Enteral Product List

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Description Products & Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre

Formula (ml/g/pack) (kcal/ml) (kcal (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)
High protein Calco (Valens)
complete and
Poor oral intake 56g/
Malnutrition 6sc (56g)
9.3 1.0 40.6 5.4 1.7 1.3 32.7 53.7 18.6 31 -
Weight + 180ml sachet
Children above
4 y/o
Carborie 350 g 2 4.0 8 1.9 - - 1.4 - 0.5 - -

Diben 200 ml/bottle - 300 26.2 15 14 260 300 4

Dugro complete
Dupro 1
Dupro soy
Enfalac A+
Enfalac A+ Prem

Enfalac Post

Enfalac Premature

Complete and Ensure Gold 6 sc 400 g & 850 10.1 1.14 44 5.7 1.75 1.4 32.3 67.67 45.5 26.33 0.42
balance (60.6g) + g 2 3
185 ml =
230 ml

Frisolac AR

Glucerna TP 5 sc 400 g 7 850 10.4 0.95 45 5.21 2.03 1.7 42.1 73.84 44.5 33.6 0.56
Vanilla (52.2g) +
200 ml = g 4 2
237 ml

as Glucerna TP 5 sc 400 g 7 850 10.4 0.95 45 5.04 2.03 1.7 48.1 82.16 44.1 33.6 0.74
chocolate (52.2g) + g 4 5
200 ml =
237 ml

Gucil 160 g 10 4.0 40 10 0.06 - 13 - - - 7.6

Human Milk

MCT Oil Infant <1 120 ml 1 8.0 120 - - 14. 0.2 - 0.23 - -
yr: 1 tbsp 4
ml/kg BW (15
or 0.5 ml g)
per 30 ml
milk or
Adult: 1
tbsp Max

Myotein Plus 300 g 5.4 3.89 21 0.03 5 0.0 31 3.5 4.5 2.6 -

Neocate LCF

Renal Nepro HP - 220 ml/bottle 1.8 396 32.43 17.8 21. 154 233 233 158 4mg/
2 49 ml

Pediasure 5 sc + 190 400 ml 9.8 1.0 45.4 5.4 1.4 1.8 17.2 59.0 43.2 37.4
ml = 225

Critical Peptamen 7 sc (55g) 400 g 7.85 1.0 36 4.5 1.5 1.4 31 40.9 36.5 25.5 -
care/cancer + 210 ml
nutrition = 250 ml
- complete and
- indication:
- Critical illness
- Malabsorption
- Chronic
- Short Bowel
- High gastric
- Pancreatitis
- Hypoalbumin
- Cancer with


Similac LF

Similac total 3 sc 4.44

comfort (13.3g) +
90 ml =
100 ml

Supportan fruit 200 ml 300 23.2 20 13. 95 256 406 3


Peptide-based Vital - 200 ml/bottle - 1.5 300 36.80 13.5 11 338 400 200 200 -
- complete
- GI
- Digestive

Novalac AR

Enfalac AR

Pediatric Peptamen Junior

- Complete and
- Critical
- Malabsorptio
- Chronic
- Cerebral
- High gastric
- Pancreatic
- Cancer with
Dupro Preterm
Standard Formula

Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Prosure Vanilla 9sc + 190ml= 380 g 8.3 1.0 33.6 4.8 1.8 0.7 32 48 39 17.8 0.6
(Abott) Powder 240ml

Ensure with FOS, 6sc + 185ml= 400g 10.1 1.14 44 5.7 1.75 1.42 32.33 67.67 45.5 26.33 0.42
Protein & HMB 230ml (FOS)
Vanilla (Abott)

Preterm Formula

Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Enfalac A+ 1 sc (4.6 g) + 400 g 4.6 0.8 23 2.48 0.68 1.15 13 22.5 27 15

Premature 30 ml
Formula (Mead
4 sc (18.4 g) +
120 ml

Modular Product

Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Enersos MCT Oil Infant <1 yr: 1 120 ml 1 - 120 - - 14.4 0.2 - 0.23 - -
(Valens) RTU ml/kg BW or tbsp/
0.5 ml per 30 15 g
ml milk or

