ISCIT2019 PID6072317 Blockchain-IoT

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Enhanced Security of IoT Data Sharing Management by Smart Contracts and


Conference Paper · September 2019

DOI: 10.1109/ISCIT.2019.8905219

13 1,412

2 authors:

Hoang-Anh Pham Van Le

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT)


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Enhanced Security of IoT Data Sharing
Management by Smart Contracts and Blockchain
Hoang-Anh Pham, Trung-Kien Le, Thi-Ngoc-My Pham, Hoai-Quoc-Trung Nguyen, and Thanh-Van Le
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, VNU-HCM
{anhpham, 1511640, 1512049, 1410432, ltvan}

Abstract—In recent years, the incredible growth and diversity sensing data collected in a long time. Therefore, to shorten
of IoT systems and applications have generated an enormous the time to market, development of new IoT applications and
amount of sensing data which play an essential role in IoT-based services usually utilizes the existing data collection systems
smart systems. So far, it has consumed much time and cost to col-
lect these sensing data enough for these intelligent systems, which such as shared IoT data marketplaces. However, it is necessary
is the main reason leading to the needs of sharing available data to have appropriate and efficient solutions for data sharing
to shorten time-consuming and cost savings for the data collection management since it can cause sensitive data lost, such as
process. However, there are many challenges in ensuring integrity, personal health information, or device access control.
security, and fairness in the data sharing process. In this paper, Conventionally, IoT end-devices are limited in storage and
the authors propose a model leveraging the emerging Blockchain
technology as an alternative solution to enhance the security processing capability to handle complex algorithms and tasks
of IoT data sharing management in terms of three principal such as data sharing management, which will be handled by
criteria including confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Our centralized servers instead. However, the centralized model
prototype on Ethereum Blockchain demonstrates the feasibility still has significant issues such as availability, transparency,
of the proposed model. and security because it is easy to manipulate from inside and
Index Terms—IoT, Blockchain, Smart Contract, Data Integrity,
Data Security, IoT Data Management attack from outside. Meanwhile, after the great success of
Bitcoin [2] in finance, Blockchain technology is emerging as a
potential solution in many other areas such as logistics, supply
chain management, education, healthcare, and public services
Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the core technologies due to its dominant features.
in the Industry 4.0 era. It is a network of home appliances, In a simple manner, Blockchain is a cryptographically se-
transport vehicles, or any physical device that integrates the cure protocol for building an immutable digital data structure,
electronic components, software, and network connection ca- which is used to maintain a continuously growing list of
pability. IoT helps connected devices become smarter because records of asset transactions between members in public, or
they can communicate and interact together through the Inter- a private peer-to-peer network. The decentralized architecture
net without direct human interaction. enables Blockchain operating efficiently without the need of
IoT is a convergence of sensor technology, big data, artifi- the central authority. In specific, it allows participants to
cial intelligence, and network infrastructure. In IoT systems, transact safely, although they might not trust one another
sensors act as senses to collect data about their surrounding in a trustless network. Blockchain has become a trending
environment. These collected data can be locally processed at research topic in both academic institutes and industries.
IoT end-devices or sent to remote servers to perform complex In [3], the authors systematically investigated the potential
analysis. Based on the analytical results, IoT devices can use cases of Blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies, especially
perform actions through actuators. Blockchain can mitigate some problems in IoT such as access
Cisco predicted that the number of IoT devices would reach control [4], identity management [5], [6], and data trading
50 billion by 2020 [1] and IoT increasingly plays a vital management [7], [8]. The combination of Blockchain and IoT
role in our lives and most areas. They can be smart bulbs, becomes more applicable with smart contracts, a computer-
smart air-conditioners, health monitoring devices (e.g., smart- based program, which can be self-executing and self-enforcing
watches, blood pressure meters, and wearable devices), or the contract terms and conditions after being compiled and
even smart traffic lights. Thanks to these IoT devices, new stored on Blockchain. Every participant in the network can
concepts of smart houses, smart offices, smart farms, smart activate functions in the smart contract by generating a
factories, or even smart cities are no stranger. Moreover, a Blockchain transaction to the corresponding contract. Thanks
series of communication technologies have been developed to to Blockchain, the execution of smart contracts is accurate and
serve IoT networks such as Bluetooth Mesh, Zigbee, Z-Wave, transparent to all participants. Blockchain and smart contracts
