Skripsi Bab 1,2,3, Ami
Skripsi Bab 1,2,3, Ami
Skripsi Bab 1,2,3, Ami
master a lot of vocabulary, they will easily understand English. Without
Vocabulary, communication cannot be conveyed, so it is important to
know what vocabulary is. Therefore, mastery of vocabulary in English is
very important as an initial basis in learning English.
Based on the opinion above, the researcher concludpes that if the
vocabulary problem is not solved then the result is that students will find it
difficult to learn English. Vocabulary is a subskill that supports all skills,
namely Speaking, Reading, Listening and writing. To be able to start,
students must master vocabulary first. With vocabulary students will be
able to communicate, issue ideas, express themselves using English.
Based on the 2013 curriculum learning vocabulary can be included
in 5 steps of the scientific approach, namely observing, asking, gathering
information, associating, and communicating according to KD. Based on
the 2013 curriculum used by MTS Lebay Yasin specifically for grade 7 on
basic competence 3.4 Identify and name various objects, animals and
public buildings in the surrounding environment.
Therefore, learning and teaching vocabulary by implementing the
2013 curriculum needs to be improved to improve English proficiency.
Based on the MTS Lebay Yasin class VII syllabus for the 2022/2023
school year the KKM (Maximum Completeness Criteria) is 75, vocabulary
is included in each skill. Some speak, read, listen, and write. The
researcher will choose vocabulary to focus on reading skills. This
curriculum is the target of researchers for learning English vocabulary,
students will be able to understand vocabulary especially in Descriptive
Based on initial observations with the English teacher on January 24,
2023 which were carried out by researchers in class VII C MTS Lebay
Yasin in the pre-research. The researcher found that the teacher conveyed
the material using the lecture method, read aloud and memorized, and the
media the teacher used to teach was less varied, the teacher only wrote
vocabulary on the whiteboard. The teacher also only focuses on students
who sit in front of the class, because of that some students feel less
interested in learning vocabulary. The researcher also found that the
number of students in one class was too much, consisting of class VII C
with a total of 38 students so that the teacher had a little difficulty
controlling the class. Students also tend to be embarrassed to pronounce
English vocabulary because they are afraid of making mistakes in
pronunciation. In addition, their English study schedule in the afternoon
looked sleepy and bored during class and they were not actively involved
in learning activities, especially vocabulary.
Based on the initial interview with the English teacher on January
24, 2023 which was conducted by researchers in class VII C MTS Lebay
Yasin in the pre-research, when the researcher asked about students'
vocabulary mastery, the teacher said that students had weaknesses in
vocabulary mastery, because this was an the first time students learn
English because students do not learn it in elementary school. And because
of the limited study time, the teacher does not provide too much
vocabulary material. The teacher also said that vocabulary is a part that is
quite difficult for students to memorize, because it goes hand in hand with
learning Tahfidz Al-Qur'an so they have little time to memorize English
vocabulary. Therefore, students find it difficult to understand English
sentences because there are many words that students do not know. The
researcher also found that students had little vocabulary mastery, as
evidenced by interviews with 7 students, in class VII C MTS Lebay Yasin
there were 38 students. They find it difficult to understand the questions
posed by researchers.
The reality from the field makes researchers want to provide
solutions regarding interesting learning techniques that can improve
students' vocabulary mastery, especially in learning English. By using the
Shoebox Game learning method. This is a game that can develop students'
imagination, creativity, and critical thinking (Ludewig and Swan, 2007).
The researcher will divide the students into four teams. The researcher
provides or makes several cards filled with prefixes of different compound
words that are put into a box, then students greet replace it with another
word with the same prefix. This shoebox game is expected to support the
learning process to improve students' vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the
researcher conducted a study entitled "Improving Student's Vocabulary
Mastery By Using Shoebox Game at The Seventh Grade Of MTS Lebay
How does shoebox game improve student vocabulary mastery at VII
Grade of MTS Lebay Yasin?
vocabulary influenced the learning process. The more words we
learn, the more we can express our ideas clearly; it shows the
importance of vocabulary (Yokubjonava, 2020).
Vocabulary mastery is a student activity in collecting,
understanding, and mastering a number of words. Vocabulary
mastery in English is the main foundation that students must have
in order to be able to communicate well or produce good writing in
English. "vocabulary is an important aspect of learning English,
vocabulary mastery is needed if someone wants to express their
ideas" (Caroline, 2016).
According to Munirah & Hardian (2016 78-87) vocabulary
plays a very important function and role in language skills.
Vocabulary can add to students' English knowledge so that the
knowledge they have is wider. The richer the vocabulary students
have. the more likely students are to be skilled in speaking English.
The quantity and quality of a student's vocabulary also determines
his success in mastering English. Tarigan (2015: 2) argues that the
quality of a person's language skills depends on the quantity and
quality of the vocabulary he has.
From the statements above, it can be concluded that
vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. It is about
the words in language used to express meaning. Therefore, learning
vocabulary is a crucial matter in developing their English.
b. Component of Vocabulary
To make the discussion clearer, Harmer's opinion can be
added. in his book, Harmer (2001: 16) says that there are some
aspects that have to be discussed in vocabulary, namely: word
meaning (synonym, antonym, connotation, and denotation),
extending word use such as idioms, word combination or
collocation, and the grammar of words which comprises nouns,
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
1. Meaning
The meaning can be classified according to the form they
attach to. It can be classified into three forms: lexical meaning,
morphological meaning, and syntactic meaning.
Lexical meaning is the meaning that attaches to words as
word. For example, the meaning of a building for human
habitation that attaches to house is lexical meaning.
Morphological meaning is the meaning that attaches to
morpheme. Morpheme is the smallest unit that carries
information about meaning or function. And the meaning that
attaches to the word arrangement in a sentence is the syntactic
meaning. For example question attaches to the word
arrangement in the sentence is he a student. (Lado, 1964: 209-
"opposite + name" (Jackson, 1988:64). Antonymy deals
with the oppositeness of meaning. Antonyms are not
distinguished for formality or dialect or technicality;
Antonyms occur in the same style, dialect, or register.
c. Denotation
Denotation is conceptual meaning and dictionary
meaning (Tarigan,1985:58). Keraf (1984:28) says that
denotative meaning is also called as some terms such as den
notational meaning, cognitive meaning, conceptual
meaning, ideational meaning, referential meaning, or
proportional meaning. This is called dennotational,
referential, conceptual, or ideational because the meaning
refers to a certain referent, concept, or idea from reference.
Keraf (1984) explains that denotative meaning is also called
cognitive meaning because the meaning concerns with
consciousness or knowledge.
d. Connotation
Connotation is more complicated than denotation.
Denotation is the meaning of a word which has added the
component of meaning related to emotional overtones
(Widarso, 1989: 69). Tarigan (1985) states that connotation
is feeling and emotion that occurs within a word. Thus, it
can be said that connotation is denotative meaning which is
stretched. In other words, connotation is the feeling and
emotion associated with a meaning.
2. Use
According to Nation (2001:1), there are some ways to
draw the attentions to the use of words by quickly showing the
grammatical pattern the word fits into (countable/uncountable,
transitive/intransitive, etc), giving a few similar collocates,
mentioning any restrictions on the use of the word (formal,
informal, impolite, only used with children, etc), and giving a
well known opposite or a well known word describing the
group or lexical set it fits into.
3. Spelling
Spelling is the writing of a word or words with the
necessary letters and diacritics present in an accepted standard
order and an arrangement of letters that form a word or part of
a word; the process of forming words by putting letters
According to Ur (1996: 60) there are some important
points that should be considered when teaching vocabulary that
is form (pronunciation and spelling). The learners have to know
what a word sound is like (its pronunciation) and what it looks
like (it spelling).
Vocabulary is a set of words that is used to communicate
in a language. Hatch and Brown (2001: 218) classify the
vocabularies (words) into two based on their functional
categories, they are: major classes and closed classes. They are
explained as follows with examples.
a. Major Classes
1. Noun: it refers to a person, place or thing, i.e. Maria,
teacher, book, etc.
2. Adjective: it refers to the words that give more
information about a noun pronoun, i.e. kind, bad, smart,
beautiful, ugly, etc.