Adult: 1 tbsp
Max 3
Ensure Max 330 ml 150 6 30 1.5 140 650 500 2
Protein (Abott)

Nutritionally complete and balance formula

Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Pediasure 5 sc + 190 ml 400 ml 9.8 1.0 45.4 5.4 1.4 1.8 17.2 59.0 43.2 37.4
(Abott) 1-10 = 225 ml
years old

Similac TC
Rumusan Bayi

Nutren Junior 1- 7 sc + 210 ml 400 g 7.86 1.0 37.5 4.7 1.1 1.5 18 44 30 21 0.2
10 y/o Vanilla = 250 ml

Lactose-free Infant Formula

Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

NAN Lactose
Free (Nestle)

Formula for Diabetic Patient

Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack)
(kcal/ml) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Nutren Diabetik 7 sc + 210 ml - 7.86 1.01 36 3.5 1.6 1.6 34 34 39 20 0.7

Vanilla Powder = 250 ml

Formula for Renal Patient

Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Novasource RM - 237 ml - 2.0 201 18.6 9.1 10.0 75.6 10.5 88 61 -

Renal (Nestle) 36.80/4
RTU pack


Products & Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Formula (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Nutriflex Lipid 1.2 kcal/ml 625 ml - 1.2 740

Special (Central

Nutren - 28 g (2 - - 28 1.4 0.7 - 7.0 - 42 - 11.2

GlucoSmart sachet)

ProGut - 7 g (1 sachet) - - 20 2.1 1.4 0.4 <1 - - - 2.4

Standard Formula

Products & Formula Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
(range) (ml/g/ (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Nutren Optimum RM
7sc + 190ml= 230ml 400g 7.9 1.09 36 4.2 1.5 1.4 17 54 39 21 0.4
Powder (Nestle) 54.20

Ensure with FOS,

Protein & HMB
6sc + 185ml= 230ml 400g 10.1 1.14 44 5.7 1.75 1.42 32.3 67.7 45.5 0.42
Vanilla (Abott) 26.33
Powder (FOS)

Enercal plus Powder

4sc + 200ml= 250ml 900 13.2 0.96 60 8.2 2.2 2.0 29 65.8 - 39.5 -

Ensure (Abott) RTD - 250 - 1.06 265 43 9.3 6.5 210 390 317.5 317.5 -

Calco (Valens) 56g/

Powder 6sc + 180ml 9.3 1.0 40.6 5.4 1.7 1.3 32.7 53.7 18.6 31 -

PentaSure Hexagon
4sc + 200ml =215ml 400g 12.5 1.01 54.5 7.0 2.6 1.8 17.5 29.4 35.6 17.8 -
Nutrition (Powder)

Isosource 1.5 Cal

- 237ml - 1.5 360 39.6 15.4 15.2 218 486 244 180 1.9
(Nestle) RTU

Prosure Vanilla
9sc + 190ml= 240ml 380 g 8.3 1.0 33.6 4.8 1.8 0.7 32 48 39 17.8 0.6
(Abott) Powder

Fibre Supplemented Formula

Products & Formula Price (range) Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibr
& Price (range) (ml/g/pac (kca (g) (g) (g) (mg (mg (mg) (mg) e (g)
k) l) ) )

Nutren Fibre RM 55.50 (400 g) 8sc + 400 g, 7.3 1.0 31.4 3.9 1.3 1.2 30.1 40.0 25.0 14.5 0.5
(Nestle) Powder 210ml 800 g
RM 92.90 (800 g)
=250 ml

Jevity (Abbott) RTU RM 7.60 - 237 - 1.06 1.06 0.15 0.04 0.03 0.93 1.56 0.91 0.76 0.01
5 4

Formula for Cancer & Critically Ill Patient

Products & Formula Price Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibr
(range) (ml/g/pac (kca (g) (g) (g) (mg (mg (mg) (mg) e (g)
k) l) ) )

Prosure Vanilla (Abbott) 9sc + 190ml 380 8.3 1.3 33.6 4.8 1.8 0.7 32.0 48.0 39.0 17.8 0.6
Powder = 240ml

