Overview Practice
Overview Practice
Overview Practice
A. Overview.
1. Warm-up: act.A: 1. Lake resort; 2. A health/spa resort; 3. A ski-
resort; 4. An eco- resort; 5. A beach resort; 6. An island resort
Why does people know this place? – social media
marketing, email marketing, advertising and online
website deals.
This is advertising. What is the role of advertising in
- Marketing of tourism is not...
+ The same as advertising. ( This is only a small part of marketing.)
+ Just about selling. (There are many other related activities which are involved.
- (So what is it? There are) 4 mains aspects known as “marketing mix”. They
+ The Product: must meet the needs of the consumers
+ The Promotion: (there are several methods of promoting a product) including
advertising, special offers, mailing or sponsorship.
+ The Price: depends on financial objectives as well as the kind of consumers
you aim at
+ The Place: where do people buy the products? ( This concern both means of
distribution and type of retail outlet)
Comeback to our topic:
2. What is marketing? – The process of identifying and targeting
particular groups of people with the aim of selling them a product
or a service
3. Why is marketing important?
( Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and is also one of
the best ways to boost a country’s economy. With more and more destinations
realizing this and seeking to attract more tourists, the industry is becoming
increasingly competitive. This is why it’s now more important than ever to
ensure that your marketing strategy is up to scratch.)
( There are 5 reasons why marketing is important: )
1. Identify the ideal target market
( The first step to developing a successful marketing campaign is identifying
who the ideal target market is. Depending on the experience on offer, the
customer will vary.)
2. Attract new customers and develop loyalty
( Once the ideal target market has been identified, a strategy to reach these
potential customers must be developed. Because customer loyalty is key, a lot
of time needs to be devoted to building brand awareness and creating ongoing,
interconnected campaigns that both target previous guests, and attract new
ones. )
3. Understand the customer journey
( In tourism, the ultimate end goal is the sale of an ‘experience’ – not a material
object. This means that the customer journey to making a purchase is rather
different and comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding this ‘journey’
that the customer takes before going through with a purchase is critical to a
successful marketing campaign. )
4. Stand out from competitors
( As the tourism industry becomes more and more competitive, it’s important to
make sure that your business stands out. Highlighting what is unique or
different about the business is one of the best ways to achieve this. A really
good marketing strategy is able to communicate these points effectively to the
customers in a way that ‘speaks’ to them.)
5. Hone in on the most effective tactics
( Using research and analytical tools, a marketing strategy allows you to assess
which resources are best helping to reach your audience, and then focus on
those resources to ensure the best ROI possible. At the end of the day, having a
good marketing strategy in place allows you to feel confident in knowing that
all your business’s marketing needs are being carefully looked after. )
4. Market research
4.1. Analysing the market:
* Characteristics of markets
* Which companies are the market leader
4.2. The way marketer get the necessary information
* Primary research:
- Is new information from:
+ People : customers, retailers,...
+ Observation: of shoppers,...
- And information is recent, can ask specific question ( good method for
psychology research)
- Less expensive and time- consuming
* Secondary research:
- Is information from sources: books, Internet, trade mags, reports,... -> already
- And cheap, good overview of market, based on real sales statistics, relatively
- Less reports -> sometimes expensive, poss.out of date
* Qualitative research:
- Is not numbers, usually verbal information, used to find out attitudes, beliefs,...
Methods incorporated interviews, focus groups, ...
- And reveal unknown probs, basis for quantity methods
- Is group, opinions easily led by one person, only small numbers therefore
difficult to generalige.
* Quantitative research:
- Is statistics information, usually thro’questionaires
- And good for factual information, overview of trends so large nos
- Less sample must have v.big, people lie therefore results may not the same
reliable, low response rate for questionnairea
5.Marketing processes:
Step 1: Planning
i. Marketing program planning is the process of designing and
organizing specific marketing activities to achieve business
goals set out in the Marketing plan.
ii. This program will identify the methods, tools and resources
needed to implement a marketing and customer acquisition
1. Advertising online and on social networks
2. Event organization and PR
3. Sale and promotion costs
Step 2: Implement
i. Plan implementation is the process of implementing activities
and tasks that were planned in the previous period. This is an
important stage to ensure that marketing activities are carried
out on schedule and according to the proposed plan.
Step 3: Implementing
6. Tourism market segmentation
+ Definition: Tourism market segmentation is the tactical instrument for getting
a clear picture of the heterogeneity and commonalities among potential tourist
+ Classification:
- Geographic segmentation: the market is divided
according to geographical areas such as regions,
cities, states, countries, topography, political
boundaries, etc.
( These criteria are based on the assumption that people from the same place
may share features such as lifestyle characteristics and consumption habits.)
- Demographic segmentation: separates tourists
by their gender, age, life cycle, family structure,
ethnicity, or socioeconomic background, among
other factors.
- Psychographic segmentation: more strongly
considers the psychological composition of the
(Marketing professionals gather information about the target tourists’ lifestyles,
personalities, values, and interests, being careful that tourists within the same
demographic segment may have vastly different psychographic profiles.)
- Behavioral segmentation: distinguishes
consumers based on consumption habits such as
frequency or brand loyalty.
B. Practice.
Part 1. Vocabulary
Task 1: Match each words with the given definition.
1. Destination
2. Tourism
3. Digital marketing
4. Marketing research
5. Strategy
6. Attaction
7. Advertising
8. Luxury
9. Convenience
C. A place that people are traveling to or visiting, often chosen for its
specific attractions, natural beauty, cultural heritage, or recreational
F. The use of digital platforms, such as websites, social media, and email, to
promote tourism products and services and engage with customers.
