DOI 10.1007/s00066-015-0837-z
O r i g i n a l A rt i c l e
Anne Ducassou · Marion Gambart · Caroline Munzer · Laetitia Padovani · Christian Carrie ·
Daphne Haas-Kogan · Valérie Bernier-Chastagner · Charlotte Demoor · Line Claude · Sylvie Helfre ·
Stéphanie Bolle · Julie Leseur · Aymeri Huchet · Hervé Rubie · Dominique Valteau-Couanet ·
Gudrun Schleiermacher · Carole Coze · Anne-Sophie Defachelles · Aurélien Marabelle · Stéphane Ducassou ·
Christine Devalck · Virginie Gandemer · Martine Munzer · Anne Laprie · On behalf of the Neuroblastoma study
group and radiotherapy group of the French Society of Children with Cancer (SFCE)
2 A. Ducassou et al.
was 24 Gy at ≤ 2 years, 34 Gy at > 2 years, ± a 5 Gy boost Patienten und Methoden Von 1990–2000 wurden 610 Kin-
in both age groups. der eingeschlossen. Von diesen wurden 35 mit Chemothera-
Results The 22 patients still alive after 5 years were ana- pie, Chirurgie und RT behandelt. Die empfohlene Bestrah-
lyzed. The median follow-up time was 14 years (range lungsdosis war 24 Gy bei ≤ 2 Jahren, 34 Gy bei > 2 Jahren,
5–21 years). Late effects after therapy occurred in 73 % of ± 5-Gy-Boost in beiden Altersgruppen.
patients (16/22), within the RT field for 50 % (11/22). The Ergebnisse Die 22 Langzeitüberlebenden (≥ 5 Jahre) wur-
most frequent in-field effects were musculoskeletal abnor- den analysiert. Die mediane Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug
malities (n = 7) that occurred only with doses > 31 Gy/1.5 Gy 14 Jahre (Spanne 5–21 Jahre). Spätfolgen nach der Therapie
fraction (p = 0.037). Other effects were endocrine in 3 pa- traten in 73 % der Patienten (16/22) auf, davon 50 % im be-
tients and second malignancies in 2 patients. Four patients strahlten Volumen (11/22). Die häufigsten „In-field“-Toxi-
presented with multiple in-field late effects only with doses zitäten waren Muskel- und Skelettstörungen (n = 7), die nur
> 31 Gy. bei Dosen > 31 Gy/1,5 Gy-Fraktion auftraten (p = 0.037).
Conclusion After a median follow-up of 14 years, late ef- Des Weiteren entwickelten 3 Patienten endokrine Effekte
fects with multimodality treatment were frequent. The most und 2 Patienten Zweitmalignome. Gleichzeitige multiple
frequent effects were musculoskeletal abnormalities and the „In-field“-Spätwirkungen traten bei 4 Patienten nur bei Do-
threshold for their occurrence was 31 Gy. sen > 31 Gy auf.
Schlussfolgerung Mit einer medianen Beobachtungszeit
Keywords Late effects · Radiation therapy · von 14 Jahren waren Spätfolgen nach multimodaler Be-
Neoplasms, second primary · Scoliosis · Musculoskeletal handlung häufig. Am häufigsten waren Muskel-Skelett-An-
abnormalities omalien. Die Schwelle für ihr Auftreten lag bei einer Dosis
von 31 Gy.
Long-term side effects of radiotherapy for pediatric localized neuroblastoma 3
However, the survival prognosis for MYCN-amplified to decrease the rate of metastatic relapse and improve OS
(MYCNA) NB is dismal and intensified treatment is now [4].
recommended, including preoperative chemotherapy, sur- The technique was 2D or 3D RT. The clinical target vol-
gery, high-dose chemotherapy (HDC), and radiotherapy ume was the preoperative volume plus a safety margin of
(RT). These treatments can improve OS by 70–80 % [4, 5]. 2 cm (1 cm for a thoracic or cervical tumor), encompass-
RT plays an important role in the local control of NB [6]. ing all areas at risk for microscopic disease as indicated by
RT to the primary is currently delivered in high-risk localized surgical reports and pathological examinations, incorpo-
NB with MYCNA, as well as in most cases of metastatic NB. rating uncertainties of positioning and organ motion, and
Neuroblastoma is, thus, the second most frequent indication including entire adjacent vertebrae. The recommended dose
for RT in pediatric cancer, after brain tumors. Survival is was 24 Gy for children < 2 years old and 34 Gy for those
improving, emphasizing the need for improved knowledge > 2 years. A localized boost of 5 Gy could be delivered to
on the long-term effects of multimodality treatment includ- any site that was deemed to be at particular risk for local
ing RT in this population [7]. Because the median age of failure.
