International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
Keywords: Performance of the waterproofing adhesive layer played a critical role for governing duration of bridge deck
Waterproofing adhesive layer paving system due to harsh service conditions. To develop a new type of modified bitumen suitable for the layer
Composite modified bitumen (CMB) between bridge deck and overlaid asphalt, this study investigated the performance of composite modified
Desulfurized crumb rubber (DCR)
bitumen (CMB) integrated with desulfurized crumb rubber (DCR) and SBS modifier. The influence of DCR and
SBS modifier
Bonding strength
SBS additive on rheological behavior, high-temperature performance, low-temperature cracking resistance, and
adhesive performance of CMB was investigated by adopting various experimental tests, which including pene-
tration, ductility, softening point, Brookfield viscosity, dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), bending beam rheometer
(BBR), and bonding strength. The high-temperature stiffness and low-temperature flexibility of CMB was
improved after composite modification, which in turn contributed to the shear and cracking resistance. The black
diagram indicated that the formation of polymer network in the CMB improved the viscous flow resistance and
maintained elastic response at high in-service temperature. The bonding strength and moisture stability of the
composite bitumen-concrete interface were enhanced, with the properties exceeded the commercial SBS modi-
fied bitumen. The CMB binders R18S2 and R18S3 presented good performance and can be used for water-
proofing adhesive layer as a substitute of the commercial SBS modified bitumen.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Zhang), (W. Cao), (W. Li), (S. Lou),
(W. Zhang), (Z. Hou).
Received 17 October 2023; Received in revised form 17 July 2024; Accepted 23 July 2024
Available online 25 July 2024
0143-7496/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.
J. Zhang et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 134 (2024) 103802
investigated. It had been revealed that the irregular rough interface can the viscoelasticity and cracking resistance of bitumen. When the SBS
contribute to form interlayer with high shear resistance. The frequently modifier admixture exceeded 1 %, a network structure can be formed in
acceleration and brake of vehicles induce high shear stress and this is the bitumen structure and its performance was improved obviously
more susceptible to lead interlayer shear failure. In addition, high ser- [17]. To further understand the formation of polymer network as well as
vice temperature reduces the shear strength of interlayer which in turn the hybrid effect of SBS modifier and rubber powder, it would be
accelerates the shear failure. Guo et al. [8] evaluated the water important to systematically evaluate the optimization and performance
permeability, shear strength and extensional strength of different of the composite modified bitumen synthesized with crumb rubber
waterproof bonding materials. The results indicated that all waterproof powder and SBS modifier.
bonding materials had temperature sensitivity and their shear strength Inspired by previous researches, the main aim of this research was to
as well as tensile strength decreased when temperature elevated. Based investigate the influence of SBS/crumb rubber on the performance of
on comparison, the SBS modified bitumen presented better shear resis- CMB and characterize its possibility to be used as waterproofing adhe-
tance than other materials. Fang et al. [9] evaluated the shear resistance sive layer between bridge deck and asphalt overlayed surface. Perfor-
and fatigue life of different waterproof adhesive products by using direct mance of the developed CMB was evaluated by using Softening point
shear test and shear fatigue test. The influence of disposal schemes, test, Penetration test, Ductility test, Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
material selection, spreading approaches and material dosage on the test, and Bending-Beam Rheometer (BBR) test. In addition, the tensile
mechanical performance of waterproof cohesive layers were character- strength and moisture resistance of the bitumen-concrete interface was
ized with the fatigue prediction equation was finally established. Sun evaluated by using bonding strength test.
et al. [10] investigated the mechanical behavior of epoxy asphalt ad-
hesive (EAA) as the waterproof-bonding layer of the orthotropic steel 2. Materials and experimental methods
bridge decks. With respect to improve the properties of the EAA, atta-
pulgite clay was employed as a type of nano-filler and incorporated into 2.1. Materials
EAA. It is demonstrated that the incorporation of attapulgite enhanced
the tensile strength, modulus and adhesive behavior of EAA. Xu et al. The base bitumen (BA) used in this study was a type of heavy-duty
[11] investigated the influence of several critical factors on the adhesive road bitumen with a penetration grade of Pen 60/80, which was pro-
behavior of waterproofing adhesive layer (WAL) by using experimental duced by one Road Material Technology Co, Shandong, China. The
tests and finite-element (FE) modeling method. The results indicated commercial SBS modified bitumen (5 % SBS) selected as the control was
that the adhesive strength of WAL significantly influenced by the also produced by the same company. The DCR was a type of lightly
compaction temperature, environmental temperature, surface rough- pyrolyzed tire rubber obtained by twin-screw extruder at 220 ◦ C and
ness and overlay thickness. followed by mechanical disruption to obtain particle size of 40 mesh.