3. Verb: it refers to the words that denote action, i.e. walk,
read, eat, run, smile etc.
4. Adverb: it refers to the words that describe or add to the
meaning of a verb, adjective, another adverb or a whole
sentence, i.e. carefully, diligently, honestly, etc.
b. Closed Classed
1. Pronoun: it refers to nouns that have already been
mentioned,i.e. she, they, her, etc.
2. Preposition: it refers to the words that help locate items
and actions in time and space, i.e. at, on, beside, under,
between, etc
3. Conjunction: it refers to the words that connect
sentences, phrases or clause, i.e. and so, but, etc.
4. Determiner: it refers to the words that used before a noun
to show which particular example of the noun you are
referring to, i.e. the, a, an, my, your, that, this, those, etc.
c. Kinds of Vocabulary
Hatch & Brown (2001: 370) mention that vocabulary can be
divided into two kinds. They are receptive vocabulary and
productive vocabulary or passive and active vocabulary. Hatch &
Brown (2001: 370) defines that receptive vocabulary is words that
the student recognizes and understands when they occur in a
context, but which he cannot produce correctly. While, productive
vocabulary is words which the student understands, can pronounce
correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing (Hatch &
Brown, 2001: 370).
Grains R & Redman S (1998: 64) define receptive vocabulary
as language items which can only be recognized and comprehended
in the context of reading and listening material, and productive
vocabulary to be language items which the learner can recall and
use appropriately in speech and writing.
According to Hiebert and Kamil (2002:3) there are two kinds
of vocabulary. They are productive and receptive vocabulary. state
that productive vocabulary is a collection of words that a person
can use when writing or speaking. They are well-known, familiar,
and often used words. received, or acknowledged, vocabulary is a
collection of words to which an individual can assign meaning
when listening or reading. Thus, productive vocabulary is a type of
vocabulary that requires speakers or writers to convey their own
choice of vocabulary according to the message they want to
convey. While receptive vocabulary is a type of vocabulary which
is a type of vocabulary that has a relationship with someone's
understanding of the language used by other people.
According to Wakely (2003) presents vocabulary in four units:
1. Reading Vocabulary
A person’s reading vocabulary is all the words recognized
when reading. This class of vocabulary is generally the most
ample, as new words are more commonly encountered when
reading than when listening.
2. Listening Vocabulary
A person’s listening vocabulary comprises the words
recognized when listening to speech. Cues such as the speaker's
tone and gestures, the topic of discussion, and the
conversation‟s social context may convey the meaning of an
unfamiliar word.
3. Speaking Vocabulary
A person’s speaking vocabulary compares the words used
in speech and is generally a subset of the listening vocabulary.
Due to the spontaneous nature of speech, words are often
misused slightly and unintentionally, but facial expressions and
tone of voice can compensate for this misuse.
4. Writing Vocabulary
The written word appears in registers as different as
formal essays and social media feeds. While many written words
rarely appear in speech, a person‟s written vocabulary is
generally limited by preference and context; a writer may prefer
one synonym over another, and they will be unlikely to use
technical vocabulary relating to a subject in which they have no
interest or knowledge.
meaning of words and understanding a story, textbook or other
reading materials. the researcher chose vocabulary in reading as an
evaluation of students' vocabulary skills.
Based on the opinion above, the researcher chose reading
vocabulary in this study because with students reading a lot of
vocabulary, it would be easier for students to understand words or
texts in English.
d. Assesment of Vocabulary
Vocabulary assessment is an action that aims to find out how
good, how perfect, or how strong the vocabulary is and in addition
to vocabulary assessment is also to analyze the achievement of
student results or scores. Assessment is part of a research study in
collecting data. This can be done by conducting a series of tests
during the teaching and learning process. Alderson and Bachman
(2000:93) state that a common procedure for measuring the quality
of vocabulary knowledge is an individual interview with each
learner, investigating how much they know about the target set of
words. The teacher does observe the performance of the students
and make evaluations of each student.
Thornbury (2002,130) points out that “vocabulary covered in
the previous lesson should be tested at the beginning of the next
one. If not, the chances of retaining the new vocabulary are greatly
Jauhar (in Kanesti, R. 2015:7), "Assessment is a process
carried out through planning steps, assessment tools, information
collection through a number of evidence that shows student
achievement, processing and use of information about student
learning outcomes".
Assessment is conducted in a pleasant atmosphere, allowing
students to demonstrate what they understand and are capable of
doing. The learning outcomes of a student within a certain period
of time are compared to the learning outcomes of other students.
Thus, students do not feel judged by the teacher but are
helped to achieve the expected competencies or indicators. For this
reason, data is needed as reliable information as a basis for decision
making. Data obtained during a teacher's learning is captured or
collected through competency assessment procedures and tools or
in accordance with the indicators to be assessed.
Furthermore, Thombury (2002:132) states that multiple-
choice tests are a popular way of testing because they are easy to
assess (computers can do it and are easy to design. Multiple choice
tests can be used with isolated words in the context of sentences or
words in the whole text, English teachers need to have sufficient
knowledge or working principles of test construction in order to be
able to create a valid and reliable test for the classroom.
To assess the study, researchers used the "Multiple Choices
Question". In addition, according to Brown (2003) Multiple choice
is the most popular method for testing reading knowledge of
vocabulary and grammar. Mainly for practical reasons: easy to
manage and can be assessed quickly. The easiest multiple choice
items may have little context. But may serve as a vocabulary or
grammar check. Assessment for vocabulary in reading is as
1. Multiple choice vocabulary
The kind of darting from one context to another in a test has
become so commonplace that learners almost expect the
2. Contextualized multiple choice
A better contextualized format is to offer a modified cloze test
adjusted to fit the objectives being assessed.
3. Multiple choice cloze vocabulary
The context of the story in this example may not specifically
help the test take to respond to the items more easly, but it
allows the learner to attend to one set of related sentences for
eight items that assess vocabulary and grammar. Other context
might involve some content dependencies, such that earlier
sentences predict the correct response for a later items.
2. Descriptive Text
a. Definition of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is text of English text that describes
something in detail about an object, such as, objects, places,
people, animals, plants, and etc.
According to Kosasih (2006:26) Descriptive text is a
descriptive essay an object with the aim that the reader feel as if
seeing the object itself described it, whereas according to Mahsun
(2014: 28) Descriptive text is text that have a social purpose to
describe an object or individual objects based on physical
In addition, Pardiyono (2007), is a type of written text
paragraph that serves the purpose of describing an object (living or
non-living) with the goal of clearly expressing the object to the
Moreover, Nasution (2019:15) said descriptive text is a text
which describes something such as person, places, or thing. It
means that descriptive text is a text to describe what we want to
describe something.
Furthermore, Dalman (2014: 94-95) argues that a text
description describes objects or events clearly, in detail, and makes
the reader feel as if he is experiencing or experiencing the
applicable object so that this text can be said to contain detailed
From the statements above, reseacher can be conclude
descriptive text is a tex to describe something you are going to do
the writer, so the reader or the hear as if seeing the object it self
that has been discussed, although the reader or listeners have never
witnessed alone. The object can be a descriptive text that describes
something in detail such as people, places, animals, smells, tastes,
functions to describe an object or individual objects based on their
specific physical characteristics.
Based on the statement above the reseacher conclude that the
purpose of descriptive text is to explain about person or place, to
illustrate abstract ideas, and to make information memorable, or to
support an argument.
According to Effendi (2008,117) there are several language
features descriptive paragraph:
a) Focus on specific participants
b) Using simple sentences in the simple present tense
c) Using detailed noun phrases, nouns added into adjectives
In descriptive text, the language features are contained four
mainly features. It also stated by Gerot and Wignel, the
grammatical features of descriptive text are composed into four
parts, such as follow:
1. Focus on specific participants
It means that descriptive text should be focused in describing a
current participant, such as “My English Teacher”, “My Cat”,
“My favorite place” and etc. It is suggested to make the text
easy to conclude. It also helps the reader to focus in one subject
2. Simple present tense
Simple present tens is one of tenses that is usually used in
writing descriptive text. This tense describes the habitual
activities. It is also used to explain general statements of fact
3. The use of noun phrase
It means in visualizing the characteristics of the subject or
object, the writer should arrange noun phrase currently, such as
“My teacher has beautiful hair”. From an example before, it
shows that beautiful indicates as an adjective whereas hair
indicates as noun than a noun word is followed with an adjective
can be called adjective phrase.
