switching system is to provide temperatures surrounding the combustion case the igniter is
control of the ignition system through the EEC during partially cooled with air from the IP TCC valve at its lower
engine start and relight operation. section nearest the igniter plug.

Description The igniter plug protrudes into the combustion chamber and
receives the electrical energy from the ignition exciter. The
Each engine has a dual ignition system. One system is igniter plug will discharge the energy to produce a spark
controlled by the Engine Electronic Controller (EEC) channel across its surface that ignites the fuel / air mixture within the
A and the other system is controlled by EEC channel B. combustion chamber.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Ignition System Components Description

High Energy Ignition Exciters The ignition leads are approximately 18 feet long and have an
inner core and protective outer case which, if required, can be
replaced once removed from the engine. The ignition leads
The two ignition exciters are located on the lower left hand are attached at clipping points to the LP compressor case, the
side of the LP compressor case. The upper exciter No. 2 is bifurcation panel and the combustion outer case. The lead
channel ‘B’ and the lower exciter No.1 is channel ‘A’. connects to the igniter plug by a screw thread connection.
Purpose Due to the high temperatures around the combustion system
the leads are cooled by air at the section nearest to the igniter
The purpose of the ignition exciter is to provide a high-energy plug. The cooling air is supplied from the IP TCC valve inlets.
electrical supply to the igniter.
Igniter Plug
Each ignition exciter is supplied with an independent AC
electrical supply from the aircraft supplying a low-tension The two igniter plugs are located on the lower half of the
output voltage, at high energy levels. The EEC controls the combustion case. Channel ‘A’ plug is at the rear of fuel spray
selection of either or both ignition exciters. A capacitor within nozzle 12, and channel ‘B’ is to the rear of fuel spray nozzle 8.
the ignition exciters will output a high-energy charge to the Purpose
igniter plug when commanded by the EEC. Each engine has
two ignition systems. Both systems are controlled by the EEC The purpose of the igniter plug is to ignite the fuel air mixture
channel A & B and can operate together or independently. in the combustion chamber during starting / relight and also
prevents an engine flame-out in bad weather conditions.
Igniter Lead
The igniter plugs are installed into the lower half of the
The two igniter leads are located between the ignition exciters combustion outer case and attached to the ignition leads and
and the igniter plugs. protrude through the combustion case into the combustion
Purpose chamber. The high-energy electrical supply is released
across the surface of the igniter plug from the central core to
The purpose of the igniter lead is to transfer the high-energy the outer case of the plug as a spark.
supply from the ignition exciter to the igniter plugs.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Engine Start Modes related manual start switch. In manual start mode the EEC
Location detects and protects the engine against abnormal starts but
the crew control SCV, fuel and igniter selections.
The engine start modes are located within the EEC software.
Automatic Inflight Start
Inflight, the Autostart sequence is part of the Autostart Mode
The purpose of the engine start modes is to provide a
except the EEC monitors for abnormal starts and the crew
procedure to start the engine in all conditions. The EEC
must carry out any corrective action if required.
detects when water ingestion causes a significant effect on
engine operation, and results in the selection of both igniters Quick Relight
for the duration of the threat to maintain combustion. The quick relight function provides the facility to immediately
Description relight the engine after inadvertent movement of the engine
master switch from the ON to OFF and back to ON within a
There are seven start modes as described below:
specified time.
 Autostart.
 Manual Start.
The autorelight mode attempts to relight the engine should the
 Automatic Inflight Start. EEC detect a flameout or if the engine goes below the normal
 Quick Relight. idle conditions (sub-idle).
 Autorelight. Dry Crank
 Dry Crank. The EEC receives the dry crank command from the
combination and operating the cockpit controls discussed
 Wet Crank.
earlier. In this mode the EEC will operate the SCV and not
Autostart allow fuel to the combustion chamber and will not operate the
The EEC receives the start command from the operation of igniters.
the cockpit controls discussed earlier. In this mode the EEC Wet Crank
has full authority over the SCV, igniter selection and fuel input
The EEC receives the wet crank command from the
to the combustor. In Autostart the EEC detects and protects
combination and operation of the cockpit controls discussed
the engine against abnormal starts.
earlier. In this mode the EEC will operate the SCV and allow
Manual Start fuel to the combustion chamber but will not operate the
The EEC receives the start command from the operation of igniters.
the cockpit controls and selection of manual start using the
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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Engine Start Operating Limits Starter Motor Operation