6LoWPAN, NFC, LoRa, NB-IoT, and recently 5G-IoT. together have motivated numerous decentralized applications
The smart IoT devices, applications, and services have such as Golem [9], Augur [10], or Status [11].
been conventionally developed from analytical results on data In this paper, the authors present a model leveraging smart
sets so-called knowledge bases that have been built from contract and Blockchain as an alternative architecture for the
current centralized model to enhance the integrity and security 4) Once receiving a valid request from smart contracts,
of IoT data sharing management. The remainder of this paper the gateway will extract and decrypt the data from the
is organized in the following manners. Section 2 presents the off-chain storage corresponding to data type, amount
architecture of our proposed model with explanation in details. of data, and device. Then, the gateway re-encrypts this
Section 3 describes the detailed design and prototype of the data with the consumer’s public key. Additionally, the
proposed model. The data security of our proposed model in gateway will perform hashing the data and attach this
terms of integrity, confidentiality, and availability is discussed hash into the data before sending to the consumer.
in Section 4. We summarize some related works in Section 5) The gateway sends requested data through the APIs pro-
5, and Section 6 provides the final concluding remarks and vided by the consumer. Then, the gateway will confirm
future works. on the smart contract that the data was sent.
6) The data consumer will receive an event from the smart
contract for informing that the requested data was sent
Different from the traditional model, the proposed system together with the hash value.
eliminates the role of the third-party service (e.g., server) 7) The data consumer examines the integrity of the received
during data exchange between Data Owner who has data data based on the attached hash value and the hash value
to share or sell, and Data Consumer who wants to buy the provided by the data owner. If the data is valid, the
data. Our proposed model employs a decentralized architecture consumer will confirm on the smart contract that the
by using Blockchain to enhance the security of the data data was precisely received.
exchange process, in which all operations are executed via 8) The smart contract activates a transaction to transfer data
smart contracts. rental fee paid by the data consumer to the data owner
Fig. 1 depicts the architecture of our proposed model that once the data consumer sends the confirmation of valid
consists of two processes, including data collection and data data reception.
exchange. Regarding data collection process, each data owner
can have multiple IoT end-devices to collect IoT data that
will be then transferred to the Off-chain Storage through the
IoT Gateway. The detail of the data collection process can be
summarized as follows:
• IoT end-devices are connected and send collected data to
an authorized gateway. The data includes sensing data
and corresponding timestamps. Additionally, each IoT
end-device will be assigned a unique number for device
identity management.
• Once receiving data from IoT end-devices, the gateway
will encrypt these data by the owner’s private key and
then push them to the off-chain storage by pre-established
protocols. The data on off-chain storage will be catego-
rized by data type and device ID. Since IoT data are
time-series data, off-chain storage should support real-
time database to be suitable for IoT data sharing.
Regarding the data exchange process, the owner will register
and publish the data wanted to share on Blockchain via smart
contracts. Data consumer must send the corresponding amount
of money by a transaction to the smart contract for requesting
data from the owner. A general data exchange process is
performed in eight steps as numbered in Fig. 1 and described
as follows.
1) The data owner shares the information of available IoT
devices and their data to others via the smart contract.
2) Every data consumer has to send the data rental fee to
the smart contract corresponding to the device and data
that they want to retrieve the shared data. The transaction Fig. 1. The architecture of the proposed model
will be executed precisely the terms and conditions in
the contract, such as the rental fee and the amount of
data and selected IoT devices. III. D ESIGN AND P ROTOTYPING
3) The IoT gateway listens to events from smart contract In order to evaluate the feasibility of our proposed model,
for data request. we have developed a prototype of an application for IoT
data sharing management on Ethereum Blockchain that is B. Data Consumer
described in Fig. 2. Basically, there are three major objects in We develop a web-based application to enable data con-
our proposed model, including Data Owner, Data Consumer, sumers performing the following functions.
and Smart Contract. Each data owner or data consumer is
• Create a new wallet (i.e. Ethereum wallet) or import an
an externally owned account (EOA), which is controlled by
existing one to do payment for data request.
a public/private key pair, in the Ethereum Blockchain system.
• Search data owners and their IoT data sharing information
The smart contract is to handle the data exchange process
(e.g., IoT devices, data type, data fee, etc.)
between the data owner and the data consumer.
• Send data request and validate the data received from data