4. The use of auxiliary verb
It contains the use of the ownership like has or have. Each
subject uses the differential ownership, has is belong to she, he,
it while have is belong to I, you, they, we. For the example:
“Roni has a big house”.
5. The use of linking verb
It includes the use of to be (is, am, are) in writing nominal
sentence. It is used to connect between the subject and the
complement. For the example: “She is my best friend”.
From the statements above the researcher conclude that the
language features of descriptive text is use simple present tense, for
example: is, have, adjective for example : beautiful, short,
handsome . and linking verb for example: become, feel , look,act,
My House
3. Shoebox Game
a. Definition of Shoebox Game
Shoebox is a game that has the ability to develop students'
imagination, creativity, and critical thinking (Ludewig and Swan :
2007). The researcher provides or creates several cards that have
been filled with different words, which will be assembled by
students together to new word. Teams take turns making compound
words from a box of cards that start with a smaller word. which the
students will string together to form sentences.
Teams take turns making compound words from a box of
cards that start with a smaller word. Only actual compound words,
such as bedbugg, are allowed in this game, not compound words or
open compounds, such as bed rest. Compound pairs, on the other
hand, may be acceptable for younger players to speed up the game
in increasing students' vocabulary.
b. Procedure of Shoebox Game
There are some procedures of shoebox game teaching
vocabulary according to (Ludewig and Swan : 2007) as follow:
1. Before the game, the researcher are prepared the card, shuffled,
and placed in the box.
1. The first team takes a card from the box and tries to come up
with compound term that includes the word chosen. If they
chose butter, for example, the team might say, “Scotch.” The
other team would the try to come up with a new compound word
for butter, such as butterfly.
2. The two teams take turns coming up with compound words that
include the goal word until one team is unable to come up with
an answer.
3. The card is given to the last team to respond. Teams take turns
drawing cards and coming up with word combinations. The
team with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
From the game procedure above, the researcher adapted it
back into a new procedure according to the student's context as
a. The teacher explain about the material (Descriptive Text) in
the class.
b. The teacher divided the students into several groups. Consist
of 4 group, each group consist 8 or 9 students..
c. The teacher distributes cards containing vocabulary according
to the descriptive text to the group.
d. From these words, the teacher asks the group to guess which
compound word includes the word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing the word “Butter” then they
must create a new compound word such as “Butterfly”.
e. The teacher asks students to write the results of their groups
in the form of compound words from a word that is on the
cards that have been distributed.
f. The teacher gives a time limit for students to complete this
shoebox game. When finished, each of the group leaders will
come forward to read the results of their group work.
g. The group that manages to find the most compound words is
the winner.
h. The time used by researchers to implement a shoebox game is
adjusted to the conditions of the students
B. Relevanth Research
In this section, the results of research relevant to the study are
presented, including :
1. Research from Safira (2021) with the title “Improving Student’s
English Reading Skill By Using Shoebox Game At The Seventh Year Of
SMP Nusa Prima Lamasi”. This study aims to improve students'
reading skills in Describing Things through the Shoebox Game which
focuses on general reading. This research applied a pre-experimental
method with one group pre-test and post-test. The number of samples
was 12 students. The instrument of the research was a reading test. The
result of the research is that Shoebox Game with descriptive text can
improves the teaching of reading.
2. Research from Suci Muqaddimatul Jannah (2023) with the title
“Improving Student’s Vocabulary Mastery Through Game Activities: A
case Study At MTS Babul Khaer Kabupaten Bulukumba”. This study
focuses on improving students' vocabulary mastery through play
activities. There are two objectives of this research. That the first is to
determine the effectiveness of the game method in improving student
learning abilities. vocabulary. The second is to reveal the use of games
about students motivation in learning vocabulary. This research was
conducted in two methods which each consist of the score test and the
questionnaire.The data was gathered through quantitative and
qualitative data. The result of the research is that Game Activity can
improves the teaching of vocabulary.
C. Hypothesis
To answer the research problems that have been described about
the following hypothesis, the following hypothesis can be put forward: a
Shoebox Game can improve the vocabulary skills of Class VII C MTS
Lebay Yasin Academic Year 2023/2024.
A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher uses Classroom Action Method
(CAR) as the research method. Which is research conducted to find a
practical knowledge base to improve the situation which is carried out on a
limited basis in the classroom. Researcher used this method to improve the
quality of learning. The researcher wants to know what are the weaknesses
of students in learning vocabulary, so they can find ways to improve
students' vocabulary mastery.
Classroom Action Research is repetitive research (reflective) by
doing recycling actions to improve or improve learning practices in the
classroom in a more professional manner. According to Khasinah (2013:
108), action research is a process in which educators examine their own
practice systematically and carefully using research techniques. Classroom
action research can be used in the implementation of various school
programs. The trick is to examine various indicators of the success of the
process and the learning outcomes of students.
According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2007:8) Classroom Action
Research is an action activity repair and started systematically for
imroving that are already. It means that Classroom Action Research is an
activity that is an act made systematically or deliberately to enchance
existing learning.
B. Research Setting
This Classroom Action Research will conduct at VII grade of MTS
LEBAY YASIN. The subjects of this Classroom Action Research (CAR)
are the students of class 7th grade of MTS Lebay Yasin for the academic
year 2022/2023 with the total is 38 students and all are girls.
reflecting. The researcher chose the scheme because the scheme was easy
to understand.
Based on the model above, this research has been designed in three
stages, namely: pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II. Each cycle consists of
planning, action, observation, and reflection.
Before the researcher do the procedure of CAR ( Classroom Action
Research) the researcher will give the students Pre- Test, after that researcher
will analyze it. Than the reseacher will continue the prosedure of CAR.
Cycle I :
1. Planning
a. Understanding the curriculum of the school that used for the school in
the first semester.
b. Designing lesson planning based on the curriculum and arranged
material of lesson planning based on the teaching of vocabulary
c. Designing the observation to observe the condition of learning
d. Arranging the test to know the improvement of the result study offer
they study through vocabulary.
e. Prepare the game for teaching and learning process
2. Action
a. The teacher explain about the material (Descriptive Text) in the
b. The teacher divided the students into several groups. Consist of 4
group, each group consist 8 or 9 students.
c. The teacher distributes cards containing vocabulary according to the
descriptive text to the group.
d. From these words, the teacher asks the group to guess which
compound word includes the word chosen. if a group of students
selects a card containing the word “Butter” then they must create a
new compound word such as “Butterfly”.
e. The teacher asks students to write the results of their groups in the
form of compound words from a word that is on the cards that have
been distributed.
f. The teacher gives a time limit for students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the group leaders will come forward
to read the results of their group work.
g. The group that manages to find the most compound words is the
h. The time used by researchers to implement a shoebox game is
adjusted to the conditions of the students
1. Record all student activities at each meeting so that researchers
can measure the increase in students' vocabulary mastery in class
VII MTS Lebay Yasin
2. Focusing and recording all the problems needed in the teaching
and learning process based on the observation sheet that has been
3. Conduct evaluation, which uses learning outcomes to determine
4. Provide opportunities for students to provide action suggestions.
N Cycle I
O The The Second
Activities First Meeting
Yes No Yes No
Pre- Activities
1 Greeting
2 Teacher chek the attendance
3 The teacher explain about the
material ( Descriptive Text ) in
the class.
4 The teacher divided the students
into several groups. Consist of 4
group, each group consist 8 or 9
5 The teacher distributes cards
containing vocabulary according
to the descriptive text to the
6 From these words, the teacher
asks the group to guess which
compound word includes the
word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing
the word “Butter” then they must
create a new compound word
such as “Butterfly”.
7 The teacher asks students to write
the results of their groups in the
form of compound words from a
word that is on the cards that
have been distributed.
8 The teacher gives a time limit for
students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the
group leaders will come forward
to read the results of their group
9 The group that manages to find
the most compound words is the
10 Teacher asks students to
conclude the lesson.
