Doki The Elephant
Doki The Elephant
Doki The Elephant
TRUNK AND HEAD (start in pale pink yarn) Stuff the trunk and head firmly with fiberfill and continue stuf-
Rnd 1: start 6 sc in a magic ring [6] fing as you go. Push the pink part of the trunk tip inwards 1 .
Rnd 2: inc in all 6 st [12] Rnd 12: sc in next st, dec, sc in next 3 st, (inc in next st, sc in
Change to gray yarn. next st, inc in next st, sc in next 2 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next
Rnd 3: FLO sc in all 12 st [12] st, dec, sc in next st [22]
Rnd 4: BLO (sc in next 3 st, inc in next st) repeat 3 times [15] Rnd 13: sc in all 22 st [22]
Rnd 5 – 6: sc in all 15 st [15] Rnd 14: dec, sc in next 5 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 2 st)
Rnd 7: sc in next 4 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 2 st) repeat repeat 4 times, sc in next 3 st [25]
3 times, sc in next 2 st [18] Rnd 15: sc in all 25 st [25]
Rnd 8 – 9: sc in all 18 st [18] Rnd 16: dec, sc in next 5 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 3 st, inc in
Rnd 10: dec, sc in next 3 st, (inc in next st, sc in next st, inc in next st, sc in next 2 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next 4 st [28]
next st, sc in next 2 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next st, dec [20] Rnd 17: sc in next 26 st [26] Leave the remaining stitches
Rnd 11: sc in all 20 st [20] unworked. The 26th stitch becomes the new end of the round.
54 – Doki the elephant
Rnd 18: sc in next st, dec, sc in next 7 st, (inc in next st, sc in Rnd 48: (sc in next 3 st, dec) repeat 6 times [24]
next 3 st, inc in next st, sc in next 2 st) repeat 2 times, sc in Rnd 49: sc in all 24 st [24]
next 4 st [31] Rnd 50: (sc in next 2 st, dec) repeat 6 times [18]
Rnd 19: sc in all 31 st [31] Rnd 51: (sc in next st, dec) repeat 6 times [12]
Rnd 20: sc in next st, dec, sc in next 7 st, (inc in next st, sc in Rnd 52: dec 6 times [6]
next 4 st, inc in next st, sc in next 3 st) repeat 2 times, sc in Slst in next st. Fasten off, leaving a yarn tail. Using your yarn
next 3 st [34] needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loop of each re-
Mark the 16th and 17th, 21st and 22nd stitches of round 20, maining stitch and pull it tight to close. Weave in the yarn end.
these indicate the top center of the head.
Rnd 21: sc in all 34 st [34] BODY (start in navy blue yarn)
Rnd 22: sc in next 4 st, dec, sc in next 4 st, (inc in next st, Rnd 1: start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]
sc in next 2 st, inc in next st, sc in next 3 st) repeat 3 times, Rnd 2: inc in all 6 st [12]
sc in next st, dec [38] Rnd 3: (sc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [18]
Rnd 23: sc in all 38 st [38] Rnd 4: (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [24]
Rnd 24: sc in next 12 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 5 st, inc in Rnd 5: (sc in next 3 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [30]
next st, sc in next 4 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next 4 st [42] Rnd 6: (sc in next 4 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [36]
Rnd 25: sc in next 13 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 5 st, inc in Rnd 7: (sc in next 5 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [42]
next st, sc in next 6 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next 3 st [46] 410/89 Atherton Road, Oakleigh 3166 Victoria/ 19:21
Rnd 8: (sc in next 6 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [48]
Rnd 26: sc in next 14 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 6 st) repeat Rnd 9: (sc in next 7 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [54]
4 times, sc in next 4 st [50] Rnd 10: (sc in next 8 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [60]
Rnd 27: sc in next 15 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 7 st, inc in Rnd 11: (sc in next 9 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [66]
next st, sc in next 6 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next 5 st [54] Rnd 12: (sc in next 15 st, inc in next st, sc in next 16 st, inc in
Rnd 28: sc in next 15 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 8 st) repeat next st) repeat 2 times [70]
4 times, sc in next 3 st [58] Rnd 13 – 18: sc in all 70 st [70]
Rnd 29: sc in next 16 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 9 st, inc in Rnd 19: (sc in next 16 st, dec, sc in next 15 st, dec) repeat
next st, sc in next 8 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next 4 st [62] 2 times [66]
Rnd 30: sc in next 17 st, (inc in next st, sc in next 9 st, inc in Rnd 20: (sc in next 9 st, dec) repeat 6 times [60]
next st, sc in next 10 st) repeat 2 times, sc in next 3 st [66] Change to white yarn.
