Ncweb PG 2022

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University of Delhi


Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board

Tutorial Building, Faculty of Arts
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023


When a girl ignores external objects and develops foresight and vibrant attitude
through power of knowledge, she becomes provider of wealth of skies and earth.

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB) has been silently contributing towards
empowerment of women through education since 1944. At that time, the idea was to provide a
platform to girl students to take examination with special coaching without attending regular classes.
Over the years, this gave shape to an institution which provided for the needs of educating girls who
were in a disadvantageous position to attend regular classes in colleges. NCWEB is in a unique
disposition to endow those who have the potential to change and give thrust to socio- economic
development in the society through education. NCWEB is a constituent part of University of Delhi.
This institution has an arrangement where the girl students attend classes during Saturday / Sunday
and academic breaks across the twenty-six Centres being run in the constituent colleges of University
of Delhi for undergraduate courses and for post graduate courses, at the NCWEB Centre respectively.
During the pandemic period, classes were held regularly using online teaching platforms. These
Centres provide for library and other facilities besides utilizing the existing resources and
infrastructure of the colleges. The Postgraduate Centre has a library located in the Arts Faculty
Building, University of Delhi. The Board also gives financial aid and book loan facility to the needy
and desirous students. At present, nearly 32,000 girl students are studying in the institution.
Many among those who have studied in this institution have not only stood on their own but have
also been pillar of strength to their families. Ayushi Dabas, NCWEB student (2011-2014) Batch,
Secured 48th All Indian Rank in the prestigious UPSC Examination,2021. This institution is dedicated
to the cause of nation buildingby empowering those who play a pivotal role in molding the society
through education.

Prof. Geeta Bhatt

Director NCWEB

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023


• An eligible applicant desirous to seek admission to Postgraduate Course(s) of Non-Collegiate

Women Education Board (NCWEB), University of Delhi for the academic session 2022-23 must
read the contents of this Bulletin of Information carefully.
• Changes made after the release of this Bulletin shall become effective from the date it is posted on
the NCWEB website.
• The Board reserves the right to revise, amend, update, or delete any part of this Bulletin without
giving any prior notice. Any change so made shall be updated on the Board’s website.
• Registration for Admission to Postgraduate courses in NCWEB will be through PG Online
Registration of Delhi University. It is mandatory for all candidates to apply through the Online
Registration for PG courses.
• Minimum Eligibility Criteria as well as other terms and conditions prescribed by the University of
Delhi for PG courses is applicable for NCWEB admission also.
• Only women candidates residing in NCT Delhi will be eligible for admission to PG courses of
NCWEB, University of Delhi. A residence proof in the name of the candidate will be required
at the time of the admission. It can be a valid Aadhaar Card, Voter Identity Card, Passport,
Driving License or Ration Card (with the name of the candidate).
• The deadlines given by the University / Centre / related offices will be non-negotiable.
• An orientation programme for the NCWEB students will be held after the completion of admission

Registration for admission on below link:

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

• Due care has been taken to reproduce the authentic official version of rules and regulations and
other relevant information in this Bulletin, as far as possible. However, it should, in no case, be
construed as a warranty, express or implied, regarding completeness and accuracy of the
information so far provided as a ready reference.

• The NCWEB University of Delhi disclaims any liability towards any individual for any loss or
damage caused to her arising out of any action taken on the basis of the information in the bulletin.
Any error, if found, in the bulletin may be due to inadvertent omissions, clerical mistakes or any
other reason. The University reserves the right to modify, update the bulletin.

In case of non-compliance of any of the requirements for admission including the non-
submission of relevant documents and / or non-payment of Fee within the prescribed date and
time, the candidate will lose her right to admission.

If at any stage original documents relating to the admission of a candidate are found to be fake
/ non-genuine or fabricated or in any other manner defective, the said candidate will not be
admitted and if already admitted, admission will be cancelled without any prior notice in this
regard. If the same is found after the completion of course, her degree will be cancelled and
appropriate legal action will be taken against her.

Before filling the application form for online registration, the candidates are advised to read the
contents of the Bulletin of Information carefully and also consult the Delhi University Act, 1922
and the Statutes. The Ordinances, Rules and Regulations of the University of Delhi available on
the University website, which would be binding on them.

