Net Zero
Net Zero
Net Zero
efficient buildings for a sustainable future climatic zones of Morocco (Abdou,
was formed by taking into account the 2021).
physical effects and challenges faced in
Meanwhile, according to Meathhil
the path and location (Saini, 2021)., 2021 clean Zero Energy buildings
According to Lu, 2021 there are two connected to the Photovoltaic power grid
strategies for reward-penalty
help in achieving a net zero energy
mechanisms to promote clean zero balance in Net Zero Energy Buildings
energy buildings, namely building-level-
(NZEB) homes. The results of the NZEB
based strategies and community-based
evaluation will provide insight into cost
strategies. The building-level-based
savings for clean energy consumption by
strategy considers the rate of change in
consumers and reduction of carbon
costs versus the curve at the building footprint using the Differential Evolution
level without energy.
(DE) optimization algorithm. The concept
Buildings are the primary energy of Differential Evolution (DE) is the
consumers contributing to more than demand for electrical energy through an
40%of the energy usage. A Zero Energy effective tool scheduling routine.
Building (ZEB) is a residential or Therefore, this study was conducted with
commercial building with greatly the aim of analyzing the concept of net
reduced energy needs through efficiency zero energy in minimizing energy use in
gains such that the balance of energy a building optimally, through literature
needs can be supplied with renewable studies from journals and articles related
technologies. At the heart of the ZEB to the research subject.
concept is the idea that buildings can
meet all their annual energy 2. METHOD
requirements from low-cost, locally
available, non-polluting, renewable 1. Design for an Energy Efficient
sources. Research conducted in Morocco Building
in achieving zero energy buildings, Elements that should be included
efficiency practices carried out are by are site selection, climate, size, R-value,
combining architectural energy efficiency
ventilation and insulation. Selecting a site
practices and renewable energy for the
location with adequate exposure to the
production of hot water and electricity.
The design features considered in sun is vital to ensure optimal conditions
achieving the zero energy building for energy-efficient materials and
concept are building orientation, window appliances. The type of climate zone
type and Window-to-Wall Ratio, wall you’re building can affect different
and roof insulation, and infiltration rate. variables that contribute to the overall
With the application of this concept, energy level of your home or building.
energy savings of more than 21%, Air, moisture, and amount of daylight
reduction of heating load by 28%, and differ in different climates and have a
cooling activity of 40% in cooling are massive impact on the way you build for
achieved. In addition, 45% of the energy energy efficiency.
load of buildings can be covered instantly
by renewable energy systems in all
3 | International Journal of Regional Planning 1(1) (2021) 1-6
Emissions, and Net Zero Site Energy Net Zero Energy Emissions
(Singh, 2019).
Zero Emissions Building Clean
Net Zero Site Energy Energy is a concept that uses energy
which results in a building free of
Site Energy is based on the equality of
energy and reduces the effect of
energy consumption and income in a
greenhouse gases. Most of the clean
building, regardless of where or how the
energy zero buildings generate their
energy comes from. In a net-zero site
energy again through solar panels and
energy building, it means that if a
other sources of energy within a period
consumer uses one unit of energy, then
of one year.
the site also produces one unit of energy
with renewable resources. The zero net energy consumption
principle is viewed as a means to reduce
Net Zero Source Energy
carbon emissions and reduce
Net zero source energy is the use of dependence on fossil fuels. While the
primary energy sources to extract and initial up-front costs can be higher for a
deliver energy to buildings, including net-zero home, the monthly cost of
energy for the building's electrical living can be lower due to energy
energy generation, transportation, and efficiency improvements and lower
distribution. electricity bills (Fig. 1). But it can have
several benefits like Tax Incentives.
Zero Net Energy Cost
Many tax breaks and incentives exist for
Zero Clean Energy, namely energy those who choose to own a Net Zero
consumed and produced by buildings Energy home.
or consumers alike, i.e. from renewable
1. Superior Insulation Quality.
sources or other processes, with the net
2. Home Orientation.
cost being Net Zero Energy Costs.
3. Energy Bills.
Buildings that still use natural gas for
4. Higher Resale Value.
preparation or cooking choose this
5. Minimizing your Ecological
definition as a way to produce buildings
efficiently and reduce costs.
6. Comfortable Living Space.
7. Budget Flexibility.
5 | International Journal of Regional Planning 1(1) (2021) 1-6
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objective optimization of passive energy efficiency measures for net-zero energy
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Benzaama, M. H., Menhoudj, S., Lekhal, M. C., Mokhtari, A., & Attia, S. (2021). Multi-
objective optimisation of a seasonal solar thermal energy storage system
combined with an earth–Air heat exchanger for net zero energy building. Solar
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IGBC Net Zero Concept.
Lu, Y., Khan, Z. A., Gunduz, H., Wang, C., Imran, M., & Qureshi, I. (2021). Comparison
of two strategies of reward-penalty mechanism for promoting net zero energy
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Madathil, D., Pandi, V. R., Nair, M. G., Jamasb, T., & Thakur, T. (2021). Net Zero
Energy in a Residential Building Using Heuristic Optimization Solution. Journal
of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 32(2), 458-471.
Net Zero Building Wikipedia.
Net Zero Buildings Whole Deign.
Saini, L., Meena, C. S., Raj, B. P., Agarwal, N., & Kumar, A. (2021). Net Zero Energy
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