General Continuous operation of the starter motor must be limited in
accordance with one of the following cycles:
The engine should only be operated within set limits. The
engine should not be started or cranked outside these limits 1. Normal Cycle
and if exceeded during operation, crews should take the a. Up to 3 minutes continuous operation, then run
necessary action to immediately return the operation to within down to zero N3 and allowed to cool for 30
the limits. All exceedances must be reported and recorded. seconds.
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) b. Up to a further 3 minutes continuous operation then
The engine during a ground start operation the EGT should be run down to zero N3 and allowed to cool for 30
limited to 700 degrees centigrade when below 50% N3 speed. seconds.
During an in-flight start operation the EGT limit is increased to c. Up to a further 1 minute continuous operation then
900 degrees centigrade throughout the start sequence. run down to zero N3 and allowed to cool for 30
Oil and Fuel Temperature
Following two failed start attempts, further start attempts
The engine oil temperature should not be below -40 °c before
are not permitted until maintenance action has been
starting or above 180 °c throughout the operating range.
carried out.
The engine fuel temperature are limits are; minimum -54°c
2. Extended Start Cycle
and maximum 55°c.
Up to 5 minute continuous operation, then run down to
Tail Wind
zero N3 and allowed to cool for 30 minutes.
An engine start should not be initiated if a tail wind is 10 Knots
3. Extended Crank Cycle
or greater.
Up to 5 minute continuous operation, then run down to
zero N3 and allowed to cool for 30 minutes.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Starting and Ignition Systems - Wiring Diagrams Starting

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Starting and Ignition Systems Wiring Diagrams

Below is a wiring schematic of the associated units connected
to the EEC. This is only a representation of the actual
connectors but all plugs and connectors are indicated with the
reference identifiers. This should be used for reference only
and not be used as a definitive document. For a more
detailed explanation (pins and sockets for troubleshooting
purposes etc.) and for further details, then always refer to the
actual wiring diagrams as given within the AMP or FIM
electronic documentation.

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Trent XWB Line and Base Maintenance Starting and Ignition System

Section 13 – Engine Starting and Ignition System

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
 State the purpose of the engine Starting and Ignition Systems as fitted to the Trent XWB engine.
 Locate and identify the LRUs that form the engine Starting and Ignition Systems of the Trent XWB engine.
 Describe the purpose and operation of the LRUs that form the engine starting and ignition systems of the Trent XWB engine.
 State the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS associated with the engine starting and ignition systems of the rent XWB engine.
 Describe how the Trent XWB engine Starting and Ignition Systems interface with other engine and aircraft systems.

End of Engine Starting and Ignition System

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Section 14 - Onboard Maintenance System (OMS)
& Basic Troubleshooting
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Section 14 – On-board Maintenance System (OMS) & Basic Troubleshooting

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
Identify the components, their purpose, location and interfaces of the On-board Maintenance System (OMS) & Basic
 Describe the purpose and operation On-board Maintenance System (OMS).
 Describe how the Trent XWB On-board Maintenance System (OMS) interfaces with A350 aircraft.
 Describe the unique fault code event identifier used on the A350 aircraft.
 Describe using the OMS the Basic Trouble Shooting Work Flow process of the A350 aircraft.

