8. The Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene had collaborated with the Division in
elaborating a Code on Post-Mortem Judgement of Slaughter Animals, which after consulta-
tion with WHO was published in the FAO Manual on Standards of Veterinary Services, Meat
Hygiene and Meat Inspection, Post-Mortem Judgement of Slaughter Animals and Establish-
ment of Specific Disease-Free Zones. This Code needs further elaboration to take account
of chemical residues in meat. A consultation is planned in 1977 by FAO/WHO to assist in
the amendment of the Code which will then serve as a first Draft Code to be considered
by the Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene.
9. An organizational plan for a meat inspection service, mainly aimed at assisting
developing countries, is being prepared, part of which will be published, probably as
a supplement to the Animal Health Yearbook.
10. Training is provided for veterinary auxiliaries, meat hygiene and meat inspection
staff, in various countries, including the establishment of standard curricula and
training centres and the organization of inter-regional training courses.
11. The effect of sanitary barriers on meat export and import received particular
consideration at the 15th Session of the FAO Conference. For implementation of the
decisions made by the Conference, a Working Group on non-tariff trade barriers was set
up in January 1971 with the main objective of studying possible ways of minimizing the
adverse effects of those sanitary barriers affecting meat trade which are connected
with animal health and meat hygiene regulations. This group was later incorporated into
the Interdivisional Working Group on Policy for Meat Development.
12. The publication of the interdivisional study, Non-tariff barriers to Inter-
national Meat Trade arising from Health requirements, which appeared in 1973, sets out
a summary of provisions contained in bilateral veterinary conventions, proposals for a
standard of veterinary services to be adopted in the framework of multilateral
conventions, and a summary of the present policies of European countries to prevent
the introduction of foot-and mouth disease.
13. The representative of the Fisheries Department of FAO referred to the successful
collaboration with the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products and the Codex
Committee on Food Hygiene, which had resulted in the elaboration of the Codes for Fresh
Fish and Canned Fish. In addition to the Draft Code of Practice for Frozen Fish which
would be considered at the present session, he informed the Committee that further Codes
of Practice for Fish Products were under elaboration; the most immediate were Codes for
Smoked Fish and for Shrimps and Prawns, Lobsters, salted fish, and later, Minced Fish
Products, Crabs - and Frozen Battered and Breaded Fish Products.
Codex Alimentarius Commission
14. The Committee noted that questions regarding its area of competence had been
considered by the Executive Committee at its 22nd Session (ALINORM 76/4).
15. The Committee had previously expressed the view (ALINORM 76/13A, paras 27-33)
that all codes of practice containing hygiene provisions except those for which specific
hygiene committees had been given complete responsibility should be referrred to it for
endorsement of such provisions. It was also of the opinion that it should provide the
direct link between Codex Commodity Committees and meetings of experts on microbiological
specifications. The Committee had in particular asked for the advice of the Executive
Committee on:
whether all hygiene provisions included in codes of practice being elaborated
by Codex Commodity Committees should be referred to it for endorsement; and
whether, in view of its increasing activity in the area of microbiological
specifications, it should be the body to advise on and ultimately to endorse micro-
biological specifications for food and associated methodology.
16. The Commission had noted that the Executive Committee was of the opinion that it
was clear, both from a previous decision of the Commission and the action of Codex
Commodity Committees themselves, that hygiene matters in codes of practice should be
referredto the • Food Hygiene Committee. Furthermore, it was clear that it was the
responsibility of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene to approve all provisions on food
hygiene in standards or codes of practice, including microbiological specifications and
associated methodology.
17. The Commission agreed with the recommendation of the Executive Committee
(ALINORM 76/4, para 25) that in order to remove any doubts concerning the rôle of the ,
Codex Committee on Food Hygiene, the Terms of Reference of the Food .Hygiene Committee .
be amended as follows (words underlined added): .
to draft basic provisions on food hygiene applicable to all foods;
(i) to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse provisions on hygiene
prepared by Codex Commodity Committees and contained in Códex Commodity
Standards, and
to consider, amend if .necessary, and endorse provisions on hygiene
re ared b Codex Commodi Committees and contained in Codex codes of
ractice unless in s ecific cases the Commission has decide otherwise
to draft provisions on hygiene in respect of a particular food commodity
within the terms of reference of a Codex Commodity Committee at the
request of that Committee;
to draft, where necessary, provisions• on hygiene in respect of any food not
assigned to any Codex Commodity Committee;
to consider specific hygiene problems assigned to it by the Commission.
Note: The term "hygiene" includes where necessary microbiological
specifications for foods and associated methodology.
Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Poultry Processing (ALINORM 76/13, Appendix II)
The Committee noted that the Commission, after agreeing to some minor textual
amendments, had adopted the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Poultry Processing at
Step 8 of the Procedure as a Recommended Code.
Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Egg Products (ALINORM 76/13, Appendix III)
The Committee noted that the Commission had adopted the Draft Code at Step 8
of the Procedure as a Recommended Code. It was pointed out that the Microbiological .
Specifications for Egg Products, which would later be considered by the Committee at
Step 4, formed part of the End Product Specifications of the Recommended Code.
Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fresh Fish (ALINORM 76/13A, Appendix II)
Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Canned Fish (ALINORM 76/13A, Appendix III)
The Committee noted that the Commission had concurred with the recommendation
of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene and the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery
Products and had adopted the two codes at Step 8 of the Procedure.
Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Molluscan Shellfish (ALINORM 76/13A, Appendix VI) . '
The Committee noted that although the Commission recognized that the code was
in an advanced state of preparation it nevertheless agreed with those delegations who
held the view that omission of Steps 6 and 7 could not be recommended and that the -
code should await consideration by the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products
and subsequent re-examination by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene. It therefore
advanced the code to Step 6 of the Procedure.
Codex Committee on Foods for Spéciii . biétaiy Uses (ALINORM 76/26A-9th Session)
The Committee noted that the Commodity Committee had differentiated in
different sections of various standards under elaboration between non-microbial
contaminants resulting from the production of the raw materials or from processing, .
and toxic substances arising from microbiological contamination. The Committee agreed
with this distinction.
The Committee endorsed the hygiene sections in the Standards for . Infant
Formula, Canned Baby Foods and Processed Cereal Based Foods for Infants and Children
(ALINORM 76/26A, Appendices II, III and IV).
Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products (ALINORM 76/18A, 10th Session)
The Committee discussed briefly the hygiene provisions in the Draft Standards
for Quick Frozen Fillets of Hake and for Quick Frozen Shrimps and Prawns. The
provisions were endorsed with the deletion of the word "toxic" in sub-section 5.3(c)
of the Hake Standard, in line with the relevant decision of the Committee at its 10th
Session (ALINORM 74/13, para 10).
It was'póinted out that the end product specifications of the Code of Practice
Por Frozen Fish differed Slightly from the endorsed provisions. It was agreed to
conside± harmonization , of texts when discussing the Code later during the session.
Codex.Committee on Edible Ices (ALINORM 76/11, 2nd Session)
The Committee nóted the request of the Commodity Committee to provide guidance
with respect to selectionof methods of microbiological examination of edible ices
(ALINORM 76/11 0 para 57) -. It was agreed to return to this matter when discussing
microbiological specifications for Egg Products, taking into account a summary of
governtent observations as compiled in document CX/EI 76/4 and distributed during the
session. —
Codex Committee on Fats and Oils (ALINORM 76/19, 8th Session)
The Committee endorsed the Hygiene sections of the Standards for Low Fat Spreads
and for Edible Low Erucic' Acid Rapeseed Oil (ALINORM 76/19, Appendices III and XIII).
Codex Committee on Sugars (ALINORM 76/27)
The Committee endorsed the Hygiene provisions of the Standard for Fructose
(ALINORM 76/27, Appendix II).
Coordinating Committee for Africa (ALINORM 76/28, 2nd Session)
29: The Committee noted the observations of the Coordinating Committee about the
usefulness of microbiological specifications for certain commodities traded extensively
in the Region. It concurred with these views and requested the Coordinating Committee
to make specific proposals which the Committee could consider at its next session.
30. The Committee considered the above mentioned proposed draft code as contained
in ALINORM 76/13A, Appendix VII, in the light of comments received from the Netherlands
(CX/FH 76/8).
Section II - Definitions
Safe MOistuie Level
3i. It was pointed out that for a constant water activity the moisture content of
ground nuts could vary according to the variety.
The.Committee agreed to delete the reference to total moisture. To avoid any
misinterpretation it was decided to state that the specified water activity was
applibable to Peanuts "in shell" or "shelled",
Section III - Raw Material Sanitation Requirements
In line with the decision taken to delete the reference to total moisture in the
definition for safe moisture level the reference to upper limit for moisture (7%) was
deleted in theprovision on Curing (III.A(1)).
The provision for "purchasing of farmers' stock" was amended slightly by deleting
an explanatory clause (III.D.(1)).
The Committee agreed to expand the provision regarding the cleanliness of ware-
houses and bins for storage in bulk of peanuts by specifying that not only static but
alsb extraneous material should be removed (III.D.(2)).
Section IV - Plant Facilities and Operating Requirements
With respect to storage of peanuts in rooms with new concrete floors or walls it
was agreed to amend the requirement to read "For the first year of new concrete it is
.tafest to use am approved plastic cover, spread over the entire new floor as a moisture
barrier prior to filling with peanuts. Other means of storage such as stacking of
containers on plastic pallets to protect the peanuts against moisture from' sweating'
of concrete can be used." (IV.D,(1)(b)).
31. The Committee.discussed in detail the transport of peanuts in refrigerated
vehicles. . It was agreed that due to the varying climatic conditions under which
peanuts .could be grown a general provision would be preferable to the present text which
was amended to read: "Refrigerated vehicles are recommended for transport when climatic
conditions indicate such a need. Extreme care should be taken to prevent condensation
When unloading peanuts from cold storage or from a refrigerated vehicle. In warm,
humid weather the peanuts should be allowed to reach ambient temperature before
exposure to external conditions. This tempering may require 1-3 days." (IV.D.(6)).