C. Smart Contract
Each participant (e.g., data owner and data consumer) in the
system will be identified by a unique number string that is also
the address in Ethereum Blockchain. Smart contract stores a
list of data owners, which will be provided to data consumers
when they do searching. Each data owner will own a list of
registered and authorized IoT devices and their deviceID. The
data owner also has to provide information about the data they
want to share, such as data type, rental fee.
Since smart contracts are executed in the Ethereum virtual
machine (EVM) environment, they can not inform the outside
what is happening inside EVM. However, smart contracts
support creating events that can attach certain information for
whom outside of Blockchain network.
Fig. 3 depicts the whole sequence diagram of the data
exchange process between the Data Owner and the Data
Consumer based on events and execution of the corresponding
smart contracts. This sequence diagram executes correctly to
eight steps described in the proposed model.
1) The data owner calls registerDevice to registers a new
Fig. 2. Prototyping of the proposed model device to the system. If the registration is successful,
the system will emit an event N ewDeviceAdded to all
participants for updating information.
2) The data consumer call requestData to ask for sharing
A. Data Owner
data from the selected data owner. The data consumer
Each data owner has to handle the data collection process, has to attach API for data reception and pay for data
register authorized devices, and publish the smart contract that fee.
includes the data sharing terms and conditions on Blockchain 3) Smart contract validates the data request from the data
via a web-based application. The data owner can monitor consumer. If the request is valid, the system will emit
the data collection from IoT devices and data request from an event RequestDataSuccess to all participants.
consumers. 4) Once the gateway received the event
Regarding data collection, we employ an Arduino and RequestDataSuccess, it calls getData to extract
a DHT11 sensor (temperature and humidity sensor) as an the corresponding data from the off-chain storage.
IoT end-device that communicates with the IoT gateway Then, it performs data decryption by the data owner’s
implemented by Raspberry Pi via protocols using Johnny- private key and re-encryption by the data consumer’s
Five library. We utilize Googgle FireBase supporting realtime public key before sending to the data consumer.
database as the off-chain storage. 5) The gateway calls sendData to send requested data
On the Raspberry Pi, we implement the IoT gateway with the corresponding hash value to the data con-
functions based on Nodejs Express framework meanwhile sumer. Simultaneously, the gateway confirms on the
we adopt Eth-Crypto for data encryption (e.g., encrypt data smart contract that the data was sent by calling
collected from IoT end-devices before forwarding to the off- conf irmSentData.
chain storage) as well as data decryption (e.g., decrypt data 6) The system will emit an event DataSent to all partici-
extracted from the off-chain storage and then re-encrypt data pants once receiving confirmation from the gateway.
before sending to the consumer). Additionally, IoT gateway 7) The data consumer validates the integrity of the re-
communicates with smart contracts via Web3.js. ceived data. If the data is valid, the consumer calls
conf irmReceivedData to confirm that the data was cause a significant impact on several industries. Similarly,
precisely received. Banerjee et al. [13] conducted a series of surveys on intrusion
8) The smart contract transfers the data fee to the data prevention and detection models in IoT, thereby giving nine
owner once the data consumer confirms the validity of research directions related to the security of IoT systems using
data reception. Additionally, the system emits an event Blockchain. Jesus et al. [14] also presented a survey of various
DataReceived to complete the data exchange process. options and practical systems combining IoT and Blockchain.
Khan et al. [15] presented current security issues in IoT
IV. E VALUATION AND S ECURITY D ISCUSSION and asserted that blockchain would be a key solution. Some
By leveraging smart contracts and Blockchain, the proposed other works [16], [17] outline aspects and use cases where
model eliminates the third-party in the traditional model. All blockchain can be combined with IoT. However, none of these
operations in the data exchange process will be executed works illustrates the integration in detail.
via smart contracts. Therefore, the implementation of smart Dorri et al. [18] proposed a lightweight Blockchain network
