Sensors 23 00788 v2
Sensors 23 00788 v2
Sensors 23 00788 v2
Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Ensuring Security
and Privacy Aspects in Internet of Things: A Systematic
Literature Review
Haider Dhia Zubaydi , Pál Varga * , Sándor Molnár
Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
* Correspondence:
Abstract: As the Internet of Things (IoT) concept materialized worldwide in complex ecosystems,
the related data security and privacy issues became apparent. While the system elements and their
communication paths could be protected individually, generic, ecosystem-wide approaches were
sought after as well. On a parallel timeline to IoT, the concept of distributed ledgers and blockchains
came into the technological limelight. Blockchains offer many advantageous features in relation to
enhanced security, anonymity, increased capacity, and peer-to-peer capabilities. Although blockchain
technology can provide IoT with effective and efficient solutions, there are many challenges related
to various aspects of integrating these technologies. While security, anonymity/data privacy, and
smart contract-related features are apparently advantageous for blockchain technologies (BCT),
there are challenges in relation to storage capacity/scalability, resource utilization, transaction rate
scalability, predictability, and legal issues. This paper provides a systematic review on state-of-
the-art approaches of BCT and IoT integration, specifically in order to solve certain security- and
privacy-related issues. The paper first provides a brief overview of BCT and IoT’s basic principles,
including their architecture, protocols and consensus algorithms, characteristics, and the challenges
of integrating them. Afterwards, it describes the survey methodology, including the search strategy,
eligibility criteria, selection results, and characteristics of the included articles. Later, we highlight the
findings of this study which illustrates different works that addressed the integration of blockchain
technology and IoT to tackle various aspects of privacy and security, which are followed by a
categorization of applications that have been investigated with different characteristics, such as
Citation: Zubaydi, H.D.; Varga, P.; their primary information, objective, development level, target application, type of blockchain and
Molnár, S. Leveraging Blockchain platform, consensus algorithm, evaluation environment and metrics, future works or open issues
Technology for Ensuring Security and (if any), and further notes for consideration. Furthermore, a detailed discussion of all articles is
Privacy Aspects in Internet of Things:
included from an architectural and operational perspective. Finally, we cover major gaps and future
A Systematic Literature Review.
considerations that can be taken into account when integrating blockchain technology with IoT.
Sensors 2023, 23, 788. https://
Keywords: blockchain technology; Internet of Things (IoT); security; privacy; systematic; survey
Received: 16 December 2022
Revised: 5 January 2023
Accepted: 6 January 2023
Published: 10 January 2023 1. Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) domain includes a set of rapidly emerging communi-
cation, data processing, and insight generation technologies. It involves sensors and
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
actuators of the physical world together with their communication means—sometimes
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. under resource-constrained or environmentally harsh conditions. Furthermore, it involves
This article is an open access article data preprocessing and aggregation methods both at the network edge and in the cloud.
distributed under the terms and Regarding human-centered, application-specific needs, the overall domain of IoT also
conditions of the Creative Commons includes methods for predictions, classifications, decision making, insight generation, and
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// many more. Eventually, control processes are triggered based on these decisions, which initiate changes in the physical world, completing the working cycle of Cyber-Physical
4.0/). Systems (CPS).
IoT integrates appliances, services, sensors, actuators, etc., to offer connectivity so-
lutions [1]. It also helps to improve the system’s efficiency by processing the collected
data in real time [2]. However, it introduced many issues due to its resource constraints of
connected devices and decentralized architecture [3]. IoT covers various application areas
that revolve around people’s lives, such as the environment, healthcare, agriculture, trans-
portation, and smart home, by revolutionizing surrounding objects to improve humans’
lives [4].
IoT requires solutions in many aspects in order to be considered secure, for example,
physical security design, key management, client privacy, secure bootstrapping and trans-
mission of data, authentication, and access control mechanisms [5–7]. Many approaches
have been proposed to overcome the previously mentioned issues, such as a centralized
server–client paradigm that relies on cloud servers. However, security and privacy aspects
are still missing some pieces, and such features can be provided by blockchain technology.
We have reached a point for engineering systems where we need to answer both the
traditional requirements for system security and safety [8] and the newly arising need for
dynamic reorganization capabilities of supply chains and their system of systems [9]. It
became inevitable to present a tenable solution that addresses the above-mentioned issues
in IoT architecture to guarantee secure data exchange among IoT objects which requires
trustless authentication, security, and robustness. Blockchain technology is one of the most
trending approaches nowadays; it presents solid and robust features that can be utilized
to overcome many limitations in different domains [10]. IoT ecosystem transactions can
be managed securely using blockchain technology by eliminating the centralized entity
by deploying distributed and public ledgers to allow anonymity in business models [11].
Blockchain enables data integrity and transaction transparency through a decentralized
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) model. Many industrial and research domains are expanding their
work on top of blockchain technology which results in higher efficiency compared to the
traditional manner. An in-depth discussion is described in further sections.
Many papers have discussed the concept of blockchain technology and IoT, including
systematic reviews, applications, challenges, and solutions such as [12] in general, and
furthermore, in [13–18]. Moreover, further research addresses the integration of blockchain
technology and IoT, which is also heading for advanced directions, including industrial
and 5G support [19–26]. This paper will mainly focus on blockchain technology and IoT
in a systematic manner to identify new perspectives and serve as a repository for the
accumulated knowledge of these technologies in terms of research motivation, issues and
challenges, solved gaps, the performance of these technologies in transactions and end
devices, answering an important research question to identify the importance of using
blockchain technology to boost the performance of IoT, and the usage of hybrid blockchains.
Finally, the systematic manner included the recent and up-to-date approaches to identify
the research applications and areas that have been focused on by the selected studies.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces an overview of
IoT and blockchain technology in terms of their architecture, network components, charac-
teristics, and further features for each technology. Section 3 describes the manner used to
include the research papers discussed in this review, including the search strategy, eligibility
criteria, selection results, and characteristics of the included articles. Section 4 highlights
the findings of this study which illustrate different works that addressed the integration of
blockchain technology and IoT to tackle various aspects of privacy and security, and these
are followed by a categorization of applications that have been investigated with different
characteristics such as their primary information, objective, development level, target appli-
cation, type of blockchain and platform, consensus algorithm, evaluation environment and
metrics, future works or open issues (if any), and further notes for consideration. Section 4
also includes a detailed discussion of all articles from an architectural and operational
perspective (Sections 4.1–4.7). Furthermore, in Section 5, we summarized the main lessons
learned, covered major gaps, and shared future considerations that can be taken into ac-
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 3 of 43
count when integrating blockchain technology with IoT. Finally, the conclusion is presented
in Section 6.
2. Overview
This section provides an overview of IoT and blockchain technologies, including their
architectural design, protocols, consensus algorithms, characteristics, blockchain types, and
IoT security and privacy concerns.
2.1. IoT
2.1.1. Architecture
IoT is a combination of interconnected embedded sensors and heterogeneous devices,
where they share common features such as limited processing capabilities, small memory,
low power, and unique identifiers. IoT users can remotely provision data and access services
through deployed gateways that connect the IoT network with the outside world [2].
As stated by [27], “The Internet of Things allows people and things to be connected
anytime, anyplace, with anything and anyone, ideally using any path/network and any
service”. Various IoT architectures are proposed, each representing distinct perspectives
and functions. From a deep technical perspective in wireless networks, ref. [28] described
IoT architecture in a three-layer/tier manner, such as interfaces/services, network/ com-
munication, and perception/hardware [29]. However, some other applied researchers and
industrial experts consider a fourth layer. In [30], this is called the support layer, which par-
ticipates in fog computing, smart computing, cloud computing, etc. Another interpretation
of the fourth layer approach is depicted by Figure 1, where each layer represents different
technology approaches and the scale of architectural elements [31].