The Committee thought it sufficient to indicate certain temperature and
relative humidity ranges for optimum storage conditions. It agreed to delete a
reference to storage in temperate areas (IV.D.(6)(b)(i)).
The question was raised whether in the Code methods for aflatoxin analysis
would be included. The Committee agreed that this was not the intention but
governments were specifically requested to give 'their views on this matter.
Status of the Code
Following some discussion on how best to proceed further with the elaboration
of the Code the Committee decided to return the Code to Step 3 of the Procedure for
a further round of government comments - observations from producing countries were
specially requested. The Secretariat undertook to bring the matter to the attention
of the Coordinating Committee for Africa. The Committee held the view that at its
next session it might well recommend the omission of Steps 6 and 7 when advancing the
Code to Step 5 of the Procedure. The revised Code is contained in Appendix III to
this Report.
As a matter of general importance the Committee discussed the desirability of
reviewing, after a certain number of years, those Codes which had been advanced to
Step 8 of the Procedure. The Committee agreed to discuss the matter at its next
session. In this connection the delegation of Senegal agreed to provide comments on
the present Code.
The Committee considered the above mentioned proposed draft code as contained
in ALINORM 76/13A, Appendix VIII, in the light of comments received from Canada, the
Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom (CX/FH 76/9).
Section I - Scope
The Committee discussed in considerable detail the wording for the Scope section.
It was finally agreed that harmonization of texts in Codes was desirable and the
wording used in the Code for Foods for Infants and Children was considered most
appropriate: "This Code of Hygienic Practice applies to frog legs. It contains the
minimum requirements of hygiene in the production, processing, handling, packing,
storage, transportation and distribution of frog legs to ensure a healthful and
wholesome supply of this product."
The question was raised whether the species of frog from which frog legs were
derived should be listed as was the case, for example, in the Code for Peanuts.
After some discussion it was agreed that listing all the species was not
feasible nor, indeed, desirable.
General Discussion
At the request of the Chairman of the Committee a small working group consisting
of representatives of the delegations of Canada, the Netherlands, UK and USA reviewed
the Code taking into account the written comments received. The Committee discussed
and concurred with the suggestions made by the working group which were in the main
editorial. Several other revisions took into account the wording used in, for example,
the Code of Hygienic Practice for Poultry Processing and for Molluscan Shellfish.
The Committee discussed at some length the necessity to include in the Code a
provision for the method of slaughter and, in particular, whether a reference should
be made to slaughtering "humanely".
Whilst agreeing that it was essential that the frogs should not suffer excessive
stress during slaughtering, the Committee agreed that the method of slaughter was not
relevant to a Code of Hygienic Practice. However, in order to take into account the
views expressed by some delegations a provision was included in the Code stating that
the frogs should be slaughtered under conditions of minimum stress. The Committee
agreed to request producing countries to comment specifically on this new provision.
With regard to End Product Specifications it was agreed to replace the present
text by the wording used in the Code for Frozen Fish (ALINORM 76/18A, Appendix VI),
suitably amended.
The Committee discussed at length the need to include quantitative micro-
biological specifications in the Code. Some delegations held the view that these were
not necessary, taking into account that the product would be cooked prior to consumption
and that therefore microbiological specifications were of no direct value. Other
delegations were of the opinion that specific microbiological requirements were necessary
because of the danger of transfer of contamination before cooking.
The delegation of the United Kingdom pointed out that this risk could be avoided
by proper attention to hygienic practices.
The Committee agreed to request the 2nd Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation for
Microbiological Specifications for Foods to consider not only the establishing of
micro-biological specifications but also the general question of whether such specifica-
tions would serve a practical purpose.
It was agreed to request governments to provide data on the microbiology of
products which would assist in the development of microbiological specifications. Data
should be sent to the Secretariat of the Consultation, Dr. Reinius.
Status of the Code
The Committee agreed to advance the Code of Hygienic Practice for Processing of
Frog Legs to Step 5 of the Procedure. The revised Code is contained in Appendix II to
this Report.
The Committee had before it the above Draft Code (ALINORM 76/18A, Appendix VI)
and written comments received from the USA (CX/FH 76/5).
A small working group consisting of representatives of the delegations of the
Netherlands and the USA, together with representatives of the FAO Fisheries Depart-
ment, reviewed the suggested changes and presented to the Committee a number of
proposals for amendment of the text of the Code.
The Committee noted that most changes were editorial in nature or were
revisions to bring the text into conformity with the corresponding provisions in the
Codes for Fresh Fish and for Canned Fish. The Committee concurred with the proposals
of the working group.
Status of the Code
The Committee recommended that the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products
at its next session advance the Code to Step 8 of the Procedure. The various amend-
ments are listed in Appendix IV to this Report.
The Committee considered the report of a working group consisting of the
representatives of the delegations of the Netherlands (Chairman), United Kingdom and
USA which had examined the Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation
(EC/Microbio1/75/Report 1)and in particular the Microbiological Specifications
contained in Annex V of the report, in conjunction with government comments.
The delegate of the Netherlands pointed out that the Joint Expert Consultation
had recommended microbiological specifications for Salmonella,mesophilic aerobic
bacteria and coliform bacteria for dried and frozen whole eggs and salmonella
specifications only for other egg products.
More generally applicable methods for mesophilic aerobic plate count and
coliforms were at present under consideration by ISO Technical Committee 34 Sub
Committee 9 (TC 34/SC9) and it was expected that these would be published as ISO
International Standards before the next session of the Committee.
The Committee agreed with the view of the working group that while suggested
amendments should be incorporated into the Code where feasible, provision should be
made for reference to the ISO Codes when these were available.
Standardization of the method for detecting Salmonella had not been completed
by ISO TC 34/SC9. It was the opinion of the working group that the method for
Salmonella as described in the Report on Microbiological Specifications for Egg Products
and as amended by the Working Group was adequate.
The Committee agreed to the amendments to Annex V of the Report on Microbiolog-
ical Specifications for Egg Products as proposed by the Working Group. The amended
Salmonella method as proposed by the Working Group is attached as Appendix VI to this
The delegation of the United Kingdom, while endorsing the methodology described
in Annex V, was of the opinion that the o( amylase test as an indicator of effective
pasteurization gave sufficient information on the safety of egg products.
Status of the Code
The Committee agreed to advance the Code to Step 5 of the Procedure, on the
understanding that reference to the ISO specifications would be incorporated when
available, and to request the Commission that Steps 6 and 7 be omitted. The UK
entered a reservation that in the UK's opinion microbiological specifications were not
necessary for egg products.
The Committee had before it the above-mentioned proposed draft code as contained
in ALINORM 76/13A, Appendix IV. Government comments had been received from Australia,
Israel, Switzerland, UK and USA. At the outset of the session, the Committee had
requested representatives from the delegations of Canada (Coordinator), the Netherlands,
the UK and USA to review the code in the light of the comments received.
Section I - Scope
The delegation of Canada, acting as rapporteur of the Working Group, proposed
that the scope be amended to apply to rigid hermetically-sealed containers as it was
thought that for flexible pouches specific requirements with regard to hygienic practices
were needed. The Committee concurred with this proposal and the scope section was
amended accordingly. A footnote would point out that for flexible pouches a separate
section within the code would be elaborated at a later date.
Section II - Definitions
The Working Group had made proposals for a large number of amendments to the
definitions section. The Committee discussed these and some further changes were made.
Several delegations pointed out that in a number of codes the same terms had been
defined in slightly different ways and that harmonization seemed to be desirable.
This matter was further taken up during the deliberations on the revised General
Principles of Food Hygiene (see paras 75 and 76(i) of this Report). The Committee
concurred with the various changes proposed and the definitions section was amended
Low Acid Foods - pH value
There was some discussion on whether the equilibrium pH value-o2 shoul' be
reduced to 4.5 to provide a greater safety margin. Reference was made to a previous
discussion at the 11th Session of the Committee (ALINORM 76/13, para 9) in which it
was decided to change the pH of 4.5 to its present value. The Committee noted that
at that time it was agreed that the pH defined in this manner allowed an adequate
margin of safety and decided to maintain the equilibrium pH value for low acid foods
at 4.6.
Section III - Raw Material Requirements
The Working Group had come to the conclusion that the raw material requirements
as contained in Section III would, in the main, be equivalent to the relevant
requirements in the General Principles of Food Hygiene and had therefore not made any
proposals for amendments.
The Committee received an oral report from the delegation of the Federal Republic
of Germany on the development of the above-mentioned Code as contained in ALINORM 76/13A,
Appendix V. .
The Rapporteur pointed out that comments had been received from Australia, Canada,
the Federal Republic of Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA.
The major part of the observations applied,.however,'to that pdrtion of the text which was
directly related to the General Principles of Food Hygiene which Was being - revised.
It had therefore not seemed, appropriate to revise the Code'until a more definite
text for the General Principles had been agreed upon. The Committee concurred with the
view of the Rapporteur but noted that the demand for the Code and the attached micro-
biological specifications required that action be taken as soon as possible. It was
agreed that the Rapporteur would revise the Code following the session of the Working
Group on the Code of Hygienic Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene scheduled
for October 1976 and which would also take into account-to the extent appropriate the
comments received on the present Code.
It was further agreed that the Rapporteur would convene, tentatively in November,
at the FAO/WHO Collaborative Centre for Research and Training in Food Hygiene, Berlin,
a meeting of experts to discuss the microbiological specifications for Foods for Infants
and Children. An initial proposal for such specifications was attached as Annex A to the
The report of the Berlin meeting would be sent to the Chairman of the Food Hygiene
Committee for general distribution early 1977 to provide the opportunity for another round
of government comments prior to the next session. The report and government comments
would also be made available to the 2nd Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Microbiolog-
ical Specifications to be convened in the first quarter of 1977 with a request that it
review the findings of the Berlin Group.
The Committee would at its next session then be able to discuss at Step4 the
Revised Code together with the Revised Microbiological Specifications (Annex A).
The Committee noted the recommendation of the ISO Sub Committee 9 of TC 34
(May 1976) which expressed concern that in many instances microbiological specifications
were not based on sound principles when set for certain foods.. SC 9 recommended that FAO
and WHO convene a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee to consider the matter.
