Basic FPGA Tutorial Vivado VHDL-2022.2

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Basic FPGA Tutorial

using VHDL and VIVADO to design two frequencies PWM modulator system 2023/01/05 1
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1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Purpose of this Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Structure of this Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Objectives of this Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 One Possible Solution for the Modulator Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Design Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.7 Vivado Design Suite and it's Use Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.8 Dierences between Project and Non-Project Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2 Creating a New Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Vivado Integrated Design Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Creating Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.1 Creating a Module Using Vivado Text Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 Creating Test Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.6 Simulating with Vivado Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Creating Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3 Creating Test Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4 Simulating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.2 Creating Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.2 Creating Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6 PWM 57
6.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.2 Creating Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.3 Creating Test Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
6.4 Simulating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2 Creating Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.3 Creating Test Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
7.4 Simulating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.5 Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
7.5.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
7.5.2 Run Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
7.5.3 After Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.5.4 Synthesis Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.5.5 Schematic View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74



8.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
8.2 Creating Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
9.1 Creating XDC File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
9.1.1 Dening Timing Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
9.2 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
9.2.1 About the Vivado Implementation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
9.2.2 Run Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
9.2.3 After Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
9.2.4 Implementation Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
9.3 Generate Bitstream File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.4 Program Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.5 Modications in case of using dierent development boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
10.1 Inserting ILA and VIO Cores into Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
10.2 Debug a Design using Integrated Vivado Logic Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
11.1 IP Integrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
11.2 Creating Modulator IP Core with AXI4 Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
12.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
12.2 Creating a Dynamic Function eXchange Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

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Chapter 1

1.1 Motivation
"Basic FPGA Tutorial" is a document made for beginners who are entering the FPGA world. This tutorial
explains, step by step, the procedure of designing a simple digital system using VHDL language and Xilinx
Vivado Design Suite.

1.2 Purpose of this Tutorial

This tutorial is made to introduce you how to create, simulate and test an project and run it on your
development board.

The following project is designed for:

ˆ Designing Surface: VIVADO 2022.2

ˆ HD Language: VHDL

ˆ Simulator: Vivado Simulator

ˆ Device: Sozius Development Board

After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:

ˆ Launch and navigate the Vivado Integrated Design Environment (IDE)

ˆ Learn the various types of projects that can be created with the New Project Creation Wizard

ˆ Create and add design source les with the Vivado IDE

ˆ Synthesize and implement the design in the Vivado IDE

ˆ Simulate a design using integrated Vivado Simulator

ˆ Run your design on the target development board

ˆ Debug a design in hardware using Vivado Logic Analyzer

ˆ Designing with IPs


1.3 Structure of this Tutorial

This tutorial is composed of twelve chapters. The content of each chapter is explained in the text below:
ˆ Chapter 1: "Introduction" - In this chapter you will nd what is the purpose of this tutorial, expla-
nation what is the PWM signal, block diagram of one possible solution for the modulator design and a
lot of basic information about the Vivado Design Suite.
ˆ Chapter 2: "Selector" - In this chapter you will nd all the necessary information about how to create
a new project in the Vivado IDE, how to create SElector module as constituent part of the Modulator
design, how to generate its test bench le and how to simulate it with the integrated Vivado simulator.
ˆ Chapter 3: "Counter" - This chapter explains how to create Counter module, how to create its test
bench le and how to simulate it with Vivado simulator.
ˆ Chapter 4: "Sine Package" - This chapter holds the information how to create Sine package as one
universal package that will be used in almost all modules of the Modulator design.
ˆ Chapter 5: "Digital Sine" - This chapter explains how to create Digital Sine module, how to create
its test bench le and how to simulate it with Vivado simulator.
ˆ Chapter 6: "PWM" - This chapter explains how to create PWM module. This module will generate an
PWM signal modulated using the digital sine wave from the Digital Sine module. In this chapter you will
nd how to create its FSM state diagram, its test bench le and how to simulate it with Vivado simulator.
ˆ Chapter 7: "Modulator" - This chapter includes all the necessary information about the Modulator
module, as the top module of our design. In this chapter you will nd information how to create Modulator
module and its test bench le and how to simulate it with Vivado simulator. Additionally, this chapter
holds information about the Vivado synthesis process.
ˆ Chapter 8: "Modulator Sozius Wrapper" - This chapter includes all the necessary information about
the Modulator Sozius Wrapper module. This module will be used to target Sozius development board.
Considering that the main component of the Sozius development board is Zynq-7000 AP SoC, in this
chapter you will nd all the necessary information how to use PS and PL parts of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC
system for the purpose of our project.
ˆ Chapter 9: "Design Implementation" - This is a large chapter and includes all the information about
the design implementation process steps. In this chapter you will learn how to create XDC le, how to
implement your design, how to generate bitstream le and how to program your device. Here you will
also nd information about the necessary modications in case of using dierent development boards.
ˆ Chapter 10: "Debugging Design" - This chapter explains the process of debugging design. In this
chapter you will nd the information how to instantiate ILA and VIO cores into the design and how to
debug your design using integrated Vivado Logic Anayzer.
ˆ Chapter 11: "Debugging with IPs" - This chapter explains how you can create Modulator design
using your own IPs, with the help of the Vivado IP Packager and IP Integrator tools, how you can debug
IP integrated designs and how you can create new Modulator IP core with AXI4 interface in it.
ˆ Chapter 12: "Working with Partial Reconguration Flow" - This chapter explains how you can
work with Partial Reconguration Flow, which allows reconguration of modules within an active design.

This tutorial is accompanied by the pdf lab presentations. In total there are 16 labs. Correlation between labs
and this tutorial document is the following:
ˆ Lab 1: "Introduction" - covers the information presented in the Chapter 1: "Introduction" of this
ˆ Lab 2: "Quick Guide to Running Modulator Design on FPGA Board" - presents the overview
of design development using Xilinx Vivado Design Suite and VHDL modelling language. Therefore, this
lab covers information located throughout the whole tutorial document.
ˆ Lab 3: "Creating Selector Module" - covers the information presented in the sub-chapters 2.1,
2.2, 2.4, 2.4.1 of Chapter 2: "Selector" of this tutorial.

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ˆ Lab 4: "Selector Verication" - covers the information presented in the sub-chapters 2.5, 2.6 of
Chapter 2: "Selector" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 5: "Creating Counter Module" - covers the information presented in the Chapter 3: "Counter"
of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 6: "Creating Sine Package" - covers the information presented in the Chapter 4: "Sine
Package" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 7: "Creating Digital Sine Module" - covers the information presented in the Chapter 5:
"Digital Sine" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 8: "Creating PWM Module" - covers the information presented in the Chapter 6: "PWM"
of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 9: "Creating Modulator Module" - covers the information presented in the Chapter 7: "Mod-
ulator" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 10: "Creating Modulator Sozius Wrapper Module" - covers the information presented in the
Chapter 8: "Modulator Sozius Wrapper" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 11: "Creating XDC File" - covers the information presented in the sub-chapter 9.1 of Chapter
9: "Design Implementation" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 12: "Design Implementation" - covers the information presented in the sub-chapter 7.5 of
Chapter 7: "Modulator" and sub-chapters 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 of Chapter 9: "Design Implementa-
tion" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 13: "Debugging Design" - covers the information presented in the sub-chapter 10.1 of the
Chapter 10 "Debugging Design" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 14: "Debug a Design using Integrated Vivado Logic Analyzer" - covers the information
presented in the sub-chapter 10.2 of the Chapter 10 "Debugging Design" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 15: "Designing with IPs - IP Integrator" - covers the information presented in the sub-chapter
11.1 of the Chapter 11 " Designing with IPs" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 16: "Creating Modulator IP with AXI4 Interface" - covers the information presented in the
sub-chapter 11.2 of the Chapter 11 " Designing with IPs" of this tutorial.
ˆ Lab 17: "Working with Partial Reconguration Flow" - covers the information presented in the
sub-chapters 12.1 and 12.2 of the Chapter 12 "Working with Partial Reconguration Flow"
of this tutorial.

1.4 Objectives of this Tutorial

Objectives of this Tutorial

In this tutorial a PWM signal modulated using the sine wave with two dierent frequencies (1 Hz and 3.5
Hz) will be created.

Frequency that will be chosen depends on the position of the two-state on-board switch.

PWM Signal

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) uses a rectangular pulse wave whose pulse width is modulated by some other signal (in
our case we will use a sine wave) resulting in the variation of the average value of the waveform. Typically, PWM signals
are used to either convey information over a communications channel or control the amount of power sent to a load. To
learn more about PWM signals, please visit 2023/01/05 7

Figure 1.1: Example of the PWM signal

Figure 1.1. illustrates the principle of pulse-width modulation. In this picture an arbitrary signal is used to
modulate the PWM signal, but in our case sine wave signal will be used.

1.5 One Possible Solution for the Modulator Design

One Possible Solution

Considering that we are working with digital systems and signals, our task will be to generate an digital
representation of an analog (sine) signal with two frequencies: 1 Hz and 3.5 Hz.

Figure 1.2: Sine wave with 256 samples

Figure 1.2 is showing the sine wave that will be used to modulate the PWM signal.

One period of the sine wave is represented with 256 (28 ) samples, where each sample can take one of 4096 (212 )

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possible values. Since the sine wave is a periodic signal, we only need to store samples of one period of the

Note : Pay attention that all of sine signals with the same amplitude, regardless their frequency, look the same
during the one period of a signal. The only thing that is dierent between those sine signals is duration of a
signal period. This means that the sample rate of those signals is dierent.

Now, it is obvious that the sine wave can be generated by reading sample values of one period, that are stored
in one table, with appropriate speed. In our case the values will be generated using the sine function from the
IEEE Math library and will be stored in an ROM memory.

Block diagram

Block diagram on the following gure shows the structure of one possible system that can be used to generate
required PWM signals.

Figure 1.3: Block diagram

Let us briey explain each module shown on the Figure 1.3:


This module will generate one output signal with two possible increment values for Counter module. Which
increment value will be chosen depends on the position of the two-state on-board switch (sel_i).


This module is an up counter with user-selectable increment value. Its task will be to generate read ad-
dresses for the ROM where samples of the sine wave are stored. The step of the counting will be controlled by
the Selector module, via inc_i port, and the output of the Counter module will be an input of the Digital Sine
module. 2023/01/05 9

Digital Sine

This module will generate an digital representation of an analog (sine) signal with desired frequency. It will use
the counter values as addresses to fetch the next value of the sine wave from the ROM.

In our case we will make an VHDL package with a parametrized sine signal. 28 =256 unsigned amplitude
values during one sine-period that will be stored into an ROM array.

VHDL package is a way of grouping related declarations that serve a common purpose. Each VHDL pack-
age contains package declaration and package body.

Note: Don't forget to include the Sine package in the code of the Digital Sine module!


This module will generate an PWM signal modulated using the digital sine wave from the Digital Sine module.
This module will implement the Finite State Machine (FSM), that will be used to generate the PWM signal
with correct duty cycle for each period based on the current amplitude value of digital sine signal, that is stored
in the ROM.

Figure 1.4: Details of PWM signal generation

Design steps

This tutorial will be realized step by step with the idea to explain the whole procedure of designing an digital

On the Figure 1.5 are shown steps in designing modules of this lab:

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Design Steps

Figure 1.5: Project Design Steps

ˆ First we will create the Selector module that will provide one output signal with two possible increment

ˆ Then, we will create the Counter module, that will generate read addresses for the ROM where samples
of the sine wave will be stored.

ˆ Then, we will create an VHDL package with a parametrized sine signal.

ˆ After that, we will create the Digital Sine module, where we will generate an digital representation of an
analog (sine) signal and where we will include the Sine package.

ˆ After that, we will create PWM module that will generate PWM signal.

ˆ At the end, we will create Modulator module where we will merge all the previously designed modules
into one big design.

Note: All of these information, such as what is the purpose of this tutorial, explanation what is the PWM signal,
frequency calculations and block diagram as one possible solution for the modulator design, are illustrated in
the Lab 1: "Introduction". 2023/01/05 11

1.6 Design Flow

Figure 1.6: Design Flow

On the Figure 1.6 is presented the simplied Vivado Design ow.

ˆ Design Entry - the rst step in creating a new design is to specify it's structure and functionality. This
can be done either by writing an HDL model using some text editor or drawing a schematic diagram using
schematic editor.
ˆ Design Synthesis - next step in the design process is to transform design specication (RTL design
specication) into a more suitable representation (gate-level representation) that can be further processed
in the later stages in the design ow. This representation is called the netlist. Prior to netlist creation
synthesis tool checks the model syntax and analyse the hierarchy of your design which ensures that your
design is optimized for the design architecture you have selected.

Vivado synthesis enables you to congure, launch and monitor synthesis run. The Vivado IDE displays
the synthesis result and creates report les. You can launch multiple synthesis runs also, simultaneously
or serially.
ˆ Design Implementation

Implementation step maps netlist produced by the synthesis tool onto particular device's internal structure.

Vivado implementation includes all steps necessary to place and route the netlist onto the FPGA de-
vice resources, while meeting the design's logical, physical and timing constraints.

Vivado implementation enables you to congure, launch and monitor implementation runs. The Vivado
IDE displays the implementation result and creates report les. You can launch multiple implementation
runs also, simultaneously or serially.
ˆ Design Verication - is very important step in design process. A verication is comprised of seeking
out problems in the HDL implementation in order to make it compliant with the design specication.

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A verication process reduces to extensive simulation of the HDL code. Design Verication is usually
performed using two approaches: Simulation and Static Timing Analysis.

There are two types of simulation:

 Functional (Behavioral) Simulation - enables you to simulate or verify a code syntax and func-
tional capabilities of your design. This type of simulation tests your design decisions before the
design is implemented and allows you to make any necessary changes early in the design process. In
functional (behavioral) simulation no timing information is provided.
 Timing Simulation - allows you to check does the implemented design meet all functional and
timing requirements and behaves as you expected. The timing simulation uses the detailed informa-
tion about the signal delays as they pass through various logic and memory components and travel
over connecting wires. Using this information it is possible to accurately simulate the behaviour
of the implemented design. This type of simulation is performed after the design has been placed
and routed for the target PLD, because accurate signal delay information can now be estimated. A
process of relating accurate timing information with simulation model of the implemented design is
called Back-Annotation.
 Static Timing Analysis - helps you to perform a detailed timing analysis on routed FPGA design.
This analysis can be useful in evaluating timing performance of the logic paths, especially if your
design doesn't meet timing requirements. This method doesn't require any type of simulation.

Figure 1.7: Design Verication Steps

ˆ Generate Programming File - this option runs Xilinx bitstream generation program, to create a
bitstream le that can be downloaded to the device.
ˆ Programming - Vivado Design Suite oers Open Hardware Manager option that uses the native
in-system device programming capabilities that are built into the Vivado IDE. Hardware manager uses
the output from the Generate Programming File process to congure your target device.
ˆ Testing - after conguring your device, you can debug your FPGA design using Vivado Logic Analyzer
or some external logic analyzer. 2023/01/05 13

ˆ Estimate Power - after implementation, you can use the analyzer for estimation and power analysis.
With this tool you can estimate power, based on the logic and routing resources of the actual design.

Note : In the Lab 2: "Quick Guide to Running Modulator Design on FPGA Board" you can also
nd a short description about each step from the Vivado Design Flow.

1.7 Vivado Design Suite and it's Use Modes

The Vivado Design Suite is a entirely new tool suite, designed to improve overall productivity of designing,
integrating and implementing with the Xilinx 7 Series, Zynq-7000 All Programmable (AP) SoC, and UltraScale
device families. The entire ISE Design Suite ow is replaced by the new Vivado Design Suite tools. It replaces
all of the ISE Design Suite point tools, such as Project Navigator, Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST), Im-
plementation, CORE Generator tool, Timing Constraints Editor, ISE Simulator (ISim), ChipScope Analyzer,
Xilinx Power Analyzer, FPGA Editor, PlanAhead design tool, and Smart- Xplorer. All of these capabilities are
now built directly into the Vivado Design Suite and leverage a shared scalable data model.

Important : The Vivado IDE supports designs that target 7 Series devices, Zynq-7000 All Programmable (AP)
SoC, and UltraScale devices.

Built on the shared scalable data model of the Vivado Design Suite, the entire design process can be executed
in memory without having to write or translate any intermediate le formats (like it was in the ISE Design
Suite ow). This accelerates runtimes, debug, and implementation while reducing memory requirements.

All of the Vivado Design Suite tools are written with a native Tool Command Language (Tcl) interface. All of
the commands and options available in the Vivado IDE are accessible through Tcl. A Tcl script can contain
Tcl commands covering the entire design synthesis and implementation ow, including all necessary reports
generated for design analysis at any point in the design ow.

You can interact with the Vivado Design Suite using:

ˆ GUI-based commands in the Vivado IDE

ˆ Tcl commands entered in the Tcl Console in the Vivado IDE, in the Vivado Design Tcl shell outside the
Vivado IDE, or saved to a Tcl script le that is run either in the Vivado IDE or in the Vivado Design
Suite Tcl shell
ˆ A mix of GUI-based and Tcl commands

The Vivado Design Suite supports the following industry design standards:

ˆ Tcl


ˆ Synopsys design constraints (SDC)

ˆ Verilog, VHDL, System Verilog

ˆ SystemC, C, C++

The entire solution is, as we already said, native Tcl based, with support for SDC and Xilinx design constraints
(XDC) formats. Broad Verilog, VHDL, and SystemVerilog support for synthesis enables easier FPGA adoption.
Using standard IP interconnect protocol, such as AXI4 and IP-XACT, enables faster and easier system-level
design integration.

There are two design ow modes in the Vivado Design Suite:

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ˆ Project Based Mode - You can run this mode in the Vivado IDE. In the Project Based Mode you
create a project in the Vivado IDE, and the Vivado IDE automatically saves the state of the design,
generates reports and messaging, and manages source les. A runs infrastructure is used to manage the
automated synthesis and implementation process and to track run status. The entire design ow can be
run with a single click within the Vivado IDE. The Vivado GUI provides high levels of automation, project
management, and easy-of-use features.

ˆ Non-Project Batch Mode - You can run this mode using Tcl commands or scripts. In the Non-Project
Batch Mode you have full control of the design ow, but the Vivado tools do not automatically manage
source les or report the design states. When working in Non-Project Batch Mode, sources are accessed
from their current locations and the design is compiled through the ow memory. Each design step is run
individually using Tcl commands. You can save design checkpoints and create reports at any stage of the
design process using Tcl commands. You are viewing the active design in memory, so any changes are
automatically passed forward in the ow.

Recommendation : Project Based Mode is the easiest way to get acquainted with the Vivado tool behaviour
and Xilinx recommendations.

1.8 Dierences between Project and Non-Project Mode

Some of the Project Mode features, such as source le and results management, saving design and tool cong-
uration, design status and IP integration are not available in Non-Project Mode.

In Project Mode, the Vivado IDE tracks the history of the design and stores design information. Because, many
features are automated, you have less control using this mode.

In Non-Project Mode, each action is executed using a Tcl command. All of the processing is done in memory,
so no les or reports are generated automatically. Each time you compile the design, you must dene all of
the sources, set all tool and design conguration parameters, launch all implementation commands, and specify
report les to generate. Because, the project is not created on disk, source les remain in their original locations
and run output is only created where you specify. The ow provides you with all of the power of Tcl commands
and full control over the entire design process.

The following table highlights the feature dierences between Project and Non-Project Mode.

Table 1.1: Project VS. Non-Project Mode Features

Flow Element Project Mode Non-Project Mode

Design Source File Management Automatic Manual
Flow Navigation Guided Manual
Flow Customization Limited Unlimited
Reporting Automatic Manual
Analysis Stages Designs only Designs and checkpoints

Note : Both these ows can be fully scripted and run in batch mode (no GUI).

Figure 1.8 shows the dierences between Project and Non-Project Mode Tcl commands. 2023/01/05 15

Figure 1.8: Project and Non-Project Mode Commands

Tcl commands depending on the mode you would like to use. The resulting Tcl scripts are dierent for each

Some commands can be used in either mode, such as reporting commands. In some cases Tcl commands are
specic to either Project and Non- Project Mode. Commands that are specic to one mode must not be mixed
when creating scripts.

Project Mode includes GUI operations, which results in a Tcl command being executed in most cases. The Tcl
commands appear in the Vivado IDE Tcl Console and are also captured in the vivado.jou le. Journal and log
les provide a complete record of the Vivado IDE commands that are executed so the designer can construct
scripts. You can use those les to develop scripts for use with either mode.

Journal le ( vivado.jou) - contains just the Tcl commands executed by the Vivado IDE. To open the journal
le, select File -> Open Journal File option from the GUI.

Log le (vivado.log) - contains all messages produced by the Vivado IDE, including Tcl commands and results,
info/warning, error messages, etc. To open the log le, select File -> Open Log File option from the GUI.

When we compare Vivado Project and Non-Project Modes there is one more dierence, handling of design
checkpoints. Design checkpoints enable you to take a snapshot of your design in its current state. The current
netlist, constraints, and implementation results are stored in the design checkpoint.

Using design checkpoints, you can:

ˆ restore your design if needed
ˆ perform design analysis
ˆ dene constraints

You can write design checkpoints at dierent points in the ow. It is important to write design checkpoints
after critical steps for design analysis and constraints denition.

16 2023/01/05

When you use the Vivado IDE and the project infrastructure, you are automatically getting built-in checkpoints
done for you. If you want ner control between each of the commands, you can manually write checkpoints at
each stage in the Tcl non-project batch mode.

Important : With the exception of generating a bitstream, design checkpoints are not intended for use as
starting points to continue the design process. They are merely snapshots of the design in its current state.

Following is the associated Tcl command:

ˆ Tcl command: write_checkpoint <le_name>

ˆ read_checkpoint <le_name>

In the Tables 1.4 and 1.5 are shown the basic Project and Non-Project Mode Tcl commands that control project
creation, implementation and reporting.

Table 1.2: Basic Project Mode Tcl Commands

Command Description
create_project Creates the Vivado IDE project. Arguments include project name and loca-
tion, design top module name, and target part.
add_les Adds source les to the project. These include Verilog (.v), VHDL (.vhd or
.vhdl), SystemVerilog (.sv), IP (.xco or xci), XDC constraints (.xdc or .sdc),
embedded processor sub-systems from XPS (.xmp), and System Generator
modules (.mdl). Individual les or entire directory trees can be scanned for
legal sources and automatically added to the project.
set_property Used for multiple purposes in the Vivado IDE. For projects, it can be used to
dene VHDL libraries for sources, simulation-only sources, target constraints
les, tool settings, and so forth.
import_les Imports the specied les into the current le set, eectively adding them into
the project infrastructure. It is also used to dene XDC les into constraints
launch_runs launch_runs -to_step Starts either synthesis or implementation and bitstream generation. This com-
mand encompasses the individual implementation commands as well as the
standard reports generated after the run completes. It is used to launch all
the steps of the synthesis or implementation process in a single command, and
to track the tools progress trough that process. The -to_step option is used
to launch the implementation process, including bitstream generation, in in-
cremental steps.
wait_on_run Ensures the run is complete before processing the next steps in the ow.
open_run Opens either the synthesized design or implemented design for reporting anal-
ysis. A design must be opened before information can be queried using Tcl for
reports, analysis, and so forth.
close_design Closes the design in memory.
start_gui stop_gui Invokes or closes the Vivado IDE with the current design in memory.

As we already said, both ows can be run using Tcl commands. You can use Tcl scripts to run the entire design
ow. If you prefer to work directly with Tcl, you can interact with your design using Tcl commands. 2023/01/05 17

Table 1.3: Basic Non-Project Mode Tcl Commands

Command Description
read_edif Imports an EDIF or NGC netlist le into the Design Source leset of current
read_verilog Reads the Verilog (.v) and SystemVerilog (.sv) source les for the Non-Project
Mode session.
read_vhdl Reads VHDL (.vhd or .vhdl) source les for the Non-Project Mode session.
read_ip Reads existing IP (.xco or .xci) project les for the Non-Project Mode session.
The .ngc netlist is used from the .xco IP project. For .xci IP, the RTL is used
for compilation or the netlist is used if it exists.
read_xdc Reads the .sdc or .xdc format constraints source les for the Non- Project
Mode session.
set_param set_property Used for multiple purposes. For example, it can be used to dene design
conguration, tool settings, and so forth.
link_design Compiles the design for synthesis if netlist sources are used for the session.
synth_design Launches Vivado synthesis with the design top module name and target part
as arguments.
opt_design Performs high-level design optimization.
power_opt_design Performs intelligent clock gating to reduce overall system power. This is an
optional step.
place_design Places the design.
phys_opt_design Performs physical logic optimization to improve timing or routability. This is
an optional step.
route_design Routes the design.
report_* Runs a range of standard reports, which can be run at any stage of the design
write_bitstream Generates a bitstream le and runs DRCs.
write_checkpoint read_checkpoint Save the design at any point in the ow. A design checkpoint consists of the
netlist and constraints with any optimizations at that point in the ow as well
as implementation results.
start_gui stop_gui Invokes or closes the Vivado IDE with the current design in memory.

18 2023/01/05
Chapter 2

2.1 Description

- Usage : This module will generate one output signal with two possible increment values for Counter module.
Which increment value will be chosen depends on the position of the two-state on-board switch (sel_i).

- Block diagram :

Figure 2.1: Selector block diagram

- Input ports :
ˆ clk_i : input clock signal

ˆ inc_i : dierent increments for dierent frequencies

ˆ sel_i : signal made for selecting frequency

- Output ports :
ˆ inc_o : output signal with appropriate increment value, which depends on the state of the sel_i input
- Generics:
ˆ num_freqs_g : number of possible frequencies

ˆ width_g : the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

- File name : selector_rtl.vhd

2.2 Creating a New Project

The rst step in creating a new design will be to create a new project. We will crate a new project using the
Vivado IDE New Project wizard. The New Project wizard will create an XPR project le for us. It will be
place where Vivado IDE will organize our design les and save the design status whenever the processes are


To create a new project:

- Launch the Vivado software: Select Start -> All Programs -> Xilinx Design Tools -> Vivado 2022.2
-> Vivado 2022.2 and the Vivado Getting Started page will appear, see Figure 2.2.

Create Project

Figure 2.2: The Vivado Getting Started page

- On the Getting Started page, choose rst oered Create Project option, under the Quick Start section.

- In the Create a New Vivado Project dialog box click Next and the wizard will guide you through the
creation of a new project.

20 2023/01/05

Figure 2.3: Create a New Vivado Project dialog box

- In the Project Name dialog box specify the name and the location of the new project and click Next.

Figure 2.4: Project Name dialog box

ˆ In the Project name eld type modulator as the name of our project
ˆ In the Project location eld specify the location where our project data will be stored
ˆ Leave Create project subdirectory option enabled, see Figure 2.4

- In the Project Type dialog box specify the type of project you want to create and click Next. 2023/01/05 21

Figure 2.5: Project Type dialog box

In our case we will choose RTL Project option. Select Do not specify sources at this time also, see Figure

As you can see from the gure above, four dierent types of the project can be created:

ˆ RTL Project - The RTL Project environment enables you to add RTL source les and constraints, congure
IP with the Vivado IP catalog, create IP subsystems with the Vivado IP integrator, synthesize and
implement the design, and perform design planning and analysis.

ˆ Post-synthesis Project - This type of project enables you to import third-party netlists, implement the
design, and perform design planning and analysis.

ˆ I/O Planning Project - With this type of project you can create an empty project for use with early I/O
planning and device exploration prior to having RTL sources.

ˆ Imported Project - This type of project enables you to import existing project sources from the ISE Design
Suite, Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST), or Synopsys Synplify.

ˆ Congure an Example Embedded Evaluation Board Design - This type of project enables you to target
the example Zynq-7000 or MicroBlaze embedded designs to the available Xilinx evaluation boards.

- In the Default Part dialog box choose a default Xilinx part or board for your project and click Next.

22 2023/01/05

Figure 2.6: Default Part dialog box

The main component of the Sozius development board is Zynq-7000 AP SoC, so in the Default Part dialog
box select Parts option and set the lter parameters as it is shown on the Figure 2.6.

- In the New Project Summary dialog box click Finish if you are satised with the summary of your project.

Figure 2.7: New Project Summary dialog box

If you are not satised, you can go back as much as necessary to correct all the questionable issues, see Figure
2.7. 2023/01/05 23

After we nished with the new project creation, in a few seconds Vivado IDE Viewing Environment will
appear, see Figure 2.8.

When Vivado creates new project, it also creates a directory with the name and at the location that we
specied in the GUI (see Figure 2.4). That means that the all project data will be stored in the project_name
(modulator) directory containing the following:
ˆ project_name.xpr le - object that is selected to open a project (Vivado IDE project le)

ˆ project_name.runs directory - contains all run data

ˆ project_name.srcs directory - contains all imported local HDL source les, netlists, and XDC les

ˆ directory - stores oorplan and netlist data

ˆ project_name.sim directory - contains all simulation data

Figure 2.8: Vivado IDE Viewing Environment

Vivado IDE tool will collect all the design units in the xil_defaultlib library by default. Change the library
from xil_defaultlib to work, because work library is the default place for majority of industry tools to stor-
age design units.

To change this feature click Settings command in the Project Manager and in the Settings dialog box,
under the General options, change Default library to be work, see Figure 2.9.

24 2023/01/05

Change the Default Library

Figure 2.9: Settings dialog box with changed default library to "work"

2.3 Vivado Integrated Design Environment

The Vivado IDE can be used for a variety of purposes at various stages in the design ow and is very helpful
at detecting design problems early in the design ow.

The Vivado IDE allows dierent le types to be added as design sources, including Verilog, VHDL, EDIF, NGC
format cores, SDC, XDC, and TCL constraints les, and simulation test benches. These les can be stored in
variety of ways using the tabs at the bottom of the Sources window: Hierarchy, Library or Compile Order,
see Figure 2.10.

By default, after launching, the Vivado IDE opens the Default Layout. Each docked window in the Vivado IDE
is called a view, so you can nd Sources View, Properties View, Project Summary View ans so on, see Figure
2.10. 2023/01/05 25

Figure 2.10: Vivado IDE Viewing Environment

Flow Navigator

The vertical toolbar present on the left side of the Vivado IDE is the Flow Navigator. The Flow Navigator
provides control over the major design process tasks, such as project conguration, synthesis, implementation
and bitstream creation.

Sources View

The Sources view displays the list of source les that has been added in the project.

ˆ The Design Sources folder helps you keep track of VHDL and Verilog design source les and libraries.

ˆ The Constraints folder helps you keep track of the constraints les.

ˆ The Simulation Sources folder helps keep track of VHDL and Verilog simulation sources source les
and libraries.

Notice that the design hierarchy is displayed as default.

ˆ In the Libraries tab, sources are grouped by le type, while the Compile Order tab shows the le order
used for synthesis.

Project Summary View

The Project Summary view provides a brief overview of the status of dierent processes executed in the
Vivado IDE, see Figure 2.11.

26 2023/01/05

Figure 2.11: Project Summary View

The Project Settings panel displays the project name, product family, project part, and top module name.
Clicking a link in this panel you will open the Project Settings dialog box.

ˆ The Messages panel summarizes the number of errors and warnings encountered during the design
ˆ The Synthesis panel summarizes the state of synthesis in the active run. The synthesis panel also shows
the target part and the strategy applied in the run.
ˆ The Implementation panel summarizes the state of implementation in the active run. The Implemen-
tation panel also shows the target part and the strategy applied in the run.

Tcl Console

Below the Project Summary view, see Figure 2.10, is the Tcl Console which echoes the Tcl commands as
operations are performed. It also provides a means to control the design ow using Tcl commands.

2.4 Creating Module

To create a new module, follow the steps:

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click the Add Sources command (Project Manager option).

Figure 2.12: Add Sources command 2023/01/05 27

- In the Add Sources dialog box, select Add or create design sources option to create the design source
les in the project and click Next.

Figure 2.13: Add Sources dialog box

- In the Add or Create Design Sources dialog box, click the + icon and select Create File... option to
create a new le in the project, or just click Create File button.

Figure 2.14: Add or Create Design Sources dialog box - Create File option

- In the Create Source File dialog box, ll the le type, le name and le location on the following way:

ˆ File type: VHDL

ˆ File name: selector_rtl

ˆ File location: Local to Project

28 2023/01/05

Figure 2.15: Create Source File dialog box

- Click OK to create a new source le (selector_rtl.vhd) and add it into your project (modulator ).

- Now your source le will appear in the Add or Create Design Sources dialog box. Click Finish.

Figure 2.16: Add or Create Design Sources dialog box with created le

Dene Module dialog box, Vivado IDE will automatically create Entity name (selector_rtl) and Archi-
- In the
tecture name (Behavioral ).

Please, rename Entity name to be selector and Architecture name to be rtl.

- Specify ports for the intended module as it is also shown on the following gure. 2023/01/05 29

Figure 2.17: Dene Module dialog box

- Click OK and your source le should appear under the Design Sources in the Sources view in the Project
Manager window, see Figure 2.18.