From a top–down perspective, the four distinguishable key parts of generic IoT
architectures are application, data processing, network, as well as sensors and actuators
layers. To accomplish various applications (for example, healthcare, smart home, and smart
transportation) of IoT devices, the application layer implements and delivers the results
of the data processing (i.e., transport) layer [32]. The application layer is a user-centric
layer that performs different functions on behalf of the user. The data processing layer
analyzes the data acquired in the sensing layer and determines based on the findings. The
data processing layer in various IoT devices (e.g., smartwatches, smart home hubs, etc.)
also stores the results of earlier analyses to offer a better user experience. The network
layer exchanges the results of data processing with other linked devices. The network layer
facilitates sending data from the sensing and actuators layer to other connected devices as
it serves as a communication channel. Data can be transferred across connected IoT devices
using various communication technologies, such as Z-Wave, cellular network, Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi, and Zigbee [33]. The primary function of the sensors and actuators layer is to identify
any events occurring in the device’s periphery and to collect real-time data [32].
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2.1.2. Characteristics
The Internet of Things has various advantages because of its unique characteris-
tics, such as the interconnectivity of heterogeneous systems, enormous scale, safety (e.g.,
healthcare and industrial domains), connectivity, dynamic changes, and things-related
services. Heterogeneity refers to the use of diverse devices in IoT networks and hardware
platforms; these devices are able to communicate with each other on various networks.
Inter-connectivity refers to the ability to connect everything via global information and
communication infrastructure. Safety refers to the systems affecting their external envi-
ronment, including the physical well-being of individuals and the protection of personal
data and endpoints. The enormous scale implies that the number of endpoints connected
to each other through intranets and the Internet has risen significantly, which is majorly
due to IoT devices. This growth requires further improvements in efficient data handling,
clarified semantics, and data interpretation within applications. Network accessibility and
compatibility are made possible via connectivity. Compatibility includes the control of
protocol matching and data production and consumption interfaces. Accessibility means
being able to reach the information anytime, anywhere, if authorization is provided and
the stakeholder has authenticity. When a device is asleep or waking up, connected or
disconnected, or in a specific place or at a specific speed, the state of the device changes
dynamically, and the number of devices varies dynamically: this is what is meant by
dynamic changes. Finally, things-related services include semantic coherence and privacy
protection within device restrictions or constraints, which can be completed by changing
the physical and information worlds’ technologies [34].
2.1.3. Challenges
Although IoT has numerous benefits, it introduced many challenges that must be
addressed, such as interoperability, scalability, heterogeneity, security, and privacy [35].
Many researchers have proposed various measures to enhance interoperability [36–40].
Interoperability describes the capacity of a system component’s technical requirements to
work together effectively, regardless of how different they are. Scalability is introduced
due to the fact that IoT is facing a tremendous issue in dealing with the rapid growth in
the number of devices. It describes the system’s ability to handle future growth without
negatively impacting its performance. Hence, when more devices are connected, scalability
must be examined to see how the system can handle it. Refs. [41–43] are examples of studies
on the scalability issue. Since the IoT network consists of a huge number of devices, it is a
prominent illustration of the heterogeneity issue. When it comes to IoT, the primary goal is
to provide a standard abstraction approach and maximize the functionality of connected
devices. Due to the rapid expansion of IoT, there is a wide range of hardware and software
configurations that the developers are striving to create an application that can work on top
of them. Some examples of prior work to address the issue of heterogeneity are provided
in [44].
New security vulnerabilities of system-of-systems appear due to the growth of IoT,
which are caused by heterogeneity, decentralization, and individual vulnerabilities of IoT
systems [45,46]. The complexity of deploying security mechanisms in resource-constrained
IoT networks [47] resulted in difficulty in implementing traditional security techniques
such as encryption, authentication, and authorization which might not be appropriate any-
more. Furthermore, a complex cyber-physical system-of-systems may require autonomous
approaches to handle security and safety issues [48,49]. Additionally, IoT devices are sus-
ceptible to malware activity due to the inability of security firmware to be updated on
a timely basis [50]. In addition to security, it is difficult to maintain data privacy. There
is a growing tendency to combine IoT with cloud computing, which provides IoT with
additional storage power and computing abilities. However, data may be compromised if
uploaded to third-party cloud servers, which are prone to privacy breaches [51].
Security and privacy aspects are the main focus of this paper because IoT has many
issues within this area, and the research on integrating blockchain technology with IoT is
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 5 of 43
mainly conducted to enhance these solution aspects. Managing security and privacy risks
should be a top goal for increasing consumer acceptance of IoT applications. In addition,
as IoT devices and related apps grow increasingly common in people’s daily lives, they
must be completely secure. Security and privacy aspects in IoT may raise serious concerns
due to a lack of proper authentication and authorization procedures. IoT protocols operate
at different layers, which are a favorite target for hackers who always strive to identify new
methods to intercept IoT connections even when proper authentication tools are used [28].
For example, possible attacks on each protocol in a specific layer include slowloris, cross-
site scripting, HTTP flooding, DDoS, and repudiation attacks that target the application
layer. The data processing layer is targeted with exhaustion attacks and targeted malware.
The networking layer is further vulnerable to injection, smurf, SYN flooding, opt-ack, Sybil,
sinkhole, wormhole, and other attacks. Further resource consumption, byzantine, and IP
address spoofing attacks are in sight regarding the actual blockchain network. Finally, there
physical damage or destruction, access control, and the disconnection of physical links
are attacks toward the sensors and actuators layer [52]. Some attacks mainly target IoT
layers based on the system, such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID). For example:
• When using WSN:
– Physical/Link layer: Synchronization, selective forwarding, replay attacks.
– Network/Transport layer: Sinkhole, false routing, eavesdropping attacks.
– Application layer: Buffer overflow and injection attacks.
• When using RFID:
– Physical/Link layer: Replay, sybil, passive interference attacks.
– Network/Transport layer: Eavesdropping, impersonation, spoofing attacks.
– Application layer: Tag modification, buffer overflow, injection attacks.
2.2. Blockchain
2.2.1. Architecture
Blockchain is defined as a “set of chronologically ordered blocks” or a digital dis-
tributed ledger that maintains time-stamped transactions which are managed using unique
algorithms to keep track of all blocks on the chain [53]. Each computer in the network is
represented as a node where they share a duplicate copy of the data (“digital ledger”). All
nodes in the blockchain utilize the same algorithm to reach an agreement called “consen-
sus”. Blockchain technology operates in a distributed Peer-to-Peer (P2P) manner, which
offers many advantages over traditional or centralized architectures, such as eliminating a
single point of failure, which provides the network with high reliability and allows network
nodes to work in a coupled manner which increases the computing power.
Successive blocks of all transactions on the blockchain are linked together as depicted
in Figure 2, where the previous block (N−1) is linked with the current block (N), which
is also in turn linked to the next block that will be added to the blockchain (N+1). Addi-
tionally, blockchain technology has enabled the implementation of the “smart contracts”
concept. It can be defined as computer programs or protocols that allow an agreement to be
automatically enforced based on a set of specified conditions. The smart contracts specify
the implemented application logic, making it an ideal component for extending blockchain
technology to new domains [54]. Great examples of widely spread implementation for
blockchains are Ethereum [55] and Hyperledger [56], which also include the capability of
smart contract handling. In general, integrated blockchain technologies are designed to
provide the following characteristics: decentralization, anonymity, autonomy, transparency,
privacy, security, and collective verification [57].