After some discussion the Committee agreed to request the 2nd Joint FAO/WHO
Consultation on Microbiological Specifications for Foods to establish Guidelines for the '
development and application of microbiological specifications for foods, taking account
of the purpose, need, relevance and administrative feasibility of the application of such
• 86. It was brought to the attention of the Committee that another body within FAO was
elaborating standards for gelatine, including microbiological specifications and that
examination of such specifications might well come within the terms of reference of the
. Committee.
It was agreed that the Secretariat should inform the Committee at its next
session on the status of this and other similar standards so that the Committee could
then express its views on the matter.
The Committee noted a suggestion that there was a need for the elaboration of a
code for acidified low acid canned foods which would cover such products as pimentoes,
peppers and certain canned tomatoes in which the growth of C. botulinum had presented
The Committee also noted the observations of the delegations of Senegal and
France with regard to the control of aflatoxin, particularly in groundnuts. It was
pointed out that at its 11th Session (ALINORM 76/44) the Commission had agreed that data
on levels of contaminants should be submitted to the appropriate Codex Committees who
should make proposals on the limits of contaminants in various foods for further
consideration and endorsement by General Subject Committees.
— 10 —
The Committee noted (seel)ara 13) that it Could expect further work on Codes Of
Practice for Fish and Fishery Products at its next session and to examine the conclusions
of the 2nd Joint FAD/WHO Consultation on Microbiological Specifications for Foods which
would also cover microbiological specifications for Edible Toes.
In addition further revised •drafts of the Codes of General . Prinpiples'of Food
Hygiene, Hygienic Practice for Foods for Infants 'and Children, and Low-acid Canned Foods
would be ready for examination.
Following further discussions on the harmonization of definitions, including-
mycotoxins, it was agreed that the Committee would receive background information on the
work and potentialities of the WHO Terminology Reference 'Centre. The delegation of the
Netherlands undertook to provide 4 paper with regard to harMOnizatiOn of definitions of
some different descriptions of terms Used in various Codes which could bp discussed at
the next session of the Committee.
The Committee noted that its 14th Session was planned to be held in Washington
in May 1977 but that the exact date had not yet been fixed.
Mme M.A. Caillet . IRLANDA
Médecin inspecteur de la santé T.M. O'Toole
Ministère de la santé .Fciod Scientist
Direction générale de la santé _ Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries
8, av. de Ségur Kildare Street
75700 Paris, France Dublin 2, Rep. of Ireland
Y. Lagoin
Inspecteur vétérinaire • ITALY
Direction des services vétérinaires ITALIE'
Ministère de l'agriculture ITALIA
5 rue Ernest Renan U. Pellegrino
92130 Issy les Moulineaux, France Dirigente Superiore
Mme. S. Rochize Ministero della Sanit5.
Inspecteur divisionnaire SRF Rome-EUR
Service de la Répression des fraudes Binetti
et du contrôle de la qualité Chimico
Ministère de l'agriculture Ministero Sanit5, - D.G.I.A.N.
42 bis rue de Bourgogne Piazza Marconi 25
75007 Paris, France 00144 Rome, Italy
GERMANY, Fed. Rep. of G. Giordano
ALLEMAGNE, Rép. féd. d' Veterinario di Stato
ALEMANIA, Rep. Fed. de Ministero della Sanit& - D.G.I.A.N. .
Piazza Marconi 25
Dr. K. Gerigk 00144 Rome (EUH)
Director and Professor
Bundesgesundheitsamt Dr. G. Pluchino
D-1 Berlin 33, Postfach, Ministoro della Sanit6 :
Fed. Rep. of Germany Piazza Marconi 25
Dr. H. Meyer 00144 Rome, Italy
Nestlé Haus
Frankfurt-BRD, Fed. Rep, of Germany COTE D'IVOIRE
Dr. H.D. Scholz
Regierungsdirektor D. Kóné
Bundesministerium far Jugend, Familie Pharmacien
und Gesundheit Chef du Laboratoire de Chimie,
53 Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Postfach bromatologie et toxicologie
Fed. Rep. of Germany Ministère de la santé publique
Boite postale V-5 ' -
HUNGARY Abidjan, Ivory Coast
HUNGRIA Attaché d'Ambassade •
Dr. L. Ormay Ambassade de Côte: d'Ivoire
Head of Major Department' Via Lazzaro Spallanzani 4-6
National Institute of Nutrition Rome, Italy '
Gyáli út 3/a
1097 Budapest IX, Hungary JAPAN
IRAN Yamanouchi , .
Dr. H. Maghsoudiou Technical Official .
Food Expert Food Sanitation Division -
Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Ministry of Health and Welfare..,
Resources 1-2-2 KasumigasekL,
Tehran, Iran Chiyoda-ku
-13 -
H. Sasaki PAYS-BAS
Technical Adviser PAISES BAJOS
Union of Japanese Food Additives Dr. K. Büchli •
Associations Public Health Officer
c/o Ajinomoto Co. Inc. Ministerie VolksgezOndheid. •
1-6 Kyobashi, Chuoku Dr. Reyersstraat.
Tokyo, Japan Leidschendam, Netherlands'
T. Nakamura Dr. P.J. Anema
Technical Adviser Unilever Research
c/o QP Corporation P.O. Box 7 .
2-5 Sengawa, Chofu Zevenaar, Netherlands
Tokyo, Japan
KUWAIT Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
KOWEIT Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
Den Haag, Netherlands
Y. Khalid Al-Mutawa
Head of Food Lab Control , M. van Schothorst
Ministry of Health • Head Lab. for Zoonoses and Food
Kuwait Microbiology
National Institute of Public Health
G. Ezzat P.O. Box 1
Head Preventive Medicine Section Bilthoven, Netherlands
Ministry of Public Health
REPUBLICA ARABE DE LIBIA Government Vitamin , Institute
P.O. Box 187
Dr. S.K.H. Lama 5001-Bergen, Norway
Community Health Department
Ministry of Health J. Gjerde
Tripoli, Libya Chief of Section, Central Laboratory
Directorate of Fisheries
Y. Al Abyiad 411enda1sveien 5
Nutritionist 5001-Bergen, Norway
Council of Food and Marine Wealth
Tripoli K.H. Skramstad
Chief of Section
A.S. Alghial Norwegian Research Institute of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fish Canning Industry
Tripoli, Libya P.B. 68
A.E. El-Gojh 4001 Stavanger, Norway
Chemist, Council of Food and Marine A. Orbeck Sorheim
Wealth of Libya Superintending Veterinary Inspector
Tripoli, Libya Veterinary Divisioh,
Oslo dép., Norway .
Conseiller OMAN, SULTANAT d'
Ambassade de Madagascar OMAN, SULTANATO de
Via R. Zandonai 84/A R.A. Al Barwany.
00194 Rome, Italy Director of Fisheries Projects and
Marketing •
- - 01.130TER
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l'atlitues being retained by the product.
( 3) 'HarVest areas • the environme Aomicv :. ; eo 40.gss aveuvatalklit bTeAtb ect ed
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emptying, the receptacles should be thoroughly washed out with hot water.
and detergent. The area used For storage of_waste receptacles should be
thoroughly cleaned . and sanitized (disinfected);
(2) Vermin control. Effective measures should:be taken to protect
against the entrance into the premises and the harborage on the premises
Of insects, rodents, birds or other vermin The protesting halls 'should
be adequately fly,-proofed and provided with Self-closing doors.
(3) . Exclusion of domestic animals. Dogs, cats and other domestic animals
Should be excluded from areas frot where the product is protesSed or
stored. -
(4) Personnel Health. Plant management should: advise personnel'that any
person afflicted with infetted - wOundt,'SOrpsHor any illness, notably
diarrhoea, should immediately report. to managent. The.plant management
should take care to ensure that no person, while.knoWn-tb . Waffected With
a disease 'capable of being transmitted thrpughfood, or known to be :a.
carrier of such disease, or while afflittedwithinfected-vOund7sy sores,
cr any illness, :s permitted to work inany'area of food plantin a- .
capacity in Which there is a likelihood of sucha. pertOntóntaminating the
product Or surfaces with which the product maycome into contact.
(5) Texic substances. All rodenticides, fumigants, insecticides or other
toxic substances should be stored in - teparate.locked ,POots.or cabinets
and handled only by or under the direct superViSióh'of.pértonnel with a
thorough understanding of the hazards involved, including - theposibility
of contamination of the products.
(9 Personnel h ienic and roduct handlin ractices
(a All persons working in the plant should maintain a high degree of.
personal cleanliness while .on duty Clothing, including_suitáblehead
dress should be appropriate to the duties being performed and should be
kept clean..
Hands should be washed at often as necessary to conform to hygienic
Operating practices. .
Spitting, eating and the use Of tobacco or chewing gum thoUld be
prohibited in the product handling areas. .
All necessary precautions should be taken, to prevent the contamination
oE, the product with.any'foreign substances. .
Minor tuts and abrasions on the hands should be appropriately treated
and covered with a suitable water-prOof dressing. Adequate first aid
facilities Should be provided to meet these cOntingenciessorthat . there . is
no tontámination'of.the product.
Gloves used in product handling should be maintained in a sound,
clean ana sanitary condition. GloVes should be made of an impermeable
- 20 -
Drainage. There should be adequate drainage facilities_for :carrying
away water used in the plant premises and to.dispharge it into a channel
at least 3 metres frot -the plante The drainage systemAnside the pretises
should be properly covered: The Sewage from the toilet should be dispoted
of in such Manner that it cannot:contaminate-the water supply to the plant.
Water, including Waste or rain Water should not be allowed to accumulate
inside the premises.
Floor. , The.floor oí the plant should be smooth, impervious and
should be sloping so that the water always runs into the drain.
D. Operating Practice and Production Reguir ,ments
(1) Rawmaterial handling
ACceptance - Criteria. It is recommended that unfit frogs should be
segregated prior to delivery to the processing plant. Similarly, on
arrival, : unfit frogs should be removed as soon as possible and segregated
2or disposal in an appropriate manner. Arrangements for removal and
segregation should be approved by the official agency having jurisdiction.