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On-board Maintenance System 1. Diagnosis

Purpose 2. Prognosis
The On-board Maintenance System (OMS) is designed to 3. Maintenance support
support line & base maintenance activities and engineering The diagnostic function which:
follow-up by providing six features:
 Is designed to identify the root cause of a reported
1. Failure reporting defect.
2. System testing  Provides direct access to all maintenance data
3. Software uploading / downloading needed to correct reported defects.
4. Maintenance documentation access The prognostic function which provides a means to:
5. Data monitoring of aircraft / engine systems  Reduce scheduled maintenance
6. Managing aircraft configuration  Anticipate unscheduled maintenance
Location The support to maintenance activities In-flight and on-
The OMS is part of the Onboard Information System (OIS) ground carries out the following:
and is hosted in the Avionics Server Function Cabinet  Centralizes data from the Built-In Test Equipment
(ASFC), and consists of the following components: (BITE) of the various aircraft / engine systems
 The Central Maintenance System Aircraft Control  Organizes data and creates standard or customized
Domain (CMS-ACD) fault reports.
 The Data Loading & Configuration System - Aircraft These reports are transmitted to the operational ground
Control Domain (DLCS-ACD) centers.
 Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS) Ground maintenance personnel can consult and download
 Power Distribution Monitoring & Maintenance Function the CMS reports and have direct access to the BITE of the
(PDMMF) (ATA 24 electrical systems and not covered various aircraft / engine systems.
by this course)
The OMS is an electronic aircraft system, which deals with
aircraft / engine systems maintenance and operational failure
data. The OMS six features are grouped into three functions:

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OMS Interfacing e-logbook and Maintenance Data Access and Recording

The OMS is linked to the aircraft / engine systems through two Function
Secure Communication Interfaces (SCI) and to the Open This optional function:
world Server Function Cabinet (OSFC) through a Smart Diode
 Enables access to the Maintenance Data required to
Module (SDM) for human interfacing.
perform any maintenance task via the OMS.
The OMS includes maintenance software applications that
 Enables the tracking of maintenance activities
support aircraft maintenance tasks. The maintenance
(e-logbook sub-function).
operators can get access to this data through Human-
Machine Interfaces (HMI). The OMS can also send and  Provides the aircraft technical status follow-up and lists
receive data through various communication means. all the maintenance actions that have been performed
Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) on the aircraft.

The maintenance applications are accessed and controlled Integration of logbook within the OMS ensures that all
through HMI’s. maintenance related data is appropriately recorded and
traced with reduced effort from the maintenance operator.
These are as follows:
 Onboard Maintenance Terminal (OMT)
 CAPT & F/O outer displays of the Central Display
System (CDS)
 Portable Multipurpose Access Terminals (PMAT)
 Flight Attendant Panels (FAP)
 Airline cabin laptop
 Printer

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Onboard Maintenance System (OMS)  Where parameter validation and selection is performed
& Basic Troubleshooting (Engine Specific) in the engine and aircraft – the aircraft system will now
perform all selections based on aircraft and engine
Introduction data sources to enable high integrity selection to be
The A350 aircraft uses an Avionics Full Duplex Switched performed and prevent selection of any erroneous
Ethernet (AFDX) communications network for transmitting parameter.
digital data between systems on the aircraft including the  How the EEC validates digital data from the aircraft –
Engine Interface Function (EIF) and Engine Control System. high integrity checking of aircraft data will detect any
This is the primary digital communication bus used between erroneous data transmitted from the aircraft.
the aircraft and Engine Control System.
 How the aircraft system (EIF) validates digital data from
Each channel of the Engine Electronic Controller (EEC) has the Engine Control System – high integrity checking of
two bi-directional AFDX data buses for the communication of engine data will detect any erroneous data transmitted
digital data between the EEC and the EIF. from the engine.
The use of an AFDX communications network allows a high These factors allow parameter selection for key functions like
capacity of data to be transmitted between systems on the air data to be performed in the EIF and the selected
aircraft. The high payload capacity also allows improved fault parameter communicated and use within the Engine Control
detection capability of the data being transmitted on the System using only the high integrity checking of the
network. An Application Layer Integrity Check (ALIC) is transmitted AFDX data.
employed within the EEC software and the aircraft systems.
This performs an additional cyclic redundancy check on the
data transmitted between the engine and aircraft, and so
increasing the overall integrity of the data checking. The EEC
also performs an application layer sequence number check on
the data received from the aircraft as a further level of fault
detection capability.
The design of the EEC/EIF interface uses this improved fault
detection capability to incorporate new methods of integrating
engine and aircraft functionality to simplify the overall design.
This has resulted in the following key differences from
previous engine/aircraft applications:

