HCI Compliance

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RFP for Private Cloud

I) Hyper-Converged Node Specifications (20 HCI All Flash Node)

Sl Technical Description Compliance Remarks

No (Yes/No)
1 HCI solution, your offer (Make & Model) Specify
The solution shall provide hyper-converged Provide the publicly
infrastructure that allows delivery of available reference
enterprise-class storage services using link on OEM site for
2 latest x86 server infrastructures without the mentioned
dependence on a separate Storage Area feature
Network & associated component such as
SAN Switches & HBAs.
Bidders should propose 20 nodes (10 nodes NA
at DC & 10 nodes at DR) with each node
having 24 disk slots. Each proposed node
must be configured with 12 x 7.68TB SSD.
Each of the SSD in the proposed node must
be an eMLC SSD or higher SSD. If there is
any dedicated caching disk then the same
must be additional disk apart from the 12
data disks per node. The caching disk must
have 5 DWPD or higher endurance.
The solution should able to support Provide the publicly
different generation of Intel processors in available reference
4 the same cluster for investment protection link on OEM site for
over the life of the proposed solution. the mentioned
Provide the publicly
Each node must be proposed with 2 x available reference
5 Second Generation Intel Xeon Gold 6258R link on OEM site for
@2.70 GHz Processors, 28 Cores and 38.5 the mentioned
MB cache. feature
The nodes should connect over 10G IP NA
connectivity. Minimum 6 x 10G Ethernet
port or 60 Gbps aggregated bandwidth per
node must be proposed.
Each Node must be installed with 2 TB RAM NA
7 with 64 GB or higher DDR4@2933
Node must have Redundant Hot Plug High NA
8 Efficiency Power Supply with maximum 2U
form factor.
9 Redundant Hot Plug High Speed Cooling NA

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RFP for Private Cloud

The solution should deliver zero data loss in Provide the publicly
case of disk, host or network failure. available reference
10 Minimum 1 node failure must be considered link on OEM site for
while configuring the cluster. the mentioned
Provide the publicly
The solution should support checksum of available reference
11 data to ensure data integrity & to enable link on OEM site for
automatic detection and resolution of the mentioned
silent disk errors. feature
The solution should be able to work on Provide the publicly
latest x86 server hardware available from available reference
12 all the leading vendors in the industry and link on OEM site for
should not be restricted to a particular the mentioned
vendor/make/model feature
The proposed solution must deliver NA
13 minimum 1.50 Lac IOPS per node at 8KB
Block size in a 70:30 Read / Write ratio.
Provide the publicly
The HCI solution must be capable of available reference
14 creating instant clones and snaps for all link on OEM site for
data resides on HCI so as not to impact the mentioned
production workloads. feature
The proposed solution must be able to NA
deliver less than 5 milliseconds read / write
15 average latency to the virtual machines
installed with various leading critical
The solution should provide enterprise data Provide the publicly
services such as compression, de- available reference
duplication completely in software without link on OEM site for
dependence on any proprietary hardware. the mentioned
16 These functionalities should be part of the feature
proposed solution and enterprise licensed.
The solution must have these
functionalities to be enabled or disabled as
and when required.
Remote management features, Appliance Provide the publicly
management software capable of providing available reference
role-based security, alerts of critical link on OEM site for
component failure along with power the mentioned
monitoring. Should also provide for feature
controlling Power, Fan management,

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RFP for Private Cloud

Compute node initialization, Resource

discovery and inventory management,
Resource alerts and monitoring
management, Compute node power
management and diagnostics for elements
including I/O options and compute nodes.
The solution must support migration of NA
Virtual machines across multiple disaster
recovery sites, so that key virtual machines
18 can be recovered in times of disaster. All
software licenses for enabling the above
must be part of overall solution.

