Utility Bill 20201
Utility Bill 20201
Utility Bill 20201
Mr Vasile Craciun
Visit us
unitedutilities.com H
Flat 21
Warren Manor
Warren Drive
Call us
Lancashire 0800 912 7237
8am to 8pm Mon to Fri
Bill date
14 February 2023 _
Billing period
15 November 2023 - 10
February 2023
charges If you've made a payment in the last seven days, this
may not be shown in the balance and in your payments.
K More on page 2
Your 003
You pay your bill once a year
Payment for your new charges of £298.58 should reach Total due
payments us by 1 March 2023.
Manage your Sign up for My Account and you can access your
account at a time that suits you. Once registered you
bill online can pay your bill, set up a Direct Debit and update your
personal details. You can also choose to receive your
bills electronically rather than through the post.
Page 2 of 4
Ç Your charges
/ \
Fresh water Wastewater
£155.61 £142.97
. Fixed £84 x 1.078 rate = £90.55 . Fixed £84 x 1.702 rate = £142.97
É Your payments
Your outstanding balance is due now. The remainder is due by 1 April
You should allow at least five working days for your payment to reach us.
Set up a Direct Debit online at unitedutilities.com/dd
and you can see how much your regular payments will
be. Or call us on 0800 912 7237.
Ways to pay
Online at unitedutilities.com/myaccount or Using our free Apple and Android apps. Visit
unitedutilities.com/paybill unitedutilities.com/app
By cheque. Make cheques payable to 'United Take this bill or your payment card to any
Utilities Water Limited'. Write your account
number on the back and send it with the } Payzone outlet or Post Office branch
to pay by cash. Please keep your receipt.
payment slip to United Utilities, PO Box 11249,
Harlow, CM20 9NN. 63314030042782690999
Payments coming up
10/05/23 £161.30
10/06/23 £298.58
Total for this bill £459.88
Ñ More information
Priority services Download our app
We can all benefit from a bit of extra support at some Paying your bill has never been easier with our free app.
stage in our lives. This could be due to age, ill health, No more having to queue at the bank or Post Office, you
disability, mental health problems or language barriers. can make a payment with just a few taps on your phone
Registering for our Priority Services is free and means we while you’re sitting at home with a cuppa.
can offer additional support tailored around your Visit unitedutilities.com/app to download our free app
particular needs. for both Android and Apple smartphones.
Visit unitedutilities.com/priorityservices or
call 0345 072 6093 to register.
4278269099 S 459.88
Signature Cash
57-01-14 S
0503 HE
Please do not write or mark below this line and do not fold this payment slip
{ D
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We have some clever devices to help you save water Gardens don’t need tap water to be at their blooming best
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timers, our fantastic freebies will help you save water and never notice the difference!
money too. Order one now at unitedutilities.com/watertight
Just visit unitedutilities.com/watertight to order.
Ö Contacting us
Speak to the right team with our handy list of numbers: If you need to use our Text Relay service, just dial 18001
followed by any of the phone numbers listed on this bill.
Billing enquiries 0800 912 7237
All our information leaflets including our ‘Standards of
Moving home 0345 026 7661
service’ and our ‘Customer’, ‘Leakage’ and ‘Debt Recovery’
Struggling to pay 0800 072 6765 Codes of practice are available online at
Recent bereavement 0800 912 7249
If you’re not happy with our services, please call
Register for Priority Services 0345 072 6093 0345 075 0711 and we’ll try our best to put things right. If
you'd like a copy of our complaints procedure, please call
A leak in the street 0800 33 00 33
us or go online at unitedutilities.com/leaflets
Water and wastewater problems 0345 672 3723 If you've followed our complaints procedure but are still
For emergencies we're open 24 hours unhappy, the Consumer Council for Water offers free
You can also ring this number to check
independent advice. Visit ccwater.org.uk or call them on
the identity of one of our representatives.
0300 034 2222
United Utilities Water Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number 2366678. Registered office: Haweswater House, Lingley Mere Business
Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 3LP. VAT number 483 7973 87. Visit unitedutilities.com/privacy for details about how we handle
your personal details. If you don't have access to the internet please get in touch and we'll be happy to help.