Alimentarius: Codex Commission
Alimentarius: Codex Commission
Alimentarius: Codex Commission
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The Codex Committee on Fats and Oils held its Twelfth. Session in London
from 19 to 23 April 1982 under the Chairmanship of Ur P J Bunyan of the
United Kingdom. The Session was opened by Professor G A H Elton, Chief
Scientific Adviser (Food) and Chief Scientist (Fisheries and Food) at the
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, who welcomed participants on
behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom.
The session was attended by representatives of 34 countries and observers
from 12 countries and international organisations. The list of participants
including officers from FAO and WHO and the Committee Secretariat is
contained in Appendix I to this Report.
The Committee had before it dodument CX/10 82/2. It was reported that
at the 14th Session of the Commission, it had been announced that the
procedure for publication of acceptance and non-acceptance by governments of
Codex standards had been revised. The next up-dated edition of the summary
of acceptances would be available for the 15th Session of the Codex.
Aliaentarius Commission in July 1983. It would contain two new coluans to
denote countries not able to give formal acceptance to a Codex standard but
prepared to permit entry of products which conformed with the standard
either with or without specified deviations. It was also reported that the
Commission had eauhasized that nutritional aspects in individual standards
had not been neglected. The Commission had decided that the Codex Committee
on Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCFSDU) should have a coordinating
function on nutritional aspects in Codex work. It was, however, not
intended that CCFSDU should have full endorsement functions. The CCFSDU has
been requestPri to examine its revised terms of reference and to indicate its
proposed way of operating to the next session of the Commission.
(ALINORM 81/7 and ALINORM 81/39 paras 115 .-121 & 403).
The attention of the Committee was drawn to paragraphs 159 to 165 of the
Report of the 14th Session of the Commission (ALINORM 81/39). The
Coaraission had pdblished - a revised.Procedural Manual (Fifth Edition - 1981)
incorporating improved Procedures for the Elaboration of World-wide and
Regional Codex Standards. Steps 1, 2 •& 3 had been combined and CommOdity
Committees would be able to start work on new standards without the prior
permission of the Commission although this would have to be obtained at its
next session. Standards Nmuld e be adopted at Step 8 and in future pdblished
as Codex standards together with notifications of.acceptanees or otherwise.
These publications will constitute the Codex Aliaentarius. In addition,
governments could be asked more formally for ebrnments on draft standards at
Step 6 prior to submission to the Con-mission at Step 5 should the need arise
due to the timing of sessions. The delegation of Australia expressed full
agreement with the they related to world-wide standards but
re-iterated its concern regarding regiorial standards. In particular the
delegation of Australia Objected to Steps 5 arid 8 of the Procedure for
Elaboration of Regional Standards which provided that 'only the majority of
the Members of the Region concerned attending the Session (of the
Commission) can decide to amend or adopt the draft". •
It was also reported that the Commission had approved the General
Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria
for Foods and these will be published as part of the Codex Alimentarius.
The Commission had adopted at Step 5 the Draft Standard for [Fat
Spreads/Spreadable Table Fats),(ALIN)RM 81/17, Appendix V) and advanced it
to Step 6 of the Procedure. The Ccaudssicn had also adopted the Standard
for Manarine at Step 8.
8, It was reported that the revision of the General Standard for
Prepackaged Foods and the elaboration of Guidelines for Nutrition Labelling
is being undertaken by the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CUM. The
delegation of the United States suggested that it would be appropriate for .
the Codex Committee on Fats and Oils to offer advice and guidance to CCFL on
the question of the nutrition labelling of fats and Oils with special
reference to the fatty acid content. It was agreed:that an ad hoc Working
Group should consider this aspect of the Draft Guidelines on Nutrition
Labelling and report to the Comaittee under the Agenda Item - Any Other
Business. The delegation of Egypt drew the attention of the Comaittee to
the importance of nutrition labelling. The delegations from the
Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Sweden
agreed to form the ad hoc Working Group. (See also discussion of the report
of the ad hoc Working Group at paras 87-91 below).
It VMS reported that the Commission had adopted the revised text of the
Guidelines on Date Marking for the Use of Codex Committees. The revised
text was as follows:
The "date of minimum durability" (preceded by the words
"best before") shall be declared by the day, month and year in uncoded
nunerical sequence except that for products with a shelf life of nore
than three months, the month and year will suffice. The month may be
indicated by letters in those countries where such use will not
confuse the consumar. In the case of products requiring a declaration
of nonth and year only, and the shelf life of the product is valid to
the end of a given year, the expression "end (stated year)" nay be
used as an alternative.
In addition to the date, any special conditions for the
storage of the food should be indicated if the validity of the date
depends thereon.
Where practicable, storage instructions should be in close
proximity to the date marking."
The Cournittee agreed that the revised wording should be incorporated into
all standards for fats and oils and requested that the Secretariat take the
appropriate action,
The Committee on Food Additives (CCEA) had commented at its 14th Session
(ALINORM 81/12 paras 19-20) that the decision taken by the Committee on Fats
and Oils to remove, from the General Standard for Fats and Oils Not Covered
by Individual Codex Standards, the specific provision for emulsifers seemed
"inappropriate". The Secretariat explained that the decision was logical
since emulsifers were not necessary for the production of fats or oils as
such and inclusion in the General Standard was, therefore, unnecessary.
Furthermore, provision for emulsifers had not been made in the standards for
individual oils.
After a general discussion of the proposal by the delegation of Belgium
to lower the maximum level for polyglycerol esters of interesterified
ricinoleic acid. in view of its low ADI, the Committee agreed to reduce the
maximum permitted level of this additive from 10 to 5 g/kg in the Standard
for Minarine and the Draft Standard for [Fat Spreads/Spreadable Table Fats].
A proposal by the delegation of Sweden to exclude this emulsifier from the
standard was not accepted. The Secretariat was requested to take
appropriate action concerning the Standard, for Minarine which had already
been adopted at Step 8.
The proposed Guidelines on Food Additives Provisions in Codex Standards
had been sent to Governments for comaent. The Secretariat had been
requested to redraft the guidelines in light of governuent comments which
had been received. The amended guidelines would be discussed by CCFA at its
next Session in March 1983. (See ALINORM 83/12,parari38-44).
