Reflection NSTP - Orita
Reflection NSTP - Orita
Reflection NSTP - Orita
Name: Hannah Marie Antoniette B. Orita Subject: National Service Training Program 2
Year, Course & Section: BSN 1-I Instructor: Mr. Rene Catalan Lacaba
Reflection Paper: Community Immersion Date: 05-06-23
Individuals can immerse themselves in the communities and people they will be
interacting with through community immersion. They get the chance to consider their
assumptions, attitudes, and professional knowledge base, as well as to develop their
cultural competency. Helping the community is extremely important due to the fact that
it provides me a chance to develop myself and gain a better understanding of how I
would fit in with other people.
As we carry out this plan of action, I was impressed with Mr. Ecija because he
had a great relationship with his neighbors. Strong communities are essential since
they're frequently a significant source of connection and sense of belonging.
Sometimes, in order for us to fit in with other people we need to do their way of living
and need to keep up with them that is why choosing the right community is important.
Being a part of a community that is united by attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations is a
necessary component of living a successful life. But when we were having conversation
with him I still felt bad for him because he has no family here to turn to for support since
his brother lives abroad. I'm delighted that we had the opportunity to help him even in a
small way. Because of this, I am grateful to the school as well as every NSTP instructor
who helped make this event possible. I won't be able to experience this without them.
I've learned through the experience that I had while returning from my community
immersion that not everyone who are college graduates can find a permanent job. It is
because of the unfair treatment. For instance, some people can enter politics despite
lacking a degree or prior expertise in the sector. However, those who have a degree still
need to have a years of experience before they can work or get accepted for a certain
company. But there are also a few of them are successful in finding work, yet with
minimal wages. I sincerely hope that those people who has a authority changes that
system in order to benefit the jobless and have a development in our nation. Even if it
will take years, at least there has been progress. In conclusion, effective community
immersion requires dedication and the readiness to establish long-term relationships
with the residents over an extended period of time.