- Double-click on the created selector_rtl.vhd source le to see what the tool has created for us, see Figure

Figure 2.18: Vivado IDE Viewing Environment after module creation

30 2023/01/05

Figure 2.19: Automatically generated selector_rtl.vhd source le

As we can see from the illustration above, the tool automatically creates a default header and the entity
declaration based on the data that you entered.

Vivado editor is a powerful text editor with syntax highlighting for VHDL and Verilog HDLs. You can use
Vivado editor to complete your VHDL/Verilog model of your design.

Important : The automatically generated code is not very handsome and clear, and the recommendation is to
modify it. Here are the steps for modifying:

ˆ create a complete module header as comment

ˆ set all text to lower case

ˆ remove all end descriptions (for example: rtl next to end) and all comments

ˆ set all in/outputs in alphabetical order and comment them

Note : As you can see there are a lot of things for modifying. For better designs, our recommendation is not to
use the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for module creation. Instead of that, create a module in an text editor,
rename it to module_name.vhd and add it into your project.

Before we explain how to create a module using Vivado text editor, don't forget to remove selector_rtl.vhd from
the project. To remove some le from the project, do the following:

1. Select the le that you want to remove.

2. Right-click on the selected le and choose Remove File from Project... option, see Figure 2.20. 2023/01/05 31

Figure 2.20: Remove File from Project option

3. In the Remove Sources dialog box enable Also delete the project local le/directory from disk
option, click OK and the le will be removed from the project, see Figure 2.21.

Figure 2.21: Remove Sources dialog box

Note : Information about how to create the Selector module, you can also nd in the Lab 3: "Creating
Selector Module".

2.4.1 Creating a Module Using Vivado Text Editor

Design reuse is a common way of increasing a designer's productivity. It includes reusing a design modules
that have been previously created and used within some other design. Since these modules are already created
we need a way to add them to current project. This can be done using Add File option within Add Sources
command. To illustrate how this can be accomplished, following procedure is presented. In this example we
will rst create VHDL model using Vivado text editor and save it as .vhd source le. Next we will add this
source le to our project.

Here are the steps for creating a module using Vivado text editor:

- Optional: Launch Vivado IDE (if it is not already launched).

- Optional: Open "Modulator" project (modulator.xpr) (if it is not already opened).

32 2023/01/05

Create Selector Module

- In the main Vivado IDE menu, click File -> Text Editor -> New File... option to open Vivado text editor.

- In the New File dialog box, type the name of your source le (e.g. selector_rtl.vhd ) in the File name eld and
choose to save it into your working directory.

Note : You can create new folder under your working directory, intended for storing source les.
- When you click Save, Vivado IDE will automatically open empty selector_rtl.vhd source le in Vivado text editor.

- Insert the VHDL code and add the selector_rtl module header.

- When you nish with module creation, click File -> Text Editor -> Save File option from the main Vivado IDE
menu, or just click Ctrl + S to save it.

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator click the Add Sources command.

Figure 2.22: Add Sources command

- In the Add Sources dialog box, select Add or create design sources option to add the design source les
into the project and click Next.

Figure 2.23: Add Sources dialog box - Add or create design sources option

- In the Add or Create Design Sources dialog box, click the + icon and select Add Files... option to
include the existing source les into the project, or just click Add Files button. 2023/01/05 33

Figure 2.24: Add or Create Design Sources dialog box - Add Files option

- In the Add Source Files dialog box, browse to the project working directory and select the selector_rtl.vhd
source le.

Figure 2.25: Add Source Files dialog box

- Click OK and the selector_rtl.vhd source le should appear in the Add or Create Design Sources
dialog box.

34 2023/01/05

Figure 2.26: Add or Create Design Sources dialog box - with added le

- Click Finish and your source le should appear under the Design Sources in the Sources view in the
Project Manager window.

Figure 2.27: Vivado IDE Viewing Environment after module creation

Note : Double-click on the selector(rtl) (selector_rtl.vhd) source le in the Sources view and your source
le should appear in the Vivado editor on the right side of the Vivado IDE. Using Vivado editor you can further
modify this source le, if needed. 2023/01/05 35

Selector VHDL model :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:
-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- include user defined modulator_pkg package where are important related

-- declarations that serve a common purpose
library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity selector is
num_freqs_g : integer range 1 to 64 := 2; -- number of possible frequencies
width_g : integer range 1 to 64 := 1 -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value
-- input clock signal
clk_i : in std_logic;
-- different increments for different frequencies
-- inc_i port must be std_logic_vector type, because of the Vivado restrictions (IP Integrator and IP Packager)
inc_i : in std_logic_vector(num_freqs_g*width_g - 1 downto 0);
-- signal made for selecting frequency
sel_i : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-- output signal with appropriate increment value, depends on the sel_i state
inc_o : out std_logic_vector(width_g - 1 downto 0)
end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of selector is

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(inc_o'range) := (others => '0'); -- clock counter


-- Defines a sequential process

-- Counts two different values depending on the sel_i

muxc_p : process
-- Replaces the sensitivity list
-- Suspends evaluation until an event occurs
-- In our case event we are waiting for is rising edge on the clk_i input port
wait until rising_edge(clk_i);
if (unsigned(sel_i) < (inc_i'length)) then
inc_s <= inc_i((to_integer(unsigned(sel_i))+1)*width_g-1 downto to_integer(unsigned(sel_i))*width_g);
inc_s <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;

inc_o <= inc_s;

end architecture;

2.5 Creating Test Bench

Selector Test Bench
- Usage : used to verify correct operation of the Selector module dened in the selector_rtl.vhd le

- Test bench internal signals :

ˆ clk_s : input clock signal

36 2023/01/05

ˆ sel_s : input signal used to select output signal increment value

ˆ inc_s : output signal whose increment value depends of the sel_s signal state

ˆ inc_i_s : calculates two possible increments values based on design setting

- Generics :

ˆ board_setting_g : denes board specic settings

ˆ design_setting_g : denes design specic settings

- File name : selector_tb.vhd

We are creating a test bench to verify the correctness of a design or model.

To create and add an test bench le into the project, do the similar steps as for creating a module using Vivado
text editor:

- Optional: Launch Vivado IDE (if it is not already launched).

- Optional: Open "Modulator" project (modulator.xpr) (if it is not already opened).

Generate Selector Test Bench File

- In the main Vivado IDE menu, click File -> Text Editor -> New File... option to open Vivado text editor.

- In the New File dialog box, type the name of your test bench le (e.g. selector_tb.vhd ) in the File name
eld and choose to save it into your working directory, on the same place where you saved selector_rtl.vhd
source le.

- When you click Save, Vivado IDE will automatically open empty selector_tb.vhd source le in Vivado text

- Insert the VHDL code and add the selector_tb module header.

- When you nish with the test bench creation, click File -> Text Editor -> Save File option from the main
Vivado IDE menu, or just click Ctrl + S to save it.

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator click the Add Sources command.

Figure 2.28: Add Sources command

- In the Add Sources dialog box, select Add or create simulation sources option to add the simulation
source les into the project and click Next. 2023/01/05 37

Figure 2.29: Add Sources dialog box - Add or create simulation sources option

- In the Add or Create Simulation Sources dialog box, click the + icon and select Add Files... option.

Figure 2.30: Add or Create Simulation Sources dialog box

- In the Add Source Files dialog box, browse to the project working directory and select the selector_tb.vhd
source le.

38 2023/01/05

Figure 2.31: Add Source Files dialog box

- Click OK and the selector_tb.vhd source le should appear in the Add or Create Simulation Sources
dialog box.

Figure 2.32: Add or Create Simulation Sources dialog box - with added le

- Click Finish and your test bench le should appear under the Simulation Sources / sim_1 in the Sources
view, in the Project Manager window. 2023/01/05 39

Figure 2.33: Vivado IDE Viewing Environment with added test bench le

Note : Double-click on the selector_tb(tb)(selector_tb.vhd) source le in the Sources view and your test
bench le should appear in the Vivado text editor on the right side of the Vivado IDE.

Selector test bench :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

entity selector_tb is
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c; -- defines board specific settings
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := sim_setting_c -- defines design specific settings
end entity;

architecture tb of selector_tb is

-- calculates from the design setting the actual used configuration

constant inc_c : a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_g);

signal inc_i_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0)

:= (others => '0');

-- input clock signal

signal clk_s : std_logic := '0';
-- signal used to select output signal increment value
signal sel_s : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- signal whose increment value depends on the sel_s state
signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');


-- converts from array of ints to std_logic_vector

inc_i_s <= conv_int_array_to_slv_f(inc_c, design_setting_g.nco_width);

40 2023/01/05

-- Instantiation of device under test (DUT)

-- No component definition is necessary
-- Use keyword entity, work is the library

selector_i : entity work.selector(rtl) -- selector module instance

generic map(
width_g => design_setting_g.nco_width
port map(
clk_i => clk_s,
inc_i => inc_i_s,
sel_i => sel_s,
inc_o => inc_s

clk_s <= not (clk_s) after 10 ns;

sel_s(0) <= '1' after 200 ns;

end architecture;

Include modulator_pkg.vhd Source File into the Project

As you can see from the codes above, you must include modulator_pkg.vhd source le into your modulator

In the modulator_pkg.vhd le are dened generics that will be used in these les.

This package will be explained in detail later, in Chapter 4. SINE PACKAGE, where you can also nd the
whole modulator_pkg.vhd source code.

To include modulator_pkg.vhd source le into your modulator project, use Add Sources option from the
Flow Navigator and repeat steps from the Sub-chapter 2.4.1. Creating a Module Using Vivado Text
Editor for adding design sources.

2.6 Simulating with Vivado Simulator

Simulation is a process of emulating the real design behavior in a software environment. Simulation helps verify
the functionality of a design by injecting stimulus and observing the design outputs. Simulators interpret HDL
code into circuit functionality and display logical results.

The Vivado IDE is integrated with the Xilinx Vivado logic simulation environment. The Vivado IDE enables
you to add and mange simulation test benches in the project. You can congure simulation options and create
and manage various simulation source sets. You can launch behavioral simulation prior to synthesis using RTL
sources and launch timing simulation using post-implementation simulation model, that will be generated by
the Vivado IDE tool after completing the design implementation process.

After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation, follow the next steps:

Simulate with Vivado Simulator

- In the Sources window, under the Simulation Sources / sim_1, select selector_tb le.

- In the Flow Navigator, under the Simulation, click on the Run Simulation button.

- Choose the only oered Run Behavioral Simulation option, and your simulation will start. 2023/01/05 41

Figure 2.34: Run Behavioral Simulation option

- The tool will compile the test bench le and launch the Vivado simulator, see Figure 2.35.

Figure 2.35: Vivado IDE Viewing Environment - after simulation process

Note : By default, Untitled Waveform viewer will appear displaying only the signals at the top level of the test

Simulation Results

- Correct any errors before proceeding.

- Double-click on the Untitled 1 le or click on the Maximize button in the right upper corner of the waveform

- Assuming no errors, your simulation results should look similar to the gure below.

42 2023/01/05

Figure 2.36: Simulation Results

- Optional: If you want to insert further internal signals from your simulated le, click on the desired le in
the Scope window and drag-and-drop the signals from the Objects window into the waveform window. Now
you have to restart and rerun your simulation.

- Optional: If you want to restart and rerun simulation for specic time, see Figure 2.37.

Figure 2.37: Vivado Simulator Simulation Controls

Vivado Simulator Simulation Controls has the following buttons that the user can use to control the simulation
ˆ Restart - restarts the simulation from "time 0"

ˆ Run All - run the simulation until there are no more events

ˆ Run for specied time - runs the simulation for the specied amount of time

ˆ Step - runs the simulation until the next breakable line

ˆ Break - stops the running simulation at the next breakable line

ˆ Relaunch - relaunch current Vivado simulator

Note: Information about creating a Frequency Trigger test bench le and simulating a design using Vivado
simulator, you can also nd in the Lab 4:"Selector Verication". 2023/01/05 43

44 2023/01/05
Chapter 3

3.1 Description

- Usage : This module is an up counter with user-selectable increment value. Its task will be to generate read
addresses for the ROM where samples of the sine wave are stored. The step of the counting will be controlled
by the Selector module, via inc_i port, and the output of the Counter module will be an input of the Digital
Sine module.

- Block diagram :

Figure 3.1: Counter block diagram

- Input ports :
ˆ clk_i : input clock signal
ˆ inc_i : counter increment value

- Output ports :
ˆ count_o : current counter value

- Generics:
ˆ bits_g : the number of samples in one period of the signal
ˆ count_max_g : threshold value for counter

- File name : counter_rtl.vhd

3.2 Creating Module

Generate Counter Module

As we already said, for better designs, our recommendation is not to use the GUI for module creation. Instead
of that, create a module in Vivado text editor, name it to module_name.vhd and add it into your project.


All the steps for creating a new module using Vivado text editor or adding existing module are explained in
Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module Using Vivado Text Editor.

Counter VHDL model :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:
-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity counter is
bits_g : integer range 1 to 99 := 1; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal
count_max_g : integer -- threshold value for counter

clk_i : in std_logic; -- input clock signal
inc_i : in std_logic_vector(bits_g - 1 downto 0); -- counter increment value
count_o : out std_logic_vector(bits_g - 1 downto 0) -- current counter value
end entity;

architecture rtl of counter is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

signal count_s : unsigned (count_o'range) := (others => '0');


-- Defines a sequential process

-- This will be universal (generic) counter

counter_p: process
-- Replaces the sensitivity list
-- Suspends evaluation until an event occurs
-- In our case event we are waiting for is rising edge on the clk_i input port
wait until rising_edge(clk_i);
-- to_unsigned function converts from integer type to unsigned integer type
if (count_s = to_unsigned(count_max_g, count_s'length)) then
count_s <= (others => '0'); -- counter reset
count_s <= count_s + unsigned(inc_i); -- counting
end if;
end process;

count_o <= std_logic_vector(count_s);

end architecture;

3.3 Creating Test Bench

Counter Test Bench

- Usage : used to verify correct operation of the counter module dened in the counter_rtl.vhd le

- Test bench internal signals :

ˆ clk_s : input clock signal

ˆ inc_s : counter increment value

ˆ count_s : current counter value

46 2023/01/05

- Generics :
ˆ bits_g : the number of samples in one period of the signal

ˆ count_max_g : threshold value for counter

- File name : counter_tb.vhd

We will now create a new simulation set (sim_2) with the test bench le for the Counter module (counter_tb.vhd)
in it. We will use the similar steps as for creating test bench le for the Frequency Trigger module, explained
in Chapter 2.5 Creating Test Bench.

Create New Simulation Set

- Repeat steps 1 - 10 from the Chapter 2.5 Creating Test Bench.

- In the Add or Create Simulation Sources dialog box, click on the Specify simulation set drop-down list and
choose Create Simulation Set... option.

Figure 3.2: Create Simulation Set option

- In the Create Simulation Set dialog box, enter a name for the new simulation set or leave sim_2 as a name and
click OK.

Figure 3.3: Create Simulation Set dialog box

- In the Add or Create Simulation Sources dialog box, under the new sim_2 simulation set, use Add Files...
option to add the test bench le for the Counter module.

- In the Add Source Files dialog box, browse to the project working directory and select the counter_tb.vhd test
bench le.

- Click OK and counter_tb.vhd source le should appear in the Add or Create Simulation Sources dialog box. 2023/01/05 47

- Click Finish and your test bench le should appear under the Simulation Sources / sim_2 in the Sources view,
in the Project Manager window.

Figure 3.4: Vivado IDE Viewing Environment with created new simulation set

Counter test bench :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

entity counter_tb is

-- Use lower values for generics to speed up simulation time

bits_g : integer range 1 to 99 := 4; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal
count_max_g : integer := 12 -- threshold value for counter

end entity;

architecture tb of counter_tb is

signal clk_s : std_logic := '1'; -- input clock signal

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(bits_g - 1 downto 0) := X"3"; -- counter increment value
signal count_s : std_logic_vector(bits_g - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- current counter value


-- Instantiation of device under test (DUT)

-- No component definition is necessary
-- Use keyword entity, work is the library

counter_i : entity work.counter(rtl)

generic map(
bits_g => bits_g,
count_max_g => count_max_g

port map (

48 2023/01/05

clk_i => clk_s,

inc_i => inc_s,
count_o => count_s

clk_s <= not (clk_s) after 5 ns; -- generates input clock signal

end architecture;

3.4 Simulating
After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation, follow the next steps:

Make Active New Simulation Set

- In the Sources window, under the Simulation Sources, select new sim_2 simulation set, right-click on it
and choose Make Active option.

Figure 3.5: Make Active option

Simulate with Vivado Simulator

- In the Flow Navigator, under the Simulation, click Run Simulation command.

- Choose the only oered Run Behavioral Simulation option and your simulation will start.

- The tool will compile the test bench and launch the Vivado simulator.

- Correct any errors before proceeding.

- Double-click on the Untitled 1 le or click on the Maximize button in the right upper corner of the waveform

Simulation Results

- Assuming no errors in the Vivado simulator command line, your simulation result should look similar to gure
below. 2023/01/05 49

Figure 3.6: Simulation Results

Note : All the information about creating the Counter module, generating its test bench le and simulating the
Counter design, you can also nd in the Lab 5: "Creating Counter Module".

50 2023/01/05
Chapter 4

4.1 Description
- In our case we will make an VHDL package with a parametrized sine signal. Total of 28 = 256 unsigned
amplitude values during one sine-period will be stored into an ROM array.

In order to simplify the generation of the PWM signal, we will use the sine wave signal that is shifted up-
wards. The value of this shift will be selected in a way to make all values of the sine signal positive. This is
illustrated on the below.

Figure 4.1: Sine-package description

The formula for calculating the sine wave shown on the Figure 4.1.

Sine Signal Formula

sin( 2∗pi∗i
N ) ∗ (2
widthc −1
− 1) + 2widthc −1 − 1, N = 2depthc

ˆ depth_c - is the number of samples in one period of the signal (28 = 256)

ˆ width_c - is the number of bits used to represent amplitude value (212 = 4096)


This formula is dening the nature of the desired sine signal:

N ) - is telling us that the signal is periodic, with 2*pi period; i is the current sample value (from
ˆ sin( 2∗pi∗i
0 to 255) and N is the number of samples in one period of the signal.

ˆ (2widthc −1 − 1) - is telling us that the amplitude of the sine signal is 2047.

ˆ +2widthc −1 − 1 - is telling us that the DC value of the sine signal is 2047, which means that the whole
sine signal is shifted up.

- File name : modulator_pkg.vhd

4.2 Creating Module

To create a Sine-package module, use steps for creating modules, Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module
Using Vivado Text Editor.

Sine package VHDL model :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:
-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- VHDL package is a way of grouping related declarations that serve a common purpose
-- Each VHDL package contains package declaration and package body
-- Package declaration:

package modulator_pkg is

-- type declarations
type a1integer_t is array (natural range <>) of integer;
type module_is_top_t is (yes, no); -- only the top module can instantiate a diff clk buffer
type board_type_t is (lx9, zedboard, ml605, kc705, microzed, sozius, undefined); -- enumeration type
type has_diff_clk_t is (yes, no); -- enumeration type for differential clock buffer use
type a1real_t is array (natural range <>) of real;

-- defines board specific settings

type board_setting_t is record
board_name : board_type_t; -- specifies the name of the board that we are using
fclk : real; -- specifies the reference clock frequency that is presented of the board (in Hz)
has_diff_clk : has_diff_clk_t; -- specifies if board has differential clock or not
end record;

-- place the information about the new boards here, assignment by position
constant lx9_c : board_setting_t := (lx9, 100000000.0, no); -- Spartan-6
constant zedboard_c : board_setting_t := (zedboard, 100000000.0, no); -- Zynq-7000
constant ml605_c : board_setting_t := (ml605, 200000000.0, yes); -- Virtex-6
constant kc705_c : board_setting_t := (kc705, 200000000.0, yes); -- Kintex-7
constant microzed_c : board_setting_t := (microzed, 33333333.3, no); -- MicroZed
constant sozius_c : board_setting_t := (sozius, 50000000.0, no); -- Sozius
constant undefined_c : board_setting_t := (undefined, 50000000.0, no); -- not defined

-- defines design specific settings

type design_setting_t is record
freq_hz : a1real_t(0 to 1); -- frequencies for the PWM signal, specified in Hz
lut_depth : integer range 0 to 31; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal
lut_width : integer range 0 to 63; -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value
nco_width : integer range 0 to 63; -- number of bits used for numerically controlled oscillator
end record;

-- defines audio specific settings

constant audio_setting_c : design_setting_t :=
freq_hz => (880.0, 440.0),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 8,
nco_width => 24

52 2023/01/05

-- defines led specific settings

constant led_setting_c : design_setting_t :=
freq_hz => (1.0, 3.5),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 16,
nco_width => 31

-- defines simulation specific settings

constant sim_setting_c : design_setting_t :=
freq_hz => (1000.0, 10000.0),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 8,
nco_width => 24

-- defines simulation specific settings

constant sim_setting1_c : design_setting_t :=
freq_hz => (1000.0, 10000.0),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 16,
nco_width => 31

-- calculates from the design setting the actual used configuration

function calc_inc_f
constant board_c : board_setting_t;
constant design_c : design_setting_t
return a1integer_t;

-- init_sin_f function declaration

function init_sin_f
constant depth_c : in integer; -- is the number of samples in one period of the signal (2^8=256)
constant width_c : in integer -- is the number of bits used to represent amplitude value (2^12=4096)
return a1integer_t;

-- converts from array of ints to std_logic_vector

function conv_int_array_to_slv_f
constant int_array_i : a1integer_t;
constant width_c : integer
return std_logic_vector;

end package;

-- in the package body will be description of the function defined before

package body modulator_pkg is

-- calculates from the design setting the actual used configuration

function calc_inc_f
constant board_c : board_setting_t;
constant design_c : design_setting_t
return a1integer_t is

variable inc_v : a1integer_t(design_c.freq_hz'range);


for i in design_c.freq_hz'range loop

inc_v(i) := integer(round(real(2 ** design_c.nco_width) * design_c.freq_hz(i) / board_c.fclk));
end loop;
return inc_v;

end function;

-- init_sin_f function definition

function init_sin_f
constant depth_c : in integer;
constant width_c : in integer
return a1integer_t is

variable init_arr_v : a1integer_t(0 to (2 ** depth_c - 1));


for i in 0 to ((2 ** depth_c)- 1) loop -- calculates amplitude values

-- sin (2*pi*i / N) * (2width_c-1 - 1) + 2width_c-1 - 1, N = 2depth_c
init_arr_v(i):=integer(round(sin((math_2_pi / real(2 ** depth_c)) * real(i)) * 2023/01/05 53

(real(2 ** (width_c - 1)) - 1.0))) + integer(2 ** (width_c - 1) - 1);

end loop;

return init_arr_v;

end function;

-- converts from array of ints to std_logic_vector

function conv_int_array_to_slv_f
constant int_array_i : a1integer_t;
constant width_c : integer
return std_logic_vector is

variable out_slv_v : std_logic_vector(int_array_i'length*width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

for i in int_array_i'range loop
out_slv_v((i+1)*width_c-1 downto i*width_c) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(int_array_i(i), width_c));
end loop;

return out_slv_v;
end function;

end package body;

Note : All the information about creating the sine package, you can also nd in the Lab 6: "Creating Sine

54 2023/01/05
Chapter 5

5.1 Description

- Usage : This module will generate an digital representation of an analog (sine) signal with desired frequency.
It will use the counter values as addresses to fetch the next value of the sine wave from the ROM.

Note : Don't forget to include the Sine package in the code of the Digital Sine module!

- Block diagram :

Figure 5.1: Digital Sine block diagram

- Input ports :
ˆ clk_i : input clock signal

ˆ addr_i : address value for the sine waveform ROM

- Output ports :
ˆ data_o : current amplitude value of the sine signal

- Generics :
ˆ depth_g : the number of samples in one period of the signal

ˆ width_g : the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

- File name : sine_rtl.vhd

5.2 Creating Module

To create Digital Sine module, use steps for creating modules, Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module Using
Vivado Text Editor.


Digital Sine VHDL model :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:
-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity sine is
depth_g : integer range 1 to 99 := 8; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal
width_g : integer range 1 to 99 := 12 -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value
clk_i : in std_logic; -- input clock signal
addr_i : in std_logic_vector(depth_g-1 downto 0); -- address value for the sine waveform ROM
data_o : out std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0) -- current amplitude value of the sine signal
end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of sine is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

constant data_c : a1integer_t := init_sin_f(depth_g, width_g); -- returns sine amplitude value

signal addr_s : integer range 0 to 2 ** depth_g - 1 := 0; -- amplitude counter

signal data_s : std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- sine signal


-- Defines a sequential process

-- Fetches amplitude values and frequency -> generates sine

sine_p : process
-- Replaces the sensitivity list
-- Suspends evaluation until an event occurs
-- In our case event we are waiting for is rising edge on the clk_i input port
wait until rising_edge(clk_i);
-- converts addr_i from std_logic_vector type to integer type
addr_s <= to_integer(unsigned(addr_i));
-- converts data_c from integer type to std_logic_vector type
data_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(data_c(addr_s), width_g)); -- fetch amplitude

end process;

data_o <= data_s;

end architecture;

Note : All the information about creating the Digital Sine module, you can also nd in the Lab 7: "Creating
Digital Sine Module".

56 2023/01/05
Chapter 6

6.1 Description

- Usage : This module will generate an PWM signal modulated using the digital sine wave from the Digital
Sine module. This module will implement the Finite State Machine (FSM), that will be used to generate the
PWM signal with correct duty cycle for each period based on the current amplitude value of digital sine signal,
that is stored in the ROM.

- Block diagram :

Figure 6.1: PWM block diagram

FSM State Diagram

Figure 6.2: FSM state diagram


- Input ports :
ˆ clk_i : input clock signal
ˆ value_i : current amplitude value of the sine signal

- Output ports :
ˆ pwm_o : pulse width modulated signal

- Generics :
ˆ width_g : the number of bits used to represent amplitude value
- File name : pwm_rtl.vhd

6.2 Creating Module

To create PWM module, use steps for creating modules, Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module Using
Vivado Text Editor.

PWM VHDL model :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:
-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity pwm is
width_g : integer range 1 to 99 := 12 -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value
clk_i : in std_logic; -- input clock signal
value_i : in std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0); -- current amplitude value of the sine signal
pwm_o : out std_logic -- pulse width modulated signal
end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of pwm is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

signal duration_s : std_logic_vector(width_g -1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal count_s : unsigned(width_g - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

type state_t is (load_st, pwm_high_st, pwm_low_st); -- states for finite state machine
signal state : state_t;


-- fsm_state_p models state register and next-state logic

fsm_state_p : process

wait until rising_edge(clk_i);
count_s <= count_s + 1;
pwm_o <= '0';

case state is

58 2023/01/05

when load_st =>

if (unsigned(value_i) = 0) then
state <= pwm_low_st;
state <= pwm_high_st;
end if;
duration_s <= value_i;
count_s <= (others => '0');

when pwm_high_st =>

if (count_s = unsigned(duration_s)) then
state <= pwm_low_st;
elsif (count_s = 2 ** width_g - 1) then
state <= load_st;
end if;
pwm_o <= '1';

when pwm_low_st =>

-- if count_s is equal to maximum, we go to load_st state
if (count_s = 2 ** width_g - 1) then
state <= load_st;
end if;

end case;
end process;

end architecture;

6.3 Creating Test Bench

PWM Test Bench

- Usage : used to verify correct operation of the PWM module dened in the pwm_rtl.vhd le

- Test bench internal signals :

ˆ clk_s : input clock signal

ˆ count_s : counts samples in one period of the sine signal

ˆ data_s : current amplitude value of the sine signal

ˆ pwm_s : pwm signal

ˆ sim_end_s : end of simulation process

- Generics :
ˆ board_setting_g : denes board specic settings

ˆ design_setting_g : denes simulation specic settings

- File name : pwm_tb.vhd

Create New Simulation Set

We will now create a new simulation set (sim_3) with the test bench le for the PWM module (pwm_tb.vhd)
in it.

We will use the steps explained in the Sub-chapter 3.3 Creating Test Bench.

PWM test bench :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work; 2023/01/05 59

use work.modulator_pkg.all;

entity pwm_tb is
-- defines board specific settings
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
-- defines simulation specific settings
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := sim_setting_c
end entity;

architecture tb of pwm_tb is

-- period of input clock signal

constant clock_period_c : time := 1000000000.0 / board_setting_g.fclk * 1 ns;
-- max number of samples in one period of the sine signal
constant counter_max_c : unsigned(design_setting_g.lut_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1');

signal clk_s : std_logic := '0'; -- input clock signal

signal count_s : unsigned(design_setting_g.lut_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- counts samples in one period of the sine signal
signal data_s : unsigned(design_setting_g.lut_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- current amplitude value of the sine signal
signal pwm_s : std_logic := '0'; -- pwm signal
signal sim_end_s : boolean := false; -- end of simulation process


ramp_p : process
wait until rising_edge(clk_s);
if (count_s = 2 ** design_setting_g.lut_width - 1) then
count_s <= (others => '0');
if (data_s = counter_max_c) then
wait for 20 us;
data_s <= (others => '0') ;
sim_end_s <= true;
data_s <= data_s + 1;
end if;
count_s <= count_s + 1;
end if;
end process;

pwm_i : entity work.pwm(rtl) -- pwm module instance

generic map (
width_g => design_setting_g.lut_width
port map (
clk_i => clk_s,
value_i => std_logic_vector(data_s),
pwm_o => pwm_s

clk_p : process -- generates input clock signal

while not (sim_end_s) loop
clk_s <= not (clk_s);
wait for clock_period_c/2;
end loop;
end process;

end architecture;

6.4 Simulating
Simulate with Vivado Simulator

After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation:

- You can start your simulation (see Chapter 3.4 Simulating).

- Simulate your design for 5 ms (see Chapter 2.6 Simulating  step 9.).

Simulation Results

60 2023/01/05

- Assuming no errors, your simulation result should look similar to gure below.

Figure 6.3: Simulation Results

Note : All the information about creating the PWM module, its FSM state diagram, generating the PWM test
bench le and simulating the PWM design, you can also nd in the Lab 9: "Creating PWM Module". 2023/01/05 61

62 2023/01/05
Chapter 7

7.1 Description

- Usage : This module will merge all the previously designed modules.

- Block diagram :

Figure 7.1: Modulator block diagram

- Input ports :
ˆ clk_i : input clock signal

ˆ inc_i : dierent increments for dierent frequencies

ˆ sel_i : signal made for selecting frequency

- Output ports :
ˆ pwm_o : pulse width modulated signal

- Generics :
ˆ board_setting_g : denes board specic settings


ˆ design_setting_g : denes led specic settings

- File name : modulator_rtl.vhd

7.2 Creating Module

To create Modulator module, use steps for creating modules, Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module Using
Vivado Text Editor.

Modulator VHDL model :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:
-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity modulator is
-- defines board specific settings
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
-- defines simulation specific settings
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := sim_setting_c
-- input clock signal
clk_i : in std_logic;
-- different increments for different frequencies
inc_i : in std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0);
-- signal made for selecting frequency
sel_i : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-- pulse width modulated signal
pwm_o : out std_logic
end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of modulator is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

constant counter_max_c : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1');

signal addr_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal data_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.lut_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');


selector_i : entity work.selector(rtl) -- selector module instance

generic map(
width_g => design_setting_g.nco_width
port map(
clk_i => clk_i,
inc_i => inc_i,
inc_o => inc_s,
sel_i => sel_i

counter_i : entity work.counter(rtl) -- counter module instance

generic map(

64 2023/01/05

bits_g => design_setting_g.nco_width,

count_max_g => to_integer(unsigned(counter_max_c))
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
inc_i => inc_s,
count_o => addr_s

waveform_i : entity work.sine(rtl) -- digital sine module instance

generic map(
depth_g => design_setting_g.lut_depth,
width_g => design_setting_g.lut_width
port map(
addr_i => addr_s(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto design_setting_g.nco_width - design_setting_g.lut_depth),
clk_i => clk_i,
data_o => data_s

pwm_i : entity work.pwm(rtl) -- pwm module instance

generic map (
width_g => design_setting_g.lut_width
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
value_i => data_s,
pwm_o => pwm_o

end architecture;

7.3 Creating Test Bench

Modulator Test Bench

- Usage : used to verify correct operation of the Modulator module dened in the modulator_rtl.vhd le

- Test bench internal signals :

ˆ clk_s : input clock signal
ˆ sel_s : signal made for selecting frequency
ˆ pwm_s : pulse width modulated signal

- Generics :
ˆ board_setting_g : denes board specic settings
ˆ design_setting_g : denes simulation specic settings
ˆ sim_end_g : denes duration of the simulation process

- File name : modulator_tb.vhd

Create New Simulation Set

We will now create a new simulation set (sim_4) with the test bench le for the Modulator module (modulator_tb.vhd)
in it.

We will use the steps explained in the Sub-chapter 3.3 Creating Test Bench.