Storage. Raw Materials stored in the plant premises should be main-
tamed under conditions that will protectthem against contamination and
infestation and Minimize deterioration.
(2) Inspection and . tórting. Prior to introduction into the processing
line or at a convenient point within it, the' raw materials should be
inspected, sorted Or culled as required to remove unfit materials. Such
operation should be carried out in a clean and sanitary manner. Only .
clean sound materials should be used in further'processing.-
(3) Washing orotherLpréparation.- Raw materials -shouldbe Vashed 7 as-
needed to remove any contamination. 'Watei'Used'Ior Wa'Shinú arid rinsing
should be of potable quality. Water used for such purpose'should not - be,
re-circulated unless suitably treated to maintain in a -
not constitute' a:pUblic health hazard.
(4) Preparation and Processing
Pret)aration..:-.0nly healthyfrogs should be slaughtered. Slaughter:
,,.11,ould be carried ou -tunder conditions of minimal stress to the animal.
After Slaughter the hind legs. should be cut at the abdomen not more than
2.5 cm above the Waist. :Immediately after cutting, the legs should bé_
dc-skinned and put into 5% . chilled brine for proper bleeding :and to '
prevent clotting.of - blood inside. The dc-skinned legs should be washed
and further. cleaned by trimming of , the.claws. kaftgin4 piece's of flesh
shoulcLalso be removed. The dressed¡material shdUld be washed
(3-4 times)'toremove bacteria coming from brokenxitcera-or_freci._
contamination during cutting and handling. The water used for washing
should be freshly running potable water and should not be . re-circulated
unless it is. restored to a level of potable quality. The water may be
'..:.hlorinatedin concentrations approved by the official agencyhaying
jurisdiction. -The product should then be preserved under Chilled.
Grading. The -material should be .giveme final wash in ciean water and '
graded in different sizes on the basis of count per kg.
(0 Freezing. The legs should be. frozen ii the Minimum possible . time._
Eruised, squeezed or broken legs should not be used for freezing.' '
(5) i'ackinpLof finished PrOdUCts
(a) Materials. -FaUFTEig materials should be stored in a clean and
sanitary manner and should not transmit to the Product objectionable
substances beyond limits acceptable to the official agency having
jurisdiction and should provide appropriate protection from contamination.
(b) Techniques. Packaging should be done under,conditions, that preclude
the introduction of contamination into the product. The legs may be_ '
wrapped individually in either polyethylene film or other suitable
(e) Lot Identification. Each container should be embósSéd Or otherwise
permanently marked in code or in clear so that information regarding the
processor and date of processing can be retrieved and products identified
in consumer markets when associated cases of food-borne illness have
occurred. ..
(6) Storaqé of'fin
iShed prodUCts. The following provisions should Apply
where theproduct is placed in chilling room and cold storage:
The product should be stored under such conditions as-w111 preclude
the contamination with, or growth of pathogenic or toxigenic micro-
organisms or infestation and protect against deterioration of the product
or of the containers. Special care should be taken to ensure-that-theair
circulation in between the stacked product is proper and adequate; .
Entry should be restricted to personnel necessary to carry out:
operations efficiently;
Doors should not be left open for extended periods and should be
closed immediately after use;
No chilling room and cold storage shbuld be loaded beyond its. designed
capacity; . •
Where recording thermometers are not used temperatures should be read
at regular intervals and the readings recorded in a. log book.
(7) Transport of finished product's. The finished products should be
transported under such conditions . as will preclude the contamination with,
or growth of pathogenic microorganiams or infestation and
protect against deterioration of the product or d$ the dontainers.
Stanitation ContrOl Prógramme
It is desirable that each . plant in its own interest designate a single
individual, whose duties are preferably divorced from production, to be ,
held respondible for the cleanliness of the plant. His staff ShOilld -be a
permanent part of the organization and should be well trained in the Use
cf special Cleaning tools, methods of disassembling equipment for
cleaning, and in the significance of contamination and the hazards
involved. Critical areas, equipment and materials should be -designated
for specific attention as part of a permanent sanitation schedule.
Labóratórv Coñtroi . Procedures
In addition to any control .1y.y. - the official agency having jurisdiction,
it is desirable that each plant in its own interest should have access
to laboratory control of the sanitary quality of the product processed.
Such control should reject all prOducts'that are unfit for human- .
consumption. Analytical procedures used should follow recognized or
standard methods in order that the results may be readily interpreted.
Appropriate methods should be used for sampling and examination to
determine the compliance with the following specifications:
Frog legs should, to-the extent possible in gliod manufacturing
practice, be free from objectionable matterandparatites.
Frog legs should be free from microorganisms in amounts harmftilto -
man, free from parasites . harmful to man and should not contain any
substances originating from microorganisms in amounts which may represent
a hazard to health.
—22 —
Froglegs should be free from chetical pollutants in amounts which may
represent a hazard to health.
Froglegs should comply_ with any requirements set forth by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission on pesticide residues and food additives as con-'
tamed in permitted lists of Codex CoMmodity standards, or should comply
with the requirements on pesticide 'residues and food additives of the
country in *which the froglegs will be Sold.
- 23 -
(Returned to Step 3)
To ; be read in conjunction with the Recommended International Code of Practice
- General Principles of Food Hygiene. Sidelined portions indicate material
which is particular to this Code of Hygienic Practioe and therefore does not
appear in the General Principles of Food Hygiene.
This Code of Hygienic Practice applies to peanuts, also known as ground nuts(Arachis
hypogaea). It contains the minimum requirements of hygiene for farm handling,
transportation, storage, in-shell operations and commercial shelling. It covers all types
and forms of raw, dried, in-shell and shelled peanuts.
"Blows", (pops) means in-shell nuts which are unusually light-weight due to extensive
damage from physiological, fungous, insect, or other causes and which can be removed
mechanically, for example, by air flow.
"Curing" means drying of in-shell peanuts to a safe moisture level whether by natural or
mechanical means, or a combination of both.
"Farmer's stock peanuts" means in-shell peanuts as they come from the field, after '
separation from the vines by hand and/or mechanical means.
"Safe moisture level" means one that will prevent growth of microorganisms normal to the
nut' harvesting, processing and storage environment._ The maximum safe moisture level for
peanuts is established by its water activity (an). Water activity is defined as the
quotient of the water vapour pressure of the substance (Peanut - in-shell or shelled)
divided by the vapour pressure o f pure water at the same temperature. An aw exceeding
0.70 at 25 9.C. (77° P) is unsafe.-
A.. Environmental Sanitation in Growing, Harvesting and Food Production Areas
Sanitary disposal of human', animal and plant wastes. Adequate preca4tion'should be
takentO,ensure that human • and animal wastes are disposed of in such a manner as not to
constitute a public health or hygienic hazard, and extreme care Should be taken to protect
the products from contamination with these wastes. Vine and peanut waste should not be
permitted to accumulate in such a manner as to attract rodents or insects.
and. (3) - As in the General Principles of Food Hygiene.
B. Sanitary Harvesting and Production
Curing. After digging pods should be exposed for maximum rate of drying. This may
be accomplished by turning the vines to leave the pods-uppermost where they are away from
the ground end exposed to sun and wind. Curing, whether by natural or mechanical means
or a combination of both, should be completed as : rapidly as possible to 4 safe:moisture
level, so-as tó.prevent growth of microorganisMsparticularly moldi that• produce aflatoxino.
When using mechanical drying, etcessive heatihould be aVoided since thip.pauses some
kernels to split after shelling. Close checks of moisture. content or water activity of.
lots of' farmers' stock peanuts should be maintained.
Equipment and product - containers. As In the General Principles of Foodllygiene.
Sanitarz techniques. Harvesting.and.Productionoperations, methods ana procedures
should be clean and sanitary. Drying equipment should be so constructed as to be easily
cleaned and maintained and should contain no pockets, in which debris may become lodged,.
- 24 -
Removal of obviously unfit materials. Damaged or imperfect peanuts and lots that
contain any obvionecontaminatión With .human or animal wastes, insect infestation,
decomposition, brókenahelle,'Eimbedded dirt, ' blows, or other defects to an extent which
would. render them unfit for human consumption,-should be segregated during harvesting
and production to the fullest extent-practicable. Such segregated unfit peanuts should
be such place and:manner-to prevent contamination of sound nuts, water
supplies, or - other-crops. .
Protection of peanuts from contamination. . Suitable. precaUtions Should be taken to
protect the nuts from contamination by domestic animals, rodents, birds, insects, mites
and other arthropods, or other biological agents, or with chemical or other objectionable
substances during handling and storage. The nuts should be moved to suitable storage, or
to the Processing area for immediate processing, as soon as possible after harvesting or
drying. Where. huts are likely to become infested with insects, mites (and other arthropods)
during or after harvesting, suitable treatment such as fumigation or application of an
insecticide spray should be carried out as a preventive measure. Nuts held for processing.
should be stored- in covered containers, buildings, or under covering. Fumigation or spray
methods and chemicals used should te approved-by-the official agency having jurisdiction.
High-humidities which are-conductive to proliferation of mould and elaboration of myco-'
toxins should be avoided in storage areas in order to maintain peanuts at a safe moisture:
level. Recommended storage conditions are specified in Section. IV D.(1)(b).
C. Transportation''
(1) Facilities. Conveyances for transporting the harvested: cropfrom the place of harvest
or storageshould-be.adequate for-the purpose intended and should be of such material -and
construction as will permit thorough cleaning - and should be so cleaned andmaintained as
not to constitute a source. of. contamination to the product. In addition, bulk transport
suches ship . or railcarshould be Well ventilated with dry air to remove moisture
resulting• from respiratiónof . the peanuts and to prevent moisture condensation as the
vehicle moves from warm' to cool regions or from day to night.'
(2). Handling procedures..All-handling procedures -should be such as will prevent the - •
product from being contaminated. Extreme care should be taken in transporting peanuts
with an unsafe moisture level to prevent spoilage or deterioration. Special equipment -
such as refrigerated -transpOrtF- should be used the
, nature of the product or distances
involved so indicate.
