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Name : Saiful Anwar

NIS : 20172033
Class : XII
Major : Computer And

Nusantara Vocatinal High School

Jl.Tarumanegara Dalam No. 1 Ciputat Timur Kota Tangerang Selatan 15415
Telp.(021) 747 07 222, Fax. (021) 747 10 824

1.1 History of photoscape

Photoscape, or commonly called photoscape, is an imange

aditing software made by adobe sy widely that is devoted to editing photos
/ images and creting effacts. This software is widely used by digital
photographers and advertising companies so that it is considered as the
marker leader ( market leader ) for image processing software / photo, and
along with version of this application is called photoscape CS ( Creative
Suite ), nine is called Adobe photoscape CS2, ten is called adobe
photoscape CS3, the elevent version is Adobe photoscape CS4, and the
last ( twelfth ) is Adobe photoscape CS5.

Photoscape is available for Microsoft Windous, Mac OS X,

and Mac OS; version 9 and above can also be used by other oprating
systems such as Linux with eth help of certain software such CrossOver.
In 1987, Thomas Knoll, phD student at eth University of
Michigan, began witing a program on his Michigan plus to display
grayscale images on a monochrome screen.
screen This program, called Display,
caught eth attention of his brother John Knoll, an employee at Industrial
Lingt & Magic, who rocommended Thomas to turn his program into a fuul
image editing program, Thomas took a six-month break from study in 1988
to collaborate with his brother program, which was renamed ImagePro.
After that year, Thoman change the name of his program to Photoscape and
worked in the short term with eth scanner manufacturer Barneyscan to
distribute copies of the program with a slide scanner; “A total of about 200
Copies of Photoscape have been sent “ this way.

During that time, john traveled to Silicon Valley in California

and gave a demonstration of the program to engineers at Apple Computer
Inc. And Russell Brown, art director at Adobe. Bouth demonstration were
successfull, and Adobe decided to buy a license to distrbute in September.

This allwo userto easily edit photo taken from digital camera or
camera phone Photoscape provide a use interface to do general photo
enhancment including color adjusttment, cropping, printing and GIF
animation Photoscape is only available for Microsoft windows and not
avalable for Mac or Linux.
1.2 System Use Photoscape

Photoscape minimum spacification operting system : Windos XP,

Linux Hardwere Requrrements:

 700 Nhz Petium III processor

 Memory RAM : 128MB
 VGA : 64MB
 Hard disk : 5GB

Photoscape offers a simple alternative to free and professional image

processing facilities and rich rich programs like Adobe photoscape. Photoscape is
perfect for amateur users who want to create and manage photo abums on thein
computer. It offers a number of simple and easy -ot-use that can be aesily
understood by amateurs.

Photoscape, and available for free download. With Photoscape you

can make many of the main facilities that are made to match existing ones made
in Photoscape as a popular tool for so long.
long You can resizie images, you can resizi
your images, increase your images, and you can also work with images that been
scanned and images download directly from a sigital camera.
1.3 Photoscape Version
Photoscape is freeware, lighter, and very easy to use. for those of
you who like to edit photos, it is feasible to try this software. Supports 34
languages : English, Korean, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Dutch,
Spanish (spain), Spanish (Mexico, Latin America), french, Jepang, Russian
Polish, Italian, Catalan, Slovak, Czevch, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
Swedish, Estonian, Danish, Romanian, Hebrew, Galician, finnish,
Indonesian, and Arabic

 Added Clone Stamp (Editor->Tools Tab) video

 Added Paint Brush (Editor->Tools Tab)
 Added Color Picket (Editor->Tools Tab & Objeck Tab)
 Improved Mosaic Filter : Mosaic pixel size selectable
(Editor->Tools Tab)
 Chaged Editor-> Region tab name from ‘Region’ to
 Added ‘print Buttot’ to Viewer and Editor
 Added 59 travel icons, 7 face icons and 6 makeup Icons.
At combine, the first poho’s EXIF information would be saved
 Photo viewer shows photo in regular sequence (a 1, a 10, a 2, a 3,->a
1, a 2, a 3, a 10)
 Run ‘ Raw Converter’ automatically when you drag & drop at the
photoscape welcome
 Support Windows Vista Windows 7.
 Support Multiuser Sessions
 Stop supprting Windows 95, 98 and Me. (if you are a user of
windows 98 or Me, plaease user Photoscape 3,4)
 Fixed minor bags
How To Install Photoscape
Trobleshooting Setup
2.1 How To Install Photoscape

