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Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

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Marine Pollution Bulletin

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Assessment of beach macrolitter using unmanned aerial systems: A study

along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
Radoslava Bekova *, Bogdan Prodanov
Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria


Keywords: Over the years, the Black Sea has been impacted by the issue of marine litter, which poses ecological and health
Marine litter threats. A mid-term monitoring program initiated in 2018 assessed the abundance, density, and composition of
Beach macrolitter beach litter (BL) on 40 frequently visited beaches. From 2018 to 2022, there was a significant increase in average
abundance, rising by 261 %. Artificial polymer materials accounted for the majority (84 %) of the litter. Land-
Unmanned aerial systems
Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
based sources dominated 77 % of the litter. The Clean Coast Index (CCI) categorized the beaches as “moderate”
with an average value of 8.9 for the period between 2018 and 2022. However, the years 2021 and 2022, during
the COVID-19 epidemic, were identified as the “dirtiest period” with 11 beaches classified as “extremely dirty”
due to high domestic tourist pressure. The study demonstrates a successful combination of standard in situ visual
assessment supported by unmanned aerial systems for beach litter surveys.

1. Introduction has the potential to negatively impact human health (Panti et al., 2019;
Wright et al., 2013). The most significant dangers to human health, as
1.1. World theme “marine litter” well as the most serious implications for environmental and ecological
health, are posed by anthropogenic ML (Filho et al., 2019). Entangle­
The beaches are globally widespread and significant from geological, ment (Gregory, 2009; Thiel et al., 2018), ingestion (Savoca et al., 2021),
biological, and ecological perspectives (Luijendijk et al., 2018; Bird, bioaccumulation of persistent organic and inorganic pollutants (Teuten
2021; Masselink et al., 2011). Anthropogenic marine litter (ML) poses a et al., 2009; Ranjani et al., 2022), and transfer of non-native species
recognized threat to marine wildlife according to Directive 2008/56/EC through hitchhiking are some of the negative effects that microplastic
of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the pollution has on the marine environment (Al-Khayat et al., 2021). In
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Directive 2008/56/ addition to negatively impacting marine biodiversity, ML has a detri­
EC; UN RES/70/1, 2015). The United Nations has recently taken action mental effect on the economies of coastal countries (McIlgorm et al.,
by signing the first global resolution to combat plastic pollution, aiming 2011; Brouwer et al., 2017; Beaumont et al., 2019). The majority of the
to establish a legally binding treaty by 2024 (UNEP, 2022). anthropogenic microplastics that make their way into the oceans come
Over the course of the last few decades, there has been an increase in from land-based sources, accounting for almost 80 % of the total (Gal­
the accumulation of ML, particularly plastic debris, in the various gani et al., 2013a). Borrelle et al. (2020) calculated that between 19 and
environmental compartments (beaches, islands, surface and sub-surface 23MT of waste plastic was produced all over the world in 2016 and that
water, and the food web) that are located between the north pole and the this waste eventually made its way into aquatic ecosystems.
south pole (Monteiro et al., 2018; Galgani et al., 2013b, 2015; Galgani, Concerns about the environment on a worldwide scale have been
2015). Although ML is composed of plastic, glass/ceramic, metal, wood/ raised in response to the accumulation of anthropogenic litter in marine
paper, textiles, and rubber (Galgani et al., 2013a), plastic is the most environments. Consequently, in the past few decades, there has been a
prevalent type of litter found in marine environments, accounting for meteoric rise in the number of surveillance programs operating all over
60–80 % of all litter (Barboza et al., 2019). Anthropogenic debris has the world with the express purpose of determining the quantities of litter
emerged as a major pollutant in marine, coastal, and terrestrial envi­ found on oceans and coasts (e.g., Maes et al., 2019). Due to the multiple
ronments due to the fact that it poses a risk to the survival of species and anthropogenic pressures (recreational activities, fisheries, urbanization)

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: radoslavabekova@gmail.com (R. Bekova).

Received 10 July 2023; Received in revised form 2 October 2023; Accepted 3 October 2023
Available online 7 October 2023
0025-326X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

