Rangel Buitrago2021 PDF
Rangel Buitrago2021 PDF
Rangel Buitrago2021 PDF
Keywords: The growing literature on microplastics (MPs) in coastal and marine environs reflects the seriousness of this
Microplastics pollutant category. Diverse litter studies on Colombia's Central Caribbean Coast have not presented detailed
Microplastics Pollution Index (MPPI) study of MPs' typology, magnitude or distribution. This baseline study presents for first time the MPs problem on
Coefficient of Microplastic Impact (CMPI)
23 beaches in 75 km coastal reach between Punta Roca and Galerazamba, on the central Colombian Caribbean
Environmental Status Index (ESI)
Coast. The Microplastics Pollution Index (MPPI) and Coefficient of Microplastic Impact (CMPI) were developed
Colombia and applied along with the Environmental Status Index (ESI) and their integration through sector analysis, and
mapping using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering and Multidimensional Scaling, and Principal Components
Analysis. Microplastics abundances (densities) ranged from 2457 to 557 MPs/kg, similar to other global beaches
and bays. The MPs Index for the 23 beaches classified 8 beaches as “Moderate,” 10 beaches as “High” and 5 as
“Very High.” Microplastic fibers were the dominant typology at 83% of the combined beaches total (ranging from
Moderate to Very High for individual beaches).
All beaches, of both sand and gravel, are among the rapidly changing dominant, constituent of beach sediments, to the point that these ma
coastal ecosystems of planet Earth (Alongi, 1998; Pilkey et al., 2011). terials are now the focus of many coastal litter studies.
Beaches occupy about one-third of global coastlines (Davis and Fitz Since plastic's creation by Leo Baekeland in 1907, this material has
gerald, 2004; Masselink et al., 2014), and are formed by waves, currents, become the third most-widely manufactured product in the world after
and tides moving/depositing sediment from varied sources (e.g., eroded steel and cement (Coe and Rogers, 1997; Williams and Rangel-Buitrago,
from dunes, cliffs, rivers, offshore reefs, and bars); there is if no sedi 2019; Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2021). Plastic pollution in coastal and
ment, there are no beaches (Dean and Dalrymple, 2002). Beaches are marine environments is widely recognized (Bergmann et al., 2015;
deposits formed from loose particles (unconsolidated sediments), and Stachowitsch, 2019; UN, 2019), because of excessive fabrication and
these particles (i.e., sand, pebbles, cobbles) are typically made from rock use, as well as the human bad habit of littering, and poor management
fragments, mineral grains, and biological sources (e.g., shells, algae, practices in terms of controlling the plastic stream from manufacture to
fragmented skeletal material). ending as solid waste (Williams and Rangel-Buitrago, 2019; Rangel-
Unfortunately, debris from human manufactured materials has also Buitrago et al., 2020).
become a major constituent in the sediment of many beaches over the Once plastic materials arrive at a beach they may remain there for
decades since the industrial revolution, including glass, bricks, and hundreds and thousands of years (Coe and Rogers, 1997; Geyer et al.,
various types of refuse (Williams and Rangel-Buitrago, 2019). In recent 2017). During this time, plastics become fragmented due to the me
decades, microplastics (MPs) have become a common, and often chanical and photochemical processes resulting in MPs' formation
* Corresponding author at: Programa de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Atlántico, Puerto Colombia, Atlántico, Colombia.
E-mail address: nelsonrangel@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co (N. Rangel-Buitrago).