Pre- Activities
1 Greeting
2 Students listen the attendance.
b. Evaluation
Table 1.5 The Spesification of Item on the Test
4. Reflecting
Student activity data was taken at each meeting using the student
activity observation sheet that had been prepared. The researcher gives
a score based on the correct answer and the qualification is calculated as
a formula (Supardi, 2007: 405). To find out the increase in student
vocabulary mastery when the student's answer is correct the score is
one, when the answer is wrong the score is zero. the formula is:
Tabel 1.6 Categories of Score
Score KKM 82
Complete Incomplete
Where :
P= X 100 %
Where :
P = The presentage of students who get the point 82
R = The number of students who get point up to 82 above
T = The total of students who do the test
y 1− y
P= X 100 %
y = Pre-test result
y1 = Post-test I
y 2− y
P= X 100 %
Where :
y2 = Post-test II
( Sudijono,2014: 86 )
Cycle II
1. Planning
2. Action
a. The teacher explain about the material (Descriptive Text) in the class.
b. The teacher divided the students into several groups. Consist of 4
group, each group consist 8 or 9 students..
c. The teacher distributes cards containing vocabulary according to the
descriptive text to the group.
d. From these words, the teacher asks the group to guess which
compound word includes the word chosen. if a group of students
selects a card containing the word “Butter” then they must create a
new compound word such as “Butterfly”.
e. The teacher asks students to write the results of their groups in the
form of compound words from a word that is on the cards that have
been distributed.
f. The teacher gives a time limit for students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the group leaders will come forward to
read the results of their group work.
g. The group that manages to find the most compound words is the
h. The time used by researchers to implement a shoebox game is
adjusted to the conditions of the students
4. Reflecting
Reflection was done to seem the result of the second cycle action
process, analyzed, understood and made conclusion activity. The
researcher analyzed first cycle to know whether the action of this cycle
reached success criteria based on test result of second action.
E. Research Schedule
No Activities 2023
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Proposal Preparation
2. Proposal seminar
3. Repair proposal
4. Instrument trial
- Cycle I
- Cycle II
- Post Test Cycle I
- Post Test Cycle II
5. Script making
6 Thesis Defence
7 Repair After Thesis Session
8 Thesis Copy
9 thesis Examination
Alqahtani, M. (2015). The importance of vocabulary in language learning and
how to be taught. International Journal of Teaching and Education 3(3),
21-34. doi:10.20472/TE.2015.3.3.002
Kamil and Hiebert, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New Jersey: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 2005.
LudewigAlexis and Amy Swan. “101 Great Classroom Games”. 2007. 81/83.
Nasution, A. W. (2019). The Apllication of The Running Dictation Techniques to
Improve the Students’ Speaking in Descriptive Text (Doctoral dissertation).
Safira (2021) with the title “Improving Student’s English Reading Skill By Using
Shoebox Game At The Seventh Year Of SMP Nusa Prima Lamasi”.
Appendix I
karena waktu yang juga terbatas, guru tidak dapat memberikan materi
yang banyak untuk vocabulary. Vocabulary juga merupakan bagian
yang sulit untuk di hafal oleh siswa karena beriringan dengan
pembelajaran tahfidz Al-Qur’an sehingga mereka memiliki waktu yang
terbatas untuk menghafal vocabulary. Dan karena itulah, siswa memiliki
kesulitan dalam memahami teks Bahasa inggris karena banyak kosakata
yang tidak mereka ketahui.
R: Baik miss. Lalu apakah siswa mempunyai minat atau tertarik dalam
belajar Descriptive Text?
T: Mereka suka belajar descriptive text karena itu materinya tentang
mendeskripsikan sesuatu dan untuk vocabulary dasar seperti smart,
beautiful, handsome itu mereka sudah mempelajarinya , dan mereka
mudah memahami nya karena itu kan kosakata yang dasar jadi mereka
cukup bisa untuk kata kata dasar saja.
R: Bagaimana mereka Menyusun kalimat teks deskripsi dengan
vocabulary mereka yang minim miss?
T: Untuk kelas VII itu teks deskripsi nya sangat pendek, contohnya
mendeskripsikan sekolah, dan rumah. Untuk memudahkan mereka pada
saat belajar mereka menggunakan kamus Bahasa Inggris, jadi setiap
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris mereka di wajibkan membawa kamus Bahasa
Student 1:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is TNH you can call me AT.
R: Oke AT, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Seven Grade
R: AT suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: Suka, karena bisa mempelajari Bahasa baru. Tapi kadang-kadang susah
juga karena tidak mengerti artinya
R: Baik, AT pernah belajar vocabulary?
S: Pernah
R: AT bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Bisa. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten. Cuma
sebatas itu saja kak
R: Bagus sekali. AT di sekitar kita ada beberapa benda, ada buku, ada
meja, ada kursi, ada pena. Nah apa Bahasa inggrisnya benda benda ini?
S: Book, Pen, Table, kalau kursi tidak tau kak
R: Oke, AT sedang memakai jilbab warna hitam. Bahasa inggrisnya hitam
S: Black
R: Bagus sekali, nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Bahasa inggrisnya
gajah apa?
S: Tidak tau
R: Kalau kucing?
S: Cat, di gambar itu yang saya tau hanya kucing kak
R: Oke baik. Terimakasih AT
S: Iya, sama-sama.
Student 2:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is NHP you can call me ND.
R: Oke ND, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Kelas 7
R: ND suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: Suka, karena bahasanya sangat berguna. Walaupun sedikit susah untuk
R: Baik, ND pernah belajar vocabulary?
S: Pernah
R: ND bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Bisa. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten,
Eleven, 12 tidak tau kak, Thirty, Fourteen, Fiveteen, Sixteen,
Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty. Kami hafal sampai situ kak
R: Bagus sekali. ND di sekitar kita ada beberapa benda, ada buku, ada
meja, ada kursi, ada pena, ada kipas angin. Nah apa Bahasa inggrisnya
benda benda ini?
S: Book, Pen, Table, kalau kursi dan kipas angin tidak tau kak
R: Oke, ND sedang memakai jilbab warna coklat. Bahasa inggrisnya
coklat apa?
S: Tidak tau kak
R: Baiklah. Nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Ada gajah, monyet,
harimau, singa, kucing, ND Tau tidak Bahasa inggrisnya Binatang itu?
S: Cuma kucing Cat, yang lain saya tidak tau
R: Oke baik. Terimakasih ND
S: Iya, sama-sama.
Student 3:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is YS you can call me Y.
R: Oke Y, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Kelas 1 MTS
R: Y suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: Tidak suka, karena susah untuk dipahami.
R: Baik, Y pernah belajar vocabulary? Tau vocabulary itu apa?
S: Pernah, kosakata
R: Y bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Tidak. Saya Cuma tau one, two, three
R: Baik. Y kakak mau bertanya nih di sekitar kita ada beberapa benda, ada
buku, ada meja, ada kursi, ada pena, ada kipas angin. Nah apa Bahasa
inggrisnya benda benda ini?
S: Book, Pen, selain itu tidak tau kak
R: Oke, Y sedang memakai jilbab warna hitam. Bahasa inggrisnya hitam
S: Black
R: Baiklah. Nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Ada gajah, monyet,
harimau, singa, kucing, Y tau tidak Bahasa inggrisnya Binatang itu?
S: Kucing Cat, yang lain saya tidak tau kak
R: Oke baik. Terimakasih Y
S: Iya, sama-sama.
Student 4:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is RDA you can call me RD.
R: Oke RD, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Seven Grade
R: RD suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: Suka sekali, karena cita-cita saya ingin jadi guru Bahasa inggris.
R: Baik, RD pernah belajar vocabulary?
S: Pernah
R: RD bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Bisa. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten,
Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fiveteen, Sixteen, Seventeen,
Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty.
R: Bagus sekali. RD di sekitar kita ada beberapa benda, ada buku, ada
meja, ada kursi, ada pena, ada kipas angin. Nah apa Bahasa inggrisnya
benda benda ini?
S: Book, Pen, Table, Chair tapi kipas angin tidak tau kak
R: Oke, RD sedang memakai jilbab warna abu-abu. Bahasa inggrisnya
abu-abu apa?