children with NB is < 2 years, these therapies may increase Fractionation was either conventional (1.5–1.8 Gy per
the risk of late adverse effects. The cumulative incidence day, 5 days a week) or hyperfractionated (1 Gy twice a day,
of chronic health conditions is 41.1 % in NB survivors [8]. 5 days a week). Within the dose ranges stated above, deci-
Late effects related to RT are mainly musculoskeletal, neu- sions on final RT dose and fields used for each patient were
rologic, endocrine, and secondary cancers [9]. made on an individual basis and were based on clinical and
From 1990–2000, all children with localized NB were pathological information, such as age at diagnosis, tumor
included in two prospective studies, NB90 and NB94, by location, potential toxicities, lymph node involvement, and
the French Society of Pediatric Oncology (SFOP). Data extent of resection.
were retrospectively analyzed in this population. The aim This study is an unplanned subgroup analysis of the pro-
of our study was to evaluate the late effects of RT in these tocol’s initial design. Medical records of the 35 patients
patients also treated with surgery and chemotherapy. treated with RT were reviewed for information, treatments
received, and survival. Doses delivered to organs at risk
could not be retrieved since the majority of plans were
Patients and methods 2-dimensional. As different doses per fraction were used,
we performed the analysis with both delivered dose and bio-
Treatment logically equivalent dose (BED) with 1.5 Gy/fraction. An
α/β ratio of 3 was selected in order to evaluate the absorbed
Between March 1990 and March 2000, all consecutive dose in bone or soft tissue. The BED with 1.5 Gy/fractions
patients diagnosed with localized NB were registered in the was chosen since it was the most frequent fractionation in
SFOP-Localized Neuroblastoma-90 and -94 studies. A total this cohort and the fractionation now used in the European
of 33 institutions participated in these studies. prospective trials.
The aim of the NB90 study was to evaluate the chemo- Patients were followed-up annually, with a systematic
therapies strategy, i.e., two cycles of carboplatin and VP16, clinical exam and biological exams including blood count,
followed by two cycles of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, renal, and hormonal analysis. Follow-up and informa-
and vincristine (CAdO), before surgery for unresectable tion on late effects were collected until September 2012
NB, as described previously [10]. The same drugs were and obtained from computerized clinical notes from each
administered (1–2 cycles) after surgery when there was center. We recorded and graded according to the Common
residual disease and/or lymph node involvement. The NB94 Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v4.0 (CTCAEv4)
study was a de-escalation trial that included children who all described side effects: musculoskeletal, endocrine, neu-
were < 1 year of age: The children received low-dose cyclo- rologic, vascular, digestive, cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and
phosphamide and vincristine before surgery. There was no second cancers.
chemotherapy after surgery [11]. Musculoskeletal abnormalities (MSAs) were defined as
RT was recommended if there was persistent gross resid- any abnormality, such as spinal curvature (scoliosis, lor-
ual disease at the end of treatment in children aged > 1 year dosis, kyphosis), bony hypoplasia, or muscular hypoplasia
at diagnosis. Patients with MYCNA had a high recurrence on physical examination. In addition, the development of
rate, which was either local or metastatic. Consequently, the malignant neoplasms was included in the analyses.
NB committee recommended additional local RT beginning
in 1992, irrespective of the patient's postoperative status and
age. After 1997, the NB committee also recommended pre-
RT HDC (busulfan: 600 mg/m2 and melphalan: 140 mg/m2)