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leader election instead of the common block results in fierce competition among miners to
control the micro-block generation process.
Although smart contracts are considered the next big thing in blockchain technology,
several issues still need to be addressed. Although smart contracts may be useful in the
IoT, their implementation in IoT applications varies widely because they are stored in a
particular blockchain address as data and code. A transaction broadcasted in the network
is required to alter the contract’s current state and hence the blockchain. Transactions
must be signed by the sender and approved by the network before they can be added to
the chain. The IoT could benefit from a secure and reliable processing engine provided
by smart contracts. Using smart contracts results in secure and reliable processing. The
logic of IoT applications may be securely modeled using smart contracts, but still, a few
concerns must be addressed in the integration process. IoT’s constraints and heterogeneity
must also be considered when implementing smart contracts. Furthermore, working
with smart contracts necessitates relying on the oracles that offer real-world data in a
trustworthy manner. IoT is unstable, making it difficult to validate these smart contracts.
The use of many data sources may cause these agreements to become overburdened.
Smart contracts do not share resources to deal with massive amounts of computing and
distribution tasks, even when they are now characterized as decentralized and distributed.
Smart contracts are executed on a single node, while code execution is performed on
several nodes simultaneously. Instead of distributing tasks, this distribution is just used
for validation.
In centralized designs, the consensus is guaranteed by a trusted authority, while in
decentralized systems, a consensus is reached through voting and thus requires a lot of
resources. The properties of IoT devices include low-bandwidth wireless connectivity,
low power consumption, and low computing capabilities. Restricted resources should
be allocated to establish an agreement in IoT instances where computationally intensive
consensus procedures are unsuitable. A decentralized architecture can lower the total cost
of the IoT system as opposed to centralized systems. There is a new resource wastage
problem with blockchain, making integrating with IoT difficult. Consensus protocols in
blockchain affect the number of resources needed. In most cases, these responsibilities are
delegated to unconstrained devices that can deliver such capabilities, while other solutions
assign such responsibilities to gateways. Alternatively, off-chain technologies could provide
the functionality of transporting data outside the blockchain to alleviate the high latency.
Finally, it is crucial to mention blockchain trilemma (also called scalability trilemma),
which indicates that scalability, security, and decentralization cannot be achieved con-
currently in a public blockchain [88]. This issue is recognized since decentralization and
scalability are inversely proportional in a blockchain with enormous numbers of partici-
pants. However, security and scalability are proportional when decentralization is fixed.
Hence, trade-offs must be stated, since it is impossible to develop a blockchain with all
features simultaneously. For example, Bitcoin currently can only process seven transactions
per second while being secure and decentralized. Furthermore, although Hyperledger Fab-
ric blockchain offers high transnational throughput and security, it is centralized. Fast and
decentralized blockchains suffer from vulnerability to attacks. Current research efforts aim
to explore improving blockchain scalability in layer one by improving the consensus algo-
rithms (e.g., Ethereum 2.0) and using a concept called sharding. In layer 2, researchers seek
to use nested blockchains and state channels to address this issue. Although blockchain
trilemma introduces serious challenges, it is still a dominant technology due to its ability to
support the required features to design an efficient and effective IoT scheme.
3. Review Methodology
This systematic literature review follows the principles suggested by Kitchenham and
Charters [89] to perform the SLR to address the targeted research issues and to assure the
transparency and reliability of this study. Because of the wide variety of blockchain appli-
cations, compiling literature to obtain a comprehensive picture of its various characteristics
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 9 of 43
that make it offer to protect the Internet of Things is difficult. Thus, we focused on specific
databases because exploring these large databases is partly facilitated by the number of
articles and conference proceedings that can be accessed within them. Our review focused
on the following databases:
• IEEE Explore Digital Library;
• ScienceDirect;
• SpringerLink;
• ACM Digital Library;
• Wiley/Hindawi.
4. Findings
This section illustrates different works that addressed integrating blockchain tech-
nology and IoT to tackle various privacy and security aspects. We discuss the different
characteristics of all included papers, such as their primary information, objective, devel-
opment level, target application, type of blockchain and platform, consensus algorithm,
evaluation environment and metrics, future works or open issues (if any), and finally
further notes for consideration. We note that the calculations in our discussion depend only
on our findings of the included papers.
The primary information of the included papers [90–132] is shown in Table 1. Based on
the data shown in Figure 4, we can observe that 13.95% of the total papers were published
in 2018 [93,103,111,116,120,124], while 30.23% were published in 2019 [90,92,94,95,99,101,
102,104,114,117,119,122,127], 11.64% were published in 2020 [91,96,113,118,121], 13.95%
were published in 2021 [100,112,115,123,125,128], and finally, 30.23% were published in
2022 [97,98,105–110,126,129–132]. We note that blockchain technology research is consid-
ered new as it will require further development and testing in a real-time environment.
In addition, the implementation of such systems is not easy. It requires more time than
traditional architectures, which explains why blockchain-based approaches are not widely
used in some research areas. However, many approaches that include blockchain tech-
nology in their designs are achieving promising results. Overall, 37.21% of the proposed
schemes originate from China [92,94–97,102,104,105,113,114,119,124,125,128,129,132], and
62.79% are distributed between 14 countries [90,91,93,98–101,103,106–112,115–118,120–
123,126,127,130,131]. Most of the included papers are published in journals, which result in
79.07% [90,91,94,96–100,102,104–115,118,119,121–123,125–132], while 16.28% are published
in conferences [92,93,95,101,103,116,120], and 4.65% are published in book and sympo-
siums [117,124]. We included a detailed description of the publishers (name of journal
or conference) to address the common databases used. Overall, 51.16% are published in
the IEEE database [91,92,96,97,100–102,104–108,110,111,116,119,120,123,124,127,128,132],
20.93% are published in Elsevier [94,103,112–114,117,118,121,122], 13.95% are published in
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 11 of 43
MDPI [98,99,109,115,130,131], 6.98% are published in Springer [93,95,125], and 6.98% are
published in Wiley/Hindawi [90,126,129].
Table 1. Cont.
The objective and development level are presented in Table 2. Based on the data shown
in Figure 5, our results show that 27.9% of the included studies focused on the healthcare
domain [99–110], while 18.6% focused on proposing generic approaches [91–98]. From the
total percentage of the included articles, 23.25% aimed to target smart environments appli-
cations divided into 9.3% for smart home applications [120–123], 6.98% presented systems
designed to target smart cities [116–118], and there were 2.32% of each of the following:
smart factory [119], smart traveling [124], and smart agriculture [130]. Furthermore, the
IoT device gateway [111,112], IoT information systems [113,114], management systems
[131,132], cloud environment [128,129], and fog computing [125,126] have carried out 4.65%
for each separate application. Finally, the rest (≈6.99%) aimed to address edge computing
[90], mobile IoT applications [115], and reputation systems [127].