S: Grey
R: Baiklah. Nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Ada gajah, monyet,
harimau, singa, kucing, RD Tau tidak Bahasa inggrisnya Binatang itu?
S: kucing Cat, monyet mongkey, harimau tiger, gajah elephant singa saya
lupa kak
R: Wah hebat. Terimakasih RD
S: Iya, sama-sama.
Student 5:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is LT you can call me L.
R: Oke L, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Kelas 1 MTS
R: L suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: kurang suka, karena susah.
R: Baik, L pernah belajar vocabulary? Tau vocabulary itu apa?
S: Pernah, kosakata
R: L bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Bisa tapi hanya batas sepuluh one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten
R: Bagus sekali. L kakak mau bertanya nih di sekitar kita ada beberapa
benda, ada buku, ada meja, ada kursi, ada pena, ada kipas angin. Nah
apa Bahasa inggrisnya benda benda ini?
S: Book, Pen, selain itu tidak tau kak
R: Oke, L sedang memakai jilbab warna putih. Bahasa inggrisnya putih
S: Tidak tau kak
R: Baiklah. Nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Ada gajah, monyet,
harimau, singa, kucing, Y tau tidak Bahasa inggrisnya Binatang itu?
S: Kucing Cat, yang lain saya tidak tau kak
R: Oke baik. Terimakasih L
S: Iya, sama-sama.
Student 6:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is YS you can call me Y.
R: Oke Y, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Kelas 1 MTS
R: Y suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: Tidak suka, karena susah untuk dipahami.
R: Baik, Y pernah belajar vocabulary? Tau vocabulary itu apa?
S: Pernah, kosakata
R: Y bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Tidak. Saya Cuma tau one, two, three
R: Baik. Y kakak mau bertanya nih di sekitar kita ada beberapa benda, ada
buku, ada meja, ada kursi, ada pena, ada kipas angin. Nah apa Bahasa
inggrisnya benda benda ini?
S: Book, Pen, selain itu tidak tau kak
R: Oke, Y sedang memakai jilbab warna hitam. Bahasa inggrisnya hitam
S: Black
R: Baiklah. Nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Ada gajah, monyet,
harimau, singa, kucing, Y tau tidak Bahasa inggrisnya Binatang itu?
S: Kucing Cat, yang lain saya tidak tau kak
R: Oke baik. Terimakasih Y
S: Iya, sama-sama.
Student 7:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is CAP you can call me C.
R: Oke C, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Kelas 1 MTS
R: C suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: Tidak suka, karena susah untuk dipahami saya tidak mengerti kak.
R: Baik, C pernah belajar vocabulary? Tau vocabulary itu apa?
S: Pernah, kosakata
R: C bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Tidak.
R: Baik. C kakak mau bertanya nih di sekitar kita ada beberapa benda, ada
buku, ada meja, ada kursi, ada pena, ada kipas angin. Nah apa Bahasa
inggrisnya benda benda ini?
S: Book buku yang lain tidak tau kak
R: Oke, C sedang memakai jilbab warna hitam. Bahasa inggrisnya hitam
S: Black
R: Baiklah. Nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Ada gajah, monyet,
harimau, singa, kucing, Y tau tidak Bahasa inggrisnya Binatang itu?
S: Tidak tau kak
R: Oke baik. Terimakasih C
S: Iya, sama-sama.
Student 8:
R: Hallo, Assalamualaikum. Minta waktunya sebentar ya dek. What is
your name?
S: Waalaikumsalam. My name is AS you can call me A.
R: Oke A, sekarang kelas berapa?
S: Kelas 7
R: A suka belajar Bahasa Inggris?
S: Suka kak,
R: Baik, A pernah belajar vocabulary?
S: Pernah
R: A bisa berhitung menggunakan Bahasa inggris?
S: Bisa. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten,
Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fiveteen, Sixteen, Seventeen,
Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty.
R: Bagus sekali. A di sekitar kita ada beberapa benda, ada buku, ada meja,
ada kursi, ada pena, ada kipas angin. Nah apa Bahasa inggrisnya benda
benda ini?
S: Book, Pen, Table, Chair, Hmm Kipas angin itu fun nggak kak?
R: Iya, bagus sekali A. nah A kan sedang memakai jilbab warna coklat.
Bahasa inggrisnya coklat apa?
S: Brown
R: Baiklah. Nah di dinding ada gambar hewan tuh. Ada gajah, monyet,
harimau, singa, kucing, RD Tau tidak Bahasa inggrisnya Binatang itu?
S: kucing Cat, monyet mongkey, harimau tiger, gajah elephant singa leon
R: Wah hebat. Terimakasih A
S: Iya, sama-sama kak
Appendix 2
Materi Pokok
Kegiatan Sumb
Kompetensi Dasar Dan Materi Penilaian
Pembelajaran er
3. mengidentifik Fungsi sosial Menyimak dan Sikap
1 asi fungsi Berkenalan, menirukan social
sosial, memperkenalkan beberapa contoh dan
struktur teks, diri sendiri/orang pemaparan jati spiritual
dan unsur lain. diri, dengan :
kebahasaan Struktur teks ucapan dan observa
teks interaksi Memulai tekanan kata si
interpersonal Menanggapi yang benar Pengeta
lisan dan tulis (diharapkan/di luar Mengidentifikasi huan:
yang dugaan) ungkapan- Tulis
melibatkan Unsur kebahasaan ungkapan penting PG
tindakan Sebutan anggota Menanyakan hal- Ketera
menyapa, keluarga inti dan hal yang tidak mpilan:
berpamitan, yang lebih luas dan diketahui atau Praktik
mengucapka orang-orang dekat yang berbeda
n lainnya Mempelajari
terimakasih, Verba: be, have, go, contoh teks
dan meminta work, live (dalam pemaparan jati
maaf, serta simple present diri oleh figur-figur
4. menanggapin tense) terkenal tentang
1 ya, sesuai Subjek Pronoun: I, keluarganya
dengan You, We, They, He, Memaparkan jati
konteks She, It dirinya yang
penggunaann Kata ganti sebenarnya
ya possessive my, Saling menyimak
your, his, dsb. dan bertanya
menyusun Ucapan, tekanan jawab tentang jati
teks interaksi kata, intonasi, ejaan, diri masing-
interpersonal tanda baca, dan masing dengan
lisan dan tulis tulisan tangan teman-temannya
sangat Topik Melakukan refleksi
pendek dan Deskripsi diri sendiri tentang proses dan
sederhana sebagai bagian dari hasil belajarnya
yang keluarga: ayah, ibu,
melibatkan kakak, adik,yang dapat
tindakan menumbuhkanperilaku
menyapa, yang termuat di KI
dan meminta
maaf, dan
ya dengan
an fungsi
struktur teks,
saan yang
3. mengidentifik Fungsi sosial Menyimak dan
2 asi fungsi Berkenalan, menirukan
sosial, memperkenalkan beberapa contoh
struktur teks, diri sendiri/orang pemaparan jati
dan unsur lain. diri, dengan
kebahasaan Struktur teks ucapan dan
teks interaksi Memulai tekanan kata
transaksional Menanggapi yang benar
lisan dan tulis (diharapkan/di luar Mengidentifikasi
yang dugaan) ungkapan-
melibatkan Unsur kebahasaan ungkapan penting
tindakan Sebutan anggota Menanyakan hal-
memberi dan keluarga inti dan hal yang tidak
meminta yang lebih luas dan diketahui atau
informasi orang-orang dekat yang berbeda
terkait jati lainnya Mempelajari
diri, pendek Verba: be, have, go, contoh teks
dan work, live (dalam pemaparan jati
sederhana, simple present diri oleh figur-figur
sesuai tense) terkenal tentang
dengan Subjek Pronoun: I, keluarganya
konteks You, We, They, He, Memaparkan jati
penggunaann She, It dirinya yang
ya. Kata ganti sebenarnya
4. Perhatikan possessive my, Saling menyimak
2 unsur your, his, dsb. dan bertanya
kebahasaan Ucapan, tekanan jawab tentang jati
dan kosa kata, intonasi, ejaan, diri masing-
kata terkait tanda baca, dan masing dengan
hubungan tulisan tangan teman-temannya
keluarga; Topik Melakukan
pronoun Deskripsi diri refleksi
(subjective, sendiri sebagai tentang
objective, bagian dari proses dan
possessive) keluarga: ayah, hasil
ibu, kakak, belajarnya
menyusuntek adik,yang dapat
s interaksi menumbuhkanp
transaksional erilaku yang
lisan dan tulis termuat di KI
pendek dan
memberi dan
terkait jati
diri, pendek
an fungsi
struktur teks,
dan unsur
yang benar
3. mengidentifik Fungsi sosial Menyimak dan Sikap When
3 asi fungsi Menyebutkan/ menirukan social Engli
sosial, menanyakan waktu pemaparan dan sh
struktur teks, dari tentang waktu spiritual Rings
dan unsur keadaan/peristiwa/k terjadinya : a Bell
kebahasaan egiatan keadaan/kejadian observa Kelas
teks interaksi Struktur teks /peristiwa, si VII
transaksional Memulai mencakup nama Pengeta Cetak
lisan dan tulis Menanggapi hari, bulan, nama huan: an
yang (diharapkan/di luar waktu dalam hari, Tulis Ke-3
melibatkan dugaan) waktu dalam PG
tindakan Unsur kebahasaan bentuk angka, Ketera
memberi dan Pernyataan dan tanggal, dan mpilan:
meminta pertanyaan terkait tahun Praktik
informasi hari, bulan, nama Menyebutkan
terkait nama waktu dalam hari, semua nama hari,
hari, bulan, waktu dalam bentuk bulan, tanggal 1-
nama waktu angka, tanggal, dan 31, waktu, bagian
dalam hari, tahun hari, tahun
waktu dalam Angka ordinal dengan ucapan
bentuk dengan the untuk dan tekanan kata
angka, menyebut tanggal yang benar, satu
tanggal, dan (lisan): a.l. the first, per satu.