4 A. Ducassou et al.
Table 1 Detailed characteristics of the 22 patients who survived more than 5-yearsTable 1 Detailed characteristics of the 22 patients who survived more than 5-years
Gender Age at INSS MYC-N Dumbbell/ Tumor site High-dose Radiation BED with Vertebrae Follow-up Late effects: Late effects: other In-field
diagnosis amplifica- laminectomy chemo- dose (Gy) 1.5 Gy/fraction in RT (years) MSA effects
(years) tion therapy (α/β = 3) fields (n) (n)
1 M 1.6 3 No No/No Pelvis No 25.6 21.6 3 17.1 Lymphoedema 0
2 F 16.0 3 No No/No Thorax Yes, at 35 31.11 12 15.0 Hepatitis C 0
3 M 2.1 3 No No/No Abdomen No 24 24 4 4.8 No
4 F 3.8 3 No No/No Pelvis No 36 38.4 1 21.1 Muscular atro- Hypogonadism (gr 3
phy (gr 2) 3), uterine hypo-
plasia (gr 3)
5 F 2.0 3 No No/No Abdomen No 35 31.11 4 21.0 Kyphosis (gr 2
3), Muscular
atrophy (gr 2)
6 F 1.8 3 No No/No Pelvis No 30.6 32.6 6 19.8 Steppage gait, 1
Pilocytic astro-
cytoma, uterine
sarcoma (gr 4)
7 M 0.2 1 Yes No/No Thorax No 24 22.4 5 11.5 Papillary carci- 1
noma (gr 3)
8 F 3.7 3 No Yes/Yes Head and No 35 36.9 8 16.1 Scoliosis (gr Hypoesthesia, 5
neck 3), muscular esophageal
atrophy (gr 2), stenosis (gr 2),
(gr 2), respiratory
failure (gr 3)
Long-term side effects of radiotherapy for pediatric localized neuroblastoma
6 A. Ducassou et al.
roidism occurred after a cervical RT dose of 35 Gy, i.e., uterine hypoplasia, and in an infant after an abdominal RT
36.9 Gy BED. Two cases of hypogonadism occurred: in a dose of 24 Gy in a field that encompassed T12–L4 after
4-year-old girl who had received HDC and 36 Gy (38.4 Gy HDC. The two other endocrine late effects were outside of
BED) to the sacrum for a pelvic tumor and later developed the RT fields: one boy presented with hypogonadism and
Long-term side effects of radiotherapy for pediatric localized neuroblastoma 7
was treated with HDC and RT to the abdomen (35 Gy, i.e., is thus much longer than other studies dedicated to RT late
31.11 Gy BED, included T11–L4 and the flank), and one effects which were concerning metastatic NB [14–16]. We
boy developed growth hormone deficiency after treatment compared our results with previous reports in advanced NB
with HDC and thoraco-abdominal RT. with a majority of RT. Laverdiere et al. [17] reported during
All other late effects are detailed in Table 1 and Fig. 2. a 7-year follow-up that at least one late complication in 95 %
The only renal abnormalities described were 2 cases of of 61 advanced stage NB survivors (79 % stage IV), 89 % of
nephrectomy before RT, without biological defect at follow- them having been treated with RT. Comparable rates (93 %)
up; therefore, renal toxicity was not included in the table of long-term sequelae, half of them being severe, were
of late effects. Because 50 % of the long-term surviving observed with a 4-year median follow-up in 16 long-term
patients had undergone HDC, we performed comparative survivors treated for a stage 4 NB, with RT in 8 [18]. Only
analyses on toxicity with or without HDC. There was no dif- 14 and 12 % of MSAs were respectively observed in these
ference in the incidence of late effects with or without HDC. two cohorts, fewer than in our cohort, because of the fewer
rates of RT, the lower delivered dose (mean doses 21 Gy in
Secondary cancers both) and a much shorter follow-up.
In a large cohort of all stages 954 NB, with 48 % of RT,
Three secondary cancers occurred in 2 patients. One patient, RT of the spine was significantly associated with the devel-
treated for thoracic NB with 22.4 Gy BED at 2 years of age opment of severe scoliosis in comparison with siblings, the
presented with a thyroid papillary carcinoma 10 years after 20-year incidence of MSA being 7.8 % [8].
treatment. The 2D RT fields had included vertebrae T2–T6. Le Cohen et al. [19] also showed an additive effect of
The other patient, treated for pelvic NB with 32.6 Gy BED total body irradiation (TBI) in 51 high-risk NB survivors
at 1 year of age, developed pilocytic astrocytoma 11 years with a 6-year follow-up. Eighty percent had received 12 Gy
after treatment, and then a fatal metastatic uterine sarcoma TBI and 88 % a local RT (10–18 Gy); all had undergone
18 years after treatment. None had received HDC. HDC. With a median follow-up of 6 years, a statistical
decrease in linear growth with TBI was observed. MSAs
(scoliosis) were described in only 6 % of patients but were
Discussion underdiagnosed according to the authors. For instance, TBI
is not used anymore in the European high-risk neuroblas-
The data presented herein pertain to patients treated in two toma SIOPEN clinical trial.