Modulator test bench :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work; 2023/01/05 65

use work.modulator_pkg.all;

entity modulator_tb is
-- defines board specific settings
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
-- defines simulation specific settings
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := sim_setting_c;
-- defines duration of the simulation process
sim_end_g : time := 10 ms
end entity;

architecture tb of modulator_tb is

-- period of input clock signal

constant clock_period_c : time := 1000000000.0 / board_setting_g.fclk * 1 ns;
constant inc_c : a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_g);

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal clk_s : std_logic := '1'; -- input clock signal

signal sel_s : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- signal made for selecting frequency
signal pwm_s : std_logic := '0'; -- pulse width modulated signal


-- converts from array of ints to std_logic_vector

inc_s <= conv_int_array_to_slv_f(inc_c, design_setting_g.nco_width);

modulator_i : entity work.modulator -- modulator module instance

generic map(
design_setting_g => design_setting_g,
board_setting_g => board_setting_g
port map(
clk_i => clk_s,
inc_i => inc_s,
sel_i => sel_s,
pwm_o => pwm_s

clk_p: process -- generates input clock signal

while (now < sim_end_g) loop
clk_s <= not (clk_s);
wait for clock_period_c/2;
end loop;
end process;

sel_s(0) <= '0', '1' after sim_end_g * 3 / 4;

end architecture;

7.4 Simulating
Simulate with Vivado Simulator

After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation:

- You can start your simulation (see Chapter 3.4 Simulating).

- Simulate your design for 15 ms (see Chapter 2.6 Simulating  step 9.).

Simulation Results

- Assuming no errors, your simulation result should look similar to gure below.

66 2023/01/05

Figure 7.2: Simulation Results

Note : All the information about creating the Modulator module, generating its test bench le and simulating
the Modulator design, you can also nd in the Lab 10: "Creating Modulator Module".

7.5 Synthesis
7.5.1 Description
Synthesis is the process of transforming an RTL-specied design into a gate-level representation. It checks code
syntax and analyse the hierarchy of your design. This ensures that your design is optimized for the design
architecture that you have selected (e.g. Number of Flip-Flops, LUTs, Clock- and IO-Buers).

Vivado IDE synthesis is timing-driven and optimized for memory usage and performance. Support for Sys-
temVerilog as well as mixed VHDL and Verilog languages is included.

There are two ways to setup and run synthesis:

ˆ Use Project Mode (which we will use in this tutorial)

ˆ Use Non-Project Mode - applying the synth_design Tool Command Language (Tcl) command and
controlling your own design les.

7.5.2 Run Synthesis

To synthesize your design, follow these steps:

- Before you run synthesis process, set Modulator module to be the top module. To do that, in the Sources
window, under Design Sources, select synthesizable module (modulator(rtl)), right-click on it and choose
Set as Top option.

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click Run Synthesis command (Synthesis option) and wait for task to be
completed, see Figure 8.3.

Figure 7.3: Run Synthesis command

Note : You can monitor the Synthesis progress in the bar in the upper-right corner of the Vivado IDE. 2023/01/05 67

- After the synthesis is completed, the Synthesis Completed dialog box will appear, see Figure 8.4.

Figure 7.4: Synthesis Completed dialog box

In the Synthesis Completed dialog box you can select one of the following options:

ˆ Run Implementation: which launches implementation with the current Implementation Project Set-

ˆ Open Synthesized Design: which opens the synthesized netlist, the active constraint set, and the target
device into Synthesized Design environment, so you can perform I/O pin planning, design analysis, and

ˆ View Reports: which opens the Reports window, so you can view reports.

- Select Open Synthesized Design and click OK, see Figure 8.4.

- Make sure that Default Layout option is selected from the view layout pull-down menu in the main toolbar,
see Figure 8.5.

Figure 7.5: Default Layout option

7.5.3 After Synthesis

After you have synthesized your project (or opened a project that only contains netlists) the Flow Naviga-
tor changes and now includes: Constraints Wizard, Edit Timing Constraints, Set Up Debug, Report Timing
Summary, Report Clock Networks, Report Clock Interaction, Report DRC, Report Noise, Report Utilization,
Report Power and Schematic options, see Figure 8.6.

68 2023/01/05

Figure 7.6: Synthesized Design options

Flow Navigator is optimized to provide quick access to the options most frequently used after synthesis:

ˆ Constraints Wizard: The Vivado IDE provides Timing Constraints wizard to walk you through the
process of creating and validating timing constraints for the design. The wizard identies clocks and logic
constructs in the design and provides an interface to enter and validate the timing constraints in the
design. It is only available in the synthesized and implemented designs.

ˆ Edit Timing Constraints: Open the Constraint Viewer (formerly called the Constraints Editor). The
Timing Constraints window appears in the main window of the Vivado IDE, see Figure 8.7.

Figure 7.7: Timing Constraints window

ˆ Set Up Debug: The Vivado IDE provides Set up Debug wizard to help guide you through the process
of automatically creating the debug cores and assigning the debug nets to the inputs of the cores.

ˆ Report Timing Summary: Generate a default timing report (using estimated timing information), see
Figure 8.8. Timing Reports can be generated at any point after synthesis.

- Tcl command equivalent to this option is: report_timing_summary 2023/01/05 69

Figure 7.8: Timing Summary Report

ˆ Report Clock Networks: Generates a clock tree for the design, see Figure 8.9. This option creates
a tree view of all the logical clock trees found in the design, annotated with existing and missing clock
denitions and the roots of these trees.

- Tcl command equivalent for this option will be: report_clock_network

Figure 7.9: Clock Networks Report

ˆ Report Clock Interaction: Veries constraint coverage on paths between clock domains. This option
uses an interclock path matrix to show clock relationships and group paths. This report is helpful to
tell us if timing is asynchronous (in case that we didn't include synchronization circuitry) and if paths
are constrained (in case that we didn't add timing constraints to cover paths between unrelated clock
domains). Green squares conrm that paths between the two clock domains are constrained.

- Tcl command equivalent to this option is: report_clock_interaction

ˆ Report Methodology: The Vivado Design Suite provides automated methodology checks based on the
UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for the Vivado Design Suite using the Report Methodology com-
mand. You can generate a methodology report on an opened, elaborated, synthesized, or implemented
design. Running the methodology report allows you to nd design issues early during the elaboration
stage prior to synthesis, which saves time in the design process.

- Tcl command equivalent to this option is: report_methodology -name <results_name>

Figure 7.10: Report Methodology

70 2023/01/05

ˆ Report DRC: Performs design rule check on the entire design. DRCs performed early in the design ow
allow for correction before a full implementation. We can select which DRCs we would like to run, see
Figure 8.11, or we can select to run all. Objects listed in the violations are cross-selectable with HDL
sources. Any problems will open a DRC window at the bottom of the Vivado GUI. If you would like to
see the nal sign-o DRC, run the implementation process.

Figure 7.11: DRC Report

ˆ Report Noise: Performs an SSN analysis of output and bidirectional pins in the design. This report is
looking a gauge the number of pins, I/O standard, and drive strength on a bank-by-bank basis, see Figure
8.12. Banks that are exceed, what is recommended, will be agged in the Summary tab. SSN analysis
can only be done on output and bidirectional ports.

Figure 7.12: Noise Report

ˆ Report Utilization: Generates a graphical version of the Utilization Report, see Figure 8.13.

Figure 7.13: Utilization Report

ˆ Report Power: Provides detailed power and thermal analysis reports that can be customized for the
power supply and application environment, see Figure 8.14. This report estimates power at every stage
after synthesis process. Perform also what-if analysis by varying switching activity.

- Tcl command equivalent to this option is: report_power 2023/01/05 71

Figure 7.14: Power Report

ˆ Schematic: Opens the Schematic window. In the schematic window, you can view design interconnect,
hierarchy structure, or trace signal paths for the elaborated design, synthesized design, or implemented
design. The Schematic View is explained in detail in the Sub-chapter 8.5.5 Schematic View.

7.5.4 Synthesis Reports

After synthesis completes, you can view the reports, and open, analyze, and use the synthesis design. The
reports window contains a list of reports provided by various synthesis and implementation tools in the Vivado

Open the Reports view to explore the reports generated during synthesis process.

To view Synthesis Report:

- Select the Reports tab at the bottom of the IDE, see Figure 8.15.

Figure 7.15: Reports tab

Note : If this tab is not shown, select from the main menu Windows -> Reports.

- In the Reports tab, double-click on the Vivado Synthesis Report to open it and examine the report
contents, see Figure 8.15.

Vivado Synthesis Report - is a detailed resource that describes the synthesis process. It describes source le
recognition, IP attributes, RTL synthesis, logic optimization, primitive inference, technology mapping, and cell
usage, see Figure 8.16.

72 2023/01/05

Figure 7.16: Vivado Synthesis Report

- When nished, close the report.

- In the Reports tab, double-click on the Utilization Report to examine its content, see Figure 8.15.

Utilization Report - describes the amount of device resources that the synthesized design is expected to use,
see Figure 8.17.

Figure 7.17: Utilization Report 2023/01/05 73

7.5.5 Schematic View

The Schematic view allows selective expansion and exploration of the logical design. You can generate schematic
view for any level of the logical or physical hierarchy. You can select a logic element in an open window, such
as primitive or net in the Netlist window, and use the Schematic command in the popup menu to create a
Schematic window for the selected object. An elaborated design always opens with a Schematic window of the
top-level of the design. In the Schematic window, you can view design interconnect, hierarchy structure, or
trace signal paths for the elaborated design, synthesized design, or implemented design.

To create a schematic view, do the following steps:

- Select one or more logic elements in an open window, such as the Netlist window.

- In the Flow Navigator / Synthesis / Synthesized Design click the Schematic command, see Figure

Figure 7.18: Schematic command

- After few seconds, Schematic window will show up, and your design should look similar to the design shown
on the Figure 8.19.

74 2023/01/05

Figure 7.19: Modulator Schematic View

The Schematic window displays the selected logic cells or nets. If only one cell is selected, schematic symbol for
that module will be displayed5 In the Schematic window, you can nd and view objects as follows:

ˆ The links as the top of the schematic sheet, labelled Cells , I/O Ports, and Nets, open a searchable list
in the Find Results window, making it easier to nd specic items in the schematic.
ˆ When you select objects in the schematic window, those objects are also selected in all other windows. If
you opened an implemented design, the cells and nets display in the Device window.

Schematic Window Toolbar Commands

The local toolbar contains the following commands:

ˆ Previous Position - Resets the Schematic window to display the prior zoom, coordinates and logic
ˆ Next Position - Returns the Schematic window to display the original zoom, coordinates and logic
content after Previous Position is used
ˆ Zoom In - Zooms in the Schematic window (Ctrl + Equals)

ˆ Zoom Out - Zooms out the Schematic window (Ctrl + Minus)

ˆ Zoom Fit - Zooms out to t the whole schematic into the display area (Ctrl + 0)

ˆ Select Area - Selects the objects in the specied rectangular area objects are in another window and you
want to redraw the display around those selected objects
ˆ Auto-t Selection - Automatically redraws the Schematic window around newly selected objects. This
mode can be enabled or displayed
ˆ Toggle autohide pins for selected cells - Toggles the pin display on selected hierarchical modules.
Higher levels of the hierarchy display as concentric rectangles without pins, when a Schematic window is
generated. In most cases, the lack of pins makes the Schematic window more readable. However, you can
display the pins for selected cells as needed 2023/01/05 75

ˆ Add selected elements to schematic - Recreates the Schematic window when the newly selected
elements added to the existing schematic
ˆ Remove selected elements from the schematic - Recreates the Schematic window with the currently
selected elements removed from the existing schematic
ˆ Regenerate Schematic - Redraws the active Schematic window

76 2023/01/05
Chapter 8


8.1 Description

- Usage : This module will be used to target Sozius development board.

Sozius development board is a small, portable electronic device that can be easily powered, developed by the
"so-logic" company.

This module will be composed of one main VHDL model, sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd model,
which will be also the top model of the design.

About Sozius Development Board

The main component of the Sozius development board is Zynq-7000 AP SoC.

The Zynq-7000 family is based on the Xilinx All Programmable SoC (AP SoC) architecture. The Zynq-7000
AP SoC is composed of two major functional blocks: Processing System (PS) and Programmable Logic

Since existing LEDs and switches on the Sozius board are connected to the PS part of the Zynq FPGA, it would
require programming PS part of the Zynq FPGA, which is not topic of this tutorial. It is the main topic in the
"Basic Embedded System Design" tutorial.

Modulator Sozius Wrapper Structure

In our design we will program PL part of the Zynq FPGA with sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd

PS part is also required to generate clock signal for the Modulator design, since the only reference clock source
on the Sozius board is connected to the PS part of the Zynq FPGA.

Properly congured PS part is described in the sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd component. The sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd

component will be contained in the sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd model.


- Block diagram :

Figure 8.1: Modulator Sozius block diagram

- Input ports :

ˆ ps_clk_i : input clock signal from Sozius development board

- File name : sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd

8.2 Creating Module

As we already said, in our design we will program PL part of the Zynq FPGA with sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd
model. Since existing LEDs and switches on the Sozius board are connected to the PS part of the Zynq FPGA,
we have to instantiate Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO) cores into our design.
All the detailed information about ILA and VIO cores you can nd in the Chapter 10 "Debugging Design" of
this tutorial.

Instantiate ILA and VIO Core into the Design

Both, ILA and VIO cores will be instantiated into our design, where VIO core will be instantiated using the
"HDL Instantiation Debug Probing Flow" and ILA core using the "Netlist Insertion Debug Probing Flow",
because netlist insertion debug probing ow can be used to insert ILA cores only.

ILA core will be used to monitor PWM signal width change and VIO core will be used to replace on-board
switch used for changing output signal frequency.

All these information you can also nd in the Chapter 10 "Debugging Design" of this tutorial, where both ows
are explained in detail.

78 2023/01/05

Instantiate VIO Core into the Project

- Instantiate VIO core into our design using steps for VIO core instantiation, explained in the Sub-chapter 10.1 "Inserting
ILA and VIO Cores into Design" of this tutorial. Use the same core customizations as it is explained in this sub-chapter:
ˆ In the VIO (Virtual Input/Output) (3.0) window, enter vio_core_name (vio_core) in the Component
Name eld
ˆ In the General Options tab, leave Input Probe Count to be 1 and Output Probe Count also to be 1,
because we will need one input probe for pwm_out signal and one output probe for sw0 signal
ˆ In the PROBE_IN Ports(0..0) tab leave Probe Width of the PROBE_IN0 Probe Port to be 1, because our
pwm_out signal is 1 bit signal
ˆ In the PROBE_OUT Ports(0..0) tab, leave Probe Width of the PROBE_OUT0 Probe Port to be 1, because
our sw0 signal is also 1 bit signal
ˆ Click OK

After VIO core generation, your VIO core should appear in the Sources window, see Figure 8.2.

Figure 8.2: Source tab with generated VIO core

Instantiate ILA Core into the Project

ILA core will be instantiated into our design using "Netlist Insertion Debug Probing Flow", explained in the
Sub-chapter 10.1 of this tutorial.

We will use mark_debug attribute to add debug nets (pwm_s, sel_s and cc_count_s) to our HDL le

As we already said ILA core will be used to monitor PWM signal width change, where pwm_s signal will
represent PWM signal and cc_count_s will measure the duration of the high pulse of the PWM signal.

In our design despite ILA and VIO cores, we will also have to instantiate Modulator module and counter that
will measure the duration of the PWM pulse, see Figure 8.1. Both of these instances, plus ILA and VIO core
instances will be included within sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd VHDL model.

Complete sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd Source File

- To create and add sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd source le use steps for creating modules, ex-
plained in Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module Using Vivado Text Editor of this tutorial.

Content of the source les you can nd in the text below.

sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:

-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 2023/01/05 79

use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;
use work.sozius_components_package.all;

entity sozius_xz2_modulator_vio is
-- version number of PL for read back from PS
hw_version_g : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"19980418";
-- User defined settings for the pwm design
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := led_setting_c
-- ethernet phy reset, must be high necessary for operation !!!
pl_phy_reset_n_o : out std_logic := '1'; --! reset of ethernet
-- ps io
ps_ddr3_addr : inout std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_ba : inout std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_cas_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ck_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ck_p : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_cke : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_cs_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_dm : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dq : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dqs_n : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dqs_p : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_odt : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ras_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_reset_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_we_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr_vrn : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr_vrp : inout std_logic;
ps_clk_i : inout std_logic;
ps_por_n_i : inout std_logic;
ps_srst_n_i : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_mdc_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_mdio_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rx_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rx_ctrl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rxd_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_phy_tx_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_tx_ctrl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_txd_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_i2c_scl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_i2c_sda_io : inout std_logic;
ps_led_error_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_led_front_n_io : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
ps_led_sdcard_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw0_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw0_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw1_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw1_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw2_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw2_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw3_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw3_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_uart_rx_io : inout std_logic;
ps_uart_tx_io : inout std_logic;
ps_qspi_cs_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_qspi_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_qspi_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_cmd_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_usb_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ps_usb_dir_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_nxt_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_stp_io : inout std_logic
end entity;

architecture structural of sozius_xz2_modulator_vio is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

attribute mark_debug : string;

constant inc_c : a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_g);

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal cc_count_s : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal pwm_s : std_logic;
signal sel_s : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);

80 2023/01/05

attribute mark_debug of cc_count_s : signal is "true";

attribute mark_debug of pwm_s : signal is "true";
attribute mark_debug of sel_s : signal is "true";

-- declaration for fixed signal PL to PS

signal pl_clk0_s : std_logic;
signal pl_reset_n_s : std_logic;

-- ps signals
signal ps_mio_s : std_logic_vector(53 downto 0);

-- vio_core component definition

component vio_core
port (
clk : in std_logic;
probe_in0 : in std_logic_vector (0 downto 0);
probe_out0 : out std_logic_vector (0 downto 0)
end component;


inc_s <= conv_int_array_to_slv_f(inc_c, design_setting_g.nco_width);

-- modulator module instance

modulator_i: entity work.modulator(rtl)
generic map(
board_setting_g => board_setting_g,
design_setting_g => design_setting_g
port map(
clk_i => pl_clk0_s,
inc_i => inc_s, -- inc_c,
sel_i => sel_s,
pwm_o => pwm_s

-- counter for measuring the duration of the high pulse of the PWM signal
measurement_counter_p: process
wait until rising_edge(pl_clk0_s);
if (pwm_s = '0') then
cc_count_s <= (others => '0');
cc_count_s <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(cc_count_s) + 1);
end if;
end process;

-- vio_core component instance

vio_i: vio_core
port map (
clk => pl_clk0_s,
probe_in0(0) => pwm_s,
probe_out0 => sel_s

-- instance of processor system PS

sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd_i: component sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd
port map (
ddr3_addr => ps_ddr3_addr,
ddr3_ba => ps_ddr3_ba,
ddr3_cas_n => ps_ddr3_cas_n,
ddr3_ck_n => ps_ddr3_ck_n,
ddr3_ck_p => ps_ddr3_ck_p,
ddr3_cke => ps_ddr3_cke,
ddr3_cs_n => ps_ddr3_cs_n,
ddr3_dm => ps_ddr3_dm,
ddr3_dq => ps_ddr3_dq,
ddr3_dqs_n => ps_ddr3_dqs_n,
ddr3_dqs_p => ps_ddr3_dqs_p,
ddr3_odt => ps_ddr3_odt,
ddr3_ras_n => ps_ddr3_ras_n,
ddr3_reset_n => ps_ddr3_reset_n,
ddr3_we_n => ps_ddr3_we_n,
fixed_io_ddr_vrn => ps_ddr_vrn,
fixed_io_ddr_vrp => ps_ddr_vrp,
fixed_io_mio => ps_mio_s,
fixed_io_ps_clk => ps_clk_i,
fixed_io_ps_porb => ps_por_n_i,
fixed_io_ps_srstb => ps_srst_n_i,
pl_uart_1_rxd => '0',
pl_uart_1_txd => open,
pl_spi_0_io0_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_io0_o => open,
pl_spi_0_io0_t => open,
pl_spi_0_io1_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_io1_o => open,
pl_spi_0_io1_t => open,
pl_spi_0_sck_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_sck_o => open,
pl_spi_0_sck_t => open, 2023/01/05 81

pl_spi_0_ss1_o => open,

pl_spi_0_ss2_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_ss_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss_t => open,
pl_iic_1_scl_i => '0',
pl_iic_1_scl_o => open,
pl_iic_1_scl_t => open,
pl_iic_1_sda_i => '0',
pl_iic_1_sda_o => open,
pl_iic_1_sda_t => open,
sdio_0_cdn => '1', -- pl_sd_cd_n_i,
usbind_0_port_indctl => open,
usbind_0_vbus_pwrfault => '1', -- pl_usb_fault_n_i,
usbind_0_vbus_pwrselect => open,
pl_clk0 => pl_clk0_s,
pl_reset_n => pl_reset_n_s

-- assignment of MIO to board names

ps_mio_s (53) <= ps_phy_mdio_io;

ps_mio_s (52) <= ps_phy_mdc_io;
ps_mio_s (51) <= ps_uart_tx_io;
ps_mio_s (50) <= ps_uart_rx_io;
ps_mio_s (49) <= ps_led_error_n_io;
ps_mio_s (48 downto 47) <= ps_led_front_n_io(1 downto 0);
ps_mio_s (46) <= ps_led_sdcard_n_io;
ps_mio_s (45 downto 42) <= ps_sdio_data_io;
ps_mio_s (41) <= ps_sdio_cmd_io;
ps_mio_s (40) <= ps_sdio_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (39) <= ps_usb_data_io(7);
ps_mio_s (38) <= ps_usb_data_io(6);
ps_mio_s (37) <= ps_usb_data_io(5);
ps_mio_s (36) <= ps_usb_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (35) <= ps_usb_data_io(3);
ps_mio_s (34) <= ps_usb_data_io(2);
ps_mio_s (33) <= ps_usb_data_io(1);
ps_mio_s (32) <= ps_usb_data_io(0);
ps_mio_s (31) <= ps_usb_nxt_io;
ps_mio_s (30) <= ps_usb_stp_io;
ps_mio_s (29) <= ps_usb_dir_io;
ps_mio_s (28) <= ps_usb_data_io(4);
ps_mio_s (27) <= ps_phy_rx_ctrl_io;
ps_mio_s (26 downto 23) <= ps_phy_rxd_io;
ps_mio_s (22) <= ps_phy_rx_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (21) <= ps_phy_tx_ctrl_io;
ps_mio_s (20 downto 17) <= ps_phy_txd_io;
ps_mio_s (16) <= ps_phy_tx_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (15) <= ps_i2c_sda_io;
ps_mio_s (14) <= ps_i2c_scl_io;
ps_mio_s (13) <= ps_sw3_b_io;
ps_mio_s (12) <= ps_sw3_a_io;
ps_mio_s (11) <= ps_sw2_b_io;
ps_mio_s (10) <= ps_sw2_a_io;
ps_mio_s (9) <= ps_sw1_b_io;
ps_mio_s (8) <= ps_sw1_a_io;
ps_mio_s (7) <= ps_sw0_b_io;
ps_mio_s (6) <= ps_qspi_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (5 downto 2) <= ps_qspi_data_io;
ps_mio_s (1) <= ps_qspi_cs_n_io;
ps_mio_s (0) <= ps_sw0_a_io;

end architecture;

Complete sozius_components_package.vhd Source File

PS part of the Zynq FPGA is also required to generate clock signal for the Modulator Sozius design.

Properly congured PS part is described in the socius_xz_lab_ps_bd component of the sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_

VHDL model.

The complete socius_xz_lab_ps_bd component declaration you can nd in the sozius_components_package.vhd
package declaration.

sozius_components_package.vhd :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

82 2023/01/05

package sozius_components_package is

component sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd is
port (
pl_clk0 : out std_logic;
pl_reset_n : out std_logic;
ddr3_cas_n : inout std_logic;
ddr3_cke : inout std_logic;
ddr3_ck_n : inout std_logic;
ddr3_ck_p : inout std_logic;
ddr3_cs_n : inout std_logic;
ddr3_reset_n : inout std_logic;
ddr3_odt : inout std_logic;
ddr3_ras_n : inout std_logic;
ddr3_we_n : inout std_logic;
ddr3_ba : inout std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 );
ddr3_addr : inout std_logic_vector ( 14 downto 0 );
ddr3_dm : inout std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 );
ddr3_dq : inout std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 );
ddr3_dqs_n : inout std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 );
ddr3_dqs_p : inout std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 );
fixed_io_mio : inout std_logic_vector ( 53 downto 0 );
fixed_io_ddr_vrn : inout std_logic;
fixed_io_ddr_vrp : inout std_logic;
fixed_io_ps_srstb : inout std_logic;
fixed_io_ps_clk : inout std_logic;
fixed_io_ps_porb : inout std_logic;
sdio_0_cdn : in std_logic;
usbind_0_port_indctl : out std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 );
usbind_0_vbus_pwrselect : out std_logic;
usbind_0_vbus_pwrfault : in std_logic;
pl_iic_1_sda_i : in std_logic;
pl_iic_1_sda_o : out std_logic;
pl_iic_1_sda_t : out std_logic;
pl_iic_1_scl_i : in std_logic;
pl_iic_1_scl_o : out std_logic;
pl_iic_1_scl_t : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_sck_i : in std_logic;
pl_spi_0_sck_o : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_sck_t : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_io0_i : in std_logic;
pl_spi_0_io0_o : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_io0_t : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_io1_i : in std_logic;
pl_spi_0_io1_o : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_io1_t : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_ss_i : in std_logic;
pl_spi_0_ss_o : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_ss1_o : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_ss2_o : out std_logic;
pl_spi_0_ss_t : out std_logic;
pl_uart_1_txd : out std_logic;
pl_uart_1_rxd : in std_logic
end component;

component sozius_xz_ps_bd is
port (
pl_clk_0 : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_clk_1 : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_clk_2 : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_clk_3 : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_int_bot : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );
pl_int_mid : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );
pl_int_soc : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );
pl_int_top : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );
pl_clk_resetn : out STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_cas_n : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_cke : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_ck_n : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_ck_p : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_cs_n : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_reset_n : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_odt : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_ras_n : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_we_n : inout STD_LOGIC;
ddr3_ba : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
ddr3_addr : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );
ddr3_dm : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
ddr3_dq : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
ddr3_dqs_n : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
ddr3_dqs_p : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
fixed_io_mio : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 53 downto 0 );
fixed_io_ddr_vrn : inout STD_LOGIC;
fixed_io_ddr_vrp : inout STD_LOGIC;
fixed_io_ps_srstb : inout STD_LOGIC;
fixed_io_ps_clk : inout STD_LOGIC;
fixed_io_ps_porb : inout STD_LOGIC;
sdio_0_cdn : in STD_LOGIC;
usbind_0_port_indctl : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 ); 2023/01/05 83

usbind_0_vbus_pwrselect : out STD_LOGIC;

usbind_0_vbus_pwrfault : in STD_LOGIC;
pl_iic_1_sda_i : in STD_LOGIC;
pl_iic_1_sda_o : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_iic_1_sda_t : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_iic_1_scl_i : in STD_LOGIC;
pl_iic_1_scl_o : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_iic_1_scl_t : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_sclk_i : in STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_sclk_o : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_sclk_t : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_ss_i : in STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_ss_o : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_ss1_o : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_ss2_t : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_spi_0_ss_t : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_uart_1_txd : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_uart_1_rxd : in STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_bot_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
pl_bram_bot_clk : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_bot_din : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_bot_dout : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_bot_en : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_bot_rst : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_bot_we : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
pl_bram_mid_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
pl_bram_mid_clk : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_mid_din : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_mid_dout : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_mid_en : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_mid_rst : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_mid_we : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
pl_bram_soc_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
pl_bram_soc_clk : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_soc_din : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_soc_dout : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_soc_en : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_soc_rst : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_soc_we : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
pl_bram_top_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
pl_bram_top_clk : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_top_din : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_top_dout : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
pl_bram_top_en : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_top_rst : out STD_LOGIC;
pl_bram_top_we : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 )

end component;

end package;

Note: Don't forget to add sozius_components_package.vhd package into the project!

Note: Don't forget to set sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd source le to be the top le!

Congure the Zynq PS Part to work on Sozius Development Board

Finally, we must congure the Zynq PS part to work on Sozius development board.

This includes a number of conguration steps. All the PS conguration steps can be done using the Vivado GUI, by
creating a block design.

However, since this task includes a lot of manual settings of the Zynq PS, a better approach would be to do this manual
conguration only once and then to create a Tcl script le that can be used in all future congurations of the Zynq PS

The Tcl script that should be used to correctly congure Zynq PS to work on Sozius board is sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl.

This Tcl script le is too long to be shown in the tutorial, so ask your instructor for details.

Execute Tcl File in the Vivado IDE

- Next step is to execute the sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le in the Vivado IDE.

Go to the Tcl console window and type the following and press enter:
source <path>/sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl

84 2023/01/05

Where <path> stands for the full path to the folder where the sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le is stored.

Figure 8.3: Tcl Console window

Block Diagram after Vivado Tcl Script Execution

After Vivado has nished with the Tcl script execution, a created block diagram containing Zynq PS will be
visible in the Vivado IDE.

Figure 8.4: Block diagram of Zynq PS congured to run on Sozius board

Creating XDC File

- Now is the time to create and add constraints le for the Sozius board, sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc.

To create and add constraints le, please use steps from the Sub-chapter 9.1 "Creating XDC File", where it is
in detail explained in paragraph "Creating a XDC File using Vivado Text Editor".

The complete sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le you can nd in the Sub-chapter 9.1 "Creating
XDC File".

Synthesize Design

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click Run Synthesis command and wait for task to be completed.

- After the synthesis is completed, choose Open Synthesized Design option in the Synthesis Completed
dialog box.

Instantiate ILA Core into the Project 2023/01/05 85

- Open Debug Layout (if it is not already opened) and in the Debug window, select Set Up Debug button
to launch the Set Up Debug wizard.

In the Set Up Debug wizard add pwm_s and cc_count_s nets to ILA core, as it is explained in steps 20
- 33 in the Sub-chapter 10.1 "Inserting ILA and VIO Cores into Design".

Note: Pay attention to enable Capture control feature for ILA in step 31!

Note : All the information about Sozius development board, ILA and VIO core instantiation, dening structure
of the ARM-based processor system for Sozius development board, conguring the Zynq PS part to work on
Sozius development board, and many more things, you can also nd in the Lab 11: "Creating Modulator Sozius
Wrapper Module".

86 2023/01/05
Chapter 9

When we have all the necessary design les for our design, we can implement targeting FPGA design. First
we should create XDC constraints le where we will dene placement and timing constraints for our design.
Then, we should synthesize and implement our design (synthesis process is explained in the Sub-chapter 7.5
Synthesis). After design implementation is completed successfully, we must generate bitstream le and use it
to program target FPGA device.

9.1 Creating XDC File

The Vivado IDE software allows you to specify dierent types of constraints to help improve your design perfor-
mance. Each type of constraint serves a dierent purpose and is recommended under dierent circumstances.
Following are some of the most commonly used types of constraints:
ˆ Timing Constrains - are typically specied globally but can also be specied for individual paths.
Global constraints include period constraints for each clock, setup times for each input, and clock-to-out
constraints for each output. You can enter timing constraints using the option for the timing constraints
creation in the Flow Navigator. This creates a text-based Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) le.
ˆ Placement Constraints - for FPGA designs, you can specify placement constraints for each type of
logic element, such as BRAMs, DSPs, LUTs, FFs, I/Os, IOBs, and global buers. Individual logic gates,
such as AND and OR gates, are mapped into CLB function generators before the constraints are read
and cannot be constrained.
ˆ Synthesis Constraints - Synthesis constraints instruct the synthesis tool to perform specic operations.
When using "Vivado Synthesis" for synthesis, synthesis constraints control how "Vivado Synthesis" pro-
cesses and implements FPGA resources, such as state machines, multiplexers, and multipliers, during
the HDL synthesis and low level optimization steps. Synthesis constraints also allow control of register
duplication and fanout control during global timing optimization.

XDC Constraints

XDC constraints are based on the standard Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) format. SDC has been in
use and evolving for more than 20 years, making it the most popular and proven format for describing design

XDC constraints are combination of:

ˆ Industry standard SDC, and

ˆ Xilinx propriety physical constraints

XDC Constraints Properties

XDC constraints have the following properties:

ˆ There are not simple strings, but are commands that follow the Tcl semantic

ˆ They can be interpreted like any other Tcl command by the Vivado Tcl interpreter


ˆ They are read and parsed sequentially the same as other Tcl commands

You can enter XDC constraints in several ways, at dierent points in the ow:

ˆ Store the constraints in one or more XDC les

ˆ Generate the constraints with Tcl script

Generating an XDC File

There are two dierent ways of generating an XDC File:

ˆ using Vivado GUI (I/O Planning view)

ˆ using Text Editor

Creating a XDC File using the Vivado GUI (I/O Planning view):

In this step, you will be using the I/O Planning View to place the unplaced pins in the design. In order to assign
pins to the FPGA, you will determine the proper pin assignments by using the "Sozius (Zynq-7000) Hardware
User's Guide". This user guide contains the pin details and a reference master XDC le specifying the location
and the I/O standards to be used while selecting a pin for the design.

