1 s2.0 S0196890421008463 Main
1 s2.0 S0196890421008463 Main
1 s2.0 S0196890421008463 Main
Keywords: The current focus on the variable renewable energy source integration and emission pollution concerns high
Hydrogen-based vehicle lights the need for the reliable and efficient development of technology for the storage, generation, and distri
Fuel-cell bution of renewable energy sources. The power-to-hydrogen and power-to-gas concepts significantly increase the
Power-to-gas conversion
share of variable renewable power in the power system. Using such technologies, hydrogen produced from the
Renewable energy
wind and solar energies can be stored, and once needed, it can be converted back into power or methane via the
Profit fuel-cell or the power-to-gas conversion, respectively. Besides these concepts, the most important aspect of the
Integrated energy system modern integrated energy system in the future is sector coupling, where several segments like energy and
transportation operate together seamlessly to offer better services. Therefore, this paper works on the optimal
operation of the integrated power and hydrogen networks, considering power-to-gas and fuel-cell electric ve
hicles as coupling points to maximize daily profit under the probabilistic model. Power-to-gas generates the
hydrogen from solar and wind energies to provide a stable fuel station for fuel-cell electric vehicles, saved in
tanks, and then once needed is converted back to power and methane and contributes to more economic benefits.
The probabilistic approach based on the Monte-Carlo simulation is used to model wind and solar fluctuations.
Key results show that coupling power-to-gas and fuel-cell electric vehicles increase daily profit by up to 25.32%,
while wind and solar curtailment power has decreased by up to 36.4%.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: m13611822593@163.com (H. Chen), songjun198298@163.com (J. Song), zhaojingfeng@nwu.edu.cn (J. Zhao).
Received 28 April 2021; Accepted 18 August 2021
Available online 30 August 2021
0196-8904/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
1.2. Literature review that the integration of FCEVs is economically and environmentally
feasible, besides providing more flexibility for both networks. The
Due to several advantages of the P2G and P2H concepts, many re design of a smart charging station for the hybrid EVs served by solar
searchers have focused on developing interconnected electricity and energy, and fuel-cell technology was developed by [12]. The proposed
hydrogen networks. In [6], technology and the required system for the design shows that the charging station is 100 percent zero-emission. In
operation of high-volume FCEV from the economic and environmental [13], the optimal operation of the reconfigurable microgrid coupled
points of view were studied. The performance of the FCEV system in this with hydrogen storage under the novel two-stage information gap de
paper has been validated by comparison with the EVs in the real network cision theory was developed. In [14], the coordinated predictive optimal
in Japan. A comprehensive study on the comparison between FCEV and energy management of the coupled hydrogen and power networks with
fuel-cell hybrid EVs was represented by [7]. This paper finds that FCEVs plug-in FCEVs was studied. Also, the energy management of the inte
are more preferable to EVs for long-distance. Other results of this work grated energy system in the presence of FCEVs based on the velocity
show that the proposed FCEV consumes 4.07 kW and 1.125 kg of elec prediction method was developed by [15]. In [16], hydrogen balancing
tricity and H2, respectively, per 100 km. A two-year analysis of the and FCEVs performance in the zero-emission integrated power and
FCEVs performance in the real-word was developed in [8]. In this paper, transport systems were analyzed. This paper shows that hydrogen tanks
the performance of FCEVs in terms of operation cost, efficiency, and are a suitable choice for the long-term.
safety travel is compared to gas and gasoline vehicles. The zero-emission Researchers have also studied the applications of P2G technology. In
smart city operation for the integrated energy and transportation net [17], a risk-based operation of coupled natural gas and power system
works in the presence of FCEVs and RES was developed by [9]. The considering several coupling points such as P2G was investigated. In
techno-economic and environmental analysis of the H2–powered vehi [18], the eco-emission, techno, and policy assessment of the P2G tech
cles in the real-word (Denmark) was studied by [10]. The key results of nology in the industrial multi-energy system was studied. The benefits of
this paper show that the development of FCEVs in the future would P2G in the further integration of RES was analyzed, and the proposed
provide a greener transport sector. In [11], the energy management and optimization problem was modeled based on mixed-integer linear pro
optimal design of the integrated power and hydrogen networks with gramming (MILP). The integrated transportation sector and power
mobility systems in Amsterdam was investigated. This paper indicated network in Italy considering P2G and P2H concepts was investigated by
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
[19]. In [20], the optimal scheduling of the multi-carrier energy hub was synergies with FCEVs that haven’t been investigated. Table 1 compares
studied with highlighting the effects of the P2G in mitigating the RES the novelties and key factors of the proposed model with literature to
curtailment and operation cost. Another study on the Italian energy show the main differences of this paper.
