Wang 2017
Wang 2017
Wang 2017
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The objective is to establish a comprehensive paving performance index (PPI) for quantifying the cost-
Received 27 March 2017 effectiveness of modified asphalt binders. Eight modified binders were characterized using a suite of
Received in revised form 18 June 2017 mechanical tests for the rutting, fatigue, yield, and recovery properties. The current specification param-
Accepted 19 July 2017
eter for each test was evaluated to establish the individual performance index (IPI). The developed PPI
considered contributions from all IPIs and was found to correlate reasonably well with cost via a linear
function, except for the crumb rubber (CR) modified binder. By evaluating the binder performance per
unit price, CR was identified as the most cost-effective modifier.
Modified asphalt
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Yield resistance
Elastic recovery
Cost effectiveness
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
696 C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 695–703
biomass have been recently investigated for sustainable asphalt 2. Materials and testing
pavement technology [9–11]. In summary, various modified
2.1. Materials
asphalt binders have been verified for improved paving perfor-
mance in both laboratory and field. However, it should be noted In this study, a total of eight modified asphalt binders were evaluated, which
that the asphalt pavement infrastructure is becoming increasingly covered two typical SBS binders, HV binder, SBS + HV compound modified binders,
costly in terms of construction and maintenance during service life CR modified binder, and two different HMABs. Details of the various modifiers are
summarized in Table 1. All these modified binder materials are frequently applied
due to asphalt modification. Therefore, in practice there is an
to heavily trafficked pavement structures and/or extreme climate conditions in
urgent need to comprehensively quantify the performance China. The material cost of each binder is also given in Table 1. The prices of SBS
improvement achieved by asphalt modification and to optimize binders and CR binder are directly provided by the material producer. The costs
material selection by incorporating the cost-effectiveness analysis. of HV, two SBS + HV and HMABs binders are calculated using the unit prices of
A significant amount of research has been conducted to develop the base binders and modifiers. The final costs of all modified binders are utilized
to analyze the cost-effectiveness of binders later.
a performance related purchase specification for asphalt binder.
During the United States Strategic Highway Research Program
(SHRP), a series of rheological test procedures were proposed to 2.2. Testing methods
determine the performance grade (PG) of asphalt binder with the
The modified asphalt binders were subjected to a short-term aging condition in
use of dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) and bending beam rheome-
the conventional rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) test (AASHTO T 240) to simulate the
ter (BBR) [12]. However, the SHRP specification parameters are asphalt aging process during mixture production and pavement construction [30].
measured within the linear viscoelastic (LVE) domain of asphalt All RTFO-aged binders were tested using an Anton Paar MCR 302 Rheometer, which
binder, and thus no damage related material characteristics were is capable of all the rheological tests conducted in rotational and oscillatory modes.
accounted for in distinguishing the binder performance. Besides, The modularity of the system allows the integration of a wide range of temperature
devices and application-specific accessories. The standard 25-mm parallel plates
the SHRP study was mainly conducted with neat (unmodified) with 1-mm gap and 8-mm parallel plates with 2-mm gap configurations were
asphalt materials. These existing limitations were addressed in employed respectively for the high and intermediate temperature performance
the subsequent NCHRP Project 9–11 which focused on modifica- testing.
tions to the SHRP binder specification in order to accommodate
modified binders. Several new damage-based testing approaches
2.2.1. Multiple stress creep recovery (MSCR) test
for rutting and fatigue resistance were explored and developed, Each cycle in the MSCR test consists of a creep load of 1-s duration followed by
based on which the role of modified binder in rheology and dam- 9-s recovery with zero load. The load profile consists of ten creep-recovery cycles
age resistance behavior of asphalt mixtures were more clearly under the creep stress of 0.1 kPa immediately followed by another ten creep-
recovery cycles with an increased creep stress level of 3.2 kPa [16]. The total testing
observed [13,14]. However, these new test procedures from the
time is 200 s. A typical strain history from the MSCR test with the SBS-R binder is
NCHRP 9–11 study were time-consuming and experimentally given in Fig. 1.
intense, and thus finally were not implemented for binder The performance indicators of the MSCR test are percent recovery (R) and non-
specification. recoverable compliance (Jnr). For a given creep-recovery cycle, R and Jnr are calcu-
In recent years, a continuing effort is being made to improve the lated according to Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively:
Table 1
Summary of tested asphalt binders.