Regarding the development level, we used Technology Readiness Level (TRL) as the
base concept to describe the development level of the included articles. TRL includes nine
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 13 of 43
values where each value represents the technical maturity of a technology; every three
values describes a particular research phase. TRL phases are defined as research, develop-
ment, and deployment. In order to reduce the complexity and initiate an understating of
measuring what level each system is developed, we determined an appropriate value for
each phase. For the research phase, 2 is selected, which indicates that the concept has been
formulated. For the development phase, 5 represents the validation process in a relevant
environment. Finally, for the deployment phase, 7 refers to the demonstration of a proto-
type in an operational environment. Overall, 79.09% proposed implemented design models
(evaluated using simulation tools) [91,92,94–98,100,102–115,118,120–123,125–128,130–132],
18.6% proposed a concept formulation or use cases with the further intention to implement
and evaluate them [90,93,99,101,116,117,124,129], and only one approach was implemented
in a real-time environment [119]. The included approaches aimed to achieve various
goals to enhance certain aspects (security or privacy) of IoT. For example, ref. [90] investi-
gated the delay concerns, [93] discussed access control using a firmware update approach,
ref. [94] presented a Privacy-preserving Thin-client Authentication Scheme (PTAS) to ad-
dress privacy issues, heterogeneity and scalability issues are also discussed in [96], whereas
ref. [99] aimed to address the access control for EHRs, a multi-tier blockchain framework
for privacy-preserving EHRs is presented in [103], a data integrity check approach that
does not require trusted third parties is designed using blockchain, bilinear pairing, and
the Lifted EC-ElGamal cryptosystem in [113]. Some approaches focused on introducing
lightweight techniques such as [114,121,122].
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 3. Generic approaches articles: blockchain characteristics, evaluation environment, and metrics.
Ref # Blockchain Platform Type of Blockchain Evaluation Environment Performance Evaluation Metrics
Algorithm /Protocol
Generic Ethereum Solidity platform, Ethereum’ web3.js, different types of
[91] Public or Private PoBT N/A
(Extension) sensors connected to Raspberry Pi
EOS system, desktop computers as gateways, gateways com-
Max, min, and average time for contract deploy and execution,
[92] EOS Private DPoS plied contract with C++ language
transaction package and validation
Ethereum or Private
[93] 6 N/A N/A
Hyperledger (Hyperledger)
Functionality, Computational overhead of thin-client and full
On a mobile phone with specific hardware parameters, these
[94] Certcoin Public PoW node users, Communication overhead
operations are tested and programmed using JAVA
Solidity platform, Ethereum virtual machine (EVM), Remix Trust evaluation mechanism, Running time, Expected mining cost
[97] Ethereum Public Proof of Trust (PoT)
IDE, network with 20 nodes (four types of nodes)
Hyperledger Fabric (v1.4.4) as a blockchain platform,
Docker engine (v19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0) for runtime,
Permissioned Throughput, transaction latency
[98] Hyperledger Fabric PBFT Docker-compose (1.25.0) for image configuration, Node
(v10.24.0) to create clients, Golang language (go1.16.2) for
smart contracts creation, Hyperledger Caliper [133]
Ref # Blockchain Platform Type of Blockchain Evaluation Environment Performance Evaluation Metrics
Algorithm /Protocol
[99] Generic 6 6 N/A N/A
GnuPG, IPFS, Golang, Five types of IoT-based health Time of loading, exchange, listening, announcement, and
[100] Swarm Private IPFS
sensor nodes availability, IoT elements activity
[101] 6 Private PBFT N/A N/A
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 17 of 43
Table 4. Cont.
Ref # Blockchain Platform Type of Blockchain Evaluation Environment Performance Evaluation Metrics
Algorithm /Protocol
Simulate the user node with a smart phone, The experiment is
built on the platform Android 7.1.1, Java is used for IoT
Userchain Public (Userchain) PoW (Userchain) Effectiveness and feasibility (computation and
[102] transaction and key transaction, OS Windows 7 is used to
Docchain Consortium (Docchain) PBFT (Docchain) communication costs for user transactions generation
measure doctor nodes and mining nodes
Python is used for programming Docchain and Userchain
Public (it can be also
considered a consortium,
MIRACL Library (security tools )
[103] Multi-tier platform since it contains PBE-DA Processing time from different sources and destinations
Linux Ubuntu 12.10 on a computer machine
constrained and
unconstrained nodes)
Transaction generation time with varying transaction
[104] Ethereum 6 6 Geth is used as the Ethereum client
capacities and image retrieval time
Edge server (Ali cloud platform), SD or EU simulators
Computation cost, Communication cost, Time cost of
[105] Hyperledger Fabric Consortium 6 (smartphone), Fabric platform with multiple nodes is used to
smart contract
evaluate the performance of a smart contract
Private (in experiments) Private Ethereum Clique Blockchain (PC) Private IPFS
Proof of Authority
[106] Ethereum Consortium (in problem network (PC), Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Smartphone (DApp Processing time for different operations
formulation) interfaces), JSON-RPC protocol
Total cost (time) to evaluate the system’s efficiency,
adaptability, and robustness. Elapsed time to request or
[107] 6 Consortium The implementation environment is available online respond, total utility, probability (availability attack),
consensus protocol evaluation: computation cost and
number of nonces.
Frequency evaluation of CPU usage, Computational
Docker (Hyperledger Fabric), Applying a resource limit
Customized fluctuations (cost), Ratio between number of medical
[108] Hyperledger Fabric Consortium mechanism on network nodes, Hybrid network topology,
lightweight PoW transactions and the total number of connected devices,
Experiment over P2P network
Rate of throughput, duty cycle, delay, and response
Network throughput using PBFT compared with the
Smart city network models using network simulator-3 (ns-3),
[109] Hyperledger Fabric Private Proposed PBFT classical algorithm, Latency of fault peers, General latency
Network topology using Python, GO-Ethereum
of execution over the network
Hyperledger Indy for identity management, Hyperledger
Transaction time (DSMAC evaluation), Transaction
Hyperledger Indy [134] Permissioned Zero-Knowledge Proof Aries for digital credentials, Solidity and Hyperledger
[110] throughput, Transaction latency, Cryptographic
Hyperledger Aries [135] (Consortium) (ZKP) [38] Ethereum to run smart contracts, ACA-Py as cloud agent,
computations, Scalability, Sustainability
VON-network as a ledger browser, Docker community edition
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 18 of 43
Table 5. Smart Environments Articles: Blockchain Characteristics, Evaluation Environment, and Metrics.
Ref # Blockchain Platform Type of Blockchain Evaluation Environment Performance Evaluation Metrics
Algorithm /Protocol
Smart contract, Data privacy, Usage of tokens, Updating the
[120] Ethereum Private PoW Ganache, Remix, web3.js
policies, Misbehavior Judging
Simulated platform on Time-dependent Cooja, Network Simulator 3 (NS3), C++ programming POW processing time, Time overhead, Energy
[121] Public
NS3 consensus algorithm language consumption, Packet overhead
POW processing time, Request/response delay, Impact of
Simulated platform on the number of OBMs on security and packet overhead,
[122] Public DTC NS3, MinerGate
NS3 Impact of PTV on the ability to detect appending attacks,
DTM in the overlay
Two sensors (temperature and LED), Python in google colab Resource usage for single transaction, K-fold
[123] Ethereum Private PoW
environment cross-validation, Accuracy
[116] Generic Public 6 N/A N/A
PoW, PoS, PoA, and
[117] Ethereum Public Proof of Vote (PoV) N/A N/A
were investigated
Oauth 2.0, ClientApp, REST API, Hyperledger Validation of ACL rules, Performance efficiency, Average
[118] Hyperledger Fabric Private SOLO and Kafka
Composer-Playground, Hyperledger Caliper commit time, Average throughput, Average latency
Four industrial robots, 3B Raspberry Pis (two sensing layers),
[119] 6 Private PoW Real-time performance testing
Intel I5 platform (management hubs)
[124] JointCloud Private 6 N/A N/A
Public (on Rinkeby Arduino Sensor Kit, ESP32, AWS cloud, Ethereum Rinkeby Latency of: Device-to-Cloud, Cloud-to-Blockchain,
[130] Ethereum PoW
Etherscan) Test Network Blockchain-to-Client-Console, Alert Total
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 19 of 43
Table 6. IoT Device Gateway, IoT Information Systems, and Management Systems Articles: Blockchain Characteristics, Evaluation Environment, and Metrics.
