S.Y. 2023-2024
january 2024
This research study entitled “Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global
System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-based Attendance System with SMS Notifier”
prepared and submitted by Rose Ann P. Roque, Kristine Joy E. Japson, Sophia Mae Coleen
Perez, Love Jiyoen P. Guieb, Roma Elijah A. Huan, Lyka Mae S. Aque, Kristel Ann P.
Valdez, Racel I. Apalla, Princess Angela Apolonio, Princess Nicole T. Ortiz in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the strand Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval.
Research Adviser
This research inquiry is distinctive and has not been presented for publication elsewhere. All
sources referenced in this investigation have been properly acknowledged and cited.
The authors declare the absence of any conflicts of interest related to this research.
Furthermore, no financial assistance has been received from any organization throughout the
Top of Form
I confirm that I have diligently examined the complete manuscript of the research entitled
“Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-
based Attendance System with SMS Notifier”." The document has undergone a thorough
evaluation and is considered satisfactory, adhering to the specified guidelines for sentence
This independent research endeavor, while the outcome of individual endeavor, has significantly
profited from the counsel and perspectives of various individuals. Primarily, appreciation is extended to
the Supreme Being for continually bestowing blessings and facilitating the successful culmination of the
Without divine support, the researchers would not have surmounted challenges and exhaustion.
The strength required to fulfill their responsibilities was provided by the divine.
The researchers also convey their gratitude to their families and friends for comprehending and
aiding them throughout the challenging stages of this investigation. These supporters provided moral and
financial backing, affection, and acted as sources of inspiration for the research.
Particular acknowledgment is given to the participants for furnishing sincere responses to the
researchers' questions, displaying generosity by allocating their time, which notably enhanced the study.
The researchers wish to convey their deep appreciation to Sir Mhar M. Ginez, the research
adviser, for providing them with the chance to embark on this research project and for offering invaluable
They express gratitude for the substantial aid in accumulating diverse information, collecting
data, and receiving guidance at different phases. Despite a busy schedule, Sir Mhar M. Ginez contributed
- The Researchers\
Thesis Title: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for Mobile Communication
(GSM)-based Attendance System with SMS Notifier
This study presents the design, testing, and evaluation of a Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-based Attendance System with SMS
Notifier. The conclusions drawn from the system's implementation include the age distribution of
respondents, high acceptability of the project's physical attributes, and unanimous agreement on the time-
saving benefits of the attendance system. These encompass conducting thorough code reviews,
implementing rigorous testing procedures, seeking feedback from users, stakeholders, or testers,
version control systems, prioritizing security aspects, and staying updated on programming
errors, adhere to best practices, and create a more effective and reliable attendance system with SMS
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………………………………………
List of
List of figures
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………………………………
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………………………...
CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………………...
Ethical consideration……………………………………………………………………………………
Level of Acceptability……………………………………………………………………
List of Tables
1 Likert Scale
10 Significant Relationship
between the Demographic
Profile of the Respondents
and the Level of
List of Figures
2 Circuit Diagram
performance. In today’s society, checking and maintaining the attendance of the students and
pupils are a crucial work for the teachers (Azhar, 2023). The attendance of the students was
recently viewed as one of the most important aspects in a school (Taxila, 2013). It is an
important factor in people management. Having a good attendance system is a must to monitor a
student’s record. It also is used to track and see the student’s development in terms of academic
Currently, in most institutes student’s attendance is recorded by the lecturer in the paper
attendance register. Taking the attendance records of students manually can be a difficult task as
it wastes a lot of time. This approach has several disadvantages, such as data not being available
for analysis because paper records are not uploaded to a centralized system, time spent collecting
data reduces effective lecture time, and fake attendance by students. Today’s advances in
information technology are often used to improve user comfort, speed up and make operations
more efficient. Most school principals are annoyed by the irregular attendance of students.
Absences can affect the student as a whole academic success (Ula et. al 2021). A study published
by International Journal of Psychological Studies found that a good academic performance was
associated with good attendance (Montauban,2023). Students are more likely to succeed in the
future by not missing opportunities. According to Tran (2022) the majority of parents
acknowledge the actuality that their children cannot excel in class without them attending school.