The proposed HCI solution must support Provide the publicly

proposed hypervisor and private cloud suit available reference
19 in this RFP. link on OEM site for
the mentioned
The proposed HCI nodes should NA
compulsorily managed from a single control
20 plane and movement of virtual machine's
should be seamless and non-disruptive once
the private cloud is extended.
The proposed solution must be capable of Provide the publicly
replicating & moving the virtual machine's available reference
21 across the new nodes at the software link on OEM site for
defined storage level. the mentioned
The proposed solution will run critical Provide the publicly
databases and the HCI cluster must support available reference
22 N+1 redundancy. link on OEM site for
the mentioned
Bidders must propose the HCI nodes with 3 NA
23 years comprehensive onsite warranty and
maintenance for 4th & 5th Year
The proposed HCI solution should have Provide the publicly
enterprise file storage services feature available reference
24 link on OEM site for
the mentioned
The proposed HCI solution must support Provide the publicly
containers such as kubernetes and dockers available reference

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RFP for Private Cloud

link on OEM site for

the mentioned

II) Hyper-Converged Node Specifications (6 HCI Hybrid Node)

Sl Technical Description Compliance Remarks

No (Yes/No)
HCI solution, your offer (Make & NA
The solution shall provide hyper- Provide the publicly
converged infrastructure that allows available reference link
delivery of enterprise-class storage on OEM site for the
services using latest x86 server mentioned feature
infrastructures without dependence
on a separate Storage Area Network &
associated component such as SAN
Switches & HBAs.
Bidders should propose 6 nodes (3 NA
nodes at DC & 3 nodes at DR) with
each node having 16 disk slots. Each
proposed node must be configured
with 4 x 2.4 TB SSD &8 x 2.4TB HDD.
Each of the SSD in the proposed node
must be an eMLC SSD or higher SSD. If
there is any dedicated caching disk
then the same must be additional disk
apart from the 12 data disks per
node. The caching disk must have 5
DWPD or higher endurance.
The solution should able to support Provide the publicly
different generation of Intel available reference link
4 processors in the same cluster for on OEM site for the
investment protection over the life of mentioned feature
the proposed solution.
Each node must be proposed with 2 x Provide the publicly
Second Generation Intel Xeon Gold available reference link
6248R @3.0 GHz Processors, 24 Cores on OEM site for the
and 35.75 MB cache. mentioned feature

The nodes should connect over 10G IP NA

6 connectivity. Minimum 6 x10G
Ethernet port or 60G aggregated

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RFP for Private Cloud

bandwidth per node must be

Each Node must be installed with 768 NA
GB RAM with 64 GB or higher DDR4
7 Module@ 2933 MHz. Sufficient RAM
DIMMs slot must be available for
future upgrade up to 1.5 TB with
same capacity memory module.
Node must have Redundant Hot Plug NA
8 High Efficiency Power Supply with
maximum 2U form factor.
Redundant Hot Plug High Speed NA
Cooling Fans
The solution should deliver zero data Provide the publicly
loss in case of disk, host or network available reference link
10 failure. Minimum 1 node failure must on OEM site for the
be considered while configuring the mentioned feature
The solution should support checksum Provide the publicly
of data to ensure data integrity & to available reference link
enable automatic detection and on OEM site for the
resolution of silent disk errors. mentioned feature
The solution should be able to work Provide the publicly
on latest x86 server hardware available reference link
available from all the leading vendors on OEM site for the
in the industry and should not be mentioned feature
restricted to a particular
The HCI solution must be capable of Provide the publicly
creating instant clones and snaps for available reference link
all data resides on HCI so as not to on OEM site for the
impact production workloads. mentioned feature
The solution should provide Provide the publicly
enterprise data services such as available reference link
compression, de-duplication on OEM site for the
completely in software without mentioned feature
dependence on any proprietary
14 hardware. These functionalities
should be part of the proposed
solution and enterprise licensed. The
solution must have these
functionalities to be enabled or
disabled as and when required.