13. In discussing matters of interest arising from the 13th Session of the
Codex Comadttee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) (ALINORM 81/23),
the observer from IUPAC reported that it was now the policy of IUPAC to
publish the results of collaborative studies when methods of analysis had
been approved. On the question of the review of methods of analysis in
standards and draft standards, CCMAS had noted the review undertaken by the
ad hoc Working Group of this Committee but had asked for further
information. The suggestion of the Chairman to establish another ad hoc
Working Group during the Session was agreed and the Group would comprise
members from the delegations Of Malaysia, the United Kingdom, United States
plus representatives from IUPAC, ISO and FOSFA. The agenda for the Working
Group was agreed as follows:
15. The Committee had before it working paper CX/e.) 82/13 which gave
goverment comments on the amendment to the scope section of Codex standards
for individual edible fats and oils proposed by the delegation of the Unitei
States. The Chairman reminded the Committee that at the 11th Session there
had been general agreement that the GLC fatty acid ranges could also be
applied to crude oils but disagreement as to the method of incorporating
this specification into the standards. The delegation of the United States
explained that most of the oils traded on a world wide basis were crude or
only partially refined oils and that the proposed amendment would enhance
the usefulness of the Standards for Fats and Oils.
16. The FAO Secretariat in reply to a question by the delegation of the
Federal Republic of Germany confirmed that standards should cover materials
for further processing to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of
the Codex Alimentarius.
17. The observer from the International Association of Seed Crushers (IASC)
stated that his organisation did not wish the scope of the standards to be
extended to cover crude oils not edible as such because the present GLC
fatty acid ranges were unacceptably wide. The delegation of the
United States in reply stated that, as reported at the 9th Session, the GLC
fatty acid ranges had been tested and found to be sufficiently precise to
identify correctly 269 out of 275 samples of crude oils. The observer of
the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association (FOSFA) supported the
statement of the observer from the IASC that several fatty acid ranges were
wider than normally experienced in commercial oils and quoted as an example
the linolenic acid content of arachis oil seldom exceeded 0.5% whereas the
Codex range allowed up to 1%. The delegation of France supported this
statement. The delegation of the United States pointed out that the GLC
fatty acid ranges did not exclude the use of other identity criteria.
The Chairman noted that in certain cases the range given for a
particular fatty acid may require revision. However, this was not relevant
to the particular principle under discussion and could be raised under the
item concerning the future of work for the Committee. (See para 58)
The delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany, supported by the
delegation of Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal.
Spain, and the United Kingdom, suggested that a note should be included in
the standards which stated that the GLC fatty acid ranges may apply to crude
oils. These delegations also opposed any changes to the scope section of
the standards concerned. The delegation of India pointed out that some
straight processed oils were consumed directly and that the proposal by the
delegation of the United States was acceptable.
The FAO Secretariat, noting that an amendment to the scope section was
unacceptable to many delegations, suggested that a separate section to cover
raw materials could be added to the standards. The following wording was
"Raw Materials..,...oil used as a raw material for the manufacture of
edible oil shall comply with the GLC ranges of fatty acid composition
as specified in section 3.. ."
The delegation of the United States emphasised its concern that the GLC
fatty acid ranges should be applied to all crude oils and expressed some
reservations about introducing a new section into the existing standards.
An alternative solution, proposed by the delegation of Spain, was that the
standards could be applicable to crude oils only after the oils had been
refined by a standard procedure eg. the American Oil Chemists Procedure.
Following further discussion, the Committee agreed that a new section
on raw materials should be included in all standards for individual edible
oils and that the wording should be as above except that the word "shall"
would be placed in square brackets. The amendment was advanced to Step 5 of
the Codex Procedure.
During the above discussion, the FAO Secretariat had stated that the
standards adopted at the 13th Session of the Codex Alinentarius Commission
contained GLC fatty acid ranges as part of the section for the identity
characteristics. The section when published would contain the following
"Non-mandatory, however if examined, the GLC ranges of the fatty acid
composition (%) shall comply with these values."
This statement gave rise to a discussion as to whether the GLC fatty
acids ranges were mandatory or non-mandatory. The delegation of Belgium
recalled that the GLC fatty acids ranges had originally been intended as
guidelines and would not wish them to become mandatory. In contrast, the
delegation of the United States expressed the view that the Committee had
agreed on the mandatory nature of fatty acids ranges and quoted the Report
of the 10th Session of the Committee to support this. The Chairman observed
that the report of the 13th Session of the Ccamission appeared to contradict
this view.
'The delegation of the United Kingdom explained that the original
reservations on the acceptability of fatty acid ranges were based on the
concern that they might not have been compatibleUdth the traditional
identity 'characteristics ej. Iodine Valdé etc. However this concern had
been shown to have nd foundation in a paper presented to the llth Session of
the:Committee. The Committee bad therefore reaffirmed that GLQ ranges were
mandatory but had also agreed that other non-mandatory criteria could be
used if necessary to check that a sample is in compliance with the
description given to the product. In an answer to a question from the
delegation of Norway, the delegation of France suggested that the sterol.
ranges wodld be an exaMple of a non-Mandatory criterion.,
The delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany agreed that the
explanation given by the delegation of the United Kingdom was correct and
that GLC fatty acid ranges were mandatory. The delegation of the
Netherlands supported by the delegations of Argentina and Belgium opposed
the introduction of mandatory GLC fatty. acid ranges.
The Committee considered the working paper CX/FD 82/3 and Conference
Room Document No. 1. The FAD Secretariat reported that CCFA had considered
the technological justification for thickening agents in minarine.
Subsequently, it had endorsed these provisions with two exceptions.
Firstly, tragacanth gum had not been toxicologically cleared by JECFA and
thus was not an acceptable additive and should be deleted from the list of
thickening agents until information had been provided to establish an ADI.
Secondly, the maximum usage level of xanthan gam should be reconsidered in
view of its low7ADI. The Committee agreed that the maximum level 'of use for
xanthan gam could be reduced to 5 g/kg. This reduced usage level would be
submitted to CCFA for their endorsement and the Secretariat was requested to
take appropriate action concerning the Standard for Minarine.
The Committee had before it the above draft standard (ALINORM 81/17,
Appendix V) and comments received thereon in working paper CC/FO 82/4 and
Conference Room Documents 2 and 7. The Standard for Mdnarine had been
adopted by the Comdission since the llth Session of the Committee and
although doubts had been expressed at the Commission about the need for a
Standard for [Fat Spreads/Spreadable Table Fats] it had, nevertheless,
advanced it to Step 6 of the Procedure. (ALINORM 81/39, paras 341-343).
The delegation of Belgium expressed the view that since there was no
international market for products in this category, no Codex standard was
necessary. For this reason the Committee should not take further action to
elaborate a standard. This general view' was supported by the delegations of •
Secretariat who would make the necessary arrangements for its presentation
to CCFA. This was necessary because CCFA had postponed endorsement of this
additive as it required more data on its technological function. The
delegation of the United Kingdom expressed doubts for the need for its
inclusion in the Standard and the delegations of Italy, France and Portugal
pointed out that the use of EDTA was not permitted in their countries.