and environmental factors (wind, waves, tides) that may contribute to (Gonçalves et al., 2022). Using UAS, a survey strategy has been
their contamination, beach-dune ecosystems are important compart­ employed to map and detect the abundance and distribution of macro­
ments to monitor in the context of ML or beach litter (BL). However, litter items on sandy beaches, utilizing manual image screening and
most of the strategies suggested for collecting stranded ML litter in machine learning techniques (Andriolo et al., 2020a, 2020b, 2021a,
coastal areas only apply to the subaerial beach (e.g., OSPAR, 2010; 2021b, 2022; Andriolo and Gonçalves, 2022; Bao et al., 2018; Deidun
Galgani et al., 2013a; GESAMP, 2019). Marine Beach Litter is a global et al., 2018; Escobar-Sánchez et al., 2021; Fallati et al., 2019; Gonçalves
strategy that provides actual information on the ML problem with plastic et al., 2020a, 2020b, 2020c; Lo et al., 2020; Kako et al., 2020; Martin
pollution in the world's oceans and coasts (Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2018, et al., 2018; Merlino et al., 2021; Papakonstantinou et al., 2021). This
2021; Cesarano et al., 2023; Mugilarasan et al., 2023; Zielinski et al., method is efficient in terms of time and cost while improving the ac­
2022; Bhuyan et al., 2021; Diem et al., 2023). curacy of coastal macrolitter pollution measurements using drones with
RTK mode. Andriolo et al. (2020a, 2020b, 2021a, 2021b) proposed a
1.2. Marine litter in the Black Sea drone-based framework for non-intrusive macrolitter mapping,
combining UAS orthophotos with a mobile application in coastal dune
In terms of the marine environment of the Black Sea, also land-based environments.
waste is considered to be the most significant danger, as it is responsible
for >70 % of all marine pollution (World Bank, 2020). In addition to 1.3. Aim of study
nutrient runoff, eutrophication, wastewater discharges, heavy metals
accumulation, and other environmental issues, ML is regarded as a The main objective of this study is to show the results of a large-scale
crucial and complicated environmental concern in the Black Sea basin assessment of the distribution of beach macrolitter along the Bulgarian
(BSC, 2019; World Bank, 2020). This enclosed sea is very susceptible to Black Sea Coast for the period 2018–2022. The analysis of the BL
environmental degradation due to the extremely slow replenishment of abundance and density was based on visual assessment and manual
water, limited vertical intermixing, and dynamic surface circulation. sampling, while mapping and analysis of the spatial distribution of litter
Furthermore, ML pollution is a comparatively new issue in this sea, have been aided by UAS surveys. The research aims to increase aware­
which is also very vulnerable to environmental degradation. Therefore, ness about the pollution of the Bulgarian beaches but also to provide
the countries surrounding the Black Sea have undertaken a plethora of additional data on the litter categories, classified according to the
surveys over the past few years in order to get a better understanding of Master List at Guidance of MSFD Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter
the magnitude of the problem and devise strategies to cut down on the (Galgani et al., 2013a). The results are presented using a Clean Coast
amount of ML entering the basin, e.g., “Identification of Hotspots of Index, providing an evaluation of cleanliness over both the past year and
Marine Litter Pollution in the Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Area”, the previous five years. The research marks the beginning of a
ANEMONE project “Assessing the vulnerability of the Black Sea marine comprehensive long-term annual monitoring of macrolitter pollution on
ecosystem to human pressures” (ANEMONE, 2021; Paiu et al., 2020; 40 beaches along the Bulgarian Coast.
Panayotova et al., 2020), “Marine litter, eutrophication and noise
assessment tools – (MARLEN)”, “Raising Public Awareness and 2. Materials and methods
Reducing Marine Litter for Protection of the Black Sea Ecosystem –
(LitOUTer)”. 2.1. Monitored beaches
Numerous studies have been carried out by the countries surround­
ing the Black Sea over the course of the past decade (after 2013) in order In the period 2018–2022, the Institute of Oceanology at the
to gain a better understanding of the scale of the problem and formulate Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS) has done a comprehensive
plans to cut down on the amount of ML entering the basin. Within a research initiative focusing on 40 beaches that attract a substantial
significant number of study sites along the coastlines of Romania (Paiu number of visitors (Fig. 1). It is worth noting that out of these beach
et al., 2017; Muresan et al., 2017), Bulgaria (Simeonova et al., 2017, systems, only ten ones are currently included in the monitoring pro­
2020; Brouwer et al., 2017; Bobchev, 2018; Simeonova and Chuturkova, grams mandated by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
2019; Panayotova et al., 2020; Chuturkova and Simeonova, 2021; implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Water (BLKBG-D10-
Bekova, 2023; Prodanov and Bekova, 2023), Georgia (Machitadze et al., Marine litter, 2016). Thorough planning of assessment areas was un­
2020), and Turkey (Topçu et al., 2013; Terzi and Seyhan, 2017; Şahin dertaken based on missions for BL mapping. The selection of sampling
et al., 2018; Terzi et al., 2020; Gülenç et al., 2020; Aytan et al., 2020; units for assessment was guided by specific criteria that ensure the
Öztekin et al., 2020; Bat et al., 2022; Erüz et al., 2023) were discovered validity and representativeness of our results. First and foremost, we
to have worrying amounts of anthropogenic litter. The floating and sought beaches that were unaffected by concession activities in their
seafloor ML, river flow as major sources of ML (BSC, 2007; Öztekin and vicinity. This criterion is crucial to avoid potential confounding factors
Bat, 2017; Ioakeimidis et al., 2014; Lechner et al., 2014; Suaria et al., that may arise from commercial operations.
2015; Moncheva et al., 2016; Slobodnik et al., 2018; Stanev and Ricker, Additionally, we considered beaches with minimal anthropogenic
2019; Aytan et al., 2020; Raykov et al., 2020; Slabakova et al., 2020; activities, such as regular cleaning and rake-up, as these activities can
Berov and Klayn, 2020; Doncheva et al., 2020; Terzi et al., 2020; impact the accumulation and distribution of macrolitter on the beach.
Miladinova et al., 2020; Panayotova et al., 2021; UIAMES, 2021; Erüz According to the abovementioned criteria, there were selected 40 sam­
et al., 2022; González-Fernández et al., 2022; Pogojeva et al., 2023), in pling units for UAS mapping and manual collecting, each with a mini­
biota (Tonay et al., 2020; Aytan et al., 2021, 2022; Terzi et al., 2021; mum length of 100 m along the water edge. The width of the sampling
Mihova et al., 2023), as well in archaeological context (Prahov et al., units was defined as the distance between the water edge and the back of
2021) were reported in Black Sea area. Finally, Georgieva et al. (2023) the beach (base of dunes, cliff, vegetation line, or human artefacts). The
reported worrisome data about the ubiquitous distribution of micro- total area of monitored beaches was assessed at 105,965 m2, embracing
plastic pollution along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. All these studies 4450 m along the coastline, which is equal to 0.9 % of the current length
indicate the need in order to evaluate the distribution of micro-, meso-, of the Bulgarian shoreline of 518.7 km (Prodanov et al., 2023a, 2023b) –
and macrolitter in the Black Sea and their potential risk for humans and Fig. 1.
coastal ecosystems.
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), also known as drones or UAVs,
offer a new sustainable opportunity for studying litter dynamics and can
provide valuable data for developing coastal litter models over time

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Fig. 1. List of monitored beaches for macrolitter pollution along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 2018–2022.

2.2. Field research area. It is carried out at the beginning before the litter collection for
visual assessment. To collect high-resolution aerial images of the beach
2.2.1. UAS and orthophoto realisation surface during the spring and autumn seasons from 2018 to 2022
The first step of monitoring was the UAS survey in each assessment (Fig. 2A), a multirotor quadcopter DJI Phantom 4 RTK (DJI-P4RTK) was

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Fig. 2. Timeline (A) and methodology (B) of beach litter monitoring along Bulgarian coast.

employed. This particular drone was equipped with a 20-megapixel oblique images were taken from a height of 5 m above the dune surface,
camera, enabling the capture of detailed imagery. The data collection allowing for the acquisition of high-resolution imagery.
process followed established methodologies and standard procedures In the post-processing, Agisoft Metashape (v1.5.3-v1.7.2) was
outlined in previous studies (Gonçalves et al., 2020a, 2022). employed as the Structure for Motion Multi-View Stereo (SfM-MVS)
The DJI-P4RTK quadcopter had a multi-frequency onboard GNSS processing software. This software facilitated the generation of the
receiver, providing reliable centimetre-level positioning accuracy. In Digital Surface Model (DSM) and the raster RGB orthophotomosaic
order to ensure precise georeferencing of the collected aerial images, a (OM), utilizing only the RGB bands (Fig. 2B). The final image, achieved
minimum of five ground control points (GCP) were collected within through low-altitude flight settings, possessed a very high GSD between
each sampling unit (Prodanov et al., 2020). For this purpose, the Hi- 0.3 and 0.5 cm/px (Fig. 2B).
Target V90 GNSS RTK System was used (Fig. 2B).
During the flight missions, the quadcopter operated at an altitude of 2.2.2. Manual collecting, visual census and classification
20 m, and the camera was set perpendicular to the flight direction. The In the second step, a primary monitoring approach of manual col­
drone captured images with a resolution of 4000 × 3000 pixels while lecting and visual census of identified BL in size >2.5 cm was applied. A
ensuring an overlapping rate of 90 % in the front and side directions. crucial aspect of the monitoring process involved ensuring the quality
Each assessment area, comprising a maximum of two flight missions, and accuracy of BL identification through observers. The objective was
required approximately 20 min to complete. Additionally, to support the to achieve full coverage of visual census and classification at least once
classification of litter during manual image screening, if necessary, within each area of litter monitoring during the five years through the

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

campaigns (Fig. 1). Visual assessments and classification were con­

Total number of macrolitter (items)
ducted by a minimum of three observers from the IO-BAS, following the CCISU,Year,Season = ×K (2)
Total area of sampling unit (m2 )
different surveyors in the opposite direction approach (Fig. 2B). The
macrolitter classification was performed according to the Marine Litter
where K is a coefficient and equals 20, the sampling unit width
(ML) categories listed in Galgani et al. (2013a), ensuring consistency in
(perpendicular to the shoreline line), defined as the distance between
the classification and characterization of the identified litter. The litter
the water edge and the back of the beach (base of dunes, cliff, vegetation
was categorized into classes at Level 1 - Materials from the MSFD:
line, or human artefacts), was estimated, as shown in Fig. 2B.
Artificial polymer materials, Rubber, Cloth/textile, Paper/Cardboard, Pro­
cessed/worked wood, Metal, Glass/Ceramics, Unidentified (Galgani et al.,
2013a) – Fig. 3. 2.4. Manual image screening and litter map
In order to analyse the potential correlation between current litter
sources and historical data for BL of Chuturkova and Simeonova (2021) In order to analyse the spatial distribution and dynamics of macro­
and litter on dunes (Prodanov and Bekova, 2023), a bottom-up strategy litter in each assessment area, Beach Litter Map and Density Litter Map
was employed (Veiga et al., 2016). This approach involved attributing were produced ( Fig. 4). The Maps were generated by identified litter
the identified litter types to their respective possible sources. The from the MS procedure. Similar to Gonçalves et al. (2020b), each
methodology used for this attribution process was the attribution-by- orthophotomosaic was tiled with a 4 m square grid to make the MS
litter type method, which was consistent with the approach outlined regular and organized. The operators were instructed to (i) visually
by Veiga et al. (2016). The sources include public litter, fishing litter, screen the images, (ii) identify the litter items, (iii) classify the litter
sewage-related debris, shipping litter, fly-tipped litter, medical litter and non- items (if the image quality allows correct recognition of the item) ac­
sourced litter. cording to Galgani et al. (2013a), (iv) add a placemark at the approxi­
mate centre of the items' shape in the GIS environment, and (v) create
shapefiles for each assessment area. The results obtained from the
2.3. Abundance, density and clean coast index different types of maps provided insights into identifying BL hotspots,
also known as fly-tipped areas. Furthermore, these findings may facili­
The abundance and density of beach litter were investigated in the tate future investigations to establish a correlation between litter density
assessment area based on in-situ manual collecting and visual on beaches and dunes.
census. A visual representation of BL density in the assessment areas can
be found in Table 1. The BL densities in the assessment areas were 3. Results
calculated using Formula (1):
[ ] The implementation of a comprehensive, long-term monitoring
DSU,Year,Season =
Total number of macrolitter items
, (1) program for beaches in 2018, based on manual collecting and visual
census supported by UAS, has yielded invaluable data regarding the
Total area of sampling unit m2

