Anatomy Terminology Notes
Anatomy Terminology Notes
Anatomy Terminology Notes
Anatomy Trainer, Transorze solutions
Trivandrum Branch
To understand the meaning of each
medical term is divided in to 4
It is the main or core part of medical term. It
usually shows an organ, body structure and
body function.
Adip/o/Ather/o/Lip/o/steat/o: Fat
Fatty tumor: Lipoma
-rrhea: Discharge or Flow
Steatorrhea: it is an abnormal condition in which
fat is discharged through stool.
-sclerosis: hard and thick
Atherosclerosis: if fat get deposited in the inner wall of the
artery, the wall get hard and thickened.this is known as
Fat is deposited in the form of layers or patches known as
atherosclerotic plaques.when more and more fat get deposited
the lumen or space with in the artery becomes narrowed and
finallyblood flow is blocked. So the organ or tissue supplied by
the artery gets lack of blood supply or ischemia, without blood
supply the organ or tissue will not get oxygen or nutrients. So
this will lead to infarction or necrosis or tissue death.
The myocardium is supplied by coronary artery and its
branches.if atherosclerosis occurs in the coronary artery, it will
lead to myocardial ischemia and finally myocardial infarction.this
is known as MI or Heart attack.
Adren/o: Adrenal gland
-pathy: disaese/disorder
-osis: disease/disorder
adrenalectomy: removal of adrenal gland
Andr/o: Male
-arche: onset/beginning
-pause: stoppage
Androarche: beginning of sexual function of male.
Andropause: stoppage of sexual function of male.
Men/o: menses
Menorrhea: discharge of menses
Amenorrhea: lack of menses
Dysmenorrhea:difficult menstruation
Menarche: beginning of first menses in a female.
Menopause: stoppage of menses
Puberty: achievement of sexual development or maturity.
Ankyl/o: stiff
Anthrac/o: coal/carbon
pneum/o: air/lung
Coni/o: dust
Osis: disease or disorder
Pneumoconiosis: disease caused due to inhalation of dust particle.
Anthracosis: or black lung disease
Lung disease due to inhalation of coal or carbon
Silicosis: or glass cutters disease/grinders disease.
Lung ds due to inhalation of silica particles.
Asbestosis: lung ds due to inhalation of asbestos particles.
Aort/o: Aorta
-stenosis: narrowing
Aortic stenosis: narrowing of aorta
Arteri/o: artery
Arteriosclerosis: hardening and thickening of the inner wall of the
artery due to deposition of fat or calcium.
-rrhexis: rupture
Arteriorrhexis: rupture of artery – causes heamorrhage or bleeding.
Arthr/o: joint
Arthritis: inflammation of joint
Arthrocentesis: surgical aspiration of fluid from
Arthroplasty: surgical repair of joint
Arthroscopy: visual examination of joint.
Arthralgia/Arthrodynia: pain in joints
Blephar/o/palpebr/o: eyelid
Blepharitis: inflammation of eyelid
-ptosis: drooping/hanging down/downward displacement
Blepharoptosis: drooping of eyelids
Blepharoplasty: surgical repair of eyelid
Brachi/o: Arm
Brachial artery: artery supply to the arm
Bronch/o/Bronchi/o: Bronchus
Muscular tubes carrying air to the lungs.
Bronchitis: inflammatio of bronchi
Calcane/o: calcaneum/heel bone/hind foot bone
Calcaneal spur: painful beningn growth from calcaneum.
Cerebro: cerebrum
Chondr/o: cartillage
Cost/o: rib
Costochondro: costal cartillage/rib cartilage
-malacia: softening
Chondromalacia: softening of cartillage
Costochondritis: inflammation of rib cartilage
Crin/o: to secrete
Glands divided in to two: endocrine gland and exocrine gland.
Endocrine gland: they are ductless gland,they leave their secretions
known as hormones directly in to the blood.
Eg: thyroid gland, adrenal gland
Exocrine glands: they leave their secretions usually outside
the duct.
Eg: tear gland, salivary gland,sweat gland,mammary gland.
Pancreas: Both endocrine and exocrine gland.
Endocrine part is made up of group of cell known as ilets of consist of alpha cells secreting glucagon,beta
cell- insulin and gamma – stomatostatin.
Crypt/o: Hidden
Orch/o/Orchi/o/Orchid/o: testes
Cutane/o/derm/o/dermat/o: skin
Pruritus means itching
Dent/o: Teeth
Peridontal tissue: tissue surrounding the tooth
Dental caries: tooth decay
Dipl/o: double
-opia: vision
Diplopia: double vision
Erythroplakia: presence of red patches in the mouth.
-poiesis: Formation/production
Erythropoiesis: production of RBCs
Esophag/o: Esophagus or food pipe
Esophagitis: inflammation of esophagus
Galact/o/Lact/o: milk
Lactogenesis: production of milk
Lactation: discharge of milk
Galactorrhea: Abnormally excess discharge of milk.
Gingiv/o: Gums
Gingivitis: inflammation of gums
Gnath/o: Jaw/chin
Gnathoplasty: surgical repair of chin
Gnos/o: Knowledge
Diagnosis: complete or thorough knowledge of
Prognosis: prediction or fortelling the outcome of
Glomerul/o: Glomerulus
Glomeruli are ball or network of capillaries seen in
the cortex or outer part of kidneys.