A request from the delegation of Egypt to add nickel to the list of
contaminants at the level of 0.5 mg/kg was deferred until the discussion of
Processing Aids. A proposal by the delegation of India, supported by the
delegation of the United States, to reduce the maximum level for copper to
0.05 Ng/kg was then considered and led to a general discussion of levels of
contaminants. The delegation of Malaysia suggested that it was dangerous to
set low limits because sophisticated analytical equipment which had to be
used to detect contaminants at very low levels was not universally
available. The delegation of Brazil supported the retention of existing
levels and the delegation of Spain agreed that it would be imprudent to set
the levels at a point too low to allow for verification. The Committee '
agreed not to make any changes to this section and to the present levels
given in the draft standard.
The delegation of the United States proposed that the scope of
paragraph 8.1.1., Name of the Food, should be extended to allow the terms
Fat Spread/Spreadable Table Fat to be replaced by other designations
provided that they did not mislead the consumer. The delegations of the
Netherlands and the United Kingdom, supported by the delegations of Belgium,
Switzerland and Sweden disagreed with this proposal and considered that
while provision might. be made for alternative names, the terms Fat
Spread/Spreadable Table Fat should always be required to appear on the
label. In the course of further discussion it appeared that some other
delegations supported the original proposal by the delegation of the
United States. HGwever, it was eventually agreed to extend the labelling
requirements of the Standard by inserting after "/Spreadable Table Fat" the
phrase "and in addition thereto any other designation may be used provided
that it does not mislead or deceive the consnNer in the country in which the
product is sold. All products so designated shall conform to this
A proposal to delete section 8.7.3 was agreed on the grounds that a
percentage declaration of fat content would give consumers adequate
information on which to base their purchases. The delegation of the
Netherlands indicated that although they did not oppose the deletion of
8.7.3 they would prefer thatonlyproducts with a fat content below the level of
35% should be allowed to be designated "low fat". It was recognised that
section 9 - Methods of Analysis and Sampling may need to be revised after
discussion of the report of the ad hoc Working Group on Methods of Analysis
and Sampling.
The Committee decided to advance the revised Draft Standard for
Fat Spreads/Spreadable Table Fats as contained in.Appendix III to Step 8 of
• the Procedure.
The Chairman pointed out that these were two diverging interests. Tht .
observer from the IDF had made it clear.that the use of the word "ghcc" was
not acceptable. Ghee was a dairy product and • furthermore the use of the
description "imitation ghee" was deprecated by that organisation. The
delegation of India also stated that it was opposed to the use of the term
"vegetable ghee" and proposed the term "vanaspati". On the other hand a
large international trade already existed in the product known as vegetable
ghee, particularly from the Netherlands. A further consideration was that
the product was available in many countries under a synonym eq. "samna
substitute" in Egypt. In the ensuing discussion various permutations of a
title for the standards were suggested and eventually the Chairman suggested
that the Committee should consider a compromise solution, recognising that
the elaboration of two separate standards appeared inevitable. Whilst
accepting that unanimous agreement was unlikely so far as the title of the
Standards was concerned he proposed that two standards should be elaborated
entitled vanaspati/vegetable fat mixture and mixed vanaspati/substitute ghee
and that to avoid further delay these titles should be retained in square
brackets. In reaching this conclusion he was aware of the divergence of
interests and accepted that further debate would be necessary. This
suggestion received a mixed reception but the Committee agreed that it
appeared to be a way that progress on the standards was possible.
Discussion then moved to consideration of the detailed requirements of
the Standard for [Vanaspati/Vegetable Fat Mixture]. The delegation of Egypt
suggested that under section 3.3.4 the acid value should be reduced to 0.4
ag KOH/g. The delegation of India then suggested a figure of 0.5 mg KOH/g
but the Chairman pointed out that the overriding requirement was for not
more than 0.6 mg KOH/g and suggested that this requireuent be left in square
brackets for further consideration. This was agreed.
Discussion then centred on item 3.3.6 - the requirement for a Slip
Point to be between 36-41°C . The delegation of Malaysia stressed the
importance of the slip point being considered against the background of the
product being used in a variety of countries which were subject to a wide
divergence of temperatures and that it was vital that this factor be
reflected in any range of temperatures to be applied under this requirement.
It was agreed that this provision should be referred back to governments for
comment on the proposed range and to the suggestion by the delegation of the
Netherlands that the specified nethod for determination should be
BS 684/1.3/1976.
The Committee then considered the Draft Standard for [Mixed Animal and
Vegetable Ghee] (ALINORM 81/17, Appendix VII). As reported in paragraph 44
it was agreed to amend the title of the Standard to Mixed
Vanaspati/Substitute Ghee but to leave this in square brackets for further
consideration by governments. The delegation of Norway requested that it
should be made clear that the standard related to fats of marine as well as
animal origin. The Committee agreed that this was so and asked the
Secretariat to amend the Standard accordingly. The product definition was
amended to "[Mixed Vanaspati/Substitute Ghee] is a send-solid product which
consists of edible animal and/or marine oils and fats with or without the
addition of vegetable oils or fats". On a point of clarification the
heading of section 3.1.1 was amended to "Edible Fats and/or Oils" and the
first sentence reworded to read "Edible fats and/or oils as defined in
Section 2.2.1, whether or not
Section 3.3.3 on texture, was amended in line with the Draft Standard
for [Vanaspati/Vegetable Fat Mixture] to "Ranges from granular solid fat
crystals dispersed in an oil phase to a smooth finely crystalline texture".
Section 3.3.4 relating to acid value was left in square brackets for further
consideration although the delegations of India and Egypt suggested levels
of 0.5 and 0.4 mg KOH/4 respectively. The value given for slip point in
Section 3.3.6 was left in square brackets for further consideration and
section 3.4 concerning identity characteristics was deleted.
In section 4 on food additives, the title was amended to "Food
Additives - to be endorsed by CCFA". In section 4.3 on antioxidants ,
[4-Hydroxymethy1-2, 6-diterbutylphenol] was deleted and TBHQ was added at a
level of 100 mg/kg of the fat content. The antioxidant synergist
monoglyceride citrate was added to the standard. Section 4.6 on
crystallisation inhibitor N':as deleted from -U.K.= standard. In the packaging
provisions (section 7) the words "in a rigid container" were removed and the
date marking provisions in sections 8.7.1 and 8.7.2 reworded to agree with
the decisions taken earlier by the Committee (see para 9).
The Committee agreed to advance both the revised Draft Standards for
[Vanaspati/Vegetable Fat Mixture] and [Mixed Vanaspati/Substitute Ghee], as
contained respectively at Appendices IV and V of this Report, to Step 5.
EDIBLE RAPESEED OIL. (CAC/PS 24-1969) at Step 4.
possibility. The GLC fatty acid ranges were discussed in detail and amended
where necessary.