D. Shelling Plant - •
Purchasing of- farmers stocka .Most ofthe damage-may have already - been done to the
peanuts during growing, harvesting, drying, handling, and storage. A- buyer for a'shelling,
plant,- whether located. at the.plant.or at!amoutlying commission: buying point, should
monitor the quality of peanut lots offered to:him, and with the cooperative extension
service assist suppliers in eliminating improper practices. Buyers should encourage
suppliers of farmers stock peanuts to fóllow food production practices as described herein.
Receiving and inspection. Farmers stock peanuts received'at-the shelling plant shOuld
be-inspected on arrival It-is-advisable-to:know-the origin and -history of each' lot of
peanuts. The transport vehicle -should be examined for cleanlinessi: insect infestation,
dampness or unusual odours: If the vehicle is notan enclosed van- type, it shOuldhaVe'
available a covering -such as a,tarpaulin to keep out the rain or moisture.
The general appearance of the peanuts should be observed during the process of unloading.
If the peanuts are wet to the touch, insect infested, or contain an unusual amount of dirt,
debris or other foreign material,, they shóuld not be co-mingled with known : good-peanuts
in a bulk warehouse. The vehicle should be set aside until a decision is made for its
disposition. If possible, -remove a. sample from each lot and shell it for peanut grade .
observation before an acceptance . decision is made. Split all'kerhels .and observe for
possible Preience of Mduld.. - A magnifying lens. or microscope should be used to determine
whether any moUld. - 6bsiived- redeMbleis ACpergilluetlavus. Excessive mould or presence of
mould resembling A. flivUe warrants a chemical test for aflatoxin.
- 25 -
If the peanuts are to be stored in a bulk warehouse or storage bin, the warehouse or bin
should be thoroughly cleaned of all static and extraneous material and fumigated before
use. Peanuts should not be stored in a warehouse containing any openings which may permit
entrance of rodents or birds or which may have leaks in the roof or walls that can allow
the rain to enter. The warehouse should be checked frequently for leaks or infestation,
both before and after. filling.. To prevent condensation drippage L warehouses should be
ventilated as, for example, by screening around tops or eaves.
Unloading equipment and area. Unloading equipment such as dumping pit, conveyor belt,
bucket elevator, and dirt removing equipment 'Should be so designed as to prevent accumulation
of debris. A programme of periodic cleaning, together with preventive pest control measures,
should be carried out. Peanuts should be handled so as to avoid cracking or tearing of
hulls which may permit damage to the kernels.
Frecleaning. As much dust and dirt as possible should be removed from the farmers
stock peanuts before they enter the shelling plant. Sand screens and aspirators will take
out much of the dust and dirt and improve the overall sanitation of the shelling plant.
As much foreign material, loose shell, loose kernels, and pops as possible should be
removed. Foreign material not removed by the cleaner can cause mechanical problems by
clogging the sheller, as well as by requiring more picking and sorting of the shelled
peanuts. Removal of loose kernels and blows before shelling will improve the quality of
the peanuts as well as the sheller and plant performance.
5) Shelling and sizing.. All foreign material should be removed from „the , shelled peanuts
using stoners, magnets, sorters, etc.). The shelled peanuts should be continuously
inspected to determine whether the plant equipment is performing properly and the peanuts
are free of foreign material, damage, and contamination. Any equipment adjustments
indicated by the inspection should be made promptly.,
Once the shelled peanuts are size graded, additional stoning should be done in order to
remove small light stones, dirt balls and other foreign material which could not be removed
in the farm stock stoners. Special care should be taken to avoid overloading size grading
Sorting. Sorting is the final step for removing debris and defective kernels. It can
be done by hand picking or photoelectric sorting machines or a combination of both. Sorting
.belts should be well lighted, loaded no more than one layer deep, and operated at a speed
and with the number of sorters to assure removal of foreign material and defective kernels.
Photoelectric sorting machines should be adjusted against standards selected to assure .
removal of foreign material and defective kernels. "Adjustment should be checked on a
frequent periodic basis. One contaminated kernel may contain sufficient aflatoxin to
endanger as many as 10,000 comingled kernels. Foreign material and defective kernels
(mouldy, discoloured, rancid, decayed, shriveled, damaged) should be separately bagged and
red tagged as unsuitable for human or animal consumption. Bags of Sorted out peanuts should
be removed as soon as practicable from the processing room.
Cleaning of special areas
Boots of elevators accumulate peanuts and peanut material. They should be cleaned
out and sprayed regularly to prevent insect and rodent infestation. Fumigation
or spray methods and chemicals used should be approved by the official agency
having jurisdiction. . .
Canvas conveyor belts will accumulate product between belt and conveyor pan.
Pulleys can accumulate crushed material. Undersides of moulding on conveyors
can accumulate particles of peanuts. These areas should be cleaned and spraeyd
on regular schedule to prevent insect and rodent infestation.
(71 Storage and . surge hoppers should be cleaned and sprayed between runs.
Areas which can accumulate peanuts and debris and aie difficult to inspect and
clean regularly should not be used.
(e) Every piece of machinery whether open or enclosed should be cleaned of lodged
material on a regular schedule. .
(0 The area immediately surrounding the plant should be kept clean of all debris
that might attract rodents or birds.
- 26 -
(g) Dry clean-up procedures should be utilized to avoid wet
spots in
organisms can propagate and contaminate contacted peanut kernels.which micro-
Even though
water may not be used directly on equipment, spray and
elevated humidity from
continuous use can increase moisture in organic matter trapped
in crevices in
equipment, such as cenveyors, to the point where microorganisms
can proliferate.
A. Plant Construction and Layout
Location, size, and sanitary design. As in the General
Principles of Food Hygiene.
Sanitary facilities and controls. (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) as in the
General Principles of Food Hygiene.
B. Equipment and Utensils
(1), (2) and (3) as in the General Principles of Food Hygiene.
C. Hygienic Operating Requirements
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) as in the General Principles
the deletion of the introductory paragraph). of Food Hygiene (with
D. Operating Practices and Production Requirements
(1) Raw material handling
Acceptance criteria. Peanuts should not be accepted by the plant if
contain decomposed, toxic¡ or extraneous substances which will not known to
acceptable levels by normal plant procedures, sorting or be reduced to
preparation. Particular
care should be taken to avoid contaminating in-sell peanuts
or human faecal material; :nuts suspected of or nut meats with animal
for human consumption. Special precautions Must contaminated, should be rejected
be taken to reject nuts showing
signs of mould growth because of the danger of
their containing mycotoxins such as
aflatoxins. Aflatoxin teat results should be known
peanuts to be processed. A lot of raw peanuts with before allowing lots of raw
which cannot be reduced to permitted levels by the an unacceptable level of aflatoxins,
not be accepted. available sorting equipment should
(2) Inspection and sorting. Prior to introduction into the
processing line, or at a
convenient point within it, raw materials should be
inspected, sorted or culled as required
to remove unfit materials. See Section III, D, (2) and (6). '
Experience has shown that aflatoxin is most frequently associated with mouldy, discoloured,
shriveled, or otherwise damaged peanuts. Mould contaminated Peanuts may exhibit some
the following characteristics: of
(ii) Where peanuts are stored under conditions in which they may become infested
. by insects and/or mites, appropriate fumigation methods should be used regularly.
Peanuts should be stored in such a manner that they can be fumigated in situ or
alternatively they can be removed for fumigation in special facilities (e.g.
fumigation chambers, steel barges). In the latter situation, the storage area
should be separately sanitized. Cold storage can be used, either to prevent
infestation in localities where insects are likely to be present in ordinary
storage or to prevent insects already present from damaging the peanuts.
Sanitary Control Procedures
As in the General Principles of Food Hygiene.
Laboratory Control Procedures
In addition to any control by the official agency having jurisdiction, it is desirable that
each plant should have its own or contracted laboratory control of the sanitary quality of
the nut products processed. The amount and type of such control will vary with the
different nut products as well as the needs of management. Such control should provide for
rejection of all nuts that are unfit for human consumption and monitoring of the quglity
of the finished products. Analytical procedures used should follow recognized or standard
methods so that the results may be readily interpreted.
Standard methods should be used for sampling, analysis and other determinations to meet
the following specifications:
To the extent possible in good manufacturing practice, the products should be free -
from objectionable matter.
When tested by appropriate methods of sampling and examination, the products:
(a) should be free from pathogenic microorganisms; and
(h) should not contain any substances originating from microorganisms in amounts
which may represent a hazard to health in accordance with the standards of
the official agency having jurisdiction, particularly myootoxins, such as
aflatoxins, formed by moulds.
The products should comply with the provisions for food additives and contaminants
laid down in Codex Commodity Standards and with maximum levels for pesticide residues
recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
- 29 -
(Advanced to Ste5777-lhe 11th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1976)
The Committee appointed a working group to review the Proposed Draft Code of
Practice for Frozen Fish, ALINORM 76/18A, Appendix VI, in the light of governmen t .
comments received (CX/FH 76/5) (USA), April 1976.
The group consisted of members of the delegation of the USA and the Netherlands,
and a representative of the Department of Fisheries, FAO (Chairman) -and met on
10 and 11 May 1976 to review the hygiene provisions of the above document.
The group found that the government comments received were mainly of an
editorial nature and included these in its proposal for revision of the text of the
The Committee agreed to the proposals of the working group which are listed
All surfaces with which the fish might come in contact should be of suitable corrosion-
resistant material .which is smooth and easily cleanable.
A vessel that is to be designed for freezing fish at sea Should be large enough'
to allow for installation of proper processing and freezing equiment and for an adequate
freezer store.