The analyzed beaches' cleanliness was investigated using the Clean abundance, density, composition, sources and spatial distribution of BL
Coast Index (CCI) developed by Alkalay et al. (2007). This index serves along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
as a comprehensive measure, encompassing both the abundance and
density of macrolitter pollution. By employing the CCI, beaches can be 3.1. Abundance and density of beach litter
evaluated into five different categories, ranging from “very clean” to
“extremely dirty”. The calculation of these classes is based on the The analysis has revealed a clear and consistent long-term trend
application of Formula (2): indicating an increase in the two key parameters: litter abundance,

Fig. 3. Marine litter categories in Master List at Guidance of MSFD Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter (Galgani et al., 2013a).

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Table 1
Density and CaCI classes, according to Alkalay et al. (2007).
Values Visual description Values Cleanliness
Very clean
0 - 0.1 items/m2 no litter is seen 0–2
(no litter is seen)
0.1 - 0.25 no litter is seen over a
2-5 (no litter is seen over a large
items/m2 large area
0.25 - 0.5 a few pieces of litter can
5 – 10 (a few pieces of litter can be
items/m2 be detected
0.5 – 1 a lot of waste on the Dirty
10 – 20
items/m2 shore (a lot of waste on the shore)
most of the shore is Extremely dirty
More than 1
covered with plastic 20+ (most of the shore is covered
debris with plastic debris)

Density and CCI: Blue - "Very clean", Green - "Clean", Yellow - "Moderate", Orange - "Dirty", Red - "Extremely dirty"

which refers to the total number of litter items, and the density of the monitoring period, with percentages of 1.7 %, 1.2 %, and 1.1 %,
macrolitter, measured as items per square meter. These trends are respectively.
illustrated in Fig. 5. The maximum abundance was recorded during the
2021 monitoring campaign when the visual census identified approxi­ 3.3. Sources of litter
mately 240,000 items across the 40 sampling units.
Of particular significance is the examination of litter density. Since Understanding the increasing human pressure on sandy habitats is
the study spanned a period of five years and was conducted in the same crucial when examining beaches in the context of litter pollution. BL was
designated assessment areas, it provides reliable insights into the dy­ categorized into two main classes: Land-based sources (77.4 %) and Sea-
namics of litter density and distribution. The analysis revealed that the based sources (22.6 % of total litter amount) to gain a comprehensive
majority of the assessed beaches fell into three classes: “a lot of waste on understanding. It is worth noting that SS is predominantly presented by
the shore” (30 %), “a few pieces of litter can be detected” (30 %), and “no Fishing and Shipping sources. Sea-based sources contribute a significant
litter is seen over a large area” (30 %), according to density description of amount of macrolitter (23 %) found on the beaches, consisting mainly of
Alkalay et al. (2007). The average litter density across all assessment smaller objects such as fishing nets and cords. These lightweight items,
areas on beaches was estimated to be 0.44 ± 0.04 items/m2, corre­ aided by strong winds, are effectively transported to the high beach
sponding to the classification of “a few pieces of litter can be detected”. berm, reaching a high from 2 to 3.5 m. This indicates that even relatively
High mid-term variations were recorded during the evaluation small masses can be transported over considerable distances and
period, with the average number of items per sampling unit ranging significantly impact the accumulation of litter on backshore in front of
from 518 in 2018 to 2009 in 2022 (increasing 261 %) and the average dunes or cliffs. Analyzing the aggregated data from 2018 to 2022, as
density fluctuating between 0.21 ± 0.02 items/m2 in 2018 to 0.73 ± presented in Fig. 8, the sources were classified according to Veiga et al.
0.04 items/m2 in 2021 (increasing 255 %). The study of the Density (2016). Public litter emerges as the primary contributor to BL, accounting
Maps for each area during the five years provided for the first time for a substantial 61.3 % of the total number of recorded items during
generalized statistical data on the distribution and dynamics of waste that period. This highlights the significance of public activities and be­
according to the topographical and hydrodynamic features of the bea­ haviours in contributing to beach litter accumulation.
ches in Bulgaria (Figs. 6, 7). Further examination of the data demonstrates the contributions of
other sources to the overall BL composition. Fly-tipped litter remains
3.2. Litter composition substantial at 8.1 %, indicating the persistence of illegal dumping
practices that impact the beach environment. Fishing litter, comprising
The identified beach litter (BL) was categorized based on the Master items related to fishing activities, accounts for 5.1 % of the total amount,
List of Categories of Litter Items - Level 1 developed by the MSFD highlighting the influence of the fishing industry on beach litter. Ship­
Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter (Fig. 8; Appendices 1, 2, 3). ping litter, originating from maritime activities, contributes 4.1 % to the
Artificial polymer materials accounted for the highest percentage composition of BL, underscoring the role of shipping-related debris.
(83.99 %) of the total litter along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. This Sewage and Sanitary waste constitute a smaller fraction at 2.7 %, rep­
indicates a persistent and prevalent issue with plastic pollution in the resenting the impact of improper waste disposal in coastal areas. Inter­
region. Despite efforts to address this problem, there have been limited estingly, the estimated proportion of Non-source anthropogenic litter,
variations in the amount of plastic polymer litter over the past five years, which refers to litter with no identifiable origin, is relatively low at 5.7
highlighting the need for more effective strategies and interventions to %.
reduce plastic waste. During our research, an interesting trend was
observed regarding the amount of Paper/Cardboard waste along the 3.4. Clean Coast Index
Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Over time, there has been a gradual increase
in the proportion of Paper/Cardboard waste, assessed as 6 % of the total The Coast Clean Index (CCI) is a valuable tool that allows us to assess
waste found on the coast. Metal and Glass/ceramics were found to be and visualize the cleanliness of beaches worldwide. It provides an op­
relatively rare, constituting a small proportion (2.7 % and 2.7 %, portunity to compare cleanliness results over time, across seasons, and
respectively) of the total litter. These types of waste are often concen­ between different countries. In this particular research, we were able to
trated in specific hotspots rather than being distributed uniformly along gather comprehensive data for the entire coast, including the impact of
the coast. On the other hand, processed/worked wood, rubber, and force majeure circumstances like travel restrictions during the COVID-
cloth/textile were the least commonly found types of litter throughout 19 pandemic, which indirectly subjected the beaches to maximum