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RFP for Private Cloud

Remote management features, Provide the publicly

Appliance management software available reference link
capable of providing role-based on OEM site for the
security, alerts of critical component mentioned feature
failure along with power monitoring.
Should also provide for controlling
Power, Fan management, Compute
node initialization, Resource
discovery and inventory management,
Resource alerts and monitoring
management, Compute node power
management and diagnostics for
elements including I/O options and
compute nodes.
The solution must support migration NA
of Virtual machines across multiple
disaster recovery sites, so that key
16 virtual machines can be recovered in
times of disaster. All software
licenses for enabling the above must
be part of overall solution.
The proposed HCI solution must Provide the publicly
support proposed hypervisor and available reference link
private cloud suite in this RFP. on OEM site for the
mentioned feature
The proposed HCI nodes should NA
compulsorily managed from a single
control plane and movement of vm's
should be seamless and non-
disruptive once the private cloud is
The proposed solution must be Provide the publicly
capable of replicating & moving the available reference link
vm's across the new nodes at the on OEM site for the
software defined storage level. mentioned feature
The proposed solution will run critical Provide the publicly
applications and the HCI cluster must available reference link
support N+1 redundancy. on OEM site for the
mentioned feature
Bidders must propose the HCI nodes NA
with 3 years comprehensive onsite
warranty and maintenance for 4th &
5th Year

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RFP for Private Cloud

The proposed HCI solution must Provide the publicly

support containers such as available reference link
kubernetes and dockers on OEM site for the
mentioned feature
The proposed HCI solution should Provide the publicly
have enterprise file storage services available reference link
feature on OEM site for the
mentioned feature

III) Hypervisor & Management Console Software Specifications

Sl. Our Requirement Compliance

No. (Yes/No)
1 Specify your offer (Make and version)
2 The solution shall provide a purpose-built hypervisor
with minimal footprint that installs directly on the bare
metal x86 server
3 The solution shall provide a single console for
management of the platform to conduct activities such
as on-boarding/managing hosts, virtual machines,
storage and networks
4 The solution shall provide the ability to create new
virtual machines from scratch or based on templates
(created from fully configured virtual machines)
5 The solution shall provide support for heterogeneous
guest Operating systems such as Windows (Desktop &
Server OS) and Linux (at least Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu
and CentOS) and Solaris x86
6 The solution shall provide the ability to rapidly on-
board new hosts by automatically deploying reference
configurations including networking settings
7 The solution shall intelligently place and balance
virtual machines on appropriate available storage tier
based on SLA, performance and availability
8 The solution shall provide a convertor to migrate
physical Windows and Linux workloads to virtual
9 The solution shall provide automated live migrations
for initial placement and balancing of available
resources with rules to define affinity and/or anti-
affinity for workloads (e.g. 2 VMs providing availability
for each other should always be placed on different

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10 The solution shall provide the ability to hot-add CPU

and memory and hot-plug disks and NICs (provided the
same is supported by the guest operating system)

11 The solution shall provide the ability to use flash

devices on the host as a 'read & write cache' to
improve performance for read & write sensitive
12 The solution shall provide a framework to deliver
proven 3rd party endpoint security solutions to
eliminate agent footprint from virtual workloads and
offload scanning functions to a security appliance thus
reducing impact of security scans on performance.
13 The solution shall provide built-in replication capability
which will enable efficient array-agnostic replication of
virtual machine data over the LAN or WAN. This
replication should simplify management enabling
replication at the virtual machine level and enabling
RPOs as low as 15 minutes.
14 The solution shall provide configurations at VM level
that can be tuned to help reduce latency. When the
Latency sensitivity is set to high the hypervisor will try
to reduce latency in the virtual machine by reserving
memory, dedicating CPU cores and disabling network
features that are prone to high latency
15 The solution shall provide the ability to expand virtual
disks (boot and non-boot disks) without downtime and
provide options for locating new virtual disks for
existing workloads on different tiers of storage for both
Windows and Linux workloads
16 The solution shall provide I/O prioritization for virtual
workloads to ensure that business critical VMs are not
affected due to congestion by other VMs on the same
17 The solution shall provide a highly-available platform
with built-in clustering capability leveraging both
network & storage communication for cluster
heartbeats. Failure of the management network shall
not result in downtime for the workloads.
18 The solution shall provide zero downtime host patching
with maintenance mode to move running workloads to
other hosts on the platform with a consistent audit
trail of the patching process