Registration fee: Rs. 250/- (UR, OBC-NCL, EWS)

Rs. 100/- (SC, ST and PwBD)

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

Contact Details

NCWEB Office

Director Prof. Geeta Bhatt 27667640

Section Officer Mr. Jagvinder Singh 27667640

PA to Director Mr. Virender Singh 27667640

PG Teaching Centre

Teaching Centre Name of Teacher-in-charge Telephone (Office)

PG Teaching Centre Dr. Kalpna Sharma 27667640

Dedicated Phone Number for NCWEB PG Centre alongwith email

(for admission queries/ grievance) will be posted on thewebsite of
the Board before the 1st cut-off List of the NCWEB Centers.

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

Table of Contents

1. General Guidelines 8

2. Available Postgraduate Courses at NCWEB 8

3. Minimum Eligibility Criteria
4. Mode of Admission
5. Reservation and Relaxation

6. Course wise Seat Distribution 10

7. Admission 10

7.1 List of Documents Required 11

7.2 Admission Fee 12

7.3 Fee Relaxation 12

7.4 Fee Refund 13

7.5 Rules Regarding Re-enrolment 13

8. Guidelines for the Students 13

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023



1st Admission List

Fee Payment
Deadline(1st List)

2nd Admission List

Fee Payment
Deadline(2nd List)
3rd Admission List

Fee Payment
Deadline(3rd List)

• Payment of Fee: The applicant has to login to PG Admission Portal to make online
payment of the fee.
• If required, subsequent Admission Lists and Schedule will be notified by the
University ofDelhi

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

1. General Guidelines
• Only women candidates residing in NCT Delhi will be eligible for admission to PG courses
of NCWEB, University of Delhi. A residence proof in the name of the candidate will be
required at the time of the admission. It can be a valid Aadhaar Card, Voter Identity
Card, Passport, Driving License or Ration Card (with the name of the candidate).
• Registration for Admission to Postgraduate courses in NCWEB will be through PG Online
Registration for University of Delhi. It is mandatory for all candidates to apply through the
common Online Registration for PG courses.
• The applicants are advised to also consult the Bulletin of Information for Admission to
Postgraduate Courses, University of Delhi.
• The applicant’s participation in the Admission Procedure will be provisional. If, at any stage,
it is found that she doesn’t fulfil the Minimum Eligibility Criteria, her admission, if granted,
will be cancelled ipso facto, and appropriate legal action will be taken against him / her.
• For any legal proceedings, the jurisdiction shall be the Delhi Courts.
• Classes for Postgraduate course in NCWEB are conducted only at Tutorial Building (North
• In the case of candidates, who have not passed the last examination from the University of
Delhi, a Certificate of Eligibility from the Equivalent Committee of Delhi University will
have to be attached with the Admission Form.
• Examination of Non-Collegiate PG students is conducted along with the regular Students
ofUniversity of Delhi.
• In case the candidate fails to complete the PG Course and applies for cancellation of
admission for pursuing some other course, she will forfeit her previous results and will
submit an “undertaking” that in case she returns, she will take admission in 1st year.

2. Available Postgraduate Courses at NCWEB

1 M.A. / M.Sc. Mathematics 7 M.A. Persian

2 M.A. Arabic 8 M.A. Philosophy

3 M.A. Bengali 9 M.A. Pol. Science

4 M.A. English 10 M.A. Punjabi

5 M.A. Hindi 11 M.A. Sanskrit

6 M.A. History 12 M.A. Urdu

Note: Teaching arrangement will be made only for the classes having minimum 10 students
attending the classes.

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

3. Minimum Eligibility Criteria

Along with the Minimum Eligibility Criteria given by the respective University departments
for regular students, NCWEB requires the applicants to fulfil additional criteria; namely, only
female candidates from NCT of Delhi can apply.
4. Modes of Admission
A. NCWEB has two modes of admission for Postgraduate Courses:
1. MERIT BASED: 50% of the total seats will be filled on the basis of the applicants’merit
in the Qualifying Examination. Wherever applicable, MERIT BASED op- tion is open
only for the applicants who have eligible Bachelor Degree from the University of Delhi.
2. ENTRANCE TEST BASED: Remaining 50% of the total seats will be filled on the
basis of applicants’ rank in the Entrance Test.
B. It may again be noted that all the applicants seeking admission to the Postgraduate
Courses have to mandatorily register online, irrespective of the mode of admission.
C. At the time of Registration applicants can choose to apply under one of the following
D. The Board will release separate Admission Lists in both modes. Reservation / Conces-
sion, as per the existing rules of the University of Delhi, will be applicable separately
in both the modes (MERIT and ENTRANCE TEST).