tahun, sesuai the second, the Menyatakansecar
dengan twenty third, the a lisanwaktu
konteks thirty first of May) terjadinya
penggunaann Angka ordinal tanpa berbagai
ya. the untuk menyebut keadaan/peristiwa
4. (Perhatikan tanggal (lisan): a.l. / kegiatan
3 kosa kata 1st, 2nd, 23rd, 31st, Menanyakan hari,
terkait angka of May) tanggal, bulan,
kardinal dan Waktu (lisan): at dan waktu
ordinal) one, at two fifteen, terjadinya
at ten to seven, at a keadaan/peristiwa
menyusun quarter past eight / kegiatan dengan
teks interaksi Waktu (tulis): 01:00; unsur
transaksional 02:15; 06:50; 08:15 kebahasaan yang
lisan dan tulis Artikel the untuk benar
sangat menyebut waktu Membuat tulisan
pendek dan dalam hari, in the tentang waktu-
sederhana morning, in the waktu terjadinya
yang afternoon, in the peristiwa penting
melibatkan evening yang diketahui
tindakan Preposisi untuk in umum. Hasilnya
memberi dan (bulan, tahun, waktu dipublikasikan di
meminta dalam hari), on (hari kelas atau di
informasi dan tanggal), at majalah dinding
terkait nama (jam, at noon, at sekolah
hari, bulan, night) Melakukan refleksi
nama waktu Ucapan, tekanan tentang proses dan
dalam hari, kata, intonasi, ejaan, hasil belajarnya
waktu dalam tanda baca, dan
bentuk tulisan tangan
angka, Topik
tanggal, dan Waktu
tahun, kejadian/peristi
dengan wa/kegiatan
fungsi sosial, terkait
struktur teks, kehidupan di
dan sekolah, rumah,
unsurkebaha dan lingkungan
saan yang sekitarsiswayan
benar g dapat
dansesuaiko menumbuhkanp
nteks erilaku yang
termuat di KI
kata terkait dijumpai dalam keberadaan
article a dan kehidupan nyata di benda dan
4. the, plural rumah, sekolah, dan binatang
4 dan singular) lingkungan sekitar Bertanya jawab
siswayang dapat tentang beberapa
menumbuhkanperilaku bangunan dan
menyusun yang termuat di KI benda-benda dan
teks interaksi binatang-binatang
transaksional di dalam dan
lisan dan tulis sekitarnya
sangat Melakukan refleksi
pendek dan tentang proses dan
sederhana hasil belajarnya
memberi dan
terkait nama
dan jumlah
benda, dan
publik yang
dekat dengan
siswa sehari-
hari, dengan
an fungsi
struktur teks,
dan unsur
yang benar
dan sesuai
Kepala Sekolah SMP Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris Kelas 7
Appendix 3
I. Standar kompetensi
bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan dan kosa
kata terkait article a dan the, plural dan singular)
4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang dekat
dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
III. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Setelah mengetahui dan memahami tentang teks deskriptif yang telah
diajarkan, siswa mampu mengerjakan soal-soal yang diberikan guru
tentang teks deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode shoebox game.
2. Siswa mampu bekerjasama dalam kelompok mereka masing-masing.
3. Siswa mampu menjalankan peran pribadinya dalam tiap kelompok
4. Siswa mampu mengerjakan soal atau tugas yang diberikan guru secara
My House
This is my house, my house is big. Its consist of living room, kitchen, bathroom,
dining room, bedroom, garage, and a garden at behind. My house is clean and
tidy. Like other normal houses, it has windows, doors, ceilings and other parts. I
like green so I paint my house green. There are flowers in my garden. I water
my flowers twice a day.
V. Metode Pembelajaran
Shoebox Game
tujuan dari teks deskriptif.
b. Peserta didik merespon pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan teks secara
a. The teacher explain about the material
(Descriptive Text) in the class.
b. The teacher divided the students into
several groups. Consist of 4 group,
each group consist 8 or 9 students.
c. The teacher distributes cards
containing vocabulary according to the
descriptive text to the group.
d. From these words, the teacher asks the
group to guess which compound word
includes the word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing the
word “Butter” then they must create a
new compound word such as
e. The teacher asks students to write the
results of their groups in the form of
compound words from a word that is
on the cards that have been distributed.
f. The teacher gives a time limit for
students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the
group leaders will come forward to
read the results of their group work.
g. The group that manages to find the
most compound words is the winner.
h. The time used by researchers to
implement a shoebox game is adjusted
to the conditions of the students
Mengasosiasi (pembuktian)
a. Guru mengamati dan menilai
presentasi peserta didik dari aspek
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik atas
kegiatan dan hasil pekerjaan peserta
C. Kegiatan a. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama 10
Penutup menyimpulkan apa yang sudah Menit
dipelajari pada pertemuan ini.
b. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan rencana
pembelajaran yang akan datang.
c. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan
Pertemuan 2
a. The Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its
purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
b. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
The descriptive text has a structure as below:
- Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
- Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and
c. The Example and structure of the descriptive text
I have some jasmine flowers at home. They grow very well. I water them
everyday, morning and afternoon. I like the smell of the flower. They smell
fragrant. They have beautiful colors and shapes. They give lots of oxygen.
The house is comfortable to live in because of the flowers.
V. Metode Pembelajaran
Shoebox Game
B. Kegiatan Inti Mengamati 60
a. Siswa memahami pengertian teks Menit
deskriptif tentang orang, tempat
wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah
b. Siswa membaca teks deskriptif dan
memahami maknanya.
Menanya (identifikasi)
a. Guru membimbing siswa
mempertanyakan generic structure dan
tujuan dari teks deskriptif.
b. Peserta didik merespon pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan teks secara
a. The teacher explain about the material
(Descriptive Text) in the class.
b. The teacher divided the students into
several groups. Consist of 4 group,
each group consist 8 or 9 students.
c. The teacher distributes cards
containing vocabulary according to the
descriptive text to the group.
d. From these words, the teacher asks the
group to guess which compound word
includes the word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing the
word “Butter” then they must create a
new compound word such as
e. The teacher asks students to write the
results of their groups in the form of
compound words from a word that is
on the cards that have been distributed.
f. The teacher gives a time limit for
students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the
group leaders will come forward to
read the results of their group work.
g. The group that manages to find the
most compound words is the winner.
h. The time used by researchers to
implement a shoebox game is adjusted
to the conditions of the students
Mengasosiasi (pembuktian)
a. Guru mengamati dan menilai
presentasi peserta didik dari aspek
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik atas
kegiatan dan hasil pekerjaan peserta
C. Kegiatan a. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama 10
Penutup menyimpulkan apa yang sudah Menit
dipelajari pada pertemuan ini.
b. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan rencana
pembelajaran yang akan datang.
c. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan
I. Standar kompetensi
3.4 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan
bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan dan kosa
kata terkait article a dan the, plural dan singular)
4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang dekat
dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
Pertemuan 1
III. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Setelah mengetahui dan memahami tentang teks deskriptif yang telah
diajarkan, siswa mampu mengerjakan soal-soal yang diberikan guru
tentang teks deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode shoebox game.