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Maintenance Support and uses them to start maintenance corrective action. The
EEC continuously reports the messages to the CMS until they
The maintenance function is responsible for the reporting of
clear. Each channel of the EEC reports the same failure
individual faults with the Engine Control System and providing
the necessary alerts and dispatch conditions related to the
effect of faults on the operational status of the engine and Status Messages and Dispatch
Engine Control System. The EEC first determines the effect of individual and a
The maintenance function interfaces with the aircraft to allow combination of failure messages, and then EEC allocates
interactive maintenance operations to be performed with the each combinational failure scenario to a particular dispatch
engine and EEC whilst the engine is on the ground. category and generates an output to be transmitted to the
aircraft Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) via
On-Board Maintenance
the EECs AFDX outputs. The ECAM system displays: flight
The EEC detects faults based on their effects on the engine, deck effect engine parameters, their validity, alerts and
its systems and on aircraft operation. The EEC allocates associated procedures.
detected faults to failure messages in preparation for onward
reporting to the aircraft Centralized Maintenance System
To isolate the failure in common fault symptoms, the EEC
groups detected faults into the same failure message. The
failure message allows the root cause of the problem to be
addressed by maintenance personnel.
The EEC confirms failure messages in order to avoid
nuisance detection and where required, the message is
suppressed if the symptom is the result of another reported
fault condition. Data associated with each failure message is
collated to assist in determining the operating condition of the
engine at onset of the failure.
Fault Reporting and Storage
The confirmed failure messages are processed into the format
required by the Aircraft and transmitted to the CMS via the
EECs AFDX outputs. The CMS records the failure messages
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Interactive Maintenance Engine Monitoring Unit

Interactive maintenance is provided by the aircraft and EEC The Engine Monitoring Unit is a digital electronic computer
interface to assist maintenance personnel to confirm, in a safe based unit mounted on the engine. The unit is a single
environment, the presence of faults and to verify that channel device that receives analogue signals from the
maintenance actions have returned the system to correct engine and EEC and has digital communication bus
operation. connections with the aircraft and EEC in order to:
In addition, the EEC assists by semi-automating certain  Provide vibration indications to the cockpit for
maintenance procedures and allows data held within the EEC continuous monitoring during engine operation.
to be reported and where necessary reset.
 Provide data to allow fan trim balance maintenance
The EEC inhibits access to Interactive Maintenance if: operations.
 The aircraft is not on the ground.  Support engine health monitoring.
 The engine is running. The purpose of the Engine Health Monitoring System strategy
is to provide predictive maintenance capability and to
 The engine controls are not in a position corresponding
investigate un-planned events.
to a static engine.
 One EEC channel is already in Interactive

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Built-In Test Equipment (BITE)

Standard Description
BITE standard A & B
The A350 system BITEs integrate two different standards:
Standard A BITEs (e.g.: implemented on Satellite
Communications (SATCOM), Very High Frequency (VHF)
Omnidirectional Range (VOR), Distance Measuring
Equipment (DME), Integrated Standby Instrument System
(ISIS), etc.).
Standard B BITEs (e.g.: implemented on Flight Management
Computer (FMC), Electronic Engine Control (EEC), Air Data /
Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU) etc.).
The Standard A BITEs are already used on AIRBUS Single
Aisle (SA) and Long Range (LR) A/C.
Note: The A350 computers, primary ATA 23 and ATA 34
system computers integrate Standard A BITEs.
The Standard A BITE has these specificities:
 The fault messages are transmitted in plain English to
the CMS.
 Uses Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC) 429.
The Standard B BITEs introduces these new features:
 The fault messages are transmitted to the CMS using
fault codes.
 The system statuses are continuously monitored
(refreshed status).
 Uses ARINC 429.
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Built-In Test Equipment (BITE)

Fault code description
The fault code is the unique eight digit A/C event identifier.
It is composed of:
 Four first characters, which show the Air Transport
Association (ATA) chapter related to the system.
 A middle letter, which shows the categorization of the
 Three last characters, which show the sequence of the
The Centralized Maintenance System (CMS) uses the fault
codes for the correlation procedure between all received
maintenance messages and cockpit effects to produce an
associated fault case with related root cause and
The fault codes can be viewed in the fault-item detail page
related to the Post Flight Report (PFR) on the OMS tool /
application (entry point to get access to the PFR) and on the
logbook entry page.