5. Reservation and Relaxation

The Broad strictly adheres to University of Delhi Policies in the matters of Reservation and Relax-ation to
EWS / OBC / SC / ST / PwBD applicants, and in order to avail the same a candidate will have to produce
a valid certificate issued by a competent authorities. For further detailsplease go through the concerned
sections of the Bulletin of Information for Admission to Postgraduate Courses, University of Delhi

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

6. Course wise Seat Distribution


Sl. Course

M.A. / M.Sc. Math-

1 19 5 12 7 3 19 5 13 7 4 3

M.A. Arabic 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

M.A. Bengali 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

4 M.A. English 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

M.A. Hindi 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

M.A. History 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

7 M.A. Persian 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

M.A. Philosophy 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

M.A. Pol. Sc. 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

10 M.A. Punjabi 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

M.A. Sanskrit 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

M.A. Urdu 28 7 19 10 5 29 7 19 11 5 4

7. Admission
E. NCWEB PG Admission Lists are prepared on the basis of Merit Lists for the
concernedUniversity Departments.
F. NCWEB Admission Lists (category wise) of the selected candidates will be
uploadedon the University / Boards’ website, as per the given schedule.
G. Both MERIT and ENTRANCE TEST BASED lists (wherever applicable) will
beannounced together.
H. The Nodal Officer, PG Centre will approve the admission after verifying the online
uploaded certificates.
I. The candidates shall pay the Admission Fees online, within the prescribed deadline
andwill be considered admitted provisionally.
J. A selected candidate will be considered provisionally admitted on the basis of
following criteria:
• After online verification of the documents, the Nodal Officer will mark such
candidates APPROVED on the Admission Portal, after which they would make

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

payment of Admission Fee.

• The candidate shall submit the online payment of Admission Fee, within prescribed
K. It is further to be noted that a candidate’s name in the Admission List alone does not
mean that he / she is admitted. A selected candidate has to pay online Admission
Feewithin prescribed deadline.
L. The applicants who do not pay the online fees, for whatever reasons, within
prescribed deadline for a given Admission List shall NOT be considered for
Admission in any subsequent lists.
M. For the final approval of the admission, the candidate shall have to personally get
the original certificates verified at the Centre within the stipulated time as declared
by theUniversity.
N. The Board will retain certificates of all admitted candidates for the rest of the
durationof admission process.
O. In case a student withdraws / cancels her admission or wishes to appear for
counsellingat any other university / institute, she can write to the Nodal Office and
can get her documents back.
P. In the case of tie in the Entrance Test marks, tie-breakers in the following order
of preference will be applied:
• Candidates with higher percentage in Qualifying Examination1 as mentioned in
theeligibility criteria, will be given preference.
• Candidates with higher percentage in the final year of bachelor degree will be
givenpreference, then preceding year and so on.
• Candidates having higher aggregate marks (five subjects including one language)
inclass XII Board examination will be given preference.
Q. The same tie-breaking criteria, in the above -mentioned clause, will be applied
in MERIT BASED admission also.

7.1 List of Documents Required

For final approval, the candidates will have to produce the following documents2:
1. Class X Certificate and Statement of Marks
2. Class XII Certificate and Statement of Marks
3. Qualifying (Provisional) Degree and Statement of Marks
4. Migration Certificate (if required)
5. Proof of residence in NCT of Delhi (Aadhaar Card / Voter ID / Passport / Driving
License / Ration Card with the name of the candidate)

1 Graduate / Post Graduate Degree from the University of Delhi or any other Indian or Foreign
University, rec-ognised as equivalent by the University of Delhi.
2 The Provisional Degree and Migration Certificate will be retained in original
3 Category / PwBD Certificate (if required)
4 Candidates seeking admission under E WS / OB C / S C / S T / PwD category

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

7.2 Admission Fee

All candidates admitted in Postgraduate Courses shall be required to pay the following fee in
the first semester of their course

M.A. / M.Sc. (1st Semester)

Annual Fee 325/-

Library Fee 10/-

Magazine Fee 25/-

Examination Fee 600/-

Examination Form Fee 10/-

Marks Statement Fee 100/-

Special Examination Fee 30/-

Library Security(Refundable) 1000/-

University Development Fee 600/-

Enrolment Fee* 50 or 150/-

Annual Day Fee 05/-

Annual Resource Generation Fund 1200/-

Infrastructure Fee 160/-

NSS Fund 20/-

Students Fund 75/-

Library Development Fund 200/-

Addl. Exam Fee 100/-

Identity card 10/-

Total* 4520 or 4620/-

* For Graduate from Delhi University, Enrolment Fee Rs. 50/- & for Graduate from any other u university, Enrolment Fee Rs. 150/-