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Fig. 4. Example of MS procedure and results from beach litter mapping of Shkorpilovtsi Beach in September 2021. A) Beach Litter Map, B) Density Map.

tourism and human pressure. The data collected over the past five years Asparuhovo Beach in Varna (Fig. 9). It can be divided into two distinct
shows that the majority of beaches fell under the “clean” and “moderate” subgroups based on their exposure to waves and proximity to major
categories at the start of the monitoring program in 2018 (Table 3). The resort centres. In the northernmost section, which includes Durankulak,
CCI values remained almost identical in 2019, with a significant increase Krapets, and Shabla, we find what we will refer to as the “Clean”
in the number of “dirty” beaches. The cleanliness of Bulgarian beaches Dobrudzha Beaches. Up until 2022, these beaches were consistently
from 2018 to 2022 was generally classified as “moderate” with a CCI rated as “clean” or “very clean.” Despite the well-developed tourism in
value of 8.9 (Fig. 7, Appendix 4). However, in 2020 and 2021, there was this region, the beaches have never reached their full capacity, resulting
a massive influx of tourists due to the COVID-19 epidemic and the in less waste accumulation. Another contributing factor to their clean­
introduction of strict travel restrictions globally, including in Europe. liness is the beach's gentle slope, which allows waves to reach up to
This resulted in an increase in the number of “Dirty” (15 beaches) and 20–25 m inland, often carrying away debris. Additionally, the well-
“Extremely Dirty” (11 beaches). According to our research framework, developed dunes located behind the beaches act as a barrier, trapping
Bulgarian beaches can be divided into three groups: northern (Cape wind-blown debris.
Sivriburun - Cape Galata), central (Cape Galata – Cape Foros), and North of Cape Kaliakra, there is Bolata Beach, nestled within a small
southern (Cape Foros - Rezovo). bay and protected by an old hydrotechnical structure. The beach and
dunes occupy a limited area and are surrounded by cliffs, which restricts
3.4.1. The northern group of beaches the movement of waste beyond the beach boundaries. Due to the sig­
The group of beaches mentioned stretches from Durankulak to nificant number of tourists visiting this small beach area, a considerable

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Fig. 5. Mid-term variation of macrolitter in the period 2018–2022 with data from manual collecting and visual census; А) average abundance per assessment area
(items); B) averages densities (items/m2); C) Statistical data about the distribution of macrolitter along the Bulgarian Coast.

Fig. 7. Dynamics and spatial distribution of beach litter density by elevation

Fig. 6. Percentage distribution of macrolitter by elevation during 2018–2022, during 2018–2022, based on MS screening of UAS orthophotomosaic.
based on MS screening of UAS orthophotomosaic.

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Fig. 8. Average results from classification (Galgani et al., 2013a) and sources (Veiga et al., 2016) of beach litter, based on the visual census in the period 2018–2022
along the Bulgarian coast.

Fig. 9. A) CCI categorisation of Bulgarian Black Sea beaches in 2018–2022; B) List of CCI of study beaches in 2018–2022.

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

amount of waste has been left behind. In the medium term, Bolata Beach sampling with visual assessment and (ii) manual image screening. An
ranks highest in terms of the Clean Coast Index (CCIav.18–22:20.56), important characteristic of the manual screening approach lies in its
indicating a significant need for clean-up efforts. inherent subjectivity (Gonçalves et al., 2020b). This uncertainty arises
from the fact that the identification of litter items can exhibit variations
3.4.2. The central group of clean beaches among different operators, as well as discrepancies in the interpretation
The group of beaches referred to includes the stretch from (9) Pasha of object attributes such as shape, size, and even colour. The derivation
Dere to (15) Kara Dere (Fig. 9). Similar to the clean beaches in Dobrudja, of information regarding the composition of these objects becomes
these beaches are east-exposed and extremely exposed to waves (Val­ feasible once the operator has successfully identified the type of item in
chev et al., 2014). This wave exposure leads to the inundation of the question. It is essential, however, to acknowledge that the experienced
shore by high waves that can reach up to 15–20 m inland along the operator possessed a level of understanding of the types of items
beach. Analysis of the Litter Density Maps reveals that there is a sig­ commonly found along the Bulgarian beaches or dunes (Bekova, 2023;
nificant amount of litter covering both the low berm and areas up to 3 m Prodanov and Bekova, 2023) and had actively participated in the field
above sea level during high tide. The exposed coasts are also subjected to manual collecting and visual census.
strong winds, which effectively transport debris into the expansive rear In the realisation of UAS mapping, the beaches were flown from the
dune systems. In 2022, all the beaches along the central coast were lowest possible height, between 15 and 20 m, the goal of which was to
classified as “clean” to “very clean”. achieve a sustainable resolution of the final orthophotomosaics GSD
0.3–0.5 cm/px (Andriolo et al., 2023). An analysis of acquired data from
3.4.3. The southern group of beaches five-yeah monitoring shows the MS procedure from very high-resolution
This group includes the largest number of surveyed beaches between orthophotomosaic proved highly effective, marking 96.5 % of the beach
(16) Slanchev Bryag and (40) Silistar. The central coast of Bulgaria has a litter items initially pinpointed during a visual census in assessment
complex geomorphological pattern (Popov and Mishev, 1974; Peychev, areas from 2018 to 2022. It is worth noting that the MS procedure was
2004) consisting of different types of beaches and dune complexes complemented by low-altitude video imaging at 5 m above every beach
(Peychev and Peev, 2006; Prodanov et al., 2023a). This region is also surface with an oblique camera, which an operator used for better
exposed to waves (Valchev et al., 2014), affecting waste transportation classification of items. The recognition of BL from the video increased
and deposition. Burgas, Pomorie, and Nessebar cities, along with the the final score by an additional 4 %. In our study, this successful
high influx of tourists during the summer, exert continuous anthropo­ recognition varies between 82 % and 92 %, with an average value of 87
genic pressure on the coastal system. As a result, all beaches between % of the total number of identified items from the visual census in
(16) Slanchev Bryag and (20) Burgas Port Wall, except for (19) Pomorie assessment areas from 2018 to 2022 (Table 2; Fig. 10). These results are
Sand Spit, are classified as “dirty” and “moderate” in terms of cleanli­ in line with a study of Gonçalves et al. (2020b), which achieved a higher
ness. Despite weak CCI reduction trends, in 2022, these beaches were percentage of object identification at 98 %, but a slightly lower object
still categorized as “dirty”. recognition rate at 85 %.
The Medni Rid – Strandzha section embraces the coast south of The experience gained during the current assessment, along with the
Burgas. This coast is characterized by popular tourist destinations such positive results, will help us optimize the litter monitoring process and
as Chernomorets, Sozopol, Primorsko, Kiten, and Tsarevo. These areas reduce the costs associated with a visual assessment team in the future.
are surrounded by wide beach-dune systems and attract thousands of We believe that the advancement of cameras of drones and the high
tourists daily during the summer season. The majority of beaches in this accuracy in the RTK regime will significantly enhance the resolution and
region are classified as “moderate” or “dirty.” The beach in Kavatsite reliability of the data obtained in UAS-based mapping. This improve­
(near Sozopol) was even categorized as “Extremely Dirty.” On the other ment will minimize the need for visual observations. Additionally, it is
hand, the cleanest beaches can be found at Arkutino, Ropotamo, and worth noting that the UAS approach offers advantages in terms of speed
Lipite. These three beaches were intentionally chosen in protected areas and cost. In the challenging conditions of the Bulgarian coast, using
under the Habitats Directive, where tourist flow is minimal. We aimed to drones can map up to 5 areas per day from two researchers. In contrast,
investigate the deposition of litter from sea-based sources in these areas. manual sampling and visual assessment activities can survey a
They found a low amount of waste, mostly originating from fishing- maximum of 3 sites per day from 4 researchers. While subject to its own
related activities, and the sampling units also recorded the lowest per­ set of limitations and potential subjectivity, this approach currently
centage of plastic waste (76 %). represents the most effective means available for our research oppor­
Overall, the CCI provided valuable insights into Bulgarian beaches' tunity for non-intrusive, non-impacted litter mapping on the beaches or
cleanliness status, enabling the identification of areas of concern and dunes.
formulating targeted recommendations to ensure the long-term clean­
liness and sustainability of the coastal environment.
4.2. Sources, litter amount and plastics
4. Discussion
Determining the sources of beach litter is essential for preventing and
reducing littering in marine environments. Previous studies have
4.1. Visual census, UAS data and manual image screening