Ref # Blockchain Platform Type of Blockchain Evaluation Environment Performance Evaluation Metrics
IoT Device Gateway
PDSS: Raspberry PI III (Debian 8), Java 8 for ARM, Eclipse 3.8,
BC gateway: Desktop (Ethereum network), NVIDIA Shield Computation cost for PDSS, Practical potential for BC
[111] Ethereum Private Ethereum-like
TV as gateway, LG Nexus 5X as client application, Smart gateway, Average time for smart contract management
contract management: Asus ZenBook, JDK 8u151, Java EE 7
[112] 6 6 6 Node.js AES, DES, and Triple DES are used to evaluate memory usage
IoT Information Systems
Probability of the illegality behavior detection, Average time
Python 3.7.1, Key size = 32 bits, ECC encryption using
[113] Generic 6 6 of key generation compared to the size of key, Average time of
ElGamal algorithm
six other elements
Throughput, Latency, Determination time, Transactions per
Combination of public,
[114] 6 Improved PBFT CentOS 7, JDK version is 1.80, Threshold signature (THS) second (TPS), Node density, Routing protocol performance in
alliance, and private chains
blockchain IoT low-speed environment
Management Systems
[131] 6 Federated (Consortium) 6 Solidity, Kaleido platform Transaction monitoring, CPU time and utilization
Credentials generation, Proof generation, Proof time, Time per
Java 1.8, Fisco Bcos platform, 28.5 Mbps /11.21 Mbps type of credential, Time for range credential, Block generation
[132] FISCO BCOS Consortium PBFT
bandwidth, 10 ms average communication delay time, Credentials size, Average verification time, Time for
credentials verification
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 20 of 43
Ref # Blockchain Platform Type of Blockchain Evaluation Environment Performance Evaluation Metrics
Cloud Environments
jPBC library [136] for pairing, A super-singular curve, elliptic
Computation cost, Encrypted data confidentiality, Data
[128] Hyperledger Fabric Consortium PBFT curve cryptography to implement group-based schemes, NIST
encryption computation time, Transaction latency
P-256, web3.js to generate transactions
Combined RBFT
[129] 6 6 N/A N/A
and Raft
Fog Computing
Go language, JetBrains developer tools, MATLAB, Bit error rate with chaos coding parameter, Bit error rate with
[125] Hyperledger Fabric Private 6
Lena picture encrypted image pixels
NOS architecture, 14 data sources, Data rate between 10 and
Permissioned (private or 20 packets per second, Rate change policy, Block dimension
[126] 6 BFT replication Storage overhead, Computing effort (CPU load), Latency
federated/consortium) and generation time, Raspberry Pi platforms, MQTT broker,
Smart home testbed
Edge Computing
Proof of Trust (PoT), Object trust model, Data trust model, Privacy trust model,
[90] TrustChain Private N/A
Trust+BFT REK: Reputation, Experience, and Knowledge
Reputation Systems
MythX, Sercurify analyzer, SmartCheck, Oyente, Remix IDE
[127] Ethereum Public PoW Cost (of transaction), Performance analysis, Security analysis
using solidity
Mobile IoT Applications
Private blockchain:
Python’s time library, NetHogs (version 0.8.6), psutil (version Time overhead, Bandwidth consumption, CPU and
[115] Ethereum Private and Public PoA, Public
5.8.0) python library memory usage
blockchain: PoW
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 21 of 43
In the evaluation environment, we aimed to cover software tools and certain impor-
tant hardware devices used in the implementation and experimentation phases. Different
tools are used such as Solidity [91,97,110,127,131], Web3.js [91,120,128], various types of
sensors [91,100,123,130], gateways [92,111], smart devices [94,102,115,126], Node.js [112],
and NS3 [121,122]. C++ is used as a programming language in [92,121], Go and MAT-
LAB are used in [98,100,125], Python is used in [96,102,109,113,115,123], and Java is used
in [94,102,111,132]. For detailed information, refer to Tables 3–7 and the references listed for
each environment. Regarding the metrics used to evaluate each study, time was used as
one of the parameters in [92,97,100,103–107,110,111,113–115,118,121,122,128,131,132], while
throughput is used in [96,98,108–110,114,118]. Many approaches evaluated their ap-
proach by testing it with more specific parameters such as AES encryption and decryption
rate [95,112], validation of ACL rules [118], effectiveness and feasibility [102], computation
cost for PDSS [111], functionality [94], probability of the illegality [113],
latency [114,118], bandwidth consumption [115], IoT elements activity [100], bit error
rate [125], cost [97,102,105,107,108,127,128], K-fold cross-validation [123], DTM in the over-
lay [122], sustainability [110], different latency metrics [130], and calculations based on
credentials [132].
As mentioned earlier, we focused on the target application when implementing the
taxonomy of this study. The included studies proposed different solutions to address
IoT applications’ privacy or security aspects. In addition to the detailed information in
the above tables and figures, in the following subsections, we will discuss each study
from an architectural and operational perspective to ensure that this review provides a
comprehensive overview.
This scheme allows thin clients to function normally as full-node users by hiding user iden-
tity in k indistinguishable identities. Security and functional comparisons are conducted to
highlight this scheme’s high level of security and comprehensive functionality compared
to other schemes. However, PTAS improves safety while sacrificing little efficiency.
IoTChain [95] is a scheme proposed to protect the security of IoT information based on
blockchain technology characteristics and the AES encryption algorithm. The large-scale
secure storage of IoT information data can be provided by IoTChain, which can authenticate
and grant access to authorized users. As a result, the researchers in this study proposed
efficient and secure authentication, privacy protection, and multi-signature conditional
traceability solutions based on blockchain technology.
Spacechain [96] is a blockchain architecture with a three-dimensional ledger that deals
with the scalability and heterogeneity of IoT networks. They also proposed a consensus
algorithm called 3D-GHOST to improve network performance and security. Macro-blocks
are used to create Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to provide the system with the third
dimension aspect. DAG consists of a vertex, edge, ack-edge, and ref-edge, which illustrates
the operation of this foundation. In the data structure design, the validation process occurs
in three steps: consensus algorithm validation and verification using PoW, header_hash
validation, and timestamp validation. For the consensus algorithm, the blockchain is
divided into the main-chain and side-chain to ensure better performance. A novel DWD
mechanism is used for dynamic weight distribution with many metrics, such as Cardinal
Value (CV), Data Validity (DV), and Contact Degree (CD). This architecture is implemented
and evaluated; it results in a better performance than the NKC scheme.
A study proposed a blockchain-based privacy-preserving and trust-centric approach
and Proof-of-Trust (PoT) consensus algorithm to tackle the challenges related to trustwor-
thiness and create an affordable and lightweight consensus mechanism [97]. This study
included a trust evaluation mechanism, PoT consensus algorithm, and privacy protection
mechanism. The commitment scheme and ring signature combine to create a robust privacy
protection mechanism. On the other hand, PoT is designed by connecting the trust value of
network miners with mining difficulty. The design of the proposed DSA system included
four phases: individual sensing, sensing fusion, spectrum allocation, and spectrum access.