Skipping or not attending classes might stop students from acquiring academic success, leading
reportedly found loitering around the city during school hours. This incident alarmed the Davao
City Mayor Sara Duterte. She described the roaming students as senior high looking and college
students. The mayor stated that a group of them was seen in one area of the city and is violating
quarantine guidelines. According to (NCES, 2021) parents have the right to check and verify the
The planned strategy was to implement a prototype system that has proven its
automation with RFID technology (Hasan et. Al, 2017). RFID technology stands for Radio
Frequency Identification, which can be a powerful tool to help manage student attendance during
the workday (Agrawal, 2013). A system with hardware nodes based on RFID technology was
illustrated by Zhang Yuru, Chen Delong, and Tan Liping. The systems design greatly increases
productivity and decreases resource waste in both human and material terms (Zhang et.,Al 3013).
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communications and is an open digital
cellular technology used to deliver voice and data services to mobile devices. It uses narrowband
TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) technology to transmit signals (Java, 2013). This could
be the solution to the problem of parents who struggle to stay in touch with their children during
school days.
The main goal of the RFID and GSM-based Attendance System project is to track the
attendance of students. Parents or guardians are notified (Aravindhan et.,al 2021). To put an end
to the problems in the manual attendance system. Its ability to identify each person based on
their RFID card makes taking attendance easier, faster, and more secure than the traditional
After combining all the above information, the researchers decided to conduct a study on
RFID & GSM-based attendance system. As a result, they decided to put the efficiency and
a. Age; and
b. Sex?
2. How long does it take for the “Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for
Mobile Communication (GSM)-based Attendance System with SMS Notifier to detect and take
a. LED;
b. Display; and
c. Text Message?
3. How accurate can the “Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) and Global System for
Mobile Communication (GSM)-based Attendance System with SMS Notifier” be in terms of the
System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-based Attendance System with SMS Notifier? In
terms of;
a. Physical Appearance;
b. Quality;
c. Usability; and
d. Durability?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and the
level of acceptability of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for
and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) - Based Attendance System with SMS
1. To develop an attendance system that is more effective and efficient with the use of Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM).
2. To determine the efficacy of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) & Global System for
Mobile Communication (GSM) - Based Attendance System with SMS Notifier to Flores
and the level of acceptability of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System
The primary focus of this study is to evaluate the use of RFID and GSM in order to
develop an attendance monitoring system that can monitor the student’s arrival from the school
premises. The purpose of this study is to create and design and technologically way on taking the
As a result, the focus of this study was entirely on opinion and ideas regarding a RFID
and GSM capabilities on taking the attendance of the students. This investigation will take place
at Flores Integrated school for the duration of the first semester of this year
This study will encourage students to attend their classes regularly since their attendance
The result of this study will give enlightenment to parents because it will keep them
The result of this study will make the teachers work easier and faster because the
The results of this study will reduce the manual work and avoid redundant data. By maintaining
the attendance manually, all schools attendance report will be kept for future references
Future researchers
The study presented will be helpful to future researchers as a reference. It can stimulate
and drive them to further expand their study to a wider point of view, including other use of
The following terms are contextually and operationally defined for better understanding
of the study.
RFID - is a method of identifying a person or thing by using Radio Frequency Transmission. It
is used to automatically gather data by radio frequency data transfer between a moving object
RFID Reader - is a scanning device that uses an antenna to detect tags in its vicinity. It sends
RFID tags - are IC chips that contain a unique hexadecimal or electronic product code (EPC).
The tag functions as a key capable of opening particular locks. So, it is also known as an RFID
SMS - is a service for sending short messages. It sends a notification to the parent’s mobile
LCD DISPLAY - is a circuit that includes a 16x2 LCD display which serves as the system’s
output device. When the RFID tag is scanned by the RFID reader, it displays the user’s
ARDUINO UNO - is a microcontroller board that acts as the brain of the circuit.