system was developed based on the techno-economic assessment of the Hence, to fully address the mentioned weaknesses, a novel synergy
power and mobility networks considering the P2G and fuel-cell tech between hydrogen and power networks in the presence of the RES, P2G
nologies under the high penetration of RES [21]. The risk-constrained concept, and FCEVs is proposed. The integrated power and hydrogen
operation of the integrated heat, gas, and power networks in the pres networks with coupling points are controlled and optimized by the main
ence of the hydrogen storage and P2G was evaluated in [22]. The life- operator under a coordinated strategy. The P2G and FCEV are coupled to
cycle and environmental analysis of the hydrogen-based vehicle for maximize the variable RES’s integration, besides contributing to more
medium and large trucks was represented by [23]. Results show that air economic benefits. The coupling P2G and FCEV uses the RES power
emissions can be reduced by up to 45% if the hydrogen engine is used in directly or converts into H2 and CH4 to achieve more revenue from
trucks. The renewable and natural gas-based energy system in the selling H2 and CH4. To address the mentioned gaps, this paper focuses on
presence of the P2G and fuel-cell technologies was studied by [24]. In the following contributions:
this paper, the energy storage solution based on the batteries and P2G is
introduced for reliable RES integration in the energy system. Hybrid • Synergies between power, gas, and hydrogen networks using P2G
energy storage systems with a combination of batteries and super- and FCEV coupling points to provide the required H2 and CH4 and
capacitors are also investigated to ensure an efficient and durable so electricity, besides participating in the multi-energy markets.
lution for the storage systems commonly integrated with RES generation • Coupling the P2G and FCEV to utilize the production of H2 in the
units such as solar energy [25]. Using this approach, the battery over electrolysis reaction as the stable fuel for the FCEV. The produced H2
sizing is avoided as the transient current components are supplied by the P2G from the surplus RES power can be consumed by the
through the super-capacitors, which ensures maximum charge avail FCEV or saved in the hydrogen tanks. Once needed, H2 can be con
ability with an integrated on-the-fly charging algorithm, and the average verted back into power via the fuel-cell.
current component is provided by the battery. The integrated solar • Providing the backup electricity, and balancing such synergy be
farms and P2G storage for the geographical island application for energy tween several energy carriers, according to FCEV’s driving
self-sufficiency was developed by [26]. This work reveals that hydrogen situations.
storage is a suitable choice in comparison with batteries for long-term • Modeling the fluctuation behaviors of the wind and solar energies in
energy-saving. In [27], a comprehensive study on the effects of large- the optimal operation of the coupled power-hydrogen-natural gas
scale P2G technology on the hybrid gas, power, and hydrogen net networks using the scenario-based stochastic framework. In this way,
works was developed. The proposed P2G conversion provides more the effects of the variable RES on the optimal coupled P2G and FCEV
flexibility from the power to the natural gas grid. Besides, the partici operation are examined.
pating in the electricity market can be achieved by the hybrid energy
system with FCEV and P2G technologies. The MILP information gap 1.4. Paper organization
decision making-based self-scheduling for participating in the power
market is investigated for the hybrid energy system [28]. The remainder of this work is organized as follows: In section 2, the
infrastructure of synergies between the multi-carrier system with P2G
1.3. Research gaps and contributions and FCEV are analyzed. The operation of FCEVs and P2G in the coupled
power and hydrogen networks is also examined in this section. The
The unique features of H2, FCEVs, and the P2G technology have been mathematical modeling for the optimal energy management of the in
highlighted by a wide range of studies. While the design and control tegrated energy system is represented in section 3. Section 4 provides
strategy of the hydrogen-based vehicle and P2G technology has been the numerical results and key conclusions from the simulation results.
studied separately, the synergies between hydrogen and power networks Finally, section 5 concludes the paper.
through the coordinated operation of FCEVs and P2G have been ignored.