Step 1:
Open the folder containing the installation file called PhotoScape
photoscape.exe , or if your home computer is not yet installed, you can
download the latest installation of the software here:

Step 2
A window displays with the message, allowing you to change
settings before starting the installation process to install PhotoScape.

Select I Agree - install if you do not want

to change anything but wanted parameter settings are
carried out. Or select Options to change the settings.
Step 3
On the card Options , you can customize the installation directory
where the file by clicking the Browser instead save the installation file in the path
that the manufacturer defaults available, often in drive C: \
There are also 3 other options for you to use, can choose some or all 3 options are.

 Create program group: If you want to create the new program group.
 Create shortcut on desktop : Create a Desktop shortcut to facilitate the use /
 Add shortcut to quick launch: Create a shortcut to quick launch.
 Click I Agree - install to continue.
Step 4 :
Select I Agree to agree to terms that
manufacturers offer.
Step 5:
A message window asking whether you want to install on your computer
Tweeki not? Because Tweeki favorite tool for desktop, thanks to this tool helps you
get the latest information of PhotoScape.

 I


Step 6
It takes a certain amount of time to complete the
installation process.
Step 7
Select Run PhotoScape to launch the
program as soon as the work to install PhotoScape end.

 Click Finish to close the installation window.

Finish the installation, PhotoScape interface as shown
Photoscape after installation is quite simple

Click Here
Advantage And Disadvantage

3.1 Advantage

PhotoScape is image editor softwaer developed by MOOI tech, The

currect stable release version is 3.7. However, the old version is still available for
Windows 98 or Me users. Photoscape is distributed free of charge to all users,
including commercial purposes.
When talking about photo editing, most people will probably
immediately imagine
Photoshop.This Application made by Adobe has become a very popular tool
among photographers or designers because it offers a variety of features.
However, many of these features also have an impact: very expensive prices and
applications become heavy when running becauce it requires a lot of resources
(memory and processor). In addtion,, these various features are often redundant
because they are not widely us

Photoscape is an image editor softwaer developed by MOOII tech,

Kore. The basic concept of Photoscape is “esay and fun”, allowing users to
easily edit photos take from digital cameras or camera phones. Photoscape
provides a simple user interface for doing general photo enchancements
including color adjustment, cropping, resizing, printing and creating GIF
Photoscape is only available for Microsoft Windows and not available
for Mac or Linux. The default languages are English and korean, with
additional language packages available for download.
The current stable release version i s 3.7. However, the old version is
still available for Windows
98 or Me users. Photoscape is distributed free of charge to all users, including
commercial purposes.

When talking about photo editing, most people will probably

immediately imagine Photoshop.
This appllication made by Adobe has become a very popular tool among
photographers or designers because
It offers a variety of features. However, many of these feature also have an
impact: the price is very expensive and the application becomes heavy when
running because it requires a lot of resources (memory
And processor). In addition, these variouus features are often wasteful because
they are not widely used.

Well, one alternative software thet can be used for photo editing is
Photoscape, To use this application you do not need to spend deep because this
application is feeware. But make no mistake, although it’s free, Photoscape is a
power ful application that handles functions for photo editing purposes. Want to
know what features like ? Let’s look together

-Photoscape’s advantages :
 The licence is freeware, so it’s free and can be used by anyone.

 Already there are features including Photoviewer

 There is an easier screen capture for printscreen

 There is a Face Finder for searchinng for similar faces on the internet

 Easier to use to edit photos for beginners

Adobe Photoscape has many facilites theat allow a Designer to create
certain effects and can use many variations of the facilites provided by
Adobe Photoshop, some of which are :

-Make writing with certain effects.

 Photoscape can change the from of writing to be more creative and innovative
with the effect tools thet tools that are in it.