Rnd 31 – 41: sc in all 66 st [66] Rnd 21: BLO sc in all 60 st [60]
Insert the safety eyes between rounds 25 and 26 2 , 18 Rnd 22 – 24: sc in all 60 st [60]
stitches apart 3 . Use the marked stitches on round 20 as Change to yellow yarn.
a guide to center the eyes. Using black thread, embroider Rnd 25: sc in all 60 st [60]
eyebrows over each eye between rounds 27 and 28. Each Rnd 26: sc in next 17 st, (dec, sc in next 4 st, dec, sc in next
eyebrow should be sewn over 3 stitches 2 . 3 st) repeat 3 times, sc in next 10 st [54]
Rnd 42: (sc in next 9 st, dec) repeat 6 times [60] Mark the 25th and 26th, 33rd and 34th stitches of round 26,
Rnd 43: (sc in next 8 st, dec) repeat 6 times [54] these indicate the front of the body.
Rnd 44: (sc in next 7 st, dec) repeat 6 times [48] Rnd 27: sc in all 54 st [54]
Rnd 45: (sc in next 6 st, dec) repeat 6 times [42] Change to white yarn.
Rnd 46: (sc in next 5 st, dec) repeat 6 times [36] Rnd 28: sc in next 15 st, (dec, sc in next 3 st) repeat 6 times,
Rnd 47: (sc in next 4 st, dec) repeat 6 times [30] sc in next 9 st [48]
Doki the elephant – 55
Rnd 28 18 st
3 st Marked stitches
Rnd 25 from Rnd 20 First front
loop from
Rnd 21
1 2 3 4
Rnd 29: sc in all 48 st [48] 37 of the body 5 , with the opening of the body pointing away
Rnd 30: sc in next 14 st, (dec, sc in next 2 st, dec, sc in next from you.
3 st) repeat 3 times, sc in next 7 st [42] Rnd 1: ch 1, start in the next front loop to which you joined
Rnd 31: sc in next st, change to yellow yarn, sc in next 41 st [42] the yarn, crab stitch in all 27 st 6 [27]
Rnd 32: (sc in next 12 st, dec) repeat 3 times [39] Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.
Rnd 33: sc in next 8 st, dec, (sc in next 11 st, dec) repeat
2 times, sc in next 3 st [36] Alternatively, if you do not wish to do the crab stitch, do this
Rnd 34: sc in next 2 st, change to white yarn, sc in next st, instead:
dec, (sc in next 10 st, dec) repeat 2 times, sc in next 7 st [33] Rnd 1: ch 1, start in the same front loop in which you joined
Rnd 35: sc in next 6 st, dec, (sc in next 9 st, dec) repeat the yarn, sc in all 27 st [27]
2 times, sc in next 3 st [30] Slst in next st. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.
Rnd 36: sc in next 2 st, dec, (sc in next 8 st, dec) repeat
2 times, sc in next 6 st [27] ARM (make 2, start in gray yarn)
Sc in next 2 st. The 2nd stitch becomes the new end of the Rnd 1: start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]
round. Change to gray yarn. Rnd 2: inc in all 6 st [12]
Rnd 37: BLO (sc in next 7 st, dec) repeat 3 times [24] Rnd 3: (sc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [18]
Slst in next st. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Rnd 4: (sc in next 8 st, inc in next st) repeat 2 times [20]
Stuff the body firmly with fiberfill. Rnd 5 – 6: sc in all 20 st [20]
Rnd 7: dec, sc in next 16 st, dec [18]
WAISTBAND (in navy blue yarn) Rnd 8: dec 2 times, sc in next 10 st, dec 2 times [14]
Pull up a loop of navy blue yarn in the first front loop of round Rnd 9: dec, sc in next 10 st, dec [12]
21 of the body, with the opening of the body pointing away Rnd 10: sc in all 12 st [12]
from you 4 . Sc in next st. This stitch becomes the new end of the round.