Neo-mune (Thai-Otsuka) 3.5sc + 400 8.5 0.5 35.5 4.4 2.2

Powder 230ml =

Aminoleban – Oral 5sc + 180ml 450 10 1.1 42.0 6.5 2.7 0.7 9.5 32.4 13.8 16.8 -
(Otsuka) Powder = 210ml

BCAD 2 (Mead Johnson) 4sc + 200ml 454g 14.5 1.0 59.5 8.2 3.5 1.2 88 177 106 106 -
Powder = 230ml

Glutamine Plus (Fresenius - 22.4/g - - 80.0 9.6 10.0 - - - - - 1.9

Kabi) Powder sachet
Semi-elemental Formula

Products & Formula & Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Price (range) (ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Peptamen 7 sc + 210 400 g 7.85 1.0 36 4.5 1.5 1.4 31 40.9 36.5 25.5 -
ml = 250 ml

Formula for Diabetic Patient

Products & Formula & Price range Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
Price (range) (ml/g/pac (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Nutren Diabetik RM 61.60 – 7 sc + 210 = 400 g 7.8 1.01 36.0 3.5 1.6 1.6 34.0 34.0 29 20 0.7
(Nestle Powder) RM 63.00 250 ml

Glucerna TC (Abbott) RM 63.90 5 sc + 200 = 400 g 10.4 1.0 45.0 5.21 2.03 1.74 42.2 73.84 33.6 33.6 0.56
Powder 237 ml

Nutren Diabetec Plus RM 269.40 - 200 ml - 1.6 1.6 0.157 0.09 0.063 0.012 1.61 1.16 0.8 0.025
(Nestle) RTU (24 bottles)

Glucerna (Abbott) RTU - 250 ml - 1.0 1.0 0.082 0.042 0.054 0.93 1.56 0.72 0.72 0.014

PentaSure DM RM 40.50 - 4 sc + 200 = 400 g, 1 kg 12.4 0.9 0.9 0.62 0.22 0.12 3.36 4.76 3.99 2.46 0.06
(Hexagon Nutrition) RM 58 237 ml

Supplement-D (British RM 39.90 - 6 sc + 250 = 360 g 10 1.0 4.5 0.54 0.2 0.17 4.24 5.23 2.00 1.80 0.06
Biologicals) Powder 270 ml

Formula for Renal Patient

Products & Formula Price (range) Std dil Vol g/sc Strengt E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibr
(ml/g/pac h (kcal) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) e (g)

Nephro HP (Abott) RM 44.90/4 pack - 220 ml - 1.8 1.8 0.15 0.08 0.09 0.7 1.06 1.06 0.72 0.04
RTU 1 8

Novasource Renal RM 36.80/4 pack - 237 ml - 2.0 2.0 0.19 0.09 0.01 0.76 0.81 0.88 0.61 -
(Nestle) RTU 1

Reno-Pro High RM 66.90 (400g) 5 sc + 100 200 g & 10 2.0 48.6 3.1 4.1 2.2 11.2 4.0 23 - -
Protein (British ml = 122
400 g
Biologicals) Power ml

Fresubin Renal RM 43.50/4 pack - 200ml - 2.0 2.0 0.26 0.03 0.08 0.68 0.1 0.84 0.55 0.12
Vanilla (RTU) 9

Isosource - 237ml - 1.5 1.5 0.17 0.06 0.06 0.92 2.05 1.03 0.76 0.08
(unflavoured) 5 4

Modular Product

Products & Formula Price range Std dil Vol g/sc Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibr
(ml/g/pa (kca (g) (g) (g) (mg (mg (mg) (mg) e (g)
ck) l) ) )

Ceprolac protein RM62.25/tub 10-20 ml + 1sc + 60 ml 5 19 0.10 4.6 0.05 28.5 8.15 4.2 2.3 -
modular RM36.34/30 30-40 ml = 60 ml