Task 3
1. Tourism marketing 2. digital marketing 3. travelers
4. Destination 5.visitors 6. Experiences
7. marketing strategies 8. influencers 9. Product
10.generate positive
..............is a critical aspect of promoting destinations and attracting travelers. In
today's competitive tourism industry, effective ………are essential to capturing
the attention of potential…..…… and ensuring the economic growth of a
In today's digital age, social media ………... and online influencers are vital
tools in effective tourism marketing. By utilizing these platforms, destinations
can connect directly with potential …..……., engage in real-time interactions,
and build a strong online presence. The …..…….. must meet the needs of the
consumers. Collaborating with ….……who align with the destination's image
can significantly increase visibility and reach a broader audience.
Compelling content creation is key to successful tourism marketing. Utilizing
visually appealing images, captivating videos, and engaging storytelling,
marketers can showcase the unique ….….. and attractions of a …..... . By
highlighting the best that a place has to offer, marketers can enhance visitor
interest and ……word-of-mouth recommendations.
Part 2. Reading
Task 1: Read the following passage and write T for correct answer, F for
incorrect answer.
Finding your way in hospitality marketing
The hospitality industry, whether corporate, government or retail, is important
for the economies of many countries in an age where travel is easy and the
world becomes smaller every day. Businesses have known for a long time that
their success is increased by good marketing, but misconceptions about
marketing are widespread.
Marketing is often considered to be ‘just’ advertising and selling of attractions,
transport, accommodation, and entertainment. Of course, it is much more, and
includes the development of service, distribution, pricing, and also localization,
which involves ensuring that services and products are embedded in the local
setting. Through marketing, the right product or service is matched to the right
market or people. As hospitality is a service industry, its main products are
intangible, that is, you cannot see thus This means that businesses must consider
improvement of the overall experience, including customer service and staffing.
Companies should use a marketing system in which these aspects are
continuously reviewed. M Efficiency in marketing is required for this.
Let’s focus on restaurants specifically. In the area, government hospitality may
not be sates-driven enough corporate hospitality may be subject to heavy
competition, and there may simply be too many retail businesses, but Melnik of
people, systems and career paths is relevant to all sectors (although differing
cultures may make it hard to cross from one to the other).
Not many catering organizations generate the turnover that is necessary to
support the hiring of specialist staff or the funds to retain an external consultant
to attend to then marketing for them. The majority of small business owners
have to take the initiative themselves. One of the basic objectives of marketing
is to attract new custom. Another is to repeat trade from customers so that the
business can reach operational capacity. Visitor numbers may be insufficient to
justify the expense of opening your outlet (place of retail business). What
alternatives do operators have?
If an operator decides to build up their trade, there are certain. Matters which
should be addressed before they begin. It is one thing acquiring new customers;
it is, however, entirely different getting then to spend their money. Firstly, it is
important to establish whether the present customer service is of a high enough
standard to gain new customers by word of mouth.IE not, there is no point in
reverting to attract new trade until there is certainty the operation is going to
retain if. Secondly, the question must be asked whether the operator and staff
are properly trained to make the most of sales opportunities when new
customers present themselves. It is clear that these questions are now being
addressed by the majority of hospitality operators.
According to research, there are two main ways to boost income. Operators can
either increase customer numbers by marketing, or they can try to increase the
average amount they take from each customer. Another option could be to
increase prices, but most entrepreneurs do not consider this a workable option.
They often see it as a last resort. If a business is showing negative growth or
decline, while its operators are investing in marketing, it is clear that it must be
losing customers.
To attract more customers, both external and internal marketing should be
applied. External marketing is addressed to clients outside your organization.
Examples are advertising, special promotions, and direct mail. Simultaneously,
operators should develop internal marketing-service and sales skills. The
distinction between the two is very important, for without good internal
marketing, any campaign to attract new customers is bound to lead to
disappointing results.
Research has shown that it does not matter greatly what operators and staff
think of their own business because customer perception is all there is in
marketing. Customers will view any service in what Loin Peters described as
‘their idiosyncratic and irrational way’. Excellent quality, above average
service, consistency, and the perception of value for money – That what it’s all
about. If these conditions are fulfilled, research (as well as our own personal
experience) has shown that growth come naturally. Marketing is all about
managing perceptions.
1. The hospitality industry is trivial for the economies of many countries.
2. Through marketing, the right product or service is matched to the right
market or people.
3. As hospitality is a business administration its main products are intangible.
4.The basic objectives of marketing are to attract new custom.
5. According to research, there are two main ways to boost income.
6. Many catering organizations generate the turnover that is necessary to
support the hiring of specialist staff or the funds to retain an external consultant
to attend to then marketing for them.
7. Firstly, it is not important to establish whether the present customer service is
of a high enough standard to gain new customers by word of mouth.
8. Operators should develop internal marketing-service and sales skills.
9. It is one thing acquiring old customers; it is, however, entirely different
getting then to spend their money.
10. The distinction between the two is very important, for without good internal
marketing, any campaign to attract new customers is bound to lead to
Task 2: Read the passage and choose the correct answer
A. Tourism, holidaymaking and travel are these days more significant social
phenomena than most commentators have considered. On the face of it, there
could not be a more trivial subject for a book. And indeed since social
scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics, such
as work or politics, it might be thought that they would have great
difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holidaymaking.
However, there are interesting parallels with the study of deviance. This
involves the investigation of bizarre and idiosyncratic practices which
happen to be defined as deviant in some societies but not necessarily in
others. The assumption is that the investigation of deviance can reveal
interesting and significant aspects of normal societies. It could be said that a
similar analysis can be applied to tourism.