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Centralized Maintenance System (CMS) Data Recording

During a Flight
During a flight, maintenance data received by the CMS are
recorded in a time frame defined by several criteria.
The CMS data recording is launched if:
 If the last CMS data recording was stopped for a
minimum of 120 sec and
 If a minimum of one engine operates for more than 180
sec and if:
a. Calculated Air Speed (CAS) higher than 80 kts
b. The pilots enter a new flight number.
The CMS data recording is stopped when:
 No engines are running
 CAS lower than 80 kts for 150 secs
So a failure that occurs outside the PFR recording phase will
not be reported or shown on the PFR.

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The Data Loading & Configuration System (DLCS)

Data loading Introduction
The data loading system operates the following functions:
 Field loadable software import from a USB device or
from the ground
 Field loadable software uploading in the A/C computers
 Field loadable software configuration reporting and
 Field loadable software repository-management
 Data or file downloading to a USB device or to the
All data loading functions are accessible through the Human
Machine Interfaces (HMIs) of the Onboard Maintenance
System (OMS), from the Onboard Maintenance Terminal
(OMT), but also from the Onboard Information System (OIS)
display and from the optional Portable Multipurpose Access
Terminal (PMAT).

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Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS)

ACMS Introduction
The primary function of the Aircraft Condition Monitoring
System (ACMS) is to give scheduled, preventive maintenance
and in-depth troubleshooting, through the monitoring of the
efficiency and the degradation of the A/C systems and
To achieve the above functions ACMS monitors:
 Engine condition
 A/C system condition
 A/C performance condition
To access these functions, the ACMS can:
 Generate reports (automatically or manually)
 Record data
 Display A/C parameters in real-time.

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Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS) Reports The ACMS reports can be started through by the following
ACMS reports groups
One of the functions of the ACMS is to give the A/C system  Automatic pre-specified triggering logic
reports for the system monitoring and in-depth analysis.  Manual request from on-board HMIs
There are four groups of the ACMS reports:  ACMS remote trigger-button
 Airbus standard reports  Request from the ground Aircraft Communications
 Airbus customer support reports Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS)

 Airline programmed reports  Request from the CMS-ACD for the BITE correlation

 On-board / on-ground reports. The ACMS reports can be retrieved through:

The Airbus standard reports include:  On-board Human Maintenance Interfaces (HMI) display
 Engine reports (for trend monitoring and event
analysis)  Transmission to the ground

 System reports (for trend monitoring and event  Downloading on the USB device
analysis)  On-board cockpit printer
 BITE related reports
 A servicing trend monitoring reports.
The Airbus customer support reports are dedicated to airline
engineering, but only engineers of the Airbus Customer
Services can change them through software uploading.
The Airline programmed reports can be changed by the Airline
authorized staff through software uploading.
The on-board / on-ground reports can be changed by the
Airline authorized staff through Aircraft Communication
Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) software
uploading or through the on-board HMI.

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Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS)

Smart Access Recorder / Quick Access Recorder Data
The ACMS records the A/C system parameters for
visualization on the on-board HMIs or for recording.
The recorded data is dedicated to the in-depth analysis for the
troubleshooting procedures, or for prognostic activities at the
airline engineering level.
Two types of data are recorded:
 Smart ACMS Access Recorder (SAR) data
 Quick Access Recorder (QAR) data.
The SAR data is recorded in logic channels (100 channels
max). Data is permanently received from A/C systems
through the Centralized Data Acquisition Unit CDAU.
Following the channel logic, dedicated parameters are
selected, and if the triggering is achieved, the recording
procedure is started. The data is compressed and sent to the
ASFC (ASCM-SA) for recording and consultation through the
on-board HMI.
The QAR data is received from the Flight Data Interface
Function (FDIF) which does the collecting of the mandatory
Digital Flight Data Recording System (DFDRS). A copy of this
data is transmitted into the CDAU to a Virtual Quick Access
Recorder (VQAR) recording function, which sends the data to
the ASFC for recording in the VQAR database. The data can
be downloaded or consulted from the on-board HMIs or can
be sent to the ground.