This chapter outlines the methods and procedures that will be used in the study that are
crucial in developing and building the project. This covers the research design, methodology,
equipment, and data collection process that will be used in the study, as well as the statistical
research methodologies and design that will be used to conduct this study. It includes looking in
data sources, data collection procedures, instrument validity and dependability, and data
researcher collects the data, and the results either confirm or contradict the theory. These kinds
is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers use their own discretion in selecting
members of the population to participate in their surveys. The researchers conducted selective
respondents such as electricians, Science teachers to rate and judge the level of acceptability of
the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for Mobile Communication
(GSM)-based Attendance System with SMS Notifier in terms of Physical Appearance, Quality,
and Durability.
of performing in-person research. Respondents will answer the research questions based purely
on what they observe. The observational study method of data collecting is the most effective
The researchers will use survey questionnaire to assess respondents' thoughts on the
suggested prototype for data collection to judge how well it was received. There are tests, rating
scales, and checklists on the survey questionnaire. It will be divided into two sections: the first
section will focus on the demographic profile of the respondents. The second section of the
survey questionnaire will use the Likert scale to assess the level of acceptability of the RFID
Senior High School Coordinator and will then consult with the principal before conducting the
study. The questionnaire will be distributed, and managed by the researchers individually in the
The chosen respondents will be given survey questionnaires. Each response will be
properly counted, evaluated, and analyzed in accordance with the study’s problems.
statistics will be used. To examine and interpret the facts and data collected from respondents
through the survey questionnaire, descriptive and inferential statistics will be used.
On problem number one, the researchers will present descriptive data about the
f = number of the respondents who respond
On problem number four, it pertains to the level of acceptability of the RFID based
attendance system with sms notifier in terms of physical appearance, quality, usability, and
durability. The researchers will use average weighted mean (AWM) to treat the data.
The formula for the average weighted mean is: AWM = f(x)
AWM= ⅀ fx/N
n = number of respondents
Each statement will be measured using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the
highest. The following categories served as descriptions of the average weighted mean:
2.61-3.40 Acceptable
1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptable
On Problem no. 6, which examines the relationship between the demographic profile and
relationship exists. Specifically, a chi-square test may be applied for categorical variables such as
sex, while analysis of variance (ANOVA) can be utilized for assessing age groups.
The study’s participants will be guaranteed that their involvement was voluntary and not
compelled. By signing the consent form, they confirm that they agree to all of the criteria
outlined there. Researchers will not force the participants to answer the given questionnaire to
assure that the respondents’ rights under Republic Act No. 10173 also known as Data Privacy
Act are kept and that no further personally identifiable data was used. All the data will be used
accordingly for the study, it was further promoted in the cover letter. The respondent’s name,
age, and gender were kept completely personal, together with further details.
This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis, of data and interpretation of findings of
The first problem that this study dealt with was determining the demographic profile of the
19-21 0 0%
22-24 2 18.18%
25 above 5 45.45%
Female 7 63.63%
As indicated in the table the respondents in this survey exhibit diversity in terms of age
and sex. The majority of respondents are females (63.63%), and there is a range of age groups
represented, with the highest percentage in the 25 and above category (45.45%). This
demographic information is crucial for understanding the composition of the sample and can be
Table 2-2 answers the fourth problem that this study dealt with, which was determining the level
of acceptability of the based attendance system with sms notification in terms of physical
Table 2
Level of Acceptability of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for
Physical Appearance
2. The structure of the prototype is eye pleasing. 4.81 Very highly Acceptable
3.The visual weight distribution of the prototype is 4.63 Highly Acceptable
visual experience.