2. Siswa mampu bekerjasama dalam kelompok mereka masing-masing.
3. Siswa mampu menjalankan peran pribadinya dalam tiap kelompok
4. Siswa mampu mengerjakan soal atau tugas yang diberikan guru secara
I have a cute rabbit. It has three colors: white, yellow and black. It has long
ears and wide eyes. It likes eating carrots and grass. I always feed it three
times a day. It sometimes jumps around the house and the garden. I love
my rabbit.
V. Metode Pembelajaran
Shoebox Game
VI. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Tahap Alokasi
Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran Waktu
A. Kegiatan a. Guru membuka kegiatan belajar dengan 10
Pendahuluan memberi salam dan menanyakan kabar Menit
siswa dalam bahasa inggris.
b. Guru mengajak siswa untuk bersiap
sebelum memulai pelajaran dengan
mengatur tempat duduk siswa.
c. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
d. Guru menyampaikan tujuan
B. Kegiatan Inti Mengamati 60
a. Siswa memahami pengertian teks Menit
deskriptif tentang orang, tempat
wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah
b. Siswa membaca teks deskriptif dan
memahami maknanya.
Menanya (identifikasi)
a. Guru membimbing siswa
mempertanyakan generic structure dan
tujuan dari teks deskriptif.
b. Peserta didik merespon pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan teks secara
a. The teacher explain about the material
(Descriptive Text) in the class.
b. The teacher divided the students into
several groups. Consist of 4 group,
each group consist 8 or 9 students.
c. The teacher distributes cards
containing vocabulary according to the
descriptive text to the group.
d. From these words, the teacher asks the
group to guess which compound word
includes the word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing the
word “Butter” then they must create a
new compound word such as
e. The teacher asks students to write the
results of their groups in the form of
compound words from a word that is
on the cards that have been distributed.
f. The teacher gives a time limit for
students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the
group leaders will come forward to
read the results of their group work.
g. The group that manages to find the
most compound words is the winner.
h. The time used by researchers to
implement a shoebox game is adjusted
to the conditions of the students
Mengasosiasi (pembuktian)
a. Guru mengamati dan menilai
presentasi peserta didik dari aspek
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik atas
kegiatan dan hasil pekerjaan peserta
C. Kegiatan a. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama 10
Penutup menyimpulkan apa yang sudah Menit
dipelajari pada pertemuan ini.
b. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan rencana
pembelajaran yang akan datang.
c. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan
Pertemuan 2
III. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Setelah mengetahui dan memahami tentang teks deskriptif yang telah
diajarkan, siswa mampu mengerjakan soal-soal yang diberikan guru
tentang teks deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode shoebox game.
2. Siswa mampu bekerjasama dalam kelompok mereka masing-masing.
3. Siswa mampu menjalankan peran pribadinya dalam tiap kelompok
4. Siswa mampu mengerjakan soal atau tugas yang diberikan guru secara
IV. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks Descriptive
a. The Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its
purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
b. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
The descriptive text has a structure as below:
- Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
- Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and
c. The Example and structure of the descriptive text
V. Metode Pembelajaran
Shoebox Game
VI. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Tahap Alokasi
Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran Waktu
A. Kegiatan a. Guru membuka kegiatan belajar dengan 10
Pendahuluan memberi salam dan menanyakan kabar Menit
siswa dalam bahasa inggris.
b. Guru mengajak siswa untuk bersiap
sebelum memulai pelajaran dengan
mengatur tempat duduk siswa.
c. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
d. Guru menyampaikan tujuan
B. Kegiatan Inti Mengamati 60
a. Siswa memahami pengertian teks Menit
deskriptif tentang orang, tempat
wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah
b. Siswa membaca teks deskriptif dan
memahami maknanya.
Menanya (identifikasi)
a. Guru membimbing siswa
mempertanyakan generic structure dan
tujuan dari teks deskriptif.
b. Peserta didik merespon pertanyaan
yang berkaitan dengan teks secara
a. The teacher explain about the material
(Descriptive Text) in the class.
b. The teacher divided the students into
several groups. Consist of 4 group,
each group consist 8 or 9 students.
c. The teacher distributes cards
containing vocabulary according to the
descriptive text to the group.
d. From these words, the teacher asks the
group to guess which compound word
includes the word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing the
word “Butter” then they must create a
new compound word such as
e. The teacher asks students to write the
results of their groups in the form of
compound words from a word that is
on the cards that have been distributed.
f. The teacher gives a time limit for
students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the
group leaders will come forward to
read the results of their group work.
g. The group that manages to find the
most compound words is the winner.
h. The time used by researchers to
implement a shoebox game is adjusted
to the conditions of the students
Mengasosiasi (pembuktian)
a. Guru mengamati dan menilai
presentasi peserta didik dari aspek
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik atas
kegiatan dan hasil pekerjaan peserta
C. Kegiatan a. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama 10
Penutup menyimpulkan apa yang sudah Menit
dipelajari pada pertemuan ini.
b. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan rencana
pembelajaran yang akan datang.
c. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan
Kepala Sekolah SMP Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris Kelas 7
Appendix 4
Read the text below to fill in questions 1-5. And choose an answer to fill in the
My School
This is (1) ….. My school is MTS Lebay Yasin. My school address is (2) …. My
school (3) … 1 teacher room, 1 office, 1 (4) ….. field, 1 badminton field, 5
canteens, 1 school health unit, 11 unit toilet, 17 classroom. My class is 7 C. In my
class there are 1 (5) …. board, 2 brooms, 1 teacher desk.
1. a. My House
b. My School
c. My Office
2. a. On Titian Teras
b. On Tambang Besi
c. On Nibung
3. a. Has
b. Have
c. Heave
4. a. Football
b. Foot
c. Ball
5. a. White
b. Pink
c. Yellow
The question number 6-10. Read the text below And choose an answer to fill
in the blank!
My House
This is my (6) ……., my house is (7)…... Its consist of living room, kitchen,
(8) ……., dining room, bedroom, garage, and a garden at behind. My house is
clean and tidy. Like other normal houses, it has windows, doors, ceilings and other
parts. I (9) ….. green so I paint my house green. There are flowers in my garden. I
(10)… my flowers twice a day.
6. a. House
b. Houses
c. Open House
7. a. Bigest
b. Bigert
c. Big
8. a. Bathroom
b. Bathub
c. Bath
9. a. Like
b. Don’t Like
c. Likes
10. a. Water
b. Wash
c. Drying
Hello! My name’s Zahra. I’m a (11) ….. I work in a laboratory. I wear a white lab
coat, rubber gloves and a hat to cover my (12) . . . Sometimes, I wear (13) …. to
protect my eyes and a mask too (14) …. my mouth and nose.
11. a. Journalist
b. Scientist
c. Teacher
d. Cook
12. a. Hair
b. Face
c. Eyes
d. Hand
13. a. Goggles
b. Hat
c. Ring
d. Necklaces
14. a. Stay
b. See
c. Open
d. Cover
15. a. Goggles
b. Hat
c. Ring
d. Necklaces
This giraffe is the (16) … animal, I saw (17) …. It is a male. It is about six meter
tall. It has big brown eyes. It has brown spots on its (18) …. It also has two short
horns (19) …. Its tail is long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating
(20) …. of tree.