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Basic Trouble Shooting Work Flow

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Aircraft Logbook Consultation Access to the MEL to determine the dispatch condition status
After a flight, mechanics first check the A/C logbook to see if related to the flight crew entry.
there are entries that come from the flight crew. The There are two different ways to get access to the MEL:
regulations impose that the mechanics must give an answer a. Free access from the OMS documentation menu.
to each entry that the flight crews have made to release the b. Direct access to the MEL correlated entry from a
A/C. dedicated hyper link on the OMS Post Flight Report
On the A350, two logbook configurations can be operated: (PFR) page.
 Standard paper logbook a. Free access to MEL:
 Electronic logbook. Free MEL access from the OMS documentation menu.
Paper Logbook Configuration First select dispatch message fault topic on the MEL home
If the Electronic logbook configuration is not available, the page. Then retrieve from the list shown on the ECAM the
paper logbook is used for the consultation of flight crew related dispatch message. Select the dispatch message to
entries. To start the maintenance phase the following display its dispatch condition.
procedure should be used: b. Access MEL from PFR:
Open entry message: Select the PFR from the OMS home page. Then select the
If the technical logbook shows that there is an open entry warning / dispatch message related to the logbook entry (The
message recorded in-flight. The mechanic must consult the effect detail page comes into view), on this page there is
Minimum Equipment List (MEL) to do the A/C dispatch detailed information correlated to the fault, especially the
assessment. correlated MEL entry. Select the hyperlink to get access to
Dispatch message & Warning message: display its dispatch condition.
Dispatch messages are used as an entry point into the MEL. Dispatch assessment:
Consult the dispatch page on the ECAM system display to From the MEL correlated page, the mechanics can do the
find the dispatch message related to the logbook entry. A dispatch assessment related to the selected open entry.
related warning message (if there is one) is shown on the If NO DISPATCH is indicated for the IMA - MULTIPLE
ECAM warning display. RESOURCES dispatch message, the mechanic must repair
An example, of a dispatch message is (Integrated Modular the failure to make the maintenance release of the A/C
Avionics (IMA) MULTIPLE RESOURCES); with a related possible.
warning message (ENG 2 REVERSER FAULT).
MEL & Dispatch condition status:

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Electronic Logbook Configuration Dispatch assessment:

If the electronic logbook is installed it can be used for the From the MEL correlated page, the mechanics can complete
consultation of possible flight crew entries. To start the the dispatch assessment related to the selected open entry.
maintenance phase the following procedure should be used: So if the related condition of dispatch is NO DISPATCH, the
mechanics must repair the failure to make the maintenance
Electronic logbook status:
release of the aircraft possible.
The mechanics can get access to the electronic logbook
through the On-board Maintenance System (OMS), from the
On-board Maintenance Terminal (OMT) or through the outer
display units of the Control and Display System (CDS).
When the electronic logbook is used, it gives access to
hyperlinks with the Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
If there is an open entry, the mechanics must consult the
related entry before they start the dispatch assessment.
Note: since there is a minimum of one open entry; the
maintenance release status is NOT VALID.
MEL access through hyperlink:
The technical report page gives access to the list of possible
open and deferred entries that the flight crew made.
An example, of an open entry is:
ENG 2 REVERSER FAULT is the ECAM warning related to
the failure. IMA MULTIPLE RESOURCES is the dispatch
message related to the failure. On this page, there is a
hyperlink that gives direct access to the MEL/Configuration
Deviation List (CDL) reference correlated with the selected
open entry.