The Committee had before it working paper CX/F0 82/7 which gave details
of two amendments concerning beta-sitosterol and Saturated fatty acids at
position 2. The observer from the International Olive Oil Council (I00C),
at the invitation of the Chairman, explained that the level of
beta-sitosterol in olive oil had been shown by nurerous analyses to exceed
93% of the sum of beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. The
delegation of Italy proposed that a limit for canpesterol of 4% should also
be included in the Standard. This proposal was not supported by the
delegations of Spain and Portugal as they had certain reservations which
required to be considered in greater depth. The Chairman also pointed out
that the IOOC had not nade such a proposal. The delegation of France
questioned the need for the amendnent to specify SE30 as the only packing
material to be used in the GLC column. The delegation of Spain stated that
it was necessary to specify the packing material since other materials may
give different results. The Committee agreed to the anendment.
The Committee then proceeded to consider the amendnent concerning
saturated fatty acids at position 2 which was agreed following the
explanation of its need by the observer from the I00C.
The Committee agreed to combine both amendments and that the combined
amendnent should be advanced to Step 5 of the Proceddre. The Committee also
agreed to reconmend to the Commission that Steps 6 and 7 of the Procedure be
omitted as the content of the amendments was uncontroversial and had been
supported by the IO0C. The amendment is at Appendix VII to this Report.
- 14 -
62. The Committee considered working paper CX/FD 82/8 and Conference Room
Documents numbers 4 and 8. The Chairman reminded the Committee that it had
previously agreed that the list of processing aids contained in ALINORM
81/17, Appendix IX, was an open list and purely advisory. The Committee was
also reminded that the Commission had agreed that processing aids did not
need to be declared on packaging labels. The FM Secretariat reported that
the CCFA at its 15th Session had prepared an extensive inventory of
processing aids which included those listed by this Committee. The revised
inventory was to be sent to governnents for their comments with a specific
request for information on residue levels and methods of analysis for
residues. This would enable the CCFA to identify those processing aids
which leave unacceptably high residues and which might require toxicological
examination by JECFA. The FAO Secretariat also stated that JECFA at its
25th Session had asked bodies such as Codex to provide information on
solvent residues and on the impurities present in extraction solvents
together with information on residues resulting from the presence of these
impurities. The delegation of the United States observed that the CCFO.had
already provided data on the levels of solvent residues. During further
discussion, it was pointed out that the residual levels of some processing
aids Vexe high enough to be capable of performing a technological function
and could be considered to be food additives.
63 . The Chairman suggested that, in the light of the above counents, the
Committee should take no further action other than add those additional
processing aids contained in government comments. The delegation of Belgium
supported by the delegation of France, noted that JEFA had recommended that
2-nitropropane should not be used in the preparation of food. The Chairman
reminded the Committee that all processing aids reported to be used by
countries were to be included in the inventory. Further, it should be noted
that not all the aids were acceptable to all countries on either
technological or toxicological grounds. The Committee accepted this
statement but agreed that the views of JECFA concerning individual
processing aids should when available be included in the inventory.
The delegation of Argentina explained to the Committee its legislation
concerning processing aids and suggested a number of changes to the
inventory. The delegation of the United Kingdom stated that the inventory
should also contain processing aids used in the manufacture of composite
products such as margarine and that the title of the inventory should be
amended accordingly. This was agreed to by the Committee.
The representative of the WED asked that toxicological evidence on the
safety in use of trichlorethylene and stabilisers used therein should be
sent to JEFA following the request from the delegations of Italy and Spain
to include this processing aid in the inventory. The Comnittee also agreed
that bactericidal detergents should be included in the inventory.
The Committee had before it working paper CX/FO 82/9 and Ccinference
Room Document No. 5. In introducing the subject the Chairman said that
although it had been generally agreed that mandatory provisions relating to
sterol ranges were desirable, there was generally insufficient evidence
available at present on which to base these provisions. Despite the fact
that research was being undertaken, it was unlikely that sufficient data
would be available on which to reach sound conclusions in the near future.
The delegation of Italy reported that the results obtained using SE30
for rapeseed oil (both of high and low erucic acid types) and olive oil were
reliable and could be put to practical use. The Committee recognised that
further research was .necessary into the variations of sterol composition
relative to the source of the oil and also the extent of the influence
which processing had on relative and absolute levels of sterols.
In response to a suggestion that it might be prudent to remove this
item from the Agenda and reinstate it when necessary, the representative of
IUPAC observed that he was optimistic that a common method of analysis would
be agreed as the choice of colt= packing influenced the results. He
considered that it was advisable to retain the item. This was agreed and
the Chairman suggested that the Report should record that those bodies which
were capable of taking action to develop comparable methods of analysis
should be encouraged whenever possible to do so.
The Committee 1.1 .d before it working paper CX/FD 82/10. The ad hoc
Working Group set up by the Committee had examined this paper and also the
other papers referred to in its agenda (see para. 13). The Chairman of the
ad hoc Working Croup presented the main conclusions of the Working Group to
the Committee. The full report of the ad hoc Working Group is at
Appendix DC to this Report.
The ad hoc Working Group considered the applicability of the general
methods of analysis for the determination of metallic contaminants proposed
by CCNAS The general methods proposed for the analysis of lead and copper
were considered unacceptable for their determination in fats and oils and
dry ashing procedures were suggested instead. The ad hoc Working Group
reconsidered the current methods of analysis specified in Codex standards
for fats and oils, particularly in response to the request of CCNAS on the
basis of revised General Principles for the EstablishRent of Codex Methods
of Analysis and Sampling (ALINORM 81/23, para 41-45). The updated
references to the methods of analysis for fats and oils and their
classifications are included in the Report of the ad hoc Working Group.
The ad hoc Working Group felt unable to comment in detail on the paper
on Sampling Plans for Determination of Contaminants (CX/FA 82/8) referred to
the Conmittee by ccoN, since it had only been available as a Conference Room
Document. The ad hoc Working Group however, considered the paper important,
listed some comments in the report and agreed to correspond by post. It was
noted that the ISO Draft International Standard (ISO/DIS 5555) Animal and
Vegetable Fats and Oils - Sampling, which has been circulated for comments
could be used after its finalisation as a sampling plan for fats and oils..
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73. As regards the analysis of food additives in fats and oils, the Working
Group recognized that it is the responsibility of CCFA to consider methods
of analysis for determination of food additives in foods. The Working Group
felt that the method for determination of slip point which ISO is
collaboratively testing should be suitable for inclusion in the Draft
Standards for [Vanaspati/Mixed Vegetable Fat ] and [Mixed
Vanaspati/Substitute Ghee].