Received 28 April 2021; Received in revised form 23 June 2021; Accepted 27 June 2021
Available online 2 July 2021
0025-326X/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
(Williams and Simmons, 1996). Microplastics are a significant threat to fragile ecosystems such as
Microplastics are defined as plastic particles with a size of 1 μm to 5 beaches (Harris, 2020). Their presence entails significant pressures to
mm, and are the product of different plastic polymers such as: Poly individuals, populations, and communities that utilize such areas as
ethylene terephthalate (PET); high-density polyethylene (HDPE); poly- habitat (Gracia et al., 2018). Microplastics have been detected in nearly
vinyl chloride (PVC), which can also vary as rigid PVC, flexible PVC, all organisms in the beach ecosystem along with all trophic levels such as
poly-vinyl acetate (PVAc); low-density polyethylene (LDPE); poly meiofauna (e.g., annelids such Saccocirrus pussicus - Gusmão et al.,
propylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS) among others (Thompson et al., 2016), macrofauna (e.g., Pacific mole crabs such Emerita analoga - Horn
2004; Cole et al., 2011; GESAMP, 2015; Frias and Nash, 2019). These et al., 2019), and megafauna (e.g., black-headed gull Chroicocephalus
polymers are found in a wide variety of shapes and structures being ridibundus – Masiá et al., 2019).
classified principally as fragments, pellets, filaments, films, foam plastic, Diverse studies developed along the central Caribbean Coast of
granules, and styrofoam (Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2018). Colombia present the litter issue for this area (Rangel-Buitrago et al.,
Microplastics distribution, magnitudes, and negative collateral ef 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). However, there is no published detailed
fects have been documented in all coastal and marine environments. study of MPs' magnitudes and distribution in this country's coastal area
These environments include, deep-sea (Bergmann et al., 2017; Tekman to date. This baseline presents for the first time the MPs' problem along
et al., 2020), continental shelf (Zobkov and Esiukova, 2017; Wang et al., 23 beaches on the central Caribbean Coast of Colombia, defining mag
2020), water column (Woodall et al., 2014; Zobkov et al., 2019), polar nitudes, shapes, impacts, and possible sources.
areas (Lusher et al., 2015; Obbard, 2018), beaches (Nguyen et al., 2020; An overview of sampled beaches is given in Fig. 1. The study area is
Chen and Chen, 2020), dunes (Abayomi et al., 2017; Costello and Ebert, located in the central part of the Colombian Caribbean Coast and in
2020), mangroves (Barboza and Gimenez, 2015; Deng et al., 2021), la cludes the entire Atlantico Department shoreline and the Bolivar De
goons (Sruthy and Ramasamy, 2017; Abidi et al., 2018), estuaries partment's northernmost coastal reach (Fig. 1).
(Atwood et al., 2019; Firdaus et al., 2020), fjords (Black et al., 2018; The study area includes six coastal municipalities (Barranquilla,
Haave et al., 2019) among others. Microplastics are now so ubiquitous in Puerto Colombia, Tubará, Juan de Acosta, Piojo, and Santa Catalina)
the coastal marine environment that their excessive magnitudes and inhabited by 1,514,356 people, representing 5% of Colombia's total
wide distribution have been suggested as one of the Plasticene age in population. Specifically, the information presented in this paper was
dicators (Stager, 2011; Corcoran et al., 2014). collected on 23 beaches distributed along a 75 km coastal strip located
Fig. 1. The central Caribbean Coast of Colombia with the locations of surveyed beaches.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
between Punta Roca in the Atlantico Department and Galerazamba in that range from “Very Low Presence” to “Very High Presence” of MPs
the Bolivar Department (Table 1 and Fig. 1). (Table 2).