In order to apply the constraints to the design, the design has to be synthesized at least ones. Therefore, you will
start the constraints le creation by synthesizing the design and opening the synthesized design. To synthesize
your design, follow the steps explained in the Sub-chapter 7.5.2 Run Synthesis.

To create a XDC le using the Vivado IDE GUI, do the following:

- Change the layout from the Default Layout to I/O Planning view, in the layout pull-down menu in the
main toolbar, to identify pins that don't have an assigned location, see Figure 9.1.

Figure 9.1: I/O Planning option

This will change the layout from the Default view to the I/O Planning view, see Figure 9.2.

88 2023/01/05

Figure 9.2: I/O Planning View

The main window of the I/O Planning view displays the package view of the Sozius device. Below the Package
view, two additional tabs are populated. One tab displays the list of I/O ports of the design and the second
tab displays the list of package pins on the device package.

- In the I/O Ports tab, click Expand All option, or expand each bus separately to see all I/O Ports of your
design, see Figure 9.3.

Figure 9.3: I/O Ports tab

Note that all of the pins in this view have an assigned location.

Grey icons indicate unplaced ports, while yellow icons indicate placed ports. On the Figure 9.3 we can see
that all I/O ports are coloured yellow, since all of them has been placed to a specic pin location. After we 2023/01/05 89

assign a pin location to each of the I/O ports they will be coloured yellow.

The same thing you can see as you drag across the package view (see Figure 9.2), yellow icons indicate as-
signed pins, grey icons indicate unassigned pins and both displayed indicates assigned I/O banks.

In the Package view you can also notice that:

ˆ the coloured areas between the pins display the I/O banks
ˆ the clock pins are shown as grey hexagons
ˆ the clock-capable pins are shown as blue hexagons
ˆ the power pins (VCC) are shown as red squares
ˆ the ground pins (GND) are shown as green squares

- To connect your logical with your physical ports, select one scalar port and nd in the user guide for the socius
development board to which pin location you would like to connect that scalar port.

- In the I/O Ports tab, click on the target scalar port Package Pin column and choose a pin location to
connect the target port.

- Click on the target scalar port I/O Std column and change the I/O standard from default to target (usually
LVCMOS18 and LVCMOS33) standard.

LVCMOS18 is a low voltage CMOS I/O standard using 1.8V power supply voltage. For more informa-
tion about this I/O standard, please refer to the "JEDEC Standard JESD8-5A.01, 2.5 V +/- 0.2 V (Normal
Range) and 1.8 V  2.7 V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Nonterminated
Digital Integrated Circuits standard.

LVCMOS33 is a low voltage CMOS I/O standard using 3.3V power supply voltage. For more information
about this I/O standard, please refer to the "JEDEC Standard JESD8C.01, Interface Standard for Nominal 3
V/3.3 V Supply Digital Integrated Circuits standard.

- Leave all the target port options unchanged, because they are default values.

Note : After assigning pin location and I/O standard for target port, we will notice that I/O Port Prop-
erties window popped up. This is the another way to change port properties, see Figure 9.4. If you want to
apply some changes that you made, just click the Automatically update button.

Figure 9.4: I/O Port Properties window

- Repeat these conguration steps for the remaining ports using the pin locations and necessary I/O standards

90 2023/01/05

All the information about assigned pin locations and I/O standards of our design you can nd extracted in the
sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le in the text below.

- When you are nished with the placement constraints, click File -> Constraints -> Save As...

- In the Save Constraints dialog box, type the name of the constraints le in the File name eld, for example
modulator_sozius, see Figure 9.5.

Figure 9.5: Save Constraints dialog box

- In the Save Constraints As dialog box, type the name of the constraint set in the New Constraints set
name eld, for example modulator_sozius, see Figure 9.6.

Figure 9.6: Save Constraints As dialog box

- Click OK and your modulator_sozius constraint set with modulator_sozius.xdc le should appear in
the Sources window under the Constraints, see Figure 9.7.

Figure 9.7: Created modulator_sozius constraints set

As can be seen from the Figure 9.3, in our design there is a quite a lot of unassigned pins. In this case, instead
of using Vivado GUI to specify pin locations, a better approach would be to create a XDC le using Vivado
text editor which is explained in the following section. 2023/01/05 91

Creating a XDC File using Vivado Text Editor:

The another way to create a XDC constraints le is using Vivado text editor. The steps will be similar like in
Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module Using Vivado Text Editor.

Here are the steps for creating XDC le using Vivado text editor:

- Optional: Launch Vivado IDE (if it is not already launched).

- Optional: Open "Modulator" project (modulator.xpr) (if it is not already opened).

Creating a XDC File using Vivado Text Editor

- In the main Vivado IDE menu, click File -> Text Editor ->New File... option to open Vivado text editor.

- In the New File dialog box, type the name of your constraints le (sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc) in the File
name eld and choose to save it into your working directory, on the same place where you saved the rest of your source

- When you click Save, Vivado IDE will automatically open empty sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le
in Vivado text editor.

- Write the constraints into the opened sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le.

- When you nish with constraints le creation, click File -> Text Editor -> Save File option from the main Vivado
IDE menu, or just click Ctrl + S to save it.

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click the Add Sources command.

- In the Add Sources dialog box, select Add or create constraints option to add the constraints le to the
project and click Next.

Figure 9.8: Add Sources dialog box - Add or create constraints option

- In the Add or Create Constraints dialog box, click the "+" icon and select Add Files... option.

- In the Add Constraint Files dialog box, browse to the project working directory and select the soz-
ius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le.
- Click OK and the sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le should appear in the Add or Create
Constraints dialog box.

92 2023/01/05

- Click Finish and your constraints le should appear under the Constraints in the Sources view.

The complete sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le you can nd in the text below.

sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le:

# set properties for bitstream genration

set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS TRUE [current_design]

# set configuration bank voltages

set_property CFGBVS VCCO [current_design]
set_property CONFIG_VOLTAGE 3.3 [current_design]

# set condition for power analyzer

set_operating_conditions -ambient_temp 50
set_operating_conditions -board small
set_operating_conditions -airflow 250
set_operating_conditions -heatsink low
set_operating_conditions -board_layers 12to15

# pins must be implemented !!

set_property PACKAGE_PIN V13 [get_ports pl_phy_reset_n_o]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports pl_phy_reset_n_o]

In the constraints le you can see assigned pin locations and I/O standards for each logical port of our design.
For each logical port two physical constraints are necessary:
ˆ First constraint connects selected logical port (by using get_ports Tcl command) with specied pin location
(by setting the PACKAGE_PIN property, using set_property Tcl command).
ˆ Second constraint sets the I/O standard that should be used for selected logical port by setting the
IOSTANDARD property, using set_property Tcl command.

9.1.1 Dening Timing Constraints

Prior to implementation, there are physical and timing constraints that need to be dened. In the previous
steps we have dened physical constraints. Now, it's time to dene timing constraints also.

In the modulator design there is no need to specify any additional timing constraints. However, in this chapter
we will present and explain the procedure for dening new timing constraints for the design to be implemented.

To dene timing constraints you can choose between two approaches:

ˆ using Constraints Wizard, or

ˆ using Constraints Editor

Dening timing constraints using Constraints Wizard

As we already explained, the Vivado IDE provides Timing Constraints wizard to walk you through the process
of creating and validating timing constraints for the design. The Timing Constraints wizard analyzes the gate
level netlist and nds missing constraints. It is only available in the synthesized and implemented designs.

To dene timing constraints using Constraints Wizard, follow the next steps:

1. In the Flow Navigator, under the Synthesis Design section, select rst oered Constraints Wizard
2. When the No Target Constraints File dialog box appear, see Figure 10.9, just click Dene Target
option to associate current design with constraints le. 2023/01/05 93

Figure 9.9: No Target Constraints File dialog box

3. In the Dene Constraints and Target dialog box, select sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc le as
target constraints le and click OK, see Figure 9.10. In the Dene Constraints and Target dialog box,
you can also create new or add existing constraints le.

Figure 9.10: Dene Constraints and Target dialog box

4. In the Flow Navigator, click ones more Constraints Wizard command to open the introduction page.
This page describes the types of constraints that the wizard will create: Clocks, Input and Output Ports,
and Clock Domain Crossings, see Figure 9.11. After reading the page, click Next to continue.

94 2023/01/05

Figure 9.11: Identify and Recommend Missing Timing Constraints dialog box

5. In the Primary Clocks dialog box, Timing Constraints Wizard will display all the clock sources with a
missing clock denition. Each row of the wizard is a missing constraint. If you would prefer not to enter
the constraint, you can uncheck the box next to the constraint. If you would like more information about
how the wizard nds these missing constraints, there is a reference ? button in the lower left-hand corner
of the wizard. The reference pages are context specic and contain more information about the topologies
the wizard is looking for and an explanation as to why the constraint is being suggested. Click Next to
6. Next, the wizard looks for unconstrained generated clocks. Generated clocks are derived from primary
clocks in the FPGA fabric. In our design, the wizard determined that there are no unconstrained generated
clocks. In the Generated Clocks dialog box, click Next to continue.
7. Next, the wizard looks for forwarded clocks. A forwarded clock is a generated clock on a primary output
port of the FPGA. These are commonly used for source synchronous buses when the capture clock travels
with the data. The wizard has also determined that there are no unconstrained forwarded clocks in our
design. In the Forwarded Clocks dialog box, click Next to continue.
8. Next, the wizard looks for external feedback delays. MMCM or PLL feedback delay outside the FPGA
is used to compute the clock delay compensation in the timing reports. The wizard did not nd any
unconstrained MMCM external feedback delay in our design. In the External Feedback Delays dialog
box, click Next to continue.
9. Next, the wizard looks at the input delays. There are three sections on the page.
ˆ First section shows all the input ports that are missing input delay constraints in the design. In this
table you select the timing template you would like to use to constraints the input.
ˆ In the second section you provide the delay values for the template. This section will change depend-
ing on the template chosen in the rst section.
ˆ In the third section there are three tabs:
 Tcl Command Preview - previews the Tcl commands that will be used to constrain the design
 Existing Set Input Delay Constraints - shows input delay constraints that exist in the
design 2023/01/05 95

 Waveform - displays the waveform associated with the template

10. Click Next to continue.
11. Next, the Output Delays page of the wizard displays all the outputs that are unconstrained in the
design. The page layout is very similar to the inputs page. Click Next to continue.
12. The wizard now looks for any unconstrained combinational paths through the design. A combinational
path is a path that traverses the FPGA without being captured by any sequential elements. Our design
doesn't contain any combinational paths. In the Combinational Delays dialog box, click Next to
13. Physically exclusive clock groups are clocks that do not exit in the design at the same time. There are
no unconstrained physically exclusive clock groups in our design. In the Physically Exclusive Clock
Groups dialog box, click Next to continue.
14. Logically exclusive clocks with no interaction are clocks that are active at the same time except on shared
clock tree sections. Then these clocks do not have logical paths between each other and outside the shared
sections, they are logically exclusive. There are no unconstrained logically exclusive clock groups with no
interaction in our design. In the Logically Exclusive Clock Groups with No Interaction dialog
box, click Next to continue.
15. Logically exclusive clocks with interaction are clocks that are active at the same time except on shared
clock tree sections. When these clocks have logical paths between each other, only the clocks limited to
the shared clock tree sections are logically exclusive and are therefore constrained dierently than the
logically exclusive clock with no interaction. There are no unconstrained logically exclusive clock groups
with interaction in our design. In the Logically Exclusive Clock Groups with Interaction dialog
box, click Next to continue.
16. The Asynchronous Clock Domain Crossings page recommends constraints for safe clock domain
crossings. Our design does not contain any unconstrained clock domain crossings. Click Next to continue.
17. The Constraints Summary page is the nal page of the Timing Constraints wizard, see Figure 9.12. All
the constraints that were generated by the wizard can be viewed by clicking the links. If you would like
to run any reports once the wizard is nished, you can select them using the check boxes in the wizard.
Click Finish to complete the Timing Constraints wizard.

Figure 9.12: Constraints Summary dialog box

96 2023/01/05

Dening timing constraints using Constraints Editor

To dene timing constraints using Constraints Editor, follow the next steps:

1. Select Window -> Timing Constraints option from the main Vivado IDE menu to open the Timing
Constraints window, see Figure 9.13, or

Figure 9.13: Timing Constraints option

select in the Flow Navigator, under the Synthesis Design section, second oered Edit Timing Constraints

The Timing Constraints window appears in the main window of the Vivado IDE, see Figure 9.14. 2023/01/05 97

Figure 9.14: Timing Constraints window

There are three sections in the Timing Constraints window:

ˆ Constraints tree view - displays standard timing constraints, grouped by category. Double-clicking
a constraint in this section opens a new window to help you dene the selected constraint.

ˆ Constraints Spreadsheet - displays timing constraints of the type currently selected in the Con-
straints tree view. If you prefer, you can use this to directly dene or edit constraints instead of
using Constraints wizard.

ˆ All Constraints - displays all the timing constraints that currently exist in the design.

The Timing Constraints wizard identies missing clocks, I/O delays, and clock domain crossings excep-
tions, but it doesn't handle general timing exceptions. You can use the timing constraints editor to create
the exceptions that exist in the design.

Dene the primary clock constraint by creating a clock object with a specied period. The modula-
tor design has a 50 MHz clock supplied through dierential clock input ports on the FPGA. First dene
the primary clock object for the design and then dene a PERIOD constraint for the clock object.

2. In the Constraints tree view window of the Timing Constraint editor, double-click on the Create
Clock (1) option under the Clocks section to create a clock constraint.

3. In the Create Clock dialog box, enter clock_name (clk_i) in the Clock name eld, see Figure 9.15.

98 2023/01/05

Figure 9.15: Create Clock dialog box

4. Click the icon next to the Source objects eld and Specify Clock Source Objects dialog box will
appear, see Figure 9.15.

Note : This step is important to associate the clock input port to the clock denition.

5. In the Specify Clock Source Objects dialog box (see Figure 9.16), do the following:

ˆ Ensure that Nets is selected from the Find names of type drop-down list

ˆ Enter clk_i in the empty search eld

ˆ Click Find

ˆ In the Find results: 10 section, select clk_i

ˆ Click the -> icon to select clk_i

ˆ Click Set 2023/01/05 99

Figure 9.16: Specify Clock Source Objects dialog box

6. In the Create Clock dialog box, specify the period by setting the period property of the clock. In this
step, you will describe the period property and review the waveform details of the clock objects, see Figure

ˆ Enter 20 ns in the Period eld in the Waveform section, because 20 ns is the period of the 50 MHz
input clock signal

ˆ Ensure that the Rise at and Fall at elds are set to 0 and 10 respectively, which means that the
duty cycle of the input clock signal will be 50%

ˆ Click OK to create the clock constraint

100 2023/01/05


Figure 9.17: Create Clock dialog box after specifying the period for the clk_i

The Timing Constraints window now displays the timing constraint applied to the design, see Figure

Figure 9.18: Timing Constraints window with the create_clock constraint

Notice that the create_clock XDC command for the created clock is also displayed in the All Constraints
view of the Timing Constraints window.

All the timing constraints that have been run are applied to the design that is loaded in the mem-
ory. The applied constraints can be saved by writing them to the XDC le. All the timing constraints 2023/01/05 101


applied to the design are available in the All Constraints view of the Timing Constraints window, see
Figure 9.18.

7. To save your timing constraints to the sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le, select File ->
Constraints -> Save command from the main menu.

If you want to verify that the timing constraints have been applied to the sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc
le, do the following:

ˆ If the sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc le is already open, click the Reload link in the banner
of the sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc tab to reload the constraints le from disk.
ˆ If the sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc le is not open, select the Sources window, Hierarchy
ˆ Expand Constraints folder, see Figure 9.19
ˆ Double-click on the sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc le, under the constrs_1, to open the le
and you should see that your timing constraints were saved to the XDC le.

Figure 9.19: sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le in the Sources window

9.2 Implementation

9.2.1 About the Vivado Implementation Process

Implementation Process

The Vivado Design Suite enables implementation of UltraScale FPGA and Xilinx 7 Series FPGA designs from
the variety of design sources, including RTL designs, netlist designs and IP centric design ows.

Vivado implementation process includes all steps necessary to place and route the netlist onto the FPGA device
resources, while meeting the design's logical, physical, and timing constraints.

The Vivado implementation is a timing-driven ow. It supports industry standard Synopsys Design Constraints
(SDC) commands to specify design requirements and restrictions, as well as additional commands in the Xilinx
Design Constraints (XDC) format.

Vivado Design Implementation Process

The Vivado implementation process includes logical and physical transformations of the design. The implemen-
tation process consists of the following sub-processes:

102 2023/01/05


Figure 9.20: Design Implementation Process

ˆ Opt Design: Netlist Optimization

Optimizes the logical design to make it easier to t onto the target Xilinx device:
 Ensures optimal netlist for placement
 Optional in non-project batch ow (but recommended)
 Automatically enables in the project-based ow
Because this is the rst view of the assembled design (RTL and IP blocks), the design can usually be
further optimized. The opt_design command is the next step and performs logic trimming, removing cells
with no loads, propagating constant inputs, and combining LUTs for example LUTs in series that can be
combined into fewer LUTs.
ˆ Power Opt Design: Power Optimization

Optimizes design elements to reduce the power demands of the target Xilinx device:
 Disabled in project-based ow (can be set with implementation settings in GUI)
 Power optimization includes a ne-grained clock gating solution that can reduce dynamic power by
up to 30%
 Intelligent clock gating optimizations are automatically performed on the entire design and will
generate no changes to the existing logic or clocks
 Algorithm performs analysis on all portions of the design
Note : This step is optional.
ˆ Place Design: Placer

Places the design onto the target Xilinx device:

 Project-based ow (included in implementation stage)
 Non-project batch ow (place_design)
 Can use an input XDEF as a starting point for placement
ˆ Phys Opt Design: Physical Synthesis

Optimizes design timing by replicating drivers of high-fanout nets to distribute the loads:
 Post-placement timing-driven optimization (replicates and places drivers of high fanout nets with
negative slack)
 More features coming in future releases (register retiming)
 Available in all ows and can be de-activated in the GUI
 phys_opt_design (run between place_design and route_design)
Note : This step is optional.
ˆ Route Design: Router

Routes the design onto the target Xilinx device: 2023/01/05 103


 Project-based ow (included in implementation stage)

 Non-project batch ow (route_design))
 Router reporting (report_route_status command)
 Check route status of individual nets

The Vivado Design Suite includes a variety of design ows, and supports an array of design sources. In
order to generate a bitstream that can be downloaded onto the FPGA device, the design must pass through
implementation process.

Implementation is a series of steps that takes the logical netlist and maps it into the physical array of the target
Xilinx device. These steps include:
ˆ Logic optimization

ˆ Placement of logic cells

ˆ Routing of connections between cells

9.2.2 Run Implementation

Now we will run implementation process from the Flow Navigator, which will trigger synthesis followed by
implementation in one step.

To run the implementation process, please do the following:

1. In the Flow Navigator, click Run Implementation command and wait for implementation to be
completed, see Figure 9.21.

Figure 9.21: Run Implementation command

Note : You can monitor the Implementation progress in the bar in the upperright corner of the Vivado
2. After the implementation is completed, the Implementation Completed dialog box will appear, see
Figure 9.22.

Figure 9.22: Implementation Completed dialog box

3. Select Open Implementation Design option in the Implementation Completed dialog box and
click OK to open the implemented design.

104 2023/01/05


9.2.3 After Implementation

After implementation process:
ˆ Sources and Netlist tabs do not change. Now as each resource is selected, it will show the exact placement
of the resource on the die (Instance Properties view will show specic details about the resource).

ˆ Timing results have to be generated with the Report Timing Summary.

ˆ As each path is selected, the placement of the logic and its connections is shown in the Device view. This
is the cross-probing feature that helps with static timing analysis.

After you have implemented the design (or opened a project that only contains an implemented design), the
Flow Navigator changes again, see Illustration 9.23. Flow Navigator is optimized to provide quick access to the
options most frequently used after implementation (note that most of these reports are the same, except with
true-timing information):

Figure 9.23: Implemented Design options

ˆ Constraints Wizard: Open the Timing Constraints wizard

ˆ Edit Timing Constraints: Open the Constraints viewer

ˆ Report Timing Summary: Generates a default timing report (using true timing information)

ˆ Report Clock Networks: Generates a clock tree for the design

ˆ Report Clock Interaction: Veries constraint coverage on paths between clock domains

ˆ Report Methodology: Performs automated methodology checks and allows you to nd design issues
early in the design process

ˆ Report DRC: Performs design rule check on the entire design

ˆ Report Noise: Performs an SSO analysis of output and bidirectional pins in your design

ˆ Report Utilization: Generates a graphic version of the Utilization Report

ˆ Report Power: Provides detailed power analysis reports

ˆ Schematic: Opens the Schematic window

Note that the Report Timing Summary is the most important default report because at this point what most
designers are concerned about is meeting their timing objectives and only after completing an implementation
does the designer know if they can actually do that. 2023/01/05 105


Figure 9.24: Report Timing Summary tab

1. To view the clock interaction of the design, expand Implemented Design, under the Implementation
in the Flow Navigator, and select Report Clock Interaction command.

2. In the Report Clock Interaction dialog box, type the name of the results in the Results name eld
and click OK.

3. The Clock Interaction report will display in the main Vivado IDE window, see Figure 9.25.

Figure 9.25: Report Clock Interaction tab

This report is helpful to tell us if timing is asynchronous (in case that we didn't include synchronization
circuitry) and if paths are constrained (in case that we didn't add timing constraints to cover paths
between unrelated clock domains). Green squares conrm that paths between the two clock domains are

4. To view the resource utilization of the design, expand Implemented Design, under the Implementa-
tion in the Flow Navigator, and select Report Utilization command.

5. In the Report Utilization dialog box, type the name of the results in the Results name eld and click

6. The Utilization report will display at the bottom of the Vivado IDE, see Figure 9.26.

106 2023/01/05


Figure 9.26: Utilization Report tab

Note : You can maximize the utilization report and explore the results.

Note : Information about the Vivado Implementation Process, you can also nd in the Lab 13: "Design

9.2.4 Implementation Reports

While the Flow Navigator points to the most important reports, the Reports tab contains several other useful
reports, see Figure 9.27: 2023/01/05 107


Figure 9.27: Reports tab

Vivado Implementation Log - describes the implementation process and any issues it encountered.

IO Report - Lists every signal, its attributes and its nal location, see Figure 9.28. It is always important to
double-click pin assignments before implementing, because the tools can move any pin that is unassigned.

108 2023/01/05


Figure 9.28: IO Report

Utilization Report - describes the amount of FPGA resources used in a text format, see Figure 9.29.

Figure 9.29: Utilization Report

Control Sets Report - describes the number of unique control sets in the design Ideally this number will be as
small as possible. Number of control sets describes how control signals were grouped. Control signals include
clocks, clock enables, set, and reset signals. How the tools group them into slices and CLBs will dictate the
density of the design in the FPGA. 2023/01/05 109


Figure 9.30: Control Sets Report

DRC Report - Lists the DRC routing checks that were completed.

Power Report - describes the operating conditions and the estimated power consumption of your device, see
Figure 9.31.

Figure 9.31: Power Report

Route Status Report - reports lists any nets that could not be routed.

110 2023/01/05


Figure 9.32: Route Status Report

Timing Summary Report - identies the default timing for the nished design (with true timing information).

The benet of automatically generating these reports is that it encourages designers to read more about their

9.3 Generate Bitstream File

You can run the bitstream le generation process after your design has been completely routed for FPGAs.
The bitstream le generation process produces a bitstream for Xilinx device conguration. After the design is
completely routed, you must congure the device to execute the desired function.

To generate the bitstream le:

1. In the Flow Navigator, under Program and Debug, click on the Generate Bitstream command,
see Figure 9.33.

Figure 9.33: Generate Bitstream command

Note that the Generate Bitstream process will try to resynthesize and implement the design if any of
process is out of date.
2. Click Yes to acknowledge running of the processes that are needed for bitstream generation.
3. Click Cancel in the Bitstream Generation Completed dialog box.

Note : Information about how to generate bitstream le, you can also nd in the Lab 13: "Design Imple-

9.4 Program Device

After you have generated the bitstream le, the next step will bi to download it into the target FPGA device.
In our case it will be socius development board.

The Vivado tool oers Open Hardware Manager to use the native in-system device programming capabilities
that are built into the Vivado IDE. 2023/01/05 111


The Vivado IDE tool includes functionality that allows you to connect to your hardware, containing one or
more FPGA devices, to program them and debug your design on the real hardware. Connecting to hardware
can be done either from the Vivado IDE GUI or by using Tcl commands. In both cases, the procedure is the

1. For the socius development board, connect the Digilent USB JTAG cable of your socius board to the
Windows machine's USB port.

2. Ensure that the board is plugged in and powered on.

3. Make sure that the board settings are proper.

4. In the Flow Navigator, under the Program and Debug, click Open Hardware Manager command,
see Figure 9.34.

Figure 9.34: Open Hardware Manager command

The another way to open the hardware manager is to select Flow -> Open Hardware Manager option
from the main Vivado menu.

5. The next step in opening a hardware target is connecting to the hardware server that is managing the
connection to the hardware target. You can do this on three ways:

ˆ Use the Open target selection in the Hardware Manager view, to open a recent or a new hardware
targets, see Figure 9.35.

Figure 9.35: Hardware Manager view

ˆ Use the Open Target command, under the Open Hardware Manager in the Program and
Device section, to open new or recent hardware targets, see Figure 9.36.

Figure 9.36: Open Target command

ˆ Use Tcl commands to open a connection to a hardware target.

6. Click on the Open New Target command. The Open New Hardware Target wizard provides an
interactive way for you to connect to a hardware server and target, see Figure 9.37.

112 2023/01/05


Figure 9.37: Open Hardware Target dialog box

7. In the Open Hardware Target dialog box, click Next.

8. In the Hardware Server Settings dialog box, specify or select a local or remote server, depending on
what machine your hardware target is connected to. Leave the default Local server and click Next, see
Figure 9.38.

Local server : Use this setting if your hardware target is connected to the same machine on which
you are running the Vivado IDE. The Vivado software automatically starts the Vivado hardware server
(hw_server ) application on the local machine.

Remote server : Use this setting if your hardware target is connected to a dierent machine on which
you are running the Vivado IDE. Specify the host name or IP address of the remote machine and the port
number for the hardware server (hw_server ) application that is running on that machine.

Figure 9.38: Hardware Server Settings dialog box

9. In the Select Hardware Target dialog box, select the appropriate hardware target from the list of
targets that are managed by the hardware server. Note that when you select a target, you will see the
various hardware devices that are available on the hardware target, see Figure 9.39. 2023/01/05 113


Figure 9.39: Select Hardware Target dialog box

Note : If one or more of the devices is unknown to Vivado tool, you can provide the instruction register
(IR) length directly in the Hardware Devices table of the Open Hardware Target wizard.

10. Click Next.

11. In the Open Hardware Target Summary dialog box, click Finish to connect to the hardware described
in the summary window, see Figure 9.40.

Figure 9.40: Open Hardware Target Summary dialog box

Ones you nish opening a connection to a hardware target, the Hardware window is populated with the
hardware server, hardware target, and various hardware devices for the open target, see Figure 9.41.

114 2023/01/05


Figure 9.41: Hardware view after opening a connection to the hardware target

12. You can program the hardware device right-clicking on the device in the Hardware window and selecting
the Program Device... option, see Figure 9.42.

Figure 9.42: Program Device option

The another way to program your device is to select Program device option from the Hardware
Manager view, as it is shown on the Figure 9.43.

Figure 9.43: Program device option from the Hardware Manager view

In the Program Device window, click Program to program your device, see Figure 9.44. 2023/01/05 115


Figure 9.44: Program Device window

Note : As a convenience, Vivado IDE automatically uses .bit le for the current implemented design as
the values for the programming le property of the rst matching device in the open hardware target.

Ones the progress dialog box has indicated that the programming is 100% complete, you can check that
the hardware device has been programmed successfully by examining the DONE status in the Hardware
Device Properties view, see Figure 9.45.

Figure 9.45: Hardware Device Properties window

In case of using development boards without involving processor usage this will be the last step in pro-
gramming process. In this case, after downloading your design into the targeting device, led diode on the
board will start blinking. The speed of blinking will be chosen depending on the position of the two-state
on-board switch sw0.

In case of using Sozius development board, which involves the processor usage because of the necessary
clock generation, some additional steps must be done. After programming Sozius device, we have to
create application project using Vivado SDK tool to initialize the processing system which will then start
generating internal clock signal used by the Modulator design (connected to the clk_i port). Systems that
involves processor usage are explained in detail in the "Embedded System Design" tutorial.

Export Hardware

- When the Sozius board is programmed, select File -> Export -> Export Hardware... option from the
main Vivado IDE menu.

Export Hardware Platform wizard will guide you through the process of exporting hardware platform for
use in the Vitis tools.

To export a Hardware Platform, you will need to provide a name and location for the exported le and specify
the platform properties.

- In the Export Hardware Platform diloag box just click Next.

116 2023/01/05


Figure 9.46: Export Hardware Platform dialog box

- In the Output dialog box select Include bitstream option and click Next.

Figure 9.47: Output dialog box

- In the File dialog box enter the name of your XSA le in the XSA le name led and check the directory
where the XSA le will be stored. Click Next. 2023/01/05 117


Figure 9.48: File dialog box

- In the Exporting Hardware Platform dialog box to export the hardware platform just click Finish.

Figure 9.49: Exporting Hardware Platform dialog box

Vitis Software Platform

The Vitis IDE is part of the Vitis software platform. The Vitis IDE is designed to be used for the development
of embedded software applications targeted towards Xilinx embedded processors. The Vitis IDE works with
hardware designs created with Vivado Design Suite.

118 2023/01/05


Launch Vitis Software Platform

In order to get the internal FPGA clock running, we must run some application on the processing system. In
order to do this, following steps must be performed:

- Launch the Vitis software platform:

Select Start -> All Programs -> Xilinx Design Tools -> Vitis 2022.2 -> Xilinx Vitis IDE 2022.2
and the Vivado Vitis Eclipse Launcher dialog box will appear.

- In the Eclipse Launcher dialog box select a directory as workspace in the Workspace eld and click Next.

Figure 9.50: Eclipse Launcher dialog box

Vivado Vitis IDE will be launched in the separate window.

Figure 9.51: Vitis Software Platform

Create a Platform Project

- On the Vitis IDE getting started page, select File -> New -> Platform Project... option, or just click the
link Create Platform Project and the New Platform Project wizard opens. 2023/01/05 119


Figure 9.52: Platform Project option

- In the Create new platform project dialog box type the name of the platform project in the Platform
project name led (in our case it will be modulator_sozius) and click Next.

Figure 9.53: Create new platform project dialog box

- In the Platform dialog box select Browse beside the Hardware Specication to provide your XSA le.

120 2023/01/05


Figure 9.54: Platform dialog box

- In the Create Platform from XSA dialog box browse and select the XSA le that you exported from the
Vivado Design Suite and click Open.

Figure 9.55: Create Platform from XSA dialog box

- In the Platform dialog box provide the hardware and software specication for the new platform project.
ˆ In the XSA File eld, browse and select the XSA le that you exported from the Vivado Design Suite
ˆ Use the dropdown menus to select standalone as the operating system and ps7_cortexa9_0 as the
processor 2023/01/05 121


ˆ The Generate boot components checkbox is selected.

You can deselect this if you do not need boot components (FSBL in case of Zynq and PMU rmware in
case of Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC).

Figure 9.56: Platform dialog box with selected XSA le

- Click Finish and Vitis IDE will create your platform project.

122 2023/01/05


Figure 9.57: Vitis IDE with created platform project

Create Application Project and Run the Application

- In the Vitis IDE select File -> New -> Application Project... option.

Figure 9.58: New Application Project option

- In the Create a New Application Project dialog box just click Next to skip the welcome page instructions. 2023/01/05 123


Figure 9.59: Create a New Application Project dialog box

- In the Platform dialog box Select a platform from repository tab opens. You should choose a platform
for your project. You can either use a pre-supplied platform (from Xilinx or another vendor), a previously
created custom platform, or you can create one automatically from an exported Vivado hardware project.

- Select modulator_sozius [custom] platform and click Next.

124 2023/01/05


Figure 9.60: Platform dialog box

- In the Application project Details dialog box, specify the application project name (modulator_sozius_app)
and its system project properties and click Next.

Figure 9.61: Application Project Details dialog box 2023/01/05 125


- In the Domain dialog box, provide the domain and other software details for your project. In our case leave
all default parameters and click Next.