For example, Refs in the first paragraph of the introduction focused on 2. Methods: How fuel-cell electric vehicle works via the
FCEVs’ performance, design, and operation without developing any integrated power and hydrogen infrastructures?
stable H2 source for the hydrogen-based vehicle. Also, in the second
paragraph of the introduction, refs focused on the P2G concept for Hydrogen is becoming an alternative power source for distributed
improving the energy system’s flexibility by mitigating the integration energy networks. BMW is persuaded that hydrogen can make an
of variable RES. While most of these works elaborate on the P2G ap imperative commitment to feasible versatility nearby battery-based EVs
plications for coupling power and natural gas networks, the higher in the future [29]. FCEVS are also captured as common EVs because the
efficient performance of the P2G technology (H2 production from the electrical engine is powered by fuel-cell technology, converting H2 into
electrolysis reaction) provides for hydrogen-industry application electricity [30]. In fact, FCEVs provide their own required power on
Table 1
Comparison of the main novelties and components of this study with similar works.
Work Multi-energy system Synergy between hydrogen and Coupling Minimizing RES Vehicle speed Uncertainty
analyzing power point spillage analyzing modelling
[7] ✓ ✓ ✓ × × ✓ ——————
[8] ✓ ✓ ✓ × ✓ × ——————
[9] ✓ ✓ ✓ × ✓ × Stochastic
[11] ✓ ✓ ✓ × × × ×
[16] ✓ ✓ ✓ × × ✓ ——————
[21] ✓ × × ✓ ✓ × Stochastic
[27] ✓ × × ✓ ✓ × ——————
This ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Stochastic
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
board [31]. Also, FCEVs can save the surplus power produced by the 3. Problem formulation
fuel-cell in the battery (See the graphical abstract).
According to the literature, there are three electrolysis types: proton The mathematical modeling of the proposed synergies between
exchange membrane, alkaline, and solid oxide process. H2 production power and hydrogen networks with RES, P2G, and FCEV is represented
via the proton exchange membrane electrolysis is a common method in this section. The objective of the model is to maximize daily profit, as
that can be integrated with several applications, such as FCEVs, heating given in Eq. 5. The objective function (5) contains several terms. The
of the building, and other H2 industry applications [32]. Fig. 1 shows the revenue from the power exchange with the grid is shown in the first
schematic of the fuel-cell via the proton exchange membrane term. In this term, the minus of the power sold and power purchased is
electrolysis. multiplied by the electricity price. The profit from the gas selling is given
Two main reactions occur in the fuel-cell poles when H2 and O2 are in the second term of (5). The third term of (5) shows the revenue from
injected into them. Firstly, the hydrogen is broken into hydrogen ions the H2 selling to the hydrogen-based industry. The operation cost of the
and free electrons according to Eq. 1. Then, the oxygen from the air is fuel-cell based on the value of the power produced is given in the fourth
combined with the hydrogen ions and free electrons, according to Eq. 2. term. The operation cost of the P2G is given in the next term. Also, the
H2 →2H+ +2e− (1) operation cost of the battery of the FCEV during discharging mode is
2O2 +2H +2e →H2 O (2)
+ − shown in the sixth term of (5). The two last terms of the objective
Finally, the output of the fuel-cell is obtained based on: function (5) show wind and solar power spillage costs, respectively.