On each of the 23 beaches surveyed, a sampling area of 100 m2 was To evaluate the impact of all microplastic shapes, the Coefficient of
defined. These sampling areas were located between the low-tide and Microplastic Impact (CMPI) was used as an indicator. This coefficient
high-tide marks, covering the beaches' central part. At each sampling is the existing relationship between the total amount of a specific MPs'
location, four quadrants (1 m2 each one) were placed and separated at 0 shape (i.e., pellets, fibers) and the total amount of MPs found in a
m (beginning), 25 m, 50 m and 100 m (end) along the high-tide mark of sampling unit. The CMPI of each beach was calculated using the
the tidal zone. A sand sample was collected in each quadrant by scraping formula:
the first 5 cm of sediment with a bottom grab. Approximately 4 kg of ′
Specific MPs Shape
sediment with one sample for each quadrant was collected and stored. CMPI =
Microplastic separations were developed following the NOAA Pro Total MPs′
tocol (Masura et al., 2015) utilizing sodium chloride (5 mol/L; density According to this methodology, different categories of microplastic
1.2 g/ml) as the flotation media. As a first step, air-induced overflow was impact can be obtained ranging from minimum at CMPI = 0.0001–0.1;
used to pre-extract sediments by fluidization with a saturated NaCl so average when CMPI = 0.11–0.5; maximum if CMPI = 0.51–0.8 and
lution. In a second step, the principle of lower-density microplastics' extreme if CMPI = 0.81–1.
flotation was employed in a saturated NaCI solution (Nuelle et al., 2014; The third index calculated was the Environmental Status Index
Bridson et al., 2020). Finally, all collected samples were filtered by a (ESI – Schulz et al., 2013; Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2019, 2020). The ESI is
gridded mixed cellulose ester filter paper, using a vacuum. an indicator that defines the beaches quality in terms of indirect and
Samples were dried and all MPs retained over the filter were counted direct impacts to the health of beach organisms generated by MPs with a
under a dissecting microscope. Then the particles were classified by scale ranging from 1 to 4 (where 1 = Good, 2 = Mediocre, 3 = Unsat
shape (fibers, pellets, fragments, and foams). Results were presented as isfactory, 4 = Bad). The ESI implies the use of a weighted value for each
“number of microplastics” and associated “densities.” Densities were MPs shape (i.e., fiber, pellets, etc.) found following two criteria:
calculated as the number of microplastics collected per sediment dry
weight and were presented as MPs/kg. • Weight: 1 if the microplastic typology causes indirect damage, but
Microplastics' impacts were assessed using three environmental in with no direct risk potential.
dexes. The first index used (and present for the first time in this work) is • Weight: 1.5 if the microplastic typology causes a direct impact.
the Microplastics Pollution Index (MPPI). This index determines the
presence of MPs in an environment by calculating the existing relation Following this value assignment, a weight table was created through
between MPs amount and surveyed area. In essence, this index defines the Jenks optimization method for the identified microplastic typologies
the abstract state of being free from MPs, and the tendency of achieving found in the study area (Table 3). Hence, all values have been processed
and maintaining that state. This index can be calculated considering the according to the formula:
total amount of MPs or distinguishing between shapes. The MPs' Index of ∑n
i=1 wi*xi
each beach was calculated using the formula: ESI = ∑ n
∑ i=1 wi
Surveyed Area where ESI is the final score (or weighted average value of the environ
mental status) as a result of the weighted average of all the single
where MPs' is the number of “MPs per kg per m2”, considering the weights (wi) of all MPs shapes found on a specific beach, multiplied for
existing relationship between the number of MPs' and the total area of the class (xi) assigned to the beach based on the presence and abundance
the quadrants. The MPPI allows assessing a beach in five different classes of that specific shape. According to the classification system, each of the
23 beaches was evaluated based on classes of the environmental status
(1, 2, 3, and 4 corresponding to good, mediocre, unsatisfactory, and bad,
Table 1 respectively) that are assigned according to the total number of MPs
Location and general characteristics of beaches located on the central Caribbean found along the sampling unit.
Coast of Colombia. Beach typology was determined according to that described The MPPI and ESI were integrated through sector analysis. A dy
by Williams and Micallef (2009).
namic table was constructed for each beach, with MPPI in rows (5) and
Code Beach name Type Exposure ESI columns (4). Using the percentile technique (Langford, 2006), the
A1 Punta Roca Rural Exposed table was divided into three areas:
A2 Salgar Village Exposed
A3 Pradomar - Resort Resort Exposed
A4 Pradomar - Urban Urban Exposed
A5 Puerto Colombia - North Urban Exposed
A6 Puerto Colombia - Urban Urban Exposed
A7 Puerto Velero - Exposed Remote Exposed
Table 2
A8 Puerto Velero - Resort Resort Sheltered
A9 Puerto Pelero - Punta Velero Village Sheltered Microplastics Pollution Index (MPPI). This index determines the presence of MPs
A10 Puerto Velero - Mirador Village Sheltered in an environment by calculating the existing relation between MPs amount and
A11 Caño Dulce Village Sheltered surveyed area.