16. a. Tallest
b. Short
c. Bigest
d. Small
17. a. In Ragunan Mall
b. In Ragunan Zoo
c. In Ragunan Cafe
d. In Ragunan Office
18. a. Eyes
b. Nose
c. Skin
d. Back
b. on its head
c. on its Stomach
d. on its face
20. a. Flower
b. Stem
c. Root
d. Leaves
Appendix 5
For question number 1-20. Read the text below, and choose the correct
answer (a, b, c, d) to fill in the blanks
I have some jasmine flower (1) …... They grow very well. I water them
(2) ……, morning and afternoon. I like the smell of the flower. They smell
fragrant. They have (3) …… colors and shapes. They (4) …. lots of oxygen.
The house is (5) …… to live in because of the flowers.
1. a. At my home
b. At school
c. At office
d. At garden
2. a. Every month
b. Every year
c. Every week
d. Every day
3. a. Beautiful
b. Bad
c. Boring
d. Spooky
4. a. Giving
b. Gived
c. Give
d. Gift
5. a. Uncomfortable
b. Bad
c. Spooky
d. Comfortable
6. a. My room
b. My school
c. My office
d. My Canteen
7. a. Big
b. Small
c. Tall
d. Short
8. a. Painting
b. Painted
c. Color
d. Rainbow
9. a. Outside
b. On
c. Under
d. Inside
10. a. Sleep
b. Play
c. Watch
d. Eat
11. a. Pictures
b. Pics Art
c. Flowers
d. Painting
12. a. Tiger
b. Cat
c. Leon
d. Mouse
13. a. School
b. Office
c. House
d. Building
I have a (14)…. rabbit. It has three colors: white, yellow and black. It has
long ears and wide eyes. It likes (15) ….. grass and (16) ….. I always
feed it three times a day. It sometimes (17) ….. around the house and the
garden. I love my rabbit.
14. a. Cute
b. Bad
c. Crazy
d. Sweet
15. a. Eat
b. Eating
c. Eated
d. Eats
17. a. Jump
b. Jumping
c. Run
d. Fly
My cat
That is my (18) ….., its name is Amy. Amy is an (19) …… cat. It has
beautiful pawsand cute ears. It has big eyes, clean (20) …. and long
whiskers. Although fangs are so sharp. Amy never bites me. I love Amy
very much.
18. a. Cat
b. Tiger
c. Leon
d. Fish
19. a. Bad
b. Adorable
c. Comfortable
d. Spooky
20. a. Fur
b. Eyes
c. Stomach
d. foot
Appendix 6
For question number 1-20. Read the text below, and choose the correct
answer (a, b, c, d) to fill in the blanks !
My Classroom
My classroom is next to the library. So, (1) ….. before the class started I
(2)….. book at the (3)….. My classroom is painted in white. The entire wall is
white. And it has a lot of glasses window. In my (4)….., there is a (5)…. board.
My teachers use the white board to (6)…. and give explanation to us. There is also
an Indonesian flag (7) …. There are a lot of tables and chairs in my classroom.
My friend and I use them when we are (8)…..
1. a. Every morning
b. Every night
c. Every afternoon
d. Every evening
2. a. Read
b. Write
c. Paint
d. Eat
3. a. Canteen
b. Office
c. Library
d. Field
4. a. Office
b. Canteen
c. Library
d. Classroom
5. a. White
b. Pink
c. Yellow
d. Orange
6. a. Write
b. Read
c. Speak
d. Listen
7. a. In the corner
b. In the middle
c. On the chair
d. Outside
8. a. Learning
b. Playing
c. Eating
d. Teaching
My Lovely Cat
9. a. Sad
b. Playful
c. Bad
d. Spooky
10. a. Playing
b. Play
c. Learning
d. Reading
11. a. Aye
b. Ear
c. Stomach
d. Fur
12. a. Soft
b. Rough
c. Slippery
d. Bed
13. a. Fur
b. Tail
c. Hand
d. Aye
14. a. Holding
b. Take
c. Hold
d. Keep
I went to the zoo (15) …. and I saw (16)…. for the first time. Panda is the very
(17)…. animal I’ve ever seen. It has little eyes with black spots around them. His
body is black and (18)…. colored. Panda’s body is almost look alike with Bears.
Panda looks like tame animals but it’s actually not. Panda eats bamboo and they
almost eat 40kg bamboo (19) ….. Panda is animal (20) …. panda because they’re
15. a. Every Day
b. Yesterday
c. Tomorrow
d. A year later
16. a. Cat
b. Bear
c. Elephant
d. Panda
17. a. Cute
b. Bad
c. Crazy
d. Sweet
18. a. Red
b. Blue
c. Grey
d. White
Appendix 7
22 ASR
23 ATK
24 MH
25 HSN
26 RZK
27 DA
28 FA
29 AM
30 WK
31 AMR
32 ITN
33 AG
34 DP
35 MS
36 RZH
37 SM
38 YS
a. Greeting
b. Students listen the attendance.
c. Students are listening to the explain about the material ( Descriptive Text ) from
the teacher.
d. Each student has entered into a group that has been divided by the teacher
e. Each group receives a card containing vocabulary according to the descriptive
text distributed by the teacher
f. Group of students listening to the explanation from the teacher. And accept a
challenge from the teacher to play a shoebox game. The teacher asks the group
to guess the compound word that includes the word chosen. example: if a group
of students chooses a card that contains the word “Butter” then they have to
come up with a new compound word like “Butterfly”.
g. Students write down the results of their groups in the form of compound words
from the words on the cards that have been distributed.
h. After the time is up. The group leader will come to the front of the class to read
the results of his group's work.
i. Students can conclude the lesson.
Appendix 8
N Cycle I
O The The Second
Activities First Meeting
Yes No Yes No
Pre- Activities
1 Greeting
2 Teacher chek the attendance
3 The teacher explain about the
material ( Descriptive Text ) in
the class.
4 The teacher divided the students
into several groups. Consist of 4
group, each group consist 8 or 9
5 The teacher distributes cards
containing vocabulary according
to the descriptive text to the
6 From these words, the teacher
asks the group to guess which
compound word includes the
word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing
the word “Butter” then they must
create a new compound word
such as “Butterfly”.
7 The teacher asks students to write
the results of their groups in the
form of compound words from a
word that is on the cards that
have been distributed.
8 The teacher gives a time limit for
students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the
group leaders will come forward
to read the results of their group
9 The group that manages to find
the most compound words is the
10 Teacher asks students to
conclude the lesson.
Appendix 9
22 NF
23 ASR
24 ATK
25 MH
26 HSN
27 RZK
28 DA
28 FA
28 AM
28 WK
28 AMR
28 ITN
28 AG
28 RZH
28 SM
a. Greeting
b. Students listen the attendance.
c. Students are listening to the explain about the material ( Descriptive Text ) from
the teacher.
d. Each student has entered into a group that has been divided by the teacher
e. Each group receives a card containing vocabulary according to the descriptive
text distributed by the teacher
f. Group of students listening to the explanation from the teacher. And accept a
challenge from the teacher to play a shoebox game. The teacher asks the group
to guess the compound word that includes the word chosen. example: if a group
of students chooses a card that contains the word “Butter” then they have to
come up with a new compound word like “Butterfly”.
g. Students write down the results of their groups in the form of compound words
from the words on the cards that have been distributed.
h. After the time is up. The group leader will come to the front of the class to read
the results of his group's work.
i. Students can conclude the lesson.
Appendix 10
N Cycle I
O The The Second
Activities First Meeting
Yes No Yes No
Pre- Activities
1 Greeting
2 Teacher chek the attendance
3 The teacher explain about the
material (Descriptive Text) in the
4 The teacher divided the students
into several groups. Consist of 4
group, each group consist 8 or 9
5 The teacher distributes cards
containing vocabulary according
to the descriptive text to the
6 From these words, the teacher
asks the group to guess which
compound word includes the
word chosen. if a group of
students selects a card containing
the word “Butter” then they must
create a new compound word
such as “Butterfly”.
7 The teacher asks students to write
the results of their groups in the
form of compound words from a
word that is on the cards that
have been distributed.
8 The teacher gives a time limit for
students to complete this shoebox
game. When finished, each of the
group leaders will come forward
to read the results of their group
9 The group that manages to find
the most compound words is the
10 Teacher asks students to
conclude the lesson.