Notes For Lessons 34
Notes For Lessons 34
Notes For Lessons 34
The Earth’s internal heat comes from primordial heat and radioactive heat. PRIMORDIAL HEAT
refers to the leftover heat from the formation of our planet. This heat was generated by collisions of large
and small particles that created the Earth and the redistribution of material within Earth by gravitational
forces (e.g., sinking of iron to form the core). RADIOACTIVE HEAT comes from the spontaneous
radioactive decay of uranium-235 (235U), uranium-238 (238U), potassium-40 (40K),
and thorium-232 (232Th). These unstable isotopes are both found in the crust and
mantle and release energy when they decay.
Studies of the Earth’s interior indicate that the heat from the core is being
brought near the surface through convection in the mantle. The convection of the
mantle is a product of the transfer of heat from the core to the lower mantle.
Through convection, hotter mantle rock rises to an area of lower pressure. Areas of lower pressure
always have a lower melting point than areas of high pressure. This reduction in overlying pressure
enables the rock to melt and form magma. In general, magma begins to rise because it is less dense than
the surrounding solid rocks. It can push through holes or cracks in the crust, causing a volcanic eruption.
1|P age
Lesson 2 – MAGMATISM
Tectonic plates are composed of the Earth’s crust and the uppermost, rigid portion of the mantle. There
are two types of plates - oceanic and continental. Motion between these plates can be divergent,
convergent, or transform and may generate magma.
MAGMA is extremely hot liquid rock located under the Earth’s surface.
LAVA is the magma that flows or erupts onto the Earth’s surface.
PARTIAL MELTING happens when only some parts of a rock melt. It takes place because rocks are not
pure materials.
➢ HOTSPOTS are hot areas inside the Earth made by rising hot materials from deep within
the mantle.
➢ SUBDUCTION ZONES are formed when the collision of tectonic plates pushes an
oceanic plate under another plate.
2|P age
METAMORPHISM means "change in form” when metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of
existing rock types. It is the change of minerals or geologic texture in pre-existing rocks, without the
protolith melting into liquid magma.
Kinds of metamorphism:
• BURIAL METAMORPHISM occurs when sediments are buried deeply enough that the heat and
pressure cause minerals to begin to recrystallize and new minerals to grow but does not leave the
rock with a foliated appearance.
• REGIONAL METAMORPHISM refers to large-scale
metamorphism, such as what happens to continental
crust along convergent tectonic margins (where plates
METAMORPHIC ROCKS make up a large part of the Earth's crust and form 12% of the Earth's land surface.
They may be formed simply by being deep beneath the Earth's surface, subjected to high temperatures and
the great pressure of the rock layers above it. Some examples of metamorphic rocks: Gneiss, Slate, Marble,
Schist, and Quartzite.
IGNEOUS ROCK got its name from a Latin word “ignis” which means fire. The parent material of igneous
rocks is usually magma, a molten material from deep within the Earth that cools and hardens. Two things
to consider in naming igneous rocks:
a. TEXTURE refers to the general appearance of an igneous rock. The texture of an igneous rock is
strongly affected by the rate of cooling of the magma that results in the formation of crystals.
b. COMPOSITION refers to the elements in the magma that directly affect the kind of mineral that is
formed when the magma cools.
3|P age
Types of igneous rocks:
➢ Igneous Intrusive or Plutonic Igneous Rock refers to those magma that rise and flow into the
cracks in the crust but do not reach the surface, instead they harden deep inside the crust. Examples
1. Granite is one of the most important rocks in the crust. It is also the most common rock type. It
is a light-colored and coarse-grained rock.
2. Gabbro is dark-colored igneous rock oftentimes called “black granite”. The dark color is due to a
higher content of iron and the magnesium but with a lower content of quartz.
➢ Igneous Extrusive also known as Volcanic Igneous Rock refers to those magma that reach the
surface or erupt onto the surface from volcanoes. Examples are:
1. Basalt as a specific rock is usually dark-colored, hard, fine-grained and with high specific gravity.
This is due to the high content of iron and magnesium and some feldspar.
2. Obsidian that is formed from lava is also dark-colored but glassy, meaning it has no crystal.
During early times, these rocks were used for weapons and tools was by shaping them into pointed
and sharp-edged objects.
3. Pumice is characterized by the presence of many air holes. This is because gas bubbles are
trapped in the rock during the cooling process leaving tiny bubbles.
4. Scoria is formed in the same manner as pumice, but it has larger holes and is much denser and
4|P age