Such a vessel, to justify its cost,' should be able, to fish in mire distant areas
andremainon the fishing mounds till fully loaded. Fish which is frozen and stored on
the vessel should be of the same quality as if it were processed and stored in a shore
— 30 —
All such areas shou07 be well defined and should be kept clean
readily capable of being maini;ained in a clean condition. or be
Any exposure, even for a short time, of fish to petroleum products, very often
results in rejection and eventual destruction of the' whole load. The odour and the
taste of fist: contaminated with fuel
or other similar compounds are very persistent and
difficult to remove during the st.bSequent processing and should therefore
Although there is a variety of cleaning and sanitizing equipment available on
the market, good. quality hand brushes of several sizes and
expensive and versatile tools for cleaning operations. Brushesshapes are still the most in-
should be kept in a clean
and sound conditioryihnd, when not used, should be stored in a dry state. Brushes could
spread dirt and micro—organisms. Micro—organisms will proliferate .
stored in a wet condition. The use of steel—wool for scouring should in a dirty brush when
be avoided as there is
a constant danger of introducing small sometimes hardly visible, bits
final product. If for some reason cleaning cannot be done of wire into the
effectively with a good brush,
then plastic, brightly coloured scouring pads Might be used.
The high.pressure and high frequency oscillating water or detergent spraying
equipment has been found to be quite effective in cleaning, but it usually requires
experienced operator to prevent damage to painted surfaces.
/* Idisinfected after each use (rinsing in 50 ppm
chlorine solution is recommended) and,.
Sorting the catch should be done as soon as the fish are taken
board, to remove as quickly as possible fish unsuitable
for human
consumption. 'Mixed species catches should also be sorted rapidly not
only for the reason stated above but'also to avoid possible damage
the to abrasion, particularly where the catch contains spiny
rough skin species and to prevent transferring undesirable odours
and tastes which may affect the organoleptic quality of the
traps or very effioient "black light inseotioutor" lamps with the attached collecting
trays, is recommended. Insect traps should not be located directly over the processing
areas and should be away from windows and doors.
All rodentioides, fumigants, insecticides or other toxic substanoes should be of an
approved type and should be stored in separate looked rooms or cabinets and handled only
In order to produce good quality frozen products, the quality of the raw
fish must be maintained by protecting it from heat, contamination from other
sources and physical damage.'
It must be stressed again that placing quantities of fish in a chill room
does not remove the need for adequate icing. Chill rooms are designed to maintain
a chill temperature and to keep already cool fish from warming up. The refrigeration
machinery used in chill room operations is not adequate to lower the temperature of a
mass of fish in a short time. The initial cooling must be done by the addition of ice.
It is poor praotice, therefore, to load the chill room with large quantities
of fresh fish that were not prechilled effectively to the temperature of melting ice.
The chill room should be equipped with a recording thermometer and an
automatic temperature control and dhould be so designed that it can be kept in a
clean sanitary condition at all times. The chill room should also be equipped with
an automatic alarm system to alert the proper perannel when the temperature drops
below 00C (32'F). .
This Code of Practice applies to the canning and safe heat processing of low-acid canned
foods packed in rigid hermetically sealed containers, and which depend for the preservation
of the product on -the heat applied by the process.*
"Aseptic processing" means the filling of a commercially sterile product into pre-
sterilised containers followed by hermetically sealing with a presterilised closure
in an atmosphere free of microorganisms.
"Bleeders" means small orifices through which steam escapes throughout the entire
heat process.
"Broken heating curve" means heat penetration data plotted against time on semi-log
graph paper which shows that the product changes its rate of heating during
"Canned" means product packed in rigid containers which have been hermetically sealed
and sufficiently heated to destroy or inactivate all microorganisms that are able to
grow in the product at temperatures at which the canned product is normally likely
to be held during manufacture, distribution and storage.
"Cleaning" means the removal of residues from equipment and of objectionable matter
from production surfaces, raw material or product.
"Coming-up-time" means the time which elapses between the introduction of heating
medium into the closed retort and the time when the temperature in the retort
including venting time reaches the required processing temperature.
"Commercial sterility of food" means the condition achieved by application of heat
which renders such food free from viable microorganisms capable of reproducing in
the food under expected conditions of storage and distribution and which will include
microorganisms of known public health significance.
"Commercial sterility of equipment ana containers used for aseptic processing and
packaging of food" means the condition achieved by application of heat, chemical
sterilant(s), or other appropriate treatment which renders such equipment and
containers free from viable microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food under
expected conditions of storage and distribution and which will inCluda microorganisms
of known public health significance.
"Cooling time" means the time necessary to cool the contents of a 9ontainer from the
sterilisation temperature to approximately 40°C (104°F).
"Disinfection" means the application of efkective chemical or physical agents or
processes to clean surfaces with the intention of eliminating microorganisms and
preventing infection of food products.
"Flame sterilizer" means an apparatus in which hermetically sealed containers are
agitated at atmospheric pressure, by either continuous, discontinuous, or reciprocating
movement, over gas flame to achieve commercial sterility of food. A holding period
in a heated section may follow the initial heating period.
"HeadspaCe" means the volume in a closed container not occupied by the product.
This Code of Practice does not apply to low-acid foods packed in flexible or semi-
rigid containers, and which also depend for the preservation of the product on the
heat applied by the process, nor does it apply to those foods Which have been pre-
cooked or pasteurized and therefore should be stored under refrigeration.
- 34 -
"Heatprocess" means the treatment of product with sufficient heat to achieve commercial
sterility. The heat process is defined in terms of time of treatment of product at a
specified temperature.
"Hermetically sealed container" means a container which is designed and intended to be
secure against the entry of microorganisms during and after processing.
"Holding time", see sterilisation time.
"Incubation tests" means tests in which the heat processed product is kept at a
specific temperature for a specified period of time in order to determine if outgrowth
of microorganisms occurs under these conditions.
"Initial temperature" means .the temperature of the contents of the coldest container
to be processed at the time the sterilising cycle begins, as determined after thorough
stirring or shaking of the contents.
"Lot" means the product produced Under one code mark.
"Low acid foods" means any foods, other than alcoholic beverages, with an equilibrium
pH value greater than 4.6.
"Potable water" means fresh Water fit for human consumption. Standards of potability
should not be lower than those contained in the latest edition of the "International
Standards for Drinking Water", World Health Organization.
"Retort" means a pressure vessel designed for heat processing food packed in
hermetically sealed containers by appropriate heating medium and where necessary
with superimposed air pressure.
"Scheduled process" means the process selected by the processor as adequate under the
conditions of manufacture for a given product and container size to achieve commercial
"Simple heating product" means a product that heats in a continuous patter and can be
represented by a straight line when the heating data is plotted against time on semi—
log graph paper.
"Sterilisation temperature" means the operating temperature maintained in the retort
as given in the scheduled process.
'Eterilisationtime" is the time between the moment that the required sterilisation
temperature is adhieved and the moment that the cooling is started,
"Venting" means the process of flushing the air out of steam retorts at the beginning
of á heat process by the means of openings controlled by adequate valves.
Note: The remaining sections of this Code are to be revised and will be issued in due course
777FH 78/4).
- 3 5-
Sampling methods
Take 10 field samples, all of which are used for the detection of salmonellae,
and select at random 5 of these field samples to be examined also for mesophilic
aerobic bacteria and coliform bacteria.
1.2 Frozen whole eggs
Take 10 field samples, all of which are used for the detection of salmonellae,
and select at random 5 of these field samples to be examined also for mesophilic
aerobic bacteria and coliform bacteria.
1.3 Other egg products
of salmonellae.
Take 10 field samples, all of which are used for the detection
Sampling methods
For all egg products take field samples of at least 200 grammes. :4:/
J packages
A lot is a quantity of food produced under identical conditions, all
of which should bear a lot number that identifies the production
during a particular time interval, and usually from a particular "line"
or other critical processing unit.
2/ For further information see International Commission on Microbiological
Specifications for Foods (1974) Microorganisms in Foods II. Sampling' for
Microbiological analysis: principles and specific applications. Toronto,
University of 'Toronto Press.
y For further information see the latest edition of "Official Methods of the
Association of Official Analytical Chemists" section 41.003 and 41.004.
-36 . -
Equienent. Electric or hand drill with a sterile 40 x 2.5 cm auger, hammer and
steel strip 30 x 5 x 0.5cm or other suitable tool for opening cans, sterile
spoon, precooled sterile containers (screw-cap jars or friction-top cans),
alcohol lamp or other burner, alcohol, cotton, clean cloth or towel, and
water pail.
3. Reference Methods
peptone 10.0 g'
sodium chloride 5.0 g
disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na0HP0h .12H20) 9.0 g
potassium dihydrogen phosphate rKH P0 ) 1.5 g
water 1 000 ml
'Dissolve the components in the water by boiling.
Adjust the pH so that after sterilization it is 7.0+0.1 at 20 ° C.
Transfer the medium in quantities of 225 ml intobottles of 500 mi capacity.
Sterilize the medium for 20 min at 121+ 1°C.
meat extract 5.0 g
.peptone 10J) g
sodium chloride 3.0 g
calcium carbonate 45 g
water 1 000 ml
Add the dehydrated base components or the dehydrated complete base to
the water and boil until complete dissolution of the soluble componenta.
Adjust the OH . so that after sterilization it is 7.0 + 20 ° C.
Sterilize the base for 20 min at 121+1 ° C. Sodium Thiosulphate Solution
sodium thiosulphate (Na0S00.4 .5H 0) 50.0 g
water to a final volume o' 2 100 ml
Dissolve the sodium thiosulphate in a part of the water.
Dilute to the final volume.
Sterilize the solution for 20 min at 121+1 ° C.
iodine 20.0 g
potassium iodide 25.0 g
water to a final volume of 100 ml
Dissolve the potassium iodide in a minimal volume of water and add the
Shake till complete solution.
Dilute to the final volume.
Store the solution in a tightly closed opaque container.
Composition. '
brilliant-green 0.5 g
water 100 ml
Add the brilliant-green fto the water.
Store the solution at least for one day in the dark to allow
auto-sterilization to occur.
— 39 —
APPENDIX VI Ox Bile Solution
ox bile, desiccated 10.0 g
water 100 ml
Dissolve the desiccated ox bile in the water by boiling.
Sterilize the solution for 20 min at 121+1 . C. Complete Medium
base ( 900 ml
sodium thiosulphate solutien , ( 100 ml
Iodine solution ( 20 ml
brilliant-green solution ( 2 ml
ox bile solution ( 50 ml
Add to the base, under aseptic conditions, the other ingredients in
the above-mentioned order.
