HRM 01 SOP 011 On Boarding
HRM 01 SOP 011 On Boarding
HRM 01 SOP 011 On Boarding
2. Process Scope
Line Managers, Colleagues and HRBPs help new staff to settle in quickly
Hiring manager
New Employee
Line Manager
HR Director
Talent Management
1. Confirm Hire A
2. Generate Oracle ID and Oracle HCM profile I A
3. Notify of joining date and submit on-boarding checklist I I A
4. Coordinate with stakeholders to complete on-boarding
5. Confirm checklist completion A
6. Attend Orientation R R R R A
7. Introduce employee to colleagues and familiarize with
company premises and policies
7 Confirm checklist completion • Line Manager (A) Having completed the actions in the Onboacrding Input: On-boarding Checklist
Checklist, Deaprtments should confirm that the (Oracle) (TOBE)
actions are complete in Oracle. This allows the
Line Manager to know that everything is ready
for the new employee
8 Attend Orientation • HR Director (R) The Recruitment team regularly organises an
• Talent Management (A) Orientation session and new employees should
• IT (R) attend as soon as possible. The Orientation
KPI name Description Actual Target Minimum Maximu Tolerance Actual Target Unit Calculation Indicator
time time value m value range value value type
period period
Achieve Onboarding
Satisfaction Index
H R M -03-S O P -001
R ecruitm ent
S ystem updated
to re fle ct
R ecruitm ent
C onfirm H ire
O racle Ta leo
P ersonnel
G enera te O racle
ID and O racle
H C M profile
H iring m anager
O racle system
P ersonnel
N otify of joining
date a nd sub m it
on-bo arding... Line M anage r
O n-boa rding
O racle system
C hecklist...
T he jo ining date
S ervice R eq uest
and subm it on-
boarding ...
Line M anage r
O n-boa rding
C hecklist...
F acilitities IT M -17-S O P -0 03
C oordinate w ith
M anage requests
stakeholders to
for service
com plete o n-
boarding che cklist
P ersonnel
O n-boa rding
C hecklist...
Line M anage r
C onfirm checklist
com pletion
O racle system
Ta lent
M anage m ent
S atefy
A ttend
O rientation
H R D irecto r
N ew E m ployee
Introduce em ployee to
colleagues and
fam iliarize w ith Line M anage r
com pany prem ises
and policies
E m ployee to colleagues
and fa m iliarize w ith
com pany prem ises and
policie s is Introduced