- Creating a variety of textures and materials.

 With certain steps, a Designer can make grawings such as leaves, metal, water,
and various other images

- Edit Exiting photos and images.

 With Photoshop we can change our ugly images to be good or vice versa. In
addition,Photoshop can change a person’s photo into a cartoon image. Or in
Graphic Design called vector and vexel.

-Processing Web material.

 Photoshop is also used for web purposes, for example: compressing image
files so thet they are smaller, cutting images into small pieces (slices), and
creating web photo galleries. With Adobe Image Ready, existing images can
be created for web purposes, for example into rollovers and GIF animations.

3.2 Weakness of Adobe Photoshop

 The weakness of Adobe Photoshop in creating images is that Adobe

Photoshop can only be used to create static images, and also with the
development of the current version of Photoshop The computer specifications
for running Adobe Photoshop programs must also be high and that will
certainly be offset
programs must also be high and thet will certainly be offset by high
prices as well.
The Process cannot be saved, so tomorrow you want to re-edit it from the
beginning / it can be copied by

saving per step, and then you can folder it yourself.

-There are no layer features

 Of course the editing sharpness isn’t as great as Photoshop

 There is no save as image for web feature (or the bottom line is that our image
file resolution is still large but only weighs 2-5
2 kb)

Already, I think that’s all. In principle, the use of photoscape is for

the use of simple and true image editing and doesn’t want to get caughht up in
various complexities. For those of you who like editing with details and waw
effects, as long as you can use it.
The current stable release version i s 3.7. However, the old version is
still available for Windows
98 or Me users. Photoscape is distributed free of charge to all users, including
commercial purposes.

When talking about photo editing, most people will probably

immediately imagine Photoshop.
This appllication made by Adobe has become a very popular tool among
photographers or designers because
It offers a variety of features. However, many of these feature also have an
impact: the price is very expensive and the application becomes heavy when
running because it requires a lot of resources (memory
And processor). In addition, these variouus features are often wasteful because
they are not widely used.

Well, one alternative software thet can be used for photo editing is
Photoscape, To use this application you do not need to spend deep because this
application is feeware. But make no mistake, although it’s free, Photoscape is a
power ful application that handles functions for photo editing purposes. Want to
know what features like ? Let’s look together

-Photoscape’s advantages :
 The licence is freeware, so it’s free and can be used by anyone.

 Already there are features including Photoviewer

 There is an easier screen capture for printscreen

 There is a Face Finder for searchinng for similar faces on the internet

 Easier to use to edit photos for beginners

Photoscape is an image editor softwaer developed by MOOI Tech ,
Korea. For those of you fans of the world of computing, especially for those of
you who like the world of design and photography, this
software could be you’ve never tried before.
before Yes, Photoscape, this software is
famous for its realiability to “touch” your photos to be more interesting and more
beatiful than before.

The basic concept of Photoscape is “Easy and Fun” so that it allow

users to easily edit photos taken from digital cameras or camera phones.
PhotoScape provides a user interfacee to do general photo enchancements
including color adjustment, crooping, resizing, printing and GIF animation.

The current stable realse version is 3.5. However, the old version is
still available for Windows 98 Me users. Photoscape is distributed free of charge
to all users, including commercial purposes.

PhotoScape fdeature as follows:

 Photo Viewer : Browse and organize photos.

 Photo Editor : Alter your photos to meet your desire need
by balancing color, resizing, adding effects and
clip-arts, changing white balance or backlight
correction, adding text, drawing pictures,
cropping, filters, red eye
removal blooming, paint
removal, brush, clone
stamp, effect brush.
 Photo Batch-Editor : For volume of works Batch editor function
is the solution for many
problems. Convert, change name of multiple photos in one click of a
 Featured Printer : Print photos for particular occasions, such
as Passport photo, or lined page
such as graph, calendar or music paper.
 RAW Converter : You can easily convert any RAW files to JPEG. This is
a feature which is missing in a lot of other photo
editing tools.
 Page Creator : join multiple photos into poster-like single page or to
create one final photo.
 Combine : Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to
create one final photos.
 GIF Animation : Use multiple photos to create a final animated photo.
 Screen Capture : Capture your screenshot and save it
 Face Finder : Find similar faces on the Internet
 Color Picker : Zoom in on images, search and pick a color.
 Splitter : Slice a photo into several pieces
Conlcusion & Suggestion

