Img 20240111 0002
Img 20240111 0002
Img 20240111 0002
{i} Give the names of these neurones.
s lofdY nel,tfones
(ii) Explain the role of these neurones in the withdrawal reflex of a finger fr*m a
hot objeet"
{/YSt {he seyrsor! ,eu(oYtS ffiffi le-lectS
feturhiny Tl,e {t'nIeln$ rhefr Rece ?fty cetls W l.Pnl$e
yrtq\ v1e*Toher- con€cfs *rrrrffih maroT
h s $Yon 5 thBn lhe nttu-t we h,lohs -yey I ltkf f4e e le o'Y tZ
AXW e@crTfc sienaK ro
6 Neurones tran$mit nerve irnpulses"
axon ternrinal
(a) This neurone is involved in the withdrawal reflex of a finger from a hot object.
The neurone transmits electrical impulses from the central neryous system to the
{l} Draur a circle on the diagram to show the part of the neurone where the
impulses are transferred to the effeeter.
{'t i
iX B motor
c relay
D sens0ry
(iii) Explain the advantage of a withdrawal reflex when a finger touches a hot object.
(b) A teaeher uses this flrethod to estimate the speed of a nerve impulse.
r student A in the eircle starts a timer and at the same tirne squeezes the hand
of student B on hlE left
r when stud*nt S feels his hand being squeezed, he immediately squeezes the
hand of the student on his left
I this proeess continues around the circle of students until student A feels his
hand being squeezed and he stops the tirner
(i) Explain what ather measurements the teacher would need to make in order
to calculate the speed of a nerve impulse.
iii) Describe whether the teacher's method is likely to give an a€.urate estimate
of the speed cf a nerve impulse.
t hZ ftsp w a,l ch
myelin sheath
lmpulse speed
no myelin slreath
f Pee/
Diameter of neurone in pm D t'fhll69
ti) Which conclusion is supported by the graph?
I l;
A A impul*s are always faster in neurones with a myelin sheath
n B neurones always have a myelin sheath
tr e wider neurones have a myelin sheath
n D wider neurones have faster impulses
speed = 2 !Z mpers
{iii} The neurone is 90cm !onq"
Calculate the time taken for an impulse to travel along this neilrone.
Disfavtce + qs 4o
ttne td"Key||
tine2? i=
)Pee)> 2,2 (rO: 40,1 o 9o
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I cn/s
time= 4l.C a/.5 ,
for 6 = 9 marks)
1O l-lumans can rantrol their internal environment"
{a) State the term used to describe the control of an organism's internal environment.
Hg r"eo Sf-^S
(b) Ceordination uses horrnones and nerves.
Describe the strueture and funetioning of the withdrawal reflex of a fing*r from a
hot objeet.
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Changes take place in the skin when a person mover from a warm environment
to a cold environment.
(i) Explain the changes that take place in structure A at a person enters a
cold environment.
€.-vaPaY Me-l
(ii) Explain the changes that take place in structure B as the person enters a
cold environrnent,
7 The skin is an organ involved in temperature regulation.
ra pilla ries
sweat gland
(i) Explain how the skin capillaries regulate body temperature when the body
temperature increases.
w4eu turlat ?lanl5 W1ffi5 Yeleq|e lhrhe, SXtv fwl{acl
NA brain
ilB liver
ile ovary
WB panereas
P loJ,.tqe- eneYgy
(d) The volume and roncentratian of urine produced varies depending on the water csntent
.t ofthe body.
Explain how very warm weather results in a ehange in the coneentration and volume
of theurine