Mix the liquids well after each addition.
Transfer the complete medium in quantities of 1000m1 aseptically into
sterile flasks. .f
Store it at 4 ° C in the dark until needed but use it within one week
after preparation. Base
tryptone 5.0 g
lactose 4.0 g
disodium hydrogen phoephate(Na HPO .12H 0)10.0 g
2 4 2
sodium acid selenite 4.0 g
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the ingredients with the exception of sodium acid selenite
in the water by boiling for 5 min. After cooling add the sodium acid
selenite. Adjust the pH to 7.0 ± 0.1 at 20° C store at 4°C. L-Cystine Solution
L,cystine 0.1g
N sodium hydroxide (NaQH) 1 5 ml
Dilute to 100 ml with distilled water, do not autoclave.
7_40 —
APPENDIX VI Complete Medium
Cool base and add 1-cystine solution at the rate of 0.1 ml per 10 ml
of base.
Adjust pH to 7.0+0.1 at 20 . C.
Transfer the complete medium in quantities of 1000ml to sterile flasks. Base
meat extract 4.0 g
peptone 10.0 g
sodium chloride 3,0 g
disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na0HPO4 .12H20) 0 .8 g
sodium dihydrogen phorphate (Nan2 PO 4 ) 0.6 g
agar, readily soluble 12.0 g
water 900 ml
Dissolve the dehydrated base components or the dehydrated complete
base in the water by boiling.
Adjust the OH so that after sterilization it is 7.040.1 at 20 . C.
Transfer the base to tubes or boUlaa of not more than 500 ml capacity.
Literilize the base for 15 min at 121+1 . C.
lactose 10.0 g
sucrose 0 10.0 g
phenol red 0.09 g
water to a final volume of 100 ml
Dissolve the ingredients inthe water.
Heat in a wáter bath for 20 min at 70. C.
Cool to 55 ° C and use immediately.
The material known by the brand name of Oxoid No. 1 Agar is suitable
- 41 -
APPENDIX VI Brilliant-Green Solution
base (6.2 4.1)
) 900 ml
sugar/phenol red solution ( 100 ml
brilliant-green solution (6.2 )4.3) 1 ml
Under aseptic conditions, add the brilliant-green solution to the
sugar/phenol red solution cooled to approximately 55 * C.
Add to the base at 50 to 55 ° C and mix.
.Immediately before use, dry the plates carefully, preferably with the
lids off and the agar surface downwards, in an oven or incubator at 5045 *C
for 30 min.
beef extract 5.0 g
peptone or polypeptone 10.0 g
glucose 5.0 g
disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4 .12H20) 4.0 g
ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 .7H2 0) • 0.3 g
bismuth sulfite 8.0 g
brilliant-green 0.025 g
agar 20.0 g'
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the dehydrated base components or the dehydrated complete base
in water by boiling with frequent agitation to dissolve soluble materials.
Cool to 40-45 ° C, do not autoclave. Final pH should be approximately-7.7.
— 42 —
meat extract 3.0 g
peptone '5.0 g
agar 12.0 g
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the dehydrated medium components or the dehydrated complete
medium in the water by boiling.
Adjust the pH so that after boiling it is 7.0+0.1 at 20 . C.
Transfer the culture medium to tubes or bottles of not more
than 500 ml capacity.
Sterilize the medium for 20 min at 121+1 . C. Preparation
. of Agar- Plates
Transfer about 15 ml of the melted medium (6.2.6) to sterile small
Petri dishes ( ), and proceed as in
meat extract 3.0 g
yeast extract 3.0 g
peptone 20.0 g
sodium chloride 5.0 g
lactose 10.0 g
sucrose 10.0 g
glucose 1.0 g
iron (III) citrate 0.3 g °
sodium thiosulphate 0.3 g
phenol red 0.024 g
agar 12.0 g
water 1 000 ml
- 43 -
t on Base
peptone 1.0 g
glucose 1.0 g
sodium chloride 5.0 g
potassium dihydrogen phosphate (]2P0) 2.0 g
phenol red 0.012 g
agar 15.0 g
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the dehydrated base components or the dehydrated complete base
in the water by boiling.
Sterilize the base for 20 min at 121+1 . C.
urea 400 g
water to a final volume of 1 000 ml
Dissolve the urea in the water.
Sterilize by filtration and check sterility.
(For details of the technique of sterilization by filtration, reference
should be made to any approOriate textbook on microbiology.)
base ( 950 ml •••
Under aseptic conditions, add the urea solution to the base.
Adjust the pH so that it is 6.8+0.1 at 20 ° C.
Transfer the complete medium in quantities of 10 ml to sterile tubes.
Allow to set in a sloping position.
meat extract 3.0 g
peptone 5.0.g
agar 4.0-8.0 g (depending on the "gel strength")
water 1 000 ml
. Preparation
Dissolve the dehydrated base components in the water by boiling.
Adjust the pH so that after sterilization it is 7.0+0.1 at 20 ° C.
Transfer the medium tobottle.sof not more than 500 ml capacity.
Sterilize the medium for 20 min at 121+1 ° C.
sodium chloride 8.5 g
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the sodium chloride in the water by boiling.
Adjust the 011 so that after sterilization it is 7.0+0.1 at 20 ° C.
Transfer such quantitiae of the solution tobottlesor tubes that they
will contain 90 to 100 ml after sterilization.
Sterilize the solution for 20 min at 121+1 ° C.
1-lysine monohydrochloride 5.0 g
yeast extract 3.0 g
glucose 1.0 g
bromocresol purple 0.015 g
water 1 000 ml
— 45 —
Dissolve the components in the water by boil ing.
Adjust the pH so that after sterilitation it is 6.8±0.1 at 20 ° C.
Transfer the medium in quantities of 5 ml to narrow culture tubes
approximately 8 mm in diameter and 160 mm in length for anaerobic conditions.
Sterilize the medium for 10 min at 121+1 ° C.
Dissolve the sodiumdihydrogen orthophosphate in approximately 45 ml of watei .
o-nitrophenyle-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) 80 mg
water 15 ml
Dissolve the ONPG in the water at 50 ° C.
Cool the solution.
buffer solution ( 5ml
ONPG solution ( 15 ml
Add the buffer solution to the ONPO solution.
Store the complete reagent at 4 * C but not for longer than one month.
- 46 -
6.2113.1 VP Medium
peptone 7.0 g
glucose 5.0 g
dipotassium hydrogen phosphate K2HPO4 ) 5.0 g
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the components in the water.
Adjust the pH to 6.9 and filter.
Sterilize the medium for 20 min at 115 . C.
creatine monohydrate 0.5 g
water 100 ml
Dissolve the °remains monohydrato in the water. Reagent
0/ - naphthol 6 g
ethanol, 90% (V/V) 100 ml
Dissolve the o(-naphthol in the •thaftol.
potassium hydroxide 40 g
water 100 ml
Dissolve the potassium hydroxide in the water.
tryptone 10 g
sodium chloride 5 g
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the components in the water.
Sterilize for 20 min. at 121 1°C. Reagent (Kovacs)
p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 5 g
hydrochloric acid, p 1.19 g/ml 25 ml
tert amyl alcohol 75 ml
Mix the components.
6.3 Sera
7.1.1 Mechanical blender, operating at not less than 8 000 rev/min and not
more than 45 000 rev/min, with glass or metal blending jars of an appropriate
capacity, fitted with lids and resistant to the conditions of sterilization.
7.1.3 Drying cabinet, oven or incubator for drying the surface of agar plates
preferably at 5045 . C.
7.1.4 Incubator for maintaining the inoculated liquid media, plates and tubes
at 37 ° C.
7.1.6 Water baths for heating and cooling solutions and culture media to
the appropriate temperatures.
7.2 Glassware
7.2.2 Culture tubes and bottles for sterilization and storage of culture media,
and culture tubes 8 mm in diameter and 160 mm in length for lysine deoarboxylation
medium (6.2.11).
external diameter 150 + 2 mm
external height • 15 ± 2 mm
glass thickness mm Small-Size Dish
internal diameter 90 + 2 mm
external height, minimum —18 mm
external diaMeter, maximum 102 mm
— 49 —
wet sterilization at not less than 121 ° C for not less than 20 min;
dry sterilization at not less than 170 ° C for not less than 1 h.
Proceed from the 200 g field samples. (see pages 47 and 48)
Field samples of dried eggs must be well mixed by shaking before the
sample units are withdrawn. Field samples of frozeneggs should be thawed by
placing them in cold running water Only long enough to completely thaw them.
The thawed field sample must be well mixed by shaking, before removal of the
sample units.
Operate the blender according tO its Speed, for sufficient time to give a
total number of 15 000 to 20 000 revolutions. Thus, even with the slowest
blender, this time will not exceed 2.5 min.
9.4 Pre-enrichment
9.4.2 Incubate the bottle at 37+1 ° C for not less than 16 h and not more than
20 h.
9.5 Enrichment
9.5.1 After the incubation period, transfer 10 ml from each of 10 bottles
(9)1.2) to 1000 ml of tetrathionate medium (6.2.2), and 10 ml from each of the
same 10 bottles to 1000 ml of selenite Medium (6.2.3). Both enrichment broths
should be warmed to 42-43* C prior to inoculation.
9.6.2 Incubate the plates with the bottom of the Petri dishes uppermost
in an incubator at37 + 1 ° C. '
9.6.3 After an incubation period of 2 days (see 9.5.2), repeat the plating
out of the two enrichment media and Place the plates in an incubator at
37+1 ° C.
NOTE - Subject any typical or suspect colony to a donfirmation (9:7) because the
recognition of colonies of salmonelleeis to a large extent a matter of
experience and their appearance may vary somewhat, not only from species to species
of salMonellae,but also from batch to batch of medium. In this respect
agglutination of colonies with an omnivalent Salmonella antiserum may help to
recognize suspected colonies. From each plate of each selective medium (see 9.6.1) select five
typical or suspect colonies for confirmation. If on one plate there are less than five typical or suspect colonies,
take for confirmation all the typical or suspect colonies. Streak the selected colonies onto the surface of nutrient agar
plates (6.2.6), in a manner which will allow well-isolated colonies to
Inoculate the following media with the selected colonies ( by means
of an inoculating wire,
— 51 —
If salmonellae after plating out (9.6) are detected in one or both of the
enrichment media, report: "Salmonellumisolated from the 10 (or 30) sample units.
of product examined", and whether sercityping has been used. "The identified
salmonellae belong to the following types: ..."
