Reasons For Living Scale Long Form 72 Items
Reasons For Living Scale Long Form 72 Items
Reasons For Living Scale Long Form 72 Items
INSTRUCTIONS: Many people have thought of suicide at least once. Others have never considered it.
Whether you have considered it or not, we are interested in the reasons you would have for not
committing suicide if the thought were to occur to you or if someone were to suggest it to you.
On the following pages are reasons people sometimes give for not committing suicide. We
would like to know how important each of these possible reasons would be to you at this time in your life
as a reason to not kill yourself. Please rate this in the space at the left on each question.
Each reason can be rated from 1 (Not At All Important) to 6 (Extremely Important). If a reason
does not apply to you or if you do not believe the statement is true, then it is not likely important and you
should put a 1. Please use the whole range of choices so as not to rate only at the middle (2, 3, 4, 5) or
only at the extremes (1, 6).
In each space put a number to indicate the importance to you of each reason for not killing
1. Not At All Important (as a reason for not killing myself, or, does not apply to me, I don't
believe this at all).
2. Quite Unimportant
3. Somewhat Unimportant
4. Somewhat Important
5. Quite Important
6. Extremely Important (as a reason for not killing myself, I believe this very much and it is
very important).
Even if you never have or firmly believe you never would seriously consider killing yourself, it is
still important that you rate each reason. In this case, rate on the basis of why killing yourself is not or
would never be an alternative for you.
In each space put a number to indicate the importance to you of each for not killing yourself.
Reasons for Living Scale Copyright 1996 M. M. Linehan page Page 1 of 5 Yellow 06/21/01
NIMH 3 B 1999-2003
_____ 8. I do not believe that things get miserable or hopeless enough that I would rather be dead.
_____ 14. No matter how badly I feel, I know that it will not last.
_____ 16. I love and enjoy my family too much and could not leave them.
_____ 17. I want to experience all that life has to offer and there are many experiences I haven't had
yet which I want to have.
_____ 21. It would not be fair to leave the children for others to take care of.
Reasons for Living Scale Copyright 1996 M. M. Linehan page 2 of 5 Yellow 06/21/01
NIMH 3 B 1999-2003
_____ 30. It would hurt my family too much and I would not want them to suffer.
_____ 32. I believe everything has a way of working out for the best.
_____ 33. I could not decide where, when, and how to do it.
_____ 38. I am afraid of the actual "act" of killing myself (the pain, blood, violence).
_____ 39. I believe killing myself would not really accomplish or solve anything.
_____ 40. I have hope that things will improve and the future will be happier.
_____ 43. I would not want people to think I did not have control over my life.
_____ 48. I would not want my family to think I was selfish or a coward.
Reasons for Living Scale Copyright 1996 M. M. Linehan page 3 of 5 Yellow 06/21/01
NIMH 3 B 1999-2003
_____ 49. I would not be able to see the effect of my death on others.
_____ 52. There are friends I enjoy and love too much to leave.
_____ 55. If I were depressed enough to want to die, I would be too depressed to kill myself.
_____ 58. I have people who love me and who would listen to and understand me.
_____ 59. I see no reason to die and let someone else enjoy the things I worked for.
_____ 69. I would know I probably was not serious and it was just a passing thought.
Reasons for Living Scale Copyright 1996 M. M. Linehan page 4 of 5 Yellow 06/21/01
NIMH 3 B 1999-2003
Reasons for Living Scale Copyright 1996 M. M. Linehan page 5 of 5 Yellow 06/21/01