Gyna/e: Female
Gynaecomastia: Enlargement of breast in males.
Hem/o/Hemat/o: Blood
Hematoma: collection or accumulation of blood in
a organ or in a body cavity or under the skin.
Hemostasis: stagnation( stoppage )
Hematology: study of blood
Hydr/o: water/fluid
Hydrotherapy: treatment using water
Hydrocephalus: enlargement of head due to
excess collection of water.
Hydrocele: Bulging or herniation of scrotum
due to accumulation of fluid.
Icthyosis: abnormal condition in which skin
becomes dry and scaly.
Cheil/o: lip
Lapar/o: Abdomen
Laproscopy: visual examination of abdomen through
Lob/o: Lobe
Limbig:Abnormal type of gait
(Gait: mode of walking )
-ectasis: Dilation/Dilatation
Lump/o: mass
Mamm/o/Matst/o: Breast
Inflammation of breast: mastitis
Pain in breast: mastalgia
Megal/o/Megally: Enlargement
Organomegally: enlargement of organ
Megalomania: usually seen in schizophrenia or psycosis. In
this person things is superior to others.
Meningi/o: meninges
3 membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Outer
mater: Dura mater, middle: Arachanoid mater and inner: Pia
Metr/o/Hyster/o: uterus
Myc/o/Fung/o: fungus
Fungemia: presence of fungus in blood
Mycosis: fungal disease
Dermatomycosis: fungal disease of skin
Onych/o/Ung/o: Nail
Onychomycosis: fungal disease of nail
Pil/o/trich/o: Hair
Tricology: study of hair
Myringi/o/Tympan/o: Eardrum
Myel/o: Bone marrow/Spinal cord
Myelopoeisis: formation of bone marrow
Myeloid leukemia: Blood cancer derived from bone
- Oid: Resembling/Similar to
Derived from
Meningiocele: Bulging out or herniation of
meninges through a defect in the vertebral column
or back bone.
Eg: spina bifida
Myelomeningiocele: Spinal cord along with
meninges will bulge out through the defect in the
vertebral column.
Nas/o/Rhin/o: nose
Inflammation of nose: Rhinitis
Discharge from nose: Rhinorrhea
Rhinoplasty: surgival repair of nose
Nat/o:/Nat/i: Birth
Neonate: newborn child
Narc/o: sleep
Somn/o: sleep
Insomnia: lack of sleep or sleeplessness
Somnabulism: Sleep walking
Nephr/o/Ren/o: kidney
Nephroptosis: Downward displacement of kidney
Nephropexy: Surgical fixation of kidney
Neur/o: Nerve
Polyneuritis: inflammation of many nerves.
Neuralgia: nerve pain
Causalgia: Burning pain. ( caus/o: burning )
Noct/o/Nyct/o: Night
Noctophobia: fear of night
Occul/o/ophthalm/o: eyes
EOM: extra occular muscle
IOM: intra occular lens
Adnexa: associated structure or accessory structure
Occular adnexa: associated structure of eye ball, like
eye lids, eye lashes, lacrymal apparatus and extra
occular muscle.
Orth/o: Striaghten/Erect/Upright
-pnea: Breathing
Orthopnea: abnormal condition in which person
suffer from difficult in breathing or dyspnea in the
lying down or recumbant position, but can breath
only in the erect position by placing pillows behind
the back. it is seen in CHF ( congestive heart failure
Oste/o: Bone
Osteomalacia: Softening of bone
Ot/o: Ear
Inflammation of ear: otitis
Pain in ear: otalgia
Discharge from ear: ottorrhea.
Otopyorrhea: Pus discharge from ear.
Or/o/Bucc/o/Stomat/o: Mouth
Ox/o: oxygen
Hypoxemia: Decreased oxygen in blood
Capn/o: Carbon di oxide
Ovari.o/Oophor/o: Ovary
Oophritis: inflammation of ovary
Oophrectomy: surgical removal of ovary
Pancreat/o: Pancreas
Pector/o: chest
Ped/o/Pod/o: Foot
Podiatry: Speciality of medicine deal with treatment of
foot problems.
Pedal edema: Swelling of foot
Phalang/o: digits
Pharyng/o: Pharynx
Inflammation of pharynx: pharyingitis
Phleb/o/Ven/o/Ven/i: Vein
Inflammation of vein: phlebitis
Proct/o/Rect/o: Rectum
Pub/o: Pubis
Pubic symphysis: joint between
2 pubic bones
Pyel/o: Pelvis of kidney
Rachi/o: Spine
Radicul/o: nerve root
Sail/o: Saliva
Sailolith: Salivary stone
Ptyalism: excessive saliva
Sigmoid/o: Sigmoid colon – S shaped part of LI
Spermat/o: sperm
Spin/o: Spine
Splen/o: Spleen
Ur/o: Urine
-Uria: in urine or condition of urine
Polyuria: excess urine
Anuria: absence of urine
Hematuria: bloody urine
Olguria: scanty urine
Xer/o: Dry
Xerostomia: dryness of mouth
Xeropthalmia : dryness of eyes