74. The Committee accepted the report of the ad hoc Working Group and
proposed that i) the new procedures based on dry ashing for estimation of
copper and lead in fats and oils and ii) the updated references of the
methods of analysis for fats and oils along with their classification should
be included into the existing Codex standards for fats and oils, after
endorsement by CCMNS. The Secretariat was requested to take appropriate
action with regard to standards at Step 9 of the Procedure.
a) Determination of Erythrodiol Content of Grapeseed Oil
75. The Committee considered working paper CC/FO 82/11. The Chairman
reviewed the background to this item and reported that IUPAC was evaluating
a method of analysis for the determination of the erythrodiol content of
grapeseed oil which was being collaboratively tested. He then asked for
comments from IUPAC. The observer from IUPAC reported that the IUPAC
Working Party had made some progress in developing a method of analysis and
that promising results had been obtained although it was recognised that
further work was needbd before it could be confidently employed to detect a
level of erythrodiol content of not less than 2% m/m of the total sterol
content as required by the Standard for Edible Grapesead Oil. The delegate
of Spain (Chairmen of the IUPAC Working Party) confirmed this statement and
went on to inform the Committee that studies were continuing at several
laboratories and again the results were promising. The results of the
collaborative analyses carried out last year seem to indicate the greater
reproducibility of expressing the erythrodiol content in absolute terms
although it is however premature to draw any firm conclusions. IUPAC
proposed to wait for completion of these studies before deciding details of
the most suitable method. The Chairman recorded that a new method was well
under way to development but that it may be necessary at a future Session to
amend the standard to express the erythrodiol content in relation to the
beta sitosterol content.
b) Determination of the Clarity of Sunflower Seed Oil
76. The Chairman pointed out that the delegation of Yugoslavia had raised
the need for a method of analysis to determine the clarity of sunflower seed
oil on two previous occasions and invited conments. The delegation of
Yugoslavia stated that a method of analysis had been published by IASC and
that this was acceptable. The representative of the IASC confirmed that
clarity had been a Problem with sunflower seed oil and that a new method of
analysis wasto be published shortly in the Journal of American Oil Chemists
- 17 -
The Committee had before it a list of proposed items for inclusion into
a Ccapendium of Codex Standards for Fats and Oils (ALINORM 81/17 Appendix
XI) and comments thereon in CX/FD 82/12. The CoMmittee recalled that at its
10th Session it had been informed that such a Compendium would be published
which could contain in addition to the standards themselves a number of' the
decisions of the Committee and principles relative to the actual standards.
At its llth Session, the Committee had discussed a possible format for such
a Compendium. However, it. had been decided that governments should be
requested to examine the list of items and submit their comments.
Written comments received were in favour of the Compendium. However
the Federal Republic of Germany proposed deletion of the reference to
processing and the Netherlands wished to exclude the chapter on the
nutritional value of fats and oils. The FAO Secretariat inforned the •
Committee that the conpendium would now form part of the Codex Aliuentarius
and that it was intended to issue a volume on Codex Standards for Fats and
Oils in a few months time. A large number of general iteus contained in the
list in ALINORM 81/17, Appendix XI would be covered by the Volune of the
Codex- Alimentarius on General Matters.
Explanatory Notes on certain other matters and on those which were
specific for fats and oils would be part of the Codex Volune on Fats and
Oils. Since it had been decided earlier during the session to include GW
ranges into the Standards themselves, no additional tabulation of these
values was necessary (see para 27 above).
80.. The Chairman expressed the Conmittee's satisfaction with the above
arrangements and pointed out that a decision had still to be taken on in the
inclusion of matters relating to processing aids and to the nutritional
value of fats and oils. Several delegations expressed their view that the
Committee should not attempt to give advice on the nutritional value of fats
and oils since the necessary expertise was not available in this Committee.
It was noted that the inventory of processing aids would be referred to COFA
for incorporation in an inventory of processing aids for all foodstuffs.
The Committee agreed that the two items on processing and on nutritional
value of fats and oils should not be included in the Codex Standards for
fats and oils. The delegation of Egypt stated that it was in favour of the
inclusion of a section on nutritional matters. It was also proposed to
include a bibliographic reference to Food and Nutrition Paper No 3 (Report
of the FAD/WHO Expert Consultation on the Dietary Fats in Human Nutrition.)
The Committee did not agree to this proposal.
The Committee was informed that, following future sessions of the '
Conmissionv anendments, new standards and other documents would be published
as supplements to the Codex Alimentarius.
The Committee had before it working paper CX/FD 82/14. The Chairman
observed that several of the work items listed had been completed as a
' result of decisions made during the present session. The Secretariat
presented to the Conmittee a list of items which would remain to be
considered at the next session of the Committee.
- 18 -
Lambertsen MS. E. Siikanen
Directorate of Fisheries' The National Food Administration
Bergen, Norway Box 622
S-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden,
J. Race
Norwegian Codex Alimentar jus J. S. Ragnar Ohlson
Committee Karlshamns oljefabriker AB
PO Box 8139 Dep. S-292 00 Karlshamn, Sweden
Oslo 1, Norway
L. Reio
T. Grimsvang The National Food Administration
A/S Denofa Og Lilleborg Fabriker PO Box 622
PD Box 40 S-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden
1601-Fredrikstad, Norway
Ms. E.G. Johansson
Simonsen Aria
Ministry of Agriculture S-105 46 Stockholm, Sweden
Oslo DEP,
Oslo, Norway O.L. Levin
Margarinbolaget AB
PORTUGAL Box 30025
S-104 25 Stockholm, Sweden
.Helder M. P. de L. Duarte Costa
Instituto de A2eite e Productos R. Marcuse
Oleaginosos Scandinavian Foram for Lipid
Av. Sidonio País, 10-1- Research and Technology
1098 Lisbon, Portugal c/o SIX, Box 5401
S-402 29 Gateborg, Sweden
MS E Silva
Instituto de Qualidade Alimentar SWITZERLAND
Rua Sociedade SUISSE
Farmacéutica-39 SUIZA
Portugal P. Rossier
HPaa of Codex Section
SPAIN Federal Office of Public Health
ESPAGNE Haslerstrasse 16
ESPANA CH-3008 Berne, Switzerland
Dr. J. Gracian Tous, H. Tinner
Instituto de la Grasa y sus Sais
Derivados Horn, Tg
Av da. Padte García Tejero 4 Switzerland
Seville (12)
Ministerio Agricultura
Pesca y Alimentacion
• P. Infanta Isabel No A
Madrid, Spain
C.P. Greyling
Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries
Private Bag X258
Pretoria 0001
Rep. South Africa
- 29 -
(at Step 5 of the Codex Procedure)
Amendment 1. The following to be included in Section 3 of all Codex
Standards for individual fats and oils.
"Raw Materials
Oils used as a raw material for the manufacture shall comply with the
GLC fatty acid ranges as specified in Section 3."
Amendment 2. The following footnote to be added to Section 3 'Identity
Characteristics' of all Codex Standards for individual fats and oils.