4.1 Conlcusion

Software that is suitable for those of you who like to edit
photos, although simple this software is quite fun to edit, the
following description: Description Features available in
Photoscape include:
 Viewer: Displays the Photo and Image Files available on the
 Editor: Features for editing such as cropping, resizing, adding
frames, color and lighting effects, adding objects such as
cartoons, text and so on.
 Batch Editor: Accumulated changes to some edited photos
or images.
 Page: Combine several photos into the boxes that have
become a page
 Combine: Combine several photos into one
 AniGif: Make an animated Gif by combining several Photos
or Images
 Print: Print photos or images of various sizes
 Splitter: Perform cutting or sharing an image or photo
 Screen Capture: Capture Images on the Computer screen
from several angles (Fullscreen
Fullscreen, Window and Region)
 Color Picker: determine or choose a color
 Raw Converter: Convert images from Raw to Jpeg
 Rename: Change the name of a Photo or Gamba File
 Home Page: Link to the Photoscape homepage
 Paper Print: For printing graph paper, music paper, or
 Face Search: To search for similar faces on the internet
Sometimes certain images are needed to have a smaller
size or, conversely, higher than the original image. With
PhotoScape image sizes can be modified by reducing from 100
pixels to 1280 pixels.
This program can also resize by:
 length adjustment
 width adjustment
 Height adjustment
 Color and Brightness Adjustment
This function changes the brightness of objects in certain
images and colors present. Images can be changed by 15
-White Balance
Some photos are produced in various shades of yellow or blue
when done in a particular room or in the dark. To achieve the tonal
balance function White balance is used. This is done by left-clicking
on a specific part of the image, following confirmation of the effect
Frames are aestheticization of images by "framing" them. This
can be done by implementing a "real" framework in the form of a
template or framework.
-Bubble Dialog
Bubble dialogue can be introduced into the picture to express
ideas, feelings or thoughts. This can sketch with text or even a
particular drawing. They differ in shape and color.
-The Mozaik
This module can be used to hide objects whose presence is not
wanted in an image. This is similar to the protection of the person or
television sensor used.
-Film Effects
Version 3.0 is one of the effects of the film, Cinema, but version 3.1 is to
increase the addition of five video effects:
effects CrossProcess, Velvia, Provia, Portra,
Supports 34 languages : English, Korean, Chinese,
Traditional Chinese, German, Dutch, Spanish (spain), Spanish
(Mexico, Latin America), french, Jepang, Russian Polish, Italian,
Catalan, Slovak, Czevch, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
Swedish, Estonian, Danish, Romanian, Hebrew, Galician, finnish,
Indonesian, and Arabic

 Added Clone Stamp (Editor->Tools Tab) video

 Added Paint Brush (Editor->Tools Tab)
 Added Color Picket (Editor->Tools Tab &
Objeck Tab)
 Improved Mosaic Filter : Mosaic pixel size
selectable (Editor->Tools
(Editor Tab)
 Chaged Editor-> > Region tab name from ‘Region’
to ‘Tools’
 Added ‘print Buttot’ to Viewer and Editor
 Added 59 travel icons, 7 face icons and 6
makeup Icons.
 At combine, the first poho’s EXIF information
would be saved
 Photo viewer shows photo in regular sequence (a 1, a 10, a 2, a
3,->a 1, a 2, a 3, a 10)
 Run ‘ Raw Converter’ automatically when you drag & drop at
the photoscape welcome
 Support Windows Vista Windows 8.
 Support Multiuser Sessions
 Fixed minor bags
4.2 Suggetion

Photoscape is a free software released by Moii in 2001 and

in this software we can edit photo a little easier than if we use
Adobe photoscape. And from tha features it has, we can make several
photo into one by using the Combine feature, and if we want to edit
photo we can use na editor to give our photos a frame a to give text
and also create color and lighting effects.
 https://www.merriam-

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