HCI Compliance
HCI Compliance
HCI Compliance
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RFP for Private Cloud
The solution should deliver zero data loss in Provide the publicly
case of disk, host or network failure. available reference
10 Minimum 1 node failure must be considered link on OEM site for
while configuring the cluster. the mentioned
Provide the publicly
The solution should support checksum of available reference
11 data to ensure data integrity & to enable link on OEM site for
automatic detection and resolution of the mentioned
silent disk errors. feature
The solution should be able to work on Provide the publicly
latest x86 server hardware available from available reference
12 all the leading vendors in the industry and link on OEM site for
should not be restricted to a particular the mentioned
vendor/make/model feature
The proposed solution must deliver NA
13 minimum 1.50 Lac IOPS per node at 8KB
Block size in a 70:30 Read / Write ratio.
Provide the publicly
The HCI solution must be capable of available reference
14 creating instant clones and snaps for all link on OEM site for
data resides on HCI so as not to impact the mentioned
production workloads. feature
The proposed solution must be able to NA
deliver less than 5 milliseconds read / write
15 average latency to the virtual machines
installed with various leading critical
The solution should provide enterprise data Provide the publicly
services such as compression, de- available reference
duplication completely in software without link on OEM site for
dependence on any proprietary hardware. the mentioned
16 These functionalities should be part of the feature
proposed solution and enterprise licensed.
The solution must have these
functionalities to be enabled or disabled as
and when required.
Remote management features, Appliance Provide the publicly
management software capable of providing available reference
role-based security, alerts of critical link on OEM site for
component failure along with power the mentioned
monitoring. Should also provide for feature
controlling Power, Fan management,
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
12 The solution shall provide ready integration with the
proposed platform to automate delivery of networking
& security services such as switching, routing and
13 The solution should have the ability for On-demand
network creation and can define routed, NAT or
Private network profiles based on application topology
14 The solution should be capable to provide agentless
guest and network introspection services.
15 The proposed SDN solution must support networking
and security functionality for containers such as
kubernetes and dockers.
16 The proposed solution should be capable to provide
network data flow visibility across containers such as
dockers and kubernetes.
17 The solution should provide a distributed context
aware firewall which provides visibility into the
application layer and should be able to block the
application irrespective of the port it is using. It should
also provide inbuilt FQDN/ URL whitelisting
18 The solution should have integrated distributed IDS
functionality for East-West traffic in order to detect
malicious traffic.
19 The solution should have capability to provide stateful
micro-segmentation for diverse workloads covering
virtual machines, containers and bare metal servers
from a single console.
20 The solution should integrate with Kubernetes to
provide app-deployment automation L4 Objects
(Kubernetes Services)
21 Solution Should implement the Kubernetes APIs i.e.
‘NetworkPolicy’, ‘Ingress’ and ‘Load Balancer’
constructs to support Distributed Firewalling, Pod level
micro-segmentation and access to Service.
22 The solution should provide an integrated networking
solution (CNI implementations) as well as provide
advance turnkey container networking&firewalling
services at Layer 2.
23 The solution should integrate with industry-leading
Solutions for antivirus, malware, intrusion prevention,
and next-gen security services.
24 The solution should provide a stateful firewall with
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RFP for Private Cloud
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RFP for Private Cloud
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