"Supplementary non-mandatory criteria may be employed if it is considered
necessary to ensure that a sample is in compliance with the description
given to the product."
Amendment 3. The GLC ranges of fatty acid composition (%) as contained in
ALINORM 79/17, Appendix XI, to be added to Codex Standards in Section 3
"Identity Characteristics".
Secretariat Notes.
The Committee agreed to recommend to the Codex Alimentarius Commission
that Steps 6 and 7 of the Procedure should be omitted for Amendment 3
(see AL1NORM 83/17 para 27. Amendment 3 would apply to the Codex Standards
for Edible Soya Bean Oil, Arachis Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Sunflower Oil,
Rapeseed Oil, Maize Oil, Sesameseed Oil, Safflower Seed Oil, Lard, Rendered
Pork Fat, Premier Jus, Edible Tallow and Mustard Seed Oil.
The Committee on Fats and Oils is considering amendments to the Codex
Standard for Edible Rapeseed Oil which include the GLC ranges of fatty ac!d
composition. (See ALINORM 83/17 para 55-57 and Appendix VI).
• - 30 -
3.3.1 Vitamins; Vitamin A and its esters
Vitamin D
Vitamin E and its esters
Other Vitamins
Maximum and minimum levels for Vitamins A, D and E and other Vitamins
should be laid down by national legislation in accordance with the
needs of each individual country including, where appropriate, the
prohibition of the use of particular vitamins.
3.3.2 Sodium chloride.
3.3.3 Suitable edible proteins.
3.3.4 Gelatine.
3.3.5 Natural starches.
4.1 Colours Maximum level
4.1.1 Beta-carotene 25 rrg/kg
4.1.2 Annatto extracts* 20 mg/kg
(calculated as
total bixin or
4.1.3 Turmeric or curcumin* 5 mg/kg
(calculated as
total curcumin)
4.2 Flavours*
4.2.1 Natural flavours and flavouring substances and 1
nature-identical flavouring substances as defined for
the purpose of the Codex Alimentarius (see Codex }
Guide to the Safe Use of Food Additives,
(CAC/PAL 5-1979)). ) Limited by GMP
Artificial flavouring substances as defined for )
the purpose of the Codex Alimentarius and included in )
List A (see Codex Guide to the Safe Use of Food }
Additives, (CAC/PAL 5-1979)). }
4.3 Emulsifiers
4.3.1 Lecithins Limited by GMP
4.3.2 Mono' and diglycerides of fatty acids Limited by GMP
4. 3.3 Polyglycerol esters of interesterified 5 g/kg
ricinoleic acid
4.3.4 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids )
4.3.5 Esters of fatty acids with polyalcohols )
other than glycerol:
1 10 g/kg
Sorbitan nonopalmitate ) individually or
Sorbitan monostearate ) in combination
Sorbitan tristearate
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorb itan monopalmitate
. )
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorb itan monostearate
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate
Polyoxyethylene (20) •sorbitan monooleate )
4.4 Thickening Agents
4.4.1 Pectin (non'amidated)
4.4.2 Pectin (amidated)
4.4.3 Agar
4.4.4 Carrageenan
4.4.5 Guar gam
4.4.6 Carob bean gam }
4.4.7 Cellulose, methyl } 10 g/kg
4.4.8 Cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl I or in
} combination
4.4.9 Alginate, ammonium
4.4.10 Alginate, calcium
4.4.11 Alginate, potassium
4.4.12 Alginate, sodium
4.4.13 Alginate, propylene glycol
4.4.14 Xanthan gum 5 g/kg
1/ TO be endorsed.
4.5 Preservatives
4.5.1 Sorbic acid and its sodium, 2000 Ng/kg
potassium and calcium salts
4.5.2 Benzoic acid and its sodium and
potassium salts 1000 rig/kg
4.5.3 If used . in cotbination, the
cotbined use shall not exceed
2000 mg/kg of which the benzoic
acid portion shall not exceed
1000 mg/kg
4.6 Antioxidants
4.6.1 Propyl, octyl, and dodecyl gallates* )
) 100 mg/kg of the
4.6.2 Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)* ) fat content
) individually or
4.6.3 Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)* 1 in combination
4.6.4 Tertiary butyl hydroguinone (TBBQ)* )
4.6.5 Ascorbyl paImitate/stearate 500 mg/kg of the
fat content
4.6.6 If-ascorbic acid 300 mg/kg of the
fat content
4.6.7 Natural and synthetic tocopherols Limited by GMP
4.7 Antioxidant Synergist
Calcium disodium salt of EDTA** 100 rig/kg
4.8 pH Correcting Agents
4.8.1 Lactic acid ) and their calcium, )
) potassium and )
4.8.2 Citric acid ) sodium salts )
4.8.3 Sodium hydrogen carbonate )
) Limited by GMP
4.8.4 Sodium carbonate )
4.8.5 Sodium hydroxide )
4.8.6 Sodium nonophosphates (orthophosphates) )
Temporarily endorsed
Endorsement postponed pending more information on its technological
function (ALINORM 83/12, para. 111).
5.1 Iron (Fe) 1.5 mg/kg
5.2 Copper (Cu) 0.1 mg/kg
5.3 Lead (Pb) 0.1 mg/kg
5.4 Arsenic (As) 0.1 mg/kg
It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this
standard be prepared in accordance with the appropriate sections of the
General Principles of Food Hygiene recommended by the Codex Alimentarius
Commission (Ref. No. CAC/RCP 1-1969 Rev. 1) and the Recommended
International Code of Hygienic Practice for Processed Meat Products (Ref.
No. CAC/RCP 13-1976).
Fat Spreads/Spreadable Table Fats when sold by retail, shall be
pre-packaged and may be sold in a pack of any shape.
In addition to Sections 1, 2, 4 and 6 of the General Standard for
Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1 - 1981) the following specific
provisions apply.
8.1 Name of the Food
8.1.1 The product shall be designated "Fat Spreads/Spreadable Table
Fats" and in addition thereto any other designation may be used provided
that it does not mislead or deceive the consumer in the country where che
product is sold. All products so designated shall conform to this
8.1.2 The name of the product shall be closely followed by a dlaration of
the fat content.
8.2 List of Ingredients
A complete list of ingredients shall be declared an the label in
descending order of proportion in accordance with sub- ,,action 3.2(c) of the
General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged
("Systéne International" units) or avoirdupois or both systems as required
by the country in which the product is sold.
(To be developed).
This standard applies to any product described as
[Vanaspati/Vegetable fat mixture] (synonym: Samna substitute)
2.1 Product Definitions
2.1.1 [VanaspatiAlegetable fat mixture] is a semi-solid product which
consists of an edible vegetable fat or a blend of edible vegetable oils and
2.2 Other Definitions
2.2.1 Edible vegetable fats and oils means foodstuffs composed mainly of
glycerides of fatty acids. They may contain small amounts of other lipids
such as phosphatides and of unsaponifiable constituents and of free fatty
acids naturally present in fat or oil. They are obtained only from
vegetable sources and include fats and oils that have been subjected to
processes of modification including hydrogenation.