The analyses of abundance and densities, as well as the evaluation of Table 2

Comparison between the results from visual census and MS procedure on
cleanliness (CCI) of beaches along the Bulgarian coast, were based on
data from the standard in situ visual census and manual collection.
However, additional data from the UAS survey was only used to survey Monitoring 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Mean,
campaign [%]
the dynamics of BL and identify litter hotspots. In this sense, for the first
time, the UAS approach gave us a chance to survey different aspects of Visual census 22,421 36,214 65,503 76,271 32,871 –
the percentage distribution of macrolitter, dynamics and spatial distri­
MS ident. 20,851 34,403 62,883 73,983 32,214 –
bution of beach litter density by elevation during 2018–2022 based on [items]
MS screening of orthophotomosaic (Figs. 6, 7). MS ident. [%] 93 % 95 % 96 % 97 % 98 % 95.8 %
The intricacies and particularities associated with mapping beach MS recog. 18,385 30,057 55,677 66,356 30,570 –
litter necessitate a thorough examination of the accuracy and uncer­ [items]
MS recog. [%] 82 % 83 % 85 % 91 % 94 % 87 %
tainty of data derived from two distinct methodologies: (i) manual

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Fig. 10. Comparison between the results from visual census and MS procedure on orthophotos.

categorized litter sources into two main groups: land-based and sea- discharge, climatological events, population density, and the local
based point and diffuse sources (UNEP, 2009; Mehlhart and Blepp, community's lifestyle affect the amount and distribution of litter, as
2012; Sherrington and Darrah, 2014). The majority of marine litter, exemplified by the Sinop coast (Bat et al., 2022).
approximately 80 %, originates from land-based sources, while the Recreational activities and tourism on beaches have been recognized
remaining 20 % comes from sea-based sources (Trouwborst, 2011). as another significant source of marine litter (Munari et al., 2016;
Land-based litter is primarily attributed to activities such as tourism, Simeonova et al., 2017; Ribeiro et al., 2021). Various drivers, including
industrial and manufacturing facilities, poor waste management, natu­ tourism, urbanization, ports, shipping, and commercial and recreational
ral storm events, and river transport (UNEP, 2005; Allsopp et al., 2006; fishing, contribute to this issue (Simeonova et al., 2017, 2020; Simeo­
Eunomia, 2016). Consumer-related litter constitutes a significant nova and Chuturkova, 2019, 2020). Chuturkova and Simeonova (2021)
portion, accounting for about 59 % of the detected litter (Winton et al., have identified the most common sources of waste and characteristic
2020). Land-based plastic, ranging from 58 % to 99 % of the total drivers on Bulgarian beaches. According to their findings, the most
amount, surpasses ocean-based plastic in Scotland (Turrell, 2020). prevalent source is Public litter (48 %) from “Coastal/beach tourism”.
Rivers are predicted to be responsible for transporting over 90 % of With the expansion of the monitoring network, numerous beaches,
mismanaged plastic waste (Lebreton and Andrady, 2019). For instance, particularly those near tourist resort centres, have been investigated. As
a case study conducted along the southeastern Turkish Black Sea coast of November 2022, “Public litter” accounts for 61.3 % of the total
revealed that approximately 75 % of total marine litter originated from amount of beach litter. These litter items mainly consist of Drink bottles
land-based sources, with river transportation being the major contrib­ ≤ 0.5 l, Cigarette butts and filters, Plastic pieces > 50 cm and Plastic
utor with 21.96 % (Terzi et al., 2020). pieces 2.5 cm > <50 cm, Cigarette packets, Paper fragments, Cups, food
The research adopted a relatively simple and comprehensible trays, food wrappers, drink containers, Glass or ceramic fragments in
approach to classifying marine litter sources based on the categories and size > 2.5 cm.
types of items found on beaches (Veiga et al., 2016). Analyzing the The presence of “Fly-tipped sources of litter” zones was detected in
available data on beach waste in the Black Sea region, we observe a over 75 % of the examined beaches, and together with “Medical sour­
significant dominance of land-based sources, accounting for 62 % ces,” their distribution has significantly increased compared to previous
(Aytan et al., 2020) and 74.1 % (Bat et al., 2022). The Bulgarian beaches studies (Chuturkova and Simeonova, 2021). This increase can be
align with this general trend, with slight variations in the ratios between attributed to a combination of factors such as low beach protection
land and sea-based sources over the past five years, where land-based culture, poor management, and the higher tourist pressure experienced
litter prevails at 77.4 %. However, the difference becomes even more during the COVID-19 epidemic. Insufficient dumping waste infrastruc­
pronounced when considering the dunes, with land-based sources ture in coastal tourism areas and the lack of beach maintenance outside
contributing to 95.2 % and sea-based sources contributing to 4.8 % concession activities contribute to the abundance of identifiable waste.
(Prodanov and Bekova, 2023). Our data indicate that the majority of Over the past five years, the data collected has enabled us to
marine litter (70 %) originates from land-based sources, which aligns comprehensively analyse and compare with other Black Sea countries,
with the results obtained for the Turkish southeastern Black Sea coast such as neighbouring Romania and Turkey. The density of litter along
(75 %) (Terzi et al., 2020), suggesting a global tendency. These findings Bulgarian beaches, with an average of 0.44 items/m2, falls within the
raise concerns about the management of not only concession beaches middle range when compared to surrounding countries: Romania - 0.95
but also beaches that are not regularly maintained. items/m2, Turkey - 2.81 items/m2 and Ukraine - 0.22 items/m2 (Paiu
The Black Sea, being a semi-enclosed sea, exhibits distinct patterns of et al., 2020). This distribution along Bulgarian Black Sea beaches can be
waste transport influenced by climatic conditions during different sea­ explained by the considerable number of beaches (over 60 %) with a
sons. Topçu et al. (2013) identified two major sources of foreign litter for litter density below 0.5 items/m2. Similar to the litter sources, coastal
the southwestern Black Sea coast: (i) litter from land-based sources in tourism plays a significant role as a driving factor.
neighbouring countries transported by river currents and (ii) marine- Plastic litter dominates the beaches of the Black Sea region (Ap­
originated litter resulting from international ship traffic in the Black pendix 5). The excessively high levels, exceeding 90 % in certain areas
Sea. Litter from neighbouring countries is primarily driven by currents. (Bat et al., 2022; Öztekin et al., 2020; Aytan et al., 2020; Topçu et al.,
Additionally, factors such as waste management strategy, river 2013; Atabay et al., 2020; Simeonova et al., 2017, 2020; Simeonova and