In order to achieve strong bonding between bridge deck and asphalt The SBS modifier was a type of linear SBS that was supplied by Sinopec,
layer, the methacrylate-based adhesive (MMA) was also used for pro- China. The basic performance of base bitumen and the SBS modified
duce waterproof adhesive layer (WAL). The n-butyl acrylate (nBA) was bitumen are listed in Table 1.
incorporated by using emulsion polymerization to overcome the brit-
tleness of MMA. This modification method improved the adhesion be- 2.2. Preparation of CMB
tween steel plate and asphalt surface. Molecular dynamics (MD)
simulation revealed that the van der Waals force experienced obvious In order to obtain the optimal proportion of CMB, the influences of
increase after nBA modification and this was the main reason for the both modifier dosages of SBS and DCR on the bitumen performance were
enhancement of adhesion [5]. To prevent the reflective cracks of asphalt investigated. The SBS dosage selected by mass to the base bitumen was
pavement caused by the negative bending moments of continuous beam 1 %, 2 %, 3 %, respectively and the DCR powder was 12 %, 15 %, 18 %,
bridge, a type of composite stress absorbing layer (CSAL) incorporating respectively. In this study, an external addition method was adopted and
geotextile and asphalt gravel seal, was developed [3]. Experimental the material mix designs are listed in Table 2.
results indicated that the CSAL was able to improve the cracking resis- By preparing CMB, the base bitumen was first packed in a bucket and
tance of bridge deck pavement by more than 5 times at low service kept at a constant temperature of 170 ◦ C in an oven for 1 h. The DCR and
temperatures. Moreover, its cracking resistance at a large deformation SBS modifier with predetermined dosages were then incorporated into
amplitude (2 mm) was also better than that of the asphalt rubber the hot bitumen with thoroughly mixing, and followed by 1 h condition
stress-absorbing membrane interlayer (ARSAMI). at 170 ◦ C. With respect to reduce the particle size of modifier to obtain
As abovementioned, the waterproofing adhesive layer played an CMB with homogeneous mixing, the high-speed shearing equipment
important role in the service properties of oveylaid asphalt mixtures. was employed at a shearing speed of 5000 rpm for 1 h, and the tem-
The commonly used SBS and rubber modified bitumen seem to hardly perature controlled at 180–190 ◦ C. Finally, the prepared CMB was
meet sufficient bonding durability. To effectively utilize complementary placed in an oven at 170 ◦ C for another 1 h to swell [18].
benefits of SBS additive and crumb rubber, a concept of SBS/crumb
rubber composite modified bitumen has been put forward by some re-
searches [12]. An economic analysis of SBS/crumb rubber composite
modified bitumen indicated that this type of modified bitumen not only Table 1
had better performance, but also had lower cost, which was of a great Conventional performance of base bitumen and SBS modified bitumen.
practical potential [13,14]. The rheological behavior, thermal-oxidative Technical index Base SBS modified Test
aging behavior and storage stability of SBS/rubber powder composite bitumen bitumen methoda
modified bitumen, were tested and the swelling mechanism and swelling 25 ◦ C Penetration/0.1 mm 60.3 58 T0604-
kinetics of waste rubber in the modified bitumen was analyzed [15]. A 2011
low dosage of rubber powder can effectively mitigate the problem of Ductility/cm > 100 30.7 (5 ◦ C) T0605-
(15 ◦ C) 2011
high viscosity and segregation of SBS/waste rubber powder in the Softening point/◦ C 45.1 80.2 T0606-
composite modified bitumen. Improvement of this type of composite 2011
modified bitumen can be also done by the furfural extracted oil, which 135 ◦ C Brookfield viscosity/ 0.52 2.50 T0625-
has a good swelling effect on the rubber powder, and it can increase the Pa⋅s 2011
ductility of SBS/rubber powder composite modified bitumen [16]. Liang a
Test methods were specified in Standard Test Methods of Bitumen and
et al. proposed that the SBS modifier and rubber particles can enhance Bituminous Mixtures for Highway Engineering (China).
J. Zhang et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 134 (2024) 103802
J. Zhang et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 134 (2024) 103802
Fig. 3. Ductility of composite modified binders. Fig. 4. Softening point of composite modified binders.
J. Zhang et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 134 (2024) 103802
Table 3
Viscosity versus temperature analysis of composite modified binders.
Sample ID Regression equation R2 VTS
J. Zhang et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 134 (2024) 103802
and DCR are dispersed in the bitumen and restricts the flow of it. The Table 4
DCR has a certain elasticity, which enhances the resistance to permanent Fitting results of the rutting parameter VS temperature of CMB binders.
deformation of the CMB. At the temperature below 64 ◦ C, the elasticity Sample ID Fitting data
recovery of each CMB was higher than that of the control. As the tem-
Equation A B R2
perature exceeded 64 ◦ C, the elasticity recovery properties of two
− 0.112x
composite modified binders, R18S2 and R18S3, were nearly equivalent R12 y = 9324.6e 9324.6 − 0.112 0.9985
R12S1 y = 12826e− 0.109x 12826 0.109 0.9989
to that of the control.