2.2.2 Pre-packaged means packed or made up in advance, ready for retail
sale in a container.
Maxinum Level
4.1.1 Beta-carotene Limited by GMP
4.1.2 Annatto extracts Limited
4.1.3 Curcumin or Tumeric Limited
4.1.4 Canthaxanthine Limited
4.1.5 Beta- aro -8'-carotenal Limited
4.1.6 Methyl and ethyl esters of beta-apo-8!-carotenoic
acid Not limited
4.2 Flavours •
Natural flavours and their identical synthetic equivalents, except
those which are known to represent a toxic hazard, and other synthetic
flavours approved by the Codex Alimentarius Commission are permitted for the
purpose of restoring natural flavour lost in processing or for the purpose
of standardizing flavour, as long as the added flavour does not deceive or
mislead the consumer by concealing damage or inferiority or by making the
product appear to be of greater than actual value.
- 39 -
4.3 Antioxidants
Maximum Level
4.3.1 Propyl, octyl, and dodecyl gallates 100 mg/kg
individually CT
in combination
4.3.2 Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) ) 200 Ng/kg
4.3.3 Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) ) individually or
4.3.4 Tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) ) in combination
4.3.5 Any combination of gallates with BHA or BHT, 200 ng/kg, but
and/or TBHQ gallates not to
exceed 100 mg/kg
4.3.6 Natural and synthetic tocopherols Not limited
4.3.7 Ascorbyl palmitate ) 500 mg/kg
4.3.8 Ascorbyl stearate ) individually or
) in combination
4.3.9 Dilauryl thiodipropionate 200 mg/kg
4.4 Antioxidant synergists
4.4.1 Citric acid and its sodium salt Not limited
4.4.2 Isopropyl citrate mixture ) 100 Ng/kg
4.4.3 Phosphoric acid ) individually or
4.4.4 Monoglyceride citrate ) in combination
4.5 Anti-foaming agent
Dimethyl polysiloxane (dimethyl silicone) 10 mg/kg
singly or in combination with silicone dioxide
It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this
standard be prepared in accordance with the appropriate sections of the
General Principles of Food Hygiene recommended by the Codex Alimentarius
Commission (Ref. No. CAC/RCP 1-1969 Rev. 1).
8.2.2 A specific name shall be used for ingredients except that class
titles may be used in accordance with sub-section 3.2(c)(i) and (ii) of the
Codex General Standard, for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods.
8.7 Date Marking and Storage Instructions
8.7.1 The "date of minimum durability" (preceded by the words "best
before") shall be declared by the day, month and year in uncoded numerical
sequence except that for products with a shelf life of more than three
months, the month and year will suffice. The month may be indicated by
letters in those countries where such use will 'not confuse the consumer. In
the case of products requiring a declaration of month and year only, and the
shelf life of the product is valid to the end of a given year, the
expression "end (stated year)" may be used as an alternative.
8.7.2 In addition to the date, any special conditions for the storage of
the food should be indicated if the validity of the date depends thereon.
8.7.3 Were practicable, storage instructions should be in close proximity
to the date marking.
8.8 Bulk Packs
(To be elaborated).
8.9 Labelling Prohibitions
8.9.1 No reference shall be made, other than in a complete list of
ingredients, to the presence of any vitamin in [vegetable ghee] unless the
name and the quantity of the vitamin is stated on the label.
3.2.1 Total Fat Content: Not less than 99.5 per cent m/m.
3.2.2 Fat derived from milk: If present, shall be not less than
10 per cent m/m.
- 43 -
3.3 Quality Characteristics
3.3.1 Colour: Creamy white to yellow.
3.3.2 Odour and Taste: Characteristic and free from foreign odour and
3.3.3 Texture: Ranges from granular solid fat crystals dispersed in an oil
phase to a smooth finely crystalline texture.
3.3.4 Acid Value: Not more than [0.8 mg KOH/g.]
3.3.5 Peroxide Value: Not more than 10 millieguivalents of peroxide
3.3.6 Slip Point: [Between 36-410C].
3.4 Additions
The following substances may be added to [Mixed Animal and Vegetable
3.4.1 Vitamins: Vitamin A and its esters
Vitamin D
Vitamin E and its esters
Other Vitamins
Maxim.= and minimum levels for Vitamin A, D and E and other Vitamins
should be laid down by national legislation in accordance with the needs of
each individual country including, where appropriate, the prohibition of the
use of particular Vitamins.
4.2 Flavours
Natural flavours and their identical synthetic equivalents, except
those which are known to represent a toxic hazard, and other synthetic
flavours approved by the Codex Alimentarius Commission are permitted for the
purpose of restoring natural flavour lost in processing or for the purpose
5.1 Matter volatile at 1050C 0.2% p/m
5.2 Insoluble impurities 0.05% m/m
5.3 Soap content 0.005% m/m
5.4 Iron (Fe) 1.5 mg/kg
5.5 Copper (Cu) 0.1 mg/kg
5.6 Lead (Pb) 0.1 Ng/kg
5.7 Arsenic (As) 0.1 mg/kg
It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this
standard be prepared in accordance with the appropriate sections of the
General Principles of Food Hygiene recommended by the Codex Alimentarius
Commission (Ref. No. CAC/RCP 1-1969 Rev 1.) and the Recommended
International Code of Hygienic Practice for Processed Meat Products (CAC/RCP
[Mixed Vanaspati/Substitute Ghee] when sold by retail shall be
prepackaged and may be sold in a pack of any shape.
In addition to Sections 1, 2, 4 and 6 of the General Standard for
Labelling of Prepacked Foods (Ref. No. CODEX STAN 1-1981), the following
specific provisions apply.
8.1 Name of the Food
The products shall be designated [Mixed Vanaspati/substitute ghee]
except that alternative designations may be used in accordance with the laws
and customs of the country in which the product is sold and in a manner so
as to not mislead the consuaer. All products so designated shall conform to
this standard.
8.2 List of Ingredients
8.2.1 A complete list of ingredients shall be declared in descending order
of proportion by weight together with a declaration of the minimum
percentage by weight of animal fat in the product. The percentage of fat
derived from milk may also be declared.
8.2.2 A specific name shall be used for ingredients except that class
titles may be used in accordance with sub-section 3.2(c)(i) and (ii) of the
Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods.
8.3 Net Contents
The net contents shall be declared by weight either in the metric
(Système International units) or avoirdupois or both systems as required by
the country in which the product is sold.
8.4 Name and Address
The name and address of the manufacturer, packer, distributor,
importer, exporter or vendor of the product shall be declared.