contracts is a critical requirement. for IoT-based case study of smart home systems. These authors
Before deploying our prototype into Ethereum TestNet for conducted further studies and summarized in [19]. They also
integration test of the whole system, we adopt the Truffle proposed a blockchain-based model for automotive software
framework, a software tool for developing DApp on Ethereum update in [20].
Blockchain, to perform unit tests for smart contracts. We IOTA [21] build an innovative data structure called Tangle
create a virtual Ethereum network and 100 users who will based on Blockchain. The IOTA system uses cryptocurrency
perform functions provided in our proposed model via smart named IOTA to pay for transaction fees in exchanging IoT
contracts. All testing results including unit tests and integration data. Meanwhile, by utilizing the re-encryption key, the au-
tests show that all services offered by smart contracts work thors in [22], [23] used Blockchain nodes as proxy servers to
correctly. safely forward data between parties.
Regarding the processing time, compared to practical trans- In [24], the authors presented an access control mechanism
actions in real-world, the proposed system can speed up using blockchain. They described the system thoroughly with
transactions due to avoiding bottleneck or disputes. How- detailed designs and protocols. Nevertheless, all the operations
ever, these transactions will be limited by processing speed are executed off-chain, that is, they did not exploit the smart
of the Blockchain platform (e.g., at least 12 seconds/block contracts in their work. Therefore, they missed out some great
in Ethereum Blockchain). Consequently, the system will be advantages of smart contracts such as accuracy, transparency,
significantly affected if the number of transactions explodes. and trust.
We also performed fifty experiments to measure processing The work by Shafagh et al. [25] is the most closely related
time from a data request sent until the consumer received data. to ours. They presented a blockchain-based system for IoT that
The experimental result of the processing time is 111 seconds enabled a secured data sharing without the need of any central
on average. authority. However, they also did not take the advantages
In addition, we discuss the data security of the proposed of smart contracts. Furthermore, as they enabled third-party
model in terms of three principal criteria as follows: services to retrieve data directly from the off-chain storage,
• Confidentiality: The asymmetric encryption based on users could not track how their data were being accessed.
public and private key pairs in Ethereum Blockchain In our proposed models, all data requests are recorded on
enables only the data owner and authorized consumers the Blockchain and the operations are explicitly visible to all
to access and read the shared data. participants which eliminates the possibility of manipulation.
• Integrity: During the data exchange process, the hash
value is evidence to validate data integrity. Additionally,
Blockchain ensures that transactions are not manipulated In this paper, we proposed a model as an alternative solution
and the entire transaction process is transparent and for access control and IoT data management by adopting smart
traceable. contracts to enable a trustless data sharing mechanism without
• Availability: The decentralized architecture of need of the third-party, like in the traditional centralized
Blockchain networks avoids single-point of failure model. In the proposed model, The data owners have full
and mitigates DoS attacks to the services provided control over their data; for example, they can choose which
by smart contracts and thereby increases the service data are allowed to access; and they can track all transactions
availability. since the entire transaction process is transparent and traceable.
Taking advantages of the existing public and private key
V. R ELATED W ORKS pairs of Ethereum Blockchain in asymmetric encryption en-
Many research efforts in both academic and industrial works sures data security and integrity because of avoiding a man-in-
have been studied to demonstrate the potential of incorporating the-middle attack. Furthermore, the decentralized architecture
Blockchain into IoT. In [12], the authors gave a detailed review of Blockchain increases service availability. Consequently, the
of how blockchain and smart contracts make a good fit for proposed model meets three primary criteria of data security,
IoT in which they concluded that the combination would including confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Fig. 3. Sequence diagram of data exchange between data owner and data consumer

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