Figure 9.62: Domain dialog box

- In the Templates dialog box select Hello World application and click Finish.

Figure 9.63: Templates dialog box

126 2023/01/05


- Right-click the system project and select Build Project option. You have now built your application and
the Console tab shows the details of the le and application size.

Figure 9.64: Build Project option

- In the Vitis IDE Explorer window, select your application project (modulator_sozius_app), right-click
on it and select Run As -> Launch on Hardware option.

Figure 9.65: Run As option

- Turn back to the Vivado IDE and in the Hardware window of the Hardware Manager right-click on the
FPGA device (xc7z020_1) and select Refresh Device option. 2023/01/05 127


Figure 9.66: ILA Dashboard

After refreshing the FPGA device the Hardware window now shows the ILA and VIO cores that were detected
after scanning the device and default dashboard for each debug core is automatically opened.

If you want to close a hardware target, right-click on the hardware target in the Hardware window and select
Close Target option from the popup manu, see Figure 9.53.

Figure 9.67: Close Target option

If you want to close a connection to the hardware server, right-click on the hardware server in the Hardware
window and select Close Server option from the popup menu, see Figure 9.54.

Figure 9.68: Close Server option

128 2023/01/05


Assuming no errors occurs, you can test your design with a Vivado logic analyzer or an oscilloscope.

Note : Information about how to program an FPGA device, you can also nd in the Lab 13: "Design

9.5 Modications in case of using dierent development boards

In case of using some other development board, some small modications to accommodate your design to the
new development board, must be done.

These modications will be illustrated in case of using ZedBoard development board.

Both, ZedBoard and Sozius development boards, has single-ended reference clock. ZedBoard has 100 MHz
reference clock, while Sozius has 50 MHz reference clock. To accommodate your design to the new development
board, do the following steps:

ˆ Change the type of the target FPGA device,

ˆ Change the xdc constraints le, and

ˆ Change the necessary source codes.

1. Change the type of the target FPGA device.

ˆ In the Project Summary window (Settings) click on the xc7z020clg400-1, see Figure 9.55.

Figure 9.69: Project Settings window

ˆ In the Settings dialog box, click on the icon beside Project device eld to browse the another
development board, see Figure 9.56. 2023/01/05 129


Figure 9.70: Project Settings dialog box

ˆ In the Select Device dialog box, choose Boards option, then select ZedBoard Zynq Evaluation
and Development Kit and click OK, see Figure 9.57.

Figure 9.71: Select Device dialog box

130 2023/01/05


2. Change the xdc constraints le.

Create new modulator_zedboard.xdc constraints le, save it in your working directory and include
it in the design. The content of the modulator_zedboard.xdc constraints le for the ZedBorad is
presented in the text below:

set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y9 [get_ports clk_p]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN F22 [get_ports sel_i];
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T22 [get_ports pwm_o]

set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clk_p]

set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports sel_i];
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports pwm_o]

create_clock -period 10.000 -name clk_p -waveform 0.000 5.000 [get_ports clk_p]

The things that we changed in the xdc le:

ˆ Placement Constraints - nd in the User Guide for the ZedBoard development board pin locations
where you would like to connect the input dierential clock (clk_p, clk_n) and sel_i and pwm_o
ˆ Timing Constraints - change the period of the input clock signal. For ZedBoard development board,
you have to change input clock period from 20 ns to 10 ns, because ZedBoard development board
has 100 MHz input clock frequency.

3. Change the source codes.

Because we changed the target development board, from Sozius to ZedBoard, we must accommodate
the whole system to the new parameters.

Changes that must be done are listed below.

If you want to add some other development board that is not on the list of the available development
boards in our design, please open the modulator_pkg.vhd source le and add the desired development
board information.

ˆ Add the name of the new development board in the board_type_t type declaration:

type board_type_t is (lx9, zedboard, ml605, kc705, vc707, microzed, sozius);

ˆ Create a new constant for the new development board. Constant must be a structure of type
board_setting_t. In that structure you must declare the following parameters:
 the name of the new development board dened in the board_type_t type declaration
 the frequency of the input clock signal in MHz
 is the input clock dierential (yes) or not (no), using a has_di_clk_t type eld

 place the information about the new boards here:

constant lx9_c : board_setting_t := (lx9, 100000000.0, no);  Spartan-6

constant zedboard_c : board_setting_t := (zedboard, 100000000.0, no);  Zynq-7000
constant ml605_c : board_setting_t := (ml605, 200000000.0, yes);  Virtex-6
constant kc705_c : board_setting_t := (kc705, 200000000.0, yes);  Kintex-7
constant microzed_c : board_setting_t := (microzed, 33333333.3, no);  MicroZed
constant sozius_c : board_setting_t := (socius, 50000000.0, no);  Sozius

modulator_tb.vhd: 2023/01/05 131


ˆ Change the type of your development board. In our case it will be from sozius_c to zedboard.

 denes board specic settings

board_setting_g : board_setting_t := zedboard_c;

ˆ Remove sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd le from the design.

ˆ Create new modulator_wrapper_rtl.vhd source le and include it into the Modulator design.
 Usage : This module is necessary to support dierent development boards with dierent referent
clock types (single-ended and dierential clocks). In this module we will instantiate Modulator
module and, if needed, dierential input clock buer. Dierential input clock buer will be
instantiated if the target development board has reference clock source with dierential output.
 Block diagram :

Figure 9.72: Modulator wrapper block diagram

 Input ports :
* clk_p : dierential input clock signal
* clk_n : dierential input clock signal
* sel_i : input signal from the on-board switch, used for changing output signal frequency
 Output ports :
* pwm_o : pulse width modulated signal
 Generics :
* this_module_is_top_g : if some module is top, it needs to implement the dierential
clk buer, otherwise this variable will be overwritten by a upper hierarchy layer
* board_setting_g : parameter that species major characteristics of the board that will
be used to implement the modulator design
* design_setting_g : user dened settings for the pwm design
 File name : modulator_wrapper_rtl.vhd

Modulator wrapper VHDL model :

-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:
-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

132 2023/01/05


-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity modulator_wrapper is
-- If some module is top, it needs to implement the differential clk buffer,
-- otherwise this variable will be overwritten by a upper hierarchy layer
this_module_is_top_g : module_is_top_t := yes;

-- Parameter that specifies major characteristics of the board that will be used
-- to implement the modulator design
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := zedboard_c;

-- User defined settings for the pwm design

design_setting_g : design_setting_t := led_setting_c

clk_p : in std_logic; -- differential input clock signal
clk_n : in std_logic; -- differential input clock signal
sel_i : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- signal made for selecting frequency
pwm_o : out std_logic -- pulse width modulated signal
-- clk_en : out std_logic -- clock enable port used only for MicroZed board

end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of modulator_wrapper is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

constant inc_c : a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_g);

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0)

:= (others => '0');

signal clk_i_s : std_logic;

signal sel_s : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal pwm_s : std_logic;


-- converts from array of ints to std_logic_vector

inc_s <= conv_int_array_to_slv_f(inc_c, design_setting_g.nco_width);

-- in case of MicroZed board we must enable on-board clock generator

-- clk_en <= '1';

-- if module is top, it has to generate the differential clock buffer in case

-- of a differential clock, otherwise it will get a single ended clock signal
-- from the higher hierarchy

clk_buf_if_top : if (this_module_is_top_g = yes) generate

clk_buf : if (board_setting_g.has_diff_clk = yes) generate

ibufgds_inst : ibufgds
generic map(
ibuf_low_pwr => true,
-- low power (true) vs. performance (false) setting for referenced I/O standards
iostandard => "default"

port map (
o => clk_i_s, -- clock buffer output
i => clk_p, -- diff_p clock buffer input
ib => clk_n -- diff_n clock buffer input
end generate clk_buf;

no_clk_buf : if (board_setting_g.has_diff_clk = no) generate

clk_i_s <= clk_p;
end generate no_clk_buf;

end generate clk_buf_if_top;

not_top : if (this_module_is_top_g = no) generate

clk_i_s <= clk_p;
end generate not_top; 2023/01/05 133


-- modulator module instance

modulator_i: entity work.modulator(rtl)
generic map(
board_setting_g => board_setting_g,
design_setting_g => design_setting_g
port map(
clk_i => clk_i_s,
inc_i => inc_s,
sel_i => sel_s,
pwm_o => pwm_s


134 2023/01/05

Chapter 10

In this chapter we will show how user can debug a design. We will use Vivado Logic Analyzer as an integrated
Vivado analyzer.

10.1 Inserting ILA and VIO Cores into Design

Vivado Logic Analyzer

Vivado Logic Analyzer is a integrated logic analyzer.

In this chapter you will learn how to debug your FPGA design by inserting an Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA)
core and Virtual Input/Output (VIO) core using the Vivado IDE. You will take advantage of integrated Vivado
logic analyzer functions to debug and discover some potential root causes of your design.

There are two ows (methods) supported in the Vivado Debug Probing:

1. HDL Instantiation Debug Probing Flow

2. Using the Netlist Insertion Debug Probing Flow

This chapter will illustrate "Using the Netlist Insertion Debug Probing Flow" between Vivado logic analyzer,
ILA 6.2, VIO 3.0 and Vivado IDE. Details about how to use the "HDL Instantiation Debug Probing Flow" can
be found in the Chapter 11.1 "IP Integrator".

LogiCORE IP Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) v6.2 core

The LogiCORE IP Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) core is a customizable logic analyzer core that can be
used to monitor the internal signals of a design. The ILA core includes many advanced features of modern
logic analyzers, including boolean trigger equations, and edge transition triggers. Because the ILA core is
synchronous to the design being monitored, all design clock constraints that are applied to your design are also
applied to the components of the ILA core.

ILA core general features are:

ˆ user-selectable number of probe ports and probe_width

ˆ multiple probe ports, which can be combined into a single trigger condition

ˆ AXI interface on ILA IP core to debug AXI IP cores in a system

The following illustration is a symbol of the ILA v6.2 core.


Figure 10.1: Symbol of the ILA v6.2 core

Signals in the FPGA design are connected to ILA core clock and probe inputs. These signals, attached to the
probe inputs, are sampled at design speed and stored using on-chip block RAM (BRAM). The core parameters
specify the number of probes, trace sample depth, and the width for each probe input. Communication with
the ILA core is conducted using an auto-instantiated debug core hub that connects to the JTAG interface of
the FPGA.

Note : If you want to read and learn more about the ILA v6.2 core, please refer to "LogiCORE IP Integrated
Logic Analyzer (ILA) v6.2 Product Guide".

LogiCORE IP Virtual Input/Output (VIO) v3.0 core

The LogiCORE IP Virtual Input/Output (VIO) core is a customizable core that can both monitor and drive
internal FPGA signals in real time. The number of width of the input and output ports are customizable in
size to interface with the FPGA design. Because the VIO core is synchronous to the design being monitored
and/or driven, all design clock constraints that are applied to your design are also applied to the components
inside the VIO core. Run time interaction with this core requires the use of the Vivado logic analyzer feature.
Unlike the ILA core, no on-chip or o-chip RAM is required.

VIO core general features are:

ˆ provides virtual LEDs and other status indicators through input ports

ˆ includes optional activity detectors on input ports to detect rising and falling transitions between samples

ˆ provides virtual buttons and other controls indicators through output ports

ˆ includes custom output initialization that allows you to specify the value of the VIO core outputs imme-
diately following device conguration and start-up

ˆ run time reset of the VIO core to initial values

The following illustration is a symbol of the VIO v3.0 core.

136 2023/01/05


Figure 10.2: Symbol of the VIO v3.0 core

Note : Note: If you want to read and learn more about the VIO v3.0 core, please refer to "LogiCORE IP Virtual
Input/Output (VIO) v3.0 Product Guide".

Using the Netlist Insertion Debug Probing Flow

Insertion of debug cores in the Vivado tool is presented in a layered approach to address dierent needs of the
diverse group of Vivado users:

ˆ The highest level is a simple wizard that creates and congures Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) cores
automatically based on the selected set of nets to debug

ˆ The next level is the main Debug window allowing control over individual debug cores, ports and their

ˆ The lowest level is the set of Tcl debug commands that you can enter manually or replay as a script

Netlist insertion debug probing ow can be used to insert ILA cores only!

If you need the VIO core, like in our design, it must be inserted using the design using the HDL instantiation
debug probing ow.

VIO Core Generation

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, under the Project Manager, click the IP Catalog command.

- In the IP Catalog window, in the Search eld, search for the VIO (Virtual Input/Output) IP core.
After you selected the VIO core, in the Details window, under the main IP Catalog window, you will nd all
the necessary information about selected IP core. 2023/01/05 137


Figure 10.3: IP Catalog window with selected VIO core

- Double-click on the VIO (Virtual Input/Output) IP core and Vivado IDE will create a new skeleton source
for your VIO core. The window that will be opened is used to set up the general VIO core parameters.

Figure 10.4: VIO core conguration window - General Options

- In the VIO (Virtual Input/Output) (3.0) window, enter vio_core_name (vio_core) in the Component
Name eld.

- In the General Options tab, leave Input Probe Count to be 1 and Output Probe Count also to be 1,
because we will need one input probe for pwm_o signal and one output probe for sel_i signal.

- In the PROBE_IN Ports(0..0) tab leave Probe Width of the PROBE_IN0 Probe Port to be 1, because
our pwm_o signal is 1 bit signal.

138 2023/01/05


Figure 10.5: VIO core conguration window - PROBE_IN Ports(0..0) tab

- In the PROBE_OUT Ports(0..0) tab, leave Probe Width of the PROBE_OUT0 Probe Port to be 1,
because our sel_i signal is also 1 bit signal.

Figure 10.6: VIO core conguration window - PROBE_OUT Ports(0..0) tab

- Click OK.

- In the Generate Output Products window click Generate. 2023/01/05 139


Figure 10.7: Generate Output Products window for VIO core

Note : After VIO core generation, your VIO core should appear in the Sources window, see Figure 10.8.

Figure 10.8: Sources tab with generated VIO core

Adding Debug Nets

The rst step in inserting the ILA core into our design is to add debug nets to the project. Following are some
of the methods how to add debug nets using the Vivado IDE:

ˆ Add mark_debug attribute to the target XDC le

set_property mark_debug true [get_nets cc_count_s*]

set_property mark_debug true [get_nets pwm_s*]

Note : Use these attributes in synthesized design only! Do not use them with pre-synthesis or elabo-
rated design nets.

ˆ Add mark_debug attribute to HDL les.


attribute mark_debug : string;

attribute keep: string;

attribute mark_debug of cc_count_s : signal is "true";

attribute mark_debug of pwm_s : signal is "true";

140 2023/01/05



(* mark_debug *) wire cc_count_s;

(* mark_debug *) wire pwm_s;

ˆ Right-click and select Mark Debug or Unmark Debug on Synthesis netlist

ˆ Use Tcl prompt to set the mark_debug attribute. For example:

set mark_debug true [get_nets cc_count_s*]

set mark_debug true [get_nets pwm_s*]

This applies the mark_debug on the current, open netlist.

In this tutorial we will use only the second method of adding debug nets.

We will use mark_debug attribute to add debug nets (pwm_s and cc_count_s) to our HDL le

As we already said ILA core will be used to monitor PWM signal width change, where pwm_s signal will
represent PWM signal and cc_count_s will measure the duration of the high pulse of the PWM signal.

In our design despite ILA and VIO cores, we will also have to instantiate Modulator module and counter that
will measure the duration of the PWM pulse, see Figure 10.9. Both of these instances, plus ILA and VIO core
instances will be included within sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd VHDL model.

Connection Between ILA, VIO Core and Modulator Module

Figure 10.9: Modulator Sozius block diagram 2023/01/05 141


Create and Add sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd Source File

- To create and add sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd source le use steps for creating modules, ex-
plained in Sub-chapter 2.4.1 Creating a Module Using Vivado Text Editor of this tutorial.

Content of the le you can nd in the Sub-chapter 8.2 Creating Module of this tutorial.

Note: Don't forget to set sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd source le to be the top le!

Congure the Zynq PS Part to work on Sozius Development Board

Now, we must congure the Zynq PS part to work on Sozius development board.

This includes a number of conguration steps.

All the PS conguration steps will be done using sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl script le.

This Tcl script le is too long to be shown in the tutorial, so ask your instructor for details.

Execute Tcl File in the Vivado IDE

- Next step is to execute the sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le in the Vivado IDE.

Go to the Tcl console window and type the following and press enter:

source <path>/sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl

Where <path> stands for the full path to the folder where the sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le is stored.

Figure 10.10: Tcl Console window

After Vivado has nished with the Tcl script execution, a created block diagram containing Zynq PS will be
visible in the Vivado IDE, as shown on the Figure 10.11.

Block Diagram after Vivado Tcl Script Execution

142 2023/01/05


Figure 10.11: Block diagram of Zynq PS congured to run on Sozius board

Creating XDC File

- Now is the time to create and add constraints le for the Sozius board, sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc.

To create and add constraints le, please use steps from the Sub-chapter 9.1 "Creating XDC File", where it is
in detail explained in paragraph "Creating a XDC File using Vivado Text Editor".

The complete sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le you can nd in the Sub-chapter 9.1 "Creating
XDC File".

- In the Project Manager, click the Settings command, see Figure 10.12.

Figure 10.12: Project Settings command

- In the Settings dialog box, select Synthesis option from the left pane.

- In the Synthesis window, change the atten_hierarchy option from rebuilt to none as it is shown on the
Figure 10.13 and click OK.

The reason for changing this setting to none is to prevent the synthesis tool from performing any boundary
optimization for this tutorial. 2023/01/05 143


Figure 10.13: Project Settings dialog box

Design Synthesis

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click Run Synthesis command (Synthesis option) and wait for task to be

Figure 10.14: Run Synthesis command

- After the synthesis is completed, choose Open Synthesized Design option in the Synthesis Completed
dialog box.

Figure 10.15: Synthesis Completed dialog box

- Open Debug Layout, if it is not already opened.

Figure 10.16 and 10.17 shows assigned debug nets to the VIO core and debug nets that were marked in the
sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd source le with mark_debug attributes and that we will assign to

144 2023/01/05


the ILA core.

Figure 10.16: Debug window - Debug Cores tab

Figure 10.17: Debug window - Debug Nets tab

- Select the Netlist tab, beside Sources tab and expand Nets folder of the sozius_xz2_modulator_vio
module. In the expanded Nets folders you will nd nets that exist in our design. Nets that we marked with
mark_debug attributes are designated with green bug sign. These nets will be used to verify and debug our

If you are not satised with the marked nets and you want to mark some new or unmark some existing net,
you have an opportunity to do that from the Netlist window in the following way:
ˆ Select the net, right-click on it, and choose Mark Debug or Unmark Debug option, see Figure 10.18.

Figure 10.18: Mark and Unmark Debug option

ˆ In the Conrm Debug Net(s) dialog box (in case of marking new debug net), click OK, see Figure
10.19. 2023/01/05 145


Figure 10.19: Conrm Debug Net(s) dialog box

The next step after marking nets for debugging is to assign them to debug cores. The Vivado IDE provides
Set Up Debug wizard to help guide you through the process of automatically creating the debug cores and
assigning the debug nets to the inputs of the cores.

To use the Set Up Debug wizard to insert the debug cores, do the following:

Set up Debug Wizard

- In the Debug window, select Set Up Debug button to launch the wizard.

Figure 10.20: Set Up Debug button

The another way to launch this wizard is to select Tools -> Set up Debug... option from the Vivado IDE
main menu, see Figure 10.21.

Figure 10.21: Tools -> Set up Debug option

- In the Set Up Debug dialog box, click Next to open Nets to Debug dialog box.

146 2023/01/05


Figure 10.22: Set Up Debug dialog box

- In the Nets to Debug dialog box you will nd nets that you have marked for debugging.

Figure 10.23: Nets to Debug dialog box

In the Nets to Debug dialog box, you have also an opportunity to add more nets or remove existing nets from
the table.

Click Find Nets to Add... button to open Find Nets dialog box, see Figure 10.24. 2023/01/05 147


Figure 10.24: Find Nets dialog box

- If you are satised with the debug net selection, click OK.

- In the Nets to Debug dialog box, select target debug net, right-click on it and choose Select Clock Do-
main... option to change the clock domain that will be used to sample value on the net.

Figure 10.25: Select Clock Domain option

Note : The Set Up Debug wizard attempts to automatically select the appropriate clock domain for the debug
net by searching the path for synchronous elements.

- In the Select Clock Domain dialog box modify clock domain as needed.

Be aware that each clock domain present in the table results in a separate ILA v6.2 core instance.

148 2023/01/05


Figure 10.26: Select Clock Domain dialog box

- Select the same clock domain for pwm_s net, because signals captured by the same ILA core must have the
same clock domain.

Figure 10.27: Nets to Debug dialog box - with specied clock domains

- Ones you are satised with the debug net selection, click Next.

- In the ILA Core Options dialog box, enable Capture control option, leave all parameters unchanged and
click Next. 2023/01/05 149


Figure 10.28: ILA Core Options dialog box

Important: The Set Up Debug wizard inserts one ILA core per clock domain!

The nets that were selected for debug are assigned automatically to the probe ports of the inserted ILA v6.2
cores. The last wizard screen shows the core creation summary displaying the number of clocks found and ILA
cores to be created and/or removed, see Figure 10.29.

- If you are satised with the results, click Finish to insert and connect the ILA v6.2 cores in your synthesized
design netlist.

Figure 10.29: Set up Debug Summary dialog box

- The debug nets are now assigned to the ILA v6.2 debug core, what you can see in the Debug window, see
Figure 10.30.

150 2023/01/05


Figure 10.30: Debug window with assigned debug nets

The generated ILA core you can also nd in the Netlist window, see Figure 10.31.

Figure 10.31: Netlist window with generated ILA core 2023/01/05 151


Design Implementation, Bitstream File Generation and Device Programming

- Implement your design with Run Implementation option from the Flow Navigator / Implementation
(see Sub- Chapter 9.2.2 Run Implementation).

- Generate bitstream le with Generate Bitstream option from the Flow Navigator / Program and
Debug (see Sub-Chapter 9.3 Generate Bitstream File).

- Program your Sozius device (see Sub-Chapter 9.4 Program Device).

In case of using Sozius development board, which involves the processor usage because of the necessary clock
generation, some additional steps must be done. After programming Sozius device, we have to create application
project using Vivado SDK tool to initialize the processing system which will then start generating internal clock
signal used by the Modulator design (connected to the clk_i port). Systems that involves processor usage are
explained in detail in the "Embedded System Design" tutorial.

- When the Sozius board is programmed, select File -> Export -> Export Hardware... option from the
main Vivado IDE menu.

- In the Export Hardware Platform diloag box select Fixed as Platform type and click Next.

- In the Output dialog box select Include bitstream option and click Next.

- In the File dialog box enter the name of your XSA le in the XSA le name led and check the directory
where the XSA le will be stored. Click Next.

- In the Exporting Hardware Platform dialog box to export the hardware platform just click Finish.

In order to get the internal FPGA clock running, we must run some application on the processing system. In
order to do this, following steps must be performed:

- Launch the Vitis software platform

- In the Eclipse Launcher dialog box select a directory as workspace in the Workspace eld, click Next and
Vivado Vitis IDE will be launched in the separate window.

To create an platform project, do the following:

- On the Vitis IDE getting started page, select File -> New -> Platform Project... option, or just click the
link Create Platform Project and the New Platform Project wizard opens.

- In the Create new platform project dialog box enter a name for your platform project in the Project
name eld, in our case it will be modulator_sozius, enable Use default location option and click Next.

- In the Platform Project dialog box, select Create from hardware specication (XSA) option and click

- In the Platform Project Specication dialog box provide the hardware and software specication for the
new platform project.
ˆ In the XSA le eld, browse and select the XSA le that you exported from the Vivado Design Suite

ˆ Use the dropdown menus to select standalone as the operating system and ps7_cortexa9_0 as the
ˆ The Generate boot components checkbox is selected.

- Click Finish and Vitis IDE will create your platform project.

152 2023/01/05


To create an application project, do the following:

- In the Vitis IDE select File -> New -> Application Project... option.

- In the Create a New Application Project dialog box just click Next to skip the welcome page instructions.

- In the Platform dialog box Select platform from repository tab opens. Select modulator_sozius[custom]
platform and click Next.

- In the Application project Details dialog box, specify the application project name (modulator_sozius_app)
and its system project properties and click Next.

- In the Domain dialog box,leave all default parameters and click Next.

- In the Templates dialog box select Hello World application and click Finish.

- Right-click the system project and select Build Project.

- In the Vitis IDE Explorer window, select your application project (modulator_sozius_app), right-click
on it and select Run As -> Launch on Hardware option.

- Turn back to the Vivado IDE and in the Hardware window of the Hardware Manager right-click on the
FPGA device (xc7z020_1) and select Refresh Device option.

After refreshing the FPGA device the Hardware window now shows the ILA and VIO cores that were detected
after scanning the device and default dashboard for each debug core is automatically opened.

Figure 10.32: ILA Dashboard

Note : All the information about the Vivado Netlist Instantiation Debug Probing Flow, such as its design ow
and cores, how to generate, congure and instantiate some of them, as well as how to connect them with your
existing design, you can also nd in the Lab 14: "Debugging Design". 2023/01/05 153


10.2 Debug a Design using Integrated Vivado Logic Analyzer

Vivado Logic Analyzer

Vivado logic analyzer is a integrated logic analyzer.

Ones you have the debug cores in your design, you can use the run time logic analyzer features to debug the
design in hardware.

The Vivado logic analyzer feature is used to interact with new ILA, VIO, and JTAG-to-AXI Master debug cores
that are in your design.

After programming the FPGA device with the .bit le that contains the ILA v6.2 and VIO v3.0 cores, the
Hardware window now shows the ILA and VIO cores that were detected after scanning the device.

Figure 10.33: Hardware window woth ILA and VIO cores

The next step in design debugging process is to set up the ILA core.

ILA Dashboard

When the debug cores are detected upon refreshing a hardware device, the default dashboard for each debug
core is automatically opened. The default ILA Dashboard can be seen on the gure below.

Figure 10.34: ILA Dashboard

154 2023/01/05


Every default dashboard contains windows relevant to the debug core the dashboard is created for. The default
dashboard created for the ILA debug core contains ve windows, as can be seen on the previous illustration:

ˆ Settings window

ˆ Status window

ˆ Trigger Setup window

ˆ Capture Setup window

ˆ Waveform window

Add Probes to the VIO Window

- Open the VIO dashboard by clicking the hw_vios tab and press blue + button in the middle of the VIO
dashboard to add the probes.

- In the Add Probes window select both pwm_s_1 and sel_s probes and click OK.

Figure 10.35: Add Probes to the VIO window

- In the VIO Probes window you will see two 1-bit probes, pwm_s_1 and sel_s, see Figure 10.36.
pwm_s_1 probe is actually connected to the pwm_o output port of the Modulator module, as can be
seen on the Figure 10.9. Similarly, sel_s probe is connected to the sel_i input port of the Modulator module. 2023/01/05 155


Figure 10.36: VIO Probes window

In the VIO Probes window, you can observe the rate of change of the pwm_s_1 signal. You can change the
frequency of the pwm_s_1 signal by changing the value of the sel_s probe from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0, see
Figure 10.37. The default sel_s value is 0.

Figure 10.37: Changing the sel_s value

- Turn back to the ILA dashboard by clicking the h_ila_1 tab and in the Trigger Setup window press blue
+ button in the middle to add the probes.

- In the Add Probes window select only pwm_s probe and click OK, see Figure 10.38.

Add Probes to the Trigger Setup Window

156 2023/01/05


Figure 10.38: Add Probes to the Trigger Setup window

The another way to add debug probes to the Basic Trigger Setup window is to drag and drop the probes
from the Debug Probes window to the Basic Trigger Setup window.

Important : Only probes that are in the Basic Trigger Setup or Basic Capture Setup window participate
in the trigger condition. Any probes that are not in the window are set to "don't care" values and are not used
as part of the trigger condition.

Note : If you want to remove probes from the Basic Trigger Setup window, select the probe, right-click on it
and choose Remove option.

The Debug Probes window contains information about the nets that you probed in your design using the
ILA and/or VIO cores. This debug probe information is extracted from your design and stored in a data
le that typically has an .ltx le extension. Normally, the ILA probe le is automatically created during
implementation process. This le is automatically associated with the FPGA hardware device if the probes
le is called debug_nets.ltx and is found in the same directory as the bitstream le that is associated with the

Set the Compare Values in the Trigger Setup Window

- Now, when the ILA debug probe pwm_s is in the Trigger Setup window, we can create trigger conditions
and debug probe compare values. In the Trigger Setup window, leave == (equal) value in the Operator
cell, [H] (Hexadecimal) value in the Radix cell and set the Value parameter to be 0 (logical zero).

Figure 10.39: Changing the Compare Values in the Trigger Setup window

As you can see from the illustration above, the Trigger Setup window contains three elds that you can 2023/01/05 157


ˆ Operator : This is the comparison operator that you can set to the following values:
 == (equal)
 ! = (not equal)
 < (less then)
 <= (less then or equal)
 > (greater than)
 >= (greater than or equal)

ˆ Radix : This is the radix or base of the Value that you can set to the following values:
 [B] Binary
 [H] Hexadecimal
 [O] Octal
 [U] Unsigned Decimal
 [S] Signed Decimal
ˆ Value : This is the comparison value that will be compared (using the Operator) with the real-time on
the nets(s) in the design that are connected to the probe input of the ILA debug core. Depending on the
radix settings, the Value string is as follows:
* 0 : logical zero
* 1 : logical one
* X : don't care
* R : rising or low-to-high transition
* F : falling or high-to-low transition
* B : either low- to-high or high-to-low transitions
* N : no transition (current sample value is the same as the previousvalue)
* X : All bits corresponding to the value string character are "don't care" values
* 0-9 : Values 0 through 9
* A-F : Values 10 through 15
* X : All bits corresponding to the value string character are "don't care" values
* 0-7 : Values 0 through 7
* Any string made up of ASCII characters
 Unsigned Decimal
* Any non-negative integer value
 Signed Decimal
* Any integer value

- In the ILA Settings window, change the Capture mode to be BASIC in the Capture Mode Settings
section, see Figure 10.40.

You can use the ILA Dashboard to interact with the ILA core in several ways:
ˆ Use BASIC and ADVANCED trigger modes to trigger on various events in hardware

158 2023/01/05


ˆ Use ALLWAYS and BASIC capture modes to control ltering of the data to be captured

ˆ Set the data depth of the ILA capture window

ˆ Set the trigger position to any sample within the capture window

ˆ Monitor the trigger and capture status of the ILA debug core

Capture mode - selects what condition is evaluated before each sample is captured:
ˆ ALWAYS: store a data sample during a given clock cycle regardless of any capture conditions

ˆ BASIC: store a data sample during a given clock cycle only if the capture condition evaluates "true"

Data Depth - sets the data depth of the ILA core captured data buer. You can set the data depth to any
power of two from 1 to the maximum data depth.

Trigger Position - sets the position of the trigger mark in the captured data buer. You can set the trigger
position to any sample number in the captured data buer. For instance, in the case of a captured data buer
that is 1024 sample deep:
ˆ sample number 0 corresponds to the rst (left- most) sample in the captured data buer

ˆ sample number 1023 corresponds to the last (right-most) sample in the captured data buer

ˆ sample numbers 511 and 512 correspond to the two "center" samples in the captured data buer

- In the Capture Setup window press blue + button in the middle to add the probes.

- In the Add Probes window select only pwm_s probe and click OK, see Figure 10.40.

Set the ILA Settings

Figure 10.40: Add Probes to the Capture Setup window

Add Probes to the Capture Setup Window and Set the Compare Values

- In the Capture Setup window, leave == (equal) value in the Operator cell, [B] (Binary) value in the
Radix cell and set the Value parameter to be F (1-to-0 transition). 2023/01/05 159


Figure 10.41: Changing the Compare Values in the Capture Setup window

Run the ILA Core Trigger

- After we set all the ILA core parameters, we can run or arming the ILA core trigger. We can run or arm the
ILA core trigger in two dierent modes:
ˆ Run Trigger mode - arms the ILA core to detect the trigger event that is dened by the ILA core trigger
condition and probe compare values.

To run this mode, click the Run Trigger button in the Hardware or Debug Probes window.

ˆ Run Trigger Immediate mode  arms the ILA core to trigger immediately regardless of the settings of the ILA
core trigger condition and probe compare values. This command is useful for capturing any values present at the
probe inputs of the ILA core.

To run this mode, click the Run Trigger Immediate button in the Hardware or Debug Probes window.

You can also arm the trigger by selecting and right-clicking on the ILA core (hw_ila_1) in the Hardware
window and selecting Run Trigger or Run Trigger Immediate option from the popup menu, see Figure

Figure 10.42: Run Trigger option

Once the ILA core captured data has been uploaded to the Vivado IDE, it is displayed in the Waveform
Viewer, see Figure 10.43.

