AmaraChristmasStocking 2
AmaraChristmasStocking 2
AmaraChristmasStocking 2
Hook Size:
Size: I (5.5mm)
The Legal Stuff
Skill Level:
Level: Beginner/Intermediate.
Beginner/Intermediate. There are a couple This pattern and these photos are the sole property of
stitches in this pattern that might be considered Nella’s Cottage, LLC. These patterns are
Intermediate - If you are unsure how to do a certain copyright-protected and cannot be copied
copied or
stitch, YouTube will be your best friend :) reproduced in any way. You are welcome to sell
your finished items from this pattern, however I do ask
Language: English Standard Terms
Language: for a reference for the design, or link to my pattern.
My photos are copyright-protected and may NOT NOT be
used to sell your items.
Yarn - I personally love Caron One Pound, and that
is generally what I use. However with this pattern you
can be as creative as you want.
If you use a bulky 5+ weight yarn, use 1 strand How This Pattern Pack Is Written
tail of the MC is on the inside of the stocking and so
that for round 5, you are crocheting inward, toward
the inside of the stocking. If you hold your work the
opposite way and do not need to flip it inside out,
that is fine. This really only matters at this step, right
before Round 5. The rest of the pattern, just follow as
is, making sure your bobbles are facing outward.
Round 2: 2DC in each stitch around. SS to join. Ch 2, Round 13: Repeat round 8
do not turn (20)
Round 14: Repeat round 9
Round 3: *2DC in first, 1DC in next. Repeat from * all
the way around. SS to join. Ch 2, do not turn. (30) Round 15: Repeat round 10
Round 4: *2DC in first, 1DC in next 2. Repeat from * all Round 16: Repeat round 6
the way around. SS to join. CH 2, do not turn. (40)
NOTE* Depending on how you hold your work, you
may need to flip this inside out. I do. Flip it so that the
Round 17: Repeat round 7. TURN, but do not tie off
unless you’re changing colors here.. Continue to heel
row 1.
Leg Of Stocking
Round 7: *DCFPO, DCBPO - repeat fromm * all the Round 20: HDCBLO in each stitch around. SS to join.
way around. SS to join. CH 1, do not turn. (40) Do not turn (40).
Round 8: HDCBLO in each stitch around. SS to join. Now we will work on the rim of the stocking. If you
Ch 1, TURN (40) are still unclear on how to do this part there is a
short video explaining how to do this in the Nella’s
**NOTE** If you are adding an applique on this VIP Pattern Group on facebook. If you’re not in that
stocking, then for rows 9-18, just (DC in each stitch group, request to join, and then in the Educational
around, SS to join. Ch 2, do not turn (40)). Pick back Videos album, you’ll find the training video.
up on round 19 below. If your applique is bigger than
this “flat” section, just increase the number of rounds CH 16. SC in 2nd from hook and across (15).
of DC around until it fits. Make note that your Round
# will change when you pick back up to the pattern, SS in the next two stitches on the stocking. TURN. Do
and your overall height will change too, as this is not CH 1.
already an oversized stocking.
*SCBLO in each stitch across (15). CH 1 TURN
If you are not adding an applique, then continue to
round 9 below SCBLO in each stitch across (15). SS in next 2 stitches
on stocking. TURN. Do not CH 1.
Round 9: Repeat round 4
Repeat from * all the way around the stocking. When
Round 10: Repeat round 5 you get to the very end, SS the two sides together to
join. Tie off.
Round 11: Repeat round 6
You can fold the rim down like I did, or leave it tall.
Round 12: Repeat round 7
Loop Hook For Hanging
Round 13: Repeat round 8
On the side of the heel, follow the middle seam all
Round 14: Repeat round 4 the way up to the very top (so you’re in the center of
the rim). Go two stitches over to the right and attach
Round 15: Repeat round 5 the yarn, through both sides of the folded over rim.
Then, HDC 5 times evenly (the 3rd HDC should be
Round 16: Repeat round 6 right in the middle of the seam). Then Ch 1, and turn,
and HDC across (5). Repeat that row of HDC across
Round 17: Repeat round 7 until you have 16 rows total. Tie off, leaving a long
tail to stitch that end of the loop to the beginning of
the loop (to make the loop). See pics for details.
Round 18: Repeat round 8