Give the exact name of the Centre which helped to identify the strains.
— 53 —
Rock the slide gently for 30 to 60 s.
Observe the reactions against a dark background, preferably with the
aid of a magnifying glass.
The strains are considered auto-agglutinable if the bacteria have
clotted to more or less distinct units.
The serological confirmation of these auto-agglutinable strains by
the procedures and is impossible.
9.7.4 INTERPRETATION Strains which show typical biochemical reactions (9.7.2) and give
positive serological reactions according to, are considered
to be salmonellae. Strains which show typical biochemical reactions (9.7.2) but do not
give positive aerological reaotions according to,strains
which do not show typical biochemical reactions (9.7.2), but give positive
serological reactions according to, and auto-agglutinable
( strains which show typical biochemical reactions (9.7.2), could be
salmonellae. Strains which do not show typical bioollemical reactions (9.7.2) and which
do not give positive serologioal reaetions according to are not
considered to be ealmonellae.
A.2.1 Medium
A.P,2 Procedure
The method can be applied to dried or frozen whole egg products covered
by the Code of Hygienic Practice for Egg Products.
Modification of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 method for enumeration of mesophilic-
aerobic bacteria.
Inoculation in Petri dishes of melted defined culture medium, with the
food homogenate (1 in 10) and decimal dilutions.
peptone 10.0 g
sodium chloride , 5.0 g
disodium hydrogen phosphate (ga 7HPO 4 .12H 20) 9.0 g
potassium dihydrogen iposphate tK 2HPO 4 ) 1.5 g
water 1 000 ml
- 57 -
Before beginning the analysis, to avoid delay in pouring the agar, melt
the medium completely in a bath of boiling water, and cool to 45-4A ° C,
preferably in a water bath.
- 58 -
Standard laboratory equipment, and especially:
dry sterilization at not less than 170 ° C for not less than 1 h.
wet sterilization at not less than 120 °C for not less than 20 min.
Proceed from the 200 g field samples (see paras L and 2).
The frozen field samples must be kept frozen until analysis.
9.1 Pre aration of the sam le unit of the Food Homo enate 1 in 10 and
of the decimal dilutions
9.1.1 For the pre-treatment of the field sample, theample unit and blending
to obtain the food homogenate (1 in 10), refer to Salmonella reference method
9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 of section 3.1.
9.1.2 DILUTION Mix the contents of the jar by shaking, and pipette (with 7.5)
1 ml into a tube containing 9 ml of dilution fluid (6.2.1). Transfer with the same pipette 1.0 ml to another dilution tube
containing 9 ml of dilution fluid, and mix with a fresh pipette. Repeat steps and until the required number of
dilutions are made. Each successive dilution will decrease the
concentration 10-fold.
9.2 Pour Plating General case: At least one dish exists which contains between
30 and 300 colonies (examples 3, 4 and 5)
In a case in which there are two values for the number of bacteria per
gramme of product (as when two dilutions have been retained) average
these two values if the ratio of the higher value to the lower value
is less than 2. If not, retain the lower value.
If the numbers of colonies differ slightly from these limits at the level
of two successive dilutions (example 6), proceed as for10.1.2.1 (case for
two retained dilutions).
The test report must give the information needed for complete identification
of the sample.
- 59 -
Carefully mix the inoculum with the medium and allow the latter to
solidify by placing the Petri dishes on a cool horizontal surface.
Invert the prepared dishes and place them in the incubator at 30 ° C+1 Q C (7.2)
for 72+3 h.
9.4 Counting the Colonies
Examine the 'dishes after the prescribed incubation period. If this is not
possible, they may be held at 4°C for a maximum of 24 h.
Count the colonies in each dish suitable for use in the calculation of
the number of bacteria per gramme of product, in principle those containing
between 30 and 300 colonies (unless exception, see section 9).
Give the result as the number of mesophilic aerobic bacteria per gramme
of dried or frozen whole egg product. Express it by a number in the range 1.0
to 9.9 multiplied by 10x , x being the appropriate power of 10.
No. of colonies from (in no. of
1 gramme of food bacteria per g Explanation of
Examples homOgenate (1 in 10) of product) Calculations
No. 1 0 fewer than 1 x 10 = 1 x 10
1 x 10 bacteria
TABLE II (will be revised)
Number of Colonies (in number
dilution at dilution at of bacteria
1 1 per gramme
Examples -1716 1000 Ratio of product) Explanation of Calculations
208 17 208
383: 2= 191 1
- 190 4 190 x 10 2 =1.9x10 4
+24 3 4
64 : 2 = 32 ---4 32 x 10 = 3.2x10
3.4 x 10 4.2
3.2 x 10 -
4104 (3.4 + 3.2) = 3.3 x 10
25 4
43 : 2 = 21.5 21 x 10 3 = 2.1 x 10
.3x104 ¿2
2.1 x 10 -
(3.3 + 2.1) 2.7 x 10 4
410 4 2
No. 7 spreaders 18 18
spreaders 24 24
42 : 2 = 21 x 10 3 = 2.1 x 104
— 63 —
The method can be applied to dried or frozen whole egg products covered
by the Code of Hygienic Practice for Egg Products.
5.1 Enrichment
peptone 10.0 g
sodium chloride 5.0 g
disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na0HP0 h .12H2 0) 9.0 g
potassium dihydrogen phosphate `(. KH215 014 ) 1.5 g
',4ater 6- 1 000 ml
Peptone 10 g
Lactose 10 g
Ox bile 20 g
Brilliant-Green 0.0133 g
water 1 000 ml
Dissolve the peptone and lactose in 500 ml of water and add the ox bile
dissolved in 200 ml of water. Bring the volume to approximately 975 mi
with water and adjust the pH to 7.4.
— 65 —
7.5 Total-flow pipettes, nominal capacity liel and graduated in 0.1 ml.
Proceed from the 200 g field samples (see pages 47 and 48).
9.1 Preparation of the sample unit, of the food homogenate 1 in 10), and
of the decimal dilutions
• 9.1.1 For the pre-treatment of the sample, the sample unit and blending
to obtain food homogenate (1 in 10), Salmonella method 9.1, 9.2 and
9.1.2 DILUTION Mix the contents of the jar by shaking, and pipette (with 7.5)
1 ml into a tube containing 9 ml of dilution fluid (6.2.1). Transfer with the same pipette 1.0 ml to another dilution tube
containing 9 ml of dilution fluid, and mix with a fresh pipette.
— 66 —
. 9.2 Inoculation of enrichment medium
9.2.1 Take three tubes of lauryl Sulphate lryptose broth (6.2.2).Transfer into
each of these tubes with a sterile pipette (7.5) 1 ml of the food homogenate
(1 in 10).
9.2.2 Take three other tubes of lauryl Sulphate tryptose broth (6.2.2).With
a new sterile pipette, transfer to each of these tubes 1 ml of the contents
of the first dilution tube. •
9.2.3 Carry out the same operation from the liat.dilution tube.
After 24 hours, record tubes showing gas production, and proceed to step 96
for these tubes. Reincubate negative tubes and read these after 48 hours.
Record tubes showing gas produotion, and proceed to step 9.5.
If, for example, the number of positive tubes in the three dilutions were
3, 1, and 0, respectively, the results are recorded as 1:10 dilution = 3, 1:100
dilution = 1, and .1:1000 dilution = O.
6.1 Hexametilentetramina
6.2 El Grupo Especial de Trabajo no examin6 las especificaciones para color de caramelo,
por no haber recibido información de la 21 a reunión del Comité Mixto de Expertos.
7. Se recomienda que por el momento las siguientes especificaciones no se present=
a la Comisión para su aprobación:
Aditivo Objeciones/observaciones
7.1 Todas las enzimas a Hay que revisar los criterios microbiológicos
b Hay que revisar el limite para aflatoxinas
(e) La nomenclatura de las enzimas debe hacer
referencia a los nameros IUB.
7.2 Estearoil-lactilato de sodio Las especificaciones para indice de Acido,
indice de ester, contenido de sodio y con-
tenido de Acido láctico deben revisarse pa-
ra describir los productos comerciales
Hay que corregir el nombre químico.
7.3 Estearoil-lactilato de calcio véase 7.2(a)
TFresentadas a la Comisión en el Trámite 5 del Procedimiento del
Codex para la elaboración de Especificaciones)
Acentuadores del sabor Referencia ./
Acido L(+)glutámico
L(+)glutamato, amonio
L(+)glutamato, calcio
L(+)glutamato, potasio
5'-guanilato, calcio
5'-guanilato, sodio
5 1 -inosinato, calcio
5'-inosinato, sodio
5'-nucleotido, calcio
5'-nucleotido, sodio
Sales de ácidos orgánicos
Glucanato cálcico
Lactato cálcico
Gluconato ferroso
Acetato potásico
Lactato potAsico (solución)
Acetato sódico
Lactato sódico (solución)
Sales de ácidos inorgánicos
Sulfato cilprico
Cloruro estannoso
Sustancias conservadoras
Hexametilentetramina (2)
The test report must give the information needed for complete identification
of the sample.
— 68 —
The table contains only the most likely results which would be obtained
in 95% of the cases with series of 5 tests. If one pf the results does
not figure in the table, it is top unll.kelj to be acceptable and the
series of 5 tests must be repeated.
The MPN table reproduced here is calculated according to : J. C. de Man (1975)
The Probability of Most Probable Numbers. European J. Appl. Microbiol.,
1, 67-78.
-,- 69 -
Coliform bacteria: Coliform bacteria should not be recovered from any of five
sample units examined, when the test is carried out according to the method
described, in a number exceeding 1,000 per gramme, nor in a number exceeding
ten per gramme from tree or more of the five sample units examined. (n =),
c = 2, m = 10, M = 10 ).