Note : After triggering the ILA core, in the waveform viewer change the cc_count_s Waveform Style from
Digital to Analog, and your captured waveform should look like as the waveform on the Figure 10.43.

Design Analysis - Part 1

160 2023/01/05


Figure 10.43: Captured waveform of the sine signal, when sel_s=0

Change the sel_s Value

- Turn back to the VIO Probes window and change the Value of the sel_s signal from 0 to 1.

- Arm the trigger ones more and after triggering the ILA core your captured waveform should look like as the
waveform on the following gure.

Design Analysis - Part 2

Figure 10.44: Captured waveform of the sine signal, when sel_s=1

Note : By comparing the waveforms shown on Figures 10.43 and 10.44 we can observe that they dier in the
amplitude value. This is expected since the waveforms actually represent the width of the PWM pulse generated
by the modulator module. Since the frequencies of two generated PWM signals dier (one has a frequency of 1
Hz and the other of 3.5 Hz) and the PWM pulse width measurement module always uses the same frequency for
measuring the duration of the PWM pulse, when the PWM frequency increases the duration of the PWM pulse
will decrease, therefore decreasing the amplitude of the output signal of the PWM pulse width measurement

The ILA core can capture data samples when the core status is Pre-Trigger, Waiting for Trigger or Port-Trigger,
see Figure 10.38. As we already said, Capture mode selects what condition is evaluated before each sample is
captured. Basic Capture mode stores a data sample during a given clock cycle only if the capture condition
evaluates "true". We used pwm_s signal to do the signal capturing.

Capture condition is a Boolean combination of events that is detected by match unit comparators that are
attached to the trigger ports of the core. Only when this combination is detected, data will be stored in the
ILA's buer.

To be able to capture at least one period of the sine signal and to store it in the ILA buer, we have to use
capture condition feature. After triggering the ILA core, in the waveform viewer change the Waveform Style 2023/01/05 161


from Digital to Analog and your captured waveform should look like as the waveform on the Figure 10.43 or
Figure 10.44.

Note : All the information about debugging the design using the Vivado Logic Analyzer, such as how to
congure and run it and how to analyze your design using this tool, you can also nd in the Lab 15: "Debug
a Design using Integrated Vivado Logic Analyzer".

162 2023/01/05

Chapter 11


This chapter will guide you through the process of IP core creation, customization and integration into your
design. Vivado Design Suite oers IP Packager and IP Integrator tool to help you with the process of
designing with IP.

Vivado IP-Centric Design Flow

The Vivado Design Suite provides multiple ways to use IP in a design. The Vivado IDE provides an IP-Centric
design ow that enables you to add IP modules to your project from various design sources.

IP-Centric design ow helps you quickly turn design and algorithms into reusable IP. Figure below illustrates
the IP-Centric design ow.

Figure 11.1: Vivado IP-Centric Design Flow

You can customize and add an IP into the project using the IP Catalog from the Vivado IDE. In the IP Catalog
you can add the following:
ˆ Modules from System Generator for DSP designs (MATLAB/Simulink algorithms) and Vivado High-Level
Synthesis designs (C/C++ algorithms)
ˆ Third party IP
ˆ User designs packaged using IP Packager

The available methods to work with IP in a design are:

ˆ Use the Managed IP Flow to customize IP and generate output products, including a Synthesized Design
Checkpoint (DCP)
ˆ Use IP in either Project or Non-Project modes by referencing the created Xilinx Core Instance (XCI) le,
which is a recommended method for large projects with many team members
ˆ Create and add IP within a Vivado Project. Access the IP Catalog in a project to create and add IP to
design. Store the IP either inside the project or save it externally to the project, which is the recommended
method for projects with small team sizes
ˆ Create and customize IP and generate output products in a non- project script ow, including generation
of a Synthesized Design Checkpoint (DCP)


In this tutorial we will show you how to create and add user designs in the IP Catalog, packaged using the IP
Packager tool and how you can instantiate your IP into the project using IP Catalog or IP Integrator tools.

11.1 IP Integrator
IP Integrator

To accelerate the creation of highly integrated and complex designs, Vivado Design Suite is delivered with IP
Integrator (IPI) which provides a new graphical and Tcl-based IP- and system-centric design development ow.

The Xilinx Vivado Design Suite IP Integrator feature lets you create complex system designs by instantiating
and interconnecting IP cores from the Vivado IP Catalog onto a design canvas.

You can create designs interactively through the IP Integrator design canvas GUI, or using a Tcl programming

You will typically construct design at the AXI interface level for greater productivity, but you may also manip-
ulate designs at the port level for more precise design control.

Rapid development of smarter systems requires levels of automation that go beyond RTL-level design. The
Vivado IP Integrator accelerates IP- and system-centric design implementation by providing the following:

IP Integrator features
ˆ Seamless inclusion of IPI sub-systems into the overall design
ˆ Rapid capture and packing of IPI designs for reuse
ˆ Tcl scripting and graphical design
ˆ Rapid simulation and cross-probing between multiple design views
ˆ Support for processor or processor-less designs
ˆ Integration of algorithmic and RTL-level IP
ˆ Combination of DSP, video, analog, embedded, connectivity and logic
ˆ Matches typical designer ows
ˆ Easy to reuse complex sub-systems
ˆ DRCs on complex interface level connections during design assembly
ˆ Recognition and correction of common design errors
ˆ Automatic IP parameter propagation to interconnected IP
ˆ System-level optimizations

IP Integrator within your Project

In this tutorial you will instantiate a few modules and IPs in the IP Integrator tool and then stitch them up to
create an IP sub-system design.

While working on this tutorial, you will be:

ˆ introduced to the IP Integrator GUI,
ˆ run design rule checks (DRC) on your design, and then
ˆ integrate the design in a top-level design in the Vivado Design Suite

Finally, you will run synthesis and implementation process, generate bitstream le and run your design on the
Sozius development board.

The following steps describe how to use the IP Integrator within your project:

164 2023/01/05


Create IP Integrator Project

- Close the existing modulator project with the File -> Close Project option from the main Vivado IDE
menu and in the Vivado Getting Started page choose Create Project option.

- In the Create a New Vivado Project dialog box, click Next to conrm the new project creation.

Figure 11.2: Create a New Vivado Project dialog box

- In the Project Name dialog box, enter a name of a new project and specify directory where the project
data les will be stored. Name the project modulator_ipi, verify the project location, ensure that Create
project subdirectory is checked and click Next.

Figure 11.3: Project Name dialog box 2023/01/05 165


- In the Project Type dialog box, verify that the RTL Project is selected and the Do not specify sources
at this time option is unchecked and click Next.

Figure 11.4: Project Type dialog box

- In the Add Sources dialog box, ensure that the Target language is set to VHDL and click Next. You
can add sources later, under the design canvas in the Vivado IP Integrator to create a subsystem design.

Figure 11.5: Add Sources dialog box

- In the Add Constraints (optional) dialog box, remove if there are some constraints les, and click Next.

166 2023/01/05


Figure 11.6: Add Constraints (optional) dialog box

- In the Default Part dialog box, click Parts option and set the following parameters as it is shown on gure

Figure 11.7: Default Part dialog box

- In the New Project Summary dialog box, review the project summary and click Finish if you are satised
with the summary of your project or go back as much as necessary to correct all the questionable issues. 2023/01/05 167


Figure 11.8: New Project Summary dialog box

After we nished with the new project creation, in a few seconds Vivado IDE will appear with the created
modulator_ipi project, see Figure 11.9.

Figure 11.9: Created new modulator_ipi project

168 2023/01/05


Create Block Design

- In the Flow Navigator, expand IP Integrator and select Create Block Design command.

Figure 11.10: Create Block Design option

- In the Create Block Design dialog box, specify modulator_ipi name of the block design in the Design
name eld and click OK.

Figure 11.11: Create Block Design dialog box

The Vivado IDE will display a blank design canvas. You can quickly create complex subsystem by integrating
modules and IP cores in it, see Figure 11.12.

Figure 11.12: Vivado IDE with a blank design canvas 2023/01/05 169


Module Reference

The Module Reference feature of the Vivado IP integrator lets you quickly add a module or entity denition
from a Verilog or VHDL source le directly into your block design.

While this feature does have limitations, it provides a means of quickly adding RTL modules without having to
go through the process of packaging the RTL as an IP to be added through the Vivado IP catalog.

Both ows have their benets and costs:

ˆ The Package IP ow is rigorous and time consuming, but it oers a well-dened IP that can managed
through the IP catalog, used in multiple designs, and upgraded as new revisions become available.
ˆ The Module Reference ow is quick, but does not oer the benets of working through the IP catalog.

In this tutorial both ows will be used. The following section explains the usage of the Module Reference
technology. The Package IP ow will be explained later, in the last sub-chapter 11.2 "Creating Modulator IP
Core with AXI4 Interface".

Add RTL Source Files to the Vivado Project

- To add HDL to the block design, rst you must add the RTL source le to the Vivado project.

- Add the following source les into the modulator_ipi project using Add Sources command from the Project

ˆ selector_rtl.vhd

ˆ counter_rtl.vhd

ˆ sine_rtl.vhd

ˆ pwm_rtl.vhd

ˆ modulator_rtl.vhd

ˆ modulator_pkg.vhd

An RTL source le can dene one or more modules or entities within the le. The Vivado IP Integrator can
access any of the modules dened within an added source le, see Figure 11.13.

Figure 11.13: RTL Sources in the Sources window

Add Modules to the Block Design

- In the block design, you can add a reference to an RTL module using the Add Module command from the
right-click menu of the design canvas, as shown in the following gure.

170 2023/01/05


Figure 11.14: Add Module Command

- The Add Module dialog box displays a list of all valid modules dened in the RTL source les that you
have added to the project. Select a selector module to add from the list, and click OK to add it to the block
design, see Figure 11.15.

Figure 11.15: Add Module dialog box

The Add Module dialog box also provides a Hide incompatible modules check box that is enabled by
default. This hides module denitions in the loaded source les that do not meet the requirements of the
Module Reference feature and, consequently, cannot be added to the block design.

You can uncheck this check box to display all RTL modules dened in the loaded source les, but you will not
be able to add all modules to the block design. Examples of modules that you might see when deselecting this
option include:
ˆ Files that have syntactical errors
ˆ Modules with missing sources
ˆ Module denitions that contain or refer to an EDIF netlist, a DCP le, another block design, or unsup-
ported IP

You can also add modules to an open block design by selecting the module in the Sources window and using
the Add Module to Block Design command from the context menu, see gure 11.16. 2023/01/05 171


Figure 11.16: Add Module to Block Design option

Finally, RTL can also be dragged and dropped from the Sources view onto the block design canvas.

The IP integrator adds the selected module to the block design, and you can make connections to it just as you
would with any other IP in the design. The IP displays in the block design with special markings that identify
it as an RTL referenced module, see Figure 11.17.

Figure 11.17: Selector module referenced from the RTL source le

- Right-click in the IP integrator canvas and select the Add Module... option to add the rest of the necessary
modules (counter(counter_rt.vhd), sine(sine_rtl.vhd) and pwm(pwm_rt.vhd)). At this point, the IP Integrator
canvas should look like as it is shown on the following gure.

172 2023/01/05


Figure 11.18: IP Integrator design canvas with all four instantiated IPs

- Double-click on the each of the modules to re-customize them.

First, double-click on the selector_v1_0 module and the Vivado IDE will automatically open the re-customization
window for the selector_v1_0 module.

The window that will be opened is used to set up the general selector module parameters, see Figure 11.19.

selector_v1_0 Module Re-customization

Figure 11.19: Selector re-customize module reference window

- In the selector_v1_0(1.0) dialog box, congure the parameters on the same way as it is shown on the
Figure 11.19 and click OK.

Note : To know how to congure the right values, open modulator_rtl.vhd and modulator_pkg.vhd source
les and nd out how the generics are setted. 2023/01/05 173


- Double-click on the rest three modules and re-customize them on the same way as it it shown on the following
Figures 11.20, 11.21 and 11.22.

counter_v1_0 Module Re-customization

Figure 11.20: Counter re-customize module reference window

sine_v1_0 Module Re-customization

Figure 11.21: Sine re-customize module reference window

pwm_v1_0 Module Re-customization

174 2023/01/05

Figure 11.22: Pwm re-customize module reference window

Add and Re-Customize Slice IP

- To continue working on the "modulator_ipi" block design, you have to add Slice(xlslice_0) IPs from the
IP Catalog.

ˆ In the design canvas, right-click and choose Add IP... option.

Figure 11.23: Add IP option

ˆ Use the Add IP link in the IP Integrator canvas, see Figure 11.24, or 2023/01/05 175


Figure 11.24: Add IP link

ˆ Click on the Add IP button in the IP Integrator sidebar menu, see Figure 11.25.

Figure 11.25: Add IP button

- In the IP Catalog, search for the Slice core:

Figure 11.26: Slice core in the IP Catalog

- When you nd it, press enter on the keyboard or simply double-click on the Slice core in the IP Catalog and
the selected core will be automatically instantiated into the IP Integrator design canvas.

- Double-click on it to re-customize the core. Re-customize the Slice IP core on the same way as it is shown
on the following gure.

176 2023/01/05


Figure 11.27: Slice re-customization IP window

The Slice IP core is necessary to rip bits o a bus net. Often there is a need to rip some bits o a wide bus
net. This IP core can be instantiated to accomplish this purpose.

Create Necessary Ports

After we added all the necessary modules and IPs into our design, the next step will be to connect modules and
IPs between themselves. Make connections on the same way as it is shown on the following IP Integrator block

- First step will be to create new ports:

ˆ Select clk_i pin, right-click on it and select Create port... option. 2023/01/05 177


Figure 11.28: Create Port option

ˆ In the Create Port dialog box, check is the port name clk_i in the Port name eld, leave all other
parameters unchanged and click OK.

Figure 11.29: Create Port dialog box

ˆ Repeat the same procedure with pwm_o, inc_i and sel_i ports, where
 pwm_o port will also be one bit wide port
 inc_i port will be 62 bits wide vector, and
 sel_i port will be 1 bit wide vector.

- Next step will be to connect the IPs:

Place the cursor on top of the desired pin and you can notice that the cursor changes into a pencil indicating
that a connection can be made from that pin. Clicking the left mouse button a connection starts. Click and
drag the cursor from one pin to another. You must press and hold down the left mouse button while dragging
the connection from one pin to another. As you drag the connection wire, a green checkmark appears on the
port indicating that a valid connection can be made between these points. The Vivado IP Integrator highlights

178 2023/01/05


all possible connections points in the subsystem design as you interactively wire the pins and ports. Release the
left mouse button and Vivado IP integrator makes connection between desired ports. Repeat this procedure
until all the pins become associated, see Figure 11.30.

Connect Modules and IPs

Figure 11.30: IP Integrator design canvas with connected modules and IPs

- From the sidebar menu of the design canvas, run the IP subsystem design rule checks by clicking the Validate
Design button.

Alternatively, you can do the same by selecting Tools -> Validate Design from the main menu, see Figure
11.31, or

Figure 11.31: Validate Design option from the main menu

by clicking the design canvas and selecting Validate Design button from the main toolbar menu, see Figure
11.32. 2023/01/05 179


Figure 11.32: Validate Design button from the main toolbar menu

- In the Validate Design dialog box, click OK, see Figure 11.33.

Figure 11.33: Validate Design dialog box

Save Block Design

- At this point, you should save the IP integrator design.

Use the File -> Save Block Design command from the main menu to save the design.

Execute Tcl File

- Execute the socius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le in the Vivado IDE to properly congure the PS part of the
Zynq7 processing system.

Go to the Tcl console window and type the following and press enter:

source <path>/socius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl.

After socius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le execution you can notice that Vivado IDE has created the second
block designs, socius_xz_lab_ps_bd, beside modulator_ipi block design.

Now, we should create sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi_rtl.vhd source le where we will instantiate

sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd, modulator_ipi and vio_core components, on the same way as it was done before
in this tutorial, see Figure 8.1. The complete sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi_rtl.vhd le you can nd
in the text below.


-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:

-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;
use work.sozius_components_package.all;

entity sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi is
-- version number of PL for read back from PS
hw_version_g : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"19980418";
-- User defined settings for the pwm design
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := led_setting_c

180 2023/01/05


-- ethernet phy reset, must be high necessary for operation !!!
pl_phy_reset_n_o : out std_logic := '1'; --! reset of ethernet
-- ps io
ps_ddr3_addr : inout std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_ba : inout std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_cas_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ck_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ck_p : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_cke : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_cs_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_dm : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dq : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dqs_n : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dqs_p : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_odt : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ras_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_reset_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_we_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr_vrn : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr_vrp : inout std_logic;
ps_clk_i : inout std_logic;
ps_por_n_i : inout std_logic;
ps_srst_n_i : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_mdc_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_mdio_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rx_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rx_ctrl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rxd_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_phy_tx_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_tx_ctrl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_txd_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_i2c_scl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_i2c_sda_io : inout std_logic;
ps_led_error_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_led_front_n_io : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
ps_led_sdcard_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw0_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw0_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw1_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw1_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw2_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw2_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw3_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw3_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_uart_rx_io : inout std_logic;
ps_uart_tx_io : inout std_logic;
ps_qspi_cs_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_qspi_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_qspi_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_cmd_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_usb_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ps_usb_dir_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_nxt_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_stp_io : inout std_logic
end entity;

architecture structural of sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

attribute mark_debug : string;

signal inc_c : a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_g);

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0)

:= (others => '0');

signal cc_count_s : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal pwm_s : std_logic;
signal sel_s : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);

attribute mark_debug of cc_count_s : signal is "true";

attribute mark_debug of pwm_s : signal is "true";
attribute mark_debug of sel_s : signal is "true";

-- declaration for fixed signal PL to PS

signal pl_clk0_s : std_logic;
signal pl_reset_n_s : std_logic;

-- ps signals
signal ps_mio_s : std_logic_vector(53 downto 0);

-- vio_core component definition

component vio_core
port ( 2023/01/05 181


clk : in std_logic;
probe_in0 : in std_logic_vector (0 downto 0);
probe_out0 : out std_logic_vector (0 downto 0)
end component;

component modulator_ipi
clk_i : in std_logic; -- input clock signal
inc_i : in std_logic_vector(61 downto 0);
-- inc_i : in a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_g);
-- different increments for different frequencies
sel_i : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- signal made for selecting frequency
pwm_o : out std_logic -- pulse width modulated signal
end component;

inc_s <= conv_int_array_to_slv_f(inc_c, design_setting_g.nco_width);

-- modulator module instance

modulator_i: modulator_ipi
port map(
clk_i => pl_clk0_s,
inc_i => inc_s, -- inc_c,
sel_i => sel_s,
pwm_o => pwm_s

-- counter for measuring the duration of the high pulse of the PWM signal
measurement_counter_p: process
wait until rising_edge(pl_clk0_s);
if (pwm_s = '0') then
cc_count_s <= (others => '0');
cc_count_s <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(cc_count_s) + 1);
end if;
end process;

-- vio_core component instance

vio_i: vio_core
port map (
clk => pl_clk0_s,
probe_in0(0) => pwm_s,
probe_out0 => sel_s

-- instance of processor system PS

sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd_i: component sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd
port map (
ddr3_addr => ps_ddr3_addr,
ddr3_ba => ps_ddr3_ba,
ddr3_cas_n => ps_ddr3_cas_n,
ddr3_ck_n => ps_ddr3_ck_n,
ddr3_ck_p => ps_ddr3_ck_p,
ddr3_cke => ps_ddr3_cke,
ddr3_cs_n => ps_ddr3_cs_n,
ddr3_dm => ps_ddr3_dm,
ddr3_dq => ps_ddr3_dq,
ddr3_dqs_n => ps_ddr3_dqs_n,
ddr3_dqs_p => ps_ddr3_dqs_p,
ddr3_odt => ps_ddr3_odt,
ddr3_ras_n => ps_ddr3_ras_n,
ddr3_reset_n => ps_ddr3_reset_n,
ddr3_we_n => ps_ddr3_we_n,
fixed_io_ddr_vrn => ps_ddr_vrn,
fixed_io_ddr_vrp => ps_ddr_vrp,
fixed_io_mio => ps_mio_s,
fixed_io_ps_clk => ps_clk_i,
fixed_io_ps_porb => ps_por_n_i,
fixed_io_ps_srstb => ps_srst_n_i,
pl_uart_1_rxd => '0',
pl_uart_1_txd => open,
pl_spi_0_io0_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_io0_o => open,
pl_spi_0_io0_t => open,
pl_spi_0_io1_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_io1_o => open,
pl_spi_0_io1_t => open,
pl_spi_0_sck_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_sck_o => open,
pl_spi_0_sck_t => open,
pl_spi_0_ss1_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss2_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_ss_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss_t => open,
pl_iic_1_scl_i => '0',
pl_iic_1_scl_o => open,
pl_iic_1_scl_t => open,

182 2023/01/05


pl_iic_1_sda_i => '0',

pl_iic_1_sda_o => open,
pl_iic_1_sda_t => open,
sdio_0_cdn => '1', -- pl_sd_cd_n_i,
usbind_0_port_indctl => open,
usbind_0_vbus_pwrfault => '1', -- pl_usb_fault_n_i,
usbind_0_vbus_pwrselect => open,
pl_clk0 => pl_clk0_s,
pl_reset_n => pl_reset_n_s

-- assignment of MIO to board names

ps_mio_s (53) <= ps_phy_mdio_io;

ps_mio_s (52) <= ps_phy_mdc_io;
ps_mio_s (51) <= ps_uart_tx_io;
ps_mio_s (50) <= ps_uart_rx_io;
ps_mio_s (49) <= ps_led_error_n_io;
ps_mio_s (48 downto 47) <= ps_led_front_n_io(1 downto 0);
ps_mio_s (46) <= ps_led_sdcard_n_io;
ps_mio_s (45 downto 42) <= ps_sdio_data_io;
ps_mio_s (41) <= ps_sdio_cmd_io;
ps_mio_s (40) <= ps_sdio_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (39) <= ps_usb_data_io(7);
ps_mio_s (38) <= ps_usb_data_io(6);
ps_mio_s (37) <= ps_usb_data_io(5);
ps_mio_s (36) <= ps_usb_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (35) <= ps_usb_data_io(3);
ps_mio_s (34) <= ps_usb_data_io(2);
ps_mio_s (33) <= ps_usb_data_io(1);
ps_mio_s (32) <= ps_usb_data_io(0);
ps_mio_s (31) <= ps_usb_nxt_io;
ps_mio_s (30) <= ps_usb_stp_io;
ps_mio_s (29) <= ps_usb_dir_io;
ps_mio_s (28) <= ps_usb_data_io(4);
ps_mio_s (27) <= ps_phy_rx_ctrl_io;
ps_mio_s (26 downto 23) <= ps_phy_rxd_io;
ps_mio_s (22) <= ps_phy_rx_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (21) <= ps_phy_tx_ctrl_io;
ps_mio_s (20 downto 17) <= ps_phy_txd_io;
ps_mio_s (16) <= ps_phy_tx_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (15) <= ps_i2c_sda_io;
ps_mio_s (14) <= ps_i2c_scl_io;
ps_mio_s (13) <= ps_sw3_b_io;
ps_mio_s (12) <= ps_sw3_a_io;
ps_mio_s (11) <= ps_sw2_b_io;
ps_mio_s (10) <= ps_sw2_a_io;
ps_mio_s (9) <= ps_sw1_b_io;
ps_mio_s (8) <= ps_sw1_a_io;
ps_mio_s (7) <= ps_sw0_b_io;
ps_mio_s (6) <= ps_qspi_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (5 downto 2) <= ps_qspi_data_io;
ps_mio_s (1) <= ps_qspi_cs_n_io;
ps_mio_s (0) <= ps_sw0_a_io;

end architecture;

- Add newly created sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi_rtl.vhd le with sozius_components_package.vhd

le into our design and the Sources window should look the same as on the Figure 11.34.

- Set sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi_rtl.vhd le to be the top module.

Change the VHDL Language Version

After we create and add sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi_rtl.vhd source le, we have to change the VHDL
language version from default VHDL to VHDL-2008.

VHDL-2008 is the name of the new version of VHDL. Using the new VHDL-2008 version you can start
using new language features to simplify your RTL coding and facilitate the creation of advanced verication

In our design this le will be written using the VHDL-2008.

To change the VHDL language version, please follow the next steps: 2023/01/05 183


- In the Vivado IDE select the target source le. In our case it will be sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi_rtl.vhd .

- Go to the Source File Properties window and in the General tab click the icon next to the Type eld.

Figure 11.34: Source File Properties window

- In the Set Type dialog box click on the File type drop-down list and choose VHDL 2008 instead of default
VHDL standard type.

Figure 11.35: Set Type dialog box

- After the new type is selected, just click OK.

Instantiate VIO Core into the Design

- Instantiate VIO core into the design using IP Catalog, on the same way as it is done previously in this tutorial,
see Sub-chapter 11.1 "Inserting ILA and VIO Cores into Design".

184 2023/01/05


Figure 11.36: Sources window with sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_ipi design

Add Constraints File and Instantiate ILA Core into the Design

- The next step will be to add sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le.

- Synthesize your design with Run Synthesis option from the Flow Navigator / Synthesis (see Sub-chapter 7.5.2
Run Synthesis).
- After the synthesis is completed, choose Open Synthesized Design option in the Synthesis Completed dialog

- Open Debug Layout (if it is not already opened) and in the Debug window, select Set Up Debug button to launch
the Set Up Debug wizard. In the Set Up Debug wizard add pwm_s and cc_count_s nets to ILA core, as it is
explained in the Sub-chapter 11.1 "Inserting ILA and VIO Cores into Design".

Note: Pay attention to enable Capture control feature for ILA in step 31!

Design Implementation, Bitstream File Generation, Device Programming and Debugging De-

- Implement your design with Run Implementation option from the Flow Navigator / Implementation
(see Sub-Chapter 9.2.2 Run Implementation).

- Generate bitstream le with Generate Bitstream option from the Flow Navigator / Program and
Debug (see Sub-Chapter 9.3 Generate Bitstream File).

- Program your Sozius device (see Sub-Chapter 9.4 Program Device).

- After programming Sozius device, you should get the same results as it is explained in the Sub-chapter 10.2
"Debug a Design using Integrated Vivado Logic Analyzer".

Note : All the information about how to design with IPs using Vivado IP Integrator tool, how to create complex
system design by instantiating and interconnecting IP cores from the Vivado IP Catalog onto a design canvas,
you can also nd in the Lab 17: "Designing with IPs - IP Integrator".

11.2 Creating Modulator IP Core with AXI4 Interface

AXI Interface
Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) is a standard ARM communication protocol.

Xilinx adopted the AXI protocol for IP cores beginning with Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 families and continues to
use it with new 7 Series and Zynq-7000 families.

AXI is part of ARM AMBA, a family of micro controller buses. The rst version of AXI was rst included in
AMBA 3.0.
AMBA 4.0 includes the second version of AXI, AXI4, which we are using now in our designs. 2023/01/05 185


AXI4 Interface Types

There are three types of AXI4 interfaces:

ˆ AXI4-Full - for high-performance memory-mapped requirements

ˆ AXI4-Lite - for simple, low-throughput memory-mapped communication

ˆ AXI4-Stream - for high-speed streaming data

In the Vivado IDE you can access Xilinx IP with an AXI4 interface directly from the Vivado IP Catalog and
instantiate that IP directly into an RTL design. In the IP Catalog, the AXI4 column shows IP with AXI4
interfaces that are supported and displays the which interfaces are supported by the IP interface.

To integrate our Modulator design in some processor-based system, we need to have AXI interface in our design.
In order to show how to work with AXI interface we will add three internal registers: "sel_i" "inc_i_freqhigh"
and "inc_i_freqlow". The rst register, "sel_i" register, will be connected to the sel_i port of the Modulator
module. The next two registers, "inc_i_freqhigh" and "inc_i_freqlow" will be connected to the same "inc_i"
port of the Modulator module and will be used for storing increment values for dierent frequencies. With
this conguration we can change the content of these three registers through AXI interface and easily change
the frequency of the pwm signal generation. Block diagram of the new Modulator design with AXI interface is
presented on the Figure 11.35.

Modulator Design with AXI Interface

Figure 11.37: Modulator design with AXI interface

From the illustration above we can see that we should create a new Modulator module (for example modu-
lator_axi) with integrated AXI interface and instantiated modulator module (modulator_rtl.vhd). At the
end we should package this new module as a new IP, e.g. modulator_axi_ip.

"Create and Package IP" Wizard

The Vivado IDE provides a way to create a new AXI4 peripheral through Create and Package IP wizard.

This wizard takes you through all the required steps and settings necessary for creation of an IP with selected
AXI interface (Full, Lite or Stream).

This wizard automatically creates interface logic for selected AXI interface type (AXI peripheral block on the
previous gure) and allows user to add user specic logic inside this AXI enabled IP (Modulator module on the
previous gure).

186 2023/01/05


Wizard Conguration

In our example, we will congure wizard to create an AXI IP with one AXI-Lite interface.

Within AXI peripheral block we will create four 32-bit conguration registers:
ˆ the rst register (sel_i REGISTER in the block diagram) will be used to replace the sel_i switch from
the board
ˆ the second register (inc_i_freqhigh REGISTER in the block diagram) will be used to write inc_i_freqhigh
values in it
ˆ the third register (inc_i_freqlow REGISTER in the block diagram) will be used to write inc_i_freqlow
values in it
ˆ the fourth register (4. unused REGISTER in the block diagram) will not be used. This register will
be generated automatically by the wizard because the minimum number of AXI registers that must be
generated is four.

The rst step in creating a new modulator_axi design will be to create a new project:

- Close the existing modulator_ipi project with the File -> Close Project option from the main Vivado
IDE menu and in the Vivado Getting Started page choose Create Project option.

- In the Create a New Vivado Project dialog box, click Next to conrm the new project creation.

- In the Project Name dialog box, enter a name of a new project and specify directory where the project
data les will be stored. Name the project modulator_axi, verify the project location, ensure that Create
project subdirectory is checked and click Next.

- In the Project Type dialog box, verify that the RTL Project is selected and the Do not specify sources
at this time option is checked and click Next.

- In the Default Part dialog box, ensure that the Sozius board is selected and click Next.

- In the New Project Summary dialog box, review the project summary and click Finish if you are satised
with the summary of your project or go back as much as necessary to correct all the questionable issues.

The new project, modulator_axi, will be automatically opened in the Vivado IDE.

Create AXI4 Peripheral using "Create and Package IP" Wizard

- To create AXI4 peripheral and to integrate it into our design we will use Create and Package IP wizard to
guide us through all the required steps and settings. In the Vivado IDE main menu, select Tools -> Create
and Package New IP... option.

Figure 11.38: Create and Package New IP option 2023/01/05 187


- In the Create and Package New IP dialog box, click Next.

Figure 11.39: Create and Package New IP dialog box

- In the Create Peripheral, Package IP or Package a Block Design dialog box, choose to Create a new
AXI4 peripheral and click Next.

Figure 11.40: Create a new AXI4 peripheral option

- In the Peripheral Details dialog box, give the peripheral an appropriate name (modulator_axi_ip), de-
scription and location, and click Next.

188 2023/01/05


Figure 11.41: Peripheral Details dialog box

Note : The Display Name you provide shows in the Vivado IP Catalog. You can have dierent names in the
Name and Display Name elds. Any change in the Name led reects automatically in the Display Name
led, which is concatenated with the Version eld.

- In the Add Interfaces dialog box, we can congure AXI interface. We will use AXI Lite interface, it will be
Slave to the PS, and we will use the minimum number of 4 32-bit registers of the oered 512 registers. In our
design we need only three registers (sel_i, inc_i_freqhigh and inc_i_freqlow), so the last one will be unused.
Looking to this, we will stick with the default values and just click Next.

Figure 11.42: Add Interfaces dialog box

- In the last Crate Peripheral dialog box, select Edit IP option and click Finish. Another Vivado window
will open, which will allow you to modify the peripheral that we just created. 2023/01/05 189


Figure 11.43: Create Peripheral dialog box

Identication Window

- In the Package IP - modulator_axi_ip window, in the Identication section, ll some basic information
about your new modulator_axi_ip IP.

Figure 11.44: Identication window

At this point, the peripheral that has been generated by Vivado is an AXI Lite slave, that contains 4x32-bit
read/write registers. What we want is to add our Modulator module to the modulator_axi_ip IP and connect
it with the three AXI registers, see block diagram on the Figure 11.35 from the beginning of this chapter.

Add Modulator Module Source Files

- In the Flow Navigator, click Add Sources command to add all the necessary Modulator module source les
(selector_rt.vhd, counter_rtl.vhd, modulator_pkg.vhd, sine_rtl.vhd, pwm_rtl.vhd and modulator_rtl.vhd ) and
after adding your Hierarchy tab should look like as it is shown on the following gure.

190 2023/01/05


Note: In the Add or Create Design Sources dialog box don't forget to enable Copy sources into IP
Directory option.