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19 The solution shall provide centralized disk-based data

protection (backup/restore) capabilities for the virtual
Windows & Linux workloads with file-level restore and
built-in de-duplication to reduce backup storage
20 The solution shall provide a centralized interface from
which virtual machine access switching for the entire
data center can be configured, monitored and
21 The solution shall support configurations of 802.1q
VLANs which are compatible with standard VLAN
implementations from other vendors
22 Single view of all virtual machines, allow Monitoring of
system availability and performance and automated
notifications with alerts. Monitor and analyze virtual
machines, and server utilization and availability with
detailed performance graphs.
23 Virtualization management software should have
integrated Physical Host and Virtual Machine
performance monitoring.
24 Virtual Machine performance monitoring reports for
performance and utilization of Virtual Machines. It
shall co-exist and integrate with leading systems
management vendors.
25 Virtualization management software should support
user role and permission assignment (RBAC)
26 Management console should reside on existing
virtualized host.
27 Virtualization management software console shall
maintain a record of significant configuration changes
and the administrator who initiated them.
28 Capability to migrate the virtualization infrastructure
to DR site.
29 The solution shall provide integration with the
proposed datacenter automation solution to enable
automated delivery of complete environments
including computer, networking & security.
30 The proposed hypervisor solution must support
containers such askubernetes and dockers deployment.

IV) Software Defined Networking and Security Solution Specifications

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RFP for Private Cloud

Sl No Our Requirement Compliance

1 Specify your offer (Make and Version)
2 The solution should support connectivity to bare metal
servers providing bridging between overlay network
and existing VLAN based network
3 The solution shall provide granular network traffic
telemetry that enables rapid troubleshooting and
incident response. It should also provide traffic
counters for sessions, packets and bytes which will
provide visibility into the virtual network and firewall-
rule creation.
4 The solution shall provide a networking & security
virtualization layer that allows faithful delivery of
network services in software without dependence on
specific make/model of networking devices/appliances
5 The solution should provide a stateful distributed
firewall such that the firewalling for Virtual Machines
can be provided closest to the application within the
server itself without traffic going to a Physical
6 The firewall-rule table of the solution should be
designed for ease of use and automation with
virtualized objects for simple and reliable policy
7 The solution should provide embedded/virtual machine
distributed firewall and should provide near line rate

8 The solution should enable integration of third-party

network and security solutions through open
architecture and standard APIs. The bidder shall
provide a list of ecosystem vendors that integrate with
the framework
9 The solution should provide distributed routing so that
routing between Virtual Machines with different IP
subnets can be done in the logical space without traffic
going out to the physical router thus reducing number
of hops
10 The solution should provide distributed and dynamic
routing capabilities.
11 The solution shall lend itself to network monitoring by
supporting standards protocols (for remote network

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12 The solution shall provide ready integration with the
proposed platform to automate delivery of networking
& security services such as switching, routing and
13 The solution should have the ability for On-demand
network creation and can define routed, NAT or
Private network profiles based on application topology
14 The solution should be capable to provide agentless
guest and network introspection services.
15 The proposed SDN solution must support networking
and security functionality for containers such as
kubernetes and dockers.
16 The proposed solution should be capable to provide
network data flow visibility across containers such as
dockers and kubernetes.
17 The solution should provide a distributed context
aware firewall which provides visibility into the
application layer and should be able to block the
application irrespective of the port it is using. It should
also provide inbuilt FQDN/ URL whitelisting
18 The solution should have integrated distributed IDS
functionality for East-West traffic in order to detect
malicious traffic.
19 The solution should have capability to provide stateful
micro-segmentation for diverse workloads covering
virtual machines, containers and bare metal servers
from a single console.
20 The solution should integrate with Kubernetes to
provide app-deployment automation L4 Objects
(Kubernetes Services)
21 Solution Should implement the Kubernetes APIs i.e.
‘NetworkPolicy’, ‘Ingress’ and ‘Load Balancer’
constructs to support Distributed Firewalling, Pod level
micro-segmentation and access to Service.
22 The solution should provide an integrated networking
solution (CNI implementations) as well as provide
advance turnkey container networking&firewalling
services at Layer 2.
23 The solution should integrate with industry-leading
Solutions for antivirus, malware, intrusion prevention,
and next-gen security services.
24 The solution should provide a stateful firewall with