A13 Playa Mendoza Resort Sheltered
Microplastics Pollution Type Description
A16 Palmarito Village Sheltered
Index (MPPI)
A17 Playa Linda Remote Sheltered
A18 Santa Veronica Cajacoopi Resort Exposed 0 to 2 Very Low Abundance/ No MPs are seen
A19 Santa Veronica Urban Sheltered Absence
A20 Salinas del Rey Village Sheltered 2 to 5 Low Abundance Some MPs are in the sample
A21 Loma de Piedra Remote Sheltered 5 to 15 Moderate Abundance A considerable number of
A22 Aguamarina Resort Sheltered MPs seen
A23 Bocatocinos Rural Exposed 15 to 25 High Abundance A lot of MPs are in the
A24 Punta Astilleros Rural Sheltered sample
A25 Salinas de Galerazamba Remote Exposed More 25 Very High Abundance Most of the sample is
A26 Galerazamba Village Sheltered composed by MPs
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
Table 3
Microplastics shapes and corresponding weights obtained by means the Jenks
optimization method in the study area.
Shape Classification (xi – number of items) Weight
Good Mediocre Unsatisfactory Bad
• The green area which is comprised of one cell and shows beaches
with very low MPs presence with good environmental status where
protection measures are necessary.
• The orange area represents beaches with a low to moderate MPs
presence that have a mediocre environmental status where cleaning
actions are necessary.
• The red area which describes areas that have high to very high MPs
presence with unsatisfactory and bad environmental status where
urgent intervention and even restoration measures are necessary.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
Table 4
Microplastics densities along the Central Caribbean Coast of Colombia beaches.
Code Beach name MPs/kg
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
Table 5 The combination of MPPI and ESI, using sector analysis (Fig. 6),
Beach classification into one of the categories belonging to the Microplastics shows that the study area presents significant MPs magnitudes that
Pollution Index (MPPI) and Environmental Status Index (ESI). negatively influence beach environmental quality. No beaches are in the
Code Beach name MPPI MPPI type ESI Group green zone of Fig. 6, and conversely, 8 (35%) and 15 (65%) beaches are
A1 Punta Roca 20 High Mediocre C
positioned inside the orange and red areas, respectively. The above
A2 Salgar 30 Very High Mediocre C highlights that these beaches are currently affected seriously by MPs
A3 Pradomar - Resort 18 High Mediocre B which demand urgent interventions (cleaning and restoration) to
A4 Pradomar - Urban 14 Moderate Mediocre A improve their environmental quality.