R12S2 y = 11501e− 0.104x 11501 − 0.104 0.9994
R12S3 y = 9558.5e− 0.098x 9558.5 − 0.098 0.9994
3.5.3. Rutting parameter of CMB R15 y = 6712.2e− 0.103x 6712.2 − 0.103 0.9988
Rutting parameter can be calculated by G*/sinδ, which is an indi- R15S1 y = 10833e− 0.104x 10833 − 0.104 0.999
R15S2 y = 11081e− 0.102x 11081 0.102 0.9991
cator of high temperature performance of related asphalt pavement. The −
R15S3 y = 9865.7e− 0.098x 9865.7 − 0.098 0.9993
higher rutting parameter indicating stronger rutting resistance of the R18 y = 5313.1e− 0.096x 5313.1 − 0.096 0.9985
related pavement at high temperature. As shown in Fig. 8, the rutting R18S1 y = 9205.8e− 0.1x 9205.8 − 0.1 0.9992
parameter of each CMB decreased gradually with the increase of tem- R18S2 y = 7573.6e− 0.094x 7573.6 − 0.094 0.9993
perature. Among them, the base bitumen had the smallest rutting R18S3 y = 8253.1e− 0.093x 8253.1 − 0.093 0.9996
BA y = 16084e− 0.131x 16084 0.131 0.9988
parameter than that of other modified binders. Compared with the
SBS y = 5909.4e− 0.095x 5909.4 − 0.095 0.9994
control, five composite modified binders, R12S3, R15S3, R18S1, R18S2,
R18S3, showed greater rutting parameters, indicating their better tem-
perature stability. Among them, the high temperature stability of R18S2 3.5.4. Black diagrams
was equivalent to that of the control basically, and the best high tem- Black diagrams are plotted by using the value of complex modulus
perature stability belongs to R18S3. versus phase angle and employed as a indicator of thermo-rheological
The development of rutting parameter with the change of tempera- simple and complex materials [23]. The black diagrams for the CMB
ture was used to characterize the temperature stability of modified are presented in Fig. 9. The phase angle of base bitumen reduced
binders. The change of rutting parameter with temperature can be gradually with the decrease of complex modulus, indicating
expressed by the following equation: thermo-rheological simplicity of this binder. By only adding DCR, the
/ increase of DCR dosage produced an increase in the elastic response with
G∗ sin δ = AeBT (1) the phase angle declining at the same level of complex modulus. It was
noticed that the black diagrams of DCR modified binder cannot seen
Where, G*/sinδ is the rutting parameter, KPa; T is the temperature, ◦ C;
obvious plateau region and the binder still exhibited time-temperature
A, B is the regression coefficient.
superposition principle (TTSP) applicability. Under the same DCR
Based on this equation, a smaller absolute value of B indicated better
dosage, incorporation of SBS modifier resulted in the black diagrams
temperature stability of the CMB. The regression results of the rutting
shifts to lower phase angles and made the plateau region more obvious
parameter and temperature for different composite modified binders are
with the constant phase. This phenomenon suggests that the composite
shown in Table 4. In general, the temperature stability of the CMB
modification by using DCR and SBS modifier can contribute to the for-
increased with an increase of the SBS modifier (or DCR). This indicated
mation of polymer network, which improved the viscous flow resistance
that the addition of both modifiers can increase the non-deformability
and maintain elastic response of related binder at high in-service tem-
and deformation recovery of the bitumen, which improved the tem-
perature. The CMB binders (R12S3, R15S3, R18S2, and R18S3) showed
perature stability of bitumen. It was also found that five CMB binders
relatively similar even better elastic response behavior compared with
(R12S3, R15S2, R18S1, R18S2 and R18S3) and the control had small B
the control.
value and excellent high temperature stability. Therefore, using hybrid
modifiers can be considered to enhance high temperature stability and
permanent deformation resistance of CMB. 3.6. Low temperature cracking resistance of CMB
Fig. 8. Rutting parameters of composite modified binders. Fig. 9. Black diagrams of composite modified binders.
J. Zhang et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 134 (2024) 103802
J. Zhang et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 134 (2024) 103802
low-temperature cracking resistance and moisture resistance. Based on National key research and development plan of China
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parameter, creep stiffness, m-values, and residual bonding strength were portation Technology Plan (2020B66, 2019B47-1) and the Fundamental
employed for comprehensive analysis. It can be demonstrated that the Research Funds for the Central Universities, CHD (300102210507).
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