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capability of defining security policies on constructs

such as IP address, VM names, objects and tags, active
directory groups, Security tags etc.
25 The Security policies must follow the VM in the event
of migration (i.e. vMotion) within the datacenter
26 The SDN solution should be capable of supporting
major hardware OEMs like Juniper, Arista, Cisco, HPE,
27 Provisioning of virtual/software defined network
services should be possible irrespective of make and
topology underlying physical network switches and
28 The solution should offer comprehensive flow
assessment and analytics and security groups and
firewall rules suggestion for the purpose of
implementing a zero trust security within the data-

V) Private Cloud Solution Specifications:

Sl No Our Requirement Compliance

1 Specify your offer (Make and Version)
2 The solution should be able to automate and provision
datacenter services such as compute, storage, networking,
backup, replication, load balancing, security, firewall, etc.
3 The solution shall provide a web-based self-service portal
for IT/Business users to request for services.
4 The solution should provide resource reclamation
functionality which identifies and reclaims inactive and
abandoned resources by automating the decommissioning
and reuse of retired resources. It should also provide
reclamation savings reports which would enable
organizations to quantify its cost savings
5 The solution shall provide automated provisioning of
infrastructure, applications and custom services through a
unified, web-based, multi-tenant self-service IT service
6 The solution shall allow authorized administrators,
developers or business users to request new IT services and
manage specific cloud and IT resources, while ensuring
compliance with business policies

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7 The solution shall support creation of services such as

'Single VM' and a 'Multi-tier application infrastructure
(including software based constructs such as load
balancers)' as part of a standard template
8 The solution shall support multiple levels of approval
integrated with email/SMS notifications such that
approvals/rejections can be done without having to login to
the self-service portal
9 The solution shall support extensibility capabilities to
customize machine configurations and integrating machine
provisioning /management with other enterprise-critical
systems such as load balancers, configuration management
databases (CMDBs), ticketing systems, IP address
management systems, or Domain Name System (DNS)
10 The solution shall extend Day to day operations capabilities
to the requestor of the service (e.g. ability to
start/stop/suspend virtual machines, request additional
resources and access the VM using RDP/SSH protocols)
through the self-service portal based on entitlement
11 The solution shall support granular role-based access
control and entitlements of infrastructure services to
12 The solution shall allow administrators to manage and
reserve (allocate a share of the memory, CPU and storage)
resources for a business group to use
13 The solution should have the ability to provide native
application isolation and on-demand creation of security
groups based on existing security policies.
14 The solution shall provide an orchestration engine with
ready workflows and ability to create custom workflows
based on SOAP, REST operations and PowerShell scripts
15 The solution should be able to define multiple tenants
which would enable the administrators to create a secure
multitenant infrastructure wherein within a Tenant
different business groups can have resources, service levels
and automation processes that uniquely meet that group’s
16 The Solution should provide Infrastructure as a Service
support for multi hypervisor environment.
17 The solution should have the ability to create custom
workflows to automate the delivery of anything as a service
- XaaS (for example Email, Storage as a Service, Network as
a Service, Backup as a Service etc.)

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18 The solution should have a Unified graphical canvas for

designing machines, software components and application
stacks with the ability to extend or define external
integrations in the canvas through XaaS
19 The solution should have the capability to publish and
share software components across business groups.
20 The solution shall integrate with Active Directory (AD) and
Open LDAP to allow importing existing users and groups in
addition to creation of local users in the cloud portal.
21 The solution should have the ability to allocate the storage
to the VM from various storage containers or datastores as
per user’s requirement as and when required.
22 The proposed Private Cloud solution must support
containers such as kubernetes and dockers .
23 The proposed cloud solution must have dedicated log
management solution. It should allow connecting to data-
center ecosystem components e.g. operating systems,
applications, servers, storage arrays, firewalls, network
devices, etc. providing a single location to collect, store,
and analyze logs at scale
24 The log management solution should be able to add all
types of structured and unstructured log data, enabling
administrators to troubleshoot quickly, without needing to
know the data before hand.
25 The log management solution should provide intelligent log
analytics to be able to bring unstructured and structured
data together, for enhanced end-to-end operations
26 The log management solution should be able to collect and
analyze all types of machine-generated log data, for
example, network traces, configuration files, messages,
performance data, system state dumps, and more.

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