This system offers decentralization, transparency, automation, and flexibility. The proposed
consensus algorithm increased the scalability and reduced computation cost.
With blockchain technology, a lightweight multi-chaincode model is proposed to
address central authority management issues that lead to a lack of privacy, low scalability,
and single point of failure [98]. The proposed system includes various layers, such as Con-
sortium Blockchain Manager (CCBCM) for access control, an Aggregated Edge Blockchain
Manager (AEBCM) layer for communication purposes, and Edge Blockchain Managers
(EBCMs) that contain network devices. To achieve the required scalability, low latency, and
high throughput, a hierarchical permissioned blockchain is used. EBCM is used within the
cluster to manage the data securely. This model eliminates Trusting Third Parties (TTP)
by incorporating self-executed smart contracts. The authors provided a security analysis
discussion on how the proposed model offers availability, integrity, and confidentiality.
4.2. Healthcare
Dealing with big data in the healthcare domain can raise security and privacy issues,
endangering the patient’s life. A novel privacy-preserving framework to secure the analysis
and management of healthcare data is proposed [99]. This study addresses the IoT devices’
constraints and how to resolve the issues requiring extra computational power, high
bandwidth, and computation cost. The proposed framework consists of healthcare wearable
IoT devices, smart contracts, healthcare providers, cloud storage, and an overlay network.
Asymmetric and ARX symmetric encryption schemes are both used. Signature correctness
and signers’ anonymity are achieved using lightweight ring signature technology. Further
work can be completed to implement this framework in a testable environment and provide
more security guarantees.
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 23 of 43
image feature encryption, and image feature extraction are the main components of the
transaction layer. Based on the encrypted image characteristics, the service layer provides
crucial functionality for similarity measurement and image retrieval.
Introducing the medical field to IoT has led to reduced cost, increased accuracy, and
improved efficiency; security and privacy aspects are still essential concerns due to the
heterogeneous network that contains various entities and a large amount of data. One pos-
sible solution is to introduce an IoMT authentication framework integrated with blockchain
technology to create a general architecture that can eliminate the issues mentioned ear-
lier [105]. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs)
are authentication schemes between system components. Five phases are included in the
proposed schemes: revocation phase, password and biometrics update, login and authenti-
cation, registration, and system initialization. Multiple procedures are performed in these
phases, such as creating a blockchain network, setting up the cryptographic parameters,
registering the entities with the Register Center (RC), initializing authentication between
entities, updating certain information, and summarizing the actions to be performed when
a private key is lost or compromised. The proposed scheme achieves the desired security
and operational requirements based on the security and performance analysis.
Regular and remote monitoring of patients with chronic diseases is critical due to
their unpredictable health conditions. Metrics such as scalability, processing time, and
security are essential when implementing a blockchain-based and proxy re-encryption
healthcare system [106]. The proposed system architecture comprises hospitals, physicians,
and patients linked with the ministry of health through the blockchain network. IPFS is
used to store the collected and encrypted health data. Patients are supported with IoT
medical devices that collect health data and a smartphone that acts as a bridge with the
medical entities. To speed up the consensus process and data storage, the Clique PoA
algorithm is implemented in the system. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, the
proposed system offers high security.
GarliMediChain [107] is a health data-sharing anonymous system that ensure privacy,
anonymity, and low latency by integrating blockchain technology with garlic routing. In
addition, to maximize institutions’ payoffs, a coalition system is introduced. Fictitious play
is used to enforce trust among coalition groups. Furthermore, Proof-of-Epidemiology-of-
Interest (PoEoI) is a new consensus algorithm proposed to select miners and generate blocks
based on an addition number game. The proposed system consists of five components:
the fictitious play, a learning paradigm, a coalition group, a consortium blockchain, garlic
routing that hides the identities of communication entities, and edge nodes to connect
smart devices. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed system is robust
against attacks and efficient.
To achieve distributed consistency in a peer-to-peer (P2P) environment, an architecture
called BIoMT [108] is proposed, which consists of consortium blockchain built on top
of Hyperledger Fabric to provide provenance, transparency, integrity, and security for
serverless P2P. Distinct operational controls are implemented using different protocol types
to reduce resource consumption costs. Moreover, a new lightweight consensus algorithm
is proposed based on PoW; the proposed algorithm utilizes the predefined policies of
Hyperledger Fabric to reduce the transmission bandwidth and the required computation
power. The proposed system architecture contains a serverless network to manage network
resources required to complete a process. The BIoMT node is responsible for managing the
records until submitting them to the filecoin, representing immutable storage belonging to
a third party. On-chain and off-chain designs are provided for the communication protocols.
The Hyperledger Fabric expert handles real-time medical transactions. Two storage designs
are included to eliminate any capacity issues, primary and secondary. The experimental
results demonstrate that BIoMT reduced the resource constraints.
Hiding sensitive data from malicious parties requires advanced methods which can
be utilized from Information Hiding Techniques (IHT). When combining IHT with smart
contracts and blockchain technology to create a framework for the medical supply chain,
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 25 of 43
security and privacy aspects are enhanced [109]. This study proposes a different method of
encrypting the information into other auxiliary messages using improved steganography
techniques. Multiple pre-authenticated healthcare providers are merged into a private
cluster in the blockchain network, and only entities inside the network are allowed to
communicate and participate in the processes. Using smart contracts, one-time secret
keys are securely created and distributed among related parties. The proposed frame-
work comprises cluster pre-selection, hash key registration, and smart contract phases.
The proposed system architecture is divided into cloud, fog, edge, and healthcare IoT
device layers. This approach ensures lower execution time with higher security than other
classical approaches.
A model that combines Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Verifiable Credential (VC), De-
centralized ID (DID), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC), and blockchain technology called Decentralized Self-Management of data Access
Control (DSMAC) [110] is proposed to allow patients to control their medical data. For
emergency cases, advanced access control techniques are implemented using verifiable
credentials and decentralized identifiers. In addition, role-based access control policies are
conducted by leveraging smart contracts. A DID document is used to create an attribute-
based access control mechanism. The proposed framework comprises three layers: the
user layer, the F2C layer, and the IoMT devices layer. Based on performance evaluation,
the proposed framework is efficient and scalable regarding cryptographic computations,
latency, throughput, and execution time.
used to ensure that the network throughput is stable enough (based on specific parameters).
LSB is designed to fulfill IoT fundamental requirements such as connectivity and mobility
and real-time applications. It is implemented in different scenarios that include high-
resource devices and low-resource devices. The authors analyzed and discussed further
aspects of LSB, such as OBM reward, auditability, and complexity. According to a security
assessment, LSB is highly fault-tolerant and secure to a wide range of attacks. Further
development is required to evaluate this model in real-world settings.
A privacy-preserving authentication scheme is proposed to illustrate how data are
collected and shared in smart home applications [123]. The proposed scheme combines
three base concepts to create a secure framework: edge computing, smart contracts, and
attribute-based access control. Data are transferred to the cloud securely and privately
using a differential privacy method which offloads systems’ heavy processing; eventually,
the system scalability is increased. The proposed system architecture consists of end
users, IoT devices, multi-edge servers, and the cloud. Two types of contracts are used
in the attribute-based access control: register contract and access contract. The authors
explained how transactions are being carried out; four phases are used: chain transaction,
state delivery, request control, and initialization. The differential privacy enhancement
mechanism includes a plain algorithm, private algorithm, dataset, and implementation. The
proposed approach performs better than the existing scheme; it provides efficient security,
privacy, resiliency against attacks, fine-grained access control, and less computing cost.
of five layers: application layer, firmware layer, storage layer, management hub layer,
and sensing layer. Users are provided with different services by the application layer.