5.The overall design of the prototype is visually 4.90 Very highly Acceptable
The overall evaluation of the prototype, considering all indicators, results in an average
weighted mean of 4.81 or very highly acceptable rating. This suggests that the prototype excels
in terms of visual appeal and design, meeting or exceeding expectations across the evaluated
( N=11)
5.The structure of the prototype seems to be high 4.90 Very highly Acceptable
The overall evaluation of the Based Attendance System with SMS Notification,
considering all indicators, results in a highly acceptable rating. While certain aspects like SMS
notification and responsiveness may have room for improvement, the overall quality is deemed
highly acceptable, with the prototype being seen as reasonably priced, affordable, and of high
Level of Acceptability of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for Mobile
( N=11)
1.The materials used in the prototype seem durable 4.90 Highly Acceptable
significant damage.
The overall evaluation of the Based Attendance System with SMS Notification in terms
of durability results in an average weighted mean of 4.83 or very highly acceptable rating. The
conditions, and suitable for long-term use, demonstrating a high level of acceptability across all
indicators (Biletska et. Al, 2021; Spector et. Al, 2018; Guliyev, 2021).
Level of Acceptability of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for
( N=11)
Indicators AWM Descriptive Equivalence
2.The prototype minimizes the time required for users 4.90 Very Highly Acceptable
3.Users find the navigation within the prototype 4.90 Very Highly Acceptable
The overall evaluation of the Based Attendance System with SMS Notification in terms o
Usability results in an average weighted mean of 4.90 or very highly acceptable rating.
expectations across all usability indicators (Lewis, J.J.R. and Sauro, J, 2017).
X^2 df TV Decision
The chi-square test results reveal a significant association between the demographic
profiles of respondents, specifically age and sex, and their level of acceptability towards the
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-
based Attendance System with SMS Notifier. For the age variable, the calculated chi-square
value (X^2 = 79.76) significantly exceeds the critical value (TV = 16.92), leading to the rejection
(TV = 3.841), resulting in the rejection of the null hypothesis. Consequently, there is substantial
evidence to suggest that age and sex play a noteworthy role in shaping respondents' attitudes
In summary, the results of both tests support the conclusion that there is a significant
relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents (specifically, sex and age) and
the level of acceptability of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for
This chapter presents the summary, conclusion, and recommendation of the study entitled
“Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-
The purpose of this research study was to develop and determine the level acceptance of
a based attendance system with SMS notification with the use of Radio Frequency Identification
The first chapter focused on establishing the research study's objectives, outlining the
planned study, defining the investigative problem, and clarifying relevant ideas and concepts.
The second chapter detailed the research methodology and design, including the
population profile and sample utilized for empirical data collection through purposive focus
group interviews.
The third chapter centered on data analysis, result interpretation, and the subsequent
Moving forward, the subsequent section will delve into the primary outcomes of the
research study.
After designing and testing of the system, there are several conclusions that can be drawn
regarding the RFID and GSM-based attendance system with SMS notification.
2. The level of acceptability of the project’s physical appearance, quality, durability, and
Given the programming errors encountered in the prototype of the attendance system
with SMS notification, it is crucial to offer suggestions for future researchers to overcome these
challenges and enhance the system's effectiveness. The following recommendations are
1. Conduct an exhaustive code review to identify and rectify any programming errors. This
involves systematically analyzing the codebase to ensure adherence to best practices, proper
testing, integration testing, and system testing to identify and rectify bugs, ensuring the system
performs as intended.
3. Solicit feedback from potential users, stakeholders, or testers during development. Iteratively
refine the system based on this feedback to address usability concerns, enhance user experience,
functions, modules, and dependencies. Such documentation will prove invaluable for future
programming team to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the code. This collaborative effort
can offer valuable insights, reduce errors, and contribute to the overall success of the project.
6.Implement version control systems to track codebase changes and facilitate collaboration.
Regularly back up the code and project files to prevent data loss in the event of unforeseen errors
or system failures.
7.Pay close attention to security aspects, including data encryption, secure communication for
SMS notifications, and protection against potential vulnerabilities. This ensures the system's
8. Stay updated on the latest developments in programming languages, frameworks, and best
practices. Continuous learning will enhance the skills of future researchers, contributing to the
adhere to best practices, and create a more effective and reliable attendance system with SMS
notification. These measures aim to enhance the system's functionality and overall success in
attendance tracking.