BOA Emulator Software Installation Guide 175x
BOA Emulator Software Installation Guide 175x
BOA Emulator Software Installation Guide 175x
1. Introduction
Welcome to the BOA Vision System Emulator Software Installation program. This applies to iNspect installations on a PC or Laptop for the purpose of emulation. The Emulator program is an exact replica of the interface that you will see when using iNspect on BOA (including BOA IDR). Using a PC or Laptop and a set of sample images from your lab, you can setup and test a vision solution as if you were using the real thing! Within minutes, youll discover how easy iNspect is to use and youll appreciate the power of the underlying technologies.
2. Software Installation
The software installation is a simple process. Figure 1 below shows the installation screen that launches automatically when you load the CD into your PC. This can also be launched manually by clicking the setup.exe program in the CD root directory. Before installing the software, familiarize yourself with the installation procedure by reading the Installation Notes. If you do not want to install the software at this time, you may browse the CD for information by clicking the Browse CD button. At any time, you can exit the installation by clicking the Exit button.
Version 1.5.5.X
Click on the Install Software button. An installation setup screen will launch as shown in Figure 2
Figure 2
For BOA emulation software there are no install selections. Simply click on the Start Install button. The installation will prompt you for where to install the software. On your PC or Laptop, you can change the location to suit your environment (default is d:\iNspectExpress). The iNspect install will perform the following steps. 1. The software will be extracted to the directory of your choosing.
iNspect Express and IDR Emulator Software Installation Guide 2. The Intel IPP 5.2 runtime primitives and VC Redistribution runtime will be installed in your system 32 directory. These are required by the iNspect program. The following shortcuts will be created:
These shortcuts are visible from the Start->All Programs->DALSAIPD iNspect Express link. A short description of each shortcut follows: BOA Output Log Utility program for logging images to a spreadsheet. Select Loopback mode for emulation whil emulator is running Connect to a Boa Camera Utility program that allows you to connect to a camera without using the web browser. Not used by emulator Discover Boa Cameras launches iDiscover utility program which scans the LAN for available cameras Display Boa Cameras Utility program for displaying images and results from selected cameras. Not used by emulator IDR Reader This shortcut launches the BOA IDR emulator iNspect Express Help Online help manual for iNspect Express Version 1.5.5.X
BOA Emulation Software Installation Guide iNspect Express This shortcut launches the iNspect Emulator Solution Report Generator Utility program for generating a report for a selected solution file Upgrade Boa Camera Utility program for upgrading firmware to a selected camera. Not used by emulator Upgrade Boa Cameras Utility program for upgrading multiple cameras. Not used by emulator
The Emulator allows you to setup and run a solution with a set of test images. For convenience, a set of images are included in the iNspectExpress/images directory after installation. This is the default location where the emulator will look. You can either replace these images with some representative of your application, or browse to a different directory where your images are located. The browse feature is located in the iNspect sensor panel. The naming convention for images is not important, but by default they are assigned as follows: imagex.bmp (could also be called xyz123.bmp) NOTE: Only .BMP formats are supported. Even though the naming convention can be arbitrary, the emulator recognizes images with certain prefixes, namely Pat, Image and Calib. If you have images called Pat1.bmp, Pat2.bmp etc., the emulator will assume that these are your golden templates from which you will teach the application. If you have images called Image1.bmp, Image2.bmp etc., the emulator will treat these images as your runtime images (NOTE: if you dont have Patx.bmp images, the emulator will not discriminate between teach and runtime images). The last image keyword is Calib. The
Version 1.5.5.X
BOA Emulation Software Installation Guide emulator assumes these images are calibration grids for pixel-real world transforms. Even though BOA currently supports resolutions from 640x480 to 1280 x 960, the emulator supports any size images format. The Emulator program reads the properties associated with the 1st image in the images subdirectory (i.e. image1.bmp or 1.bmp) to determine the format of the image sequence The Emulator enables all of the features that are found in the actual product, except for the I/O communication interfaces (serial and Ethernet are functional) and some of the remote access capabilities. The images can be fr ee-r un or tr igger ed, according to how the application is setup in the sensor panel. If triggered mode is selected, a small pulse icon will appear in the top right corner of each control panel. Clicking on this icon will cause the Emulator to sequence to the next image.
Version 1.5.5.X