Rnd 1: ch 1, start in the same front loop in which you joined Change to yellow yarn.
the yarn, sc in all 60 st [60] Rnd 11: sc in all 12 st [12]
Slst in next st. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends. Rnd 12: BLO sc in all 12 st [12]
Rnd 13 – 14: sc in all 12 st [12]
COLLAR (in yellow yarn) Stuff the hand (rounds 1 to 7) firmly with fiberfill. Continue
Pull up a loop of yellow yarn in the last front loop of round stuffing the arm, but do this lightly. Change to white yarn.
56 – Doki the elephant
5 6 7 8
Rnd 13: sc in next 10 st, dec 4 times, sc in next 10 st [24] around both sides of the foundation chain.
Rnd 14: sc in all 24 st [24] Rnd 1: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 42 st, 3 sc in next ch.
Rnd 15: (sc in next 2 st, dec) repeat 6 times [18] Continue on the other side of the foundation chain, sc in next
Rnd 16: sc in all 18 st [18] 41 ch, inc in next ch [88]
Rnd 17: (sc in next 4 st, dec) repeat 3 times [15] Slst in next st. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
Rnd 18: sc in all 15 st [15]
Rnd 19: (sc in next 4 st, inc in next st) repeat 3 times [18] BUTTON (make 2, in yellow yarn)
Stuff the lower leg (rounds 1 to 18) firmly with fiberfill. Rnd 1: start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]
Continue stuffing the leg, but do this only lightly. Slst in next st. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
Rnd 20: (sc in next 5 st, inc in next st) repeat 3 times [21]
Rnd 21: (sc in next 6 st, inc in next st) repeat 3 times [24] INNER EAR (make 2, in pale pink yarn)
Rnd 22: sc in all 24 st [24] Rnd 1: start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]
Rnd 23: (sc in next 3 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [30] Rnd 2: inc in all 6 st [12]
Rnd 24 – 26: sc in all 30 st [30] Rnd 3: (sc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [18]
Rnd 27: (sc in next 8 st, dec) repeat 3 times [27] Rnd 4: (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [24]
Rnd 28: (sc in next 7 st, dec) repeat 3 times [24] Rnd 5: (sc in next 3 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [30]
Rnd 29: (sc in next 2 st, dec) repeat 6 times [18] Rnd 6: (sc in next 4 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [36]
Rnd 30: sc in all 18 st [18] Rnd 7: (sc in next 5 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [42]
Rnd 31: (sc in next st, dec) repeat 6 times [12] Rnd 8: (sc in next 6 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [48]
Rnd 32: dec 6 times [6] Rnd 9: (sc in next 7 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [54]
Slst in next st. Fasten off, leaving a yarn tail. Using your Slst in next st. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.
yarn needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loop of
each remaining stitch and pull it tight to close. Using the OUTER EAR (make 2, in gray yarn)
middle toe as a guide for the top center of the leg, bring out Rnd 1 – 9: repeat the instructions for the inner ear.
the yarn tail on the inside of each leg, between rounds 21 Don’t fasten off. In the next round, we’ll join the inner and
and 22 8 . outer ear together. Place the backs of the inner ear and the
outer ear together.
OVERALL STRAP (make 2, in navy blue yarn) Rnd 10: with the outer ear facing you, ch 1, sc in next 54 st
Leave a long starting yarn tail. Ch 44. Stitches are worked through both pieces [54] 9
58 – Doki the elephant
9 10 11 12
Fold the joined ear in half and work through both sides of the Change to navy blue yarn.
ear, sc in next 3 st, slst in next st 10 . Fasten off, leaving a long Rnd 16 – 19: sc in all 66 st [66]
tail for sewing. After round 19, sc in next st. This stitch becomes the new end
of the round. Change to mushroom brown yarn.
HAT (in mushroom brown yarn) Rnd 20: FLO (sc in next 5 st, inc in next st) repeat 11 times [77]
Ch 13. Stitches are worked around both sides of the foun- Rnd 21: sc in all 77 st [77]
dation chain. 410/89 Atherton Road, Oakleigh 3166 Victoria/ 19:21
Rnd 22: (sc in next 6 st, inc in next st) repeat 11 times [88]
Rnd 1: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 11 st, 3 sc in next Rnd 23: sc in all 88 st [88]
ch. Continue on the other side of the foundation chain, sc in Rnd 24: (sc in next 7 st, inc in next st) repeat 11 times [99]
next 10 ch, inc in next ch [26] Slst in next st. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends.