2H2 +O2 →H2 O +electricity (3) Maxprofit = NS s=1 π s
In this work, the FCEVs are coupled with P2G and renewable en ⎡ ⎛( ) ⎞⎤
sell buy e sell g ind hyd FC FC P2G P2G
ergies (PV and wind power). Hence, it is assumed that the required H2 ⎢ ∑ NT P
⎜ t,s − P t,s ×λ t +G t,s ×λ t +P H2 ,t,s ×λ − C P t,s − C G t,s ⎟ ⎥
fuel for FCEV comes from the P2G storage. H2 can be saved in the tank or ⎣ t=1 ⎝
w,sp w,sp pv,sp pv,sp
− Cbat Pbat,dis
t,s − C P t,s − C P t,s
injected into the fuel-cell. Then, the produced electricity by the fuel-cell
according to the driving situations takes two main routes: it directly (5)
flows to the engine or is stored in the battery.
P2G storage is considered as the new coupling point between elec
tricity, natural gas, and hydrogen networks. P2G storage converts the 3.1. FCEV modeling
surplus power produced from wind and PV or the purchased electricity
from the upstream grid into natural gas. The P2G concept consists of two Several advantages of the hybrid vehicle motivated auto companies
main reactions. First, the H2O is spilled into H2 and O2 in the electro to focus on the development of these vehicles. For example, the BMW,
lyzer, consuming surplus power [22]. It should be noted that using the Toyota, and Hyundai industries predicted that the hydrogen-based
micro-gas generator, and the produced H2 can be converted into elec vehicle would become the favorite automobile in the world by 2050.
tricity again, which is behind the scope of this paper. Second, some This paper uses the sample Hyundai model named NEXO with a 6.33 kg
volume of the produced H2 is combined with and generates the natural tank capacity, 756 km range, and 0.84 kg per km hydrogen consumption
gas as follows: [33]. Based on these characteristics, the travel of the FCEV is modeled as
4H2 +CO2 →2H2 O +CH4 (4) depicted in Fig. 3. The FCEV is refueled at the beginning of the trip and
Fig. 2 shows the coordinated hydrogen and electricity infrastructures fills the tank (6.3 kg hydrogen). Based on the nominal velocity and
in the presence of P2G storage and FCEV, and RES (PV and wind). The calculations, this volume of hydrogen can support a distance of
system operator purchases the required power from the market. Based approximately 5 h. Along this path, hydrogen consumption has a linear
on the energy prices situations (peak or off-peak energy prices), the behavior. However, the source-which is described next-generates a total
operator adjusts the operation sets’ point of the P2G and FCEV. In this of 35.12 kW of electricity. The mathematical modeling of FCEV is
way, the operator receives several revenues by selling H2 to the described in the following.
hydrogen-based industry, electricity to the power market, and natural The value of the hydrogen consumed by the fuel-cell is calculated as
gas to the gas markets. The main objective of the system operator is to Eq. 6. The upper and lower values limit the power output of the fuel-cell
maximize the daily profit. It should be noted that the system operator as Eq. 7. Constraints (8)-(12) show the set of limitations of the hydrogen
must handle the uncertainties caused by wind and PV power output storage system (HSS) in the FCEV. Also, the set of limitations of the
using the scenario-based stochastic framework. battery include power limits in charging/discharging mode, logical
constraint, and energy capacity constraints are represented by (13)-(18).
It should be noted that the battery can be charged by power from the
fuel-cell or power from the outer signal that comes from the RES or
power purchased. Also, the power discharged by the battery can be used
for the engine or considered as part of the power selling.
H2 ,t,s = ηFC ×LH (6)
t,s ⩽P
× uFC
t,s (7)
H2 × uHSS,ch
t,s ⩽Pch ch,max
H2 ,t,s ⩽PH2 × uHSS,ch
t,s (8)
t+1,s = Et,s +ηch PH2 ,t,s −
H ,t,s
− Pind
H2 ,t,s (9)
t,s ⩽E
t=0,s = Et=24,s (11)
t,s +ut,s ⩽1 (12)
Pbat,ch,min × ubat,ch
t,s ⩽Pbat,ch
t,s ⩽Pbat,ch,max × ubat,ch
t,s (13)
Pbat,dis,min × ubat,dis
t,s ⩽Pbat,dis
t,s ⩽Pbat,dis,max × ubat,dis
t,s (14)
bat bat,ch Pbat,dis
Ebat bat
t+1,s = Et,s +ηch Pt,s − t,s
E ⩽Ebat
t,s ⩽E
bat bat
Fig. 1. Fuel-cell based on proton exchange membrane. Et=0,s = Et=24,s (17)
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
Fig. 2. Schematic of the sample integrated power, gas, and hydrogen networks with RES, FCEV, and P2G.