Fig. 2. Typical LAS test results of the SBS-R binder (a) dynamic modulus mastercurve (b) damage characteristic curve (c) failure criterion (d) fatigue life prediction.
Fig. 3. Typical BYET result of the SBS-R binder. Fig. 4. Typical DSR-ER test result of the SBS-R binder.
3.2. Fatigue resistance index (FRI) in this study demonstrated better fatigue resistance than the linear
SBS modifier, which is probably due to the better cross-linked net-
Applying the LAS-based fatigue modeling approach, the control- work of polymer structure for the radial modifier [15]. Addition-
strain fatigue life of all modified binders were simulated and the ally, Wang et al. [22] previously demonstrated better fatigue
results are compared in Fig. 6. It can be observed that CR binder resistance of CR binder than SBS binder from the FHWA-ALF mate-
exhibited the best fatigue resistance, followed by compound SBS rials using the LAS testing approach, which is also consistent with
+ HV binders, SBS binders, HV and RA-HMAB binder. The PR- the LAS analysis results in this study.
HMAB binder showed the lowest fatigue resistance. It is also noted The predicted 3%Nf was employed as the performance indicator
that increasing the HV content from 5% to 8% into the SBS-R binder for fatigue resistance. As given in Table 4, the 3%Nf of the CR binder
improved the fatigue performance. Besides, the radial SBS modifier
C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 695–703 699
Fig. 5. MSCR test results: (a) time histories of strain responses, (b) percent recovery (R), (c) non-recoverable compliance (Jnr), and (d) relationship between Jnr3.2 and R3.2.
700 C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 695–703
Table 3
MSCR test results and RRI.
Asphalt Binder Jnr3.2 (kPa1) 1/Jnr3.2 (kPa) Reference 1/Jnr3.2 (kPa) RRI
SBS-R 0.134 7.46 26.84 27.8
SBS-L 0.114 8.79 32.7
HV 0.136 7.34 27.3
SBS-R + 5%HV 0.090 11.06 41.2
SBS-R + 8%HV 0.060 16.77 62.5
CR 0.046 21.79 81.2
RA-HMAB 0.054 18.66 69.5
PR-HMAB 0.037 26.84 100.0
Table 5
BYET test results and YRI.
Table 4
LAS-based fatigue prediction results and FRI.
Fig. 10. Relationship between binder costs and IPI (a) RRI (b) FRI (c) YRI (d) ERI.
702 C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 695–703
Fig. 11. Relationship between binder cost and PPI using various weight percentages: (a) Case A, (b) Case B, (c) Case C, and (d) Case D.
(1) The two HMABs presented the best rutting resistance but
relatively poor performance in the other respects. The CR
modified binder demonstrated the highest fatigue resistance
among all binders.
(2) The modifiers used in this study for SBS, HV and CR binders
were identified as acceptable elastomeric polymers, and
increase in the HV content in SBS binder increased the rut-
ting, fatigue, and elastic recovery performance.
(3) The laboratory measured performance indicators were con-
verted into a centesimal score of IPI based on a two-step
analysis approach. These IPIs failed to correlate with the
Fig. 12. P/C comparison for the tested modified asphalt binders under various prices of the modified binders.
percent weights. (4) Under various assignments of weight percentages, a reason-
able linear relationship was observed between PPI and bin-
der costs when the CR binder was excluded, which
the LCCA study conducted by U.S. FHWA [4], and is due to the fact suggests that a comprehensive consideration of multiple
that rubber is normally recycled from used automotive tires. performance indices is required to assess the cost-
effectiveness of asphalt modification.
5. Summary and conclusions (5) The ratio of binder PPI to cost, P/C, represents the perfor-
mance achieved for a unit price. It was found that the aver-
This paper presented the development of a comprehensive PPI aged P/C value of the seven modified binders other than the
system for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of modified asphalt CR binder was fairly consistent, approximately 0.09,
binders. Materials involved in the experimental study included whereas the CR binder exhibited a higher averaged P/C of
SBS, HV, compound SBS + HV, CR binders and HMABs. A suite of
performance tests were performed, including MSCR, LAS, BYET,
C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 695–703 703
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Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 8174059) are also [21] C. Hintz, H. Bahia, Simplification of linear amplitude sweep test and
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[22] C. Wang, C. Castorena, J. Zhang, Y.R. Kim, Unified failure criterion for asphalt
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