8.5 Country of Origin
8.5.1 The country of origin of the product shall be declared if its
omission would mislead or deceive the consumer.
8.5.2 When the product undergoes processing in a second country which
changes its nature, the country in which the processing is performed shall
be considered to be the country of origin for the purposes of labelling.
8.6 Lot Identification
. Each container shall be embossed or otherwise permanently marked in
code or in clear to identify the producing factory and the lot.
8.7 Date Marking and Storage Instructions
8.7.1 The "date of minimum durability" (preceded by the words "best
before") shall be declared by the day, month and year in uncoded numerical
sequence except that for products with a shelf life of more than three
months, the month and year will suffice. The month may be indicated by
letters in those countries where such use will not confuse the consumer. In
the case of products requiring a declaration of month and year only, and the
shelf life of the product is valid to the end of a given year, the
expression "end (stated year)" may be used as an alternative.
8.7.2 In addition to the date, any special conditions for the storage of
the food should be indicated if the validity of the date depends thereon.
8.7.3 Where practicable, storage instructions should be in close proximity
to the date marking.
8.8 Bulk Packs
(To be elaborated).
8.9 Labelling Prohibitions
8.9.1 No reference shall be made to the presence of milk fat or butter in
[Mixed Vanaspati/substitute ghee] except in a complete list of ingredients.
- 47 -
LASPILLTNG Beta-sitosterol
The saturated fatty acids at position 2 means the sum of the palmitic
(16:0) and stearic (18:0) acids expressed as a percentage (m/m) of the total
fatty acids at position 2.
8.20 Determination of beta-sitosterol
According to IUPAC (1979) method (IUPAC Standard Methods for the
Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives, 6th Edition (1979), 2.403). Only
SE30 packing material should be employed.
Additional Residual Level Origin of Data ADI Spec.
Information (rrg/kg)
(i) Hydrogenation
Inter or Trans-Esterfication
[Secretariat Note:
-- 1
• Additional Residual Level Origin of Data ADI Spec.
. Information (rrg/kg)
Nitrogen detectable Norway NE 13
<350 USA
Carbon Dioxide <1 USA NS 4
<1.0 nax Netherlands .
Hydrogen Not - -
detectable Norway
<1 USA
detectable UK
<1 USA 0-30
Tartaric for ' 5
Phosphoric Not Norway, UK 0-70
detectable USA (as P)
Hydrochloric <1 USA NS
Sulphuric <1 USA NE -
Oxalic <1 USA, Italy - -
Acetic <1 USA NS 7
Acetic anhydride - - - -
. .
Additional Residual Origin of Data ADI Spec.
Information Level
I. 2vriFoax.3 P.GENIS
Mr R D Ararasingham (Malaysia)
Dr Boon Keng Tan (Malaysia)
Mr M Pike (FOSFA/ISO) .
Mr W D Podklington (UK)
Mr D M Radcliffe-Genge (ISO)
Dr N Rao Maturu (FAO)
Dr 3* B Rossell (FDSFA)
Dr R J. Sirs (USA/ADCS)
Dr K A Williams (IUPAC/IASC)
Dr R Wood (UK) (Chairman)
The Working Group considered a number of items arising from the work of the
Codex Committee on Food Additives, the Report of the Twelfth Session of the
Codex. Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (ALINDAM 81/23) and the
on-going review of the methods of analysis included in the Codex. Fats and
Oils Standards. The following items were specifically discussed:
Methods of Analysis for Food Additives
The Working Group recognised that it is the responsibility of CCFA to
consider methods of analysis for the determination of food additives in
foods. However,. the Working Group considered that, in view of the
particular difficulties that are present in the determination of food
additives in fats and oils, CCFA should advise °CFO as and when methods for
food additives in theseproducts are being developed by that Committee.
CCFO should likewise keep CCFA informed of any progress being made in the
development of methods of analysis for food additives in oils and fats. In
this respect the development of the method for the identification and
determination of emulsifiers derived from fatty materials by the IUPAC
Coundssion on Oils, Fats and Derivatives was specifically mentioned.
Methods of Analysis for the Determination of Metallic Contaminants in
Fats and Oils
The Working Group considered whether the general methods of analysis for the
determination of metallic contaminants proposed by CCMAS were applicable to
the Fats and Oils Standards. The Working Group recognised the value of
using the general methods if at all possible and that modern instrumental
analytical methods were preferable to 'classical' procedures. The Working
Group suggested that: ,
2.1 Arsenic
The general method proposed by CCMAS was acceptable as the Type II reference
method for the Fats and Oils Standards (see method 18, Table 1). .
2.2 Lead
The general method proposed by CCMAS was considered to be unacceptable for
the determination of lead in oils and fats because of the wet digestion
- 63 - ' APPENDIX IX
The Working Group considered that the ADCS method (Ca 15-1976) could be
suitable for the determination of nickel in fats and oils and could
therefore be included in the Standards as a Type IV method if any limit for
nickel were to be prescribed.
3. Sampling
3.1 Availability of Sampling Plans for Fats and Oils
The Group noted that the Draft International Standard (IS )/DIS 5555) 'Animal
and Vegetable Fats and Oils - Sampling' had recently been circulated for
comment and that the existence of the document should be brought to the
notice of CCMAS as that Committee had requested information on all available
sampling plans for foodstuffs.
3.2 Sampling Plans for the Determination of Contaminants in Food (CX/FA
The Group was asked to consider the above document: however, because of
lack of time, the Working Group desired to make further comments on the
document after the present Session of CCFO. Comments that were made
The Working Group reviewd and classified the methods of analysis in the
Standards. These classifications are given in Table 1, together with the
changes in methods suggested by the Group. The Group commented that: .
1. • The IO0C request regarding methods 7, 9, 14, 24 and 28 to retain
separate procedures for Olive Oil was accepted but it was noted
that IO0C did not Object to a change in method 2.'
• 2. The Group did not accept the request from Portugal to include the
Hanus method for the determination of iodine value (method 5,
Table 1).
The Group recommended that the ICIPAC procedure for total fat be
substituted for the present method in the margarine standard.
The Group recommended that the IUPAC procedure for tocopherols be
substituted for the present method in the appropriate Standards.
The Working Group noted that ISO were developing and collaboratively testing
a method for the determination of slip-point; the method should be suitable
for inclusion in the Draft Standard for [Vanaspati/Mixed Vegetable Fats].
List of Revised Methods of Analysis for Codex Standards for Fats and Oils and
their Classification according to the CCVAS Schene
Standards in Codex
No. Method Title which cited Method Proposed Classification
List (Contd.)
Standards in Cod ex
No. Method Title which cited Method Proposed Classification
(CAC/RS) •
Standards in Codex
No. Method Title which cited ' Method Proposed Classificetion