Gucil (Valens) RM 91.00 160 g 10 4.0 40 10 0.06 - 13 - - - 7.6


Carborie (Valens) RM 60.90 350 g 2 4.0 8 1.9 - - 1.4 - 0.5 - -


Myotein (Valens) RM 94.80 300 g 6.3 4.13 26 0.4 5 0.5 12.6 29.6 25.8 12.6 -

Myotein Plus RM 119.00 300 g 5.4 3.89 21 0.03 5 0.06 31 3.5 4.5 2.6 -
(Valens) Powder
MCT Oil (Valens) RM 39.00 Infant <1 yr: 1 120 ml 1 tbsp 8.0 120 - - 14.4 0.2 - 0.23 - -
RTU ml/kg BW or 0.5 (15 g)
ml per 30 ml milk
or formula

Adult: 1 tbsp Max

3 times/day

Thixer (Valens) RM 78.00 300 g 4.2 3.69 15.5 4 - - 6.7 - 0.6 - -


Ensure Max Protein RM10.50 330 ml 150 6 30 1.5 140 650 500 2
(Abott) RTU

Products & Formula Price (range) Std dil Vol g/ Strength E CHO Prot Fat Na K Ca P Fibre
(ml/g/pack) sc (kcal (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g)

Resource Fruit RM 10.71 200 ml 1.5 300 68 8 - 32 96 70 20 -

(Nestle) RTU

Osmolite 1 cal RM 7.90 237 ml 1.06 250 34 10.5 8.2 220 372 206 198 -
(Abott) RTU

Nutren GlucoSmart RM 48.90 - 28 g (2 - - 28 1.4 0.7 - 7.0 - 42 - 11.2


ProGut RM 40.50 - 7 g (1 - - 20 2.1 1.4 0.4 <1 - - - 2.4


TPN Products

Products & Formula Std dil Vol Strength E CHO Prot (g) Fat (g) Na K (mg) Ca (mg) P (mg) Fibre
(ml/g/pack) (kcal) (g) (mg) (g)

Nutriflex Lipid 1.2 625 ml 1.2 740 90 36 25 34 24 2.7 10 -

Special (Central kcal/ml
1250 ml 1475 180 70.1 50 67 47 5.3 20 -

Nutriflex Lipid Plus 1.00 1250 1.0 1265 150 48 50 50 35 4.0 15 -

(Central Infusion)
1875 1900 225 72 75 75 53 6.0 22.5 -

2500 2530 300 96 100 100 70 8.0 30 -

Nutriflex Lipid Peri 0.8 1250 0.8 kcal/ml 955 80 40 50 50 30 3.0 7.5 -
(Peripheral/Central kcal/ml
1875 1435 120 60 75 75 45 4.5 11.3 -
2500 1910 160 80 100 100 60 6.0 15.0 -
Pregnant & Lactating Mothers

Products & Formula Volume Size/scp Standard Dilution Nutrition Information (per scoop)
& Price (range) (g/pack (g/sc)
Energy CHO (g) Prot (g) Fat (g) Ca Fe (g)

Anmum Materna 650 12 3sc + 200ml 42 5.8 3.5 0.3 167 2.3
Plain (Fonterra)

Anmum Materna 650 14 3sc + 200ml 50 7.7 3.4 0.4 167 2.3
Chocolate (Fonterra)

Anmum Lacta Plain 650 12 3sc + 200ml 42 5.8 3.5 0.3 167 1.5

EnfaMama A+ Vanilla 900 8 6sc+ 200ml 31 5.0 2.1 0.38 83 1.0

(Mead Johnson)

EnfaMama A+ 900 8 6sc + 200ml 32 5.0 2.1 0.42 83 1.0

Chocolate (Mead

Mom (Vanilla) 350 9 4sc + 160ml 37 5.3 2.0 0.88 64 1.75


Mamil Mama Dumex 600 8 6sc + 200ml 29 5.4 1.58 0.34 61 1.28

Frisomum Gold 900 9 4sc + 200ml 37.5 3.8 2.25 1.3 78 3.8
(Dutch Lady)

S-26 MAMA (Wyeth) 900 8.2 6sc + 200ml 31 4.7 2.1 0.32 57 1.1

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