Erasmus Hungary
Erasmus Hungary
Erasmus Hungary
The purpose of this declaration is to insure, that all participants reflect upon their own role and responsibility in connection
with the project. The purpose is furthermore to ensure that each individual participant has reflected upon the nature of the
programme, their learning needs and their possibility to implement the learning in their organisations.
In connection with the youth worker mobility, “#nobully” that I have applied for, I declare that:
2.6. If I have other activities that conflict with the programme (such as an urgent online meeting), absence can be
permitted only by the trainers/organisers if discussed in advance. I understand that trainers might refuse such a
request due to the flow of the programme.
2.7. I understand that I am expected to be punctual for all activities. In case I am late for e.g. group departures for
an activity outdoors, I give my consent that the group is leaving without me and that I will find my own way at
own costs.
Art. 3 Travel
3.1. I am aware that under no circumstances am I allowed to arrive later than the arrival day and depart earlier
than the departure day. I am aware that the organisers expect that I have organised my travel in a way that I arrive
in time to get a good night sleep before the activities start.
3.2. I can depart early on departure day but not on the last activity day. Farewell evening is a part of the planned
programme and my presence there is expected.
3.3. I am aware that travel 1 day before and/or 1 day after the activity can be accepted for reimbursement. In
case I find tickets for the same or lower value with those on the actual travel dates, then I can travel 1 day before
and/or 1 day after the project as well (once I get confirmation from the organisers).
3.4. I am aware that if I decide to arrive earlier or stay longer (1 days before and/or 1 days after the training), all
costs related to food or accommodation for those days will be supported by myself.
3.5. Only the cheapest means of transportation will be accepted between the country of the Partner Organization
(my country of residence) and the venue. Before purchasing any tickets, I send my travel plan to the organisers
for confirmation (in case of price increase reconfirmation and re-approval is required). I am aware that tickets
without getting confirmation will not be reimbursed.
3.6. I am expected to find my own way to the venue. Airport-pickup or pickup at bus/train station is only provided
if it is clearly stated in the info pack, and the cost is always to be covered by the budget available for travel. I am
aware that the organisers do not accept invoices from taxis or travel agencies (online or offline).
3.7. I am aware that travelling by car is only accepted (and reimbursed later) if it is agreed on beforehand with
the organisers and if I am able to provide the necessary documents (that are a travel order based on real costs
issued by my sending organisation, originals of all relevant bills enclosed, as well as the copy of the registration of
the car and the driver’s licence), as per the rules of the National Agency. I understand that the estimated cost of
my travel can be checked at I understand that excessive, irresponsible or unjustified expenditure
will not be accepted.
3.8. The budget the European Commission offers for travel is meant as a contribution. I expect that I might have
to contribute to this.
3.9. Regarding COVID-19, I am willing to cover the costs of tests and any other documents necessary for my travel,
and manage acquiring them. I understand that the organisers are unable to offer reimbursement for insurance or
a free of charge accommodation in case I end up being quarantined.
Value Adding Project has been
developed with support from the
Erasmus + programme of the
Participant Declaration
European Union This is ‘Participant Declaration’ was created using VAP standards
For more information, visit