7.3 Fee Relaxation

Relaxation / exemption in the fees is be given as per the University rules. Candidates with
physical disabilities shall be exempted from payment of Examination and other fees, except
Admission fee, subscription towards Delhi University Student’s Union and Identity Card
fee, and under these heads only a nominal amount of Rs. 1100/- is charged from such

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

Note: In addition to the Admission Fee at the time of Admission, at the beginning of 2nd,
3rd and 4th Semester students will have to deposit Rs. 840/- (Examination fees Rs. 600/- +
Exam Form Fee 10/- + Marks Statement Fee Rs. 100/- + Addl. Exam Fee Rs. 100/-, +
Special Examfee Rs. 30/-).

7.4 Fee Refund

In case of cancellation of Admission, refund of the Admission Fee will be done as per the
University rules.

7.5 Rules Regarding Re-enrolment

The candidates who fail to appear at the examination, if otherwise eligible, will be treated
as Ex-students and shall be required to re-enrol themselves with the Board on payment of
the prescribed fees of Rs. 500/- per year by the date given by the board. Such students will
be treated as Ex-students and will not be entitled to attend the classes arranged by the Board
and hence will not be required to pay Annual Tuition Fee. However, she will be required to
pay theRe-Enrolment Fee along with the Examination Fee in the same manner as prescribed.

8. Guidelines for the Students

•The Bulletin of Information does not contain the Syllabus (detailed Course of study). The
students are, therefore, advised to download the same from the University of Delhi website:
•After enrolment with the Board, all correspondences are to be addressed to the Director /
Deputy Director, NCWEB through the Teacher-in-Charge of the PG Centre. All
correspondence must bear the Enrolment No. of the candidate, along with her contact details, like
phone, e-mail, and postal address. In case there is any change in her residential address, the
candidates should write to the Director / Deputy Director, NCWEB through the Teacher-in-charge
for necessary changes in office record.
•The candidates must ensure that they have filled in the Examination Form at the Teaching
Centre / Board’s Office, in time without which they will not be permitted to take the
University Examination.
•The candidates are advised to preserve the Admission Fee receipt and Acknowledgement
ofthe Examination Form. While submitting the Examination Form, the students are advised
tobring with them their Identity Card and Marks Statement of the last university exam for
•The students must note that it will be entirely their responsibility to personally get in touch
with the office of the Board for payment of Examination Fee / Annual Fee and collection
ofAdmission Ticket (Roll Number) / Date sheet / Statement of Marks / Degree Certificate
etc.or for any information they require. The notice regarding Admission Ticket (Roll No.)

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

/ Degree / Certificates / Marks Statements etc. will be displayed on the Board’s notice
board andwebsite, no separate intimation will be sent in this regard.
•No candidate will be allowed to change any Optional Paper on her own. A candidate desirous
of making any change in the Optional Paper(s) will be required to make an application to
theDirector NCWEB through Teacher-in-Charge, PG Centre within the prescribed date. A
candidate who has already mentioned optional(s) in her Examination Form and later on
intendsto change the same will be required to submit an application for consideration of
the same. No change will be final unless intimated by the Board office to the candidate.
•Exams for the Postgraduate courses at NCWEB are held along with PG Exams in the
respective University Departments on such schedule fixed by the Dean (Examinations),
Universityof Delhi.
•As per A.C. Resolution 40 dated 24 / 04 / 1997 of University of Delhi, no student of the
University is permitted to pursue two degree courses simultaneously either from the
University of Delhi or from other university. However, he / she would pursue part-time
diplomas /certificates courses offered by the University Departments / Centres / Colleges.
•The candidate enrolled for M.A. / M.Sc. will be required to complete the course within
fouryears of their first enrolment (AC Resolution No. 55 Dated 14.09.1999).
•There is no provision for Migration from Regular / School of Open Learning to Non-
Collegiate Women’s Education Board and vice-versa.

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi

Bulletin of Information 2022-2023

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board

Post -Graduation Centre

Non- Collegiate Women’s Education Board
Tutorial Building, 2nd Floor Faculty of Arts
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007
Phone: 011-27667640
E- mail:
Dealing Time
Board Office: Monday to Friday from 10:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
PG Centre: On all Scheduled Teaching Days

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board, University of Delhi 24

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