A5 Puerto Colombia - North 21 High Mediocre C
Together, the densities and environmental indexes used can give an
A6 Puerto Colombia - Urban 26 Very High Mediocre C
A7 Puerto Velero - Exposed 19 High Mediocre C overall panorama of how similar or dissimilar the Central Caribbean
A8 Puerto Velero - Resort 19 High Mediocre C Colombian beaches are in terms of MPs pollution. This panorama can be
A9 Puerto Pelero - Punta Velero 19 High Mediocre B obtained by extracting the natural groupings and visualizing the simi
A10 Puerto Velero - Mirador 12 Moderate Good A larity between beaches using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
A11 Caño Dulce 16 High Mediocre B
A13 Playa Mendoza 16 High Mediocre B
(AHC) and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). Both statistical analyses
A16 Palmarito 29 Very High Mediocre C show that according to MPs abundances and environmental variables,
A17 Playa linda 10 Moderate Good A the twenty-three beaches surveyed can be divided into three groups
A18 Santa Veronica Cajacoopi 10 Moderate Good A (Fig. 7):
A19 Santa Veronica 11 Moderate Good A
A20 Salinas del Rey 13 Moderate Mediocre A
A21 Loma de Piedra 13 Moderate Mediocre A • Group A: This group comprises eight beaches that encompass 21% of
A22 Aguamarina 42 Very High Bad C all MPs found along the study area with an average density of 677
A23 Bocatocinos 14 Moderate Mediocre A MPs/kg. Inside this group, fibers accounting for 89% (Avg: 598 MPs/
A24 Punta Astilleros 22 High Mediocre C kg), fragments the 5% (Avg: 38 MPs/kg), foam 2% (Avg: 16 MPs/kg)
A25 Salinas de Galerazamba 43 Very High Bad C
and pellets 3% (25 MPs/kg). In terms of the MPs pollution index, all
A26 Galerazamba 15 High Good B
beaches can be classified with a “Moderate” MPs presence. The
environmental status shows four beaches with “Good” status and
four with a “Mediocre” status.
Fig. 4. Examples of Microplastics found along the central Caribbean Coast of Colombia. A–F) Fibers, G–K) fragments, L–P) foam and Q–U) pellets.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
Fig. 5. Geographical distribution of Microplastic Pollution Index (MPPI) and Coefficient of Microplastic Impact (CMPI) by shape.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
Fig. 6. Sector Analysis Approach: Integration of Microplastic Pollution Index (MPPI) with Environmental Status Index (ESI). This approach confirms that the study
area has numerous MPs magnitudes which currently are negatively influencing environmental quality of beaches.
Fig. 7. Groups by similarity levels between beaches and MP shapes presented by use of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) and Principal Components
Analysis (PCA). These analyses allow separation into three groups of beaches. The PCA scatterplot shows factors F1 and F2 as responsible for almost 81% of the
total variance.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
• Group B: This group involves five beaches that encompass 18% of all Primary MPs are originating inside three drainage basins and then end
MPs found with an average density of 943 MPs/kg. Fibers in this up along the coastline (Magdalena, Mallorquin, and Caribe). These three
group accounting the 81% (Avg: 760 MPs/kg), fragments the 11% basins act as pathways that collect and transport various MPs toward
(Avg: 111 MPs/kg), foam 5% (Avg: 51 MPs/kg) and pellets 2% (20 study-area beaches. The most important of these basins is the Magdalena
MPs/kg). Beaches inside this group can be considered with a “High” River basin, the most extensive river system in Colombia, with a
MPs presence, and in terms of environmental status, four beaches can catchment area covering 259,618 km2 occupying the 25% of the
be considered with a “Mediocre” status, and one is “Good”. Colombian territory. This basin encompasses 724 municipalities
• Group C: This group includes ten beaches that encompass 61% of all concentrating 32,086,273 inhabitants, 63% of the total population of
MPs found along the study area with an average density of 1539 Colombia (Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2018). This basin ejects 2097 tons/
MPs/kg. Fibers account for 78% (Avg: 1134 MPs/kg), fragments for year of MPs into the Caribbean Sea (Lebreton et al., 2017; Schmidt et al.,
10% (Avg: 187 MPs/kg), foam 8% (Avg: 143 MPs/kg) and pellets 4% 2017). The other two basins are the “Caribe” and “Mallorquin” basins
(74 MPs/kg). In terms of the MPS pollution index, all beaches can be which drain an area of 1365 km2 constricted to the central Caribbean of
classified with a “Moderate” MPs presence. Beaches inside this group Colombia's coastal zone. Both coastal basins encompass 11 of the 23
can be considered with “High” (5) and “Very High” (5) MPs presence. municipalities of the entire department, concentrating 36 small rivers
In terms of environmental status, eight beaches can be considered as that flow directly to the sea, and where 1,563,400 inhabitants currently
“Mediocre,” and two are “Bad.” live (60% of the department total). According to Ocean Clean-up data
(2020) the 36 small rivers of these two small basins contribute 13 tons/
Having defined these three groups of beaches, measuring this envi year of MPs into the Caribbean Sea waters.