Figure 11.45: Hierarchy tab after adding all the necessary source les in the IP

Open the branch "modulator_axi_ip_v1_0"

- Now is the time to modify AXI peripheral. Open the branch "modulator_axi_ip_v1_0".

Figure 11.46: Hierarchy tab with opened modulator_axi_ip_v1_0 branch

- Double-click on the "modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI_inst" le to open it.

- In the "modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI.vhd" le make the following changes:

ˆ add modulator_pkg package

ˆ in the entity declaration, add lut_depth_g, lut_width_g and nco_width_g generics in the generic
map, below the rst comment line
"Users to add parameters here"
ˆ in the entity declaration, add pwm_o port as 1-bit output port in the port map, below the comment line
" Users to add ports here", see Figure 11.47. 2023/01/05 191


Modify AXI Peripheral - Part 1

Figure 11.47: Modied modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI.vhd le - part 1

ˆ create temporary signal, inc_s necessary for bit concatenation

ˆ create constant design_setting_c, as it is shown on the Figure 11.48.

Modify AXI Peripheral - Part 2

Figure 11.48: Modied modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI.vhd le - part 2

ˆ Now, at the end of this source code nd the comment " Add user logic here" and below this comment
instantiate Modulator module. Connect Modulator module ports to the AXI peripheral on the same way
as it is shown on the Figure 11.49.

192 2023/01/05


Modify AXI Peripheral - Part 3

Figure 11.49: Modied modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI.vhd le - part 3

- Save the le changes.

- You should notice that the modulator_rtl.vhd source le has been integrated into the hierarchy, because
we have instantiated it within the AXI peripheral, see Figure 11.50.

Open the "modulator_axi_ip_v1_0" File

Figure 11.50: Hierarchy window with integrated Modulator module within AXI peripheral

- Now, double-click on the "modulator_axi_ip_v1_0" le to open it.

- In the "modulator_axi_ip_v1_0.vhd" le make the following changes:

ˆ in the entity declaration, add lut_depth_g, lut_width_g and nco_width_g generics in the generic
map, below the rst comment line "Users to add parameters here"
ˆ in the entity declaration, add pwm_o port as 1-bit output port in the port map, below the comment line
" Users to add ports here", see Figure 11.51. 2023/01/05 193


Modify AXI Peripheral - Part 4

Figure 11.51: Modied modulator_axi_ip_v1_0.vhd source le - part 1

ˆ Now, in the modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI component declaration add lut_depth_g, lut_width_g

and nco_width_g generics in the generic map and pwm_o port in the port map, see Figure 11.52.

Modify AXI Peripheral - Part 5

Figure 11.52: Modied modulator_axi_ip_v1_0.vhd source le - part 2

ˆ In the modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI component instance assign lut_depth_g, lut_width_g

and nco_width_g generics to their values and connect pwm_o port of the modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI
component to the pwm_o port of the IP, see Figure 11.53.

194 2023/01/05


Modify AXI Peripheral - Part 6

Figure 11.53: Modied modulator_axi_ip_v1_0.vhd source le - part 3

- Save the le changes.

Compatibility Window

- In the Package IP - modulator_axi_ip window, open Compatibility section and click "+" icon to add
the family with whom you want your packaged IP core to be compatible. Beside Zynq family we will also add
Kintex-7 family.

Figure 11.54: Compatibility window

File Groups Window

- In the Package IP - modulator_axi_ip window, open File Groups section, right-click on the Software
Driver and choose Remove File Group option. This step is necessary, because packaged modulator_axi_ip
IP will be used in "Basic Embedded System Design Tutorial" which requires this kind of modications.

- In the Package IP - modulator_axi_ip window, in the File Groups section, click also Merge changes
from File Groups Wizard link. 2023/01/05 195


Figure 11.55: File Groups window

Customization Parameters Window

- In the Package IP - modulator_axi_ip window, open Customization Parameters section, and click
Merge changes from Customization Parameters Wizard link. After merging changes from Customiza-
tion Parameters Wizard, Customization Parameters window should look like as it is show on the following gure.

Figure 11.56: Customization Parameters window after merging changes from Customization Parameters Wizard

Note : After this step, you should get a green tick not only in Customization Parameters section, but also
in Ports and Interfaces and Customization GUI sections.

Edit IP Parameters

- In the Customization Parameters window, unhide the Hidden Parameters and hide the Customization
Parameters, because we would like to have only lut_depth_g, lut_width_g and nco_width_g visible
in the modulator_axi_ip_v1.0 IP Customization GUI.

If you would like to unhide some IP Parameter, select it, right-click on it, choose Edit Parameter... option
and in the Edit IP Parameter dialog box enable Visable in Customization GUI option and click OK.

If you would like to hide some IP Parameter, just disable the Visable in Customization GUI option in the
Edit IP Parameter dialog box.

196 2023/01/05


Figure 11.57: Edit IP Parameter window

Review and Package Window

- Now, open Review and Package section and in the After Packaging section click Edit packaging settings

Figure 11.58: Review and Package window

- In the Settings window, under the Project Settings options, under the IP, choose Packager option. In
the IP > Packager window, enable Create archive of IP option and click OK. 2023/01/05 197


Figure 11.59: Create archive of IP option

- Now, in the Review and Package section just click Re-Package IP option.

The new AXI peripheral with instantiated Modulator module in it will be packaged and the Vivado window for
the peripheral should be automatically closed. We should now be able to nd our modulator_axi_ip IP in
the IP Catalog.

IP Catalog

- Open IP Catalog and search for modulator_axi_ip IP. When you nd it, double-click on it to customize
and generate the IP.

198 2023/01/05


Figure 11.60: IP Catalog with modulator_axi_ip IP

- In the modulator_axi_ip_v1.0 (1.0) customization window, set:

ˆ Lut Depth G to value 12,
ˆ Lut Width G to value 16 and
ˆ Nco Width G to value 31
- click OK, see Figure 11.58.

Customize and Generate IP

Figure 11.61: Customize IP - modulator_axi_ip_v1.0

- In the Generate Output Products dialog box, click Generate to generate the modulator_axi_ip_0
IP. 2023/01/05 199


- In the Sources window expand modulator_axi_ip_0 IP to see what the tool has created for us.

- When you try to expand modulator_axi_ip_0 IP, Show IP Hierarchy dialog box will appear. Click
OK to open the modulator_axi_ip_0 IP hierarchy.

- In the Sources window expand all the levels of modulator_axi_ip_0 IP hierarchy, see Figure 11.59. You
can see the structure of the modulator_axi_ip_0 IP.

Figure 11.62: Sources window with modulator_axi_ip_0 sources hierarchy


- The nal step in Modulator IP core development process is the verication of correct operation.

To write appropriate test bench le for our new Modulator IP core with AXI4 interface, we must rst get
acquainted with AXI4-Lite interface signals.

If you want to see all the AXI4-Lite interface signals, please consult "LogiCORE IP AXI4-Lite IPIF"
Product Guide for Vivado Design Suite.

Considering that we have four 32-bit registers in our design, our test bench task will be to change the content
of these registers through AXI4-Lite interface and, by doing so, to change the frequency of the generated pwm

The AXI4-Lite interface signals are listed and described in the Table 11.1.

Table 11.1: AXI4_Lite Interface Signals Descriptions

Signal Name I/O Initial State Description

AXI Global System Signals
S_AXI_ARESETN I - AXI Reset, active-low.
AXI Global System Signals
S_AXI_AWADDR[C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] I - AXI write address. The write address bus gives the
address of the write transaction.
S_AXI_AWPROT[2:0] I - AXI write address protection signal. "000" value is
recommended. Infrastructure IP passes Protection
bits across a system.
S_AXI_AWVALID I - Write address valid. This signal indicates that valid
write address and control information are available.

200 2023/01/05


S_AXI_AWREADY O 0 Write address ready. This signal indicates that the

slave is ready to accept an address and associated con-
trol signals.
AXI Write Data Channel Signals
S_AXI_WDATA[C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] I - Write data.
S_AXI_WSTRB[C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] I - Write strobes. This signal indicates which byte lanes
to update in memory.
S_AXI_WVALID I - Write valid. This signal indicates that valid write data
and strobes are available.
S_AXI_WREADY O 0 Write ready. This signal indicates that the slave can
accept the write data.
AXI Write Response Channel Signals
S_AXI_BRESP[1:0] O 0 Write response. This signal indicates the status of the
write transaction: "00" = OKEY, "10" = SLVERR.
S_AXI_BVALID O 0 Write response. This signal indicates the a valid write
response is available.
S_AXI_BREADY I - Response ready. This signal indicates that the master
can accept the response information.
AXI Read Address Channel Signals
S_AXI_ARADDR[C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] I - Read address. The read address bus gives the address
of a read transaction.
S_AXI_ARPROT[2:0] I - AXI read address protection signal. "000" value is rec-
ommended. Infrastructure IP passes Protection bits
across a system.
S_AXI_ARVALID I - Read address valid. When High, this signal indicates
that the read address and control information is valid
and remains stable until the address acknowledgement
signal, S_AXI_ARREADY, is High.
S_AXI_ARREADY O 0 Read address ready. This signal indicates that the
slave is ready to accept an address and associated con-
trol signals.
AXI Read Data Channel Signals
S_AXI_RDATA[C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] O 0 Read data.
S_AXI_RRESP[1:0] O 0 Read response. This signal indicates the status of the
read transfer.
S_AXI_RVALID O 0 Read valid. This signal indicates that the required
read data is available and the read transfer can com-
S_AXI_RREADY I - Read ready. This signal indicates that the master can
accept the read data and response information.

In this table only one part of the AXI4-Lite interface signals is presented, relevant to our design. If you want
to see the rest of the AXI4-Lite interface signals, please consult "LogiCORE IP AXI4-Lite IPIF" Product
Guide for Vivado Design Suite. In this document you will nd all the necessary information how to create a
test bench le for Modulator module with AXI4-Lite interface. 2023/01/05 201


AXI4-Lite Single Write Operation Timing Diagram

On the following gure AXI4-Lite single write operation timing diagram is presented. Using to this diagram,
we will create stimulus component in the test bench le for our design.

Figure 11.63: AXI4-Lite single write operation timing diagram

From the illustration above we can see that we must rst generate AXI-Lite input clock signal (S_AXI_ACLK).
After that, the important thing is to reset AXI4-Lite interface (by setting S_AXI_ARESETN signal to value
'0'). In our case, reset will be 10 clock cycles wide. Considering that the reset is low-level sensitive, we will set
it to '0' and wait for 10 falling edges of the AXI-Lite clock signal. After that, we will release the reset signal,
setting it to '1'. From that moment, we will wait for the next falling edge of the AXI-Lite clock signal and write
inc_i_freqhigh value (S_AXI_WDATA) in the appropriate register (2nd register, see Figure 11.35). To know
what will be the address location of the "inc_i_freqhigh" register, we must rst understand the structure of
S_AXI_AWADDR signal.


S_AXI_AWADDR is a 4-bit wide signal. AXI address space is byte addressable.

Figure 11.64: S_AXI_AWADDR signal

Since we are using 32-bit registers, their addresses must be aligned on 32-bit word address boundaries.

This means that values of two least signicant bits (bits 0 and 1) of S_AXI_AWADDR signal are not relevant
when we are addressing 32-bit registers and can have arbitrary values.

On the other hand two most signicant bits (bits 2 and 3) are used to select desired 32-bit register.

Internal 32-bit Registers Address Map of the Modulator IP Core

In our case, internal 32-bit registers address map will have the following structure:

202 2023/01/05


Table 11.2: Internal Registers Address Map of the Modulator IP Core

Internal Register Name S_AXI_AWADDR Value

"sel_i" register "0000" (0)
"inc_i_freqhigh" register "0100" (4)
"inc_i_freqlow" register "1000" (8)
"4. unused" register "1100" (12)

Now when we know the structure of the internal registers address space, we will assign "0100" value to the
S_AXI_AWADDR signal since it is the address location of the "inc_i_freqhigh" register. We should also
validate this address (by setting S_AXI_AWVALID signal to '1') and write desired inc_i_freqhigh value in
the "inc_i_freqhigh" register (by setting S_AXI_WDATA to appropriate value). After that we should validate
that the write data is valid (setting S_AXI_WVALID to '1') and that all four bytes of write data should be
written in the selected internal register (setting S_AXI_WSTRB to "1111"). When S_AXI_WSTRB = "1111"
that means that we would like to write data using all four byte lanes. We should also activate S_AXI_BREADY
signal, because this signal indicates that master can accept a write response. After the rst data write, we will
wait for S_AXI_AWREADY signal to be rst '1' and then '0' after one clock cycle, and then we will deactivate
AXI Write Address Channel and AXI Write Data Channel signals, completing one write transaction on the AXI
bus. Next we will write inc_i_freqlow value in the "inc_i_freqlow" register by repeating the same procedure.
At the end, we will repeat the same procedure once more, to write appropriate value to the "sel_i" register.

The complete test bench le for Modulator IP core with AXI4 interface is shown below.


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

use work.modulator_pkg.all;

entity modulator_axi_ip_tb is
-- defines board specific settings
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
-- defines simulation specific settings
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := sim_setting1_c
end entity;

architecture tb of modulator_axi_ip_tb is

-- AXI Write Address Channel Signals

signal s00_axi_awaddr_s : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
signal s00_axi_awprot_s : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
signal s00_axi_awvalid_s : std_logic := '0';
signal s00_axi_awready_s : std_logic;
-- AXI Write Data Channel Signals
signal s00_axi_wdata_s : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others=>'0');
signal s00_axi_wstrb_s : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
signal s00_axi_wvalid_s : std_logic := '0';
signal s00_axi_wready_s : std_logic;
-- AXI Write Response Channel Signals
signal s00_axi_bresp_s : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal s00_axi_bvalid_s : std_logic;
signal s00_axi_bready_s : std_logic := '0';
-- AXI Read Address Channel Signals
signal s00_axi_araddr_s : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
signal s00_axi_arprot_s : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
signal s00_axi_arvalid_s : std_logic := '0';
signal s00_axi_arready_s : std_logic;
-- AXI Read Data Channel Signals
signal s00_axi_rdata_s : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal s00_axi_rresp_s : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal s00_axi_rvalid_s : std_logic;
signal s00_axi_rready_s : std_logic := '0';
-- AXI Global System Signals
signal s00_axi_aclk_s : std_logic := '0';
signal s00_axi_aresetn_s : std_logic := '1';

-- pulse width modulated signal 2023/01/05 203


signal pwm_out_s : std_logic;

constant design_setting_c : design_setting_t :=

freq_hz => (10.0, 20.0),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 16,
nco_width => 31

-- period of input clock signal

constant clock_period_c : time := 1000000000.0 / board_setting_g.fclk * 1 ns;
constant inc_c : a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_c);


-- modulator_axi_ip IP instance
axi: entity work.modulator_axi_ip_0
port map(
s00_axi_awaddr => s00_axi_awaddr_s,
s00_axi_awprot => s00_axi_awprot_s,
s00_axi_awvalid => s00_axi_awvalid_s,
s00_axi_awready => s00_axi_awready_s,
s00_axi_wdata => s00_axi_wdata_s,
s00_axi_wstrb => s00_axi_wstrb_s,
s00_axi_wvalid => s00_axi_wvalid_s,
s00_axi_wready => s00_axi_wready_s,
s00_axi_bresp => s00_axi_bresp_s,
s00_axi_bvalid => s00_axi_bvalid_s,
s00_axi_bready => s00_axi_bready_s,
s00_axi_araddr => s00_axi_araddr_s,
s00_axi_arprot => s00_axi_arprot_s,
s00_axi_arvalid => s00_axi_arvalid_s,
s00_axi_arready => s00_axi_arready_s,
s00_axi_rdata => s00_axi_rdata_s,
s00_axi_rresp => s00_axi_rresp_s,
s00_axi_rvalid => s00_axi_rvalid_s,
s00_axi_rready => s00_axi_rready_s,
s00_axi_aclk => s00_axi_aclk_s,
s00_axi_aresetn => s00_axi_aresetn_s,
pwm_o => pwm_out_s

-- generates AXI-lite input clock signal

s00_axi_aclk_s <= not (s00_axi_aclk_s) after clock_period_c/2;

stimulus_generator_p : process
-- reset AXI-lite interface. Reset will be 10 clock cycles wide
s00_axi_aresetn_s <= '0';
-- wait for 10 falling edges of AXI-lite clock signal
for i in 1 to 10 loop
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);
end loop;
-- release reset
s00_axi_aresetn_s <= '1';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);

-- write inc_i_freqhigh value into appropriate register

s00_axi_awaddr_s <= "0100";
s00_axi_awvalid_s <= '1';
s00_axi_wdata_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(inc_c(0), 32));
s00_axi_wvalid_s <= '1';
s00_axi_wstrb_s <= "1111";
s00_axi_bready_s <= '1';
wait until s00_axi_awready_s = '1';
wait until s00_axi_awready_s = '0';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);
s00_axi_awaddr_s <= "0000";
s00_axi_awvalid_s <= '0';
s00_axi_wdata_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, 32));
s00_axi_wvalid_s <= '0';
s00_axi_wstrb_s <= "0000";
wait until s00_axi_bvalid_s = '0';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);
s00_axi_bready_s <= '0';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);

-- write inc_i_freqlow value into appropriate register

s00_axi_awaddr_s <= "1000";
s00_axi_awvalid_s <= '1';
s00_axi_wdata_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(inc_c(1), 32));
s00_axi_wvalid_s <= '1';
s00_axi_wstrb_s <= "1111";
s00_axi_bready_s <= '1';
wait until s00_axi_awready_s = '1';
wait until s00_axi_awready_s = '0';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);
s00_axi_awaddr_s <= "0000";
s00_axi_awvalid_s <= '0';

204 2023/01/05


s00_axi_wdata_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, 32));

s00_axi_wvalid_s <= '0';
s00_axi_wstrb_s <= "0000";
wait until s00_axi_bvalid_s = '0';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);
s00_axi_bready_s <= '0';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);

-- we are waiting for one period of pwm signal when sel_i=0

wait for 100 ms;

-- write value sel_i=1 into appropriate register

s00_axi_awaddr_s <= "0000";
s00_axi_awvalid_s <= '1';
s00_axi_wdata_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, 32));
s00_axi_wvalid_s <= '1';
s00_axi_wstrb_s <= "1111";
s00_axi_bready_s <= '1';
wait until s00_axi_awready_s = '1';
wait until s00_axi_awready_s = '0';
wait until falling_edge(s00_axi_aclk_s);
s00_axi_awaddr_s <= "0000";
s00_axi_awvalid_s <= '0';
s00_axi_wdata_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, 32));
s00_axi_wvalid_s <= '0';
s00_axi_wstrb_s <= "0000";
wait until s00_axi_bvalid_s = '0';


After you have entered the code for the input stimulus in order to perform simulation, follow the next steps:

- In the Sources window, under the Simulation Sources / sim_1, select modulator_axi_ip_tb.vhd

- In the Flow Navigator, under the Simulation, click on the Run Simulation button.

- Choose the only oered Run Behavioral Simulation option, and your simulation will start.

Figure 11.65: Run Behavioral Simulation option

- The tool will compile the test bench le and launch the Vivado simulator.

Important: If your Vivado IDE notify an error that compiler cannot nd modulator_pkg.vhd in the default
library, that means that compile order in the packaged modulator_axi_ip_0 IP core is not correct. To see the
problem and to correct it, please follow the next steps:

- In the Sources window, open Compile Order tab and expand Design Sources. Under the Design Sources
you will nd a list of VHDL source les that are packaged in the modulator_axi_ip_0 IP core in default compile
order, see Figure 11.63. 2023/01/05 205


Figure 11.66: Default compile order in modulator_axi_ip_v1_0 IP core

Considering that this compile order is not correct, you have to manually change it in a way that you need.

- Open component.xml le. This le you can nd on the following address: ip_repository -> modula-
tor_axi_ip_1.0 -> component.xml.

- When you open component.xml le, nd the xilinx_vhdlbehavioralsimulation_view_leset section.

In that section you will nd the default simulation les compile order, see Figure 11.64.

Figure 11.67: Default simulation les compile order in component.xml le

- Change the simulation les compile order list in the same way as it is shown on the Figure 11.65 and Save
the le.

206 2023/01/05


Figure 11.68: Corrected simulation les compile order in component.xml le

- After we made the changes to the modulator_axi_ip_0 IP core, we have to refresh it in the IP Catalog.
In the Project Manager click Refresh IP Catalog link, see Figure 11.66.

Figure 11.69: Refresh IP Catalog link

- In the IP Status window, click Upgrade Selected button, see Figure 11.67 and the Enable Core Con-
tainer dialog box will appear.

Figure 11.70: Upgrade Selected option 2023/01/05 207


- In the Enable Core Container dialog box, leave Continue with Core Container Disabled option
selected and click OK, see Figure 11.68.

Figure 11.71: Enable Core Container dialog box

- Before we continue with the simulation process, in the Sources window open Compile Order tab and check
is the compile order now as we said it to be, see Figure 11.69.

Figure 11.72: Correct compile order in modulator_axi_ip_v1_0 IP core

- Run Behavioral Simulation process ones more.

Simulation Settings

- In the Vivado simulator, open Scope window and expand modulator_axi_ip_tb -> axi -> U0 design
units and select modulator_axi_ip_v1_0_S00_AXI_inst design unit.

- In the Vivado Objects window select our four registers slv_reg0[31:0], slv_reg1[31:0], slv_reg2[31:0]
and slv_reg3[31:0] and move them to waveform window.

- Simulate your design for 160 ms.

208 2023/01/05


Simulation Results - Part 1

- Go to the beginning of the simulation result, zoom out few times and nd the moment where s00_axi_aresetn_s
signal is changing from 0 to 1.

- Your simulation results should look like as it is shown on the following gure.

From the simulation results we can see that our system works as we predicted.

Figure 11.73: Simulation results - writing to inc_i_freqhigh and inc_i_freqlow registers 2023/01/05 209


Simulation Results - Part 2

- Zoom t and then zoom in few times around 100 ms and you will see the "sel_i" register change.

Figure 11.74: Simulation Results - changing the value of sel_i register

210 2023/01/05


Simulation Results - Part 3

- If you zoom out a few times more, you can also see the pwm frequency change, when sel_i=0 and when

Figure 11.75: Simulation Results - pwm signal frequency change as a result of the change of the sel_i register

Note : All the information about how to create a design with AXI4 interface, how to modify existing design
to adjust it to the requirements of the AXI4 interface, how to create a new AXI4 peripheral, how to connect
existing design with the AXI interface, how to verify your IP with AXI4 interface, you can also nd in the Lab
18: "Creating Modulator IP Core with AXI4 Interface". 2023/01/05 211


212 2023/01/05

Chapter 12


12.1 Overview
Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX)

Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) allows reconguration of modules within an active design. This ow
requires the implementation of multiple congurations, which results in full bitstreams for each conguration
and partial bitstreams for each Recongurable Module. The number of congurations required varies by the
number of modules that need to be implemented.

Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) allows the modication of an operating FPGA design by loading a dynamic
conguration le, usually a partial BIT le. After a full BIT le congures the FPGA, partial BIT les
can be downloaded to modify recongurable regions in the FPGA without compromising the integrity of the
applications running on those parts of the device that are not being recongured.

The following gure shows the DFX block diagram of the Modulator design.


DFX Block Diagram of the Modulator Design

Figure 12.1: DFX block diagram of the Modulator design

As shown, the function implemented in Partially Recongurable Block is modied by downloading one of
several partial BIT les, sozius_xz2_modulator_vio.bit, modulator_i_waveform_i_sine_partial.bit or modu-
lator_i_waveform_i_sawtooth_partial.bit. The logic in the FPGA design is divided into two dierent types,
recongurable logic and static logic. The light gray area of the FPGA block represents static logic and the
block portion labeled "Partially Recongurable Block" represents recongurable logic. The static logic remains
functioning and is unaected by the loading of a partial BIT le. The recongurable logic is replaced by the
contents of the partial BIT le.

In addition to reducing size, weight, power and cost, Dynamic Function eXchange enables new types of FPGA
designs that would be otherwise impossible to implement.

12.2 Creating a Dynamic Function eXchange Project

The initial creation of a DFX project is no dierent than for a standard design ow. Step through the New
Project wizard to select the target device, design sources and constraints, and set all the main project details.
When creating a new project, all source les and constraints for the static portion of the design should be added.

The following steps describe how to create a DFX project:

Creating a Dynamic Function eXchange Project

- Close the existing modulator_axi project with the File -> Close Project option from the main Vivado
IDE menu and in the Vivado Getting Started page choose Create Project option.

Since the initial creation of a DFX project is no dierent than for a standard design ow, create a new modu-
lator_pr VHDL project.

- In the Create a New Vivado Project dialog box, click Next to conrm the new project creation.

214 2023/01/05


Figure 12.2: Create a New Vivado Project dialog box

- In the Project Name dialog box, enter a name of a new project and specify directory where the project
data les will be stored. Name the project modulator_pr, verify the project location, ensure that Create
project subdirectory is checked and click Next.

Figure 12.3: Project Name dialog box

- In the Project Type dialog box, verify that the RTL Project is selected and the Do not specify sources
at this time option is unchecked and click Next. 2023/01/05 215


Figure 12.4: Project Type dialog box

- In the Add Sources dialog box, ensure that the Target language is set to VHDL and click Next. You
can add sources later, under the design canvas in the Vivado IP Integrator to create a subsystem design.

Figure 12.5: Add Sources dialog box

- In the Add Constraints (optional) dialog box, remove if there are some constraints les, and click Next.

216 2023/01/05


Figure 12.6: Add Constraints (optional) dialog box

- In the Default Part dialog box, click Parts option and set the following parameters as it is shown on gure

Figure 12.7: Default Part dialog box

- In the New Project Summary dialog box, review the project summary and click Finish if you are satised
with the summary of your project or go back as much as necessary to correct all the questionable issues. 2023/01/05 217


Figure 12.8: New Project Summary dialog box

After we nished with the new project creation, in a few seconds Vivado IDE will appear with the created
modulator_pr project, see Figure 2.8.

Figure 12.9: Created new modulator_pr project

218 2023/01/05


Add Design Files into the Project

Before we add all the necessary design les to the project, some of the les must be created, some of them must
be modied and adapted to the new DFX design ow.

The list of the new les that should be created is written below:
ˆ sawtooth_pr_rtl.vhd

The list of the les that should be modied is written below:

ˆ modulator_pkg.vhd to modulator_pkg_pr.vhd
ˆ sine_rtl.vhd to sine_pr_rtl.vhd
ˆ modulator_rtl.vhd to modulator_pr_rtl.vhd
ˆ sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_rtl.vhd to sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_pr_rtl.vhd

The content of the listed les you can nd in the text below.


-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:

-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity sine is
clk_i : in std_logic; -- input clock signal
addr_i : in std_logic_vector(12-1 downto 0); -- address value for the sine waveform ROM
data_o : out std_logic_vector(16-1 downto 0) -- current amplitude value of the sine signal
end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of sine is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

constant depth_c : integer := 12; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal
constant width_c : integer := 16; -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

constant data_c : a1integer_t := init_sawtooth_f(depth_c, width_c); -- returns sawtooth amplitude value

signal addr_s : integer range 0 to 2 ** depth_c - 1 := 0; -- amplitude counter

signal data_s : std_logic_vector(width_c-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- sine signal


-- Defines a sequential process

-- Fetches amplitude values and frequency -> generates sine

sawtooth_p : process
-- Replaces the sensitivity list 2023/01/05 219


-- Suspends evaluation until an event occurs

-- In our case event we are waiting for is rising edge on the clk_i input port
wait until rising_edge(clk_i);
-- converts addr_i from std_logic_vector type to integer type
addr_s <= to_integer(unsigned(addr_i));
-- converts data_c from integer type to std_logic_vector type
data_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(data_c(addr_s), width_c)); -- fetch amplitude

end process;

data_o <= data_s;

end architecture;


-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:

-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- VHDL package is a way of grouping related declarations that serve a common purpose
-- Each VHDL package contains package declaration and package body
-- Package declaration:

package modulator_pkg is

-- type declarations
type a1integer_t is array (natural range <>) of integer;
type module_is_top_t is (yes, no); -- only the top module can instantiate a diff clk buffer
type board_type_t is (lx9, zedboard, ml605, kc705, microzed, sozius, undefined); -- enumeration type
type has_diff_clk_t is (yes, no); -- enumeration type for differential clock buffer use
type a1real_t is array (natural range <>) of real;

-- defines board specific settings

type board_setting_t is record
board_name : board_type_t; -- specifies the name of the board that we are using
fclk : real; -- specifies the reference clock frequency that is presented of the board (in Hz)
has_diff_clk : has_diff_clk_t; -- specifies if board has differential clock or not
end record;

-- place the information about the new boards here, assignment by position
constant lx9_c : board_setting_t := (lx9, 100000000.0, no); -- Spartan-6
constant zedboard_c : board_setting_t := (zedboard, 100000000.0, no); -- Zynq-7000
constant ml605_c : board_setting_t := (ml605, 200000000.0, yes); -- Virtex-6
constant kc705_c : board_setting_t := (kc705, 200000000.0, yes); -- Kintex-7
constant microzed_c : board_setting_t := (microzed, 33333333.3, no); -- MicroZed
constant sozius_c : board_setting_t := (sozius, 50000000.0, no); -- Sozius
constant undefined_c : board_setting_t := (undefined, 50000000.0, no); -- not defined

-- defines design specific settings

type design_setting_t is record
freq_hz : a1real_t(0 to 1); -- frequencies for the PWM signal, specified in Hz
lut_depth : integer range 0 to 31; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal
lut_width : integer range 0 to 63; -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value
nco_width : integer range 0 to 63; -- number of bits used for numerically controlled oscillator
end record;

-- defines audio specific settings

constant audio_setting_c : design_setting_t :=
freq_hz => (880.0, 440.0),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 8,
nco_width => 24

-- defines led specific settings

constant led_setting_c : design_setting_t :=
freq_hz => (1.0, 3.5),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 16,
nco_width => 31

-- defines simulation specific settings

constant sim_setting_c : design_setting_t :=

220 2023/01/05


freq_hz => (1000.0, 10000.0),

lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 8,
nco_width => 24

-- defines simulation specific settings

constant sim_setting1_c : design_setting_t :=
freq_hz => (1000.0, 10000.0),
lut_depth => 12,
lut_width => 16,
nco_width => 31

-- calculates from the design setting the actual used configuration

function calc_inc_f
constant board_c : board_setting_t;
constant design_c : design_setting_t
return a1integer_t;

-- init_sin_f function declaration

function init_sin_f
constant depth_c : in integer; -- is the number of samples in one period of the signal (2^8=256)
constant width_c : in integer -- is the number of bits used to represent amplitude value (2^12=4096)
return a1integer_t;

-- init_sawtooth_f function declaration

function init_sawtooth_f
constant depth_c : in integer; -- is the number of samples in one period of the signal (2^8=256)
constant width_c : in integer -- is the number of bits used to represent amplitude value (2^12=4096)
return a1integer_t;

-- converts from array of ints to std_logic_vector

function conv_int_array_to_slv_f
constant int_array_i : a1integer_t;
constant width_c : integer
return std_logic_vector;

end package;

-- in the package body will be description of the function defined before

package body modulator_pkg is

-- calculates from the design setting the actual used configuration

function calc_inc_f
constant board_c : board_setting_t;
constant design_c : design_setting_t
return a1integer_t is

variable inc_v : a1integer_t(design_c.freq_hz'range);


for i in design_c.freq_hz'range loop

inc_v(i) := integer(round(real(2 ** design_c.nco_width) * design_c.freq_hz(i) / board_c.fclk));
end loop;
return inc_v;

end function;

-- init_sin_f function definition

function init_sin_f
constant depth_c : in integer;
constant width_c : in integer
return a1integer_t is

variable init_arr_v : a1integer_t(0 to (2 ** depth_c - 1));


for i in 0 to ((2 ** depth_c)- 1) loop -- calculates amplitude values

-- sin (2*pi*i / N) * (2^(width_c-1) - 1) + 2^(width_c-1) - 1, N = 2^depth_c
init_arr_v(i):=integer(round(sin((math_2_pi / real(2 ** depth_c)) * real(i)) *
(real(2 ** (width_c - 1)) - 1.0))) + integer(2 ** (width_c - 1) - 1);
end loop;

return init_arr_v; 2023/01/05 221


end function;

-- init_sawtooth_f function definition

function init_sawtooth_f
constant depth_c : in integer;
constant width_c : in integer
return a1integer_t is

variable init_arr_v : a1integer_t(0 to (2 ** depth_c - 1));


for i in 0 to ((2 ** (depth_c-1))- 1) loop -- calculates amplitude values

-- i * (2^(width_c-1) - 1) / 2^(depth_c-1) - 1
init_arr_v(i):=integer(round(real(i)*(real(2 ** (width_c - 1)) - 1.0)/real((2 ** (depth_c-1))- 1)));
end loop;

for i in (2 ** (depth_c-1)) to ((2 ** depth_c)- 1) loop -- calculates amplitude values

end loop;

return init_arr_v;

end function;

-- converts from array of ints to std_logic_vector

function conv_int_array_to_slv_f
constant int_array_i : a1integer_t;
constant width_c : integer
return std_logic_vector is

variable out_slv_v : std_logic_vector(int_array_i'length*width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

for i in int_array_i'range loop
out_slv_v((i+1)*width_c-1 downto i*width_c) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(int_array_i(i), width_c));
end loop;

return out_slv_v;
end function;

end package body;


-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:

-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity sine is
clk_i : in std_logic; -- input clock signal
addr_i : in std_logic_vector(12-1 downto 0); -- address value for the sine waveform ROM
data_o : out std_logic_vector(16-1 downto 0) -- current amplitude value of the sine signal
end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of sine is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants

222 2023/01/05


-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

constant depth_c : integer := 12; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal
constant width_c : integer := 16; -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

constant data_c : a1integer_t := init_sin_f(depth_c, width_c); -- returns sine amplitude value

signal addr_s : integer range 0 to 2 ** depth_c - 1 := 0; -- amplitude counter

signal data_s : std_logic_vector(width_c-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- sine signal


-- Defines a sequential process

-- Fetches amplitude values and frequency -> generates sine

sine_p : process
-- Replaces the sensitivity list
-- Suspends evaluation until an event occurs
-- In our case event we are waiting for is rising edge on the clk_i input port
wait until rising_edge(clk_i);
-- converts addr_i from std_logic_vector type to integer type
addr_s <= to_integer(unsigned(addr_i));
-- converts data_c from integer type to std_logic_vector type
data_s <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(data_c(addr_s), width_c)); -- fetch amplitude

end process;

data_o <= data_s;

end architecture;


-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:

-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;

-- Entity defines the interface of a module

-- Generics are static, they are used at compile time
-- Ports are updated during operation and behave like signals on a schematic or
-- traces on a PCB
-- Entity is a primary design unit

entity modulator is
-- defines board specific settings
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
-- defines simulation specific settings
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := sim_setting_c
-- input clock signal
clk_i : in std_logic;
-- different increments for different frequencies
inc_i : in std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0);
-- signal made for selecting frequency
sel_i : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-- pulse width modulated signal
pwm_o : out std_logic
end entity;

-- Architecture is a secondary design unit and describes the functionality of the module
-- One entity can have multiple architectures for different families,
-- technologies or different levels of description
-- The name should represent the level of description like
-- structural, rtl, tb and maybe for which technology

architecture rtl of modulator is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

constant counter_max_c : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); 2023/01/05 223


signal addr_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal data_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.lut_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

component sine is
clk_i : in std_logic; -- input clock signal
addr_i : in std_logic_vector(12-1 downto 0); -- address value for the sine waveform ROM
data_o : out std_logic_vector(16-1 downto 0) -- current amplitude value of the sine signal
end component;


selector_i : entity work.selector(rtl) -- selector module instance

generic map(
width_g => design_setting_g.nco_width
port map(
clk_i => clk_i,
inc_i => inc_i,
inc_o => inc_s,
sel_i => sel_i

counter_i : entity work.counter(rtl) -- counter module instance

generic map(
bits_g => design_setting_g.nco_width,
count_max_g => to_integer(unsigned(counter_max_c))
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
inc_i => inc_s,
count_o => addr_s

-- waveform_i : entity work.sine(rtl) -- digital sine module instance

-- this type of module instantiation is not permitted in case of using partial reconfiguration !
waveform_i : sine -- digital sine module instance
port map(
addr_i => addr_s(design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto design_setting_g.nco_width - design_setting_g.lut_depth),
clk_i => clk_i,
data_o => data_s

pwm_i : entity work.pwm(rtl) -- pwm module instance

generic map (
width_g => design_setting_g.lut_width
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
value_i => data_s,
pwm_o => pwm_o

end architecture;


-- Make reference to libraries that are necessary for this file:

-- the first part is a symbolic name, the path is defined depending of the tools
-- the second part is a package name
-- the third part includes all functions from that package
-- Better for documentation would be to include only the functions that are necessary

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library work;
use work.modulator_pkg.all;
use work.sozius_components_package.all;

entity sozius_xz2_modulator_vio is
-- version number of PL for read back from PS
hw_version_g : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"19980418";
-- User defined settings for the pwm design
board_setting_g : board_setting_t := sozius_c;
design_setting_g : design_setting_t := led_setting_c
-- ethernet phy reset, must be high necessary for operation !!!