The firmware layer is used to connect all layers through underlying implementation
technologies, data are stored in a distributed form in data centers represented by the storage
layer, the process of managing the data and creating blocks is completed by the management
hub layer, and finally, the process of obtaining data and preprocessing occurs in the sensing
layer using sensors with microprocessor (computing power). This architecture is divided
into intranet and extranet; the first deals with data collection and storage, and the latter
aims to offer users different services by utilizing the data. This model is designed with a
private blockchain where all nodes are trusted initially; thus, it does not include a reward
mechanism or competition. The block structure is created with two parts: block body and
header (stores structured data and its attributes). Finally, the authors combined two models:
Biba and Bell-La Padula (BLP) to ensure CIA requirements.
a new device. Later, a new Proposed Digital Signature Scheme (PDSS) is proposed based on
robustness and intractability using bilinear pairing and ECDLP. PDSS is realized using six
phases. Furthermore, this study discussed the privacy preference preserving concept and
intelligent access control on IoT devices. Detailed evaluation scenarios are implemented in
this study for PDSS, blockchain gateway, and smart contract management.
Another approach addressed the authentication and decentralization of the IoT device
gateway by implementing a basic interface using blockchain technology [112]. In addition,
this architecture supports IoT infrastructure with lacking versatility and anonymity within
its design. In addition to the interface, IP mapping for network nodes is included. The
design environment consists of a customized hub, wired connections, and distributed
ledger, preventing direct communication with the internet (only through the home server)
and allowing the server to run on any device using a programming language (Node.js). The
home server conducts the process of obtaining data (collection) and monitoring devices.
The proposed design consists of four parts: smart device, home router, home server, and
remote service. The process starts when data are generated from a smart device and passed
to the home router for port forwarding. The data are transmitted to the home server; in
this step, the data are parsed, and the request is appropriately encrypted. Unused data
by remote services are removed, and the home router receives the request. It allows data
to be sent to the remote service, and the remote service parses the incoming data and
decides the proper action. The home router receives the data using port forwarding from
the allowed service and transfers the action to the smart device to be performed. Further
considerations can be made to improve the security by providing a flexible interface from
the manufacturers, and a list of IP addresses must be included to identify legitimate access
requests. Further experiments can be conducted to determine how robust this design is
against possible IoT infrastructure attacks.
(digital currency) as the other. A coin center is set up using the cloud service to avoid
multiple payment issues and privacy breaches. A distributed accounting system is added
to the chain to allow the traceability of bills.
system model contains six entities: the blockchain network, smart contracts, private key
generator (PKG), semi-trusted cloud server, cloud service organization, and data owner.
Performance analysis is completed for content privacy, identity privacy, data validity, and
traceability. This model is still in the research phase and has not been implemented yet.
features for security is to keep the system robust against attacks [95,101,114,122,123] and to
handle any misbehavior [120]. Requiring less computing power [125] is also essential, since
using blockchain technology might result in high power consumption. Supporting parallel
computing makes the proposed model more efficient [95]. In terms of scalability, one
model could offer an enhanced scalability [90], while the other model caused a scalability
issue [112]. The detailed description is illustrated in Table 8.
Future Works
Ref # Notes
(Open Issues)
H Efficient mining scheme
H Significantly small mining delay compared to PoW
H Enhanced scalability
H Compatibility with IoT business models
[90] 7
H Interoperability among several TrustChains
v Network overloading due to excessive exchange of messages between devices and server
v The centralized server is used for storage
v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
[91] 7 v It does not support dynamic access control
[92] 3 H It supports the fast and secure insert of the device in the perception layer
H Improved access tracking
[93] 3 H Provided efficient access control and data transparency
v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
[94] 7 v (m-1)-private PTAS sacrifices little efficiency in exchange for safety improvement
H Simple
H Support parallel computing
[95] 3
H Error not passing
H Not easy to attack
v In order to achieve anonymity, public keys alone are not enough
[96] 3
v Zero-Knowledge Proofs
H Robust against several types of attacks
H Low expected computation cost
H Moderate scaling
[97] 7
H Transparency and verifiability
H Good resiliency
v Does not include trust and reputation management
H The proposed system includes auto-policy enforcement, on-chain policy management
[98] 3 H It provides security, fee-less, trustworthy (without TTP), and scalability
v In order to eliminate network congestion and reduce the latency, machine learning algorithms can be integrated
H Increased security due to the hybrid apporach that combined many lightweight cryptographic primitives with
[99] 3 public and private keys
v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
H Protection of EHR against fraud
H Interoperability of EHR data formats
H Simplification of current paradigms
[100] 3 H Low cost
H IoT data aggregator and sensor heterogeneity
v Not feasible for a large-scale network
v Block is mined instantaneously by the virtual nodes itself; thus, miners are needed
H High resiliency against public blockchain modification and DoS, modification, appending, and 51% attacks
[101] 3
v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
[102] 7 H This approach offers on-demand rescission, accountability, and improved privacy
H Using file and data sharing, this approach improved intersectoral collaboration
[103] 3
v In terms of development and administration, it requires further accountability
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 33 of 43
Table 8. Cont.
Future Works
Ref # Notes
(Open Issues)
H Low latency
H High feasibility
[104] 3
H Enhanced image size
v Privacy concerns are still an issue when implementing in real-time environment
H The proposed architecture is not limited to healthcare domain only
H Efficient and pairing-free authentication scheme
[105] 3
H Guaranteed user anonymity with satisfied security requirements
v Certain security properties and efficiency metrics can be improved
H The proposed system offers confidentiality, integrity, privacy, and access control
[106] 3
v The authors suggests adding a fog layer between different system entities in order to process and filter the data
H New consensus protocol is introduced while maintaining the system’s robustness, efficiency, and adaptability
[107] 3 H The proposed consensus protocol requires less computational cost than PoW and PoA
v Overall computation cost is not considered when this approach is implemented
H Reduces computational cost
[108] 3 H Enhanced node transactions performance
H This design offers provenance, transparency, security, and integrity
H This work promises higher security levels and lower execution time
H This approach achieves consistency, security, availability, integrity, and transparency
[109] 3
v Tested for medical supply chain-based scenario only
v No description of encryption and decryption of OTH
H As compared to other models, DSMAC overcomes the others as it provides scalability, sustainability, data
[110] 3 privacy, and emergency case
H DSMAC includes access control methods such as identification, authentication, and authorization
H Using such an access control approach provides a non-repudiation feature and allows users’ preferences and
[111] 3
device policies to be preserved without tampering.
H The authors included the advantages and several important remarks that can be added to the proposed
approach to improve its performance
H Flexibility to use all encryption algorithms
[112] 3 H Intrusion prevention
H Adding a new layer of security
v This approach will be considered useless if the database is corrupted in any form
v Scalability issue: the processing performance decreases as the number of smart devices increases
H Supports dynamic auditing
[113] 3 H Satisfies the public verification and correctness
H The used storage method offers many advantages such as reducing cost
H Anti-attack capability (10 types of attacks)
[114] 3 v When this system is implemented in certain industries, its performance must be improved, as well as the risk of
privacy leaks must be addressed.
v Single points of failure (due to using smart contract proxy and MQTT)
[115] 3 v Reduced throughput
v Increased latency by the evaluation scenario
[116] 3 v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
[117] 3 v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
H This approach offers better scaling than a single Ch blockchain system
[118] 3 v Massive resource requirement
v IoT device integrity mechanism is required
H Enhanced scalability and flexibility
[119] 3
v It might introduce large communication overhead
H High extension ability
[120] 7
H Ability to handle misbehavior
H Reduced processing time
H Low energy consumption
[121] 3
v Requires extra cost due to cloud usage
v Low scalability
H Decreases processing time and bandwidth compared to traditional blockchains
[122] 3
v Using DTC in small networks can make the network vulnerable to Sybil attack
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 34 of 43
Table 8. Cont.