Fig. 3. Hydrogen consumed and power produced of sample 756 km range FCEV for 5 h.
t,s +ubat,dis
t,s ⩽1 (18) 0⩽GP2G
t,s ⩽G
GSmin ⩽GSt,s ⩽GSmax (21)
GSt,s = GSt− 1,s +ηP2G PP2G P2G P2G
t,s − PH2 ,t,s − Gt,s (22)
3.2. Power-to-gas modeling
The P2G concept provides a stable H2 source for the FCEV. The 3.3. Wind power modeling
surplus power from the wind and PV is injected into the P2G. The power
consumed by the P2G is limited by Eq. 19. In the first reaction (elec The power produced by the wind turbine is a function of the wind
trolysis process), H2 is produced for the FCEV’s operation. Then, ac speed. The wind velocity is varied at each time, which highlights the
cording to the methanation reaction, CH4 is produced and injected into importance of stochastic programming to model the strong uncertainty
the gas network. The limit on the gas production by the P2G is shown in of this resource. Usually, the probability behavior of the wind speed is
Eq. 20. The capacity limits on the P2G’s tank are represented by (21) and determined based on the Weibull probability distribution function as
(22). given in Eq. 23. Based on the Weibull PDF, the wind speed is modeled for
t,s ⩽P
(19) each hour. More information can be found in [34]. The produced wind
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
speed is used to determine the hourly wind output by the wind turbine. probable scenarios should be chosen. To this end, the SCENRED in
Eq. 24 determines the power output of the wind turbine based on the strument is utilized to diminish the scenarios to 10 desired scenarios
wind speed. As represented in the objective function, the wind spillage is [38]. Figs. 4 and 5 show the wind and PV power output for 10 reduced
considered for some situations where the power output of the wind scenarios. The expected value of the scenarios is used to describe the
cannot be integrated [35]. In such times, wind spillage happens. This simulation results. All coding required is carried out in GAMS software
value cannot exceed the wind output as given by Eq. 25. solved by a CPLEX solver with 64 GB RAM, Intel Core i7/ Desktop
⎧ ( )β
⎪ personal computer.
⎪ ( )β− 1 − V
⎨β V α The energy price curve for electricity and gas markets is shown in
fv (V) = α × α e V⩾0 (23)
⎪ Fig. 6. It should be noted that the hydrogen price is fixed at 1.708
0 otherwise $/kWh. The operation cost for fuel-cell, P2G, and battery are 0.7, 0.3,
⎧ and 0.25 $/kW. Other input data can be found in [39].
⎪ 0 Vt,s < Vcut− in , Vt,s > Vcut− out
⎪ ( ) To reveal the effects of synergies between several carriers, hydrogen,
Vt,s − Vcut− in 3
Pwt,s (V) = Pw,r × gas, and power, the following cases are examined:
Vcut− in ⩽Vt,s ⩽Vrated (24)
⎪ Vr − Vcut− in
Pw,r Vrated ⩽Vt,s ⩽Vcut− out • Evaluating the integration of gas, power, and hydrogen networks,
considering P2G and battery-based vehicles (not FCEV).
Pw,sp w
t,s ⩽Pt,s (25)
• Studying synergies between hydrogen, power, and gas networks
under the coordinated operation of P2G and FCEV.
3.4. Solar power modeling
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
Fig. 10. The optimal operation of HSS, besides the hydrogen sold.
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
Table 2 compares the major results of two study cases obtained from
the simulations. According to Table 1, the synergies between hydrogen
and power networks in the P2G and FCEV presence as coupling points
(case 2) increase the profit up to 25.3% while resulting in the power
spillage reduction of up to 36.41%.
5. Conclusion
Table 2
Comparison between major results from case 1 and case 2.
Profit ($) Power spillage (kW) Power purchased (kW)
H. Chen et al. Energy Conversion and Management 246 (2021) 114670
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