ronmental data in terms of its principal components is helpful. The PCA In the entire country, human settlements located close to, or in, river
scatterplot shows factors F1 and F2 as responsible for almost 81% of the basins and other water bodies have minimal basic sanitation and
total variance (Fig. 7). Also, there is a clear trend along the first wastewater treatment. Basically, MPs are not removed, so a high
component (F1) from beaches with the lowest MPs densities to the left pollutant load is directly discharged into rivers and then the sea (Rangel-
(Group A) to those beaches with the highest densities located on the Buitrago et al., 2017). In the same way, litter (mainly plastic) is dumped
center-right part of the X-axis (Groups B and C). into rivers, burned, buried, thrown into open dumps, or is disposed of in
The PCA vector plot highlights MPs shapes that reach distinct loca landfills, and even in ecosystems like mangroves (Garcés-Ordóñez et al.,
tions on the principal axes, and hence these determine the correspond 2019) and dunes (Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2018).
ing axis positions for the beaches (Fig. 7). In the same way, the high This plastic input to beaches from rivers is magnified by extreme
degree of pollution related to MPs presence along the central Caribbean rainfall events and increase the risk of plastic floods of different sizes
Coast of Colombia is also confirmed. In that sense, the clusters formed (Fig. 8). For example, in April 2021, heavy rains in the city of Barran
after the application of AHC, MDS, and PCA make a distinction between: quilla moved more than 2500 tons of plastic items along urban basins for
five days; just one rainfall event (10 April) transported at least 540 tons
• Beaches in tolerable conditions with a “Moderate” MPs presence - of plastic materials.
Group A (e.g., A4 - Pradomar urban). Secondary MPs originate after degradation and fragmentation of
• Beaches in bad conditions with a “High” MPs presence - Group B (e. plastic items (i.e., caps/lids, lolly sticks, drinks - bottles, containers and
g., A26 - Galerazamba). drums, cups, among others) that reach beaches through activities car
• Beaches in extremely bad conditions due to “high” and “very high” ried out along river basins, or directly within beach areas. Plastic
MPs densities- Group C (e.g., A24 - Punta Astilleros). degradation and fragmentation are due to physical, biological, and
chemical processes such as light irradiation, mechanical grinding, or
Having identified MPs' magnitudes and environmental impacts along bioerosion (Williams and Simmons, 1996; Cole et al., 2011). Some ac
the study area, two critical questions must be solved: How MPs' were tivities that contribute to secondary MPs generation are:
formed? How did they enter into the beach environment?
According to NOAA (2015), Zeng (2018) and Franklin et al. (2021) Dumping activities: Dumping activities along the study area are
there are two ways in which MPs can be formed and enter (sources/ based on tossing, tipping, or depositing plastic items on/or nearby
origins) the beach environment: streets and in river basins to then end up accumulating along bea
ches. The dominant dumped items in the study area include plastic/
As primary MPs: manufactured raw-plastic material directly polystyrene pieces 0–2.5 cm, shopping bags, plastic ends, toys, and
released into the environment that enters the beach via runoff from party poppers, combs/hairbrushes, and plastic containers (bottles,
land (Williams and Rangel-Buitrago, 2019). Examples of primary food trays, and drums).