Future Works
Ref # Notes
(Open Issues)
H Resilient against modification, linkage attacks, data mining, and DoS attacks
[123] 3
v Extra added noise (trade-off between accuracy and privacy) which might result in reduced data accuracy
[124] 7 v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
H The proposed approach requires fewer start-up and running nodes
H Less computing power is required
[125] 3
H It does not need to pay remuneration
H Offers effective management of the rights
H This approach supports confidentiality, integrity, and resistance to attacks
[126] 3 v The proposed approach needs further testing with the common blockchain platforms such as Ethereum or
Hyperledger Fabric with more complex environments in order to compare its performance with other approaches
[127] 7 v Further evaluations can be performed using throughput and power consumption
H It offers confidentiality, decentralization, auditability, and low overhead for data owners
v High proxy overhead
[128] 7
v Does not include mutliple proxies
v Splitting re-encryption key scheme can be included
H Offers content and identity privacy, data validity, verfiability, and traceability
[129] 3 v The proposed scheme relies on trusted third paties
v This approach is not implemented and evaluated yet
H The proposed approach offers mininal network latency
[130] 3 v IoT gateway is not implemented
v This approach can work with Ethereum and PoW only
H Authentication and secure identity are provided
H This prototype is cost-effective
[131] 3
v Scalability issue, this prototype is not designed to handle large scale operation, adaptability and extendibility
can be further investigated
H The proposed system supports Credential Nested Verification
[132] 3 v PBFT caused communication overhead between nodes which leads to limited reliability due to increased latency
and bottlenecks in network transmission
5. Lessons Learned
A wide range of sectors has benefited from the use of blockchain technology. IoT’s se-
curity and privacy concerns are still being explored when blockchain technology addresses
these aspects. In addition, blockchain allows a variety of security and privacy-preserving
models for the Internet of Things applications, offering decentralization, anonymity, au-
tonomy, transparency, privacy, security, collective verification, and many more. Since IoT
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 35 of 43
devices are constrained with low capabilities, they require further consideration when
designing an approach to enhance their performance. The integration of blockchain tech-
nology and IoT has also introduced some limitations that must be considered: for example,
scalability, storage capacity, resource utilization, the method to deploy smart contracts, and
legal issues.
Blockchain and IoT factors are discussed in depth in this study through a systematic
literature study. It also offers several existing solutions and blockchain applications for
various IoT areas. Decentralization, auditing attributes, anonymity, and persistence are
just a few of the advantages of blockchain technology that made academic research and
industrial domains very attractive. This study has opened new doors for future research to
address many important issues that need further investigation.
As shown in the above tables, blockchain technology targets many applications and
sectors. However, a missing standard needs to be initialized when implementing such
approaches because an IoT network requires many parameters to be considered in the
pre-built or theoretical part design. For example, it is tough to decide what model is more
efficient than others when there is no public platform on which these technologies can
be integrated and built. Hence, it will require a new type of blockchain, for example,
consortium blockchain, with extra features to handle IoT demands. In our opinion, con-
sensus algorithms are one of the main limitations or drawbacks in such models because
using generalized algorithms does not allow the system to operate at full capabilities (the
performance level it was designed to operate at). In [117], the authors investigated the per-
formance with different consensus algorithms, which offers an advantage in determining
which algorithm results in higher security and performance.
In terms of the evaluations, we can note that there are still many distinct parameters
that have been used; this means that it offers various measurements that can be used
to evaluate the proposed models, and different programming languages can be used.
However, there is still a huge gap between each study, making it tough to address specific
issues because various tools might result in different values for each evaluation metric.
Many studies still miss the evaluation environment; these approaches can be investigated
in different environments and various metrics.
Many issues in the included research papers have been addressed in our study. For
example, we can investigate how to exchange messages between devices and servers using
a lightweight mechanism, eliminate a single point of failure, design a model to handle
large-scale networks, assign the mining process to specific nodes to achieve an efficient
mining scheme, propose a consensus algorithm that is specifically designed to handle
blockchain and IoT integration, eliminate privacy concerns when implementing the model
in a real-time environment, reduce resource requirements, improve data accuracy through
noise reduction, and handle legal issues when implementing an approach in a domain that
require high privacy such as the healthcare sector.
Finally, this study aims to provide an overview and further directions to researchers
interested in the BIoT concept. In addition to the systematic literature, we offered a technical
perspective on different studies included in this review. Based on the data collected, our
findings demonstrate that from 2018 until 2022, researchers are primarily interested in
designing approaches for the healthcare domain, followed by smart environments and
generic approaches. Such aspects include universal and endless possibilities for researchers
to improve and enhance current designs. From our perspective, future research seeks
business and industry sides as it grants the researcher the ability to implement and validate
the work in a real-time environment. In addition, healthcare and finances are critical in
BIoT applications. EHRs can be managed remotely and securely while preserving patients’
privacy and creating a decentralized government that controls cryptocurrencies and the
prediction marketplace. After all, many issues have not been addressed yet in which
the combination of blockchain and IoT can offer the optimum solution; however, proper
decisions must be taken into consideration for each target application, such as blockchain
type, platform, consensus algorithm, power consumption preferences, and network latency
Sensors 2023, 23, 788 36 of 43
requirements. Further details on possible research directions can be found in the discussion
of Table 8.
6. Conclusions
IoT dramatically facilitates people’s daily lives by exchanging data and making com-
plete decisions. However, it raises sensitive issues of security and privacy at the same
time. Security and privacy concerns in the Internet of Things (IoT) could be efficiently
addressed by blockchain technology. This paper conducts a systematic literature review
of the state-of-the-art blockchain technology achievements that have been proposed to
enhance IoT’s security and privacy aspects. In this review, we discussed the basic prin-
ciples of technologies, including their architecture, protocols and consensus algorithms,
characteristics, and the challenges of integrating them. We overviewed the methodology
of our review, including the search strategy, eligibility criteria, and selection results. Our
findings are presented in a systematic literature manner based on the characteristics of
included papers. Our results (mainly focused on the targeted applications or domains)
show that 27.9% of the included studies focused on healthcare domain, 18.6% focused on
proposing generic approaches, and 23.25% aimed to target smart environments applications
divided into 9.3% for smart home applications, 6.98% presented systems designed to target
smart cities, and 2.32% for each of the following: smart factory, smart traveling, and smart
agriculture. Furthermore, studies of the IoT device gateway, IoT information systems,
management systems, cloud environment, and fog computing have been carried out (4.65%
for each separate application). Finally, the rest (≈6.99%) aimed to address edge computing,
mobile IoT applications, and reputation systems. We also showed various characteristics
for each study, such as the main goal or objective, development level, a blockchain platform,
blockchain type, consensus algorithm, evaluation environment and metrics (if found),
notes for each study which contain prons and/or cons, and future works (open issues). All
articles are also discussed from an architectural and operational perspective. Finally, we
identified significant gaps and future considerations that can be taken into account when
integrating blockchain technology in the IoT domain.
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