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Chuturkova, 2019, 2020; Stoica et al., 2020; Toneva et al., 2019; Pan­ necessary to investigate why certain beaches on the Black Sea coast of
ayotova et al., 2020; Kalinov et al., 2021; Chuturkova and Simeonova, Bulgaria experience higher litter amounts compared to others. Addi­
2021; Bekova, 2023; Prodanov and Bekova, 2023), pose great concern tionally, assessing whether there is a correlation between the worsening
for the ecosystem. In general, the distribution of plastic waste (ac­ Coast Clean Index and the travel restrictions imposed due to the COVID-
counting for 83.99 % of the litter amount) along the Black Sea coast 19 pandemic is important.
(Fig. 8) falls between the high values observed on the Turkish coast While acknowledging that our study may present a negative view of
(92.3–94.4 %) and the lower values along the Romanian coast (65–86 some of our beaches, the concerning data from our research deserves
%) (Stoica et al., 2020). Between 2017 and 2019, relatively lower values attention. The calculation of the 5-year CCI timeframe has highlighted
of plastic distribution were reported, ranging from 54.3 % to 70.4 % of the following areas of concern: (6) Bolata - 20.6, (16) Slanchev bryag -
the total waste (Simeonova et al., 2020). However, a worrying trend can 20.3, (17) Nessebar - 20.3, and (24) Kavatsite - 20.2. Although
be observed, with the present study and other studies by Panayotova “extremely dirty” beaches account for only 5 %, it is particularly prob­
et al. (2020), Bekova (2023), and Prodanov and Bekova (2023) doc­ lematic that 11 beaches are classified as “dirty”, especially around major
umenting a consistent increase in plastic waste, ranging between 80 % Bulgarian resorts. The problem of waste has reached significant pro­
and 83 %. Along the Bulgarian coast, plastic waste varies between 68.3 portions, with plastic waste exceeding 85 % in some areas and sur­
% and 93 %, with the highest concentrations (C ≥ 90 % of total litter passing 90 % at Sunny Beach and Nessebar.
items) observed on large beaches frequently visited by tourists, such as Beaches that “trap” large amounts of seasonal tourism-related litter
Bolata, Slanchev bryag, Nessebar – South, and Kavatsite. Additionally, are privileged to undergo detailed cleaning before the start of each
plastics have been transported in significant quantities to the dunes by summer season. Specialized sand excavation and purification techniques
tourists or strong winds, resulting in litter concentrations exceeding 90 are typically employed in Bulgaria for this purpose, but non-concession
% in many areas (Prodanov and Bekova, 2023). beaches do not have this opportunity. The cleanliness of beaches in
Bulgaria relies solely on the goodwill of the community and sporadic
campaigns by residents. The waste problem is significant, and not all
4.3. Clean Coast Index of Bulgarian Black Sea beaches
beaches receive proper cleaning.
Responsible authorities must seriously consider implementing reg­
The available data on litter pollution on Bulgarian beaches is limited,
ular measures beyond beach cleaning (at least once a year) and focus on
with only a few published studies (Simeonova et al., 2017, 2020;
preventive actions such as increasing the number of waste disposal
Simeonova and Chuturkova, 2019, 2020; Toneva et al., 2019; Pan­
containers. This will prevent the transformation of beach areas into fly-
ayotova et al., 2020; Kalinov et al., 2021; Chuturkova and Simeonova,
tipping zones. Such areas have been observed in all “dirty” and
2021; Bekova, 2023) and dune litter pollution was initially assessed for
“extremely dirty” beaches, containing plastic bottles, caps, glass bottles,
the first time after 2018 (Prodanov and Bekova, 2023). However, by
and often construction waste. We recommend that the Ministry of
examining studies dating back to 2015, valuable information can be
Environment and Water and their regional structures establish mobile
obtained regarding the composition, density, and CCI. Recent studies by
cleaning teams for beaches and dunes. Seasonal cleanings will prevent
Slabakova et al. (2020), Panayotova et al. (2020), and Bekova (2023),
the relocation and transport of marine debris from the beach to the
along with Prodanov and Bekova (2023), have helped piece together the
dunes. The most crucial task is to interrupt the path from waste
puzzle of litter distribution along the Bulgarian coast.
decomposition, especially plastic pollution, to its ingestion by animal
To assess litter deposition on beaches, we analyzed variations in the
species and its impact on humans.
CCI from 2015 to the most recent surveys conducted in autumn/spring
2022 (Fig. 9). The studies by Simeonova et al. (2020) and Kalinov et al.
4.4. The COVID-19 indirect impact on Bulgarian Beaches
(2021) focused on ten beaches continuously monitored by the Marine
Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) program between 2015 and
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on plastic pollution in coastal
2019, with five of them still being surveyed under the IO-BAS research
and marine environments has been a subject of study in various parts of
program. Based on the spatio-temporal analysis of the Coast Clean Index
the world. For example, in neighbouring Greece, Kouvara et al. (2022)
from 2015 to 2022, it is evident that certain beaches show a sustained
examined the impact of the ended COVID-19 pandemic on plastic
trend of increasing litter amounts and deterioration of cleanliness status
pollution in the coastal/marine environment. The presence of personal
over the long term, except for beaches near Varna, Burgas, and smaller
protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks, gloves, and wet wipes
tourist centres, which have consistently been classified as “moderate”,
significantly increased during the pandemic, contributing to plastic
“clean” or “very clean” (Simeonova et al., 2020; Panayotova et al., 2020;
pollution. Face masks constituted the majority of PPE items found in the
Kalinov et al., 2021; Bekova, 2023).
marine environment. COVID-19-related items accounted for a small
Unfortunately, not all Bulgarian beaches have managed to maintain
percentage of the total litter, while wet wipes showed higher densities
their high cleanliness standards. In 2020, a concerning development
compared to the pre-pandemic period. Similar results of the negative
occurred, with 13 beaches categorized as “dirty” and 7 beaches deemed
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on coastal environments have been
“extremely dirty” (Table 3). The pollution trend continued in 2021, with
documented in a wide range of studies worldwide (e.g., Segal et al.,
15 “dirty beaches” documented and 11 beaches classified as “extremely
2022; Hayati et al., 2022; Ormaza-Gonzaìlez et al., 2021; Okuku et al.,
dirty” marking the peak of beach pollution (Table 3).
2021), especially the role of PPE associated with the epidemic
The comprehensive data analysis has raised several questions within
(Chowdhury et al., 2021; Benson et al., 2021; De-la-Torre and Aragaw,
the country that require further investigation. Specifically, it is
2021; Akhbarizadeh et al., 2021; Haddad et al., 2021; De-la-Torre et al.,
2021). From another point of view, Souza Filho et al. (2023) reported a
Table 3
decreasing abundance of beach litter. During the COVID-19 Pandemic,
Spatial-temporal distribution of beaches according to the Clean Coast Index.
beach closures and reduced public traffic led to a significant reduction of
CCI Number of studied beaches up to 83 % in litter on the surveyed beaches, mostly related to recrea­
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 tional activities. But what was the situation during the COVID-19
Very clean 8 3 2 2 13 epidemic on the Bulgarian beaches?
Clean 17 16 3 1 18 First, the five-year timeline for monitoring beach litter remained
Moderate 12 13 15 11 9 unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Bulgaria introduced a short
Dirty 2 8 13 15 – lockdown in early March 2020, which coincided with the winter season
Extremely dirty 7 11
and the beginning of spring when vacationers and campers were not
– – –