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Aircraft Maintenance Dispatch Workflow Description Release the aircraft:

Troubleshooting Workflow After completion of the A/C documentation which managed
the repair of the fault.
OMS home page:
Check the fault is repaired by accessing the ECAM pages and
The dispatch condition assessment is done, if the status is NO
make sure that the warning/dispatch messages have cleared.
After the repair and clean configuration is validated, fill in the
To dispatch the A/C the fault will have to be repaired. To
logbook (paper or electronic) to answer the flight crew entry.
repair the fault, it is necessary to start the troubleshooting
phase. If there are no other faults, and all the documentation is
completed, the maintenance release for the dispatch can be
First isolate the fault and identify the root cause. To do this
carried out.
access the PFR function from the OMS.
Post Flight Report (PFR):
View the PFR and select the relevant warning/dispatch
Effect Detail Page:
To get access to the related effect detail:
On the effect detail page, select the fault code related to the
fault root cause, which hyperlinks to the correlated Aircraft
Fault Isolation (AFI) procedure.
Aircraft Fault Isolation (AFI):
In the AFI correlated procedure, all information necessary for
the failure isolation and the root cause repair is shown, with
hyperlinks to the related maintenance procedures. With good
use of the A/C documentation the repair phase can manage
from this point.

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Section 14 – On-board Maintenance System (OMS) & Basic Troubleshooting.

The student is now able to:
Identify the components, their purpose, location and interfaces of the On-board Maintenance System (OMS) & Basic
• Describe the purpose and operation On-board Maintenance System (OMS).
• Describe how the Trent XWB On-board Maintenance System (OMS) interfaces with A350 aircraft.
• Describe the unique fault code event identifier used on the A350 aircraft.
• Describe using the OMS the Basic Trouble Shooting Work Flow process of the A350 aircraft.

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End of Troubleshooting Section

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Section 15 – Engine Separation for Air Transportation
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Section 15 – Engine Separation for Air Transportation

To graduate engineering personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to enable them to perform engine maintenance,
functional checks and fault diagnosis to aircraft maintenance manual level, on the Trent XWB engine.
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose for Trent XWB engine separation for Air transportation.
 Locate and identify the Fan case and Core stands.
 Separate the Fancase and Core engine.
 Position Fancase and Core engine in their respective transportation positions.
 Identify the storage container and its uses.

The content of this training manual covers the engine split procedure for the Trent XWB not the engine removal procedure.

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Purpose Core Stand

The production of the Trent XWB engine has marked the point The core stand has two mechanical screw jack systems;
at which for the first time a large Rolls-Royce commercial
 One system enables the stand cradle to be raised and
turbofan could not always be transported whole using some of
the high volume civil air transport options (e.g. Boeing 747-
400F and 777-200ERF).  The other system allows the cradle to be moved fore
Description and aft.

The engine can still be transported complete by other means Fan Case Stand
(e.g. road, sea) and can be transported whole by purpose- The Fan Case Stand has two independent hydraulic systems;
built large transport aircraft such as the Antonov 124, 225.
 One system enables the fan case cradle to be raised
A number of alternative concepts have been evaluated for and lowered.
breaking the engine down into smaller packages that will fit
more readily into the hold of cargo aircraft.  The other system allows the cradle to be moved left
and right, yaw and pivot around its axis.
From the options evaluated, the most viable is removal of the
core section from the fan casing, a similar strategy to that Transportation Container
adopted on competitor engines such as the GE90, GEnx, A transportation container is also used as part of the tooling
GP7200 and PW4000. required for engine separation procedure;
Relative to the Trent XWB the competitor designs offer some  This is to provide a safe and secure storage area for
advantages from core-mounted accessories, which do not the fan blades, annulus fillers, the spinner and other
require HP oil and fuel services to be broken. removed items e.g. tubes, hoses and brackets taken
Operation from the separated engine.
The Split Engine Stand (SES) comprises of two separate A more detailed description and operation of these items are
stands a Fan Case Stand and a Core Stand. described later in this chapter.
These stands can operate independently of each other and
act as storage or transportation tools, but they can be joined
together to make one stand for separating or joining an
Each stand has its own method of operation.
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Fan case Stand - RRT057892 Raised Position