MPs are plastic pellets, personal care products containing microbe Activities developed on beaches: Plastic items (mainly single-use
ads, paint, washing wastewater, sewage sludge, plastic running plastics) are carried, used, and then discarded at the same beach
tracks in schools, artificial turf, rubber road in cities, and vehicle tire by users during/after their beach-use activities. Main plastic items
wear (Arthur et al., 2009; Andrady, 2011; Williams and Rangel- related to activities developed on beaches include caps/lids, lolly
Buitrago, 2019). sticks, bottles, containers and drums, cups, cutlery/trays/straws,
As secondary MPs: originated from larger plastic items (meso and shoes/sandals.
macro plastics) which, after entering a beach, undergo fragmenta Medical and sanitary activities: Medical and sanitary plastic items
tion due to mechanical, chemical, and biological processes (Williams include those that are not being collected in leak-proof or sufficiently
et al., 2005; Thompson, 2015; Harris, 2020). Examples of secondary strong containers to prevent breakage during handling. Plastics
MPs are municipal litter such as plastic bags and bottles, fishing- related to these activities found along the study area mainly include
related items, farming film, and other large-size plastic litter. pharmaceutical products, medicine bottles, and used dextrose pipes/
Microplastic magnitudes observed in this work highlight an elevated Smoking-related activities: Plastics related to these activities
and continuous input of plastics in all its sizes (macro, meso, and include cigarette lighters carried, used, and then discarded at the
microplastics), and suggest a combination of sources along the study same beach by smokers.
area. Ocean and waterway activities: Nets, ropes, packaging materials,
Observed shapes (fibers, fragments, foam, and pellets), suggest both and raw plastics that are accidentally or intentionally discarded
primary and secondary origins for the MPs found along the study area. during fishing activities.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
Fig. 8. Examples of how plastics reach surveyed beaches. a) Dumped into rivers (Note the volume of solid waste blocked by the cross-channel refuse barrier, b)
buried and exposed after an extreme wave event and c) disposed of in ecosystems such as dunes.
Microplastics are floating in the surface microlayer (Cozar et al., MPs transport is related to NE, ENE, and E diffracted wavefronts
2014) and are suspended in the water column (Kukulka et al., 2012, (sporadically from N and NNW). Those wave directions give rise to an
2009; Isobe et al., 2017; Enders et al., 2015). They act as passive tracers SW-oriented longshore current that moves MPs from NE/E to SW/W.
and are transported in the same direction of river flow (Adomat and In ocean waters, MPs are transported by two dominant currents
Grischek, 2021), longshore and ocean currents, as well as wind and (Fig. 9): i) The Caribbean Current which is a warm ocean current that
waves (Zhang et al., 2017). moves significant amounts of water, and flows west-northwestward
No matter the origin, longshore-current transport influences the MPs through the Caribbean from the east along the coast of South America
transport along the study area (Fig. 9). Along the 23 beaches surveyed, and into the Gulf of Mexico (Wust, 1963; Morrison and Nowlin, 1982)
Fig. 9. Left: Main MPs circulation pathways under average wave conditions. Right: Main oceanic current and coastal circulation patterns responsible of MPs
transport along Caribbean of Colombia Ocean waters.
N. Rangel-Buitrago et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170 (2021) 112685
and ii) the Panama-Colombia Gyre (PCG) which is a cyclonic current economy model, involving disposal or incineration (Thunman et al.,
that flows counter-clockwise to the Caribbean Current (Schott and 2019). General actions such as: Knowledge, Eco-design, Regulation,
Molinari, 1996; Mooers and Maul, 1998). Reduction, Removal/Collection, Sorting, Treatment, Mitigation,
Wind also influences MPs' transport processes due to its ability to Extended Producer Responsibility, Controls at origins/sources, and
move items from beaches to backshore and dune systems. Winds along Behavior Change must be addressed to stop or at least minimize the
the study area have mean velocity values of 12.5 km/h and mainly come current MPs production for the study area.