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

expected due to low temperatures. litter monitoring program, analyzing various aspects, trends, and out­
Second, in an effort to regulate international travel, Europe imposed comes. The research builds upon the MSFD monitoring program and
restrictions during the summer seasons of 2020 and 2021. Consequently, assesses the sources, abundance, density, and composition of larger-
the beaches in Bulgaria indirectly experienced the impact of the sized macrolitter (size > 2.5 cm) between 2018 and 2022 at 40 beaches.
pandemic. The imposition of travel restrictions resulted in an immediate The methodological approach includes visual census, manual col­
increase in domestic tourist activity on Bulgarian beaches. As a result, lecting, high-resolution UAS mapping and manual image screening to
there was a notable 125.8 % increase in litter abundance in 2020–2022 map beach litter effectively. In the analysis phase, a visual census and
(Figs. 5, 11). classification of litter items according to the Master List of Categories of
The final map of the Coastal Clean Index (CCI) clearly outlines a Litter Items (Galgani et al., 2013a, 2013b) and MS procedure to identify
significant increase in the macrolitter amount, particularly single-use hotspot zones within survived areas. In total, the manual screening
plastic packaging, plastic bottles, and discarded face masks. The index procedure successfully identified 96.5 %, and at the same time, 87.3 %
values revealed an increase in 38 out of the 40 areas of litter monitoring. were successfully classified. For the first time, the UAS approach gave us
In addition to the findings mentioned earlier, it is worth noting that the a chance to survey different aspects of the percentage distribution of
period 2020–2022 presented a new challenge for coastal ecosystems: the macrolitter by elevation, dynamics and spatial distribution of beach
availability of face masks. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, litter density by elevation during 2018–2022, based on MS screening of
face masks became an essential protective measure. However, unfortu­ orthophotomosaic.
nately, their improper disposal resulted in an increased depositional on The study revealed that the most common type of macrolitter found
beaches (Fig. 9). This observation shed light on the weaknesses in waste on beaches during the five-year monitoring period was “Artificial
management infrastructures and the need for improved systems to deal polymer materials” accounting for 84 % of the total number of items.
with the disposal of these pandemic-related items. This was followed by Paper/Cardboard (6.1 %), Glass/ceramics (2.7 %),
The end of the epidemic also coincided with the end of the 5-year Metal (2.7 %), Processed/worked wood (1.7 %), Rubber (1.2 %), Cloth/
research cycle and we are delighted to announce that our most recent textile (1.1 %), and Unidentified (0.5 %).
survey, conducted in 2022, indicated a gradual yet consistent decrease Significant variations were observed during the mid-term evaluation
in both litter abundance and density compared to the baseline before the period. The average number of items per sampling unit displayed a
COVID-19 epidemic (Fig. 5). substantial range, starting at 594 items in 2018 and reaching 2139 items
in 2022, representing an increase of approximately 260 %. Similarly, the
5. Conclusions average density of items per square meter fluctuated, rising from 0.22
items/m2 in 2018 to 0.78 items/m2 in 2022, indicating a growth of
Over the past five years, our team has actively monitored beach litter around 254.6 %. These findings highlight the dynamic nature of the
in Bulgaria to gain a better understanding of the process of beach evaluated parameters over the given time frame and emphasize the
pollution. This study focuses on the mid-term evaluation of a five-year importance of considering temporal and spatial dynamics when

Fig. 11. The temporal variation of CCI values in extremely dirty beaches along Bulgarian coast.

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

assessing the distribution of beach litter. The study also examined the Methodology, Software Radoslava Bekova: Data curation, Writing-
human impact and sources of litter on sandy beach habitats. The beach Original draft preparation. Radoslava Bekova and Bogdan Proda­
litter was classified into two main categories: Land-based sources nov: Visualization, Investigation. Radoslava Bekova: Supervision.
accounted for 77.4 %, while Sea-based sources made up 22.6 % of the Radoslava Bekova and Bogdan Prodanov: Software, Validation.:
total litter. Specifically, Public litter was identified as the primary Radoslava Bekova and Bogdan Prodanov: Writing-Reviewing and
contributor, representing 61.3 % of the recorded items. Medical waste Editing
emerged as the second most significant source, contributing 13 %,
indicating a shift compared to previous data where fly-tipped litter Declaration of competing interest
accounted for 5.2 %. Fly-tipped litter remained a significant issue at 8.1
%, highlighting persistent illegal dumping practices. Fishing litter (5.1 The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
%), shipping litter (4.1 %), sewage and sanitary waste (2.7 %), and non- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
source anthropogenic litter (5.7 %) were also identified as contributors. the work reported in this paper.
These findings underscore the need to address public behaviours,
improve waste management practices post-COVID-19 epidemic, tackle Data availability
fly-tipped litter, and implement targeted interventions to mitigate beach
litter pollution from fishing and shipping activities. Data will be made available on request.
The Clean Coast Index (CCI) was used to assess the cleanliness of
Bulgarian beaches, resulting in an average value of 8.9 for 2018–2022. Acknowledgment
This categorizes the beaches as “moderately” polluted. The study
revealed significant variations in litter amount, with the year 2022 During the 5-year monitoring, the UAS mapping was technically
standing out as the “dirtiest period” with 11 “extremely dirty” beaches. supported by the following scientific projects: Burgas Bay - “Multidisci­
Deterioration of beach cleanliness was observed across all beaches, but plinary study of Burgas Bay – MidBay (Composition of a detailed digital
certain sampling units experienced unprecedented pollution of beach model of the seabed with analysis of modern geomorphological condi­
litter. Despite cleaning campaigns conducted after the summer tourist tions and archaeological forecasting modeling)” funded by the Bulgarian
season, persistent issues were identified at Bolata, Slanchev Bryag, National Science Fund, Contract N◦ КП-06-Н34-7/2019; Northern Coast
Nessebar - South, and Kavatsite beaches. Recent studies have also - “The influence of climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressure on
indicated a significant amount of beach litter being transported onto ichthyofauna in brackish (transitional) waters along the Bulgarian Black Sea
fragile dunes, further straining these coastal ecosystems and high­ coast” funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Contract N◦
lighting the importance of waste prevention measures. КП-06-М41/2/27.11.2020.
The public activities and cleaning campaigns are supported by
CRediT authorship contribution statement “Raising Public Awareness, mapping, and reducing anthropogenic litter for
the protection of the Bulgarian Black Sea beaches and dunes”, part of the
Radoslava Bekova and Bogdan Prodanov: Conceptualization, scientific research program of the DER Touristik Foundation, Germany.

Appendix 1. Top ten beach litter per category in the period 2018–2022 along Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 2018–2022

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Appendix 2. Percentage distribution of beach litter along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 2018–2022

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

Appendix 3. Composition of beach litter along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 2018–2022

Area of litter monitoring Artificial polymer Rubber Cloth/ Paper/ Processed/worked Metal Glass/ Unidentified
materials textile cardboard wood ceramics

[%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%]

1 Durankulak - North 81.40 1.61 1.31 5.41 2.41 2.41 4.31 1.11
2 Durankulak - South 91.06 0.08 0.30 2.88 1.63 2.33 1.73 0.00
3 Krapets - North 87.22 0.50 0.45 4.50 1.75 3.05 2.45 0.05
4 Shabla - North 86.00 1.04 1.14 5.54 1.64 2.74 1.14 0.74
5 Shabla - South 89.30 0.63 0.53 6.63 0.73 0.53 1.53 0.13
6 Bolata 91.00 0.94 1.14 1.74 1.44 1.74 1.24 0.74
7 Kranevo - Albena 82.00 1.49 1.29 10.29 0.59 1.89 1.69 0.79
8 Asparuhovo (Varna) 89.00 0.86 0.71 5.36 0.51 1.51 1.71 0.31
9 Pasha Dere 81.00 1.49 1.29 8.29 2.59 2.59 2.29 0.49
10 Kamchiya (Mouth) 78.00 1.04 1.14 9.44 2.44 3.04 4.14 0.74
11 Kamchiya - South (Novo Oryahovo 77.00 1.02 0.86 11.20 2.16 3.46 3.86 0.46
12 Shkorpilovtsi 86.00 0.71 0.59 6.67 1.89 2.39 1.59 0.19
(continued on next page)