large national prospective clinical studies that included all Complications are also frequent after treatment exclusive
patients with localized NB (n = 610) spanning 10 years. To of RT, for advanced stage NB. In a recent chemotherapy
our knowledge this is the longest follow-up published after clinical trial (ENSG5 trial), at least one effect was observed
radiotherapy for localized NB. Moreover, the methodolo- in 75–80 % of patients, with 15–20 % of severe events, dur-
gies reported (chemotherapy, HDC, and AP/PA RT) are still ing a 12.9-year follow-up. Nevertheless, the effects were
the most common therapies for high-risk localized NB. different, with more renal (14 %), and neurological morbid-
As long-term survival is consistently increasing in these ity (hearing loss in 50 %) due to HDC, but lower rates of
patients, improved understanding of the long-term effects hypothyroidism (2 %) and MSAs (2 %) [20].
of multimodality treatment, including moderate to higher MSAs, the most frequent late effect in our study, occurred
doses of RT, is of tremendous importance. in 50 % of patients who had received doses > 31 Gy, whereas
Late effects occurred in 73 % of the patients in our cohort, no MSAs were found in those who had received < 31 Gy:
within RT fields in 50 % of patients. All patients who experi- this difference was statistically significant. Laminectomy
enced more than 1 late effect had received more than 31 Gy. and RT doses are well-known risk factors for developing
The most frequent effect was MSAs, occurring in 31 % of MSAs, though there has been no consensus on the dose that
patients. causes this effect. It has been shown that asymmetric irra-
Long-term toxicity is very frequent in children treated diation of the spine and RT dose > 30 Gy are risk factors
for a NB with a multimodality treatment including RT. This for causing spinal deformity [21]. Doses between 17.5 and
was described by Oeffinger et al. [13], showing a high fre- 39 Gy have been associated with a 50–60 % incidence of
quency of multiple late effects (38 % with 2 or more late scoliosis, whereas the incidence was < 10 % if RT dose was
events), unaffected by RT dose, in 10,000 survivors of pedi- below 17.5 Gy. Laminectomy and RT dose may play a role
atric tumors with a 17.5-year follow-up, including NB. The in causing spinal defects. Paulino et al. [22] reported that the
question of dose in NB was not addressed specifically. If association of laminectomy and RT was the most frequent
several papers have described late toxicity after NB treat- risk factor for scoliosis. We did not find associations with
ment, our series is the first, to our knowledge, focusing on laminectomy, or of any other factors (age, number of verte-
very late effects after RT for localized NB. Our follow-up brae, HDC) in the present study.
8 A. Ducassou et al.
The endocrine effects, mainly hypothyroidism, are fre- 50 % of these occurred within the RT field. Late MSAs were
quent in NB and are often due to the association of HDC the most frequent events, occurring only after doses > 31 Gy.
and RT [8, 18, 19]. Hypothyroidism is also frequent in other We suggest that the data described in this article can aid
pediatric cancers, since patients treated for Hodgkin disease communication with the patients’ parents and offer addi-
(HD) are 5.5 times more likely to experience hypothyroid- tional information in the discussion of the optimal dose of
ism after 30 Gy [23]. Our results are in concordance with RT in future prospective trials. Our results will require fur-
these previous reports, since the only patient experiencing ther confirmation from larger, ongoing prospective clinical
hypothyroidism in our series was treated for a head and trials.
neck tumor with a dose of 36.9 BED.
Two patients (5.7 %) developed secondary cancers, a rate Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Ursula Nestle for German editing
and Newmed Publishing for English editing assistance.
similar to previously reported rates of 2–6 % [8, 24]. The
secondary cancers that occurred in the RT fields in our cohort
(thyroid neoplasm and sarcoma) are common histological Compliance with ethical guidelines
radiation-induced neoplasms [24, 25]. The delivered doses
were 22.4 and 32.6 Gy. These secondary cancers occurred Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author
states that there are no conflicts of interest.
in very young children 10–20 years after RT, which is con-
cordant with previous studies [26].
The accompanying manuscript does not include studies
Our data are meaningful as the patients described in this
on humans or animals.
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