Study of The Interior of The Earth Is Done by Geologist
Study of The Interior of The Earth Is Done by Geologist
Study of The Interior of The Earth Is Done by Geologist
temperature inside the earth increase with the increase in depth. Temperature at centre is about 5000°C. So it is
not possible to access at interior of the earth.
Earth behaves like a solid body up to 2900 km from the surface
1. Av R= 3500 Km
2. Av Density- 5g to 13g /CC
3. Made up of heavy material like Nickle and Iron (also called- Nife – Ni +Fe)
4. Temperature - 2200°C to 5000°C
They are Igneous or sedimentary rocks which have been changed due to excessive heat and pressure inside the
earth. (excessive heat and pressure Change the original properties like colour, hardness, texture and mineral
Metamorphisms take hundreds of years
Remain in their original position after changes.
Very hard have high specific gravity
Don't have any empty space in them.
Example: -
Limestone to Marble
Shell to Slate
Granite to Gneiss
Sandstone to Quartzite.
Use of Rocks-
Rock cycle
The change of one type of rock into another in a cyclic manner is known as rock cycle.
Rock fragments when transported and deposited in basins, form sedimentary rocks
Leftover Igneous and newly formed sedimentary rocks changed into metamorphic rock due to excessive heat and pressure
inside the earth
Sedimentary and Metamorphic rock buried, and it again melt to form magma