Rnd 2: inc in next st, sc in next 10 st, inc in next 3 st, sc in
next 10 st, inc in next 2 st [32] BOW (in medium pink yarn)
Rnd 3: dc in next st, sc in next st, inc in next st, sc in next Leave a long starting yarn tail. Ch 45. Crochet in rows.
10 st, inc in next st, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st, Row 1: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 44 ch, ch 1, turn [44]
inc in next st, sc in next 10 st, inc in next st, sc in next st, Row 2 – 7: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 44 st, ch 1,
dc in next st, 2 dc in next st [38] turn [44]
Rnd 4: dc in next st, inc in next 3 st, sc in next 12 st, dc in Row 8: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 44 st [44]
next 4 st, sc in next 12 st, inc in next 3 st, dc in next 3 st [44] Fasten off, leaving a long yarn tail. Sew the short edges of the
Rnd 5: dc in next st, (sc in next st, inc in next st) repeat bow together 11 . Wind the yarn tail a few times around the
2 times, sc in next 10 st, (sc in next st, inc in next st) repeat middle of the bow to squeeze it together 12 . Secure the end
2 times, dc in next 4 st, (inc in next st, sc in next st) repeat and weave in the yarn ends at the back of the bow.
2 times, sc in next 10 st, (inc in next st, sc in next st) repeat
2 times, dc in next 3 st [52] CENTER OF BOW (in medium pink yarn)
Rnd 6: dc in next st, dec, (sc in next 2 st, inc in next st) repeat Ch 12. Crochet in rows.
6 times, dec, dc in next 4 st, dec, (inc in next st, sc in next Row 1: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 11 ch, ch 1, turn [11]
2 st) repeat 6 times, dec, dc in next 3 st [60] Row 2: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 11 st, ch 1, turn [11]
Rnd 7: (sc in next 9 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [66] Row 3: skip first ch on the hook, sc in next 11 st [11]
Rnd 8 – 15: sc in all 66 st [66] Fasten off, leaving a long yarn tail. Wrap the center of the bow
Sc in next st. This stitch becomes the new end of the round. around the middle of the bow 13 . Sew the ends together on
Doki the elephant – 59
Rnd 15
13 14 15 16
Marked stitches
from Rnd 26
29 st
Rnd 33
Midline of Rnd 17
13 st
17 18 19 20
the back. Pass a few stitches through the bow to prevent the the inside of the thigh as indicated by the dotted line in 16 .
center from sliding around. Fasten off, leaving long yarn tails Only sew on the inside of the leg, so that these stitches are not
for sewing. seen on the outside.
– Sew the ears to the head. The flat edge at the base should
ASSEMBLY fall over rounds 33 to 36 of the head 18 . The ear bases should
– Sew the body to the head. The opening of the body should be 29 stitches apart in the front 19 .
be sewn over rounds 32 to 39 of the bottom of the head 14 . – Pin the overall straps in place first to ensure they sit firmly
Use the marked stitches on round 26 of the body to position over the shoulders. The front and back of the straps that over-
the head 15 . Tilt his head slightly to give him a cuter look. lap the navy blue part of the body should be sewn over rounds
– Sew the arms between rounds 35 and 36 of the body. The 17 to 20 of the body, with the back of the straps crisscrossing.
arms should be 10 stitches apart in the front. The decreases The front straps should be 13 stitches apart 20 , whilst the back
made on rounds 7 to 9 of the arms should face the body. straps should be 16 stitches apart.
– Sew the legs to the body using the yarn tail that was – Sew the buttons over the front tips of the overall straps.
brought out between rounds 21 and 22 on the inside of each – Sew the bow just under the collar.
leg 8 . Pin the legs in place first to ensure Doki sits balanced. – Place the hat on Doki’s head. The double crochets made in
The middle toe should be the top center of the leg. The rounds 3 to 6 are at the front and back of the hat. These should
widest part of the thigh should fall over rounds 8 to 15 of the be pushed in to create the indentations in the hat.
body 16 . The back of the leg should sit just past the midline
of the body 17 . Attach each leg to the body by sewing around