The fan case frame cradle in the raised position enables the
fan case to be fitted or removed from the core engine. This is
The purpose of the Fan Case Stand is to enable the fan case
achieved by the fan case being bolted to the fan case frame;
to be removed, and refitted to the core engine. It also acts as
so the fan can then be securely separated from the core and
a transportation vehicle when the fan and core are separated
then lowered ready for transportation.
for transit.
Stand actuation
The Fan Case Stand movable surfaces are powered by a self-
When in use the stand stores the non-modular fan case for
contained hydraulic system, this system has fine (LP) and
transportation. It also acts as a tool for removal and refit of
course (HP) selectors for fast and slow movement. This
the fan case when connected to the core stand, this enables
allows the operator to raise and lower the fan cradle, rotate
the engine to be separated or assembled together without the
the cradle 48°, pivot the cradle left and right, and move the
use of any external lifting equipment.
cradle in and out from the core engine when in the raised
Operation position.
The fan case stand is constructed on a standard double
aircraft pallet, and has a fan case frame cradle that has the
capability of being raised and lowered around a hinge point on
the edge of the fan case stand.
Lowered Position
The fan case frame cradle in the lowered transportation
position can move around its central pivot point left and right
approximately six inches (15 cm) also it can rotate
approximately 48°. This enables the gear box while fitted to
the fan case to remain within the profile of the air freight

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Core Engine Stand - RRT057891-2 Stand actuation

Purpose Raising and lowering (Z Axis). The core engine stand is

raised and lowered by a screw jack system which has drive
The purpose of the core stand is to enable the core engine to
actuated inputs on the left and right hand sides; either one or
be removed, and refitted to the Fan Case. It also acts as a
both will drive the links to actuate the screw jacks.
transportation vehicle when the fan and core are separated for
transit. Fore and aft (X Axis). The core engine stand is moved to or
from the fan case stand by a screw jack system that is
actuated by a drive that is located at the rear of the stand.
When in use the stand stores the core engine for This will move the core engine support system only via a
transportation. It also acts as a tool for removal and refit of sledge type core cradle and will not move the stand on its
the core engine when connected to the fan case stand, this support wheels.
enables the engine to be separated or assembled together
without the use of any external lifting equipment.
The core engine stand is constructed on a standard double
aircraft pallet, and has a core engine cradle that has the
capability of being raised and lowered also moves fore and aft
to line up with the fan case stand for engine separation and
Core Engine Stand Height Positions
The core stand has four height positions these are;
 Split
 Road / on-site bootstrap (engine)
 Road / on-site (core)
 Air (core)

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Transportation box - RRT070226 Operation

Purpose The lower section stores removed items from the bifurcation
area of the engine, upper and lower splitter fairings, the gas
The purpose of the transportation box is to store and transport generator fairings and other miscellanies items. This has a lid
safely the removed items from the engine separation process. that divides and protects the lower box contents from the base
Description of the upper section.
The transportation box is built around a standard aircraft pallet The upper section stores the fan blades, the annulus fillers,
footprint and is divided into three sections. and the main engine hydraulic lines. This has a covering box
 An upper section. type lid that makes the container safe and ridged for
transportation and stowage purposes. It holds a four point
 A lower section.
lifting sling for lifting and lowering of the transportation box
 A covering lid. upper and lower lids.
This four point sling is stored in a purpose built in cabinet
within the upper lid when not in use.
The Lid covers the upper section and forms a protective

enclosure for the ban blades, annulus fillers and hoses.

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Section 15 – Engine Separation for Air Transportation

At the end of this section the student will be able to:
At the end of this section the student will be able to:
 State the purpose for Trent XWB engine separation for Air transportation.
 Locate and identify the Fan case and Core stands.
 Separate the Fancase and Core engine.
 Position Fancase and Core engine in their respective transportation positions.
 Identify the storage container and its uses.

The content of this training manual covers the engine split procedure for the Trent XWB not the engine removal procedure.

End of the Trent XWB Engine Separation Section

Issue 3 June 2017 Page 15–11

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