224 2023/01/05


pl_phy_reset_n_o : out std_logic := '1'; --! reset of ethernet

-- ps io
ps_ddr3_addr : inout std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_ba : inout std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_cas_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ck_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ck_p : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_cke : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_cs_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_dm : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dq : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dqs_n : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_dqs_p : inout std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
ps_ddr3_odt : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_ras_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_reset_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr3_we_n : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr_vrn : inout std_logic;
ps_ddr_vrp : inout std_logic;
ps_clk_i : inout std_logic;
ps_por_n_i : inout std_logic;
ps_srst_n_i : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_mdc_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_mdio_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rx_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rx_ctrl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_rxd_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_phy_tx_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_tx_ctrl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_phy_txd_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_i2c_scl_io : inout std_logic;
ps_i2c_sda_io : inout std_logic;
ps_led_error_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_led_front_n_io : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
ps_led_sdcard_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw0_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw0_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw1_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw1_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw2_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw2_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw3_a_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sw3_b_io : inout std_logic;
ps_uart_rx_io : inout std_logic;
ps_uart_tx_io : inout std_logic;
ps_qspi_cs_n_io : inout std_logic;
ps_qspi_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_qspi_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_cmd_io : inout std_logic;
ps_sdio_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ps_usb_clk_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_data_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ps_usb_dir_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_nxt_io : inout std_logic;
ps_usb_stp_io : inout std_logic
end entity;

architecture structural of sozius_xz2_modulator_vio is

-- Between architecture and begin is declaration area for types, signals and constants
-- Everything declared here will be visible in the whole architecture

-- Debug insertion is not supported in case of using partial reconfiguration! Please use the debug instantiation flow.

-- attribute mark_debug : string;

-- attribute keep : string;

constant inc_c : a1integer_t := calc_inc_f(board_setting_g, design_setting_g);

signal inc_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.freq_hz'length*design_setting_g.nco_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal cc_count_s : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal pwm_s : std_logic;
signal sel_s : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);

-- attribute mark_debug of cc_count_s : signal is "true";

-- attribute mark_debug of pwm_s : signal is "true";
-- attribute mark_debug of sel_s : signal is "true";

-- declaration for fixed signal PL to PS

signal pl_clk0_s : std_logic;
signal pl_reset_n_s : std_logic;

-- ps signals
signal ps_mio_s : std_logic_vector(53 downto 0);

-- vio_core component definition

component vio_core 2023/01/05 225


port (
clk : in std_logic;
probe_in0 : in std_logic_vector (0 downto 0);
probe_out0 : out std_logic_vector (0 downto 0)
end component;

-- ila_core component definition

component ila_core
port (
clk : in std_logic;
probe0 : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
probe1 : in std_logic
end component;


inc_s <= conv_int_array_to_slv_f(inc_c, design_setting_g.nco_width);

-- modulator module instance

modulator_i: entity work.modulator(rtl)
generic map(
board_setting_g => board_setting_g,
design_setting_g => design_setting_g
port map(
clk_i => pl_clk0_s,
inc_i => inc_s, -- inc_c,
sel_i => sel_s,
pwm_o => pwm_s

-- counter for measuring the duration of the high pulse of the PWM signal
measurement_counter_p: process
wait until rising_edge(pl_clk0_s);
if (pwm_s = '0') then
cc_count_s <= (others => '0');
cc_count_s <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(cc_count_s) + 1);
end if;
end process;

-- vio_core component instance

vio_i: vio_core
port map (
clk => pl_clk0_s,
probe_in0(0) => pwm_s,
probe_out0 => sel_s

-- ila_core component instance

ila: ila_core
port map (
clk => pl_clk0_s,
probe0 => cc_count_s,
probe1 => pwm_s

-- instance of processor system PS

sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd_i: component sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd
port map (
ddr3_addr => ps_ddr3_addr,
ddr3_ba => ps_ddr3_ba,
ddr3_cas_n => ps_ddr3_cas_n,
ddr3_ck_n => ps_ddr3_ck_n,
ddr3_ck_p => ps_ddr3_ck_p,
ddr3_cke => ps_ddr3_cke,
ddr3_cs_n => ps_ddr3_cs_n,
ddr3_dm => ps_ddr3_dm,
ddr3_dq => ps_ddr3_dq,
ddr3_dqs_n => ps_ddr3_dqs_n,
ddr3_dqs_p => ps_ddr3_dqs_p,
ddr3_odt => ps_ddr3_odt,
ddr3_ras_n => ps_ddr3_ras_n,
ddr3_reset_n => ps_ddr3_reset_n,
ddr3_we_n => ps_ddr3_we_n,
fixed_io_ddr_vrn => ps_ddr_vrn,
fixed_io_ddr_vrp => ps_ddr_vrp,
fixed_io_mio => ps_mio_s,
fixed_io_ps_clk => ps_clk_i,
fixed_io_ps_porb => ps_por_n_i,
fixed_io_ps_srstb => ps_srst_n_i,
pl_uart_1_rxd => '0',
pl_uart_1_txd => open,
pl_spi_0_io0_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_io0_o => open,
pl_spi_0_io0_t => open,
pl_spi_0_io1_i => '0',

226 2023/01/05


pl_spi_0_io1_o => open,

pl_spi_0_io1_t => open,
pl_spi_0_sck_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_sck_o => open,
pl_spi_0_sck_t => open,
pl_spi_0_ss1_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss2_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss_i => '0',
pl_spi_0_ss_o => open,
pl_spi_0_ss_t => open,
pl_iic_1_scl_i => '0',
pl_iic_1_scl_o => open,
pl_iic_1_scl_t => open,
pl_iic_1_sda_i => '0',
pl_iic_1_sda_o => open,
pl_iic_1_sda_t => open,
sdio_0_cdn => '1', -- pl_sd_cd_n_i,
usbind_0_port_indctl => open,
usbind_0_vbus_pwrfault => '1', -- pl_usb_fault_n_i,
usbind_0_vbus_pwrselect => open,
pl_clk0 => pl_clk0_s,
pl_reset_n => pl_reset_n_s

-- assignment of MIO to board names

ps_mio_s (53) <= ps_phy_mdio_io;

ps_mio_s (52) <= ps_phy_mdc_io;
ps_mio_s (51) <= ps_uart_tx_io;
ps_mio_s (50) <= ps_uart_rx_io;
ps_mio_s (49) <= ps_led_error_n_io;
ps_mio_s (48 downto 47) <= ps_led_front_n_io(1 downto 0);
ps_mio_s (46) <= ps_led_sdcard_n_io;
ps_mio_s (45 downto 42) <= ps_sdio_data_io;
ps_mio_s (41) <= ps_sdio_cmd_io;
ps_mio_s (40) <= ps_sdio_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (39) <= ps_usb_data_io(7);
ps_mio_s (38) <= ps_usb_data_io(6);
ps_mio_s (37) <= ps_usb_data_io(5);
ps_mio_s (36) <= ps_usb_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (35) <= ps_usb_data_io(3);
ps_mio_s (34) <= ps_usb_data_io(2);
ps_mio_s (33) <= ps_usb_data_io(1);
ps_mio_s (32) <= ps_usb_data_io(0);
ps_mio_s (31) <= ps_usb_nxt_io;
ps_mio_s (30) <= ps_usb_stp_io;
ps_mio_s (29) <= ps_usb_dir_io;
ps_mio_s (28) <= ps_usb_data_io(4);
ps_mio_s (27) <= ps_phy_rx_ctrl_io;
ps_mio_s (26 downto 23) <= ps_phy_rxd_io;
ps_mio_s (22) <= ps_phy_rx_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (21) <= ps_phy_tx_ctrl_io;
ps_mio_s (20 downto 17) <= ps_phy_txd_io;
ps_mio_s (16) <= ps_phy_tx_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (15) <= ps_i2c_sda_io;
ps_mio_s (14) <= ps_i2c_scl_io;
ps_mio_s (13) <= ps_sw3_b_io;
ps_mio_s (12) <= ps_sw3_a_io;
ps_mio_s (11) <= ps_sw2_b_io;
ps_mio_s (10) <= ps_sw2_a_io;
ps_mio_s (9) <= ps_sw1_b_io;
ps_mio_s (8) <= ps_sw1_a_io;
ps_mio_s (7) <= ps_sw0_b_io;
ps_mio_s (6) <= ps_qspi_clk_io;
ps_mio_s (5 downto 2) <= ps_qspi_data_io;
ps_mio_s (1) <= ps_qspi_cs_n_io;
ps_mio_s (0) <= ps_sw0_a_io;

end architecture;

- Add the necessary design les (selector_rtl.vhd, counter_rtl.vhd, modulator_pkg_pr.vhd, sine_pr_rtl.vhd,

pwm_rtl.vhd, modulator_pr_rtl.vhd,sozius_xz2_modulator_vio_pr_rtl.vhd and sozius_components_package.vhd )
to the project using Add Sources command from the Flow Navigator list. 2023/01/05 227


Figure 12.10: Add or Create Design Sources - DFX

Instantiate ILA and VIO Cores into the Design

As we already said, in our design we will program PL part of the Zynq FPGA with sozius_xz2_modulator_-
vio_pr_rtl.vhd model. Since existing LEDs and switches on the Sozius board are connected to the PS part of
the Zynq FPGA, we have to instantiate Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO) cores
into our design. Both, ILA and VIO cores will be instantiated into our design, using the "HDL Instantiation
Debug Probing Flow". ILA core will be used to monitor PWM signal width change and VIO core will be used
to replace on-board switch used for changing output signal frequency.

Instantiate VIO Core into the Design

- Instantiate VIO core into our design using steps for VIO core instantiation, explained in the Sub-chapter 10.1
"Inserting ILA and VIO Cores into Design" of this tutorial. Use the same core customizations as it is explained
in this sub-chapter:

ˆ In the VIO (Virtual Input/Output) (3.0) window, enter vio_core_name (vio_core) in the Com-
ponent Name eld

ˆ In the General Options tab, leave Input Probe Count to be 1 and Output Probe Count also to
be 1, because we will need one input probe for pwm_out signal and one output probe for sw0 signal

ˆ In the PROBE_IN Ports(0..0) tab leave Probe Width of the PROBE_IN0 Probe Port to be 1,
because our pwm_out signal is 1 bit signal

ˆ In the PROBE_OUT Ports(0..0) tab, leave Probe Width of the PROBE_OUT0 Probe Port to be
1, because our sw0 signal is also 1 bit signal

ˆ Click OK

After VIO core generation, your VIO core should appear in the Sources window.

228 2023/01/05


Figure 12.11: Sources tab with generated VIO core

Instantiate ILA Core into the Design

- Instantiate ILA core into our design, on the same way as it is VIO core instantiated, using IP Catalog:

ˆ In the ILA (Integrated Logic Analyzer) (6.2) window, enter ila_core_name (ila_core) in the
Component Name eld
ˆ In the General Options tab select

 Number of Probes to be 2,
 Number of Comparators to be 2
 enable Capture Constrol option

Figure 12.12: ILA Core Customization dialog box - General Options tab

ˆ In the Probe_Ports(0..1) tab select

 PROBE0 to be 32 and leave all other parameters unchanged 2023/01/05 229


Figure 12.13: ILA Core Customization dialog box - Probe_Ports(0..1) tab

After ILA core generation, your VIO core should appear in the Sources window.

Figure 12.14: Sources tab with generated ILA core

Execute Tcl File in the Vivado IDE

Next step is to execute the sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le in the Vivado IDE.

- Go to the Tcl console window and type the following and press enter:
source <path>/sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl

Where <path> stands for the full path to the folder where the sozius_xz_lab_ps_bd.tcl Tcl le is stored.

Block Diagram after Vivado Tcl Script Execution

After Vivado has nished with the Tcl script execution, a created block diagram containing Zynq PS will be
visible in the Vivado IDE.

230 2023/01/05


Figure 12.15: Block diagram of Zynq PS congured to run on Sozius board

Create XDC File

- Now is the time to create and add constraints le for the Sozius board, sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc.

To create and add constraints le, please use steps from the Sub-chapter 9.1 "Creating XDC File", where it is
in detail explained in paragraph "Creating a XDC File using Vivado Text Editor".

The complete sozius_xz_modulator_vio.xdc constraints le you can nd in the Sub-chapter 9.1 "Creating
XDC File".

Synthesize the Design

- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click Run Synthesis command and wait for task to be completed.

- After the synthesis is completed, choose Open Synthesized Design option in the Synthesis Completed
dialog box.

Dene Project to be Dynamic Function eXchange Project

Once the project has been created, dene it to be a Dynamic Function eXchange project.

- In the main Vivado manu, select Tools -> Enable Dynamic Function eXchange... option. This prepares
the project for the DFX design ow. Once this is set it cannot be undone, so Xilinx recommends archiving your
project prior to selecting this option. 2023/01/05 231


Figure 12.16: Enable Dynamic Function eXchange option

- In the Enabling Dynamic Function eXchange dialog box click Convert to conrm the one-way project

Figure 12.17: Enable Dynamic Function eXchange dialog box

When this is done, the project will show a few DFX-specic menu options and window tabs:

ˆ A link to the Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard in the Flow Navigator

ˆ The Partition Denitions view in the Sources window

ˆ The Congurations window

Create Partition Denition

Once the project has been turned into a DFX project, Recongurable Partitions can be dened within the RTL
source hierarchy.

- Right-click on the desired module (in our case it will be waveform_i : sine(rtl) (sine_pr_rtl.vhd)) and
select Create Partition Denition... option to begin the process of Recongurable Partition creation.

232 2023/01/05


Figure 12.18: Create Partition Denition option

- In the Create Partition Denition dialog box specify the Partition Denition Name (in our case it will
be waveform_memory) and Recongurable Module Name (in our case leave sine) and click OK.

Figure 12.19: Create Partition Denition dialog box

Note : Every instance of the selected module will be turned into a Recongurable Partition.

After clicking OK, this module displays dierently in the Vivado IDE. Each instance of the module is shown
in the Hierarchy tab with a diamond, indicating that it is a Recongurable Partition. The design sources are
moved to the Partition Denitions tab to be managed separately. 2023/01/05 233


Figure 12.20: Partition Denition in Sources window

Open Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard

After dening the Reconguration Partitions we need to complete the Dynamic Function eXchange project
structure. This can be done by using the Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard.

- Open the Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard by selecting the Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard
command in the Flow Navigator or from the Tools menu.

Figure 12.21: Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard command

- In the Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard dialog box click Next.

Figure 12.22: Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard dialog box

- In the Edit Recongurable Modules dialog box, dene new Recongurable Modules for any Partition
Denitions dened. As can be seen from the following gure, the rst Recongurable Module for each Partition

234 2023/01/05


Denition has already been included, if the RTL/netlist source was present when the Partition Denition was
created. Click on the blue + button to create a new Recongurable Module and give it a unique name.

Figure 12.23: Edit Recongurable Modules dialog box

- In the Add Recongurable Module dialog box dene the Recongurable Module Name (in our case
it will be sawtooth), click blue + button to add the source les into the project and connect them with the
new Recongurable Module (in our case it will be sawtooth_pr_rtl.vhd and modulator_pkg_pr.vhd)
and click OK.

Figure 12.24: Add Recongurable Module dialog box

Note : If netlist sources are selected, select the Sources are already synthesized check box and declare the
Top Module within the netlist.

- Repeat this process for all existing Recongurable Modules for every Partition Denition. Each Recongurable
Module can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon or removed by clicking the red - icon. When Recongurable
Modules are accounted for, click Next. 2023/01/05 235


Figure 12.25: Edit Recongurable Module dialog box with dened Recingurable Modules

- In the Edit Congurations dialog box click automatically create congurations link in the middle of
this screen. This will create as many Congurations as necessary to ensure that all Recongurable modules
are included at least once. This option is only available if no Congurations have been dened yet. Each
Conguration is a combination of the static logic plus one Recongurable Modules per Recongurable Partition.
Each Conguration is a full design image.

Figure 12.26: Edit Congurations dialog box

- In the Edit Congurations dialog box, now after automatic generation of Congurations, just click Next.

236 2023/01/05


Figure 12.27: Edit Congurations dialog box after automatic generation of Congurations

- In the Editing Conguration Runs dialog box, click automatically create conguration run link
in the middle of this screen, to manage all Conguration Runs. Vivado IDE can automatically create a set of
Conguration Runs. The rst Conguration in the list is dened as the parent and all remaining Congurations
are set as children to that parent.

Figure 12.28: Edit Congurations Runs dialog box 2023/01/05 237


Figure 12.29: Edit Congurations Runs dialog box after automatically generated Conguration Runs

This structure assumes that the rst conguration is the most critical or challenging. Users are free to change
the parent-child relationship by setting that value in the Parent column. A Parent of a synthesis run (synth_1
here) indicates the Conguration (most notably the static part) will be implemented from the synthesized netlist,
and a Parent of an implementation run (impl_1 here) indicates the parent's locked static implementation result
will be used as the starting point.

You can add new Conguration Runs by selecting the green + icon. When all Conguration Runs have been
created, just click Next.

- In the Dynamic Function eXchange Summary dialog box the number of new elements are listed. Clicking
Finish you will actually perform all the requested changes in the project.

Figure 12.30: Dynamic Function eXchange dialog box

Design Runs Window

In the Design Runs window, out-of-context synthesis runs are created for each Recongurable Module, and
all Conguration Runs are generated. Relationships between parent and child runs are shown by the levels of

238 2023/01/05


Figure 12.31: Design Runs for synthesis and implementation

Congurations Window

In addition, to open a Congurations window, click Window -> Congurations option from the main
Vivado menu. The Congurations window shows the composition details of each Conguration available in
the project.

Figure 12.32: Congurations window with Congurations available in the project

With all the necessary Conguration Runs dened, the design can be synthesized and implemented.

One detail that is required for Dynamic Function eXchange designs is a Pblock for each Recongurable Partition.
Without a Pblock dened, the following error will be issued in place_design:

ERROR: [DRC 23-20] Rule violation (HDPR-30) Missing PBLOCK On Reconfigurable Cell

If this necessary oorplan is present in a top-level design constraints le, you can pull all the way from synthesis
to bitstream generation. If not, the easiest way to create one is to stop and open the design after top-level

Synthesize the Design

- Synthesize the design by clicking Run Synthesis command from the Flow Navigator.

- After the synthesis process is completed, open the synthesized design.

- In the opened synthesized design, open Design Runs window to see how many resources does sine and
sawtoooth modules need. 2023/01/05 239


Figure 12.33: Design Runs window

From the gure above it can be seen that both, sine and sawtooth, modules require 12 slice registers and 2
Block RAMs. Therefore, recongurable partition assign to it must be large enough to contain at least 24 slice
registers and 4 Block RAMs. Please notice that it could be larger that this, but it cannot be smaller.

Create Pblocks

If no Pblocks had existed with the design sources, they could be created at this step in the ow.

- In the Netlist hierarchy view, right-click on the module that corresponds to the Recongurable Partition (in
our case it will be waveform_i (sine)) and select Floorplanning -> Draw Pblock option.

Figure 12.34: Floorplanning -> Draw Pblock option

Select Pblock

- In the Device window rst nd where Block RAMs and slice registers are settled on the chip and then draw
Pblock. In the Device window mark minimum 24 slice registers and 4 Block RAMs.

240 2023/01/05


Figure 12.35: Device window with selected Pblock

Create Pblock

- In the New Pblock dialog box create a new Pblock and give it a proper name. In our case it will be

Figure 12.36: New Pblock dialog box

From the gure above we can see that we can also congure selected FPGA resources by selecting or deselecting
marked grids and assign selected cells to the newly-created Pblock. For example, from the picture above, we
can see that created Pblock contains 40 slices, 4 RAMB18 blocks and 2 RAMB36 blocks. Leave all parameters
unchanged and click OK.

Created Pblock in the Device Window

After all these steps, you can see newly created pblock_waveform_i Pblock in the Device window. 2023/01/05 241


Figure 12.37: Device window with drawn Pblock

After you draw the Pblock for a Recongurable Partition, its properties can be seen in the Pblock Properties
window under the Properties view.

Properties View

In the Properties view there are two options unique to the Racongurable Partitions: RESET_AFTER_RECONFIG
(7 series only) and SNAPPING_MODE option. Enable RESET_AFTER_RECONFIG option and set

Figure 12.38: Properties view

Statistics View

The Statistics view reports the resources available and used for the currently loaded Recongurable Module,
so it is important to consider the needs for the other RMs as well.

242 2023/01/05


Figure 12.39: Statistics view

Implement the Design and Generate Bitstream File

Once a Pblock has been created for each Recongurable Partition, each Conguration can be implemented.

- In the Flow Navigator click Run Implementation command to launch place and route on the active parent
rst. Upon completion, all child runs will be launched in parallel, using the static design results of the parent
as a starting point.

- Once all desired Congurations have been placed and routed, bitstreams can be generated. In the Flow
Navigator click Generate Bitstream command to launch bitstream le generation.

Generated Bitstream Files

By default, a full design bitstream and two partial bitstreams are generated for all routed congurations:

ˆ Full design bitstream le is named sozius_xz2_modulator_vio.bit and it is located in the modula-
tor_pr/modulator_pr.runs/impl_1 folder
ˆ One partial bitstream le is named modulator_i_waveform_i_sine_partial.bit and it is located
in the modulator_pr/modulator_pr.runs/impl_1 folder
ˆ The second partial bitstream le is named modulator_i_waveform_i_sawtooth_partial.bit and
it is located in the modulator_pr/modulator_pr.runs/child_0_impl_1 folder

Size of the Generated Bitstream Files

Please notice that full bitstream le is much larger than the partial bitstream les. In our case, size of the full
bitstream le is roughly 800 KB while partial bitstream les are roughly 100 KB. This is expected since partial
bitstream le will congure only a section of FPGA, while full bitstream le will congure complete FPGA
device. This also means that FPGA conguration using partial bitstream le should be signicantly faster than
conguration using full bitstream le. 2023/01/05 243


Program Sozius Device

- Program your Sozius device using Open Hardware Manager command in the Flow Navigator (see Sub-
Chapter 9.4 Program Device). Program your Sozius device using sozius_xz2_modulator_vio.bit
bitstream le located in the folder modulator_pr/modulator_pr.runs/impl_1. This will be the full
bitstream le to get the sine wave.

Figure 12.40: Program Device dialog box with parent bistream le

Note : Please observe the time needed for FPGA conguration using full bistream le.

In case of using Sozius development board, which involves the processor usage because of the necessary clock
generation, some additional steps must be done. After programming Sozius device, we have to create application
project using Vivado SDK tool to initialize the processing system which will then start generating internal clock
signal used by the Modulator design (connected to the clk_i port). Systems that involves processor usage are
explained in detail in the "Embedded System Design" tutorial.

Export Hardware

- When the Sozius board is programmed, select File -> Export -> Export Hardware... option from the
main Vivado IDE menu.

- In the Export Hardware Platform diloag box just click Next.

- In the Output dialog box select Include bitstream option and click Next.

- In the File dialog box enter the name of your XSA le in the XSA le name led and check the directory
where the XSA le will be stored. Click Next.

- In the Exporting Hardware Platform dialog box to export the hardware platform just click Finish.

Launch Vitis

In order to get the internal FPGA clock running, we must run some application on the processing system. In
order to do this, following steps must be performed:

- Launch the Vitis software platform

- In the Eclipse Launcher dialog box select a directory as workspace in the Workspace eld, click Next and
Vivado Vitis IDE will be launched in the separate window.

Create Platform Project

To create an platform project, do the following:

244 2023/01/05


- On the Vitis IDE getting started page, select File -> New -> Platform Project... option, or just click the
link Create Platform Project and the New Platform Project wizard opens.

- In the Create new platform project dialog box type the new project platform name in the Platform
project name led (in our case it will be modulator_sozius_pr) and click Next.

- In the Platform dialog box browse for the exported XSA le end click Open.

- In the Project dialog box provide the hardware and software specication for the new platform project.

ˆ In the XSA le eld, browse and select the XSA le that you exported from the Vivado Design Suite

ˆ Use the dropdown menus to select standalone as the operating system and ps7_cortexa9_0 as the

ˆ The Generate boot components checkbox is selected.

- Click Finish and Vitis IDE will create your platform project.

Create Application Project

To create an application project, do the following:

- In the Vitis IDE select File -> New -> Application Project... option.

- In the Create a New Application Project dialog box just click Next to skip the welcome page instructions.

- In the Platform dialog box Select platform from repository tab opens. Select modulator_sozius_pr[custom]
platform and click Next.

- In the Application project Details dialog box, specify the application project name (modulator_sozius_pr_app)
and its system project properties and click Next.

- In the Domain dialog box,leave all default parameters and click Next.

- In the Templates dialog box select Hello World application and click Finish.

Build Project and Run Application Project

- Right-click the system project and select Build Project.

- In the Vitis IDE Explorer window, select your application project (modulator_sozius_pr_app), right-
click on it and select Run As -> Launch Hardware option.

Refresh Device

- Turn back to the Vivado IDE and in the Hardware window of the Hardware Manager right-click on the
FPGA device (xc7z020_1) and select Refresh Device option.

After refreshing the FPGA device the Hardware window now shows the ILA and VIO cores that were detected
after scanning the device and default dashboard for each debug core is automatically opened. 2023/01/05 245


Figure 12.41: ILA Dashboard

Run the ILA Core

- Set ILA and VIO core parameters as it is explained in detail in the Sub-Chapter 10.2 Debug Design
using Integrated Vivado Logic Analyzer and run the ILA core trigger.

Once the ILA core captured data has been uploaded to the Vivado IDE, it is displayed in the Waveform Viewer.
After triggering the ILA core, in the waveform viewer change the cc_count_s Waveform Style from Digital
to Analog, and your captured waveform should look like as the waveform on the following gure.

Figure 12.42: Captured waveform of the sine signal, when sel_s=0

Change the Value of the sel_s Signal from 0 to 1 and Run the ILA Core

- Turn back to the VIO Probes window and change the Value of the sel_s signal from 0 to 1. Arm the trigger
ones more and after triggering the ILA core your captured waveform should look like as the waveform on the
following gure.

246 2023/01/05


Figure 12.43: Captured waveform of the sine signal, when sel_s=1

Program Sozius Device with the Partial Recongurable Bitstream File to get Sawtooth Wave

Now program FPGA device with the partial recongurable (child) bitstream le to get sawtooth wave in the
ILA dashboard.

- In the Hardware window right-click on the xc7z020_1 chip and select Program Device... option.

Figure 12.44: Program Device... option

- In the Program Design dialog box program your Sozius device using modulator_i_waveform_i_sawtooth-
_partial.bit bitstream le located in the following folder: modulator_pr/modulator_pr.runs/child_0_impl_1.
This will be the partial recongurable (child) bitstream le to get sawtooth wave. 2023/01/05 247


Figure 12.45: Program Device dialog box with child bistream le

Note : Please observe that time needed for FPGA conguration in case of using required full bitstream le is
much longer that the time needed for partial recongurable bitstream le.

Trigger the ILA Core

- Trigger the ILA core and your captured waveform should look like as the waveform on the following gure.

Figure 12.46: Captured waveform of the sawtooth signal, when sel_s=0

Change the Value of the sel_s Signal from 0 to 1 and Run the ILA Core

- Turn back to the VIO Probes window and change the Value of the sel_s signal from 0 to 1. Arm the trigger
ones more and after triggering the ILA core your captured waveform should look like as the waveform on the
following gure.

Figure 12.47: Captured waveform of the sawtooth signal, when sel_s=1

Program Sozius Device with the Partial Recongurable Bitstream File to get Sine Wave

248 2023/01/05


Now program FPGA device with the partial recongurable (child) bitstream le to get sine wave in the ILA

- In the Hardware window right-click on the xc7z020_1 chip and select Program Device... option.

- In the Program Design dialog box program your Sozius device using modulator_i_waveform_i_sine_partial.bit
bitstream le located in the following folder: modulator_pr/modulator_pr.runs/impl_1. This will be
the partial recongurable (child) bitstream le to get sine wave.

Trigger the ILA Core

- Trigger the ILA core and your captured waveform should look like the same like in case of using full bitstream

Figure 12.48: Captured waveform of the sine signal, when sel_s=0

Change the Value of the sel_s Signal from 0 to 1 and Run the ILA Core

- Turn back to the VIO Probes window and change the Value of the sel_s signal from 0 to 1. Arm the trigger
ones more and after triggering the ILA core your captured waveform should look like the same like in case of
using full bitstream le.

Figure 12.49: Captured waveform of the sine signal, when sel_s=1

Note : All the information about Partial Recongurations, you can also nd in the Lab 17: "Working with
Partial Reconguration Flow". 2023/01/05 249

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