from the NE, NNE, and NW. Higher wind velocities reach 49 km/h and These actions must be combined to be successful because no one
are associated with winds blowing from the NE during December–April. management strategy fits all. Better environmental quality can be
For the rest of the year, winds blow from the E with a low velocity, with reached if the people in the central Caribbean Colombian Coast do their
values that fall below 5 m/s (Anfuso et al., 2015; Rangel-Buitrago et al., job within the plastics lifecycle through an integrated litter management
2018). Large amounts of all sizes of plastics have been buried by dune system, reducing collateral impacts, and following the hierarchy of litter
deposition, and are regularly re-exposed due to wave erosion of dune management using the five R's: reduce, reuse, repair, recycle, and
faces to add to the total plastics on the beaches (Fig. 8b). recover. Necessity calls for a shift in mindsets and behavior toward
Excessive growth of MPs into the coastal-marine environment results eliminating or reducing our “plastic dependence”. Thus, a decline in
from unsustainable use of plastics, and poor or lack of litter management (micro)plastic production and consumption will be for our good as well
practices by a society addicted to this product. Plastics and subsequent as for the good of the environment.
MPs generation have become one of the most significant environmental
crises of our times (Finkl, 2013; Pilkey and Cooper, 2014; Williams and CRediT authorship contribution statement
Rangel-Buitrago, 2019; Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2020).
Litter management in general is a very thorny issue, as there is no Nelson Rangel-Buitrago: Conceptualization, Methodology, Vali
clearly defined universal blueprint even for macro-litter. Everyone dation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Writing – review &
agrees that litter should be cut off at the source, but this approach is very editing. Harry Arroyo-Olarte: Methodology, Validation, Formal anal
problematic, especially with respect to MPs with their ubiquitous global ysis. Jorge Trilleras: Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis. Vic
distribution by water and air. The latter is a relatively recent finding and toria Andrea Arana: Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis. Egna
Brahney et al. (2021) showed that atmospheric transport is causing Mantilla-Barbosa: Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis. C.
micro-plastics to build up in unexpected regions, with high concentra Adriana Gracia: Conceptualization, Validation, Formal analysis,
tions found in national parks and rural regions far away from cities and Writing – review & editing. Anubis Velez Mendoza: Methodology.
oceans. The jet stream allows micro-plastics to accumulate in extremely William J. Neal: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, Writing –
remote regions. As plastic production is increasing at a rate of roughly review & editing. Allan T. Williams: Conceptualization, Writing –
4% per year, a better understanding of the source of micro-plastics, their original draft, Writing – review & editing. Anton Micallef: Conceptu
transport mechanisms, and the potential risk to health are research areas alization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
that must be highly prioritized. The scale of the issue has become, as
Sherlock Holmes would comment, ‘a three-pipe problem’ (Conan-Doyle, Declaration of competing interest
1892). Planet earth was estimated in 2014 (Eriksen et al., 2014) to be
contaminated with trillions of plastic pieces weighing over 250 million The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to declare.
tons, much of this material in beaches and the marine environment.
Under current scenarios, the MPs issue is far from being reduced Acknowledgements
because self-serving market decisions encourage the increase in pro
duction and consumption of plastics. In 2015, 99 million metric tons This work is a contribution from research groups “Geología, Geo
(Mt) of mismanaged plastic waste were produced globally. In a business- física y Procesos Marino-Costeros”, “Investigación Ciencias, Educación y
as-usual scenario, this figure could triple to 155–265 Mt/year by 2060 Tecnología-CETIC” and “Investigación en Compuestos Heterocíclicos”,
(Lebreton and Andrady, 2019). Universidad del Atlántico, “Department of Geology”, Grand Valley State
In Colombia (as worldwide), the excessive plastic production and University (USA), “Coastal and Marine Research Group,” the University
consumption and the related MPs generation have brought about a se of Wales Trinity Saint David (Wales) and “Euro-Mediterranean Centre
vere environmental problem that is now out of control, and the resulting on Insular Coastal Dynamics- Institute of Earth Systems” University of
adverse effects are occurring at multiple levels and scales. Each Malta (Malta).
Colombian has an average plastic consumption of 25 kg per year and
plastics use and consumption ramped from 1075 tons/day (392,482 References
tons/year) in 2010 (Jambeck et al., 2015) to 3424 tons/day (1,250,000
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