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

(continued )
Area of litter monitoring Artificial polymer Rubber Cloth/ Paper/ Processed/worked Metal Glass/ Unidentified
materials textile cardboard wood ceramics

[%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%]

13 Shkorpilovtsi - South 86.77 0.21 0.29 6.19 0.67 2.59 3.19 0.11
14 Kara Dere - North (Byala) 73.00 2.97 2.67 9.87 2.17 4.97 3.87 0.47
15 Kara Dere - South (Byala) 72.50 3.20 1.50 12.50 2.80 3.10 3.30 1.10
16 Slanchev bryag 93.00 0.66 0.16 2.86 0.66 1.76 0.46 0.46
17 Nessebar - South 91.00 1.06 0.71 1.37 1.55 1.81 2.31 0.16
18 Aheloy 86.00 0.77 0.57 3.87 1.87 3.17 3.57 0.17
19 Pomorie Sand Spit 68.30 1.12 3.20 11.30 3.40 6.20 4.77 1.71
20 Burgas Port Wall 88.73 0.71 1.91 3.91 0.91 0.91 2.71 0.19
21 Vromos 83.41 1.02 1.70 4.20 2.20 3.50 3.90 0.10
22 Campsite Gradina 84.50 1.64 0.96 5.96 1.16 2.16 2.68 0.96
23 Harmanite 82.90 1.20 0.91 4.31 2.31 3.61 4.12 0.61
24 Kavatsite 93.00 0.66 0.16 2.86 0.66 1.76 0.46 0.46
25 Alepu 81.00 1.49 1.09 4.59 2.59 3.89 4.49 0.89
26 Arkutino 85.60 1.04 0.24 6.64 1.94 2.44 1.84 0.24
27 Ropotamo 77.10 2.54 0.94 11.74 2.14 2.44 2.64 0.44
28 Primorsko (Stamopolu) 83.30 1.66 1.96 6.06 1.26 2.26 2.46 1.06
29 Primorsko (Mladost MMC) 83.90 1.21 1.16 4.76 2.16 3.46 2.86 0.46
30 Atliman 88.80 0.40 0.30 5.90 1.10 2.10 1.30 0.10
31 Dyavolska Mouth 87.50 0.66 1.76 5.46 0.66 1.66 1.86 0.46
32 Koral 86.27 0.89 1.29 4.19 1.89 2.89 2.59 0.01
33 Oazis 86.70 1.06 0.94 5.92 0.84 1.84 2.04 0.64
34 Arapya 83.90 1.21 1.01 4.31 2.31 3.61 3.01 0.61
35 Nestinarka 82.30 1.26 1.56 5.06 2.46 3.76 3.16 0.46
36 Ahtopol 84.10 1.04 1.04 4.14 2.14 3.44 3.84 0.24
37 Veleka Mouth 87.60 1.21 1.15 5.45 0.65 1.65 1.85 0.45
38 Butamyata 81.20 1.32 1.61 4.51 2.51 3.81 4.21 0.81
39 Lipite 72.00 3.27 1.57 12.57 2.87 3.17 3.37 1.17
40 Silistar 86.30 1.01 0.61 4.71 1.71 1.71 3.61 0.31
Average, [%] 83.99 1.20 1.09 6.08 1.73 2.68 2.70 0.52

Appendix 4. Monitoring data of abundance, densities, and Clean Coast Index in 2018–2022 at Bulgarian Black Sea beaches

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

CCI: Blue - "Very clean", Green - "Clean", Yellow - "Moderate", Orange - "Dirty", Red - "Extremely dirty"

Appendix 5. Data about the distribution of beach litter along the Black Sea Coast

Black Sea Region Abundance Plastic CCI References

− 2 − 2
Items⋅m g⋅m % Values

Southern BLS-Türkiye (Sinop) 0.29–7.67–2.33 ± 2.52 0.5–46.2 84.58–98.27 – Bat et al., 2022
Southern BLS-Türkiye (Sinop/ 1.51 ± 0.58 31.9 ± 10.7 94.25 – Öztekin et al., 2020
SE BLS-Türkiye (Trabzon) 0.09–3.24 3.90–32.65 79.69 – Terzi et al., 2020
SE BLS-Türkiye (Rize-Sarayköy) 2.10 ± 1.38 21.11 ± 11.35 92 – Aytan et al., 2020
SW BLS-Türkiye (Istanbul) 0.88 ± 0.95 – 91.4 – Topçu et al., 2013
SE BLS-Türkiye (Sinop, Samsun, Rize, 0.16 ± 0.02 3.25 85 – Terzi and Seyhan, 2017
SE BLS-Türkiye (Kocaeli-Kandıra) 0.292 0.043 91 – Atabay et al., 2020
Western BLS - Bulgaria 0.0587 ± 0.005–0.1343 ± – 90 – Simeonova et al., 2017
Western BLS - Bulgaria 0.23–0.59 – 60.2–4.9 – Simeonova et al., 2020
Eastern BLS - Georgia 0.07–1.12 – 61.1–100 – Machitadze et al., 2020
NW BLS - Romania – – >50 – Muresan et al., 2017
(continued on next page)

R. Bekova and B. Prodanov Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023) 115625

(continued )
Black Sea Region Abundance Plastic CCI References
2 2
Items⋅m− g⋅m− % Values

NE BLS - Romania – – 80.6 – Paiu et al., 2017

Black Sea 0.95-Romania – >78 – Paiu et al., 2020
Black Sea 0.105–0.113 – 65–86 – Stoica et al., 2020
Romania Romania
0.329–2.039 92.28–94.36
Türkiye Türkiye
Western Black Sea 2017: 0.15–3.45; – 54.3 %–70.4 % 2017: Clean – very Simeonova et al., 2020
(Bulgarian beaches) 2018: 0.06–1.68; dirty;
2019: 0.08–1.3 2018: Very clean –
very dirty;
2019: Very clean - very
Western Black Sea (Varna Coast – Autumn (3608 items, 0.41 Spring (19.6 kg, 0.002 86–87 % 2019: Spring - Panayotova et al., 2020
Asparuhovo, 2019) items/m2); kg/m2); “moderate”;
Autumn (1461 items, 0.17 Autumn (4.2 kg, 0.001 Autumn - “clean”
items/m2). kg/m2)
Western Black Sea 2018: 0.02–0.57; – 68.3–93 % 2018: 0.39–11.3; Bekova and Prodanov 2023
(Bulgarian beaches) 2019: 0.03–0.9; Average: 83.99 2019: 0.63–18.08; (present study)
Durankulak to Silistar 2020: 0.06–1.54; % 2020: 1.18–30.85;
2021: 0.07–1.85; 2021: 1.42–37.01;
2022: 0.03–0.86; 2022: 0.69–17.17;
Average: 0.44 Average: 8.9/moderate
Western Black Sea 2018: 0.07–0.15; – 77–86.77 % 2018: 1.47–3.09; Bekova, 2023
(Kamchiya-Shkorpilovtsi Coast) 2019: 0.12–0.25; Average: 81.94 2019: 2.36–4.95;
2020: 0.22–0.46; % 2020: 4.42–9.28;
2021: 0.27–0.56; 2021: 5.3–11.14;
2022: 0.06–0.1; 2022: 1.18–1.99;
Average: 0.24 Average: 4.77/clean
Western Black Sea 2018: 0.03–1.01; – 69–92 % 2018: 0.06–20.31; Prodanov and Bekova, 2023
(Bulgarian dunes) 2019: 0.03–1.13; Average: 83.41 2019: 0.65–22.62;
Durankulak to Silistar 2020: 0.04–1.55; % 2020: 0.81–31.13;
2021: 0.06–2.01; 2021: 1.3–40.28;
2022: 0.03–1.79; 2022: 0.7–35.74;
Average: 0.54 Average: 10.89/

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